Repairs Design Furniture

What a putty for plasterboard is better. Putclone for drywall What putty to choose for drywall. Features of the putty compositions for GLC

If the repair is planned to finish the walls of plasterboard, then you will definitely have to face the question of choosing to put putty. From this material will depend not only how smooth and even the surface will turn out, but also the durability of the finish.


When finishing the walls of plasterboard, many joints, cracks and seams are usually formed, which are the so-called "risk zones" of the structure. In addition, they can go on the crack finish, microorganisms appear in such places. Therefore quality.

Even if you fit the material of the material as close as possible, it practically will not change the situation. From here it becomes clear what putty is better for drywall, which has excellent strength characteristics and elasticity, since drywall is susceptible to movement, let and minor, for example, as a result of temperature fluctuations.

In addition, the creation of the composition and the speed of its drying should be in priority. In the complex, the material quality data will make it possible to prepare the surface to prepare the surface to the finish finish with their own hands, of course, subject to the compliance with putting out the putty, with which we will read below.

Selection of spacure

To date, building materials in stores have such a large selection of compounds that it is not easy to solve what a putty is better for drywall. Some formulations and walls. In addition, there are mixtures that are used exclusively in decorative purposes.

Immediately it should be said that dry mixes are more profitable to buy, as they remain much longer in warehouses and after acquisition. In addition, the temperature storage conditions do not affect their quality. Another important advantage is the possibility of applying dosage, as often it is necessary to use putty in small portions - somewhere to smear, somewhere - to fill.

Depending on the type of binder item, putty can be:

  • Plaster;
  • Cement;
  • Polymeric;

All three types of compositions will be suitable for spatleing drywall, however, not for each room. Therefore, further let down in detail on each type of mixture.


Experts argue that for decoration of drywall, the composition based on plaster is the most optimal option. This putty is based on natural material and fillers, which improve the characteristics of the mixture.

Among the advantages of the gypsum putty can also be distinguished by the fact that it does not give a shrinkage, perfectly levels and dries quickly. To use the composition, it is enough just to add water to the gypsum in the required quantity, which will not cause complexity.

However, their disadvantage is bad water resistance - the gypsum quickly absorbs moisture. When re-drying, the coating cracks. For this reason, gypsum putty cannot be used in rooms with elevated moisture levels.


This type of coating is the most moisture-resistant among all types of putty. In addition, cement-based solutions well withstand large temperature differences. Therefore, such putty are perfectly suitable for trimming drywall in the bathroom or kitchen.

The disadvantage of these mixtures is a strong shrinkage in the drying process and the formation of microcracks, so the spatlement needs to be performed several times.


Polymer putty are superior to their characteristics both of the composition described above. They can be used in any premises, be it a bedroom, bathroom or kitchen. In addition, they do not give shrinkage and provide a smooth surface, due to which they can be used for the finish finish.

However, the disadvantage of polymer compositions is their high price. Therefore, not everyone can afford to use this material during repair, especially if they need to cover the large area. True, it should be borne in mind that the consumption of such putty is significantly lower than the previous two mixtures, which ensures small savings.

If, financial capabilities allow you to choose which putty plasterboard to put the plasterboard, it is quite possible to stop your choice on the universal polymer putty.

Technology Splotlevism Gypsum Carton

In order for the putty to match the entire stated manufacturer properties, it is necessary to strictly observe the instructions for their application. Otherwise, even the correct selected composition does not guarantee high-quality repairs. Therefore, then consider the main nuances of this process.


An important step in the putty of plasterboard is priming, as the adhesion of the coating depends on it, which means the durability of the entire repair. In addition, if the walls are covered with wallpaper, the primer will prevent the buzzing of the wallpaper glue.

The process of applying primer does not constitute anything difficult:

  • First of all, the walls must be prepared for further processing - for this they need to be cleaned of dust and other contaminants, if any. You can use a slightly wet sponge.
  • Then it is necessary to pour the solution into the pallet for the roller, after which the roller itself is dipped into it.
  • The primer is applied evenly over the entire surface of the plasterboard. At the same time, dries should be avoided and a large cluster of the solution.

For the priming of drywall, you cannot use alkyd primers, as they cause the deformation of the cardboard layer.
In addition, the detached paper begins to bubble and hanging rags.
Naturally, after such nor what strength of the coating is not to speak.

Preparation for Spatlevania

After the primer freezes, you should prepare the walls to the spacious.

The instructions for performing this work looks like this:

  • First of all, it is necessary to ensure a flat surface of the walls so that the screws are not chopped out of it. But at the same time, they should not be very deepened so that the pits did not form.
  • Then it should be noted that the outer layer of material from the gypsum interlayer does not extend in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sheets of sheets. There are similar defects, then the paper should be trimmed with a knife under the base.
  • Next, the formed wrinkle must be cleared with sandpaper.
  • If the sheets of sheets do not have the factory edge, then it must be done independently, cutting the edge at an angle of 45 degrees. Only in this case, you can ensure reliable reinforcement of the seam.
  • Then a fiberglass grid is pasted on all seams and angles. A special serpent tape has a self-adhesive surface, so this process does not take a long time. The most important thing is that the seams occurred in the middle of the tape.

If the self-sufficiency is strongly deepened in plasterboard, it must be turned into an empty hole to screw the long screw so that the hat is at the level of the wall surface.


After the surface of the walls is prepared, and the primer will dry, you can start to the spaciousness.

Work is performed in several stages:

  • First of all, put the putty, in a small amount, so that it is enough for half an hour of work. If you do more solution, it dries and will be unsuitable for use.
  • Then you need to close. To do this, take advantage of two spatulas, one of which will serve for a set of solution, and the second to apply it to the surface. In order for the reinforcement of the joint turned out to be high-quality, the putty need to stretch the spatula along the entire seam, evenly, completely filling it with a solution.
    The most important thing is that rough and irregularities in the process are not formed. Otherwise, sanding the drums will be very difficult.
  • The next step is the spacure of the screws. This procedure can be performed by a crosswise method, i.e. The composition is applied along and across, which will allow filling the grooves caps.
  • Then it is necessary to sharpen the corners. This work is more complicated and may not work immediately, as it is necessary to bring both sides of the sheet, which converge at right angles. Therefore, the procedure is performed in two stages - one side of the angle is displayed first, and then, after pouring the putty, the composition is applied to the second side.
  • Next to all outer corners, an aluminum building corner is attached, which is fixed with putty. Thus, the strength of external corners is achieved.
  • The final stage is the finishing spatlement, thanks to which the perfectly smooth surface is achieved. To do this, use the finishing putty, which is applied with a thin layer using a wide spatula.
  • After covering the walls with putty, the coating must be pasted to achieve perfectly smooth surface.

It is best to breed the finish putty to a sour cream state, which will allow the most evenly and smoothly distribute it on the surface of the drywall.

On this, the finishing process is completed, it remains only to perform a finishing wall of the walls, for example, saving them with wallpaper.


It is rather difficult to say what kind of plasterboard putty need, since in some cases it is advisable to use the gypsum composition, and in others, it is necessary to use the waterproof material. Therefore, the choice should be done on the basis of the repair conditions and its own financial opportunities.

However, it is equally important to correctly perform the spatlement, because the end result does not depends not to a lesser extent than from the choice of material. Additional information on this topic can be obtained from the video in this article.

Installation of drywall can not even be a novice builder, so when repairing repair, this material is often used to level the ceiling and walls. But for the finishing finish using wallpaper or modern paintwork materials, it causes certain difficulties in most lovers.

Let's deal with how the plasterboard putty is properly performed with your own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help to avoid annoying errors and get an excellent result.

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Wall putty and ceiling: Is there any difference

The use of modern materials allows you to achieve an impeccable type of finished surface. It will be a wall or ceiling, not has a fundamental value. The only difference is that the work on the ceiling requires large labor and less convenient for the novice wizard.

Types of spacure

All works on the shtlocking of the walls can be divided into two types:

  • Start, or rough. It lies in the initial alignment of the surface (eliminate the holes from the screws, the closure of the joints between the sheets of plasterboard, the design of the corners, etc.).
  • Finish. Its task is to attach the surface of the flawlessly even and smooth species for subsequent decorative coating.

The more thoroughly, both stages of work will be performed, the higher the probability of getting the perfect wall or ceiling. You can perform the task using mixtures on a plaster, cement or polymer basis. If the repair is planned to be carried out in rooms with elevated moisture level, it is recommended to stop the choice on polymer or cement compositions. For dry rooms (bedroom, living room), consumables are perfect for a plaster basis. Beginner masters are often interested, whether plasterboard can be placed immediately with a finish putty. The answer to this question will be given below.

Choosing a putty on plasterboard

Experts argue that at the stage of acquiring materials you can go one of three ways:

  • Choose inexpensive mixtures to perform work in order to save money to buy wallpaper or paint. Such a solution will result in an uneven surface with a large risk of cracking after a short time.
  • Buy expensive mixes from well-known manufacturers. Carefully performing all the work, the master will be able to get an impeccable smooth wall with impressive financial costs.
  • Purchase affordable mixture for starting plaster. It will make it possible to perform draft work without excess costs. But for the finish finish, the use of high-quality mixtures, which have high technical characteristics, easily fall to form the maximum flat layer.

Depending on the existing budget, you can choose one of three options. But we should not forget that even the use of expensive materials will not become the key to impeccable result.

A modern tool in combination with high-quality materials and the maximum carefulness of the work is the main whales when putting the drywall.

When choosing a material, it should be borne in mind that for the "start", an average consumption of 1m2 is 1 kg, and for finishing mixtures - 0.5-0.7 kg. It is recommended to add 10% to the result.

Types of material

The domestic market presents a huge selection of modern materials in a variety of price categories. Therefore, before an inexperienced master, a fair question arises: what kind of putty is better to put the plasterboard? The most famous and in demand can be attributed:

  • Knauf Rotband. This type of gypsum putty. It has high adhesion and easily copes even with impressive irregularities. Easy to work and is environmentally friendly. Used as a material for the starting stage of the work.
  • KNAUF MULTI-FINISH. Its distinctive feature is resistance to temperature drops, as well as increased strength. The material is not cracking after applying and does not miss moisture.
  • Ceresit CT 127. This mixture has a polymer composition, increased resistance to cracking, plasticity and durability.

Preparation of the surface of plasterboard walls and a ceiling to putty

Before starting applying a putty layer, you should pay special attention to the preparation of the surface. Among the most important points, experts include the following:

  • Holes from self-tapping screws should not be deeper than 2-3 mm. If the depth exceeds the specified value, then it is necessary to unscrew the fastening element and move it for a short distance. It should not be further 4-5 cm from the initial place of attachment.
  • Fishing joints. It is necessary to increase the clutch area of \u200b\u200bputty and drywall. Performed with a sharp knife located at an angle of 45o. The depth of the batch is approximately 3-4mm. It is important to remember that the exit is performed only in those places where the plasterboard was cut before the fastening.
  • Corner treatment is carried out using a metal perforated corner. Its fastening is performed using a solution for putty. If necessary, you can use the stapler. After the corner is securely fixed, it should be carefully sharpened. It is important to achieve an impeccable smooth surface of the edge without visible traces of transition from metal to a smooth wall.

After the surface is thoroughly prepared, you can start performing work on the putty of plasterboard.

Plasterboard putty under wallpaper and painting

The better all the work will be fulfilled, the higher the chance to get a flawless result after their end. Experts note that putty under painting requires a more scrupulous approach, because the slightest irregularities will be visible on the surface of the wall. And if matte paint makes them not as noticeable, then the use of glossy composition will reveal even the smallest flaws. At the same time, decorative wallpapers can partially hide the irregularities of the wall. But experts advise not too much to count on it even when choosing a finishing material with a pronounced texture.

Features of the shtlocking of plasterboard under painting

When performing work, a number of requirements and technologies should be followed, as well as strictly observe the sequence:

  1. After applying the first layer, it is given to dry completely, only after that they begin to apply the following. The final alignment is made by, the surface after drying is grouped.
  2. After the applied layer is dry, it will be ready for the final finish using the LKM.

Plasterboard putty under shook wallpaper

  1. If it is planned to use heavy thick wallpapers, it is recommended to use only the "Start" mixture of coarse-grained. After drying, the work surface will not be perfect smoothness, there will be barely notable ribbies and roughness. The main task is to eliminate large irregularities and defects on plasterboard.
  2. If light paper wallpapers are selected for finishing finish, then other, more stringent requirements are presented to the surface. It will be necessary to prepare the basis using not only the "start", but also "Finishi", which will achieve perfect evenness and smoothness.

Important! We need 100% of the area of \u200b\u200bwalls or ceilings. If you pay attention to only the joints and corners, then after sticking the wallpapers, the existing flaws will definitely be shown.

How to put plasterboard plasterboard: the main stages

If a dry mix is \u200b\u200bused, then before starting to use it, the contents of the package according to the instructions are divorced by water. It is important to mix everything thoroughly to achieve homogeneity of the composition. For preparation, a clean plastic container is used.

The first thing is made by putting the joints of the plasterboard and those places where the screws were screwed. You can perform the tasks using a small spatula to which the solution is superimposed.

Movement tool should be carried out at an acute angle relative to the surface. Excess you need to clean immediately.

Next, the necessary lengths are cut into the perforated corners and with the help of "start" are glued with all external angles. It is recommended to make a small pause after attaching the corners, allowing the solution to grab.

Tip!No need to put a lot of solution, it will complicate the performance of the workflow and reduce the final result.

The spatula in relation to the wall is made under an acute angle, movement should be smooth and committed with constant certain effort. Note that special attention should be paid to the corner under which the spatula is located: the quality of work performed will depend on it.

We cover the entire surface using "Start". Note that it is more convenient to perform work with a partner, which will prepare a new portion of the solution in a timely manner. So that when performing work on putting the corners of the plasterboard, the result was ideal, it is recommended to use a special corner spatula.

When the applied layer will dry, the walls must be pulled. This part of the work will quickly and efficiently help perform the fugalok, which is stretched by a special grid. It is necessary to work as a tool carefully, at the same time with the pressing of circular movements. As a result, it will be possible to completely remove the existing flaws, give the basis of perfect evenness, smoothness.

Important!If you need to apply a second layer, it is done only when the first will dry.

When performing, it is necessary to ensure that the tool is constantly clean, this is especially true of the container.

It is applied by a similar principle, the only difference is that the thickness should not exceed 1-2 mm.

Try to apply the solution carefully, the surplus immediately remove, otherwise it will be necessary to spend much more time on grinding. The grinding should be proceeding when the layer is completely dry, the R150 grid is used with a small abrasive.

Nuances of shtlocking walls

There are several basic moments to pay attention to when performing work:

  • Selecting tools. Masters advised to give preference to spatulas of well-known companies that offer a high-quality and reliable option. When buying, you should pay attention to the perfectly level edge. It should not be irregularities or jar. This allows you to get a flawless result.
  • Layout. Do not try to eliminate irregularities when applying putty in one layer. In 99%, after drying, cracked will appear, and work will have to redo. A thin smooth layer of material is much easier to apply and only after complete drying, the manipulation can be repeated. Hurry should not be hurried!
  • Using the sickle. Sometimes it is called a construction bandage. The material is gently slightly pressed by the tool after applying the putty layer. Serpenta increases the clutch area of \u200b\u200bputty with plasterboard and enhances the seam, preventing the appearance of cracks. After complete drying, it is necessary to sharpen again until it obtained a flat surface.
  • Surplus material should be deleted immediately. Otherwise, the putty dries out, and additional surface grinding is required to give it smoothness.
  • After the original layer of material was applied on the walls, it is necessary to carefully clean the surface after its complete drying. Then the primer treatment is performed for better clutch with the surface of the finishing layer of putty.

The appearance of the finished wall after applying decorative coating directly depends on the quality of the work performed. On average, the number of layers can be from 1 to 4-5, depending on the initial state of the wall.

How to prepare a mixture for plastering plaster walls

The optimal solution will be a thorough study of the manufacturer's recommendations.

On the package, the amount of water, which must be used to prepare a working mixture is maximally spelled.

This is an optimal consistency that provides a comfortable work with putty and easy filling of all holes and emptiness. In addition, it is better kept on the wall.

Shp clashing of plasterboard walls: Is it possible to do it yourself

Specialists claim to independently perform the putty of the walls and the ceiling of plasterboard can be. The main thing is to observe a few simple rules:

  • Use high-quality tools and materials.
  • Made carefully prepare the surface.
  • Scrupulously perform each stage, achieving a flawless smooth surface. Special attention should be paid to the putty of the seams of plasterboard.
  • Do not rush and start working only after the final drying of the previous layer.
  • Check the availability of defects using a conventional lamp that brought to the wall. It will allow to identify irregularities and depressions.

Useful video: Plasterboard putty

In conclusion, we note that this repairs should be carried out in bright, preferably natural, lighting. In this case, emerging unevenness and other flaws will be immediately noticeable, which can be easily corrected. Now you know how to put a putty on plasterboard to prepare it for further finishing, and cope with this task without any problems.

Once you wereted the wall or ceiling plasterboard Sheets or made a plasterboard design, you need to start a very important step - putty. In addition to the fact that the wall need to sharpen high quality, you need to choose which putty is better for drywall in your apartment. There are many types of spike material that differ in different parameters. Before you choose which putty to put plasterboard, it will not hurt in detail with all possible options in order to make the right choice that you do not have to regret after the end of the repair.

What is this article

Why need a spacure

The ability to understand the types of spacing for drywall will be useful not only to professionals and repair masters. Knowing about the types of mixes for putty, you do not have to turn to professionals for help, and you can conduct finishing repairs yourself.

You may only plan to repair and still do not know whether you will need a putty. If you mount the wall from GLK, you will need to put it in any case, at least once. There are no cases when you need to apply two or three layers of putty. So in any repairs, with the use of plasterboard sheets will have to use a putty.

For putty works need a putty. What is it from yourself? This is a special fast frozen material. It is intended, as a rule, in order to align the wall. And the putty is simply necessary in order to carry out the final decoration of the wall with decorative materials. Therefore, the putty is a necessary element of the trim of a plasterboard wall, which in no case cannot be excluded.

Types of spacure

Currently in any country and in any city you can find a wide variety of plates of any kind. In addition to types and destination, putty materials differ in price and quality. It all depends on your choice. Calculate on the basis of your budget. As a rule, cheap materials that give themselves as analogs of more expensive putty, you should not trust. It is much better to acquire the material of the famous brand that has already deserved confidence and respect. By the way, the cost of putty depends not only on the price, but also from the flow to 1m2. We will consider which putty to choose for drywall in one situation or another will be the most reasonable.

It is very important to remember that life does not stand still. If you are an experienced master and familiar with the famous brands that have been popular for ten years ago, then you note that all modern producers are largely superior to the old once.

So, there are several parameters for which the types of putty are distinguished. Let's consider each separately.

Types of putty by appointment

There are three types of mixtures for putty, by type of their use.

  1. Equalizing putty;
  2. Universal mixtures;
  3. Finish putty.

Finishing putty for plasterboard walls are usually sold in finished form and do not require powder dilution. They are applied on a plasterboard wall final layer. Everything that remains to be done after the wall decoration is a finishing putty - it will wipe with a zero skirt. After that, they are already starting to decorative trim - painting, sticking wallpaper and the like. All variations of the finish putty are perfectly coped with their work, namely close on the wall all errors, cracks and other defects.

Aligning mixtures are designed to close all the seams on the wall, holes from the screws and similar irregularities. Such a putty is needed in order to align the wall and it is not at the finish stage. Roughly speaking, these are black wall processing work.

Wall alignment with putty molding joints finishing putty

Universal putty can be used for aligning other types of surfaces. The uniqueness of this variation is that it can be used and as leveling, and as an finishing putty. However, it is recommended to use the putty of this type only for initial draft works. The reason lies in the fact that the universal mixtures have a grainy consistency, due to which the putty is not suitable to prepare the wall to painting or sticking wallpaper. However, this type of putty is perfect for the subsequent installation of the tile or decorative plastering.

Types of putty in composition

Pluckles are also different from each other dependent on materials, of which the mixture is made. There are three main types of putty in composition.

  1. Gypsum;
  2. Cement;
  3. Polymer.

Gypsum putty have a qualitative composition and exceed cement by the fact that they are completely neverthed by shrinkage. Gypsum putty includes a well-known KNAUF, which is also used as glue, when mounting drywall walls. There is a significant minus in such a putty - bad moisture resistance. Because of this, putty cannot be used in bathrooms and other rooms with large air humidity. In other cases, high-quality gypsum putty is an excellent option.

As a rule, when working with plasterboard, it is a plaster putty!

Cement putty are significantly inferior to the gypsum due to the fact that they are strongly susceptible to shrinkage. However, cement putty is more stable compared to gypsum counterparts. In addition, cement putty calmly transfers mechanical impact.

Polymer putty - better analogs in composition. These are the most universal mixtures that combine all the advantages of plaster and cement variants due to the combined structure of the composition. They are suitable for use in any rooms and under any conditions, resistant to mechanical impacts after complete frost and are not completely susceptible to shrinkage. Thanks to all these advantages, the most reasonable choice will be the polymer putty, however, the price of such a mixture is significantly larger than the cement and plaster counterparts. Therefore, if you do not have an infinite budget, you can choose a putty between plaster and cement, based on the situation, and not acquire a polymer mixture.

It is worth reminding yourself that, despite the moisture resistance of putty, never can do without primer. If you are repaired bathroom and use a plaster or polymer mixture, you still have to progress the wall. In the rooms where the air humidity is small, you can use cement putty, but the primer is still needed.

Types of wipes ready to use

Such kinds are only two: dry and finished putty. Let's deal with what they differ from each other.

Dry putty are powder mixtures that need to be dissolved in water according to the instructions indicated on the package. The advantage of dry putty is that they can be stored for a long time. If you do not allow all powder in the water at once, then the remnants can be used to close the cracks, the appearance of which could not be foreseen, for example. The minus is that after breeding, the putty needs to immediately use before it dries.

Finished putty are thick mixtures that need to immediately smear on the wall. They do not require additional stirring and sold immediately in the finished form. The minus of these putty is that they can not be stored for a long time. But despite this, they have a larger shelf life in a finished form, unlike dry powders. In addition, no powders do not have to breed. You can immediately after the acquisition begin to work.

It is worth noting one important detail. By purchasing a dry mix, you can make it thick or less often, at your discretion. Though it is usually recommended to act strictly according to the instructions, but if you have enough experience in repair work, you can determine what situation it is better to achieve one or another consistency.

Tools for working with putty

It is very important to use the right tools in working with different types of putty, which are best suited in a particular situation. This may seem a slight aspect at first glance, but this is very important in reality.

There are two different types of spatula, which are used in different situations during putty - wide and narrow. Branded spatulas are suitable for work better than others, they even make work less laborious. A wide spatula is used to carry out basic works, and the narrow is auxiliary tool for situational moments.

And it is also worth remembering that if you use a dry putty, then in some cases you need to use water to dilute the mixture, and in others - primer. Be careful with this aspect and always carefully follow the instructions.

If after aligning the wall with a putty, it is still not smooth, you can use a special aluminum profile. It is used to level the curves are not plasterboard walls. Together with putty, it can align any irregularities of different walls. Vertically, this most aluminum profile is fitted vertically on the overall surface, and then the putty layer is already applied. With this process, the profile serves as a support.

And finally, the video about the process of gyprose putty

Putclone for seammalls of drywall - means with which the joints of the sheets are masked. Due to this, high-quality surface preparation for further finishing is performed.

Varieties of spacure

There are a large number of types of means that have certain qualitative characteristics. They differ in the methods of application and application.

There are two types of putty: the starting and finishing, the first I use the first stage, and the second is applied after drying from above.

Putty for the seams of GLC can be starting and finish. They are used at certain stages of finishing work. There is also differences in their structure and technical properties.

In composition, putty may be the following types:

  • cement;
  • polymer;
  • gypsum.

Methods for their application are practically the same. The difference will be only in the structure and operational characteristics.

Putchal "Start" and "Finish"

Puttailing and embelling of plasterboard seams is not without the use of starting and finish mixtures. The first is the basis for further surface treatment. It has a dense structure with large fractions of the feedstock.

The finishing putty is superimposed on the pre-degraded layers of the starting. It is subjected to subsequent handling sandpaper with fine graininess. Unlike the starting putty, which is made only in the form of a powder, the finish can be several species - a solution and powder.

As practice has shown, funds are distinguished by their practicality. What putty to choose for drywall? Solutions are ready for use and do not require additional water dilution. In powder, you need to add a certain amount of fluid that is specified on the packaging of the product.

Cement-based putty

In its production uses such components:

  • cement;
  • sand;
  • water.

Quite often, the manufacturer adds to the composition of the components that improve high-quality indicators. These may be plasticizers or hardeners.

In the process of production, only high-quality raw materials are used. Water should be purified. Apply the separated and crushed sand. If he is with a variety of impurities, high-quality funds will be reduced.

The grade 400 or 500 cement is the main binding component. Thanks to him, the mixture acquires strength and density.

Main advantages:

  • Fire resistance - the ability to withstand the effect of a direct source of fire and not ignite and not melt.
  • Moisture resistance - the mixture does not absorb moisture due to the high density of its structure.
  • Frost resistance - putty easily withstands temperature differences.
  • Universality - applied in any rooms and in the decoration of plasterboard facades of buildings.

This putty for HCL is made in the form of a dry mix. It is easily divorced and used. In addition to visible advantages based on cement, there are still disadvantages:

  • The layers of putty give shrinkage after a certain period of operation.
  • As a result of incorrect installation on the surface, cracks can form, which will negatively affect the quality of the processing of the material joints.
  • The finished mixture does not have elasticity, which prevents the uniform distribution of it on the surface.

Despite all this, cement putty is very popular.

One of the most popular species of putty is cement, all professionals are advised.

This type of mix can be made independently. This uses similar raw materials.

What putty to close the seams in the plasterboard? If you need high-quality joints, professionals recommend choosing cement mixtures. They have an excellent adhesion indicator with the GLC structure.

How to replace plasterboard: alternative options, their advantages and disadvantages

Characteristics of polymer putty

It is used in the workload of plasterboard seams for a long time. Due to its technical characteristics, it occupies a leading position in the finishing market.

In the composition of the putty can be acrylic and latex. Due to the use of different raw materials in the production of the mixture, its quality and operation indicators are significantly different.

What putty is better for drywall: latex or acrylic?

The first type of mixture is produced on the basis of latex using special plasticizers, antiseptics and hardeners. Sometimes pigment elements are added to the compositions that give a putty defined shade.


  • elasticity when applied;
  • structure strength after frozen;
  • practicality;
  • moisture resistance.

The tool has an excellent adhesion indicator, which allows you to apply it on any surface. It does not crack after drying and does not give a shrinkage.

The disadvantages include the high cost of a spike solution. Despite this, the mixture was gained popularity through an economical flow rate. Spaklyka does not withstand too low temperature modes. This negatively affects its use in unheated premises.

Acrylic spacure For seams of drywall is made on the basis of acrylic - synthetic raw materials.

It has excellent performance And protrudes in the composition of the binding element.

The advantages of the solution include the following:

  • Plasticity - easily applied and evenly distributed on the surface.
  • Wear resistance - tolerates a variety of temperature modes.
  • Gigroscopicity - does not absorb moisture and is not deformed under its impact.
  • Strength.

After pouring, the agent forms a smooth surface with a homogeneous structure.

Acrylic-based remedy can be starting and finished.

Putty for seams of plasterboard from plaster powder and a variety of plasticizers

It stands out among such solutions with its ecological.

Main characteristics:

  • Parry permeability - the structure of the mixture is porous, which does not allow mold opportunities to form and multiply on the surface.
  • Elasticity - the mixture is evenly distributed on the plane.
  • Practicality - the molding of sheets of sheets with a gypsum solution is performed quickly and simply.
  • The absence of shrinkage - the dried layers of putty do not give shrinkage.

The optimal value of the solution gives it even more popularity.

The disadvantages include water permeability. Spaklyka perfectly absorbs moisture, as the basis in its production is the gypsum.

When using a spacion mixture in a room with high humidity, after drying, it is necessary to fit moisture-resistant material.

If the mixture is used in rooms with high humidity, after drying it, the surface is lined with any moisture-resistant material.

What put a putty to put plasterboard

The choice of funds depends on the following factors:

  • humidity of the room;
  • type of subsequent finish;
  • mastery of a repair specialist.

The latter plays a meaningful role, since inexperienced finishers are recommended to use polymer putty mixtures. They are much easier to apply and align on the surface.

The decoration of ceilings and walls by plasterboard made it possible to simplify the leveling processes to a minimum. But, as practice shows, even such a smooth and smooth material must be brought to a certain degree of evenly. therefore plasterboard putty - process required And even paramount when it comes to its finish painting or sticking with wallpaper.

Selection of putty for GLC

Let's start with the fact that the modern market offers a fairly wide range of putty solutions. But it is not all suitable for drywall, therefore the question is how to put plasterboard, one of the most important.

First, the plasterboard sheet is not for nothing that is called. The basis of its structure is plaster. And, it means that the gypsum putty is what is needed. True, in wet rooms it is better to use solutions with the addition of special materials.

Secondly, in the process of plastering plasterboard, it is necessary to use two different mixtures. One for sealing seams between sheets, second for finishing alignment. Two solutions differ from each other by the fact that the first is the largest option, the second is fine.

Currently, manufacturers offer a third type of plaster solutions - this is a universal material that is used for seams and to align the plane. For example, the company KNAUF proposes to use the solutions of the brand of the unifotty or fogen.

In addition to pure gypsum putty manufacturers offer other modifications of this mixture. For example, moisture-proof analogues. They are best used in wet premises (kitchen, toilet, bathroom, showers and pools). There are on the market and materials that include polymers. Excellent material with high characteristics, but more than everyone else. I would like to note that after applying this type of putty on plasterboard, there is no need to grind the aligned surface.

In principle, it is possible to answer the question of which putty to put the plasterboard. Next - choose the optimal option yourself and start work.

Platclusion process

Initially prepare everything you need to sharpen plasterboard. First of all, you need to find tools and materials.

From the tools you will need:

  • two spatulas: wide and narrow;
  • roller and brush;
  • sandpaper.

From materials:

  • putty;
  • primer deep penetration;
  • reinforcing paper tape.

Sealing seams between plasterboard plates

It is necessary to start sealing seams from their primer processing. After its drying, the seam is completely filled with putty for drywall. Please note that it is necessary to put it in such a way that it is necessary to immediately close the plots for which the fastening of the sheets by self-draws was carried out.

While the leveling material does not dry immediately, it is necessary to put the reinforcing tape at the shest joint. Therefore, the putty of the seams of plasterboard should be carried out on the plots. For example, the vertical joint on the wall for the entire height of the ceiling was filled with mortar, immediately put the tape. And thus on all joints.

After sealing, an additional coating of all seams is carried out by another layer of leveling material. This layer must be good. After that, there is sandpaper. It is all sections treated with putty, it is necessary to polish.

Aligning the surface of plasterboard

So, the joints are embedded, it remains to level the GLC itself. What is the walls of the drywall, if the material itself is very smooth? The thing is that when holding the fasteners of the sheets, the part of the plane takes place, so it turns out to be concave. The rest of the same part, on the contrary, wonders. So these drops need to be aligned. And, it means, the putty of plasterboard throughout the area is of paramount importance.

If it comes to cladding with ceramic tiles, these defects can be hidden. But when the finish finish is painting or wallpaper sticker, it is not necessary to do without prior align.

Do you need to put GLK

First of all, the plasterboard surface is processed by primer using a roller. After drying, the putty is applied to the entire surface of the plasterboard design not a very thick layer. It is important to compare the differences. As practice shows, one layer always grabs to get rid of defects. If the differences are large enough, then we will have to put a putty to apply in two layers. But before that, the first dried layer is processed by primer. And after its drying, the second finishing layer is applied.

It is necessary to dry, and then polish sandpaper. Before applying paint or bleaching wallpapers, a plasterboard surface is once again ground.

Two spatulas are used to apply a putty on plasterboard. A narrow tool solution is coming out of the container where it lies. After that, it is applied to the working surface of a wide spatula. It is important to stretch the mixture on the working edge of the tool. After that, the solution is applied with a wide spatula on plasterboard. Most often, the masters use the transverse application of the material. Although in this regard, as convenient.

Putty for drywall has its own varieties that you need to know and distinguish not only a professional drywall. If we, making repairs at home, decided to level the wall or assemble a box of GCL, we are waiting for finishing work. In order not to trust this business to professionals and save home budget, it is better to carry out work with your own hands, knowing about the types of putty mixtures.

Pluckle of walls from GLC is one of the types of finishing wall formation of the wall, that is, its alignment. Regardless of the soil of the plasterboard surface, the putty should be applied with one or more layers. Some types of work are assumed at all of several stages of putty, and therefore, at least once the wall of the plasterboard is simply necessary.

Spaklyka - Special material for carrying out this type of work, which is a universal composition with the ability to quickly stick. The putty is intended to align the walls and, at the moment, to exclude it from some works is simply impossible. Since the putty of plasterboard walls and other surfaces occurs before the final finish of the wall with decorative finishing materials, for example, paint or wallpaper, the putty is applied to the walls not only for aligning surfaces, but also to increase its adhesive properties.

To determine what kind of mixture you will be better fit and what variety Choose, for example, for moisture-proof Glk, you need to know the selection criteria.

The putty can be on sale in two versions - dry (powder), which is diluted according to the instructions before applying to the wall, and the finished - gray or white mixture of approximately sour cream-like consistency, which can be opened at once.

Types of spacure

At the moment, the construction market of any region is indeed crowded with offers from manufacturers who play not only by quality, price and versatility of such materials, but also a form of packing, beautiful packaging and flowers, and most importantly, the appointment of the compositions.

Often won not cheap materials that seek to repeat the merit of the Grand for a more acceptable price, namely, expensive putty mixes that showed their actual "face", and now hold the brand for many years, constantly developing. And, of course, it is impossible to stand still at the point when construction has become 5 times more powerful for the last 10 years, and when all new and new materials for construction and repairs appear on the market, which require constant processing. In turn, each such material exposes its requirements, and putty are trying to comply with them, which is another factor in competition.

Types of putty by appointment

For appointment, three main types of mixtures are applied:

  • Finish putty for drywall - Special compositions, more often in the finished form, which are applied to the surface of the wall by the final layer. After such a putty of the walls, only grouting with zero and decorative finishing of the surface - pasting with wallpaper, painting and so on. Virtually any finish putty for gypsum Carton Changes with its direct destination just perfectly, high-quality close-up on the wall even the most insignificant error and defect.
  • Aligning putty for plasterboard walls Designed for primary alignment of coarse defects, chips, cracks, for sealing seams. It can be said that these putty mixtures can be used for draft work.
  • Universal putty for drywall Used for alignment and other surfaces. They are unique in that they can perform the functions of leveling and finishing compositions. Universal putty are very convenient to use, but their use will be more justified as a starting material. The fact is that the universal putty, as well as the starting material has a certain graininess, which is practically not observed in the finish coating. This mixture will be quite enough for the draft walls of the walls, say, under tile coating, decorative plaster or textured wallpaper.

Putty mixtures in composition

In composition, putty mixtures can be made based on different materials:

  1. Gypsum-based putty - Qualitative compositions that are not susceptible to shrinkage. The only minus, subject to the good quality of putty, is the bad moisture resistance.
  2. Cement-based puttyIn contrast to the previous ones, they have excellent moisture resistance. In addition, they are not bad to carry a variety of mechanical effects after complete pouring. Putchals have a drawback, which lies in some shrinkage of the material.
  3. Polymer putty - The highest quality of all listed. The variety of blends on a polymer basis is the best among competitors, however, in addition to advantages in the form of high moisture resistance and the exclusion of shrinkage, the price of these compositions is quite high.

Even the most moisture-resistant putty mixture cannot be used without primer.

Ready to use

  • Dry spacure. These compositions must be prepared for work, breed with water strictly according to the instructions and use quickly before the composition will dry and forms lumps.
  • Finished spacure. These compositions are immediately ready for work, it is only worth opening a tank with putty. In hermetic packaging, the compositions are stored for quite a long time, representing the material constantly ready for work.

Tool for work

Without having the experience of finishing works When choosing a putty, you can miss some details, namely, the tool you need.

If your choice stopped on dry compositions, you need to pay attention to what they are bred (water or primer) and do not forget about the mixer for the formation of a homogeneous mixture of liquid and powder mass.

For applying putty, two types of spatulas are used - wide and narrow auxiliary. It is better to use branded spatulas: they are more convenient to lie in the hand and the process of applying mixtures is not so time-consuming. If the wall area is greater than 1 m and not embossed, the rule is used to align the surface.

If you want to level a very curve without plasterboard, then in addition to putty mixtures and primers, you should also stock aluminum profile beacon. It is used to align the large surfaces, the process of using it looks like this: the profile is vertically for the dirty wall surface, the profile is filled, it is installed clearly by level. Next, a layer of putty is applied to the wall, where the beacon profile serves as a support for the rule when distributing putty on the surface and its alignment.

The choice of putty for working with plasterboard is a matter of experience and professionalism. Most often, the masters acquire exactly that putty, which not only meets the requirements of the correct work, but also suits the master for personal convictions.

How to cook putty

Typically, manufacturers indicate the instructions how to prepare the composition. Standard packaging - bag 25 kg. Each kilogram of the mixture is recommended to top up 2 liters of water.

Kneading solution

The composition is prepared as much as the master will have time to spend in 30 minutes. During this time, the solution will not lose properties. In the container (bucket) poured warm water (with a temperature of +25 degrees) and a mixture is mixed slowly. They stop as soon as the "hill" of the mixture by a third exceeds the water level. Next, wait until it is completely soaked in moisture and falls aside, after which they start kneading. Make this mixer at 500-600 rpm. This speed is enough to not formed bubbles. Stir a drill with a special nozzle or hands with a stick. Do it twice with a break in a couple of minutes, each time achieving homogeneity of the mass.

Close up of seams and pits with thick mortar. Check the degree of degree, taking it a little on the spatula. If it does not run - the norm. For finishing finishes, more liquid consistency is required. Such a solution is easier to stretch over the surface with a thin layer.

Technology Splotlevism Gypsum Carton

The quality of work with a putty directly depends on the execution of the manufacturer's recommendations. Before applying putty, prepare the surface accordingly.

It is purified, degreased, ground (preferably in two layers). Adhesion and consumption of composition depends on whether preliminary priming was carried out. For drywall, you cannot use an alkyd soil - it deforms the paper layer.

Soil choose depending on the type of finish finish. If plasterboard is planned under tile or tile, then an adhesion composition is used. If under the wallpaper, then better penetration.

Applying spacure

Before putting, they are convinced that all self-tapping screws are screwed correctly, and in the joints of the sheets there are no paper detachments from the plaster core. If necessary, they are cleaned with a knife for drywall and processed by sandpaper. If there are no edges on the sheets, it is formed, cutting off the same edge knife at an angle of 45 degrees.

After that, it is embarked in putty:

  • First closed the seams. Do it with two spatulas - narrow and wide. The first on the second is superimposed a small amount of solution and applied to the surface. In the process, they are watching not formed lumps and irregularities, and the solution lasted evenly, covering the entire seam. It will save from excessive twisters with Okarivania. We must not forget about the reinforcement with paper ribbon or sickle. Sickle glue before applying the souls. Paper tape is pressed into the already existing layer, and close on top of the other.
  • Then close the pits from the screws. The composition is applied by the spatula Cross-cross-time - along and across.
  • After that, put the corners. First, one side of the inner corner is displayed, and after drying the putty - the other. Aluminum corners are fixed to the outer corners and the solution is labeled from above.
  • After drying the draft layer, go to the finish putty. It is best to do this with a wide spatula. It is allowed to lay a few thinner layers.

Grinding spacure

After drying, the surface is grinding to a smooth state. If the flaws remain, they apply an additional layer. The entire surface is not required. Plasterboard itself is a smooth and smooth material. Check whether additional putty is needed by applying a wide spatula or rack to the surface. If there are no lumens - the surface is smooth.

The video shows how to put on the right:

Putclone is a building material with which walls are leveling, defects (excavations, cracks, seams, gaps) are hidden. This article describes: what finish putty to choose for drywall under painting and what kind of primer to choose for drywall in front of the placle.

Manufacturers are produced in two forms: dry powder or finished mixture in tank. They also differ in composition: universal, cement, plaster, polymer, finishing.

Type of spacure Main traits
Gypsum The main components are plaster. The color is white, different - elasticity. Easy to use, polished without too much effort. Not moisture-resistant. Suitable for rooms and minimal humidity.
Cement Based on cement. Moisture-resistant, use for premises with high humidity. Not afraid of temperature drops. Suitable for inner and facade walls.
Polymer eliminates errors on the walls. More often used for finishing work. Suitable under painting.
Universal Compared to the above putty, has high strength. Easy to grind. Finished walls face.
Finish Excellent copes with small defects at the finish stage. The applied layer should be thin. It is allowed to lie 2-3 layers, but after each application, the surface should be dried. Layers should not be more than 2 mm. In the opposite case are cracks. The finished surface is smooth, it is not necessary to grind.

What put a putty to put off? How to choose a putty? (video)

Dry mix or solution?

Before repaid to repair, it is necessary to determine with putty. What is better finished or dry? In order to understand, consider and compare both types.

Dry mix on consistency as a white powder. In order to get a ready solution, it must be mixed with water. The proportions are on the manufacturer's packaging. Plus dry type: you can choose a consistency yourself. It is necessary to remember right before applying to the wall, using a construction mixer.

Tip: To get a small material consumption, you need to have small portions. Dry mixture is stored long.

The pricing policy is a budget option. Negative sides are present: for the manufacture, it is necessary to spend over time. Easy to interfere with the only instructions. In the opposite case, it may not work. It is necessary to apply the solution quickly, as it is stored a couple of hours in the finished form.

The finished mixture is made in buckets of different volumes. The main component are latex or innovative substances. There are an order of magnitude more expensive from dry, but do not require time for cooking. After opening, you can store for a long time. Distinguish acrylic, latex, decorative putty. It is applied to the walls with a spatula.

Gypsum mixture - the perfect solution for plasterboard

Today, all building markets have a large selection of putty. But not all of them are ideal for working with GLK. What put a putty to choose for drywall, canof or other? After all, the resulting material of the plasterboard depends on the material selected.

Probably everyone knows that plasterboard plates contain gypsum, which is the main material. So, the gypsum putty is perfectly suitable for working with them. It is necessary to take into account the factors that the gypsum material does not like moisture. Therefore, special moisture resistant substances should be added.

Putclone ceiling made of drywall under painting, can be made by different material, and what exactly choose? Quality work requires two types of mixtures. The first serves to eliminate seams, cracks, junctions between sheets. The second is equal to the entire area at the finish stage. The coarse material contains the first type, fine-grained - the second, finishing.

Some manufacturers produce a universal type that all work is done. One of these manufacturers is Knauf. What putty to choose for plasterboard on the ceiling, you can learn from the video. Now it is known what putty to choose for drywall.

Features of cement spacure

The cement mixture is considered the best sealing material of seams, cracks, joints. Moisture resistant, applied indoors with any humidity. Not afraid of temperature drops. There are several types of cement mixture:

  • Decorative;
  • Base;
  • Facade;
  • Heat insulation.

It is produced in a dry and liquid form. Suitable surfaces: tree, concrete, plasterboard, brick.

Polymer putty - a pledge of durable finish

The masters prefer polymer putty. Elastic, even cope with the newcomer. Storage time is 12 months. When working, you can not hurry, in the open state is 24 hours. Adhesion to wood, concrete, stone. After drying, it does not crack. Moisture-resistant, shock bathroom, kitchen, balcony. Suitable under painting and pattering wallpaper. Distinguish the types of mixes:

  • Acrylic;
  • Latex;
  • Two-component with additional substances;
  • Polyester.

Thanks to such a variety of putty, everyone will pick up the one that is not charmed.

Technology Splotlevism Gypsum Carton

To start work:

  • Stationery knife;
  • Roller;
  • Brush;
  • Big, little spatula;
  • Mesh or sandpaper;
  • Putty mix;
  • Primer;
  • Duct tape.

The work consists of the following steps:

  1. Printing of seams, sealing with a sticky tape.
  2. Applying putty on the joints, self-tapping screws.
  3. After drying, a second layer of material is applied.
  4. Grout sandpaper.
  5. Protecting the surface with roller.
  6. Applying a mixture with a thin layer.
  7. If necessary, it is necessary to progress and put again.
  8. Grinding with a grid or emery paper.

The surface dries after applying the material.