Repair Design Furniture

The choice of built-in hood for the kitchen. How to choose a built-in hood for the kitchen. The principle of operation of the circulating exhaust system

Working mode

According to the method of operation, all hoods can be divided into two types: circulation and flow. At the same time, most flow hoods have a circulation mode.

  • Circulating hoods work autonomously, i.e. do not require connection to ventilation. Dirty air enters the hood, passes through filters (charcoal and grease) and returns to the room. This option is ideal for those who do not have the opportunity to bring the hood to the ventilation system or for those who cook little. Note that the filters must be replaced (metal grease filters - washed) every few months, otherwise the performance of the hood will decrease.
  • Flowing hoods remove kitchen fumes outside the building through the ventilation system. This option is convenient if it is possible to connect the hood to the ventilation system or bring the air duct outside through a special hole. Suitable for medium and large kitchens.

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If you have a small kitchen, it is not stuffy and there are no other sources of air pollution, then you can stop at the circulating hood. The quality of air purification will depend on the type of filters and their timely replacement.

If you have a large kitchen or it is connected to another room (studio apartment), then it is better to stay on a flow hood. The air will not just be cleaned, but replaced with fresh from the street. If it’s winter outside and you don’t want to cool the room, you can turn on the circulation mode.

Installation method

Hoods differ in the installation method and are suspended, built-in and chimney.

  • Suspended hoods they are compact, as a rule, they work only in circulation mode, they are inexpensive and are attached to a wall or cabinet. The hood is always in sight, so pay attention to the design.
  • Built-in hoods mounted in hanging or floor kitchen cabinets. The advantage is that the entire structure is not visible - you don't have to bother with the design. In addition to models that are simply built into the cabinet, there are telescopic ones - the hood is not visible, but if necessary, it extends to the size of the stove. Most built-in hoods work in extraction and / or circulation mode, but there are also those that work only in circulation mode.
  • Chimney hoods(or domed) work in the withdrawal mode and are designed for spacious kitchens, because. The design itself looks amazing. According to the method of fastening, they are divided into: corner, wall and island. The latter type is only suitable for large kitchens, where the stove is located in the center of the room.

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Performance and dimensions of the hood

Performance refers to how much air the hood can pass through in one hour. There are options with a capacity of 150 to 2500 cubic meters of air per hour. Calculating this parameter is simple:

Hood performance \u003d Room area x Ceiling height x 12,

where 12 is the number of complete air changes per hour according to SES.

  • Small kitchen up to 10 sq. m and a ceiling height of about two and a half meters, an extractor hood with a capacity of 280-360 cubic meters per hour with one motor is suitable.
  • An average kitchen (for example, with an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout 14 sq. M.) Needs a more powerful hood with a capacity of 400 cubic meters per hour, and a second motor will not be superfluous.
  • A large kitchen or studio apartment should be equipped with the most powerful hood with a capacity of 700 cubic meters per hour.

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It is better to take the hood "with a margin." So in medium mode, it will fully purify the air in the room and will not make much noise, as at maximum speed.

Hood dimensions are its width, depth and height. In the e96 rubricator, you can set any of the listed parameters. First of all, pay attention to the width.

The width of the hood should match the stove or be larger. This is a mandatory rule.

Height is a parameter more relevant for fireplace hoods. This is the maximum possible distance between the vent and the bottom panel of the case. You can find a hood with a height of one and a half meters, and one meter.

Depth affects usability. You can choose a model that will be flush with kitchen cabinets. This is the best option in terms of design and practicality (you won’t hit your head inadvertently).

When calculating the appropriate dimensions of the hood, keep in mind that it is installed at a certain distance above the stove (65-85 cm, depending on the model). If you want to install the hood higher, you will have to overpay for performance. In addition, warranty repairs may be denied due to improper use.

Important parameters

The noise that the hood makes during operation can interfere with conversation and simply tire you. The best option is when the noise level does not exceed 40-50 decibels. It is affected by:

  • number and power of motors
  • type and parameters of the duct
  • extraction speed

Motors are of different strength. The more powerful the fan motor, the greater the performance, but also the noise emitted. Therefore, between a hood with one powerful motor and two weaker ones, it is better to choose the second one.

air duct designed incorrectly, not only creates additional noise, but reduces the performance of the hood. It is best if it is wide and made of PVC.

Work speeds at least two in the hood. Many hoods boast three or even four speeds. This is quite enough for the daily tasks of an ordinary housewife. However, there are monsters with ten speeds, but they are more suitable for the kitchens of catering establishments. The lower the speed, the less noise.

There are hoods with a soundproofing system and special quiet motors, but they cost an order of magnitude more expensive than usual ones.

Details: backlight and control type

Backlight is an additional function of the hood and helps to assess the readiness of food.

  • Incandescent lamps. If you like pleasant warm lighting, then this option is for you. But remember that they are very energy-intensive and short-lived.
  • Halogen lamps. Their advantage is in even bright light. However, energy consumption is also high, and the service life is short. If you need an additional source of bright light in the kitchen - this is your choice.
  • Fluorescent lamps create cool diffused light. They are considered the most economical, but they do not shine too brightly. In hoods are quite rare.

To feed your family deliciously, you have to fry, boil and bake a lot. But besides the mountain of dirty dishes, more troubles await in the process: pungent odors, high humidity and ceilings yellowed from fumes. We will talk about how to choose a hood for the kitchen that will save you from these troubles and become an ornament in this article.

In order to decide on a specific model, you need to make some calculations and clarify the design options. But don't be afraid. Not everything is as difficult as it seems. Now let's go through all the details step by step.

Principle of operation

According to the method of removing unpleasant odors and soot, hoods are:

  • Flowing

Fans suck polluted air into the ventilation shaft and supply fresh air from the street into the kitchen. They are very effective in removing odors and fatty particles, so if possible, opt for such a device.

The main disadvantage is the complexity of installation. For the technique to work well, you should stretch the duct, avoiding sharp corners. Installation is planned at the furniture design stage, so putting the hood into an already finished set is quite problematic.

Another nuance that is worth considering is the state of the air exchange system in the house. If the building is old and the ventilation is clogged, then there will be no inflow of clean air, which means that the installation of the device is useless.

  • Recirculation

Their action is based on the fact that dirty air is drawn in, cleaned through filters and released back into the room.

They are usually more compact, easier to install, but less efficient at cleaning. The quality of work depends on the filters and their timely washing and replacement. In addition, from time to time you still have to open the window to ensure the flow of air.

Such devices are installed where it is impossible to connect to ventilation, and, as a rule, they are cheaper than flow devices.

  • Combined

They can either take fresh air from the street or work without an air duct.


The favorable atmosphere achieved with the hood depends on correctly calculated performance parameters. To calculate how much power you need, use the formula:

Productivity = kitchen area × ceiling height × 12 × 1.3

According to the SES instructions, the air in the room must be updated at least 10-12 times per hour. Therefore, the hood must be able to pump such a volume.

1.3 - correction factor for the number of storeys of the building, the contamination of the filters and ventilation shaft, the length of the air duct.

Let's look at an example. The ceiling height is 2.7 m, and the total area is 9 sq. m. m. We substitute the values ​​​​into the formula:

9 x 2.7 x 12 x 1.3 = 379.08

We round the result in the direction of a larger one - 380 cubic meters. m / hour. If you follow the advice of the pros, it is better to take the performance a little more than the minimum, then the freshness in the kitchen is guaranteed.

But it's not worth it to go too far. Buy a 1,000 cubic meter extractor hood for a 9-meter room. m / hour is an unreasonable waste of money and electricity.

Design features

According to the design and method of placement in space, there are the following types of hoods:

  • flat

A simple and inexpensive option. It is installed if there are no special design requirements, although you can choose quite nice ones among flat hoods. The technique looks like a small box. It usually works in recirculation mode, so it is often installed where installation of flow hoods is not possible.

  • Embedded

A type of device loved by many, when the kitchen hood is hidden in the headset cabinet. Built-in appliances can be connected to the ventilation system or not, depending on the functionality. Some of the models have a retractable panel to cover a larger area, this greatly increases their productivity.

The hood is built not only into the cabinet, but also into the table next to the stove. It looks unusual and spectacular, but, unfortunately, the ability to purify the air of such structures is small precisely because of the installation features.

  • Fireplace

They got their name because of the external similarity with the chimney of the fireplace. They are also called "dome". They are connected to ventilation and most effectively remove grease, soot and odors. If you choose a design suitable for your kitchen, then the unit will become a real decoration of the interior. In addition to classic fireplace hoods, there are also island, corner and inclined ones.

Island hoods are attached to the ceiling. They are installed in large rooms, where the hob is located in the middle of the room.

Island hoods purify the air better than others, because they draw it in from all four sides of the room.

There are also devices designed for corner mounting. But since installing a stove in a corner is an infrequent option, the products do not differ in the richness of choice.

Inclined fireplace appliances, according to consumers, are more practical to use, since there is less chance of hitting a corner. However, if you believe the reviews, due to the configuration, their suction capacity is slightly reduced.

Production material

The material from which the body of the exhaust hatch is made determines the appearance, difficulty in maintenance and durability. Commonly used:

  • Plastic - inexpensive hoods are made from it. It is convenient to wash it, but over time, scratches appear on the case, and the plastic may darken from soot.
  • The metal is usually aluminum or stainless steel. They are the most durable and do not lose their attractiveness. But caring for them is quite laborious: so that prints and plaque are not visible, they have to be constantly washed and rubbed with special products.
  • Tempered glass is a solution for stylish modern or high-tech kitchens. It looks very nice, but requires constant labor-intensive maintenance, removal of stains and stains.

In some manufacturers, you can find ceramic appliances or wood trim.


The main rule here is: the hood should be the same as the hob, or wider. The appliance will not be able to catch all the fumes if it is smaller than the hob, and some of it gets into the space of the apartment.

On sale there is equipment with a width of 30, 45, 50, 60, 100, 120 cm. So it will not be difficult to choose the right dimensions.

It is important to install the hood at the correct height: for gas stoves - 75 cm, for electric ones - 65 cm. If you put it higher, then it will not cope with its functions. Installation below the norm threatens to cause a fire, since fat on the walls of the device may begin to burn.


Filters are designed not only to trap grease and vapours, but also to protect internal parts from contamination. According to the levels of filtration, there are devices:

  • No filters

These are the cheapest and simplest models. Due to the trapless design, the grate and fan quickly become greasy and must be cleaned. If this is not done, then the device ceases to perform its function and breaks down.

  • With one filter

Models designed to protect against oil particles. As a rule, the filter is an aluminum or steel grate, which must be periodically removed and cleaned of grease. The filter can also be in the form of a plastic cassette filled with synthetic winterizer or non-woven fabric, but such a filter cannot be washed, so you will have to periodically throw it away and buy a new one.

  • double filtration

A charcoal filter is attached to the grease grate. It removes odors from the room. It is present in both flow-through and recirculation models, but secondly, its presence is highly desirable to create a favorable microclimate. It cannot be washed, therefore, as it wears out, it should be replaced with a new one. This period is on average 2-4 months.

Control type

The control may be mechanical or electronic.

Mechanical - carried out using shift levers, buttons or sliders. Their advantage is simplicity: they rarely break, do not require special skills during operation, and therefore are convenient.

Electronic systems often have a display that shows all instrument parameters. They can be push buttons or touch. In addition to the ability to set precise operation settings, touch panels have another advantage - they are easier to clean from grease, which inevitably appears on the hood. Some have a remote control included.

The most expensive samples are equipped with remote control via an application using a phone, computer or laptop. Although this is rather an expensive toy, because it is difficult to imagine a situation when you need to turn on the hood if no one is at home.


Almost all models are equipped with one way or another way of backlighting. Somewhere it is a lonely burning light bulb, and somewhere a whole light structure. Choose the option that suits you and your budget.

I will only note that it is better to give preference to halogen bulbs - they are durable (unlike incandescent bulbs) and do not distort colors (like fluorescent ones).

There are hoods with the ability to adjust the level of light to the lighting of the room. There are products with light focusing, when, depending on the setting, they illuminate a strictly limited patch of space or gently diffuse light throughout the kitchen.

Additional functions

Know that you will have to pay extra for the availability of options, but some of them are really useful, so if the budget allows, then you should not refuse them.

  • Interval inclusion - the hood turns on independently with a certain frequency, for example, once an hour. This ensures the flow of clean air into the kitchen, even if the room has not been used for a long time.
  • Residual stroke - after turning off the device, it still works for some time (5, 10 or 15 minutes) at minimum speed. The function allows you to remove all reminders of the cooking process from the environment.
  • Automatic switching of speeds - smart technology itself determines the degree of pollution of the environment and the mode that will best clean the air.
  • Timer - allows you to set the interval after which the device will turn off.
  • The most advanced models are even equipped with a TV.

Volume level

If you plan to cook in the morning or at night, then this is one of the main factors. And during the day, a constant loud hum will infuriate anyone and lead to a headache.

Therefore, even at the stage of purchase, familiarize yourself with the noise level declared at maximum power. If it is more than 55 dB, then the purchase should be abandoned. Devices with a volume of 35 - 45 dB are considered quiet.

Keep in mind that the higher the performance, the more the device will make noise. If you need to purchase a unit for a large kitchen, then take a look at models with two fans: they are much quieter and clean just as efficiently.

Company manufacturer

Among the manufacturers of hoods, there are well-known brands of home appliances, for example: AEG, Bosch, Indesit, Electrolux, Smeg, Zanussi. They traditionally produce high-quality high-tech devices.

Among the suppliers of hoods there are companies specializing specifically in the production of kitchen products: Elica, Jet Air, Korting, Krona, Kuppersberg, Lex, Maunfeld, Shindo. They are distinguished by the highest quality, thoughtful execution of every detail and a wide range of models.

It is simpler, and therefore cheaper, equipment from the brands Hansa, Hotpoint-Ariston, Candy, Gorenje, Midea. The Russian products Elikor deserve special attention. In the assortment of the company you can find both cheap models and expensive stylish solutions. Products differ in beautiful design for every taste.

Top Models

Now let's make a small list of reliable models with positive consumer reviews, sorted by price.


It is built into the cabinet, it functions both in the withdrawal mode (420 cubic meters / hour) and recirculation (350 cubic meters / hour). Cleans rooms up to 8 sq. m. It has a retractable panel to cover a larger area and two speeds. You can optionally install a carbon filter.

The cost is 4,800 rubles.

Standard flat device for small kitchens. Can be connected to ventilation or recirculation. Equipped with a standard mesh grease filter and an optional charcoal filter.

The price is 5,500 rubles.

A classic fireplace appliance with a cleaning capacity of up to 15 sq. m. It has two modes and three power levels. It has a built-in filter grill and push-button adjustment. You can buy a charcoal filter.

It will cost 18,500 rubles.


Inclined hood of an unusual purple color for a kitchen up to 16 sq. m. Works in the mode of withdrawal and recirculation, has a touch panel and a remote control. The anti-return valve prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors from the ventilation. The built-in timer allows you to customize the shutdown, as it is convenient for the user.

Write in the comments if this article helped you? What do you think, which of the characteristics of the operation of the hood is the main one?

On the modern market there is a huge range of modern hoods from various manufacturing companies. Such devices differ in their functionality, dimensions, design solutions. Sometimes it is quite difficult to choose the most optimal product for yourself. Therefore, the best option is to seek qualified help from professionals. After all, it is very important which parameters should be taken into account when choosing a device, as well as what mistakes in choosing are the most common. In this publication, we will consider in detail how to choose a hood for the kitchen - professional advice for you.

Depending on the principle of operation, several types of hoods are distinguished:

Housing type for kitchen hoods

First of all, it is important to decide which type of hood body will be the best option for your kitchen. Today, the following designs are presented in the line of the most popular manufacturers:

How to choose the hood power for the kitchen

Thinking about how to choose the right hood for the kitchen in a private house, you should correctly determine the required level of performance, which is measured in m3 / h. After all, if there is a need to choose this kind of equipment, then it is better that it removes polluted air from the room as efficiently as possible. Accordingly, power indicators should not be neglected.
According to experts, the calculation formula is very simple. You need to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen by the height and then by a factor of 12. This number reflects the generally accepted sanitary standard, which says that the device must draw out every cubic meter of air in the room in one hour must be updated 12 times. In addition, you need to take care of the power reserve, so the finished value will need to be increased by 20%.

How to choose a good hood: about dimensions

Finding the right size hood is pretty easy. In this regard, the advice of professionals is as follows: the width of the exhaust panel should be slightly larger compared to the stove. This is necessary so that dirty air does not rise past the fan. Today, there are numerous devices of different widths (from 45 to 90 cm) on the market. Actually, therefore, choosing your best option, taking into account individual characteristics, is not difficult at all.

The nature of management

When solving the task of how to choose a kitchen hood, be sure to ask about the type of control of the device you like. In modern units, parameters can be adjusted using a sensor system, pseudo-sensors or mechanical buttons. If you need to pick up an inexpensive hood, then it is better to stop at the last two options. If the budget is not limited by strict limits, then a touch-controlled hood is quite suitable.

Cooker hood lighting

It is convenient when the work area is illuminated using bulbs located on the hood panel. When choosing one or another variant of technology, keep in mind that such lighting should be of very high quality, you should not save and take the cheapest options. It is better if it is represented by LED or halogen lamps, since such light sources provide a better luminous flux. And this parameter is very important during cooking.

Noise level

When choosing a hood and taking care of home comfort, we always want it to be quiet. That is why, before buying, be sure to consult and clarify the data in the technical data sheet about the solution you have chosen. Consider the following noise levels:

  • 60 dB - the volume level of a normal conversation;
  • 90 dB - scream;
  • 100 dB and above - the noise that occurs when the lawn mower is running.

If you need a quiet range hood for the kitchen, the best solution would be no more than 45 dB.

Production material

This parameter is extremely important, since the complexity or simplicity of daily maintenance of the hood depends on its choice. From dirt and grease, it is easiest to wash the enameled surface. Such material is also good for its inexpensive cost, as well as excellent reliability and durability. More expensive is stainless steel. It looks very impressive in the interior of the kitchen, and also attracts with a long service life. The most expensive is tinted glass. This material is outwardly very attractive, but in daily care it is too laborious.

Extra options

Among the additional parameters of modern hoods, it is worth paying attention to the following:

  • Automatic switching of speeds. Models that support this function are equipped with a special sensor on the body. It reacts to the appearance of soot and immediately switches to the most optimal fan speed.
  • Creation of air flow. This option redirects the air flow directly to the fan from the front panel. In this case, evaporation will not spread beyond the working area.
  • Emergency indication and protective shutdown in case of threats. This feature is a guarantee of the safety of the device.
  • Remaining move. Models equipped with this option leave the fan turned on in a special slow mode for another ten to twenty minutes after turning off, which allows you to better clean the air from fumes.
  • Interval inclusion. This functionality ensures freshness in the kitchen by periodically turning on the fan (once or several times per hour).

When choosing a quality model, be sure to pay attention to products manufactured by the world's leading companies. Such firms use high-quality materials and innovative technologies, which ultimately significantly increases the life of the hood.

Key Findings

In the kitchen, you can not do without a hood. When choosing your best option, be sure to consider:

  • Dimensions;
  • Functional;
  • Design features;
  • Design.

This is the only way to buy a good appliance that will not only please with its appearance, but also make the air inside the kitchen fresh and clean.

To begin with, let's figure out why a hood is needed in the kitchen and is it needed at all? This device performs two important functions:

  • Protects furniture, walls, ceilings and textiles from the appearance of greasy deposits and soot;
  • Removes and purifies the air from smoke, odors, combustion products, fumes and other impurities that are harmful to health, which are formed during cooking on the stove.

By the way, the air in the kitchen during the heat treatment of food becomes the dirtiest in the house. Therefore, if you often cook, your kitchen is not the smallest and / or you use a gas stove and water heater, then you cannot do without a kitchen hood.

Do you need a range hood in the kitchen? Our answer is yes, you really need it if you cook regularly, use a gas stove, and also if your kitchen has more than 10 square meters of area or is combined with a living room / hallway

However, in order for the hood to really be useful, and not idle, it must be chosen correctly: in terms of performance, operating mode, umbrella size and design. To understand all the nuances of choosing a kitchen hood, our 8-step guide with photos of appliances in the interior will help you.

Step 1. Decide on the type of hood

The first step is to decide: you need a flow or circulation hood.

  • The flow hood is connected to the ventilation duct of the house and removes the exhaust air into it. Flow models can not only completely (!) remove the exhaust air in the exhaust mode, but also work in the circulation mode and let fresh air into the room from the street. If your kitchen has the ability to connect the hood to the ventilation shaft of the building, then this is worth doing, especially if the kitchen is not small or combined.

Flow hood in the interior of the kitchen-living room

  • The circulation hood is not connected to the ventilation duct and works only in recirculation mode - it passes polluted air through the filters, and then the purified air is thrown back into the room. This type of hood is less efficient, its performance largely depends on the quality of the filters, so they need to be changed / cleaned in a timely manner (we'll talk about filters a little later). But the circulation helps out when it is not possible to connect the hood to the ventilation shaft. For example, if the island table with a stove is installed too far from the ventilation duct, and you don’t want to pull the air duct through the entire kitchen.

Circulation hood in the interior of the kitchen

And circulating hoods are cheaper than flow hoods, so if you want to save money and your kitchen is small, then a circulating hood is quite suitable.

Now let's talk a little about filters.

  • Filters for kitchen hoods are divided into two categories: charcoal and grease filters. Circulation devices are equipped with carbon filters, and flow devices are equipped with grease filters. The former trap particles of fat, soot, smoke, fumes. They are involved in any mode of operation of the hood, can be disposable or reusable.

Step 2. Deciding which device we need - built-in, suspended or dome?

  1. Suspended hoods (from 2300 rubles) are always only circulating, compact and most inexpensive. Most often they are mounted under the kitchen cabinet above the stove or mounted to the wall.

An example of a pendant type of device

  1. The dome hood is a structure of an umbrella and a pipe and resembles a fireplace with a chimney (because they are often called chimney). Such models always require connection to the air duct and are more expensive, but they also look more elegant. And, as a rule, they have a great performance. If you often cook, your stove / kitchen is large and you want the hood to decorate the interior, then the fireplace model is what you need.

Dome hood in the interior of a classic kitchen

  1. Built-in hoods are built into a cabinet above the stove or into a decorative dome and connected to the air duct. They are good because they are simply not visible, in addition, due to the lack of decorative finishes, built-in models are cheaper than domed ones.
  • In addition to stationary built-in hoods, there are telescopic (retractable) models that, if necessary, can be increased to the size of the plate.

Both domed and built-in hoods can be angular as in the photo below ...

... or island. Island hoods are attached to the ceiling above the stove in the island table, they are beautiful from all sides. In this category of hoods, you can find both circulation devices and flow devices that work to remove air. Another feature of island hoods is that some models can be lowered to the stove only if necessary (such hoods are called mobile).

Step 3. Specify the dimensions of the stove and hood

The main principle for choosing a hood in size is simple: the width of the umbrella must correspond to the width of the plate or be larger than it (but not less!).

  • For this reason, the most popular appliances are 50 cm, 60 cm and 90 cm wide hoods.

For very large stoves, you can choose a hood with a width of 120 cm or 100 cm, although their choice is not too large.

  • The depth can be from 30 to 50 cm. Although this parameter is not so important, it is still better to choose the device so that its visor does not protrude much above the stove, otherwise you can hit it.

If you choose a chimney hood, then the height of the device also matters. After all, she says what is the maximum allowable distance between the bottom surface of the umbrella and the vent, she allows. Some hoods are 1.5 m high, while others are only 1 meter high.

  • By the way, important information: the hood must be installed at least 60 centimeters from the stove.

Step 4. Calculate the optimal performance

It's time to talk about the most important criteria for choosing a kitchen hood - performance.

  • The performance of the hood is an indicator of the maximum amount of air that the device can catch per hour of operation. The performance of the weakest kitchen hood can be 150 m 3 / hour, and the most powerful - 2500 m 3 / hour.

How powerful your hood needs to be depends on the size of the kitchen (including the size of the attached rooms, if any).

To find out the minimum performance of the device, perform the following calculations:

  1. Multiply the area of ​​the kitchen by the height of the walls;
  2. Then multiply the resulting product by 12 (this is the rate of air exchange per hour according to SES);
  3. Finally, multiply this value by a factor of 1.5 or 1.7 (for an electric hob) or by 2 (if you have a gas stove);
  4. Now that you have found out the required minimum hood performance for your kitchen, add another 10% to it for each bend of the duct and for each meter of its length (from the ventilation duct to the hood), as well as another 10% in case of emergency - the need to remove smoke , the smell of burning or, say, fish.

Step 5. Pay attention to the noise level

Want to cook in relative silence? Choose a hood with a noise level of up to 45 decibels. True, quiet hoods are significantly more expensive, and sometimes their silence is achieved by reducing engine power.

  • Which hood is better - with one super-powerful motor or with two slightly less powerful ones? The second option is preferable, as it allows the hood to work not too loudly and at the same time quite efficiently.
  • Inexpensive hoods are always noisy. Models with noise levels above 50 dB can be almost as loud and annoying as a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner.

Step 6. Choose the type of control

Different hoods have different controls: push-button, touch, electronic (with the possibility of remote control) or slider (see photo).

  • In our opinion, it is worth giving preference to a device with a backlit touch control panel - it is much easier to keep it clean than protruding buttons that now and then threaten to “stick” in grease.

Step 7Dealing With Additional Features

  • Almost all hoods are equipped with lamps. This simple addition often comes in handy during cooking, so it makes sense to test the backlight in the store for ease of turning on and replacing the lamp. Ideally, the bulbs in the hood should be LED - they are safe, do not burn out for a long time, do not heat up and are easily disposed of.

  • Depending on the "tricks", you can see models with 1-2 air intake speeds and even 10. In our opinion, it makes little sense to overpay for an abundance of speeds, 3-4 modes will be quite enough for most non-professional cooks.
  • Also, modern hoods are almost always equipped with a timer or a residual stroke button, which makes it possible to synchronize its operation with the stove.
  • When buying a hood, you should make sure that it has safety shutdown sensors and a sensor that reminds you that it is time to replace / clean the grease filter.
  • Some manufacturers (for example, Siemens) even build TVs into the hoods.

Step 8. Planning the design of the hood

If you decide to purchase a built-in or hanging model, then the need to choose a design disappears by itself. But when choosing a fireplace-type exhaust device, the appearance of the case is of great importance. Here are some tips to help you:

  • For classical and rustic interiors you should choose built-in invisible hoods or domed appliances in retro or country style. Carving, artificially aged finish of the body, inserts made of brass or antique silver - all this will be very appropriate in traditional kitchens. Fortunately, retro-style models are now represented on the market by almost all manufacturers. By the way, a standard hood can be closed with a decorative dome.

Hood in retro style in the interior of the kitchen

  • For modern interiors devices with a concise design with clear or rounded shapes are more suitable. Available in colored and printed, glossy, matte or chrome finishes. The main thing is that their size and shape should not be at the expense of the functionality of the equipment, as is often the case in practice.
  • So, for example, we advise you to abandon the popular inclined hoods as in the photo below. Due to the tilt of the case, such devices become ineffective, although they look great, take up little space, are easy to use and prevent tall users from accidentally hitting their heads on the visor.

Another bad example of choosing a hood is that this "cylinder" is too small for a 4-burner stove.

  • It is safest to choose the color of the hood to match the facades, walls or apron.
  • It is easiest to care for metal hoods, as well as light-colored appliances, such as metallic or white.
  • The most difficult to care for are dark-colored hoods with a glossy surface, as in the photo below.

On black hoods, dust, fingerprints, streaks and stains become doubly noticeable

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The cooking process is inevitably associated with the appearance of specific odors in the surrounding air. Fat, soot and gas combustion products leave a very unaesthetic plaque on furniture, walls, surfaces of kitchen appliances and harm health, getting into the bloodstream through a person’s lungs. Significantly reduce the harm from pollution and keep your kitchen space clean will help a competent choice of high-quality kitchen hoods.

The principle of operation of the hood

A kitchen hood (kitchen umbrella) is designed to effectively remove and clean polluted air that appears during cooking. In addition, all modern models perfectly cope with local lighting of the working area, and in addition to their main functions, they are one of the most important interior items of the kitchen space.

A classic kitchen umbrella is a structure inside which a fan is installed that sucks air from the cooking zone into the device. Then the polluted air passes through a system of filters, in which fat, soot, combustion products, fumes and odors settle.

Hood types

Today, the domestic market offers the consumer two types of exhaust devices: flow and circulation. Depending on the type of device, already cleaned air masses are released into the atmosphere (flow-through) through the general house ventilation system, or are returned back to the room (circulation type).

The advantages of flow hoods are their high performance, which, by the way, is very dependent on the quality of the ventilation system at home.

The disadvantage is rather complicated installation and obligatory organization of fresh air supply in the required volume.

The advantages of "kitchen umbrellas" of the circulation type are the ease of installation, the absence of air ducts and the connection with the general house ventilation system.

Important! When running flow hoods in the kitchen, a slight vacuum occurs. In the area of ​​low pressure (according to the laws of physics), air masses rush from other rooms, including from the toilet. Without a well-organized influx of fresh air, air from the ventilation of the bathroom will be drawn into the kitchen with the smells of the sewerage of the entire entrance.

To date, almost all models of exhaust kitchen hoods are available in six body designs. Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Suspended exhaust hoods are only circulation type (do not require connection to the ventilation system). They are mounted on the wall directly above the hob. An ideal choice for small kitchens.


  • low cost in comparison with other types of similar devices;
  • simple installation.


  • low performance.

Suspended hood


Dome or fireplace are made in the form of an umbrella, which with its "wide side" is located directly above the hob, and "narrow" goes into the ventilation system. The dome is attached to the wall. The air duct is mounted on the dome and to the “ventilation window” or is diverted directly outside the premises.


  • aesthetic design;
  • high performance.


  • The need for arranging forced ventilation.

Dome hood


Built-in appliances are mounted inside the kitchen cabinet. This shape of the body allows you to hide the entire design of the hood, leaving "in front of" only an attractive front panel with controls. A great option for those who do not want to spoil the interior of the room with an “extra structure”.


  • Doesn't take up space.
  • Doesn't damage the interior.


  • Has a higher cost.
  • Requires skill to install.

Built-in hood


One of the most modern design options, which is installed inside the countertop (directly near the hob) and “leaves” it when the stove is turned on. A very convenient option for small kitchens.


  • Compactness.
  • Effective design.


  • High price.
  • Difficulty of installation.
  • Low efficiency.

Domino hood


This type of equipment is a classic ceiling-mounted kitchen umbrella. The best option for purifying the air above a kitchen island or freestanding stove.


  • High performance.
  • Large selection of design solutions.


  • Difficulty of installation.
  • High price.
  • Impressive dimensions

Island hood

Pull-out Models

A retractable hood or slider when folded has a minimum size. During operation, an additional panel extends from the main body, which covers the entire perimeter of the hob. Such a design can be of a flow or circulation type. Ideal for those with limited space.


  • Significant space savings.
  • Good functionality.
  • High performance.
  • Fits into almost any interior.

Pull-out hood

The main criteria for choosing a hood for the kitchen

Aesthetic indicators

The first rule in choosing a hood for the kitchen is as follows: the type of device must match the interior of the kitchen space.

Suspended and built-in models, retractable systems "Domino" do not have an air duct, do not require connection to the ventilation system and do not cover the wall section in front of the hob. Such models fit perfectly into the interior of even the smallest kitchen.

If you have become the owner of a kitchen-living room with a separate kitchen island, then you need to select a suspended appliance with a ceiling mount, since the choice of colors, shapes and sizes is simply huge.

Dome models, today, are one of the most popular among domestic consumers. Despite some massiveness, they fit perfectly into the kitchen, thanks to the variety of design solutions for such devices.

Filtration system

Today, almost all modern exhaust hoods (regardless of model and type) are equipped with a filtration system. The filtration system is classified according to the following criteria:

By type of filter system

Depending on the type and design, modern exhaust hoods can be:

  1. Single stage.
  2. Two-stage.

The former are equipped with only one coarse filter, which traps grease particles from the air stream. The latter are equipped with two-level cleaning, which may include two or three filters.

First level filters

They are a cassette with several layers of filter material. Depending on the “stuffing”, the first level filter elements can be:

  • Acrylic.
  • Metallic.

The former are made in the form of a mesh of synthetic material that can be washed after use. The second are reusable metal meshes that are cleaned as they get dirty with a regular cleaning solution.

Second level filters

This type of filter element is designed to remove unpleasant odors from the air. Most often, coal acts as an active substance in such elements. The classic charcoal filter for a kitchen umbrella consists of a plastic body filled with charcoal powder or granules. These elements are widely used in circulation type exhaust hoods.

Important! Charcoal filters are disposable items. After contamination, they are disposed of and replaced with new ones.

Filter protecting the ventilation shaft

During cooking, suspended particles of fat and soot are necessarily present in the air, which are deposited on the fan blades, the inner surfaces of the exhaust hood and the ventilation shaft. When mixed with dust, fatty deposits can disable equipment, and over time, significantly reduce the cross section of the ventilation duct.

To protect against such exposure, modern manufacturers have provided grease filters in exhaust devices, which can be:

  • Metal filters are made of galvanized and stainless steel, aluminum. They are reusable filter elements;
  • Acrylic also perfectly tolerate "washing" in a warm soapy solution. Experts recommend cleaning reusable grease filters at least once a month;
  • Synthetic elements are made from synthetic winterizer, non-woven fabric and even paper. They are not subject to cleaning and are replaced with new ones as they become dirty. The indicator is provided by special pictograms on the body of the element.

Charcoal filter - installation

Device power and performance

How to choose the power of the kitchen hood? The power of the kitchen hood depends on the type of engine, lighting, etc. As a rule, the power consumption of the hoods does not exceed the permissible load on the electrical network.

Most of all, the consumer is concerned about the issue of performance. In other words, how much air does the device pump over per unit of time? Calculating the required value is very simple: you need to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by the height of the ceilings and the air exchange rate equal to 12. This calculation will show the required performance of the device specifically for your kitchen.

The formula itself looks like this:

Q=S*H*12, where:

Q is the capacity of the exhaust unit, m3/h;

S - kitchen area m2;

H is the height of the room;

12 - air exchange rate.

Example. For a kitchen with an area of ​​12 m2 and a ceiling height of 2.5 m, an exhaust hood with a capacity of (12 × 2.5) x 12 = 360 m3 / h is required.

Important! To reduce the load on the device and extend its service life, experts recommend increasing the value obtained by 15-20%, making a performance margin.


How to correctly choose an inexpensive hood for the kitchen so that it practically does not require maintenance? The frequency of maintenance and the cost depend on the material used in the manufacture of the kitchen umbrella.

Today, hoods are presented on the domestic market:

  • aluminum;
  • plastic;
  • stainless steel;
  • enameled steel;
  • tempered glass.

The most popular kitchen umbrellas are aluminum and plastic products. They are lightweight, attractive and low cost. However, without a special coating, aluminum is highly oxidized, which makes it extremely difficult to care for such a device. Plastic models wash well, but may turn yellow over time.

Kitchen umbrellas made of stainless steel look more stylish. This material is resistant to corrosion and does not react with detergents and aggressive liquids. However, even the smallest scratches are visible on the surface of the stainless steel. Enameled steel is much cheaper than stainless steel, although it is not inferior to it in corrosion resistance. The only negative is the enamel, which does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.

Tempered glass kitchen umbrellas are the most expensive and require the most careful maintenance.

enamelled steel
stainless steel Strained glass

Fans and their power

The operation of all kitchen umbrellas is based on a simple fan design: an impeller with blades is fixed on the motor shaft, which, when rotated, pumps air masses. Today, manufacturers complete their models with the following types of fans:

  1. Axial (axial). Most often used in inexpensive ventilation installations. The principle of operation is based on the movement of air along the axis of rotation of the impeller. In comparison with other types of similar equipment, they have high aerodynamic characteristics, and as a result, high efficiency.
  2. Radial (centrifugal). Unlike axial, they have spiral blades. A feature of such devices is the perpendicular direction of the blown out air flow relative to the drawn in air. This design allows the most efficient use of them for air ducts of complex configuration.
  3. diametral. In such fans, air moves along the impeller. Despite the small diameter, the bladed drum can supply large volumes of air. That is why this type of fan has found application in small ventilation installations.
  4. Diagonal. Hybrid of axial and centrifugal fan. This design allows you to get high performance due to centrifugal force. Diagonal fans are small and quiet.
  5. two speed. Work in two modes: half power; 100% power. They are used in most exhaust devices of the budget and medium price segment.
  6. Four speed. Work in four modes: 25; 50; 75 and 100% power. Allows you to fine-tune the required performance of the device.

Hood size

One of the subtleties of choosing the right hood for the kitchen is to correctly select the dimensions of the device. Today on sale you can find installations with dimensions:

  • 50 cm;
  • 60 cm;
  • 90 cm

The selection algorithm is as follows: the width of the hood must exceed the width of the hob. Only in this case, it will most effectively absorb all the fumes, fat and odors inherent in the preparation of certain products. It is allowed to install an umbrella of the same size with the hob.

Device control type

A modern exhaust unit for the kitchen is a high-tech device equipped with a control panel placed on the outer part of the case. Extraction control can be:

  • sensory;
  • push-button;
  • slider (slider);
  • pseudosensory.

Touch control is convenient because you do not need to make any effort to change the operating mode of the device. By moving the slider (slider), the user selects a sector that corresponds to a particular program or function.

Button control is the most common. In such a control panel, each button corresponds to a strictly defined function.

Pseudo-touch control is a hybrid of a sensor and buttons. There are buttons under each function, but the principle of their operation is similar to that of touch buttons.

Control type


The power, size and shape of the fan blades determine the performance, and as a result, the noise of the exhaust device. Pay attention to the sound pressure level (noise) of the device. A sound of 40 dB is similar to human speech, but 60 dB is already quite a loud noise heard at a distance of 1 meter.
Advice! Choose a device with a sound power level of no more than 50 dB. The description of the model indicates the maximum sound pressure.

Extra options

When choosing a kitchen umbrella, you should pay attention to the availability of additional options.

  1. Intermittent fan activation provides short-term switching on of the device at minimum speed at certain intervals. Thus, the air in the kitchen space will be automatically cleaned in the most economical mode.
  2. Residual stroke fan makes it possible to clean the air. In other words, after turning off the blades will still rotate for some time.
  3. Automatic speed change. The sensor reacts to changes in air density and independently adjusts the performance of the unit.
  4. Emergency indication will show when the filter should be changed.
  5. Remote control. The presence of such a function will greatly simplify the control of the device from other rooms.
  6. Timer on and off will allow you to start or stop the device after a specified time.
  7. Lighting. Air purifiers for the kitchen are on sale, in which the following are installed as lighting fixtures:
  • halogen lamps;
  • incandescent lamps;
  • fluorescent lighting.

Incandescent lamps, as a rule, are equipped with budget devices. Such lighting has a soft, warm glow, creating a pleasant, cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. The disadvantages of such backlighting include high power consumption and fragility. Halogen illumination is the most common in modern exhaust devices. In fact, a "halogen" is an improved incandescent lamp, but more economical and durable.

Advice! If you want your dish to look as natural as possible, then you should not use fluorescent lighting for illumination, it will distort the shades.

Recently, air purifiers with LED lights have appeared on the market. LED lamps are durable. The service life can reach 50 thousand hours. Installations with such lighting are not only the most prestigious, but also more expensive.

Rating of the best manufacturers

Before making a purchase of a kitchen air purifier, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself in detail with the rating of the most popular models in the price segment that suits you.

Most of our compatriots prefer such brands as Siemens, Bosch, Kronasteel, Hansa, Gorenje, Elikor, Samsung. They successfully combine high quality, reliability, affordable cost and attractive appearance of the products.

Budget models

Gorenje DU5345W

This model is recognized as one of the best hanging air cleaners that will look great in a small kitchen. Productivity - 300 m3/h. Two-stage filtration system, three modes of operation of the axial fan, bright halogen lighting. It is completed with aluminum fatty and coal filters. Control type - push-button.


  • Affordable cost.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Light weight.


  • High noise level.

Elikor Integra 60

Elikor Integra 60 is considered one of the most inexpensive built-in models. The device perfectly copes with the tasks in the kitchens of medium size. A feature of this device is the ability to work in circulation (without connection to ventilation) and in flow modes (with a vent to the ventilation system). Productivity - 400 m3/h. Two speeds, grease filter. Illumination with incandescent lamps. Control type - push-button.


  • Affordable cost.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Simple control.
  • Low noise level 52 dB at peak load.


  • Weak functionality.

Middle price segment

Candy CBT 6130 X

Despite the relatively low cost, this built-in model is one of the most inexpensive in the middle price segment. Productivity - 200 m3/h allows to cope with air purification in a small kitchen with ease.

Features: two engines; the ability to work in two modes, a two-stage filtration system, three speeds of rotation of the fan blades. Illumination is halogen. Button control type. Comes with grease and charcoal filter.


  • Affordable cost.
  • Not bad functionality.
  • Low noise level (42 dB).


  • Relatively low performance.
  • Short network cable.

Zigmund Stein K 003.51

The Zigmund Shtain K 003.51 hood is characterized by a high performance level of 1000 m3/h. The width of 50 cm makes it easy to place the appliance in small kitchens. Features: possibility of work in two modes (removal/recirculation); 3 speeds, grease filter, incandescent lighting. Push-button control makes this model as simple as possible in everyday use.


  • Excellent performance.
  • An anti-return valve is provided.
  • High build quality.
  • Low (for such performance) noise level of 56 dB.


  • Single stage filtration system.

Premium Models

Hansa OKC 6726 IH

Hansa OKC 6726 IH is a modern dome-type air purifier that will fit into any kitchen design thanks to its striking design. Width - 60 cm. Productivity - 62 m3/h. Features and functionality: two operating modes (ventilation/absorber); 3 speeds, off timer. Illumination with 2 incandescent lamps.


  • Modern design.
  • Good performance.
  • Low noise level (at peak load 53 dB.).


  • Only one grease filter is supplied with the kit.

Bosch DFS 067K50

The products of this brand have earned a reputation as a reliable manufacturer of high-quality household appliances. According to reviews, the Bosch DFS 067K50 built-in kitchen air cleaner has the best value for money to date. The device is equipped with a steel body 60 cm wide. Productivity is 700 m3/h. Three operating modes (removal/circulation/intensive); 4 speeds; touch control. Cleaning system: grease filter with contamination indicator and the possibility of installing an active filter element. The device is equipped with a timer and LED backlight.


  • Quality of execution;
  • Functionality;
  • Low noise level;

As a conclusion, we want to pay attention to how to choose the right and reliable kitchen hood. Before purchasing, be guided by the following items:

  1. Filters. Can be disposable or reusable. The more filters, the higher the quality of cleaning and the cost of the device.
  2. Appearance of the hood and installation method. Choose a model that matches the design of the room.
  3. The power and performance of the fans should cover the necessary air exchange in the kitchen with a margin.
  4. Control Panel. It happens touch, push-button and slider. It is more convenient to use the sensor, the buttons are simpler and cheaper.
  5. The dimensions of the household appliance should be slightly larger or equal to the hob.
  6. Additional features simplify the operation of the air cleaner, and significantly increase its cost.
  7. Noise. Higher performance - more noise.

According to experts, if you follow these recommendations, you can save a lot of time, money and effort to find the right air purifier model for you.

Watch a video on how to choose a hood