Repairs Design Furniture

Make a roller for decorative stucco with your own hands. How to make a factory roller with your own hands? What are the rollers for decorative plaster

It is possible to apply the plaster with a roller - this is a question of lovers who plan to do repairs independently. Professionals say that is consistent, since such work does not require special skills in construction. You just need to know how to choose and use the material and the tool.

Decorative plaster under the roller should not contain a fraction of a large size, since such a means is applied. Professionals advise using the finished composition. The tool is easily applied, and even non-professional wizards can work with the product. The finished composition also does not change the shade after drying, unlike dry mixtures.

Types of plaster

Application of decorative plaster with their own roller's hands begins with the selection of material and tools, but before this should be familiar with the concept of "decorative plaster". This is a means containing various fillers. Most often used wood fiber and stone crumb. Bind components acrylic and polymeric substances. Such components are also responsible for the elasticity and speed of drying.

There are several types of material suitable for this tool.

Structural plaster

Such material forms a smooth coating on the surface. To apply a tool, use different tools, including rollers for decorative plaster. The structural product is usually produced in bright shades. To give color, a special color is used, which is mixed with the material before applying.

Venetian plaster

It is a means of which marble flour and aqueous emulsion comes. The advantage of the material is to be kernel in any tone. Before use, the surface is aligned. Venetian plaster creates a coating with an effect of marble, leather, granite, cork, etc. The remedy is environmentally friendly and has water resistance, therefore it is used to decorate surfaces in rooms with high humidity (bathroom, pool and others). Disadvantage - high price.

Textured plaster

This tool forms the relief on the surface immediately after applying. This result is achieved due to the granules, which are included in the product. Based on this, the material is classified on large, medium, finely and fine-facular. As video lessons show, the application of texture plaster roller the process is simple, but requires careful study.

Types of rollers

The tool for decorative material is divided into several types.

Type of material roller

The final result of the finish depends on the working surface of the roller. Classification of tools by type of material:

  • Rubber rollers. Such tools require the skills in repair, so the devices do not recommend using newcomers that make-in-line hands. The roller shape a clear texture on the surface due to the protrusions and recesses located on the video.
  • Wooden tools. Non-professional finishers are suitable, because, unlike rubber products, plaster sticks to the surface of the roller. Disadvantage - a small operating period. Over time, the tree swells and peckles, which leads the tool into disrepair.
  • Plastic rollers - budgetary tools. This is the only dignity. Disadvantages - deformed when contact with the material, cracks appear on the roller, which negatively affects the final result of the finish.
  • Leather tools. Such rollers are used to apply Venetian plaster. The tool helps create the marble effect on the basis. Professionals advise using a roller with a surface of natural, not artificial leather. Such a roller has a longer operating period.
  • Pile tools. The surface of the rollers is made of natural or artificial fur (as in the photo below). The final result of the finish depends on the length of the pile - if it is short, the surface will be smooth. When choosing such a tool, pay attention to the quality of the fur. If the hairs fall out of it, they will fall on the surface, which will spoil the appearance of the finish.

There are also foam, foam and tissue tools, each of which creates the texture on the wall.

By variety of drawing

By type of outcome pattern on the surface, the tools are classified as follows:

  • Textual rollers. Such devices create imitation of natural stone, fur, leather, etc. The relief depends on the surface of the roller. For example, for marble use a tool based on leather. The texture plaster applied with a roller with a long pile surface creates a relief of "fur coats". To obtain a convex pattern, it is recommended to use a tool on the roller of which is located deepening, and for the reel residue - roller with a protruding relief.
  • Structural tools. Such rollers are used to impart relief. Drawing on the roller clear, closed in a circle. Thanks to this tool, the effect of bulk wallpaper is created on the surface. Video lessons demonstrate that decorative plaster with structural roller is applied to the prepared construction basis.

To size

Types of rollers in size:

  • short - length of the roller up to 30 cm;
  • the average - the length of the surface is 30-50 cm;
  • long - from 50 cm.

How to independently make a roller for decorative plaster?

Methods for making roller:

  • Wrap the rubber roller roller with a harness made from the same material. Bursts are chaotic. So that the harness is securely held on the roller, lock it with glue. Such a roller will create wood imitation on the surface.
  • Roll the harness from any fabric. The surface of the roller lubricate the glue. Wrap the harness around the roller. Such a tool on the surface also create a wood imitation.
  • Apply glue on the roller. Wrap around the roller one piece of fabric. Such a tool will create textile texture on the surface.
  • Cut out the elements of the future pattern from the foam rubber. Apply glue on the pieces and fix on the roller.
  • Slide with glue polyethylene film or any grid. Enclose material to the surface of the roller.

Rules for applying material

The textured plaster applied by roller creates unique reliefs on the surface. To achieve the best result, experts advise adhere to a certain work algorithm.

Preparation of a building ground

Free the base from the old coating. To work faster, the masters advise the use of special liquids and solutions. After dismantling wallpaper or paint, the construction base is tightened by milk on the subject of hidden defects. If the differences are revealed, cut the irregularities. The surface is degrees and aware of the surface. Apply a primer on the walls. All defects fill in putty. After that, apply the material to the surface. Wait for complete drying, clean the base and boot.

Application of solution

Several ways of applying decorative plaster with roller. The choice of the method depends on the tool used and the final finish result.

Application with textured roller:

  • Pour the solution into a special cuvette. Immerse the roller into the means, squeeze out the material.
  • Top down apply stucco on the wall. With the following processings, do not change the direction. Roller Do not break away from the foundation until the end. If it goes away from the surface, the drawing will not work. Cress the tool to the wall is not too much, but also not slam.
  • Apply the next strip close to the previous one. You can not apply material with intervals or brass.
  • Textured plaster with roller is applied in one layer. For this reason, the thickness of the material must be the same in all areas.

Algorithm for applying plaster structural rollers:

  • Apply the working material on the surface. This is recommended to use a spatula.
  • Wait until the tool freeze. It is impossible to use a structural roller on a liquid putty. The tool will not leave the following, as the composition will score a drawing on the video. It is impossible to wait for a complete frost composition. On the solid surface, the drawing will not work.
  • Roller Lock on the wall under the ceiling, press its surface and drive down without taking off the base. Try to do so that the power of the push is the same on the whole site.
  • Make the next pattern of the pattern close to the previous application. Figure at the top should begin with such a fragment as with previous processing. Do not allow discrepancies, otherwise the pattern will not work.
  • After the relief is completed, paint is applied to the surface if a solution without a flaker was used. To do this, wait for the full pouring of the material. After that, perform staining of the surface.

Instructions for applying two-color plaster:

  • apply one-color plaster to the surface - it will be the main color of the coating;
  • prepare a solution of the consistency of medium thickness and mix the remedy with the color;
  • apply a solution with a soft roller to the surface with chaotic movements.

The video in this article demonstrates how to properly apply decorative roller plaster.

Using a roller and decorative plaster on the surface, patterns struck by beauty. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of work.

Decorative plaster is widely used when finishing the premises. Over the years, it is used for internal work and external. It possesses wear-resistant properties, waterproof, after applying to the surface, forms a durable layer. This type of finishing material allows you to use many different design solutions, gives the room the texture and original color design. A variety of drawings on the surface are applied using rollers for decorative plaster. Having studied the technology, make a finishing such material will not be much difficulty. It can be done independently, not attracting expensive professionals.

Decorative plaster

Before learning to apply different ornaments on a layer of decorative plaster, you need to get acquainted with this material. It is a particularly durable coating, which includes certain fillers. For example, pebbles, marble crumb, granite, mica, quartz, wood fiber. Mandatory in the composition of such a solution there are polymeric and acrylic substances, they are responsible for the binders. Thanks to them, plaster acquires elasticity and grabbed after a certain period of time. It is quite enough in order to apply the ornament to the surface using textured rollers.

Types of plaster

Two main types of decorative plaster can be distinguished:

  1. Fact. Such a solution forms relief immediately after applying. This is due to the presence of granules in it. By their sizes, the mixture is divided into large, medium, fine and thin-factor.
  2. Structural. Forms an elastic and smooth layer, robes use rollers for decorative plaster. The color of the solution is predominantly white, thawed by adding special coloring substances.

Types of rollers for decorative plaster

The features of this material allow you to create a unique and original relief on the surface. Each of them corresponds to a certain type of rollers. Consider the most common of them:

Valleys for textured plaster: Selection Rules

In order to inflict the necessary relief on the surface of the decorative plaster, the main thing is to choose the right roller.

How to create complex patterns on the surface of decorative plaster?

The natural ornament on the plastered wall looks very nice. In order to create it, it is enough to take advantage of the relief roller and not very thick solution. The mixture must be applying the selected direction, which is not recommended to be changed.

It is much more difficult about the case with complex artistic patterns. Of course, there are rollers for decorative plaster with certain reliefs. However, it is impossible to use the above-described technology, since in some places the mixture will be superimposed with a very thick layer, while other areas will remain without finishing material. In this case, it is most relevant to first apply plaster with a spatula, and only after that go through a curly roller. Speed, the power of pressure and the direction of movement should be the same on the entire site. After the first strip, all subsequent jack to the previous, allen and indents are not allowed.

Roller do it yourself

Rollers for can be purchased at any construction store. However, if there is a desire to give the finishing of a truly individual and unique view, this tool can be made independently. For these purposes, a wobbly rubber ropted roller, thick harness, rubber strips or skin (sometimes ordinary erases can be used) and glue.

From the skin or other materials described above, it is necessary to cut some kind of figure. Its form is chosen individually. It is necessary to stick the shapes at some distance, in order for a distinct relief on the surface of the plaster. Preferably the edges of the nozzle to decorated as much as possible, so that when working the roller there was no difference between the parties.

Application of decorative roller plaster

So, you will get acquainted with the detailed technology of applying ornaments on the surface of plaster.

Other methods of applying patterns

Rollers for decorative plaster - not the only tool for applying drawings on the surface. To this end, you can use a foam sponge, brush, rigid brush, coarse cloth.

With the help of rollers for decorative plaster, you can give the place the original and unique design. No need to be afraid to experiment and accept non-standard solutions.

If you really want to create a stylish, unique interior, and there is not enough money on the classroom, you don't have enough money, you should not give up your idea.

Textural rollers for decorative plaster will allow you to implement it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. But before running to the store behind this unusual tool, learn the information proposed in this article about its types and technology for creating a texture covering with it.

Types of relief rollers

We all familiar with the usual painting rollers for painting walls and ceilings. And older people from their parents' stories remember wooden cylindrical devices for drawing a picture on the walls, which massively used in the era of the absence and deficit of wallpaper.

It was them that became a prototype of modern decorative rollers with a pattern for decorative plaster.

Offers of the construction market

Let's see what kinds of rollers for decorative plaster offer manufacturers of construction tools. All of them are arranged in the same way and are a rotating cylinder, fixed on the handle.

Cylinder coating can be:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • porolone;
  • fabric;
  • leather
  • fur.

The texture of a future decorative surface depends on the type of coating and its relief, which can imitate brick or stone masonry, marble, wood, cloth or be decorated with original pattern, ornament.

Here are some examples:

  • Relief roller for stucco with hard rubber or plastic coating and a convex drawing on the surface of the wall in the surface of the wall;

  • Protruding the surface of the coverage, on the contrary, will allow you to squeeze the pattern in fresh plaster. For example, create an effect of brick masonry or tree bark;

  • Fur For textured plaster used to create the effect of "fur coats";

  • Pulley tampon made of soft tissue fabric Mimics a marble surface that will look very believable with a competent selection of plaster and painting of walls (see paint for interior wall decoration: how to choose) in a special way after drying it.

Homemade rollers

The price of finished ornamental rollers can be very different and depends on the material, size, drawing complexity. But in any case, it is not so high to save on this tool.

Nevertheless, among the experimental finishes, there are people among beginners who are just interested in making a paint structural roller with their own hands. This makes it possible to satisfy your creative needs and create a truly individual, unique design of the walls.

Make a decorative roller with your own hands in different ways:

  • Cut a sharp knife ornament on a rubber roller with a flat surface. For example, longitudinal and transverse channels that imitate brickwork;
  • Cut from thick rubber elements of the future pattern and glue them with special glue. Before that, do not forget to close the edges of the glued parts slightly so that they smoothly immersed in the solution;

Note. No matter how pattern or ornament you are chosen, it must be closed so that the compensation left is not interrupted.

  • Rubber stripes, laces, lining rope in an arbitrary order - in the form of a spiral or overchalters and intersections at a different angle;
  • An unusual roller for textured plaster is obtained when fixing with a scotch of a crumpled polyethylene package, vegetable mesh, burlap.

If you want to create the original and stylish design of your room, but are not ready to spend mad money for the services of an experimental finish, do not lower your hands and do not despair. There is a way out of your situation - these are rollers for texture plaster. It is this tool that will help you cope with the task with your own hands, not referring to the specialists.

Finishing work with textured rollers

But, do not rush right away to run into the construction store for the acquisition of such a miracle adaptation. Next, we will tell you how to make rollers for decorative plaster with your own hands and what technology you can work with them.

Valikov varieties

We use rollers for decorative plaster

We all worked in our life, or saw rollers that are used in decorating and staining surfaces. But, from the older people you can hear stories, about adaptation from a tree in the form of a cylinder, which previously applied drawings on the walls. This cylinder helped solve the problem of hard-to-access wallpaper, and it was he who became a prototype to create rollers, which we see today on the counters of our construction programgations.

Today, in the construction market, all rollers are presented as a rotating cylinder, which is fixed on the handle. Its coating can be made of:

  • rubber;
  • plastic;
  • silicone;
  • foam rubber;
  • fabrics;
  • skin;
  • fur

The future texture of the processed surface depends on the variety and relief of the web, which can be a hike to masonry from brick or stone, marble, wood, fabric, and can also be decorated with an interesting pattern.

Let's consider in more detail the most common rollers for decorative plaster:

  1. relief roller with a dense coating of plastic or rubber and the relief depressed in it helps in creating a convex pattern on the walls;
  2. the canvas with the convex relief helps to squeeze the drawing on the still not dried plastering;
  3. the fur roller is used to design the coat of "fur coat";
  4. fabric tool (need to be soft and stealing the canvas) helps to simulate the surface under marble, which will look very realistic if you correctly pick up plastering and paint materials.

A small list of techniques for giving relief walls is given in the table.

Type Device How to get a pattern
Chaotic It is useful to roller with a porous structure, a brush from rubberized material, Kelma and a small spatula You can form a drawing with chaotic or sketchy movements with moderate pressing tool
Striped with repeating elements Relief roller and stencils with the necessary patterns To achieve the result, you will need to apply the drawing using a single direction of movement
Imine the old surface No tools will be needed To work, you should simply cover the surface with a special plaster, which is crap after drying and create the necessary effect.
Different patterns and paintings of different levels of complexity Tools, ranging from different brushes, ending with sharp objects To achieve the result, you will need to apply drawings for a non-frozen plaster mix

Make a roller with your own hands

Today, the structural roller on the market can cost differently, it all depends on the material, sizes and complexity of the pattern. But, no matter how cool, he is not worthwhile money, to try to save on his purchase.

However, there will always be such a person who is interested to see what happens if you make a roller with your own hands? The personnel making of the tool helps not only satisfy its interest, but also to create a truly unique and original canvas for the design of the walls.

You can make a structural roller with your own hands in this way:

  • cut a stationery knife or blade on rubberized roller necessary pattern;
  • cut the future drawing onto the rubber and glue the cloth to the pre-prepared roller with a special adhesive composition (do not miss the fact that the edges need to be rounded, so that they are evenly immersed in plaster).

Notice, no matter what picture you display on the surface of the roller, the main thing is that it is closed. Otherwise, the drawing will be interrupted, and the uniform attribution of the pattern you will not work.

  • close bands, lace or lounge rope in chaotic order working cylinder;
  • application of an unusual pattern is obtained if scotch and climb a crumpled cellophane package, a vegetable mesh or burlap.

But, the roller is not the only way that you can decorate the surface of the walls. To this end, it is very often used to comb, rush tassels, foam sponges, and even their own fingers, etc.

How and for what to use a roller?

Application of patterns and patterns on the surface of the walls can be carried out by different methods. Of course, the surfaces must be pre-prepared, without dents and flaws, otherwise the ottis from the roller will be uneven. That is why the basis of the formation is responsible.

If the pattern of the pattern you perform a hard roller, then your actions should be such:

  • on a pre-prepared surface, apply a layer of plastering;
  • let the time to dry a little, because on a liquid base it will not be possible to display a clear print, the mixture will reach the roller and clog its relief; But, for a long time, this process is not necessary to delay, but it is best to work in a pair: one causes a solution, the second - drawing;
  • then, slightly pressing the roller to the surface of the wall, they continuously lead from the ceiling to the floor, trying to apply the same force;
  • the following fragment must be applied as thick as possible to the previous one, starting the pattern from the same element (so that the picture clearly coincided, you can apply a small mark on the roller, which will be a guideline for you).

If the resulting texture seems rough to you, it can be slightly modified using a grinding grid, mixing it with water. Paintwork materials can only be applied after the absolute drying of the solution.

How much will the surface decoration cost?

The cost of applying decorative plaster textured rollers affects:

  • type of roller coating;
  • the volume of the consumable mixture.

Materials for decorating surfaces today can be bought in any construction store and prices for them are very different depending on the manufacturer of the mass and its composition.

Venetian plaster is considered the most expensive, which is complex in its composition, makes many requirements for the base and appliance technique.

Paxes on textured rollers are as diverse: the higher the quality of the foundation, the more expensive. Despite the fact that rubber and wooden rollers are most expensive among their "counterparts", but it is these representatives that are distinguished by a long service life.

Relief rollers are a tool albeit with an uncomplicated design, but with wide possibilities. It helps to convert ordinary walls into the skin or fur, stone, brick, wood, and also leave on the walls of animals or other vegetable elements on the walls.

You only need to choose a cloth with the necessary texture and master the mixture applied technique. Adhering to simple recommendations and our advice, you can easily create a unique design of your apartment.

Decorative roller is constantly used in finishing works using structural plaster. In addition, it can be improved or make it yourself. Homemade roller is a budget option that can be qualitatively completing the walls of the walls on their own and taste.

With the help of a homemade roller, you can make the original decor on the walls

Updated old roller do it yourself

It is not difficult to make a modernized decorative roller, especially if the old roller from the foam rubber was lit in the house, there is a simple cord in the farm, a laundry rope (enough 50 cm), a package of polyethylene, scissors, knife and tape. In a separate section, any of the walls, after covering it with decorative plaster, you can try such options and choose the right:

  1. To improve the type of plaster, create a decorative pattern on it, a cord and a rope for linen is wound onto the old roller. From their thickness will depend on the type of pattern. A distinct rhythm will appear on the wall. Its regularity can be controlled by the number of passes, the frequency of turns and the direction. The unusual pattern appears from the depression on the roller.
  2. The old foam roller from the foam is also useful. With it, you can make a patterned pattern with bulges. First, cuts are made with a knife, after scissors cuts of any diameter. A wide bulge will appear from the cutter thickness, which will build the pattern.
  3. The textured roller will be, if you wear a soft sleeve, rewinding the thread.

In any of these rollers, you can add the walls of the beautiful shape on the finish layer of plaster, an attractive depth or completely change the interior of your home or apartment. If there is no old roller, you can easily make a new one.

Creep roller

Roller design for painting walls and ceilings

For the future decorative roller, you must first make the basis - the cylinder. There are several options for obtaining an elongated cylindrical object required for the base:

  1. Rock for dough. Since it is wooden, it is easy to drill a hole along its entire length. A thick wire is inserted into the hole or a metal bar curved in the form of a handle. You can use the handle from the old roller.
  2. Plastic tube (d \u003d 5 cm, L \u003d 10 cm). To close the side holes in the pipe from plastics, plugs are cut off, which are placed on glue, the holes for the handle are made in them.
  3. If there is a lathe, it is possible to pull a roller from metal, rubber, plastic, or wood, and after fixing the handle in it.

In the presence of the foundation, you can proceed to the manufacture of a decorative roller. From an arbitrarily accepted cord on the prepared layer of plaster will be obtained by a one-of-kind embossed pattern.

From a plastic package, a conventional vegetable mesh, wound on the basis made by their own hands and a fixed scotch, will appear on the wall drawing with winding folds, uneven wrinkles.

Cellofan can be replaced with any tissue material. It is also used foam rubber. After fixing it with scotch, on a homemade tool, figures are cut on it. The process of manufacturing such a roller time-consuming, but as a result of the wall it will be a real decoration of the room. If there is no foam rubber, you can find a piece of rubber. Of course, it is harder to cut on rubber, but the picture quality will be noticeably higher. To get a longitudinal structural pattern, a tool is made with convexities on the surface.

Decorative roller made of flasks of fabric and foam rubber

Proper application of plaster

The use of roller, which can be made with your own hands, will be appropriate if you follow all the rules for applying decorative plaster on the walls:

  1. The surface that is intended to update is necessary to prepare - clean from the old finish (paint, wallpaper), degrease and cover the primer.
  2. If the master is going to apply two layers of plaster, then first is made a smooth layer with a flat surface and paint in the desired color.
  3. After the wall, a rich structural second layer of plaster is applied. If the interior requires and it is necessary to clearly distinguish the layers, special tape is applied. For arbitrary forms, a self-adhesive seal is used, which is used on the windows.
  4. It should be borne in mind that the plaster has a quick-drying property, so that the factory should be applied quickly.
  5. It is undesirable to press the tool to the plastered surface, one can accidentally spoil the intended texture. Movements should be light, sliding.
  6. After the decorative layer is fully applied, the wet grid for grinding the protrusions on the finished embossed surface is used.
  7. After two days, (this is the optimal time for complete drying of the walls and plaster), completely completely surface from defects. After that it covers the paint of the desired color.

Selecting a variety of textured coating for the roller, it is necessary to represent the end result.

If on the base of the roller wear a sleeve with a pile, you can make a structural relief "under the fur coil". It is more often used for concrete, brick outer walls. In this case, the pile must be long at least 18 cm.

Working with a textured roller made with your own hands is suitable not only for creative people. Anyone who has the desire to create an original interior in the house, will be able to make it from ordinary girlfriends.