Repairs Design Furniture

Methods of compounds of wooden parts. Carpentry and carpentry and connections wooden connection without nails

About the coolest carpentry and carpenters say that they are able to build a house without single nail. Japanese artisans, even lovers, just from such.

A few years ago, a young worker of the automotive industry, enthusiastically, came across a book with a description of traditional Japanese techniques to work with a tree. It was very fascinated by the descriptions of the compounds of parts without the use of nails, screws and glue. He wanted to learn how to do too. But there were no schemes for making fasteners in the book. Then the guy decided to draw them himself.

For modeling and animation of parts, he used the Fusion-360 free service. The resulting result of the Japanese translated into the gifs and laid out on Twitter account called The Joinery. . Almost for the year, a young carpenter visualized 85 different ways Reconciling connections.

A variety of fasteners really amazes. With their help, you can make it possible in principle anything - a stool, a sofa, a table and so on. The main thing is to have straight hands and good, preferably an electric tool.

But even if manual work does not inspire you at all, you will probably enjoy watching the gifs. What grace the details are connected with each other, hypnotizes.

Novice home masters will be useful to learn about the connection methods wooden details. This topic we dedicate a brief program, which will describe the main types of carpentry and rallying using glue, nails, self-tapping screws, or without them without them.

The rules for selecting a compound depending on the type of load

The simplest end connections, they are used if necessary to increase the item. Best of all, such compounds are transferred to the load of compression, however, when cutting the locks of a special form, you can achieve good resistance to twisting, stretching and bending. Standard version of the end connection - with trimming half the thickness of both parts. The slice can be direct or oblique, if necessary, to prevent bending, stretching or twisting at the end of each cut, a spike or a stupid angle is cut, or a cut-down stepped, forming a kind of "lock".

1 - straight pad in drague; 2 - oblique pad; 3 - straight lining with a stepped joint; 4 - pad in the hardwood with a slash; 5 - oblique overhead castle; 6 - Connecting in drapery with oblique spike

Corner and side connections are used to connect direct parts into a farm or frame. Usually this part is supported, so the main loads fall on shift and compression. If the design is experiencing a static stipulated load, a rectangular spike is cut on one of the parts, and on the other - the groove or eye of the corresponding dimensions. If it is possible to use the design, spike and grooves are cut in the form of a trapezoid.

Corner compounds: 1 - with open through spike; 2 - with a deaf closed spike; 3 - with a cross-cut spike

Overhead crosses and T-shaped connections are used, as a rule, for additional links between the responsible parts of the structure. The main load in them is on compression, offset and gap. The first two types of load are eliminated by a hub in a parastra or less with the subsequent combination of parts. Shore shoulders take the main load on themselves, it remains only to fix the connection with screws or overhead brackets. In some cases, it is used to strengthen communication with a wedge chunk or cut off.

1 - Cross connection with a lining by trimmed; 2 - Cross connection with landing into one nest; 3 - T-shaped connection with a secret oblique spike; 4 - T-shaped connection with a straight step lining

Separate connection type - boxes. They are designed to connect boards at right angles. Usually, a teeth are cut onto the box on each board, the width of which is equal to the distance between them. On the different boards The teeth are cut with a displacement, so when connecting an angle of boards looks like one integer. The teeth may also have a wedge-shaped form that prevents the rupture of the angle in one direction, or is fastened additionally with glue or nails.

Boxes corner connections: 1 - with straight through spikes; 2 - with oblique through spikes

How to make a spike connection

For the manufacture of a thorough compound, it is necessary to circle both parts of the layout line on all grains at a distance from the end equal to the connection width. On the two opposite sides and end, the lines marked the body of the spike, the markup on both parts is fully identical.

The spikes are cut from the sides with a knife for transverse cut and rock wood with a chisel. The width of the spike is made by 2-3 mm more for subsequent accurate treatment with a knife or bit. The groove is cut out with a shovel for a longitudinal cut and rock by a chisel, also leaving a small scope for processing. Next follows the fit, in the process of which parts are combined and achieved the most dense adjacent.

When the T-shaped spike connection, a central spike or groove is cut on one of the parts, and on the other they hollow out the eye or two lateral trimming, depending on the type of first part. For the manufacture of eyelets, a chisel is used, turning the inclined part of the blade inside the hole. If the eyelet is not solid, thorns make for 8-10 mm more depth And it cuts off its end in the form of an expanded wedge. So when scoring a spike itself, it will break itself, and the item will be firmly planted.

To connect wide parts, you can use a box connection, cutting several spikes and grooves. The easiest way to bore a spike connection is to drill it through across the spikes and score a wooden wannt (window corner compound) into the hole.

How to combine boards on glue

A very popular method of connecting boards and bars - longitudinal and transverse gluing. When connecting the boards with a wide side of the end can be smooth, although in most cases a puzzle profile is used. It is very important to fit the parts to lay the glue layer as thin, only so you can achieve maximum strength. Sometimes a small amount of cotton fiber is applied to the end, lubricated with glue, it boosts the quality of the hitch.

The boards can be connected to the profile, but for this it will be necessary to perform a wedge-shaped gear cutting of both ends with a displacement to the floor of the tooth for different parts. At home, such an operation can be performed using a manual milling mill.

Casein glue or PVA high concentrations are used to glue parts, for giving the adhesive flour. The surfaces are covered with glue and kept in the air for 3-5 minutes, after which they are placed under the yoke or squeezed by clamps. Such a connection is stronger than the tree itself and never breaks through the junction.

How to allocate elements of supporting structures

For carrier structures Use two types of compounds - extension and articulation. The easiest way to combat two parts is to perform an incision with a hacksaw on half of the thickness at the same distance from the ends, and then lean the top of the wood. After mapping two parts, the compound is usually bonded by two overhead strips, born on the side of the cut. Bonding is also possible, but only with a dense fit of the details.

Crabapped in Poltera's ends can be reduced almost at any angle, this is the main method of connecting roofing farms. For fastening parts, an additional tightening relationship is necessary: \u200b\u200bthe timber is applied to the connected part of the side at a distance of 30-50 cm from the angle and hand over half of the thickness in contact places, and then fasten the design of nails.

Often, vertical and inclined designs need a support, for example, when connecting a challenge system with overlapping beams. In this case, the cloud of landing sockets on the horizontal beam, in which the rack will be inserted. It is very important to observe the angle of inclination and make a chamber for no more than a third of the thickness of the bar.

Compounds with special ties

Almost all joinery compounds are performed with additional strengthening connections. In very simple example The role of these is performed by nails or self-tapping screws.

When building parts build up, the node can be strengthened by a through bolted compound, clamps, brackets and chophals, or it is simply wrapped with a cold-rolled wire. Fingerby vertical supports are enough to bore in two overhead planks - wooden or metal.

Corner compounds most often fasten with brackets, overhead plates or corners. In cases where it is necessary to maintain a small mobility of the connection, one end-to-end bolt is used, which either displays the place of the parts of the parts, or tightens them in the longitudinal direction with the minimum indentation from the lining.

The place of attachment of a special connection must be removed from the edge of at least 10 diameters of the fastening element and not have vices. It is important to remember that often communications do not provide the overall strength of the compound, but only compensate for the unaccounted load.

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Sometimes when conducting construction and other works using wood, it is required to make items longer or wider, and how it is done correctly, they know very few. That is why we will look at how to spend the splicing of the board yourself and what methods and techniques exist. It is important to choose the option that is best suited in a particular situation and will require minimum costs time and money.

Basic workflow requirements

Before we begin to consider specific work options, it is necessary to understand what factors ensure that the result is guaranteed, which is expected:

Quality material Everything is simple: it is impossible to make robust designs from poor-quality wood, it usually concerns the connection places if there are bits, damage to the vertices, mold and other problems, then anything about what reliability and durability cannot be speech. Pick the best elements in order not to spend strength and means
Humidity Another the most important parameterwhich should always be considered. To work only dry items, as increased humidityFirst, reduces strength, secondly, reduces adhesion adhesive composition When it is used, and thirdly, after the end of the work, no one will give a guarantee that in a week or month the design will not lead or it will not crack
Loads for connections It is from this indicator that the choice of one or another connection option depends, the greater the load, the higher the requirements for the quality of the conjugation and the more difficult process. Therefore, decide in advance what option will be used to ensure a high result.
Using high-quality instruments It also depends very much, especially when it comes to complex variants when the compound is cut with special devices. They must provide the maximum quality of cutting and maximum docking accuracy, as reliability depends on this

Remember one simple rule that experts always use: to get the best result, it is necessary that the parameters of the connected elements were similar, in more simply, one breed of wood should be used.

Options for work

All events of this kind can be divided into two large groups - the rallying of boards in width and in length, we will look at them separately and tell, which methods are most popular and how to implement them correctly.

Connection by width

Of course, the simplest solution will be a panel version of the splicing, so we will start with it, first introduce the scheme of the main options, and below we describe them in detail:

  • The first method involves cutting with a milling machine cavity, which has a trapezoid shape and allows you to use a key as a retainer. Plus this solution can be called reliability, and minus - the need for milling machine or presence manual milling for work, hand tool There will be no way;
  • Rapidation using the endboard, which connects to the ends of the board by the groove comb, is used for elements of small lengthSince this option provides high reliability of small structures. To work again, you will need. With it, it will be carried out quickly and efficiently;
  • You can make a cut in the end, adjust the rack under it and put it on the jetty glue, it is also pretty interesting optionwhich is suitable for small designs;
  • The last two options are assumed to glue the triangular rail, only one of them is crashed into the end, and the second version involves the ending of the end at an angle, you need to choose what better suitable In a particular situation.

But if you want to connect the board more securely, then one of the following methods will fit:

  • The first option is the connection to a smooth fugu, if it is fulfilled, it takes a very thorough grinding of the ends for a dense fit, after which they are lubricated with glue and are connected under the press or using special screeds. This solution is suitable in cases when high load bearing capacity need not;
  • Used frequently traditional option groove-crest, it is important to ensure the optimal configuration of the compound, so the width of the groove and the sheets, respectively, should not be more than the third part of the total thickness of the board, it is important to do cutting very accurately that the elements coincide perfectly, it will significantly increase the strength of the compound;

When working, the milling is most often used, but the cutters can have a different configuration, follow the state of their cutting edges and to timely point them or replace them, since the quality of the compound depends on the purity of processing.

  • You can apply an angle option, it is well suited where the special strength is not required, and you need to combine the elements that can be used for finishing, etc.;
  • The triangular spike-groove is largely reminded by the usual, only the configuration of the ends differs. It is also important that the elements are perfectly combined with each other, as this will ensure the accuracy of the conjugation, and its maximum reliability;
  • A quarter connection is simple - cutouts are made on half thickness, the length of the protrusions should not greatly exceed the thickness, the elements are lubricated with glue and shrink until the composition drying is standard procedure almost for all options;
  • The latter look is a key splitting, it does not differ from the above version when working on width, the requirements are the same.


Properly and securely connect the board, which means to provide its maximum strength, it is important to fulfill all the recommendations and use only qualitative materials. The video in this article will show some options for holding work clearly, and if you have questions or addition - unsubscribe in the comments.

In addition to processing whole pieces of wood, it often has to connect wooden parts into nodes and designs. Connections elements wooden structures Called landings. Connections in the structures of wooden parts are determined by five types of landings: tense, dense, sliding, free and very free landing.

Knots - These are parts of the structures in the locations of the details. Compounds of wooden structures are divided into types: end, side, angular T-shaped, cross-shaped, angular L-shaped and drawer angular compounds.

Carpentry compounds have more than 200 options. Only connections that are used in the practice of joiners and carpenters are considered here.

Facial connection (extension) - connection of parts in length, when one element is a continuation of the other. Such connections are smooth, gear with spikes. Additionally, they are fixed with glue, screws, lining. Horizontal end compounds withstand the load on compression, stretching and bending (Fig. 1 - 5). Lumber is increased in length, forming vertical and horizontal gear connections at the ends (wedge lock) (Fig. 6). Such compounds do not need to be under pressure during the entire gluing process, as there are significant friction forces. Tilted compounds of sawn timber, made by milling, meet the first class of accuracy.

Connections of wooden structures must be made carefully, in accordance with three grades of accuracy. The first class is designed for measuring tools high Quality, the second class is for products of furniture production, and the third is for construction, agricultural equipment and containers. The side connection is called the edge of several boards or rails (Fig. 7). Such compounds are used in the structures of floors, gates, carpentry doors, etc. Boobbes, racks are additionally strengthened by crossings and tips. When covering the ceilings, the walls of the top boards overlap the lower on 1/5 - 1/4 width. The outer walls are squeezed by horizontally laid outdoors (Fig. 7, g). Top Board Overlaps the lower on 1/5 - 1/4 width, which ensures the removal of atmospheric precipitation. The end connection of the part with the middle of the other forms T-shaped parts connection. Such compounds have a large number of options, two of which are shown in Fig. 8. These compounds (mating) are used in pairing lag overlaps and partitions with strapping at home. Connection of parts at a direct or oblique angle is called a cross-shaped connection. Such a connection has one or two grooves (Fig. 3.9). Conducting compounds are used in the structures of roofs and farms.

Fig. 1. Facial compounds of BRUSIV, resisting compression: A - with a straight line in drapery; bs oblique lining (on "Us"); B - with a straight line in dragged with a joint in a stupid angle; G - with an oblique pad with a joint in the spike.

Fig. 2. Facial compounds of BRUSEV (extension), resisting stretching: A - in a straight outline castle; B - in a slanting castle; in - with a straight lining in the slave in the slash (in dovetail).

Fig. 3. Forest compounds of BRUSEV, resisting bending: A - with a straight line in drapets with a slash; b - with a straight line in drapets with a stepped joint; In - in the oblique overhead castle with wedges and with a joint in the spike.

Fig. 4. Splicing with a wrinkle with wedges and bolts.
Fig. 5. Facial compounds for compression BRUSIV: A - in bulk with a secretly extended spike; b - backtitch with a secret plug-in spike; in - with a straight line in the trip (the compound can be strengthened by bolts); mr. direct the pad in dragged with the fixation of the wire; d - with a straight line in drapery with the fastening of metal robes (clamps); e - with an oblique lining (on "US") with the fixing of metal robes; W - with oblique overlap and fixing bolts; z - layout of oblique lining; And - in bulk with a secret tetrahed spike.

Fig. 6. Facial buildup of the milling scheme with commercial billets: a - vertical (width of part), gear (wed-shaped) compound; b - horizontal (thickness thickness), gear (wedboid) connection; B - milling of the toothed connection; g - sawing the toothed connection; D - feeding of a toothed connection; E - connection to the end and gluing.

Fig. 7. Placement of boards: A - on a smooth fugu; b - on a plug-in rail; in a quarter; g, d, e - in the groove and comb (with various forms of the groove and ridge); Zh - Vangest; s - with a tip in the groove; and - with a tip in a quarter; K - with overlapping.

Fig. 8. T-shaped connections of bars: a - with a secret oblique spike (in a paw or in a lobby tail); B - with a straight stepped overlay.

Fig. 9. Cross joints of Bruckov: A - with a straight lining in drapery; b - with a straight overlay of incomplete overlap; in - landing into one nest

The compounds of two parts by the ends at the right angle are called angular. They have end-to-end and non-corded spikes, open and fit, consistently swinging, hardwood, etc. (Fig. 10).The angular compounds (mating) are used in windowed incorrect blocks, in greenhouse frame connections and DR. Shipovaya compounds has a spike length of at least half of the width of the part connected, and the depth of the groove is 2-3 mm larger than the spike length. It is necessary that the parts connected are easily mounted with each other, and in the spike nest after gluing there was a place for excess glue. For door Ram Apply an angular thickening compound is used, and to increase the size of the surface-connected surface. Double or triple spike increases the strength of the angular connection. However, the strength of the compound is determined by the quality of its execution. IN furniture manufacturing A variety of angular box connections are widely used (Fig. 11). Of these, the most simple is an open end-to-end spike connection. Before making such a connection at one end of the board, the coil is placed according to the spike drawing. On the markup of the side parts of the spike of a saw with small teeth, they do. Each second propyl spike hollow out by a chisel. For the accuracy of the connection, first dormit and hollow out the sockets for spikes in one part. It is imposed on the end of another detail and grind. Then they are cut, they hollow out and connect the parts, taking off the compankment connection, as shown in Fig. eleven.

When connecting parts to "Us" (at an angle of 45 °), the angular mating is fixed with steel inserts, as shown in Fig. 12. At the same time, one half of the insertion or scrap is in one part, and the other half to another. The wedge-shaped steel plate or ring is placed in the erected grooves of the parts connected.

The angles of frames and boxes are connected by a direct open end-cutting joint (Fig. 3.13, a, b, c). With increased quality requirements (from the outside of the spikes are not visible), the angular mating is performed by the oblique connection of the adhesive, the groove and crest or oblique connection to the rail, as shown in Fig. 13, g, d, e, and in fig. fourteen.

The boxed design with horizontal or vertical transverse elements (shelves, partitions) are connected using angular T-shaped compounds shown in Fig. fifteen.

In connecting the elements of the top belt wooden Ferm With the bottom are used corner Wades. When pairing the elements of the farm at an angle of 45 ° or less in the lower element (tightening) make one word (Fig. 16, a), at an angle of more than 45 ° - two words (Fig. 16,6). In both cases, the enemy propyl (wrist) is perpendicular to the direction of the existing forces.

Additionally, the nodes are fixed with a bolt with a washer and a nut, less often with brackets. The log walls of the house (cut) from horizontally laid logs in the corners are connected by a wrinkle "in the paw". It can be simple or with an extra spike (paw with a pit). Wheel marking are performed as follows: the end of the logs are cut into square, the side of the square side (along the log), so that after processing the cube turned out. Cubes side divide on 8 equal parts. Then, on one side, the 4/8 part is removed from the top, and the rest of the parties are performed, as shown in Fig. 17. To accelerate markup and the accuracy of the manufacture of writing, templates use.

Fig. 10. Corner end connections of blanks at a right angle: a - with single opening through spike; b - with a single end-to-end hitch (love); in-with single deaf (non-separated) thy of virtues; g - with a single cross-cutting semi-naughty thorns (consistently); d - with a single deaf thorns in charge; e - with a triple open through spike; Well - in a straight line of hardwood; s - in a passive tail tail; And - in the eyes with trimming.

Fig. 11. Boxing angular connections with straight through spikes: A - drinking spike grooves; b - marking of spikes shell; B - the connection of the spike with the groove; D - Processing of the corner compound.
Fig. 12. Corner end connections at a right angle, strengthened with metal inserts - buttons: a - 8-shaped insert; B- Wedge-shaped record; rings.

Fig. 13. Corner angular compounds at right angles: and - directly open through spikes; b - oblique open through spikes; in - open through spikes in the lobby tail; g - groove on the plug-in french rail; d - in the groove and the ridge; e - on plug-in spikes; Well - on spikes in the lobby tail in charge.

Fig. 14. Kosy (on the "Us") box compounds at right angles: and - oblique spikes of virtues; b - oblique connection to the plug-in rail; in - oblique connection to the spikes of love; G is an oblique connection, a strengthened trigger slay rack.

Fig. 15. Direct and oblique compounds of workpieces: a - for a double connection into oblique grooves and a comb; b - on a straight groove and comb; in - on a three-metered groove and comb; g - on a direct groove and a comb's trash; d - on straight through spikes; e - on round plug-in spikes lovers; Well - on the spike in the lobby tail; s - on the groove and crest, reinforced with nails.

Fig. 16. Nodes in the elements of the farm.

Fig. 17. Matching logs of a chub wall: A - simple paw; b - paw with wind spike; B - paw markup; 1 - Wind Schip (Copy)

The charter system is the most complex and one of the most responsible elements of the house, the comfort and time of operation of the structure largely depends on the correct construction of its construction. Calculation and design rafter system It should be done only by experienced builders or engineers with special training.

Design the wooden rafter system is much more complicated than any metal constructions. Why? In nature there are no two boards with absolutely identical indicators of strength, this parameter affects a lot of factors.

Metal has the same properties that depend only on the steel brand. Calculations will be accurate, the minimum error. With the tree everything is much more complicated. In order to minimize the risks of the system destruction, you need to give a large stock for strength. Most solutions are accepted directly by builders in place after evaluating the condition of lumber and taking into account the design features. Practical experience is very important.

Why do you need to splicing rafters

There are several reasons why the splitting of rafters is required.

  1. The length of the roof exceeds the standard lifetime length. Standard Length Board does not exceed six meters. If the slope has large sizes, then the boards will have to lengthen.
  2. During construction there remains a lot good boobs 3-4 M.. In order to reduce the estimate cost of the building and reduce the amount of unproductive waste, it is possible to use these pieces for the manufacture of rafters, pre-captivating them.

Important. It must be remembered that the strength of the fascinated rafters is always lower than the whole. It is necessary to try that the splicing place is located as close as possible to the vertical stops.

Methods of splicing

There are several ways to splicing, unambiguously there is no better or worse. The masters make decisions taking into account their skills and a particular place for the placement of the joint.

Table. Methods of splicing rafters.

Method of splicingBrief description of technology

It is used on boards with a thickness of at least 35 mm. Pretty complex method requires practical experience Performing carpentry. By strength, the compound is the weakest of all existing. Advantage - Saving lumber. Almost at construction site is used very rarely.

The length of the rafting legs increases with the help of the lining. The pad can be wooden or metal. If the length of two sections of the boards are insufficient by the parameters of the soling system, then this method allows them to increase them. The jack connection has the highest bending strength indicators, is widely used during the construction of various structures.

Vangest. Two boards are fixed with the overlap. The easiest method, in strength, occupies the average position. Disadvantage - the total length of two boards should be more project length stropile foot.

In this article we will look at the two most simple and reliable methods of splicing: online and brand. Oblique harbor touch does not make sense, it is almost not used because large number shortcomings.

Requirements for construction standards and rules to splicing rafters

The inept splicing of rafters in length can not only dramatically reduce their resistance to bending loads, but also to cause complete destruction of the design. The consequences of this situation are very sad. Construction Rules Provide certain patterns during the selection of fasteners, places of its installation and the length of the lining. The data are taken into account long-term practical experience.

Fingerled rafters will be much stronger if it is not nails for their compound, but metal studs. The instruction will help make an independent compound calculation. The advantage of the method is universality, with it, it is possible to solve problems not only with the elongation of rafters, but also with increasing the other elements of the roof. Specialized companies performed draft calculations and collected data into a table, but it onlys the minimum permissible parameters.

  1. Diameter and Street Length. In any cases, the diameter of the studs should be ≥ 8 mm. Thinner do not have sufficient strength, it is not recommended to use them. Why? In metallic compounds, the diameter of the studs is calculated on the effort of stretching. During tightening metal surfaces So much pressed among themselves, which is held by the friction force. In wooden structures, the hairpin works on bending. Separate boards can not be filled with great strength, the washers fall into the board. In addition, during the change in the indicators of the relative humidity of the board, the thickness changes, due to this decreases the force of tightening. Studs running on bending must have a large size. The concrete diameter of the hairpin must be determined by the formula d sh \u003d 0.25 × swhere S is the thickness of the board. For example, for a board with a thickness of 40 mm, the diameter of the hairpin must be 10 mm. Although it is all pretty relative, you need to keep in mind specific loads, and they depend on many factors.

  2. The length of the allen boot. This parameter should always be four times the width of the boards. If the width of the rafted is 30 cm, then the length of the adolescence cannot be less than 1.2 m. We have already mentioned that a specific decision is made by a master taking into account the state of lumber, the angle of inclination rafters, the distance between them, weight roofing materials and climatic zone Building location. All these parameters have a big impact on the stability of the rafting system.

  3. Distance between the holes for the studs. The fastener is recommended to be fixed on the removal of at least seven diameters of spills, the distance from the edge of the board should be at least three diameters. These are minimal indicators, in practice it is recommended to increase them. But it all depends on the width of the board. It is impossible due to an increase in the distance from the edge too much to reduce the distance between the rows of studs.

  4. Number of tightening studs. There are rather complicated formulas, but in practice they do not use them. The wizards set two rows of spills with the distance between them, the holes are located in a checker order.

Practical advice. To increase the strength of the spliced \u200b\u200brafter to bend, the holes of the studs should not be located on the same line, you need to shift them at least by one diameter.

Splicing jacking board

Work is much more convenient to do on Earth, prepare a flat platform. To put the bars to land - the rafyrs will have to be cut, you need a clearance for disc saw. Before the splicing, find out the length of the Stropilin. It is necessary to measure it on the structure, use any thin long boards, rope or construction roulette. If there is a multiple centimeter error - no problem. During the connection of the rafting legs on the roof, this error is eliminated without problems.

Step 1. Put one board on the bars, smoothly cut the end at right angles. Cut a better manual electrical circular saw.

Important. Observe the safety regulations, this is a high-speed and very traumatic tool. Never dismantle the factory disk saw protection tools, do not disconnect the electrical overload relay.

Plaques for rafters are pretty heavy, during cutting, give them such a position so that they do not clamp the saw blade or prematurely missed during the dough. In the same way, prepare the second board. Pay attention to the slice only at right angles. The ends of the spliced \u200b\u200bboards should tightly lay down to each other over the entire surface, it is necessary to increase the strength of the plugged rafylic. The fact is that even with a weakening of the junction of studs, the ends during the bend will be resting on each other along the entire length of the cut and keep the load. Studs and overhead boards will hold the design only from spreading in length.

Step 2. Install the two prepared boards for rafylic. Prepare the chalkboard for the lining. We have already mentioned that its length should be about four times the width of the board. If the roof rates have a small slope, the distance between the rafters is large, and the roof will be insulated mineral Vata.The bending loads significantly increase. Accordingly, the length of the splicing board should be increased.

Step 3. Put the lining for two next to the lying splicing boards. Quite often thickness and width of the boards, even from one batch differ in several millimeters. If you have such a case, then flatter the boards from the other side to which the cheek will be bought.

Practical advice. The science of the resistance of the materials says that the thinner the material, the greater its bend resistance in the thin plane. This means that, for example, five next to the planned boards on the edge 1 cm thick each withstand a much larger load than one board with a thickness of 5 cm. Conclusion - for the splicing it is very necessary to cut thickly expensive materials, you can use several thin segments of the desired length. Such pieces at any construction site is enough.

Step 4. In chess and in normalized distances, drill holes for the heels. In order to drill holes while driving separate elements Not shifted, you need to consolidate them temporarily. Use for these purposes long and thin screws, narrow nails not recommended. They cut or tear the fibers of wood, the strength of the board is slightly reduced. Self-tapping screws do not cut fibers, and spread them to the sides, after unscrewing the board, almost completely restore their initial characteristics of the strength.

Step 5. Remove the holes, do not place them on the same line, and then the boards can crack during operation.

You can find recommendations after drilling holes disconnect the boards and lay jute between them to eliminate the appearance of cold bridges. This is not only in vain work, but also harmful. Why? First, no cold bridges in the splicing places arise, on the contrary, they have the greatest thickness and, accordingly, the lowest thermal conductivity. But even if they appear, no negative consequences will not be a rapid roof system, not room window or door. Secondly, the jute reduces the friction force between elements of splicing, and this very negatively affects their strength. Thirdly, if condensate falls on the material, which is very likely to be removed from it the moisture will be very long. What consequences leads a long contact of wooden structures with moisture to tell no need.

Step 6. Insert the studs into the prepared holes, dine from the two sides of the washer and firmly pull the nuts. It is recommended that the washers do not go into the tree. The excess strip-length can be cut off with a disco-sloping machine with a disc on metal.

Similarly, all other rafylics are spliced.

Splicing Vangest

This connection is easier to do, but under one condition - allows the total length of two boards, it must be greater than the length of the rafter foot on the nickname.

If you have low-quality lumber, then before starting work it is recommended to decompose them on smooth surface And make a revision. For long sections of fucked rafters, choose smooth, and for segments to use curves. Although it is strongly recommended to buy only high-quality materials for the rafter system, it is not that architectural element Buildings on which you can save.

Step 1. Select boards and place them on the elevation of BRUSEV. If there is a desire, then you can align ends with circular saw, There is no desire - do not flatter. The state of the ends does not affect the strength of the splicing of the brass.

Step 2. Put the boards on each other, welcome the length of the joint and the total size of the rafylic.

Practical advice. Boards must lie on each other strictly parallel. Due to the fact that the upper is lifted above the bottom on the thickness of the material, under it and bars should be layered from segments. The thickness of the segments should be equal to the thickness of the bottom board.

Step 3. Align the boards on one of the faces and self-pressing temporarily secure them. Remove the holes, put the hairpins, washers and tighten the nuts.

Splicing jack plywood

One of the ways to splicing rafters, helps save boards and rationally use waste various sawn timber. In this case, cutting sheet plywood is a thickness of one centimeter.

Step 1. Rivne to put the rafted boards on the site, commemorate the ends, pay attention to the parallelism of the side faces. The boards must be extremely the same in thickness, the ends are circumcised exactly at right angles.

Step 2. Tassel abundantly squeeze the surface of PVA glue.

Step 3. Place the prepared piece of plywood in the place of splicing, firmly press it with clamps. During fixation, make sure that plywood does not move from its original place.

Step 4. Long durable self-sufficiency in checkered, screw to the Phaneur to the boards. The length of the self-samples should be 1-2 shorter than the total thickness of the boards and plywood, their ends cannot exit back side. Under the screws surely put the washers big diameter. Before twisting the screws, drill in the holes of the holes. Their diameter should be 2-3 mm less than the diameter of the threaded part of the methome.

Step 5. Turn over the back board up, put under the ends of the stand, they should not hang in the air. Carefully take turns. Remove all installed clamps.

Step 6. Spread the surface with glue and put the second blank from plywood on them. Hold it with clamps again.

Step 7. Tighten the screws with great strength.

Important. During the twisting of the screws, pay attention to not to be located against each other. The offset should be at least three centimeters.

Step 8. Remove the clamps. To strengthen the splicing node, roll it through through stiletto. It should be placed in the same way as in an ordinary splicing of jack.

Practical advice. Stud holes should be 0.5-1.0 mm less than the diameter of the heel. There are cases that it is impossible to choose exactly the diameter of the tree drill. Then it is recommended to use a slightly smaller diameter drill, let the hairpin comes with a large enough effort.

During her clogging from strong blows of the hammer, the first few turns of the thread are frozen, which makes it very complicating the hatching of the nut. To avoid problems, before climbing the hairpin, the nuts are hidden, now let the thread on the end slaughters, it is no longer needed. Before installing the rafted in place, check whether the glue is dry. With good weather, it takes about 24 hours at full pour.

Last barcode - applying glue

Important. If during the splicing rafters along the length of the boards, the nuts were twisted until the washer was completely accumulated in the wood, then it cannot be done with plywood. Carefully control the force of pressed, do not allow veneer damage to the veneer.

How to clog nails in the rafylic when splicing

It is not always possible and the need to split individual elements of the rafted with spills, sometimes it is easier to make ordinary smooth nails. But you need to be able to kill them correctly, otherwise, over time, the effort of the compression of the boards will significantly decrease. The length of the nail should be 2.5-3 cm exceeding the thickness of the rafyroid at the connection site.

How to contact nails to connect loaded or responsible wooden structures?

Step 1. Under a slight angle, take the nail into the board, but not to the end. It is necessary that the tip on the back side is about one centimeter.

Step 2. On the reverse side of the rafter, bend the nail with a nail at right angles.

Step 3. Drive the nail to about one centimeter. Again, bend the end, the bend angle must already be much less than 90 °. The more you bend it, the more reliably the final fixation will be.

Step 4. Now you can drive the nail hat to the very end. From the reverse side, bend the protruding part until the sharp end is fully in the board. Remember that the location of the body of the nail and the place of clogging its island should not lie on the same line.

Such technology completely eliminates an independent weakening of the force of pressed.

It has already been mentioned that the strength of the rafter to bend in the splicing site is always less than that of the whole element. If possible try to place this node as close as possible to the skate, Mauerlat or various spacers. Such precaution minimize the risks of mechanical destruction of the rafter. If there is no such possibility for one or another reasons, it is not recommended to place the location of the stop under the splicing at a distance of more than 15% of the leg length from any end.

Never use black screws for connecting. This metal has two essential drawbacks. The first - it quickly oxidizes and loses its initial strength. The second - the technology of manufacturing such self-tapping suggests hardening. Kaneny Saws when exceeding permissible load Do not stretch, and burst. During the operation of the roof, the relative humidity of wooden structures is changing, respectively, the thickness of the boards varies. And this can significantly increase the effort of stretching the self-press, it will not stand and crawl.

Do not overdo it with the number of hardware. If there are too many of them, the holes will significantly reduce the strength of the parts connected, as a result you will receive the opposite effect, the extension will not increase, but will weaken.

Video - Splicing rafted in length