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Florarums. Tellandia atmospheric: home care Tellandia atmospheric care

Tillandia (lat. Tillandsia) is a grassy plant, it is believed to the Bromeliev family. About 500 species are known. You can meet a flower in Mexico, America, Argentina. Among such a wide variety I would like to note an interesting type of plant, which, in fact, does not have such a common "body" - root system for us. This phenomenon refers to atmospheric tiltrys. Power plant gets directly through the leaves, by spraying.

Epiphytic plants, namely at atmospheric tillandia, they settle, mainly in the trunks and branches of third-party plants. Gray foliage, it is elongated (up to 25 cm.) And narrow in shape (up to 10 mm. Width). This flower is careful, but it needs to create his own comfortable climate. It grows only in high humidity.

The most common species

Tillandia urinous "Spanish Moss." It grows in America, in wet rainforests. She has hanging stems, they are short and thin. Gray leaves, short, narrow, narrowed at the end, (3-10 cm long). Tellandia grows without support, feels well, being in suspended at height (grows by a cascade from 1-2 meters in length), flowering falls on a summer period (blue or yellowish-green flowers).

it has compact silver sockets (5 cm. Height), it has cone-shaped, hard leaves. Blossom occurs in the summer, at this time the inner leaves begin to blush in the plant in front of the plant, and she also has an interesting blue-violet shade of flowers (has oblong petals). If you attach several plants together, then after a short period of time, the entire surface will be covered with a teyxia.

Tillandia Views and photos:

Motherland tillandia silver Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica is considered. Its leaves are narrow, rigid and long, up to 6-9 cm in length, and 2 mm wide, form a dense outlet, are expanded near the base, grow in a chaotic disorder. Stem short. Flowers of light red color, blooms in July.

Tellandism "Head of Jellyfish", in shape, it looks like an ordinary bulb, the leaves at the base are tightly closed, and only on top they are revealed in different directions. She has a very beautiful inflorescence with bright blue colors, bracts of the same red shade.

it has a thick outlet, juicy green leaves are narrow (1 cm. In width) and long, (up to 20 cm long), triangular shape, covered with gray scales. It has a short and curved bloomer, similar to the spikelet of the inflorescence, the flowers of the elongated shape of light pink colors.

Related flower coloring, its petals have a rhombic shape, and the color of the traffic light: at the top of the green, the bottom is red, and in the middle of the yellow. Green leaves in the form of a tight outlet.

Care for Tillandsia

In order for your plant to be comfortable, consider its location, and the container in which you create a comfort and the necessary favorable atmosphere that promotes active growth and long flowering flowering.

The flower is well tolerating the half, but mostly he needs a room with multiple lighting, not less than 14 hours a day, so in the winter it will be necessary additional lighting. Do not put a plant on drafts, ventilate the premises.

Tillandia loves the average temperature regime of the content, 22-25 degrees of heat will be quite acceptable, but not lower than 15 degrees in the summer. In the cold season, the plant takes the coolness to 12 degrees of heat.

It is very important to create high humidity in the room, about 70%, because the plant gets its power directly through the leaves. It is necessary to organize a spraying of the flower in the morning of the flower in the morning (you take only cold water outstanding). When Tillandicia blooms - try on watering not to fall onto the flowers to the bloom (you can wear a cellophane package on it).

Recommended video: Tillandia. Care and reproduction at home

In the period from March to the end of August, once every 14 days apply special mineral fertilizers (as spraying), use 1.4 part of the dose that is recommended for one part of the water. Use fertilizers with lower copper content. It is very toxic for atmospheric tillands. In winter, the plant is not feeding.

Tillandia atmospheric as usual is attached to any chosen support, squigg. It is necessary to add a bundle of the sfagnum moss (many years of marsh moss), it can also be placed in any decorative container (shell, vase, aquarium container).


Tyletonia can be multiply by the method of separating lateral shoots. It is advisable to gently separate the escape, already having 4-6 leaves and small roots. The location of the cut must be sprinkled with wood or activated coal. Try to avoid entering young plants of bright sunlight, withstand the usual temperature mode. The plant will bloom in 2 years.

Reproduction of seedsit is practically not used, due to the complexity of cultivation. You will need a peat-sand mix, plant seeds and moisturize the soil, make greenhouse conditions (no less than 25 degrees of heat), and good lighting. For about a month, shoots will appear. Color your plant will be in 4-5 years.

Diseases of Tillandia

The most important enemies of the plant are Chervests and Shields. Periodically examine your pets, at the first symptoms (spots on the foliage, web, withering), use soap solution or insecticides (chemical preparations to combat pests).

Also, the plant may be subjected to viral or fungal diseases. In case of disease, leaves become transparent, black. Pay attention to the causes of the health problems of the flower: it can be low humidity indoors, bright sun, temperature drops, drafts.

Take this interesting plant, surprise yourself and our guests are so interesting without a root flower, and decorate your apartments with it.

Tellandia is an unusual and exotic plant. He is loved and appreciated for decorativeness, and among themselves the types of Tillandsia are quite unlike. Unusual in their shape, coloring, blossom and growth method, these amazing flowers conquered many flower and decorators. The most interesting thing is that these exotic epiphytes are labeled Pineapple relatives.

Origin and appearance of the plant

The hometown of this exotic plant is the tropics and subtropics of South and Central America. Tillandia refers to the genus Bromeliev and has more than 500 varieties. The most common are divided into atmospheric and potted:

  • Atmospheric species do not have a developed root system, and root processes are used only in order to attach the trunk of the tree, stone or snag. They feed from the air to obtain the necessary moisture and nutrients. Leaves are similar to succulents - fleshy with moisture reserve inside. They grow in the form of a socket or chaotic twisted long shoots, taking uncomplicated forms. The peculiarity of atmospheric Tiltans is that the plant blooms once in life.

In the wild, the flower loves to be placed on the trees

  • Potted more similar to ordinary indoor plants. Grow in loose air soil, preferring in the wild the upper deciduous layer. The root is poorly developed, the plant receives the main share of the air from the air. Green leaves, glossy, juicy.

Flowering atmospheric and potion

Flower descriptions Plants

Tillandia flowers are similar to fantastic artist drawings. Such unusual tropical bright coloring are collected in no less strange inflorescences. Atmospheric bloom with multi-colored fountains. Their flowers consist of petals that look almost like leaves, but have bright colors and color transitions on one petal. Long stamens, brightly released in another color.

Potted Tillandia has a developed bractor, which has the form of a single-row or multi-row chaser. From its dense sinuses alternately appear flowers. Ears of bright light shades, the flowers are the same bright, but darker.

Flowering of unusual exotic

Types and varieties

The most popular among Russian flowerflowers:

  • Tillandia Anita. This kind of hybrid, they love and bred because of its colorful flowering. Care at home for Tillandsia Anita is reduced to providing heat that is so loved by all bromels and high humidity. Nourishing and light soil should be constantly wet, air humidity is not lower than 60% for comfortable growth. Lighting is not bright, scattered light. It can be fertilized by spraying, since the power of these plants through the leaves, and not the roots.
  • Tillandia Usirea - Aerofit, not having a root system. It feeds exclusively from the air, which should be sufficiently wet and fresh. In summer, the temperature should be no higher than 22 ° C, in winter at least 15 ° C. To maintain optimal humidity requires spraying up to five times a day, but thank the rapid growth and decorativeness of their falling silver weaves. Breeding shoots.
  • Tellandia atmospheric in care of unpretentious, if you create the appropriate conditions. Leaves fleshy, gray due to small scales. Perfectly tolerates half, but the constant stream of fresh air is necessary for it, like 70% humidity. Temperature regime is needed 22 ° C and 15 ° in summer and winter, respectively. Loves the temperature differences at different times of the day, similar to the natural change of day and night. You can endure in summer to the street, leaving on trees, shrubs, verandas.
  • Tillandia blue. In the wild, grows on the bark of trees, but at home can be in a pot, but in the air substrate. Loves light, but not straight sun rays. With a lack of light loses the saturated color of the leaves and inflorescences. Watering is not necessary frequent, more requires moisturizing through spraying, but without wasting moisture at the base of the leaves. After flowering, blue beauty begins to turn to kids, slowly die, so does not require transplant.
  • Tillandia xerography has succulent rigid leaves, possessing a decorative rosette of a silver color. It can grow up to 50 cm in height. It has accuracy accumulating moisture in their curled leaves. Requires frequent irrigations and moisture in the fresh air, since it does not have a root system.

Tillandia Anita: flower and bloom

  • Tellandia Head of Jellyfish. Pretty common bromelia because of its unpretentiousness and decorativeness. Reminds the bulb of tightly collected leaves, which only on the top deviate and begin to marvel on the helix. It does not have roots, it is powered by the type of all atmospheric species.
  • Tellandia Cotton Candy - Aerofit, easy to care. It is adjusted to the temperature of Russian apartments, in the winter can carry a decrease of up to 12 ° C. Watering is needed not frequent, spraying every other day. It is only demanding only to light: it should be a lot, even grows in direct sunlight.
  • Tillandia Samantha is a bright evergreen representative of the species. Saturated glossy leaves and volumetric colorful flowering allow us to be demanding in care. May grow in a pot or porridge, but the root is developed only as a fastener. Frequent watering and spraying without a cluster of moisture in foliage is all that she needs as nutrition. Good lighting and fresh air will create all the conditions for the flowering of Samantha.
  • The Tillandia of Jonant, or Philco-Cowful - an unusual view with beautiful flowers. It often grows in flurarums, as it is a small bush. Loves once every half months swimming under the shower either in the baths with a full immersion. Requires abundant light, but not bright rays.
  • Bullbosis has stalks, which means it telesses to store moisture in its thick stems similar to bleb. Atmospheric exot is very easy to care, it requires abundant irrigation, humidity and scattered light. The temperature is moderate, winter without whims. In the summer months blooms continuously.

Types and blossoms

Landing and transplanting

The plant that only brought from the store is better to transplant. If the acquired plant has released a floweros boom, a transplant can contribute to the flower drying. After 3-4 years later, in the absence of flowering, potential types can also be relocated. In the wild, this handsome man grows on the upper layer of the Earth or on the crust of trees, the ground as such is not needed.

Important! In conventional soil, the plant boosts.

For planting and transplanting plants, pieces of bark are needed with the addition of moss, peat, sand, acadama, river pebbles, coconut fiber. The pot should be taken wide and low, the smallest size relative to the plant. Clay and ceramic pots will not give the root system in the soil.

Plastic pots must have a lot of drainage holes

How to transplant:

  1. The soil and pot are definitely sterilized in the oven or steam.
  2. Taking the plant from the pot, carefully examine its roots. If there are dry or drowned areas, remove and handle coal.
  3. The dried or old lower sheets are removed during the transplantation.
  4. Wood coal should be used as a drainage layer.
  5. To fall asleep on top of the way, then it is sustainable to plant a plant and fall asleep as the soil residue.
  6. If the upper roots look out of the pot, you can cut them off.

Atmospheric species in the ground do not need, they feel perfectly in suspended. They are hanging on a wire, a soft ribbon or a rope. Also, the flower can cling to the slices of cortex, stones covered with moss, or shells.

Options for placing atmospheric species on stands


Split a tillandsia is simple - it is enough to wait for the kids after the flowering of an adult plant or plant seeds.

Reproduction of processing

One plant can give from 3 to 8 kids, which over time expand and float the whole area, the parent plant dies. They need to cut off from the outlet when they grow half the size of the adult plant and they appear roots.

Note! Atmospheric plants do not always die after the appearance of children, they can be launched from the parent, without harming him.

Growing from seeds

Seeds multiplied only potted species. At home, get seeds are not possible, they are purchased. It is necessary to plant on a mixture of peat and sand, without immersing the seed into the soil. Moisten the soil by spraying, be sure to tighten the pot of the film and put in heat at no lower 25 ° C. Tillandia germinates long and reluctant.

When growing a tillandsia seeds, an adult plant blooms only in 2-3 years

Tellandia: care at home

The flower requires the following care:

  • watering frequent and abundant for air plants without roots. They love shower or full immersion into the water for a while twice a month. Spraying and maintaining a high level of humidity creates ideal conditions for growth and flowering. Water should be purified, soft and weakly acidic;
  • you need to feed special fertilizers for Bromelievs once every two months. There should be no copper and boron in the dressing;
  • if the flower has lost its brightness, it is enough to provide him with good lighting, and he will start green again;
  • it is necessary to care for resting at a period of rest, since the temperature decreases and does not give excessive water in the outlet evaporate. It is important to ensure that the moisture is not stored, creating a medium for the development of rot and fungus.

To create wonderful compositions, a plant Tillandia ranks first in decorators

This unusual exotic requires not so much in comparison with the full impact of the beauty and decorativeness of its appearance and exotic flowering. The main thing is to follow the rules described above.

Plant care memo


Potted types of tillandsia need enough bright lighting. However, the contact of direct sunlight is contraindicated.

Therefore, the optimal place in the summer period will be the northern window, and from autumn to spring - East or Western.

Atmospheric tillandsia shadowish. They will feel good in the semalent in the depths of the room.

In the warm season, plants can be made on fresh air, while protecting them from scoring sunlight and precipitation.


Temperature regime in summer for terrestrial tillands should be in the range from 24 to 28 degrees. In winter - 18-20 degrees. It is impossible to decrease the temperature less than 17 degrees.

For epiphytic species, the optimal temperature in the summer - 21-25 degrees, in winter 13-18 degrees.

Despite the fact that the plant needs a constant influx of fresh air, it is necessary to arrange it where the air movement will be minimal, for example, on the windowsill behind a deaf sash window.

It should be protected from sharp temperature drops. Otherwise, it can relieve a significant part of foliage. It is possible to carry a flower into the garden or on an open balcony only when establishing warm weather so that the night coolness does not hurt him.


Potted tillands need regular moderate watering. In the summer, the soil in the pot must be slightly wet constantly. It is also necessary that the water is in the outlet.

In winter, regularity is reduced. Between irrigations, the land in the pot should dry well. 15-20 minutes after the procedure, the water remaining in the pallet should merge.

Water for watering should be no less than 20 degrees. Used rain or thala. The plumbing is not suitable, since the plant does not tolerate chlorine in it.

Atmospheric tillandsia receive useful substances through the leaves, so there are no need for watering.


Especially in spraying need atmospheric species. The procedure should be carried out daily in the morning warm water. On hot days it is better to add evening spraying.

Once in 2 weeks you can arrange a warm shower. Usirea tillandia can be completely immersed in warm water for 5 minutes.

Potted tilkesses also need daily morning spraying. However, when the content in the cool conditions in the winter, as well as during the flowering period, the procedure is better suspended.

The soil

Land plants need loose soil, which would well miss water.

A ready-made substrate for orchids or bromelianbought in the store.

You can also prepare the mixture by taking the leafy ground, peat and crushed moss-sfagnum in equal proportions.

A good drainage is needed - he should take a third pot.

Useful to add wood coal to the drainage mixture. This will help prevent the development of fungi, which cause the plant roots.

Successfully grown tillandsia in the soil of the following composition:

  • Sheet humus;
  • Chopped pine crop;
  • Peat;
  • Fern roots;
  • Moss SFAGNUM.

The components of this soil mixture are taken in equal parts.


Feature a tillandation follows from spring to autumn twice a month. It is better to produce an extraordinary feeder, that is, spraying on the leaves of the spray gun.

For feeding it is better to use liquid mineral fertilizers for orchids or bromelian. In this case, the dose should be reduced 4 times from the package specified on the package.

You can make fertilizer and under the root. At the same time, they are bred according to the instructions on the package. However, the root system of the plant weakly absorbs nutrients from the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to alternate the root and extractive feeder. In this case, the latter must prevail.

In winter, tillandsia is not feeding. Also stop this process during the flowering of the plant so that moisture with fertilizers does not fall on the bloom and did not cause it to post it.


For the normal development of Tillandia, high humidity is necessary: \u200b\u200bpotted species - at least 60%, atmospheric - no less than 70%.

Pots with terrestrial plants can be put in pallets with wet pebbles or moss. You also need a daily spraying.

Around the plants can be arranged with water tanks - it will evaporate, and humidity is to rise. You can use the humidifier.


Potted tillands after flowering perish. However, leave behind 4-6 subsidiaries that can be used for breeding.

Atmospheric tillands are attached to the support. Before that, the socket or a bundle is wrapped with moss-sphagnum.

You can also settle atmospheric tillands in the flurarium, but do not forget to spray the plant. An adult plant can be suspended on the wire to leave the leaves.


Consider how to care for Tillandsia at home when the plant is ill.

Tillandia is rarely amazed by pests and diseases. However, with incorrect care, the danger can represent the shields and milders.

Pests should be removed mechanically using a tampon, moistened in the soap solution.

If such a measure of the struggle did not help, you need to apply insecticides: Aktellik, phytodeterm or Nurrell - D.

If the leaves from Tillandsia become transparent and black spots appear on them, this indicates a damage to a fungal or viral disease.

The affected parts of the plant should be removed, and the flower itself is treated with a fungicide - phytosporin or toopaz. It is important to ensure good air circulation indoors.



Tillandia seeds and side shoots are breeding. The first way is more complex and time-consuming. Moreover, the blooms of Tillandsia will have to wait 4-5 years. Seeds are sown in a mixture of moss-sfagnum and sand.

The container is covered with polyethylene and is contained at a temperature of 24-26 degrees. After 2-3 weeks, shoots should appear. After 3-4 months, when the seedlings appear 3-4 leaves, they should be transplanted into separate pots.

Siderates reproduction - simpler and fast way. Young specimens bloom after 2 years. "Kids" having 4-6 sheets, their own roots and reached half the height of the parent plant, carefully separate the sharp knife.

The location of the cut is sprinkled with chopped coal. A pot for a new plant should be roomy for an adult instance. The planted escape is placed in the half and is contained at a temperature of 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees. The soil must be a little wet constantly.

In the reproduction of atmospheric species, the child proceedings are separated from the parent plant, wetted with wet moss-sphagnum and fixes on the support.


In transplant, atmospheric species do not need. In potted species, as a rule, the transplant coincides with the reproduction. This is explained by the fact that the Tillandsia has a weak root system and a pot rarely becomes close for it. If it still happened, the plant should be transplanted in a pot of larger. The transplant may be needed every 2-3 years. .

For Tillandsia, a wide, but shallow pot is suitable. It is better that it be ceramic - for greater stability.

When transplanting, the plant is removed from the pot, and the ground with the roots gently shake. Tillandia has a fragile root system, so the entire old soil should not be removed from the roots. Some part of it, which cannot be immediately shaken, can be left on the roots. The plant is transplanted into a new container, carefully falling asleep the roots with the new soil. After the transplant, it is necessary to pour a plant well.

Photo of Tillandia in the process of care at home and natural environment:

Now you know everything about the cultivation and care of Tillandsia (anita, urinous) at home, as well as pro reproduction and transplantation of the plant.

please do not mislead people, you do not need to use moss and tillandsia, many species will simply can't stand it and rot, as it was with me, the second moment: solar burns, and in nature they are cavated somehow? Most of them growing on the sun, you first see how they grow in nature, the temperature even in the rules changes for 15 degrees, so how they may be afraid of cozy, they have different types and grow in different countries of South America, there are also highlands and Deserts in all these climatic zones grow by Tillandia. Therefore, please do not need to give such information for this type of plants, they are very diverse and every subspecies requires their care.

Tillandia (Tillandsia) is the evergreen plant of the family Bromelley, brought to Russia from Latin America. It grows in different climates - from dry continental to wet equatorial, thereby distinguish its views. Total more than 400 varieties of plants, 200 of which can be grown at home.

Two types of plants

Tillandia is divided into two types - atmospheric and pot. At varieties belonging to the first roots less, they are growing, as a rule, on pillars or snags. The leaves of a variety of coloring - from grayish to green tones, an oblong shape, length - 25 cm, width - 1 cm. Plows are joined in the ground. The leaves are flat, covered with narrow scales of green, there are smooth up to 40 cm. Inflorescence is a vivid bright pink.
Atmospheric types of Tillandia

Popular indoor rooms, their differences

Home Care: Location, Lighting, Temperature, Humidity and Watering, Up.

Normal temperature: in summer - + 24 ° C, in winter - + 20 ° C. With frequent ventilation rooms.

Watering a til grocery need warm water. In winter, it is better to put in a container with a clay and pebble on the bottom. In the summer, the Earth must be moistened, but in the winter it is allowed to dry up the soil to avoid decomposition of the roots.
Two atmospheric types of Tillandia


  • Provide fresh air.
  • In the spring and summer, the plant moisturizing, completely immersing it into the pure distilled water not lower than + 20 ° C. And in the fall and winter to limit spraying every 4-5 days.
  • Provide an epiphetic variety protection against sun rays.
  • It is not necessary to contain a plant at low temperatures, below + 10 ° C, it will not survive.

Season care table

Methods for landing and transplants

Tillandsia landing and transplanting tips will differ depending on plant species, namely potted or atmospheric.


As soon as it goes 2-3 years after the main planting of the plant, they produce a transplant in the capacity to size more, for normal growth of the flower, otherwise it will cease its development.

It makes no sense in transplanting a blooming Tillandia, since after she dies, leaving the kids. When they grow up, they can be seeded. It is better to transplant the seedling in the spring so that the roots can grow normally.

Soil is large, approximately 2 cm, fractions. Without land, peat and overloading leaves. Approximate composition:

  • river stones;
  • bark.

Good use soil for bonsai with the addition of coconut chips, stems.

The pot is small, but stable. Drainage - charcoal.

We take out the plant from the old pot and place in a new container at the same distance on which it grew. Spray the outlet in the center or put in water for 20-30 minutes.
Potted types of Tillandia


The peculiarity of this type is that it does not need a soil for its growth. For landing, natural fragments of branches, roots, pieces of wood, felt, etc. are used. It is important that the plant attached to the stand is easy to immerse in water, and moisture calmly could penetrate.

For the help of a tillandia in the fastening, moss is used sphagnum, coconut pad. After fixing, the plant spray and suspend.

Important: It is not necessary to change the placement and lighting of atmospheric tillandia.

Watering, feeding

In the summer it is desirable to provide a wet habitat with crude soil, water the outlets and regularly spray all the plant. But in winter it is necessary to water when the soil is drying, spray with warmed water.

Fucks - every 2 weeks with mineral fertilizer (for orchids or blooming). Dosage for potted - half less than in the instructions, for atmospheric - four times.

All types of tillands prefer extractive feeding.


The plant breeds: children, seeds.


Appear in the period when the plant begins to fond. Landing passes in the morning, but it can be held at the beginning of the day.

Children are carefully separated, seed a pot of no more than 10 cm. Then maintained at t + 25 ° C, constantly watered and aerializing seedlings. Blossom - after 1.5-2 years. Flower potted potted video

Atmospheric reproduce cut off the escape from the parent plant. It is enough to strengthen it on the support. Video for atmospheric plant:


Purpose and not popular reproduction.

Seed seeds on top of a wet peat-sand substrate. The glass or film is located on top. Capacities put a light room in a warm room temperature. After a month or two, shoots should appear.

Preventing Tillandia

Tellandia, with proper care, is less than the defeat of various pests and diseases. Simple prevention measures will reduce the risk of infection:

  • Quarantine purchased plants 20-25 days.
  • Weekly test inspection for signs of infection.
  • Free accommodation of pots on the windowsill.
  • Purification of plants and air ventilation.
  • Balanced watering.
  • Feeding and fertilizer.
  • Preventive and disinfectant soil processing, pots and tools.

Pests, errors in the care and methods of their elimination

Often, flower makes are common and unintentional errors leading a tillandation to sad consequences, especially with low wet air temperature.

Tellandia - care at home

Other names of the plant: "Stick Beard", "Spanish Moss"

Air cleaning: Does not clean air

Toxicity: Not poisonous

Comfort complexity: complex

View (department): Flower

The form: Herbate plants

Family: Bromelia (Bromeliaceae)

Latin name: Tillandsia.

Motherland: Subtropics and Tropics of America

Interesting information about unique and exotic Tillandia

Tillandia (Tillandsia) is one of the large and common clans of the Bromeliev family. It presents more semi-pensions of exotic epiphylet and evergreen plants, absolutely not similar to each other.

Tellandia received its name thanks to the Swedish bottle of the seventeenth century Elias Tillands.

Wild-growing copies of Tillandsius arrived in different climatic belts of South and Central America. Favorite places of growth can be like sea coasts, forest tropical arrays, and hot semi-deserts, dry savanna and even mountain areas bordering an eternal Merzlot. Natural is the absolute external and biological difference of forms, sizes and life conditions of certain types of plants.

Tillandia types are divided into two absolutely different groups. Tellandia atmospheric combines a group of ultra-shock, epiphytic with rigid, luxurious plant leaves and virtually no root system. Thick flakes cover thin filamentous leaves than helping the plant and catch water. Thanks to the reflection of sunlight on scales, the plants acquire a grayish shade and name gray tiltrys. They are often used in arrangements for landscaping interiors and in the preparation of original compositions.

Green tillandsia or pots form a second plant subgroup with green up to 40 cm by narrow, linear or triangular leaves forming a socket. On bright bracts, tubular flowers in spectacular picturesque accosate inflorescences are towering.

Hybrid varieties and types of Tillandia

Tillandia Usyevoid (Tillandsia USNEOIDES)

The most popular variety of epiphytic "atmospherics", still has the names of the "old man's beard" or "Spanish Moss." Unusual, not having roots, a miracle of nature - a long-sided plant with double-flop filamentous five-point meters. Reflective scales, thick covering green leaves, create a gray or silver shade impression. Perfectly grows on branches, cacti, stones, forming a lace cascade, and in the summer it is also covered with salado-yellow flower. The main thing for a duty-shaped Tillandia is to have a support, without consolidation and the opportunity to grow down.

Tellandic tricolor (Tillandsia Tricolor)

Mexican epipheit, compact form. SERO-GREEN, linear, twenty-salted leaflets, up to 1 cm wide, form a spoiled outlet where moisture accumulates. On the average size of the flower, one or more of the accommodated inflorescences are towers. Multicolored, long, oval bracts: bottom-red, in the center-yellow, and on top of green, try to modestly hide bright, rhombid, purple flowers.

Tillandia Phyalkotka (Tillandsia Ionantha)

Flower-epipheit, silver, curved leaves of which form dense outlets. In the summer months, the plant blooms violet blue inflorescences. Silver internal leaves are blushing.

Tellandia Flabolalalata (Tillandsia Fladellata)

Narrow, long, green leaves form a socket. The decorative value of the plant are picturesque, tubular bracts of saturated red-orange color.

Tillandia blue (Tillandsia Cynea)

The most common herbaceous, epiphetic plant from tropical locations Peru and Ecuador.

Curved, thin, burgundy green leaves form a bizarre thick outlet. Direct or curved spikelet pattern is covered with small scales. It gradually flourishes, starting from the top one after one appear not longly blooming purple or blue flowers. The inflorescence is in the frame of the red, marine or pink bracts.

Tillandia Anita (Tillandsia Anita)

Hybrid sort of tillandia blue. The beautiful root system of Tillandia Anita makes it possible to grow it in conditions of the house. This compact exotic forms a dense outlet with long, narrow, gray-green roasting leaves. From her on a short blooming grows inflorescence in the form of a wide and flat spike. And it is formed from bright blue three petal flowers. Contrast bright pink bracts, overlapping each other, make the plant very picturesque and unique.

Tellandia Lindenii (Tillandsia Lindenii)

Similarity with Tillandsia blue absolutely on face. Distinctive factors can be considered color of bracts. Linden's tillandia they decorate bright red and pale pink shades. Original blue flowers are degraded with white eyes.

Tellandia care at home

Fans of exotic This beautiful-flowing room plant Tillandia will bring a variety and extraordinary beauty to the house. This miracle of nature is very original in the interior when used on pre-manufactured unusual strains, it will effectively look at decorative plates. It is possible to grow the plant even "legs up" when strengthening it on the support. Dare! And for this you need the correct care and performance of conditions of content.

Choosing a place

A bright scattered natural light is needed all year round for the normal state of potlands potted species. Perfect territories with southern, eastern and western sides. Summer hot months is better to plant a plant on an open air, on the porch, on the balcony.

Epiphytic varieties are more shadowed, they will be comfortable and in half or shadow.

Air temperature

Uniform temperature regime is desirable without significant drops. In summer, 22-30 ° C with frequent ventilation rooms, but without drafts, winter - 17-18 ° C.

Air humidity and watering

Tillandia flower prefers humidity of at least sixty percent. This will help everyday spraying, with the exception of the flowering period, so as not to worsen in high humidity decorative colors. The same moisture-loving plant is and Vrizia.

We water abundantly in summer soft, warm water under the center of the root neck with an interval once every seven days. In winter, we water moderately. In order to avoid roting the roots, we observe the state of the soil, which should be sufficient enough.

Soil and her feeding

The soil mixture should be lightweight, fertile and consist of equal parts of the Earth of Sadovaya, peat, coarse sand, sphagnum. You can use a ready-made mixture that is suitable bromeliev. Previously, the soil is preferably neutralized, sterilizing it. Completely good drainage.

In the growing period, the plant feed the soluble fertilizer, diluing it half, can be added to the ground or spray the leaves.

Tellandia Change

Frequent transplants for Tillandia - the procedure is painful. Therefore, we transplant the need for a pot, a little larger than the previous one, not much deepening the base of the socket into the ground. The root in the plant is small, so the subsequent transplant with the unstable state of the flower, when separating the children. It is necessary to update the upper layer of soil annually.

Tillandism reproduction

It is possible to propagate a tilonxia in the spring-summer period by the processes -Bets, which reached the length of about eight centimeters. A little dried off and Sadim in the ground, do not forget to spray regularly.

You can propagate seeds by living in a wet substrate, keeping the temperature of about 25 ° C, but this process is very troublesome and long.

Pests and diseases

The defeat of tillandsia pests rarely occurs. But nevertheless precautions from the spider tick, milderous cherler and bromellee shields will not interfere. We regularly inspect and admire your exotom. When insects are detected, immediately wipe the leaflets with soapy. If this is not enough, use insecticides - carbofos or accuters.

Tellandia care for it is not entirely folded, and in the appearance of the plant immediately visible errors in the content.

Possible difficulties in growing:

  • Root roots and base of the stem - excess watering at low temperatures.
  • Soft and drooped leaves - too low air temperature.
  • The slowdown in the growth of plants and rare flowering, the pallor of the leaves and inflorescences, as well as the loss of decorativeness - lack of lighting.
  • The tips and edges of the sheet plates become brown, the leaves will dry and fall out - the bare-eyed towel and too dry cold air. Do not forget to spray and water the plant.

Perform qualitatively care of household colors of tillandsi and unusual exotic transform your living space extraordinary beauty and attractiveness.

Tellandia atmospheric: care at home

Not all plants for rooting are needed soil. Representatives of the flora called Epiphyts successfully grow using other plants, stones, grills, aquariums, furniture items - any stable surface, up to lamming pillars. One of these "unearthly" plants is a tillandia atmospheric, unusual tropical exot, capable of cutting any room with proper care. In the article, consider than so unusual Tillandia and what the peculiarities of growing it are inherent.

Botanical description of the plant

Tillandia refers to the genus Bromeliev and comes from American tropical latitudes. In the wild, it can be found in both the deserted California and in the wet forests of Brazil and Ecuador. The plant is named after the scientist Elias Tillands, who contributed to the opening of the first Botanic Park in Finland. Atmospheric Tillandia is still known as gray, since the scales on its leaves, in the usual state absorbing moisture from the air, in the arid period become silver, filling with air.
Tillandia is a flowering plant, and its bright raspberry, blue or purple blue (depending on the type) of inflorescence is beautifully contrasted with thin silver-gray foliage. Most often bloom occurs in the summer, for several months. Flowering is a single, after it the mother plant gradually devies, transmitting nutrients to the shoots.

The "air" tillandsia is diverse, and each of the species has its own characteristics. The table below shows the overall characteristics of the main morphological parameters:

Conditions for growing at home

As already mentioned, Tillandia is notable for it to be placed in all sorts of containers and even just attach to any solid surface. However, the care of atmospheric tiltlandsia is more complicated than behind the plants grown in the pots.


Whatever the capacity or support you use for Tillandsius, first of all, it should be remembered that the bottom, to which the plant is attached should be laid out with such materials as:

  • bark (including pine);
  • coir.

Trendy methods of accommodation on crystals, in glass bowls, sinks look impressive, but you can not forget about the comfort for the plant. "Atmospherifications" are poorly growing on smooth, slippery, low-hearted surfaces, therefore, it is better to create a cozy "Genzdyshko" for Tillandia. The popular accommodation of the flower on wine traffic jams does not justify itself due to slow growth and the trend towards the smallest of flower sockets. Tillandia is well adapted to the attachment on beech and oak branches and blocks.

The list of best places of cultivation includes:

  1. Pine branches. In this case, a mini-socket from synthetic materials is attached between the branch and flower, which contributes to the preservation of moisture and ventilation to the branch.
  2. Suspended plastic pots.
  3. Bamboo / spruce / Willow / Willow / Phase / Jute.
  4. Mesh kashpo.
  5. Wall panels made of pine bark with tiltsia attached to it.
  6. Coconut rods.
  7. Aquariums (in no case are not closed, for air circulation).

The most common way to attach a tiltland to the support is the screw in the knitting wire in the PVC-shell. It retains the form well, does not rot, does not slip. Use glue, even a special floristic, is not recommended, since it blocks the pores of the plant, which can cause the flower death.


In general, Tillandia perceives the microclimate of urban apartments.

The main requirements for the temperature regime are as follows:

  1. No sharp drops.
  2. The air temperature is not less than +18 ° C (but are able to withstand and short-term reduction to +12 ° C).
  3. Regular access of fresh air, ventilating (without strong drafts).
  4. In summer, you can place outdoors, protecting against precipitation.


Proper lighting plays an important role in the cultivation of these plants. Unlike potlands, "atmospheric" do not require too bright light, direct sun rays are unfavorable for them. It is quite suitable for placing in a half, scattered or completely artificial lighting. In any case, the distance from the plant to the light source should not be less than 90 cm.

Air humidity

Being tropical plants, tillandsia require consistently high humidity, not less than 70-80%, due to the adsorption of moisture with leaves. Increased attention must be paid to this factor in winter during the period of functioning central heating. At this time it is better to use humidifiers. This is especially true of those species that grow in areas with very high humidity (for example, Philcocellular Tillandia). Usually such species have very tender, thin leaves. Some flower products grow epiphytic tillandsia in the bathroom. However, it is impossible to allow leaves constantly wet, otherwise the flower will get sick.

Home care

Observing the following rules for the care of Tillandsia, it is possible to achieve its active growth and a beautiful, pleasing blossom eye.


"Atmospheric" do not require watering in his classical understanding. They need only a regular spraying of leaves.

Water for this should be:

  • soft (pH 6.5);
  • estimated in open dishes at least 4 hours;
  • pretty warm, room temperature.

The procedure is carried out in summer daily, and as cold weather, irrigation is gradually reduced and carried out as needed (on average 1-2 times a week). It is necessary to pay attention to the leaves, which in the event of a lack of moisture begin to curl.


Fertilizers are not a mandatory part of the care, subject to the correct placement of the plants mentioned above. Bark and moss, decomposing, give the plant nutrients. If desired, you can finish a tilt of the liquid mineral complex by reducing the recommended dose 4 times and adding it to the water for spraying. The feeder can be carried out once in 2 weeks using universal complexes for indoor plants or fertilizers for bromellene. In winter, the feeding stop.


There is no need to form a crown. Pruning is made only in order to remove damaged or dead leaves. To do this, use scissors or a small garden secateur.


Experts do not advise to be fascinated by the transplantation of atmospheric Tillandsius. The latter, unlike their potted fellow, require transplants to a new place only if the substrate on which they grow, completely decomposed.


Over the past years, Tillandia has been gaining increasing popularity among flower water and interior decorators. In this regard, the issue of reproduction of these plants is usually very interested in people engaged in their cultivation. Consider how best to multiply a til gauge.

Side shoots

"Atmospheric" breeds vegetatively, by separating the young rigor, that is, the side shoots. It happens after flowering.

The sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. Escape, already having 4-6 leaves and small roots, carefully separated from the stem with a sharp knife.
  2. The location of the cut is processed by activated or charcoal for disinfection.
  3. The young escape is attached to the future place of growth.

It is necessary to be patient because the growth process will be unforgettable. When complying with flowering rules, you should expect in 2 years.

Video: Tillandia breeding atmospheric side shoots

Growing from seeds

Reproduction with seeds at home is almost not practiced due to its complexity and cost. The soil for seeds should not be too coarse-grained, but not fine (it is very difficult to choose the desired density), the air temperature in the room should be at least +25 ° C, and the lighting is very good and constant. Despite compliance with all the requirements, shoots are often dying. In addition, waiting for flowering for about 5 years.

Comforting complexity

"Atmospheric" rather capricious plants and instantly react to not very favorable conditions for growing, which is expressed in diseases and pests.


The plant is subject to various viral and fungal infections, in particular, gray rot. The disease manifests itself with gray raid on the stem and leaves, which quickly goes into the stage of rotting.

Diseases have many bugs in care, as:

  1. The content of the flower in a stuffy, non-refined room and too frequent, irregular watering. This is especially true of the cold season, when all the windows are closed, and the owner of the Tillandsia is abundantly watering the plant.
  2. Unnecessary feeding (adversely affect the immune system of epiphytes).
  3. Low air humidity (foliage twisted, becomes pale and sluggish).
  4. Impact of direct sunlight (Causes, first of all, taking leaves).
  5. Permanent drafts.
  6. Watering with rigid water (Over the plant appears lime tax, which can later lead to flower death).

Treatment of fungal and viral diseases includes treating fungicides and removing patient foliage. Chicken coal can be used as prophylaxis, which sprinkled with a tillandia support.


The most common pests, from which this type of Tillandsia suffers, is bromelial shields and milders.

Externally, their destructive effect on the plant is manifested in:

  • cleafder and tubercles on the leaves;
  • dark tracks;
  • lipkom White Hall;
  • yellowing foliage.

If there are few insects, they can be simply removed manually. If the infection has gone far, the plants are flushed with soap solution or even processing insecticide. It is not so difficult to grow atmospheric tillands as it may seem at first glance. Of course, it is impossible to simply attach the flower to the first support and put the process on the self-shot. This flower, in fact, is well adaptable to home conditions, if you know certain rules discussed in the article. In this case, Tillandia will comfortably feel at your home and delight bright, unusual blossoms.

Atmospheric Tillandia: Home Care, Description Plants, Reviews

Atmospheric tillandia is an attractive air flower, which is very popular with exotic lovers. And it is not surprising, because the tropical guest is distinguished by an unpretentious character and the original appearance. And if you wish, it will be able to grow even inexperienced flowerflower, the main thing is to adhere to the norms of agrotechnology.


Unlike most exotic plants, many types of culture are easily leaving at home. The main thing is to choose a suitable place for culture, and maintain high humidity in the room.

There is a lot of varieties of this plant. But at home, as a rule, these types of atmospheric tillandsia are grown:

  • Usirea, or flywind. The atmospheric plant, devoid of roots, which clings to support with thin mustache. The length of the stems reaches only 15-20 cm. The narrow leaves of the cylinder-shaped culture are covered with thin whiten hairs. In the summer, modest yellow colors appear on the tops of young shoots.
  • Silver. This tiltrysia differs from other types of thickened base of the socket resembling a bulb. Thin and filamentous leaves of varieties in the sun are cast by silver, for which she got a name. Flowers in small red and blue buds.
  • Boucy. The original variety that resembles a confused beam of emerald colors. Plant leaves are heterogeneous: with thin tips, and expansion to the base. Culture reaches up to 60 cm in height. Flowers large tubular bootons with a pinkish bract and purple petals. Unlike its "relatives", Tillandia Bucksi releases kids before flowering.
  • Andre. The decorative variety with thin, curved leaves, on which there is a gray or brown cannon. Reaches up to 25 cm in height.
  • Head of jellyfish. This kind is really similar to mythological creature. She has swollen, and highly twisted leaves resembling tentacles. The plant produces flat, bright pink flowers, on which blue buds are formed.
  • Philco-flower. This kind of externally resembles exotic corals. The plants have small outlets reaching no more than 5 cm in height and width, and thin curved leaves. The most unpretentious appearance that clings to any support and survives almost in all conditions. In the summer, in front of blooming, the internal leaves of culture acquire bright pink color. Releases coole-shaped buds of a blue-purple shade.

Each of these varieties will decorate the interior. But for this you need to create plants comfortable conditions.

Home care

Atmospheric tellandia is a plant that is distinguished by an unpretentious character. Nevertheless, that the tropical guests pleased with his appearance, she needs care, which consists of regular irrigation and feeding, prevention of diseases and pests. In addition, it is important to provide a plant of rest, and maintain comfortable temperature, lighting and humidity in the room. And then Tellandia is taken for and will quickly go into growth.


Atmospheric Tillandia - the plant is thermalized, but she does not tolerate heat. It is desirable from spring to autumn to maintain a temperature in the room within + 20 ... + 25 ° C. From November to February, when the tropical beauty comes resting period, it is better to move the plant in a cooler room with a temperature of + 14 ... + 18 ° C.


The plant has a challenge, but still for normal growth, he needs sunlight. It is especially useful that the rays fall into the leaves of Tillandsia in the morning and at sunset. Therefore, it is desirable to grow plants near the eastern or western window. In winter, when the sun is not too active, it is worth a culture closer to the south side. It is even better to provide Tillandsia an extra highlight of the phytolampa. In addition, the tropical guest can be grown at all with artificial lighting. But it should be borne in mind that the light day for her should last at least 14 hours.


Like most epiphytes, Tillandia absorbs moisture from the atmosphere with its leaves. Therefore, when growing a tropical beauty, it is important to maintain high humidity in the room, and this indicator should not fall below 75%. Of course, it is best to put a special device next to the flower - a moisturizer. If it is not, then every morning spray the foliage of the plant using a water sprayer. At the same time, close the Cellofan's flower, so that moisture does not fall on it.

In winter, when, due to the operation of the central heating, the air in the apartment becomes land, maintain optimal humidity much more difficult. And at this time, one spraying will not work out. Experienced flowers advised to acquire special flurariums for Tillandsia. Others are cultivated in aquariums, vases, or in flower showcases.

If you do not have such devices, try to spray the foliage culture several times a day using a water sprayer. And also put a water container next to the plant, and cover with wet towels.

At any time of the year, do not forget that exotic beauty needs the influx of fresh air. Therefore, do not forget to regularly air the room. But since Tillandia does not endure drafts and sharp temperature drops, take it out to another room during this procedure.


Most of the moisture plant gets through spraying. But still 1-2 times a week, he needs more substantial moisture. How to water the plant? To do this, immerse it with a support in a container with warm water and leave for 20-30 minutes so that it is likely to be giving moisture. And then wait until the excess fluid is stroke, and return the flower to the usual place

Before watering the plant, you should remember that it is better to use rain or tama water for irrigation. In the extreme case, you can use a plumbing, but before the procedure it is necessary to filter and defend at least a day.

If you notice that the leaves of Tillandsia began to curl along the vein, then immerse the flower into the water container immediately. After all, this phenomenon is a sign of serious dehydration. In this case, hold the flower in water 3-4 hours, and only then return to the usual place.


Tillandia responds well to fertilizers, but the flower is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is impossible to use the compositions for these purposes, which contain nitrogen, copper, boron and zinc. It is also not necessary to feed the tropical guest by universal drugs, any height stimulants, and organica in the form of informants of grass, bird litter and cowboat.

What then fertilize culture? Preferring feeders designed to bromeliev and orchids. But choose solutions that do not contain bora and copper, which are poison for a tillandia. And also consider what you only need to use a quarter of the dose, which is indicated on the package.

Make fertilizers from March to September right into the flower socket, combining feeding with watering. Conduct this event once every six weeks. In winter, feeding completely.

Period of rest

By caring atmospheric tillandsia at home, one must not forget that the plant needs rest. If you grow a tropical beauty near the window, then in the winter it will come by himself. After all, during this period, the amount of light and heat decreases, and Tillandia goes into the hibernation. At this time, remember the limit temperatures that can withstand the plant.

If you grow a culture in the depths of the room, then provide it with an extra highlight of the phytolampa.


As such, the Tillandia transplant is not only required, but also undesirable. After all, during the event, it is possible to damage parts of the plant, which will affect his health. Therefore, even if you do not like the support, and you want to replace it, it is better not to transplant the culture, and wait until she releases children. And already attach them to a new stand.


Atmospheric tillandia blooms once in life, and it happens in two or three years of age. And after the formation of buds, the tropical guest spends all the strength on the formation of children, and herself dies. The bloom of Tillandsia looks very exotic: the plant produces a spacing on which the buds of the bright color are alternately. Each of them keeps long, but bloom itself can last for several months. In addition, the spike looks very decorative, even after the last bud. Therefore, it is not necessary to cut, because with time it will die along with the parent plant.

Caring for Tillandsia during and after flowering does not differ from the usual one. It is necessary, as well as before, regularly spray and water the flower so that he increases the kids. Each instance gives from 3 to 8 lateral processes, due to which it is possible to create a numerous collection of these exotic plants.


If desired, you can grow a numerous collection of these amazing plants. And even a newcomer to cope with the task. First prepare all the necessary materials.

Plants do not need ground, most often they are attached to bars, snags or felt. Creating a composition with a flower, remember that the use of materials treated with varnish, paint or chemicals is strictly prohibited. After all, from contact with them the plant will die quickly. An ideal option will be a piece of natural tree cortex, a fragment of the root or branch, as well as a small wicker basket. If you plan to hang a stand on the wall, then you will pre-make a hole in it, and the wire to the wire.

We proceed to reproduction of atmospheric tilland, when the kids will grow to 5-6 cm in diameter. How to carry out an event:

  1. Cut the babies with a sharp knife from the parent plant, and be sure to treat sections of sections with crowded coal.
  2. Press the tilt of the root neck, the root inside. It is desirable to place some moss-sphagnum or coconut fibers between the plant and the stand. So Tillandia will be easier to cling to the support.
  3. Carefully fasten the plant on the stand using a soft elastic thread or wire in the shell. So that the composition looks spectacular, pick up the threads under the color of the support or tropical beauty.
  4. Spray the plant with warm water from the sprayer, and then hang or set to a permanent place.

In the future, provide young cultures of ordinary care.

Problems of growing

If you provide the correct care of atmospheric tillandsia at home, then there will be no problems with it. But if you regularly violate the norms of agricultural equipment, then the tropical guest begins to capricious. Most often, flowerflows face such problems:

  • The leaves of the plant are twisted, the tips dried and wishes. There is a lack of watering, too dry air indoors, or the use of tough water. Normalize irrigation and do not forget to spray the culture more often, and it will quickly recover.
  • Tellandia does not release buds. The plant may refuse to bloom if he lacks light and heat. Transfer the culture to another place with more appropriate conditions, and if necessary, adjust the addition of phytolampa.
  • Repeated base outlet. There is an excessive watering, or an excess fertilizer. In addition, contacting the loading can contact with infected material. To save the plant, simply change the support. If there are kids, then attach them to other standings. In no case do not use fungicides to handle the crust, because they are absorbed into the material, and will gradually poison the flower. If you want to disinfect the support, then hide it with boiling water or dry in the oven.

Diseases and pests

With proper care, this unpretentious plant practically does not ill. And in rare cases, he is amazed by the spottedness of the leaves. This fungal disease can be recognized by the fact that blisters appear on the plant. Over time, they grow up and turn into brown spots. Unfortunately, to cure a sick tillandation will not be able, and the plant will have to destroy.

Temperature conditions. A householding may be without a period of rest, in this case it contains it all year at a temperature of 18 - 24 ° C. For the onset of bloom, it is better to provide a cool winter holiday. With a decrease in temperature below 16 ° C, the plant slows down. Make sure that in the winter months the air temperature is not laid below 10 ° C.

Lighting. Tillandsia, grown as a home flower, appreciate well-lit places with direct sunlight access in the morning and in the evening, but do not like sunshine in the daytime. To change the lighting mode of the plant should be accepted gradually, avoiding sharp drops. Plants belong to the type that loves long light days, so in the fall and in winter, with a shortage of natural lighting, Tillandsia should be supervised artificially.

How to care. Non-easy plant in indoor culture, which requires a certain content mode. In the spring and summer it is desirable to post a tillandation in the fresh air.

Soil for tillandia. Very loose soil, easily transmitting moisture and air to the roots. A mixture for orchids based on a pine bark, peat, with the addition of small pieces of wood coal and perlite.

Podrel. Ideally, the plants require an extraordinary feeding, as most of the tillands of epiphytes and absorb nutrients with the help of leaves. You can spray a tilt of a weak solution of liquid fertilizers in the warm season every 2 weeks.

Purpose. Currently, a lot of sorts of tillandsia distinguished by elegant appearance

This plant attracts attention to himself at any time of the year, it will be well placed in the kitchen or bathroom, where high humidity is present.

Tillandsia flowering time. Summer.

Air humidity. Tillandia at home can carry quite dry air, but will look more healthy and strong if the humidity should be at least 50%. The plant should be kept in a well-ventilated room with a constant circulation of air. Place a pot with a plant on a pallet filled with wet pebbles or use a house humidifier. You can surround the pot with the orchid layer of the humid moss of the sphagnum or spray the leaves with a soft water room, trying not to fall on flowers and buds. Spraying should be carried out in the morning so that the moisture evaporates the plants before the dark.

Watering Tillandia. In the warm season, plants require regular and abundant watering. It is advisable to periodically immerse the pot with a plant for several minutes into a large water container. Excess moisture from the pallet necessarily sample after irrigation. For watering it is desirable to use softened water. Between irrigations, the soil dries almost half of the depth. In autumn, watering is reduced in accordance with the temperature of the content.

Tillandia transplant. Tillandia prefers a little cramped conditions - do not hurry to change the size of the pot when transplanting. Conduct the transplant in the spring.

The reproduction of Tillandia. Daughter sockets that are often formed near the parent plant. For successful rooting, the height of the socket must be at least half the maternal.

Pests and diseases. The leaves become brown and dry with low humidity. Tillandia rotes with the slightest moisture, including in a sheet outlet. When lacking light, the plants do not bloom. With prolonged exposure to direct sunlight leaves can get burns. Tillandsia will dry with insufficient irrigation or humidity, such plants can be reanimated, pouring them into a container with warm water by 12 hours. After this procedure, the plants are removed and dried within 2 - 3 hours in air, placing on paper towels.

Note. Most of Tellands retain attractiveness for 5 years, after this period they should be replaced with fresh plants.

Hydroponics. Good grows on hydroponics.

Reproduction at home

Tillands spread in two ways: vegetatively, with the help of side shoots (children) and seeds, although, the seed method rarely leads to the desired results.

Features of breeding kids

Optimal time for vegetative reproduction - spring or summer. You already know that a tiltrysia for replacing the swordless socket itself annually generates from one to several kids. Because of this, there are always new ones on the flower, able to flow the outlet - they can simply separate them during the transplantation. True, do not hurry with the division: only those "kids" can be separated, the size of which is at least half of the maternal outlet. Too small and weak sockets may not survive.

Room Balzamine - Home Care

When 4 to 6 leaves will appear on lateral shoots, and applied roots are formed, they can be carefully separated from the base of the flower and stretch into separate pots filled with a mixture of sand and peat in equal shares. Slices Sprinkle with crushed charcoal. Put the pots with shoots in a slightly shaded place with a temperature of air 22 - 25 ° C. After a couple, the three months of the young strengthened plants transplant to a permanent place in the pot with the soil, as for adult plants. Flowering will start a year later, maybe a little earlier. If the Tillandia refuses to bloom, spray it with a zircon solution - it stimulates it to flowering.

If only one or two kids was formed, you can leave them in the same place, gently cutting and removing the dried mother plant. Soon in the vase will grow new full-fledged Tillandsia, which in two years will give you bright colorful inflorescences with flowers.

Seed method of breeding

If you managed to get yourself or acquire in specialized stores of Tellandsia seeds, you can try to multiply it in a seed way. You need to know that reproduction with the help of seeds requires a long time.

Seeds sprouted

Prepare a container with a lid or other container for seeding. Fill it with soil mixture of sand and peat. Seeds, not thick, distribute over the surface, carefully moisten with a small spacing and close the container cover or tighten the polyethylene film another container. Place your crops on a well-lit window sill with air temperature, not lower than 25 ° C. Shoots should appear a month after seeding. Flowering of such plants is usually in five years.

Features of content

Tillandsia requires the flower of experience in caring for bromelial cultures. These plants can not be called very unpretentious. However, it is possible to master the basic rules.

Lighting. All types of tillandsia are grown in a half or with a scattered light. Atmospheric varieties grow better in dark rooms, and more bright rooms are needed by potted species. It is also recommended to ensure the latest ingress of direct sunlight in the morning and in the evening. In winter, bright lighting of green tiltrys needed throughout the day.

Temperature. Tiltings need daily temperature fluctuations in the range of 5-8 ° C. The optimal daily air temperature is + 22 ... + 28 ° C. It is allowed to increase to + 35 ° C and lowering to + 10 ° C. In the summer it is convenient to put flowers into the street, where they will come close to the natural conditions of content. On the street, flowers put under a canopy. Rain in a temperate climate is too cold for them.

Humidity. Near plants it is necessary to maintain high air humidity. The crown is sprayed daily well purified by water. Atmospheric plants need up to 3 spraying per day. The more intense lighting, the more high humidity needs a tillandia. In October-February, spraying is carried out in the morning

It is also important to regularly ventilate the room. Every 2 months, flowers bathe under the warm shower

The procedure should not be carried out during flowering, otherwise it will be short-lived.

Watering. Of great importance is the quality of water for watering. It should be rain or thoroughly purified. Chlorine, lime and other impurities affect the growth and appearance of the plant. On the back of the leaflets can be formated. Atmospheric species, the soil moisturizes extremely rarely, only after its complete burden. Potted plants watered moderately, but regularly. The soil should always be slightly wet. Water should be poured into the center of the sheet outlet. Periodically you need to immerse the pot in the pelvis with water.

Fertilizer. Every 1-2 months, the tillandsia feed the mineral complexes for Bromelle. A healthy plant is enough and half portions of fertilizer. They are brought from March to September. It is important to take into account that part of the power flower gets through the leaves. Therefore, the feeding is not only poured into the soil (in the center of the sheet outlet), but also add to the water for spraying. belt\u003d0

Many flower products mistakenly believe that all tillandsia with green leaves are ground, grassy, \u200b\u200band with gray - atmospheric. A lot of hybrids with thin leaves are derived, like atmospheric, but green, and there are herbaceous with gray leaves.

Determine which Tillandia in front of you will help her view in the store. If it is attached to the crust, is used in compositions with branches, pebbles, seashells, then this is atmospheric. Ground for sale, like a regular room flower, in a pot with a substrate.

Tillandia atmospheric in the photo

Enjoyed tillandsia look like moss

Flower of tillandsia is evinumed

Silver Tillandia leaves at the base form a bulb

Tillandia Butxies Looks like a green wire

Blooming Tillandia Butci.

Tillandsia Andre has no accosate blur

Philco-flowered Tillandia is transformed during flowering

Blue Tillandia justifies its name during flowering

Tillandia Anita is similar to blue, distinguished by gray leaves

Tillandsia Head Jellyfish Leaves Like tentacles

Tillandia Duer has signs and grassy, \u200b\u200band atmospheric species

The inflorescence of Tillandia Duer is a loose spike

The most popular types of Tillandia

In nature there are more than 500 species of this plant. More common species that are grown in room conditions, are considered:

  1. blue;
  2. anita;
  3. usirea;
  4. tricolor;
  5. flabolalate.


This species is a power outlet up to 20-25 cm., The leaves are capable of achieving in growth up to 30 cm., Wide up to 5 cm, have a dark green color, with the presence of a purple or purple shade.

During flowering, there is a short, in some cases curved flower. The inflorescence can reach 10-20 cm, on which more than 20 buds appear. Flowers can be dark blue and purple, hold for a long time.

Read the same: Tropical guest in our houses Hoya Compact

There are bracts, which by the end of bloom acquire dull brown color.


This species is more popular from all hybrids. His parent is blue Tellandia. It has scaly leaves, with sharp edges and tip. Flowers can be gentle - blue, bracts pink and purple.

After flowering, bracts acquire a green shade.

Grade Blue Anita Grade Timeline Flabolalate


Usirea is considered the most common plant among epiphytic varieties. It has filamental thin leaves light gray with a silver shade, up to 5 cm long.

A stalk can be formed to a meter tall, with numerous leaves that form a cascade. Flowers during flowering small, unbroken yellow color with the presence of a greenish shade.


During flowering, a flower is formed at once a few flowers, dark purple color.


Forms a socket from narrow, thin long leaves of dark green. The main decoration of the plant is the existing tubular bracts. They can be: orange, pink, bright red.

Planting atmospheric species

Video: What does the atmospheric tillandia and her roots look like

Atmospheric tiltrys do not need a soil. Plants are attached to corygam, untreated bars or felt. You can not use materials treated with chemicals, varnishes, paint, only clean natural ones are suitable. Flowers purchased in the store and already fixed to standings, no need to transplant. Separate only children who are growing after flowering.

Stages of landing:

  1. Select Stand. The simplest and most beautiful solutions: a tree bark with a piece of wood, a fragment of a branch or root, a small wicker basket. It should be borne in mind that the Tillandsia will have to immerse along with this stand in the water, that is, water should easily penetrate inside and quickly drain.
  2. Decide on the placement location. The stand must harmoniously fit into the interior, at the same time you need to create conditions that Tellandia prefers. Pieces of wood can be suspended against the wall. To do this, the hole is drilled in the upper part, they make a wire and make a loop out of it.
  3. Tillandsia press to the stand root cervous, root inside. So that the plant is more comfortable and easier to fix it, between the root and stand, place a soft pad of coconut fibers or the sfagnum moss.
  4. Fix the plant with a soft elastic thread or wire in the shell, preferably under the color of the stand or plants.
  5. Spray from the sprayer and install or hang.

The head of jellyfish is fixed to a piece of wood with a crust with the help of conceder gum roots to the crust

Tyl gauge can not often be bold and tie only because you broke the stand, and also to transfer from place to place, turning different sides to the light.

Conditions for growing at home

As already mentioned, Tillandia is notable for it to be placed in all sorts of containers and even just attach to any solid surface. However, the care of atmospheric tiltlandsia is more complicated than behind the plants grown in the pots.

Important! The soil for the considered Tillandsius is not needed and even harmful because it prevents the contact with the air and leads to loading.


Whatever the capacity or support you use for Tillandsius, first of all, it should be remembered that the bottom, to which the plant is attached should be laid out with such materials as:

  • bark (including pine);
  • coir.

The list of best places of cultivation includes:

  1. Pine branches. In this case, a mini-socket from synthetic materials is attached between the branch and flower, which contributes to the preservation of moisture and ventilation to the branch.
  2. Suspended plastic pots.
  3. Bamboo / spruce / Willow / Willow / Phase / Jute.
  4. Mesh kashpo.
  5. Wall panels made of pine bark with tiltsia attached to it.
  6. Coconut rods.
  7. Aquariums (in no case are not closed, for air circulation).

Important! By purchasing a tiltland, you need to immediately decide on the place of its placement, so as not to injure the gentle stems with superfluous movements and tapping.


In general, Tillandia perceives the microclimate of urban apartments.

The main requirements for the temperature regime are as follows:

  1. No sharp drops.
  2. The air temperature is not less than +18 ° C (but are able to withstand and short-term reduction to +12 ° C).
  3. Regular access of fresh air, ventilating (without strong drafts).
  4. In summer, you can place outdoors, protecting against precipitation.


Proper lighting plays an important role in the cultivation of these plants. Unlike potlands, "atmospheric" do not require too bright light, direct sun rays are unfavorable for them. It is quite suitable for placing in a half, scattered or completely artificial lighting. In any case, the distance from the plant to the light source should not be less than 90 cm.

Air humidity

Being tropical plants, tillandsia require consistently high humidity, not less than 70-80%, due to the adsorption of moisture by leaves

Increased attention must be paid to this factor in winter during the period of functioning central heating. At this time it is better to use humidifiers

This is especially true of those species that grow in areas with very high humidity (for example, Philcocellular Tillandia). Usually such species have very tender, thin leaves.
Some flower products grow epiphytic tillandsia in the bathroom. However, it is impossible to allow leaves constantly wet, otherwise the flower will get sick.

Did you know? The "air" tillandsia feel well in conditions of tropical deserts (for example, Peruvian), where there are almost no precipitation. The secret is that high humidity constantly maintains winds from the ocean.

Diseases and pests

A healthy plant is usually not subject to infection with shields and torment cranks. Pests may appear in a flower that is weakened by a transplant or error in care. To save Tillation, all of its parts need to be washed with water with soap, dry and apply insecticides.

Fungicides are used to handle the flower when he defeated the fungus. This disease is also a consequence of non-compliance with the correct conditions for the content of Tillandia.

The room tilonia cannot be called a whimsical plant, but for its healthy growth and development, it is necessary to comply with the minimum requirements that take into account the needs of the flower in lighting, moisture and nutrients. Only then will she delight the eye for a long time with its exotic beauty.

Home care

So that atmospheric tiltrysia successfully grew and developing, it requires a comfortable habitat. Let us dwell on the individual aspects of the care of this unusual plant.


Epiphet should develop on the eastern or western windows. These green pets are rather difficult in cultivation, in most cases they are grown in flurarums, as well as in special decorative bottles. Therefore, when growing from the south side, burns and death of Tillandia are possible under the right rays of the sun.

In additional lighting from November to March, the flowers do not need, they calmly carry shading and a short day, moreover, for normal operation, it is quite enough artificial lighting, so it is possible to raise epiphytes not only on the windowsill, but also in the depths of the residential building.


As for the temperature background, epiphytes are attributed to fairly hardy plants. In the natural environment, they often face short-term leaks of temperatures, and it does not harm even the decrease in heat level up to 12-13 degrees. This property passed and created artificially varieties intended for cultivation at home.

Atmospheric tillandsia require the inflow of fresh air, despite the fact that they are considered to be related to orangene cultures. Therefore, in the room where they grow, it is necessary to regularly arrange ventilation. At the same time, drafts can destroy the flower, when swinging the winds, try to transfer it to the place protected from the wind.

In summer, epiphytes can be put on a balcony or terrace, covering the action of direct sunlight, rain and hail drops. With the onset of cold weather, it is better to put a tiltland back to the house.


Separately, it is worth staying on the peculiarities of watering, the point here is that epiphytes get the moisture they need as a result of spraying

But at the same time it is very important that the liquid accumulated in the substrate is not stored, and the soil drying cannot be allowed to dry in the hot months. Follow the literacy of the irrigation in the appearance of the flower - if it is experiencing a lack of moisture, the leaves will begin to curl

Atmospheric tiltrys require quite high humidity - up to 80%, but in the conditions of the residential premises, the maintenance of such a parameter is rather problematic and unsafe for tenants, so the multiple spraying with the installation of the air humidifier should be combined. For irrigation, only soft water should be used: resistant, spring or passed through the filter. Water from the tap contains a lot of chlorine, which leads to diseases of sheet plates. The water temperature should be 5-6 degrees warmer room. In the flowering phase or if the air temperature is lowered below 15 degrees, the spraying must be stopped.

One of the ways of watering atmospheric Tillandia is a room in water. To do this, it is necessary very carefully, without separating the flower from the support, put it in the vessel with water. Once the base is completely appropriate, the flower must be pulled out, and then give moisture completely drain from the leaves.

The soil

In the natural environment, these Tillandsia live on the rejuvenated crust of trees, because for growing in conditions of the house you need to use a soil compiled for orchids. If desired, it can be done on their own, for this purpose, in equal proportions connect:

  • pieces of bark of coniferous trees;
  • clay granulate;
  • river pebbles;
  • coconut fiber.

In the usual garden ground, the epiphytes should not be planted, since it does not take root in it, this flower requires a substrate with high air permeability. However, for epiphytes, it is possible to use the soil at all - it is absolutely not needed to maintain normal vital activity of the plant.

When creating a decorative composition, you can take any turbulent, imitation of the ruins of an old castle or interesting stones - they are used as a support and advantageously emphasize the leaves of Tillandia.


Epiphyts are developing very slowly, and to speed up this process, lungs should be carried out monthly - for this they buy ready-made preparations for bromels, which are divorced in accordance with the instructions, and then spray sheet plates.

Fertilizer is used only in the spring-summer period at the time of the plant activity, in winter, feeding should be stopped, otherwise flower kidneys will not be formed. It is categorically impossible to use organic fertilizers and urea - they contain high nitrogen concentrations, and it is destroyed for atmospheric tillandesses.

Transfer and choice Pot

When the plant crept in stitching to the very walls of the pot, and the roots will begin to look out of drainage holes - it is time to transplanting a tillandia to a new pot. Usually, it takes two to three years from landing. Every spring you only need to change the top layer of the substrate to the new soil. For Tillandsia transplantation, prepare a wide, but shallow pot, as the flower develops specifically. The increase and child sockets are replaced by maternal, and growth occurs, mainly in width. The root system of Tillandsius is not too powerful and superficial. In a deep pot, she will suffer from the convergence. During the transplant, remove the plant gently, try not to injure even the slightest roots. Rhizome badly holds a lush outlet of a tillandia in loose soil. But you try to compact the soil well and give the plant as much sustainability as possible.

For young plants that have grown out of children or side shoots, the transplant will be required no earlier than in a couple of years.

If you bought a tillandation in the store already with a color-seater, we recommend not to transplant it. Put a pot with a tropical into a light warm place, and do not touch the flower until it blends. Another thing, if the purchased copy has not yet gained inflorescences. We recommend to transplant it to a new, more suitable pot during the week from the date of purchase. Conduct a transplantation method, carefully, together with an earthen room. Try not to injure fragile roots. Free space Fill out suitable soil. First time, from a week after transplanting, spray the plant several times per day with warm water, do not water. While the root system is mastered in a new pot, Tillandia will get enough moisture through the leaves.

Tillandia transplantation

Approximately once every three years spend a transplant type of potty type. Atmospheric do not transplant.

The need for a transplant is determined by the absence of flowering and severe radiation of the root, up to such an extent that it will not be enough space in the cultivation container.

The transplant is carried out in the spring period completely replacing the soil. The pot is chosen low, the soil for potted type can be made from the ground, moss, sand and peat in a ratio of 4: 1: 1: 1, also need a drainage layer of charcoal. The transplant is carried out carefully, trying to stand in a new pot of culture tightly. Also pruning the patient and damaged foliage.

Diseases and pests Table

Disease / pestSymptomsPrevention and struggle
Exterochilum, spotted leavesFungal disease Bramelian. Mycelies are in the ground, on plant residues and on the plant itself. First, blisterings appear on the leaves, then the brown spots are replaced and at the end of the development - the black dots of the mushroom.So far, no ways of treating flower products are offered, except for the destruction of Tillandia. It is necessary to carry out all the rules of care, to provide the plant optimal: humidity, lighting and temperature. If 1-2 leaves are damaged, you can try to save the plant, removing them.
Bromelian shieldBrown insects are scented to a sheet of sheet. Top covered with wax shell.Caution with a wooden spoon or blades to remove the shield from a flower. Rinse each leaf with a soap solution with a soft sponge.

Most varieties are resistant to pests. In any case, Tillandsia is undesirable to process chemicals, because they are powered by substances dissolved in water. And insecticides contain chlorine, acid, arsenic, sulfur, synthetic pyrethroids and other toxic elements. With any pests, it is necessary to fight mechanical way: wash off with water and remove badly damaged leaves.

Read the same: Soil for anthurium what kind of soil is needed in composition

Popular types of Tillandia

Atmospheric (epiphyte) group

Tillast Xerography (T. Xerographica)

The species is characterized by wider leaves. A long-term atmospheric plant does not need landing, because All nutrients get through the leaves that need to spray daily. Well suitable for home. In winter, he loves dryness and coolness, and in the summer humidity and warmth.

Tillandia Garderier (T. Gardneri)

This plant has powerful sockets with curved gray-green leaves. On the leaves in the center of the outlet flow drops or rain, thereby feeding the plant. Air roots are firmly attached to the branches of trees.

Tellandia Silver (T. argentea)

It has many thin light gray leaves thickering to the base. Long flowers throws two or three flower blue coloring, with a reddish perianth. Fastened on the branches of trees, therefore it belongs to epiphytic species. Flowers small, unspoken.

Tellandia Sitnic (T. Juncea)

Epiphylet plant. It has a socket from long (reaching 50 cm) leaves, yellowish color. Hard enough, they also collect moisture to the base of the socket. During the flowering period, he appears a long bloomer with a large red bract, from which small purple flowers grow. Blossom lasts up to two months.

Tillandia Usyevoid (T. USNEOIDES)

The most decorative view of atmospheric. The plant has very thin filamental shoots. The width of the leaflet is only 1 mm, it grows up to 5 cm. The leaves are covered with the smallest gray scales. Tillandia Cascade hangs from support. In the people, she was called the "Beard of the Old Man" or "Icelandic Moss."

In the room conditions, it is good for a suitable support, the main thing is that it is possible to grow down. In the summer, it blooms with small, imperceptible yellow-green flowers. Very suitable for different compositions, where this species acts as a background for large plants, expressively blooming.

Tillandism "Head of Medusa" (T. Caput-Medusae)

One of the most popular types in home flower growing. The plant resembles a bulb. Leaves are bend only at the top. The plant itself tries to decounded down, no matter how they planted it. Palpid or linear inflorescences are painted in bright red, purple flowers bloom gradually and grow up to 3 cm long and even a little more.

Tellandic tricolor (T. ThreeColor)

A small plant with siswatened leaves, bending on the outer side from a rather bulky outlet. From the center of the plant in the summer, a large bloomer grows, having a bottom green, to the top turning into a red shade. Flowers bloom gradually and have blue or purple color.

Potter (Sheet or Green) Group

Tillandia blue (T. Cyanea)

The most popular of green species forming a socket made of cereal leaves. At the base, the leaves have a red-brown color, and then pass the brown stripes. The height reaches 30 cm. During flowering, a flat spacing throws out from which the blue flowers alternately bloom. After the end of flowering, which can last up to two months, the mother socket forms subsidiaries.

Tellandia Linden (T. Lindenii)

Very similar to a blue, but a more elegant and decorative plant. The spike is more rounded, painted in pink or red. The flowers themselves are the same blue, and the leaves are cereal, but narrower. Outlet more loose.

Tillandism of the fool (T. Dueriana)

Very beautiful view, the inflorescence of which resembles the autumn leaf of rowan. Long Long-like leaves form a dense outlet. Inflorescences have yellow, orange and reddish color. Flowers small, pale pink.

Tellandia Anita (T. Anita)

Artificially derived sorting of Tillandia blue, but brighter and decorative. Flowers are also blue, but bloom a little longer, and the spikes with bracts have pink or lilac coloring. Narrow, pointed, scaly leaves form a dense outlet.

Tellandia Flabolalate (T. Flabelte)

With its rosette, with 20 centimeter curved and covered with leaves, resembles an epiphytic form of a tricolor tiltland. Coloros has an unusual orange bitch tubular shape.

Pests, errors in the care and methods of their elimination

Often, flower makes are common and unintentional errors leading a tillandation to sad consequences, especially with low wet air temperature.

Rota and dies.Landing into ordinary soil.Soil change. If you have children, send by different vases. Do not disinfect fungicides from rot. This can cause harm to the plant. Throwing all the supports infected with mold or fungus, or burn them.
Excess moisture.
Excess fertilizer.
Do not bloom.Lack of heat.Provide normal conditions and light. In summer,
At +18 put it on the balcony.
Lack of light.
Temperature changes.
At the end of a leaf brown.Not enough water.Water with warm filtered water.
Leaves twisted.
Softening leaves.Too low air temperature.Create a favorable temperature mode.
No daughter sockets.Lack of minerals and vitamins.To bore It is better to add a small amount of fertilizer into the pulvelizer, spray the plant.
On the leaves are formed gray spots.Fungi.Sick leaves delete. In the future, follow the rules of care.
Gray foliage on the tips.The use of heavy water for watering.Water only with warm filtered water.
Cobed tickNeighborhood with roses and unbalanced cultivation.Treat with soap solution. Some time after the shower, remove the insect and all damaged leaves.
Mucious wormInfection from other plants.Spray with a soap solution based on alcohol. Two hours later - shower, removal of the visible insect habitat (brown rollers). Place in hermetic greenhouse with garlic and onions. If it does not help - to process with a repeatedly taper, Rogor (but only as a last resort).

Famous varieties

Tillandia Anita is easily grown at home. When complying with the cultivation rules, it is constantly growing and regularly blooms. This is a low herbal perennial with gray-green leaves, folded outlet. The root system is developed, needs a loose, wet, rich in minerals by the soil. The plant fell in front of the original bracther - a wide flat co-shaped inflorescence, which sticks out on a short stem from the deciduous socket, for the blue buds of 3 petals on pink bracts. They quickly fade, and the noteworthy colosus creates a bright image of the plant. The blooming after becomes green, fresh plants appear between the leaves - kids, and the mother socket is dying.

Tillandia blue blooms once, however, the buds bang 60 days. Blue flowers are originated from the center of the socket. Tillandsia flowers are bloated with a long sparrow on which purple inflorescences appear.

Landing Tillandia to Florarium

Tillandsia is needed high humidity, the flower has to spray several times a day, and with a shortage of time to buy an air humidifier or installed near the room fountains, bowls with water, etc. Therefore, it is much easier to contain such a plant in flurarium, where the desired microclimate is created: glass dispels light, Condens moisture and prevents the rapid evaporation.

Tillandia in flurarium

Florarium landing stages:

  • Select the appropriate container must with transparent walls. You can use plastic and glass containers: aquariums, fluracies, as well as vases, candy, wine glasses, glasses. The choice depends only on the possibilities and fantasy of the flower and, of course, from the size of the flower.
  • Select the material. For the sea theme on the bottom, you can lay the broken clay shards or large river sands, pebbles, and a tillandation to put into the shell, filling it with a sphagnum. If the plant is attached to a piece of wood, then as a drainage, pieces of wood coal will look good for the bark. Charcoal of small fractions is desirable to add to any flurarium to protect against fungal diseases.
  • To put a tilonia on the instructions above: directly into the soil flurarum, in the shell, attach to the tree, etc.
  • Pulley depending on the type of landing: spray in a flurarium or pour into the shell, or hold along with the crust in the water, give a track of excess moisture and put in the flurarium.

Video: Florarium - landing in the shell


Video: Three types of content: on pebbles and shells, on MKU and tree


Botanical description of the plant

Tillandia refers to the genus Bromeliev and comes from American tropical latitudes. In the wild, it can be found in both the deserted California and in the wet forests of Brazil and Ecuador. The plant is named after the scientist Elias Tillands, who contributed to the opening of the first Botanic Park in Finland.
Atmospheric Tillandia is still known as gray, since the scales on its leaves, in the usual state absorbing moisture from the air, in the arid period become silver, filling with air.

Tillandia is a flowering plant, and its bright raspberry, blue or purple blue (depending on the type) of inflorescence is beautifully contrasted with thin silver-gray foliage. Most often bloom occurs in the summer, for several months. Flowering is a single, after it the mother plant gradually devies, transmitting nutrients to the shoots.

The "air" tillandsia is diverse, and each of the species has its own characteristics. The table below shows the overall characteristics of the main morphological parameters:

SignShort description
Root systemPractically absent, used only to attach to the surface
StemSmall (on average 20-50 cm), a reprehensive (with the exception of a musty-shaped tillandia, which hangs from the support and can reach 1-2 m in length)
Form of leavesExtracted and narrow (no more than 10 mm wide). May be long or short. There are cone-shaped
Color leavesMost often gray, less and green. Covered with scales. The violet-color variety leaves are blushing in summer, before flowering
Form of flowersPokoloid, rhombid
Color flowersRed, raspberry, blue, blue, purple
Form of fruitsThin, pointed or narrowly cylindrical box with a lot of small seeds covered with hairs
Fruit colorLight brown

Comfortable air regime

Tropical plants love the unchanged growing medium, react poorly to moisture and temperature differences. They are referred to in tropical species, while tilting is comfortable to grow at room temperature

The plant prefers the air temperature + 18 ... + 24 ° C, the decline in the important indicator hurts the colors.

Tillandsia is an amateur of ventilation, fresh air. This is one of the important principles of cultivation at home. Tropical residents require regular access of fresh air, enjoy warm atmospheric streams. Cold drafts they are afraid, like simple room flowers. During ventilation, it is necessary to withstand the air temperature unchanged. In the summer, potted Tillandsia is put on the street, while maintaining the level of illumination.

Water for watering Tillandsi is carefully prepared: the liquid must be soft, without calcium and heated so that its temperature is slightly above the air temperature.

Popular types of Tillandia

In nature, there are about 400 species of this plant. Only some of them can be grown as a pot culture. Epiphylet plants are distinguished by lack of roots, therefore, for successful cultivation, there are enough coats of wood, plastic or metal. Watering in this case is replaced by regular spraying. Despite the fact that the root system is also poorly developed, they grow in the ground as ordinary indoor plants. Of particular value of such species represent bright co-eyed inflorescences.

Tillandia Anita

Perhaps the most popular grade of this plant. Lost as a hybrid of Tallandia blue, Anita is very decorative in appearance. Its scaly leaves are narrow and pointed. They form a socket, in the center of which on a short stem is a blue flower surrounded by pink or lilac bracts. Despite the fact that the flower flows rapidly, its blood leaves remain bright, gradually greasy.

Usyevoid tillandia

From epiphytic varieties of Tillandsia, this most often can be found in the home premises. The leaves of this plant are in the form of threads, with scales and have gray, the length of them is approximately 5 centimeters. They cascade dry down, so they are comfortable to grow on the stands. In such conditions, leaves can reach 1 meter in length. In the people of Tellandia Usyevoid called Spanish Moss or Beard of the Old Man. It blooms in the warm season, but its flowers do not have special attractions due to faded yellowish or bluish color.

Tellandia tricolor

Plant belongs to the number of green varieties. Tillandic tricolor dense outlet is formed by thin twenty andantimeter scaly leaves, quite narrow and pointed. Long stems of flowerons stand straight. They have eases of inflorescences, sometimes even a few such spikes. The name "tricolor" This flower was obtained thanks to multi-colored leathery cupid, which form a red-yellow-green inflorescence. The very same flower of Tillandsia is located on a long stem in 7 centimeters, has petals painted in purple color. Plant blooms in summer.

Tellandia Flabolalat.

The socket of this tillandica resembles a tricolor tillandsia socket. The main decorative value in it is bright orange-red bracts with an unusual tubular shape.

Tellandia is a plant that does not need soil

Tillandia comes from the tropics and subtropics. In the wild, it is growing in Equatorial Africa, in the southern states of America, as well as in Chile, Argentina, Mexico. Plants belong to the family of bromelia, and their main feature is 100 percent epiphytes. Tillandia live on trees and snags, for which they cling to small roots-hooks. Water and nutrition These flowers are taken from the air with the help of special scales (vile) on the leaves.

Tellandia in the wild

There are many species that differ in size (from 5 cm to 3 m), a form of leaves and colors. Characteristic colors: pink strips and blue, blue, purple, pink, less often yellow flowers. But all the variety can be divided into two groups: atmospheric and ground (herbaceous). Each type is necessary moisture, but the requirements for light and heat are different.

Atmospheric tillandsia live in the top of the crown of trees

Atmospheric tillands grow on the branches of the upper tier, usually hang down, have filamental leaves of gray. This species loves the bright sun and coolness. And the ground will be settled on the lower part of the trunk, fallen trees, snags and stones covered with moss, that is, where less light, windless, it means warmer. Outwardly, they look like ordinary room flowers, have green leaves collected in a socket, and a small root system.

Ground Tellandia

Despite the exotic, indoor types of these "tropicans" are easy to grow at home. Care They need minimal, most importantly - find a suitable place and provide high humidity.

Video: What are Tillandsia

Diseases and pests of Tillandia

Many wonder why their Tillandia does not bloom, or why she will dry the leaves. Next you will find answers to these and other common questions.

Read the same: Piolet Isolde Description, Landing and Care

Tillandia, like all bromels, is quite resistant to diseases and pests. However, weakened copies may be affected by viral and fungal infections. The disease may occur for various reasons:

  • with strong soil moisure;
  • with low humidity;
  • when driven root system;
  • when decreasing the temperature of the plant content below the norm;
  • when growing on drafts and many others who violate the usual content standards.

Tillandia blue is ill

The disease is usually manifested in the leaves - they become transparent, the leaf plates are covered with dark spots. Sick leaves should be cut. The room is more often to air. Planting - to break, giving each plant more free space, light and fresh air. Treat the diseased plants with fungicides with copper-containing components.

If adult tillandia does not bloom, you may be kept in a poorly lit place and with insufficient ambient humidity

But it is important to know that an adult plant, which has already bloomed once, to form new inflorescences will no longer be - it slowly fades, giving life to his children.

With long dehydration, the leaves are twisted, faded and fall. Tillandia loves a constant abundant watering, do not forget about it.

When making liquid fertilizers to the center of the pot, the base of the socket can be started. It is better to use extractive feeders, since the peculiarity of the Tillandia is that its leaves absorb fertilizers better than the root system.

By virtue of its origin, Tillandia refers to plants that can adapt to various conditions of content. But if you want to grow a really beautiful and well-developed copy, you will have to comply with simple rules for care. And then this exotic flower will really decorate your home, and give it a special sophistication and originality.

Optimal conditions for the plant

Create in "Involution" the usual microclimate for a tillandia is relatively simple. The plant in nature is accustomed to adapt to a wide range of not always favorable climatic and weather conditions.

Table: How to create a flower suitable microclimate

LocationWindow side of the window emerging to the East or West. Exception - Tillandia blue, which is better to put on the northern window. Combined good ventilation and lack of drafts. Any Tillandia needs enough space for free circulation of air flows. In summer, you can take a pot on open air. It is advisable to place it in a half, providing protection against wind and rain. Epiphytic Tillandsia ideally must be kept in a special flurarium or mini-greenhouse.
LightingAny tiltryxia categorically does not tolerate direct sunlight. The optimal option for "green" is a bright scattered light throughout the year. In the fall and winter will need illumination with luminescent or special phytolampa. Epiphytic Tillandsia feel comfortable in the midst, in the depths of the room with completely artificial lighting.
TemperatureStrong heat for the plant is detrimental. In the summer it is desirable to maintain the temperature in the range of 22-28ºС, in winter - to lower it to 20ºС. "Colds" below 18ºС "Green" Tillandia will not survive, epiphytic will die at 12 ° C. By daily drops (especially in summer), both are normally.
Air humidityFor tiltland epiphyts, high air humidity (80% and more) is a vital indicator. Otherwise, they simply will not be able to absorb nutrients from the atmosphere. "Green" tillands are enough to cover the soil with wet moss-sphagnum or coconut fiber, create a "company" from other plants and once every 2-3 days spray with soft warm water. The optimal indicator of air humidity for them is 50-60%.

The place for Tillandsia is selected, based on what group it belongs to

Tillandsia, especially epiphytic, look very impressive in compositions. The most common option is the "bromelian tree" to create an exclusive interior decoration is easy - the flower water is limited only by its own fantasy. To make plants in such conditions, you need to follow certain rules:

  • do not use treated wood, impregnated with varnishes and other chemicals, toxic for plants;
  • wrap the base of the socket with a wet moss-sphagnum and only after that fixed to the support;
  • if possible, fixes them with wire (necessarily isolated), glue only in extreme cases.

Bromelian tree from Tillandsius looks very impressive

Video: Tillandsia in flurarium

Small Tillandsia feel perfectly in flurarium

Popular types of Tillandia

Tillandia Silver (Tillandsia Argentea). Its narrow filamentous leaves with a rosette come out of the base-bulb. Inflorescences are loose, consisting of red small colors. Flowers appear in summer.

Tillandism "Head of Medusa" (Tillandsia Caput-Medusae). Bended twisted thick leaves at the base of the Owls swollen and extended. In summer, red flowers are formed with blue bracts.

Tillandia Philadsia Ionantha (Tillandsia Ionantha). Silver curved leaves create compact outlets. In the summer, with the appearance of small coole-shaped inflorescences of blue-purple color. Internal leaves of sockets are blushing.

Tellandia Sitnic (Tillandsia Juncea). Canese leaves are collected in bundles. Bending outwards they form a bushy and a thick outlet.

Tillandia Head of Jellyfish (Tillandsia Caput-Medusae). Tillandia Philadsia Ionantha (Tillandsia Ionantha). Tellandia Sitnic (Tillandsia Juncea).

Tillandsia Usyevoid (Tillandsia USNEOIDES). Cylindrical leaves about five centimeters are arranged on drop-down thin stems. They form a whole cascade of shoots. In the summer there blooms with nondescript yellowish-green flowers.

In everyday life of a tillandation of the unesevoid call - Spanish or Louisian Moss, or Spanish beard

Tillandia is a mustache, everyday name - Spanish Moss, or Louisian Moss, or Spanish Beard (Tillandsia USNEOIDES).

Tillandsia, which are grown as ordinary beautifully mixing, differ their appearance from amosphere. Despite their small root system, they are still planting in pots. So the Tillandsia is blue (Tillandsia Cyanea) - the socket consists of cereal narrow leaves. Based on, they are red-brown, and in the length of the brown-striped.

In the summer, the plant appears a formulated elliptical spacing, on the edges of which pink bracts are located, from which reddish-blue flowers appear very similar to violets.

Tillandia blue (Tillandsia Cyanea).

Tythyl gauge types at home

Tillandia cyania is also known as the Pink Feather. It comes from the family of blooming plants of the family of bromelic. Natural habitat is the territory of the rainforest of Ecuador. This epiphytic perennial reaches ten centimeters in length and forty - wide. The bush has sockets of thin, curved leaves and paddle-shaped spikes of 20 pink bracts with shades of purple. With Latin Syanea means blue - with reference to a saturated purple-purple tilt of tillandia flowers.

Caring for it is not very complicated. The minimum temperature at which it carries out in the conditions of the room is 7 degrees Celsius.

Tillandia Anita refers to the Bromelian family. A bush has narrow, but non-pointed leaves of dark green color with matte glitter. Blue shadt anita tillandia flowers with pink bracts. Preferring to those places where there is a lot of natural light, but not the sun. When leaving the colors, the Tillandia Anita should maintain uniform moisture in the substrate and water with low lime content. Summer spray with water with additive dilute fertilizers.

Tellandia Bartami is a type of blooming plants from the Bromelian family. His Motherland - Florida and South Georgia is also widely distributed in the United States, in Tamaulipas (Mexico). The name was obtained in honor of William Bartuma, Naturalist from Florida of the early era.

The plant forms a bunch of up to 40 centimeters in diameter. There are gray leaves (15-20 pieces) 20 centimeters long and 0.4 centimeter width. Inflorescences up to fifteen centimeters in length, 2-4 mm in diameter and can have up to 20 flowers. The fruits of Tillandia bartmium reach three millimeters in diameter.

Popular indoor rooms, their differences

ViewA typeCharacteristic, Care Board
(Louisian Moss)
AtmosphericLong stem up to three meters. Narrow leaves with scales up to 5 cm, it seems gray. No roots, I do not need a support. In summer, small yellow-green flowers are formed.
BullbosisLeaves are hard, thickened, but narrow, collected in the bulb. During flowering from the green becomes alami, burgundy.
SnowIt has pointed narrow hair covered hairs. They are involved in the process of supplying plants from the environment. Passing development starting with flowering, pollination, flows and forms a few sockets in the sinuses. Which grow, reach the age of flowering and the cycle repeats
PhilcocelicalThe bush is 5 cm. Silver leaves, due to small scraps, collecting moisture, cone-shaped, tough, end in the outlet. Flowers of purple shade. When flowing, leaves are blushing. Grows without a pot. If you place several plants at a short distance from each other, they will soon cover the entire surface.
Similar to the threads of the leaves, covered with scales, because of this in the sun - silver. They have about the outlet thickening where substances are collected for nutrition and water. Red-blue small flowers appear in the summer.
Head of Jellyfish (Gorgon)It has a thickened bulb with manifest leaves. It is always necessary to ensure that it fits well after spraying, to create other leaves and roots.
SitnicianThe leaves are about 50 cm, resembling the reed, are going to bakery. The socket is divided into a few blinks. Red bract, on which purple flowers alternately reveal.
StickingSkinny triangular leaves - 20: 1 cm. Pokoloid flower. Coloros is not long.
Three-colorThe leaves are gray-green, linear, assemble into a large outlet. Coloros - straight, long, inflorescences of green, yellow and red. Petals of flowers, purple color, have rhombus shape.
GarderaFat leaves, narrow, expanding to the bottom. Collected in the outlet. They are going to moisture and enters the flower.
("Xero" - "Dry")
Leaves curves, pink blossom. Soil is not needed, the main thing is to place it so that nothing bothered roots, spray (especially if the leaves are twisted at the ends). Well knows how to accumulate moisture. Thanks to this property, it is easy to grow even a newcomer in crop production. With good care, it grows in height to one meter, the largest variety. It blooms about a month.
BluePottedGreen grassy leaves. Feature is a bright pink or lilac inflorescence. Flowers - purple or blue shade. Easy to grow in a house like a pot culture.
AnitaThe variety was created using atmospheric type - blue. Serious green root leaves. Feature is a bright pink inflorescence in the form of a spike. Flowers - blue. Not whitewashing.
LindenFrequently confused with blue, but a more round-shaped inflorescence, pink, red. Flowers - blue. Thin leaves.
AntonioIt has bright flowers sticking fine leaves that intertwined in colors. High-decorative plant. Absolutely not orally when leaving and growing.
FoolLong dense linguistic sheets included in the outlet. Pokoloid inflorescence resembling yellow leaves of acacia. Flowers from the top area to the bottom. Bract red.
AndreasIt has bright colors sticking fine leaves. High-decorative plant. Absolutely not orally when leaving and growing.

Atmospheric tillands

Transplanting, capacity and substrate

Due to slow growth, potlandias transplanted in 2 years. Flat tanks are used, the height of which is less than the width. Tropical plants develop wrench, the child sockets replace the parent, growth goes throughout the volume of the pot. The root com branched, compact, deep tanks will create excessive root moistening, the comfortable conditions are disturbed.

Single soil does not fit, it is better to choose a soil for bromelia or orchids to fit. You can independently make loose soil with a fibrous structure, if you take the land, peat, crushed moss or coconut fiber. Equal parts should be mixed thoroughly, moisturize, sprinkle to rooting, on the next day plant plant.

Tropical residents do not like intravenous feeding, fertilize tillandsia is better not to the root method, but simply spraying the leaves. The potters can not be picked up by a standard way, such a type of approach is associated with the risk of infection when the liquid in the outlet. Narrow leaves of plants are adapted for the complete assimilation of fertilizers, efficiently and safer extra-corner feeding. Fertilizers for orchids will suit tiltrys, complex filtering for flowers is used in a reduced measure. The genus bromelievis is distinguished by narrow leaves, the solution for the extra-root feeding is done like this:

  • the amount of fertilizer mentioned in the instruction is reduced by half;
  • water for a solution to take a soft, with a reduced content of calcium salts;
  • prepared solution to use immediately, it cannot be stored.

Pottlely potted Tillandsia is better perceived from early spring before the beginning of autumn. Spraying fertilizers 1 time in 2 weeks, achieve significant growth in room colors.

It should be noted that the winter feeding of pots will entail the absence of spring-summer flowering. Winter hibernation withstand strictly, plants do not bother.

Diseases and pests

Practically no indoor pests can bring the harm of Tillandsia. In addition to bromineilee thyroid, it is very difficult to get rid of it. Only washing the leaves with soap solution can sometimes save the plant, but this happens when the thyroid glance only starts a raid on the plant. The procedure is applied several times to the complete disappearance of pests.

Diseases threaten plants in non-compliance with the conditions of content. Often amazed with all sorts of rotches and mold fungi. A virus infection of the plant is possible even when buying. These problems are struggling with complex fungicides. Highly affected places are better to remove when the flower is dry, then treat the sections of the sections with the drug.

For prevention, you can add plowed charcoal to the substrate for potted species. They can also sprinkle supports for atmospheric species.

Watering Tillandia is the most complex piece of puzzle for caring for air plants. Some people are capable of fogging, other - soaking, and the third combines and use both fogging and soaking for the care of atmospheric plants.

In our experience, irrigation of aerial plants is difficult, because the needs of Tillandsia strongly depend on the premises in which it is located. The first step for watering your atmospheric is to assess your room. How much light does your plant get? What is the temperature in your home at this particular season? Is the room very dry (your plant near the heater or fireplace?) Or is it wet enough in the room, for example in the bathroom?

After you answer these questions, you can adapt air plants watering mode according to your specific needs.

Here is what we recommend as a starting point in the question of watering of atmospheric:

  • Each 1 to 2 weeks, soak the atmospheric plants in the purified waterproof water temperature by 5-10 minutes (rainwater or water from fresh reservoir is also suitable).
  • After soaking carefully shook the water from your plant. Turn it upside down and place on a towel in bright light. It is very important! Atmospheric plants are rapidly rotting if water remains in them.
  • Since the end of soaking, Tillandia must completely dry out no more than 3 hours. If your plant remains wet longer, it can rot. Try to place it in a bigger place with greater air circulation to speed up drying.
  • 1 - 3 hours - optimal drying time for atmospheric plants after soaking.
  • Once a week, thoroughly spray a tiltryscia, so that the entire surface of the plant moistened (but not so much so that droplets flowing into the plant).
  • The hotter and land surrounding the air (summer, early autumn), the more you need to water. The cooler and wetter air (winter and spring), the less water will be required to your atmospheric plant. Remember that heaters and fireplaces are very dried by air!
  • Try to watered in the morning. Evening soaking or spraying disrupts the ability of plants to breathe at night and increases the drying time.

Does Tillandia get enough water?

The indicator of insufficient watering of atmospheric plants is the tips of the leaves, which become brown or crispy. The natural concave form of the leaves of air plants tends to significantly increase with a lack of moisture.

Unfortunately, if your Tildard to overlook, it may turn out to be that it is no longer saved. If the base of the leaves of the plant becomes brown or black, and the leaves fall out or pee out from the center, your plant is likely to be started.

Atmospheric plants are rather non-addicts when it comes to their temperature. Their comfortable temperature is 10-35 degrees. Ideally, the temperature at night will be about 5-10 degrees below the daily temperature.

Fertilizers for orchid or bromelian fertilizers one or twice a month - a great way to keep your tillandsia healthy. Just add a pinch into the water and bathe as usual. The fertilization of your air plant stimulates to the appearance of color and reproduction, but about it later.

We offer you a visual instruction how to water atmospheric tillandsia on the example of the Jionant Red.

Video Instructions for watering atmospheric tillandsia

The most important thing when painting Tillandsius:

  • use purified water
  • water should not be cold
  • good shake atmospheric tillandsi from water
  • give the plant time to dry