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Blue kitchen headset in the interior. We decorate the interior of blue cuisine

Blue color is associated with a warm and affectionate sea, causes a sense of peace, and immerses in romantic memories. In the kitchens made in this color decision, a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere reigns, in which you can relax and get to the dreams for a cup of tea or coffee.

Gentle blue color is able to give the kitchen interior lightness and freshness. He has favorably affects nervous system, Creates a sense of security, and in addition, reduces the appetite, so it is perfect for those who care about the harmony of their shape. Despite all the advantages blue color, on the modern kitchens It can be found quite rarely. Usually for registration of these premises are used more warm tones . However, this shade is perfect for kitchens having small square Since visually makes them more spacious, and if you combine it with a white color, the room visually will seem brighter and air.

In order for the situation is not excessively strict and cold, you can diversify the color palette by adding elements to the interior peach, cream, beige, light yellow and other shades. However, before issuing a kitchen in blue Tones, I should consider some nuances. It is not recommended to apply this color solution in the rooms, the windows of which come to the north, as the flaw natural lighting It will make the space lifeless and unnecessarily cold.

But on the sunny side, such shades look very attractive and cheerful. IN blue interiors, especially if they are performed in sea style or in the style of Provence, well-faced furniture objects made from various wood breeds, eg, oak, acacia,alder or birch.

No less effectively see kitchen headsets from the elevated wood or from dark wood. Such products are perfectly harmonized with finishing materials heavenly color. In this case, the walls can be painted in a blue shade, and the floor covering is decorated in the tone of the furniture. By the way, designers are not recommended to paint the floor in a blue color. In addition, the floor covering should not be dark, because such a finish will visually make the room narrower and gloomy.

If the kitchen uses blue furniture items, then all other elements of the interior must be performed in another color solution. In this case ceiling, Wall, Flooring and textile products can have beige or white shade. One of the most original solutions - This is the creation of kitchen interiors, which are fully made in blue, including furniture, wall surfaces and floors. For those who are not ready for such bold experiments, it is recommended to soften the interior, diluting it with other shades.

Video color Blue kitchens:

The atmosphere of comfort and coziness can be created in the kitchen, where heavenly shade is combined with light beige, coffee and cream tones. Thanks to these neutral colors, the room acquires softer, quiet features and has a pleasant communication with friends and relatives.

As bright accents in such a kitchen can perform brightyellow Curtains, green towels or rug similar color as well decorative elements purple shade. This color solution will add some dynamics and positive energy into the design. Incredibly fresh and attractive on a blue background, the shades of mint, green tea, as well as olive and pistachio color.

You can give this interior more warmth using various straw parts that create an atmosphere in the kitchen Azure coast. It can be straw blinds, mats or wicker furniture . If the interior is used a rich blue shade, closer to blue color, then all decorative elements should also have an intense color palette, otherwise they will simply be invisible on such a bright background. With a dark blue tone perfectly combined snow-white shades, as well as green, lilac and yellow interior details.

During the choice of the color of the future kitchen, both designers and psychologists recommend to take into account not only their taste, but also other important moments. If your goal is to make the kitchen interior in unique, using the furniture of cold shades for this, do not forget about the main rule. The windows of the room should go out on the south, the whole area is well covered, and the headset should not fall out of the overall setting. IN latelyBy choosing a color gamut for a kitchen, many prefer blue. This is evidence that it is consciously or not, but a person is trying to create a part of nature in his house. After all, the blue color is a symbol of calm and peace, contributing to the recreating a romantic atmosphere. There are many shades that make the interior only and unique. For example, excellent addition kitchen space There may be various accessories from ceramics and fabrics. In Europe, restaurants often use a blue color when making their halls, which contributes to an increase in appetite from visitors and creates a pleasant atmosphere.

white and blue kitchen design

Blue is ideal for creating a feeling of peace and peace in the kitchen, although during the choice of certain shades of the blue, care must be taken. If the approach to this issue is erroneous, then the kitchen may well become a source of discomfort.

Cuisine decoration blue

  1. After selecting the main range, it is equally important to choose the right accessories: it depends on the formation of the completeness and introduction of uniqueness to the interior. Tint kitchen Towels, tablecloths on the table, curtains and curtains should be as close as possible in color to furniture. The same approach is used and when choosing the main kitchen utensils.
  2. Add some element of ordering can be combined with the basic color of beige shades. Another good option can be the use of a bright contrast method, which finds quite frequent use in various modern styles. But here should not be carried away. Best of all with blue shades " mutual language»Find orange, bright yellow and coral. But it is not necessary to limit themselves just two shades. If colors are different, it will greatly provide comfort and comfort your kitchen blue. The main thing is to observe the measure, that is, to make sure that they fit into the framework of the dominant colors, otherwise the appearance of the kitchen will become like coloring of the parrot.
  3. Also, the main design can be diluted with maritime elements: a picture with a sea scenery, magnets on the refrigerator. White accessories will look beautiful. Important importance in creating a cozy atmosphere has lighting, namely lighting. Their color gamut should not be allocated from the main design. The optimal choice Emit emitting soft yellow lights. The effect of cold lamps will be directly opposite.
  4. The kitchen, weathered in blue, will resemble the azure sky, refreshing waterfalls and marine landscapes that give inspiration. Such a kitchen is able to incarnate the most original ideas Designers will always remain relevant, regardless of any innovation.

blue color in the kitchen interior creates a calm peaceful atmosphere

Designer Blue Kitchen Design: Blue Furniture Either Blue Wallpaper on Kitchen Walls?

Blue - color of the sea. Breshing use on a blue kitchen shades close to sunny, when choosing furniture and various accessories! Connecting blue wallpaper with accessories yellow color, Apron Nad. working surface And furniture facades, you will feel the atmosphere of summer vacation at sea, golden sand under the sunny sky. Similar emotions can be experienced if the furniture is blue, and the walls of bright and warm colors are red, orange, yellow.

Kitchen and blue wallpaper

If the kitchen walls can be saved by blue wallpaper, and the ceiling - wallpaper with a light shade of blue and use contrasting green accessories, then in the kitchen there will be associations with flowers and sky. Also get closer to nature shades natural tree, Curtains of flax and tablecloths with plants ornaments. Best of all Blue is combined with white. The interior of a white and blue kitchen will create an impression of purity and innocence. And if there are still blue wallpaper with accents of blue color (panel, vases, strips), then in the interior of such a kitchen, white curtains and furniture will fit harmoniously.

blue wallpaper with abstraction is harmonized with kitchen furniture color

More comfort and comfort in the kitchen of blue

The kitchen of the blue or blue color is spectacular and harmoniously look only in those apartments where the windows overlook the sunny side. Therefore, they have the ability to visually create warmth of the atmosphere, which will entail convenience and comfort. Actively and energetic people are well suited blue color of dark shades. If you add yellow and coral tones, then the setting in the kitchen will be even warmer and homely.

Increase space in the kitchen of blue

Blue color is able to visually increase the space of the room. Therefore, it will be quite logical and appropriate to use gentle shades of blue when interior design small kitchen. The use of turquoise color, symbolizing the element of water and air, will add a feeling of depth.

sleeper blue color visually increases the kitchen space

Blue kitchen - symbol of coming change

The color of the maritime wave was recognized as the color of the interior design. This choice is not random. After all, after the "invasion" of global crises around the world and within the country, it will be worthwhile to add more clear mind and optimistic notes to their lives. It is the tenderness of shades of blue symbolizes changes to the better. Being in such a kitchen, you can feel yourself in complete safety, relax and forget about the bad.

Successful combination of materials and styles

One of the indisputable advantages of the blue color is its versatility. It is equally well he will look not only in the kitchen set down in classic styleBut also in modern kitchens or in the style of High-tech. Blue color, regardless of shades - the exception will be only rich blue - without fears can be used on the most various materials: Metal, ceramics, glass or tree. It will be an excellent addition to the luxurious classic cuisine With its characteristic streamlined and noble forms, and for the kitchen is modern with the harmonious and clear lines inherent in it.

classic kitchen interior in blue colors

It is notemly noted that today this color is extremely popular and in the interior of the Provence or Country style. The minor loss of furniture will add the kitchen of blue a little rustic color and ancient, make it really homely.

Combination of colors and shades

Gradually, the blue color is hampered, so it will be nice to combine it with more neutral, calm shades. Best as background suitable beige or white color. They can be applied not only by issuing the floor covering and working area, and for general interior Kitchen. Harmony and Effects will be able to add elements of sandy textiles or pastel tones (tablecloth, curtains, pillows), as well as other accessories (dishes, lamp, vases) in combination with turquoise and blue colors.

Homemade focus, and in particular the kitchen, are obliged to be pleasant to the eye and create an open and relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, during the choice of the cuisine of blue color, it is worth listening not only to the tips of the so-called experienced, but also to consider the opinion of professional designers.

blue color is perfectly combined with solar shades of yellow and orange

What moments need to take into account

If the blue color is dominated in the kitchen finish, then it is not listened to take into account some nuances. For example, you should not use these tones when the windows of your room are located on the north side. This can be determined by the lack of the Sun, and the blue-blue shades will deteriorate even more the situation, creating a feeling of coldness and lifeless space. On the contrary, if the kitchen is located on the south side and brightly lit, then the design in such a style will be justified.

Also erroneous will be the decision to use only blue in finishing. In a significant winning will be a combination of this shade with other suitable colors - Bright or pastel tones. Successfully arrange accents will be able to help additional accessoriesthat give the kitchen a special charm and style.

harmonious Trio: Blue in Combined With White and Blue


If you plan to purchase a cuisine of blue, it will not hurt to ensure that the floor and ceiling are decorated in different colors. When it is supposed to use a blue tint in the finish, then the best choice will be wooden furniture in honey colors. This will make compensate for a small coldness of the blue and add kitchen comfort. You should not give preference to dark shades when designing outdoor coatingOtherwise, the space will look gloomy, and the space is visually narrowing.

Photo Gallery - Blue kitchen:

The blue kitchen causes an association with excessive severity and cool, which are not at all relevant in this room. That is why there are not many of the interior of the kitchen in this color. However, if you properly approach decoration, the atmosphere of the kitchen will become a cozy, tender, harmonious. This will help you useful advice and photos with examples of cuisine design.


So that the blue kitchen does not seem unnecessarily cold, place the objects of the furniture of warm tones in it. Great cream, beige, gray-blue, brown-blue furniture. Perfect option - kitchen set Beige shades against the background of blue walls.

If you choose furniture, it should be made of natural wood. Wood shades will soften too strict interior and fill the kitchen with warmth. As a material for furniture, you can choose not only the usual pine, birch, light oak, but also white ash, chestnut, dark brown oak, which look more unusual.


For the floor on the blue kitchen, the same colors are suitable as for furniture. To make the interior more gentle and cozy, you need to use a bright floor covering. Fill the kitchen calm and peace will help the floor of warm golden shades. If you want to strengthen the contrast of the interior on the blue kitchen, make the design of the room more spectacular, choose a dark floor covering, for example, chocolate, dark gray, dark purple shades.

White floor on a blue kitchen, according to designers, is an unsuccessful choice. First, such a coating for the room, where food is preparing daily, is too marked. Secondly, the light floor in combination with darker walls creates the wrong proportion, and the room becomes overloaded. White-blue kitchen will look good only if its windows come out on the south, and in the room there is enough lighting.

It is also not recommended to take the floor blue: it is alive with the walls and furniture of the kitchen. However, if the coating is not uniform color, but with elements of other shades, such as white or yellow, it will give kitchen interior Static and completion.

Apron and table top

With blue furniture, a pure and white apron is perfectly combined. The tabletop can be gray or golden. If gray will be apron, the worktop is better to make snow-white or gray-blue.

In addition to gray, other light shades are used to design surfaces: soft coffee, beige, creamy, cream. Unsuccessful option - a combination of dark apron with the same tabletop. In this case, the blue kitchen will look gloomy.

Blue combination with other shades

Blue color in the kitchen interior can be added by other shades. The most winning looks gray-blue color scheme. Gray emphasizes the contrast of the interior, allows the setting to look harmonious, completed. You can use more interesting shades of this color: graphite, coal, silver, french gray.

It looks no less harmonious and brown-blue colors in the kitchen interior. However, in this case, it is better not to use dark shades of brown so as not to lose the situation. Ideal a combination of blue with beige: it looks noble and aesthetic, moreover, it allows you to hide the flaw design.

In the interior of blue cuisine, both green tones look good. The design of the room will be more alive if the main color is supplemented with olive, pistashkovy, mint, herbal, conifer. It is not necessary to design surfaces or furniture in these colors: it is enough to place several green shades in the kitchen.

Bold combinations

If the kitchen in blue colors seems to be too boring you, you can dilute its interior bright accents. Blue color perfectly complements yellow. This combination makes the atmosphere of the room energetic and cheerful. You can use only 3-4 bright yellow accessories: it will be enough to achieve in the premises of the necessary freshness.

Very spectacular and boldly, a combination of blue with red. but bright color In this case, it should be used very carefully, allocating them only 1-2 objects. For example, we can only be a tabletop, refrigerator or chairs. For the red and blue interior, the technique and accessories of steel color are ideal.

If you decide to arrange your kitchen in blue shades - act confidently. This color allows you to make the room more gentle, harmonious, cheerful, and also visually increases its area. Bold combinations blue with bright shades Make your kitchen design individual and unforgettable.

Blue kitchen Not often found in the interiors of our houses, at the same time in the West, this color is quite common. Apparently, this is most connected with the fact that the blue color refers to cold colors, which are not very likely to love Russian ordinary people.

And maybe the whole thing is that the blue seems unnecessary and unsuitable for such a place as a kitchen.

If we consider such a direction as Provence, the delicate floral tones here in honor and occupy the main place. It is pink, and azure, and violet colors. Such kitchens are pleasantly warming up the soul bringing a summer mood and reviving the beautiful scenery of summer meadows and fields.

If you are afraid to move with delicate notes, you can add companion colors. Blue color can be combined with white and dairy, with gray and black shades.
Depending on the style of the style, you should give preference to those or other colors and shades of blue.

Photo of blue kitchens

In our catalog photo blue cuisine There will give you an exemplary idea of \u200b\u200bhow one or another kitchen looks in the interior. Of course, in order not to make a mistake with the choice, it is better to entrust the choice of designer. Especially since it will cost you completely free.

Buy blue cuisine

So you decide to buy a blue kitchen! Where to begin? Of course, from choosing a purchase point. If you decide to buy ready headset, Be sure to spend all measurements and provide the ability to install in your room. All technological obstacles in the form of pipes and sewage should be taken into account.

It will be better to order a kitchen. So you get exactly what you expect. You can place an order for the manufacture of blue cuisine right now on the site.

We offer the very interesting options Blue kitchens!

Today, cold shades are particularly popular in the design of interiors, in particular shades of heavenly tones.

If you decide on the design of the kitchen in blue, it means that it may not be realized, you want to bring a particle of nature into your dwelling.

Blue color personifies calm, peacekeeping, contributes to the creation of a romantic situation. This color also has its own secret.

In many European restaurants, the Blue Interior is used to create a pleasant atmosphere, as well as to increase appetite from visitors! Therefore, by choosing the kitchen interior in blue, you will not be wrong.

The main thing as in any work, a competent approach. Various options Blue kitchens in the photo you can view on the pages of designer logs.

Selecting the design of the kitchen, in addition to its taste preferences and addiction, it is also necessary to take into account other unmarked items.

For example, if you decide to make a kitchen in elegant, cold shades, it is worth considering that such a kitchen will look more spectacular if the kitchen window will go out on the south, sunny side of the house.

The room in this case will be well lit by sunlight.

Selection of color gamma

Choosing a blue color as the main one, you need to think about additional colors. Blue perfectly combined with beige shades. Beige-blue combination will create an atmosphere of rest and ordering.

Also very popular today is the method of creating contrast. But here you should know the measure. In this case, the blue will be perfectly combined with bright yellow, orange and coral colors.

You can play with paints by adding other colors to the main contrast. The main thing is not to overdo it.

All colors should harmoniously fit into the framework of dominant colors.

Very interesting look in the interior of blue tones sea landscapes, white accessories. It is very important to determine the color of all interior items, up to the kitchen utensils and towels.

Separate attention should be paid to the lighting. His color should not stand out of the general color Gamma.. It is better to give preference to lamps with soft yellow light. From cold light it is better to refuse.

We select interior items

Blue color is always associated with sky or with a sea wave. Sky color in the interior will create comfortable atmosphere, Recalls you about vacation, will help to relax.

It is very good to combine in the interior Blue walls with furniture warmly shades, for example, yellow. Also quite effectively looks blue furniture on the background of red, orange or yellow walls.

The combination of blue walls with green accessories, wood items, curtains from natural materialsAs well as vegetation, it will help to get close to nature to the greatest extent.

Very interesting looks interior in blue color with elements of blue. In such an interior, the furniture or curtains of white is very harmonious.

Create warm, home furnishings in such a kitchen will help coral accessories.

Blue color is universal. It will always perfectly fit into any style, whether it is a classic, High-tech, country, etc. Flawless furniture will give the design of a rustic color. Sand color textiles will add harmony.

It is very important when choosing an outdoor coating to keep in mind that for blue cuisine should not be chosen to cover the dark tones.

Blue color visually increases the space, and the blue gender may create the opposite effect in this case. The floor and the ceiling is also desirable to design in different colors.

The kitchen is not only a place for cooking and eating, but also a symbol of a homely hearth, so the atmosphere in it should be pleasant to the eye, open and relaxed.

Choosing a design for a blue kitchen. It is necessary to take into account the opinion of professional designers.

Photo of blue cuisine