Repairs Design Furniture

What a floor covering in the kitchen. Modern floors in the kitchen (photo). Selection of floor coating. Cork flooring in the kitchen

The kitchen is the most popular and passing place in the apartment, so it must be as comfortable and functional as possible. In many ways, comfort and comfort of the kitchen depend on the type of floor covering in it.

There are a number of requirements for the kitchen floor, which should be considered. Main from these requirements:

  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • durability and wear resistance.

Many hostesses to them also add such important requirements as the aesthetics of the floor covering and ease of care for it.

The modern flooring market offers a wide range of floors for the kitchen, which largely meet these requirements, but differ in their qualities and scope.

So, some floor coverings are perfectly suitable for kitchens with low passability, while others are designed for large kitchen facilities in the field of catering.

So what is the floor covering to choose to meet all the listed requirements, and was best for your kitchen?

The most popular coatings are tiles and porcelain stonewares, they are easy to care, and a wide selection of colors and design solutions will make the floor beautiful and original.

Such an outdoor coating has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages are:

  • ease of care and resistance even to the most poisonous detergent;
  • the possibility of combining the kitchen area with a corridor by flooring and installation of warm floors;
  • ecology and fire-resistant;
  • moisture resistance and wear resistance, these materials are not affected by direct sunlight.

The minuses of such a coating will be:

  • preliminary preparation for installation and its complexity, the need for a concrete screed;
  • bad thermal conductivity, cold floor effect;
  • the hardness and slippery of the coating - the wet tile increases the risk of falling and adds sliding, and its hardness does not give fallen objects to survive.

The tile and porcelain stoneware are perfectly suitable as an outdoor coating for apartments of the old-fashioned houses of the old sample and are the most common type of kitchen floors in them.

If another 20-30 years ago, the flooring in the form of a linoleum in the kitchen was boring and was a piece of dense rolled material on top of the main concrete screed, now Linoleum makes it possible to move away from the annoying old ideas about him.

Modern linoleum producers offer a wide selection of different types of its species that can be made of both natural materials and polymers, such as polyvinyl chloride.

Linoleum, like a tile, also has its pros and cons, so far from everyone consider it optimal for the kitchen.

Among his advantages:

  • easy in the installation and low price - the absence of unnecessary docking seams, you buy the desired coating size in the roll;
  • a wide range of textures and colors, for the kitchen - the best will be rough anti-slip texture;
  • relatively high moisture resistance and antibacterial properties of natural linoleum.

But the minuses will make thinking about the profitability of such a coverage.

They are as follows:

  • dISTRIBUTY, OXTERNING Under the influence of sunlight;
  • cheap linoleum species are not suitable for the kitchen, since they are not environmentally friendly, do not possess moisture and wear resistance, weep when the temperature drops;
  • synthetic linoleum is very fuel, and in combustion there is poisonous substances;
  • linoleum is subject to mechanical damage, when it falls on it, items and hot oil drops - various defects appear, which are eliminated only by replacing the floor covering.

Nevertheless, the linoleum in the kitchen is often found in many apartments and private houses.

Relatively new on the flooring market are bulk and cork floors, they enjoy not less popular than tiles, and have the necessary properties for their application in the kitchen.

Although the cork floor has at most advantages, as an outdoor coating in the kitchen, it is quite rare. The main reasons are the limited goods and information about it in the market, as well as a common false belief that such a floor is only suitable for rooms with a low moisture.

His advantages talk about the opposite:

  • cork - fireproof material, it is not combustible and does not highlight poisonous substances when burning like linoleum;
  • cork floor - eco-friendly and cozy;
  • in the cork floor, you can walk barefoot, it is warm;
  • the plug is an anti-allergen, it almost does not settle dust on it, which reduces the need for wet cleaning;
  • cork floor has high noise insulating and shock absorbing properties;
  • the cork provides therapeutic effect on those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

There are such gestures and cons, but they are not so great:

  • a small selection of color options;
  • high price, even though it is justified by the quality of the material;
  • the porosity of the plug is the ingress of a small garbage into the fibers of the floor covering, which requires careful care for it without the use of poisonous household chemicals, and this complicates the maintenance of the floor in purity;
  • the need for reliable insulation of the joints between the plates, since the water that fell between them will provoke their discrepancy.

Such an outdoor coating is perfect for the kitchen in a country house with sufficient financial opportunities.

Another new type of flooring is bulk floors. Sometimes relate to liquid linoleum, which is mounted on the same principle.

Like all types of flooring, they have their own nuances for their application in the kitchen.

The minuses of bulk sex are difficult and complexity of its installation, large quantities of preparatory work. This is a fairly expensive view of the floors, and its dismantling is very problematic.

Because of the scarce design of bulk floors, they are suitable for kitchens of a narrowly defined style - modern.

Pluses this coverage is also enough - it is unpretentious in operation, waterproof and durable (serves at least 40 years!), Fireproof and not afraid of temperature drops. What is not the perfect floor covering for the kitchen? But still the price and a small selection of design solutions repel consumers, despite all the practicality of the coating.

Among all the well-known flooring for the kitchen remains pseudo-shaped and wooden floor coverings - laminate, wooden floor, parquet and carpet.

As an outdoor coating for the kitchen, the carpet is very dubious, as it has only two worthy qualities for this purpose - soundproofing quality, which is not so necessary, and thermal is a pleasant warm coating that eliminates slippery problems.

In all other cases, carpet is absolutely impractical and is appropriate only in the variants of combined floors.

Fashion for combined floors in the kitchen appeared relatively recently and has already won many supporters of this approach.

Combined floors not only allow to embody bold design steps in the design of a kitchen room, but also carry a functional load. With their help, the kitchen can be easily divided into zones - the work part and the zone for eating and recreation.

Due to the use of combined floors, you can visually increase the space of a small kitchen and make the logical and functional placement of furniture on top of the floor covering.

Combined floors imply a combination (combination) of various types of coatings for the optimal distribution of their functions.

You can easily combine cozy and soft carpet in the recreation area with a cafeter in the working part, or to bed any of the types of wooden floor in a place to eat, connecting it with a linoleum.

Wooden floors, laminate and parquet - pluses and cons of floor coverings

If it comes to wooden floors, parquet and laminate, their use in the kitchen will have the following advantages:

  • a huge selection of textures, colors and sizes, the choice and the multi-layerness of natural materials based on wood;
  • ecology and natural comfort in the kitchen;
  • pleasant tactile sensations from the flooring, a large heat capacity of materials than that of the tile, the combination with the system of warm floors.

But disadvantages will not please - the relative short-life of such floor coatings for kitchen premises is the main one. Wooden floors in the kitchen is not the best option, as they are exposed to moisture and temperature drops, easily flammable and lose color saturation under the influence of sunlight, and they are not cheap.

Whatever floor covering for the kitchen you would not have chosen, pay attention to the quality of the materials from which it is manufactured. Carefully evaluate the conditions in your kitchen, consider its size and type of construction in which it is located.

Tips Masters


So that the oil paint does not fall when storing and so that the film does not form on it, put on the surface of the paint of the CRC of the LOW from thick paper and "fill it with a thin layer of olifa.

"Polyethylene film that covers a balcony or a greenhouse predes from the cliff with the wind of the BECHEV, stretched from both sides with about between 10-15 cm."

"To work with the concrete mixture it was easier, it is usually added to clay, but clay reduces the strength of the mixture. Add a spoonful of washing powder at the rate of water bucket."

"In order for the screw whose head is hidden behind the obstacle, did not rotate along with the tightened nut, you need to throw several turns of the thread or thin wire on it and slightly pull the ends. Due to the friction, the screw is well held on the spot. The ends of the thread on the fracture layer can be trimmed."

"Cut the tweeter pilot can be without coofer. It is enough to split the front side of the board in the center and cut off by a chisel or an ax of a semi-permanent size of the required size, after which again connect the halves."

Wooden tubes for screws are scattered and falling out of the village. Do not rush cut a new plug. Tightly pick up in the wall of the Kapron from the old stocking. Heated hot-powered DEM Suitable diameter. Sell the hole for the screw. The ravine Capron will turn into a solid cork.

"A carpentry level is not difficult to turn into a theodolite, providing it with a sighting device from a slot and flies."

"In order for two lanes of the linoleum to lay jack, it is convenient to use a self-adhesive decorative film by putting it, under the basis of whether the noleum."

"In order for the nail into the right direction and not bent when scored in a deep hole or groove, it should be placed inside the tube, fixing with mint paper or plasticine."

Before driving a hole in a concrete wall, fasten a little below the paper sheet. Dust and fragments of concrete will not fly around the room.

"To cut off the pipe exactly at a right angle, we advise you to drink it. Take a smooth paper strip and screw it onto the pipe along the dipping line. The plane passing through the chrome paper will be strictly perpendicular to the pipe axis."

"Spindle logs or wooden beams will help an easy when an intact - a segment of a motorcycle or cycling chain, up to a hook-entered on one side and fixed to the late Tom from the other side."

"In order for one one to work in two-handed saw, we advise you to use a simple reception: rearrange the saw handle from the top position to the bottom."

Cut the slate piece of the required size can be saw, but it is better to pierce the hole with a frequency of 2-3 cm on the line of the alleged section of the nail with a frequency of 2-3 cm, after which the slate is broken on the support.

"The best way to stick the tile to the wall: take bitumen, melt and drop only four drops in the corners of the tile. Prints on the dead."

The shaped holes in the manufacture of curly window cages are the most convenient to drink with a shovel with a sharpeble web.

"Production of stained glass - it's a long and difficult. You can make a quick imitation of stained glass. For this, it takes thin specks or rods of the vine, stick to the glass sheet, and then paint the glass and covered with varnish."

"If there was no dowel at hand, it can be made of a piece of plastic tube. For this, the body of the shares of the punched knob can be approaching. Scuffing a piece of the desired length, make a long cancer, approximately half, and a dowel is ready."

"It is known how difficult it is to hang the door, working alone. But it is enough to shorten the lower pin for 2-3 mm and will work much easier."

"Very durable, awesome and sufficient waterproof putty turns out of the bustilat, mixed with any powder - scrap, plaster, cement!, Sawdust, etc."

"If you need to screw in the ends of the chipboard screw, drill the hole slightly less than the diameter of the screw, fill the hole with the" moment "with the glue (only not epoxy!), In a day, screw the screw. The plate is not resolve. However, the resulting connection can be installed only through the load. day. "

"Fix portraits, photos, paintings in a wooden frame with glass is more convenient not carnations, but with the help of stationery ko-bent bent at right angles. The buttons are gently pressing open. Compared to nails, the danger split the thin frames up to a minimum."

"Wrap a screw in solid wood species is not so simple. If a chill is a screw for a screw for a screw, and it's screwed to rub it with soap, then after such an operation, work will go like oil."

When choosing a floor for the kitchen, it is important to take into account the set of nuances. The perfect kitchen floor should not be afraid of nor fat, nor moisture nor random scratches. It is easy to wash and stains are not delayed on it. Today we will try to figure out how to choose the right floor covering for the kitchen and what to pay special attention to.

What will be the floor in your kitchen, depends not only from the style of the interior. It is very important to make sure that the coating you chose is a suitable base. Which surface will be lying on a new flooring? It may be possible to do so that there is. Or maybe you have to make the floor from scratch and perfectly align the surface.

The quality of the kitchen floor will depend on the quality of the surface preparation, so it is better to consult with a specialist before choosing an outdoor cover. Do you want to make a warm floor in the kitchen? Then you will have to use only those types of coatings that are specifically designed for heated floors and have high warm-water.

What will be the new floor in the kitchen? Laconic, which serves only by the background for kitchen headset, finishes and accessories, or spectacular, applying to become the most important decor element? Often, designers offer such a solution for the kitchen: combine two floor coatings depending on the functional zone.

For example, in the working area, the kitchen floor is lined with practical ceramics - tiles or porcelain stoneware, and a natural tree, parquet or laminate on the floor are laid in the floor. This option is very good for the kitchen combined with the living room. For a small kitchen, you should choose a homogeneous and monophonic floor covering. Such gender will help to visually increase the small space and make it more harmonious.

Let's see what floor coverings are suitable for the kitchen, and what you need to know before making your choice.

Paul in the kitchen of linoleum

Artificial and natural linoleum is a very practical option for the kitchen floor. It has a lot of advantages. First, an attractive price. At the same time, he is very different from his Soviet predecessors who are remembered by dull coloring and unimportant quality.


Modern synthetic linoleum serves as 8-10 years, is distinguished by high wear resistance and creates good heat and sound insulation. For the floor in the kitchen it is worth choosing a linoleum with a thicker protective layer.

Linoleum is very unpretentious in care. It is easy to wash, and this is an important plus for the kitchen floor. The great advantage of Linoleum is that it is just put on its own. In addition, Linoleum gives huge opportunities for designer experiments.

Manufacturers today offer linoleum of a wide variety of colors, patterns and textures. For example, it can imitate parquet, wood, stone and even metal. An interesting option is a linoleum in the form of tiles, from which you can collect various patterns and ornaments.

Of course, the synthetic linoleum is not the most eco-friendly flooring. Specialists advise: do not buy a cheap linoleum, especially in the markets. Pay attention to the smell - the stronger the linoleum smells, the lower its environmental safety.

Carefully read the label - some types of linoleum can be used only in non-residential premises, for example, on loggia. More expensive options are artoliums and mormoliums - more secure from an ecological point of view, but also cost more than ordinary linoleum.

Very detailed and useful post about the types of linoleum for the house and the peculiarities of choosing this floor cover you will find.

Kitchen Cork Cover

Floors from traffic jams will come up with lovers of natural environmentally friendly materials. The cork coating is made from the cortex of cork oak, which is removed from the growing tree every few years. Cork floors are very comfortable for the legs and help reduce the burden on the joints and the spine.


Elastic traffic jam is pleasantly "spring", creates a feeling of a warm floor and has excellent soundproof. On this floor it is almost impossible to slip. Since the plug is a natural antistatic, it practically does not attract dust. Therefore, the floors from the tube are the perfect option for allergic and asthmatics.

It is believed that the plug is unique and its bioenergy properties and very beneficial effect on the human body. The cork floor in the kitchen is easy to wash, besides, it is resistant to stains. The floor from the traffic jam will greatly fit into almost any interior. Breeding cork covers have the most different texture and are of a wide variety of shades.

Cork floor covered with special varnish can be used without fear in the kitchen. Corrected flooring is not afraid of moisture and is quite capable of surviving small fluid spills.

Liquid linoleum in the kitchen

Liquid linoleum is often called polymer bulk sex . Externally, this coating resembles linoleum, to the touch - tile. The bulk sex is very unpretentious in operation and is not afraid of mechanical damage. The charm of this coating is that the surface of the floor in the kitchen will be smooth and seamless.

The bulk floor can be made of any color and supplement it with various patterns, inserts and other decorative elements. However, if you decide after a while, change the floor covering, remove the liquid linoleum will be quite difficult.

When repairing repair in the kitchen room, many are faced with the problem of choosing an outdoor coating. Often doubts cause the operational characteristics of a particular material. And therefore, the risk of putting not that coating on the floor can turn into the creation of an inaccurate picture of the design or simply the rapid spoil of the material.

What covers are ideal for the furniture of the kitchen and advice on what interior is better to put this or other material, we understand this article.

Ceramic tiles

The most familiar and proven material for finishing the floor is since the times of the Soviet Union. Tiles of tiles have high strength and hardness. Therefore, such an outdoor coating is absolutely not afraid of mechanical impact, strikes, abrasion, ray-UV. In addition, ceramic tiles inert relates even to a large amount of water on the floor, not to mention the random drops that came to the floor. The tile reacts better than others and spilled foods on the floor. Wine, fat, ketchup, etc. are washed away with a warm soap solution, without forming unsightly spots on their surface.

The minuses of such a practical floor coverings are:

  • Moderately high price (especially if the tile is bought from famous European manufacturers);
  • Some dirty work when laying the material;
  • Tiles coldness. If you make the floor with a tile, then with bare feet to walk on this floor, uncomfortable. The position can be corrected using room slippers or a "warm floor" system, mounted at the repair stage.

IMPORTANT: Best of all ceramic tiles looks at the floor of the kitchen, made in the classic styles, Provence or Country.


The coating is identical to the tile, but having a higher strength and large wear indicators. Porcelain stoves are sufficiently massive and have large parameters in contrast to the tile.

Such an outdoor coating for the kitchen can be performed in a wide variety of designs from one-photon performance before applying an intricate pattern for each slab.

Porcelain stoneware, as well as ceramic tile, no moisture, temperature drops, mechanical effects and sun rays are not afraid. The material is not prone to deformation and perfectly interacts with any aggressive detergent.

Porcelain stoneware should be better at modern or classic in the kitchens. Massive plates perfectly look in spacious and bright kitchens with large-sized furniture, which allows you to make an unusual interior in the room.

Minuses of coating for the field are:

  • Price;
  • The coldness of the stone (but it can be corrected or heated by the floor, or slippers, rushed on the feet).

Important: It is best to choose a plate of porcelain stoneware with a corrugated or rough surface. This will avoid possible injury in the kitchen on the wet floor.

Cork floor

This type of coating is the perfect option for trimming the floor of the kitchen. Made elastic cork slabs have excellent thermal insulation properties and are very pleasant in operation, which allows you to make a kitchen cozy. Walking through the cork floor is one pleasure.

The stoves from the tube resemble laminate (under the condition of styling with its locking method) or PVC tiles (subject to styling with adhesive method). And the one and the other types of cork coverage are good and unpretentious.

Cork flooring for the kitchen reacts perfectly to temperature differences, mechanical loads and UV rays. The only minus of such a coating is his fear of water. As a result of entering a large amount of moisture to the floor, the cork swells and turns into a crumb. So that this does not happen, the cork floor after installation is coated with two-three layers of a special acrylic or waterproof varnish. The tool protects the floor from wear and negative exposure to water.

Important: For the kitchen, it is still better to choose a cork with adhesive fastening. Adhesive additionally to protect the groove between the plates from the random moisture.


The perfect floor covering in the kitchen. The coating is practical, firmly resistant to moisture and temperature drops. In addition, the cost of linoleum in the modern market is the most affordable compared to all other flooring.

Modern technologies allow you to produce linoleum, the strength of which is designed for 15 years or more. This is especially true of natural material made on the basis of linseed oil, jute fibers and wood flour.

Designers offer a modern buyer outdoor coating with imitation of parquet, laminate, marble, natural stone or ceramic tiles. Which one listed is better, it is worth determining based on the intended interior.

Important: When buying a linoleum to it, you can sniff. Natural flooring for the floor will smell with oil and natural components. Linoleum PVC will have a specific synthetic fragrance.


It's a good coating, but for very accurate owners. Laminate has long and firmly conquered the position in the finishing materials market and is one of the most sought-after. Its durable structure allows you to withstand sufficiently high mechanical loads. Especially if, in the manufacture of the protective top layer, Corundum was added to the structure.

In addition, the laminate is a warm and comfortable coating. It creates comfort and warmth in the kitchen.

The weak place of laminate is its fear of water. The spilled fluid that fell into the joints between the plates is able to pretrately damage the fiber material from which the laminate is manufactured.

Tip: If you really want to lay a laminate in the kitchen, then it is better to make the floor combined. That is, in the working area, put porcelain stoneware, tile or linoleum, and the kitchen dining area is covered with laminate, suitable in color to the tile. This solution looks original in any of the interiors. The main thing is to choose the pattern on the tile and the shade of the laminate.

PVC tile

This is a null coverage of akin to linoleum. The only difference is that the floor material is made in the form of modules. Sometimes such a coating is called "modular PVC floor".

Pack tiles are distinguished by high wear resistance and inert attitude to water, temperature drops or any contamination. When laying packets, the tiles form a monolithic coating. The floor of the modular tiles is easily clean and shall be installed on the "Warm floor" system. Tip: Depending on the color and drawing of PVC tiles, it is better to sharpen in the interiors of Modern, High Tech, Art Deco.

Bulk floor

Floor mounting technology 3D allows you to create truly original solutions in the kitchen. The bulk gender system implies styling on the base of the three-dimensional image and the fill with its special means based on polyurethane or epoxy resin. Making such a floor is quite simple, but expensive. For example, the kitchen ranging from 2 to 5 m2 will require costs of $ 600.

Bulk floors are a monolithic coating that is not afraid of water, temperature differences and mechanical loads. The service life of such a sex is from 40 or more. At the same time make dismantling the coating is quite difficult.

Important: Self-leveling floor can be done over the "warm floor" system.


The most unsuccessful solution for the kitchen. Although the parquet board is an environmentally friendly and attractive material, yet it is better not to use it for the kitchen. Such a coating is afraid of water and fire. And any garbage falling into the kitchen floor will eventually be clogged into the joints and cracks between the planks of the parquet. Here, even the varnish will not save. A few years will have to carefully make clean and update the coating.

Which floor is better in the kitchen - this question will sooner or later stand in front of the owner of any apartment or residential building. The modern building materials market offers a wide selection of various flooring.

Let's try to figure out and determine what is the most optimal choice.

To answer the question about which floors are better for the kitchen, we will be guided by the following criteria:

  • the coating should not pass or absorb moisture;
  • it must be wear-resistant;
  • comfortable for regular cleaning (dry and wet).

Types of flooring

In our article on how to choose the best floor for the kitchen, we will consider the following types of flooring:

  • ceramic tile;
  • linoleum;
  • adhesive cork;
  • laminate;
  • parquet board.

Ceramic tile


  • Tile is not susceptible to moisture, it is easy to wash.
  • In addition, it is very resistant to wear, it is difficult to scratch it.
  • There is a wide variety of colors and sizes.


Thinking about what floor is best done in the kitchen, you need to take into account that the tile has a cold surface that selects heat. This disadvantage is eliminated by installing the "warm floor" system, which causes in turn another minus is the need for electricity consumption.


  • In some places it may be wipe.
  • Afraid scratches.
  • Often there are problems with the shelves.
  • When placing on an uneven surface, waves and bloating are formed.

Adhesive plug


  • The surface of the coating is pleasant to the touch and warm.
  • In the event of a fall on such a floor of the dish, it, as a rule, remains the whole.
  • Small humidity is not afraid.
  • When using it is not adhesive, and the locking tubes of the sheets of sheets will need to lift the sealant - and the protection against moisture is secured.


The lack of one, but essential is a high price. And, in addition, such a coating is very demanding on the floor surface - it must be perfectly smooth.


The author of this article believes that this is not a completely successful choice for the kitchen. Even if something infrequently sheds something on such a floor, then all the same, after five years, it will take place in places and the seams will disperse (since there is always an increased humidity in the kitchen).

In finding a response to the question of what floors in the kitchen are better, you should know that scratches from the objects falling from above and from the legs of the chairs have easily remain on the laminate. From an acoustic point of view, such material is quite "loud" - any blow or knock about it is very loud.

True, there is a special moisture-resistant type of laminate for the kitchen. The seams of this type of floor covering are protected by a special rubber gasket. But it is worth the material as an order of magnitude more expensive than the usual one.


Luxury appearance together with environmentally friendly material. Enhances the image of the owner in the eyes of the guests.


  • Too high cost.
  • The material is afraid of moisture exposure.
  • In addition, it requires constant care.
  • The top layer of varnish is rather unstable and constantly scratched.
  • In the case of a parquet board, approximately every two years will have to cover it with a new layer of varnish for protection.


Any of the above materials is permissible to use for the kitchen. But, given all the characteristics, I dare to declare that the laminate must still be excluded from among the applicants. The final answer to the question of which floor is best done in the kitchen, is to choose between linoleum and tiles. These are the two most popular types of flooring.

If there are sufficient funds, you can choose an adhesive plug. This is a great option that combines the softness of the linoleum and the tile strength. Parquet should not choose. His qualities do not intend to use the possibility of use in the kitchen.

If the area of \u200b\u200byour kitchen is large enough, then solving the question of which floor is better for the kitchen, you can stay at the embodiment of several materials. The idea is very simple.

The part of the kitchen, where the cooking is directly occurring, laid out with tiles. The rest of the kitchen is laminated, or other material for your choice.

If the installation of a new floor cover is planning to produce yourself, we recommend choosing a linoleum. Its installation is an order of magnitude easier than other above-mentioned materials.

Installation of linoleum coating

Having answered for myself as a question of which floor for the kitchen is better and purchased the linoleum of the required length, let's start prepare for its installation, which will consist of the following steps:

  1. Floor preparation and coating;
  2. Laying linoleum.

Preparation of floors and coating

So that everything went smoothly and the result made by their own hands of you pleased, the following simple rules must be observed:

  1. It is necessary to begin to engage in the installation of linoleum only after all other construction work in the room are completed (including wallpapers);
  2. The room must be closed and clean;
  3. The constant temperature in the kitchen should be at least 15º;
  4. The relative humidity of the room is not more than 75%;
  5. The floor in the room should be clean, dry, smooth and without defects.

Linoleum before installing should be ripened in the room on the already prepared base and leave it for a couple of days.
It is necessary in order for the material to adapt to the conditions of temperature and humidity in the room.
And the waviness disappeared.

As you already know which floor it is better to do in the kitchen, let's start preparing the foundation for him.

If the floor is concrete, then the sequence of work will be as follows:

  • cleaning;
  • liquidation of tubercles;
  • filling in depression with a cement solution;
  • if necessary, the fill with an aligning special mixture;
  • treatment of concrete primer.

To carry out linoleum cutting, you will need the following tools:

  • building knives (for applying marking - with a trapezoid blade, for segments - with hook-shaped blade);
  • putty knife;
  • metal or wooden line;
  • big scissors;
  • adhesive two-sided tape or special glue.

In order to better make stacking and avoid excess spending, you must first decide on the number of purchased material. Since with the question of what floors it is better to do in the kitchen, we have already decided, we buy linoleum. In procurement, we take into account that in round and rowing rooms of waste during the cutting will be greater than in rectangular rooms.

Rolling the linoleum in the kitchen and giving him to fly out a couple of days, proceed to the cutting. The places of future cuts are first planning using a knife and ruler.

When marking, we consider that you should make a small allowance, that is, measure a little more than you need. This is necessary in order not to be mistaken with the size. If a picture is present, then you need to fit the sheets so that it coincides (see photo).

Laying linoleuma

Laying is made in one of three ways:

  1. free laying;
  2. fixation by sticking tape;
  3. fixing with glue.

Free laying

This method is suitable for small kitchens with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 20 m³. If the widths of the canvas are enough to shut down the entire floor, then cut a piece of material suitable in length, leaving small allowances on the walls.

If you do not know which time it is better, then leave approximately 5-10 cm with each of the sides. At the corners we make small cuts - it will be easier to work with the material. Then, lay and recall the linoleum. Then cut off the allowance with a knife with a hook blade, leaving the gap to the wall of at least 0.5 cm to avoid the threat of a bluntness of the linoleum.

In the case when you want to put two sheets, and their drawings do not match the cut line, we apply one sheet to another, we combine the drawing and cutting a knife of both sheets. The joint between the sheets will need to be sampled from the inside with a sticky tape.

Fixation of sticky ribbon

Measuring and cutting out the desired sheets of the material, we glue their back side along the edges and in the middle with a double-sided sticky ribbon, without removing the upper protective layer. If you do not quite understand how to do it, then look at the appropriate video on our website.

Next, we turn the sheet into the roll and glue one edge of this sheet near the wall. Then we tear the protective layer of the next strip, we unwind the roll slightly and glue its next part. And thus, gradually glue a whole roll.

Fixing glue

Cutting a leaf of linoleum, lay it in the room. Then we flex one edge, and the base is noticing with special glue. Place the edge into place.

We turn around another edge to the place of the previous application of glue and apply the adhesive composition on this part of the base. After that, we put it back.

Carefully smooth the linoleum with a roller from the center to the edges, which kicks out the excess air.

If you do everything as prescribed our instruction, the final result will only delight you and your loved ones. You will get a beautiful floor covering that you will serve for many years.