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Male scales in marriage: a horoscope of family life. Horoscope Male Scales

If you met a man endowed with an exacerbated feeling of harmony, proportion, rhythm, the colors that are susceptible to the whole beautiful, elegant, sophisticated, with a wonderful sense of humor with a fine logic and a sharp mind - for sure it was born under the constellation of the scales. This man can be so charming that he wants to give up without a fight, just seeing a soft smile on his face. It is difficult to find a person more charming and friendly living with a feeling of happiness.

Scales are constellations known to humanity from time immemorial. This is the only constellation that does not have anything in common with a living being. So how did this measuring device hit the skies, and how does it affect the strong half of humanity?

Ancient Greek mythology binds the emergence of this constellation with the weights of the Goddess of Justice Dick. Mighty Zeus strictly followed the law and order to reign on Earth, therefore the goddess of the daemid justice was always next to his throne. Dick was the daughter of Zeus and Femids, and it was she who reported to her father about all the injustices that were doing on Earth so that the perpetrators suffered a deserved punishment.

Zeus left the scales of his daughter Dick in the sky in the form of a constellation, and since then it reminds people that they must strictly adhere to laws, always and in all be fair.

Under the constellation of the scales, many outstanding personalities have been born that became world celebrities. Among them, Giuseppe Verdi, Mikhail Lermontov, Friedrich Nietzsche, Oscar Wilde, Ivan Bunin, Nikolai Roerich, Sergey Yesenin, Savelij Kramarov, Vladimir Putin, Jean-Claude Van Damm M Many others.


Element of weights - air, a non-permanent and elusive, making a person emotionally cold. For the most part, this is reasonable, rational, thinking people who know how to control their emotions and passions. It is the air that determines their desire to equilibrium, and everything is unpleasant and anxious dispelled in their consciousness easily like morning fog.

The characteristic distinguishing signs of air people are natural, reasonable arguments, in connection with which they are perceived by others as individuals endowed with remarkable, unlucky thinking, capable of thinking non-standard. The main and most important gift of air scales is the gift of the beliefs they own in perfection. All air people are very freedom-loving - they are movable, easy and transparent, seek everything to know and penetrate everywhere.

Male scales, as if air, can "spread" and adapt to any, even the most unfavorable setting, find a common language with the most different people. Of the minuses, it is possible to note its forgetfulness, the surface, the ability to understand only what is like. Often air people are distinguished by duplicity and secrecy, they can be boltles, but at their chatter do not disclose anything about themselves, and almost everything is discharged about the interlocutor.

Possessing an even character, not inclined to sharp mood drops, air people are perfectly converging with representatives of all elements. However, the best compatibility of man-scales with people of the elements of air and fire - they are needed to each other, because there is no air without air, and the air is necessary for fire to settle and climb to a large height.

Compatibility with people of the elements of water can also be not bad, provided that both partners will have sufficient patience. Water loves to keep everything under control, and the air cannot exist without freedom - this is their main contradiction. The problem of air compatibility with the Earth is that they have practically no common goals, however, as well as essential disagreements.

To reside air people are best in open, windy places, in a spacious and bright room, on high floors. It is better to choose the desktop by the window, and the air conditioner must be in the apartment. For energetic feeding, men-weights need fresh, clean air, preferably mountain or forest, away from megalopolises.


Weighs are very lucky - their patroness is bright, brilliant, sensual Venus. Male-scales, thanks to Venus, received a gift easily like women, and his smile - a typical smile Venus - the same sensual and charming, jamming women crazy. He is able to conquer the heart of the ladies of a huge power of suggestion and charm, who gave him Venus. Love plays a major role in the life of a man-scale.

Venus is responsible for such aspects of human life as eroticism, sensitivity, emotionality, diversity, aesthetic taste, romanticism, refinement, positive attitude to life, a subtle mental organization. Venus causes a person to strive for harmonious relations with people and nature.

The good influence of the planet is expressed in generosity, kindness, excellent sense of humor. Of negative qualities, such as self-presentation of their own weaknesses, lack of hard work, vanity, spoil, consumer attitude towards partner, sensuality instead of subtlety and love are distinguished.

If Venus is in the scales of "kind", then the man's life will be calm, peaceful, he will give the surrounding a lot of happiness and love, there will be more calm and beauty in his daily. Many events in fate will occur harmoniously, and the severity of events will be softened. But the most valuable gift of "good" Venus is the opportunity to feel happy, feeling that life in any case is beautiful.

Venus is a patronage of pleasures, so the man-scales often cannot refuse themselves the pleasure to eat, it is good to walk well, she also forces the comfort and luxury to attach too much importance. At the same time, Venus does not contribute to self-discipline and volitional efforts, makes a person relax, indulge in dreams. Some snobbery are possible and dependent on public opinion.

Stone talisman

Red Coral - one of the best faces for strong sex representatives born under the sign of the scales. He will help his owner think rationally, gives the gift of conviction and eloquence, will save from damage, envy and evil eye. Red coral has a good soothing effect, helps to keep calm in a severe stressful situation, will support the nervous system in equilibrium.

In order to become more assertive and confident, weights need to have a decoration from Lazurit. The stone will help remove the emotional tension and will take on the whole negative intended for the owner. The Amulet from Lazurit will return confidence in himself and emphasize all the best qualities of a man, strengthens friendly, affiliate and love connections. In order for the lags not to lose its magic properties, it is sometimes necessary to rinse under running water.

The amulet from the zircon will help if you need to solve career problems, achieve an increase or get a new job, make a successful deal. Zircon attracts financial success, gives its owner to decisive and the ability to make faithful solutions.

Opal will bring such harmony into the soul of a man in which everyone who was born under the sign of the scales need. With the help of a talisman from Opal, a person will learn not to rush in extremes, it will be better to control his emotions. Opal will be able to protect the owner from rampant deeds and will not allow to get into the difficult situation.

Many other stones suitable for men in energy can be used as a talisman. But such minerals as a serpentine, onyx, carnelian, hematite and all stones with bright red, bloody color as a talisman are categorically not suitable. These stones are included in a strong disharmony with an energy field of scales, so they will not bring anything other than trouble.


Choosing a talisman, you need to focus on comfortable physical, tactile and intuitive sensations. Little talismans are best suited to the weights, which are not causing envy. The most important thing is to believe that the amulet is endowed with magical strength and is able to help.

An excellent mascot for weights can be a heart - this is a multifaceted symbol, personifying and life, and love, and mystery. The talisman can be made of any metal (ideally - from silver) in the form of a coast, keyfob, lighters or pisces. The heart can be a very strong talisman that protects from adversity that protects love and family relationships.

Since the patroness of the scales is Venus, then the figure of a little Amur will become an excellent guard that brings good luck in love. Cupid will help to keep youth and beauty for a long time.

Scales are an intellectual sign, so the book can be chosen as a talisman. Such a talisman activates the mental and creative processes of its owner. Another magical help can be miniature scales - bronze, wooden or copper. Scales can be drawn or even in the form of engraving.

For harmonious relations inside the family, it is advisable to have plants in the house, characterized by beauty and sophistication. For example, hydrangea - it will help get rid of heavy thoughts, envy and jealousy. This flower neutralizes the energy of a bad mood, creates overall comfort in the relationship, helps to get rid of the fuss. With the energy of the scales, such flowers as roses, camellias, orchid and lilac are also perfectly resonated.


There is nothing in the appearance of men-scales, which would allocate it from other signs, except that, cute pits on the cheeks and chin. Skirts on cheeks are considered a distinctive sign of those who patronize seductive Venus.

Usually scales are pleasant to appearance people, with small features of the face. Even anger and excitement are not able to drive the expression of serenity and calm from the face of men. Smile slightly mysterious, soft and tender - typical smile Venus. The physique is more often dense, less frequently thin. With the negative effect of Venus, the appearance of a man may be somewhat familiar. Of possible cosmetic defects, various skin defects are most common.

With age, the scales are gaining a bit of excess weight, become more freight, men are usually strongly distinguished by the stomach. They are also the owners of a pleasant voice, sonorous laughter and light in the lava.

Male-scales pays great attention to his appearance, thinking out the image, actively uses perfumery, care about the impression. He likes to cause sympathy, to be useful to someone. And it is usually perfect for him: the surrounding usually belong to it with sincere sympathy.

Characteristic personality

Sometimes it may seem to be the impression that the man-scales is just an ideal. He is wise, proud, sociable, popular in society and adore in the family. His personality combines such incompatible qualities as relaxation and hard work, the external coldness and hidden passion, the reluctance to obey both the priority, optimism and a tendency to sudden depression. But in order not to happen, the main harmony and love of loved ones will always be the main thing for him.

Natural pulse of scales - always take a fair position, find a compromise. A man is amazingly able to build relationships so that everyone is satisfied. He lives under the motto "I respect", which indicates its tactful nature and natural politeness. This person always tries to be honest and fair, despite the impressionability and natural ability to disinform.

Fractures and changes in the life of the scales are most often by the will of other people, since in the soul they are conservatives. These people can be called indecisive, but if the decision is still accepted, the scales usually do not retreat from the chosen goal and manage to distribute their efforts in the order of their significance, without noticing the temptations surrounding them. During the periods, when the activity of a man weakens, it closes in itself and becomes small, but there are such periods for long - all the scales of inborn optimists.

For low-speed octave weights, meaningless verbal fuss, empty conversations and arrogance. Such a person can speak for a long time and nothing about, and his attention to the interlocutor will be only visibility, and not sincerity. In its natural desire, all of the balance of the lower octave scales is most often all spoils and stuff numerous bumps, trying to forcefully suppress the desire for beauty and justice.

Developed scales are able to look at the world at once from several points of view and solve very complex tasks. Such men rarely come out of themselves and do not give delivery, but only removed, made mentally and emotionally transparent. The highest scales can normalize the situation with several well-calmed phrases, but it must be said that they fall into dirty conflicts extremely rare.

Harmonious man-scales enjoys universal love in society, as he is a born diplomat who can smooth the situation and emphasize the necessary accent. The Male Lower Oktawa scales feel extremely insecurity, his beliefs and an unstable initiative, the personal will of weak. Being excellent psychologists, irredurated scales become departs hypocrites, intrigars and provocateurs. Consider maintaining balance, they know perfectly well how to bring it to not.

However, for any scales, both developed and not worked out, the situation where the compromise is impossible and it is necessary to show open aggression, very hard.

Male scales are focused on cooperation, therefore refers to the category of people who know how to respect someone else's personnel. Clearly giving yourself a report in existence of such a border, he will never encroacitate that it is uncemonious to break it. This is the essence of its delicacy, which in no case can be confused with indecisive or weakness of character. This is just one of the manifestations of the equilibrium principle, which is interested in everything without exception. By the way, they belong to the violation of their borders are no less precise.

The trend of all scales is to avoid responsibility. No other sign has so much heroic people, as well as people suffering from manic-depressive psychosis, but no other sign has a better sense of time. The history of men-scales is a lot of points of view, mixing reason and feelings.


Scales health mirror are their eyes and skin. The deterioration of vision and the poor condition of the skin says that painful processes occur in the body. As a rule, the scales feels perfectly feels their body, the slightest problems in his work, so with due attention, he always has time to notice developing disease in time.

Weak space - kidney, back. Men cannot be hypother, since their body is very susceptible to viruses. There is a possibility of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions. The blood circulation is also not very good, you must always keep in warm hands and legs.

The scales have one big minus - no other sign has a lesser resistance to alcohol. The addictive occurs very quickly, and since the power of the will by weight is not too big, then the periods of remissions will often be replaced by another breakdown. Among the scales there are practically no thin people, many of them suffer from overeating and lacking interest in sports.

It must be said that the scales are the impressionable people and tend to take everything on their own expense, what causes serious damage to their mental health. Unhealthy furnishings in a collective or family, hostility to the surrounding gray reality, constantly emerging conflicts - all this can cause organic psyche disorders. Websites must be known in harmony with himself and the outside world, then the health of big problems will not arise.


Male scales - a team player, he has a wonderful sense of collectivism. If he is able to overcome his natural laziness and a tendency to a celebrating lifestyle, it can achieve large career successes, especially if his activities are related to fashion, decor, jurisprudence, diplomacy, medicine, trade. Often, the impartial wisdom of the scales is implemented on the path of justice.

Professional activity does not necessarily have to be associated with intellectual labor, as the man-scale is able to become a beautiful lacery, a mechanic, a jewelry, a jeweler - a word, a master for all hands. But the sake of fairness must be said that most of the masses are avoiding physical labor - this sign gives rise to thinkers, and not workers.

It often happens that the working team becomes for a man for the second family, so a friendly furnishings in the team are very important for him. His mining attitude towards the rest of the workers contributes to the instill of friendliness. But the scales will try to avoid great responsibility - for this they may not have enough decisiveness. The key to the success of career growth is initiative, and not the execution, however, it is initiative to be a man who can not get. But the bosses can feel with weight weights, as it may not be afraid of career strikes in the back due to the absence of interest in weights to direct power.

Work in the team where the scales are very comfortable. He is fair, delicate, reverial refers to the personal time subordinates. It will not allow the team to flourish and injustice.

Whoever worked the man born under the sign of the scales is always a decent and responsible worker. His desire for knowledge applies to professional activities. However, for weights, it is characteristic of alternating employment enthusiasm with some apathy, and it must be relaxed to this. People of this sign are inherent in innate delicacy and diplomacy, so they are waiting for the same relationship. Even a slight discomfort can reduce the performance of a man, so to obtain a maximum return from it, it is necessary to try to create a favorable conditions for work.

Financial welfare

Scales - for the most part, people are not greedy, and in the financial issue are often careless. Really large amounts of money they are able to earn only in collaboration with other people. Often, the financial well-being weights directly depends on their communicative abilities, as well as from social status.

But here is a paradox - "feeder" for weights is usually always easily located. The true children of Venus, they will always find someone who will do all the draft work. Surprisingly, in the hands of weights, money has a property of sharing and multiply not in mathematical laws.

Lost a man-scale in a dubious adventure or financial pyramid is unlikely to succeed, he prefers to invest only in proven enterprises. He does not like to risk money, but he has rarely big accumulations.

Depending on the pleasure of your mood, the scales can exhibit excessive thrift, or to make unreasonably large spending. Subconsciously, a man knows that money will always be for him for him, so it does not regret money for his loved ones, and the most important thing for myself and your pleasures. However, if you do not count the extremes in which the scales fall quite rarely, their attitude towards money can be considered reasonable: they prefer to buy high-quality goods at reasonable prices.

Sexuality and love

The passion for a man-scale is not a strong side - he may experience her injections, however, too softened. But the scales have a very strong need for love in which they are looking for security and sustainability. Scales love flirts, but do not like to feel deceived, so often become masters of intrigue.

A man will not depict the conqueror of himself, but rather will expect the first step from the woman. Women are worthwhile to beware of the charming, but sometimes the deceptive smile of this charming man. He can be an extremely skilled seducer. The man of this sign does not lose interest in the weak floor until the oldest, but at the same time will never be to brave their victories.

Any man-scales dream of spiritually close and sensual partner. Most often he is tuned to a long, serious novel, and intimate relationships are for him a favorite view of rest. In bed, it is not at all similar to the insatiable savage, on the contrary, is disticuated by delicacy and tenderness. The man is very important that his partner approve and praised him - it will push him to new accomplishments.

In sex we like everything, with the exception of vulgarity and vulgarity. In the love act, the man is persistent and hardy, has a much greater supply of power than a woman may need. He sincerely believes that sexual intercourse should enjoy both partners, but sometimes he needs to understand what the lady wants.

This person does not see anything wrong in having two (or more!) Sexual connections at the same time. Loyalty is not his strong side, although in relation to his beloved woman he can be a big jealous.

Marriage and family

In family relations, man-scales tends to cohesion, because it does not tolerate loneliness. However, the decision to tie themselves to the bonds of marriage can let it be not easy for him, because of the indecision characteristic of this sign. But if it still happens, then the spouse will become the main person in life for him, which, however, does not exclude the presence of mistresses in his life.

Marrying, this person will do everything in order to build a harmonious relationship in the family. He does not tolerate scenes and hysterics, does not like conflicts and disagreements, will try to make a lot of pleasures for his beloved. As a husband, he is indulgent and tolerant, because it perfectly understands that marriage should bring happiness to both spouses. The only thing that a man cannot transfer is indifference from loved ones. If he notices an indifferent attitude towards his problems from the beloved woman or family, he can go into deep depression.

But, unfortunately, the scales themselves are rarely interested in the mental state of a woman, will not pay attention to its subtle spiritual impulses and other throwing. From the side, it may even seem that it is indifferent to a woman located next to him, although it is, of course, not so. Just scales - peculiar people who are not able to finely feel female, and it is just necessary to accept. And also - he is jealous, sometimes to the absurd.

The doors of the male-scale houses are always open for friends, and the spouse will have to come with it. Cleanliness in the house is very important for weights, as well as comfort, and they will not regret it money and strength. A man will always help his wife in household matters, but most likely he will have to ask him about it. Representatives of this sign are hardly the best fathers who adore their children. He is very rarely punished, while explaining in detail what and why.

Walking through life with man-scales - it's like sailing in a calm ocean, without storms and storms that can break the harmony of relationships.

Horoscope compatibility

Scales + Aries - These are two complementary and opposing signs of the sign, so their union will be as interesting as difficult. Weighs needed energy and vitality of Aries, and Aries, in turn, a calm and prudence is needed. The radical difference in temperaments will inevitably lead to quarrels, so the long-term union will depend on the patience of both partners.

Scales + Taurus - A difficult union that requires constant spiritual work and painful internal changes from both partners. Most likely, the jealous female Taurus will suffer greatly from the inconstancy of the scales. But they have every chance for many years to preserve the world, mutual respect and love. In addition, partners have excellent sexual compatibility.

Scales + twins - In this union, intellectual communication will become the most important combining factor. This will be the connection of two kindred shower, which have a lot of common character traits. They will never let each other bored, which makes their marriage successful and interesting. The main problem in this relationship may be life.

Scales + cancer - In this union, close mental contact is hardly possible, the main focus of partners will be aimed at creating a material foundation for a family, as well as to create a decent image in society. Marriage can easily destroy the notorious impermanence of weights, as the cancer female reluctantly forgives treason.

Scales + Lev. - This is one of the most successful unions for both partners. In the collision of the characteristics of the weights will have to give up, but it will not be difficult for him, as the scales are always ready to compromise. This maritime promises to be long and warm.

Scales + Deva. - In general, a successful and sustainable union. Two loving people will unite the desire for harmony, love for order, beauty and comfort. However, the petty women of the Virgin, its conservatism and frequent reproaches because of insignificant trifles are able to destroy this marriage. The main thing is to learn to go to mutual concessions.

Scales + scales - This union is almost doomed because of the reluctance of both partners descend from the clouds to the ground. The marriage will be similar to the confrontation of two people, similar as two drops of water. After parting, they will certainly be able to maintain warm friendships.

Scales + Scorpion - A good union, since men-scales is usually perfectly able to control the behavior of the scrapping, turning not so much to its emotions as to the mind. At the same time, the woman will get the feeling of meaningful and indispensable for her man. Marriage between partners will never be calm, but between them will always be a field of mutual attraction.

Scales + Sagittarius - In general, a successful alliance, where the Sagittarius woman will have fun and harmony, which will bring the male scales into her life. The problem is that the Sagittarius woman is too independent, and the weights need a real house and a reliable partner. If the pair succeeds to overcome these disagreements, then the marriage will be durable.

Scales + Capricorn - Union of difficult, especially for weights. Confidently Capricorn woman can annoy the uncertainty of weights, and in turn can combat the sober practicality of Capricorn. Too much difference in temperaments, as well as in the lifestyle, in the aspirations and concepts of life values \u200b\u200bcan be an irresistible obstacle.

Scales + Aquarius - Sensual connection and good forecast for marriage relationships. Both partners have many friends and a variety of interests, but they will always remember that the family is the most important thing in their lives.

Scales + fish - Fatal Union, especially for female fish. The nature of the sign of the fish is designed so that this woman will always strive for the ideal, and it will insult the triviality of the men-scales. Fish will always suffer, feeling dependence on the scales, the essence of which is not clear to it. Also, the latter minus may be the impracticality of both partners.

This person will give you many tips. He always has a solution to all your problems and questions. No need to believe that he meets your devotional dreams. It will change some of them and will object to others. Its habit is all racized, including love, can bring you to rabies. I have to warn you that as soon as the scales distribute their charm on you, it will not be easy for you to break the relationship. Try to get rid of it - also, that get out of a bear trap. If you try to get away from him, he will persuade you to stay with such logical and intelligent evidence that it is useless to try to win over it. It will become so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about his annoying shortcomings. And your heart turn to him again. And from now on, consider that your struggle is lost. His dreams will become your dreams and you will do everything for his happiness. You will wait for a smile on his face, and few people can resist his smile. The charm of the weights is not as a hypnotic attraction of scorpion. The attractiveness of the scales is real and logically justified. It has nothing supernatural.

His behavior is full of contradictions. You may have to shout on it, get up to get on your head to attract his attention. Do not be so naive to think that love with him will be smooth and calm, even despite the fact that they are controlled by Venus. However, when he remains in a state of equilibrium, life with him is pleasant, light and cheerful. For him, a huge tension is to accept any decision, and even accepting it, it can change it without good reason.

The words "love" and "scales" are practically synonymous. It was the scales that invented a love romance and brought him to such art that did not compare with the novels of Lviv, scorpions and calves. This is already talking about something! He will use any trick, causing you and can conquer almost any woman. However, having got it, he does not always know what to do with her next. Carefully processing it and enchanting, it begins to hesitate. Is it worth it to take advantage of her defenseless state or marry her, and something else or something else is not different. The mental struggle begins. And here begin difficulties. He will not lose interest in women to 90 years old. It may be just an interest if he is happily married, but love itself will never get bored. Even if she takes the form of a simple reflection: "How would I have with another woman?"

Since he can love to be surprisingly easily and early comes to him, he is often surrounded by the girls, from which he cannot get rid of. Scales do not want to hurt someone's feeling, although they are very often not even aware of how people can injure when they are in a bad mood. He does not like to say "no" and rarely realizes that tightening the novel is more cruel than a fast and honest gap. And long-term agony can even be painful. And only Aquarius can take this or that decision with great reluctance.

If the scales feel that they are not fair to someone, then there will be no end of their painful indecision. Being unfair for them is still killed. Unwillingness to be cruel can push him to an unsuccessful marriage. Thus, the scales can miss real love in their lives. The natural tendency of men-scales is the estimation of each third woman as the only partner. And very often his friendship and love are unsuitable. But what is surprising, scales are not very often suffering from a broken heart. He can forget you with insulting speed and perhaps less than another man will allow himself to regret last love. He may have several bruises after the explosion, but there will be no long experiences. Exceptions are rare.

It is much easier to imagine a soft-grateful scale man in the vice of a decisive woman who convinced him that throw it - a big sin. Finding into such Silks to the scales will be an unfortunate arrestant. But both of these extremes exception. Most scales remain free enough to enjoy the love novels completely, not allowing sentimental bonds to tie themselves. They are not too interested in your secrets, although at first glance it seems that it is interesting for him all connected with you. But look attentively and you will understand that he does not notice what is happening under his own nose. Everyone can notice, but not he.

And although he may argue a lot, the purpose of his reasoning is not an understanding of another person, but a conversation about abstract things and the desire for equilibrium. His questions are directed not to find out the reason, he just wants to paint the facts on the shelves. He will discuss everything "for" and "against" with amazing logic and rationalism. His findings will be very valid, accurate, intelligent and practical. But he has no desire to find out the personal motives and feelings hidden under the surface. It is only interested in the facts. Deep penetration into the nature of fish, scorpions, an aquarium in his opinion, only spoils the clear picture to which he strives. He instinctively feels that such a psychological study does not suit him. The way it is.

If you look extravagant, it makes the output that you are passage money. Consequently, you cannot rely on you in this regard. And the fact that the waste of money can calm you from any shock, he does not occur. He is not a psychiatrist. If you are greedy, then he may think that you just need to get someone's approval that you are well referred to money. But he has no desire to discover that you have a secret fear of losing your independence, you will be without money. Scales are judges. Always remember that scales argue from abstract curiosity. It seems that he is trying to endure something, but it is not. It is absolutely not a gossip, as it may seem. And it's almost impossible to endure the secret of it. Therefore, you can trust it.

But as for your personal experiences, you will be somewhat difficult with him. You can pour him a soul, but you will suffer from the fact that he does not notice your inner experiences. He wants you to be good, but it rarely understands your zada-off desires. And the fact that he is a master of love and love technology does not mean that he deeply penetrates your mood.

He is difficult for him to cope with his. Nothing could be more annoying than you rush to him in order to complain that someone hurt you, you are looking for sympathy. What do you get in response? His first question will be: "What did you do to do it?" And then he will begin to tell you what you were wrong until you pay from resentment. And even at the same time, he won't be on your side, if he believes that you are really wrong. And very many troubles occur from this lack of weights - lack of understanding of the soul of your partner. And it seems incredible despite the fact that it has such an intuition, such logic, such a clear mind. It will not be a soul, on the contrary, typical scales are quite generous. He gladly spends money on what brings beauty and happiness. You prepare to be a good mistress, because His house will be the center of hospitality at any time of the day and night.

Do not drag it to those places where many people, because he physically does not like big gatherings. Crowds of unfamiliar people violate its balance. All scales have an instinctive disgust to physical contact with the crowd. His social life will be filled with intellectual, bright personalities, but this again should not be a crowd, otherwise he lacks air. Scales may unexpectedly leave you in the theater one, because it covered claustrophobia - a typical tendency of weights.

The biggest danger in living together with them and the nearest road to the divorce with him is a mess in the house. For him, it is extremely important how the house is being done. Do not forget about it, otherwise it quickly removes you. He himself may not be very careful, but he thinks that you have to clean everything behind him. He may not pue, but gradually the secretary with a subtle taste can become more and more attractive for him. He needs harmony to preserve equilibrium. His house should be a beautiful, quiet oasis among the messy world. You need to be guess enough to understand why he began to disappear from home or why he sleeps when he was at home. Since he is weak even in analyzing his soul, you must analyze more often. He may not even suspect that his bad condition is caused by the fact that he saw you with a smeared shiny cream. He may not even realize that he is unpleasant the orange color of the curtain in the bathroom. Therefore, put yourself in order, as well as your home and once understand that your husband is a wonderful person.

Children get a lot of good from him, he will always explain to them why he punishes them. And it will not cause anger in the child. He will charm the children with his charm. But oddly enough, the male scales do not have a lot of desire to have children. For him, there will always be a wife in the first place. And of course, if you fall in love with this man, you must offer him everything absolutely, right up to the offer of marriage. But pay attention to one subtlety, because of which it forces the names of you to make decisions: if something happens not so, he will quickly say: "Well, because you decided, and not me!" Know what you do. When you hear such a phrase, you have to say: "Yes, I decided if I left the decision for you, we would still stand under a street lamp and would talk about love and would have received the inflammation of the lungs!" Naturally, he will immediately argue with you, but as soon as he acquires his balance and smile, you, like in the old days, standing under the lantern, tell me again: "I love you!"

He is a big flight. In his head, hundreds and thousands of priceless ideas, how to make our world is better. The main motive of life is the desire for harmony. Everywhere, always in everything. Yes, all this is he - a man's scales. Aristocratic, good-bought, lightweight to rise and very sociable. And what kind of girl he needs, and that it is necessary to know about his character - the stars will tell about it.

Scales (Lat. "Libra") is the seventh zodiac sign. He is adjacent to the virgin left and scorpion on the right. Perhaps the figure 7, personifying harmony, is by no means random. After all, this man really seeks to equilibrium in everything: from the color of the tie to the manner of behavior and life looks. Symbol sign - scaleswhich can be bowed into one, then in the other side.

Element of weights - air. Open, sociable people who are distinguished by sharp intelligence. They tend to argue for a long time, count risks and rely only on specific, and not fictional life circumstances. At the same time, the scale is a source of legends, beautiful stories about the days of the past and future. Yes, loves this guy to talk. For girls, love to listen, he is the best partner.

I wonder what colors of luck For weights are grouped on with a shade, but on the basis of softness, mutedness. Sighs are excellent suitable pastel tones - gentle green, pinkish, coral. They also patronize interesting shades of blue - dark blue (when the sky is just beginning to meet a new day), the color of the sea wave and the emerald green.

Scales talismans -, Malachite, Quartz, Lazurit, Diamond, Opal, Sapphire. Patronizing This zodiac sign is sentimental Venus,sympathizing romance, poets, musicians and other people's arts that are able to capture the finest shades of the human soul and reflect them in their masterpieces.

Sergey Yesenin - Brilliant Poet

It is no coincidence that the famous men born under the sign are familiar to secular life and have excellent manners, even if their profession does not imply the manifestations of such qualities. This is Will Smith and Michael Douglas, Dmitry Shostakovich and Sergey Yesenin, Leonid Kuravlev and Oleg Basilashvili. Finally, our president is also scales. Remember him to hold on to the public - and everything will become clear.

Male scales: what is better to know about his character

The character of the air sign of the zodiac is always quite complicated. And in the case of the weights, the task of the description becomes even more global, because our hero is very multifaceted. People and close scales know that its nature is like thousands of beautiful fragments in a kaleidoscope, which give an infinite number of unique combinations.

Born diplomat

Diplomacy, as you know, is the same acting talent, only sent to another channel. Yes, the weights are quite easy to manage sharp corners, smoothing contradictions and find the necessary words even in those situations when it seems that everything is gone.

Familiar know and even use these quality. It is such a person who needs to take with them in cases where you need to establish the first contact or establish a deteriorating relationship. Yes, the talent of diplomacy is always in demand. And no artificial intelligence will replace in this sense of man.

Philosophical view of life

Scales do not like logic schemes, accurate calculations, coordinated to a certain regulation when each minute is painted. This guy is not distinguished by special punctuality, because he lives in many ways its inner world.

He belongs to life somewhat removed. Scales are intentionally distant from conflicts, unnecessary emotions, frank disagreements. And if they became an involuntary participant of this unpleasant action, rather, they will simply be launched than the war. Yes, there is something in this man from the philosopher. And this is his power.

Bowls scales

Yes, our hero adopts fateful decisions for quite a long time. And all because he wants to maximize the situation and get out of it with minimal losses. This may seem indecision to many ladies, but in most cases the scales are simply in painful thinking. And the best thing you can do is not to interfere with their mental activity.

Do not live beautifully live

If birthday, then in the best restaurant. If a car, then limousine. If the clock, then Swiss. Yes, love luxury scales. And such quality can have 2 opposite consequences. On the one hand, it is the thrust for a beautiful life that stimulates this man to come up with a well-established financial scheme of enrichment. And on the other hand, he may gradually turn into an Alphonse, who takes towards the rich ladies and in return receives bonuses. Well, if the girl suits a similar alignment, then why not.

Michael Douglas, actor (with wife Catherine Zeta Jones)

Attitude to work and money

Scales adore money and all that is connected with material comfort. They may well go to significant concessions, just to get a financial bonus. Just this man is a modern Ostap Bender, which can benefit from almost air.

On the other hand, the scales love not only to receive, but also spend their capital. Yes, the financial manager does not prevent this person. Just our hero is experiencing weakness to luxurious, status things, regardless of whether they will bring practical benefits or not. Scales are not forty, which is enough all brilliant. He knows the price of any little thing in his collection. And loves to replenish it with new specimens. It seems that this allows him to receive a well-deserved portion of pleasure and inspire new feats.

As for the work, a man's scales are not very good to regime and clear regulations. He is perfect for freelance, because he can not tolerate the authorities, a formal hierarchy and other remnants of the past (from his point of view). In addition, scales love creative professions in which they can show their ideas about the beautiful.

How to like a man-scales

It would seem that this guy is so affordable, such a community that the acquaintance will not make any difficulty with him. It's right. There may be any lady to start a relationship with weights, he will definitely not refuse, because it really loves women's society and new impressions.

On the other hand, contact is of course, not all. Although it was already half. And to bring the party to the victorious, you should know about some secrets of a man's scales that are glad to reveal the stars:

  1. Delicacy, tact, pupil, elegant manners. Call it as you want, but know: it is a sense of measure, sincere desire to be a model corresponding to a specific standard, is the right way to heart of our hero. Scales by definition do not like straight, several rude women. For him, a beautiful sex representative should be like a bouquet of flowers, because it is a bouquet, and not a separate flower - a symbol of harmony. In the lady, he wants to see the royal rose charm, the modesty of chamomile, the charm of mimosa and of course, the decorative effect of green twigs.
  2. Romanticism is very feminine quality, and every man's scales are convinced: the lady's nature should be incredibly sophisticated, soft and delicate.
  3. At the same time, an independent position should be present in the girl. Libra accustomed to deal with equal partners. They are not inclined to patronize someone and they cannot endure if someone begins to take care of them as a mother. Therefore, female romanticism sometimes should give way and practical qualities.
  4. Intellect - and otherwise can not be. Do not forget that our hero represents the element of air. Therefore, ladies who are very far from secular conversations are not too sociable and generally prefer to argue exclusively about things of landed, hardly will subseed his heart.

What can offend scales

Such a balanced, restrained and at the same time a charming person would seem little to be offended. But, as you know, in all cases there are exceptions. Therefore, the stars strongly recommend potential emissions to pay attention to several nuances:

  1. First of all, do not try to influence the scales, arranging the scenes. Hysteria, beating dishes and frank threats - this is the path of knowingly losing. Our hero does not need its adrenaline in this way. Scales prefer dialogue, hints, diplomatic tricks. We can say that if you defeat it intellectually, it will make a very strong impression on him, and he will give way. Have this in mind.
  2. Do not limit freedom of weight, do not reproach it that he often fears or frankly forgets his words. Again, it is better to hint about it carefully and even gain strength to take the situation with humor. Remember: Scales perfectly understand the language of hints, and not rectilinear statements. Paradoxically, but the fact.
  3. Finally, do not laugh at the views of the scales. Like any representative of the air element, this man is incredibly tremendous to his beliefs. If you make yourself let go of a constant joke or frankly criticize his inner ideas about good and evil, do not say that this will especially offend our hero. But exactly will not strengthen your relationship.

Who fits a man-scales, and who is not very

In this life, a man is looking for his like-minded woman - a woman who will not modestly become at the slab and plunge into caring for the house, but a real associate. Separate sections should be proceeding from the fact that at some moments it will be necessary to take the initiative in his own hands. After all, all the zodiac air signs, including scales, can fluctuate for a long time when solving some important issue.

In addition, the ideal girl for weights should not be too emotional. Hysteria, attacks of jealousy and other attempts to limit the freedom of this free guy - a rather successful strategy on the way to lose it. As for compatibility with representatives of different signs of the zodiac, here the stars paint such a picture:

  1. As in all classic versions, the most suitable parties for our hero are the representatives of his own air element. It will give the weights that he has long been looking for - deep mutual understanding and complete freedom of action. And will provide his life with ease and fill the sails by the wind. This man in air launches attracts precisely freight and almost complete coincidence in views. And for the compatibility of this quite a lot. As for the relationship with the representative of their own sign, then the man's weight expects a pleasant surprise: deep psychological contact, good communication is warmly secured. But at how much partners will be able to establish their household and material life - this is another question.
  2. A good contact with the scales is settled with fiery girls -, oily and felt. True, here idyll can darken frequent conflicts. Lioness, for example, may arrange one scene of jealousy after another. With its factories, the scales are somewhat. But with her thirst for adventure and intact character, it is very interested in this guy. Strelchikha will always come to the rescue, it does not require her to be worn - in a word, the weights like this type is very close.
  3. It is rather difficult to get the scales with representatives of the aquatic signs of the zodiac. Fish need a strong hand, commander with a kind heart. They hardly share the views of our hero, and the emotional differences of this girl will not go union for the benefit. A real family atmosphere will be able to give the scales, but this lady will not like the frequent lack of weights of the house associated with his love for secular Rauta. As for Scorpio, the union looks quite successful. But partners will adapt to each other for a very long time, because they are not used to going on significant concessions. It remains to hope only that before charm, her heart melts.
  4. Finally, the earth signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are the least successful option for air elements in general and for weights in particular. Just these people have too different energetics and inconsistent life values. Earth pulls to stability, and the air is to change. Already one of this is enough to admit: the compatibility of partners leaves much to be desired.

Libra in bed

In the hour, a night man scales seeks to get not only physical, and aesthetic pleasure. Make love in cramped, ridiculous circumstances, and even more so in conditions that are far from home comfort, it will not work with him. Therefore, preparation for night fun should be quite serious - the scales are incredibly appreciated material comfort, beautiful entourage and luxurious, status items adorning the bedroom.

And the lady needs to be ready for the fact that a man's scales do not really like to reveal their true feelings. Yes, in it can live an ocean passion. But so right away, he will not show you all his trumps. Therefore, true proximity is possible only with the lady he trusts. And if the cavalier literally conquered his ardentity, this is a faithful signal to the fact that he has already taken you as his own.

A man scales are an incorrigible idealist, a romantic, in many ways - the storyteller. If you want a truly beautiful relationship in the classic style - you at the address.

Astrologers can answer the question of which women more like men weighs. You will have to learn how many ambiguous things. For example, be able to. Men Libra It is perfectly combined in its own character and will be distressed if the beloved will not be able to become a friend.

To convince such a man to marry too easy, but it is hardly seriously engaged in this process: the insistentness of the sign will slow down. So it is better to have more self-determination so that the case is shifted in the right direction.

In intimate issues for men sign Venus Sensuality and emotionality is more important than technology. It, like any air sign, is required for energy a fiery temperament. But it is not necessary to understand literally - in bed Weighs not only signs can come Fire. Earth signs can take emotion Weighsunder control, and Watercowfulness will calm down.

Second bowl of weights

The duality of the sign is also manifested in a reasonable side, which is hidden behind charming ease. Logics Weighs strong enough so that you have to come together with what Libra We'll have to relieve hard if your points of view did not coincide.

On the other hand, if the scales are faced with serious difficulties, they may consider that you are not destiny and will be looking for a more suitable option. Although it will be long to make a decision in this case, therefore there is time to block your guilt. Goodbye Libra fairly easy and fast.

If all these minuses do not scare you, it's time to learn how to get into the cherished category. Little to know what women love men, we need to follow certain rules to enjoy.

1. Pay attention to good manners. Showing education and politeness, you will definitely impress the man Libra. In handling it, be the most tacty.

2. Develop a sense of humor. Intellectual Libra Delighted from the ability to joke and ironically to life.

3. Try to keep honesty and openness. It is easier for them to forgive the bitter truth than philosophically treat pragmatic lies.

Male scales - Estet and idealist, but at the same time a sensible pragmatist. Want to know how to get so contradictory qualities?

Polite, charming and a little rascal - such seems to be a man born under the constellation of the scales, at first glance. But it is worth finding closer, and you will find a lot of attractive and interesting qualities in it.

It manifests the element of air, so it has an amazing charm and charisma who stay with him throughout life. Even being a deep old man, he will not lose his charm, and it is unlikely to be lonely.

The man-scales of the smart, possesses a balanced character and very good intuition. This is an esthete with beautiful manners, it is important for him the impression that it produces, and the surrounding situation, image for him is very serious.

Non-conflict and peace-loving by nature, he always seeks to solve everything peaceful way, bypassing sharp corners to return to the calm and measured rhythm of life, he loves comfort. Sometimes it may look like a hypocrisy, the desire to please everyone.

It is difficult for him to make decisions, his sign makes it weigh all the "for" and "against" for a very long time, so it is not too active in life and rather it is ready to shift his responsibility and provide a choice for him to someone else.

Has or family man?

A man with a sign of scales very thinly feels beauty, so he chooses a woman, first of all, attractive outwardly, but other criteria he has a little overwhelmed - he is looking for an ideal. Therefore, if you think about how to win a man-scale, then prepare for the fact that you are not enough to be beautiful and smart from nature, you will always need to strive for perfection, work on yourself to meet its high requirements.

Male scales love and knows how to flirt. If he settled the goal to conquer a woman, then, including its charm at full capacity, he is able to achieve its location very quickly. And the struggle sat down the lady, who surrendered under his onslaught, may be surprised to find that he is already flirting with her girlfriend. Many scales have a reputation of women, but usually it is only a reputation. He really loves the weak floor very much and can often change the girlfriends, but if he has been cooled and got a constant mistress or married, he will most likely keep her loyalty. However, it must be kept away from the pretty girlfriends and sisters, which he can like. It will not show the initiative for treason, but it will not always be able to resist the temptations.

If your favorite man is scales, then, most likely, you are very lucky. This man is rarely angry, he is calm and collected, and will always listen carefully to you.

Are you compatible with your man born under constellation scales, astrologists will tell.

The path of weights by career stairs

Male scales always seeks to excellence, and in the work, therefore, it is easily rising through a career ladder, which also contributes to his charm. The only problem is it to decide on the profession: it will doubt for a long time what the road go. It is desirable that at a young age someone came to help him saw his ability and sent to the right direction. If he chooses a profession correctly, it will certainly achieve great success. Of the scales, good PR managers and businessmen are obtained, but they can also do creativity, some representatives of the scales are very artistic.

He will not seek his goals to meanness and "go on heads", but perfectly knows how to use the situation, thanks to good intuition, which also helps him seek great success in professional activities.