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The year of the bull on the Eastern calendar. Characteristic sign. Characteristics of bull born

Bull sign symbolizes prosperity through the strength of the spirit and tense labor. Woman born bull rising, calm and calcined. She is tireless worker and is not afraid of routine work. It is very difficult to change her opinion about something, stubborn and often firmly follows its prejudices.

However, reliable character and responsibility allows it to achieve its goals. She will never shy away if the debt is calling. She should be careful and not to get involved in too much.

Externally modest and neat. Always logical and rational. Her intellect is hidden under the mask of restraint. In crisis situations, the spirit is always shown and congenital confidence. Walks high with his head raised.

Always respects traditions and rules. It seeks to do exactly what they are waiting for it, so it is often criticized for the lack of imagination. However, only she knows that if you do things in the correct order, you can hope for success. In her life there is no place of confusion and dying luck. If someone seeks the goals of cunning and wit, the woman bull acts with perseverance and dedication. If it gives the word always holds it back. Despite this public opinion, there is little that means.

Woman bull in love

In personal relationships can be terribly naive. It is very difficult for her to comprehend all the wisdom and the subtleties of love and emotions. Do not expect lyrics and meetings under the moon. Even her gifts will be durable and durable products.

In order to establish relationships with her will need long courtship. She is very slowly falling in love and opens its true feelings. External may look like a true lady, however, when it comes to feelings, it can mumble something vague.

Nevertheless, if you conquer her trust, she will never disappoint you, will serve you faith and true all life. She is incredibly independent and will be able to buy diamonds and fur herself. This is the type of girl without frills. Life with her may seem boring and monophonic. Nevertheless, you will never walk in a dirty shirt, with holes in socks or there is a burnt dinner. She is honest and hardworking wife. Her expenses will never exceed your income. It is a valuable weight, without any extra packaging.

From the disadvantages, you can note a long memory for the resentment, can remember everything in the smallest detail. The more her emotional shock, the stiffness plunges into his work. If in her life there were strong disappointments in love, can bury themselves under a bunch of work and lead a secluded life.

Despite all her patience, it is not worth it, otherwise it will be very terrible experience. She will not spare anyone on his way. In general, such situations are rare.

In the house, her word may be a law, she knows how to give orders and also follows them. It has a materialistic look at life, but always loves and proud of her family. Her personal success may be the criterion of her love for the family. Capable for great sacrifices for the sake of well-being of loved ones.

A bull woman born in the afternoon will be more aggressive and active than born by a quiet night. She always firmly stands on the legs and should be a call of mind, not a heart. Therefore, if you want to get something from it, refer to mind, not feelings. The opinion of one person rarely makesone to change their mind. In general, proud and uncompromising, with disregard refers to the weaknesses of others. If you learn to see more humor in life and compassion others will be much happier.

Bull woman in work

A born leader, in work it can be too rigid and demanding. Her lack of tact and respect makes it unsuitable for working with people and in the diplomatic sphere. Nevertheless, it is always respected for the honesty and persistence of principles. Able to inspire his subordinates with its hardworking.

Dignity and morality do not allow it to achieve the goals in dishonest way. Extremely independent and to help her in something will have to persuade.

Its thoroughness and conscientiousness is fixed in genes and is transmitted to future generations, even if they are born under a different annual sign.

Of all 12, the rooster will bring the sun and paint to her life. Snake will give to feel affection and care, combined with wisdom.

2009 passed under the sign of the Yellow Bull. After that, it will repeat only after 12 years, that is, it will come in 2021. Thanks to astrologers, we can look into the distant future and learn in advance how to attract good luck during this period.

Characteristic of the year of the bull

There is an ancient Chinese legend, according to which each year has its own patron woman in the animal world. On the basis of it and built the horoscope of this nation. Bull is the strongest sign in the Chinese astrological calendar, but it is worth the second, since it has moved its rat. To get your year at Buddha, twelve animals needed to twist the river. When the bull was going to cross the climb, the rat ran up to him and asked her to transport her on his back. He agreed, but at the very last moment, at the very shore, the tricky rodent jumped into the ground and appeared first before the Buddha, for which he was rewarded to start a Chinese horoscope. From here, the tradition was that during this period you need to help other people, but with caution so that you are not combined. For kindness, credulity and confidence in their own forces and love this symbol. The year, as a rule, passes under the motto of family support and colleagues. Many people are wondering what periods comes to this sign. We list several of them, which fall under the definition of "Year of Bull": 1973, 1985. etc. The frequency between them is unchanged - 12 years.

Horoscope born in the year of the bull of people

What do we see or represent this animal? Bull patient, silent, neat, in cases is always consistent, in words is accurate. He does not like woven and crosses. In addition, people born in the year of bull, surprisingly open personals. With others, they behave carefully and carefully, trying to first find out a person closer. Bulls do not like noisy companies, they are closer loneliness. In a career, such people are very quickly achieving power and arise in senior positions. Alone with his family, they, on the contrary, very tender. A bull man is a peculiar and passionate nature, the same can be said about a woman. But at the same time, such people prefer to express their love. It is unnoticeable, they rarely wait for romantic deeds or surprises.

Aries: What to wait for him?

This is a very self-confident personality, ready to deal with any obstacles. Such a person is usually strong in the year bull clearly presents its goal and confidently goes to her. In love, it is the same straight and frank. The man-Aries per year of the bull most often becomes the boss, he manages his career very actively. Such qualities are inherent in women born during this period. Like men, they become bright unforgettable personalities. If they want something, they will definitely achieve this, despite the dissatisfaction of other people and objections on their part. In the family they are very faithful, but the stubborn team temper sometimes prevents them from becoming exemplary wives.


If the person of this sign of the zodiac is born a year of the bull, then his character is a bright embodiment of stubbornness and non-informability with the difficulties of life! It is characteristic of being unnecessarily jealous. And all because he loves and knows how to achieve goals. Bull-Taurus is a responsible disciplined employee, but as the boss will be very demanding. True, severe nature sometimes prevents it from being open and achieve happiness. To somehow establish the situation, the Taurians need to reconsider their views on life. Women of this sign are hardworking, stacks, but are not deprived of perseverance, which is able to competently apply on occasion. They wise at the best meaning of this word, it means that before anything to do, women will include their heads, and this will help them avoid misses and mistakes in affairs.


Such a person is endowed with striking activity, it is sociable and moved. Once in any company, he finds a common language with his surrounding people. At work, as a rule, bull twins pumped up a lot of functions and is responsible for their implementation. Men born under such a combination of signs, one to be strong both physically and morally. On the woman in this regard will be strongly influenced by her environment. But if you talk about the sign of the twins per year of the bull, that is, one common feature that combines both sexes - a clear sense of duty. Sometimes it spoils them life, since people like the character warehouse is quite easy to start exploiting.


First of all, these people will evaluate their close environment. For bull bull bulls, it is extremely important to feel comfortable. With relatives and loved ones, this is a soft, gentle and caring person. To establish his personal life to women helps their sexuality, but men always have to stand before the "Family or Career" dilemma. In this sense, representatives of strong sex are very indecisive and often try to avoid problems. But women born under the sign of cancer in the year of the bull, and volition, which allows them to be easy to command and at work, and in the family.

Communication difficulties arise only at that time when people of these signs begin to analyze their actions. It should be known that at such moments they become particularly sensitive to the words surrounding and can easily fall into depression.

a lion

Most of all the person born in such a year will reach a fast and successful career. Immediately I need to say, the lion will succeed, because he has all the necessary qualities: hardworking, the ability to lead people, will and endurance. Together with this, such people love and know how to relax beautifully, visiting cultural events. In relations, Lev-Bull maintains conservative views. Men persistent, strict and withstands, are able to produce an excellent impression on the appearance around others from the first minute. Women who were born under such a combination of signs, love to be needed and able to pay enough time and children, and career, and beloved hobbies.


Such people often feel unnecessary in society, so they live apart. This feature passes the red thread through the whole life of the virgins, affecting almost all its spheres. For example, such people often become narrow specialists, preferring to career growth of their full awareness of the subject. The bosses are very often loved by the staff born under the sign of the Virgin, because they are rarely late, they are most concentrated on the workforce and responsibly approach even the small order himself. A woman born in the year of the bull under this sign, devotes to usually homely trouble or, on the contrary, with his head goes to work. Men possess good sexual potential.


In combination with a bull, this zodiac sign is the perfect union. All qualities in this person are harmoniously combined, which contributes to a balanced moral. But it will be wrong to call it a weak or geractor. If such a person collides with the problem, then definitely put all the forces on its decision. In relations, these people are indecisive, not knowing, to stop the choice.

For men, bull weights are persistence on par with stubbornness and prepaid. The main advantage they consider success and respectability. Women who combine traits of scales and bulls can communicate and attract attention to themselves, love and appreciate the romantic deeds. They are not accustomed to save on themselves and know how to act as appropriate to achieve their goals.


Such people do not accept the golden middle, everyone surrounding is divided into friends and enemies. But endurance, strength, will enough for the bull-scorpion is enough for two. Persistence and perseverance does not even occupy, especially if they are connected with sensitive intuition and practicality, as in its case. Such people do not like noisy companies, they are loners. Before you give my heart to someone, Scorpio, in the year bull bull, will look closely to the partner. His difficult character can lead to difficulties in personal life. But marriage for such personalities is the holy, they are true to their family and try to be close to anything. Women of this sign are usually principled, they are very hard to change their established look at life. And if you want to conquer the heart of such a lady, get ready to prove that you are able to become support. But she will relax and give you a happy smile.


This is a very peaceful person who does not want to quarrel and scandal. Its activity of the bull under the sign of Sagittarius finds use in rapid activity - he can do several things at the same time. This is a friendly and calm sign. In relations, often timers and indecisive. Men born this year love to recognize new, travel. They are not in a hurry to take a high position at work, since most often they are engaged in a favorite thing, and not profitable. Women of this combination of signs quickly conquer respect and authority among colleagues, and the partner will appreciate the seriousness and truthfulness.


In the pursuit of an excellent result of the bull, born under this sign of the zodiac, is ready to work without downtrend. Persistence and patience does not occupy him. Bull-Capricorn is a typical careerist. These people have ambitious and moderately an adventure warehouse of character. They do not like to spend the time in vain, so in relations from them they will not wait for compliments or cute surprises - bullish bulls simply consider such an expression of feelings stupid and unnecessary. Men of this type very often become good promising supervisors, which are successfully and competent with fairly large enterprises. The same traits of character are also inherent in women. They know how to maintain in a difficult situation and take care of their loved ones.


A person who combines two described signs, is always ready to know something unusual and new. He rarely worry earthly affairs, although he likes to see in all the order. But if something goes not according to plan, Aquarius, born in the year of the bull, will not worry, upset, he will simply switch to the satisfaction of his spiritual needs. At the expense of its charm and love for communication, such people quickly find a common language with others. They love to share their ideas and see how conceived. If we talk about love, then here the Bull Aquarius also needs inspiration, that is, in his partner, he must see Muse. In men, sometimes an outstanding character, they pull them to originality. But to order a man-aquarian meaninglessly - with him you can communicate only on partnerships. A woman born when combining these signs, also an extravagant nature. With her charm, she simply fascinates the hearts of those around the people, and her a lot goes with her hands.


Seeing such people for the first time, nothing to say that they are in the soul they are wounded, sentimental and sensitive. Their outdoor reliability covers the main feelings hidden deep in the shower. Bull fish easily flows into depression, if his faith in the decency of people is undermining. Despite this, representatives of this sign do not seek to share their thoughts and feelings. Men tend to find their destination in creativity. They are smart, it is interesting to communicate with them even on specific topics. But a serious project such a person is unlikely to be able to bring to the end, as it spends its energy not to work, but on the internal analysis of his soul. Unlike men, the woman of this sign is not devoid of ambitions, they can become excellent leaders, and no less good housewives. True, in addition to organizational abilities, it will help the creative vein inherent in all bull fish.


So, now it has become clearer than the characteristic of the year of the bull is noteworthy, and that we should wait for people of different signs of the zodiac. Such knowledge often helps a person to avoid mistakes when planning cases for the next twelve months. Every representative of any sign of the zodiac is inherent individual features, and often the most successful persons become the people who were lucky to be born to this responsible year. If you belong to their number, then now you know what you should do, so that good luck turned to your face. Dare, you will succeed!

Bull - a second sign from the 12-year-old cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) lunar calendar of animals. It is associated with the energy "Yin" and the element of "water". The corresponding zodiac sign is Capricorn.

Bull symbolizes:
inner strength, objectivity, hard work, reliability, sociality, determination, honestystubbornness, restraint, silence, dislike, conservatism, impatience

Table of the year of the bull

Characteristics of people born in the year bull

The characteristic of the representatives of the sign of the horse introduces the peculiarities of their lava, building personal relationships, career.


Positive. The main advantages of the bull - internal force and objectivity. It has all the deposits of a strong personality and becomes a wonderful companion in life and a business partner.

Characteristic Positive Features of the Bull:

  • internal force: manifests itself in the constancy of life or principles; It is hard to knock down from the path that he considers the only right;
  • objectivity: there is a people with their decency and objective judgment about the world, so he trust the most intimate;
  • diligence: All the works started communicates to the end and performs them strictly on time, whatever it cost him; work usually does slowly, but thoroughly; If something is not laid, it becomes irritable, even unmanaged - at this time it is dangerous "stand on his way";
  • reliability: bull responsibly performs and communicates to the end everything is taken for; That is why there is confidence in tomorrow;
  • sociality (if necessary): Does not need noisy companies, prefers a calmer environment, but can support any conversation and speak well with a public speech, if necessary; This sign has hidden leaders.

Negative. Negative qualities of the bull - the reverse side of the medal of its advantages. Persistent shortcomings of his nature - stubbornness and restraint. The remaining qualities can smooth out over time.

Negative sides:

  • stubbornness: to convince the bull in something impossible, while he does not always enter into an open confrontation; can listen carefully and still do in its own way;
  • restraint: often is "in itself" and does not exhibit oneself, despite the mind and enlightenment; Therefore, it occupies the "average" position in society;
  • silence and disadvantibility: manifest themselves in a striving for solitude, the execution of daily work is not in a team, but on their own;
  • conservativeness: Commitment to the "old" stacked forces bull to oppose any changes not only in his life, but also in the life of society.

Love and relations

Because of restraint, the bull impresses the mysterious personality. But in fact, the "secret door" he has no, he just does not like to manifest himself in humans.

Bull born is capable of strong feelings and loves when he is responsible for reciprocity. Then he can accomplish a lot both at home and at work.

It is rarely one. The partner always tries to engage in his re-education - to teach an easier attitude towards reality, irony, to remove the burden of closetness and dislike. If it succeeds, the surrounding admire the transformation and wealth of his nature.

For unrestrained and romantic partners, bull quickly becomes uninteresting due to the scarce manifestation of emotions.

Career and profession

The bull is not moving for a long time due to the restraint of character. After all, the authorities more often notices more talkative, charming staff, even if they are less gifted. But the bull is not upset about this, because the current work is always interesting for him.

If he is working for a long time in the same company, then over the years it is noticeable by the ability to make rational decisions and the ability to find a way out of difficult situations.

Bull - strong sign. He firmly stands on his legs and is pleased with what he has. If he managed to overcome the natural restraint and the absence of his sign, he is waiting for great accomplishments.

People bull bull-bull - as they show themselves in love and marriage, in the field of work and in society. Distinctive character traits, description of the signs of a Chinese horoscope male bull and a bull female. For which years there is a year of bull. Security amulets and happy talismans for representatives of this sign of the Eastern Zodiac.

Bull year in the 20th and 21st century: 1901,1913,1925,1937,1949,1961,1973,1985,1997, 2009, 2021, 2033.

general description

People born in the year of the bull (oxa or buffalo) are restrained, modest and responsible. They are distinguished by unprecedented endurance and perseverance in achieving goals. However, when the bull covers anger, it is better to go around the party, as he loses control over himself and is not responsible for his actions. Most buffaloes are endowed with brilliant intelligence and short-sighted physical strength at the same time. They clearly see their goal and confidently go to its implementation, but never resort to dirty methods, they will not go through their heads. The main disadvantage of bull bull-bull is stubborn.

The wheels are still different in childhood independence and curiosity, love to participate in public life. They make the impression of cute and friendly people, but try to offend them - and even from the baby bulls get a slight back.

The Chinese horoscope allocates two types of bull born bull. One is very sociable and the company, loves to be the center of attention, always and everywhere will lead a lot of friends. The other is very calm, even an unlike one. Often he is considered insecure in itself, but it is not at all. This type of bull loves to philosophize, is trying to solve the secrets of the universe, which is why he needs privacy.

The best rest for any buffalo is digging in the garden, hiking; All that makes it closer to nature. Almost all bulls can achieve success in sports, thanks to their congenital physical endurance.

Bulls in love and marriage

People born this year, real conservatives. As a rule, they adhere to traditional views on relationships, appreciate the monogamion, are opponents of random connections and fleeting hobbies. Bull bulls require stability and rest from partners. The monotony in relations does not bother either a bit. On the contrary, they feel protected and happy. No need to say that the buffalo does not forgive never. No gifts, standing on your knees will not allow you to silence your guilt, with traitors at the bulls, the conversation is short.

Will is difficult to express their feelings, they are not accustomed to putting attitudes. Even after many years of married life, conversations about love with the second half put them in an awkward position. Although the gentle words from bulls do not have to hear, they express their love actions. It is a buffalo to start when you need help and will do everything possible to facilitate your life.

Bull is a wonderful family man, the breadthor, always seeks to sleep. Having created his own family, he does not forget about parents, continues to take care of them and seeks to provide them with a worthy old age. WHI of their children is raising in rigor, gives them good education and beautiful manners. However, bull born is difficult to call a subtle psychologist, so the problems of fathers and children in their families happen often.

Male Bull

He is faithful to his habits, so chooses the most appropriate partner and remains true to her. Usually a man-bull prefers the girls modest and predictable, the shavy ladies do not attract it. Ox tries with all his might, so that the relationship remain strong. The family, as a rule, creates once and for all, and keeps behind it until the last, even if he understands that it is a way to nowhere.

A man-bull is very discreet and a few, romance does not wait for him. It sometimes happens very difficult with him, because it is extremely demanding for partner. Bull jealines his lady to each post, even if there is no reason for this. Such a man is more suitable for women who grew up in a patriarchal family; Since he wants the wife to listen to him, was soft and flexible. It is important for him to feel their status in the family, a woman must respect him and instill it with children.

Woman bull

It is in a relationship with the opposite sex very shy, especially at a young age. She needs a strong partner with whom she will feel like a stone wall. The financial position of the potential husband is of great importance for it. A bull woman cannot live in poverty, money for her is a symbol of stability and peace.

Macho, around which fans are wound, such a woman is definitely not suitable. They seem to her vain and unreliable. Rather, she would prefer an intellectually developed man, restrained and modest. A woman born in the year of the bull never rushes into a smoothie with his head, her relationships develop slowly, but they always move in a serious direction.

Such women do not like to spend time on short-term novels, they will prefer them self-education or meeting with relatives. Bull bull prefers equal partnerships. They love making money and invest in a family budget on a par with a man. Often the girl is married to her first guy, loves him and keeps loyalty to all his life.

Female bull caring wife and beautiful mistress. It seems to be cold and tough, but it is not so. It demonstrates her love with homemade comfort, delicious food, and not hugs and kisses.

Career, work, finance

As a rule, bulls are financially very successful, money to them and liput. This is no accident, because the will is very hardworking, hardy and has uncomfortable mental abilities. People born this year often occupy a high position in society, but at the same time they always strive even higher. They know that nothing is given for nothing, and only persistence and difficulty can achieve something. As bull chiefs are very responsible and caring, but they do not tolerate when their orders are not executed, but decisions are questioned.

Buffalo fits painstaking work, requiring perfection and concentration. They should not engage in activities related to frequent business trips and unstable schedule. If the bull benefits satisfaction from his work, he feels realized that it is fruitful and affects personal life.

Years: 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033

People born by eastern horoscope per year bull, energetic and volitional. They boil the cargo, which is not clear to other signs - they are drawn to their work, family care, and also provide all emotional support. It boosts them and helps to make it easily all the problems. In this sign, practicality has been developed - constantly seeks to make money on a comfortable life for himself and his family. Bulls are firmly standing on Earth, they cannot be shifted from the place if they are comfortable and cozy here. They are targeted - nothing and no one can prevent them in achieving the goal.

These people are too stubborn to go around the circumferential paths, they prefer to take obstacles to pressure. Nobody is inferior to anyone, believe that there is the only right point of view - they are. And even if they represent the facts in their erroneous point of view - they still will not be treated. They do not tolerate when someone stands on their way - everyone will be accurate, even without looking at age, titles and ranks.

It is impossible to manipulate bulls, they always know where and why go, seeing favorable opportunities - these people will never miss one of them, because for them it is very important to improve their lives. They leaders, have a talent of convictions, they hard to believe it. These people are never lying themselves and do not bring out the lies of others, ignore the liars, causing him in deception. By the way, it is precisely that forces others to lie to them. There are no trembleness in their character. They are faithful and fair, always come to the rescue to the one who found himself in trouble.

The bulls do not have enemies - it is better to be friends with him, because no one can withstand his onslaught. They are friendly and honest. Although they have a lot of envious, but they rarely pay attention to them. Is that those will be too annoying - then bulls simply scatter them on the sides so that they do not interfere in living calmly.

Bulls are cool, they always keep themselves in their hands, even when you need to show our weakness, but also from others they are waiting for the same prudence and exist. If someone begins to complain about problems in life, immediately stop spiritual outpouring.

People of the year of the bull in everyday life. Bulls are ideal hosts. They try to keep the house clean, but they do not always have it. Regardless of the floor, these people are excellent cookies, prepare always tasty, masterfully decorating dishes. The interior of their dwelling is praised with great taste. Bulls adore land, so they usually live in their own homes, so that it is possible to realize themselves as a good garden designer.

These people love guests very much, waiting for them with impatience, preparing exquisite dishes and inventing an interesting program, but usually rarely coming to them, because bulls are difficult in communication and authoritarian. For the same reason, they do not like to call on the guests - they will definitely notice the hostess that the dishes are prepared fine, but the dishes are chosen not appropriate, or there will be a new renovation, scolding the negligent builders who did not have a properly labeled wallpaper. With bulls it is very difficult, however, they continue to communicate with them, knowing that in a difficult moment, they will always come to the rescue.

Business qualities of people bull-bull bull. The talent of the bull is to organize and direct, so there are excellent managers from them. They never come to the emotions - strict, power, but fair. Always encourage hard work, but they will be merciless to those who are lazy and prevents work. They never hope for anyone, besides themselves, they are waiting for them from their colleagues or subordinates.

These people will be suitable such professions, where they are of great responsibility - financiers, agronomists, athletes, etc. But they are contraindicated where they will often have to change the place of stay - regular business trips, flights, accommodation in hotels, - too active lifestyle will negatively affect their emotional state.

Love born bull bull. These are loyal people. For his beloved person, they are ready for everything. However, it is impossible to call them romantics - their love is delicious dishes for a dear person and the fulfillment of his cherished desires. In love with the state, they become soft, puffy and open to the chosen one and only for him. The surrounding will not even notice changes in the strict and powerful nature of the bulls. These people are monophrices, but their partner must be faithful to them until the end of life, so they carefully study it before agreeing to serious relationships.

Family of people born in the year bull. Having created a family with a proven partner, they try to poison the cozy nest, where they are not allowed, even relatives and loved ones. Quite often, bulls after marriage leave away from their parents, but never forget about them - help financially and physically, visiting periodically. The soul lives in the soul, trying to please him in all as long as he is not disappointed in it.

If they do not feel confidence in relationships, they become real despotes that are not tolerant of disobedience as a second half and children. Although bulls are considered ideal parents. The fact is that in childhood they are usually not interested in their loved ones, so they try to make their children everything differently. These people know how to achieve harmony between rigor and condescension, they are smart mentors and caring parents, so their children always achieve considerable success in life.

The health of bull bulls born. Bulls can boast strong health both physical and emotional. There may be problems with the thyroid gland, as well as with the heart and light due to the harmful habit - smoking. In old age, there is a possibility of appearance of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which manifests itself a terrible migraine.

Water Bull Characteristics Features

People born in the year of water bull, sociable and friendly. They are easy to come to contact, they find a common language not only with adults, but also by children. Usually these people prefer to keep all their plans in the secret, even from their relatives, so much, what happens in their lives, becomes for all a surprise. Water bulls Beautiful organizers and managers, they seem to be created to direct others.

They have excellent memory and developed material thinking, so there are excellent merchants from them. However, all that they do - earn money, build houses or just prepare food, erase - only for the family. She takes the most important place in their lives. Care and attention of bulls show easily and naturally, getting great pleasure from this. They are strongly developed morality and consciousness, so they are appreciated as friends, and as colleagues, knowing that they never deceive.

Wooden Bull Characteristics Features

People born a year of wooden bull, peace-loving and balanced. In any situation, they behave with great dignity, they will never be offended by the other, even if a person deserves it, rather, will stop communicating with him.

They respect and appreciate in society for flexibility and friendliness. However, their diplomacy is conditional - they do not know how to fuse before those who are unpleasant. The only one with whom they become soft and gentle - this is members of their family. For them they are ready for everything, but the greatest value for Wooden bulls - These are their siblings. Usually these people are more familiar, they grow loving and appreciating their family kids who will always stand for each other.

Features of the Character of Fire Bull

People born in the year of fiery bull, energetic and hot-tempered. If something is done not according to them, then they begin to rage. They love them very much when they are praised, so professional manipulators can twist and twist the fire for their goal. These people are energetic, strong and workers. They love to brag, so if they are lucky to get some reward, it can blind them.

They go all their lives to a certain purpose, but if they do not succeed in achieving it, then the bulls directly come out of themselves. They never listen to other people's advice. Fire bulls Caring towards native and friends. In the family they are leaders who do not endure when they will be reserved. They may even stop communicating with the rebel.

Features of the nature of the earth bull

People who born in the year of the bull of the elements of the earth have a sober mind. They are materialists that helps them lead a successful business. Earth bulls straightforward and do not tolerate lies, pretense and operability, than very annoying hypocrites and attract honest people. They never rude, but skillfully put Hama in place.

These are people of the mind, their feelings are in the last place, so creating a family, first of all, they think about what boles it will bring them. Sometimes they are considered dry and worn. They are conservatives, rarely change their life dramatically. Endorship - perfectly keep strikes, presented with fate.

Metal Bull Character Features

These people are pretty vengeful and straightforward, as they believe that only weakliks be defeated, so they have few friends and buddies. For the same reason, they are hard to find a life satellite. Even if this is found, then in marriage usually Metal bulls They feel unhappy - again their duality manifests itself - on the one hand, they understand that they need to give up to their partner in something, and on the other - they cannot afford it, as it contradicts them.

Find out online what year with what animals of the Eastern Horoscope correlates, its color and element can be on the page.