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How to become rich working. As ordinary people have achieved success and became rich

Most people ask a question "How to become successful and rich without having nothing" or "how to become rich and successful from scratch." All dream of independence, wealth and only units do something for this. And, as a result, achieves dreams.

From the article you will learn:

  • About wealth and charity
  • On the psychology of thinking rich
  • How to become successful and rich, without having nothing. Step-by-step instruction
  • See the famous video seminar of Robert Kiyosaki "How to become rich in 60 minutes"
  • See the movie "Start right now, stop finally postpone!"

The main positive news confirmed by the real stories of success is to change your life and become successful, maybe everyone. But, as you know, the success and wealth have a goal of a medal. Therefore, before proceeding with the study of mechanics, to the description of the steps and the actions that must be taken to become rich from scratch, let's consider the moral and philosophical side of this issue..

I think you have heard many times that "not in the money happiness." And you probably came across the expression that "a lot of money can crush a person." This is repeatedly verified and confirmed by statistics. For example, studies conducted in America show that 99% (!) Winning a million people after a short time turned out to be in a very poorly situation - lost families and everything that had before winning became drugped and so on.

ATTENTION! Everyone thinks he stronger money And he will definitely be able to manage them correctly. But, unfortunately, when accumulating wealth and achieve success, the problems inevitably occur with each who do not know or violates the "Rules of Consulting Money".

Want to know the reasons why it happens and what to do so that you drive wealth and success, and not the opposite?

There is a concept in philosophy "ORDENNIY MINISHITIE"For which 2 basic life principles "be" and "have" work:

  • "Be" It implies the desire to extend your life for perhaps the most long time.
  • "Have" - characterizes the desire to receive as much material values \u200b\u200bas possible. By the way, it is this life principle "Have" and forces us to think about how to break out of poverty, how to become successful and rich, without having nothing.

And now the most important thing is the answer to the question why money has the power to "crush a person."

How do you know from simple experience - The system is stable when it consists of the smallest number of elements, for example, from 2. As soon as many new elements are added to the material value system, the system increases the coefficient of chaos, it becomes unstable. In addition, each new material value requires human attention. The easiest example: the car must be refilled, repairing. Gradually material values Transform from ownership objects in subjects. And a person becomes the object of their influence. Paradoxically, the fact that the material creates a living essence - man. But this is a fact proven by numerous experiments.

Now it becomes clear the expression of ancient philosophers: "Avoid the extreme wealth in order not to perish. And extreme poverty so that it does not get out. Hold on the golden middle. "

What the rules should be followed to manage your wealth yourself and not allow him to negatively affect life. These rules are simple and known since ancient times. For many centuries, they have not changed.

Surely it is not all the rules, but at least basic. You can write other, famous for you, rules in the comments.

Rules of "correct" treatment of wealth and success.

  • Charitable. If you earn enough money to ensure yourself and your family, and you will have the opportunity to help the needy - be sure to do it. And what you shared will come back to you by Storm. Checked!
  • Honestly doing business. Get profit with dishonest way similar to building a house on the sand. It will inevitably be destroyed. This is a law that no one can bypass.
  • Do not make money for money. And to embody the dream, make your favorite business. Useful for people, good deed. Then the money will have a "positive energy", if it can be sacrificed.

Now we will proceed to consider the steps to be performed to become rich and successful.

2. Psychology of thinking rich

Before turning to the question of the image of the thinking of rich people, we define what is in our understanding, wealth.

From the previous point it became clear that the golden middle should be kept, avoiding the extreme wealth. But who can determine, " golden mean" - how much is this? After all, for someone and 100 thousand will seem millions. And there are people, as, for example, King Solomon, who with ease rightly and noble can be controlled with indiscrect wealth.

From this indirectly implies that incorrect wealth to determine some particular amount of money or values.

This is also spoken by many famous successful people. Different words They express the same idea. Wealth is not money, but free time, which has a rich man. In order to make a profit, he does not need to spend his time on "walking to work." Profit he receives from a business that built capital, which earned. Rich man can spend his time on things that bring him pleasure. And often it is not entertainment, but the search for new business ideas, new projects.

In this way, money you need to all different quantities, but the time is equally limited in all. However, people who do not have the psychology of thinking rich people are forced to spend their time to work, which they often do not like.

In fact, employers buy the most precious fee for a low board - time (\u003d life).

Surely you asked yourself a question Why I live from salary to salary And I work at work that I do not like? And my neighbor, with whom we studied at the same school and in one institute, has the opportunity to engage in favorite business (Built his business) and still has a lot of free time for an active lifestyle?

You will not believe, but psychologists have long answered this question. It's all about thinking.

So, you need to start with changing thinking. But this is not enough! In addition to the desire to become successful, it is necessary to show decisiveness and will and begin to act. Of this useful article You can learn a few verified absolutely. real ways, how to earn your first million.

Consider the main principles of the psychology of successful people.

  • Rich people work only on themselvesand poor - by hiring
  • Rich learn from successful, repeat their experienceand poor choose an example even poorer to increase their self-esteem
  • Rich do moreand the poor dream more
  • Rich confident and successe, not afraid of changes in circumstances, and poor adjusts the circumstances
  • Rich open for new ideasand poor prefer not to risk
  • Rich not afraid of difficultiesth, poor prefer not to risk to avoid them
  • Rich learn all lifeb, can quickly rebuild, poor complain about the rapidly changing world
  • Rich do not tolerate insecure in success nodes, and poor love to talk about how bad

3. How to become successful and rich without having nothing. Step-by-step instruction.

Do not believe that you can start rich, just starting to perform actions in steps? I will tell you more: the absolute majority of rich people are recognized as they simply copied an example of a successful person who was chosen for themselves as a sample.

However, I think you understand that the steps of this instruction cannot be fulfilled over the week or for the month. It is necessary to be patient and tune in to confident and serious work. And, of course, to be ready to learn a lot (for example, financial literacy), read a lot, to become open to everything new. Some will have to spend years. Others will be able to overcome the path to success very quickly.

1st step. Take the final decision to become successful

This decision will require the abandonment of luxury to allow themselves anything. Instead of seating in front of the TV, you will need to take on reading the "right" books. What is scary? I assure you that learning marketing, finance, business books and films is much more interesting! You will not lose anything, but only buy.

Investment of time in knowledge - the most profitable investment. All successful people know about it!

2nd step. Determine your goals

Successful people think a lot about their goals. They think in this order: 1) What do they want (what are their goals), 2) how to achieve this?

You need to start thinking about what you want, what are your goals from today.

3rd step. Find a successful person who is like you

This is perhaps the most valuable and tested by many successful people advice. Each student or athlete needs a textbook, teacher, coach. It is a fact. If you do not find a sample to follow, you can also achieve success. But the path will be much longer. And you have to repeat all the mistakes of your predecessors.

4th step. Examine the behavior and habits of successful people and follow them

For example, rich people:

  • do not spend their time on empty entertainment (sitting near the TV, etc.),
  • free time they dedicate self-education
  • surrounded by like-minded people
  • completely given to work
  • always confident
  • care constantly about health
  • are engaged in active, not passive rest

By the way, the book-biography of the famous successful american businessman Ilona Mask, the owner of the Tesla Concern and other concerns. Get a book for free on your minele. To do this, leave it in the form of a subscription for an article.

5th step. Change the circle of communication

When you start building your business, you will involuntarily change the circle of communication. Try to spend time with people who already have experience in business. In the process of communication, they will teach you new views on life and solving problems. It is also very important that these people are not only financially independent, but also positive.

It is important to take the habit of them to never complain about the circumstances and life.

6th step. Learn financial literacy.

Do not think that for this you need to finish the Economic University. On the contrary, there are no personal finance science.

You need to start engage in self-education. Start with Robert Kiyosaki books, for example, "Rich dad, poor dad" and "Cash stream quadrant" .

You can start your financial education right now. Watch the video ( Robert Kiyosaki Seminar How to Be Rich in 60 minutes)

To become rich and successful from scratch, you need to gradually start spending less than you get. You need to make your personal budget, write your income and expenses.

7th step. Learn to invest

For investment you need money. But while you do not have them. You still invest your time in self-education.

Making money is a difficult skill. When you learn to ride a bike, you do not get well from the 1st time. So it will take time to study the theory and practice of doing business.

When you earn your first capital, then you should dispose of them with the mind. Namely: invest it into new projects. Own or other successful businessmen.

In order to get your first capital, learn how to create your assets. How to do it, read in this useful article about . From the article you will learn a simple secret, how to become a millionaire (create your own capital of several million), postponing only $ 1 per day. And then live on passive income. It is so simple! But nor at school, nobody teaches personal finance.

8th step. Do not give up to the victory.

When you read several business books with a description of real success stories, you will understand that we have achieved those who, after the 100th (!) The failure did not give up.

Statistics tells us that wealth achieve less than 3% of the population of the Earth. So, this path is really not easy. But everything is possible to those who are ready to go to victory!

4. Summary

So, the purpose of the article was to show how to become successful and rich from scratch, without having nothing. There are many real examples of this. For success, it is not necessary to be born in a millionaire family. And even, on the contrary, often children of rich parents "do not know how to be successful and leaving the wealth earned by parents, and sometimes several generations.

The truth is that you will need some time, firstly, for self-education, secondly, to implement your knowledge when building a business.

It does not matter how old you are today. You can start your business at any age and even without leaving your home. On the Internet there many reliable ways to earn their initial capital from scratch. About 17 such ways you can read in this useful article On the blog "Who is on New" - from the Guru in the online business.

The earlier begin, the sooner your dream come true!

This urges this useful motivating film: "Start a new life right now and stop finally postpone!"

I believe in you and sincerely wish to gain courage and start a new, difficult, but very interesting life! I also decided a few years ago and was very glad to this decision!

I wish you success in your business endeavors!

Write your comments, share your plans, ask questions.
Do you believe that you can become successful and rich, without having nothing, from scratch?

How to become successful and rich, without having anything - a dilemma, over which every time every way every life is conceived thinking manseeking to overcome the shackles of social inequality and labor slavery. Most of us think that, without having prestigious education, wealthy relatives, useful ties cannot achieve welfare. Nevertheless, the psychology of money speaks quite the opposite - each average person who has a business grip and perseverance can become successful and rich. It is enough to adhere to the specific scheme and sequence of actions in your actions.

How to become successful and rich, without having nothing, where to start - this is exactly this right question has become a starting point for those who from scratch made its multimillion state. After examining tens of thematic books, webinars and trainings on the psychology of money and wealth written by financial geniuses, I prepared for you a concentrate of useful tips from the millionaires who have already changed my thinking, the attitude towards money and every day transform life for the better.

How to get rich in Russia by an ordinary person: 8 principles that will change your life

Here are the basic advice of millionaires, how to become rich:

  1. Take a decision to become successful and rich. It is from the intention and wealth begins - because it is so important to take this decision for myself and start the path to success and sufficiency, becoming a successful and secured person.
  2. Make a plan and register your own goals. So, the difference of rich and successful from ordinary orders is that their life Path Scheduled for many years ahead. They know perfectly perfectly than they will do in the nearest 1, 3, 5 or 10 years. Therefore, make such a plan for yourself, let not 10 years ahead, but for 1-3 years it is necessary. This will expand the horizons of your vision.
  3. Look for an example for imitation. It is not worth going to wealth alone, without seeing the light at the end of the tunnel - because you will learn the ratings of the rich and successful and for ourselves choose an example for imitation. Read articles and books about ways to success. successful people, watch movies and programs, look for a mentor.
  4. Make yourself habits, think as a successful and rich man. If you have previously defined your ideal for yourself and an example for imitation - study its habits and a way of thinking of a successful person, introduce them into your own way. Do not act from the position of the victim and despondency, hopelessness - you are the creator of your destiny and wealth.
  5. Be sure to review your own circle of communication - to protect yourself from the ever-spanging and other people who condemn everyone and themselves. On the way you should not stand such obstacles - the despondency is infectious and it is worth getting rid of it.
  6. Take care of increasing your own financial literacy - in practice it is important to be able to competently dispose of money. In this regard, financiers are recommended to postpone 10% from each of their income - so you form your inviolable stock, which will work for you in the future. It is important to get rid of debts - with each earned amount, count the 5th part on the account of repayment of the loan debt. You should not climb into new debts - this passive will always take your energy and strength from you, and most importantly your personal funds. Read more financial literature, learn to plan, visiting the master - classes and trainings. If your wife can master this practice - seek help to a professional, financial consultant who can make you a plan given your needs and financial assets, taking into account all factors.
  7. If there are accumulated money - they do not have to lie in a dead cargo with you under the pillow. Your money should bring income - those who postpone on a black day, most often lose them. Analyze the investment market, choose a hurry project where you can invest in the competent attachment - you will receive a constant passive income at your disposal.
  8. And the diamond rule is to be patient and never give up. Even rich and famous started the way from scratch, faced and overcame obstacles and many difficulties. Never wait for fast, momentary success - wealth is work, long and painstaking.

Watch a useful video of the business consultant, entrepreneur and investor N. Morrokov "Secrets of money that is not considered to speak"

How to become a very rich man: 9 Golden Rules

How to get out of poverty and become rich? Rich and successful differ from the poor not only by the level of their wealth - thinking and irrigation for money determines their success.

  1. Appreciate your own time and never lose opportunities.
  2. Do what you receive not only income, but also pleasure. It is such an attitude - the construction of a source of income of your beloved business is distinguished by a successful and rich from the ordinary man in the ranks.
  3. Cut from yourself all the unandoned tips. Take into account the view of those people you sincerely respect, consider the undisputed experts in your business. It is not necessary to take into account the advice of a person who has not achieved success or earns less than you.
  4. Develop your own sociability and ability to communicate, fix ideas and take the responsibility for your life in your own hands.
  5. Take a rule to rest actively and follow your own health.
  6. Teach yourself the budget and leave the zone of our own comfort - this will allow to develop.
  7. Be sure to start doing what they did not do before, fight with your fears - just write them down in the form of a list. Come up with what you can do exactly, and what is someone else.
  8. Continuously learn something new - this will allow internally developing and moving up to wealth and financial supply.
  9. Take a gratefulness and overcome with inspiration all the tests, develop not greed, but generosity.

How to get rich quickly and with the mind? This will help you useful advice Great people who managed to braid a state and achieve financial freedom:

  1. Keep your own plans and projects with yourself, and if you have outlined your way - have the strength to defend your own position.
  2. Live on your money - you know exactly what you can afford, from what will have to refuse. Do not fall in the poor syndrome and take a debt to buy a car or a new-fashioned gadget.
  3. Do not argue money into a special cult of deities - this is not the most important thing in life.
  4. Learn to accept money from the most different sources And learn to believe in yourself and your strength, while not forgetting other aspects of life - rest and family, friends.
  5. Forming gradually your passive sources of income - investing them in a particular project, investing, you make them work on yourself.
  6. Do not be afraid of errors - there is nothing terrible in this, and otherwise it is an excellent source of experience and vital wisdom, allow you to conclude and send to the true way of success.
  7. Work on your own self-esteem and if you live from salary to salary - think about it, and is it all good with you?
  8. Always try in your life something new, enter new methods and income schemes - innovation is the path to success.

21 Secret of Success Millionaires in Video from Brown Tracy

Magic Money: how to become rich, energy of money

Money is not just soulless bills and coins, but a source of powerful energy. Some people love them, and others hate. Money can be a source of great joy and creativity, or can lead to disappointments and suffering, depending on our relationships with them.

Money concerns almost all aspects of life: work, leisure, creative activity, houses, families and spiritual activities. All we do and dream depends on our relationship with this powerful energy form. Whether it's a dream of traveling around the world, the payment of mortgages for the house, buying a car or the desire to get out of the debt pits. Energy of money is associated with huge features and traps.

Welfare largely depends on the right attitude towards money.

  1. Discipline is the main way to tame the energy cash flow.
  2. Order in everything. Money loves an account and come to the one who adheres to orderliness and does not accept chaos. Budget will help to bring order in your finances and will save from unnecessary spending.
  3. Responsibility for own solutions - Magnet for money. Take finally responsibility for your own financial condition and stop accusing in all troubles of the surrounding people and circumstances. Stop looking for an excuse for missed opportunities and unfulfilled promises.
  4. Be grateful higher power For what already have. The energy of gratitude is creative.
  5. Reliver from debts and avoid dishonest income generation. Financial holes pump out positive energy, devastating your life.
  6. Clean the heart charitable. Making good others, you will attract a double positive financial energy into your home. By the way, the family of Rockefellers took himself 10% of their income to spend on good purpose.
  7. Chat more. Money most often come to our lives through other people.
  8. A poor environment with a negative attitude towards money and secured people pulls you into a financial pit. They will quickly leave you without cherished goals and money. Try to communicate with successful and optimistic people from which you can take an example.
  9. The dream is the main source of your energy, and money is only a means of achieving it. Do not create a cult and deity from cash bills, because it is not home value in life.
  10. Develop in me positive thinking. Remember that your thoughts are materialized.
  11. Enjoy your earned money, embodying your goals and dreams. After all, money is created in order to spend and make people happier.

The famous conductor Valery Gergiev is a millionaire. Director of the Hermitage Mikhail Piotrovsky - Millionaire. Mostly lovely artist Oleg Tabakov - a millionaire ... It is unlikely that they are going to profession, thought about how to get rich. The money "attracted" to success in the profession and demand in the viewer.

Mrs. Fortune's role in all these cases, we think is also huge. The mass of talented people in their own deeds of peasants and stirred in obscurity and practical poverty. What is missing a person to change the situation? How are money and psychology related? What is the secret of rich and successful people? Is everything in luck or a man himself blacksmithing his happiness?

"Carries someone who is lucky." We increase the likelihood of success

Hope for one luck only - it's like playing a lifetime in a casino: you can stay without the last shirt. We will repeat, the role of fortune no one has canceled, but if you do not create situations in your own hands, in which we may be lucky, then the probability of luck strives for absolute zero. The case is in the elementary law of probability: to find a treasure, you need to look for it, and not wait when he himself turns out to be on the threshold: it will not be. Not lucky for the first time, in the second, in the third - lucky in the tenth. In the end, instead of the treasure there is something else, but also very valuable.

Asking history with the store, turn to the story with the search. If you look for - be sure to find. If there was no, at first, anyone will come true, just to start earning. And starting it, you can search for more suitable options. The main thing is only to be able to "process" failures, and more simply - to maintain the presence of the spirit. It is the presence of the spirit - the most important quality of any successful person. Failures and failures happen to all, but some get up and walk on, while others drop out of the game.

Successful people create situations in which the likelihood of good luck is increased. They are not afraid to risk, take responsibility, do not lie to think about their moves in advance, as a good chess player thinks over combinations and strategy of the future game as a whole.

A wealthy man himself created his wealth. He did not wait for mercies from nature, society, from the state or the universe. If you earn little, it will not change anything until you start changing the situation. Very perhaps, you will have to learn something to get an additional income. For example, the same exchange trading for Forex. Competent traders earn perfectly, checked on personal experience. Maybe this is your chance too? ..

Great power act

The secret of successful people is that they do actions. With a big letter, a deed is such an action that should change the situation in the root, and involves other people in its orbit, material resources, as well as ideas. The usual example of the deed is "to start a new life." Let's say, change profession and place of residence. "Under the lying stone, the water does not flow," our ancestors spoke, and were absolutely right.

Often an act in itself is very simple and does not even require strong energy costs. And the effect of it is truly huge when everything turns over, and the alignment of the forces on the "battlefield" varies strikingly.

Here we repeat that the probability of failure must be considered. It is the fear of failure that often blocks a person's desire to make actions. First: psychologically prepared for the worst option. Second: on this worst option "to raise straws". Third: prepared for the worst, hope for the best.

Technology Action reminds training and conducting combat. A good officer always remembers the possibility of failure of operations and loss of personnel. But a good officer is preparing for battle so that, ideally, to keep all people and equipment, calculates the defense and retreat options.

So, Peter the first at the base of St. Petersburg decided to build a universal fortress for defense from the enemy at that time. The fact is that the city was laid in a very dangerous place, and the Swedish attack was very likely. As a result, Petropavlovka has never participated in hostilities, but in the case of aggression, the enemy would not be very short.

Life is the first russian emperor It can be considered a sample of how to make actions, to defeat enemies and seek success.

Price of success

We will be realistic: just so can not learn to "attract money." It's all mysticism, and there are no magnets capable of enriching the owner. Whether richness is fame, success is the result of tremendous and hard work. Moreover, the opinion of others, especially relatives, who may not understand and not take many of our solutions are powerful on us.

Making a step towards success, we must get out of the comfort zone! Everything will no longer be calm evenings on the sofa by watching the TV, there will be no many hours of "meetings" in social networks. There will be a lot of work and mastering new knowledge ... to this you need to be ready, otherwise it is not worth starting.

Rich, famous and powerful people have such quality as the ability to "substitute the face of the wind." When the rest are hiding in the thrum of the ship, they take the helm in their hands, not evading the hurricane, but look straight into the eyes of danger. And the danger is inferior under the view of a strong person.

On the bear without a gun do not go

To go out into the sea, you need at least at least a boat. To wind the bear, you must first buy a gun and cartridges (and learn how to shoot). Of course, you can hope for good luck and what happens to frighten the beast with a stick ...

A successful person is always in advance and planning to prepare for the project, collects resources, and only if they are available in the game. One of frequent reasons The failure of many good undertakings is insufficient training.

You can not immediately collect significant resources to start a serious project. Do you have ideas, have attractive goals? Right now make a plan, where to take and what resources need to implement them? Start with small. Is it possible to lay the first stone in the foundation of success right now? Start!

In our work, we are guided by the principle of the famous British businessman and billionaire Richard Branson: "To hell with everything, try and do!" Branson is the owner of the Virgin Multidisciplinary Corporation, which only does it: even cosmic flights. Richard has even his own island, and all this he has achieved himself. Branson was born in an ordinary lawyer, and fate assumed him a quiet and typical life of the British lawyer. Branson refused this fate, and his ultra-low life can only be envied.

The rich are those who know how to count money. If you can't say how much this moment You have money in your pocket, come true and learn to count everything before a penny. Money does not appear on magic wand. Since you do not consider money, it means that you think the sinful thing that they fall into your wallet from the sky. Such a position is good only in one case: if you are the son of the oligarch, and dad always "warms up" by any amount, whatever you wanted. But in this case, the present is a rich man - it is a dad-oligarch, and not his son who, in essence, spends someone else's money.

Finance control is the most important management function. The accounting of a good venture from morning to night is working on the report, in which the mosquito of the nose is not pumped. Personal finances do not differ from corporate (unless quantitatively). A person who is not able to manage his own money is not able to manage in his life nothing. Conversely, if someone comes well with personal money, he will be able to if he wants to become a wealthy person (and most likely that is also).

What the first thought comes to mind when suddenly you get a significant amount (or expect to receive it). Does it talk about winning successfully refined earnings or award at work? Yes, quite right, we think: "I will finally buy myself ..." Next to the equation, you can substitute anything, from a new smartphone to jewelry or car. Nether shopping, of course, are allowed, it is impossible to refuse themselves in pleasure. But the grain of the problem is that part of people are subject to natural spending that make constantly. Thus, having received a significant amount, a person quickly gets rid of it, as if she "burns hands", instead of investing in liquid assets.

Of course, good appliances, Modern computer, fashionable clothes should take place to be. But a person competently managing money, buys all this planned when he understands that he will not "run out of the money." By the way, many truly rich people (at least in Europe and the USA) are modest, do not be forgotten to attend sales, acquiring clothes and other things at discounted prices.

This was, for example, a brilliant manager, the famous Managing Corporation Ford, and then Chrysler's Lido Anthony Yakokka. He is known for the whole world with his book "Career Manager", which we recommend reading everyone who wants to learn how to manage finance and our own life in general.

Forget about problems! No, really forget about problems, since there is no such concept. At least, for someone who thinks as a successful person. For a successful person in life there are no problems, but there are tasks. Do you feel the difference? Everything is very simple: it is necessary to refer comprehensive and thoroughly to many cases, not to give feelings of top over the mind. The problem is a task loaded with negative emotions - psychologists consider, and it is quite right.

What are the difference between drivers who have many years of trouble-free experience? First of all, tranquility behind the wheel and unhurried control style. The basis of their philosophy is the famous "three d", that is, "give a fool of the road." Let him fly to meet the accident. In principle, you can find out well to know very quickly: enough to see how it drives the car in difficult road conditions. And right, life is often compared with the road. For a successful person, his path is a winding multibone freeway filled with a variety of cars. Here you need to be able to calmly maneuver to get to the goal with healthy and mentally balanced.

Be healthy!

Rich people think about their own health. In the history there were exceptions, but, as a rule, to nurture capital, you need good health: Physical and psychological. Do not neglect the prophylactic surveys from good doctors, let yourself have a full physical activity, fully flash, find time for a full-fledged rest, as well as hobbies, rational leisure.

These tips were repeated in business literature thousands of times, but they still persistently neglect, paying off diseases for success. It must be remembered that the main goal, not the process, and achieved goal It would be good to have time to enjoy. Think about health.

What if health is not very, and psychological problems Do you interfere with something to change in life? Getting rid of problems, even gradual - this is your first little Step On the way to personal success. There will always be resources to make a key television that will cause an avalanche for further effective actions. The most microscopic possibility created by us contains the "genes" of future huge prospects.

"Features of thinking of rich"

Initially, you should decide who you consider a rich person, and what should be called wealth. Despite the primitiveness of these issues, the answers will be very different.

Someone considers wealth to have worthy housing, a car about the ability to spend vacation at a foreign resort. For someone, capital in the amount of several million dollars is insufficient.

According to the writer and millionaire Robert Kiyosaki, wealth is measured by time, during which a person can maintain a comfortable way of life without working. Kiyosaki is an active supporter of the formation of assets, from which you can receive passive income (percentage of capital).

It turns out that wealth is not measured by money, and time, since all people need a different amount of money, but the lifetime is limited and not advisable to spend it on what does not bring pleasure. Most people have an unloved job all the time, and it is important to engage in a loved one, because it is possible to understand how to become rich and free from external circumstances.

Try to answer questions:

  1. Why does someone get rich, and someone does not have?
  2. Why someone is forced to work in dinner and nostano, but can not get rid of poverty, and someone with ease earns on comfortable life, has time for hobbies and active rest?
  3. Why do you go to one people yourself, and others do not get out of debts?

In every great condition, only the share of good luck and it is attracted in a certain way of thinking.

There is no guarantee that changing the attitude towards wealth, the person will become a millionaire. But the right approach will be the starting point and will allow steps in the right direction.

All benefits offering information about the methods of achieving financial success are recommended to start with fundamental changes in the method of thinking. It's complicated. And launch the transformation in the practical plane and change the stereotypes of the behavior is even more difficult. But the difference between the perception of the world of rich and the poor is, and it is she prim than.

13 main differences

  1. Provided people are sure that they themselves make their fate. Poor believe that their life form circumstances, and too rarely try to influence the current.
  2. Rich work to multiply their capital. Poor - to provide the necessary minimum.
  3. And the rich and poor dream, but the first actively act for the incarnation of their plans.
  4. Rich are open for bold ideas and are looking for opportunities. Poor looped on failures and problems.
  5. Rich is looking for acquaintances with more successful people and learn from them. Poor with envy is observed from the side and prefer to communicate with the people of "their" circle.
  6. Rich if they envy others to successes, then with admiration, they are looking for opportunities to also use this experience. Poor persistently seek flaws in someone else's success.
  7. Rich extremely self-confident and love to boast of their successes.
  8. Rich are not panic, if difficulties are overtaken, and take active measures to solve problems.
  9. The rich are confident that their income depend on efforts and knowledge, the poor consider the worked hours.
  10. Rich with ease change strategy, techniques and even the scope of activity. Poor see the futility of the path, but continue to sail downstream. They are more comfortable to complain about the injustice of the world.
  11. Successful people do not stop comprehending new knowledge and develop. Poor lane learn and often believe that they know enough or talk about their inability to learning.
  12. Successful businessmen, having achieved tasks, draw new benchmarks and continue development.
  13. Rich extremely rarely perceive money emotionally. They think rationally. Businessmen see them as a tool for the incarnation of their dreams.

"The main principles of wealth"

Everyone has it a wealthy person There is your secret to achieve success. But numerous studies have proven that all rich is intuitively choose typical behaviors. They do not rely on generally accepted opinions and very often use non-trivial techniques.

Where most sees obstacles and losses, successful people find new opportunities and won.

Typical habits of the rich

They always know what they will do today. Do not even work, you plan a day and clearly distribute time.
- rarely indulge in idle entertainment. TV is used to receive news. If you read, developing books.
- Possess the ability to surrender to work and are engaged in your loved business.
- surround yourself positive, creative people and successful businessmen.
- Watching health and appearance.
- more trust yourself and do not hope in a blind case.

The most important habit with which the acquisitions should begin the path to success - appreciate your work. It does not matter what you do, love your business.

The creative approach is important, but it is also impossible to do without active actions and the clear goal.

Do not confonse economy with miserness and greed. Learn to give. Successful companies and rich spend great money for charity. Generosity is another common feature of millionaires.

"7 stages on the way from poverty to prosperity"

These tips will help make a powerful jerk in practice and achieve a cardinal improvement in welfare in the foreseeable future.

1. Allow yourself to be rich and form a clear goal

Come up and spend a beautiful ritual and allow yourself to become rich. This is an extremely important point. You refuse poverty and change your life dramatically.

From now on, every step will be subordinated to the main goal. Do not think that turn into a soulless eye. On the contrary, your life will play new paints, it will appear in it and creativity. You will start developing and improving in relations with surrounding, finance and marketing, because without these components it is impossible to achieve prosperity.

You will not have time for complaints, finding justification and causes of failure. From now on, you only rely on your own strength and learn about errors. Your well-being depends only on one person.

You will constantly look for opportunities to speed up achievement. It will definitely begin to move towards you, throwing successful features.

2. Find the teacher

Typical errors can be avoided. Take advantage of the experience and knowledge of those who have already achieved success. It is not necessary to become a shadow of one of the rich people or blindly copying recommendations. Look for any reason to replenish your knowledge and get acquainted with those who achieved success in a certain area. These people willingly share their secrets with young entrepreneurs. Any experience of communication with the rich will be useful.

3. Generate the habits of rich people

We wrote about them above. Make up on the basis of 13 points plan and follow him literally. Do not allow the refund of the habits of the poor, constantly control yourself.

Example. Stop spending time for useless entertainment and replace them with self-development. Invest time reading books in your own specialty, learn literature on self-development from the best business researchers and success coaches. Learn to communicate correctly, develop financial literacy.

No matter how old you are, and where you live. Thanks to the Internet, everyone has access to knowledge. The ability to comprehend new information depends only on the desire. Immediately use everything that has learned.

4. Change the lifestyle and environment dramatically.

Start communicate with those who are richer and more successful than you. Stop complain and generally mention bad luck and problems. Expand the circle of dating. From some, especially close people, it is very difficult to remove. If they do not support you and pull back, say goodbye without the slightest regrets.

5. Financial literacy - your all

Stray finance books hard. First it will be difficult, but gradually you will figure it out in all terms and concepts. This arch is important.

Make a personal financial plan. It will become a capital acquisition strategy, but should be based on a complete assessment of the current situation.

Contact your financial consultant. All millionaires have such consultants who are thoroughly dealing in the financial sector and give delivel tips. Steadily stick to the plan and do not let yourself make impulsive spending. Each saved and invested penny will bring in the future stable income. Do not forget about it.

Would spend more than you earn? Or change the situation, or get ready for bankruptcy. Debts, especially with high percentages - evil. Credits for business development should be taken extremely careful, conducting a thorough analysis of the prospects.

Bear painstaking and the most detailed accounting of expenditures and income. Come and analyze statistics financial situation For different segments of time. Eliminate everything that brings unjustified costs.

6. Invest

Even minimal accumulations should be investing. You can invest in own projects Or look for profitable options on the side. Advance with reliable experts and examine everything you can invest.

7. Keep calm

Do not hurry and do not use questionable ways to enrich. Adventures will lead to the collapse. It is a temptation to spend the first major profits, many many are somewhat. Passion is appropriate in work, but money like a cold calculation.

"4 Verified schemes for achieving financial freedom"

Create Passive Income Sources

Passive income is successfully nested capital, which are multiplied without your active participation:

Bank deposits;
dividends from buying securities;
rental of real estate;
Building a network in distribution activities;
referrals on Internet resources.

Several sources of passive income allow you to quit work at any time and continue a comfortable life.

Create your own business

Large financial investments are not necessary for all activities. Very many successful businesses were created with minimal capital or at all without money. More important to have a claimed product or service. Each has unique knowledge or skills. There is some kind of talent or a bold business idea and you. If it is impossible to find an investor, start from a minimum and gradually expand.

Become an intermediary

If your talent is the ability to communicate, offer intermediary services. You do not invest anything and do not sell, but with each transaction you receive income in the amount of a certain percentage. Many people do not have time to search for services, goods need to help the mediator during complex negotiations. This is a very popular service on which you can make big money, not investing anything. But in this matter, impeccable reputation and the ability to perform these promises are extremely important.

Create a business online

Own site will definitely bring the income if you invest in it. It is not necessary to spend big money for creating and promoting. Educational materials mass. Suggest a popular topics or content, which is close and interesting to you. After working a little, you will receive your visitors and you can receive passive income on advertising and other methods of monetization.

On the Internet there are plenty of opportunities for additional earnings. Not even possessing special knowledge or skills, you can get some income. Constantly improving or mastering new professions, in demand in the network, you can significantly increase your profits and quit work.

Products and services presented on the Internet receive a huge audience. The number of potential customers increases incredibly. It is very likely that the online store will bring significantly big profitthan a shopping point in the city center.

Our world remains material, what was the importance of the human soul and its aspirations, so the question of how to become rich from scratch, worries not only students, but people of all ages. Young people starting an independent life without parental capital and passive income, as well as the people of the older generation, who have worked quite hard, but never accumulated enough condition - all unites the need not to promote the existing level, but the creation of at least some.

A significant impact on the level of state is the psychological attitude of a person for money, the presence of certain installations and even generic programs. The relationship can be completely different, but still lead to pathological conditions. So those who give money is overly greater significance, consider their only important category in the world, create an excessive attention in one area, without noticing the rest.

Others can despise big money (those who inspired that it is dangerous for life or viciously), or fear them (due to the stories of grandmothers about how the latter was selected, and for large savings could send to the cautious). In any embodiment, the money is given an excessive value, while the remaining areas are fused. The problem is that wealth is only energy and equivalent of freedom, it is necessary in order to implement other life sides, which are absent in excessive attention to the topic of money.

To understand how poor becoming rich, you need to learn how to measure your own needs and expectations with reality. So many people do not take attempts and actions towards receiving small profits or simply an additional earnings for the constant fee, expecting exceptionally large offers or looking for ways to get rich immediately. Needless psychological readiness to get large sums, because otherwise a person has no skills to keep them, and large sumsFilled sharply, they were spent on nowhere.

How rich became rich? The gradual increase in income is the basic principle of the formation of wealth, and it is also useless to start looking for a passive income, because there is no understanding, as everything is arranged inside, it can be passed on only after achieving a certain stable level of financial independence.

Many exclude the principle of economy, guided by the tips of the richness about the need to buy expensive products and delight themselves. Dear products should not be such due to their VIP status, but thanks to quality, and then it is savings (for example, boots are twice cheaper than eight years less). Under the question of the rejoicing of herself, especially for success, material incentives are often understood, but it is working on the theme of increasing their own level of wealth that is important to find promotion from the intangible sphere to expand its life platform. It may well be a walk or help in a shelter, reading a book or a dream at lunchtime.

Being rich and successful from scratch - the dream of many, so people read biographies, interviews and advice from those who are for them an example either financially or as a successful person. Always worth evaluating first level and development conditions. Everyone remembers that Bill Gates left the college and went to earn anything otherwise, he threw an extremely prestigious institution, before proving his uncommon ability in selection. Accordingly, if you are in a place where only one educational institution "Throw it stupid, you should sign up for many additional courses and increase your level of knowledge without tired.


Any path aimed at a particular purpose can be decomposed into the components, and since many people have achieved wealth, then there is a certain universal instruction manual, how to become rich from scratch. It is pretty conditional and implies creative processing, but carrying fundamental principles. Before starting movement, it is worth identifying their own wealth parameters.

There are approaches to a personal understanding of this state, and everyone can choose suitable or synthesize their own, pushing out from the offered. Wealth can be a static category and represent a certain amount, the presence of which in free access is necessary for a person.

In this context, the achievement strategy will be reduced to capital accumulation. If in understanding a person material wealth is a more dynamic category and is measured in a monthly or annual incomeThe main emphasis in development should be done on the organization of new passive sources.

There is another category where there is no indicated amounts, but there are elements that define life are a circle of dating, travel, type of transport. That is, it cares not the amount of money, and a person needs a rich way of life - this is most about freedom and getting such a feeling using a lot of creative approaches, up to the fact that it is not necessary to work yourself, but getting everything you need.

After determining the concept and goals, it is necessary to make daily achievement plans. This may be a personal success diary, where the tasks achieved are fitted, as well as a program for changing their identity and reorganization of the financial sector. Change ideas can be taken by analyzing the life and activities of richer people, listen to the advice of economists regarding the market prospects.

All their professional changes must be correlated not only with impending trends, but also considering uniqueness - remember that people give money for a new, individual.

Regarding his own personality, it is necessary to develop a plan for the development of habits of wealth and savings is a difficult process requiring personal correction. For any such changes, it takes a long time, so do not rush to reap fruits, but spend a thorough analyst, which strategies make a profit, what habits are formed easier, and what is being thrown to the bottom.

Use your own budget adjustment systems, and start saving and postpone money. Take for the rules to plan all spending, draw up lists of expenses and think through where you can reduce them (even if this is the installation of meters and buying a travel - as a result, such actions can lead to the possibility of investing money).

Savings should be built on the principles of reasonable distribution and control of spending. The moment of laying money is an interesting psychological factor from two positions. Initially, the desire to spend the resulting amount so much that it goes to all sorts of meaningful things that may even be thrown out, but if you take a pause, then many purchases can be avoided. And the second point - regular postponing a small amount of money from each receipt allows you to collect a good start-up capital or make a significant purchase.

Control your own spending and minimize the amount of unnecessary. Extra products, subsequently mischievous in the garbage or themselves, bad habitsMaking up a large cost of expenses and increase consumption for medicines, food in restaurants instead of independent cooking. All these moments, as a result of the month, can give a rather tangible difference in the budget.

Refuse loans and loans and deal with investing any kind. These can stocks, real estate, own business or education. Any investment of money on you is the basis of wealth in the future, since they create a site of independent income - in some cases these are additional features or insurance, in others it can already become an independent source in which direct work can be carried out from pleasure or only in the selected projects.

Success is not in the number of money received, after all, receiving a high regular salary people continue to consider themselves, and other similar amounts would have enough for a comfortable organization of life. Successful easily become rich, but not all the rich success is ensured. And it's not only in understanding how to handle cash flows, but also the perception of your position and aspirations.

It is important to produce your personal success strategy, instead of following childbirth messages. Naturally, if all your progenitors were good in earning money, then they should be heard to them, but if the family lives behind the mid-level threshold, but at the same time carefully honors the covenants of the grandfathers, then it is worth becoming the first to break them and finally go to new level. It makes no sense to repeat what it did not work several times - it will not start working, just need to look for other options.

By selecting your way, stay calm and do not wait for instant results - most of exactly the hurry makes people make mistakes and rampant actions leading to the collapse. Start with the payment of debts and gradually construction of investments - this is the base of wealth. It is impossible to consider yourself free and successful, if the whole amount you should have - this is not your money. It is also impossible to talk about financial independence constantly working on someone, so you are completely dependent on a person or company and cannot increase your material level regarding your own needs or inquiring desires.

For typical errors Or choosing an incorrect strategy can help your own mentor. Regarding its psychological blocks should work with a psychologist, the coach will help draw up an effective strategy and motivation on this path. The formation of a new economy is better to discuss with economists, and on the calculation of the budget to consult with accountants. You can not be good at once in all directions, this ability to seek help and surround yourself by experts will help quickly move, making minimal amount Errors.

Change the environment not only in a professional plan, but also in personal. Examples of wealth from books and screens are good, but the presence of real acquaintances with a high level of wealth can change the system of perception itself and the entire approach to earnings. Especially if these people will sympathize with you, then you can get a lot (no, they do not dare you with gold and not even give loans) - tips, instructions for mistakes, inspiration and criticism.

Exclude those who complain and does not take anything - everything is hard living, everyone is in one country with the same laws, only alone prefer to get up and do business, while others spend their temporary resource for the transfer of trouble. Such a pastime is delayed, but in addition to depression, it does not lead to anything, therefore, surround yourself in force and seeking people - they will be your inspiration.

Look for additional income methods - from investing money and creating own business, before additional work on freelanse. Try to translate all your payments depending on your time spent and attached effort, and not at the rate that does not change from the results. By the way, the official work with low salary and low requirements can not be used as a place for tea drinking, but as an organized space for completing additional orders on the Internet.

Remember that the money earned is needed for further development, and not to ensure a luxurious life for a couple of years. So, for the first million you buy not a plane, but a small business. The first successful deal is celebrated not with a car and machine and attachment in stock. Even somewhat saved hundreds for a month, dampen not on red lipstick, but to repay the debt or establishing the meter to increase savings in the future.

How to think rich

Not ties, this parents start or gained education help a person become rich, but a certain style of thinking and building their behavior. Such people have a very developed feeling of healthy egoism, when there is no desire to save everyone and help everyone in need (distribute money to alms to all asking, for example), and everything is focused on improving their lives.

Some begin to condemn this approach without reaching the deep essence of what can really help others can only be in order. Giving out the latter money, you are guarding yourself for hunger and do not greatly improve the life of someone who has given a penny, but if you reach these money several times, you can eventually invest in a conference going to a conference, giving you as a professional and then you can organize a shelter For homeless. But perhaps this is solely on the condition that everything is more than good with you.

Waiting for random big money, unexpected winnings and other things where material benefits come to a person without difficulty and in large quantities, is an element of immature psyche.

All rich people think of the categories of action, not expectations and hope in case, although they are rejoicing such a crossing of what is happening. At the same time, people who achieve success are used to spend on quite concrete things that benefit. They are deprived of stereotypes that education will somehow help them in life, so they often do not have diplomas about the end of universities. But they invest their money in paid highly specialized courses, where they really acquire specific skills, unique and useful. This is contrary to the concept of a poor man, spending time to receive unnecessary and formal certificates or performing senseless work, in no way promoting it as a specialist.

Attitude towards money rich always differed by emotional saturation. So if poor people dream of money, presenting their material dreams filled, plunging into fantasy of the desired goods, then successful people look at the money exclusively as a tool. There is practically no emotion at the same time, dry logic and how it is better to use the existing tool (you don't think about a red hammer when you feed the picture, you think about the composition of the whole room and where it is better to place a masterpiece of art).

The absence of such a focus on the material manifests itself in the rest of the spheres, so rich people are always engaged in their hobbies, and they develop them at a fairly high, or even professional level of development. Getting a new level of income, the first one, about what a successful person thinks is the options for profitable investment or the redistribution of assets to create a new direction.

The focus on actions and development makes the lives of truly successful people sometimes amazing for the inaders - they do not bathe in gold pools and enjoy public transport, the word lead a more modest lifestyle, which can really afford. This is another feature that distinguishes a successful person - the main thing for him is internally development and the desire, and not externally showed success. And they get joy from their activities, even if they did not pay for it. It is such an inspired enthusiasm makes an unique specialist, innovator and leads, because modern society Progress is valued above all.