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Valve of supply ventilation for plastic windows for micro-leveling rooms. Drain valve on plastic windows with their own hands Wall trimming valve for plastic windows

Plastic windows appeared with us quite recently - the first workshops for their production in the CIS countries appeared in the early 90s of the last century. Nevertheless, we are already hard to present your life without plastic glass windows. The main thing is their dignity - they do not let street noise and cold air in the apartment. That's just at the same time we lose the most important - natural air exchange. You can correct this disadvantage using the supply valves on the windows.

PVC windows are good: with them heat, quiet and cozy. However, with plastic windows leaves much to be desired. Without proper ventilation, the tenants risk earning "side effects" like incessant fatigue and. Of course, you can ventilate the room to provide a flow of fresh air, but this solution is difficult to be considered successful: in windy or cold weather, it is quite problematic to keep windows with open windows. In addition, the air in the room arrives uncontrollably.

Accordingly, for a comfortable stay in the house there is some kind of device with which air will continuously enter the room in the required quantity. For this purpose, and were created. One of their species, window valves, is embedded in the glass, so it is formed a narrow slot that regulates air supply.

The modern market presents a large range of ventlipans. Typically share several types of devices.


Aeroclap with manual control is cheaper automatic, but adjust the air flow manually difficult: because the required amount of fresh air strongly depends on the number of people and the condition of the microclimate indoors.


The automatic valve on the window is more convenient. A sensor is built into it, which determines the level of relative humidity in the room. Due to the sensor, the device itself adjusts the amount of incoming air and determines when opening or close the vent hole.

Fold supply ventilation valves

The most fiscal option. Fresh air is served from the street into the house through special holes in the frame or sash. To install the valve, you do not need to dismantle the windows. Street noise practically does not penetrate the house. The main disadvantage of this type is low bandwidth: the room will still need periodic ventilation.

Slit valves on windows

With slotted ventilation, the air is supplied through the hole, the width of which is 12-16 mm, and the length is from 170 to 400 mm. Some models consist of one universal block, and some are of two blocks: one is installed on the inner side of the window, and the second is on the outside. The slot valves are high throughput, and the windows dismantling are not required for their installation, so they are quite popular in the market.

Pen with supply valve

Mounted instead of the usual handle of the plastic window. When installing the appearance of the window does not change in any way. Also, often the valve handle has a built-in filter element that blocks dust.

Overhead valves

This species among others is most effective. However, without dismantling the window can not do: the dimensions of the window flaps and the frames need to be "customized" under the device. There is practically no protection against street noise. Therefore, this species is more often used in warehouses and factories than in ordinary apartments.

According to the material of the manufacturer of the model are divided into wooden, metal and plastic.

If you do not count the onset valve mounting, there are two ways to install it: with milling (in the window block will have to do a hole; most likely you will need help from specialists) and without milling. The second method is the easiest, with it, you can install the valve on the PVC windows with your own hands in a matter of minutes.

You will need:

  • stationery knife;
  • cruciform screwdriver;
  • line.
  1. On the frame cut the stationery knife part of the sample seal equal to the length of the valve.
  2. At the place of the old seal, glue a new one - it comes complete with a supplit valve.
  3. In the same way, remove the excess seal on the sash.
  4. In the groove on the sash, where the previous seal was located, install the plugs from the kit.
  5. Attach the valve to the top of the sash (the brackets must be directed towards the window). Secure it with self-draws from the kit.
  6. Install the new seal between the brackets.

Ventclapan reviews are most different - from enthusiastic to aggressive-disappointed. Almost all users mark the same pros and cons.


  • Unlike microwing or venting, with open windows, there are no drafts in the apartment in the apartment.
  • Fresh air is applied continuously, which positively affects the microclimate of your home. The humidity in the apartment is normalized, the risk of occurrence and fungus on the walls is reduced.
  • The device is easy to install and use.
  • The likelihood of education on the windows is reduced.


  • In winter, some valve models are frozen.
  • If you have a manual valve, you will often have to regulate it depending on weather conditions, the number of people indoors (i.e., carbon dioxide levels in the air) and other climatic indicators. Since the valve is located in the upper part of the window, it may be necessary to get up on the chair or the stepladder to adjust the operation of the device - it all depends on the height of the windows themselves.
  • The device is usually not equipped with filters, so particles of street dust and other pollutants can enter the air.

As we see, the supply valves on plastic windows have both pros and cons. The question is naturally arising: is it worth the sheepskin? What else are there, which will provide the influx of fresh air and oxygen?

To compare, first it is worth identifying comparison criteria:

  • Performance.The performance of the ventilator is measured in cubic meters of air, which is supplied by the device per hour. On average, the adult consumes about 30-40 m3 / h. So, if in your family three people, you will need a device with a productivity of 90 cubic meters per hour. It is best to take an air ventilator in order not to overload the machine with constant work at maximum settings.
  • Noise.Low noise level is important for comfortable use of the conductor. The inconspicable level of noise is in the range of 30-40 decibels, at high performance, the normal level of noise of the conductor should be no more than 50-55 decibels. Also, when choosing a device, it is necessary to trace which sound comes from the conductor: intermittent noise will most likely be irritating hearing.
  • Filtration system.Air filters are not installed in each ventilator. If you want the air supplied to the apartment not only fresh, but also clean, the presence of the filtering system should be a decisive criterion for you.
  • Air heating system. Air heating is a necessary function for residents of cities in which winter is especially the Surov. With the help of the heating system, you can program the device for the air supply of a comfortable temperature.
  • Mounting complexity.Installation of the conductor is a process requiring accuracy and accuracy. Some types of ventilators are installed with their own hands, for some you need help specialists.
  • Cost. The price of the ventilator depends on the factors mentioned above - maximum performance, sound insulation, quantities and quality of filters, the presence of a climate control system, etc. Thus, the cost may vary from several hundred rubles to tens of thousands.

The climatic valve for plastic windows is the simplest and budget solution to ensure ventilation. Its installation does not require special equipment, through it fresh air enters the house, it does not make noise - only slightly increases the level of noise penetrating the room from the street. However, the possibilities of the device are not so great. Its performance is quite low - up to 35 m3 / h. The device is not equipped with filters and heating element.

Similar device has a wall trimming valve. To install it, you need to do a hole in the wall. As a rule, the performance of the wall valve is higher than that of the window (up to 50 m3 / h). Some models are equipped with a coarse filter, which prevents large dust indoors, fluff and insects into the air. Due to the errors when installing the wall on which the valve is placed, can freeze at low air temperature; No air heating system.

The mechanical ventilator is similar to a wall trimming valve, but it necessarily has a fan and more efficient filters. The performance of such a device is limited only by the performance of the fan (40-120 m3 / h). Nevertheless, such an aircraft does not clean the air from small dust and allergens; He also does not have a climate control function.

- The most effective intake ventilation system among previous options. The advantages of the bizer are in the presence of climate control and a three-step air filtration system. The recycling mode is also present in the brizer, that is, the device can clean the air inside the room. The device is mounted by experts by doing a small hole in the wall overlooking the street, and takes about an hour. The cost of the bizer is significantly higher than the remaining ventilation.
Below we led a brief comparative table of four ventilation devices (characteristics may differ depending on the model).

The spread of plastic windows made it possible to solve the problem of the appearance of drafts. But soon it was found that they have a serious drawback - excessive tightness. The solution in this case turns out to use special ventilation devices.


A trimming valve on plastic windows is a product that fully compensates for the impermeability of the glass. A small opening of the windows does not allow to ensure the necessary ventilation. Every year, plants produce millions, even tens of millions of valves. If they are selected and installed correctly, the flow of fresh air is guaranteed even with tightly locked sash. In the Russian market, the valves are present since the late 1990s, but their importance is underestimated by many people.

There is a ridiculous myth that the valves are invented solely to extract additional income by manufacturers. In reality, a similar design was invented in the XIX century. Then there were already invented solutions for air supply through the supply channels, while the flow rushed as close as possible to the ceiling. This made it possible to avoid the appearance of drafts. In addition, already at the stage of mass housing construction in the second half of the twentieth century, equipping apartments with fresh air systems continued.

The developers of this technique knew exactly that massively used windows from the tree were abounded by slots, and still continued their experiments. Contrary to other myths, the valves cannot be replaced with the skillful use of the "comb" and slotted ventilation. These approaches are a good addition to each other, especially since you can get a fresh air mass even in situations when you cannot open the window. To open it will not work in winter, if there is a bed nearby, or when it is very noisy on the street. Additional motives are the protection against thieves, the safety of children and domestic animals on the upper floors.


The wide variety of plastic windows, the specificity of individual buildings and locations, the features of climatic modes and the use of ventilation systems lead to a significant range of valves. To adjust the air intake in a number of models, a manual technique is used. Depending on the design of the designers, sometimes you can use laces (according to the same scheme as for the locale management). This is important because the valve itself is often placed very high. There are versions that are equipped with electric motors.

Usually the most left placement of the regulator reveals the ventilation channel by 100%. Accordingly, the right position corresponds to the complete closure of it. Difficulties can be associated with the selection of a suitable intermediate mode, choose it without the help of professionals is very hard. Automated systems are quite expensive, but the fee for them is completely intelligent. Saving thermal energy in the cold period compensates for all attachments.

The automatic type of ventilation allows you to track whether there are people indoors, and according to this, the intensity of ventilation is regulated. Such adjustment is made due to the sensors, depending on the type of their adjustment occurs under indicators of humidity or atmospheric pressure. The system that bothers the pressure is equipped with a curtain with the upper suspension. This curtain goes up, either down in accordance with the air flow, that is, there is no need to use a barometer. Pressure meters are often made based on nylon tapes.

The bottom line is that the nylon under the action of moisture is compressed, and therefore air passage is increasing. Speaking about the division of valves, it should be noted that they relate to one of three groups:

  • slit;
  • overhead;
  • folded category.

Sloves can support the optimal flow of fresh air. It goes through the channel 17-40 cm wide and a height of 1.2-1.6 cm. To prevent the penetration of harmful insects and dust, the intake lid is used. It is able to additionally stop entering the house of rainwater. The hole on the reverse side of the drawing (inside the building) is equipped with a regulating system.

Slit valves can be supplied in the upper fractions of the sash or in horizontal separating profiles.The advantage of such products is the increased bandwidth and ease of consolidation. If we talk about the folded type of exhaust system, which puts on the PVC windows, its important advantages are low cost and simplicity. For the passage of air, narrow cuts of small size are used, made in the focus. The folding block is characterized by increased noise protection characteristics.

In addition, such structures are mounted very easily. There is a serious weakness of insufficient passage of air. Therefore, folding equipment in rooms is not consistent. If it tries to put it there, it will only create a lot of problems. The overhead climatic apparatus according to developers (and consumer estimates) is characterized by the highest throughput.

The disadvantage of him is quite serious - such equipment will not be able to put on the glass-paste already used. Be sure to prepare the platform in advance. In addition, overhead aggregates contribute to penetration inside outdoor noise. They are badly kept warm. The general conclusion of specialists - for home use such blocks are not suitable.

There is another embodiment of a constructive solution - a trim valve in the form of a handle.This option allows you to exclude a violation of the design concept of the window. It provides the natural mode of air penetration, which is extremely valuable in the offseason and in the cold season. The valve combination with the exhaust device allows you to stabilize the microclimate. The valves in the form of a handle belong to the direct-flow format, and the condensate in the room is excluded.

Once there is no condensate, then the window even in the most student winter day does not stop. Valves are necessarily equipped with internal air filters. The goal of them is prevention of clogging of premises with dust particles. These filtration blocks should be replaced once every 6 months. An important option is microwing, helping to reduce the need for opening windows.

Operating principle

Almost all products for window ventilation are capable of working without any sources of energy. It is enough to use the difference in air pressure in the house and in the open space. But that such a system solve its task effectively, it is necessary that the differential has a decent level. Its optimal indicator is from 10 Pa. No need to independently calculate all pressure parameters, it is necessary to navigate only for 3 main criteria:

  • full operation of the ventilation system at home;
  • heating air on the street is a maximum of up to 5 degrees of heat;
  • the possibility of moving air from some rooms to others in the required amount.

The latter parameter is ensured by the fact that the gap in the intermediate doors is at least 20 mm. A tributary valve due to the objective principles of its work does not cope with ventilation, if there are hot days. Each design is designed for a specific temperature range. Deviation from the established norms entails negative consequences immediately. Filter products can be protected from harmful effects of contaminated air.

Manufacturers: Review and reviews

Domestic valves supplied under the brand "Window Filters", assessed by consumers very high.

Their advantages are:

  • excellent noise resistance;
  • the ability to act perfectly in the cold;
  • purification of dust;
  • insect protection;
  • reliability when installing.

If we talk about products AirBox.The one has already come about, the benefits are also obvious - the ability to install with your own hands and a soft price. Aereco products allow you to adjust the airflow automatically, effortlessly. As for the structures from "Domzent", they must be put directly above the battery. Such blocks perfectly restrain the noise, stop insects, can be harmoniously combined with the project of the structure.

As for blocks KIV-125, then they can be both Finnish and Chinese by origin. The design supplied from Finland exceed their Asian analogs with increased thickness and strength. The density of the insulation material also increases. The inner headings are white and dark, respectively. Designs Vallox.also done on the shores of the Baltic Sea. The company declares that its products fully meets modern requirements. It is characterized by recovery at 75%. These devices are characterized by the dependence on electrical energy (which is growing thoroughly). Dust is filtered, fine particles are also not skipped.

The company supplies outdoor type valves with auxiliary heating and with humidity recognition. In the production process, a tightness test is performed. Electronics can be controlled by smartphone. If necessary, it is easily added to devices that measure the level of carbon dioxide indoors. Technical description of products says that with their help, it is possible even in a small space to provide clean air and removing the dirty air mass without disturbing the roof and overlap.

Not only the function of removing evil odors and prevent mold pollution is supported. The air indoors becomes land and gets rid of characteristic sharpness. Fully excluded the occurrence of drafts. The input channels are equipped with protective filters, 100% eliminating pollution not only dust, but also pollen plants. Because it is possible to conclude that the Finnish complex completely solves the task.

No less quality product is supplied from Germany. Verifying example valves turn out to be a convincing example Marley.. Their developers have tried to provide maximum cover from flower pollen. For this purpose, an insulating coating of a special brand has been formed. Additionally, such a layer prevents the noise to penetrate the noise and restores the spread of condensation. The cold does not go to the house, and the heat does not leave arbitrarily outside. The tap block is designed for walls with a thickness of 25-58 cm.

The manufacturer guarantees:

  • smooth (stepless) adjustment of air intake;
  • reliable thermal insulation of the inside of the channel;
  • combination of elegance and simplicity;
  • the opportunity due to the turn of the blend compensate the main mounting errors.

How to choose?

Valves for conducting plastic windows can be made from:

  • wood;
  • become;
  • plastics.

The cheapest structures cannot adjust the air supply. The only thing that they are capable is to reduce the impact of strong wind. It is very important to determine how effective the operation of systems is. The recommended influx rate per one tenant is 30 cu. m in 60 minutes. As for the level of absorption of noise, it should be the same as the plastic packages themselves.

Fold and slit design are optimal for self-installation. The disadvantage of the overhead elements is visual notice; If you need to mount the hidden block, you need to choose other structures. The versions of the production of Aereco are different using the air jet intake. Adjustment can be carried out in the inclined or directly directed. This firm also managed to provide excellent functionality. Its structures can stabilize moisture in the room due to the special function.

In terms of performance, the systems of domestic production AIR-BOX differ. In addition, they are perfectly installed and not too expensive. Products of Russian firms are gradually coming to the market. Among them, the products "Mabitek" are best suited. The most widely used polymer windows have protection against noise 30-35 dB. A similar level of protection just should be at the valve.

It is important to take into account that for winter uses will have to carefully select the design of the software:

  • main material;
  • characteristics of air flow;
  • the difference of external and indoor temperatures.

In order for the valve well to fulfill its task so that it is not covered with ice, equipped with high-quality heat shield. Additionally, it is required to use the "thermal gap". This gap is formed from the plastic of a special kind, placed inside the valve. If it is difficult to give preference to manual or automated adjustment, it is worth choosing valves with a mixed setting. Not at all suitable for adjusting the structure should be immediately rejected, because the need for it is very large.

"Air-Box" from "Mabytech" is distinguished by increased versatility and fitness of installation on the packages of any design. If necessary, it is put in fold, that is, completely unnoticed by. The design of the Standart series implies the division of the valve into two stakes. The outer block is located below, and the inner - upstairs. The action is ensured by the airborne environment, the system will not be able to work with incorrect operation of exhaust ventilation channels.

The manufacturer supplies valves with improved acoustic properties. Such a family is called "Comfort". Such products can be chosen for a certain type of installation. The classic approach implies an indispensable milling of the window profile. All "comfortable" products are adjusted manually. The valves with the microweling option allow for an hour to deliver 5-7 cubes to the room. m air.

Their programs are:

  • protection against roast summer air;
  • ventilating without cooling room during the winter months;
  • exception of drafts;
  • continued operation;
  • stable air exchange without careful adjustments;
  • fitness to maintain fresh atmosphere with a long lack of people.

The weaknesses of systems operating in microwave mode are the accumulation of dust on the surface of the mechanism and the penetration of noise through inexpensive products. The devices outside are easier to mount than inside. In addition, work from the outside allows you to rely on automation, but to set the mode yourself. It is important to recognize whether the metal parts are sufficiently protected from the occurrence of an ice layer. Compared with all these characteristics, the price parameters do not have a significant value.

In addition to the manufacturers of window supply valves already mentioned, the German brand Siegenia is attracted. The quality of her products as a whole satisfies consumers, but there are only few models that do not reduce the flow of light. Very wide valve offer is characteristic of Rehau concern. At the same time, the differences also concern their configurations, moreover, everything works automatically. In the creation of structures, reliable, environmentally friendly plastic is used.

Part of the ventilation slats contains many cameras.In accordance with the current need in the fresh air, they open a certain number of holes. But a similar solution, with all its seductive simplicity, brings into rooms, along with fresh air flows, and still all-in-law noises. You can choose this version only when the windows overlook the quiet areas of the terrain. Or in a situation where noise incoming noises will have a serious negative impact.

Otherwise, it is necessary to choose structures that are regulated by a stable pressure drop. An example of this product can be considered "Climamat", which provides adjustment of the number of incoming air, humidity in the room. The device is suitable for a complete tracking of the microclimate, for its deep stabilization. Unlike the analogues of Siegenia, the size of them is relatively small and there is no need to violate the properties of the window. The system works silently and filters the incoming air, guaranteed to exclude the occurrence of drafts. You can purchase a similar valve for any type of window profiles. He can also survive all possible loads.

Even if well-thought-out and carefully selected valves are installed from leading manufacturers, it will still have to air the room periodically. As with the purchase of other building materials, components, it is equally undesirable to make the choice of valves only at a very affordable price. But also striving to buy the most expensive product meaninglessly - almost always such expenses are invested.


Installation of the supply valve with its own hands or with the involvement of professional installers is possible only in two methods. In the first case, it is trying to install it with a complete shift of the glass package. The new package must give up the size of the old product, as the frame and slope boundary will be equipped with a valve. The laboriousness of the work is very large, the costs grow sharply. And at the same time, the stream of sunlight is significantly reduced.

By the second scheme, the installation occurs in the windows binding. The total installation time is limited to ½ hours. First you need to elect a suitable position for mounting.

There are three ways:

  • over the frame;
  • on top of a separate sash;
  • at the intersection of windows with capital walls (as mentioned above, it is allowed strictly simultaneously with the installation of the package).

When the point is defined, the device is applied, open and closed the sash. At the same time, they look so that the valve does not write to the slope. As soon as the positions are scheduled to secure, you need to take a stationery knife and make cuts on the side. Insulated material embedded when installing a package must be replaced by a different insulation. Next, the film located on the valve housings should be removed, then the products are attached using self-tapping screws.

If the set of supplies includes auxiliary seals, they must be inserted into the gaps of fasteners. From the opposite side (with respect to the valve), the former seal must be carved. To replace it, the one that is included in the kit is laid. Perform this work is not too difficult. But it is important to take into account the features of each design and manufacturer's recommendations.

Often high-quality, impeccable installation is possible only in conditions of large production. Attempts to independently install individual valves or inviting masters have little help. They most often drill a profile several dozen times, practically leading it in disrepair. The holes that appear are covered with the valve, and it is impossible to notice anything. But the reliability of such a design, service life and performance do not stand and the shades of criticism.

Therefore, it is much better to buy what is mounted without cut-in profile. In addition, such elements are often cheaper and secured with a screwdriver. And manufacturers give clear detailed instructions, allowing you to almost completely eliminate the appearance of errors. Consider work with your own hands on the example of installation available at the price of the valves.

First of all, work space should be prepared by freeing it from unnecessary elements. Next prepare sharply sharpened stationery knives and screwdrivers. Opening the window, performed the valve on the surface of the frame in the right place. Now it is required to hold the sealing gum with the orientation on the outer edges of the valve. Delete marked with cuts part of the gum must be carefully so as not to break anything and not break. At points where the work scheme provides for the fixing of the screws, it is necessary to insert the fastening dowels of the mortgage type.

Now it is required to embed a couple of sealing products exactly between fasteners.Having done this, change the rubber frame seal in the desired place on the one that is included with the ventilation. It remains to enjoy the result of your work. All necessary manipulations are performed in 15 minutes. If there are separate subtleties, nuances, then they are always indicated in the accompanying documentation.

But it is necessary to say about a few more points that are also characteristic of any model that is passed through the walls. The external parts of the air intakes should certainly cover the visors. They block leakage into the house of water and various precipitation. The telescopic channels of the compact species are combined with the enclosures and are fixed with a special sleeve. Most valves are mounted in the upper parts of the flaps.

Methods of regulation

Microwing plastic windows is configured so. First open the sash and remove a certain part of the seal. For this purpose, use a knife. After sticking the gasket included in the delivery set, 3 plugs put. The mechanism is adjusted using a special screwdriver, which is needed to adjust the loops. If the frost is strong, categorically impossible to close the inflow valve completely. To remove dust clogging an external visor, a vacuum cleaner is used. The housing itself is cleaned with a damp cloth, both procedures are conducted 2 times a year. It is impossible to clean the valve with synthetic means. If repair is maintained, it is necessary to cover the product from dust pollution.

Selecting the operation mode, it is necessary to focus on the speed of air movement as 15 cm per second.If the valve is totally closed in cold weather, it is impossible to put up with this. We will have to stick the outer slit transboving air. No need to perceive something negative minor foreign noises. This is an inevitable satellite of the normal operation of the device, especially in overhead designs.

Evaluation of the performance range When the valve is selected, taking into account the current pressure. It is not guaranteed that the passage of air through the valve, designed for 15 cubic meters. m per hour at 10 pa would be higher than through the device designed by 12 m3 at 5 pa. For stable operation of ventilating valves in the summer period, an artificial extractor, supplemented with fans, is required. It is definitely necessary to seal the entrance doors from the street or entrance. The presence of other sources of intake of cold air will determine the entire system.

The ventilation valve for plastic windows allows to solve a lot of problems: drafts, stuffing in the room, condensate on the glasses, which leads to the appearance of mold. The main advantage of modern window blocks from PVC profile is a tightness, turns into a drawback under certain conditions: when it is necessary to ventilate the room, and you cannot open the windows for various reasons (winter season, a pretty child, etc.).

The ventilation modes are not always suitable: either drafts arise, or the gap between the frame and the folding profile is too thin, which is why the desired volumes of fresh air in the room do not come.

  • folding;
  • slotted;
  • overhead.
Fold valve.

The first two options are installed on the windows that are already exploited. Installation in this case is actually done with your own hands. The slot valve is equipped with intake and regulating blocks, in some models a universal ventilation unit is provided - the combined option.

Outside, protection (mosquito net) from sauo and insects is installed on the slot. For ventilation, it is provided for a slot length from 170 to 400 mm and a width of no more than 16 mm.

The fold valve creates small gaps in the windows. Such a principle of operation does not provide high efficiency, but the windows sound insulation is not disturbed. There is a more effective design - invoice. However, this option is problematic to establish your own hands.

In addition, its effectiveness is quite high, which can be a hindrance when creating a normal small housing microclimate. Therefore, such structures are more often used in production.

Ventilation wall view

Function valves of supply ventilation on the principle of pressure drops. At the same time, colder air is dragged into the room, and warm air is fed from the valve. So there is passive ventilation, therefore its efficiency falls when the temperature is raised on the street above +5 degrees. To enhance exhaust traction in the warm season, it is recommended to use a forced ventilation system.

Select design

In the case when condensate is formed on the windows, in the room is stuffy and have to perform ventilation, you should adjust the accessories and check the seal. If the structural disorders have not been detected, you can consider the option of installation on the sub-valve window with your own hands.

Basic selection criteria:

  • the efficiency of work, which is determined by the parameters of the device and the number of people living in the apartment, for example, the sufficient intensity of the air exchange in the room for one person can provide the influx of 30 cubic meters. m / h;
  • the noise level during valve operation should not exceed 35 dB;
  • in the cold time of the year, the valve is not ignited, in the design there should be a "thermal gap", made of plastic, it is installed between the inner and outer surface of the valve body;
  • design type: slit, foldable - these are the main options that can be easily installed on the window with your own hands;
  • management method: automation, manual or combined control.

The most popular designs: Aereco, Air-Box (Comfort, Comfort-S), Regel-Air. Each of the options has its advantages, but almost all of them are easily installed with their own hands, except for the Comfort-S execution, which is intended for a deaf window and mounted by milling at the top of the profile. Comfort model represents a group of folded-type products.

Aereco products are represented by different options: feeding the jet in the inclined and direct direction. In addition, these valves are characterized by broad functionality, since in addition to the main task, provide a normal level of humidity in the room due to the function of hygronalization. Regel-AIR valves represent a group of folding structures. Their feature is a movable plastic pen, responsible for adjusting the air flow.


To avoid problems when installing, it is recommended to select certain designs: folded, slotted. The window should be released from foreign objects, remove the scope. For mounting in the window, you need to cut part of the sealing cord on the frame and sash.

It is easy to make it yourself using a stationery knife. The valve itself is attached by means of a dowel to the window sash.

Support valve installation steps

To install the folding structure, it will take 3 screws, the seal is paved between them, which is included in the kit. Usually enough material is laid by the manufacturer. By means of screws, the valve is attached to the window profile.

Care and maintenance

Considering that dust penetrates with air flow to the room, it is necessary to periodically perform the purification of the valulation. Enough to do it once a year. With a soft cloth, a plastic surface and a seal is wiped. The adjustment of the mechanism is preferable, because the design characterized by the same air flow parameters does not provide optimal conditions in the room.

The best option is the device with automation, in such models there are hygrorgulation sensors. The principle of their action is based on tracking air humidity indicators in the room, in accordance with this, the narrowing or expansion of the flow channel occurs.

Manual adjustment is performed by changing the position of the damper. This method has a significant drawback, which lies in the difficulty of determining the desired position of the flap under various weather conditions.

Thus, the installation of the supply valve can significantly improve the microclimate in the room. If it is planned to install on its own, it is recommended to choose a model of a slot or folding type. Moreover, the second option is easier to implement, since the slotted type requires a smooth slot in the profile. Subject to the correct installation, you can avoid a number of problems: condensate on windows, drafts, ineffective air exchange in the room.

The appointment of the supply valve is the submission to the room of the outdoor fresh air. Modern apartments in most completely devoid of supply air, which is calculated by the work of ventilation exhaust channels in the kitchen, in the bathroom or toilet. For high-quality exhaust work, the predominance of internal pressure above the outdoor is possible. The inflow was made through the looseness of window and door blocks, but modern designs have a high degree of tightness and are not allowed inside the air, making the work of natural ventilation impossible.

The supply valves provide an outdoor access inside the premises, normalize work and create high-quality air exchange.

How does it work?

The operation of the supply valve consists in supplying outdoor air through specially done in the outer wall or the flap of the plastic window Ventilation channel. The flow of flow is carried out in a natural way due to the pressure drop inside and outside.

The volume of the supply stream is adjusted by the damper that increases or reducing the lumen of the ventilation channel. Adjustment is performed manually using the handle on the inner (wall) part of the valve.

Views and features

Main types of supply valves:

  • wall

From the name you can conclude about the place of installation of the device. The most advanced models include brizers and wall valves with a significantly large set of features. The most advanced models have humidity sensors (hygrometers), temperature sensors and remote control from the remote control or using a smartphone.

Opinion expert

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

The main feature of the supply valves is in the absence of the need to open windows. This plays an important role for people with various respiratory diseases or allergic suffering. The possibility of constant ventilation in the absence of annoying or harmful components of air is important for such people, it allows to provide a qualitative composition of internal air and comfort for tenants.

Dear models with complex functionality are able to provide the highest possible influx of fresh air with predetermined flow parameters. There are models with a programmable mode of operation. At the same time, almost any type of appliances can work as a conventional wall valve, without connecting to the power supply.


Wall valves allow the maximum ventilation effect of the premises. They are installed on the surface of the outer wall in a convenient location, often they are mounted above the central heating radiators so that the dying air is heated and does not reduce the temperature inside the rooms. The valve device consists of three main elements:

  • outer decorative cap or ventilation grille

  • air duct installed in through hole outer wall

  • the main unit of the supply valve in which the filter is installed, sometimes - fan and other equipment

Wall valves operating on the principle of natural flow flow, are only suitable for relatively warm regions of the country. Cold air in frost weather will create prerequisites for the formation of condensate, icing icing and walls around the device. In addition, cold air can be a premises, which will require increased heating costs.

The usual supply of one valve is about 30 m 3 / h, which corresponds to the hour norm for one person. This should be borne in mind, purchasing the device for the apartment. More advanced and expensive models are capable of supplying a much larger stream volume, have a mass of additional functions - heating, multistage filtering, different speed modes.

For plastic windows

Supply valves for plastic windows are represented by devices installed on the top crossbar of the sash. Air supply is performed through the hole in the frame. Outside, a decorative cap with grille from the penetration of small garbage, a poplar fluff or insects is installed. From the inside, the body with a dust filter is installed.

Fresh air supply is made in the bottom-up direction, which eliminates the possibility of the appearance of drafts and allows you to slightly warm the cold outer air from the heat of the airbag of the heated inner air.

The disadvantage of such valves is considered education Bridge Cold At the location of the supply air to the room. It is inflounted hased, heavily cools the body that contributes to the formation of condensate and icing icing.

Window Ventilation Valves

Window valves, except those already considered, have another embodiment. On the outer part of the window sash, the rubber seal is clipped. The valve is installed on the top of the sash, attaching with three screws on a plastic quarter. Air supply is made through a slot formed by the absence of a rubber seal.

The device is very simple, but does not require drilling or milling plastic sash, and the replacement of the sealer, if necessary, no work is not difficult. The device allows you to carry out the simultaneous filtering of the incoming airflow, although the quality of the preparation is such a valve can not move with more advanced models of wall plants.


Wall Valves Domzent are designed For installation in a pass-through hole in the outer wall. The design of the valve is designed for installation over heating radiators. Air supply occurs in the longitudinal direction (parallel to the wall plane), which allows the stream to warm from the heat of the battery. This installation completely eliminates the wetting of the walls, icing or flowing too cold air. There may be only regions with very frosty winters (-40 ° C or so). An additional function of the valve, the DOMMENT is noise insulation that reduces the level of external sounds to almost zero.

The design of the valve consists of an outer lattice with a mosquito net, an air duct and the main unit located indoors above the heating radiator. High-quality air filtration ensures the absence of allergens, shallow dust, wool particles and other harmful or unwanted elements.

CPV 125.

The full analogue of this model is the KIV-125 valve. A trim valve of a conventional design without additional elements designed for natural ventilating rooms. Manufactured from thermal insulation materials that allows to reduce the risk of icing in winter. This significantly distinguishes the CPV 125 from the window valves, prone to icing or the appearance of condensate.

To control the flap there is a special handle, the rotation of which is reached opening or closing the lumen of the ventilation channel. If the valve is too high, the adjustment is made using a special cord attached to the handle.

The design of the valve is practically no different from the base model - an outer ventilation grille, an insulated duct, the main unit with a filter and control handle. The appearance of the device is quite attractive and neat. The valve has a compact size and does not stand out on the wall surface, providing high-quality execution of its tasks.

What valve to choose - Rating

The choice of wall valve is influenced by different factors:

  • the need and need of premises

  • climatic conditions of the region

  • room sizes, number of people

  • preferences and wishes of tenants

  • financial opportunities

Among the many design options to the highest quality and advanced installations are customary brizers of the Tion family. They are leading in terms of price and quality ratio, user feedback unanimously give them palm championship in all positions.

For conventional air ventilation without the need for additional functionality, you can use conventional window or wall devices that do not need to be connected to the power supply, easy to install and maintain.

It should be borne in mind that the cost of air ventilation installations begins with 16,000 rubles, which significantly limits their use. The final choice is usually due to the combination of the possibility and necessity.

Installation: Mounting Rules

The installation of window valves is to drill (milling) through the hole in the upper horizontal window sash horizontal partition. Alternatively, only the removal of the seal seal can only be removed, which significantly reduces the intervention in the window design. The valve body is installed on the frame and fastened with screws, after which the device is ready to use.

Opinion expert

Heat engineer and ventilation RSV

Fedorov Maxim Olegovich

Installation of wall valves is much more complicated. The main stage of installation becomes the drilling of the outer wall under the plastic duct. The diameter of the opening is about 12 cm, which requires the use of a special tool. Usually using a diamond drill installed in an electric drill on a special feed rail. It provides a given tool position and feeds. The channel must have a small slope outside within 3-5 ° for the flow of condensate or rainwater. The work is complex, it is not recommended independently.

After the manufacture of the hole is made of installation and insulated. At this stage, it is important to ensure the heat insulation of the tube to exclude cold entering the apartment. Then the inner block is hung, fits tightly to the wall. After that, it remains only to connect the device to the power supply network and configure the necessary operation mode.

Supply ventilation on plastic windows allows you to constantly maintain a favorable microclimate. We will talk in detail about this aspect.

Plastic windows provide almost complete seal sealing. In the conditions of a harsh Russian climate, this is a huge plus. In the warm season, the lack of oxygen is solved simply by ventilating, but in winter such a measure is impossible due to severe frosts. Lack of fresh air is fraught with many problems:

  • Moving windows.
  • The appearance of fungus and mold on slopes.
  • Puffer air. This creates discomfort indoors.
  • Little children can manifest allergic reactions.

Additional ventilation in a room with plastic windows is provided by installing special valves. They have various design features, but their main purpose is to skip the street air without temperature losses. They cope with this function, albeit with different degrees of efficiency.

Tip: In most windows, you can adjust the closing density. In the warm season, put the sash in the summer mode - in this case, the frame will not be closed too tight, which will allow the oxygen to penetrate the room.

In which cases, the organization of additional air circulation is necessary:

  • If small children live in the house. As already mentioned, the lack of oxygen can adversely affect their health.
  • Indoors with plenty of plants. Without oxygen, they simply die out.
  • When the house is heated using convectors or oil radiators. Such heaters are monstrously dried air.
  • In production. In the workshops (if they are associated with toxic substances) it is necessary to organize the maximum influx of fresh air.

All known varieties

Valve ventilation for plastic windows is only at first glance a simple device. It is divided into several varieties that have essential constructive differences. They should be known to choose the best option.

This is the easiest, and most importantly cheap option. With their help, the street air enters the room through small cuts. The main advantages of this technology are as follows:

  • Low cost.
  • No need to dismantle the installed PVC windows.
  • It guarantees the preservation of the soundproof properties of the glass package.
  • High speed and simplicity of installation.
  • Ability to automate.

Among all the advantages were one, but a very important minus - weak bandwidth. Because of this, folding ventilation with closed windows has weak efficiency.


Fresh air to the room comes from special channels. Usually they have a size in the range of 160-400 by 10-16 mm. As a rule, such a valve is equipped with two blocks - intake and regulating. On more advanced models, he is one (universal). Pros technology:

  • Absolute protection from external factors (precipitation, insects). This is ensured due to the presence of a regulating unit.
  • High (in our case average) skipping ability.
  • You can use without dismantling the glass package.

Serious minus in this case can be found only one - relatively complex installation. However, some models are devoid of such a shortage (about this later). Therefore, this category is the most popular now.


In residential premises such structures are practically not applied. This is due to their serious shortcomings:

  • The thermal insulation properties of windows is seriously reduced.
  • Soundproofing is reduced to almost zero.
  • Installing such a supply ventilation valve can only be installed until the double-barker is installed. In particular, it is necessary to adjust the size of the opening.

However, this technology has been widely used in the manufacturing sector. The main reason for this is the highest throughput.

Market Leaders - Aereco and Air-Box

The domestic valve market by 90% was taken by two Aereco manufacturers (France) and Air-Box (Russia). It is necessary to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of their products:

Quality and practical option

Valves from Aeropo are a lining having an attractive appearance (there are colored variations), which fits into any interior. The most optimal installation option is during the manufacture of PVC windows. However, if the double-glazed windows are already standing, then the installation can also be made. To do this, it will be necessary to make a small drilling of frames.

The device is made of 8 (16) moisture sensitive plates. Depending on the level of humidity, they can open or close the barrier. And for their work, no power is necessary. The principle of operation is based on the physical law of thermal expansion.

You can easily build them in the wall. Such a method is used mainly in wooden buildings, for the milling of the RB structures is extremely difficult to produce. From the point of view of their qualities, this manufacturer looks the best analogue in the market. However, he has an important disadvantage - a high price (from 2500 thousand rubles).

Cheaper analogue

The Russian AIR-BOX manufacturer makes its products much easier, which at the same time almost does not lag in efficiency from their more expensive "counterparts". Such models allow you to penetrate the outdoor air through the space between the frame and the sash. It seages the replacement of the regular seal. To control airflows, you need to move the knob of the regulator.

Such models are much easier, and require manual control. At the same time, they carry two very important advantages - low cost (on average from 400 rubles) and a simpler installation method. AIR-BOX is installed in two ways - by means of milling frames (like the previous manufacturer) and by replacing the seal (it will be discussed below).

Possible installation options

Forced ventilation in the window can be implemented in three ways that vary greatly.

The most difficult method - the adjustment of the size of the opening

The most time-consuming and costly method is associated with the installation of the above-mentioned elements. They are mounted as follows:

  • Available glass windows.
  • Expands the opening on the magnitude of the lining.
  • The glass is installed back.
  • In the resulting gap sets the pad.
  • The gaps are embedded with cement mortar (or something similar).

The technique looks deadly time consuming and unreasonable. Therefore, in this order, no one does work, because it is fraught with the cosmic costs of strength, time and money. It is necessary to take care of additional ventilation in advance, that is, before installing the glass package.

The most thoughtful people, ordering the PVC windows, immediately plan the installation of an additional air intake. To do this, the opening is done a little wider than the glass vehicle requires. This technique is the most efficient, and the main thing is rational.


However, what if the double-glazed glass is worth it? Aereco models are installed on a simpler technique. It is as follows:

  • Selects a place to install the channel. If possible, it should be the least noticeable area.

Please note: additional window fittings should not prevent installation. Take this fact when choosing a place.

  • Then markup.
  • We screw to the selected bar with the help of special self-tapping screws for PVC structures.
  • We place the location of the technological grooves on the focus.
  • Remove the bar. With the help of a drill and electric jigsaw, we cut the holes in the sash and the frame itself.
  • We once install the bar.
  • Fix the valve using special latches.

This procedure is relatively laborious. In addition, it requires special tools that are far from everyone. Another factor - a person without proper experience will not be able to do work neatly. Conclusion - Installation of such a device is better to trust a specialist.

Air-Box - installation without problems

There is another technique with which to cope with anyone. The Air-Box manufacturer created a model that is mounted without the use of tools. The kit includes a special seal and self-tapping screws on PVC. Work is made in such a sequence:

  • Select the estimated installation location.
  • Cut in this place a regular seal (which is located on the sash).
  • We insert a new (from the kit).
  • Remove the protective film from the valve.
  • Fix it at the installation site of the new seal with the help of special latches.
  • We close the sash and make a mark on the frame along the length of the valve.
  • Cut the existing seal in this place and install a new one (the same one from its place).

If something is incomprehensible to you, you can watch the video from the manufacturer itself. It will clearly understand everything.