Repairs Design Furniture

Stages of installing interroom doors with their own hands. How to independently install the interroom door: install the door with the box yourself. Finishing the finished door

For installation, you will need a tool and basic construction skills. The quality of the work carried out depends on the accurate measurements. The slightest skews will lead to the encoding of the sash, the formation of the gaps. Door blocks are sold in assembled or disassembled state. In the second case, the installation will be difficult due to the need for self-assembly of the jet.

Starts installation of doors from the preparation of the instrument. For mounting, you will need:

  • To put the door exactly, you need a plumb and level. For measurements, as well as markups use a roulette with a pencil.
  • The process of assembly and installation of interroom doors includes the final finish with platbands, and if necessary, dogs. For cutting planks, hacksaw with small teeth, stubloga.
  • From the power tool, you need a drill with a set, dried along concrete and wood, as well as screwdriver.
  • To make samples under the accessories are easier cutting, but in the absence of the tool you can do the chisel with a hammer.

Materials use self-tapping screws, mounting foam, as well as many wooden wedges of different thicknesses for struts. Immediately need to decide how to put interroom doors so that you can not see fasteners.

If preference is given to hidden installation, the suspensions are additionally purchased. You can lock the clouds with anchors. Hats drown in countersunk holes, sharpen, and paint top to top.

How to install the interroom door do it yourself?

With the ability to use the tool, the installation of doors can be performed independently. It is important to initially do all accurate measurements to avoid distortion. In general terms, the installation order of the interior door consists of the following processes:

  1. If the frame is sold in a disassembled state, it will have to gather it. This work increases the installation time of the interior door, and also complicates the process.
  2. All elements of the door block are equipped with accessories: handles, locks, tapes. On the system consisting of rollers and guide rails. When installing a swing door, a cloth on a piece is fixed with loops.
  3. After assembling the design, the installation of doors in the apartment starts with. In the opening, the frame is fixed with anchors or suspensions, and the gaps blow foam.
  4. The sash is hung on the installed brown, they are adjusted, put it with.

To perform the correct installation of the interior door with your own hands, before purchasing the door block for sure. The dimensions of the frame should be less from the passage, otherwise it will have to. Optimally to withstand the gaps when installing the interior door between the louds and the wall - from 10 to 40 mm.

Be sure to, but need if the depth of the day exceeds the size of the frame. The protruding sections of the wall hide under decorative straps. Better to deal with the installation process will help step by step instructions.

Assembling boxes

Start the installation of the interior door with unpacking the purchased block, inspecting all components. Door lodge can be sold assembled or disassembled on separate elements with fasteners.

If you purchased a ludge with ready-made fasteners, it only needs to collect. Frame is sold from the size of the elements collected. There may be three of them: a feigned and looping rack, as well as a pouring upper strap. If the threshings are provided, then the fourth element is included.

For the assembly of the frame from the ends of the racks, plugs together with connecting pins. The edges of the vertical and horizontal frame elements are joined so that the mounting holes match. Hammer clog the connecting pins, and the holes are closed with plugs.

During knocking out plugs, strikes are applied through wooden lining to prevent the destruction of the decorative coating.

It is much more complicated selling in the form of blanks from a curly lined timber. It will take the woodworking tool, as well as the basic knowledge of the joinery. Consists of the following steps:

  • First measured the sash. The length of the frame elements is calculated so that a gap of 3 mm is formed between the inside of the bridge and the web around the perimeter. If the installation of a sealing gum is assumed, the size of the gap is calculated taking into account its thickness.

  • Billets are placed, then cut with a tree with small teeth at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees. The straight dock is easier. To properly disconnect the angle, the workpiece is placed in the stub. Connect the prepared elements of the box with long screws, pre-drumped holes.

  • The inexperienced person is easier to do the installation of doors without a threshold, as you have to connect only three elements. The shape of the box is manufactured in the form of the letter "P". The edges of the upper jumper are placed on the ends of the racks. Each joint is fixed by two self-draws.

  • The flap is placed in the finished frame. Measure the gaps between the door and the box from three sides, sticking to the necessary 3 mm. Racks from the bottom will rely on the floor. The length is calculated so that the clearance is 8-15 mm between the flooring and the lower end of the sash.
  • To set the interior door threshold, the box is collected from four elements. The lower jumper is inserted between the racks, then fixed with self-draws. The gap between the damage and the end of the sash is withstanding 3 mm.

After making the box laid the door leaf. Recovering from above and below 25 cm, on a looping rack, as well as the end of the sash, placing the place of installation of the loop. So that the fasteners do not protrude, in the wood of the chisel or cutter chosen deepening.

Two ways to install the box

Open method Provides an anchors. Rama is inserted into the opening. Exhibit vertical and horizontal. All measurements are carried out by the level, as well as a plumb. Observing the gap from 10 to 40 mm, wooden wedges are driven between the box and walls. A paging or weakening of the strut is achieved by the ideal flatness of the frame.

From the inside of the box with a step 50-60 cm, cross-cutting holes with secret samples. In the wall, the holes are drilled by concrete. Anchor screws up so that the hat is disappeared inside the secret sample. After the control check, the level of the gap between the wall and the frame is blown by foam. The hove openings are putty, and then painted.

Second closed method The installation of the box provides for the use of suspensions used in the manufacture of a frame for plasterboard, or a special mounting system. The metal bar is screwed by self-drawing to the involving side of the frame. The box is inserted into the interior discovery, crushed with wooden wedges, the suspension petals bend on the wall, fixing self-drawing with plastic dowels.

Installing Dobor

When mounting the door block into the deep interroom, the frame is not able to close the entire wall. If the width of the box is missing, then use. Decorative strips are installed on a longitudinal groove of the frame, pre-lubricating the lock with the lock. If the door frame does not provide a lock for a problem, the planks are fixed through the hidden holes with screws. The optimal step of fasteners is 60 cm.

Installation of the door leaf

Before installing the door, the canvas equip the fittings. The market presents canopies of different types and colors. The place for their attachment is determined even before mounting the box. For interior sash, the installation of canopies of a butterfly that do not require cut-in is popular.

Two loops are installed on the lightweight, retreating on top and bottom 25 cm. Heavy linen is enhanced in the center of the third canopy. With the open method of fixing the box, the anchor is placed so that they do not interfere with screws to screw the loops. If the installation of interroom doors was carried out in a hidden way of suspensions, the problem with the location of the fastener disappears.

The clearance between the end of the sash and the looped frame must be 6 mm. First place the place for fastening on the end of the sash. Under the mounting plate of the loop, the chisel chosen the recess. Sheds are screwed by self-drawing.

The door leaf together with the loops is inserted into the box. Wedges cut the sash to make the clearances around the perimeter. On the looping rack, there are places for the selection of the excavation. The canvas are removed from the frame, the chisel is chosen the deepening, then the second half of the canopies are screwed screws.

The installation of the handle with the lock is carried out at an altitude of 90 cm from the floor. The housing of the shut-off accessories is applied to the sash at the extinct height. Pencil marks the place of the arrangement of the handle, outline the boundaries of the castle. In the face of the canvas, the cutting or chisel choose a deepening. For the handle is drilled through a hole. The nest is treated with varnish, set the lock, the case is fixed with self-drawers, and then stick the handles. On the counter of the box opposite the castle make a sample, put a response plate of shut-off accessories.

To install doors with your own hands without defects, the process of hanging the sash is carried out after complete hardening of the mounting foam.

Fastening of mines

The end of the installation of the door block is. Decorative planks put on both sides of the interroom. Sell \u200b\u200bwooden, plastic or MDF. The form is simple flat, with a bevel or curly. To the end of the interroom with a lock connection, screwed up self-drawers or nailed. The planks can be glued, but the adjacent wall must be perfectly smooth, trimmed with a solid lining.

To perform a simple installation of platforms of the door, first fasten the horizontal bar in the level. The edges are pre-spilled at an angle of 45o. Vertical strips are installed from the floor. From above, mark the cut line at an approximate angle. The joke is made as thick as possible. In the case of the formation of the gap uses the shp can. After the frozen, the flaws paint.

Tubes can be shown at right angles. The top bar is settled between vertical elements or laid on top to the end.

Installation of the stop

Opening on the run by the children, the broken interior sash handles hits the wall. Decorative finish is spoiled and even the plaster. Helps the installation of the door limiter without giving the canvas fully open.

The emphasis is a barrel with a rubber nozzle. The limiter is set after the installation of the door block and all finishing works. Interior sash swing up to the desired position. On the floor notes the location of the stop. The electric drill is drilled by a hole, drive the fastener screw and clamp the limiter.

How to change the canvas?

Often during repair requires only the replacement of the door canvase. The procedure is much easier than from scratch to put the interroom door.

  • Old canvas are removed from the loops. Canopies usually consist of two ribbed halves. To remove the interior sash, it is enough to join it in the open state. If the axial rod is inserted from above in the loop, the canvas does not take. First, the rod is inserted under the rod cap, then the hammer blows from the nest. Dismantling starts from the bottom loop. After removing the rods, the sash is easily removed.
  • Two canvases are compared in size by placing each other. If the new coat is more old, the borders mark the pencil. Excess areas cut off with a manual circular saw. Sections are customized by the plane, handle grinders.
  • The fitted door canvas equipped with loops, lock, handle.
  • The hinge hanging occurs in the reverse order.

If the new canvas was adjusted, the location of the cut should be masked. The paintwork material is selected close in color or completely repainting everything canvas.

Newbies, deciding to make all the work on installing interroom doors on their own, often misses important nuances that are well known to experienced masters. An important point will be thorough preparation for assembly work, the use of reliable fasteners.

The correctly installed door will be closed without too much effort, not breaking out if they even be periodically clapped. The carrier base is the box. From how strong it will be, the reliability of the design depends.

The design needs to be correctly set - for this you need to purchase a building level. It is best to use laser, as it is very convenient to work.

Installation of interior doors is performed in several stages. Door canvas and box need to be equipped with accessories. In order to conveniently close the door, you need to install the handle. If required, it can have a castle with a spring mechanism. On the door and the box should make a loop. The canvas can only be mounted after pre-adjustment is performed. After that, you can go to the mounting of the platbands.

How to make marking

Installing doors with your own hands will require a newcomer labor. If the master completes the installation for 1 day, the novice builder can spend much more time. This moment must be taken into account if emergency installation is required.

It is important to perform all the steps in a clear sequence, strictly observing the construction norms. A number of door blocks already have mounts for mounting. But there are products, the box of which will have to be assembled on your own. They are sets in which bruks from wood and planks for platbands. In addition, the manufacturer includes a door leaf.

Deciding to collect the box on their own, you can take advantage of different methods. It is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of work, because when even the slightest error in the measurements will have to either make all the work again, or buy new parts of the design.

Install the door to the interroom partition can be with a threshold and without it. The simplest option will be the installation of the construction without a threshold, and here 2 option will require the presence of a bar. In this case, the finished design will have a form of a rectangle.

Step-by-step instructions will be helpful. Before you start work, it is necessary to remove the exact dimensions. First you need to learn the dimensions of the opening. Then the calculations should be made, determining the size of the side racks and pendants. Then you need to determine the optimal size of the door of the door, not forgetting about the technological gaps. Having made the markup, the elements are screaming with a hacksaw, and then the assembly of interior doors begins.

It is important to correctly calculate the thickness of the box, which should be no less than the thickness of the wall. In order for the measurements to be clear, you need to use roulette. Beginners builders should not rely on the fact that the same elements, for example, side racks will be "mirrored". To avoid errors when measuring, each element must be measured separately on the right side, and then with the left. If deviations are detected during the process, they should be taken into account in further work.

How to install interroom door yourself? It is especially closely to put a preliminary bar, which should have a clearance under the mounting foam. It is enough to allocate 1 cm on it. It should be done similarly to the Podolok and Looping Bru.

The clearance from the inside should be much smaller, 0.3 cm is enough. If the interroom will be with a damage, then the gap should go through the entire perimeter of the structure. When installing the design without a neck between the floor and the blade you need to leave the gap. The average value is 1 cm. Such an assembly and installation of interroom doors will be considered correctly performed.

On vertical racks, markers are needed for dipping, which are determined on the inside of the bar. In case of insufficient sizes, it must be increased. If the hole is too large, then it is reduced by laying drywall cut in size.

Options for installing doors

In order to make a cut, it is better to use a lathe. In this case, the installation of the door box will take a little time. If the machine is not, then the knife and stub are suitable as an alternative.

By installing the interroom door, you can use 2 in the following ways:

  • make a drink by performing it at an angle of 45º;
  • make a job at an angle of 90º.

How to install the interroom door do it yourself? If we talk about 1 option, it is quite complex. From an inexperienced joiner, work will require increased attention. But as a result of a carefully completed docking, it turns out a product that looks very beautiful.

In order to connect several elements, you need to use screws. Under them need to make special holes. If the door is made of MDF, then work should be carried out in advance, which will avoid damage to the blanks. It is most convenient to work using the drill, the diameter of which is 3/4 diameters of fasteners. It is best to buy a self-tapping screw, which thread comes to the head.

If we talk about 2 ways, then he assumes that the angle will be recovered 90º. To perform work, you will need a hacksaw with small teeth. The upper beam is attached to vertical stands 2 self-drawers; They are screwed on every side. In order to make the threshold, the bar need to be soaked at right angles.

The easiest way to collect the design, laying out the elements on the floor or the big table. The master must establish accessories. Performing an internal finish, it is necessary to correctly consolidate the functional fittings.

Do not forget about fire safety. In order to be able to quickly evacuate from the room, you need to install the door opening out.

How to put interroom doors? Several options. The loops are hung on the right or on the left - there are universal products on sale. If earlier it was possible to buy a loop that demanded a neat knocking, now you can buy products that do not require veneer cuts.

From the upper edge of the canvas, you need to make an indent, sufficiently 20 cm. Then hinges are hung. From the bottom, you should retreat for the same distance. Possible variations: In these cases, both parties are retreating by 5 cm. Additionally, it is possible to strengthen the design by penetrating 3 loops. It is 50 cm from the top line.

Self installation of the door frame

In order to fix the box in the opening, you need to buy anchor. The door will be securely held on 3 long self-drawing. In addition, the design will support mounting foam.

Drill the door box made of wood, without conducting preparatory work. Installation procedure Next:

  1. The door base is collected on the floor.
  2. The design is raised and installed in the opening.
  3. From the residues of lumber make wedges, which are placed between the walls and the box. So form a gap for mounting foam.
  4. Screw the screws. Alignment of the foundation with the help level. Installation accuracy can be checked with a plumb. If deviations are fixed, they can be corrected by loosening or tightening the screws.
  5. Installation of loops and canvas. Before applying the mounting foam, the box must be tagged with scotch. In the gap need to insert cardboard. The door is closed, the cavity is placed by mounting foam.

After completion of the installation work, you need to wait for a complete drying of the foam. Surplus can be trimmed, and then perform the installation of platbands.

More recently, the installation of interroom doors with their own hands was a rather difficult task and demanded serious experience and skills from man. Now everything has become much easier, having a good tool and knowing the order of the installation of interroom doors, any home master in a sentence per day to finish work. Next, we will share step by step, how to correctly install the interroom door in two ways.

Options are crafts for interior doors.

Before putting the interroom door, you need to choose it first. When choosing, there are 2 main criteria - this is the size of the design and material from which the doors and box are actually made.

Selection of material

It is not so important to install an interroom door in a wooden house or in the urban high-rise building room, the design should be not only beautiful, but also reliable, and this is primarily depends on the material.

Fiberboard is perhaps the most common option. The design is a hollow box on both sides closed with thin sheets of fiberboard and based on a frame of wooden bars.

With the installation of such a door, it is not worth a hurry, it is certainly light and cheap, and it can look quite well, but with reliability, not everything is in order, such a design can be born even with a fist, plus the likelihood that in a couple of years it will begin to settle down.

MDF is a golden middle between cheap fiberboard and a good wooden design. The array is dense, durable, and most importantly is completely environmentally friendly. Independent installation of interior laminated canvases from MDF at home is a great output, if there are no funds on the installers, and I want a beautiful door.

The canvas from the MDF should be qualitatively laminated then it will not be visually different from the wooden.

Natural tree - traditionally it is believed that the installation of wooden doors is the best option, but it is incorrect, here you need to look at the quality and firm manufacturer. Believe me, sometimes it is better to insert interior doors from good MDF laminate, rather than take crude pine, which in six months will lead.

When buying wooden canvases, you need to carefully evaluate the quality of the forest.

If you decide to change interior doors and you have a high-quality wooden logka, then it is not necessary to touch it, you can replace only the cloth. In this case, the technology of the installation of interroom doors will be an order easier.

GOST, admission and obscure questions

The size of the doorway for installation is perhaps the most important of the initial parameters. We still have all such designs on Soviet Ghosts, by the way, the Chinese are also focused on these sizes, but in Europe, despite the allegedly single standard, many countries do in their own way.

So if we have a minimum width of the web begins from 600 mm and then with a step of 100 mm, it reaches 900 mm, then France releases the canvas ranging from 690 mm, but the graduation also goes in increments of 100 mm.

Germany, Spain and Italy, as well as all countries of the former social camp, in this respect are oriented practically on the same standards as our manufacturers.

Interior doors have clear standards that need to be checked before independently install the interroom door.

As for the tolerances, the gap between the box and the band itself is left on top and above. Between the floor and the web according to the rules you need to do at least 20 mm. This gap is needed for normal ventilation in the apartment.

Around the perimeter of the box in block buildings you can leave any gap, up to a few millimeters, the main thing that the box becomes exactly, but if we cut the door in the wooden house with your own hands, then tolerance install at least 15 mm, it is needed in case the house will give Shrink.

When the interroom door is selected. Installation is already the last stage, before you need to get acquainted with the description, because the price may be indicated depending on the configuration, there are 3 options here:

  1. Only the door canvas for sale - this option is good if the door is planned to install on the old box;
  2. The cloth is sold along with the box, but the box goes in a disassembled form, here even before installing the interroom door will have to trim in size and assemble the box that in most cases even good;
  3. Fully assembled blocks with a finished box, canvas, locks and loops are installed only if the preparation of the opening is not required. There is enough to cut the racks in height and install the interroom door itself.

Do not forget that there is little only to establish interior doors in the opening, the complete installation of the interior door provides for the arrangement of the platbands, the gooders (if necessary) and fittings, so they are also desirable to take immediately, otherwise it may not come down.

The installation of interroom doors will not be complete without platform and accessories.

There is another important question - when to install interroom doors when repairing? So, the installation instructions for the installation of interroom doors says that such structures are mounted at the very end of the repair, after decoration of the walls, gender and ceiling, but before installing floor plinths.

Two editing options

With the tolerances with dimensions and other sharp questions figured out, now it's time to find out how to install the interroom door itself. But to collect and install the design, we need a tool.

A few words about the instrument and related material

To install interroom doors, we need:

  • Wooden hacksaw, but ideally it is better to have a permeable saw, it does not leave chips, plus there can be an accurate angle of cut;
  • To place openings between the box and the wall, the wedges are needed;
  • A hammer;
  • Chisel;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Electric drill;
  • Plumb;
  • Level;
  • Pencil;
  • Roulette.

Install the interroom door yourself without a good tool is not real.

Important! The safety regulations are categorically forbidden to cut a tree with the help of a grinder. If you are expensive your health, do not even think about it.

From the auxiliary materials to install doors, you will need:

  • Mounting foam;
  • Malyary Scotch;
  • Self-sized screws and sections;
  • Anchor bolts with dowels.

Preparation of opening

Ideally, before putting the interroom door of the edge of the walls, if not plastering, then at least to align cement-sandy solution.

But in real conditions, the preparation of the doorway to install the interior door ends on the fit of the sizes under the box, because then the non-locking slots will be stupid and closed with platbands, so it makes no sense to make a special beauty.

Door opening before installing the box is preferably aligned.

There is one important point here: often the installation of a double interior door requires an expansion of the opening, so when it comes to simpleness, they can be "repainted" as you think. But if the wall is carrier, then a slight extension is allowed no more than 5 to 7 cm, otherwise there may be problems with the wall and with the law.

Build Koroba

The box for the door can be collected in two ways - this is with a trimming of the angle of the upper strip under 45º and docking the planks at right angles. Both ways are good, but it is believed that the angular docking under 45 ° is defined more elegant.

A really high-quality angular trimming can be done only with the help of a cross, if you assure you that the usual plastic stub is suitable for this, do not believe it, you can spoil the box.

The first vertical racks are cut off under 45º, after which you can move to the upper horizontal strip. In order to postpone 3 mm conveniently use a piece of fiberboard as a template.

We measure the gap relative to the top plank template.

  • You put the top bar cut on one side and make it up in a pattern of a template;
  • Further go to the opposite side of the door and attaching the same template mark the cut line.

Upper strip trimming at an angle with ending.

Now we decide on the floor ready, trimbed boxes of the box and once again control the dimensions.

So it looks like a door box Cropped at an angle.

  • The box is bonded in stages. First you need to tightly connect the strips with each other as they should be;
  • The boxes of the box when screwing the self-tapping screws can crack so that this does not happen before you collect, we need to drill the channels under the self-tapping screw. This is done by a 2.5 mm drill (with a self-tapping screw 3.5 mm);

Preparation for bonding.

  • Now you can screw the screws into the ends of the box on both sides, and on each side of the angle should be 2 self-pressing.

There is a small nuance here, the vertical bar of the box to which the loops will be completely attached to delay not necessary, we still have to shoot it.

Fixation of the box with trimming at an angle.

If there is no passing saw in your arsenal, then the box strips are better to fix at a right angle. Perhaps it is not so aesthetically, but the step-by-step instruction will be somewhat simpler.

We start with fitting the upper cross, we will cut it between two side racks. Some craftsmen are mounted over the side racks, there is no special difference, here it is already comfortable.

On the perimeter of the box, we have a side of a side, which lies the door leaf when closing. To embed the upper crossing, we need to remove this side on the side racks. To do this, we apply the upper crossbar to the rack, place and cutting the facet with a hacksaw, clean the place to be installed.

Now we can only paste the top bar between the two side racks, depart the holes for a pair of screws and consolidate the inserted bar with self-draws.

If you decide to put the bar from above on the rack, then there it will be necessary to cut the inner side on the upper bar, and then drill and drive the screws from above, as shown in the diagram below.

Montage with your hands the plank supplied from above.

Installation loops and handles

For the door installing loops is one of the most important stages. In principle, cut the lock and hang the loops and after installing the box in the opening, but if you mount the doors on your own (without helpers), then it is better to do right away.

The loops are overhead and counted. It is easier to work with overhead butterfly loops, since you don't need to cut anything in the doorway and box, so we will begin with them.

A small advice: if the door should open on the right side, then the loops insert the right, respectively, for the left-sided opening, the loops must be attached to the left rack.

Installation of loops begins with marking on the canvas itself. According to the rules, the distance from the top or bottom point of the canvas to the loop must be 200 - 250 mm. You can measure the roulette, as in the photo below, if the roulette was not at hand, then use the loop themselves, there is a standard size 100 mm.

We make marking for the installation of loops.

Do not confuse: Little (internal) part of the butterfly loop is attached to the doorway, and large, to the box rack. Before screwing off the screws, it is necessary to drill holes, only after that the screws are drunk.

All loops have sweepage under the head of the screws, so watch these sweeps "watched" up. If the loops are installed on the contrary, the heads of the screws will remain over the loops, respectively, the doors will not close to the end.

We drill holes under the butterfly loop.

The box we have practically assembled, now put it on the floor and put inside the door canvas. As you remember around the perimeter of the canvas, we must have 3 mm, so immediately insert as much self-made templates from the fiberboard as much as possible (3 mm thick) between the box and the blade.

One piece of the loop is screwed to the canvas to fasten the second part of the loop to the box. We make a mark on the box. Further unscrew the screws fixing the carrier vertical bar and screw the penetration of the loops to it. After that, we return the box to the place the box and fix it finally.

We screw the hinges to the vertical box stand.

An independent installation of secret loops is not much more complicated by the method described above. The difference lies in the fact that in the doorway and box you need to cut the grooves under the loop. This is done with the help of a queen, chisels and knife.

Cut the grooves under the installation of hidden loops

As for the installation of the door handle, it is possible to read about this in detail, as well as view on the video in this article. And do not forget that the loops should be lubricated, you can find out about the rules of lubrication.

Methods for installing interroom doors in a wall opening exist different, it all depends on the specific conditions. Then we consider the simplest and most popular options.

Method No. 1. Classic

At the moment, we have a box racks must be curved in the height of the opening, the loop and the lock are embedded, the door is closed, and templates with a thickness of 3 mm are inserted between the blade and box.

When the door block is inserted into the opening, the first thing around the perimeter is driven by wooden or plastic wedges, they will hold the unit to the final consolidation.

Classic installation scheme for interroom doors with wedges.

Fixation is a rather responsible moment, here we exhibit the block vertically and horizontally. Keep in mind: the wall is not always strictly vertical, so check the box with a plumb.

The vertical is better to check on the plumb.

In order for the door block from a strong push, it should be fastened to firmly fix with anchor bolts or at least long self-draws. We recommend using anchor bolts with a thickness of 6 - 8 mm.

The principle is simple:

  • Drink in the box through a hole and slightly feed into the wall;
  • Remove the door block and at the feeding points drill holes under the dowel;
  • Put the box in place and lock the anchors. The box must become clearly in terms of the level, since before that we all have already taken away.

If you fix the box with long screws, then they are installed throughout the perimeter with an interval of half a meter, but the hats of self-tapping screws need to somehow hide. You can close them with a decorative bar or plastic lining.

Anchor bolts The thing is powerful and for fixing the box, there are enough 3 points - two points under the loop and one below the locking overlay. In the complex with the mounting foam, this is sufficient.

Now fill in the perimeter of the box by mounting foam. Moving from the bottom up, the foam must be poisoned without fanatism, because when it can squeeze the door box.

Plus, at the time of strangling the foam, the door block should be assembled and three millimeter templates around the perimeter must be inserted, it will protect the block of deformation.

Remember: Only on the "naked" foam (without self-tapping screws or anchors), the door block cannot be attached.

Method No. 2. Metal suspensions

If you do not fit the fastening of the box on self-drawing or anchors, the same can be done using metal suspensions. These suspensions are used for mounting frames for plasterboard.

Use of suspensions to fix the door box.

Technology similar:

  1. Collect the box;
  2. Insert the box in the opening and align in terms of level;
  3. Lock the box with wedges in the opening;

  1. Bend the wings of the walls on the wall;
  2. Mark the entrance places of the dowel-nail and drill holes for them;
  3. Attach suspension wings to the walls of a dowel-nail;
  4. Pour foam and wait until it freezes.

The size of the box for two-dimensional interroom doors is twice as large, respectively, more likely to extrude the racks and crossbars by mounting foam, so here the installation on the suspension is suitable optimally.

Fixing the box for double doors on the suspensions.


Both the above method are tested in practice and work perfectly. The same craftsmen who wish to establish interroom sliding doors, we have prepared step-by-step instructions.

Installing interior doors are not so difficult as it seems.

The decision to replace the old interroom door can long postponed the owner of the house on "tomorrow", because having a desire to hold this procedure independently, it does not have the knowledge of the nuances of the installation and confidence that it will be pleased with the result. For high-quality and trouble-free installation of the door, the new master must be guided by the advice of professionals with extensive experience in this area. This article contains all the important subtleties of the selection and installation of the interior door, detailed photos and video instructions are attached.

The market of interior doors is a diversity, the quality and noble of the appearance of the door often corresponds to the price. The cheapest doors differ from, first of all, expensive material from which they are made. Door canvas exist in the following sections:

  • From fiberboard. This canvas are a wooden frame, covered with laminated fibreboard. To the advantages of such doors, you can count easy weight and the lowest cost on the market, but it affects low suitability in everyday life: such doors have high sound permeability, they can be deformed from moisture, and from a careless push of a hard object with a ugly hole.
  • From MDF (finely dispersion fraction). These are doors made of medium density fibreboard. They are most popular today on the market, thanks to their average cost in combination with good quality: such doors do not swell from moisture, they are wear-resistant to scratches and rubbing, have good sound insulation and will serve for a very long time.
  • From wood. These are the hard and most expensive doors, but are the most environmentally friendly and beautiful, thanks to rich decorative possibilities. Also possessing and durability, and excellent sound insulation. Choosing a tree breed from which the doors are made very wide, it may be oak, and ash, and even an exotic polystore.

Door boxes are made in a pair of canvas from the same materials and also have their own characteristics. For example, a box of fiberboard, though it has a completely reliable look, but very uncomfortable and plastic in the installation, and from the frequent opening and closing of the door, a color film from it in places of rod rinse. Wood boxes are sold without any exterior trim, they will have to paint themselves, but they can be stolen by carving on the tree and cover with varnish.

The market of interroom doors is so wide that despite strictly defined standards from producers, you probably pick yourself the door under the existing disc. Russian swing doors are made by a width of 600 mm in 100 mm increments. At the same time, the doors brought, for example, from France will have lengths wide from 690 mm in 100 mm increments.

As can be seen from the table from above, when the width of the door canvase is selected, it is necessary to take into account the width of the box, which should be free to get up in the opening, as well as the evenness of a naked outlet: if it is uneven, then you need to choose the width of the door leaf, leaning on the width of the width of the day. If this minimum width is equal, for example, 89 cm, then the most successful door to install the door will have a width of 80 cm. Wide insert in such a way it will be impossible, and the narrower will be unreliable.

If the standard at the height of the doors in the residential room is obvious and stable: 2 meters from the floor, then in width, not all doors in the house are required to be the same size. In accordance with the common standards, the door width varies depending on the designation of the room into which it leads:

  • the living room should drive a door from 60 to 120 cm.
  • the door leading to the bathroom should not be 60 cm.
  • the kitchen door should not already be 70 cm.

If the owner of the residential premises have a desire to increase or reduce the door opening, then it can do it without obtaining additional permits, but not disturbing the strength and stability of the wall.

In stores, sellers offer several types of fittings. The maximum of them is the door block, that is, ready to install the door, with them there is a collected box with hung hinges. The master will remain only to trim in the height of the sidewall, expand and consolidate. Conversely, the minimum equipment implies only the door leaf, the box and cladding will have to be purchased separately, as well as hanging the loops and stirring the corners and combine it together.

If you install the interior door with your own hands for the first time or you do not have a carpenter stouch for proper circumcision of the angle, consider the first option of the configuration. Despite the highest price, you will save your nerves and time.

Step-by-step installation of interroom doors

There is a lot of subtleties in the installation of the interior door, from the accounting of which will depend on how much the door to the joy of the master master will serve. The most important nuances will be presented in a step-by-step scheme in the photo and video.

One of the most responsible moments affecting the quality of the result is an assembly of the door frame. It consists of two long racks located on the sides of the doorway and one of the shortest crossbar at the top, called Podolok.

Connection methods.

It is possible to sell the connection of the racks and the surroundings with each other in two ways:

  • At an angle of 45 °. This is the most aesthetic option, but also the most difficult. It is necessary to trim the beams so right under the required angle so that the beams do not occur when docking the beams. To achieve such high precision, you can use a special tool in operation: a carpentry stub. An important nuance is that when the laminated material is cutting, the blade leaves small, but noticeable chips on it. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to use only a well-fulfilled tool.
  • Jack at 90 °. This option is much easier, but will not look in gentle and classic interiors.

Before installing in the opening, you must docile the door frame on the floor to check the correctness of the connection. If you are noticeable somewhere shortcomings in the docking, you can eliminate them with the help of sandpaper fixed on the bar.

Determination of box sizes.

Another important nuance is that racks often can be of different sizes. This has the right to be due to the unevenness of the floor in the open. It is possible to determine whether the differences between the right and left side of the proof can be used using a construction level. If the floor is perfectly level, then the racks will be the same. If there is a deviation, it must be taken into account: make one of the racks in short. Despite the fact that the deviation can reach only a few millimeters, this happens enough for the future door to overflow.

Also, when calculating the height of the racks, it is necessary to consider that the racks should be 1-2 cm above the door canvases (taking into account sleep). 1 cm gap is made if the rug is not expected under the door. Accordingly, if the carpet will be located under the open door, then the gap should be increased. Also, the gaps are needed for normal ventilation indoors. We look again: the height of the rack is measured along its inner part - from the bottom edge of the spike. Prepared rack must be applied in the doorway.

Next, work is underway with Pozolok. It must be squeelected in length and styled on both sides (if the dock version is selected at 45 °). It is important that the pendant in length so that the length is sufficient to ensure the difference in the width of the box and the door canvase, between which a certain clearance must remain. The minimum clearance is 7 mm, but it can be more. This minimum clearance is required to install loops - 2 mm, and 2.5-3 mm are considered compensation gaps, since any interroom door, regardless of its material component, can change its dimensions. In wet rooms, the risk of burilding the door and large values \u200b\u200bis great, in such cases the gap should be increased, in order to avoid trouble with the operation of the door in the future.

Conclusion for minimal gaps when installing interroom doors:

  • on the loop - 2 mm;
  • at the top, below and on the sides - 3 mm;
  • bottom - 1-2 cm.

Build box.

Regardless of which material is the case and which way it connects, the holes under fastening in the opening are connected. It is done in advance so that the material breakage occurred when attaching. The diameter of the drill must be 1 mm less than the diameter of the self-press.

The box is folded, the angles of 90 ° are exhibited. The drill is drilled by holes in racks and perts. Here will be very by the way an assistant. If the work is performed by one person, the correctly set box can be temporarily copper with two transverse bars from above and below. It will keep the wizard from correcting errors.

If the compound is performed at an angle of 45 °, three holes are made on each side. Two are located on top of a centimeter from the edge, and one side - in the center. The compound is performed by self-drawing, the direction of their installation is perpendicular to the link line.

If the compound is performed at an angle of 90 °, then simply two holes on top are drilled, the drill is guided precisely down.

Often the door leaf hang on 2 loops, but you can use more than their amount, depending on the severity of the door and the reliability of the loops themselves. They are installed at an altitude of 200-250 mm from the edge of the door canvase. If a wooden box and the door is used, you need to choose a place so as not to get the loop in the bitch.

The first thing hinges are attached to the doorway according to the following instructions:

  • The loops are applied to the place selected on the canvas and outline either finely ended with a pencil, or, as experts advise, blade a knife. The knife allows you to outline the loop more precisely, respectively, the gaps between the suspended door and the box will be less.
  • If the door is not a fiberboard, then part of the material strictly on the thickness of the loop is removed inside the outlined space.
  • Next, the loop is installed in the prepared recess. The loop plane should not perform from the plane of the door leaf.
  • The inserted loop is fixed with self-draws.
  • The door canvas with fixed loops are placed in the assembled box, the necessary gaps are set: 5-6 mm from the loop side, 3 mm with the opposite side loop and between the web and the proloce. When the gaps are exhibited so that they do not come down, the door canvas is fixed with the help of wedges. At the same time, the canvas exhibits exactly in the vertical and horizontal plane.
  • Next, there are places on the racks, which will be located in the restraints of the loops. It is possible for this procedure in certain circumstances, a conveniently installed loop is conveniently installed on the web and then set back. In the racks, the excavation is also made inside the placed area, quite deep so that the loop is not exhibited outside the plane of the rack.

Read more about how to hang the door with your own hands is described in the video.

The door frame is installed in the opening in the assembled state. This task is extremely responsible. Before placing the box in the opening, it is necessary to beat off the falling plaster, rustle the protrusions. If the surface of the wall is easily creptable when touched, it is processed by primer deep penetration with the astringent effect. Large holes in the goat close up by plaster. With the installation of the door, there will be no complications in the prepared path.

The box is exhibited without the door leaf. It must be oriented strictly vertically. For which the installation process requires not only the construction level, but also a plumb, since it does not have errors.

In order to avoid skewing the box on the floor, temporary struts are installed, covers are set in the corners, giving a high degree of rigidity. In order for the door to have the opportunity to swing completely, it is set to the wall with the wall.

After accurately determining the position of the box, it is fixed. This is done using mounting wedges. First, they are put on both sides of the sides, then above the racks. This allows the position of the box relative to the doorway. Following re-checked the verticality of the racks in two planes, they should not be tilted either forward or back.

The cligs are then installed at the bottom, and after 50-60 cm after 50-60 cm, while still it is necessary to check the accuracy of the box. In the middle, an additional transverse plank is complied. It is important to check if the elements of the box did not argue in some places, if necessary, adjust. Following the box is fixed.

There are two ways to fasten the box. You can roll through it directly to the wall, can be fixed using mounting plates. The first way may not look aesthetically, due to the presence of hats of self-tapping screws on the rack plane, but this method is most reliable.

For the interior door, two twisted screws in cutouts under the loop and two screws on the other hand are under the plate of the castle's response. Additional holes in the cut plates are twisted. They are done so that they do not coincide with the holes for the fastening of the loops or the response. It is necessary to ensure that the screw of the screws is drowning deep into the surface, otherwise it will interfere with the installation of loops and lining.

The video shows the installation of the interior door according to this scheme. It also indicates several subtleties associated with installing the door frame.

It happens that such a fastener will seem insufficient by reliability, then the holes are drilled through, and on top are closed with decorative washers selected in tone. For convenience, there is a special handle from MDF with removable straps. It is characterized by installing fasteners: it is installed in the prepared groove and closes the bar.

You can install fastening in a different way - secret, so that the fastener is not visible. For this, the mounting plates on the back side of the box are initially attached. For the installation of the interior door to reliability, there will be enough plates used at.

The slots formed between the fixed box and the wall are filled with the mounting foam. The wall is wetted by water from the pulverizer for better foam polymerization. The foam is extruded in such a quantity so that 1/3 of the space of the gap remained free, it will be filled after the foam is frozen. If we overdo it with foam, it can deform a fragile door frame. That this is exactly not happening, you can set the temporary struts in the opening of the box.

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