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How to sew walls inside a wooden house - the right choice of material. Interior decoration of a house of a tree house with wooden finish inside

A private house built of wood can not always be considered a complete structure, since in many cases it requires an outer and interior decoration of the walls. There are many different options, but not all of them are suitable for the obstruction of this kind of buildings. In this article we will look at what you can see the wooden house inside and outside and how it is better to make it yourself.

When you need to sow a wooden house

To begin with, it is necessary to highlight those buildings that initially does not make sense to somehow sow outside, and even more so - to make insulation. Whatever finishing option you choose, it will not cost cheap, and therefore it is inexpedient for wooden summer or periodic living houses. As for the decoration of the dwelling from the inside, it is rather a question of the design and wishes of the homeowner than the need. After all, wooden walls from a bar or a rounded log always look attractive.

Now we present cases when wearing wooden houses are made from the outside:

  • there is a good and strong log house in stock, but the old enough, which is why the appearance of the building leaves much to be desired;
  • frame buildings from wood need to be awarded anyway on both sides, such is their design;
  • if the wooden house built from a bar or log needs additional protection and insulation of the walls.

Often there are chopped houses, previously stood up for more than 50 years and ready to serve as much as much. Additional cladding from the street will not only allow to change the appearance of the dwelling for the better, but also protect wood from precipitation and in such a way to extend its service life. The same protection does not prevent the walls in need of insulation. Since the thermal insulation is accepted from the outside, and not inside a wooden house, then the insulation must be hidden behind the hydrobarier and lining, which will be discussed.

Council. The exterior finish of a wooden house, which has just been built, is produced after 1 year. The shrinkage of the buildings of this type is quite significant, as a result of which the external design of the walls may suffer and will have to redo it.

Materials for outdoor and interior decoration

Despite a wide selection of facing materials, their list for houses made of wood is somewhat limited due to different reasons. For example, it is relatively inexpensive to separate the house with the help of plaster, but this method is suitable only for frame buildings, covered with from outside the OSB sheets, as shown below in the diagram. Stacking the same log cabin or housing from the bar will be problematic.

As can be seen in the diagram, the base insulation from the Minvati, located inside the wall, is complemented by a layer of foam or polystyrene foam attached to the OSB plywood sheets. And after the apparatus decorative plaster is applied. But such a finish of the facade is a rarity for a wooden house, the following materials for external plating are more common:

  • vinyl siding;
  • siding from a tree, the so-called Block House;
  • lining;
  • comprehensive system "ventilated facade".

For reference. Cheaper and faster to see the walls of the house with a painted professional flooring, such a practice also takes place. But at the same time the design of the building looks at all cheaply and reminds of a production building. In addition, the professional flooring quickly burns into the sun and loses color. Is that you get a dear coated material in the form of a pattern, as in the photo:

Vinyl siding is a very popular material, it is relatively inexpensive and long retains the appearance, moreover, it is quite possible to seize the wooden house on its own. It will be more expensive to separate the walls with other siding - imitation of a bar and a rounded log called "Block House".

This is a very attractive and pretty material, but requiring care, as well as the usual lining of wood.

If we talk about that the best thing to sew a wooden house without binding to the value of materials, then out of competition - the system "ventilated facade". It is a frame of galvanized profiles, inside which the insulation is attached, and outside the decoration elements. Moreover, the latter can look like siding, brick or natural stone - to choose from. True, the system is difficult to call cheap, and with installation, not every homeowner will treat.

It is easier to solve the question than to separate the walls of a wooden house from the inside. For this purpose, the most often applies:

  • ordinary and moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • oSB chip;
  • ordinary sheaving boards - lining.

Gypsum and OSB are an excellent basis for the device of any finish layer - various wallpapers, tiles and other materials. Moisture-resistant GLCs are perfectly suitable for the inner lining of the bathroom, and the lining - for the bathhouse built into the house. OSB plates are used inside buildings not as often, as plasterboard is much more environmentally friendly.

A few words about the insulation used. It is well known that houses built from wood should "breathe". This means that the material of the walls is transparent for vapors, thanks to which the moisture from the inside of the premises is displayed outside, passing through the wood. If on their way to put a steamproof barrier, then in front of it moisture will be condensed, which will lead to gradual destruction of the fence. Therefore, it is not recommended to apply water-repellent polymers such as foam or foam.

The best solution for insulation when finishing a wooden house - mineral or basalt wool. It is vapor permeable and absolutely not susceptible to burning.

The exception to the rule is a frame building, where the Minvati layer is part of the enclosing structure, and there is no major wall. Here, the insulation protects against the vapor penetration on one side and waterproofing - on the other, as depicted in the scheme:

Wooden House Siding

This external finish of the house can be performed both with insulation, and without it, if necessary. But with any scenario between vinyl siding and the wall, it is necessary to provide an air layer for ventilation. Its problem is the removal of moisture that falls from the outside to the diffusion membrane, which plays the role of hydro and winder. That is why the blades of vinyl siding are not attached to the walls directly, which even they would be. Initially, it is necessary to assemble a crate of wooden bars, less often - from galvanized profiles.

Council. Before the trimming of the old chopped house, it is necessary to make a prematurely to cross the slits between the logs, using natural materials for this - felt, passion or moss.

The width of the bars for the crate when the external decoration device without insulation should be from 3 to 5 cm to provide an air layer. The interval between the rails is 40-50 cm. But the first thing is the diffusion membrane, it is capable of missing pairs, but reflect water. The membrane canvases are styled horizontally, starting from below, with an adhesive of 10 cm and skinning on the joints of scotch. After that, it presses the bars or profiles of the crates installed vertically.

Note. If you plan to install vertical siding, then the bars should be attached horizontally. Previously, they should be treated with antiseptic composition.

Also, the shapes of the crates are framed all openings - windows and entrance doors. At the same time, wooden elements are better to nail with nails, and not to screw themselves with self-draws. The latter do not give structures the ability to move during shrinkage or thermal expansion. Important moment: the surfaces of all bars should be strictly vertical and calmed in one plane. Now you can proceed to the installation of siding, using the starting and other types of the planks shown in Figure:

When fitting siding, it is important to take into account its thermal elongation, so the ends of the vinyl bands should not be resting in the nests of the angular slats standing on the sides (meaning horizontal installation). Strips need to be cut off and insert between slats with a gap of 3-5 mm, and nails do not score until it stops. In order, the oval holes are made in the siding so that the strip can move a little. By the way, the installation is conducted from the starting plank - from the bottom up.

When the lengths of the 1st band are not enough to cover the entire wall of the wooden house, then you need to put one or more connecting planks, placing them as aesthetically as possible. Although siding is allowed to lay an overlap (without a plank), but it looks like this connection is unpleasant, and therefore it is worth it to apply at least in the extreme case. Well, for the framework of windows and doors there are special vinyl plates.

If the finish process is decided to combine with insulation, then the installation of thermal insulation material is also included. Considering its thickness (at least 100 mm, and in the northern regions and all 150 mm), it is necessary to take bars for the crate of the corresponding width. Moreover, the membrane is not immediately on the wall, but on top of the insulation. It is fastened by navigating the controls with a thickness of 30 mm from above. Further work is made in the same way as described above.

Wooden House Finishing Block House

In essence, the Block House for the Treatment of the House is the same siding, only made of wood, and the work algorithm applies the same.

True, there are a number of differences in which we will sharpen your attention:

  • there are no starting, angular and connecting planks. All joints will have to fade outside the shaped elements of the tree;
  • the bands block of the House are sliced \u200b\u200bstrictly into size, and in the formation of internal and external angles, the material is cut at an angle of 45 ° for docking;
  • the attachment of the canvases is carried out from the bottom up on nails or special beams. True, the latter have to be blown and the bands can fall out over time;
  • with horizontal orientation, the board is better to install spike, and the groove down.

One of the most complex nodes is the adjoining of the facing in the form of an inner corner. Of course, you can not pay attention to the formed clearance and decide the angle of the shaped element. But that the covering of a wooden house Block to House, made by their own hands, was high-quality, it is necessary to cut into the adjacent part arcuate cutout, as shown in the photo:

At the end, antiseptic primer is applied to the finished surface, after which it is separated by several layers of varnish or paint.

Interior trimming

This is one of the most popular ways of covering private wooden houses from the inside, used in almost all rooms, and especially in the steam room. At the moment there are several types of lining:

  • classic;
  • block house;
  • softline;
  • landhaus;
  • american.

Wall sheat technology inside the house for all species is the same, and work from the device of a steamproof layer from the film and mounting the crates is starting. The film is unfolded with an adhesive from 10 to 15 cm, after which the joints should be carefully smoke with double-sided or ordinary tape. From above, she presses against the wall of the crates, whose thickness is 20 mm. Reiki are nailed to the wall vertically (with horizontal cladding) with a 40-50 cm interval.

Important. All slave rails must be removed in one vertical plane through various lining or mounting wedges.

The first board is fixed by self-reserves at a distance of 40-50 mm from the floor, taking into account the subsequent installation of the plinth. All subsequent planks are correctly fixed with metal elements - klimmers worn on the previous board and brushes navigated to cloves. Cutting the trim by clogging nails in the lining groove is not recommended.

As with the outside of the house, the house is a block house, all the joints and corners should be bred with fittings or wooden plinth. After that, it remains to be treated with antiseptic wood and coat with several layers of varnish. Detailed finishing technology is shown in video:

Interior decoration of plasterboard

Plasterboard is an excellent material for the draft finish of any interior surfaces of a wooden house, including the ceiling. Also moisture-proof GLCs are indispensable in rooms with high humidity - in bathrooms and pre-bankers. Subsequently, it is possible to put the tile or apply liquid wallpaper. Technology here is simple: Galvanized profiles are mounted onto the wall or ceiling in such a way that their shelves are in the same plane. To tighten the design between vertical profiles, jumpers from the same profiles are put.

Sheetsocarton sheets are screwed to the shelves of profiles with self-draws so that their caps are flush with the surface of GKL. The step between adjacent self-pressing is 10-15 cm. Where it is impossible to screw the whole sheet, you need to measure it accurately and cut off part. This is done with a sharply sharpened knife or specialized tool. When the wall is completely sewn, the locations of the docking and the hats of the self-tapping screws should be aligned with the putty, which, after drying, should be lured by sandpaper. On this surface is ready for further facing.


Thanks to now, existing facing materials can be given to any wooden house presentable appearance, and even "turning" it into stone with an external sheaving. In addition, the finish will allow longer to save wood and increase the service life of the building as a whole. It will not be superfluous and the event on the insulation of the house outside, as a result of which the costs of its heating will be reduced.

Interior decoration is an important part and the final stage of the construction of a country house. Many do not think about it during the construction of the foundation and installation of a church, the installation of communication systems. But when the house is already under the roof, engineering networks are held, the question arises than to separate the wooden house inside. The finish "Under Zero" is not suitable for everyone, and it also requires special processing of the walls with paint-makers. In addition, the house with such a finish looks empty and uncomfortable.

I want materials to be durable, reliable, but at the same time inexpensive. And the interior as a result turned out to be cozy, comfortable and attractive. In addition, when arranging a wooden house, it is important that the products are environmentally friendly, retained the naturalness of the structure and maintained a comfortable indoor microclimate. Today the market offers a mass of finishing materials. In this article we will look at what to see the walls in a wooden house inside inexpensively and beautiful.

Features of the selection of finishing materials

  • Pay attention to the label. The designation E1 says that building materials are intended for residential premises, E2 - for the hallway, kitchen, toilet, utility rooms, E3 - for social and industrial premises;
  • If you use wood finishing materials, you can choose a class and quality worse than the required. After that, refine products and lead to aesthetic appearance on their own. For example, to sand and polish, cover with varnish and / or paint, soak by protective compositions, if necessary to trim. Thus, you will spend less financial resources than when buying high-class materials;
  • For premises with high humidity (bathroom and bathroom, balcony, basement, cellar, etc.) Choose moisture-resistant materials. If you use wooden products, be sure to handle the products with protective means from the negative impact of moisture, rot and mold;
  • Choose an environmentally friendly natural materials for the arrangement of a wooden house. In such a structure, plastic double-glazed windows or panels will be inappropriate. They will break the environmental friendliness of the house, will bring disharmony and only spoil the interior;
  • Choose durable, reliable materials and do not forget about the quality of work on finishing. Remember that the wooden log house gradually seats, which can lead to cracks. Think out this moment in advance so as not to do the repair every 3-5 years and not change the spoiled trim.

Can not use

Before you determine than to sew a wooden house from the inside, we will examine what materials do not fit. When finishing, you need to abandon plastic panels and linoleum. Such products characterize availability and efficiency, high resistance to moisture and a wide selection of colors, easy installation. However, PVC advantages overlap artificiality and lack of ecology. They highlight a sharp toxic smell when heated, dust is harvested, air and steam passes.

Linoleum is a popular affordable coating, but not recommended for wooden floors. It is non-environmental and requires careful preparation of the base, since the material can be laid only on a flat surface. In addition, in a wooden house, it looks not very appropriate. In rare cases, linoleum can be seized in utility rooms or basement. However, it is better to lay the usual wooden boards.

The panel of the OSP, the Fiberboard or chipboard is also not suitable, since the manufacture of materials is used by the harmful industrial glue. In addition, it is the most non-environmental products that are made from wood waste. They have a not very aesthetic appearance, so such materials are more used for the draft finish. Including not recommended to use laminate for floor sheat. It is not resistant to moisture, slippery and cold.

Wall panels MDF - foreign analogue of fiberboard, which is more environmentally friendly, since the gluing of individual elements does not use toxic resins and enzymes. Such panels are easy to fix directly on the walls. They are distinguished by a variety of design and color gamut. However, they are completely not resistant to high humidity and wear.

The panels listed above are not strong enough and not resistant to damp. In addition, they are firewood and are not characterized by a very attractive appearance. When covering with such panels, the room is more like an office or office than a living room.

But what then choose and the better to strip the walls inside the wooden house? A suitable option will be natural wood materials with protective impregnation. It can be planed and polished boards, lining, veneer and other similar products. Let's look more in more detail what materials it is better to separate a country house from a bar or logs.

Wooden materials for finishing

Immediately we note that the most suitable option will be wooden lining. This is an affordable material with an attractive appearance, eco-friendly and natural, easy to install and care. Thin rails are used for ceiling, and for walls. If you want to create the effect of a log house, choose a block house that simulates a rounded log. One block house block is half-headed, and the other is flat.

Lining - the best combination of prices, quality, appearance and environmental friendliness. But if you are ready to pay, choose elite natural wooden materials. These are cork panels and panels from the array.

Cork coating - modern materials that distinguish environmental friendliness, high quality, strength and durability, luxurious appearance. They perfectly tolerate increased humidity and are suitable for each type of room. The only but substantial minus is a very high cost.

The massive board or the panel of the array is also an expensive option, but it is very reliable and high-quality, since it is completely made of the natural tree of the elite breed. Such a coating looks expensive, luxurious and prestigious. A good array even with heavy loads and high humidity will easily serve without repair 30-50 years.

A parquet board is a suitable floor finishing option in a wooden house. This is an affordable material that characterizes light and operational installation. And the decorative painting or lacquer coating will make the appearance of the parquet refined and aesthetic.

Veneer panels are excellent budget material, which is chosen by the walls. It represents a thin cut of an array of a tree, which retains the wood pattern, color, texture and structure. For decoration, choose only natural veneer, as it is more durable and reliable.

The veneer has an attractive appearance, it is characterized by ease of installation and practicality, good sound and thermal insulation, low price. But at the same time, the basis of the material is Fiberboard or chipboard plates, therefore the material is not 100% environmental and cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

Other types of budget materials

Plaster is a traditional ceiling finish, which is sometimes used for walls. It is inexpensive and affordable material, easy to use and installation. It will give a smooth white surface, but the white color is not always appropriate in a wooden house. Such material is used if it is suitable for the design of the rooms. For example, it can be a classic or French Provence.

Plasterboard - an affordable and fast finish option. These are sheets of cellulose and compressed gypsum, which is easy to install and fix. Modern manufacturers produce material with special processing, which increases moisture resistance and fire. Plasterboard allows you to create complex designer projects, install two-level ceilings. However, this is a fragile and not very aesthetic material, so it requires refinement after installation (painting or bleaching wallpaper).

Ceramic tile or tile suitable for finishing the bathroom, bathroom or kitchen. If we put the tile on the floor in the bathroom, choose products with a rough surface so as not to slip and ensure safety. Such material is characterized by durability, durability and increased resistance to moisture and dampness. Today you can find a lot of designer options for tiles, including decorated under the tree.

But when laying tiles on wooden walls, consider that under the material you need to make a reinforced base, otherwise the product will not last long! It is not necessary to completely spread the bathroom with tiles. You can only decide individual sections or use mosaic. By the way, the combination of mosaic and wood materials looks very effectively and harmoniously.

Lining - the best option

Wooden lining is characterized by high strength, reliability, aesthetic and 100% ecology. Such products are used to cover the walls and ceilings in a wooden cottage, a country house, a bath and a sauna, a balcony and a loggia, in the apartment. This is a universal material that is easy to lay, therefore, even non-professional will cope with installation.

Narrow thin rails are tightly adjacent to each other, form good sound and thermal insulation, align the surface of the walls and the ceiling. Wooden materials look aesthetically sophisticated. If you want to save, buy grade V. After laying, the defects can be hidden using varnish or paint coating. Class and more expensive and elite, it does not need to be improved, and the variety C is suitable only for draft works or finishing of utility rooms.

Do not forget about protective processing of lining. You can buy materials with finished processing or handle wood yourself. The second option will be cheaper. Install the lining on the crate made of bars. In the crate, it is convenient to install hydro and thermal insulation materials. Reiki can be stacked vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

Today you will find a wide range of lining, differing in a tree variety, width and length, profile and class. The best combination of quality and pine prices. This wood variety is suitable for home, cottages or gazebos. For the bath, choose a lip or alder, as they are well tolerated humidity and high temperature, do not heat up. After installing, you can paint the material in any color, achieve the desired shade or gloss.

Is it possible to use drywall for decoration of a wooden house

Plasterboard is the most popular finishing material that is used in the apartment and in a private house. These are flexible sheets with a refractory surface and increased moisture resistance. They create a smooth surface and hide the flaws of the walls or the ceiling, differ in light installation.

Plasterboard hides pipes, wires and other communication. But the main advantage of this material is accessibility and low cost. In addition, today you can find plates of different sizes, shapes and colors, which allows you to create any design room design.

But the trim of plasterboard often looks unfinished and requires finishing painting or blending wallpaper. In addition, it is quite fragile and continuing material that may not cope with serious loads. Therefore, drywall is better to use for the creation of partitions or racks, but not for finishing a wooden house.

If you decide to use drywall, choose only high-quality products of a reliable manufacturer. Often, harmful toxic substances are added to the material, which is harmful to human health and violates the environmental friendliness of a wooden house. Qualitative real drywall is safe, as it is made of natural natural gypsum.

In the company "Marisrub" you can order the construction of a house from a log or turnkey bar! The masters of the company will qualitatively and reliably fulfill all the work on finishing, including holding and connecting engineering networks, wall covering, ceiling and floor, installation of windows and doors. Order a comprehensive turnkey construction, and you do not have to worry about anything!

Today, unimaginable many materials are offered for interior design of the room. However, not many of them are able to argue with decorative coatings made of natural wood.

Tree decoration

Wood is a truly unique material that allows you to adhere to both classical options for interior decoration, and use bold, which has previously used designer solutions. The structures made of wood were valued at all times, and our urban century is no exception. After all, the decoration of the room with wood is not only an attractive appearance, but also environmental safety. The decoration of the premises with a tree in an urban apartment allows residents of a metropolis to touch nature and to take away from the bustle of the "stone" jungle.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Wood features as decorative material

Wood is one of the safest man's finishing materials. Decorative products made of natural wood can be applied to design a wide variety of rooms.

Wood is often used for design:

  • staircases and sites;
  • surfaces of walls:
  • ceiling;
  • floor.

Types of wood

This is connected not only and not so much with the pricing availability of material, as with its absolute security for human health. Natural wood rooms are distinguished by a healthy microclimate. Experts noted that in such premises a person increases performance and reduces the need for a dream. An important feature of the tree finishes is its ability to neutralize the harmful effects of other, synthetic decorative coatings.

There is a considerable number of internal interior elements made of wood. However, raw materials used for the manufacture of one or another decorative coating is crucial. For example, it is not necessary to apply pine lining to the bathroom. After all, it is extremely negatively reacting to the increased humidity of the room.

Important! A tree is a material that reduces humidity and prevents the development and progression of lung diseases and bronchi. Moreover, the tree treated properly is practically not subject to fungal diseases.

Wood breed for interior decoration

The quality and durability of the wooden coating is directly dependent on the tree of wood used to make a particular type of wood finish.

For interior design of an apartment or at home it is recommended to use deciduous rocks:

  • oak (one of the most expensive options);
  • walnut;
  • maple;
  • ash.

However, do not forget about coniferous trees. For example, among the homeowners, the lining made of pine or cedar is popular, and a semi-precious red tree can give a special charm.

Planning an apartment or a house of one or another wooden coating, take care of its sufficient quantity in advance. Do not forget about the protective coating for finishing materials from wood. Remember the stability of the material to mechanical damage. By the way, the finish of pine is soft, respectively, in the children's room or the corridor, this material is better not to use.

Decorative wood coating

Types of wood coatings

It is no secret that one or another qualities are characteristic of each tree. Naturally, when planning an internal design of housing, these properties need to be considered. Moreover, there are many decorative coatings made exclusively from wood characterized by certain properties. For example, it is better to use relatively narrow wooden panels to finish the walls, better known as lining.

This decorative coating made of absolutely natural materials is the most common in our country. The lining currently is a collective definition that includes such wooden finishing materials as a block house, eurvagon, plates from a solid wooden array, etc. They are combined by the presence of a special lock connection that allows you to decorate the wall with a tree in a very short time.

Finishing at home with lining is almost a universal option. After all, such a decorative material allows accompanying the premises of any functional destination.

The main thing in this case is to take into account all possible nuances. For example, covers made of pine or ate, it is better not to use in rooms with high humidity. This is explained by the fact that the pine lining is prone to fungal diseases. Coniferous wood boards are not recommended to use a sauna or bath finish. This is explained by a sharp coniferous smell of the material that it will be published when heated. In addition, the conifer panels in the sauna often distinguish various resins that do not contribute to the comfort and health of a person.

Along with already known and common decorative materials, relatively new wooden wallpapers are also used. The finishing material of this type has positive features:

  • Wooden wallpaper guarantee the original design of the room.
  • Wooden wallpapers will give the interior uniqueness, because each new roll has a different texture characteristic only to him.

Some inconvenience delivers the mandatory use of special adhesive blends when fixing wallpaper on the wall. In addition, after sticking wooden wallpapers, they will need to be covered with wax or special varnish, it will give them a noble dark shade with sunlight. It is even somewhat easier to work with such material than with the familiar wallpaper. In the process of sticking there is no need to customize the wallpaper canvas according to the specified figure. After all, each roll is unique and imitates natural natural wood. Nature does not tolerate straight lines and monotony.

Such a material is a saming surface imitation. Therefore, it is often used not only for interior decoration, but also at the design of the facade of the house. Basically, it applies if it is decided to arrange a rural-style room, also known as country style. This is an excellent alternative already somewhat "we arrived" lining or euro-lining.

Installation of block house panels are able to perform any person who knows how to use a manual and electric tool. In essence, the block house is a modified lining, the panels of which have a convex shape on one side that imitating the log, and on the other - the plane that ensures reliable fixation of the material to the wall.

Decorative decoration of walls by wood suggests a thorough approach to used materials. Before dwell on one or another embodiment, it should be carefully examined by the properties and characteristics of wood acting as a basis for the manufacture of block house. By the way, deciduous breeds are more resistant to fungal diseases, the occurrence of mold and mechanical exposure. In addition, the panels made of such wood are practically not dissolved and will not be blocked. Of course, working with solid wood is more difficult, but the result is worth the effort.

Important! Making up the room with long non-stroke panels, do not forget that you visually give the room an extra volume. You can strengthen this effect using a block house of light tones.

The decoration of the premises by materials from a natural tree will make us remember and about the floor covering. It is difficult to present a more common material to create a floor than a wooden board, which is found at least two types:

  • Board from a solid wood array.

In addition, the floorboards are discouraged and unstable, that is, equipped with special locks and not. For sex board, classic "spike-grooves" are characterized, allowing you to mount the floor quite quickly.

The main advantage of the genital board is the ability to restore it repeatedly. Theoretically, if such an outdoor coating is regularly updated and repairing, it is capable of listening to at least a century.

In essence, this is another variation of all the same lining, but more serious dimensions. The use of such a material is capable of visually changing the room. In order to make a high-quality false-timber, it will take at least 2-3 months. At the first stage, the material is placed in special chambers, where the tree is deprived of moisture residues, and possible pests are destroyed. After that, the boards are sorted, and they are given the desired size. Imitation of a bar made of natural wood and treated properly, perfectly keeps the original shape and resistant to various types of mechanical effects.

The canvas can be fixed on the surface both horizontally and vertically. In the second case, the effect of a wall constructed from a real timber is created.

There are products of various class and, accordingly, of various price categories. False-bars made of pine or ate are used in the greatest demand, it is connected with their relatively low cost.

Imitation of the bar, like all wooden coatings, prevents the thermal loss of the room and has excellent sound insulation qualities.


Installation of modern wood coatings does not differ in variety. Almost always at the first stage it is necessary to collect a frame or a crate, which, like decorative elements, is to be treated with protective solutions and antiseptics.

The construction of houses from a natural tree refers to the classic. From a long time, people have built their dwellings from this material. Since life in a wooden house is full of its charms. Nowadays, those who want to live in harmony with nature are preferred. Interior decoration - this is what will be discussed in this article.

You can start any internal work in a wooden house. after a complete shrinkage. It takes 1-2 years.

Attention: Full shrinkage of a wooden mansion will occur after 5 years.

If you do not want to wait a long time and you will not wait as soon as possible to move to a new home, when choosing finishing materials it is necessary to take into account many different nuances. Namely, materials are selected with special characteristics.

Houses from a bar or from a rounded log can not be finished. The bar can be altered and handled with a special impregnation that protects the tree from mechanical damage and extends the life of the material (read :). The same applies to the log house, besides this, the finish of such a house inside is performed by analogy with wooden.


Treat wood with special impregnation It must be mandatory. This will prevent the absorption of different smells.

Many owners of wooden buildings prefer plaster. With it, you can align the walls and prepare them under painting. If you properly observe all the technological moments of preparation and applying plaster on the surface, it will serve owners of more than a quarter of a century. But the cladding of the walls is plaster - the process is long and very laborious.

Also when finishing the premises from the tree, people use various panels. They differ in the convenience of mounting, practicality and a large variety of textures and textures.

And if you want to create an original and exclusive home interior, use it when finished facing . And you can resort to the walls of the walls artificial stone.

You can shelter the walls inside a wooden house. clapboard. This is the most affordable and convenient option.

Wooden house - finish inside Phased

Before proceeding with internal finishing work, take care of outdoor finish. The house needs to be secure from negative factors. This will prolong its service life. Also, the outer decoration of the building will increase its sound and thermal insulation qualities and make a tree fireproof.

Treat wood with special antiseptics. This will extend the life of the material and protect it from the formation of fungi and mold, special means slow down the process of rotting wood and prevent harmful bacteria that contribute to the development of fungi.

And before proceeding to the processing of the tree with antiseptics, it is necessary to carefully prepare all the surfaces. They must be dry and purified from dust and various contaminants. Antiseptics are applied using a brush, roller or sprayer.

Important: Treatment of wood with antiseptics must be carried out in dry and sunny weather.

Caulking at home and features of this process

The next preparatory stage before the beginning of the interior is konopka. At this stage, all the slots and joints are processed, both inside and outside the building.

Attention: Close up of cracks is carried out twice - after the construction of the house, and after its complete shrinkage.

To carry out the cacopa of the house you will need to prepare the insulation. The selected material should be:

  • resistant to sharp temperature differences;
  • resistant to moisture;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • hygroscopic;
  • resistant to manifest fungi and mold;
  • have air permeability.

The perfect material for the woodworking of a wooden house is moss. It has such positive characteristics as antibacterial, antiseptic qualities and the ability to clean the air indoors. This material is characterized by a very long service life.

In the process of cacopate at home you can apply linen pass, jute or felt from natural materials.

For this technological process, you will need to prepare such tools:

  • a set blade;
  • curve shovel;
  • roadmaker;
  • broken panty;
  • cyanka.

Laying engineering communications in a wooden house

As for the laying of engineering communications, it includes the holding:

  • heating;
  • water supply;
  • sewer system.

At the same time, it is necessary to thoroughly think about how the pipes will be located in the house so that they do not interfere with the arrangement of household appliances and furniture and so that they do not spoil the interior of the premises.

As for the requirements when carrying out engineering communications, these works should be engaged qualified specialists. Since an illiterately designed water supply system or sewer plum can lead to damage and rotten natural wood.

The same applies to the wiring of electricity. Illiterately conducted and connected wires can cause fire to fire. Therefore, special requirements are presented to the electrical wiring in such a house. All wires should be used only with appropriate labeling, and they must be laid in special metal or plastic tubes.

Materials for interior decoration of walls

Below will look at all available options for finishing the walls of the wooden house from the inside and the common materials for the interior decoration.


Woodering of a wooden house involves laying the heat insulator into the space between the frame and the wall. Most often people use mineral Wat For such purposes. This material is perfectly coping with sharp drops of temperature and with high humidity.

But the use of this heat insulator implies the arrangement of vapor barrier, since a synthetic material and does not let the air. After that, you can start facing the walls finishing materials.


The lining is natural and safe material. It is customary to use not only for the inner, but also for the exterior decoration of wooden buildings. Thanks to its versatility, the lining is used when finishing ceilings, walls and floors. It should be attributed to its benefits:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • high heat insulation;
  • strength and durability;
  • convenience in mounting and further care.

With it, you can not make much effort to perfectly align any surfaces. Also under this material you can hide all engineering communications.

Wall panels

Panels for interior decorations also use incredible demand. By types of wall panels are:

  • rreads;
  • sheets;
  • tile.

Each individual option has its own characteristics, but they all possess the same advantages:

  • ease of care;
  • wide variety;
  • ease of installation;
  • acceptable prices.

Attention: When choosing wall panels, pay attention to their resistance to fire.


Also, a good option will be the choice. With it, you can align all the surface by completing the walls of the walls in a wooden house. To work correctly, it is necessary make reliable frame And exactly attaching plasterboard to it. After that, gently close all the seams and you can proceed to applying the finish coating.

Important: If the room has increased air humidity - choose moisture resistant plasterboard.

After mounting the drywall on the wall or ceiling, it can be saved by wallpaper, paint, stacking or sticking ceramic.


Plastic is a rather attractive material and easy to work. He has a favorable price and a wide range. In wooden houses, plastic is used in such premises as: kitchens, Cutlery, Bathrooms, Hallways.

It includes:

  • moisture resistance;
  • practicality and durability;
  • resistance to negative factors.

To stripped with plastic walls and engrave your home, there is no need to resort to the services of professionals. This material is easily mounted, it differs in low weight and, if necessary, it is easily cut and saw by any manual or electrical instruments.

How to separate the ceiling

All work during the interior of the house begin with the ceiling surface. The development of modern technologies opens unlimited opportunities before consumers. In modern interiors, the ceilings can be made using plasterboard, plastic, and can be done and stylish stretch ceilings.

Plasterboard ceilings

Ceilings made of drywall by species are divided into:

  • simple;
  • stepped;
  • sophisticated.

Simple ceilings May have rounded or straight lines. By type of construction, they can be single or two-level. This is the most common option for finishing the ceiling surface in private houses.

Step structures Also popular. With their help, you can make an original design in the interior of the premises, thanks to oblique and smooth lines.

BUT complex ceilings Please consumers intricate and original patterns and ornaments. They are used in designer repairs.


If the room's height does not allow to remove 10-15 cm, then it is better to abandon the multi-level ceiling structures. In this case, you can make a single-level ceiling, which can be seen in the future, paint or water with wallpaper.

Plastic ceilings

Plastic ceilings differ:

  • affordable price;
  • easy installation method;
  • a variety of textures and color solutions.

With a competent approach to the choice of plastic panels, they will not be distinguished by harmful and toxic substances. With their help you can do multi-level original designs.
Modern plastic panels can imitate any natural materials. They are light by weight and distinguish with elasticity.

Ceiling plastic is used in places such as Kitchens, Bathrooms and Hallways. They practically do not absorb smells, easily clean with various means, do not fade and do not fade, are fireproof.

Stretch designs in the interiors

Stretch ceilings deserve special attention. They differ:

  • various manufacturing materials;
  • impeccable appearance;
  • long service life;
  • originality and exclusivity.

Listed the advantages of stretch ceilings can be infinite. They will delight their owners with an impeccable view from 20 and up to 30 years.


Experts should engage in tension ceilings. Since they have and experience with the canvas, and special tools and equipment.

As for the designs of stretch ceilings, then the most sought-after are:

  • starry sky;
  • photo printing;
  • multi-level ceilings.

Their surface can be:

  • ladging;
  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • pearl;
  • satin.

In which option to stop the choice, solve the home owner. It can be repelled both from personal beliefs and from the overall room design.

Floor finishing inside a wooden house

After the walls and ceilings in the house passed a rough finish, you can go to floor arrangement. This process is quite complex and time consuming.

Even before the start of interior finishing works, it is necessary to decide in advance with the type of floor design. It can be like single floors and double. But for year-round accommodation in the house you need to choose the second option.

Such floors will have high thermal insulation qualities. At the same time, they must consist of such a layer:

  • draft floor;
  • vaporizoation;
  • waterproofing;
  • cutting.

The floors in a wooden house can be concrete or wooden. Wooden The floors can be done on the first and second floors. They differ:

  • high operational qualities;
  • slight weight;
  • naturalness.

BUT concrete The floors are made only on the first floors, as they have a lot of weight and can carry additional load on the design of the house. Using you can make perfectly even and durable coating. On concrete floor, you can lay a massive board or piece parquet.