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Fortune telling on the shiny narrowed before bedtime. Saty fortune telling on the narrowed and for the future. Fortune telling on matches

Despite the church prohibition of magical rites, the soda divisions on the narrowed are of interest among the majority of young girls. Sometimes curiosity and desire to look at the future to the future, it turns out to be stronger than religious prejudices. In addition to the study of popular species and features, no less useful, knowledge of the emergence of magical divination will be.

The history of the emergence of the bumps

The shints cause associations with fun, a collage, riding a sleigh, and, of course, with magical fortune tells.

Imagination for no reason paints a bright picture, because the description festive evenings It is familiar from the stories of great writers. Present literary heroes Gogol, Pushkin, Tolstoy, served as a Russian people who knows the merry of winter holidays.

The ancestors began to celebrate the shints even in distant antiquity. The exact date The appearance of the holiday, like burning, is difficult to call. However, it is known that custom has been rooted, even during the reign of Vladimir the Great.

In the pre-Christian era, the people believed in the pagan deity of Svyatovit. Probably solemn winter festivities are named in his honor.

Unfortunately, it is little known about this character. Modern historians believe that Svyatovit is one of the variations of the name of the Version Swording Supreme God Perun. On holidays, it was customary to throw some tallers in the oven to back up the celestial. In the hope of good harvest The farmers were brought to their patronage of the gift. It was believed that these days can be asked to higher Forces Performance of one desire. There were no problems with this, because they always helped to make sure the desired.

With the arrival of a Christian religion, people have increasingly become practicing in the future. In order not to amuse the Most High, in the baptism of Selyan plunged into the hole in the shape of the cross, thereby blending sins.

Over time, the pagan traditions have become forgotten or completed with new changes mixing with other religious representations:

  1. Marking the strid, children dressed in animal costumes or fabulous heroes, then walked around the village and read carols. Years, the birthday of the Sun replaced Christmas, but the custom with a carol continues to practice and now.
  2. People began to boil and walk with the evening to visit. In the courtyards, the bonfire was lit for Christmas, symbolizing the Bethlehem star. With the appearance of the first asterisk in the holy evening, you need to make cherished desire, And then it will surely come true.
  3. From the first day of the celebrations and until January 14, the hostess did not sweat litter from the huts, in order to bring it into a bunch at once and burn at the fire near the house. Tradition symbolized parting with old adversities and the transition to a new clean life. Gradually, the ritual began to forget.
  4. In ancient times, the women of the older generation were transferred to the men the ways of burning on the shields. Thanks to this, fortune telling did not go into the fly and enjoy success to this day.

In the middle of winter there are two magical weeks. They begin on January 6 on Christmas Eve, it should be noted that the ancestors of no reason chose this date. The people sincerely believed: on this night, evil and good forces are invisible to the human eye.

In the period of the density, the evil spirits weaken, from this stubble, in contrast to ordinary days, it becomes not so scary sin. Predictions are considered particularly accurate in the "prophet" Vasilyevsky evenings on January 13th and.

The last night of the sinic fortunes comes , the day before the baptism of the Lord.

It is necessary to adhere to some rules:

  1. The most favorable time for burning is midnight. It is believed that at this hour the Besnowness wakes up. Dark forces Show the image of the narrowed or tell what to expect in the future. Evening methods of fortune tells are equally popular, they can be started with sunset.
  2. Absolute silence must stand in the room, the electric light and the presence of people is unacceptable. The process should be illuminated by candles.
  3. Remove all the decorations, including the belt and dismisse your hair. During the session, do not cross your arms or legs, the cross postage makes it difficult to transmit information.
  4. At the time of the ritual, the icons from the room should be reached. Saints should not protect the symbol of the sacrament.
  5. After completing the rite for the night, until the morning it is not recommended to talk to anyone, otherwise the future spouse will not dream.

Before bedtime, pour into a cup of water. The broom will break off several twigs, build a bridge over the water, saying:

Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, let him translate me across the bridge

Put the container under the head of the head of the head, go to bed. In a dream, an image of a future husband will come in a wedding dress. The dreaming young man should translate you through the bridge, it will fill about the nearest marriage.

A sheet of paper, frying pan and a lit candle will be required.

Combate paper, mentally asking what you expect in the near future. Then set fire to the paper in the pan.

Submiss the cut paper to the light-lit wall, and consider the picture depicted on it. Screw the expanded leaf, the image may vary, showing different episodes from the future.

You can interpret seen figures with one of two ways:

The first - without searching for a hidden meaning. For example, a seen house speaks about the upcoming shopping of housing or a large time spent at home.

The second is metaphorical decoding. For example, contours that resemble the building can be interpreted in different ways. Need more time to spend with native people or it's time to leave parental house And find your own

This evening, tell about the upcoming events for the next year the decoration will help. At midnight, take in right hand Gold or silver chain. Slightly jumping, throw it on the table, and see what a figure formed:

  • Circle - in the coming year there will be a lot of tests to overcome them will have to make efforts.
  • Oval means almost the same as a circle, but in a softer form.
  • A smooth line speaks about readiness to boldly begin new beginnings, good luck on your side.
  • Triangle or rectangle compete.
  • Like a bunch of promises about the ambulance of a narrowed or wedding with an existing second half.
  • The letter is evaporated - a new worker will appear, the name of which will begin on the letter posted.
  • A figure that resembles a snake warns of a subulsion man in a circle of communication, be careful.
  • The chain is confused by creating a nodule - the coming year It will be difficult in all spheres.

One of the most famous original Russian methods burning on the narrowed. Night go out into the street, turn over the corner of the house. Passing a small distance, stop, remove the boots from the left leg and throw it over the shoulder. Which way to the sock will fall from there to wait for the match. The sock indicating you means that this year there will be no wedding.

Prepare a wax candle, a tablespoon and a bowl with water. Felt a candle on small pieces or soda on the grater so that the spoon is completely filled. Then subcontract kitchen device To the lighting room of the candle and melt the wax over the flame. In the worst mass of the quick movement, pour into the water.

It remains only to observe and interpret the values \u200b\u200bof the manifessed figures:

  • Many little droplets - to money;
  • Wax lay stripes - in the coming year there are many travels;
  • Fan was formed - problems in the workplace, conflicts with colleagues are possible. The more clear the drawing, the more serious problem;
  • Grapes - a favorable sign, promising success;
  • The outlines of the mushroom - good health;
  • The figure similar to the dragon - one cherished desire will certainly come true;
  • Bell - to Wests. Smooth outlines - the news will be good, curves are bad. Several bells - you will be worried about something;
  • One star or a few - in school and career will be accompanied by luck;
  • Sheet of a tree - take care of the spin of intrigue;
  • Monkey - to betrayal and hypocritical friends;
  • Pants warn that soon there is an important choice;
  • The flower promises positive changes in heart matters, a meeting of the narrowed or happy marriage;

Who ever wondered? Who was not interested in looking into the future, open the veil of secrets and mysteries? Today we will tell how to pay out in Christmas and on the shield.

Pre-google, asking for our grandmothers, we armed with all sorts of "sacral" things to try on the vintage rites of fortune telling.

From ancient times in January, it was customary to guess. Starting with a Christmas tree and ending with baptism, our ancestors asked in a blessing unclean about their future.

The Willmast was considered the most favorable time for fortune telling (before Christmas), Vasilyevsky evening (New Year's Eve, now falls on January 13) and Epiphany evening (from January 18 to January 19).

We chose Christmas Eve to look into our future. It is clear that we did not find chicken and boots for fortune telling, but candles, mirrors, water, basins - these items are at hand at any modern girl.

So, we share the most popular ways to predict the future.

Fortune telling first. In wax

It is believed that fortune telling on the wax is one of the most faithful and accurate. In this way, not only rustic girls were guessing, but also ladies from the highest society. The purpose of divination is to find out your future for a year, find out the nature of the relationship with her husband, to predict fate.

How to guess

For this divination, it is necessary to prepare a bowl with water and melted wax. We used a paraffin candle.

There are two methods of divination. You can set fire to the wax candle over the mission and just pour wax into the water. Or pour into the water already prepared melted wax or paraffin. In the second case, the figurine is obtained more intricate.

Figures can be viewed as separate predictions - according to the principle that I see it will, and you can refer to the decoding of the values \u200b\u200bthat can be found below the article.

Foreign second. On subjects for future husband

Divination by subjects is one of the easiest and lungs in the execution of fortunes. On the table there are a variety of items for which you can find out future profession husband. Bread in the old days meant - the peasant, the book - the priest, coal - the blacksmith, the keys - the merchant.

How to guess

Now use modern things, but among them must be wedding ringwhich means marriage, but who exactly will be the husband - will remain a mystery. Symbols of items can be designated independently.

The girl tie his eyes and she choose any of the objects lying on the table. Either the second option - the objects are covered with a handkerchief, and one who is guessing, puts the hand to the closed object.

Values \u200b\u200bof objects

Ryumka - will drink
Scissors - tailor, fashion designer
Wedding Ring - Get married
Ash - worthless man
Tablet - doctor
Keys - with an apartment
Candle - electrician, priest
Flash drive - geek
Mirror - Schiegol (Foil)
Coin - generous, rich

Fortune telling the third. On subjects for future life

Another variation of subject divination. Only now the girl does not know about the fate of her husband, but about his. Usually gadgets lay out objects in bowls or cups, then make your choice.

Values \u200b\u200bof objects

Beads - to tears
Ring - get married
Threads - to the road
Coin - to wealth
Tablet - sick
Empty glass - nothing happens
Nipple - to the child
Pen - to ease in solving problems
Key - to new housing

Fortune telling fourth. On water about the future life with his spouse

It is no secret that water has magical properties, healing and predictive strength. Therefore, it is not surprising that the water began to use in predictions, fortune telling, magical rituals.

One of the most popular and easily performed ghostas is a fortune-telling with glasses of water. This method Allows you to find out how a girl will live with a future husband.

How to guess

It is necessary to prepare 4 glasses with water. To one of the glasses put salt, in another sugar, in the third put the wedding ring, the fourth cup is left with fresh water.

If the girl pulls out the water with sugar - the relationship with the spouse will be harmonious, "sweet", warm and kind. Salt water means a bad marriage, there will be a lot of quarrels, disputes and tears. Water with a ring means a quick marriage. A glass with simple water - can talk about empty short relationships or the lack of relationships in the near future.

Fortune telling fifth. On water about the future life

Most likely, this fortune telling was upgraded at a later time, but my grandmother was 1911 years of birth, along with fortune-making with the help of a living chicken, with a boat behind the gate, already used this way of predicting fate.

How to guess

It is necessary to take a pelvis, fill it with half water, to the walls in a circle to attach papers with a layout of events - the wedding, pregnancy, theft, death, winnings, raising in the career, illness, money, etc. After that, half the shell takes walnutwhich is put a little candle. And such a "boat" falls on the middle of your reservoir with predictions. Where the shell sails, then you should expect next year.

There is another option for such fortune telling.

On the bottom of the pelvis without water, there are papers with questions, then water is poured, what a piece of paper will come up, it will come true soon. At the same time, so that the fortune telling has reliable magic power, We should prepare 13 pieces.

Fording the sixth. On threads

Since ancient times, a thread was considered a faith with Slavs. Therefore, it is believed that fortune telling with the help of threads is very strong and truthful.

How to guess

Girls should take threads of the same length and at the same time set fire to them. Who has a thread faster than everyone, the first and married.

If the thread of it at once or burned less than half, then the girl or will not marry or marry it very late.

Another fortune telling with thread. It is necessary to take three steel needles, three threads - red, black and white colors. Threads to hurt in needles and stick in the pad so that only needles sticking out. Needles must be triangles. Then you should make a desire and pull out the needle. The needle with red thread means that the desire will come true. With black thread - it will not come true, with white thread - it will come true, or not this year.

Fortune telling seventh. On the book

Previously, it was customary to guess the Bible. Exactly at midnight it was necessary to open Scripture and read the prediction. Now the Bible can be replaced with another book, while make a certain page, a string or paragraph. Interesting divination It turns out if you use the "Ruba" of Omar Khayama or any quote pad. In our hands turned out to be "Alchemik" Coelho, in which we read: "In this country, you do not drink wine," the one replied. - Vera does not allow. " A little upset.

Fortune telling eighth. With mirrors

The fortune telling on the mirrors is considered terrible and dangerous. The thing is that the mirror in many cultures is a devilish gift and has a property to reflect not only the world of physical, but also the world of exterior.

How to guess

At midnight, put two mirrors opposite each other and burn the candles. For proper location Mirrors, a mirror corridor is formed. Spell should be said: "Durable, muddy, come to me fit." When we need to focus and look closely in the corridor. After some time in the depths can show the figure of the future husband. If you see some terrible figures or feel discomfort, you should pronounce "Chur, Me!", It will drive an unclean strength to where she came from.

Angel - harbing change
Car - go on the road
Arch - Go to a new level
Butterfly - big change
Tower - Wedding
Letters - important lead
Bull - Danger
Question mark - uncertainty
Head - new position
Mushroom - an unexpected event
House - very favorable sign
Castle - you expect something new, for example, new relationships
Star - Your desire at this stage will come true
Fireplace - house and homemade. Emotional warmth
The key is a sign that predicts that all the conceived will happen, all goals will be achieved
Book - Getting Knowledge
Wheel - This figure always means life cycles: one ends and new starts
Ring - engagement, marriage union
Staircase - the circumstances of your life change in best side. Perhaps an increase in the service stairs
Face or face - a smile on his face speaks of happiness. An unpleasant person indicates enemies or rivals
Medal - Your efforts will be rewarded
A man is a visitor. If his hand is set aside - he will bring a gift or a new opportunity
Knife - very soon disagreements can lead to alienation and rupture of relations
Monkey - Some deceive you
Window - you should look at a different look at the problem or relationship
Horseshoe - extremely happy fate!
Bird or bird - you are awaiting good news
The child is the beginning of a new business or creative project. Sometimes may indicate the birth of a child
Airplane - travel. If the nose of the aircraft is directed down, it can talk about disappointments and broken hopes.
Heart - indicates long-term attachment and love.
The sun is happiness, creativity, success. Perhaps the birth of a child.
Ear - listen carefully what others say. You can hear very important information.
Fruits - wealth and good fate.
Figures - they point to time.
The cup is a feeling and a sense of emotional satisfaction. An inverted cup can mean the end of the relationship.
Apple - these fruits personify health, life itself.

The shints start from January 6 and end on January 18, in the Epiphany evening. Saty fortune telling Different accuracy and depth of predictions. All fortune-telling on the shints was transmitted to centuries from generation to generation. Many ways reached us.

As a rule, the girls wishes to find out their fate in marriage and see their narrowed on the shields. Slightly less dismissal divisions for the future. Consider the most popular fortune telling in the salty days.

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed

Fortune telling on the threads. A few girls take part in this ritual. You need to take the threads of the same length by the number of gadgets and hang on one beam. And set fire to them from one candle. That girl, who has a thread of fruit faster, the first will marry. If the thread does not burn and up to half or go out, means that it wonders wondering for a very long time, or one will be alone.

Fortune telling on beloved. This fortune telling will show how her beloved girl belongs to the girl. You need to take boxes of matches, insert two matches on his sides and set fire to them. If the heads of the matches bend in the direction of each other, the relationship will be strong and long. If the matches will disperse - a couple waiting for parting.

Fortune telling on the linen. This saty divination Let me know the nature of the future husband. A gadget girl in the dark should go to the field and at random to stretch the first fee. If it is smooth, then the husband will be with a slight character. If you are crawled with bitch, then the spouse will have a bad character. If crawled with cracks - will change.

Foreign on marriage. On the night before Christmas, girls take on the bulb and put them in jars with water. The bank is also put on the personal thing of each girl (ring, brooch, etc.). It is necessary to look at the baptism: whose bulbus sprout above all, the girl first married.

Divination on the shints are considered the most truthful. It is believed that the soda days to the earth leaves the evil and it is at this time it is easiest to come to contact for future information. We wish good luck and do not forget to click on the buttons and

03.01.2015 09:00

Division on frost patterns is one of the most vintage and truthful. It looks like a fortune telling on the wax and coffee grounds - prediction is done ...

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed, his financial situation and the future, which is waiting soon, were very popular among our ancestors. From this article you will learn how to properly guess during the winter holidays.

In the article:

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed

Saty and many other fortune tells on the narrowed enjoyed in great demand. In the old days it was difficult to find a girl who did not try to know how soon she would marry and how her future spouse would be. If you are not married yet, you can follow the example of our ancestors.

In the old days, the soda divisions were a very fun time. Some of them demanded complete loneliness, but part of the fortunes, on the contrary, provided for the presence large number of people.

One of the most popular methods for the shock was to throw a boat on the road. Each of the girls in turn threw the boots behind his back, and then checked where his sock looks. They believed that the future spouse would be from the side. Now the boots have become a big rarity, but you can try to throw your usual winter shoes. However, try to choose such a place so that they do not get into the open hatch or other similar place.

It is also considered the best time for or.

From the terrible soda fortunes on the narrowed can be called fortune telling with a mirror. Mirrors at all times were attributed to various mystical properties, including the ability to show the future. In order to see the narrowed, you need to put the mirror on the table and light from two sides from it on the candle. After that they say:

Mim's narrowed, moody, show me.

This divination there are many variations, for example, with two mirrors, which create a mirror corridor.

Many girls were trying to spend the night in someone else's house, for example, a friend. The fact is that if you go to bed in a new place, where I never slept before, you can see the future groom. To do this, before bedtime, you should say:

I sleep in a new place, dream of the bride's bride.

After that, it is impossible to talk to anyone until the morning, and enter into a dialogue only after remember your sleep. The man you will see this night will be your spouse.

Great popular among girls in the past, fortune telling, who allowed to find out who will marry, and who will not come out at all. To do this, it is necessary to cut off each of them by a thread of the same length and simultaneously set fire. That, whose thread burns faster, and marry will be first. The order of combustion of threads was associated with the order of marriage of each participating in this fortune study. And if the thread burned less than half, marriage will have to wait for a very long time, and perhaps fate prepared the fate of the old Virgin.

In an old girl, the girls were often deprived of the opportunity to choose her husband alone. Perhaps, therefore, they tried to find out at least with the help of ghostas, who would have to live with. At midnight they took the knife and went out with him to the street. Snow cut with such words:

Damn, damn, not silent, damn, damn, tell me, what my husband will fall, laugh or cry?

After that, he should be heard in anticipation of sounds that usually publish dogs. Vicious bark It suggests that her husband will be evil, strict and sullen man. Deaf and hoarse Lai - will be much older than you. Voiced - Younger or approximately your age. Vigoish Lai foreshadows that your spouse will have an unpleasant character. Cheerful and sliding Lai - he will merry man easy going. If you hear howlingSo, you will survive the spouse, and the widow will become pretty early.

Saty fortune telling for the future

People seek your future seek all times. During the shield to do it easier. Such fortune tells, for the most part, do not mean compliance with strict rules and may not only be a way to find out what is waiting for the next year, but also an interesting point for you and your friends. Docking, as a rule, in the dark after the sunset.

In order to find out, you must first select the container. Proceed from how much a person is extinguishing and what size items that will have a value during fortunening. It can be boots, a cup covered with a tissue basin or bag.

The meaning of divination is to closed eyes Select an object from the tank. For example, sugar foreshadow good year, but oven ash - Bad, full of trouble. Ring falls out to marriage onion - To tears. Ryumka or glass hints at a tendency to alcohol or other problems that are associated with alcohol drinks. Gold or silver Mean you will live richly. You can add any items to the bag, make their meaning in advance.

There are similar fortune telling with glasses. Take the same glasses or glasses. They should be as much as girls going to guess. In every glass, place on the subject that will be important. As mentioned above, it can be sugar, onions, jewelry. Now they often use the keys to apartments and cars, money and other attributes of modern life. You can pour water into one of the glasses, it will mean the absence of changes or some significant events.

Listing - very interesting way Find out the future. You need to do it one by one, even if you gathered to guess with my girlfriends. You should choose a house, approach the window and listen to what is happening inside. If you hear breaks, your year will be full of quarrels and troubles. If quietly - the year will be calm. Pay attention to everything that will be able to hear. You can listen at the crossroads, asking a question and outlines around yourself.

Other ways to divine on the shield

With the help of fortune telling on the shield, you can find out what fate is waiting for relatives. So often there were those who had patients and old people in the family. For this, they went to the house of neighbors during the when they dine, and looked into the window of the corresponding room. If you managed to see the heads of the neighbors, it means that everything will be alive in the family, the funeral this year will not be in the house. And if I could not see my goals, it means that someone will die next year or sick.

The fortune telling on the book can answer any question, the main thing is that you manage to correctly understand the quotation. To do this, usually take the books of spiritual content or classical literature. You can guess thus setting any question to which it is possible to answer the quote. You should reflect it, then call the page number and lines, after which you read the answer to your question.

Using paper, receive answers to questions, especially about desires. Cut the stripes from non-planned paper, write their desires and questions to which you need to get an answer. There may be any quantity, the more, the better. Strips Place in any wide tank and fill with water. At first they will be randomly spinning, but then they will pop up up. You need to notice the strip that will pop up first. What is written on it will come true, and if it is written on it, the answer to it is positive.

It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the information that is presented in this article and with other articles on this project to get an idea that you need to do on this day and how to guess.

Fortune telling on the shirt is sin or not

Any fortune-telling for the church is considered a sin. Nevertheless, most believers can not resist this temptation, even if the whole year of their thoughts were clean, he would like to know their fate.

Fortune telling on the shirt and for Christmas at home on the narrowed, so that you have dreamed of, at night

Many know that fortune telling the most accurate. From January 6 to January 19, the sick fortune tells, these days the souls of the dead come to our world, and devilry activated. You can not only bewitch, but learn your future, ask an exciting question and get an answer. Decide how to enroll in one situation or another. Unmarried girls I want to know, it is better to see the future husband. You can use in several ways.

For the night, do not drink water to feel thirst, say: who is my cute, who is my narrowed, who is my favorite, that water will bring me.

From the matches to make a bridge, laying under the pillow to say: Transfer me cute through the bridge.

Fortune telling on a shield under a pillow of paper, notes, leaflets, mirror, comb

Before beding, combing the hair, the comb is put under the pillow, saying: the narrowed, rude, fitted come to comb my hair.

Taking a mirror in his hands, at night they go to the crossroads, carefully look and called the narrowed, in the mirror there should be a month. Some say that the face of the future husband appears in reflection.

Preparing to sleep with anyone with no one to talk for three hours, write a desire on a piece of paper, burn, ash dispel in the wind. At this point, talk: how the sky is dark, like a star in that sky bright, the moon is strong. So my desire will be strong.

On the full moon To make a desire, writing on paper to burn, go outside, so that there was no one, dispel in the wind.

Fortune telling on the shield burn paper interpretation

Take a sheet of paper, squeeze in your hands, think about yourself, which worries most. Swash to flip over, putting this paper on it. Set fire after burning to look at the shadow from the candle. Tree to problems, a bird to a good event, a wolf to a friend, a cat is worth looking at your loved ones, perhaps among them envious man. Ring to a quick marriage or happy marriageIf the wedding was.

Fortune telling on the shirt and for christmas on the maps

If you are new to fortune telling with cards, you can use the most simple way, get three cards. The king-man caring for you, 6 road. 9-love. Due to the combination of certain cards, you can interpret your destiny differently.

Fortune telling on the shirt for married girls, children, men

You can use fortune-money on the coffee grounds. This method of finding the fate is suitable at any age, regardless of the marital status. Drinking coffee either thumbnail, so that the thick of, after a few minutes, look at the drawing, remaining on the ground from coffee.

Slots to serious events, the deeper gap, the meaningful event. Star to the ambulance. Lines symbolize good luck, wealth. Crosses to the danger.

Fortune telling to the shirt will be a child if we will be together, I am pregnant

Questions to which will be unambiguous answers "Yes" or "No" can be set using cards. Fucking the desire, mentally thinking about him, pulling the map, ate the red wash the answer "yes", the black "no"

Fortune telling on the shirt at home on candlelight, wax

Prepare a water container, light the candle, pour molten wax into the water. According to the resulting figure to interpret the value.

Fortune telling on the shirt and christmas at a desire how to guess on the shadow, how to cause the Spirit

According to the shadow of a burning paper, you can find out the future, not distant, and literally for the coming year. It is customary to cause spirits, this species will fit the most fearless, which are not afraid and will not run away. It is better to have a company of several people. In the dark, light the candle, write on the paper "Yes", "no", numbers and alphabet, put a saucer with an arrow drawn. It is worthwing to hear the one who wants to hear into the voice to speak together: the spirit (name) come. To say until the saucer will start rotating.

Fortune telling on a shield with a ring and a glass for the future

The most famous I. reliable way Find out the floor of the future child, pour a glass of water, take the ring to turn thread. Over a glass, keep a thread with a ring, if spinning clockwise girl, against a watch-boy.

As practice shows, the divination of Gypsies has interesting features And not always a simple interpretation, so it is worth understanding the main points that ...