Repairs Design Furniture

Baked apples in the oven for a nursing mother. Baked apples in the oven for nursing mothers and children on breastfeeding. Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave

When summer generously gives us apple harvest, sometimes you do not know what to do with fruit. Many mistresses are baked them, it turns out a stunning delicious and useful dessert. Try it a great option for a light breakfast and even for a romantic dinner. And if you do not want to get involved in the sultry heat, then prepare baked apples in the microwave.

Such thermal treatment is very useful, the baked fruits are easier to be absorbed by the body, and they maintain a large amount of vitamins. Often such apples include in the diet menu. And this is a rare case when the diet can be delicious.

You can simply bake in the microwave apples with honey, but much more tastier they will turn out with fillings inside. They put various nuts and dried fruits, cottage cheese, banana, berries, muesli, and still season with honey, fragrant spices. And when feeding to the table, even ordinary baked apples do not forget to decorate, our food must be not only delicious and useful, but also be sure to be beautiful.

General rules for baking apples in the microwave

But the taste, and benefit, and beauty directly depend on how correctly you are cooking dish. Therefore, for beginnings, familiarize yourself with the general councils and recommendations on the baking of apples in the microwave furnace:

  1. Best of all, winter varieties of apples with a dense pulp are suitable for baking.
  2. Before cooking, you wash them carefully, you can even lose the skin with a soft brush.
  3. Consider fruits with paper towel.
  4. If you do apples with stuffing inside, then cut the top, but do not throw it away, during cooking it will serve as a cap.
  5. Carefully sharp knife remove the middle with seeds so that the bottom remains unaffected.
  6. Be sure to make several punctures in the peel with a fork or toothpick.
  7. Position apples on a special flatware designed for use in microwave ovens. Pour some hot water (to binge two fruits on a small size of the dishes it will be enough 100 ml). This is done in order to during the baking of fruits do not burned to the bottom.
  8. And the highest moment, how much do you need to bake apples in the microwave oven? Time depends on size, varieties and density of fruit. With the power of 750-850 W for the preparation of the middle apple, you will need no more than 5 minutes. But it is better to install a timer for a start for 3 minutes, and then check the fruit for readiness and if necessary, turn on another 1-2 minutes. The smaller the power of the furnace, the more time it will be necessary for baking. With a capacity of 600 W, the apple will be ready after 7-8 minutes.
  9. Burning apples apply to the table in warm, and even better in a cold form.

Tip! The amount of sugar in recipes vary depending on its taste preferences and from the variety of apples. Approximate proportion: 1.5-2 h. One is the fetus of medium sized. If the fruit is sour, then take sugar more. Conversely, when apples are juicy and sweet, you can do without a sweetener.

Baked apples with raisins and cinnamon

Best oven apples are combined with cinnamon. There are hostesses, not too self-respecting this spice, but it is indispensable for baking fruit. Dessert is very fragrant.

Time: 15 min.


Portions: 3.


  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - 5-6 h.;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • raisin - 3 h.;
  • creamy butter - 50-60 g.


Prepare apples for baking.

In a separate pinion, connect cinnamon with sugar, divide the resulting mixture equally for all apples and pour into the cut holes.

Raisins pre-rinse and spark, put in the middle of each apple 1 teaspoon.

Also evenly distribute into each apple pieces of butter.

Cover the fruit previously cut apartments and send to the microwave oven.

At the end of the program, get fruit from the microwave. These are the same they turned out beautiful and appetizing!

When feeding to the table, trigge the apples with sugar powder and decorate with fresh mint leaves.

Apples in the microwave protect well, they are soft and tasty.

Baked apples without sugar (with filling from muesli and maple syrup)

For this recipe you can buy Muesli in the store or make yourself prepare the Grangle, mixing oatmeal with various dried fruits and nuts. If there is no maple syrup, use liquid honey.


  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • muesli - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • cardamon, Badyan, Cinnamon - by pinch;
  • maple syrup - 3 tbsp. l.


In a bowl, connect Muesli with fragrant spices and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup. Mix everything thoroughly and the resulting mixture fill apples.

Send to the microwave and bake until readiness. Give apples to cool, when serving to the table, a little spin with maple syrup and trigger with sugar powder.

Baked apples pieces

You can cook delicious baked apples and without filling. We offer to bake them not entire, but slices. In this case, it is necessary to need strong fruits with a dense pulp.


  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • cinnamon - pinch;
  • creamy oil - 20 g


Drink apples, dry and cut out slices. For this recipe, the peel never cut off, otherwise the finished pieces will not hold the form at all.

In the bowl, squeeze the juice with an orange, add honey and cinnamon to it, mix to a homogeneous state.

The dishes for the microwave, in which you will bake apples, smear the creamy oil. Apple slices dry in a honey-orange mixture and lay out in a circle. In the center, install a circle with water.

Send apples to a microwave. In this case, it will be enough 1-2 minutes for baking (depending on the thickness of the slices).

Feeding to the table we want to offer you, it is suitable for special family dinners and holidays. In the center of a beautiful dish, lay out 2-3 balls of vanilla ice cream, arrange the baked slices of apples and paint everything from above the remaining honey-orange sauce.

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave

Baked apples with cottage cheese in the microwave, prepared on this recipe, are dietary. In some diets, this option is recommended as breakfast or dinner.


  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • cottage cheese - 240-250 g;
  • vanillin - 1 bag (1.5 g);
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.


  1. Prepare apples for filling cottage cheese stuffing.
  2. The curd mixture is prepared without sugar and is obtained with low calorie. Wipe the cottage cheese through the sieve, take the egg, add vanillin and mix. If you do not have any extra weight problems, you can add dried fruits, nuts, honey. It turns out very tasty, if you mix cottage cheese with the chopped flesh of the banana.
  3. Fill apples and baked the resulting mass.
  4. If you want to strongly sweet, when applied to the table, paint the apples with liquid honey.

Instead of vanilla, you can add cinnamon to curd stuffing. There is another option to make a special fragrance with a finished dish. Before baking, stick a few cloves into the cap from the cut-off apple top. Due to the fact that the spice is placed not inside the apple, and she will not give a strong clove in the lid. There will be only a light and pleasant taste tint.

Halves apples with dried berries and nuts

For this recipe, any berries are suitable, which are available in your blanks - dried or dried cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, currant, blueberries, mulberry, black-like rowan.


  • apples - 4 pcs.;
  • mix of dried berries - 1 cup;
  • liquid honey - 50 g;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 h.;
  • walnuts - 8 pcs.


This time, apples prepare a little differently. Cut the fruit into two halves, remove the seeds and part of the pulp, giving them the shape of the cups.

The dried berries will pre-fill with hot water so that they slightly sparkled and become softer. After that, leak on the colander to run away the extra moisture.

Connect the berries with cinnamon and liquid honey, mix and fill in the resulting halve of apples.

The kernels of walnuts chop in a blender to the state of crumbs, sprinkle apple blanks with them from above and send it.

The ideal feed to the table of such an apple variant - with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.

Instead of dried berries, you can use fresh or frozen. Just do not mix them with honey or sugar, because the berries will be allowed juice and get a quasher. In this case, it is necessary to sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon apple halves, then decompose the berries, trigger on top of the nuts and bake. When applied to the table, ready-made apples can be still decorated with fresh berries.

Baked apples with honey and nuts in the microwave

In this recipe, so that the filling is not too hard for a child or an elderly person, nuts need to grind and give them soft due to the addition of sparkling raisins.


  • apples - 3 pcs.;
  • peanuts - 30 g;
  • walnuts - 30 g;
  • hazelnut - 30 g;
  • cashew - 30 g;
  • almonds - 30 g;
  • raisins - 100 g;
  • honey - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • butter cream - 30-40 g


Prepare apples for their further filling with nut filling.

All nuts shift to the plastic bag, cover top with a kitchen towel and ride the rolling on them to grind (not in the crumb, and small pieces). Then it is desirable that this nut mass is slightly frying on a dry-hot frying pan (2-3 minutes with constant stirring will be enough). If you do not do this, then nothing terrible, just roasted nuts are even tastier.

Place the nuts in a bowl, add to them the pre-washed and sparkling raisins, liquid honey. Mix well with each other all the components before receiving a homogeneous mass.

Fill apples received filling, leave a little place on top and decompose on a piece of butter. Cover with apple covers tops and send to the microwave.

Make a dessert feed especially exquisite. A portion dish slightly pour strawberry or crimson jam, in the center put a baked apple, around put a few nuts around the whole. All this beauty trig off with powdered sugar and complete the composition with fresh mint leaves. With a glass of white wine - an excellent solution for a romantic dinner.

Baked apples in a microwave with raisins and dried fruits

Dried fruits for this recipe can take at your discretion, if you do not like a showing fig, put more kuragi or prunes. Special aroma dessert give chopped almond nuts.


  • close-up apples - 2 pcs.;
  • raisin - 2 h.;
  • kuraga - 4 pcs.;
  • prunes - 4 pcs.;
  • figs - 2 pcs;
  • almond nuts - 30 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • mac - 10 g;
  • cinnamon - 5 g.


Prepare apples for filling stuffing.

Nuts put into the bowl of the blender and grind to the state of the crumb. All dried fruits will wash in advance and steal until soft. Large (prunes, kuragu and figs) cut into small pieces. Put in a bowl, add raisins, poppy, sugar, cinnamon and chopped almonds. Stir.

Fill in the resulting stuffing prepared apples, cover cut-off tops. Send Cake. Finished apples when serving to the table, you can pour with liquid honey or caramel syrup.

Baked apples with pumpkin, poppy and cedar nuts

Prepare baked apples in a microwave with a filling from the queen of vegetables - bright and juicy pumpkin. You can diversify with her nuts or dried fruits. We offer an option with poppy and cedar nuts.


  • large apples - 2 pcs.;
  • pumpkin - 60-70 g;
  • mac - 2 h.;
  • pine nuts - 20 g;
  • sugar - 3-4 h. l.


  1. Apples prepare for filling with stuffing.
  2. Pumpkin pulp cut into small cubes.
  3. In the Schill Sill Sugar, distribute it with a thin layer all over the bottom and install on a small fire. Melts to the state of light brown caramel.
  4. Put pumpkin cubes in the saucepan, mix with sugar caramel and fry 2-3 minutes.
  5. Here, add nuts with poppy. Stir.
  6. Distribute the stuffing into the prepared apples and send to the microwave.
  7. Ready dessert truth sugar.

Every day the child grows, his body is increasingly vitamins. Until some time, maternal milk ensures all the needs of the baby, but the time of dust comes. When a child met juices and fruits, you can diversify the menu. A modern technique comes to the help of Mom, with the help of which the delicious, as well as useful dishes are obtained.

Breasts can be offered an apple baked in a slow cooker. Such a dessert is good to give after vegetable puree. It can be an excellent addition to the Milk Cashe.

Baked apple - a source of vitamins

Green varieties of apples have always been considered the most useful for babies. They contain all the necessary vitamins organism.

Baked apples have a soft laxative effect, prevent the occurrence of meteorism and fermentation processes in the intestine. Such lures equally good for both babies on breastfeeding, and for those who are on artificial nutrition.

Despite all the useful properties, excessive or incorrectly use of fruit damages.

  1. The acids contained in the composition of the fruits are capable of irritating the gastric mucosa, which can lead to a peptic disease.
  2. Sour varieties of apples are not recommended to give to children, as it causes an increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  3. Prepare fruits for infants need without seeds, they contain too much blue acid.

How to choose a fruit for a child

Many mothers try to choose the most beautiful apple for the baby. But here you need to show caution.

For the children's menu, pick the fruits of green color. Pay attention to the skin of the fruit. It should not be perfect.

Natural apple can not glisten, there should be no wax flying on it. Homemade fruits - security and benefit. If you buy such a product does not work, give preference to local varieties. They will enrich the child's body with the necessary vitamins more than brought "overseas" fruits.

How to cook the lucky

An apple can be given in any form: Fresh or crushed in mashed potatoes. But a small child is unlikely to cope with a whole fruit. For infants, it is preferable to start feeding with baked fruits

Bake fruit can be in several ways:

  • fully;
  • chopped on slices.

Recipe for baked apples in a slow cooker

  1. Apples are selected, my and cleaner seeds.
  2. Prepared fruits are placed in a multicooker's bowl, add some water.
  3. We choose the "Baking" program, and after a few minutes the dessert is ready.

The baked in a multicooker apple needs to be grinding a blender. Then it turns out a delicious, gentle puree.

Today, bake fruits can be in the microwave. To do this, you will need a special dishes.

Apple Recipe in Microwave

  1. Fruits wash and cut into pieces, cleaning seeds.
  2. Share the slices on the heat-resistant dishes, add some water and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes.
  3. Finished apples can be chopped by a fork, blender or wipe through a sieve.

Micker cooked in the microwave you need to cool well. If it turned out to be sour, you can add sugar.

How to bake apples in the oven? Prepared Fruits to cut, fold into the dishes, send to the oven for 20 minutes. The finished puree needs to be cooled.

Baked apples are suitable for the smallest. You can add them to the ration already from 4-5 months. The puree is obtained more homogeneous and gentle. Older kids can be diversified by the menu, adding cottage cheese or pumpkin to the baked apple.

We harm the puree of the forecast

Useful lore should be in the diet of infants throughout the year. You can use a shop puree from jars, but it is better to prepare a good dessert yourself. It does not take much time, and the attached efforts will only benefit the baby. In the summer, when the crop is good, you need to prepare the puree of the future.

Recipe for children canned puree

  1. Apples purify and cut into small slices. Add some water and sugar, cook about 30 minutes.
  2. Mashed aside on sterile banks and further prepare in the oven. We set them on the grid, cover with covers, sterilize another 40 minutes.
  3. Get ready puree we roll, cool and store in the cold.

Such a dessert will become an excellent source of fiber in the winter season.

Baked apples are one of the most delicious and helpful desserts, which can be prepared even in a microwave oven. According to many nutritionists, the presented delicacy contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, and is also absolutely safe for the digestive system, since the product is thermally processed.

Dessert based on baked fruits is perfect as a sweet treat for nursing mothers, and will be absolutely harmless to kids. However, in order for the dish presented to bring the maximum benefit, it is necessary to properly prepare baked apples in the microwave.

General rules for baking in the microwave

However, before making this treat in a microwave, you need to get acquainted with the general rules. Despite the fact that baked apples are a very simple dessert, they require a very serious initial training and attention to culinary during baking. The general rules for the preparation of this dessert include:

  • Do not remove the peel

It is not worth removing the skin from the fetus, as it serves as a natural shell for dessert. Without it, the fruit will lose the form and turn into porridge.

  • Use home apples

This is due to the fact that the peel of this type of fruit is not covered by a wax coating harmful to human digestion to preserve the integrity of the fetus. However, if you do not have the ability to prepare a dessert from natural fruits and only shopping product is available - do not be discouraged. Just before baking apples in the microwave to remove the wax layer, it is good to walk along it a rigid sponge or brush.

  • Correct the baked time in the microwave

It is important to remember that the time of cooking dessert depends on the variety of fruit. For example, winter, hard apples must be bake for 5 to 7 minutes, and soft summer fruits will be taken to prepare up to 3 minutes.

  • Pulse the peel

Cooking - Professionals advise before cooking dessert, piercing apple skin in several places toothpicks or knife tip. This will help avoid cracking the fetus in the cooking process and evenly break in fruit.

Bake fruits with sugar and cinnamon

One of the simplest and most popular options for sweet treats based on baked fruits are apples with sugar and cinnamon. This recipe is basic. It is from how well the culinary will learn how to prepare a dessert on this principle depends on whether it can prepare more complex treatments.

In order to bake an apple with sugar and cinnamon we will need:

  • middle Size Apples - 3 - 4 Fetal
  • sugar - 0.5 h. for each fruit
  • water - 2 - 3 tbsp. l.
  • cinnamon - to taste

The recipe for cooking baked apples into microwaves with sugar and cinnamon is as follows:

  1. Apples rinse good under running water. Cut the top
  2. In each fruit with a special tool or knife, clean the core and make small recesses.
  3. In the holes made, pour sugar. Apples season with cinnamon
  4. Place the fruit in deep dishes for cooking in a microwave. Capacity fill the recommended amount of water
  5. Send apples to get into the microwave at maximum power. Cooking time is selected individually, depending on the variety of fruit
  6. After the recommended cooking time, hold the fruit to the microwave for another 1 min. So that the fruit "come out". Next, the finished dessert can be obtained from the microwave and submit to the table

How to make babies for baby?

The best food for the baby is mother's milk. However, in order to achieve a child of 7 months of age, before each mom there is a need to introduce pure-based supplies on the basis of vegetable and fruit masses in the overall diet of its Chad.

Many doctors - pediatricians argue that the best solution to this problem will be a dish based on baked apples. This type of supplies will help to gently adapt the crumb to the new food, while not overloading the digestive kid system.

For the preparation of baked apples in the microwave for children, we need:

  • fresh apple - 1 fruit (it is recommended to take soft and ripe fruit)
  • creamy oil - 0.5 h. l.
  • water - 1 tbsp. l.

How to bake an apple in a microwave for a child? Everything is very simple:

  1. Fruit thoroughly rinse under running water. Cut the top of the fruit
  2. In the apple, make a cylindrical incision. Select the middle
  3. In the made funnel, add the creamy oil
  4. Fruit put in a special dishes for cooking in the microwave, add the water and cover the lid. Send an apple to drip in a microwave oven at the maximum temperature for 5 minutes.
  5. Upon expiration of the recommended time, get ready-made dessert from the microwave. Clean the apple from the peel and disarm for a fork to a homogeneous state. Optionally, a puree for kids over 12 months can be slightly sweeten 0.5 h. Sugar sand

Recipe for delicious and satisfying fruits with cottage cheese

One of the most favorite delicacies for lovers of natural desserts is baked apples with cottage cheese. This dish is not only very tasty, but also has a high energy value, allowing to satisfy all day. In addition, cook this dessert is very simple!

In order to prepare apples stuffed with cottage cheese, you will need:

  • apples - 3 large fetal of winter varieties
  • low cottage cheese - 150 g
  • dried fruits (raisins and kuraga) - approximately 30 g
  • cane sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

We are preparing apples with cottage cheese in the microwave in such a sequence:

  1. Fruit rinsed under running water. Cut the top
  2. We harvest the space for the filling. For this, out of the fetus completely remove the flesh with a spoon
  3. We harvest dried fruits. To do this, fill the drill and raisins with steep boiling water and insist for half an hour. Upon expiration of the recommended time, we drain the liquid and repeatedly fill the dried fruits of hot water. Insist for 3 to 4 minutes.
  4. Prepare cottage cheese. To do this, we add raisins and crushed in advance to the Kuragu. Thoroughly mix before receiving a homogeneous consistency. Cooked cottage cheese stuffing the fruit
  5. Stuffed fruit lay out in the dishes for cooking in a microwave, fill with 1/3 with water and send it into the microwave. We bake fruit at maximum power

The time that is spent on the preparation of dessert depends on what consistency you want to get. If you need a very soft filling, then bake the fruit you need about 10 minutes, and if you need to maintain the natural density of the apple and slightly twisted cottage cheese - up to 6 minutes.

We make dessert with honey in microwave

Also one of the most delicious and healthy desserts are baked apples with honey. The presented sweet treat is capable not only to quench the feeling of hunger, but also saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. According to many doctors - therapists, frequent use of this dessert in the winter will help strengthen the immune system and significantly reduce the risk of influenza infection during epidemics.

In order to prepare apples in a microwave with honey, you will need:

  • apples - 4 fetus, variety of any
  • dark honey - 4 tbsp. l.
  • nuts (walnuts and almonds) - 40 gr.
  • cranberry - 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook baked apples in honey? The recipe is very simple:

  1. My apples under running water. Cut the top
  2. From the fruit we completely remove the flesh. We form an edible cup with dense walls
  3. We prepare nuts. For this, the kernels are frying on a hot frying pan for 1 - 2 minutes. Finished nuts grind. To this end, you can use the roller pin or kitchenette
  4. Preparing filling. Nuts connect with honey. Add cranberries. Gently mix for connecting all ingredients. It is important to ensure that the berries do not crush
  5. The baked fruit is filled with a cooked filling and spread it into the tank for cooking into the microwave, on 1/3 water filled with water. Preparing dessert at maximum power. Time of baking we select depending on the variety

Baked apples in the microwave - natural dessert, which will undoubtedly love both adults and children. A little effort, time and prepare this simple and useful treat will be able to each. Bon Appetit!

The menu of a nursing woman can be very tasty, despite the prohibited delicacies. Many female representatives love to pamper themselves with a sweet dessert. Ice cream, cake, apple strudel ... List can be continued forever. But is it possible to treat himself with a delicious, but useful dessert, let's say from baked apples? Let's try to understand the question, whether baked apples are allowed with breastfeeding.

After the birth of the baby, a woman should fit with extreme caution to composing his diet. With Mother's Mother, the child receives nutrients that are necessary for the normal development of its body. The correctly compiled Mom menu will help in this. Many products are dangerous and unacceptable for the organism of the mother and child. Their use is fraught:

  • the development of an allergic reaction;
  • meteorism and other unpleasant processes in the intestines;
  • poisoning.

In the article, we will consider an important question: Does apples will harm the mother and baby. Can there be baked apples during breastfeeding period? From what time after birth can eat them?

Use of apple

Beautiful, juicy and multicolored apples contain many vitamins and trace elements. They contain potassium, iron, copper, boron and this is not the entire list! Young mothers must be included in the diet this useful fruit, because a large share of iron will help to restore the normal level of hemoglobin. Even baked apples do not lose these properties.

  • Fruits are a source of pectins and fiber.
  • Baked fruits have great benefit to the body of a nursing woman, since all useful substances are absorbed.
  • Polysaccharides contained in fruit are not absorbed by the organism, but the contrary is removed from the intestine hazardous toxins, and also have a bactericidal effect on the body.
  • Many moms after the birth of a child suffer from constipation. Apple pectin will help to get rid of these unpleasant manifestations.
  • In the period of breastfeeding, it is very important to avoid allergies. It is apples that are a hypoallergenic product. However, with extreme caution, it is necessary to eat red species, because bright peel can cause allergies in a child and a nursing mother.

In general, apples are useful and rightfully occupy one of the leading places of the ranking of ideal products for nursing women.

Apple harm

Unfortunately, these fruits are not a dietary product. Therefore, during the feeding period, it is necessary to easily approach their use. After all, a young mother should be beautiful, well-groomed and shine from happiness! Note that the baked fruit does not affect the figure, because it contains less calories than its fresh brother.

From the diet of a nursing mother, it is necessary to exclude all products that can cause discomfort to its body. Fresh apples can increase the size of the acidity of the juice contained in the stomach, and this in turn does not affect the health of the woman.

Another, and the last, negative manifestation is damage to the teeth. After using raw fruits, enamel on time becomes sensitive even to water. You can exclude such a phenomenon by rinsing the oral cavity after meals.

From this one we can conclude that this useful product should be present in the diet of a nursing mother. But it is allowed to use in limited quantities and to achieve a child of a certain age.

Can I not?

An eternal rhetorical question: can I not? Some doctors intimid young women during breastfeeding period by a possible allergic reaction to the body. Dear mommies, remember that the allergy is on the bright color of the peel, that is, on red fruits, and this is a feature that is transmitted by genetically. So, red apples are admissible if in the children's, adolescence, as well as during pregnancy, you did not have allergies on them.

In the case when a woman is still afraid to harm the child, a baked apple will come to the rescue, which is absolutely hypoallergenic. The indescribable taste and aroma of the product in this form, be sure to do a nursing mom.

If you are an amateur fresh fruit, then you should replace the red on yellow or green, and the problem is solved. Evoying such a fruit nor a woman nor a child is at risk of allergies. Some suggest that fresh apples can cause colic and promote gas formation in the baby. Experts explain this by the fact that such processes in the body of the child are possible only in the presence of a similar reaction from the cormal. If such a problem exists, then baked fruits will come to the rescue. After heat treatment, they retain only a part of the vitamins, but this is enough for a nursing woman.

Features of baked apples

A huge number of positive feedback from the physicians and the love of many women won this delicacy. And now about the benefits of baked apples when breastfeeding:

  • you can eat after reaching a child monthly age;
  • absolutely hypoallergenic and useful product;
  • pained useful vitamins for heat treatment;
  • full absorption of trace elements;
  • do not cause gas-forming processes in digestion organs;
  • do not increase the acidity of the stomach;
  • there is no negative impact on enamel;
  • easy in cooking.

Baked fruit can be used almost immediately with the start of the lactation period. With this form of the product, nursing moms can forever forget about the problem of constipation after delivery.

How to cook

The choice of a suitable fruit needs to be considered responsibly. Best of the breastfeeding will be suitable green varieties of apples. Bake them in the oven, multicooker, microwave. For cooking you will need a couple of minutes and a little effort.

Simple recipe

It is no secret that a nursing woman must observe a diet. But who said the menu should be boring and monotonous? Dessert from baked apples dispels this myth. One of the indisputable advantages of the dish is a simple recipe with which even novice hostesses will be handy. For cooking you need an apple, a knife and an oven.

  1. Fruit thoroughly wash. You can use the brush to make a pretty wash the peel from possible processing.
  2. Cut the apple into two halves, from which you remove the middle to remove the kit.
  3. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and put a baking sheet with halves for 10 minutes.
  4. Enjoy a tasty and harmless dessert.

In the first days of feeding should not be added to the dessert sugar, vanilla and cinnamon - this can affect the child's condition. As you know, sweet substances and spices can cause discomfort and bloating in the kid. As a result, the Chado will begin to be capricious and can refuse the next time from Mother's milk. Therefore, with additives need to be closed until two months of age.

Cooking in microwave

Apple baking recipes during breastfeeding there are a great set. Various options for stuffing from cottage cheese, sugar and cinnamon. Under the strict ban remains baking, because it will certainly cause colic to the baby. Go to such products follows after 3-4 months from birth.

Recipe for apple cooking in the microwave. To do this, you will need:

  • apple;
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • a small piece of butter;

Method and cooking time:

  1. Wash fruit under running water. Cut into 2 parts and remove the core with a spoon or knife.
  2. In half, pour sugar and add creamy oil. For better baking, the peel can be pushed with toothpicks.
  3. Put the furnace on the middle power and set the timer for 3-5 minutes. In general, cooking time depends on the fruit and is regulated in each case individually.

Apple pot

A delicious dish should be beautiful to improve the mood of a nursing mother. So, baked apples in the form of pots!


  • apple;
  • 1 tsp. honey;
  • handful of crushed walnuts.

Dessert preparation process:

  1. Washing the fruit to put on the plate and cut off the top from it. Hood can not be thrown out because it acts as a lid.
  2. A spoon gently remove the middle.
  3. Add honey inside apple and lay nuts on top. The resulting dessert is closed by our pre-prepared cap and send to the oven.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Baked with cottage cheese: video from

Mom with GW can also eat and dried slices of apples. You can use them in compote as an independent dish and as additives.

A nursing woman should take care not only about his health, but also about the well-being of her baby, choosing high-quality and natural products. Apples in any form will benefit the body and improve the lactation period. You need to eat these fruits without fanaticism, observing the recommended portion.

If, during pregnancy, a woman's diet is much more diverse and practically no restrictions, then after childbirth, it must be more careful in choosing its menu.

Prior to the beginning of the dust, all the necessary substances required for the normal development of the body, the baby receives with maternal milk. Therefore, nursing mom need to carefully monitor the power to not harm the child.

Can there be such apples nursing mom?

Despite the fact that the apples practically do not cause allergies, the use of them in raw form can cause colic and stomach disorder in a newborn.

An excellent alternative will be the baked apples that are the safest and harmless and for mom and for the baby. This product has good digestibility in the body and has almost no adverse reactions. For baked, you can use red, yellow and green fruits.

What month is it allowed to eat?

Apples that have undergone heat treatment can be included in the diet of a nursing milf almost immediately after the birth of a child. In addition, the use of this fruit will help a nursing woman to get rid of constipation after childbirth.

What are useful?

When baking in apples, the maximum number of vitamins (A, C, E, RR, B1, B2, B6, B9, etc.) and minerals (copper, calcium, magnesium, nickel, iodine, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, iron and potassium). In addition, the liver apples during the lactation period have a positive effect on the entire body of a nursing woman, in particular:

  • contribute to the restoration of the composition of lymph and blood, which is extremely necessary in the postpartum period;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • participate in the preservation of heart muscles;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • possess anti-inflammatory action;
  • due to the large content of pectin and fiber, they contribute to weight loss, while improving metabolism;
  • prevent the appearance of constipation, and also help them get rid of them;
  • prevent gas formation;
  • positively affect the work of the kidneys and liver;
  • indispensable in the treatment of digestion disorder and its restoration;
  • it perfectly affects the condition of the skin, possess the pulling effect and smoothes small wrinkles.

Introduction to the diet

The growing body of the kid is simply necessary to obtain a large amount of vitamins. As you know, apples appreciate not only for a wonderful taste, but for their benefit they bring the body. Not for nothing, the first dust of the kids pediatricians advise to begin with this fruit (juice, mashed potatoes).

Apples in the diet of the child is the key to his good health.

How old are in lures?

As soon as the child turns six months and he will begin to eat a puree of fruits, it can be pampered by baked apples.

Use for kid

This fruit contributes to the improvement of appetite, and also eliminates the problems with digestion, which is not very important in baby food. Apples contribute to the strengthening of the immune system, the normalization of blood sugar levels. Despite the baking, all useful vitamins and trace elements remain in preservation. And the baby will be delighted with a delicious dessert.

If the kid has digestion problems, the baked fruit should be given in the morning on an empty stomach, as it has a laxative action.

Possible harm for mother and infants

But still use this fruit is necessary with precaution. In isolated cases, it can cause irritation on the skin from a child. If after the nursing motley ate an apple, and then the baby appeared on the broth's brushes, it is best to use fruit for a while.

Two weeks later, you can try again. In addition, sometimes apples can cause meteorism at the kid. Prefer preference is preferably homemade fruits, since the shop purchased is often treated with chemicals, various preservatives and wax.

This is done in order to increase the duration of the storage of fruits. But mom and baby data of substances will apply only to harm.

When using baked apples during breastfeeding period it is necessary to follow some recommendations in order to avoid allergic reactions. From the body of the kid:

  1. when preparing baked apples, it is necessary to give preference to the fruits of green varieties;
  2. mandatory in the period of lactation to start eating apples only one variety, and only after the absence of any reaction from the body of the child, other varieties can be included in the diet (red apples can be used 1-2 months after childbirth);
  3. to begin with, Mamuchka needs to eat an apple without peel, which is cleaned before cooking or immediately before use.

IMPORTANT! At the beginning of feeding should not be used as sugar, vanilla and cinnamon as an additive, as it may affect the condition of the baby.

It is well known that sweet substances and spices are able to cause discomfort and blooming the tummy at the child. The baby will become a capricious and in the end it can be a reason for refusing to reflect the maternal milk.

How to enter in the menu?

It is necessary to follow restrictions in the portions to avoid the appearance of unwanted reactions at the child:

  • during the first tasting, it is necessary to eat 1/3 of the middle apple;
  • if, in two days, the baby does not have signs of diathesis, bloating and colic, then you can gradually increase the number of liver fruits in the menu;
  • the recommended daily dose is not more than one apple (in the first month of the life of the baby, after three months to increase the amount of up to two fruits);
  • weekly rate no more than four pieces (after three months zoom to six apples).

How to cook?

Burning apples will help you make a variety of a diet of a nursing mother as an unusual and tasty dessert. Time for cooking will take literally a few minutes.

Cooking method:

  1. Thoroughly wash the apple.
  2. Then cut the upper part.
  3. Cut the core with a knife, you can use a spoon.
  4. Pour into the apple teaspoon of sugar sand, instead of sugar, you can add honey, in the absence of allergic reactions.
  5. Cover with cut-off tops.
  6. Put on a baking sheet and put in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees.

The duration of baking in the microwave will be five minutes.

ATTENTION! Before bake, you need to cover the plate with a fruit with another plate. Also, baked apples can be in a slow cooker, choosing the "Baking" mode. Cooking time will take only twenty-five minutes.

You can experiment with additives in baked fruits. It can be: raisins and dried; Spoon of cottage cheese together with sugar; Nuts and honey.

During the lactation, the nursing mother is forced to adhere to large restrictions in its nutrition. Apples not only contribute a variety of in the diet, but also give useful vitamins and trace elements that will have a positive effect on the whole organism. They endow energy, force and vigor. Burning apples with breastfeeding useful and tasty delicacy, which will ensure the calm behavior of the child.