Repairs Design Furniture

Complex wooden roof frame. How to make a roof frame with your own hands? Basic material selection criteria

During the construction of any type of structure to its carrier elements, there are very strict requirements in relation to strength. The main carriers of components are:

  • foundation;
  • walls;
  • roof.

Let us consider in more detail how to make the roof frame with your own hands, and what installation methods today use and which there are options for saving on construction work.

There are certain types of frameworks, and the choice of one of them completely depends on the type of roof, which coating will be used and for which the building is intended.

What are the frames:

  • wood frames are a rafting type system that is used to create roofs when building residential buildings and is the most common type;
  • metal frames. This type of frames are mainly used in the construction of industrial structures, since their installation is very costly and involves tremendous volumes and areas;
  • frames from reinforced concrete are flat roof, the base of the carrier type of which is performed from the plates.

Types of rafter systems

Before starting to build the roof frame with your own hands, you should decide on the type of your rafter system, that is, what exactly you will apply for yourself. The main purpose of the rafter when erecting any type of scope roof can be called - this is a support. Rafters (rafting legs) are a tree beams that have a section of 150 by 50 mm. The beams should be laid on the beams and roof covering.

There are such types of roof frames, it all depends on the type of rafters:

  • vicious type;
  • hanging type.

To build a private house, any of these types can be used, they differ only by the fact that Mauerlat is used as a support as a support. When you apply a sling of a weak type, they will take them from top to top to the main bearing wall, and not connect with each other.

To select any of the systems, you should consider the constructive and planning parameters of the structure. For example, when between the walls of the carrier type for supports the distance is less than 6 meters and 6 meters, it will be better to use a hang-type frame for a roof. For a distance of more than six meters between the supporting walls, the sleeve system will use better and build additional intermediate walls that will be located in the center of the structure. So, the rafters will not start saving if the spans are too big. This condition can only be attributed to wood frames, for frames from metal additional walls will not be required.

Installation features

The installation of the roof can be carried out in two methods:

  1. Use finished farms. The finished farms themselves are reinforced rafters that are installed using racks, pods and tightening. Initially, it is necessary to collect the entire carrier structure, which consists of the same details, and then it is put on the roof of the already built structure of the structure. This type of installation will take a little time, but it will take a lifting equipment, and this will entail additional and very high costs. Such installation should be carried out for roofs that have large departures and do not have a support.
  2. The second method is the assembly of the entire frame directly on the roof of the building. This method is accessible and less costly, but at the same time it will require much more time. The entire assembly process consists of several stages, but everything can be done personally.

When designing the roof frame circuits, such important factors must be taken into account:

  • The whole design should withstand different loads, where it is possible to include the mass of the roof itself and its other components, as well as the mass of snow in winter, the gusts of the winds, the leaves in the fall and other moments;
  • Choose a roofing coating is necessary, based on the maximum level of waterproof, especially if you live in regions with higher humidity;
  • Thermal insulation should be done with the smallest loss. To do this, it is necessary to mount the waterproofing and correctly and correctly, and also think about vapor barrier and the system of ventilation of space under the roof;
  • The indoor indoor must necessarily have ventilation. This allows you to prevent damage to the parts of the carrier type of the entire structure, which will increase the period of operation of the structure itself.

Selection of material

If you have a desire to find out how you can make a roof frame yourself, then you need to have certain materials and tools for this.

In order to fulfill all the work you will need to have the following:

  • bruses with a cross section of 150 by 50 on rafters;
  • bruses with a cross section of 100 per 100 for the arrangement of Maurolalat (for this it will be better to buy a tree of coniferous rocks, which was harvested in winter and having no flaws;
  • reiki with a cross section of 40 to 40 for the arrangement of the crate;
  • studs for fasteners used to fix Maurolat;
  • for rafted studs with dimension 8 and 10 mm;
  • brackets and brackets;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • plancock, drill, hammer;
  • level and leg;
  • gloves, roulette;
  • antiseptic for wood;
  • antipirens.

If we process parts from wood throughout the design with special antiseptics, as well as when using flames, the period of operation of the entire construction increases, and reduces the level of flammability, which minimizes the risk of fire.

Assembling a frame with a gas pistol


Much is largely simplified and accelerated by the installation when using a gas pistol. On this video, the roof frame is performed very simply and quickly with the help of modern equipment. If you build once, you can rent such an equipment.

To build a frame of a metal profile, you will need other tools, but since the mass of materials and the level of complexity of execution does not make it possible to make such work independently, it is best to engage in the construction of wood frames.

Binary type roof frame

After you have purchased all the necessary materials, and also prepared the tool, conducted the processing of wooden parts with special compositions, then you can safely start mounting. Building a frame of a gable roof must be started with the installation of Mauerlat. This bar will serve as a distributor, and distribute the load with rafters to the walls of the carrier type. Usually, Mauerlat is placed on the base of concrete from the inside of the bearing walls.

In order for the tree to be pulled out moisture from a concrete coating, and the coating itself did not appear after that, under the bars it is necessary to raise the rubberoid in several layers. From the outside of the outer wall, it is necessary to equip a brick masonry to the place where Mauerlat begins, and Mauerlat itself is attached to concrete with the help of studs and nuts.


After the basis of the framework is built and strengthened, the foundation can be built, in other words, start the installation of the rafter.

Mounting rafters consists of such steps:

  • determine the step of the rafter. Usually, it is 80-90 cm, and it corresponds to the dimension of the bars of the crate;
  • in order to fix the rafters, it is necessary to initially make holes in Mauerlate;
  • as a rule, the arrangement of the roof frame must begin with the front of the whole building, in other words from the end part. On the two sides of the roof, the terminal of the end type is installed, and then the cord is stretched from the skate to the skate. This lace will become an assistant when you exhibit elements in the intervals;
  • all legs rafters should be fixed on Mauerlat using brackets and steel brackets. The legs of the rafter should go out for the perimeter of the construction of 40 centimeters. If you do not work out to build a sink of rafters, then you can increase it with the help of special bars of kills, having a smaller cross section, fastening with nails on rafters;
  • to fix the bottom of the legs, the rafters should be used to use the strapping, which will rely on Mauerlat. When the rafter has insufficient length, then it is necessary to increase it, putting another timber lamination on it. The backstage should be as much as possible, at least one meter, since otherwise the roof will lose stiffness;
  • frames, having spars of six meters, cannot be installed without arranging tightening between the legs of the rafter. They are mounted between the supports of the rafter in order for the design to visually resemble the letter "A";
  • after all the rafters are installed, they should be fixed exactly vertically. Here is a rock timber timing, putting it on top of the design;
  • and the last stage is the device of the crate. If you intend to apply a material for a soft type roof, you should make a solid type laminate from plywood or OSB-plates that have high moisture-resistant properties. If you are going to use such a material for roofing as a professional flooring, slate or metal tile, then the lamp is made here in the transverse type. To increase the strength of the strength of about skates, a solid doomle is placed regardless of the type of coating.

Design features

How to equip the roof frame is clear, but in order for the result of your work to please you for many years, and some features should be taken into account during the construction.

  1. It is worth remembering that the step to install the rafting feet and the selection of the section are interrelated values. In other words, if the cross section is less at the beam of the carrier type, then, accordingly, the step is less. This should be remembered and knowing, and it will be useful to you when the sizes of the materials do not correspond to the loads.
  2. The rafters can be placed freely or loaded, that is, to maintain the beam overlap.
  3. All nodes are connected and attached to the maximum reliably, it will help to provide an additional level of rigidity and it is worth using a reinforcing type.
  4. Slinged to Mauerlat is fastened with several methods. With the help of bubes, it is possible to ensure fixation much tougher, and specialized fastenings of the sliding type are perfectly suitable for houses of chopped type.
  5. To protect the outer walls, the foundation and scene are perfect, the roof edges must go for a box at least 40 cm, and the parts from the ends of the rafter in this case are better to protect with the wind (frontal) board.
  6. When using rafters of a hanging type, it is worth remembering about the load that goes on the walls, so that the legs should be fastened with a tightening. It can be a bar or overlap beam.
  7. Step in the crate should be selected according to the parameters of the coating. Different types of roofing coatings differ in their use ranges depending on the level of slope.

Features of the construction of a bunk type roof, and some tips on the construction of a frame can be viewed in video:

Features of the construction frame for a row roof

During the construction of any structure to its carrying parts, special requirements of strength are presented. The main bearing elements are the foundation, walls and roof. In this article we will talk about how to make the roof frame correctly, what installation methods are used today and how to save on construction work.

There are several types of roof frames, the choice of which depends on the type of roof, the nature of the coating and destination of the building.

Roof frames come:

  • wooden - a rapid system that is used to create pitched roofs in housing construction. The most common appearance;
  • metal - metal roof frame is used mainly for industrial construction, since the installation is very costly and suggests large volumes and areas;
  • reinforced concrete - flat roof, carrying the base of which is made of reinforced concrete plates.

In this article, we will not stop in detail on the metal frames of the roofs, because it is almost impossible to make such work. This type is not suitable for housing construction, so we will tell about all the subtleties of the construction of wooden frames.

Types of the rafter system

Before embarking on the construction of a roof frame with your own hands, you need to determine which type of the rafter system you will use. The main purpose of the rafter of any pitched roof is to be support. The rafters or rafter legs are wooden beams with a cross section of 150x50 mm. The drying and roofing coating are stacked over the beams.

The following types of roof frames are distinguished depending on the connection of the rafter:

  • current;
  • hanging.

For private construction, both of these species can be used, the difference between them is only that Maurylalat is used in the hanging system. Mauerlat is a longitudinal bar 100x100 mm. If you use the sleeve rafters, their upper part will rely on the central carrier wall, and not connect to each other.

To choose one of these types of systems, it is necessary to take into account the planning and design characteristics of the building. For example, if there is 6 and less than meters between carrier walls for support, it is advisable to use the hanging roof frame. For spans between the supporting walls with a distance of more than 6 meters, it is better to use a change system with an additional "intermediate" wall in the center of the building. Thus, the rafters will not be saved with large spans. But this condition concerns only wooden frames, for metal spans can remain without an additional wall.


To answer the question "How to build a roof frame?", It is necessary to deal with the theory of mounting.

The roof installation can be carried out in two ways:

  1. Finished farms - a system of reinforced rafters using tensions, racks and dies. First, all non-judging design is assembled, consisting of the same type of elements, and then it is installed on the roof of the building box. The whole process takes a minimum of time, but the involvement of lifting equipment is required, and, consequently, the costs will be quite large. Ready farms are advisable to put for roofs with large departures and without support.
  2. The roof frame assembly is a more affordable and budget way, but its implementation requires more time. The assembly passes in gradually, but you can quite cope with your own. How to assemble the roof frame we describe in more detail below.

In the process of designing the roof frame circuit, the following important factors should be taken into account:

  1. The design should withstand the load of varying degrees, including its own roof weight and all elements, the weight of snow in the winter time, the wind pressure, falling foliage and so on.
  2. Choose a roofing coating with maximum waterproof, especially if you live in the area with a wet climate.
  3. Make the thermal insulation of the roof with minimal heat loss. To do this, it is necessary to ensure full-fledged waterproofing and vapor barrier, and also consider the roofing space system.
  4. The attic room must be ventilated. This will prevent the damage of the structural structures, thereby increasing the service life of the building.

Choosing materials

If you want to know how to make the roof frame with your own hands, first you need to get tools and materials.

To perform work, you will need the following:

  • bar 150x50 mm for rafters;
  • bar 100x100 mm for Mauerlat (for this purpose it is better to buy coniferous wood of winter workpiece without any visible flaws);
  • rake 40x40 mm for crate;
  • fasteners for fixing Maurolat;
  • studs 8 mm and 10 mm for rafters;
  • brackets;
  • brackets;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • a hammer;
  • plane;
  • drill;
  • saw;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • gloves;
  • antiseptics for wood;
  • antipirens.

The processing of wooden structural elements with antiseptics and antipirens extends the deadlines for the operation of the entire building, and also reduces the flammability of wood, reducing the risk of ignition to a minimum.

Useful advice: greatly simplify and speed up the installation of gas pistols. On this video, the roof frame is made easily and quickly with the use of modern techniques. If the construction is disposable, it makes sense to take such a gun for rent.

To perform a frame from a metal profile, there will be completely different tools, but since the weight of the materials and the complexity of execution do not allow you to do such a work itself, the most reasonable to engage in the construction of wooden frames.

Frame of a bantal roof

When you purchased all the necessary materials, prepared the tools, handled the wooden elements with protective compositions, can be started. Construction of a row-type roof frame should be started with Maurolala styling. This bar will distribute and transmit a load from the rafted to the bearing walls. As a rule, Mauerlat is placed on a concrete base on the inside of the carrier wall.

So that the wood did not stretch all the moisture from concrete, and after that he did not crumble, there should be several layers of rubberoid under the bars. From the outer wall, it is necessary to make brickwork to the level of Mauerlat, and, in turn, to attach nuts and studs to concrete.

Slinge system

After the construction and strengthening of the base, it is possible to carry out the construction of the roof frame, that is, to install rafters.

Setting the rafter consists of several stages:

Construction features

How to make the roof frame is more clear, but that the results of your work continue to please you for more than one year, you need to take into account some nuances in construction.

  1. Remember that the installation step of the rafter and the selection of sections is interrelated values. The smaller the cross section of the beams, the less step will be. This will be useful if the size of the timber does not correspond to the load.
  2. The rafters can be free or loaded (maintain the beams of overlaps).
  3. Connections all nodes and fasteners should be as reliable as possible. To provide additional stiffness, use enhancement overlays.
  4. Carnate rafters to Mauerlat can be in several ways. Dogs give more rigid fixation, and special sliding fasteners are ideally suited for chopped homes.
  5. To protect the outer walls, the scene and the foundation, the roof should go beyond the box not less than 40 cm, and the end parts of the rafter is better to protect the frontal (wind) board.
  6. If you are using hanging rafters, remember the load that they give on the walls, so fasten the rafter feet with a tight. It can be both a bar and overlapping beam.
  7. Choose the shaft step in accordance with the nature of the roofing coating. Different types of coatings have their own ranges depending on the degree of slope.

Features of the construction of a duplex roof, as well as tips how to make a roof frame in video materials below:

Any type of construction primarily needs reliable and high-quality supporting structures to which the foundation can be attributed, the framework of the house and the carrier roof frame. It is these building elements that are responsible for the final quality and reliability of the whole building at home. Among the elements described, special attention should be paid to the roof carriage frame, with which you can perform an extremely high-quality roof of the house.

The frame of the house and the roof is an important element in the construction of any building. However, the greatest loads (snow, rain, wind) is experiencing a roof, so it must be high-quality and reliable.

Varieties of frame structures

Immediately it is worth recalling that the roof frame may have several basic types, which depend on the characteristics of the roof design:

  • the skeleton design of the rafter type, which is performed from the lumber and is ideal for pitched roofing systems of houses;
  • metal roofing frame made of beams and intended for industrial homes;
  • concrete type frame made of special plates and used in the construction of gentle roofing systems of houses.

The roof frame of lumber is most often used in the construction of a private house and the organization of duscal roofing systems. Two other types of frame structures are not carrying any interest for private construction, which makes them irrelevant in this article.

Stropile skeleton system and its types

Before starting construction, related to the organization of a frame system of houses, you must select the correct type and design of the construction type. The entire carrying capacity of such a frame system of houses is transmitted to the rafter farms, which are most often called simplicity. To organize a rafter farm, a wooden bar is used, a cross section of which should not be less than 150x50 millimeters. It is on these farms and a further fastening of the roof crate system occurs.

In such cases, a removal system is required with a finished central bearing wall or columns from a metal reference type. It is this feature that allows you to organize a quality roof frame, which will not be saved with time under your own weight, as well as the weight of roofing material.

Optimal construction materials for frame

In the case when the wizard decides to make a roofing frame with his own hands, it needs to understand the basic elements of the building process, as well as to know the presence of all the required tools and building materials that may be required for this case. So, to organize a qualitative and extremely reliable frame of roofing system with its own hands, you will need:

For the construction of the house, you need to choose high-quality lumber, without damage - cracks, bitch, blue and stains.

  • a wooden bar with a section of 15x5 centimeter, which will be used to build terry farms;
  • wooden timber 10x10 centimeters, which will be required for the manufacture of Maurolat;
  • boards for the crate system, which is selected depending on the roofing material used;
  • different consumables that are needed for mounting Mauerlat and the entire rafter system.

From the construction instruments, the master will require the presence of a hammer, saws, electric drill, roulette, ax and plumb. In other words, no special tools for this type of construction are not required by their own hands, which makes the building process extremely simple and economical. Separate attention should be paid to the acquisition of extremely high-quality wood, which is the key to the quality and durability of the entire roof carcass.

The entire sawn timber must be treated with special impregnations that affect the durability and quality of the carrier frame, the device of which was described above. As a rule, such substances protect the tree from rotting, as well as from malicious insects that can spoil the wood for extremely short time.

In other words, the processing of the timer used by its own hands is an integral part of the building process. Profile roofing metal frames require the use of completely other materials and tools, but the use of such structures in private construction can be considered irrelevant.

Correct installation of Maurolat

It is worth recalling that Mauerlat is the main supporting structure of not only the future frame, but also the whole roof in general. It is this element of construction with its own hands that makes all the roofing loads, evenly distributing such loads on the bearing walls of the house.

This allows you to increase the life of the whole building, because in the absence of such a bar, the roof load will destroy the walls in certain places. It is safe to say that Mauerlat is the main reference element of all known rafal systems.

This supporting element is not required only during the construction of wooden houses in which they use the final row of logs or bars as Mauerlat. The described support element must be installed in a level with the inside of the bearing walls, which will simplify the finishing operations of the internal type.

From the outside of Mauerlat, it is necessary to close the brick masonry or metal strip, which will allow to protect the sawn timber from environmental exposure. The top row of brick or block masonry needs a high-quality concrete break, which is covered with several dense layers of rubberoid or bitumen solution.

Ruberoid is needed so that all the moisture existing in the walls stops before the supporting bar, which may suffer from the oversupply of humidity, which the device says. The easiest and most reliable way to fasten the support bar to the walls of the house can be considered the use of peculiar spills from the metal, which will connect Mauerlat and bearing walls.

The laying of the desired diameter of the desired diameter is drilled in which the prepared studs of metal are lowered, made of simple steel reinforcement. By applying a prepared support timber to such studs, you can mark spaces for drilling holes.

The length of the spree should be such that after mounting the Mauerlalate, the reinforcement performed for a ram at least 1.5 centimeters. At the ends of the reinforcement, it is necessary to make a thread that will be required for the final fastening of the support bar with its own hands using extremely wide washers and nuts. Such a process of fastening the support bar can be simplified and done with a simple welding machine, which is used to weld the metal rod or washer to the rods.

System of the rafter type

The organization of the rafter system is the next stage of the construction of the carrier roof frame of the house. To make the rafter farms with their own hands, it is necessary to prepare a dry lumber, which will not succumb to deformation during operation.

The farm consists of two rafter legs and a lower tie, which is attached to the legs using bolts or anchor elements that can be easily made only with their own hands. Each finished rafter farm must be installed and fixed on the support bar, which is extremely easy.

To do this, in Mauerlat, it is necessary to do the desired number of the grooves of the right size, in which the rafters will be inserted, which are completely easy to assemble. The step between the ralfill farms depends on the final size of the roofing structure of the house, but most often such a step needs to be made no more than 1 m. In some roofing structures, it may be necessary to use a vertical type rafted. As a rule, this applies only to those roofs whose height exceeds three meters.

The wooden crate system is an ideal binding element of a frame design, but before organizing such a system, it is necessary to take care of the stability of the established rafters. To do this, in the upper part, they are fixed with the help of a skate bar, and at the bottom there is a temporary impunity, which is dismantled after the organization of the crate system. The crate can be safely considered an extremely important element of the frame structure of the roof of the house, because it is precisely from this element that the reliability of the roofing material fastening depends.

The shadow step depends on the angle of inclination of the roof and the material that it will later be covered.

The rafter system is divided into two main types: solid and intermediate, and the correct choice depends only on the selection of the roofing material itself. All sheet and dense roofing materials require an intermediate crate, which is performed with a specific step between boards or bars.

All roofing materials of soft or rolled type need a solid type shade, which is needed for high-quality installation and operation of the material. For example, a soft tile cannot be mounted on an intermediate crate, because it will be a consequence of sagging and damage roofing material.

Materials such as slate, metal tile or galvanized sheet, can be mounted on an intermediate crate, the step between the elements of which depends on the roofing material used. For example, a metal tile requires fastening in certain places, which indicates the correct location of the elements of the crate system. It is more correct to organize the crate to make miscalculations that will allow to organize the correct design of the entire frame.

Timber processing with additional compositions

As mentioned above, any sawn timber must be protected from moisture, insects and fire. To do this, it is worth using solutions such as an antiseptic and antipyat. The second composition allows you to increase the protective qualities of wood, which are associated with resistance to high temperatures. Antiseptics are able to protect the wood from the effects of moisture, rotting and harmful insects.

Treatment of all sawn timber is performed until the installation, which allows you to process the entire surface of the board or timber. It is this way that you can count on an increase in the life of a wooden carrier roof frame of the house.

High requirements always impose high demands. The main carrier elements are walls, foundation and roof.

The roof frame plays a very important role. After all, it is precisely how long the roof is missing.

The construction of the rafter system very often causes difficulties from beginner masters. This article will help make the roof frame with your own hands.

There are several types of the rafter system. The choice of this or that type depends on the designation of the building, the nature of the coating and the type of roof.

Roof frame can be:

  • Metallic. Such a rafter system, as a rule, is constructed with industrial construction. This is due, first of all, with high costs. Also, the construction of a metal framework implies large areas and volumes;
  • Wooden. The framework of this species is used in the construction of residential buildings with a scope roof. Is the most common type;
  • From reinforced concrete slabs. Perform the function of the carrier base during the construction of a flat roof.

Before proceeding with the design of the roof frame with your own hands, you need to decide on the type of the rafter system. Follow the role of support - the main purpose of any rafter system.

Stropile legs or rafters are wooden bars having a section of 150 × 50 millimeters. From above they are fixed with a crate, and then - roofing material.

There are two varieties of roof frames: Current and hanging. They differ from each other by the way of connecting rafters. Both of these species are used in the construction of private houses. They differ in that in the hanging rafting system, Mauerlat is used - a longitudinal bar with a cross section of 100x100 mm.

The upper part should be based on the central carrier wall, and not connect with each other.

Constructive and planning characteristics of the building of the building play an important role in choosing the type of the rafter system.

The rolling solo system is desirable to use if the distance between the supporting walls is too large. In this case, the "intermediate" wall is erected in the center of the building, which performs the function of an additional support. As a result, the rafter will not be saved.

Otherwise, a hanging rafter system is usually used. But if the roof frame is made of metal, then additional walls are not needed.


When designing a rafter system, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. If the wet climate is in the living area, then it is better to choose a roofing material with the best waterproof;
  2. It is necessary to ensure the ventilation of the attic room. If this is not done, after a while, the carrying elements of the design will fail;
  3. The design must withstand not only the own weight of the roof with its elements. It must endure under the layer of snow that foliage, as well as to withstand the pressure generated by the wind;

Necessary materials and tools

When constructing the roof frame, you will need:

  • A hammer;
  • Drill;
  • Plane;
  • Level;
  • Saw;
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • Roulette;
  • Gloves;
  • Brackets;
  • Antipirens;
  • Brackets;
  • Antiseptics for wood;
  • Bar with a cross section of 150 × 50 mm (for rafters);
  • Studs 8 mm and 10 mm (for rafters);
  • Bar with a cross section of 100 × 100 mm (for Mauerlat);
  • Fasteners (for Mauerlat);
  • Rake with a cross section of 40 × 40 mm (for crate).

Wooden design elements need to be treated with antiseptic and antipiren. This will prolong the life of the structure, as well as the risk of its ignition to a minimum.

Roof frame with two slopes

Starting the montage of the frame is needed after:

  • all tools are prepared;
  • the necessary materials are purchased;
  • wooden elements are processed with antiseptics and antipirens.

Laying Mauerlat is the initial stage of the construction of a row roof frame. It distributes and transmits the load from the rafted to the bearing walls.

It is important to note that wood can stretch moisture from a concrete base, after which it crushes. In order to avoid it, it is necessary to sash under the bars Ruberoid in several layers.

Device of the rafter system

Installation of the rafter system includes the following steps:

  • Determine the distance between the rapid legs. It, as a rule, is 80 - 90 centimeters. This distance corresponds to the size of the cerebral timber;
  • We make holes in Mauerlat to secure rafters;
  • The construction of the roof skeleton is usually starting with the front of the building. It is necessary to install end rafters from both edges of the roof. After that, between their skates stretch the cord. This cord will help smoothly set intermediate elements;
  • Fix all the rafter legs on Mauerlat using steel brackets and brackets. The protrusion rafters per perimeter of the building should be about 40 centimeters.
  • To fix the lower part of the rafter, it is necessary to use the strapping, which relies on Mauerlat. If the rafter has insufficient length, then it must be increasing. To do this, be imposed on the rafter another bar with an adhesive of at least 100 centimeters. Such a big leaf is needed so that the roof does not lose its rigidity;
  • It is necessary to install additional tightening between the rapid legs if the roof frame has a six-meter span. They are fixed between support rafters;
  • After the installation of all the rafter, it is embarked in fixing rafters in a strictly vertical position. For these purposes, the skiing timber is used. It is fixed in the top of the roof frame;
  • When using soft roofing materials you need to make a solid crate. To do this, use moisture-resistant Fane or OSB - plates. If the roof is made of metal tile, slate, professional flooring, then the crate should be made shift. To increase the strength of the roof, regardless of the roofing material used near the skunk part, they make a solid crate.

Features of the construction of the roof frame

Designing any residential structure, architects special attention is paid to the roof, as it does not perform one, but at once there are several functions, depending on its design features. It must be said that far from all future homeowners satisfies the usual two-tie roof, although it can be called the most reliable, as it has only two pitched planes and one bog between them. Many attract more complex structures that add a special attraction and originality. Other, more practical homeowners, prefer mansard structures that are simultaneously able to perform the role of roofing and the second floor.

The basis of any roof is an individual rafting system that has its own design features. Make the choice of the desired roof frame will be much easier if you understand what types and schemes of rafter systems Used in construction practice. After receiving such information, it will become more clear how complex such structures are in the installation. This is especially important to know if the roof frame is supposed to be erected independently.

The main functional tasks of the rafter systems

When arranging the ribbon structures of the roofs, the rafter system is a coating frame and to hold the materials of the "Roofing Pie". In the competent installation of the frame design, the necessary conditions will be created for the correct and dismaded types of roofs, protecting the walls and the inner space of the house from various atmospheric influences.

Roofing design is also always the final architectural element of the exterior design of the structure, its kind maintaining its stylistic direction. Nevertheless, the design features of the rafter systems must first comply with the requirements of the strength and reliability that the roof must correspond, and only then - aesthetic criteria.

The framework of the rafter system forms the configuration and angle of inclination of the roof. These parameters are largely dependent on natural factors characteristic of a particular region, as well as on the desire and opportunities of the homeowner:

  • The amount of precipitation in different periods of the year.
  • The direction and average wind speed in the area where the construction will be erected.
  • Plans for the use of space under the roof - arrangement of residential or non-residential premises in it, or its use only as an air layer for thermal insulation located below the premises.
  • The species of the planned roofing material.
  • Financial opportunities of the homeowner.

Atmospheric precipitation and wind streams give a very sensitive burden on the structure of the roof. For example, in the regions with abundant snowfalls, it is not necessary to choose a rafter system with a small angle of inclination of the rod, since snow masses will be delayed on their surface, which can lead to deformation of the frame or roofing or to leakage.

If the locality where the construction will be made, is famous for its winds, it is better to choose a design with a small slope of the skate, so that there are no sharp gusts to break the inclusive elements of the roof and roof.

Basic roof design elements

Details and assemblies of rafter systems

Depending on the selected type of the rafter system, the structural elements used can be significantly varied, however, there are parts that are present in simple, and in complex roof systems.

The main elements of the rafting system of the pitched roof include:

  • Stropile legs forming roofing rods.
  • - Wooden timber, fixed on the walls of the house and employee for fixing on it of the lower part of the rafter.
  • Konk is the joint of the frames of two rocks. It is usually the highest horizontal linus of the roof and serves as a support on which rafters are fixed. The horse can be formed with rafters, bonded between themselves at a certain angle or recorded at the skating board (run).
  • The lamp is racks or a bar mounted on rafters with a certain step and serve as the basis for the flooring of the selected roofing material.
  • The retaining elements where you can take a bitter, runs, racks, scrollings, ties, and other parts, serve to increase the hardness of the rafter legs, supporting the skate, binding individual parts into the overall design.

In addition to the design details mentioned, other elements whose functions are aimed at hardening the system and the optimal distribution of the roof load on the wall walls.

The rafter system is divided into several categories, depending on the different features of its design.

Attic space

Before proceeding to the consideration of different types of roofs, it is worth dealing with what an attic space may be, as many owners successfully use it as economic and full-fledged residential premises.

The design of the pitched roofs can be divided into unbred and attic. The first option is called precisely so because the space under the roof has a small height and is used only as the insulation from above the room of the air layer building. Such systems usually refers or having several slopes, but located under a very small angle.

An attic design that has a sufficiently large height of the skate, can be used in different ways, to be insulated and displeasted. Such options can be attributed to the attic or two-tissue option. If the roof is chosen with a high skate, then it is necessary to take into account wind loads in the region where the house is built.

Slope slope

To determine the optimal slope of the roof of the future residential structure, first of all, you need to look at the already built low-rise neighbor houses. If they have been standing for more than one year and stepping steadfasts, then their design can be safely taken as the basis. In the same case, when the owners are set to create an exclusive original project, unlikely on the construction of the construction, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the constructive and operational features of various rafting systems and make appropriate calculations.

It should be borne in mind that on how large the slope of the roof rods, the change in the tangent and normal values \u200b\u200bof the wind power depends - the steeper the angle of inclination, the greater the normal forces and less tangent. If the roof is common, then the construct is more affected by the tangent load of the wind, since the lifting force increases from the leeward side and decreases with the windward.

Winter snow load should also be taken into account when designing a roof. Usually, this factor is considered in the complex with wind load, since from the windward side, the snow load will be much lower than from the leeward skate. In addition, there are places on the rods where snow will definitely be gathering, giving a greater load on this area, so it should be strengthened with additional rafters.

The slope of the roofs can vary from 10 to 60 degrees, and it must be selected not only taking into account the consolidated external load, but also depending on the roofing coating, which is planned to be used. This factor is taken into account because the roofing materials differ by their mass, for their fix it requires a different number of elements of the rafter system, which means that the load on the walls of the house will be varied, and how much it is large, it also depends on the corner of the roof of the roof. Incidentally important, the peculiarities of each coating on the resistance of moisture penetration - many roofing materials are needed in any case, one or another bias is needed to ensure the free gathering of storm water or melting snow. In addition, choosing the bias of the roof, you need to think about how the process of cleaning and repair work on the roof will be carried out.

When planning one or another corner of the roofing rods, you need to know the smaller the joints between the sheets of the coating, and what they are tightly, the less you can make a slope of the skate, of course, if it is not expected to arrange a residential or economic room in the attic space.

If it uses a material consisting of small elements to cover the roof, for example, a ceramic tile, then the slope slope should be made quite steep so that water is never delayed on the surface.

Given the weight of the roofing material, you need to know - the heavier coating, the angle of the skates must be greater, since in this case the load will be properly distributed on the rafter system and bearing walls.

To coating the roof, the following materials can be used: or profile sheet, galvanized steel, wavy asbestos and bitumen fibers, cement and ceramic tiles, rubberoid, soft roofing and other roofing materials. Below, the illustrations are shown by the allowable angles of rolling rods for different types of roofing coatings.

Basic structures of rafter systems

First of all, it is worth considering the basic types of rafting systems regarding the location of the walls of the house, which are used in all the designs of the roofs. The basic options are divided into a weak, hanging, as well as combined, that is, it includes elements and the first, and second type of systems in its design.

fastening for timing


In buildings, where the internal bearing walls are provided, the ultimate rafter system is installed. It is much easier to mount than hanging, since the internal bearing walls provide reliable support for its elements, and in addition, a smaller amount of materials will be required for this design.

For rafters in this system, the defining reference point is the skiing board on which they are fixed. The faded view of the sleeve system can be equipped in three versions:

  • In the first embodiment, the upper side of the rafter is fixed on the skate support called sliding, and the lower side of their side is fixed by writing to the Mauerlat. Additionally, the rafters at the bottom is fixed to the wall with a wire or bracket.

  • In the second case, the rafters in the upper part are curbed under a certain angle and are connected with each other with special metal plates.

The lower edge of the rafter feet is attached to Mauerlat moving fasteners.

  • In the third embodiment, the rafter is rigidly sealed at the top of the bars or treated boards, located horizontally, parallel to each other on both sides of the linen near the corner, and the skunk run is thrown between them.

At the bottom of the rafters, the sliding mounts are used to secure the rafter, as in the previous case.

It is necessary to explain why for fixing the rafted on Mauerlat is often used exactly the sliding fasteners. The fact is that they are able to save the bearing walls from excessive voltage, as the rafters are not fixed rigidly, and during the shrinkage of the structure they have the ability to move, without deforming the overall design of the roofing system.

This type of fastening applies only in the sleeve systems, which also distinguishes them from a hanging option.

However, in some cases, the spacer system is used for the sprinkled rafters, in which the lower end of the rafter is rigidly fixed to the Mauerlat, and to remove the load from the walls into the design, tightening and saws are embedded. This option is called complex, as it includes elements of the change and hanging system.

Specify the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate Excess LBC" button.

Basic Length (Horizontal Skate Projection)

Planned angle of the edge of the roof α (degrees)

Calculator calculating the length of the rafter

The calculation is carried out on the basis of the values \u200b\u200bof the horizontal projection (LSD) and the height of the rafter triangle defined earlier (LBC).

If desired, you can include in the calculation and width of the eaves, if it is created at the expense of protruding rafters.

Enter the requested values \u200b\u200band click the "Calculate Length" button "

The magnitude of the excess LBC (meters)

The length of the horizontal projection of the rafted LSD (meters)

Calculation conditions:

Required width of the cornese swell (meters)


Double rafter system

Duscal rafting systems are the most popular for single-storey private houses. They carefully look, fit well into any style of construction, reliable and can be used, depending on the angle of their slope, to improve the attic under residential rooms, utility rooms or just to create an air layer holding heat in the building.

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