Repairs Design Furniture

SNIP 3.03 01 87 Actualized edition. Carriers and enclosing structures. Building regulations

The real set of rules is designed to improve the quality of construction and installation work, durability and reliability of buildings and structures, as well as the level of people's safety at the construction site, the preservation of material values \u200b\u200bin accordance with December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on security of buildings and structures ", increase the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents; Applications of uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and assessment methods.

3.5 Data on the production of construction and installation work should be made daily to journals for installation of building structures (), welding works (), anti-corrosion protection of welded joints (), deploying mounting joints and nodes (), performing mounting connections on controlled tension bolts ( ), Concrete work magazine (), as well as fixed in the course of installation of structures their position on geodetic actuating schemes. The quality of construction and installation work should be ensured by the current control of the technological processes of preparatory and main works, as well as when accepting work. According to the results of current control of technological processes, acts of examination of hidden works are drawn up.

3.6 Constructions, products and materials used in the construction of concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, wooden and stone structures, must meet the requirements of the relevant standards, arrangements of rules and work drawings.

3.7 Transportation and temporary storage of structures (products) in the installation zone should be performed in accordance with the requirements of state standards for these designs (products), and for non-standard structures (products) comply with the following requirements:

Constructions should be, as a rule, in a position corresponding to the project (beams, farms, plates, wall panels, etc.), and if it is impossible to perform this condition - in a position, convenient for transportation and transfer to installation (columns, staircase marches etc.) subject to ensuring their strength;

Designs should be based on the inventory lining and gaskets of the rectangular section located in the places specified in the project; The thickness of the gasket must be at least 30 mm and at least 20 mm exceed the height of the lines and other protruding parts of the structures; With multi-tiered loading and storage of the same type of lining and gasket designs, one vertically should be located on the lifting device line (loops, holes) or in other places specified in the working drawings;

Construction standards and rules SNiP 3.03.01-87
"Bearing and enclosing structures"
resolution of the USSR State Building of December 4, 1987 N 280)

With changes:

(from 22.05. 2003)

Instead SNIP III-15-76; CH 383-67; SNIP III-16-80; CH 420-71;

SNIP III-18-75; SNIP III-17-78; SNIP III-19-76; CH 393-78

1. General Provisions

1.1. These norms and rules apply to the production and acceptance of works performed during the construction and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures, in all sectors of the national economy:

when the monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures are made of severe, especially severe, on porous aggregates, heat-resistant and alkali-resistant concrete, in the manufacture of work on torture and underwater concrete;

in the manufacture of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures in the construction site;

when installing precast concrete, steel, wooden structures and structures from lightweight materials;

when welding assembly compounds of building steel and reinforced concrete structures, compounds of fittings and mortgage products of monolithic reinforced concrete structures;

in the manufacture of works on the construction of stone and arm-varia designs from ceramic and silicate bricks, ceramic, silicate, natural and concrete stones, brick and ceramic panels and blocks, concrete blocks.

The requirements of this Regulation should take into account when designing structures of buildings and structures.

1.2. These works in accordance with the project, as well as to comply with the requirements of the relevant standards, building standards and rules for the organization of construction production and safety in construction, fire safety rules in the production of construction and installation works, as well as the requirements of state supervisory authorities .

1.3. With the erection of special structures - roads, bridges, pipes, tunnels, metro, airfields, hydraulic, reclamation and other structures, as well as the construction of buildings and structures on the eternal and sedentary soils, the work on the territories and in seismic areas should be additionally guided by the requirements of the relevant regulatory regulations -Technical documents.

1.4. Work on the construction of buildings and structures should be done according to the approved project of the work of work (PPR), in which, along with general requirements, SNIP 3.01.01-85 should be provided: the sequence of installation of structures; measures that ensure the required installation accuracy; Spatial immutability of structures in the process of their consolidation assembly and installation in the project position; stability of structures and parts of the building (facilities) during the construction process; The degree of enlarging structures and safe working conditions.

Combined installation of structures and equipment should be made according to the PPR, which contains the order of combining work, interconnected circuits of mounting tiers and zones, graphs of lifting structures and equipment.

In the necessary cases, additional technical requirements should be developed to increase the construction technological designs of the erected structures that must be agreed in the established procedure with the organization - a project developer and included in the executive working drawings.

1.5. Data on the production of construction and installation work should be made daily to journals for installation of building structures (mandatory annex 1), welding works (mandatory annex 2), anti-corrosion protection of welded connections (required application 3), deploying mounting joints and nodes (mandatory application 4 ), performing mounting connections on controlled tension bolts (required application 5), and also fixed the design of the structures on the geodetic actuators.

1.6. Designs, products and materials used in the construction of concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, wooden and stone structures should meet the requirements of the relevant standards, technical conditions and work drawings.

1.7. Transportation and temporary storage of structures (products) in the installation zone should be performed in accordance with the requirements of state standards on these designs (products), and for non-standardized structures (products) comply with the requirements:

constructions should be, as a rule, in a position corresponding to the project (beams, farms, plates, wall panels, etc.), and if it is impossible to perform this condition - in a position, convenient for transportation and transfer to installation (columns, staircase marches etc.) subject to ensuring their strength;

designs should be based on the inventory lining and gaskets of the rectangular section located in the places specified in the project; The thickness of the gasket must be at least 30 mm and at least 20 mm exceed the height of the lines and other protruding parts of the structures; With multi-tiered loading and storage of the same type of lining and gasket designs, one vertically should be located on the lifting device line (loops, holes) or in other places specified in the working drawings;

designs should be securely fixed for protection against tipping, longitudinal and transverse displacement, mutual strikes each or about the design of vehicles; fasteners should ensure the possibility of unloading each element from vehicles without disrupting the remaining resistance;

fast surfaces need to be protected from damage and contamination;

releases of reinforcement and protruding parts must be protected from damage; Factory labeling must be available for inspection;

small parts for mounting connections should be attached to the sending elements or send simultaneously with the designs in the container, equipped with tags, indicating the brands of parts and their number; These details should be stored under a canopy;

fasteners should be stored in a closed room sorted by type and brands, bolts and nuts - in terms of class of strength and diameters, and high-strength bolts, nuts and washers - and by parties.

1.8. Structuring designs should be sorted by brands and laying out the order of installation.

1.10. To ensure the safety of wooden structures during transportation and storage, apply inventory devices (lifts, clamps, containers, soft slings) with installation in places of support and contact designs with metal parts of soft pads and linings, as well as protect them from exposure to solar radiation, alternate humidification and drying.

1.11. Prefabricated designs should be installed, as a rule, from vehicles or enlargement stands.

1.12. Before lifting each mounting item must be checked:

compliance with its project brand;

state of mortgage products and installation wrappings, no dirt, snow, nondes, damage to finishing, primer and color;

the presence in the workplace of the necessary connecting parts and auxiliary materials;

the correctness and reliability of fixing the lifting devices;

and also to equip in accordance with the RFP tools to scratching, stairs and fences.

1.13. The lines of the mounted elements should be produced in places specified in the working drawings, and ensure their rise and submit to the place of installation in a position close to the project. If you need to change the sling places, they must be agreed with the organization - developer of work drawings.

It is forbidden to stop the structures in arbitrary places, as well as for the releases of the reinforcement.

Schemes of the lines of enlarged flat and spatial blocks should provide when lifting their strength, stability and immutability of geometric sizes and forms.

1.14. Mounted items should be lifted smoothly, without jerks, swinging and rotation, as a rule, with the use of delay. When lifting vertically arranged structures, use one delay, horizontal elements and blocks - at least two.

It follows to lift the designs in two receptions: first at a height of 20-30 cm, then, after checking the reliability of the trim, to produce further lifting.

1.15. When installing the mounting elements must be provided:

stability and immutability of their position at all stages of installation;

safety of work production;

accuracy of their position using permanent geodetic control;

strength of mounting connections.

1.16. Designs should be installed in the design position according to adopted orientations (risks, pins, restraints, faces, etc.).

Constructions having special mortgages or other fixing devices should be installed on these devices.

1.17. Installed mounting items before the rinse must be securely fixed.

1.18. Prior to the end of the reconciliation and reliable (temporary or project) fastening the installed element, it is not allowed to describe the overlying structures on it, if such support is not provided by the PPR.

1.19. In the absence of special requirements in the working drawings, the limit deviations of the settings (faces or rice) during the installation of prefabricated elements, as well as deviations from the design position of completed installation (construction) of structures should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven in the relevant sections of these norms and the rules.

Deviations on the installation of mounting elements, the position of which may change in the process of their continuous consolidation and loading by subsequent structures, should be assigned to the PPR with such a calculation so that they do not exceed the limit values \u200b\u200bafter the completion of all installation work. In the absence of special instructions in the PPR, the value of the deviation of the elements during the installation should not exceed 0.4 limiting deviation to the acceptance.

1.20. The use of installed structures to attach cargo polystopes, tap blocks and other lifting devices is allowed only in cases provided for by the PPR and coordinated when necessary with the organization that completed working drawings of structures.

1.21. Installation of structures of buildings (structures) should be started, as a rule, with a spatial-resistant part: a blessing cell, stiffener cores, etc.

Installation of structures of buildings and structures of a large length or height should be produced by spatial-resistant sections (spans, tiers, floors, temperature blocks, etc.)

1.22. Production quality control of construction and installation work should be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85.

At acceptance control, the following documentation should be presented:

executive drawings made (if any) retreats made by the enterprise - the manufacturer of structures, as well as an assembly organization agreed with project organizations - drawings developers, and documents on their coordination;

factory technical passports on steel, reinforced concrete and wooden structures;

documents (certificates, passports) certifying the quality of the materials applied in the production of construction and installation work;

acts of examination of hidden work;

acts of intermediate acceptance of responsible structures;

executive geodesic schemes for designs of structures;

journals of work;

documents on the quality control of welded joints;

structural test acts (if tests are provided for by additional rules of these standards and rules or working drawings);

other documents specified in additional rules or work drawings.

1.23. It is allowed in projects with the appropriate substantiation to assign requirements for the accuracy of parameters, volumes and methods of control, which differ from those provided by these Rules. In this case, the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the structures should be prescribed on the basis of calculating accuracy according to GOST 21780-83.

2. Concrete work

Materials for concrete

2.1. The choice of cements for the preparation of concrete mixtures should be made in accordance with these Rules (recommended Appendix 6) and GOST 23464-79. Cement acceptance should be made according to GOST 22236-85, transportation and storage of cements - according to GOST 22237-85 and SNiP 3.09.01-85.

2.2. Fillers for concrete applied by fractionated and soot. It is forbidden to apply a natural mixture of sand and gravel without resident on the fraction (required application 7). When choosing fillers for concrete, it should be used primarily materials from local raw materials. To obtain the required technological properties of concrete mixtures and the operational properties of concrete, chemical additives or their complexes are applied in accordance with the required application 7 and the recommended Annex 8.

Concrete mixes

2.3. The dosing of components of concrete mixes should be made by weight. Dosing in the volume of water additives administered to the concrete mixture in the form of aqueous solutions is allowed. The ratio of components is determined for each batch of cement and aggregates, when preparing the concrete of the required strength and mobility. The dosage of components should be adjusted in the process of preparing a concrete mixture, taking into account the data control of the properties of cement, humidity, aggregate granulometry and strength control.

2.4. The procedure for loading the components, the duration of mixing of the concrete mixture must be installed for specific materials and conditions of the used concrete mixing equipment by assessing the mobility, homogeneity and strength of concrete in a specific kneading. With the introduction of segments of fibrous materials (FIBR), such a way to introduce them should be provided so that they do not form lumps and inhomogeneities.

When preparing a concrete mixture on separate technology, the following order should be observed:

water, part of sand, thin-fat mineral filler (in the case of its use) and cement, where everything is mixed is dosed into the working high-speed mixer;

the resulting mixture is fed into the concrete mixer, pre-loaded the remaining part of the aggregates and water, and again all stirred.

2.5. Transportation and supply of concrete mixtures should be carried out by specialized means ensuring the preservation of the specified properties of the concrete mix. It is forbidden to add water at the site of laying a concrete mix to increase its mobility.

2.6. The composition of the concrete mix, preparation, acceptance rules, control methods and transportation should correspond to GOST 7473-85.

2.7. Requirements for the composition, preparation and transportation of concrete mixes are shown in Table 1.

Table 1

│ │ │ Control (method, │

│ │ │ registration) │

│ 1. The number of fractions of large │ measuring

│ aggregate with crozy │ GOST 10260-82, │

All grains, mm: │ │ Journal of work │

│ up to 40 │ at least two │

│ sv. 40 │ at least three │ │

│ 2. The greatest size│ │ the same │

│ aggregates for: │ │ │

│ reinforced concrete consto-│ not more than 2/3 smallest │

│ kingdom of arms between the rods│ │

│Artages │ │ │

│ plates │ not more than 1/2 thickness │ │

│ │ plates │ │

│ thin-walled construction-│ not more than 1/3 - 1/2 thickness-│ │

│eni │ products │ │

│ When pumping Beto-│ not more than 0.33 internal │

│ Nonasos: │ Diameter Pipeline │ │

│ Including grains │ not more than 15% by weight │

│ the greatest time │ │ │

│ Measure of Peshechy and │ │ │

│ needle forms │ │ │

│ when pumping the software │ measuring

│ concheel content │Gost 8736-85, │

Sand in size less, │ │ Journal of work │

│ mm: │ │ │

│ 0,14 │ 5 - 7% │ │

│ 0,3 │ 15 - 20% │ │

Laying concrete mixes

2.8. Before concreting, rock bases, horizontal and inclined concrete surfaces of working seams must be cleaned of garbage, dirt, oils, snow and ice, cement film, etc. immediately before laying a concrete mixture, purified surfaces must be washed with water and dried by air.

2.9. All designs and their elements closed in the process of subsequent work of work (prepared bases of structures, fittings, mortgage products, etc.), as well as the correctness of the installation and fixing of the formwork and its supporting elements must be taken in accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85.

2.10. Concrete mixtures should be laid in concrete structures with horizontal layers of the same thickness without breaks, with a sequential direction of laying in one direction in all layers.

2.11. When the concrete mixture is sealing, it is not allowed to support vibrators to fittings and mortgage products, heavy and other fastening elements. The depth of immersion of the deep vibrator in the concrete mixture should provide its recess in the previously stacked layer by 5-10 cm. The step of rearrangement of the depth vibrators should not exceed the one-hour radius of their action, surface vibrators - should provide overlapping on a 100 mm vibrator area of \u200b\u200bthe boundary of the boundary of the boundary area.

2.12. Laying the next layer of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200ballowed before the selection of the concrete of the previous layer. The duration of the interruption between the laying of the adjacent layers of the concrete mix without the formation of the workshop is established by the construction laboratory. The top level of the laid concrete mix should be 50-70 mm below the top of the formwork shields.

2.13. The surface of the working seams suitable when laying a concrete mixture with interruptions should be perpendicular to the axis of concrete columns and beams, the surface of the plates and walls. The resumption of concreting is allowed to be performed by reaching the concrete of a strength of at least 1.5 MPa. Working seams in coordination with the project organization is allowed to arrange under concreting:

columns - at the top of the top of the foundation, the bottom of the run, beams and crane consoles, the top of the crane beams, the bottom of the capitals of the columns;

balts of large sizes, monolithically connected to plates - by 20-30 mm below the mark of the lower surface of the plate, and if there is a plate of the WWT, on the floor plate,

flat plates - anywhere in parallel smaller side of the plate;

ribbed parrot - in the direction parallel to secondary beams;

individual beams - within the middle third of the span of the beams, in the direction parallel to the main beams (runs) within two mid-quarters of the span of runs and plates;

massives, arches, arches, reservoirs, bunkers, hydraulic structures, bridges and other complex engineering structures and structures - in places specified in projects.

2.14. Requirements for laying and sealing concrete mixtures are given in Table 2.

table 2


│ │ │ Control (method, │

│ parameter │ value parameter │ volume, view │

│ │ │ registration) │


│1. The strength of surfaces │ not less, MPa: │ measuring by

│ concrete grounds for │Gost 10180-78, │

│ Cleaning from cement│ │Gost 18105-86, │

│ Films: │ │Gost 22690.0-77, │

│ water and air │ 0.3 │ work journal │

│ jet │ │ │

│ mechanical metallic-│ 1.5 │ │

│ with a brush │ │ │

│ Hydroprostrone or │ 5.0 │ │

│ mechanical cutter │ │ │

│2. The height of the free scum-│ no more, m: │ measuring, 2│

│ subtle concrete mix in │ │Razy in shift, │

│ formwork of structures: │ │ Journal of work │

│ columns │ 5.0 │ │

│ overlaps │ 1.0 │ │

│ walls │ 4.5 │ │

│ unarmed Const-│ 6.0 │ │

│ commands │ │ │

│ Larmed under-│ 4.5 │ │

│ earth structures in│ │ │

│ dry and connected soils │ │ │

│ hustarized │ 3.0 │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. The thickness of the stacked │ measuring, 2│

│ layers of concrete mix: │ │Read in shift, │

│ When a mixture is sealing │ 5-10 cm less than the job.

│ heavy suspended │ working part length │

│ vertically space-│ vibrator │ │

│ feminine vibrators│ │ │

│ When the mixture is sealing, no more vertical │

│ suspended vibrator-│ projection of the length of the slave

│ Mi, located under the whose parts of the vibrator │ │

│ an angle to the vertical (up to │ │

│ 30 °) │ │ │

│ When the mixture is sealing, no more than 1.25 length.

│ manual depth │ working part of the vibra- │ │

│ vibrators │ Torah │ │

│ when sealing │ │ │

│ mixtures superficial │ no more, cm: │ │

│ vibrators in │ │ │

│ Constructions: │ │ │

│ unarmed │ 40 │ │

│ with single reinforcement │ 25 │ │

│ dual "│ 12 │ │


Concrete and Care

2.15. In the initial period of hardening concrete, it is necessary to protect against atmospheric precipitation or loss of moisture, subsequently maintain temperature and humidity regime with the creation of conditions that ensure the increase in its strength.

2.16. Concrete care measures, the order and timing of their conduct, control over their implementation and the timing of the structures of structures should be established by the PPR.

2.17. Movement of people on concrended structures and setting formwork overlaid structures are allowed after reaching the concrete of a strength of at least 1.5 MPa.

Concrete Test when accepting structures

2.18. Strength, frost resistance, density, waterproof, deformability, as well as other indicators established by the project should be determined according to the requirements of existing state standards.

Concretes on porous aggregates

2.19. Concretes must meet the requirements of GOST 25820-83.

2.20. Materials for concrete should be selected in accordance with the required application 7, and chemical additives with the recommended Annex 8.

2.21. The selection of concrete composition should be made in accordance with GOST 27006-86.

2.22. Concrete mixtures, their preparation, delivery, laying and care for concrete must meet the requirements of GOST 7473-85.

2.23. The main indicators of the quality of the concrete mix and concrete should be monitored in accordance with Table 3.

Table 3.


│ │ │ Control (method, │

│ parameter │ value parameter │ volume, view │

│ │ │ registration) │


│1. Bundle, no more than │ 6% │ measuring

│ │ │Gost 10181.4-81, │

│ │ │2 times in shift, │

│ │ │ Journal of work │

│ │ │ │

│2. Concrete strength (in MO-│ │ measuring

│ MENT OF CONSTA-│ │Gost 10180-78 and │

│ Arms), not lower: │ │Gost 18105-86, │

│ heat insulating │ 0.5 MPa │ not less than one │

│ construction and heat-│ 1.5 MPa │Razy for the whole │

│ insulating │ │

│ reinforced │ 3.5 MPa, but not less than 50% │, work log

│ │ design strength │ │

│ pre-volu-│ 14.0 MPa, but not less than 70% │ │

│ feminine │ design strength │ │


Acid-resistant and alkaline concretes

2.24. Acid-resistant and alkaline concretes must comply with the requirements of GOST 25192-82. The compositions of acid-resistant concrete and materials requirements are shown in Table 4.

Table 4.


│ material │ number │ requirements for materials │


│1. Binding - liquid │ │ │

│ Glass: │ │ │

│ sodium │ not less than 280 kg / m3│1,38-1,42 (specific) │

│ │ (9-11% by weight) │s silica module│

│ │ │2,5-2,8 │

│ Kalievoe │ - │1.26 - 1.36 (specific wt - │

│ │ │ │se) with silica fashion-│

│ │ │ 2,5-3.5 │

│ │ │ │

│2. The initiator of hardening is 25 to 40 kg / m3 │ Conducting a pure thing-│

│ siliconfluoride │ (1.3-2% by weight) │night of at least 93%, moist-│

│ sodium: │ │ness no more than 2%, tone-│

│ │ to the grind of grinding, respectively

│ │ │ in the residue no more

│ │ │5% on Sieve N 008 │

│ │ │ │

│ Including for concrete: │ │ │

│ acid resistant │8-10% mass NAT-│ │

│ (KB) │Rye liquid │

│ │ Specked │ │

│ oxyeotype- │18-20% mass │

│ whom (KVB) │Nature liquid │ │

│ │

│ │15% of the mass of Kitality-│ │

│ │ in liquid │

│ │ Specked │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. Thin-shaped nollane- │ at 1.3-1.5 times │cott resistance is not natch

│ Ratriot - Andesitova, │ more expense │ € 96%, thinness of grinding, │

│ Diabase or Basal-│ liquid glass │ Contracting residue│

│ tic flour │ (12-16%) │no more than 10% on the sieve│

│ │ │n 0315, moisture not bo-│

│ │ │ dete 2% │

│ │ │ │

│4. Small aggregate -│ 2 times more│Slot resistance not lower than │

│ Quartz sand │ fluid flow │96%, humidity no more than 1% .│

│ │ glass (24-26%) of the strength of the strength of rocks, out

│5. Large aggregate -│ 4 times more. When the sand is obtained and

│Stopena from Andesita, │ Flow of liquid fell, should not be lower

│Beshnuta, quartz, │ glass (48-50%) │60 MPa. It is prohibited for example

│ Karcita, Felsitis, │ │ Creating aggregates from car-│

│Ranitis, acid-│ │ Bonate breeds (known-│

│ Ceramics │ │s, dolomites), fill-│

│ │ │ │li should not contain me-│

│ │ │ Tallic inclusions


2.25. Preparation of concrete mixes on liquid glass should be carried out in the following order. Previously, in a closed mixer in a dry form, the initiator of hardening, filler and other powdered components are stirred through the sieve. Liquid glass is stirred with modifying additives. Initially, the mixer loads the crushed stone of all fractions and sand, then the mixture of powdered materials and stirred for 1 min, then liquid glass is added and stirred for 1-2 minutes. In gravitational mixers, the mixing time of dry materials increases to 2 minutes, and after loading all components - up to 3 minutes. Adding to the finished mixture of liquid glass or water is not allowed. The viability of the concrete mix is \u200b\u200bnot more than 50 minutes at 20 ° C, it decreases with an increase in temperature. The requirements for the mobility of concrete mixtures are shown in Table.5.

2.26. Transportation, laying and sealing concrete mix should be made at an air temperature below 10 ° C in terms not exceeding its viability. Styling will continue continuously. When the working seam device, the surface of the solidified acid-resistant concrete is in itself, is dusty and ground with liquid glass.

2.27. The humidity of the surface of concrete or bricks protected by acid-resistant concrete should be no more than 5% by weight, at a depth of up to 10 mm.

2.28. The surface of reinforced concrete structures made from concrete on Portland cement before laying on them acid-resistant concrete should be prepared in accordance with the instructions of the project or treated with a hot solution of silicular magnesium (3-5% solution with a temperature of 60 ° C) or oxalic acid (5-10% - a solution) or a polyisocyanate or a 50% solution of polyisocyanate in acetone.

Table 5.


│ │ │ control │

│ │ │ type of registration) │


│ The device of concrete mix-│ │ measuring software

│sey depending on the OB-│ │ GOST 10181.1-81, │

Options of the use of sweet-│ │ work journal │

Used Concrete for: │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│ Floors unarmed │ Cone sediment 0-1 cm, │ │

│ structures, lining│ rigidity 30-50 C │ │

│ tanks, devices │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│ structures with rare│ cone sediment 3-5 cm, │ │

│ reinforcement thickness │ rigidity 20-25 C │

│ Over 10 mm │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│ hustarized tone-│ cone sediment 6-8 cm, │ │

│ bony structures │ rigidity 5-10 C │


2.29. The concrete mix on liquid glass should be sealing to the vibrating of each layer with a thickness of no more than 200 mm for 1-2 minutes.

2.30. Concrete hardness for 28 days should occur at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C. It is allowed to dry with air calories at a temperature of 60-80 ° C for a day. The rate of temperature lift is not more than 20-30 ° C / h.

2.31. The acid-resistant acid-resistant concrete is provided by the introduction of polymer additives 3-5% of the mass of liquid glass: Furil alcohol, Furfurol, Furinol, ACF-3M acetone-formaldehyde resin, TFS tetrafurfurile ester, Furil alcohol compound with FRV-1 phenol formaldehyde resin or FRV four.

2.32. The water resistance of the acid-resistant concrete is provided by the introduction of thin-fat additives containing active silica (diatomit, tremies, aerosil, flint, chalcedony, and dr.), 5-10% of the mass of liquid glass or polymer additives up to 10-12% of the mass of liquid glass: polyisocyanate, CFG or KFMT carbamide resin, silicone hydrophobic liquid GKG-10 or GKG-11, paraffin emulsion.

2.33. The protective properties of the acid-resistant concrete relative to the steel reinforcement are provided by the introduction of corrosion inhibitors of 0.1-0.3% of the mass of liquid glass: lead oxide, a complex additive of cataspin and sulfonall, sodium phenynthranity.

2.34. The construction of structures and subsequent treatment of concrete are allowed when the concrete is reached with 70% of the design strength.

2.35. Increasing the chemical resistance of constructions from acid-resistant concrete is provided by two-handed surface treatment with a solution of sulfuric acid of 25-40% concentration.

2.36. Materials for alkalic concrete concrete contact with alkali solutions at temperatures up to 50 ° C should meet the requirements of GOST 10178-85. The use of cements with active mineral additives is not allowed. The content of granular or electrothermophosphorous slags should be at least 10 and not more than 20%. The content of the mineral in Portland cement and SlagoporTland cement should not exceed 8%. The use of a hydraulic binder is prohibited.

2.37. Small aggregate (sand) for alkaline concrete, operated at a temperature of up to 30 ° C, should be applied in accordance with the requirements of GOST 10268-80, above 30 ° C - it is necessary to use limestone crushed from alkyl-premium breeds - limestone, dolomite, magnesite, etc. A large aggregate (crushed stone) for alkaline concrete, operated at temperatures up to 30 ° C, should be used from dense erupted rocks - granite, diabase, basalt, etc.

2.38. Crushed stone for alkaline concrete, operated at temperatures above 30 ° C, should be used from dense carbonate sedimentary or metamorphic breeds - limestone, dolomite, magnesite, etc. The water saturation of the rubble must be no more than 5%.

Heat resistant concretes

2.39. Materials for the preparation of ordinary concrete, operated at temperatures up to 200 ° C, and heat-resistant concrete should be applied in accordance with the recommended Annex 6 and the required application 7.

2.40. Dosing materials, preparation and transportation of concrete mixes should satisfy the requirements of GOST 7473-85 and GOST 20910-82.

2.41. An increase in the mobility of concrete mixes for ordinary concrete, operated at temperatures up to 200 ° C, is allowed due to the use of plasticizers and superplasticizers.

2.42. The use of chemical accelerators of hardening in concrete operated at temperatures above 150 ° C is not allowed.

2.43. Concrete mixtures should be laid at a temperature not lower than 15 ° C, and this process should be continuous. Breaks are allowed in places of the device of workers or temperature seams provided by the project.

2.44. The hardening of concrete on a cement binder should occur under conditions that provide the wet state of the surface of the concrete.

The hardening of concrete on the liquid glass should occur in the air-dry medium. When hardening these concrete, good air ventilation must be provided to remove water vapor.

2.45. The drying and heating of heat-resistant concrete should be made according to the PPR.

Concretes are particularly heavy and for radiation protection

2.46. Manufacture of work using particularly heavy concrete and concrete concrete for radiation protection should be carried out by ordinary technology. In cases where conventional concreting methods are not applicable due to the bundle of the mixture, the complex configuration of the structure, saturation of the reinforcement, mortgages and communication penetration, should use the method of separate concreting (method of ascending solution or a method of inserting large aggregate in the solution). The selection of the method of concreting should be determined by the PPR.

2.47. Materials used for radiation protection concrete must comply with the requirements of the project.

2.48. Requirements for granulometric composition, physico-mechanical characteristics of mineral, ore and metal aggregates must comply with the requirements for aggregates for heavy concrete. Metal aggregates must be degreased before use. On metal aggregates, the presence of unqualified rust is allowed.

2.49. In passports for materials used for the manufacture of radiation protection concrete, the data of the total chemical analysis of these materials should be indicated.

2.50. The production of work with the use of concrete on metal aggregates is allowed only at positive ambient temperatures.

2.51. When laying concrete mixtures, the use of ribbon and vibration conveyors, vibrations, vibro-bobs, discharge of a particularly severe concrete mixture is allowed from a height of not more than 1 m.

2.52. Concrete tests should be made in accordance with clause 2.18.

Production of concrete work at negative air temperatures

2.53. These rules are performed during the production of concrete works with the expected average daily outdoor temperature below 5 ° C and the minimum daily temperature below 0 ° C.

2.54. Preparation of concrete mix should be produced in heated concrete mixing plants, applying heated water, thawed or heated aggregates that ensure the preparation of a concrete mixture with a temperature not lower than the required calculation. It is allowed to apply indirect dry aggregates that do not contain land on beans and the fatal comers. In this case, the duration of mixing of the concrete mix should be increased by at least 25% compared with summer conditions.

2.55. Methods and means of transportation should ensure the prevention of a decrease in the temperature of the concrete mix below the required calculation.

2.56. The state of the base that the concrete mixture is placed, as well as the base temperature and the method of laying should exclude the possibility of freezing the mixture in the contact area with the base. When maintaining concrete in the design of the thermos method, with the pre-warming of the concrete mixture, as well as the use of concrete with antiorrosal additives, it is allowed to lay a mixture to an indispensable non-empty base or an old concrete, if it is possible to freeze it in the contact zone during the calculated period. At air temperature below minus 10 ° C, concreting of hustarized structures with reinforcement with a diameter of more than 24 mm, reinforcement from rigid rolling profiles or with large metal mortgage parts should be performed with a preliminary heating of metal to a positive temperature or local vibration of the mixture in the priority and formwork zones, except Cases of laying preheated concrete mixtures (at a mixture temperature above 45 ° C). The duration of the breeding mixture should be increased by at least 25% compared with summer conditions.

2.57. When concreting the elements of frame and frame structures in structures with rigid coupling nodes (supports), the need for a device of breaks in flights, depending on the temperature of thermal treatment, taking into account the resulting temperature stresses, should be coordinated with the project organization. Unapplied surfaces of structures should be covered by vapor and thermal insulation materials directly at the end of concreting.

Releases of reinforcement of concreted structures must be covered or insulated to height (length) at least 0.5 m.

2.58. Before laying a concrete (dissolved) mixture of the surfaces of the cavities of the precast concrete elements should be cleaned of snow and land.

2.59. Concreting structures on the eternal soils should be made in accordance with SNiP II-18-76.

Accelerating the hardening of concrete in concreting of monolithic boronobiling piles and the depository depository should be achieved by administering to a concrete mix of complex anti-massive additives that do not reduce the strength of the ending of concrete with the perplexed soil.

2.60. The choice of a method for maintaining concrete during winter concreting monolithic structures should be made in accordance with the recommended Annex 9.

2.61. Concrete strength control should be carried out, as a rule, testing samples made at the place of laying concrete mix. Samples stored in the cold before the test should be withstanding 2-4 hours at a temperature of 15-20 ° C.

The strength is allowed to produce on the temperature of the concrete during its maintenance.

2.62. Requirements for the production of work at negative air temperatures are installed in Table 6

Table 6.


│ │ │ control │

│ parameter │ value │ (method, volume, │

│ │ parameter │Vide register- │

│ │ │ │ nations)


│1. Concrete strength monolithic and team-│ │ measuring │

│ monolithic structures by the time per-│ │ │ │

│ Changing: │ │Gost 18105-86, │

│ for concrete without contamination before-│ │ Journal of work │

│ Baison: │ │ │

│ structures operated by no less │ │

│ inside buildings, foundations under │ 5 MPa │ │

│ Equipment not subjected to │ │ │

│ dynamic impacts, under-│ │ │

│ earth structures │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│ structures subjected to at-│ at least,% │ │

│ Mosfer influences in pro-│ design │ │


│ B7.5 - B10 │ 50 │ │

│ B12.5 - B25 │ 40 │ │

│ B30 and above │ 30 │ │

│ constructions subjected to │ 70 │ │

│ ending withstanding change-│ │ │

│ noma freezing and Ottayiva-│ │ │

│ in a water-saturated state│ │ │

│ or season-│ │ │ │ │

│ okaying the eternal │ │ │

│ soils subject to introduction to │ │

│ Concrete airflowers or│ │ │

│ gas-forming surfactants │ │ │

│ in preframed structures │ 80 │ │

│ │ │ │

│ for concrete with contamination add-│ to the moment │ │

│ kami │ cooling │ │

│ │ concrete to those-│ │

│ │ peratutors, on │ │

│ │ which races-│ │

│ │ read ko-│ │

│ │ Number of up-│

│ │ bauzok, not me-│ │

│ │ it 20% pro-│ │

│ │ extended by-│ │

│ │nost │ │

│ │ │ │

│2. Uploading the designs of the calculated on- │Not less │ - │

│ load allowed after reaching │100% project- │ │

│ concrete strength │ │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. The temperature of the water and concrete mix on │ │ meter- │

│ exit from the mixer cooked: │ │ │ ny, 2 times

│ on Portland cement, Slagoportland-│ water no more change, magazine

│ Cemente, Pozzolan portland resident-│70 ° C, │ works │

│ Mente brands below M600 │Same no more │

│ │35 ° С │ │

│ on the fast-hardening portland cement-│ water no more

│ those and portland cement M600 and│60 ° C, │ │

│ above │Same no more

│ │30 ° С │ │

│ │ │ │

│ on the almming portland cement │ water no more

│ │40 ° С, │ │

│ │s no more │

│ │25 ° С │ │

│ │ │ │

│4. The temperature of the concrete mix, laid down │ measuring, │

│ In the formwork, to the beginning of the maintenance or │ │ in places, op-│

│ter treatment: │ │ Defined │

│ with the thermos method │ Usage │FRP, Magazine

│ │ accounting, but not

│ │Nide 5 ° C │ │

│ with anti-corrosion additives │ not less than

│ │5 ° C │ │

│ │ except temperature-│ │

│ "freezing" │ │

│ │ Spring-│ │ │

│ │ │ │ │ │

│ with heat treatment │no below 0 ° C │ │

│ │ │ │

│5. Temperature in the process of withstanding │ Definitions │Irti-│

│ and thermal processing for concrete on: │That, but │-work - │

│ │no above, ° С: │ Has every

│ Portland cement │ 80 │ 2 h in the period │

│ SlagoporTland cement │ 90 │ Signing pace-│

│ │ │rators or in │

│ │ │ per day. │

│ │ │

│ │ │ "Three days│

│ │ │ and without thermob

│ │ │ work - not │

│ │ │rezh 2 times in │

│ │ │sman. In OS-│

│ │ │ Time│

│ │ │ Drawing -│

│ │ │iodine once in │

│ │ │ sucks │

│ │ │ │

│6 Temperature raising rate with heat-│ │ measuring, │

│ Loving the processing of concrete: │ │ Ever 2│

│ For designs with a module over-│no more, ° C / h: │Ch, Journal of RA-│

│nost: │ │Bot │

│ to 4 │ 5 │ │

│ from 5 to 10 │ 10 │ │

│ sv. 10 │ 15 │ │

│ for junctions │ 20 │ │

│ │ │ │

│7. The speed of cooling concrete at the end-│ │ measuring, │

│ Research Institute of Heat Processing for Design - │ Journal of Works

│i with a module surface: │ │ │

│ up to 4 │ determined │ │

│ │ calculation │ │

│ from 5 to 10 │ not more than 5 ° C / h│ │

│ │ │ │

│ sv. 10 no more │

│ │ 10 ° C / h │ │

│ │ │ │

│8 The difference in the temperature of the outer layers│ │ the same │

Beton and air when platforming with coefficient-│ │ │

│ reinforcement of up to 1%, up to 3% and │ │

│More 3% must be respectively for │ │ │

│ Construction with module surface: │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│ from 2 to 5 │no more than 20, │ │

│ │30, 40 ° С │ │

│ sv. 5 │no more than 30, │ │

│ │40, 50 ° С │ │


Production of concrete work at air temperature above 25 ° C

2.63. In the production of concrete work at air temperature above 25 ° C and relative humidity, less than 50% should apply rapid portland cements, the brand of which should exceed the brand strength of the concrete at least 1.5 times. Class B22.5 concrete and higher cements are allowed, the brand of which exceeds the brand strength of the concrete in less than 1.5 times, subject to the use of plasticized portland cements or the introduction of plasticizing additives.

The use of Pozzolant Portland cement, Slagoportland cement below M400 and Hinlace Cement for concreting overhead structures, except in the cases provided by the project. Cements should not have a false grasp, have a temperature above 50 ° C, the normal thickness of the cement test should not exceed 27%.

2.64. The temperature of the concrete mixture in concreting structures with the surface module more than 3 should not exceed 30-35 ° C, and for massive structures with a surface module less than 3-20 ° C.

2.65. When it appears on the surface of the underlined concrete, the cracks due to the plastic shrinkage is allowed its re-surface vibration no later than 0.5-1 hours after its styling.

2.66. Care for freshly lined concrete should be started immediately after the end of laying a concrete mix and exercise to achieve, as a rule, 70% of the design strength, and with the appropriate justification - 50%.

The freshly stated concrete mix in the initial period of care should be protected from dehydration.

Upon reaching the concrete of the strength of 0.5 MPa, the subsequent care for it should be to ensure the wet state of the surface by the device of the moisture-intensive coating and its humidification, withstanding the open surfaces of the concrete under the layer of water, continuous moisture spraying over the surface of the structures. At the same time, periodic watering with water of open surfaces of hard concrete and reinforced concrete structures is not allowed.

2.67. To intensify the hardening of concrete, it is necessary to use solar radiation by covering structures with a roll or leaf translucent moisture-proof material, coating them with film-forming compositions or lay a concrete mixture with a temperature of 50-60 ° C.

2.68. In order to avoid the possible occurrence of the thermallyspotable state in monolithic structures, with direct exposure to sunlight, the freshly lined concrete should be protected by self-disseminating polymeric foams, inventory heat insulating coatings, a polymer film with a reflection coefficient of more than 50% or any other thermal insulation material.

Special methods of concreting

2.69. Based on specific engineering and geological and production conditions in accordance with the project, the application is allowed to apply the following special methods of concreting:

vertically moved pipe (HPP);

ascending solution (BP);


vibration phase;

laying a concrete mix of bunkers;

submissions of the concrete mix;

pressure concreting;

radine concrete mixes;

cementing by a boosmest way.

2.70. The WPT method should be applied when erecting blunt structures at their depth of 1.5 m or more; At the same time, the construction class concrete is used to B25.

2.71. Concreting by BP with pouring outline from a large stone cement-sandy solution should be used when laying under concrete water at a depth of 20 m to obtain the strength of concrete corresponding to the strength of the buffet.

The BP method with pouring an outline of a rubble cement-sandy solution is allowed to be used at depths up to 20 m for the construction of constructs from the class concrete to B25.

With a depth of concreting from 20 to 50 m, as well as during repair work to enhance structures and restoration construction, the pouring of a chicken filler with cement mortar without sand should be used.

2.72. Injecting and vibrating pressure methods should be used for concreting underground structures preferably thin-walled from concrete class B25 on the filler of the maximum fraction of 10-20 mm.

2.73. The method of laying a concrete mix with bunkers should be used in concreting constructions from Class B20 concrete at a depth of more than 20 m.

2.74. Concrete methods of concrete mixture should be used at a depth of less than 1.5 m for the structures of large areas concreted to the mark located above the water level, at a class of concrete to B25.

2.75. Pressure concreting by continuous injection of concrete mixture under pressure should be used in the construction of underground structures in the flooded soils and complex hydrogeological conditions during the device underwater structures at a depth of more than 10 m and the erection of responsible high-frame structures, as well as with increased demands on the quality of concrete.

2.76. Concretion by Radin with a low-cemental rigid concrete mixture should be used to build flat extended structures from a concrete class to B20. The thickness of the dotted layer should be taken within 20-50 cm.

2.77. For the device of cement-ground structures of the zero cycle with a depth of up to 0.5 m, the use of boosmescent concreting technology is allowed by mixing the estimated amount of cement, soil and water in the well using drilling equipment.

2.78. When underwater (including under clay solution), concreting must be provided:

isolation of concrete mix from water in the process of transporting it under water and laying into a concrete structure;

formwork density (or other fence);

concretion continuity within the element (block, capture);

control over the state of formwork (fencing) in the process of laying a concrete mixture (if necessary for the forces of divers or with the help of underwater television installations).

2.79. The timing of the palampization and loading of underwater concrete and reinforced concrete structures should be established according to the results of the test of control samples that have been furified under conditions similar to the conditions of hardening concrete in the design.

2.80. Concreting method of HPT after an emergency break is allowed to be resumed only under the condition:

achievements of concrete in the shell of strength of 2.0-2.5 MPa;

removal from the surface of the underwater concrete of sludge and weak concrete;

ensuring reliable communication of the newly stacked concrete with hardened concrete (stages, anchors, etc.).

In concreting under clay solution, the breaks of longer than the catch of the concrete mixture are not allowed; If the specified restriction is exceeded, the design should be considered defective and not subject to repair using the VPT method.

2.81. When the concrete mixture is applied to the water with bunkers, free dropping of a mixture through a layer of water is not allowed, as well as the recreation of the contained concrete with a horizontal movement of the bunker.

2.82. When concreting, it is necessary to produce the newly incoming portions of the concrete mix, not closer to the rejuvenation of the concrete mix, not closer than 200-300 mm from the water rugging, not allowing the sprout of the mixture over the slope into the water.

The surface surface of the laid concrete mixture for the time of setting and hardening should be protected from erosion and mechanical damage.

2.83. In the device of the "Wall in the Soil" type, tranche concreting should be performed by sections of no more than 6 m using inventory intersection separators.

In the presence of a clay sliding solution, the concreting section is produced no later than 6 hours after filling the solution into the trench; Otherwise, the clay solution should be replaced with the simultaneous formulation of the sludge, which settled on the bottom of the trench.

Table 7.

│ │ │ control │

│ Parameter │ The value of the parameter │ (method, volume, │

│ │ │ type of registration) │

│1. Mobility concrete│ │ measuring

│ mixtures with the method of Beto-│ │Gost 10181.1-81│

│ NATION: │ │ (popartion), journals

│ HPT without vibration │ 16-20 cm.

│ HPT with vibration │ 6-10 "│ │

│ pressure │ 14-24 "│ │

│ styling bunkers│ 1-5 "│ │

│ torturing │ 5-7 "│ │

│ │ │ │

│2. Solutions with concrete-│ │to, according to GOST

│ Vanya by BP: │ │5802-86 (popartion-│

│ Mobility │ 12-15 cm on the reference │ But), work log

│ │ cone │ │

│ Water separation │ not more than 2.5% │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. Bulk pipelines-│ │ measuring, │

│ Yes to the concrete mixture at │ permanent │

│ Method of concreting: │ │ │

│ all underwater, except for less than 0.8 m and not │

│ pressure │ more than 2 m │ │

│ Pressure │ not less than 0.8 m Maxi-│

│ │Mallement at-│ │

│ │ │ on depending on │

│ │ total pressure │ │

│ │ Internal equipment-│ │

│ │ │ │ │

The reinforcement frame before immersion in the clay solution should be wedged with water. The duration of immersion from the date of lowering the reinforcement frame into the clay solution until the start of concreting section should not exceed 4 hours.

The distance from the concrete tube to the intercreational separator should be taken at no more than 1.5 m with a wall thickness of up to 40 cm and not more than 3 m with a wall thickness more than 40 cm.

2.84. Requirements for concrete mixtures when laying by special methods are shown in Table 7.

Sleet deformation seams, technological furrows, openings, holes and surface treatment of monolithic structures

2.85. Machining tool should be chosen depending on the physicomechanical properties of the processed concrete and reinforced concrete, taking into account the requirements for the quality of processing by the current GOST to the diamond tool, and the recommended application 10.

2.86. The cooling of the tool should be provided with water under a pressure of 0.15-0.2 MPa, to reduce the energy intensity of treatment with solutions of surfactants of concentration of 0.01-1%.

2.87. Requirements for the modes of mechanical processing of concrete and reinforced concrete are shown in Table 8.

Table 8.


│ │ │ control │

│ Parameter │ The value of the parameter │ (method, volume, │

│ │ │ type of registration) │


│1. Concrete strength and - no less than 50% design │ measuring software

│ blaton when processing-│ │ GOST 18105-86 │

│ KE │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│2. District speed cut-│ │ measuring, 2 │

│ tool at │ │ times in shift │

│ Processing concrete and-│ │ │

│ lesobeton, m / s: │ │ │

│ cutting │ 40-80 │ │

│ drilling │ 1-7 │ │

│ milling │ 35-80 │ │

│ grinding │ 25-45 │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. Cooling fluid consumption │ measuring, 2

│ bone per 1 cm3 area│ │ times in shift │

│ cutting surface in-│ │ │

│ String, m3 / s, with: │ │ │

│ cutting │ 0.5-1.2 │ │

│ drilling │ 0.3-0.8 │ │

│ milling │ 1-1.5 │ │

│ grinding │ 1-2.0 │ │


Seam cement. Togotrovitating work and spray-concrete

2.88. For the cementation of shrinkage, temperature, deformation and structural seams, portland cement should be applied at least M400. When cement seams with a disclosure of less than 0.5 mm, plasticized cement solutions are used. Before the start of work on cementation, flushing and hydraulic testing of the seam for determining its throughput and tightness of the card (seam) are performed.

2.89. The temperature of the seam surface during the cementation of the concrete array should be positive. For cementation of seams, with negative temperatures, solutions with antiorrosal additives should be applied. The cementation should be carried out before raising the water level in front of the hydrotechnical structure after attenuation of the main part of the temperature and shrinkage deformations.

2.90. The quality of cement cementing is checked: a concoction examination by drilling control wells and hydraulic testing of them and cores taken from the seams of intersection; measurement of water filtration through the seams; Ultrasound tests.

2.91. Fillers for torsion and spray-concrete devices must meet the requirements of GOST 10268-80.

The size of the aggregates should not exceed half the thickness of each protrusion layer and half the size of the reinforcement grids.

2.92. Surpeted surface should be cleaned, produced by compressed air and jet water under pressure. The height of more than 1/2 thickness of the torcreated layer is not allowed. Installation valves must be cleaned and fixed from offset and oscillations.

2.93. Togotraging is made in one or more layers with a thickness of 3-5 mm via an unnamed or reinforced surface according to the project.

2.94. Upon erection of responsible structures, control samples should be cut from specially reinforced plates with a size of at least 50 x 50 cm or from structures. For other designs, control and quality assessment is made by non-destructive methods.

Reinforcement work

2.95. Reinforcement steel (rod, wire) and varietal hire, reinforcement and mortgage elements must comply with the project and requirements of the relevant standards. The dismemberment of spatial large-sized reinforcement products, as well as the replacement of the stipulated reinforcement steel should be coordinated with the customer and the design organization.

2.96. Transportation and storage of reinforcement steel should be performed according to GOST 7566-81.

2.97. The workpiece of the rods of measuring length from the rod and wire fittings and the manufacture of unknown reinforcement products should be performed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.09.01-85, and the manufacture of carrying reinforcement frames from the rods with a diameter of more than 32 mm rolling profiles - according to section.

2.98. The manufacture of spatial large-sized reinforcement products should be produced in assembly conductors.

2.99. The workpiece (cutting, welding, formation of anchor devices), installation and tension of strain valves should be carried out by the project in accordance with SNiP 3.09.01-85.

2.100. Installation of reinforcement structures should be made mainly from large-sized blocks or unified grids of factory manufacture with the securing of the protective layer according to Table 9.

2.101. Installation on the reinforcement structures of pedestrian, transport or mounting devices should be carried out in accordance with the PPR, in coordination with the project organization.

2.102. Rods of rods should be made:

butt - peaks or crimping sleeves and screw couplings with the equalization of the junction;

cross-shaped - viscous annealed wire. It is allowed to use special connecting elements (plastic and wire locks).

2.103. Button and cross-shaped welded connections should be performed on the project in accordance with GOST 14098-85.

2.104. The device for reinforcement structures should comply with the requirements of Table 9.

Table 9.


│ │ │ control │

│ parameter │ value │ (method, volume, │

│ │parameter, mm │Vide registration) │


│1. Deviation in the distance between from-│ │ Technical OS-│

│ Delo-installed workers erased │ │ Motr of all ele-

│ Foot for: │ │ cops, magazine │

│ columns and beams │ + -10 │ work │

│ plates and walls of foundations │ + -20 │ │

│ massive structures │ + -30 │ │

│ │ │ │

│2. Deviation in the distance between the rows│ │ the same │

│ reinforcement for: │ │ │

│ plates and beams thick up to 1 m │ + -10 │ │

│ constructions with a thickness of more than 1 m │ + -20 │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. Deviation from the project thickness in-│ │ "│

│ Schytic layer of concrete should not exceed-│ │ │

│ Sht: │ │ │

│ with the thickness of the protective layer to │ │ │

│ 15 mm and linear sizes cross-│ │ │

│ to cross section of the structure, mm: │ │ │

│ up to 100 │ +4 │ │

│ from 101 to 200 │ +5 │ │

│ with the thickness of the protective layer from 16│ │ │

│ up to 20 mm included. and linear size-│ │ │

│ Cross-section frames conversible

│ qii, mm: │ │ │

│ up to 100 │ +4; -3 │ │

│ from 101 to 200 │ +8; -3 │ │

│ " 201 " 300 │ +10; -3 │ │

│ sv. 300 │ +15; -5 │ │

│ with the thickness of the protective layer above 20│ │ │

│ mm and linear sizes of transverse│ │ │

│ cross section of structures, mm: │ │ │

│ up to 100 │ +4; -5 │ │

│ from 101 to 200 │ +8; -5 │ │

│ " 201 " 300 │ +10; -5 │ │

│ sv. 300 │ +15; -5 │ │


Formwork work

Acceptance of concrete and reinforced concrete structures or parts of structures

2.111. When accepting completed concrete and reinforced concrete structures or parts of structures, check:

compliance with working drawings;

the quality of concrete in strength, and in the necessary cases of frost resistance, waterproof and other indicators specified in the project;

quality used in the design of materials, semi-finished products and products.

2.112. The acceptance of the completed concrete and reinforced concrete structures or parts of structures should be issued in the prescribed manner as an act of examining hidden works or act on acceptance of responsible structures.

2.113. Requirements for completed concrete and reinforced concrete structures or parts of structures are shown in Table 11.

Table 11.


│ Parameter │Force │ Control (method, │

│ Uplonditions │ Pump, View │

│ │ │registration) │


│1. Deviation of lines of planes cross-│ │ │

│ Niya from the vertical or design zad-│ │ │

│ Lone for the entire height of the designs for: │ │ │

│ foundations │ 20 mm │ measuring, │

│ walls and columns supporting mono-│ 15 mm.

│ Lithuage coatings and overlaps │ │In element, │

│ │ │ Journal of work │

│ walls and columns supporting │ 10 mm │ Same │

│ Prefabricated beam structures │ │ │

│ walls of buildings and structures, erection-│ 1/500 │ measuring, │

│ ours in a sliding formwork, with from-│ height │ walls and lines│

│ the desservice of intermediate overlaps │ construction - │ and intersection, │

│ │ Niya, but not │

│ │ more │ │

│ │ 100 mm │ │

│ walls of buildings and structures, raise-│ 1/1000 │ Same │

│ ours in a sliding formwork, with on-│ height │ │

│ Litchi intermediate overlap │ construction- │ │

│ │ Niya, but not │

│ │ more │ │

│ │ 50 mm │ │

│ │ │ │

│2. Deviation of horizontal planes│ 20 mm │ measuring, not

│ for the entire length of the exhausted area │ │ items 5 measurements│

│ │ │ on every 50-100│

│ │ │m, work journal │

│ │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│3. Local irregularities of concrete surface │ 5 mm │ Same │

│ When checking a two-meter rail, │ │ │

│ In addition to reference surfaces │ │ │

│ │ │ │

│4. Length or span elements │ + -20 mm │ measuring, │

│ │ │ Employed element, │

│ │ │ Journal of work │

│ │ │ │

│5. Cross section size of elements │ +6 mm; │ Same │

│ │ -3 mm │ │

│ │ │ │

│6 Marks of surfaces and mortgages from-│ -5 mm │ measuring, │

│ Delia serving supports for steel│ │ every reference │

│ or prepare reinforced concrete columns and │ element, execute-│

│ other prefabricated elements │ │ Tannaya scheme │

│ │ │ │

│7. The slope of the support surfaces foundation-│ 0.0007 │ The same, each

│ Tov when equipped with steel columns without │ Fundament, used-│

│ gravy │ │ Diagram │

│ │ │ │

│8 The location of the anchor bolts: │ │ │

│ In terms of the contour of the support │ 5 mm │ The same, each

│ "Out" "│ 10 mm │ Foundation

│ in height │ +20 mm │ bolt, execute

│ │ │ tore scheme │

│ │ │ │

│9. The difference of marks in height at the junction│ 3 mm │ The same, each

│ two adjacent surfaces │ │ joint, execute

│ │ │ tore scheme │


Order of the federal
construction Agencies
and housing and communal
economy (Gosstroy)
dated December 25, 2012 N 109 / GS


Actualized edition Snip 3.03.01-87

Bearing and enclosing structures

Load-Bearing and Separation Constructions

SP 70.13330.2012

OX 91.080.10


Objectives and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 N 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the rules of development - the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 N 858 "On the procedure for the development and approval of rules ".

Information about the rules

1. Artists - CJSC TsNIIPSC them. Melnikov; Institutes of OJSC "NIC Construction": NIIZHB them. A.A. Govniev and TsNIIK them. V.A. Kucherenko; Association of manufacturers of ceramic wall materials; Association of manufacturers of silicate products, Siberian Federal University.
2. Made by the Technical Committee on Standardization TC 465 "Construction".
3. Prepared for approval by the Office of Urban Planning Policy.
4. Approved by the Order of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Gosstroy) dated December 25, 2012 N 109 / GS and enacted from July 1, 2013.
5. Registered by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 70.13330.2011 "Snip 3.03.01-87 Bearing and Fencing Constructions".

Information about the changes to this updated collection of the rules is published in the "National Standards" issued information indicator annually, and the text of the amendments and amendments - in the monthly issued information indicators "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or the cancellation of this Code of Rules, the appropriate notification will be published in the "National Standards" information index published. Relevant information, notification and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (GOSSTROY) on the Internet.


The real set of rules is designed to improve the quality of construction and installation work, durability and reliability of buildings and structures, as well as the level of safety of people at the construction site, the safety of material values \u200b\u200bin accordance with the Federal Law of December 30, 2009 N 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the safety of buildings and structures ", raising the level of harmonization of regulatory requirements with European and international regulatory documents; Applications of uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and assessment methods.
Actualization SNiP 3.03.01-87 was performed by the following copyright team: CJSC "TsNIIPSK them. Melnikov" as part of specialists: Tech candidates. Science N.I. Presnyakov, V.V. Evdokimov, V.F. Belyaev; Dr. Tehn. Sciences B.V. Ostrumov, V.K. East; Engineers S.I. Bochkova, V.M. Babushkin, G.V. Kalashnikov; Siberian Federal University - Associate Professor, Cand. tehn Science VL Igoshin; Institutes of OJSC "NIC" Construction ": NIZHB them. A.A. Govnieva - Dr. Tehn. Sciences B.A. Krylov, V.F. Stepanova, N.K. Rosenthal; Candidates tehn. Sciences V.R. Falikman , M.I. Brusser, A.N. Bolgov, V.I. Savin, T.A. Kuzmich, MG Korevitskaya, L.A. Titova; I.I. Karpukhin, G.V. Lubarskaya, D .V. Kousovanov, N.K. Vynigora and Tsniec. V.A. Kucherenko - Dr. Tehn. Sciences I.I. Vediatkov, S.A. Madathan; candidates tehn. Sciences O.I. Ponomarev, S. B. Turkovsky, A.A. Pogoreltsev, I.P. Preobrazhenskaya, A.V. Proshyakov, G. Gurova, M.I. Gukova; A.V. Potapov, A.M. Gorbunov, E.G. Fokina; Association of manufacturers of ceramic wall materials - V.N. Gerashchenko; Association of manufacturers of silicate products - N.V. Somov.

1 area of \u200b\u200buse

1.1. This set of rules extends to the production and acceptance of works performed during the construction and reconstruction of enterprises, buildings and structures in all sectors of the national economy:
when the monolithic concrete and reinforced concrete structures are made of severe, especially severe, on porous aggregates, heat-resistant and alkali-resistant concrete, in the manufacture of work on torture and underwater concrete;
in the manufacture of precast concrete and reinforced concrete structures in the construction site;
when installing precast concrete, steel, wooden structures and structures from lightweight materials;
when welding assembly compounds of building steel and reinforced concrete structures, compounds of fittings and mortgage products of monolithic reinforced concrete structures;
in the manufacture of works on the construction of stone and arm-varia designs from ceramic and silicate bricks, ceramic, silicate, natural and concrete stones, brick and ceramic panels and blocks, concrete blocks.
The requirements of this Code of Rules should be taken into account when designing structures of buildings and structures.
1.2. When erecting special structures - roads, bridges, pipes, steel reservoirs and gas rods, tunnels, metro, airfields, hydraulic and other structures, as well as the construction of buildings and structures on the eternal and sedentary soils, the work on the territories and in seismic areas should be additionally Follow the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents.

2.1. This set of rules used links to the following regulatory documents:
GOST 379-95 Silicate bricks and stones. Technical conditions
GOST 450-77 Calcium chloride technical. Technical conditions
GOST 530-07 Brick and stone ceramic. General technical conditions
GOST 828-77 Sodium nitric acid technical. Technical conditions
GOST 965-89 Portland cements white. Technical conditions
GOST 969-91 Cements are alumina and high-aluminum. Technical conditions
GOST 1581-96 Portland cements tponight. Technical conditions
GOST 2081-2010 carbamide. Technical conditions
GOST 2246-70 Steel welding wire. Technical conditions
GOST 3242-79 Compounds welded. Quality control methods
GOST 5264-80 Manual arc welding. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 5578-94 Crushed stone and sand from black and non-ferrous metallurgy slags for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 5686-94 Soils. Field Test Methods
GOST 5802-86 Construction solutions. Test methods
GOST 6402-70 Spring washers. Technical conditions
GOST 6996-66 Welded connections. Methods for determining mechanical properties
GOST 7076-99 Materials and construction products. Method for determining thermal conductivity and thermal resistance with stationary thermal mode
GOST 7473-2010 Concrete mixtures. Technical conditions
GOST 7512-82 Non-destructive testing. Compounds welded. Radiographic method
GOST 7566-94 Metal products. Acceptance, Marking, Packaging, Transportation and Storage
GOST 8267-93 Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks for construction work. Technical conditions
GOST 8269.0-97 Crusp and gravel from dense rocks and waste industrial production for construction work. Methods of physical and mechanical testing
GOST 8713-79 Welding under flux. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 8735-88 Sand for construction work. Test methods
GOST 8736-93 Sand for construction work. Technical conditions
GOST 9087-81 Welding fluxes melted. Technical conditions
GOST 9206-80 Diamond powders. Technical conditions
GOST 9467-75 Metal coated electrodes for manual arc welding of structural and heat-resistant steels. Types
GOST 9757-90 Gravel, crushed stone and sand artificial porous. Technical conditions
GOST 9758-2012 Fillers porous inorganic for construction work. Test methods
GOST 10060-2012 Concretes. Methods for determining frost resistance
GOST 10178-85 Portland cement and Slagoportland cement. Technical conditions
GOST 10180-90 concrete. Methods for determining the strength of control samples
GOST 10181-2000 Mixtures concrete. Test methods
GOST 10243-75 Steel. Methods of testing and assessment of macrostructure
GOST 10541-78 Motor oils universal and for automotive carburetor engines. Technical conditions
GOST 10690-73 Potassium carbon dioxide (Potash). Technical conditions
GOST 10832-2009 Sand and crushed stone perfomed. Technical conditions
GOST 10906-78 Sheets oblique. Technical conditions
GOST 10922-90 reinforcement and mortgage products, their welded, knitted and mechanical connections for reinforced concrete structures. General technical conditions
GOST 11052-74 Cement Gypsogly Cool expanding
GOST 11371-78 washers. Technical conditions
GOST 11533-75 Automatic and semi-automatic arc welding under flux. Compounds are welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 11534-75 Manual arc welding. Compounds are welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 12730.5-84 concrete. Methods for determining waterproof
GOST 12865-67 vermiculite strolled
GOST 13015-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete products for construction. General technical requirements. Rules of acceptance, labeling, transportation and storage
GOST 13087-81 concretes. Methods for determining abrasability
GOST 14098-91 Compounds Welded fittings and mortgage products of reinforced concrete structures. Types, Designs and Dimensions
GOST 14771-76 Arc welding in protective gas. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 14782-86 Control non-destructive. Compounds welded. Ultrasound methods
GOST 15150-69 Machines, devices and other technical products. Versions for different climatic regions. Categories, conditions of operation, storage and transportation in terms of exposure to climatic factors of the external environment
GOST 15164-78 Electroslak welding. Compounds welded. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 15825-80 Portland cement color. Technical conditions
GOST 16037-80 Compounds welded steel pipelines. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 General requirements for the competence of test and calibration laboratories
GOST 17624-87 concrete. Ultrasonic strength determination method
GOST 18105-2010 Concretes. Rules for monitoring and assessing strength
GOST 18442-80 Control non-destructive. Capillary methods. General requirements
GOST 19906-74 Sodium technical nitrite. Technical conditions
GOST 20276-99 Soils. Methods of field definition of strength and deformability
GOST 20799-88 Industrial oil. Technical conditions
GOST 20850-84 Wooden glued construction. General technical conditions
GOST 20910-90 Heat resistant concretes. Technical conditions
GOST 21104-75 Non-destructive testing. Ferrorsond method
GOST 21105-87 Control non-destructive. Magnetic powder method
GOST 21779-82 The system for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Technological tolerances
GOST 21780-2006 The system to ensure the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Calculation of accuracy
GOST 22263-76 Crushed stone and sand from porous rocks. Technical conditions
GOST 22266-94 Sulfate-resistant cements. Technical conditions
GOST 22690-88 concrete. Determining the strength of non-destructive testing mechanical methods
GOST 22845-85 Electric passenger and freight elevators. Rules of organization, production and acceptance of installation work
GOST 23118-99 construction steel construction. General technical conditions
GOST 23407-78 Fencing inventory construction sites and construction and installation sites. Technical conditions
GOST 23518-79 Arc welding in protective gases. Compounds are welded under sharp and blunt angles. Main types, structural elements and sizes
GOST 23683-89 Paraffins Oil solid. Technical conditions
GOST 23732-2011 Water for concrete and mortars. Technical conditions
GOST 23858-79 Compounds welded butt and brand fittings of reinforced concrete structures. Ultrasound quality control methods. Rules acceptance
GOST 24045-2010 Steel sheet profiles bent with trapezoidal corrugations for construction. Technical conditions
GOST 24211-2008 Additives for concrete and mortars. General technical conditions
GOST 24379.0-80 Bolts foundation. General technical conditions
GOST 24846-81 Soils. Methods for measuring deformations of buildings and structures
GOST 25192-82 concrete. Classification and general technical requirements
GOST 25225-82 Control non-destructive. Suts of welded pipelines. Magnitographic method
GOST 25246-82 COMPONES is chemically resistant. Technical conditions
GOST 25328-82 cement for construction solutions. Technical conditions
GOST 25485-89 Cellic concretes. Technical conditions
GOST 25592-91 Mixtures of golshold thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 25818-91 Alash-underlines of thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 25820-2000 Lung concretes. Technical conditions
GOST 26271-84 Wire powder for arc welding of carbon and low-alloy steels. General technical conditions
GOST 26633-91 Heavy and fine-grained concretes. Technical conditions
GOST 26644-85 Crushed stone and sand from slags of thermal power plants for concrete. Technical conditions
GOST 26887-86 sites and stairs for construction and installation work. General technical conditions
GOST 27005-86 Lightweight and cellular concrete. Middle Density Control Rules
GOST 27006-86 concrete. Rules for the selection of the composition
GOST 28013-98 Construction solutions. General technical conditions
GOST 28570-90 concrete. Methods for determining the strength of samples selected from the designs
GOST 30515-97 cements. General technical conditions
GOST 30971-2002 Seams mounting units of window blocks adjacent to wall openings. General technical conditions
GOST 31108-2003 Cements general construction. Technical conditions
GOST 31384-2008 Protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures from corrosion. General technical requirements
GOST 12.1.046-85 SSBT. Building. Lighting rates of construction sites
GOST R 12.4.026-2001 SSBT. Colors of signal, safety signs and signal markup. Appointment and rules of application. General technical requirements and characteristics. Test methods
GOST R 51254-99 Mounting tool for normalized tightening of threaded connections. Keys torque. General technical conditions
GOST R 51263-99 polystyrene bapton. Technical conditions
GOST R 51634-2000 Motor oils automotive. General technical requirements
GOST R 52085-2003 formwork. General technical conditions
GOST R 52752-2007 formwork. Test methods
SP 15.13330.2012 "SNIP II-22-81 * Stone and Armocatament Designs"
SP 16.13330.2011 "Snip II-23-81 * Steel Constructions"
SP 20.13330.2011 "Snip 2.01.07-85 * Loads and Impact"
SP 25.13330.2012 "SNIP 2.02.04-88 Basis and foundations on the perplexed soils"
SP 28.13330.2012 "Snip 2.03.11-85 Protection of building structures from corrosion"
SP 45.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.02.01-87 Earthworks, grounds and foundations"
SP 46.13330.2012 "Snip 3.06.04-91 Bridges and Pipes"
SP 48.13330.2011 "Snip 12-01-2004 Organization of construction"
SP 50.13330.2012 "Snip 23-02-2003 Thermal Protection of Buildings"
SP 130.13330.2011 "Snip 3.09.01-85 Production of precast concrete structures and products".
Note. When using this Code of Rules, it is advisable to verify the action of reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the national authorities of the Russian Federation on the standardization on the Internet or by annually published information indicators "National Standards", which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and According to the relevant monthly published information indicators published in the current year. If the reference document is replaced (changed), then when using this Code of Rules should be guided by a replaced (modified) document. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, the position in which the reference is given to it is applied in a portion that does not affect this reference.

3. General requirements

3.1. The organization and production of works on the construction of buildings and structures, the construction of the construction site and jobs must meet the requirements and.
3.2. The organization and production of works at the construction site should be carried out under the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements ,.
3.3. Works should be performed in accordance with the work project (PPR), in which, along with general requirements, should be provided: a sequence of installation of structures; measures that ensure the required installation accuracy; Spatial immutability of structures in the process of their consolidation assembly and installation in the project position; stability of structures and parts of the building (facilities) during the construction process; The degree of enlarging structures and safe working conditions.
Combined installation of structures and equipment should be made according to the PPR, which contains the order of combining work, interconnected circuits of mounting tiers and zones, graphs of lifting structures and equipment.
In the necessary cases, additional technical requirements should be developed to increase the construction technological designs of the erected structures that must be agreed in the established procedure with the organization - a project developer and included in the executive working drawings.
3.4. The construction site should be fenced in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23407 and is indicated by safety signs and inscriptions of the established form in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 12.4.026. Construction site, plots of work, jobs, drives and approaches to them in the dark should be covered in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.046.
3.5. Data on the production of construction and installation work should be made daily to journals for installation of building structures (Appendix A), welding works (Appendix B), anti-corrosion protection of welded joints (Appendix B), deploying mounting joints and nodes (application d), assembly Connections on a controlled tension bolts (Appendix D), a magazine of concrete works (Appendix F), and also fix the position on the installation of the structures on the geodetic actuators. The quality of construction and installation work should be ensured by the current control of the technological processes of preparatory and main works, as well as when accepting work. According to the results of current control of technological processes, acts of examination of hidden works are drawn up.
3.6. Designs, products and materials used in the construction of concrete, reinforced concrete, steel, wooden and stone structures must meet the requirements of the relevant standards, rules and work drawings.
3.7. Transportation and temporary storage of structures (products) in the installation zone should be performed in accordance with the requirements of state standards for these designs (products), and for non-standardized structures (products) comply with the following requirements:
constructions should be, as a rule, in a position corresponding to the project (beams, farms, plates, wall panels, etc.), and if it is impossible to perform this condition - in a position, convenient for transportation and transfer to installation (columns, staircase marches etc.), subject to ensuring their strength;
designs should be based on the inventory lining and gaskets of the rectangular section located in the places specified in the project; The thickness of the gasket must be at least 30 mm and at least 20 mm exceed the height of the lines and other protruding parts of the structures; With multi-tiered loading and storage of the same type of lining and gasket designs, one vertically should be located on the lifting device line (loops, holes) or in other places specified in the working drawings;
designs should be securely fixed for protection against tipping, longitudinal and transverse displacement, mutual strikes each or about the design of vehicles; fasteners should ensure the possibility of unloading each element from vehicles without disrupting the remaining resistance;
possible surfaces of the supporting structures must be protected from damage and contamination;
releases of reinforcement and protruding parts must be protected from damage; Factory labeling must be available for inspection;
small parts for mounting connections should be attached to the sending elements or send simultaneously with the designs in the container, equipped with tags, indicating the brands of parts and their number; These details should be stored under a canopy;
fasteners should be stored in a closed room sorted by type and brands, bolts and nuts - in terms of class of strength and diameters, and high-strength bolts, nuts and washers - and by parties.
3.8. Facade facing and roofing structures with an office and other finishing finish, thin-walled galvanized elements of bearing structures, fasteners and parts of carrier and enclosing structures, fitting elements of the facades and roofs, insulation and vapor barrier materials should be stored in a non-suited storage room with a solid floor coating.
Storage of structures, facing panels and parts in the warehouse is carried out in a packed form on wooden bars with a thickness of up to 10 cm, with a step of 0.5 m. The warehouse must be closed, dry, with a solid floor coating.
It is not allowed to store designs specified in the present item, panels and parts in open areas and together with aggressive chemical products.
3.9. Structuring designs should be sorted by brands and laying out the order of installation.
3.10. It is forbidden to move any structures with wolves.
3.11. To ensure the safety of wooden structures during transportation and storage, inventory devices should be applied (lifts, clamps, containers, soft slings) with installation in places of support and contact structures with metal parts of soft pads and linings. Designs should be stored under a canopy to protect them from the effects of solar radiation, alternate humidification and drying.
3.12. Prefabricated designs should be installed, as a rule, from vehicles or enlargement stands.
3.13. Before lifting each mounting item must be checked:
compliance with its project brand;
state of mortgage products and installation wrappings, no dirt, snow, nondes, damage to finishing, primer and color;
the presence in the workplace of the necessary connecting parts and auxiliary materials;
the correctness and reliability of fixing the lifting devices.
Each mounting element must be equipped in accordance with the PPR tools, stairs and fences.
3.14. The sling of the mounted elements should be made in the places specified in the working drawings, and ensure their rise and submit to the place of installation in the position close to the project. If you need to change the sling places, they must be agreed with the organization - developer of work drawings.
Lifting operations with thin-walled galvanized structures, facing panels and stoves should be made using textile ribbon slings, vacuum grips or other devices that exclude damage to structures and panels.
It is forbidden to stop the structures in arbitrary places, as well as for the releases of the reinforcement.
Schemes of the lines of enlarged flat and spatial blocks should provide when lifting their strength, stability and immutability of geometric sizes and forms.
3.15. Mounted items should be lifted smoothly, without jerks, swinging and rotation, as a rule, with the use of delay. When lifting vertically arranged structures, use one delay, horizontal elements and blocks - at least two.
It follows to lift the structures in two receptions: first at a height of 20 - 30 cm, then, after checking the reliability of the sling, produce further lifting.
3.16. When installing the mounting elements must be provided:
stability and immutability of their position at all stages of installation;
safety of work production;
accuracy of their position using permanent geodetic control;
strength of mounting connections.
3.17. Designs should be installed in the design position according to adopted orientations (risks, pins, restraints, faces, etc.).
Constructions having special mortgages or other fixing devices should be installed on these devices.
3.18. Installed mounting items before the rinse must be securely fixed.
3.19. Prior to the end of the reconciliation and reliable (temporary or project) fastening the installed element, it is not allowed to describe the overlying structures on it, if such support is not provided by the PPR.
3.20. In the absence of special requirements in the working drawings, the limit deviations of the settings (faces or risks) during the installation of prefabricated elements, as well as deviations from the design position of completed installation (construction) of structures should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bgiven in the relevant sections of this Code of Rules.
Deviations on the installation of mounting elements, the position of which may change in the process of their continuous consolidation and loading by subsequent structures, should be assigned to the PPR with such a calculation so that they do not exceed the limit values \u200b\u200bafter the completion of all installation work. In the absence of special instructions in the PPR, the value of the deviation of the elements during the installation should not exceed 0.4 limiting deviation to the acceptance.
3.21. The use of installed structures to attach cargo polystopes, tap blocks and other lifting devices is allowed only in cases provided for by the PPR and coordinated when necessary with the organization that completed working drawings of structures.
3.22. Installation of structures of buildings (structures) should be started, as a rule, with a spatial-resistant part: a blessing cell, stiffener cores, etc.
Installation of structures of buildings and structures of a large length or height should be produced by spatial-resistant sections (spans, tiers, floors, temperature blocks, etc.).
3.23. Production quality control of construction and installation work should be carried out in accordance with the SP 48.13330.
At acceptance control, the following documentation should be presented:
executive drawings made (if any) retreats made by the manufacturer of structures, as well as an assembly organization agreed with project organizations - drawings developers, and documents about their coordination;
factory technical passports on steel, reinforced concrete and wooden structures;
documents (certificates, passports) certifying the quality of the materials applied in the production of construction and installation work;
acts of examination of hidden work;
acts of intermediate acceptance of responsible structures;
executive geodesic schemes for designs of structures;
journals of work;
documents on the quality control of welded joints;
acts of testing of structures (if tests are provided for by the additional rules of this Code of Rules or working drawings);
other documents specified in additional rules or work drawings.
3.24. It is allowed in projects with the appropriate substantiation to assign requirements for the accuracy of parameters, volumes and methods of control, which differ from those provided by these Rules. At the same time, the accuracy of the geometric parameters of the structures should be assigned on the basis of calculating accuracy according to GOST 21780.

SNiP 3.03.01-87 bearing and enclosing structures


And enclosing structures

SNiP 3.03.01-87

State Construction Committee of the USSR

Moscow 1989.

TsNIIIMTP Gosstroita USSR (Dr. Tehn. Sciences V. D. Topchichi; candidates of tech. Sciences S. L. Machabeli, R. A. Kagramanov, B. V. Zhadanovsky, Yu. B. Chirkov, V. V. Shishkin , N. Evdokimov, V. P. Kolodii, L. N. Karnukhova, I. I. Sharov; Dr. Tekhn. Sciences K. I. Bashlai; A. G. Prozorovsky); NIIZHBS Gosstroya USSR (Dr. Tech. Sciences B. A. Krylov; Ph.D. Ph.D. O. S. Ivanova, E. N. Malinsky, R. K. Zhitkevich, B. P. Goryachev, A. V. Lagoyda, N. K. Rosental, N. F. SECTERKINA, A. M. Fridman; Dr. Tekhn. Sciences V. V. Zhukov); Attitresses of the USSR Ministry of Montortustorstess (B. Ya. Moizes, B. B. Rubanovich), TsNIIisk them. Kucherenko State Building of the USSR (Dr. Tech. Sciences L. M. Kovalchuk; Ph.D. Ph.D. Kamikimikova, I. P. Preobrazhenskaya; L. M. Lomova); TSNIPROECTSTALKONSTRUCTION Gosstroya USSR (B. N. Malinin; Cand. Tech. Sciences V. G. Kravchenko); VNIYMONTATICSSPORT MONMONTATICSSPORTSE OF THE USSR (A. A. Ritchik); TsNIIEP Housing of the State Architecture (S. B. Vilensky) with the participation of the Donetsk PromstroyProekt, the Krasnoyarsk PromstroyProject of the USSR State Building; Gorky Engineering and Construction Institute. Chkalov State Committee of the USSR for public education; VNIIG them. Vedeneeva and ORGENERGOSTROY MINEENERGO USSR; Tsninis Ministry of Transport of the USSR; Institute of Aeroproject of the USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation; Niimosstroy Mosgorpolkom.

CNIIIMTP Gosstroy USSR has been made.
Prepared for approval by the management of standardization and technical standards in the construction of the USSR State Building (A. I. Golyashev, V. V. Bakonin, D. I. Prokofiev).
With the introduction of SNIP 3.03.01-87, "carrier and enclosing structures" lose force:
Head SNiP III-15-76 "Concrete and concrete structures of monolithic";
CH 383-67 "Instructions for the production and acceptance of works when constructing reinforced concrete tanks for oil and petroleum products";
Head of SNiP III-16-80, "concrete and reinforced concrete structures";
CH 420-71 "Indications on the sealing of joints during the installation of building structures";
Chapter Snip III-18-75 "Metal Constructions" in terms of installation of structures ";
Clause 11 "Changes and additions to the head of the SNIP III-18-75" Metal Constructions ", approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Building of April 19, 1978 No. 60;
Head SNiP III-17-78 "Stone Constructions";
Head SNiP III-19-76 "Wooden Constructions";
CH 393-78 "Instructions for welding compounds and mortgage parts of reinforced concrete structures".

When using the regulatory document, approved changes in construction standards and rules and government standards published in the journal "Bulletin of Construction Equipment", "Collection of Changes to Construction Rules and Rules" State Structure of the USSR and Information Index "State Standards of the USSR" of the USSR State Standard.