Repairs Design Furniture

Twisted the door. She kicked the interroom door - what to do and how to fix? Real working conditions

Plastic windows - useful and extremely necessary to each house invention. With their appearance, there was less concerns on the insulation of old wooden windows, their painting, repair, replacement. The houses became warmer and more cozy. But do not forget that plastic windows also require care. Otherwise, they may fail and bring a lot of inconvenience.

To one of such inconveniences can be attributed disame of plastic window. It happens that either all the window, or its sash for some reason is thrown out. What is this problem and how to cope with it, we will tell in this material. But so far everything has not come out of control, it is better to seek help.

Twisted plastic window - reasons

Plastic window - fragile design. And you need to care for him, respectively. Twice a year is worth transferring it to different modes (summer / winter) so that the sealant is less worn. Do not forget about lubrication loops, checking and timely replacing accessories. In this case, you can avoid many problems, including with a windows overcast.

If you twisted the plastic window, then most likely contributed to this wrong mounting. When installing, all the rules must be met, all preliminary works are performed. Otherwise, the negligence of the installers can dear to you.

Some experts argue that the window can skew due deformation of the building itself. In this case, it is like the window, and there is a breakdown.

In general, it twisted the entire window - call the wizard to determine the cause. When the window itself is made of high-quality materials and the problem will be detected on time, the design can be reinstalled. If, during production, not very high-quality materials were used, the plastic window can skew thoughts, and then it will have to be completely replaced.

To avoid this, it is necessary to accommodively approach the choice of a company that is engaged in the installation. Do not forget about the conclusion of the contract. If you have an official document on your hands, you can need to require the necessary maintenance or eliminating the problem on legal grounds.

Packing of the plastic window - how to adjust

Package of the plastic window, or rather his sash, may occur due to incorrect adjustment. In this case, you just need to qualitatively adjust the window, and it will again begin to delight you.

The control of the loops can be carried out independently or entrust the company "Heat at home". If you want to try to do everything yourself, you will need only a suitable hexagon.

So, open the window and remove the lining with the loops: if you need to raise or lower the window to correct the skew or omit, then insert the hexagon into a special groove of the upper loop. The turn of the key clockwise will raise the sash, and against it will lower. If you need to adjust the left-right window, then you need adjustment of the bottom loop. To move the sash to the right, you can turn the hexagon in a clockwise direction, left - counterclockwise.

If something does not work, it is better to trust a good master. He not only adjusts everything, but also lubricates. Your windows will tell you thanks!

The skeleton of the plastic window sash can occur and because of its greater weight or due to mechanical exposure (for example, it is dried on it by I.T.P.). In this case, there is nothing surprising that the window has kept and twisted. Here only high-quality adjustment from a good wizard can help. And in order to avoid such a problem in the future, it is enough to remove the reason for the mechanical exposure and not to leave the window open for a long time.

Twisted the window - what to do?

Many people wonder how to repair the closed plastic window to overcast. It is difficult to make it on your own because you need to determine the cause of the skewer and eliminate it. It is better to rely on a specialist who will come to the question with all his knowledge.

Window repair in Moscow

You have twisted the window or window sash, and you do not know what to do? Everything is very simple! Contact "Heat House". Our specialists will answer all your questions and will help with solving the problem of any complexity. We guarantee that after our work, your windows will serve you faithfully.

Adjusting plastic doors is a simple operation that even an inexperienced person can easily perform independently. Correctly installed high-quality plastic door costs for a very long time without adjustment, but sooner or late the strength of gravity and indiscriminately repeated opening-closing cycles make themselves felt. As a consequence, the position of the door canvase has to be adjusted. All you need for proper adjustment, the key with the appropriate form of screws profile (asterisk or hexagon) and understandable instruction.

First of all, it is necessary to consider, to which unwanted effects the disk of the door canvase leads.

  1. When opening and closing the door tangible clinging behind the threshold. This phenomenon is common to the greatest extent, and many mistakenly write it down on the unsatisfactory quality of the door block. In fact, the reason is the other: either the door was incorrectly installed (the special screws on the loops are not strongly tightened), or it just saved. Most often, this happens with heavy doors having increased dimensions or equipped with double-chamber windows. Prevent a sagging or at least much to delay the need for adjustment will help a special device, referred to as microlift. Having a view of the roller or plate, it supports the closed door, passing the load from its weight to the bottom of the box.
  2. The cloth tert on the box in the area of \u200b\u200bthe door handle. The main reason for such a defect is the temperature deformation.
  3. With a closed door indoors, drafts are felt. "Unauthorized" air movement through the door block is a consequence of a loose fit of the canvas to the box. This can be caused by temperature deformation or a minor shift of the pressure roller.

The above disorders are a sign indicating the need to adjust the door. But it is not necessary to run it to such a state. More correct measures will take adequate measures in the early stages of the defect development (before its tangible manifestations).

There are two ways to check the position of the canvas relative to the box.

  1. Checking door fit density. Opening the door, attach a cut of newspaper paper to the box, and then close the door again so that the sheet turns out to be clamped it. Pull the paper on yourself, paying attention to the effort that you have to apply for this. The main advantage of windows and plastic doors is their absolute tightness, therefore, with the correct position of the web, the newspaper will be tightly clamped. If you managed to extract it almost effortlessly, it means that it is time to engage in the door. The tightness check in the specified way must be performed throughout the perimeter of the opening.
  2. Skotes check. Simple pencil outline closed door with the opposite opening of the side, using the edge of the door frame, as a ruler. Now open the door and carefully look at your "Drawing". If the drawn lines are parallel to the edges of the door, it means everything is in order. If not, the door is time to tighten. So that it is not broken, equip it by the opening limiter.

Regulation and elimination of a loose door fit

To adjust the door, you can eliminate some defects. Liquid sagging. First of all, the door should be opened, thus obtaining access to hinges. They are equipped with adjusting screws, but these screws are hidden by decorative linings recorded by screws. After removing the overlay from the top loop, you will see a long adjusting screw located horizontally. In most cases, the hole in its head has a hex profile, but sometimes you may need a key in the form of an asterisk.

In some models of entrance doors, such screws can be closed with additional plugs, but their extraction does not represent any complexity. The rotation of the upper loop adjusting screw clockwise lifts the door, eliminating its sagging thus. If the upper screw lift did not give the desired effect, repeat the procedure, only already with the lower screw, access to which can be obtained in a similar way. Watch the video about how the door adjustment is horizontally.

If the door clings the box in the handle area, such a defect is also eliminated using the adjusting screw. Like a vertical adjustment screw, it is on the bottom loop, but not in the upper part of it, but in the side, on the side of the inner surface of the canvas. Thanks to tightening this screw, 1-2 turns of the web climbs to the looping rack of the box, making the correct position. Otherwise, it is necessary to further adjust the upper loop in the manner that was described in the previous paragraph.

PVC door should be adjusted at the beginning of each season: it weakens it with the arrival of summer, at the beginning of winter - reinforce. The way to solve this problem depends on which the door model is installed. In most cases, there are 3 eccentric on the end of the door cloth, the rotation of which can be reduced or increase the door fit density to the handle side stand. To enhance or loosen the clamping throughout the perimeter, an additional door control is required by twisting the corresponding screws on the loop (see video).

On the locking pin of some models, you can find a seat, the position of which corresponds to how tightly adjacent the door to the sealing elements on the box. If you need to enhance the clamping of the axle, the hexagon is rotated so that the sebage moves in the direction of the room. To solve the inverse problem, the axle should be rotated in the opposite direction, while the sneaker on it will be directed towards the frame.

As can be seen from recommendations and videos, if you have the necessary tool, the PVC door adjustment does not cause any difficulty. This applies to all plastic or metal-plastic structures. Pay attention to the video "Master Lesson". Knowing how to adjust the position of the door leaf, you can easily establish the work of the window sash, because the adjustment of plastic windows is carried out in a similar way.

Electricity is an outstanding discovery that makes our life comfortable. Due to this invention, there was much easier to live. Electricity An integral part of our stay, it illuminates the room at night, we are preparing food on it, it. Electrical networks sometimes fail, or some difficulties associated with constructive features arise in their work.

Diagram of the electrical network of a private house

One of the most common problems is to break the house of the electrical phases.

Prepare scales with a rocker, on the middle of which is a small ball. While it is in a fixed state, scales are balanced. It is worth to turn the ball, the scales are losing the balance and the closer the object to the edge of the shoulder, the more difficult to balance them. Here is a three-phase network, something like scales, only here there are three shoulders, for which electricity rolls and where it goes when it is skewed, it is impossible to determine. As a result, blocking phases - changing parameters on the network leads to emergency situations. How to deal with this phenomenon, and why does it happen? The video describes the phenomenon of the phase skew.

Causes of Radial

A crash that directly affects the phase skew - the scope of zero, since it is this wire that plays the role of a balance in a three-phase network. As is known, with the proper operation of the network of three phases, the voltage in both phase wires is 220V.

As soon as zero is broken, its function begins to perform the most low-loaded phase wire, the voltage drops to 127V.

The second phase wire begins to issue 380V - what do you think in this case takes place with household appliances in the house? Of course, she begins to fail, the technique is very affected, which is at the very end of the network. Especially since not all machine guns are disconnected immediately. In such a situation, devices can ignite as wiring. As we can see, the scope of zero in the network causes irreparable consequences that are dangerous to humans, since the absence of grounding can lead to a shock when the instruments are turned on.

Sketch of the skew phases in a three-phase network

Another cause of the skew is the wrong voltage distribution in a private house with a three-phase network. For example, household appliances that consumes a lot of energy, grouped in one place, and all of them are included in one outlet, and all others are free. And if you conduct network research, then on the free phase, the voltage will be much larger than on the loaded. Of course, the automata can stop the supply of electricity into the overloaded network, simply turning off the phase network.

But let's imagine such a situation that the machine is jammed. What can happen? Overheating of the wiring, deformation and fire, so that even without cliff zero, there may be a skew. Avoid this is simply - it is enough to distribute instruments that consume electricity.

Read also

The process of creating a blurred foundation

Scheme of three-phase private connection

How to protect against skew

A good electrician can not only competently, but also correctly distribute instruments that consume electricity will give detailed recommendations and warn it, what will happen if they do not observe. There are several ways to avoid skewers:

For there are other ways to equalize the load on the phases that should not be considered in this article. And as we have already found out that a competently compiled project cannot fully guarantee the correct phase load distribution. It is worth noting that during the day the load on the network changes repeatedly, as electricity lives together with the tenants of the house and often departs from standards.

Conclusion - before mounting electricity at home, you need to consider the entire load that will be on it to prevent skewers. If you are planning to buy a powerful cooking panel, and the oven is the same power, then it is better to provide separate wires for one and for the other.

Wiring Scheme in the House

The same applies to the washing machine. Do not forget about the surplus buildings, whether it is a garage, a bath, or a summer kitchen, there can be used in the instruments that need to be taken into account.

Both wooden and plastic doors can squeeze. In such a situation, many apartment owners simply do not know how to do. But the breakdown of any door can be prevented, for this you only need to follow a number of rules.

How to determine that the door shifted?

In some cases, it is possible to define the door to the door with a naked eye. However, in the initial stages he is not so noticeable.

Basic signs of violation:

The door is covered when opening;
- friction is created between the web and the box;
- the door does not open at all;
- Visually noticeable skew.

Plastic doors can simply stop opening. This happens with balcony doorways.

Why did the door twisted: the main reasons

The cause of the skew of a wooden door can be:

Weight weight;
- change of geometry of the doorway;
- Blowing the cloth or box.

Plastic doors begin to sneak mainly due to sediment or door loops.

The weight of the door and the number of loops

If the door is very heavy, and they were set over the habit of two standard loops, then it is almost certainly overwhelmed due to weight. Two loops will not keep such a canvas, and it will start contact with the box. For heavy cloth, you must put from three to four loops.

Geometry door opening

Sometimes the doors flock in a new house due to violation of the geometry of the opening. This is due to the fact that the house during the installation of the interior construction has not yet given the shrinkage. After shrinkage, the geometry of the opening changed a little, and this was the cause of the shealing of the canvas.

Blowing of the canvas or box

If a shrinkage and a violation of the geometry of the opening often becomes in the new homes in the new houses, then the door in old buildings is usually thrown away due to swelling. Moreover, the problem may occur both with old and with a new web. The reason for swelling wood - moisture.

The source of moisture can be sewage or plumbing. If water hits the door, the wood begins to expand and deform. Damage can get a wooden box. The source of moisture can be not only sewage system, because high humidity of the air also affects the material of the door.

In the old house, where the owners installed new windows from PVC, but forgot about the hood and ventilation, almost certainly high air humidity. This factor may affect the state of the door leaf and the box. First, the effect is insignificant, and the owners simply do not notice the changes. But over time, the canvas will begin to create friction.

Skotes in plastic doors

With plastic doors, the situation is a bit more complicated. In rare cases, the loops of such windows begin "crawling", and the canvas sends. It's guilty here not loops, but the quality of PVC. Most likely plastic, from which the design is made, low quality.

More often, plastic doors throws out because they are crookedly fastened. This is not such a big problem, it can be solved relatively quickly. But most people are not specialists in plastic structures. Therefore, they have to call masters.

What to do with a peashed plastic door?

Plastic is resistant to moisture, so it can not swell. However, such a door can still squeeze. If something similar happened, it is worth removing the design with the loops and identify the cause of the problem. Usually the problem is in the wrong installation. Curically screwed loops lead to the fact that the door begins to lead. You can eliminate such a defect, just screwing the loops in a new place.

If the cause of the skew is that the loops are signed, then the owner will most likely replace the door itself. Because high-quality plastic can not have such defects. Even fastening the door in a new place, the owner later will still face similar difficulties.

How to eliminate wooden door skew

If suddenly twisted the wooden door, then you must first establish the cause of the problem, and then act in circumstances.

At the skew due to the sculpture of the wood, the owner will have to:

Change the door leaf;
- change the box;
- put a new canvas with a box.

There are only these three options, not solve a different problem. Even the dried door will not restore its original form. In the future, it will only dismiss and crack. If there is an opportunity, it is better to replace the door completely and not allow more enhancement of humidity in the room.

When the door was led because of too much weight, then in this case you just need to remove it from the loops and add a fastening. If the loops are two - it is necessary to put the third element. In some cases, it is even better to reinforce and install four pairs of loops. Today in stores you can find loops that are mounted without removing the canvas. It is very convenient.

When shrinking, the problem is solved almost the same as when swelling. With a minor overcast, you can try to dismantle the door and make the adjustment of the canvas and the box. However, this option for labor costs is almost equivalent to replacing the door. How to avoid skew door

To keep the door always saved its position in the box, you need to follow the rules:

  1. Do not mount wooden doors immediately after moving to a new home. There is a chance that the structure will give shrinkage, and then the door can simply be sworn in the opening. It is better to put the interior door in a year when the shrinkage process is completed.
  2. In the house where natural ventilation works weakly, it is necessary to monitor the level of humidity. If plastic windows were supplied, then it is necessary to take care of the exhaust channels. When the ventilation does not function, there will help the supply and exhaust systems of artificial ventilation. It must be remembered that the stagnant air does not affect the doors not only on the door, but also to the state of people living in the apartment.
  3. There should be no moisture on the wooden door. It is necessary to repair the flowing cranes and the faulty sewer system. The problem may be when placing a shower next to the doors. In this situation, the shower cabin must always be covered.
  4. It is recommended to always put on the doors not two, but three loops just in case. This guarantees the lack of skew due to the large weight of the canvas.
As for plastic doors, which are swipped, most likely, due to illiterate installation, you need to simply reinstall them.

The door, which unexpectedly stopped easily and without the slightest resistance to let you in the house or room, - the surprise is unpleasant. And in such a situation, it is not necessary to rely on Russian "Avos," hoping that this design "herself takes up" and returns to its original state. It is much easier and more reliable for you to personally understand what to do if you twisted the door, and to realize the selected solution to life, that is, this very door to adjust.

Causes of Droke Door

If the door is wooden, then the cause of the skew was most likely the impact of moisture. Water, hitting the door, made her swell, and eventually the door began to "cling" for the door frame.

A heavy wooden door can shift and because of the wrong selection of the loops for it. Remember that one-piece wooden doors (which you could hardly cut off from the floor until they hung them in the doorway) should be hung on three, and not on two loops.

But the metal doors of deformation under the action of water are not subject to. But they can also shift, if the loops were incorrectly chosen for their weight. Another reason for which the metal door skew can occur is its improper initial installation.

In addition, both wooden doors and metal doors can be eliminated due to disorders of the geometry of the doorway. This often occurs in new homes, in which the shrinkage of structures still continues.

Dissue from behind door loops

If the cause of the skew, in your opinion, it became an incorrect number of door loops (or the use of loops from a softer material, which was necessary) you can go in two ways:

  • first, just replace the loops to more powerful;
  • secondly, add the third (and if necessary, then the fourth) loop.

Now in building stores you can find door hinges that do not require cut-in or in the door canvas or in the box. Therefore, they can be installed in place even without removing the door cloth with loops (just do not forget to first adjust the position of the door before screwing the new loops to it).

It is possible to solve the problem will also help a small washer attached in the middle of the door loop. It raises all the door cloth for 1-2 millimeters (depending on its thickness) and the problem will be solved.

Modifying the geometry of the doorway

In this case, the probability that the door will independently stop cling during the bottom or the top of the door box still exists. However, during the time when this happens, the door canvas can be very damaged.

Before you accept the final decision - to outweigh the door, told it (this is when it comes to a wooden door) or leave everything, not yet touching - pay attention to the appeared slots between the door clove and the box. If they become very noticeable, the door is better to translate. Do not forget to track whether the straight angle is preserved between horizontal and vertical elements of the door frame. If the skew has become strong, you have to change the door frame. You can also try simply rearrange the old door box if you succeed to remove it carefully.

Wake-up door

If the wooden door absorbed water and swelling, then you should not hope that when drying it will return to your former shape. Most often after the exposure to water begins the process of warping, and the door will still not be perfectly closed. In this situation, you can also choose one of three solutions:

  • while leave everything as it is in the hope that the door still "assumes";
  • replace door leaf;
  • replace door frame.

However, first of all, you need to eliminate the reason why water fell so close to your door. If we are talking about the doors inside the apartment or at home, then the reason usually lies in poorly working ventilation. Most often suffer from moisture of the door of the bathrooms, so be sure to check whether the piece of paper is attracted to the ventilation lattice located there at one open window in the apartment. If the thrust is absent, then the question of ventilation will have to go closely.

Most often, bad ventilation occurs in homes and apartments in which new plastic windows have been installed. The absence of gaps that the old wooden windows were "famous" led to the fact that the air from the street comes in the apartment only with an open window. And since in the winter the windows are rarely open, then ventilation in the kitchen (if there is no electrical exhaust) and stop working in the bathrooms. To solve this problem, it is recommended to install exhaust valves on all windows (or just one window is always ajar).

If the entrance door has suffered from water exposure, then you will have to make a visor over it (and if it is, it is to expand it so that the drops do not fall on the door leaf during the rain). It is also recommended a wooden door to several layers to cover protective compositions for wood (from all sides, every time waiting for their full absorption).