Repair Design Furniture

Stash for money at home - there are interesting ideas! Stash in the apartment: from thieves, family, parents - fast, simple, without experience and reliable Stash for money

Perhaps everyone has something to hide from prying eyes, whether it be savings or a bunch of spare keys that will be needed just in case. In today's review, we have collected 17 tricky hiding place ideas that will help you securely hide everything you need.

1. Birdhouse

A birdhouse with a double bottom, inside which you can safely hide spare house keys, is a great idea for summer residents. Such a hiding place will perfectly fit into the country landscape, without attracting too much attention, and can help out a lot in an emergency.

2. Table

A small coffee table with a fairly spacious drawer for storing various valuables. It is worth noting that the box does not have any handles, it opens by pressing the side board of the frame and does not attract attention at all.

3. Curtain

A small pocket for money or valuable jewelry, equipped at the bottom of the curtains. The advantage of such a cache is that any owner of dark curtains made of thick fabric can acquire it.

4. Log

A mini-safe for spare house keys that any man can make with a standard set of tools at hand and minimal woodworking skills. The resulting cache will organically fit into the woodshed or can be carelessly thrown in the garden.

5. Globe

In an ordinary globe, you can hide valuables for the time of departure or equip your own stash. And so that the cache does not attract attention in any way, the valuables must be put in a small bag and carefully glued to the wall of the ball with adhesive tape, and the globe itself should be placed on the desktop or in the nursery.

6. Washing machine

The rubber band of the washing machine is another place to hide money and jewelry while you are away. To do this, pack the valuables in small bags with zippers and hide them under the rubber band, after wiping it from moisture. Most importantly, upon returning home, do not forget to remove valuables before turning on the machine.

7. Trash can

It is unlikely that attackers will look for money in the bin. So why not hide them there? Moreover, to equip such a cache, you only need a zip bag, adhesive tape and a garbage bag. Using adhesive tape, stick the valuables packed in a sealed bag to the bottom of the trash can, put a trash bag on top, and for credibility, put some paper trash on the bottom.

8. Gear lever

Recently, the number of car thefts has increased significantly. To protect small valuables from car thieves, a gear lever with a small cache will help.

9. Stickers

A tricky hiding place equipped in a stack of stickers is a great way to hide something from colleagues or household members.

10. Shoes

To hide the stash from the second half or protect yourself from street thieves will help a cache equipped under the insole of the shoe.

11. Candle

A large scented candle is another safe and inconspicuous hiding place. Simply turn the candle over, cut out the core, pack your valuables and set it aside. It would be nice to place a few more candles around the house so that the cache candle does not attract attention to itself and looks organic.

12. Photo frame

A wall-mounted photo frame with a place to store money and jewelry is a great solution that will fit into any interior and help hide valuables from prying eyes.

13. Book

You can discreetly hide a few bills in the spines of thick-bound books. The main thing is not to forget over time in which edition the money is hidden.

14. Belt

17. Door

A tiny money stash disguised as a functional locker door detail is the perfect place to store money and jewelry.

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If you think that these options are not reliable enough, then continuing the topic

No matter how much they say that it is safer to keep jewelry and money in a bank than at home, people still step on the same rake. Like, they don’t trust banks – will they suddenly go bankrupt? We will help them with advice on where to hide money in an apartment from thieves.

Places where valuables and savings should not be hidden

According to sociologists, easily accessible caches include:

  • places behind mirrors, paintings, photographs and wall hangings (80% of caches are there!)
  • clothes, underwear (26% of people make hiding places in wardrobe items, without thinking that in case of theft, the thief will undoubtedly search all the clothes, including the dirty laundry basket);
  • furniture and musical instruments (26% of people hide their savings in sofas, wardrobes, bedside tables, desks, pianos, guitars);
  • books, CDs, audio and video cassettes (20% of people, after watching movies, keep money inside these items or between them);
  • mezzanines (10% of people prefer to hide their savings in things, for example, in shoe boxes, on the top shelves);
  • video, audio equipment, household appliances (most likely, this equipment will be carried away with your stash, if it is not overall);
  • mattress, pillows (7% of people sew their valuables, envelopes with money into mattresses, pillows);
    kitchen appliances and utensils, a trash can (6% of people choose freezers in the refrigerator, oven, pots and metal cans with cereals as a hiding place. They often attach a bag of money to the bottom of the bucket, and then put garbage in it.);
  • wallpaper, under tiles and parquet, ceiling (4% of people do the right thing by hiding precious things under wallpaper, floors, in the ceiling, since thieves rarely search such hiding places);
  • toilet bowl, washing machine, ventilation grate (1-3% of people make a hiding place there, because it is difficult to get a stash without skill and a special tool, but for an experienced thief these places are not a hindrance).

The places where criminals will look for your stash in the first place

Good hiding places

If you decide to install caches in the apartment, hide valuables there:

Safe in a false socket - reliable storage of jewelry
  1. Flowers in pots. Take a pot and first put a waterproof bag with your money in this pot, and then fill it with earth, in which you will then plant some kind of plant. The main thing: put such a cache in the farthest corner on the windowsill.
  2. Cornice. Choose wooden cornices, as narrow and long valuables can easily be placed in the holes that they have.
  3. Socket (switch). Remove the lid and put your jewelry in it. In addition, the socket may not be real, that is, we put a thing in a hole in the wall and close it with a switch or socket.
  4. Chandelier. Remove the cap or cover and place a small value there.
  5. Wooden chairs with legs. Make a small hole in the legs of the chair for small jewelry.
  6. Personal hygiene items. For example, women's pads, washcloth. Open the liner box and put the money in and close it again. Such a cache is convenient, as it has the technology of reusable opening and closing. And put small things in a washcloth. First, cut out one part of the washcloth and put the valuables in the resulting space, then cover it with the cut plastic (foam rubber).
  7. Parquet. Open one of the floorboards and hide your things there. It is unlikely that thieves will open the floor.
  8. Aquarium. Hide your jewelry in waterproof packages and then place it on the bottom of the aquarium.
  9. Jars of jam. Lower the bag of valuables to the bottom of the jar, and fill it with jam on top. The main thing: the jam should be dark.
  10. Worn-out sneakers or some other old shoes. Perhaps thieves will not pay attention to these things. Thieves are more attracted to everything new and fancy.
  11. Phone charger. See photo.
  12. Safe with good alarm. Be sure it is either securely attached to the floor or mounted into the wall. Although there is another option: put the safe in an obvious place and do not put anything in it. By the time it is opened, the police will already arrive (who saw the apartment breaking signal on their devices) and the thief will not have time to try to find the real caches.
  13. Deception. Write on a piece of paper the number of the deposit in the bank and a list of expensive items lying in it, and put it in the first locker of the desk. The thief, having found it, will decide that you have nothing of value at home, and will go home.

Read about where it is better in the materials of our website dedicated to the interior design of the hallway

Whatever cache you come up with, try to make it outwardly unremarkable and at the same time unusual to the maximum.

Stories from readers of our site

Marina from Shchelkovo

Marina, Shchelkovo:

I had to go on a business trip for a month, and there was a large amount of money in the apartment. She divided them into two equal parts. I put one half in a foam rubber mattress, and put the other in washing powder. Thank God, during my absence, the thieves did not come to my house.

Only I myself was looking for this money for several hours.

Nikolai and Olga, Moscow:

Nikolay and Olga from Moscow

Two years ago, my wife and I bought an apartment, and the locks on the front door were old from the previous owners. And then we decided to install a hiding place in the toilet bowl. But it didn’t work out well ... I don’t know how much it should be to keep it well under the rim, but we rolled five hundred dollar bills into a tube and wrapped them in food grade polyethylene. We looked into our hiding place in turn, it seems to be securely lying ... Then they pressed the drain. Our money flew down the drain, we did not have time to be surprised. Oh, fools, you should have tried one hundred of our rubles first!

About a month and a half ago my apartment was broken into. At that moment I was in the country, I went for a couple of days. My neighbor knew that I was leaving for the dacha, and she, as it turned out, later told almost all of our house about it.

When I returned, I found the apartment as if after a hurricane. I got scared, ran to the kitchen, everything was upside down, except for a few jars of jam. Fortunately, the bank, which contained 100 thousand rubles, turned out to be intact. I think it’s no coincidence, because I pasted a piece of paper with the inscription “Strong Poison” on it.

Remember: when leaving on vacation or a business trip, do not talk about it left and right. There are ears everywhere. And even more so, do not write about it on various social networks. Thieves also sit on the Internet.

Even if you don't have a lot of valuables in your house, you still don't want to lose them. What can we say about the rather impressive savings! Since the reality surrounding us is becoming more and more bleak every day, and the number of burglaries has increased several times, it is worth thinking about how to make a hiding place at home. Safe, as they say, and God saves, so it's better to keep the most valuable away from prying eyes.

Basic rules for storing valuables

Before talking about where and how to make a cache, remember a few simple rules that will help you keep your belongings and all your secrets:

  • do not put all the “mushrooms” in one basket, if your cache, more than expected, is discovered, you will lose everything at once;
  • when arranging the cache, be as resourceful as possible;
  • make a cache in a cache - if one is found, then the second will most likely remain untouched;
  • avoid obvious storage; if you have heard about such a “hook” at least three times, then this is already an unreliable place;
  • hide at home only what you are willing to risk;
  • come up with an excuse story in case you find something hidden (if you are hiding from relatives);
  • if you don't want to be found, don't hide it - put it in a prominent place.

It's definitely not a secret.

There are many obvious places, widely and long known. Housekeepers examine them first. If you're wondering how to make a hiding place, make sure your hiding place is not one of those listed below.

  • Drawers for tables, chests of drawers, furniture walls, pianos, secretaries and the like. This is too obvious, even a child can easily find such a stash.
  • Among the linen, both clean and dirty. You should not hope that the thief will disdain to turn over the basket with bad-smelling socks.
  • In pockets and inside the lining of an old coat or jacket. The values ​​are also easy to find there.
  • In old and new video cassettes, magazines and books. The flipped library is a classic attribute of every heist.
  • Under the mattress or inside. It's funny, but many people (and not only the elderly) continue to keep their savings there.
  • Behind mirrors, wall and floor carpets and behind pictures. Believe me, it will take you much longer to fix the "skhovanka" there than it would take a thief to find it.
  • In the toilet cistern. This is another classic example of a hiding place. Rest assured, the thief will definitely look there.
  • In the freezer, oven, jars of cereals, sugar or jam. You can find valuables there with one movement of your hand.
  • Mezzanine. For some reason, people think that this is the perfect place to store a stash. There's so much rubbish out there. The problem is that the thief will not carefully sort out the contents of the mezzanines. He will just dump everything at once and very quickly find the hidden.
  • Video and audio equipment, other household appliances. If the thing is worthwhile, there is a risk that it will be taken away along with the cache, and if it is old, the thief will have a question why the trash has not yet been thrown away.
  • Under parquet or behind wallpaper. If the thief is in a hurry, it might work, but if the walls start rattling, then...

Hide the flat and important

So how do you make a stash for money (in a bill) or for something thin, like a folder with documents? For this, niches and hiding places in furniture are most often used. The double bottom of the drawers, the bottoms of heavy cabinets are what you need. Of course, in order to get the right document, you will have to empty the cabinet from all the belongings and turn it upside down, but the thief will definitely not have time for this.

By the way, as a double cavity, it is best to equip not a double bottom, but a double ceiling - such caches are more difficult to detect.

If the document consists of only a few leaves, you can roll it up into a tube and put it, for example, inside the cornice or in the handle of a floor mop.

Hide the small and valuable

But how to make a home cache if you need to hide something voluminous, such as gold, stones, coins, a flash drive with information or a roll of money?

The most popular (and therefore the most unreliable) is the hiding place in the door. This is the same option when a cavity is drilled in the upper end of the door leaf, into which a metal tube is inserted, for example from a cigar. Small items can easily fit inside. You can remove the stash with a simple magnet. It is impossible to notice him looking at the door, but you just have to move your hand from above - and voila ...

Another popular hiding place is most often equipped in an outlet. The bottom line is that a lot of sockets are installed around the perimeter of the apartment, which are necessarily identical in appearance. One of them is fake. To find it, it is enough to pick off the covers from all of them. If you do not use a screwdriver, but simply break them, your mini-safe will be found very quickly.

To safely hide small items, disguise them as everyday items and place them in plain sight. A can of cola, a ballpoint pen with a hundred dollar bill instead of paste, a box of paper clips with a double bottom - this is just the seed for your imagination.

I don't trust anyone, it's better to do it yourself

Today, various sites, especially Chinese ones, offer countless trinkets that have hidden cavities for stash. If you want to hide something from your family, this might work. But if you are afraid of a thief, this option will not work. If you have seen a cute little thing, then for sure it is also known to burglars. You can be sure that they are also interested in "novelties" in their field of activity.

In this case, you have no choice but to make a cache with your own hands. Only in this way can you be sure that such a cache exists only in a single copy. If you know how to make any crafts, this can be a serious help - a cache can be made in one of the souvenirs. If God has deprived you of talents, you will have to strain your imagination.

Hiding children from their parents

Many representatives of the younger generation, especially smokers, are interested in the question: how to make a hiding place at home from their parents. The advice here can be simple: if you learn to smoke, learn not to hide. But this is a lyric. In fact, there can be a lot of hiding places. Try to make them in places where parents prefer not to look. Young people make classic hiding places in the computer system unit, CD boxes, soft toys and so on.

By the way, if you have small children and scattered toys at home - a common thing, you can arrange a hiding place in one of them. The main thing is to choose one that is already tired of the child, and he no longer plays with it. Such a cache will not look suspicious, and a thief is unlikely to disassemble all the cars and cubes.

The most unusual hiding places

First of all, think about how to make the cache reliable, find a place where the thief will not even think to rummage around. Here are a couple of examples:

  • in old shoes - one or two large bills can be put under the insole of worn shoes and put along with all the shoes; the main thing is that the shoes do not look like frank junk - this can arouse suspicion; it is also important not to forget yourself that money is hidden in shoes or sneakers, otherwise you can accidentally throw away your own cache;
  • in a women's pad - here the fact of disgust comes into play; most often, a man, under pain of death, will not touch feminine hygiene products; all the more it would not occur to him to gut every gasket found; if you hide the money inside one of them and carefully seal it again, then most likely your cache will remain intact; again, it would be nice not to forget yourself that there is something there;
  • in a tube of toothpaste, a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of deodorant; almost any case can be equipped with a double bottom and it will not differ in any way from its own kind; the main thing is to place them where they will not look ridiculous; for example, a bottle of shower gel would look odd in a dresser or bar.

Cache "with strawberries"

As already mentioned, when organizing a hiding place, you can play on human disgust or try to confuse the seeker. Figure out how to make a cache in one of the intimate toys - and the values ​​will most likely remain intact. Even if you do not use such things in your sex life, buy a couple and put them where "it" is usually hidden: in the nightstand near the bed or a secluded place in the bedroom.

If a thief finds any “device” with a sexual bias in your house, then most likely he will disdain to touch it, let alone examine it carefully. The weirder the sex toy looks, the better.

This method is most likely not suitable for those who have small children, otherwise the "curious" will have to somehow explain what it is.


If you still don’t know how to make a hiding place at home, and just don’t know where to hide this or that item, play hide and seek with the children. The peculiarity lies in the fact that you do not need to hide yourself, but place small objects in secluded places and look for them according to the “hot-cold” principle. Children are famous inventors. You have no idea how many great hiding places can be found where you could not even think.

And one more thing: if you want to safely hide your valuables, do not use any of the methods listed in this article. Since you read about them, thieves could also find out. Come up with something of your own, original - and your savings will remain with you.

The need to hide valuable items from strangers in a cleverly equipped place has more than one millennium. In the world of technological progress, the ingenuity of the owners has decreased to a minimum and is now reduced to only competition in the thickness of safes and the strength of the locks for them, leaving the production of hiding places the field of study of younger schoolchildren. But do not forget that a good cache is not good for how deep, hard and far it is hidden, but for how cleverly it is invented. In this article, FURFUR has chosen a few simple caches and briefly talked about each.

Cache in a plastic bottle

To make a cache, you will need two empty plastic bottles with labels, two pieces of foam to fit the size of the bottle section, and glue.

The first thing to do is to cut the first bottle in the middle, take its lower part, remove the label and make a small cut along the upper edge, then pour water into the bottle so that a few centimeters remain to the edge of the cut. Then smear the edges of the inner surface with glue and carefully place a piece of foam there.

The next step is to take the second bottle and cut it exactly along the bottom edge of the label. Take the upper part and fasten the second piece of foam on it in the same way so that it is not visible behind the label. Next, just below the foam, fix two rubber gaskets that will hold your bottle together. Then pour into water and close the lid. Connect the resulting upper part to the lower one so that the cut and the gasket match, and turn it. Thus, between the two pieces of foam, you have a space in which you can place the necessary items.

Cache in socket

For this hiding place, you will not need the entire socket, but only its front side, as well as locksmith tools and a few Velcro. The first step is to separate the front plate of the socket from the rest of the box, then cut off the screw heads and glue them with superglue. So that the screws do not stand out too much and it does not occur to someone to unscrew them, they should be painted over with paint. Next, using tools, cut a hole in the wall a little smaller than the plate, and then attach Velcro near the edge of the hole. Attach similar Velcro to the front plate. The cache is ready.


You will need a tin can, a glass jar smaller than the first in size, glue, and also a plaster mixture. The first step is to cut the lid of the can very evenly and carefully along the very edge, for which you can use a blade instead of an opener and pour out the contents. Next, take a glass jar, smear its lid with glue and fasten the lid of the tin can with the lid of the glass jar. Put one jar in another and fill the contents with a plaster mixture. Then close the lid. When the mixture hardens, another can will be neatly placed inside the tin in which to store something.


First of all, these are all hollow tubes, such as metal curtain rods, bathroom curtain rods, working parts of tools, drawing markers. If the house has high ceilings, then the cache will easily fit in the cap of the chandelier. Lightweight objects can be easily placed in the duct, for this you should tie the necessary things to the lid with a rope, and attach its other end to the duct cover, sprinkled with plaster to mask it. At the moment of need, you just need to pull the string and get the cache.

A nine-volt battery is ideal as a battery cache. To start it is necessary to bend the edges of the battery, and then pull out the contents from it. W Then cut off a small piece of adhesive tape along the width of the battery cover, glue one part to the cover, and glue the second to the inner wall of the battery so that the cover can open and close. Now small items can easily be placed in the battery.

At present, it is extremely necessary to learn how to hide your loot. Or memorabilia. Or other crap. Of course, search professionals will quickly find your stash, but you can not rely on a burglar.

Today we will tell you seventeen great ways to hide your loot, piastres, passwords and goodies so that they don’t find it.

1. Case in the hole at the top of the door

For me, this is absolutely ideal - you just need to drill a hole of a suitable diameter. We think that enemies will definitely not look into the holes in your door.

2. Stash in plywood

The plywood table from IKEA is most likely hollow, which means that you can put nishtyaks into this cavity.

3. Stitched pocket

So in Soviet times, they went to study in big cities from the provinces - with money sewn somewhere.

4. Hollow bolt

There are even those that you can buy, or you can cut yourself.

5. Books-safe

At one time I kept cash in the book "Windows 95 for Dummies", it never occurred to anyone to look into it.

6. Safe from several books

You just need to glue it.

7. Box in the dispenser

Only for the majority it is located in a common corridor

8 Secret Beer Fridge

So that the girl does not burn

9. Secret bar in the office

Well, who said you can't drink at work? Everything? OK.

10. Garage key

It just looks cool.

11. Hidden USB drive

12. Stash-chessboard

Of course, this cache is already being sold like this, but what's stopping you from making it yourself?

13. Entrance to the secret room behind the closet

Kind of like Narnia. The children will be overjoyed.