Repair Design Furniture

Tile or laminate in the kitchen: which is better for the floor, a combination of two coatings. What is better laminate or tile in the kitchen Kitchen repair laminate or slab better

Replacing the flooring is a rather time-consuming task, requiring an integrated approach in the selection of materials and their subsequent installation. And if you can still cope with the laying process, having certain skills and abilities, then choosing the only suitable one among the many different floor coverings is quite difficult. Today, floor tiles and laminate are especially popular. Each of these floor coverings has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in order to determine which is better - tile or laminate, you need to know where it is best to install one or another floor covering.

Tiles and laminate have different properties and characteristics, so they fit in different types of rooms.

Laminate Features

This flooring appeared in the last century and quickly conquered the market. Today, laminate is one of the leaders among floor coverings, due to its unique qualities. Despite the artificial origin, the basis of the laminate is natural raw materials, which determines its characteristics.

Laminate will be a good flooring in the bedroom, nursery, hall and other areas with low loads on the floor surface.

Benefits of laminate are:

  • Ease of installation. All laminate panels are fastened together with a locking connection, thanks to which the laying of the laminate takes a minimum of time, and it can be done by yourself alone.
  • Good noise and heat insulation qualities. The laminate floor owes these positive characteristics to the substrate, for which cork, polyethylene foam or polypropylene foam is used.
  • Imitation for any natural material. The laminate work surface can be made to look like almost any natural material, which opens up an unlimited choice. But in practice, they use imitation for various types of wood.
  • Resistance to wear and household chemicals. The working surface of the laminate allows you to withstand varying degrees of load, which is reflected in the marking of the flooring and its characteristics. More detailed information is presented in the table:

Table 1. Laminate marking depending on wear resistance

  • Low weight laminate. This feature allows laminate flooring to be laid on various types of substrates, which is very useful, especially when it is necessary to reduce the load on the structure.
  • Eco-friendly laminate. Despite the fact that plastic is used to create the work surface, the laminate panels themselves are made from pressed wood.
  • Low price. The ease of production of laminate, affordable and cheap raw materials are also reflected in the low price of this flooring.

Unfortunately, laminate, like any other flooring, has a number of shortcomings:

  • Poor moisture resistance. Laminate manufacturers are constantly improving the production process, panel design, and using various special materials to increase moisture resistance. But the laminate can still be conditionally called moisture resistant. It is not recommended to be placed in rooms where the level of moisture is constantly high.
  • Bad soundproofing. Thanks to its plastic panel, laminate flooring perfectly reflects sound, so the sound of a solid object dropped on its surface can be heard in another room with the doors closed.
  • High requirements for the base. The lock connection of laminate panels and its base are very fragile. Therefore, before laying the laminate, it is necessary to carry out a number of works to prepare the base.
  • Fragile locking connection. Laminate locks can loosen over time and begin to creak. Especially often this happens when the laying technology is violated.
  • Cleaning equipment. The plastic surface of the laminate has a number of limitations regarding its cleaning. Therefore, if you want the laminate to last for a long time, you will have to use certain cleaning products for cleaning indoors.
  • Short service life. Despite modern technologies, the laminate has a rather short service life of 10-15 years, which is very short compared to ceramic tiles.

You can lay laminate in the bedroom, nursery or hallway. In these rooms, it will be very useful. But for the bathroom, kitchen and toilet, it is better to choose floor tiles.

Features of floor tiles

Tiled flooring is the ideal solution for bathrooms, toilets, kitchens and corridors, as well as outdoor terraces

Floor ceramic tiles have been used in finishing works for many centuries. Its popularity is hard to dispute. Advantages of ceramic tiles are:

  • Durability and wear resistance. The service life of tile flooring can reach up to 50 years, which, combined with a very high level of wear resistance, makes it indispensable in rooms with a high level of stress.
  • Durability and unpretentiousness. Caring for tile flooring does not require the use of special detergents, and the surface itself is not afraid to be scratched. In addition, the tile is able to withstand a large load on the surface.
  • Huge selection of colors, textures and patterns. Tile manufacturers strive to satisfy a wide variety of consumer requirements, which, in conjunction with new technologies, has made it possible to obtain an impressive number of diverse ceramic tiles.
  • Environmentally friendly material. Tiles are one of the few materials that can boast of absolute environmental friendliness and the use of natural raw materials.
  • Moisture resistant material. The surface of the floor tiles is covered with a special glaze that does not let water through.

The tile is not ideal and has a number of shortcomings:

  • Cold material. Ceramic tile is inherently a stone that has a high thermal conductivity. Therefore, if you want the tile floor to be warm, you will have to equip a special system for heating it.
  • The complexity of the laying work. Despite the development of technology and the unification of building materials, laying tiles is a rather complicated and time-consuming process.
  • Big weight. Ceramic tile flooring has a very impressive mass. Because of this, it is necessary to create a reliable and solid foundation, which is reflected in the total cost of the work.
  • Fragile coating. On poorly prepared substrates or due to a slight violation of laying technology, tile flooring can crack or split.
  • Slippery surface. It is very easy to slip on a wet tile surface, but today you can also find tiles with an anti-slip surface.

Ceramic tiles are installed in various rooms. But the most suitable are the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, corridor and outdoor terraces. When planning the laying of tiles, it is necessary to remember its high thermal conductivity and the need to arrange a heating system.

It is impossible to unambiguously answer which of these two floor coverings is better. Each has its strengths and its fans. The main thing is to remember the advisability of laying tiles or laminate in a particular room, based on their performance characteristics.

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There are a lot of materials for finishing the floor today. Depending on the purpose of the premises, the budget and the taste of the customer, natural wood and stone, artificial tiles and linoleum of many varieties are used. Each of these materials has a set of characteristics, more positive than negative, that must be considered when choosing a floor covering. Therefore, the question “what is better, tile or laminate in the kitchen” is quite reasonable.

There are several popular floor coverings in the kitchen, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider these types of floor finishing materials from the point of view of their use when facing the floor of a kitchen, profile or combined with a dining room. Let's compare their advantages and disadvantages in order to make the right choice in favor of a certain type of flooring when applied to a specific situation.

In this group of materials, 3 subgroups can be distinguished, suitable for finishing the kitchen floor:

Hard tiles (in descending order of strength):

  • natural stone (granite, marble, limestone);
  • porcelain stoneware (gres);
  • metlakh tiles (Mettlach);
  • clinker;
  • ceramic floor tiles made of kaolin (tile).

PVC tiles (polyvinyl chloride):

  • single layer (homogeneous);
  • multilayer (heterogeneous).
  • Laminated flooring.

Floor tiles are thicker and stronger than wall tiles

Natural stone

Floor tiles made of natural stone have many advantages, which naturally affects its price and narrows the circle of consumers. This cladding is hard, wear-resistant, easy to maintain on a daily basis and durable. Natural stone has a high density, which determines its high moisture and frost resistance. The natural material is also resistant to high temperatures and chemicals. These advantages allow you to confidently use natural stone tiles for finishing floors in kitchens and dining rooms, including heated floors.

Modern stone mining and processing technologies make it possible to create floor tiles from many natural minerals

But this cladding also has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • complexity of cutting and processing;
  • limited artistic performance;
  • dropped dishes are doomed to be broken;
  • radioactivity (for granite up to 30 μR / hour at a rate of 60 μR / hour).

The amount of radioactivity corresponds to the norm of SNiP, but is not tolerated by people in the same way, so the final decision on the choice of material it is better leave to the customer.

Porcelain stoneware

Gres floor tiles are produced by hot pressing a dry mixture of certain components, which also includes natural stone chips. As a result, the mixture is sintered into a dense material, which is not inferior in physical characteristics to tiles made of natural material. Accordingly, the characteristics of porcelain stoneware differ little from the properties of granite or marble, but there are still differences:

  • relatively wide range of colors;
  • more affordable price;
  • 2-3 times less radiation level.

Finishing the kitchen floor with gres tiles will last for many years, and if a “warm” floor system is installed under it, such a lining can be considered almost flawless.


Metlakh tiles are small-format ceramics, which are produced by pressing a dry powder mixture of natural components with simultaneous high-temperature firing (sintering).

The broom is water- and frost-resistant, does not react to the effects of chemical reagents, is environmentally friendly, has high strength and wear resistance, almost as good as porcelain stoneware in these characteristics, and is suitable for laying on a floor heating system.

Metlakh tiles perfectly resist abrasion

The variety of colors of this material, unlike natural stone and gres, will satisfy every taste, which is the best suited for decorating kitchens and dining rooms.

The small format of this ceramic results in a high density of tile joints, which increases the coefficient of friction of the cladding and makes walking on the surface of even a wet kitchen floor safer.


Clinker tiles have all the necessary qualities for use as a kitchen or dining room floor cladding. It is durable, wear-resistant, environmentally friendly and aesthetic.

Clinker tiles are made by single firing and have a high density

Unlike porcelain stoneware, clinker has a uniform porous structure, which facilitates the processing of the material and makes the surface coated with it non-slip. But at the same time, if oil is shed on the clinker, then it is impossible to completely remove it from the pores of the material. Therefore, for finishing the floors of kitchens and dining rooms, it is better to use clinker ceramics with a glazed but embossed surface in order to neutralize the slipperiness of the glaze.

The porosity of the clinker makes it difficult to transfer heat, so laying this tile on top of a floor heating system is impractical.

Floor tiles with kaolin base

Due to the wide range of prices, variety of varieties and artistic performance, this ceramics is the most common in flooring. Knowing all the requirements for kitchen flooring, and being guided by the marking of characteristics on tiles and packaging, you can choose a cladding that meets all the operating conditions of the room. However, the porosity of the clay base of the tile prevents heat transfer, so such ceramics are not rational for laying on a heated floor system.

PVC tiles

PVC floor trim is made from polyvinyl chloride. In fact, this is the same linoleum coating, but consisting of individual elements of a small format. PVC cladding is characterized by high strength and sound insulation characteristics, is resistant to wear and is relatively durable. The material is easy to work with and is offered in a wide range of prices. The tile made of it is elastic, water-resistant, non-slippery, it is distinguished by the simplicity of everyday maintenance and spot repairs. In addition, this flooring is available in a variety of colors, including those that mimic natural materials.

This material also has disadvantages:

  • durability is limited to 10 years;
  • relative environmental friendliness (produced from synthetic and chemical raw materials);
  • lack of resistance to solvents such as dichloroethane and acetone.

According to the structure of the material, PVC tiles are produced in one- and two-layer, the thickness of the lining varies from 0.5 to 3.5 mm.

Single layer PVC coating

Homogeneous PVC tiles have the same structure and color throughout the entire thickness, so even in places of abrasion, the color of the finish remains unchanged. Homogeneous PVC tiles have common characteristics for the family, but the artistic performance is not very diverse. The color of the material is monophonic, or the lining is decorated with simple ornaments, and therefore the popularity of this type of PVC tile is low.

Multilayer PVC tiles

This type of PVC cladding is made from high strength vinyl, polyvinyl chloride and plasticizer additives. A heterogeneous tile consists of the following layers (from bottom to top):

  • main (foamed polyvinyl chloride - soundproofing, heat-conducting, rigid);
  • art;
  • protective (laminated).

Self-adhesive PVC materials have an additional adhesive layer for fastening to the base.

Unlike homogeneous PVC cladding, multi-layer tiles are available in many colors and with a variety of patterns, allowing you to fit this finishing material into any interior.

Based on the listed properties, the use of PVC flooring in the kitchen is quite justified, especially with a limited repair budget.

PVC tiles have good sound insulation due to the multi-layer structure

Laminate (HDF board) is the common name for a four-layer floor covering produced on the basis of high-density fiberboard (Fibreboard).

Laminate structure (layers from bottom to top):

  • stabilizing - prevents the deformation of the board;
  • carrier - the main layer that carries the moisture-resistant, heat and sound insulating properties of the material;
  • decorative - paper layer with a pattern;
  • protective and decorative - an acrylic resin coating that protects against abrasive and impact influences, imitating natural wood with a surface texture.

High-quality laminate flooring can be laid in the kitchen, because the coating is easy to clean

Strength of HDF board

According to the strength characteristics, the laminate is divided into 4 classes:

  • 31 (AC 3) - for home use;
  • 32 (AC 4) - for commercial use with low load and for home - with increased;
  • 33 (AC 5-AC 6) - for commercial applications with a large load;
  • 34 - for industrial and sports use.

For kitchen floor cladding, it is better to use class 32 and higher slabs.

Laminate is a worthy alternative to wooden floors

When laying a laminated coating to provide sound insulation and vapor protection, a substrate of one of the four manufactured varieties is laid under the plates.

When placing heavy kitchen appliances (refrigerator, stove) on a surface lined with laminate, it is necessary to install stands on the floor, which will distribute the weight of the units from their legs over a large area and prevent the destruction of the laminate locks.

Moisture resistance of laminate

Laminate is a wood-based material protected from above and below by a durable shell. However, from the sides (locks), the laminate is vulnerable to moisture, especially to water in the open. Except for brief contact with water during cleaning, HDF must be kept dry and any spilled liquid must be cleaned up without delay.

Moisture-resistant types of laminate are produced, suitable for finishing floors in rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, toilet), on the packaging of which there is a marking in the form of the phrases Aqua-Protect or Aqua Resist. However, even these types of HDF are not designed for long-term contact with open water, especially hot water. To extend the time of the coating's resistance to water, laminate locks are treated with a special sealant when installed in the kitchen.


After reviewing the characteristics of laminated boards and tiles, we can conclude that these coatings have more advantages than disadvantages, and the use of any of them for finishing floors in the kitchen will be justified. If you strive for the ideal, then if there is sufficient space, it is advisable to consider the combined use of these materials, that is, the division of the floor into zones.

The cooking area, as it is used more aggressively, should be finished with hard tiles made of natural or artificial materials. And the part of the kitchen that functions as a dining room will be more comfortable if you use materials that are similar in texture and properties to wood - PVC or HDF tiles - to finish its floors.

With high-quality performance of laying and pairing of these types of cladding, the kitchen floor will make a worthy contribution to the interior of the room.

Many ordinary people, and even experienced designers, are asking this question, which is better? But so no one can give an exact answer, then the disputes continue again, with renewed vigor. Let's try to understand this dilemma today, consider all the pros and cons of each material. But let's not forget about the laminate under the tile.

For an objective assessment, you should first clarify under what conditions the tile or laminate in the kitchen will be used:

  1. Constant humidity;
  2. Mechanical effects;
  3. Heat treatment;
  4. Pollution.

Comparison of laminate and tiles

What is better tile or laminate in the kitchen? The main criterion for the material used is the lack of hygroscopicity. Otherwise, swollen flooring cannot be avoided, which will have a completely negative impact on the family budget.

moisture resistance

Ceramics are favorably distinguished by their low ability to absorb moisture. So she is not afraid of various troubles up to the flood. In turn, the laminate, although it is marked in the form of a moisture-resistant coating, will swell or swell with prolonged contact with moisture.

It is difficult to stain ceramics with anything; its glazed coating actively prevents this. Porcelain stoneware material can accumulate dust and become dirty in its irregularities, but all this can be easily removed with any cleaning agents. Laminate seams are the weak link. Fat or other substance that has fallen into the joints cannot be removed.

Wear resistance

The durability of the tile will pleasantly surprise you. Without any care, polishing or glazing, even after several decades, the products will be exactly the same as on the day of laying. Laminate level 32 and above is not far behind its competitor. This material will last for decades.


The problem is very relevant for a house where small children or elderly people live. For them, falling is fraught with serious injuries. When choosing any coating, this circumstance should be taken into account. Both in laminate and tile, the sliding of the surface depends on the choice of material structure. Glossy coatings are very slippery, while wood imitation or porcelain stoneware is the opposite.


Falling on the floor of your favorite dishes is a tragedy. A flexible springy surface will eliminate the risk of such loss. Usually, in a laminate, the thickness of the substrate allows not only to keep the dishes, but also to remain scratch-free. A fall on a tile does not leave a single chance for dishes.

The cost of the material plays a significant role in its selection. Tiles or laminate in the kitchen can compete as much as you like in terms of quality, properties, but the decisive argument is still the price. Determining the price category according to market offers, the minimum threshold is cheapness. Laminate is considered the undisputed leader here. Tiles are much more expensive.

A rather subjective parameter for evaluation, but still no one has canceled tactile sensations. Any kind of ceramics will be very cold in winter, hot in summer. The thermal conductivity of laminate is much worse, due to this, it is much warmer in cold weather, and much cooler in hot weather.

If you need to lay a laminate with your own hands, you will need to prepare the base in the form of a substrate of a certain thickness, fasten the elements, leaving small seams. In principle, everything is very simple. Laying ceramics will take much more time, effort and knowledge. Laying the tile the first time is unlikely to succeed.

Comparison results

If you are looking for a durable material with excellent water repellency, then ceramic is just the option. If you need a budget coverage that will give comfort, then the laminate will be most welcome. Possibly also a combination of two materials or alternatively a tiled laminate.

Features of tile laminate

Unlike standard products, tiled kitchen laminate has a number of qualities that belong only to him. How does he actually stand out among his fellows.

Externally, it is divided into two types:

  • Under natural stone;
  • Under the tile.

Imitation is not limited to the image, it completely repeats the texture of the original material. Even the properties that this or that species possesses are fully consistent with the original. Level 33 tile laminate is unlikely to be inferior in strength to ceramics or stone, and besides, it will last for decades.


Due to its advantages, the tile laminate compares favorably with its counterparts:

Moisture resistance is an order of magnitude higher than conventional laminate products. This is a very important, if not the main factor for operation in the kitchen. You can not worry about the surface, even when something spilled on it. She doesn't puff up or get wet.

External data of the product is very pleasing to the eye. Imitation of far from cheap marble, terracotta or granite tiles will leave a very pleasant impression.
The variety of material is very great. There will never be a question about choosing a product. Various models provide the opportunity for all sorts of design options from classic to high-tech in your kitchen.

The ease of maintenance of a laminate under a tile is a joy for the hostess. It has an antistatic effect, which prevents the accumulation of dust. Unpretentiousness in the care of the coating makes cleaning the room a pleasure.

Video - what is better to choose

Laminate for the kitchen under the tiles fits effortlessly, does not require professional knowledge. The price, unlike the same tile, is very affordable. The choice of material is very diverse, so you will not have any problems with the selection. A strong and durable floor in the kitchen - it's that simple!

Often, before starting repairs, the question arises of what kind of floor will be: laminate or tile in the kitchen.

Often in families, long disputes arise because of this issue, although you can make a decision on the choice of flooring in the kitchen, based not on emotions, but on indisputable facts and personal experience of professional builders.

Make a choice that will be based on the characteristics of the materials, their appearance and the functionality of the flooring.

The choice of laminate and tiles for the kitchen, requirements

The kitchen is perhaps one of the most accessible places in the apartment. The floor covering of this room bears a large load.

In addition to the fact that this place has quite high humidity levels, constant cooking processes create periodic temperature changes that have a negative effect on the kitchen flooring.

In this regard, a high-quality coating should be used for the kitchen, which will withstand high humidity and temperature changes well.

Laminate for the kitchen

Kitchen laminate must be particularly durable and resistant to moisture.

As mentioned above, the coating in the kitchen, including near the sink and stove, must be extremely reliable.

Laminate is a popular type of flooring that comes in many varieties. Laminate flooring has its own classification from 21 to 33 class. Each of the coating classes has recommendations for use in a particular room.

Depending on the classification of the laminate, its thickness and protective layers on the panels change. For the kitchen, experts recommend the use of 23 and 33 classes of laminate, protected coatings that can withstand increased loads and are not subject to atmospheric influences.

For additional protection against moisture, it is recommended that when installing a laminated coating, treat all its joints with a sealant that fills the entire space between the panels, creating a good protective layer.

You can find out the purpose of a certain class of laminate from the table.

You should be aware that in order to maintain an excellent look and increase water repellency, laminated panels are opened with a special wax that is absorbed and creates an additional barrier to protect against water penetration.

Tiled flooring for the kitchen

Ceramics - the best option for the kitchen

What is better tile or laminate for kitchen flooring is up to you.

But you should know that the tile is a reliable ceramic material that has good reliability indicators, excellent water-repellent properties and high protection against temperature changes.

Before deciding which tile or laminate is better in the kitchen, it should be remembered that 3 types of floor tiles are used:

  • porcelain stoneware;
  • monocottura;
  • clinker.

Porcelain stoneware is durable, but there are no bright colors in the assortment

Porcelain stoneware is a type of ceramic tile that has a porous structure. Porcelain stoneware is known for its reliability indicators, but has a rather limited range of colors (mostly natural colors, stone and wood imitation), tile sizes can vary from 30 x 30 cm to 1 x 1 m.

Clinker is a type of tile that has gone through several stages of firing and is a high-quality and reliable material. The main colors of the product are also located in the red-yellow spectrum. The dimensions of the product can be from 7 x 20 cm to 15 x 40 cm.

Monocottura is a less reliable tile than the previous types, but has a more diverse range of colors, and is often chosen by the owners when deciding the question: “What is better than laminate or tile in the kitchen?”.

You should know that porcelain stoneware and clinker have a rough non-slip surface, which cannot be said about monocottura tiles, which have a large color palette, but a slippery surface.

In this regard, when organizing tile flooring in wet rooms, they often combine different types of tiles in order to avoid injury.

Comparison of characteristics of laminate and tiles, application variations

When choosing which is better to use laminate or tile in the kitchen, it is worth discussing their above characteristics.

The tile definitely has the best ability to drain water, it is not subject to aging and does not respond to temperature changes. Today, tiles can be chosen in almost any shade.

Laminate is not such a reliable material, and with constant contact with water, no matter what the degree of protection, laminated panels will delaminate, this process always starts from the joints. The installation process of the laminate is not difficult, the main thing in this matter is the creation of an even draft floor on which the substrate is laid. For information on which is better to choose, see this video:

Laying tiles on the floor in the kitchen is not an easy task. The rough coating under the tiles must be perfectly even, and the installation itself is carried out using an adhesive mixture with the same gaps between the tiles.

Combining tiles and laminate in the kitchen

More often tiles are laid in the food preparation area

When choosing flooring in the kitchen, laminate or tile, there are always alternative options. In this case, this is a combination of flooring of different types.

From the side of the working part, the kitchen wall, where the dishwasher and the cooking area are located, you can organize a tiled floor. The rest of the kitchen space should be laid laminate.

Docking between materials can be done in various ways. To organize a combined floor in the kitchen, tiles and laminate, there are several docking options:

  • metal profile linings;
  • plastic panel joints;
  • cork compensators.

Metal and plastic profiles are the same type of connectors, with their help a good joint is organized, but the transition is not smooth due to the protruding upper profile lining.

A smooth transition between tiles and laminate (if they are located on the same level) can be arranged using a cork compensator. Cork compensators are strips of different thicknesses (depending on the width of the joint), they are installed in the gap between the coatings and, over time, expanding, occupy the entire space.

A kitchen with a well-organized joint seems to be larger and gives a “zest” to the overall design ensemble of the apartment as a whole.

You should be aware that the cork compensator is installed on adhesive sealant or liquid nails glue at the joints between the laminate and the tile.

After installing the cork and curing the glue, it is necessary to cut the compensator at the level with the flooring, and carefully varnish the surface of the insert. For information on how to join these two materials, see this video:

Having become acquainted with the advantages and disadvantages of floor materials for the kitchen, each owner must make his own decision. A clear answer to the question: “What is better tile or laminate for the kitchen floor?” Is very difficult to give, since each coating has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Before making a final decision, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons, as well as additionally consult with a specialist.

Which is better in the kitchen - laminate or tile? Why are both solutions good and bad, and are there reasonable alternatives to them? Does it make sense, for example, to lay linoleum in the kitchen? In this material, we will consider all the pros and cons of each option and make our verdict.

To choose the perfect flooring for your kitchen, you need to consider all the advantages and disadvantages of different floor materials.

Premises Features and Evaluation Criteria

To decide what is best for the kitchen - laminate or linoleum, laminate or tile, plank flooring or painted plywood - you must first clearly articulate two things:

  1. Under what conditions will the flooring be used?
  2. What are our wishes for him.

The floor covering must meet several criteria, including its durability, resistance to moisture, ease of installation, etc.

So, what is required from the flooring in the kitchen?

  • Moisture resistance. The floor covering should calmly endure contact with water. First of all, this applies to the cooking area, where liquids on the floor are the first to appear. However, if there are or are planning small children and pets at home, a moisture-resistant coating will not interfere for obvious reasons throughout the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment.
  • Ease of cleaning. The coating should be as easy as possible to wash off any contaminants. You don’t want to spend the whole cleaning process in the kitchen trying to wipe the floors?

A slightly rough floor will prevent unpleasant falls

  • Acceptable coefficient of friction. Linoleum, tiles and laminate in the kitchen in any case should not be slippery.
  • wear resistance. Changing flooring every year is costly and costly. So you should choose a material that is highly wear-resistant and will last more than one year.
  • Price. The price per square meter of coverage should be as low as possible. Yes, with a small kitchen, this indicator is not in the first place; however, cost reductions are welcome.

Wear resistance of the coating will allow you to use it for more than one year

Finally, the subjective feel of the coating will vary with different materials. It is better that the floor is warm to the touch.

Let's move on to the comparison

To begin with, we will immediately reject the options for plank floors, painted plywood or chipboard. These materials are hygroscopic, which means that with any fluctuations in humidity they will change linear dimensions, swell and swell.

Only three real contenders remain on our list. Linoleum, laminate or tile in the kitchen - what would be the best choice?

moisture resistance

Will tile or laminate in the kitchen be better by this criterion?

  • Tile. Any type of kitchen tile is not afraid of water in principle, featuring extremely low liquid absorption. It is not even necessary to choose a frost-resistant tile, since we are still talking about a living room: all types of baked clay are absolutely resistant to humidity, temperature, and even spilled liquids of all types.

The tile is absolutely resistant to moisture

  • Linoleum. Another "resistant" material. Neither temperature nor humidity are terrible for all varieties and types of linoleum.

Linoleum is well tolerated by water and high temperatures.

  • Laminate. With him, we have a diametrically opposite picture (see whether it is possible to lay a laminate in the kitchen). Even those coating classes that are positioned as moisture resistant, with prolonged contact with water (especially hot) and simply high humidity, they inevitably swell.

Even moisture-resistant laminate can swell from constant exposure to hot water.

Ability to resist pollution

It is better to put tiles, laminate or linoleum in the kitchen in terms of the level of surface contamination.

  • Tile. Tiles with a glazed surface do not get dirty in principle. On the other hand, porcelain stoneware and rough tiles in general can pick up various types of pollution in irregularities. However, they are easily washed using any detergent.

Tile cleaning is easy

  • Linoleum. If suddenly this material gets dirty, then washing it will not be absolutely no problem. The only thing to refrain from is abrasive detergents.

When cleaning linoleum, abrasive detergents should be avoided.

  • Laminate. And here he loses to his opponents. For example, jam or syrup that has fallen into the seams between the boards cannot be completely removed without dismantling the floor.

Pollution caught in the seams between the boards is incredibly difficult to remove.

wear resistance

What do linoleum, laminate and tile look like in the kitchen in terms of durability and wear resistance?

  • Tile. The wear resistance of any tile can be considered absolute. Porcelain stoneware for the kitchen without polishing and glaze will look exactly the same in a couple of centuries as it did at the time of purchase.

Both porcelain stoneware and small tiles have a long service life

  • Linoleum. This option is highly performance dependent. If a household one will have to be changed in ten years, then a semi-commercial one will allow you to forget about problems with the floor for at least half a century.

In order for the coating to serve you for a long time, you should choose semi-commercial models.

  • Laminate. Approximately the same picture as with the previous version: class 32 and above are very durable.

Laminate is one of the materials that can last for many years.

Note, however, that dropping a heavy, angular object will cause the least damage to semi-commercial linoleum. Of course, if there is no thick soft substrate under it: then it will break through.


Slipping is always annoying. And it is not difficult at all on a freshly washed floor. If we want the safest kitchen possible, can tiles and laminate flooring give us peace of mind? Or maybe linoleum?

It is very important that the material on the floor does not become slippery even after getting wet.

There is no clear favorite here. It all depends on the structure of the surface.

And unpolished porcelain stoneware, and linoleum with imitation of wood texture, and the embossed surface of a solid laminate can be absolutely non-slip. You can also pick up glossy finishes that will make you feel like… um, one pet on the skating rink.

Perhaps parity.


Are linoleum and laminate with tiles in the kitchen able to save the life of your favorite cup that slipped out of your hands?

  • Tile. A fall on any tile is a guaranteed death for glass or ceramic dishes. The surface does not spring. Generally.

If the dishes fall on the tile, they are guaranteed to break.

  • Linoleum. Plasticized polyvinyl chloride, from which the coating is made, is elastic without any reservations. A foam or felt backing enhances this quality.