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Roller - a universal tool for painting walls. How to paint the walls with roller: Master Tips How to quickly paint the walls with roller

Recipe for success!

Flat surfaces of a large area, such as ceiling or walls, conveniently manually painted with a painting roller. Industrial make rollers of different designs and sizes. You can find rollers having a width of a rink from 5cm to 30cm. They also differ in the length of the handle. Select the desired size must be based on the task. So, for painting walls, as a rule, you choose a tool with longer handles. But it is much more important - to make the right choice of the so-called coat.

What roller paint walls

Before proceeding with the choice of painting roller for painting walls, you should decide on the type of paint. It depends in many ways the type of roller itself. For example, with water-based paints you can work poropolone roller. It is also suitable for applying various water-adhesive compositions (, shiveling wallpaper). Not recommended such a roller to apply emulsion paints. Foam rollers are the most inexpensive of all existing. Their main disadvantage can be considered a briefness. In addition, there are many splashes from them if you work energetically.

What roller is better? We make a choice

To work with various types of paints, including those that have an organic basis, rollers are well suited with fur, velor, threaded surfaces. These materials absorb a relatively small amount of paint, it is more uniformly applied to the painted surface, do not spray and do not create divorces (heights).

When painting the walls it is important that the paint layer is uniform. They coped with this well fur rollers. In addition, they perfectly blame various wall surface defects (small irregularities, cracks, deepening, chips). The minus of fur rollers can be considered their property to climb, leaving "hairs" on the surface in the surface. This is mainly related to cheap instruments.

What roller paint walls and ceiling? Fur tested time

Vellar rollers They have characteristics similar to fur. But they create an even more uniform paint layer. After their application, the painted surface looks completely smooth. This type of roller is used for responsible works on painting walls. It is said that this is a roller for real professionals. If a velor roller enjoys a newcomer, any marriage is noticeable on the walls. By the way, this tool is optimal for applying varnishes.

Velor roller

In the case when quality is not so important as the speed of work (for example, if the surfaces have a very large area), it is convenient to use natural roller. When working with it, it should be remembered that too much the speed of rotation of the cylinder can lead to splashing of paint. Therefore, it is better not to rush. The filament roller gives a painted wall a pleasant texture.

Thread roller for walls

We choose a roller for painting walls: pile length

There is a rule: The roughness of the walls of the walls, the longer there should be a "fur coat". The long-tested should be a roller, which planned to paint the embossed surface (for example, or wallpaper with simulation such). Long pile is well crossed by various excavations, dirting, deepening. For smooth walls need a short pile roller! This is important: if you use a long-zero roller on a smooth surface, fewer, divorces and non-uniformity of color may occur.

What roller paint the ceiling

Roller for ceilings need to be selected according to the same criteria as for walls. Typically, the cake roller, unlike the tool for staining walls, has a relatively short or medium size knob. Ceiling painting requirements are usually higher, so the roller needs to choose carefully. Most often for painting ceilings, rollers are used with a slightly elongated soft pile. It is very good if such a pile is from natural materials, for example, from wool. Too short pile is gaining insufficient paint. You can use the foam roller for the ceiling, but this is not the best choice: it forms "bubbles".

The application of paintwork materials roller is a popular solution when conducting finishing works. Specialized rollers for different coloring compositions and surfaces - an example of a combination of simplicity and ease of use with ease of development of even non-professional malaries.

Painting of the walls of the roller: the choice of tools and the characteristics of the process

Roller - on painting. It simplifies the process of applying paint, accelerates the processing of large surfaces, reduces the flow rate of the coloring composition.

The operation of the roller allows you to control the thickness of the layer and adjust the irregularities of application, while the paint has not yet dried.

The result of using the tool is a uniform coating.

Painting Wall Roller: Simple decision

The choice in favor of the roller pays off by numerous advantages of working with it:

  • ease of painting substance distribution;
  • the absence of columns of paint forming smears, divorces, sublifting;
  • convenience of manipulations due to the reciprocating rotation of the mechanism;
  • the possibility of using screen and textured nozzles;
  • the smaller probability of falling out a pile or bristles compared to the brush.

Equipment Painting: Existing options

When using a roller, attention should be paid to the quality of painting: the lack of paint on the instrument can lead to the formation of untreated places that are difficult to notice during the workflow. Such "propellas" will have to duplicate the additional layer of paint, since the point strokes will be eased from the overall uniform of the coating.

The common method of working roller is the "Letter W" technique: vertical strips slightly overlap each other at the junction, allowing you to quickly paint a large area. The speed of staining in this way does not give paint to dry until the end of work, which makes the resulting layer smooth, visually holistic.

Painting "Letter W" requires space for manipulations, so it is better to perform it in an empty room. Special convenience at the same time gives a long roller handle.

Another way to avoid lumen and bands acts by the technique of "squares". It consists in the conditional separation of the wall on the squares in the corners, which are stained alternately, and then combined into a single coating with horizontal stripes. This method depends on the illumination of the room and takes into account the direction of light from the window.

Painting "Squares" requires speed to avoid premature drying, so it is more often used by professionals. Lovers need to track the degree of drying paint to prevent coating on the already dried place.

Valik selection

All variety of rollers are built on the difference of their appointments (use for various, surfaces, surfaces of the surface).

The size

The magnitude of the rollers are divided into three types.

  1. Mini - intended for local work in small areas, in the corners, for stencils. Also, mini-rollers on a rubber-based basis are used to strengthen the seams, increasing the adhesion of the coating with the wall.
  2. Midi - medium-sized rollers, comfortable for most paint actions. Used when painting walls, floors, ceiling, and the correct selection of the fur coat allows you to work with all kinds of paint.
  3. Maxi are large rollers, when using which it is difficult to track the uniformity of application and the lack of skips. The use of Maxi-rollers found in primer work on large areas, as well as in the creation of the primary coating layer, which will be blocked by subsequent finish.

The variety of roller sizes is observed in the range of highly specialized rollers for uneven surfaces, aggressive coloring compositions, or bitumen.


It has a high absorbent ability and is suitable for painting most surfaces. The foam nozzle is chosen for paints on aqueous or adhesive basis and for varnishes.

It is impossible to work with a foam roller with water-emulsion and oil compositions, since in the process of work they will destroy the structure of the material, which will lead to the formation of lumps on the paint.


Gives a flat surface, used for ceilings or finishing layers on the walls. Velur is suitable for the use of water-emulsion and oil paints, but absorbs the solutions badly, because of which it is necessary to gain paint from the pallet.


Synthetic coats for rollers are universal: suitable for all types, they are not afraid of aggressive solvents, absorb and give up paint. In addition, polyamide rollers are easily clean after painting, so they are enough for a long time.


Fur rollers differ in the degree of fluffiness and give an excellent result even on uneven walls due to the length of the pile. Fur coats (artificial or natural) are used for water-dispersive, oil, alkyd compounds, differ in coating without splashes. Fur rollers help create a uniform paint layer even on surfaces with cracks, drops, chips. Suitable for works on painting large areas.

How to paint the walls right

The selection of roller also depends on the type of paintwork applied. Each paint has features, the timely accounting of which will make a job with a high-quality and efficient roller.

Water-emulsion paint

The optimal choice will become rollers coated from velor or pile.

Velor coats have a weak absorbent force, so it is better suited for small sizes of painted surfaces.

Pile rollers - an expensive option (especially made from natural materials), but have several advantages:

  • the possibility of selecting the length of the pile to create a layer of a certain thickness (for a thin - short pile, for thick - long);
  • used for uniform painting walls and for decorative finish;
  • long-term operation;
  • the presence of a special elongated pile for porous, rough surfaces.


Emaley paint is used to obtain a glossy surface, so the requirements are presented to the original smoothness of the wall and to the material of the roller, which should not leave particles or air bubbles. Creating a glossy coating requires a roller from the natural wool of a large size - this will allow you to have time to apply enamel without dried strips.

Silicate paint

The feature of the application of silicate paint roller lies in the fact that the fur coat material should dial and give the same from the strip to the strip, otherwise the difference between the thickness of the layers will be noticeable visually. For silicate compositions, synthetic rollers and special pallets are selected with a rolling scene in the form of a grid that removes unnecessary surplus.

Other types of paints

The current variety of types of paints and varnishes can create difficulties when choosing a roller. In this case, it is better to contact a consultant in the store, which will select a tool taking into account the features of the paint. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the instructions for use where the composition suitable for roller should be. Thus, a roller with a minimal synthetic pile is suitable for staining walls latex, and when applying alkyd mixtures cannot do without a brush, which should also be approached by labeling.

To avoid defects on the surface of the surface, it is necessary to follow a number of mandatory instructions for working with roller.

  • The fur coat should be checked on the quality of the pile still in the store (a high-quality tool is when the structure takes the original form when holding a palm, the fur coats are not separated from the roller's hair).
  • Metal roller frame should not have extraneous stains of old paint, rust; The rotational mechanism must be smooth, free.
  • Despite the fact that the roller allows you to quickly paint the surface, when working with a specific coloring makeup, you must calculate the exact time of its drying. Divorces and strips are most often formed at the joints of different layers, therefore compliance with technologies for paints, varnishes, liquid wallpaper will avoid a poor quality result.

Thus, the use of roller is the optimal variant of the combination of price and quality: the tool does not require large financial costs, suitable for all surfaces and easy to use.

Useful video

Painting of the walls is a job that requires care and concentration. To obtain a good result, you need to adhere to a certain sequence and follow the rules. First you need to choose a suitable paint. It is divided into several species: a water-emulsion, based on PVA, acrylic, latex, alkyd, oil, silicone.

Poly-emulsion paint is practical, because the dust does not penetrate into its structure. All pollution from the surface painted with such a type of paint can be easily cleaned with water. Material based on PVA is more exposed to pollution, so it is used mainly for ceilings. However, in conditions of high humidity, the paint on PVA is better not to use.

Paints based on acrylic resins are resistant to fading and will serve for a very long time. They interfere with the penetration of moisture, so such a kind of flaper can be used in the bathrooms and in the kitchen. Latex paints are resistant to mechanical influences, fall on the surface with a smooth thin layer, are used for painting plaster and wallpaper.

Alkyd and oil paints are designed for outdoor use. Prosses include rapid drying and stability to damage. Silicone paints have such advantages: vapor permeability, water resistance, long service life, strength. They are used for both exterior and internal works.

In a separate category, you can allocate. From ordinary paints giving a strictly defined effect, decorative leaves the scope for fantasy - the final result will depend on the method of applying and thickness of the final layer.

Tools required when painting

To paint the walls in the apartment in order to prepare the necessary tools:

  • Rollers of different lengths. In addition to diversity in length, they may vary with a cylinder material. Fur rollers allow you to paint the walls with minimal paint consumption. They absorb a large amount of mixture, but leave it all on the surface of the walls. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to note the possible gluing of the veil to the wall. A tool with a velor cylinder leaves a beautiful smooth layer on the surface, however consumes a lot of paint. The polyamide roller is a tissue cylinder stitched with threads with a handle. Such a type of tool Durable, with the correct technique of applying paint does not flow. When working with a tissue roller, it is worth remembering that it splashes the mixture.
  • Emery bar. The tool required for grinding walls before painting;
  • Tassel. Used to paint hard-to-reach places, for example, corners;
  • Malyary Scotch. It is used to flick surfaces that do not need to be painted;
  • Pallet for paint. It is made of plastic, serves to apply paint on the roller;
  • Film. If the area in which paint works are carried out, forced furniture, then sofas, tables, chairs, etc. It is better to cover the film to not blur. It is also desirable to store the floor.

Preparation of premises to painting

When all tools are ready, you can proceed to the preparation of the room to paint. To do this, remove the curtains, move all the furniture in the middle of the room and cover it with a polyethylene film or special covers.

To protect the paint on the windows, the floor, the door, you must use the same film, but it is securely fixed by a painting ribbon. Thus, the film will not slide and move. After fixing the tape, go through its edge with a spatula for better consolidation. Plinth, Lutki is worth stuck with a painted scotch.

Power supply is better disconnected to avoid injury. The covers from the sockets and switches can be removed, and the places without boxes cover with a painted scotch. So it turns out to achieve a better result of the score.

Correctly paint the walls in the room, after removing heating radiators. So you can thoroughly treat the entire surface, do not miss even small sections. For this you need:

  • overlapping the heating valve;
  • unscrew the naughty nuts
  • to lower water
  • remove the radiator.

Follow the pallet so that the water from the radiator does not spill on the floor. If you are not sure about your abilities, it is better to invite a specialist who will do it. Before you begin painting the whole room, try to apply paint on a small sector of the wall. So it turns out to make sure the color form and understand how long the paint dries.

Before painting the walls in the apartment, you need to check their condition. The final result of painting depends on the quality of the walls of the wall. The walls should be smooth, without cracks and other flaws, otherwise, after painting, all roughness will be noticeable. If the surface was previously saved with wallpaper (fliseline, paper, liquid), it is necessary to remove their top layer with the spatula. After the sandpaper is used in order to remove excess irregularities.

Cracks and depressions can be masked with a gypsum solution or putty. To do this, you need to apply a slightly mixture on a flat spatula and fill the flaw. After drying, the decorations should begin grinding sandpaper.

For better adhesion with paint walls are ground. Some experts advise the use of ready-made tinted primer gray or colors. Thus, less layers will be required to get saturated, bright color.

When all work with the walls are completed, it is necessary to prepare for use roller:

  • put it into a soap solution for 2-3 hours;
  • rinse under running water;
  • dry.

How to apply paint on the wall

Proper to paint the walls with a roller without traces, you can learn by following the recommendations. It is also worth seeing a photo or video to better figure out the techniques of application. There are several ways to paint the walls with roller: movements from bottom to top or top down and horizontal movements.

The first option allows you to avoid stripes, the second is to capture the entire coverage area. Sometimes to achieve a better result, these techniques are connected. Proper to paint the walls with a roller in such a sequence:

  • pour the required amount of paint to the pallet;
  • get into the paint roller and roll it on the corrugated surface of the pallet;
  • start staining from the window.

To avoid scratches, bands, laying layers, should not be very pressing the roller wall. All movements are performed smoothly, without fuss, then the walls are scorched evenly, without the formation of lumen. It is worth remembering that the second layer of paint is applied only after complete drying of the first.

Surface markup and paint

For uniform staining, the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall can be divided into squares. The value of the roller width must be multiplied by 5, then you will learn the length of the sides of the square. For example, the cylinder width on the tool is 20 cm, which means the square will have the parties at 100 cm.

Now we break the square on 5 vertical strips and score the second, fifth strip, missing the first, third and fourth. After painting, 5 bands return to the fourth, then to the first and third. In theory, information looks slightly confusing, but in practice, such manipulations are very easy.

When the first layer of paint remained dry, you can start applying the second. It is necessary to produce in such a sequence: strips number 3, 1, 4, 5, 2. If the first time you stained with the wall with movements from top to bottom, then the next time you should produce movements in the opposite direction.

After the first square, you can go to the second and continue to do so while the whole wall will not be covered. Such a technology allows a thin layer to distribute the paint over the surface, while avoiding the excessive consumption of material and divorces.

Tips for proper painting of walls:

  • if it is difficult to visually present the squares and concern them to break into the strips, you can use the painting tape;
  • do not apply the paint with a thick layer, otherwise the divorces can not be avoided. The coloring agent is distributed in several stages with a thin layer;
  • without finishing with one wall, do not go to another to avoid the color drop;
  • if you need to cut paint, do it before starting work with all volume of mass, otherwise there is a possibility of obtaining an inhomogeneous shade;
  • for the first layer, take a roller with a long pile, as it will be able to paint the right areas faster. The second time to paint the walls is needed by a roller with a pile of 6-7 mm to avoid the flushes and recalculation of paint;
  • if the paint fell on a wooden surface, it can be removed using a metal spatula or stationery knife. For this, carefully scruple the drops, and then go through the surface with technical alcohol.

Cleaning tools

After the end of the painting work, you need to carefully clean the tools. To do this, you can simply squeeze the cylinder of the roller and put it under the flow water until complete cleansing. Water spent water can be lowered into the sewer, it is absolutely safe for the environment.

However, this method of cleaning is effective only under the condition of the use of water-level paint. If another composition was used, then it is worth using gasoline, acetone or a special solution. After cleaning, you need to dry the roller.

During breaks in the work, the roller is placed in a hermetic package so that the paint does not dry. Sometimes with the same purpose, the cylinder is wrapped in a food film. It should be remembered that this option can be applied with small interruptions for 2-3 hours. In another case, it is better to clean the tools.

Tassels and pallet are also washed in warm water. Before reapplying, the brush should be put in warm water for several hours so that it is a little spacing and has become militant. If you do not want to wash the pallet, put on it before working a plastic bag or wrap it with a foil. After completing the painting, it will only be left to remove the package or foil so that the pallet is clean.

Independent implementation of repair work is not such a complex process, as it seems at the beginning. But there are some nuances as in solving any other issues. Coloring walls must be paid special attention. Roller is used at this stage. The tool is indispensable when performing all the works with their own hands. Let's try to figure it out how to properly paint the walls with a roller, and what a tool should be.

It is necessary to study the characteristics of the tools in advance, and then problems with the choice are less, because these products cannot be called universal. They are the following types:

  • With foam rubber. An excellent option if varnishes are applied, adhesive compositions. The only drawback is the ability to quickly wear out. It is better to use the tool when the canvas are processed.
  • Fur. Different with good absorbency. Almost all the paint remains on the surface being processed. As a result, we get a uniform layer devoid of herds, unpleasant drops. Combined with any paints. Based on versinki from such rollers.

  • Vellar. Also combined with paints of any types. Contribute to the formation of smooth and beautiful layers, which have no roughness. But this species can absorb a large amount of material. Therefore, it is not always suitable for those who are interested in how to paint the roller.

  • Night or polyamide. Such rollers are made of tissues stitched with special threads. The perfect option for coating walls by any varieties of materials. With such tools, it is convenient and easy to work, they will allow you to achieve the desired result. The main thing is to abide care, avoiding splashing. Then it will be easy to figure out how to paint the walls with a roller.

When choosing a tool, you need to carry out a careful visual inspection. The presence of fibers and protruding threads on the surface is unacceptable. If fur products are selected, then the longer the pile - the better. The perfect solution for wallpaper with deep patterns, or walls with irregularities. Short pile Suppose if the walls have to be treated, from which everything is exactly.

But it is necessary to take into account not only a variety of material. An equally important factor becomes the width of the roller. 30 centimeters - the optimal parameter for use in urban apartments. If the roller has an enlarged width, then with further work there are difficulties. For him, it will be necessary to take the diluted paint in large quantities, and the process itself will become more complicated.

It is recommended to purchase not only roller, but also additional components for it. For example, the process is facilitated by the extension knob. Or a special grater - it helps to get rid of the remnants of the material.

The use of rollers for coloring material allows you to get the following advantages:

  1. Treatment of large areas in a short time. The quality of the finished surface pleases buyers for many years.
  2. Compared to the tassel, roller is a more convenient and pleasant tool for permanent use.
  3. Connect a long handle. During the performance, this will allow you to stay on the floor.

But there is a fixture and small flaws. About them, too, you need to remember those who care about how to properly paint the roller.

  1. Uncomfortable processing of joints and corners. Then the tassels cope better.
  2. Some varieties absorb too much paint. In this case, a special device will help.

Preparation of the surface to painting

You need to purchase the following adaptations before starting repair:

  • Pallet for paint.

  • Paper greater tape. It is needed to provide additional protection.

  • Emery bar. It is used in the case of manual grinding of coatings.

  • The rollers themselves, with different sizes and reliefs.

After the purchase of all necessary, the following actions are performed:

  1. Remove the curtains.
  2. We move furniture in the middle of the room, closed polyethylene film.
  3. Special covers also help in carrying out such work.
  4. Plinths and other similar elements of the interior are also protected from paints. To do this, I needed a greater tape. The material is cheap, and the benefits can bring a lot. The painting of the walls of the roller will be effective.

Polyethylene film closes the floors, doors and windows. Additionally, the film itself is fixed by painting scotch.

  1. Turn off the power supply.
  2. Remove the covers on the switches and sockets, protecting the surface of the electrical appliances from the paints.
  3. The painful scotch is covering the surface of the electrical appliances.
  4. Temporarily removing heating radiators.

The valves in the system must be blocked completely. In the place of the tube supply, you must put a tray to protect against water in the floor. Cutting nuts connecting the radiator with pipes are completely unscrewed, and the water is descended. The radiator must be removed from the brackets responsible for its retention. It will only remain pouring the rest of the fluid. Painting with roller wallsone.

The old top layer from the wall is necessarily deleted, with which the ordinary spatula helps. The surface will become smooth, if you clean it with the help of sandpaper. This part is not performed if the walls are processed on which wallpaper is applied. In this case, a fairly pre-primer surface.

In addition, a set of actions will be required to level the walls, as well as the elimination of various defects:

  1. Fill in plaster or shplatovka potholes with cracks. We take a small spatula of a flat shape.
  2. Emery paper with grainy to 120 helps to align the surface when materials dry out.
  3. Sponge or frequent rods are used when it is necessary to remove dust and dirt from the surface.
  4. Paul will only stay spelling. We sorted out how to paint the walls.

In proper condition, it is necessary to bring not only the walls themselves, but also the roller, with which they are processed.

If the fur roller is selected, you will need a few steps when the painting of the walls is performed:

  1. For three hours in soapy water soaked the tool.
  2. Use flow water for thorough flushing.
  3. Dry the device.

With this preparation, you can not worry about the appearance of the villi on the surface. They just won't fall out of the tool. Roller without divorces to apply the material easily.

On video: Painting of walls in two rollers.

About technology painting roller

  1. A small amount of paint pour into a special bath.
  2. The roller himself is pushed into this bath.
  3. Roller rolls over the grid, or on the rifrances that the bath is supplied. Then the paint will be evenly distributed across the tool. The action is performed several times.
  4. It is required to determine from what place to start processing, and in which direction to move.
  5. The optimal option to start work is the angle of the room located by the window.
  6. Movement is carried out according to any of the actors.

The main thing is not to put pressure on the tool too much. The entire surface must be painted evenly so that n empty lumen appears. Movements are performed smoothly, only in this case the claimed result is achieved. First, the roller is carried out on top-down, and then - in reverse order. Paint is applied by several layers if you want rich colors. In this case, the subsequent layers are applied only after drying the previous ones. Then the painted object looks beautiful.

Any more or less significant repairs do not cost without plastering and painting works. One most popular tools used for wall color - roller.

Without it, it is simply impossible to paint high square, such as walls or ceilings.

However, not everyone owns paint techniques with this, at first glance, a very simple tool. So how to properly paint the wall with roller, so as not to spoil the wall at the last stage of finishing work?

Pros and cons of the work of the roller

Among the indisputable advantages of this painting tool can be called:

  • the ability to paint large areas with maximum speed;
  • ease of use. If necessary, you can attach the extension knob ("Fishing"), allowing you to get to the most remote areas.

He has his drawbacks:

  • the complexity of the procession of the corners and other hard-to-reach places;
  • the need to select for each paint of the most appropriate type of roller.

But, after all, the pluses of this tool are much more significant than the disadvantages. Otherwise, he would not be so popular among professional finishing builders. Perfect roller suitable for holding, bathroom, toilet.

Valik selection

The quality of painting largely depends on the correct tool selection. The rollers differ from each other with dimensions and material from which the "fur coat" is made - a soft ring around the rotating roller.


The larger the area, the wider there should be a roller

However, what is a plus when working with emulsions is a minus when using other coloring compositions.


For relief walls, choose a long pile

Such rollers are made of both genuine sheepskin and artificial synthetic wool. Natural fur at its cost is more expensive than synthetic, but also its service life is much longer.

The selection of the length of the pile depends on the wall texture: the more embossed, the longer it should be. Fur varieties are intended for work with almost any compositions.

Such versatility is their undoubted advantage over other types of rollers, but they have their own minus. Over time, their "fur coat" begins to lose a pile, which as a result sticks to the wall with paint.

Before working, the fur should be soaked in clean water for a couple of hours, after which it is carefully dried.

Polyamide thread

From the polyamide roller, the pile will not fall out

With the form of their working surface resembles a terry towel with fuzzy "stamens" sticking in all sides. They are made of tissues that are specially stitched by threads.

Among the advantages of polyamide filament rollers are the lack of a drop-down pile. They are easily clean and can serve a fairly long time. Minus - the threads are inclined to spray paint, so working with them is very neat.

Wall painting roller

Consider on the example of painting the wall, how to work properly with the roller.

Preparation for work

The bore will allow to distribute the paint evenly on the roller

First of all, you should be stocking all accessories that will be needed in the work except the roller act. It:

  1. Crash-rolling. It poured the required amount of paint, and then the working part of the roller is affected. In the container there is a special corrugated surface designed for rolling on it. In this case, the paint is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the coat.
  2. Grout. Device in the form of a handle with a flat platform, on which sandpaper is mounted. It is used for stripping various surfaces.
  3. Malyary Scotch and Polyethylene Fillet. Used to protect the non-stained surfaces from random ingress.

Before the roller, premises should be prepared for work:

  1. Release either move aside and hide the furniture with plastic film.
  2. Shut down the same film floors along the walls, close the windows and doors it.
  3. Disable power supplies and remove switches and sockets from the walls. The remaining holes with wires should be sealed with a paint scotch in order to avoid their paints.
  4. Throughout the surface of the walls, we pass a grout with coarse sandpaper, removing various irregularities and roughness.
  5. We clean the surface from dust and contamination with a sponge and detergent solution.
  6. Thoroughly stunned the entire plane of the wall is preferably two - three layers.

When choosing a primer composition, special attention should be paid to its purpose. The technical conditions for the use of soil can be found in the instructions on the packaging. For the primer of plastered walls, acrylic and water-emulsion soils are best suitable.

Painting work

Drive a roller over the wall until he stops painting

We open the container with the paint and mix it well with the help of a mixer nozzle, bowed to the drill. While in the store, banks with paint stand in one place in the store, as a result of which a thick precipitate is going on their day.

Pour paint into the pallet of the rolling bath, while its level should not reach the axis of the roller wheel. Put the tool in the rolling and ride a couple of times so that the "fur coat" scored as much as possible paint.

After that, rolling the roller on a rolling corrugated surface, slightly pressing on it. We continue to roll it until the whole "fur coat" is not soaked with evenly in color, and the paint's excess paint is back into the pallet.

A similar procedure allows you to apply paint on the wall with a uniform layer, and, at the same time, avoid leather and splashing paint drops.

Application technology

Start painting from the top corner

When carrying out painting work it is very important that the entire surface of the wall is evenly painted without spaces and strips. It is possible to achieve this by applying professional painters when working with large areas - breakdown surfaces in squares.

Consider the entire process of markup and drawing the painting composition in stages.

  1. Conditionally divide the entire wall area per squares with a length of the side of equal to five widths of the working surface of the roller you work.
  2. Start the process of painting should be from one of the upper corner squares, from the right or left - not so much important and depends on your choice.
  3. The conditional square is visually divided into five vertical stripes and, skipping the first strip, carry on the second roller.
  4. Next, we skip the third and fourth stripes and paint the extreme, fifth strip.
  5. Go to missing bands and paint alternately 4, 1 and 3rd strips.
  6. The second layer is applied to the paint on the vertical stripes in the reverse order: we start with the 3rd band turn to 1, 4, 5, ending the 2nd.

Many may be surprised by such a complex technology in a fairly simple matter. However, as experience shows, such a tested technology allows the most evenly to distribute the painting composition along the entire surface of the square. For details on how to avoid a striped effect, see this video:

Apply the paint should be moving up and back. When the bar ends, the tool should be pulled off a quick and sharp movement from the wall surface and go to the next strip.

After staining the upper corner square, proceed to the next, which is directly under it, repeating the entire process again.

At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that there are no non-rectified junctions between the squares.

When it is finished with the entire vertical strip from the ceiling to the floor, go to the next, starting work also from the top square.

End of work

Clean the roller after performing work

Having finished with the work, you should give paint to dry carefully, which is usually required from several hours to 1 to 2 days. The time of complete drying also depends on the temperature and humidity of the air.

To speed up this process, in the warm time of the year you can open the vents or windows. It will also contribute to the speedy weathering of the chemical smell of enamel.

After drying, the paint can be proceeded to further repair or bring the room in the original look - remove the protective film and tape, attach the socket and switches to the place, place the furniture in places.

In order for the roller to serve you for a long time, after completing painting it should be cleaned. Subtleties Cleaning roller after color View in this video:

Flushing "Shub" should be produced immediately at the end of the work, without waiting for the paint while the paint dries.

Water soluble paints can be washed with water. "The fur coat" is removed from the tool, and after washing it is not squeezed, but simply hangs for drying. Oil enamels are purified by organic solvents (White spirit, gasoline, acetone, etc.).