Repairs Design Furniture

Connecting parts by nails. Connection of wooden parts with nails. Connection of joinery nails

  1. What preparatory technological operations need to be performed to connect the parts with gluing?
  2. What other types of connections, except for gluing, are you known? What is their essence?
  3. Bring examples of connections known to you and explain their general and distinctive features.

To connect wooden parts into the design uses a connection with nails. Industry produces various types of nails. Common for them is their structure (Fig. 107).

At the same time, the nails are distinguished by the shape of the head, the length and diameter of the rod, the purpose, the material from which are made, and the like. (Fig. 108). Much propagation was obtained nails with flat heads (Fig. 109). Depending on these parameters, nails are used to connect thick and thin parts into the design, for windows of windows, fastening of tissue, rubber, metal and other structural elements with wood elements of the structure, etc. To work with plywood and fiberboard, thin nails are used.

Fig. 107. The structure of the nail: A - head; b - rod; B - edge

Fig. 108. Types of joinery nails: A - with flat head; b - with a conical head; in - with a spherical head; g - with a convex decorative head; d - spiral

Fig. 109. Types of joinery nails with flat head

The main tools that are used to connect the parts with nails, is a carbon black hammer, ticks, tools for pulling nails (Fig. 110). When connecting parts, it should be remembered that you always connect a thinner part with thicker. In accordance with the size of the blanks, the length and diameter of nails are selected. The length of the nail that does not pass through, must be 2 ... 4 times the thickness of a thinner part, and its diameter is 10 times less than its thickness.

Fig. 110. Basic tools for connecting parts with nails: A - hammers; b - ticks; in - tool for pulling nails

We clog the nail at a distance of at least 10 mm from the crude detail, otherwise it can split. If the nail must be closer than 10 mm from the crude, the hole is drilled into parts, the diameter of which is less than the nail diameter by 0.5 mm. When clogging the nail hammer hold the handle at a distance of 20 ... 30 mm from its end (Fig. 111) and strike the center of the head of the nail. At the same time, the nail is held behind the rod near the head (Fig. 112). The direction of impact should coincide with the nail axis, otherwise it will bend (Fig. 113).

Fig. 111. Hammer grip

Fig. 112. Holding a nail at the beginning of the scoring: a - fingers; B - pliers

The nail begins to score with rampant blows, and when it enters the workpiece about a third of the rod lengths, - the blow strength increases. To deepen a nail hat to wood, special cylindrical devices also use (Fig. 114). To connect parts from plywood, nailing sites are punishable (Fig. 115). If parts are connected to the passage passage of the nail, its length should be a third more thickness of the parts connected. To do this, use a nail with a flat or conical head. A portion of the nail, extinguished through, bend across the fibers (Fig. 116).

Fig. 114. Gearing Hats nail with a cylindrical device

Fig. 115. Pumping fires

If the direction of clogging the nail shifted or he bent, it should be removed. Such a technological operation is performed by ticks, hammer or special tool with a slot. In order not to damage the product when removing the nail, the piece of wood or plywood is put under these tools (Fig. 117).

When performing compounds using nails, the following rules of safe work must be observed:

  1. In the workplace there should be only those tools and materials that are necessary for work.
  2. You can use only good tools. Single hammer should not have chips, cracks, other irregularities, and the handle should be firmly fixed in its housing using a wedge (Fig. 118).
  3. Nails must be placed in boxes, and tools - in laying.
  4. When clogging a nail it should be kept under the head with two fingers.
  5. At the beginning of the clogging of the nail strikes, the hammer should be performed with a minor force, and then with great.
  6. If the mount of the hammer booster on the handle, it must be attached to the side to the opposite side (Fig. 119).

Fig. 116. Nail bent sequence

Fig. 117. Methods of pulling the nail: a - tick; b - hammer; in - tool for pulling

Fig. 118. Schemes for fastening the hammer coach with a wedge: A - right; B - wrong

Fig. 119. Nozzle boom hammer: A - correct; B - wrong

New terms

    nail, pliers.

Fastening material

  1. What is the feature of the connection of parts into the design with nails?
  2. How to choose a nail for connecting parts from wood?
  3. How to properly hold the hammer when driving nails?
  4. How to remove a nail from the workpiece?
  5. What safety rules should be observed when connecting details of nails?

Test tasks

1. The end of the handle of the hammer should look out of the hand on

    A 5 ... 10 mm
    B 10 ... 15 mm
    At 15 ... 20 mm
    G 20 ... 30 mm

2. The nail into the workpiece is clogged at a distance from the crude no less

    A 5 mm
    B 10 mm
    In 15 mm
    G 20 mm

3. When pulling the nail under the ticks put a piece of wood to

    And the nail did not bend
    B raise tick over the surface of the workpiece
    In not spoil the surface of the workpiece
    G was more convenient to work

4. The length of the nail must be more thickness of the part that is nourished in

    And 1.5 ... 2 times
    B 2 ... 4 times
    At 5 ... 6 times
    G 10 times

5. The diameter of the nail must be less detail thickness in

    And 10 times
    B 2 ... 4 times
    At 5 ... 6 times
    G 7 times
Purpose:teach students correctly pick up nails for connecting the parts of the product; Treat connection techniques.

Equipment: hammer, nails, blanks, wood, mites, bar

During the classes

I. Repetition of the material passed.

1.Bested on questions:

What technological operations do you know?

What is a technological operation?

Technological process- This is part of the entire production process containing targeted actions to change the shape, size and properties of materials in the manufacture of products from them.

Technological operation- This is the completed part of the technological process performed on one workplace or machine with various tools:

(Turning on the lathe, drilling, planing on the workbench, etc.)

3. Meeting the theme and objectives of the lesson.

II. Summary of software material.

  1. Illustrative story.
Connection on nails - one of the types of joinery

Teacher. Depending on the purpose of the nails differ in diameter, long, shape of the hat.

The teacher demonstrates various typesnails.

she, fiberboard (Fig. 89).

Fig. 89. Types of nails and receptions of the connections them: A - nail with a flat head; b - nail with a conical head for connecting votay; B - nail with a convex decorative head; g, d - wallpaper nails; e - a bench nail; Well - clogging a nail with a hammer; s - clogging of the nail with a nail direction; and - hidden nail

When connecting parts, nails need to adhere to the basic rules:

"The fine detail is naked to the thick;

"The thickness of the nail should not exceed 1/4 of the thickness of the part;

"The length must correspond 2-3 parts thickness;

"Distance from edge 4 diameter;

"Distance from end 15 diameters.

The teacher demonstrates receptionsscoring Nailing and pulling it if the nail bent or entered the harvesting crooked. (See applications, Fig. 32.)

To improve the strength of the connection, the protruding nails are sweeping on the mandrel.

The teacher demonstrates the reception of this operation. (See applications, Fig. 33.)

For pulling the nail operations are done in reverse order.

Nails are clogged with a hammer. The hammer has a handle and head. The head consists of a brisk and sock. The hammer should be kept so that the hand is at a distance of 20 ... 30 mm from the end of the handle. Initially, the nail hold a large and index fingers of the left hand and shall be applied by a hammer on the head of unlock strikes after the nail will go safely into the wood, the left hand is removed and stronger shocks. If a nail during the scoring went crookedly or bent, it must be pulled out by ticks or a hammer with a special slot on the sock. In order not to damage the surface of the product, under the ticks or batter, the hammer put a small plate. The strength of the compound increases the bending of the protruding ends of the nails on the mandrel and scoring them back into the wood. Work on the connection of parts by nails is most often carried out by carpenters. They should well understand in the rocks and properties of wood, to know ways of connecting parts, be able to make various wood products.

In order not to damage the detail with the blows of the hammer, the nail helper is left above the wood surface by 4-5 mm, overlap the plafhmy of the other hammer and the nail to the end is clogged over it.

To make a nail connection is inconspicuous, you can bite the head of the nail and score it in the surface with the surface of the part. Sometimes the heads of the nails are interlocked into wood for 2-3 mm using a dreadrower or a nail direction, and the resulting recess is covered with a tinted putty.

R wood abota: nail clogging

One of the most common when working with wood and, it would seem, the simplest operations are to scoring nails. But this operation requires certain knowledge and skills. For example, to drive a nail into an easily crashing tree, you need to bite the tick of the edge of the nail or fasten it to the hammer blows. Such a nail will not split wood (Fig. 1, a).

If you need to score several nails, then that the workpiece does not break through, it is necessary to drive the nails in a straight line, but in a checker in two or three rows (Fig. 1, b). To make a larger stiffness, nails are driven by nails at an angle to each other: one with a slope to the right, the other to the left (Fig. 1, B).

In the workpiece that does not relieve anything, it is not so easy to drive a nail: it is lightning and badly enters the wood, the blank at the same time spring and the connection of two shot down parts may not be sufficiently durable. Therefore, when driving nails, you need to ensure a tough support. Support is resting from below at the point of clogging of the nail. As such a support, it is convenient to use the hammer (Fig. 1, d) or ax.

Nails begin to drive away with unsiler, wrist motion, and the handle can be kept closer to the hammer head. If the nail enters the wood is incorrect, it must be sent to light side shocks. After making sure that the nail is directed correctly, it is driven by strong perpendicular blows of the hammer to be kept for the end of the handle, bending the hand in the elbow. The hood of a clogged nail should not oppose wood (Fig. 2, a, b). For the bending protruding on the other side, the nail board is the most convenient to use the old triangular file of such sizes so that the protruding end of the nail was 1, 2-2 times longer than its face. The edge of the file is tightly applied to the protruding end of the nail and light blows bend a nail into a file. Then the file is pulled out and the formed hook is driven into the wood (Fig. 2, c), without damaging it.

In order not to damage the fingers when driving a nail, old pliers can be used for its direction (Fig. 2, d).

The home master often has to pull out old nails. This operation is made as follows. First, a screwdriver or other tool is pushed and flexing the edge of the old nail, then with light shocks along the nail edge of its hat and capture it with ticks or a nail (Fig. 2, e). After that, the nail slot is filled under the nail hend, the outdoor side of the nail bend is located so that it is focusing into the surface of the tree, and by pressing the nail handle, pull the nail. When pulling nails with a nail-breeder, its V-shaped slot should cover a nail as close as possible. Under the bend of the nail to the metal or wood lump, so as not to damage the surface of the wood. As the nail is drawn under the nail-breeder, they put all the thicker bars so that the handle of the nail-cutter had a support. The lining is also used if nails are pulled by ticks or nippers (Fig. 2, e).

Use nails almost daily, for example, when under the picture, hammer furniture, consolidate a surrounding chair. It is important to be able to pick up nails for each type of work and each material. For connecting elements of wooden structures, carpentry nails with a small hat are usually used (Fig. 3, a), nails with a flat hat (Fig. 3, b), castle nails (Fig. 3, c), sharpened from two ends of casual nails . 3, d).

Dimensions of nails can be expressed by a fraction, for example 25/25. The upper number is the thickness of the nail in the tenths of the millimeter, the lower is the length of the nail in millimeters. With an increase in the length of the nail, its diameter increases.

When choosing nails, you need to know their type and title. Consider the types of nails.

Joinery nails (Fig. 4, a) have a flat hat (large nails - corrugated, so that the hammer does not sculp). These nails can be used when working with sawn timber from different types of wood.

In carpenter nails (Fig. 4, b) a smaller hat and somewhat rounded. Such nails are used for carpentry work: in the manufacture of furniture, flooring, etc. The carpentry nail hat is deeply included in the wood and therefore does not hurt for the knife Rubanka when processing the product.

Walking nails (Fig. 4, c) are used for furniture upholstery.

Decorative wallpaper nails (Fig. 4, d) serve for decorative furniture decoration. Industry produces decorative nails of several colors.

Castle nails (Fig. 4, e) have a rounded hat. The length of the nail usually does not exceed 20 mm. These nails nail locks in cabinets, written tables and other furniture.

Construction nails (Fig. 4, E) are performed with a notch on the rod, thanks to which they are better held in the wood. Such nails are used to pinch door and window boxes. Hat construction, like carpenter, nail is fully included in the wood.

Studs (Fig. 4, g) are bent pointed on both ends of nails. The sizes of studs are affixed in the same way as in nails, with the only difference that the lower digit shows the full length of both bent ends of the nail (for example, 18x18). Studs serve to attach wires to wooden parts, springs, rods, etc.

Plastering nails (Fig. 4, h) The size of 22x30 is used for plastering, as well as for preliminary fixing the stretched wire and tissue with the upholstery of the walls.

Crutches (Fig. 4, and) have a flat tetrahedral hat, located perpendicular to the nail trunk. They are indispensable when you need to hang any heavy items: mirrors, paintings, shelves, etc.

Dolgic nails (Fig. 4, K) refer to the category of special nails. Such nails are produced with a flat rounded hat. Dolly nails can be drove even in brick walls.

Baby nails (Fig. 4, L) are used when repairing shoes. They can also be used to pinch small products. When losing sizes in shoe nails indicate only the length.

Glass nails (Fig. 4, m) have a triangular shape and are used to fix the glass with glazing windows and doors. The driven glass nail does not interfere with the spatula.

Currently, screws are increasingly used for the connection of wooden parts, as nails, no matter how firmly they are driven, after drying, wood is often loosened and it is difficult to pull out without damaging the wooden surfaces.

In the shape of the caps, there are four types of screws: with a semicircular head (Fig. 5, a), with a secret head (Fig. 5, b), with a semi-man (shaped) head (Fig. 5, B) and construction (Fig. 5, d). The first three types of screws have a slot in the head, they can be screwed or unscrewed with the help of a precisely selected screwdriver. Large-sized construction screws are used to fasten the scaffolding. Building screw screws and dismisses a wrench.

2. Instructing according to the rules of the safe application of the hammer.

Teacher. When working with a hammer, security rules must be followed:

"Work only in a good hammer;

"Do not stand behind the back of a comrade working hammer;

"Fun along the nail hat is strictly vertically;

"Do not leave the hammer on the edge of the workbench.

Checking the assimilation of theoretical material of a new topic.

1. Control questions?

2. What is a nail?

3. What parts is the nail?

4. What kind of nails do you know?

5. Payback to the assembly!

6. Works

7. Safety equipment

3.Practical work.


Assembling Railways for posters

Summing up Classes: commentary ratings and demonstration of the best works, as well as the same works that failed (specify why).

The state of discipline is estimated in the workshop and cleaning of jobs.

Output: The skills and skills obtained in the study of this section will help when passing subsequent. At home, the guys will independently be able to make simple products.

Open technology lessonon the topic:

"Connection of details of nails and screws"

Class: Grade 5

Teacher: Umutbaev E.R.

Number of hours: 2 hours

The summary of the second-generation GEF lesson.

Technological card lesson

Teacher data:Umutbaev Eduard Robertovich

Subject: Technology; Class: 5; Tutorial (UMC): V.D. Simonenko. "Technology"

Theme lesson: Connection of wood parts with nails and screws

Type of lesson : Combined (finalizing the finished product assessment).

Equipment: Samples of nails and screws, sewn, hammers, ticks, pliers, screwdrivers, multimedia learning tools.

Characteristics of educational capabilities and preceding the achievements of class students for which a lesson is designed:

subsection - Marking skills, straight angle, wood structure, fiber concept.

Adaptation of students:due to the fact that grade 5 students only out of elementary school, then in the lesson, the material should not go with a solid flow of information, but to mix with unloading topics, in the lesson process will be shown a feature film for a proper topic that responds to students from the load. During the lesson, physical attacks will be carried out, so that students do not stop and warm up in the process of studying a new material.

The objectives of the lesson as the planned learning results, the planned level of achievement of the goals:

Type of planned academic actions

Educational actions

Planned level of achieving learning outcomes


Mastering algorithms for solving organizational tasks and technological operations.

2 level - understanding, reasonable application of operations.


determining the sequence of final operations taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

2 level - self-performing actions on the algorithm.


Choosing the most optimal means and methods for solving the problem (stripping surfaces)

2 level - joint actions of students in conditions of mutual assistance and interconnection


The ability to conduct training cooperation in a lesson with a teacher, classmates in a group and a team.

Level 1 - Performance on the algorithm under the control of the teacher.


The ability to spend self-esteem, organize mutualization and mutual assistance in the group.

2 level - independent performance with a support on a well-known algorithm.

During the classes:

1. Illustrative story.

Teacher. Depending on the purpose of the nails differ in diameter, long, shape of the hat.

The teacher demonstrates various types of nails.

When connecting parts, nails need to adhere to the basic rules:

"The fine detail is naked to the thick;

"The thickness of the nail should not exceed 1/4 of the thickness of the part;

"The length must correspond 2-3 parts thickness;

"Distance from edge 4 diameter;

"Distance from end 15 diameters.

The teacher demonstrates the receptions of clogging a nail and pulling it if the nail bent or entered the harvesting crooked.

a) clogging a nail; b) pulling the nail

To improve the strength of the connection, the protruding nails are sweeping on the mandrel.

The teacher demonstrates the reception of this operation.

For pulling the nail operations are done in reverse order.

2. Instructing according to the rules of the safe application of the hammer.

Teacher. When working with a hammer, security rules must be followed:

"Work only in a good hammer;

"Do not stand behind the back of a comrade working hammer;

"Fun along the nail hat is strictly vertically;

"Do not leave the hammer on the edge of the workbench.

3.Practic work.


On an unsuitable material, combine the details of nails.

"Training in the bending of nails.

"Pull out clogged nails.

4. Application and testing of connecting parts for screws.

Teacher. Now let's look at the connection of parts for screws.

The screw consists of a head (semicircular, secret and semi-man), a rod of various lengths and thickness with screw cutting. (See arr.for life, rice. 34.)

Types of screws

1. Flat head screws and screws with a cross-shaped head are suitable for most ordinary works with wood. The head of the screw after screwing lies on the surface or blends into it. The cruciform incision on the screw of the screw is provided by a stronger grip with a screwdriver when screwed. In addition, with cruciform screws, you can work with almost one screwdriver, regardless of their size (on screws with large cruciform heads, the screwdriver is deeper into the slot), while for each ordinary screw, a suitable screwdriver is required.

2. Sheep-secret screws are used to attach accessories with extended holes, such screws are made with chromium or nickel coating. Accessories without extended holes requires the use of semicircular head screws, which can also be chrome or nickel-plated.

3. The mirror is called the type of screws, on which the chrome-plated cap of various shapes, determined by the constructive and decorative requirements for the product.

4. Key screws are designed for fastening wooden products, fixed in the hole using a wrench. Key screws are designed to connect large building details and structures. Stainless coatings on decorative nickel-plated or chromed screws make them indispensable for use in wet rooms or outside the house.

5. Double screw indispensable for a hidden compound of wooden parts.

6. Finally, work with the tin and chipboard requires the use of special screws. In the first case, this is a screw form of a special form of hardened steel, the hardness of which allows you to cut the thread into fissas and plastics directly by the screw. In the second case (chipboard) in connection with the loose structure of the material surface, screws are used with an unintentional tip (Fig. 20).

7. Screws on a tree are released with flat, semi-secret and semicircular heads, you can also meet screws with screwed additional decorative heads.

Slots of screws differ in shape (Fig. 21). Along with the screws with a simple slot, cruciform screws are used, the head of which the screwdriver "grabs" is much stronger, does not slide and does not damage the surface of the screw; The screwdriver in this case is automatically centered in the slot.

Screws can be equipped with caps and washers - with some types of fasteners, it is necessary to put the washer, gasket or a lining ring under the head of the screw (Fig. 22).

Compliance with this Recommendation is especially important in cases where the details of soft materials are subject to the connection: the washers or gaskets help to avoid too much outpaning the screw of the screw into the part, since the pressure is distributed to a large surface area. The caps and tires for the screw head are used in cases where the screw is performed in addition to the functional and decorative purpose, is a decorative element; They are made from different materials and there are different colors.

The teacher draws the attention of students on the variety of slots of the head of the screw.

Teacher. When choosing a closer length, it is necessary to consider that its length should be 2-3 times more connected to the part (top).

In the upper part, the hole is drilled by a slightly more diameter of the screw, and in the lower - 4/5 0 screw.

For secret and semi-eaten heads of screws, the hole is once-annoyed.

The teacher demonstrates an example of connecting details of screws.

TO ak do you think which connection parts will be more durable andreliable - Nails or screws?

In enterprises, collectors perform the operation of screwing screws with the help of electrical expenditure, pneumatic products.

5. Instructing by safety rules when connecting parts for screws.

Teacher. The main security rules are:

"Do not use screws with a shot down slot;

"Use only a good screwdriver;

"Muffle the screw only at right angles;

"When screwed down, do not touch screw hands;

"After screwing, it is screwed down from burrs.

1) Shoot when screwed down Do not keep your hand to not damage it if the dumping sludge.

2) Use a good reserved, exactly suitable for the slot.

3) The axis of dumping inserted into the slot must be a continuation of the screw axis.

4) Press the score evenly, as it can jump out of the slot of the screw

5) Keep scolding with two hands: the left directs it to the rod, and the right - rotates.

6) Do not use screws with ribbon slots and blocked edge, as well asBent.

Control new material

Test to the topic: "Connection of parts by nails, screws, gluing"

1. What of the listed methods are wooden blanks?

With the help of nails, screws, welding

With the help of screws, glue, soldering

On glue, welding, with nails

With the help of nails, screws on glue

2. What tools are needed to connect details on nails

Hammer, hacksaw, ticks

Hammer, ticks, timed

Shilo, Shirbel, Hammer

3. Fastener part connecting wooden parts.

4. Screws, with what form of the head do not apply to connect wooden parts?





5. What is a slot?

Tip screws

Screw line on the rod

Slide for dumping


6. Tool for screwing a screw in a combined part

6.Practic work.

On an unsuitable material, practice screwing screws, pre-pickled screws and screwdriver

The outcome of the lesson.

Teacher evaluatesquality Practical work, indicates characteristic errors made by students.

To give connections to the required strength, nails, screws, depth, bolts, brazen, coolers, lining, plug-in plates, crops and bolsters are used.

Cutting the nail to the board

Using nailsit must be borne in mind that the thickness (diameter) of the nail of the robby should not exceed about 1/10 part of the thickness of the part punched. The place where the nail is driven into, in order to avoid splitting should be from the edge of the part at a distance of an at least double thickness of the nail and at a distance of 15 diameters of the nail from the end of the part.

Nails, driven into the end of the part, keep very weak. For durable parts, nails are necessary for the nail to go to the bottom item to the double thickness of the top item through the top. If the bottom item turns out to be thinner than this size, the nail must be poured through both parts, and the end of it from the other side of the Block, across the fibers of wood.
Solid and elastic wood tightly holds a nail, but hard to score him into such wood.

To make it easier to drive the nail, it is a little clogged into the item and immediately take out. The resulting recess is filled with paraffin. Then, inserting a nail into the same place, drive it down. Under the influence of heat formed by friction of the nail of wood, paraffin melts and lubricates a nail. A lubricated nail introduces in the wood much easier.

Nails should be hammered so that they pierce the generic layers, and not taken between them (Fig. 9, but).
If you need to score a nail in such a place where the head should not be visible, it is pre-flattened with a hammer from the sides to the thickness of the nail itself.

Fig. 1. Scroll of nails: A - across the annual layers, b - flattened with a hat along the fibers, in - at the oppositeFlusted heads always put along the fibers, which makes nails less noticeable (Fig. 1, b).
For the strength of the connection, it is recommended to score nails with a counter-tilt (Fig. 1, c). That nail length and thicker, the stronger it rests in the wood. However, the size of the nail must be combined with the size of a wooden part. The nail of the square cross section is stronger than the nail of the round section of the same size.

For wood rich in tanning substances, such as oak, alder, galvanized nails are applied, as steel is quickly covered by corrosion. The ends of nails, punched through wood, should be bent across the fibers.

To attach layouts apply nails without hats in the form of studs. For this, the nail with a hat is clogged by about 2/3 of its length and bodies bite the head. Then they finally clog the stud, having it in the wood.

Connect screws

The connection on the screws is performed when strengthening hard and fittings. Sometimes screws are used to attach wooden parts to products in conditions of variable humidity or with increased design strength, such as in the wagons.

Screw not clog, but screw in the wood. Imaging the screw with a hammer even on a small depth reduces the strength of the connection.

The strength of fixing screws depends on the density of wood, the length and thickness of the screw, the depth of it. The longer and thicker is screwing, deeper than its cutting and dense wood, the more durable the connection is obtained. Wood swivel reduces the strength of the connection with screws, as the confused fibers have small elasticity. Screw the screw should be perpendicular to the plane of the wood and before the failure, not spoiling the slot of the screw head.
When screws are screwed into solid wood or when working with thick screws, it is necessary to pre-drill in fine drill or make the hole with a joiner of the hole in a depth equal to half or three quarters of the length of the screw-repeated part of the screw. Otherwise, the screw will be difficult to screw and you can disrupt the slot in his head. To protect the screws from rusting when screwing into oak and wet wood, they are recommended to lubricate tavot.

The advantage of the screw in front of the nail is that it gives a stronger connection and can be dismissed several times and repeatedly screwed into the same hole.

Small-sized screws with square or hexagon heads - grouse - screw in wrench, like bolts.

Bolt connection

Under bolts.drill through holes. For the protection of wood from crushing under the head of the bolt and under the nut, metal washers are put - gaskets. For wood, usually use washers of increased diameter or plate with holes.

Connection of anticipation

Basinage of parts by naked(wooden nails) occurs in carpentry and carpentry work very often, especially in thickening connections. The thickness of the brackets from 3 to 12 mm. Babe bezelged into the hole drilled for them and strengthen on the glue. The end of the brazen is sharpened to glue with which it is lubricated before inserting, was not erased by the edge of the hole, and penetrate deep into the brave. For fastening parts made of soft wood, they make the wood of solid rocks, giving them an almost square shape. Such brazen the fibers are stronger and tightly compressed with them.
For fastening products made of solid wood, apply braided from soft wood and make them round form. Such peeled is better crimped and more tightly wrapped with the walls of the hole.
Connections can be on one or two impudations.

In the first case, the heater is placed in the middle of the compound, in the second - diagonally connecting the inner and outer corners of the compound at a distance of 1/4 of the diagonal length from these angles or 1/3 and 1/4 of the width of bars.

For additional mounting of angular compounds in non-transparent, apply metal squares and lining.

They are used in window bindings, for connecting parts of collapsible products and arrive with screws. When assembling shields, metal plates of triangular or tape-wavy shape of different lengths and widths and from both ends are pointed. The plates are pressed into the edges of the parts connected, or as an additional fastening of the adhesive seam, or as an independent means of the connection.

Suchapply to connect the tables of tables or seats of stools.
Wooden Calves, or Bars, are intended foradditional fastening when conjugging the Tsarg with legs of chairs, sofas, chairs, tables, as well as seats of chairs, chairs and covers of tables.

To connect the parts of the simple product, sufficient nails. The nomenclature of nails is very large, there are for example, wallpaper, with a reduced head, boxes.

The length of the nail should be equal to the tripled thickness of the part connected. The extreme nails are clogged at some angle so that they do not get out, a carpentry hammer, somewhat different from.

For better entry into the tree, nails are lubricated with soap.

Connection of wooden parts screws

Connection screws - more durable, collapsible. Screws are steel, brass, from various alloys. Their designation is similar to the designation of screws (screw 2 x 20 means a screw diameter of 2 mm and a length of 20 mm).

a - with a secret head; b - with a semicircular head;
in - with a semi-foot head;
g - with a hexagon head; D - with a square head.

Before screwing the screw, in the softwood it is enough to make a shallow hole with a shell, and in a solid - a bang.

The threads of large screws are lubricated with soap. Screws are screwed down with a screwdriver with a blade in the shape of a groove in a screw. Even with the most accurate attitude, the screwdriver with a shovel often breaks down from the head (especially in screws from alloys) and scratches the item. In this regard, it is more expedient to apply screws with a crusade.

Connection of wooden parts splicing

If it is necessary, four planed parts are cut into a solid frame with a solid frame and laid them in the form of a rectangle on the drawn sketch. On the upper and lower sides of the folders, the pencil mark the width of the adjacent parts, and then the carbon tolerate the mark on the entire contour. After that, with the help of flights, risks are applied to remove the material.

When cutting, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the saw blade. After that, they collect a frame, missing glue, sometimes connecting pins.

Spike connection of wooden parts

For the manufacture of the frame, which should be stronger than the fascinated frame, use a single spike connection. Two opposite parts of the frame (called the strapping) have eyelets or spikes.

If part of the cortex is preserved on the strapping of a larger length, they make spikes, on smaller - eyelashes. The ends of the strapping are placed on three equal parts and cut off cuts: for spikes - from the outside risks, for the eye - with the inner. The eyelet is hollowed up to the middle, then the strapping turn over and finish the eye to the end. After that, the eyeles and spikes are cleaned with a rashpil or glass skurt and collected frame.

1 - eyelet; 2 - spike.

An even stronger connection with multiple spikes, used for compounds of the corners of the framework of the bearing structures, chairs, boxes, etc.

Manually, such spikes are made as follows: Apply the exact markup with a pencil, the saws are made on both sides, the narrow bit at the beginning with one, and then on the other hand the material cut down, cleaned with rasp or glass skurt. Finished strapping connect, eliminate defects and check the dimensions and perpendicularity of the connection.