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Pluckle for plywood: Is it possible to handle seams with plaster putty on the floor under linoleum or under the wallpaper, video. What makeup to close the junctions of plywood on the floor? Sealing plywood seams on the floor

What can be seams on the floor from plywood under linolyum?

And so I will give you one interesting way when the seams are not coming on the linoleum and the plywood itself will not spoil for a long time. When the entire floor is processed by the primer, let it go well for this in the room you can put a fan that would chase the air of the day quite enough. Then interfere with the epoxy resin with wood dust in a metal capacity, then the resin must be heated to 40 degrees, so that it becomes liquid and fluid and only then proceed to the putty of the gaps and other isyans on the plywood. After that, we give a day to frozen and you can proceed to grinding. All linoleum will fall perfectly and in the future a complete guarantee that the seams will not disperse and do not crack.

Before starting to lay a linoleum on Faneru, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of plywood. To do this, it is necessary to close with a putty for wooden products All available seams on the joints, small cracks, and dents on plywood, if, of course, are available, you can fill with silicone sealant.

In addition, Paneur must be treated with a special antiseptic, which is part of the primer.

And only after the plywood dries after all processing procedures, you can proceed to the direct installation of linoleum.

But before that, do not forget to ensure that the entire surface of plywood is smooth and clean.

Most modern flooring are mounted on an even base. But the old floors do not always comply with the stated requirements, and they have to align. Flooring can be found in different ways, but the most popular is the use of plywood.

Its prevalence is explained by several parameters:

  • high wear resistance;
  • ease of installation;
  • affordable price.

Also do not forget that plywood is a natural materialWhat is also important.

Sealing seams of plywood sheets on the floor

When installing, the whole sheets are saws on rectangles, between which it is necessary to leave the technological gaps of 3-8 mm. Therefore, after the laying, the question arises: what to close the junctions of plywood on the floor? There are many options, but they have different efficiency.

Regardless of the selected method, the main thing is to comply with the technological process:

  1. Sheets must be firmly fixed. Plywood is enough elastic material, so the edges in any case will "play a little". But the more the amplitude, the faster the putty is invested. To avoid this with installation, the screws are placed as close as possible to the seams (it is desirable that the indent was about 2 cm) in a step of no more than 20 cm. When attaching plywood with glue, it is necessary to pay special attention to the edges and corners, avoiding non-fluxed areas.
  2. Phaneur on the joints should be treated with grinding or sandpaper. This item plays a special role with a soft cleaning coverage: linoleum, carpet.
  3. After completing all the work on laying the seams, it is necessary to clear from pollution, it is most convenient to do this with a vacuum cleaner. Then degrease and process to. The best results show moisture-resistant primer, and if the room is wet ,.

Types of races

Naturally, puff plywood when flooring will give a good result only with a properly chosen putty. It should be elastic, but not soft. Also, it should not give a shrinkage, otherwise, with the time, the joints can stick on the surface of the finish coating.

Read more: Bulk wooden floor - all his secrets

Sealing plywood seams with putty

At the moment, these options are most common as:

  • Putty. It should not be just for wood work, but specifically for wooden floors. Normal may not withstand loads. Of the variety of options presented in the market, acrylic putty has proven itself better ( buy online at adequate prices).
  • Silicone. It is less popular due to its softness, therefore it is not suitable for use under such finishing options such as linoleum and carpet. But it is often used enough in wet premises, winning due to its tightness.
  • Elastic sealant. Shows one of the best results. The disadvantage is a high degree of shrinkage, but it can be avoided if you apply it with a spatula in several layers. But the process is long enough, because every time you need to wait for a complete drying of the previous layer.
  • Termocles. Elastic, but not soft, quickly dries and practically does not give a shrinkage, he could be an ideal putty for the seams if it were not for its price. It is an order of magnitude higher than other options for seeding seams. In addition, it is necessary to acquire a rather powerful gun for a thermal oil for its application, with a capacity of 500 watts. With its help, the thermocons are applied to the seams "with a slide", and after frozen the surplus is cut with a wallpaper knife.
  • Folk methods. They are distinguished by a large variety of recipes, according to them, plywood plywood putty can be made by sawdust, mixed with PVA, or with a heated up to 40 degrees epoxy resin. There are examples of using a mixture and construction chalk mixture for these purposes.

What to close the junctions of plywood on the floor you decide for yourself, because each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. In compliance with all rules, any of the above methods can give a rather durable result.

Plywood, depending on the type and quality of finishes, can be used both for aligning surfaces, including gender and as an finishing finish. But the fact is that it remains natural, and for a long service life, it is necessary to leave technological gaps between adjacent sheets. In the installation process, the floor may arise, the way to close the seams to make it positively affected by the quality and durability of the floor covering.

The selection of seam sealing material depends on a few points:

  • From the material to be used as an finishing decorative finish
  • From the thickness of the gap if the plywood has already been laid and choose from the available data
  • From the characteristics of the room itself, which produces repair.

Before starting to close the seams themselves, you first need to carefully prepare the working surface. The most important action at this stage is the grinding of the seams to be treated. The softer and thinner will be the finish finish, the better all defects will be viewed on it.

Even small gaps on the seams may continue to bring a bunch of trouble if the linoleum is lying on top or even more durable and thick material.

It is easiest to bring the sheets of plywood and joints between them to the desired state with a grinding machine. This tool will allow you to quickly remove all the extra unevenness and joints from the surface. If there is no grinding machine, then these same actions can be performed manually, but it will take much more time.

What to close the seams?

The most significant criterion when choosing putty for seams is its elasticity. Since plywood sheets still fail to fasten the perfectly firmly, dry and not elastic mamaza with time quickly cracks and starts to fly out of the seams. This will quickly lead the floor to an unsuitable look, and work will have to be re-done.

When mailing the seams should be guided by several rules:

    • It is best to use an acrylic smear showing the best results when working with plywood.
    • If there are wide and deep seams, the composition is applied in several stages, and each time you need to wait for a complete drying of the applied layer.
    • Silicone maps can be used only with small seams. These compositions are too soft, and with serious loads can simply be pushed on the seams without achieving the desired effect.
June 8, 2017
Specialization: Professional in the field of construction and repair (full cycle of finishing works, both internal and external, from sewage to electrician and finishing), installation of window structures. Hobbies: Watch Column "Specialization and Skills"

Plywood for plywood is used primarily in order to get a perfectly smooth surface suitable for finishing finish. At the same time, the peculiarities of the wood plates impose a print on the use of various putty compositions - and therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to understand all aspects of technology. This will take it!

Features of wood fiber plates

Plywood and other stoves based on wood (oriented chip, wood-shaped, wood-fibrous) are widely used during surfaces of surfaces, and when the draft floors, and in the manufacture of furniture and other items. For these materials, certain features are characterized, and they must be considered when preparing for the finishing finish:

  1. Uneven thickness. Plywood gluits from the sheets of veneer cut from the array, and the plates are pressed from individual fibers or particles of wood. In any case, it is impossible to achieve perfectly smooth surfaces, therefore it will take pre-processing before the finish finish.
  2. Fibrous structure. Even after grinding, the surface is saved by a texture that can manifest themselves under a thin layer of paint.

Sometimes there is a question, whether it is necessary and it is possible to put the laminated Fauer. If further finishing is planned, at least the junction between the sheets and the fastening site must be embedded. And ideally, the laminated surfaces are to sand to form a rough texture and apply a thin layer of putty on the entire plating area. So, paint, and other materials will be held at times better.

  1. Heterogeneous coloring (characteristic of plywood and osb-plates). The layers of wood can be rather contrastful, so under a light pigment they are almost guaranteed to appeal.

  1. Fixing features. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the sheets of material are attached to the frame of self-drawing. When contacting moisture, the fasteners can rust, and as a result, characteristic stains will appear on wallpaper, decorative plaster or interior paint.

  1. Change linear dimensions. With drops of temperature and humidity in the room, the size of sheets and slabs can change, and very much. If we neglect putty, then the finishing layer is highly likely to suffer (either cracks or folds).

It is for these reasons that plywood putty under painting, pasting wallpaper and even under the laying of a thin linoleum is very desirable. What to use for this, and how to apply a putty mass - I'll tell you below!

Preparation for finishing

Choosing formulations

The range of means that we can use to solve the task is quite extensive. It all depends on where we will process wood plates.

The easiest way to solve than to put the Faneur under linoleum. Here we do not need to remove the perfectly flat plane - it is enough to disguise the caps of fasteners and protect the base from moisture. We act like this:

  • plywood sheets process with oil or primer (it is better to do it from two sides);
  • hats of self-tapping and joints between sheets thoroughly embroider with epoxy putty.

But the walls under the wallpaper or painting is already more complicated. Here are compounds, which can then be aligned by grinding:

  1. Gypsum materialssold in dry form, before use are bred by water to optimal consistency. Easily applied and processed well. The minus of gypsum compositions is that they are desirable to use only in sufficient dry rooms. Gypsum absorbs moisture, which can lead to swelling and detachal of the leveling mass.

And also undesirable to apply a means based on plaster on surfaces subject to vibrations. An example of such surfaces can serve partitions with doorways or ceilings of rooms over which residential premises are located. The low elasticity of polymerized gypsum will lead to the fact that the leveling layer will begin to crack and crumble over time.

  1. Acrylic compositions. Ideal for the processing of wooden surfaces: moisture and vibrations are not afraid, are easily applied and aligned, they differ in good clutch. Most often sold in the finished form, because they can be used without prior dilution. Minus is a higher price.

  1. Adhesive putty.Such means can be prepared with your own hands from sawdust and glue PVA (less often - water-soluble varnish wood). Used mainly for sealing defects, fastener masking and scraping seams between sheets. For processing large areas, also applicable, but inferior acrylic.

To say which option is definitely better, it is difficult: everyone has pros and cons. But as a whole, a gypsum putty can be used as a basic, and where there is a risk of carica delay - acrylic. Adhesive homemade compositions I would recommend apply exclusively for local repairs.

Shpaklevka technology

If you have at least minimal finishing skills, then questions, how to put a plywood trim, you should not have. And yet there are a number of features that it is worth mentioning:

  • First, wood slabs need to be aligned, to dive and prim. Only when these conditions are fulfilled, the shp can be "lying" smoothly and will well hold.
  • Secondly, under any decorative material you need to lay the starting layer with good adhesion. Thus, the application of a sand putty, the croroede on the USB phane, without prior alignment and reinforcement, will lead to a rapid cracking of the facial layer. The reason is the change in linear dimensions of plywood when changes in temperature and humidity.

The instructions for performing work is presented in the table:

Illustration Stage of work

Grinding wood.

Before shaking the plywood under painting, it is advisable to polish. This will remove weakly holding wood fibers and eliminate all irregularities.

Primer base.

Immediately before putty, we process the phaneer of the primer for wood. The primer will not only connect the smallest wood dust, but also reduce the susceptibility of the tree to moisture. So, the sheath itself will not swell, and putty for plywood will dry more evenly, without risk of cracking.

After the primer, possible fixation on the surface of the plaster grid is to protect against cracking.

Applying putty.

After the polymerization of the soil, we start putty.

First we apply the material on the joints and places of attachment.

After that, we put a mixture with a wide spatula on the plane and we try to smooth the surface as much as possible. Control the quality of processing using the level.

Aligning abrasive.

When putty dries, carefully process it with sandpaper, gradually reducing the size of the abrasive grain. The desired quality of grinding depends on how exactly you are planning to separate the walls.

After dusting the ground surfaces, they can be safely painted, it is possible to calculate with wallpaper, process with decorative plaster, etc.


I described in a detail in detail than to put the plywood under painting (or any other finishing) and how to do it right. For more information about technology, you should view the video in this article, and all the questions you can express in the comments!

June 8, 2017.

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Putty floor under linoleum is a necessary and important procedure. Without it, the finish coating will last less and in the process of operation will quickly lose its appearance. To carry out the work correctly, you need to stick to a certain order of action, and also be able to correctly choose the material.

Features of working with linoleum

This type of finish coating is demanding of the quality of a draft base. The floor should be smooth, without humps, depressions, cracks, shells. If you sit down the linoleum on an unprepared base, it will soon begin to braid, in places of explicit convexities to rush - the service life will noticeably decrease. To avoid this, weapocks are used, and then the finishing coating weal a special layer.

Inserting irregularities is possible only on fairly decent on the quality of the base, with a slight drop in terms of level and a small number of errors. If the bumps and fumes meet at every step, you will have to first pour a self-leveling concrete screed and only after that begin to lay a linoleum.

Varieties of spacure

Select the material must be based on the type of rough base. This is usually concrete, or a tree, or concrete, aligned with plywood sheets. Shakes between them will also have to sharpen. In addition to specific compositions intended for some type of floor, there are universal, which you can work on both the wood and concrete.

Wooden putty

The compositions are applied not only for launching floors before the linoleum flooring, but also to restore the old wooden surface. They are used to improve the appearance of the floors. Wood putty can perfectly close cracks, seams that dropped the bitch and other errors on the wooden surface.

Features of the composition for work inside residential premises:

  1. Elasticity. This parameter is necessary because the tree can expand and shrink depending on the ambient temperature. If the putty is not elastic, it means that it will simply fall off.
  2. Uniformity (the smallest fraction). Cannot be used by the tree coarse-grained compositions. When grinding, the appearance of scratches, which will also have to shit.
  3. High adhesion. The composition should be perfectly curled with a tree, otherwise the putty will quickly start peeling and falling out.
  4. Environmental purity. This parameter is important because the presence of harmful volatile substances can harm human health when drying.
  5. High antiseptic properties. For wooden floors, closed on top of a linoleum, it is very important that the mold will not be settled and the process of rotting in case of an inappropriate seepage of water through the finish coating.
  6. Fire safety. Important but not mandatory parameter.

Oil-based formulations

Oil putty includes olive, fillers, water, painting pigments, plasticizers and other components. Such formulations are considered ideal for wood, as they have natural ingredients. To the pluses of oil putty can be attributed:

  • high plasticity;
  • high adhesion to wooden surfaces;
  • moderate consumption (no more than 1 kg / m2);
  • ease of use;
  • quite fast drying;
  • environmental safety;
  • relative cheap.

Unlike most other putty mixtures, leveling oil compositions go on sale already in the finished condition. They do not need preliminary intimidation before applying to the surfaced surface.

Despite a lot of advantages, quite serious shortcomings are characteristic for the material. The putty can quickly "fall out" from cracks and chosel, if the floor will experience intensive load. Oil-based formulations are sensitive to excessive moisture and are poorly connected with any paint other than oil. Therefore, before work with plywood or wooden floors, you will have to clean them from any finishing finish to the tree itself.

Quick-drying compounds

Nitro-spacure is made on the basis of wood dust (flour), have a wide variety of colors, drier very quickly. Among the advantages:

  • excellent adhesion to wooden grounds;
  • the perfect sealing of defects;
  • the ability to process a wooden surface (clean, polished);
  • dry for a maximum of 10 minutes;
  • an ordinary acetone or nitro-solvent is suitable as a solvent.

Polymer compounds

Produced based on plaster or latex. Gypsum putty for plywood under linoleum is quite suitable for sealing the junctions between sheets, as well as to bring in the perfect state of wooden floors, which will then be accomplished by a similar finish coating.

Latex putty - excellent, high-quality option. Only with them you need to be able to work.After grappling, it is almost impossible to do something with the surface. Therefore, you need to immediately close the slots and potholes, without leaving the errors.

The advantages of latex before plaster are obvious:

  • does not appear;
  • it does not crack because elastic;
  • possible sealing millimeter cracks.

From disadvantages, it is possible to note the price - it is hardly worth using a latex putty (although the result is important, it will be the best) - and the inability to work at low temperatures.

Adhesive and oil-adhesive compositions

Usually they are prepared independently. It turns out economical and quite efficiently. The recipe for putting on a tree (it will also fit for chips of plywood):

  • 280 g of linen oil;
  • 60 g of terient oil, or turpentine;
  • 30 g of perlite in the form of a powder;
  • 20 g of casein;
  • 20 g of food gelatin;
  • 12 g of boras;
  • 18 g of ammonia (18% solution);
  • about 300 g of water.

Connect the turbine and linseed oil, add perlit powder. Mix all, pour water, enter the remaining components and put on a water bath, heat up to about + 90 ° C. This will help achieve the most homogeneous consistency and get a thick paste. Remove it from the fire and cool down. You can work with it within an hour, further its properties will deteriorate.

The recipe for pure glue putty is simpler:

  1. Only chalk and plow glue will be required.
  2. Take chalk and slowly start pouring glue into it. Separate lumps immediately break.
  3. Add glue until the mass becomes like a thick sour cream or pasta.
  4. In the finished mass, enter the wood flour or the smallest sawdust. Leave them to scatter, then proceed to work.

The qualities of such a putty are quite high, the price is more than affordable. Of the minuses - a long time of drying, no less than a day, the thickness of the layer plays a major role.

In the last recipe you can replace PVA glue with water-soluble inexpensive varnish. Leave the composition at night so that the sawdust or wood flour is swollen. The resulting putty will dry faster, and therefore more attractive in work.

Putclones on concrete

There are 7 varieties of compositions: based on cement or plaster, lime, oil, lacquer, adhesive, acrylic. Unlike a tree with concrete, it is easier to work, most importantly, do not forget after careful cleaning to impregnate it with the primer of deep penetration with the addition of sand. This will improve the adhesion of the putty with the base and will not let it fly during the application of mechanical loads.

Gypsum has obvious advantages - it does not sit down and is inexpensive. Cement gives a decent shrinkage, but can be used in the premises of any humidity, unlike gypsum, which water does not like. Acrylic putty does not sit down, moisture resistant, but it is more expensive than plaster.

The most attractive is the epoxy putty for concrete. It practically does not exfoliate from the foundation, waterproof, strengthens the edges of the choice, even small cracks fill well.

Preparation of plywood to shtlock

If everything is clear with the preparation of the concrete surface: to clean, squeeze all cracks and pits, then dive, to predress, dry and you can begin to the shtclotation, then with a wooden floor, and even more so with plywood, everything is much more complicated.

The first thing to be done is to impregnate such a floor with oil. It must be heated to +50 - 60 ° C and apply with a brush (roller). The treated surface is to dry forcibly with a construction dryer at + 200 ° C. It is necessary to make processing repeatedly, each time the well dried layer. After 3 or 4 impregnations drip on the surface of plywood water. If it is going to drop, you can finish processing, if it absorbs, you need to proliferate it several times. Do not forget about the edges, otherwise, with the penetration of moisture, they will climb out, and then slam.

A similar water repellent effect can be obtained when plywood is impregnated with PVA glue.

Before laying a linoleum, it is necessary to cover all the irregularities. And no matter what sex you have - wooden or concrete. The main thing is to make it almost perfectly smooth, then lay a substrate and lay the linoleum on top.