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Fortune telling in a soda week of the house. Fortune telling with garlic. Fortune telling in the new house

The prophetic dreams have not yet fully studied. Many consider them magic and mystical. There are special practices that allow you to find out the answers to questions or future events with dreams. These can also be ranked and coded fortune telling, special rites and conspiracies, allowing to see the image of the narrowed and even talk to him in a dream. You can also use complex rituals held at night that will help look at the future husband in a mirror or water.

Ghost rules on the narrowed

Saty fortune telling has always been very popular, because they were considered the most faithful. There is a fortuneful time from the 7th to 19th. At this time, the unmarried girl burns on the narrowed every day, wanting to know the features of his appearance, character, profession, prosperity, etc.

Rites on the sagnes, as a rule, do at night or late in the evening.

Despite the high reliability of predictions received during this period, so that the responses to the innermost issues were the most truthful, it is necessary to observe several simple conditions:

  1. 1. It is impossible to relate to fortune it, otherwise the result will be incorrect.
  2. 2. Special attention should be paid to the choice of places where the ritual will occur. In Russia, for them was used so-called "unclean" places - bath, attic, basement, abandoned an old house, Any other room, where bellands can dwell the other forces.
  3. 3. Lighting the room is possible only with the help of candles.
  4. 4. In the breakdown room, remove all the icons.
  5. 5. Strust must be completely longer. From the process should not distract neither people nor animals nor foreign sounds and noise.
  6. 6. It is necessary to fully focus and concentrate on your question. It is necessary to formulate it briefly and clearly so that it was easy to answer it.
  7. 7. It is necessary to remove the Cross, rings, bracelets and other decorations.
  8. 8. Hair is preferably dissolved.
  9. 9. It is impossible to fold the cross and legs and legs.
  10. 10. No one should talk about what the predictions come true.

Self truthful fortune telling For sleep - how to see the narrowed?

What do you need to do to dream of the narrowed?

Marriage is considered an important point In the life of any woman. There are a lot of simple and affordable rituals and methods of burning, to dreamed prophetic dream About the future spouse.

It is worth considering the following points:

  • gadgetting should sleep in the room absolutely alone;
  • after pronouncing the magical words before bedtime, no one else should be talking;
  • to obtain an accurate prediction, it is necessary to go to bed in the opposite of the usual side;
  • sheet and pillow flip upside down;
  • night shirt put on inside out.

Light fortune telling for sleep

Saty fortune telling on the rest of the future, the spouse is distinguished by a huge variety. Most of them are very simple and held at home for the night before falling asleep. Among them can be allocated as:

  1. 1. Put the mirror and scallop under the pillow with the words: "Come, come. Taken, tag. I look at it, show yourself. "
  2. 2. Fold a well made of matches and pronounce loud: "Daughty-rude, you come to drink a lot."
  3. 3. Make a bridge from the twigs, remove under the pillow and sentenced: "Who is my rich, who is my narrowed, will translate me across the bridge."
  4. 4. Arrange the head of the bed a decanter with water and a cup. Before going to say such words to sleep: "You get tired with the path-road, my narrowed, I have a lot, come, let's get drunk." Call yourself with a cross and lie to rest.
  5. 5. Before you lie down to sleep, pre-not combing your hair, you must put a clean comb or comb or combing pillow under the pillow and say: "Durable-rude, come combing me."
  6. 6. Mix on the night to mix the salt with the same amount of water, swallow the mixture, without drinking with water, and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzha, that way of me."
  7. 7. Before you go to bed, remove the twist from the new broom, hide it under the bed, and put the horseshoe or a ultimate horse under the pillow. After that, to whisper: "Dailed, sir my, go to my house, pitch a horse, put me on him, take a rod, chase a horse, kiss me."
  8. 8. Shortly before sleeping to slaughter a braid, to turn into it a small new attachment lock, lock it into the key and say magical words: "Daughty-rude, come to me the key to ask, to spill the castle." Key remove under the pillow. In a dream, the bridegroom will ask him to give.
  9. 9. Put a saucer with jam near the headboard, which should be welded in advance. Before going to bed: "I have all the sweetness." In addition to the bridegroom appeared in a dream, after this simple ritual, a lot of workers will appear at the girl.
  10. 10. Read on the night three times: "Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday-widow, what dream will I dream? Give me, God, to see, with whom I have a century to do. "
  11. 11. Look to bed, put on new stockings, then remove the left stocking and hide under the pillow. To say the conspiracy: "Daughty-rude, come to break me."
  12. 12. Soap and comb lay down under the pillow, while the girl should say: "My sick, muddy, come, mind and taking me."
  13. 13. For the mother-in-law could see the future son-in-law in a dream, such a rite is suitable: it is necessary to put a pan with pancakes under the bed under bed. Slap: "Daughty-dressed, come to the mother-in-law on pancakes."
  14. 14. If you guessing first sleeping in someone else's house, it's necessary to sleep on a new place. You need to whisper: "In a new place, dream of the bride.
  15. 15. On the night under the pillow put from playing card deer Four kings and pronounce: "Who is my narrowed, who is my muddy, dream of me." A dreaming king of peak will show that the spouse will be older, Tref is a widower, the Chervoy King is promoting a beautiful and rich man, and the tambourine is a loved one.
  16. 16. From the festive Christmas feast it is necessary to leave a crust of bread, put it under the pillow and say: "My squeezed, come to me dinner."

Complex rituals held at night

To find out, what is the name of the future husband, you can use this proven way:

  • take a few sheets of paper;
  • cut them into small pieces;
  • write on each different male names;
  • remove for the night under the pillow;
  • get in the morning, without looking, the first piece of paper.

What a name on it will be written and the name is narrowed.

Another method of divination for the future spouse with candles, which is held at night:

  • put three candles in a row in each other in such a way that they merge into one;
  • light them and take off opposite;
  • reading a conspiracy, gradually move the candles in touch with each other so that all three immediately can be seen;
  • pronounce magic words: "Flames of candles, show me narrowed! Javi my image! Give at least in a dream to see our fate ";
  • give candles completely ruin;
  • go to bed.

In a dream, awesome will see her future husband.

Stoor to sleep coming:

  • in advance to dial a bunch of twelve different dry herbs;
  • at the same time, to make perdition of each specified value, for example, get married, get a proposal for marriage, etc.;
  • bouquet put in the headboard bed before bedtime and whisper a plot;
  • at night, you will dream of the groom, and in the morning you should get any twig and get prediction about relationships with him.

On the twigs:

  • break down one branch from poplar, birch and aspen;
  • to bandage them with a thread withdrawing from its own clothes;
  • put a bouquet of branches before bedtime under the pillow;
  • pronounce three times: "Balideff, Asamalby, Abumaleff."

Who will dream - that narrowed.

Rituals with a mirror and ring

The fortune telling with the mirror is carried out strictly at midnight alone:

  • take two identical on the size of the mirror;
  • install their face side parallel to each other;
  • load a couple of candles and put them on the sides;
  • intently look into the resulting mirror corridor;
  • after the evil spirits appear in the image of the narrowed, quickly say: "Chur me."

On the ring should also be guess at 12 o'clock at night:

  • prepare an ordinary glass glass without faces and drawing;
  • fill it with water for one third;
  • lower to it wedding ringwhich must be preparing to clean;
  • look to the water through the ring to see the future husband.

It should be noted that it is not always possible to give a good accurate answer. Do not worry if the result is not favorable for a gadget girl. It can always be changed for the better.

Between church holidays The birth and baptism of Christ for 12 days lasts a shield.

By slavic tradition Begins the shints of the Collad (the birth of the Sun) or Merry Christmas on January 7 and end with baptism on January 19.

On the Eve on Christmas Eve on January 6, people, more often, children with their godfares are in the evening (this is sweet rice with raisins or other ingredients, and maybe without fillers of fresh boiled rice. Cute Sweet Syrup.) For this, they thank money Those who brought Keat . This tradition is well preserved in rural settlements.

On the same evening, when the first star appears, you can make a desire and it will come true. Or go out into the street at midnight and look at the sky, how to see the first asterisk, make the intimate.

When you can guess the shiny

As a result, the binding divisions are held from the night from January 6 to January 7 and until midnight January 19 of each year. Special time for the truthful and most accurate gadas considered at midnight from January 13-14 (old new Year, Vasilyev evening) and in the evening from 18 to January 19 ( Epiphany Christmas tree). You can also choose any sachet day. Remember that the last day for fortunes is this evening on January 18th. And on January 19, the Baptism of the Lord can already be guess.

I will not describe all the traditional ancient fortune telling to look into the future and find out your destiny. I choose the most simple for our time and with the ability to comply with all the rules of burning from our ancestors.

Very love to guess the girl and women. All methods are transmitted from generation to generation, so modern youth knows how our best-grandmothers learned about their future.

How are you guessing for a dream for sleep at home

Some rules should be observed before bedtime:

  1. In the room to be alone.
  2. Remove icons.
  3. Remove the beliefs, decorations.
  4. Dismiss hair.
  5. Do not cross legs and hands.
  6. Does not talk to anyone after holding a rite, otherwise the narrowed in a dream will not come. Also not distracted by other thoughts.
  7. In general, about what you intend to guess, do not speak anyone.
  8. Spit on the contrary: Put the pillow where the legs were. There will be a truthful dream.
  9. The pillow itself also turn over the opposite.
  10. Sheet turn the bottom side up.
  11. Night shirt put on inside out.

The first simple fortune telling on the narrowed on the night and for sleep is called "Bridge"

It is necessary to pour water into dishes and build the improvisation of the bridge of several brooms over the water. Then pronounce a plot:

Who is my narrowed, who is mine, let me turn me through the bridge!

Then put a cup under the head of the head and go to bed.

From what dream will dream, will be treated and your chances will marry.

If you dreamed the bride on the bridge and translates you across the bridge, then you will marry in the next two years.

Or you can make a bridge and put under the pillow.

The second available fortune telling on the shields on the narrowed

Very easy way to household conditions. Especially in the apartments.

Before bed, put a comb's comb. To tell:

Delicious-rude, come to combing me.

Sleeping to bed not combing. In a dream, the hair will come and the hair will come.

The third simple ancient fortune telling for sleep with a mirror and comb

Under the pillow put a mirror and comb. Speak:

Come come, come. Taken, tag. Look me, show yourself.

The fourth with water and a mug, where the narrowed will ask to drink water in your dream.

Before bedtime, you need to put a jug with water and a mug. To tell:

From the path-road you get tired, my narrowed, I have a lot, come, let's get drunk.

Fifth way before bedtime to eat salt, without drinking water (or saved food).

Before you go to bed, say:

Who is my narrowed, who is my rich, that way I move.

Sixth Option at night with matches

We build a well from matches and say:

Daughty-dressed, come the water to drink.

Seventh Variant of Sattick Divination with One Sock

We wear socks before bed, then remove from the left foot and put under the pillow. Separate:

Delicious-rude, come to sort me.

The eighth is a simple way to read three times for the night:

Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday - Widden, what dream do I dream? Give me, God, to see, with whom I have a century a century.

The ninth easy way to burn for Christmas and the shints with jam, attracts the grooms, will not be a pen.

Watch the jam itself and put the headboard before bedtime. Conspiracy:

All sweetness I have!

The tenth way, if the girl sleeps in a new place on a visit.

Before bed, say:

In a new place dream of the bride.

11 The way of divination for the mother-in-law on the son-in-law.

To put the pan with the pancake and say:

Daughty-rude, come to the mother-in-law on pancakes.

12 Saty fortune telling for girls with long hair

Schedule a new braid before bedtime. Love a new hanging lock to a braid, close it with the key. To tell:

Delicious-dressed, come to me the key to ask, cool the castle.

Key put under the pillow. In a dream, the key comes the groom.

13 Available ancient Slavic fortune telling on a narrowed house on the shadows from burning paper

To do this, it is necessary to retire in the room where no one distorts and the smell of burning then easily can weathered. For residents of private houses there is no problem where to produce such a fortune telling. You can go to any dark utility room: bath, shed, summer kitchen. Specify your question mentally.

  1. Prepare any sheet of paper (notebook, newspaper, etc.), a plate (can be a pan) and a candle. Light a candle
  2. Combate paper, put on the plate and burn.
  3. When the paper breaks and prohibit to the end, slowly turn the plate and look at the outlines of the shadows on the wall. All we see is waiting for you in the future.

14 Easy fortune telling with candles and melted wax

  1. Take a piece of candle and put in a tablespoon.
  2. Then melt the wax in this spoon over the fire from the burning candle and quickly pour into the cooked bowl with water.
  3. According to the figures that were formed on the surface of the water, read your future and answer to your question.

Designations of figures:

Droplets - money.

Grapes - success.

Star - Good luck in the career.

Strips - Road.

Fan - problems at work.

Mushroom - good health.

Dragon - a desire will come true.

Bell - lead. If clear even outlines. That is good news. Curves are bad.

Sheet from wood - intrigue.

Monkey - betrayal, hypocrisy.

Pants, pants - make an important choice.

Flowers - to life, fortunately, happy marriage.

Man - to new friends.

Egg is a change in life, the birth of a child.

15 divination, which is easy to reproduce both contemporaries, on a gold or silver chain.

  1. At midnight, take your chain, crush and drop on the table.
  2. See which figures formed.

The value of the figures:

Circle - tests, difficulties in the coming year.

Oval - similarly, but it will be easier.

Smooth line, triangle, rectangle - good luck, success.

Looking like a bow - meeting with the narrowed, the wedding is already soon.

Letter - the name of the narrowed begins with this letter.

Snake - Be careful.

Tangled chain - a difficult year will be.

Sky (January 6-18) - best time For gadas. During this period, the atmosphere of magic reigns on Earth and urged the highest strength. Magic rituals and rituals help people look into their fate.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Divination on the narrowed - the favorite entertainment of young unmarried girls during the shiny. They guess alone or gather big fun companies. The girls are gaining support for unclean forces to find out the name of the groom or the date of the future wedding.

Fortune telling on the linen.Divination allows you to find out what your husband and family life will be. Pull out at the lung of atmosphere, one is full and carefully consider it. If the tree is smooth and smooth, then the husband will be slim and beautiful, with a good character. Tolstoy severely foreshadows a wealthy spouse. The trunk with a lot of bitch marks a large-scale family life. The curved is the crushing of the ugly husband with physical disabilities.

Fortune telling on the bulbs. The fortune telling is held in the company of girls. Place the Lukovitsa in the ground. Whose bulb will quickly let the sprost - she will get married.

Dream prediction. Before bedtime, think about your favorite guy, write his name on a piece of paper and kiss the raised lips to stay next. Then put a piece of pillow along with a small mirror. Night dream of a prophetic dream.

Ritual with salt pellet.Close relative unmarried girl, in it from her, should bake a salt cake from flour and put it under the pillow. In a dream, it will come narrowed and will give her water to quench thirst.

Divination for family life. Comic fortune telling. Held in the company of girls. Prepare items characters by the number of gadgets. The gold ring symbolizes wealth, a glass - fun, bulb - tears, sugar - happiness, ash - disappointment. Fold objects into a deep bowl or bag. Take turns Choose at random on one subject. He will predict future family life.

Dog fortune telling. Midnight go out and listen to the dog lady. The ringing of Lai Psa predicts the young groom, and the hoarse is old.

Ritual with the Bubnov King. In the evening, before bedtime, smear, spread your hair, remove the decorations and place them on the pillow. Under it, put the map with the image of the Bubnoy King. In a dream, the image of the narrowed appears.

Fortune telling with a frying pan.Late in the evening in secret from the mother, put the pan under her bed and say: "Durable-rude, come to visit to the mother-in-law eating pancakes." In the morning ask my mother who she was in a dream. The young man who will dream of mothers will become a fiance of his daughter.

Ritual with a mirror. Sit in an empty dark room. Side light a candle, but in front of you, put the mirror and two canteen instruments. Then say: "Daughty-dressed, come to me dinner." The mirror will appear the image of the future husband. After considering it, say: "Chur." If you wait a bit, then the narrowed can stretch some item that will disappear from the future groom.

Fortune telling for the future

People make people on the shirt magic ritesConspiracies and rituals to learn future events. Good signs They give them strength and instill faith in a happy future, and they try not bad symbols not to attach importance.

Elevation of neighbors. In the evening, go to the neighbor door and overheard the conversations behind it. If laughter and a fun conversation hear, then the year will be full of happiness and adventure. Rugan, beat the dishes foreshadow difficulties, and silence is a quiet life.

Divination on the candle wax. Prepare a candle and a bowl with cold water. Light a candle and wait until the wax is melted. Pour the liquid wax into the water. Spend such a ritual several times. Through the frozen wax figures, interpret future events. Little round drops symbolize money. The bunch of grape marks love and good luck. Figure in the form of a mushroom foreshadows Promotion career stairs. The bell is promoting good news. The wood leaf marks the presence of envious and ill-wishers.

Rite with a mirror. At midnight, take a small mirror, take it with water and rendered on the frost. When patterns appear on the surface of the mirror, bring it to the house and carefully consider. Circles foreshadow financial welfare, triangles - success, squares - difficulties, fir branches - Promotion at work.

Fortune telling on water. Put a transparent vessel with water in front of the mirror and burn candles from three sides. At midnight, carefully look through the water in the mirror. What will be able to consider - then come in the coming year.

Fortune telling

In the period of the holy, it is customary to make desires. Higher power These days listened to the messages of people and are ready to help realize the conceived. Magic rituals help learn whether a dream will come true in the near future.

Fortune telling with water. Prepare paper stripes. Write to them desires. Then place them in a deep bowl and fill with water. Stir water and wait until the first paper pops up. Wish written on it will be in the near future.

Walnut boats. Write the cherished dreams on the shreds. Then place the leaflets in the halves of the shell of nuts. Run the received boats into the water in deep pelvis. On the middle of the pelvis, lower one more shell with a burning candle. The desire, which will burn first, will be fulfilled in the coming year.

Fortune telling on paper balls. Prepare three identical paper leaves. Write a desire on one of them. Datty pieces in balls, put in the bag and mix. Three times rapidly pull out the ball. At the same time, expand the leaves, look, whether there is an inscription on it, then somewhat again and return to the pouch. If at the first attempt to get a leaf with a desire, it will come true in the near future. If with the second or third attempt, then the chances of execution decrease. If an empty sheet is falling three times, then the desire will not come true.

Ritual for the fulfillment of desire. At midnight, write a cherished dream on a sheet of paper, put it on a plate with text down and burning. If the sheet grows completely, the desire will be fulfilled. If only part of the paper burns, then something will prevent the mandated.

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed, his financial situation and the future, which is waiting soon, were very popular among our ancestors. From this article you will learn how to properly guess during the winter holidays.

In the article:

Saty fortune telling on the narrowed

Saty and many other fortune tells on the narrowed enjoyed in great demand. In the old days it was difficult to find a girl who did not try to know how soon she would marry and how her future spouse would be. If you are not married yet, you can follow the example of our ancestors.

In the old days, the soda divisions were a very fun time. Some of them demanded complete loneliness, but part of the fortunes, on the contrary, provided for the presence large number of people.

One of the most popular methods for the shock was to throw a boat on the road. Each of the girls in turn threw the boots behind his back, and then checked where his sock looks. They believed that the future spouse would be from the side. Now the boots have become a big rarity, but you can try to throw your usual winter shoes. However, try to choose such a place so that they do not get into the open hatch or other similar place.

It is also considered the best time for or.

From the terrible soda fortunes on the narrowed can be called fortune telling with a mirror. Mirrors at all times were attributed to various mystical properties, including the ability to show the future. In order to see the narrowed, you need to put the mirror on the table and light from two sides from it on the candle. After that they say:

Mim's narrowed, moody, show me.

This divination there are many variations, for example, with two mirrors, which create a mirror corridor.

Many girls were trying to spend the night in someone else's house, for example, a friend. The fact is that if you go to bed in a new place, where I never slept before, you can see the future groom. To do this, before bedtime, you should say:

I sleep in a new place, dream of the bride's bride.

After that, it is impossible to talk to anyone until the morning, and enter into a dialogue only after remember your sleep. The man you will see this night will be your spouse.

Great popular among girls in the past, fortune telling, who allowed to find out who will marry, and who will not come out at all. To do this, it is necessary to cut off each of them by a thread of the same length and simultaneously set fire. That, whose thread burns faster, and marry will be first. The order of combustion of threads was associated with the order of marriage of each participating in this fortune study. And if the thread burned less than half, marriage will have to wait for a very long time, and perhaps fate prepared the fate of the old Virgin.

In an old girl, the girls were often deprived of the opportunity to choose her husband alone. Perhaps, therefore, they tried to find out at least with the help of ghostas, who would have to live with. At midnight they took the knife and went out with him to the street. Snow cut with such words:

Damn, damn, not silent, damn, damn, tell me, what my husband will fall, laugh or cry?

After that, he should be heard in anticipation of sounds that usually publish dogs. Vicious bark It suggests that her husband will be evil, strict and sullen man. Deaf and hoarse Lai - will be much older than you. Voiced - Younger or approximately your age. Vigoish Lai foreshadows that your spouse will have an unpleasant character. Cheerful and sliding Lai - he will merry man easy going. If you hear howlingSo, you will survive the spouse, and the widow will become pretty early.

Saty fortune telling for the future

People seek your future seek all times. During the shield to do it easier. Such fortune tells, for the most part, do not mean compliance with strict rules and may not only be a way to find out what is waiting for the next year, but also an interesting point for you and your friends. Docking, as a rule, in the dark after the sunset.

In order to find out, you must first select the container. Proceed from how much a person is extinguishing and what size items that will have a value during fortunening. It can be boots, a cup covered with a tissue basin or bag.

The meaning of divination is to closed eyes Select an object from the tank. For example, sugar foreshadow good year, but oven ash - Bad, full of trouble. Ring falls out to marriage onion - To tears. Ryumka or glass hints at a tendency to alcohol or other problems that are associated with alcohol drinks. Gold or silver Mean you will live richly. You can add any items to the bag, make their meaning in advance.

There are similar fortune telling with glasses. Take the same glasses or glasses. They should be as much as girls going to guess. In every glass, place on the subject that will be important. As mentioned above, it can be sugar, onions, jewelry. Now they often use the keys to apartments and cars, money and other attributes of modern life. You can pour water into one of the glasses, it will mean the absence of changes or some significant events.

Listing - very interesting way Find out the future. You need to do it one by one, even if you gathered to guess with my girlfriends. You should choose a house, approach the window and listen to what is happening inside. If you hear breaks, your year will be full of quarrels and troubles. If quietly - the year will be calm. Pay attention to everything that will be able to hear. You can listen at the crossroads, asking a question and outlines around yourself.

Other ways to divine on the shield

With the help of fortune telling on the shield, you can find out what fate is waiting for relatives. So often there were those who had patients and old people in the family. For this, they went to the house of neighbors during the when they dine, and looked into the window of the corresponding room. If you managed to see the heads of the neighbors, it means that everything will be alive in the family, the funeral this year will not be in the house. And if I could not see my goals, it means that someone will die next year or sick.

The fortune telling on the book can answer any question, the main thing is that you manage to correctly understand the quotation. To do this, usually take the books of spiritual content or classical literature. You can guess thus setting any question to which it is possible to answer the quote. You should reflect it, then call the page number and lines, after which you read the answer to your question.

Using paper, receive answers to questions, especially about desires. Cut the stripes from non-planned paper, write their desires and questions to which you need to get an answer. There may be any quantity, the more, the better. Strips Place in any wide tank and fill with water. At first they will be randomly spinning, but then they will pop up up. You need to notice the strip that will pop up first. What is written on it will come true, and if it is written on it, the answer to it is positive.

Holly Two weeks of winter holidays are called, from the Christmas Christmas Eve, coming on January 6, before baptism, celebrated on January 19. Department for Christmas is rightfully considered the most truthful. With its roots, the soda divisions go to the times of pagan Rus. It is fortunes during the winter solstice (and this is the period of the density) a particular importance in pagan times was attached. It was believed that these days were the most active, and the borders between the worlds are more subtle, which contributed to the more truthful result of New Year's, Christmas and dusty fortunes.

With the arrival of Christianity on Russia, the soda divisions are not only preserved, but also acquired more mystical meaning, and although the church tried to fight superstition and fortune tells, they were carefully transferred from generation to generation, and reached our days in a little modified form.

Deciding to guess for Christmas, remember that the result of fortunes may not justify your expectations, so whether it is worth spoiling the holidays ...

The methods of christmas ghosts in Russia were invented a huge set, but the main theme of all the soda fortunes is fortune-telling on the narrowed (groom). This is understandable, because in the older times, the fate of the girl completely depended on how good it would marry.

Fortune telling (with a felt) on "side", in which married

This is the most famous and common type of divination. The girls alternately throw the boots through the back on the road and in the direction of the sock of the fallen felt, they recognize the side, in which married will come.

Dusting with mirrors

This is a well-known fortune-telling literature and is now popular with bold girls.

Mirrors in the old days were attributed magic properties. Custom to close the mirrors if the house has a dead man, also reflects this attitude of our ancestors to magic mirrors.

The fortune telling is carried out in an empty and quiet room. There should be no one and no sounds. A gadget girl must dissolve the hair and fully focus. She must sit in the dark near the two opposite mirrors. The picture of Novikov shows this position of the girl. At midnight, the girl lights two candles placed on the sides of the mirrors, and pronounces: "Daughty my, muddy, show me" and begins to peer into the gallery of reflections, hoping to see his groom. You can sit in front of the mirrors for a long time, and you can see the narrowed immediately.

Fortune telling in the new house

You can guess only in the house where you spend the night for the first time. Only then the fortune telling is considered true. Before going to bed, it should be crossed three times and go to bed with the words: "I sleep in a new place, dream of the bride." That man who will dream and will be your fiance.

Fortune telling on straw

It is interesting to guess at the straw when there are many people. Exactly at midnight, gather in the same room, burn the candle and begin to guess. To find out the name of your narrowed, put on the table with a straw, shot down in a com, put a pan on this com, put a stone on a rubbing and pour some water. Then each of the girls should slowly pull on the straw and on the sounds produced by a stone with a frying in a frying pan, the name of the narrowed should be heard. During fortune telling in the room there must be absolute silence.

Fortune telling (with fillings of the thread) on the speed and order of getting married

Simple and visual fortune telling popularity and in our time. It lies in the fact that the girls cut a thread of the same length (it is better to take thicker threads) and ignite them at the same time. Threads need to be kept in one end, the other is lowered down and you need to set fire. Who has a thread thread, that first will be married. The order of combustion of threads in the hands of girls will show the order of their coming marry. If someone has a thread pulled at once or thread burned less than half, then this girl will not marry.

Fortune telling (with a ring or needle) for the floor of the future child

With a ring or needle, certain actions are done: the ring is lowered into a glass with water, the needle is spinning woolen fabric, then suspended in the balance or thread, slowly lowered near the hand to whom you are guessing. If the subject (ring, needle) starts to make circular movements - a girl will be born (less often - boy), if the peaceful - boy (less often a girl), if the subject does not move - there will be no children.

Divination (with the choice of the subject) on the quality of life

In the bag, the cup or felt boots are hiding the items, then the girls choose their boots or bag. The choice of the subject symbolizes life in the coming year: ash - bad life, sugar - sweet life, ring - getting married, bulb - to tears, glass - drunkenness, golden ringrich life etc., you can invent and modify fortune telling with your options.

Fortune telling with a rooster on the narrowed

There are several plates or bowls, the grain is poured into one plate (or money is put), water is poured into another, the mirror is melted nearby, sometimes a chicken is brought. The rooster approached the mirror symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom, approached the grain or money - his wealth, to the water - a tendency to drunkenness, if the rooster comes to the chicken, then the groom will be a "womanist".

Fortune telling on matches

On the sides match box Two matches are inserted and set on fire. If the burnt heads will be addressed to each other, then the "mounted" guy and the girl will be together. If the heads of matches look at different directions or fell off - that is not.

Fortune telling (according to dogs) about the age of the groom

At midnight, take a knife, go out into the street, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: "Damn, damn, not silent, damn, damn, tell me, what my husband will come, laugh or cry?".

By saying the words of the spell, silence and carefully listen to the dogs of dogs.

  • If the evil, sharp barking, then future husband will be strict and sullen;
  • hoarse barking of the old groom;
  • the sughty Lai - the groom will be bad character;
  • call Lai - young;
  • if the dogs will bark fun and sliding, then the husband will fall cheerful and kind;
  • very bad if the dog howling can hear during fortune telling. This suggests that marriage will be short and very fast young wife widths.

Fortune telling "well"

To spend this fortune telling, you need a well. If the girl lives in the village and has a well with the roof closing on the castle, then it perfect option. If there is no such well at your disposal, you should make a symbolic well. To do this, you can use matches, toothpicks, other wands. Build a well simple. Make a square from sticks, putting sticks by the ends on each other and do a few rows. Take a thimble, pour some water into it and put it next to the well. In the villages, girls can pour water into a bucket and put near the real well. Make a real well as a real key, made from the "Rear" sticks by any key, making the appropriate hand movement, and place the key under the pillow. Sleeping to bed, say: "Daughty-rich, come to me to the Water Well, drink, I have a key to ask." In a dream, you will come narrowed to get drunk water from your well.

Fortune telling

This type of fortune telling due to its simplicity and clarity is very common in a modern maiden environment. The girl sets up a paper sheet crumpled with her hand, and then examines the shadow from the burning paper on the wall - this is the first stage of divination, even at this stage there may be quite clear images.

Each takes a clean sheet of paper, comes it, puts on a dish or on a large flat plate and set fires. When the sheet burns or almost burns, with the help of a candle, its display is made on the wall - this is the second and chief stage. Carefully examining the shadows are trying to find out their future in terms of shadows.

Fortune telling with a ring to call the image of the future groom

Take an ordinary glass with smooth walls, smooth bottom and without pattern, pour water into it on 3/4 volumes and carefully omit the wedding ring to the middle of the bottom. The ring must be pre-washed in running water so that it does not carry the information about its owner. Persistently peering into the very center of the rings, senoming words: "Daughty mine, muddy come to me" you can see the narrowed. To see it, look into the ring it is possible for quite a long time.

Fortune telling with a sleep about the narrowed

We write the name of the young man on a piece of paper, put on a small mirror and under the pillow or put three laurels under the pillow. On one write - "Ananya", on the other - "Azarya" and on the third - "Misail" and pronounce the spell: "From Monday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me, let him dream in a dream."

Going on the night from Monday to Tuesday. A sprig of ate is taken, put on the head of the head. At the same time they say: "Falling on Monday, I put in the headboard, dream of me who thinks about me." Who will dream, he loves you.

They guess at night from Thursday to Friday. Looking to bed, say: "Thursday with the environment, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday One and me, young, alone. I am lying in the Zion mountains, three angels in the heads: one sees. Another will say, the third fate will indicate."

Girls guess if you go to bed where it was not necessary before. Before bedtime they say: "In a new place, dream of the bridegroom." In a dream you will see your groom.

Card reading

Before bedtime, they put a four kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my narrowed, who is my dazzhah, that you dream in a dream." If you dreamed the peak king - the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of Chervalon means a young and rich, the crusade - wait for the match from a military or businessman, and Bubnov - from the desired one.

Fortune telling on relatives

Go to look in the neighbors windows during dinner. If they see the heads sitting at the table, then foreshadow that future relatives will be alive; If the heads are not seen, then with relatives should be misfortune.

Melt the wax in the circle, pour milk in a saucer and put an apartment or at home at the threshold. Say the following words: "The house, my owner, come under the threshold to drink milk, eating wax." FROM recent words Pour melted wax into the milk. And now carefully observe what is happening.

  • If you see the frozen cross, there are some diseases in the new year.
  • If the cross just seems, in the coming year, your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life they will overcome trouble, but not too serious.
  • If the flower blooms - marry, marry or find your beloved.
  • If the beast appears, be careful: you will have some kind of taught.
  • If the wax flows strips, you will come to the road, moving.
  • I will fall as an asterisk - wait good luck in the service, in school.
  • If a human figure is formed, you will find a friend.
  • House - in a short time to get a new household; For a girl, this is due primarily with her marriage.
  • Formless ruins are misfortune in the near future.
  • A pit, a small cave or grotto is the most undesirable figure, because it symbolizes the burial place and predicts a serious illness or a close death.
  • Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: directed up the branches of the tree promise an ambulance joy, drooping - sadness, longing and boredom.
  • Ring or candle unequivocally predicate an ambulance wedding.
  • Damn, located on the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long nurse.

On the bulbs

Take several bulbs and marry each of them. These bulbs are planting in the ground: whose earlier will give sprout, the girl will marry others.

On the ring

In an ordinary glass glass with a smooth bottom, without any drawings poured on 3/4 water and carefully lower the engagement ring to the middle of the bottom. Then look through the water in the middle of the ring, where the image of the narrowed appears.

Throw a ring on the floor. If it rolls to the door, it means that the girl is married soon, and the man is on a business trip. You can interpret how to care from the house.

Oklik passersby

Get out at midnight to the street and ask the name from the first oncoming. That is how your narrowed, exactly so it will be beautiful and rich.


We climb under the neighbors window and, of course, listen. If they have a determine relationship with beating dishes, you can wait for the "fun" year. If there is silence in the house - and you will have a harmonious year. Depending on what is happening in the house of neighbors at the time of abandonment, and you will have the coming year.

Wooden chips

Pour in pelvis water. At the edges of the pelvis, to attach strips of paper on which events are written, for example, the wedding, a trip, receiving money, new job etc. (If one is gading one), or the names of all those present who want to know their future. In the second case, the event is embossing one, in particular the wedding, acquaintance with the future spouse, etc.

Need to take a dry sinner, better deciduous tree And consolidate the candle's grinding on it, which grieved in the house where fortune-telling occurs. Candle to light and push the "boat" to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the pinch should be saved to one of the notes. Which will boil the note, the event will occur. If the pinch will flip over or kicks, then the event you will not have happened next year.

Fortune telling on egg

Take the fresh egg, do a small hole in it and gently pour the contents into a glass with water. When the protein is thrilled, in the form he accepted, you need to guess my future. The view of the church means wedding, the ring - the engagement, the cube - the coffin, the ship - a business trip (man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (woman). If the protein dropped to the bottom - to be in the house fire.

Fortune telling on lanes

It is necessary to approach the ravenly back and to the touch choose to choose himself. If it is smooth, smooth, without bitch, the spouse falls with the perfect character:

  • tolstoy and heavy - the husband will be wealthy,
  • lots of bitch - there are many children in the family,
  • fulled curved - the husband will be oblique and lame or evil,
  • fully smooth, with smooth thin bark - Human husband and young,
  • the bark is thick rough - the husband is ugly,
  • the bark on the lounge in places is risening or not at all - the husband is poor,
  • lucky Fully - Husband is old, rim, with physical disadvantage,
  • large full - strong, strong husband,
  • the bitch is full - the family will be large: each bitter is a future child.

Fortune telling with a cat

Make a desire, call your cat. If she crosses the threshold of the room with the left paw, the desire will come true. If right - not destined.

Divination by book

It is best to take the book of spiritual content, you can, for example, "Bible", without revealing it, to make a page number and string on top or bottom, then disclose it and read in the mandated place. Pushes read according to the fact that the most wondering interests most.