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Divination by rings. Christmas (Christmas) fortune-telling: fortune-telling with a ring

Fortune telling on the ring is one of the most famous and quite simple. In addition, fortune telling on the ring is one of the most popular among. To perform the ritual, no special preparation is needed. You just need to remember the main rules, thanks to which fortune-telling will be more accurate.

Divination rules on the ring:

1. A fortune-telling ring must be taken as an engagement ring, which does not have stones and ornateness. Such a ring, especially if it
consecrated in a church will produce more accurate data.

2. If fortune-telling is done with the use of water, then required condition so that the water is not from a tap, but from a well, which carries a special energy. tap water- "dead", does not carry any information. Such water is unsuitable in any case.

3. The room in which fortune-telling will be carried out should be quiet, without electrical appliances turned on.

4. There should be no strangers in the room: only a fortune teller and a client.

5. The best time for divination is after midnight.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For divination, a glass of water is taken and wedding ring.

Fill the glass with water slightly to the brim. Very gently lower the ring into the water. The glass should be put outside - in the cold. The result of divination will be clear when the water freezes.

If the surface remains smooth, then the future will be cloudless, and if tubercles and pits appear, then this can be interpreted as an addition to the family: how many tubercles - so many boys, the presence of pits indicates future girls and their number.

Fortune telling on a ring with a thread

For the sacrament, of course, human hair is best suited. But, if this is not possible, then take a thread of black, white or red. A ring is tied to the thread, making a kind of pendulum.

Water is poured into the glass, three centimeters below the rim. A pendulum is suspended above the water, at a distance of 1 - 2 centimeters above the water level.

Thus, the fortuneteller asks a question that worries him. On the concrete questions the pendulum gives answers: "yes" or "no". The pendulum will also answer questions like this: At what age will I go down the aisle?», « How many children will God give me?» and the like. How many times the pendulum hits the walls of the glass, this will be the answer.

Divination on the ring for marriage

For more accurate divination you need to take a wedding ring (mother or grandmother, a woman of blood) and a glass of water. The ring should be lowered into clean water and, when it calmly settles to the bottom, peer into the center of the ring. There you can see the face of the future spouse.

If you already know the names of those you are going to guess, then you should pay attention to the next option, for which you will need a pendulum (a wedding ring suspended on a thread) and pieces of paper, according to the number of gentlemen.

On pieces of paper, write the names of the candidates on your hand and heart, lay them out in a circle upside down. Point the pendulum at everyone's name.

Where the pendulum is immovable, relations will not work out. Where the pendulum moves, relationships can begin. The name that will be on the leaflet, over which the pendulum will move most of all, will become your destiny.

Fortune telling on the gender of a child with a ring

In order to determine the sex of the child, you will need a wedding ring and a woolen thread. We make a pendulum and install it over the belly of a pregnant woman. If the ring draws circles - wait for your son, it will oscillate from side to side - a girl.

Divination by a wedding ring for children

A pendulum with a wedding ring is used in a similar divination, but already above the palm of a pregnant woman. First, the ring must be held, between tightly clenched hands, by the woman who is being divined. If the pendulum swings from side to side - wait for the heir, circles - a girl.

Almost every girl dreamed of her prince on a white horse, representing not only his appearance, but also his character traits. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity has the opportunity to look into the future, using interesting things for her future husband. There are many various options that differ in the items used. What unites them is that it is important to believe in a positive result.

Interesting fortune-telling for the future spouse

An important recommendation - do not tell anyone that you want to use magic, as the result may be false. Fortune telling can be done on any day, but the greatest efficiency can be achieved on pre-holiday days: in New Year, Christmas or Epiphany. It is best to start divination in the evening or at night. It is important that no one is at home. For divination, you need to use a ring that has passed the wedding ceremony. If you managed to get the decoration of non-blood relatives, then it is important to conduct a purification ceremony. To do this, lower the ring into ice water for a few minutes.

Fortune telling on a hair ring

Take a glass and pour 2/3 of running water into it. Thread the ring through your own hair and hold it with your index finger and thumb. It is important that the ends of the hair do not peek out. Bring the ring to a glass of water and rest your elbow on the table. Dip the ring into the water several times and hold it at the level of the sides of the glass. Now you can ask questions about your future husband, for example, "Will I meet my soul mate soon." It is important that the answer is either “yes” or “no”. After asking a question, see how the ring will behave, if it moves sideways or back and forth, then the answer is negative, and moving in a circle means positive. If the ring has stopped, then the answer to the question on this moment unknown and must wait. You can also ask numerical questions, such as "how old will my husband be." In this case, it is necessary to count the number of hits of the ring on the glass. After each answer to the question, you need to dip the ring in water to clean it. You need to finish fortune-telling at the moment when the hair slipped out or broke.

Fortune telling on the ring and grain

Take any deep container and pour grains into it, fill about half the volume. For divination, you need to take several rings:

  • ring - the husband will be rich;
  • silver - prosperity will be average;
  • copper - the spouse will be poor;
  • engagement - the relationship will be for love.
  • Put them in the cereal and mix well. Despite, put your hand down and pick up a handful of grain, which ring was there for that and you have to marry.

Divination with a ring and a photo

It is necessary to take a silver ring without stones and thread a thread into it. Tie the ends into a knot and, holding on to it, bring the ring to the photo of the chosen one. Rest your elbow on the table to keep your hand stationary. Think of the object of adoration and watch the ring. If it moves in a circle, then expect a wedding and the relationship between you is built on love. When the ring moves to the sides, this is an indication of parting. If the ring does not move, then there is uncertainty at the moment.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

Take an engagement ring and think about your future chosen one. After that, throw it on the floor and see where it rolls. If the ring headed for the door, it means that soon everything will change in your personal life and you can prepare for it. If it rolled to the window, then it’s not time yet and it’s worth waiting a bit.

Divination on the ring for marriage

Take an ordinary glass and fill it halfway with water. Drop your wedding ring in there. Without blinking, peer into the water, the appearance of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling on the ring is one of the old types of divination, time-tested. With it, you can find reliable answers to burning questions. Even inexperienced fortune tellers can see the future in this way.

In the article:

Divination rules on the ring

Divination - ancient tradition providence for the future. Even in ancient Egypt, the priests learned the answers to their questions from the insides of animals. This skill, changing many times, has passed through centuries and millennia. Even the emergence of Christianity, which was extremely negative about this type of occupation, could not eradicate it completely.

In our area, the main tradition of fortune-telling refers to, namely, the period from January 6 to 18. It was this period of time that was considered the most suitable for divination, in particular for divination on the ring. In addition, there were other ways, such as . As with any form of magic, there are rules that must be followed. So:

  • Only unmarried girls can guess at Christmas time.
  • The best material for this activity is gold.
  • The ring that you will use in divination, it is advisable to take a smooth one, without stones and patterns.
  • It would be better to take the ring of an older relative - mother or grandmother.
  • However, you can also buy a new ring.
  • Before using either the old or the new ring, it is necessary to perform a purification ritual.
  • It consists in placing the ring in well water for a day.
  • When fortune-telling, strangers should not be in the room.
  • All equipment must be turned off.
  • Guessing is recommended in the second half of the night.

Stick to these simple rules and your fortune-telling will be successful!

Fortune telling with a wish fulfillment ring

For this ritual, an ordinary wedding ring is suitable. First, take a glass of purified water and wool thread black color. It is important that the water does not carry any information, so it is advisable to take a well or, in extreme cases, tap water. Now hang the ring on the thread and slowly lower it into the glass. In this case, you need to hold the thread only with your left hand.

At the same time, you need to repeat your wish to yourself. Keep a close eye on the ring. So, if the ring touches the left edge of the glass - yours this year. In case it hits the right side - alas, luck does not shine for you. You can do this divination and not alone. But the water in the glass should be changed after each participant. Also, the ring can only be asked one question.

Divination on the ring for marriage

Most often, girls guessed precisely at marriage, namely: will they get married this year or not; what kind of family life awaits them - happy and rich or poor and unhappy; who exactly will be the groom and so on. Therefore, there are most types of fortune-telling on this topic. This article contains the most popular methods.

Divination for the betrothed

To begin with, you should take the wedding ring of an older relative. In this case, a new, unworn ring will not work. Do not forget to spend before divination. You need to take a cup and fill it two-thirds clean water. Now gently lower the ring into the water, being careful not to disturb it. After the water calms down, peer through the ring until the image of the betrothed appears in the glass. After that, you need to quickly close your eyes and look away.

Divination on grain

Guessing in this way is necessary only in the company of your girlfriends. The number of people should not exceed 7 people. To do this, you will need a bowl or a small bag (depending on the number of participants) of grain. Hide a ring of some kind inside a dish or bag. You should not see him. Next, the girls should form a circle around the table. After that, each participant, clockwise, needs to take a handful of grain until one of them pulls out the ring. It is this girl who will definitely receive a marriage proposal this year.

Divination on croup

With this fortune-telling, you will find out what your future family life will be like. To do this, you need to take a deep plate or saucer. After that, pour some cereal into it. Which one - decide for yourself. Put the wedding ring in the middle and pour water. Immediately after this, expose the vessel to frost or put it in freezer. Now go to bed immediately.

Remove the plate the next morning and look at the appearance of the mixture. If the ice is smooth and beautiful, then everything is in your family life will be good. If there are dents or scratches on the surface of the water, then failure and poverty await you. And when there are bumps and inclusions in the ice, then you will be prosperous and have many children.

Divination for a wedding in the ring

If you want to know if you will have a wedding this year, then this fortune-telling is for you. You should guess only in solitude. First, boil half a pot of water and let it cool. After that, you need to ask your mother or grandmother to lend you an engagement ring. You can't take it without asking. It can be from any material. After that, attach a red woolen thread to the ring and stretch your hand so that it is above the water, but does not touch it.

Having made all the preparations, ask questions to which we can accept an unambiguous answer: “Yes” or “No”. If the ring moves up and down or clockwise, then your answer is “Yes”. But if it fluctuates left and right or counterclockwise, then you are told "No." In the case when the ring does not move in response to your words, then this day is unfavorable for fortune telling. Whatever result you get, you need to pour water into the street, and immediately return the ring to the owner. If the answers foreshadowed trouble, then say this conspiracy when you pour out the water:

Take away, Lord, nine arrows from me, from water, a noose, fire, judgment, a knife, a thief, from a slander, from an encroachment on the body and shelter, and damage to the blood. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Divination for a future husband with a ring

This rite is a bit like divination on grain, but in this case you need to guess alone. Also, not one ring is used, but several. Rings should differ in appearance and material. Take at least four rings: one with precious stone, other silver, copper and engagement. Next, you should put a deep bowl with grain and hide all the jewelry in it.

Thoroughly mix the grain and make sure that none of the rings peek out. Now take a handful of grain. Depending on which ring you got, you can judge your future husband. If with a precious stone - your husband will be rich, silver - well-to-do, copper - marry a poor man, and if engagement - then your betrothed. But if you did not catch the ring, then this means that this year your future husband won't show up.

Divination for marriage

If you are already dating someone and are worried about whether he will marry you, then this fortune-telling will dispel your doubts. It will also help if you do not know who to choose and with whom you will live a quiet life. First you need to prepare some notes with the names of future lovers, and then turn them over written down. Take a wedding ring and tie a red thread to it. Alternately bring it to each of the pieces of paper. If the ring does not move on any of them, then none of the guys are your betrothed. The more intense it begins to sway, the more likely it is that life with this person will be happy.

Fortune telling about the possibility of marriage with a lover

If you do not want to choose from many applicants, but want to know about future life with one specific person, then this fortune-telling is for you. To do this, you will need a ring, a thread and a photograph of your loved one. You can take any ring, it does not have to be an engagement ring. The thread should be red. So, tie the thread to the ring and pull left hand so that it is exactly above the photo. Try not to shake your hand too much. If the ring moves salting, then you will marry this man this year. If it swings to the right - to the left - you will not succeed with this person. And when the ring does not swing at all, then the next year will be unfavorable for relationships.

Fortune telling on the ring for children

The second largest group of rituals is fortune-telling for children. Many are worried about whether they will give birth to children in the coming year, how many there will be, whether it is a boy or a girl, and so on. It has always been like this, and therefore the girls guessed to find out these important answers for them. Here we have selected the most popular and effective ways divination for children.

Fortune telling on the number of children

Guessing in this way is best done alone. You need to take a ring and a glass of purified water. You can take any ring you like. Gently lower the ring into the water and immediately put it outside or put it in the freezer. After that, go to bed immediately.

The next morning, take out the glass and look for any bumps or depressions on it. If not, then repeat the divination next year. In the case when there are tubercles - you will give birth to a son, and when there are cavities - a daughter. You will have as many children as there are bumps and depressions on the surface of the ice.

Fortune telling "Boy - Girl"

This divination is used to find out about the gender of future children. To do this, you will need a ring, hair and a bowl of running water. You can take any ring, including jewelry. Tie your hair to a ring and slowly lower it into the water. If it moves randomly in all directions, then give birth to a son. If it swings in a circle - then wait for the girl. Remains motionless - you will not become a mother this year. How many times the ring hits the edge of the glass - so many kids are expected this year.

Divination on the ring is old method learn about upcoming events. It allows you to achieve truthful answers to various questions that are relevant to you. An obvious plus of this ritual is that there is no need for special training to perform it, it will be possible even for inexperienced fortune tellers.

Ornaments that have a rounded shape first began to be used by the ancient Egyptians about 5 thousand years ago. Lovers put them on each other's fingers as a symbol eternal love and devotion.

Then the ring personified infinity and eternity, and its inner space acted as a kind of portal that separates the known from the secret, the hidden.

Initially, the decorations did not last long and were rather rough, since leather, glass and wooden carriers, as well as ivory, served as the material for their creation.

When metallurgy began to develop actively, iron began to be used to make rings, and then gold and silver. For improvement appearance decorations they came up with to insert various natural minerals.

For the first time the concept of "wedding ring" arose in the Middle Ages in Italy. Then the beloved began to bring this jewelry as a gift on the day of the engagement.

And the fashion for wedding rings made of gold arose already in the 18th century with the spread of the so-called "Italian idea". It consisted in the fact that at the wedding instead of silver rings began to use more expensive and wear-resistant - gold.

Divination rules on the ring

In order for your fortune-telling on the ring to be successful, you should familiarize yourself with certain rules that help you get more reliable answers.

The method of divination on the ring and thread

With it, you will receive answers to any question that interests you. Stock up on this ring, woolen thread and a piece of paper with a pen.

The paper is divided into two halves. Write the word "yes" at the top and "no" at the bottom.

After that, the ring is hung on a thread about thirty centimeters long. Candles are lit, you tune in to the divination procedure.

You should first think over your questions, take care of their maximum accuracy and specificity. Only ask questions that have a yes or no answer.

Then the ring on the thread rises and lingers for a moment above the paper in the central part of the sheet. Freeze so that your hand does not make any movement. Say your question again and watch which way the ring leans. The answer will be either positive or negative, there are no other options in this divination.

For one fortune-telling, ask no more than 5 questions.

Check out another effective relationship divination from the following video

Fortune telling by a ring on a thread

For this divination, a glass is taken, into which two-thirds of the water is poured. The ring is hung by a thread from one's head, the ends are squeezed with fingers so that they are not visible.

It turned out a kind of pendulum, which should be brought to a glass and lowered into the water for a couple of moments. Take it out and put it on the rim of the glass. It is important that the elbows are stable on the table, and the hands can move freely.

Now you can start asking questions, clearly and well-formulated. The responses will be interpreted as follows:

  • when the ring moves in a circle - a positive answer;
  • staggers from side to side - a negative answer;
  • stands still - until the Higher Forces can accurately answer the question you posed.

You can ask questions on any topic that interests you - about the future, about your personal life, about your career, and so on. The main thing is to formulate questions clearly and concentrate on them as much as possible when performing fortune-telling.

Divination on the ring for marriage

Thanks to the following sacrament, you will be able to see the face of your future spouse. But you can resort to this method only on Holy Week.

The time of the event is night. Pour water into a glass with smooth walls by about one third. A very important point is that there are no edges on it, because it will be much easier for you to consider the features of your future husband.

Put the decoration on the bottom. Wait for the water to calm down and say the following words over it:

“My betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me!”

And after that, start peering into the central part of the ring - it is in it that the face of your betrothed will appear. It is likely that you will need to wait for this, the image may not appear immediately, so please be patient.

If you are destined to get married soon, over time, first cloudy features will appear, gradually becoming more and more clear. In some cases, the image even begins to move and makes some signs regarding the material status or occupation of the future spouse.

Take advantage of easy and interesting fortune-telling on a ring with a thread to find out about upcoming events. But do not break the rules of its implementation so that answers from Higher powers were only true!

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Since ancient times, fortune-telling by the ring was considered one of the most objective and effective. It perfectly reflects the future love fate, so many women around the world use it for it.

Scores of women around the world have been tempted to know the truth about what lies ahead of them. It is important to do everything right, since it is advisable to carry out such fortune-telling once every six months. You can do this before Christmas, or you can do it on the new moon or full moon. An ordinary day will not bring such accurate information as needed.


For the ritual of divination, you will need the ring itself, a thread or your long hair, as well as a photograph. The photo must show the man you are in love with. It's better if you are in the photo together.

Use you mobile phone or a tablet is not worth it, since the devices have a weak magnetic field that can interfere with fortune telling. The photo must be printed.

The ring must be an engagement ring. It can belong to your mother, sister or grandmother - there are no restrictions, fortunately. To cleanse it from the energy of the real owner, dip the ring in ice water for 5-10 seconds, and then immediately slowly start fortune telling - you have about 5 minutes, which is quite enough.

Divination by the ring

Divination for love begins with the fact that you need to decide whether you know your betrothed or not. If you don’t know, then you need to guess over a glass of cold water- the ring should be at the level of the upper faces of the glass. If you know your betrothed, then they are guessing right above the photograph lying on a horizontal surface.

So if you have long hair, then take one hair, thread it into the ring and hold it with your index and thumb. It is necessary that the fingers look down along with the ring, and not to the side - this is very important. You also need to take a thin thread.

There should be complete silence around, the lights are dimmed. It is advisable to start guessing at about 12 o'clock at night. You put a glass of cold water or put a photo. Next, take a thread or hair, thread it through the ring and hold it as close as possible above the photo or directly above the glass.

Say out loud: “Ring, ring, tell me what awaits me. Will I be happy?"

  • If the ring moves from side to side, like a pendulum, then the answer is no. You do not expect great love or marriage in the near future. If you were guessing over the photo, then the answer is the same, but only for this man.
  • If the ring moved in a circle, then the answer is yes. You will soon get married or find your soul mate. In the case of a photo, you have every chance, because this man you like.
  • If the ring is standing or spinning in place, then everything will depend only on you. There is no clear answer to your question.

This ancient divination is very effective and revealing. A huge number of women resort to it, especially in moments of despair or ambiguity. It is important that your mind is clear and your thoughts are concentrated on divination. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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