Repairs Design Furniture

Japanese jolly beacon. Japanese room bearing - care at home, photo. Application in landscape design

Up to 6 m, as well as shrubs. In the cool areas, the plant looks like a dwarf bush.

Oval shrubs leaves, leathery. Flowers are minority, green, collected in inflorescences for several pieces. Japanese becklest fruits look like a box with four nests.


Check out the appearance of Japanese Becklet's shrub in the photo below:

Landing and care at home

Consider all the steps of growing Japanese Becklet, including in the garden.

After the purchase

Japanese loves warmth. In the cool areas, the bush requires an overwhelming period or transfer to a warm place. Although it feels fine to the temperature - 10 degrees.

IMPORTANT! The shrub during the rest period is better to have a cool (+ 10-13 degrees).


Bush requires quite frequent formation, as well as cutting out weakened shoots. In nature, the rebel is weakly branched and has a rare crown. Using trimming, a plant can be turned into an original tree or a lush bush.


Bush requires abundant irrigation. Water is desirable to defend. Japanese beelandlet strongly suffers from dyeing soil and die with a strong moisture deficit. In hottime, it is necessary to maintain the desired level of humidity of the soil, but at the same time do not overflow.

In winter, especially when the content in the coolness, the shrub to water should be less likely and less abundant.

Japanese renistor normally refers to spraying and warm soul, which is necessary for cleansing leaves from accumulated dust.


You can plant a plant in any universal soil mixtureBy adding a bit of the bars.

Make up soil and self-dual volume of turf, equal volumes of sand, turf, sheet and humus ground.


Japanese bearing requires annual transplant In the spring.

This refers to young shrubs. More adult bushes are transplanted every three or four years.

NOTE! If the transplanting process is impossible due to the large size of the bush, then only the upper part of the soil can be removed from the tank and fall asleep with a fresh substrate.


Japanese bearing breeding in spring cuttings and by dividing the bush, and in the warm period - seeds.

The seed should be stratified at + 3 degrees for three months. The procedure lasts until the peel has a skin with seeds.

The seed should be cleaned of the sedes, neutralize in the manganese solution and stratified in the crystal sand. The soil must consist of two parts of humus, four parts of the leaf land, one piece of turf and sand.

In reproduction, the division is important not to damage and be extremely neat with the root system.

Cuttings are cut in summer With very young shoots. The cutlets are cut up to 5 cm long. He must have an interstitial.

Rooted in a two-layer substrate, in the lower layer of which is sand, and in the upper - the composition of the turf, sand, humid and leaf soil. The process of rooting lasts 2-2.5 months.


Shrub practically does not take out a hot temperature.

The optimal is considered the range from 18 to 25 degrees.

In winter, it is better to adhere to the temperature regime to 12 degrees, it will help ensure the reaches of rest.

In winter, during the period of maximum work of heating devices, the plant often relieves the foliage.


Japanese bearing loves scattered, but bright light. It is quite normal to enter the small number of straight rays of the sun. Bright illumination love beackers with motley foliage.

GOOD TO KNOW! With a lack of light, the leaves lose their contrast or are generally discolored.

Benefit and harm

Japanese Beeskeleton is used in gardens and reflecting cities in decorative purposes. In apartments and other premises, this plant also applies as a decor. But any part of the shrub it is considered to be poison For both people and animals!

Diseases and pests

Japanese bearing is capable of damage by web ticks, shields, aphid, cherry milder. When detecting infection with these pests, chemicals should be used by spraying.

Shrub is practically not exposed to fungal infection.

With overly bright light, the ends of the leaves can curl and dry out. With an excess of moisture in the soil, the Japanese is losing the lower leaves and ceases to develop.

Resets leaves Shrub also with increased dryness and high temperature.

Japanese rebellets are inclined to drop foliage as an answer to any change in conditions of detention or on incorrect care. Exactly because of this reason bush loves peace and unchanged conditions.

Useful video

Your attention is offered a video about the Japanese essay:


Japanese rebeller is widespread both in Japan and China and in European countries.

The plant is used as a decor of urban streets, garden sites, veranda and premises.

Plant little susceptible to fungal diseaseBut prone to pest damage.

Do not forget that the shrub is considered to be a poisonous plant not only for animals, but also for a person.

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Known also called the pseudolavo, in Latin, the name of this plant will sound as follows: EUONYMUS JAPONICUS. Japanese bequeptcher is one of the plants of the family called Bearinglet, Latin's name of this family will be like this: Celstraceae.

Description of Becklet Japanese

For a favorable cultivation of this plant, it is recommended to provide him with a sunlight mode, however, the period is also allowed. Throughout the summer period, it will be necessary to maintain watering in moderate mode, while the degree of humidity of the air should remain medium. Japanese Becklet Life Shape is an evergreen shrub. It should be noted that all parts of this plant are poisonous, for this reason it is recommended to comply with increased caution when contacting Japanese beeland.
This plant can often be found in cool winter gardens. Very often, gardeners grow this plant in room conditions: it is recommended to select light, but slightly privided windows. It is noteworthy that for the summer period of time, it is permissible to grow a pot with this plant on open air. As for the maximum size in culture, the Japanese rebel can reach the values \u200b\u200bof approximately one and a half meters.

Description of the peculiarities of the care and cultivation of the Becklet Japanese

It is noteworthy that the plant requires a fairly frequent transplant, which should be associated with the fact that the root system of Japanese recesses will quickly grow. The roots themselves can germinate in a wastewater pot. Plant replant is recommended, starting from a spring period of time and ending with autumn. The pot of the plant will need more diameter, while some of the roots are permissible to trim. As for the composition of the land mixture itself, it will be necessary to mix in equal ratios of sand, leaf and turf. The acidity of such soil soil can be both neutral and weakness.
The most common pest of this plant is a web tick, in fact, in case of defeat, this pest requires processing by acaricides two to three times with an interval of about five to ten days. Sometimes the plant is also affected by the shield, and as a struggle with this pest, it is necessary to use exceptionally chemical processing.
Throughout the period of rest, the optimal temperature should be maintained between the twenty and twenty-five degrees of heat. Watering this plant requires moderate, and the humidity of the air may remain standard. It is noteworthy that when the Japanese bearing is grown in room conditions, then such a period of rest will be forced. The reasons for the occurrence of this period will be reduced air humidity and insufficient lighting.
The reproduction of this plant can occur by cuttings, and the mixture consists of peat and sand, and the temperature regime should be about twenty-twenty-five degrees. The optimal period for the implementation of such reproduction is the spring period and the very beginning of the summer season.
As for the specific requirements of this culture, it is important to remember that the Japanese rebel needed quite bright lighting. Nevertheless, the plant should be protected from the afternoon sun. It is noteworthy that the plant can be grown in the form of a bonsai. The crown of the Japanese Becklet should be formed by trimming and quinting, actually such in such ways to give the plant very interesting forms.

Being an exotic plant, Japanese rebeller, has a view of a rounded, evergreen shrub with small, narrow, shiny leaves. Its contains in containers in a house or apartment, as well as on open soils, using in the form of decorative hedge or background base for compositions from different colors.

Beeskeletlet - Plant Height

The height of the Japanese Becklet, which has reached the "adult" age, having a tree or shrub growing in southern areas, can vary from two to eight meters. If the plants of the beeskeleton landed in the area with a cold climate or you decided to grow it at home, then the most common bush having a height of 50-60 cm. Plant growth is distinguished by periodicity, the active growth phases are interspersed with a slowdown in development.

Japanese Beesker

Having an attractive appearance, undemanding in leaving, possessing excellent survival, this decorative bush or a small village, is increasingly conquering popularity. Japanese becklest, as a room plant, is able to create comfort and decorate an interior of a house or office. You can use this plant and as a greenhouse or landscape.

The most common varieties suitable for home content include the following types:

Japanese room bearing

As a room culture, Japanese bequelet in our strip occurs more often than planted in open ground. This type of decorative chesty for home maintenance is more suitable - it is unpretentious and highly produced. Another type suitable for homemade cultivation is rooting (stern). The occurring descriptions of the plant's beeskeleton have differences characteristic of certain species, they have both shafts:

  1. The original color from the motley bright green, to a silver or golden.
  2. Leather and smooth cover of oval oblong leaves reaching 4 cm long, with jarbins around the edge.
  3. Small flowers (rarely appearing at home).
  4. Side shoots grow at a small angle, almost vertically.
  5. Thick foliage.

Japanese Beeskeleton in the Garden

Low trees or low-speed soil shrubs belonging to the genus Effects intended for landing in the garden, evergreen or deciduous. For this culture, tetrahedral or rounded branches are characterized, smooth, oppositely located leaves. Plants bloom abundantly, small flowers, small sizes, pale green or brown. The decorative trees and shrubs of the Japanese Becklet are widely used by landscape designers for forming, due to its exotic and unpretentiousness.

Japanese bearing - landing

Ideal for the coming period for disembarking Becklet - Spring, but forms and the autumn period. In the garden, you should choose a sunny plot or slightly shaded, away from groundwater and not in lowland. In the yam of 70x70, crushed stone is falling asleep as a drainage, then a mixture of fertile land and humus is added. When planting the plants in the acidic soil is made in the hole 1-2 glasses of lime.

Both the landing and the care of the belching does not cause difficulties, the main thing is not to overdo it with watering, this culture does not require large volumes of water, for maintaining decorativeness, forming trimming (the plant loves this procedure), and at least three times per season is introduced into the soil feeding:

  1. In the spring - nitrogen-containing fertilizers.
  2. In summer - one of the complex minerals (any choice).
  3. In autumn - phosphoros and kanti-containing drugs, humus (slightly more than half a bucket per square meter. Meter of the nearby space).

Japanese recesses - a decorative representative of the Botanical World. Unlike other varieties of Becklert, this can be grown both in the garden and at home. From the article, you can find out what the Japanese bequelet is, how to plant this plant and how to care for him.

The Japanese essaylet or Euonymus Japonicus is valued primarily for his impressive decorativeness, the ability to safely grow and develop both at home and on the street.

The decorative plant gives his crown - lush, bright, unusual color. Escapeta has dark green leaves with pointed ends and bright border. The leaves have impressive sizes and fleshy, dense structure. Plant is evergreen.

In addition to foliage, it can boast beeskeletors and beautiful, decorative fruits. The shrub is growing uniformly, however, it adds more in spring time. For the year, increment in growth ranges from 15 to 20 cm. In nature, the Japanese rebel can reach 7 meters in height.

Blossom is observed in the middle of the summer: beautiful flowers are collected in numerous fibers of yellow-green color. Berries appear in September and the period of fruiting continues until mid-October. Look at the photo of this wonderful plant.

The shrub tolerates unfavorable external conditions completely safely: it is not necessary for the air basement, the shadensity, the small sizes of the site - even in such conditions, the enemy manages to grow well, to delight with its beauty.

It is worthwing to know that the Japanese recesses is poisonous, so you should not let it with children and pets. Despite poisonousness, the plant is used in folk medicine.

Application in landscape design

The plant is suitable for creating a living hedge, as well as a curb framing. If you collect a mix from different varieties of Becklet, you can create a beautiful picturesque composition - garden decoration.

A grade with a green homogeneous tint of foliage is used as often as a background for bright colors. Also from such plants form live garden figures.

In landscape design, the most common varieties of Japanese Becklet are the most common:

  • pseudolavr;
  • microfillas;
  • dwarf.

Pseudolavr in our country is grown as a houseplant or greenhouse. It does not make low temperatures, but very decorative.

Microfillas is famous for its beautiful motley leaves. This becklet has a low bustice - a maximum of half a meter. But foliage and beautiful flowers make it very elegant and elegant.

The dwarf Japanese rebel grows to the meter, and it is it that most often plant in the open soil. The leaves of this shrub have a double color: the bottom is bluish and bright green from above.


Consider the main points regarding the rooting of this plant.


We recommend landing the plant in a sexual place. In such conditions, the leaves of the becklett are obtained especially decorative - clean and bright, saturated blue-green shade. On the sunny plot of foliage can dry - especially if there are no regular and sufficient polishes.


Japanese essay does not like too hot temperatures. Optimal for it is a range of +25 degrees in summer and + 18-12 in winter. In severe heat, the plant can start dumping.

The soil

Japanese rebel to the quality of the soil does not present special requirements. Optimal as follows:

  • sheet soil - 1 part;
  • cherry / garden land - 2 parts;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • large sand - 1 part.

An acidic soil is not suitable - in this case, the site must be predicted.


Japanese reckoning in the garden from May to September. It is necessary to choose a cloudy day - non-fit and desirable, rainy.

The pit is preparing in advance - its parameters must be about twice the volume of the roots of the plant. On the bottom of the pit is laid out the drainage layer of ground brick or clay, crushed stone. Then there is a nutrient layer of humus, compost and the soil is laid out.

The plant is put in a pit vertically and neatly sues soil. After landing, it is necessary to compact the land and pour so that air pockets are not formed.

To rouded the shrub is only in a pre-moistened soil. In addition, with home cultivation it is useful to warm up the lower part of the pot - it activates the rooting.


Landing and care are the most important components of the competent cultivation of the Becklet, and if we have already figured out the first item, then we will consider the second. We will get acquainted with the main moments of the care of the plant.


In order for the becklest to please the active growth and decorativeness, it must be regularly supplied with additional power.

In the spring, a nitrogenous feeding is needed to be more active in the green part. Then it is time for complex fertilizers and for the formation of kidneys - phosphorus-potash. Zima feeder is not needed - at this time the plant is in the period of rest.

ATTENTION: It is impossible to overflow the plant, as this can lead to a loss of decorative beebornet.


Becklets need moderate moisture. It is impossible to allow either convergence nor drought - the last more dangerous. If it is hot weather, it is additionally recommended to the foliage and spray: the procedure is carried out 2-3 times a week.


So that the bush rose compact and lush, the tips of the shoots must be regularly quenched. The procedure can be carried out as the plant grows.


In order for the belching safely to survive our harsh winter, it is recommended before the onset of cold weather to climb the root circle of plants with heavy sawdust, peat or foliage. The mulch will serve as a kind of "blanket" for the roots, protecting them from freezing.

If the plant has not yet reached a biennial age, it needs to be hidden in the garden. For this use boxes, agrofiber, burlap. Adult Japanese reckon in shelter does not need.

Protection against diseases, pests

The greatest danger to the plant is harmful insects - ticks and troubles. As a result of the defeat by these pests, the foliage of the Becklet may begin to dry, twist and fall - and the plant thus loses all its attractiveness. If such a misfortune happened, it is necessary to spray a bush with an accuter or colloidal sulfur solution.

Of the disease, the danger represents rust and malievable dew. Since it is very difficult to treat these diseases, it is recommended to process the bush preventively. Fungicides are used for processing, and the procedure itself must be carried out in cool rainy weather.

Home care

As mentioned above, it is possible to grow this plant and at home. Bonsai is well formed from the Japanese Becklet - miniature decorative compositions adorning the dwelling.

Care at home is similar to the street: the same regular watering and spraying in dry weather, feeding. In the summer, we take a container with a plant to open air - it will only benefit him, will strengthen.

An essay, growing house in a pot, must be regularly replant. The young plant is transplanted annually, and since the fourth year - every 3 years. In case of home cultivation, consider the extra highlight of the shrub, especially if the windows of the apartment come out on the north side.

Paging of shoots also need a plant. This procedure will help to form a magnificent compact bush, which looks much more effectively. In addition, it is recommended to regularly remove dried, damaged and old shoots - it rejuvenates the bush and retains its decorativeness.

Usually, the attack of pests or any diseases reacts in the same way - recesses the foliage. Noticing such an alarming sign, carefully inspect the plant and draw appropriate processing if necessary.

With competent full care for the season, the Japanese rebel gives two growth waves. And if the shrub grows exactly that, it means that the conditions are created favorable.


Japanese bequeptcher can be multiplied in three ways:

  • root division;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

The drawing method is more often used, since the root division is a complex procedure and does not always lead to success. Seed reproduction is also painstaking and long, but often used quite often.


Cut the cuttings in June-July: the shoot length should be 5-6 cm, the cuttings are false to have one at least interstitial and be green, unwanted. It is best to take a stalk with a bush, which is more than five years old. Separations of shoots need to be treated with a root stimulator, and then land in a greenhouse with a prepared nutritional soil.


For seed reproduction, the summer period is more. Before planting seeds, it is necessary to strategy + -4 months at a temperature of + 2-3 degrees - this measure will temper the seeds and relieve them from malicious dispute.

Place seeds when they burst onto the skin. The disembarkation produces seeds previously treated from "skins".

So, we met with such a wonderful plant like a Japanese bearing. His uniqueness is that this is the only one of the eaves, which is suitable for growing in the open ground, and for room. Plant with proper leaving gives a magnificent decorative sheet, flowers and bright fruits - real home decoration or garden

One of the most preferred houseplants in our days is Japanese reckoning, since many varieties, unpretentiousness in care and excellent survival rate is a far from the full list of advantages of this confident and popular shrub flower.

Decorative and deciduous housekeeles will help create even more comfort and will welcome any interior in the apartment, in the house, in the office or on the street.

Useful and enjoyable room flower will give home comfort and embody dreams about the most amazing landscaping of the premises. The article is described about the growing plants at home, the correct care for it.

You can also see a room Japanese reckon in the photo showing the variety of growing forms:

Variety of species, ease of growing becklest and care

Beeskeletlet is such a representative of the flora that feels quite comfortable at home. However, if in nature some of its varieties can reach a height of 5-7 m, then the home inhabitants grow as much as much as possible.

These varieties can be both leafy and evergreen - and there are much more such species. A variety of species allows you to make compositions from plants.

The convenience of growing becklett at home allows you to have this culture in almost every apartment. You can find out the subtleties on this page on this page.

If you believe the botanical description of the culture, the leaves have a smooth, opposite structure. Among the diversity of representatives are both trees and shrubs, and grassy ripening.

Separate demand has a creeping (sharpening) diversions - the varieties of coopman and dwarf. And the most optimal option for home conditions is Japanese rebel.

Home friend and decoration - Japanese bearing

Homemade cultivation implies different types of a bright, exotic representative of plant world, distinguished not only by names, but also in different proportions combining certain characteristics, growth opportunities, the conditions for the care of them.

It is quite convenient and unpretentious in all respects the Japanese beckon - a bright decorative representative of his family. This is a real home friend and amazing decoration of any interior.

Describe the plant and the main conditions for the care of it can be the following parameters:

Types of this species are different in the color and size of the leaves. Their leaves are usually leathery and smooth, oval-oblongs, having original jar along the edges.

Successful against the background of any interior will look a silver or golden bearing, although the usual green leaves look presented and worthy.

The original colors and shapes of the leaves allow you to use the plant in the form of aesthetically reasonable decoration of any home or office space.

Separately, it is possible to discuss the possibilities of trimming and forming a plant, since with the help of the correct, timely trimming, you can create any vegetable forms.

In addition, a more significant benefit is also proved - this representative of the plant world is able to reduce the content in the air of the microbes by 50%.

Look Japanese Beeskeleton in the photo - is not true, it is a unique indoor plant:

Special variety - homely dwarf bearing

A small evergreen shrub is a homely dwarf bearing, vertical shoots of which can reach a height of up to 1 meter. Leather, narcolatory leaves with small cloths around the edges have a length of 4 centimeters.

The tops of the leaf are pointed, and the edges are a little adjacent. From August to September, the ripening of yellow-green pale boxes is the fruits of a decorative and greenhouse. This is a special kind used in the culture of the formation of bonsai.

In vivo, a dwarf beacon grows in the valleys and on the slopes of rivers in the mountainous locations of the Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine, North-West China, Romania. This species was listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

Correct bakinglet care begins with landing

To the lighting, this natural air freshener is absolutely noncains - the plant can be successfully held both in the most illuminated places of the house or courtyard and in the shaded. Than the color of the color of the leaves, the more light is usually required by the plant.

In all other cases, the care of the belching is also simple and unobtrusive. The representative of the flora is abundant in summer and moderately - in winter, and for the removal of dust you can arrange a kind of shower. It begins the correct care for the bellarge from choosing a place and planting plants at home.

In the period from the beginning of the spring before the beginning of the fall, it is useful to fertilize the flowers with complex fertilizers with minerals, feeding the greens of approximately 1 time per month. During the growing season, it is necessary to trim weak and thickening shoots, and the purchase and trimming of shoots to dissolve the crown should be made every spring.

Transplanted into more spacious pots or better soil young plants every year, adult representatives - once in 2-3 years. The most acceptable variant of the soil mixture consists of the following components:

  • one part of humoring;
  • one part of the sand;
  • one piece of leaf land;
  • two parts of the turf soil.

The drainage layer at the bottom of the pot is mandatory. From the pests with the most dangerous, you can call a web or red flat ticks, shields. To combat them, you can use different types of insecticides used in accordance with the instructions for drugs.

Other reasons for the deterioration of the state of the decorative room plant are possible. With too bright lighting, the becklet leaf begins to fill up, the edges are folded, and the tips begin to quickly piss.

In winter, low air humidity and increased room temperature may result in dropping leaves. When the soil is overwhelmed, the plant can stop growing and reset the lower leaves.

Application of decorative green decoration in life

Different tinctures, decoctions from fruits and leaves of these colors were used for quite a long time. In folk medicine, there are a lot of recipes that should help with any kinds of skin, nervous, internal diseases.

At the same time, given the high toxicity of the poisonous in its inner composition of the plant, pharmacologists refer to preparations based on its basis.

The use of decorative green jewelry as dosage forms is not recommended, in life there are more simple ways to use becklets as amazing politicians for apartments and offices.

In the industrial sphere, the raw materials of this type (wood of shrubs and trees) is used to make a small sized crafts and souvenirs. In the chemical direction received one of the types of guttapers from warthog and European varieties.

As decoratively growing species, the plant can be used for urban landscaping - tall varieties, as original living ingredients - individuals of shrub forms. Especially and in demand for landscape designers and amateur gardeners evergreen raised plants of this species.

Aesthetically look pretty brightly in interior versions and garden-park compositions, depending on the specific type, they can be of different color color and caliber.