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American businessman Donald Trump: biography and achievements. Donald Trump - biography, photo, family, personal life

Donald Trump, whose biography is known all over the world, is America's most successful entrepreneur, a radio and television star, a respected writer, billionaire and an outstanding personality.

This man's life serves a shining example how goal setting and self-confidence help you achieve success and recognition.

The beginning of life

Back in 1936, Fred Chris Trump and Mary Macleod, the parents of the future millionaire, were married. The family was large, Donald Trump is the fifth child of this couple, who was born on June 14, 1946.

From a very young age, the boy stood out for his stubborn disposition, he was far from an angelic character, and his parents often had to answer for his tricks at school. The family hoped that studying at the New York Military Academy would have a beneficial effect on their son, and that he would change for the better. Therefore, at the age of 13, he was sent to study at this institution to comprehend the basics of military discipline.

The biography of Donald Trump from that moment began to change rapidly. Being in the Military Academy completely changed his worldview. Here he understood what real competition is and how to behave with an opponent. To achieve a positive result, Trump often resolved issues with the use of aggression.

Father's Lessons

The biography of Donald John Trump, whose life serves as a shining example for many aspiring businessmen, is inextricably linked with his father, Fred Chris Trump. It was the father who was the inspiration and the best support for his boy.

It should be noted that Donald's father was a construction magnate who equipped New York. He was considered a fairly successful developer. Fred Trump had a fortune of $ 20 million.

Eyewitnesses have repeatedly mentioned that these two people were very similar to each other. Perhaps it was the similarity in characters that influenced the fact that of all his children, Fred Trump loved Donald the most. And the little pet skillfully used this, because he was the only one in the family who could resist his father's anger, his heavy character and toughness.

His father taught Donald the basics of entrepreneurship. From him, the future millionaire developer learned what a huge role a good reputation plays in business, how to motivate other people and use taxpayers' money profitably. But the main thing that Donald received from his father was the ability to strictly and demandingly treat his workers, because it was these qualities that helped Trump at one time to win the reputation of the most reliable developer in New York.

The biography of Donald Trump, before he began to seriously engage in business on the advice of his father, was replenished with new achievements in education. He first studied at Fordham University, then transferred to the University of Trade and Finance at Wharton School in Pennsylvania. In his student years, he established himself as a diligent student: he studied well, did not smoke, was not fond of alcoholic beverages and did not look at girls at that time.

Donald helped his father in real estate business. This interested him so much that he decided to devote his life to this particular industry of entrepreneurship, but only much more serious and large-scale than his father.

First project

The biography of Donald John Trump as a developer began to develop from the moment he worked for his father's company. The first project that brought him success and popularity was called Swifton Village. In business history, it is studied as an example. All due to the fact that the work was fully funded by the state, and this funding was many times greater than the price of the project itself. The Trump family was often involved in social projects in the United States. Sometimes this kind of activity has paid off with interest. In this case, the difference between costs and profits was 6 million - this is the amount that the family of developers replenished their budget with.

Working with his father, Donald saw that he was satisfied with the results obtained, but his son aspired to much more. Fred Trump did not build his business on risky projects, he was satisfied with not too rich clients, satisfied with small taxes and the help of the ruling elite of his hometown. It is because of this that Donald decides to immediately change the vector.

Planning for the future

New York is a city of fulfillment of desires, that's exactly what Donald Trump believed. short biography becoming the most famous developer associated with this metropolis. Donald clearly understood that he could get a lot of money only by working with the richest customers in New York. Therefore, he, settling here, rented an apartment in Manhattan. Although the dwelling was not the best, it gave him the opportunity to be in the heart of the city and directly participate in real estate investment operations.

The future tycoon devoted his free time to walking around his beloved city. But even at this time, he made plans, studied buildings, hoping that he could use the knowledge gained for his own good. Walking the streets and looking at the houses of the rich, he realized that only friendship with the elite would help him reach the top in business.

Famous bankers and famous politicians are the first people to get acquainted with, Donald Trump decided. The biography of the future tycoon again received a new fateful round.

How to meet the right people?

Donald Trump did not think about this issue for too long, because he understood that without appropriate recommendations he would never get into closed society rich. His dream was club membership closed type for the moneybags of French origin. He began his movement towards the goal by getting to know the managers and employees of such establishments. Soon this gave a result: he, Donald Trump, received a membership in the club. The businessman's biography began to replenish with new acquaintances. Now Trump easily contacted the oil tycoons, the richest people from the sphere of show business, top models, trade union bosses, managers and simply rich clients of the club. These acquaintances became fertile ground for establishing business contacts, the birth of new projects, and making profitable deals.

Life is getting better

Gradually, Donald's dreams began to come true, and he began to build houses in Manhattan. He was lucky to win a tender that gave Good work for the renovation of the prestigious but very old Commodore Hotel.

At the same time, his personal life began to change. Donald Trump, whose biography began to acquire new details, met the famous top model Ivanna Zelnechek.

It was such a vivid novel that the whole of New York discussed it. The couple soon got married. Probably, the assertiveness inherent in Trump, not only in work, but also in establishing issues related to love relationships, played a role here.

Ivanna gave her husband three children: Eric, Donald Jr. and charming baby Ivanka.

Recognized beauty Ivanna Zelnechek (Trump) has always helped her husband, it was she who was the interior designer at the Grand Hyatt, which her husband built on the site of the old Commodore hotel when he undertook to remodel it.

And Donald Trump only had time to take new orders. Having finished one construction site, he immediately took up another. Soon, a complex was erected, which made him famous throughout New York. It was a 68-storey building, considered at the time the tallest on Fifth Avenue. Images of the interior of this building began to appear in the most expensive glossy magazines. And there was something to see: marble of delicate peach color, a waterfall striking in its beauty and size (24 meters), mirror glass, copper finish. This luxurious building has attracted fashion store owners and celebrity tenants. For example, the king of Saudi Arabia and the TV star Sophia Loren lived there. And all this was built by Donald Trump, whose biography formed the basis of this article.

Manhattan was subdued. It was with the construction of this building that Donald Trump took another important step in his construction career. He gave the building his name. The barbs that appeared in the press on the topic “Trump is building monuments to himself” did not in the least embarrass the tycoon. Now well-known construction companies are ready to shell out a lot of money just to have the right to use the trendy name Trump in their work.

Conquest of Atlantic City

Donald Trump has taken on the conquest of a new peak - Atlantic City. Here he swung into the entertainment business and attracted Robert - his younger brother... Robert was in charge of the purchase of land plots for construction and the opening of a license for the right to conduct a gambling business.

Soon, in 1982, the world saw the new Harra complex, and after 4 years in Atlantic City, the millionaire began buying up casino hotels and renaming them. This is how the famous Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino and Trump Castle appeared.

In particular, thanks to perseverance, the ability to ignore obstacles, the unique talent of the leader, everything that is connected with a man named Donald Trump arouses interest: biography, career, personal life of a millionaire developer.

In 1990, he became the owner of the most expensive hotel-casino in the world called Taj Mahal. Also, in addition to many rental apartments and premises, he became the owner of the Trump Shuttle Airline and the New Jersey Generals football team (US football league).

Crisis or springboard to new heights?

Billionaire Donald Trump, whose biography is full of ups and downs, nevertheless at some point lost his vigilance and made a number of mistakes that led to a deterioration financial situation tycoon.

The thing is that, being a fairly rich man, Donald Trump actively used the services of banks. It was enough for creditors to hear a loud surname in order to issue the requested amount. After all, Trump was known as the wealthy owner of many golf clubs, a huge luxury yacht and successful construction companies. The tycoon himself at some point ceased to control his own financial situation. And then the real estate crisis broke out (1990). All this led to the fact that, unexpectedly for everyone, Trump's company went bankrupt. His debt reached $ 9.8 billion.

How the press gloated about this! The newspapers wrote that Trump's huge empire was destroyed, the millionaire said goodbye to his luck forever, his game was over and he left the business. Of course, in such an environment, the millionaire was nervous, and even mortgaged one of his skyscrapers in New York to creditors.

To top it all off, Donald lost his wife's support. Constant scandals with the beautiful model led to divorce. And this, as you know, also requires a lot of money from rich people.

Donald Trump (biography and photos are in the article) still managed to find a way out of a difficult situation. He stood on a dangerous line and could lose not only his capital, but also the one that he inherited from his father. Poverty and complete loss of his fortune threatened him, but he managed to avoid the worst. Moreover, already in 1993 (3 years after the crisis) he again took up investments, fully paid off his debts and began to replenish his capital.

Here is such an instructive biography. Donald Trump, whose success story has been replenished with new ups, has managed to retain most of his fortune, and now he has only become more self-confident.

After the incident, Donald hired a financial director, began to turn to consultants for help, plan transactions more carefully, and take less risk. Now he mainly works only with wealthy investors, who in return receive a name that has become a well-known brand, and the knowledge of how to avoid mistakes in business.

This incident in the history of global business is considered the most significant recovery of financial position after the onset of the crisis.

New life - new family

After the divorce from his first wife, Donald did not grieve for long. Already in 1993, he took the beautiful Marla Maples down the aisle, who gave him a daughter, Tiffany, in the same year. After 6 years, the marriage broke up.

In 2004, he married Melania Knauss (a girl 24 years younger than her husband). From this marriage, the 5th child of a millionaire was born - Barron William.

2008 brought new hobbies for the tycoon. Donald Trump fell in love with Danny Minogue. But the girl rejected the offer to be the companion of a millionaire.

It should be noted that Donald Trump was always surrounded by very beautiful ladies, and he also preferred top models and women from the world of show business. Trump is now the owner of the prestigious Miss Universe and Miss America beauty pageants. They bring significant income to the millionaire, and more than 90 countries of the world broadcast these events.

Donald Trump: biography and achievements

Donald Trump is now the main player in the American real estate market. He actively continues to engage in construction, works on new projects, invests money and receives huge profits from this. He also plays a role in the reality show "The Candidate", and his appearance on television only added to his popularity.

He was twice nominated for an Emmy as an actor who played himself with a high degree of self-irony. Donald Trump is so popular that he is often portrayed in comedies. He participates in talk shows, where he shares his experience, talks about life collisions.

Donald Trump is the author of many books that reveal the secrets of how to succeed, do business and achieve your goals. That is why the biography of Donald John Trump, life and work, became the property of world business history and a standard of success. His books are popular, because the author proved by his own example how to make his dreams come true. The author's bibliography includes more than 15 works. The most famous among them: "The Art of Making Deals", "The Art of Survival", "The Way Up", "The Art of Returning".

Trump's famous advice: More positivity, self-confidence, courage and hard work is the key to success, which has helped many to reach new heights. Take it into service, and you will succeed too.

Greetings! Who is Donald Trump? President of the United States, billionaire businessman, writer, showman and connoisseur of young and beautiful women. Or maybe he is an adventurer who has just had big luck all his life? After all, the surname “Trump” is translated from German as “trump card”. Yes, and Donald himself a bunch of times called himself "the darling of fate."

He is one of the most controversial figures in US business and politics. And today I propose to get to know him better. So, Donald Trump: biography, Interesting Facts and the secrets of success.

Donald Trump was born in New York in 1946. The future billionaire and 45th US president did not have a classic "difficult childhood."

Donald's grandparents emigrated to the United States from Germany. My father was a successful entrepreneur and owner of a construction company. By the way, of the four children of the Trump couple, only Donald was able to continue his father's construction business.

They say that when the future billionaire turned eight, he glued together a "skyscraper" of toy building blocks. The structure turned out to be so strong that it was not possible to dismantle it.

As a child, Trump was a restless and problematic child. Therefore, when the boy was thirteen, he was sent to the New York Military Academy. According to Donald himself, education in the conditions of strict discipline taught him to survive among competitors. At the academy, Trump is remembered as the captain of the baseball team. And, by the way, he was considered one of its best players.

After graduating from the military academy, the future president of the United States first entered Fordham College, but almost immediately changed it to the University of Commerce in Pennsylvania.

In his youth, Trump was sharply different from other students: he did not drink, did not smoke, and was weakly interested in girls. True, he did not show much zeal for studies either. From a young age, Donald was distinguished by fantastic ambition. He dreamed of starting his own business and changing the Manhattan skyline.

The road to big money

The success story of the future US president began with his participation in his father's construction projects. Fred Trump specialized in low-income housing for low-income segments of the population. The government allocated good funding for such projects. In addition, the "social" construction company could count on tax benefits.

But taking part in the Swifton Village project (a residential complex for 1200 apartments in Ohio), Donald made a different conclusion: the really big money can only be earned by the rich.

He was attracted by New York - a city of fantastic opportunities and prospects. How to become a billionaire according to Trump? Rotate regularly with millionaires!

The goal of an ambitious guy is membership in a closed club of the rich and friendship with prominent politicians and bankers. By hook or by crook, he takes out the coveted membership card. It is finished! Finally, he is in the circle of famous models, oil kings and top managers.

Despite access to the "cream of society", Trump's career as a real estate developer did not work out at first. He fails after failure. The situation changes in 1974 (at that time, the future billionaire was only 28). Trump wins a tender to buy a dilapidated Commodore hotel. And he undertakes to bring the building into a divine form. For this, the authorities are giving him an invaluable gift: they are cutting taxes for the next 40 years.

In 1980, Trump manages to hand over the hotel building to the Hyatt Hotel Corporation. Instead of the old Commodore, the prestigious Grand Hyatt appears in the center of New York. The hotel refurbished by Donald Trump!

A successful deal turns him into a celebrity. Next project becomes Trump Tower on 5th Avenue. Trump is building a 68-story building opposite the Tiffany store. He expects that next to the expensive store jewelry rich people will definitely pass. And once again it turns out to be right. In 2006, the unique Trump Tower building with jagged edges on the facade was estimated at $ 300 million.

Expensive apartments and offices in Trump Tower are sold out instantly. Trump did not cut prices even when the New York real estate market entered a downtrend. Donald is convinced that for rich people, status is more important than money. And I guessed it again.

Trump has managed to build a brand on own name... The businessman assigns the name "Trump" to all of his projects. Steaks, clothes, perfumes, magazines, restaurants, board game, vodka, chocolate candies, hours and dozens of other most unexpected things.

The Trump brand will soon become a symbol of New York's skyscrapers and luxury. In the 80s, Trump's projects bring him millions. Things are going so well that Donald thinks he is a demigod. He is increasingly accused of arrogance and megalomania.

Trump's photo flaunts on the covers of all magazines: from business publications to Cosmopolitan. At the same time, the famous quote from the billionaire was born: “I can do anything! But the best thing I can do is build. "

Falling from heaven to earth

The success and popularity turned the head of not only Trump, but his creditors as well. The fact is that Donald took bank loans to buy all his projects. In a couple of years, he managed to buy a football team, a golf club, a giant yacht, airlines, a casino in Atlantic City and a bunch of other "knick-knacks".

The billionaire has lost his vigilance. And then another real estate crisis arrived. All in all, in 1990 Trump's company could no longer service a debt of almost $ 10 billion. The press added fuel to the fire with articles with malicious headlines "Donald was left out of luck."

At one point, Trump's empire hung by a thread. The situation escalated even more when Ivan's wife decided to file for divorce.

But Trump managed to overcome the financial (but not family) crisis. Three years later, he paid off creditors in full thanks to casino and real estate income. Donald still owns many buildings in New York and three casinos in Atlantic City.

Soon, the downtrend is replaced by an uptrend. Trump has become more cautious. He works only with large investors, finally hires a competent CFO and listens to the advice of consultants.

In 2016, Forbes magazine estimated Donald Trump's fortune at $ 3.7 billion. In a declaration (the president published it in June 2017), he indicated that he receives income from 565 corporations and companies. But the main money is still brought to him by investments in commercial real estate.

Other achievements of Donald Trump

It is possible to write a book in three volumes about the "exploits" of an extravagant president. I will only briefly list the main ones.

In 2001, Trump, along with Daewoo, built a 90-story skyscraper on First Avenue. He was 31 floors above the UN building opposite.

In addition, Donald Trump officially owns the prestigious Miss Universe and Miss America contests. About 2.5 billion people in 90 countries of the world watch the battle of beauties every year! Beautiful women are not only pleasing to the eye, but also bring good money to the billionaire.

He has been nominated twice for an Emmy Award. Trump has played himself in hundreds of films and television series. For example, in "The Prince of Beverly Hills", "Home Alone 2" and "Nanny".

In 2004, the current President of the United States hosted the most popular reality show in the United States, The Candidate. The winner held a managerial position in one of his companies with a salary of $ 250,000. Participants were given turns to "steer" one or another enterprise. The worst "leader" dropped out of the "Candidate" while Trump shouted "You're fired!"

Also, Trump acted as the prototype of a negative character: the billionaire Biff Tannen (the film "Back to the Future-2").

Trump also wrote 16 autobiography books. For example: The Art of Survival, How to Get Rich, Think Big, The Formula for Success, and Trump Never Gives Up. The main character of each of them is himself. Secrets of success, aphorisms, intimate details of his personal life - Trump does not hide anything from readers.

By the way, a book called "Why do we want you to be rich?" Donald co-wrote with the legendary Robert Kiyosaki.

Donald Trump - President of the United States

On June 16, 2015, at his Manhattan headquarters, Trump announced his intention to run for President of the United States from the Republican Party. The main slogan of his election campaign was the phrase: "Let's make America great again." Opponents immediately replaced the word “great” with the word “white”.

During the campaign, Trump has repeatedly indulged in anti-Islamic statements. He proposed to ban the entry of Muslims into the United States and to introduce compulsory registration for American Muslims. And also to build a wall on the border with Mexico and deport all illegal immigrants from the country.

After becoming president, Trump broke several records at once:

  • First, he became the oldest first-ever elected president of the United States.
  • Secondly, before taking office, Donald did not hold any military or government post. This has never happened in the history of America.
  • Finally, Trump became the richest president in the United States.

Donald Trump's Success Secrets

Looking ahead, I will say that Trump does not say anything "revolutionary" in his books and interviews. Perhaps because there are no magic formulas for success in principle?

  1. If you have time to notice the mistakes of others, you are simply not busy enough with your own affairs.
  2. If you do not have information about every little thing in your work or business, expect unpleasant surprises.
  3. When you find yourself in a difficult situation, look at it from the other side. Each new day can give a new chance.
  4. Always dress according to your environment.
  5. Sometimes the most The best way investing money - do not invest it anywhere at all. Invest only in assets that you understand. Or through people you completely trust.
  6. Before entering into negotiations, write down your goals on paper.
  7. Bad times often provide great opportunities.

How do you feel about Donald Trump and his achievements?

Our article today will focus on the current President of the United States of America - Donald Trump. He became the forty-fifth president in the history of this country. He has held this post since January 2017. Before becoming the ruler of the country, he was engaged in private business, mainly in real estate, and also often appeared on television as a TV presenter. Also has the title of Person of the Year, which was awarded to him by the popular magazine "Time", in 2016. Next, you will learn about the life and political path of this political leader. It is worth mentioning in advance that he did not limit himself to one type of activity, but participated in many kinds of activities.

Height, weight, age. How old is Donald Trump

Many of those who follow the life of the president-elect are interested in external indicators such as height, weight, age. How old is Donald Trump is a frequent question that can be heard from people who follow or have just come into political life. So, having some data, we can answer that the growth of the 45th president is about 190 centimeters, and the weight is about 100 kilograms. Donald was born in 1946, and now he is exactly 70 years old. You can often meet people who are interested in what Donald Trump looked like in his youth. Of course, on the Internet you can find a large number of photographs that show how he looked in a particular year. The nationality of the current US president is American, although he has German-Scottish roots.

Donald Trump biography

The biography of Donald Trump takes its beginning in June 1946, in the city of New York. His family had five children, two of whom were brothers, two sisters and the hero of our article himself. From childhood, parents observed in him the manifestations of a tough and assertive person. In order to properly channel all this energy, he was sent to study in Military Academy... While in it, he established himself as a disciplined and successful student. It is impossible not to note his sporting success. Such data touched the parents, and they began to be proud of him and set him up as an example to other children.

Donald graduates from this academy in 1964, and begins to study at Fordham University. After some time, he begins his studies at the Wharton Business School. He graduated from this educational institution in 1968, and the father decides to take his son into the family business. Trump liked this development, and he wanted to multiply his father's fortune.

Thus, he immediately gets a project to build an entire residential complex, which is located in Ohio. It is noteworthy that the construction took only a year, and the profit received twice covered all expenses. Not a bad start to the career of the young Trump.

Acquiring all new connections, he gets the right to restore the dilapidated Commodore Hotel. The total amount that the young entrepreneur managed to achieve is about $ 70 million. The only condition is the complete restoration of the area to its proper form.

It took the corporation six years to rebuild Manhattan and some of the surrounding neighborhoods, at the head of which was the aforementioned hotel. In 1996, some part of the hotel was bought by the Hyatt company, replenishing the budget of the future president by $ 140 million.

Then, in 1979, he took a closer look at an unpopulated site near one of the most popular jewelry stores. The businessman himself notes that this place seemed to him very tempting for the rich. And he was right. Over the years, a building appeared there, which, with its height, covered all the seemingly tall buildings on Fifth Avenue. This project brought Donald a profit of two hundred million dollars. It is important that all the apartments in this building were purchased in a few weeks.

1977 saw the resolution of gambling in the state of New Jersey. Of course, the businessman did not want to miss such a "gold mine" and after already 5 years, a hotel and entertainment complex appeared from scratch, which was named "Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino". Its construction cost $ 251 million. Another 4 years later, Trump Castle opens, worth 300 million. The construction of the Taj Mahal began immediately, becoming the largest hotel-casino and opening in 1990.

The beginning of the 1990s was marked by the fact that the fortune of a businessman was estimated at $ 1 billion. Apart from the hotels that belonged to him, he had casinos, residential skyscrapers, an airline, a football team. And small businesses did not lend themselves to counting at all. As it turns out, Donald is losing control of such an incredible business.

The real estate crisis meant that Donald Trump owed much more than he had on his budget. To avoid bankruptcy, he mortgages his Trump Tower residential complex. Of course, the press did not stand aside, and every step of the future president remained under criticism.

Perseverance helped him, and by 1997 he paid off all the debts, some of which were covered by casinos and other gambling establishments.

However, already in the 2000s, the crisis repeats itself, and this forces Donald to end his career as Chairman of the Board of Directors in his corporation.

After that, he often began appearing on television - as a TV presenter or cameo, the most famous of which is "Home Alone 2". 2007 replenishes the Walk of Fame with a star in honor of Donald Trump.

Almost 10 years later, he is running for president. Long debate and rivalry with Hillary Clinton leads to the fact that he wins. US President Donald Trump was elected to this post on January 20, 2017. By the way, it belongs to the Republican Party.

Donald Trump's personal life

It is worth mentioning that Donald Trump's personal life is full of all kinds of facts that are of interest to the reader. For example, Donald Trump, whose hairstyle has not changed throughout his career, categorically refuses to change it. In addition, he is not recognized - this is his special symbol of good luck or a peculiarity of style. Also, he never tasted alcoholic beverages.

Donald Trump was married three times, and all his wives were several decades younger than him. In addition, he still lives with his third wife. The reasons for the divorce, according to the president, were the impossibility of combining the interests of wives and a colossal business.

Donald Trump's family

Donald Trump's family was not associated with politics, and the president himself, to the last, tried not to join it. His father was a simple construction worker when in 1930 he met his future wife, Trump's mother. 1936 was marked by their wedding. By the way, the mother was born in Scotland, and the acquaintance with her future husband happened at a holiday in New York, where she went in honor of the holidays.

The father's parents immigrated from Germany to the United States, where after a while they received citizenship and got married. As previously mentioned, the Trump family had five children, including the future president of America.

Donald Trump's children

Donald Trump's children number five people, the oldest of whom is already 40 years old, and the youngest son is 11. From all three marriages, the current president of America has children. He has three children from the first - 2 boys and a girl, from the second he has a daughter. The third and final marriage brought Donald a boy who was named Barron.

By the way, it is worth noting that Donald Trump currently has 8 grandchildren, the eldest of whom is 10 years old, and the youngest was born last year - in 2016.

Donald Trump's son - Donald Jr.

Donald Trump's first son, Donald Jr.was born in 1977, in the marriage of the future president to Czech model Ivana Trump. Given his Czech roots, he can easily communicate in Czech.

At the moment, Donald Jr. is successful businessman and works with her siblings. By the way, he is now the executive vice president of his father's corporation. Married Vanessa Haydon. He has five children, the eldest of whom is now 10 years old, and the youngest is 3 years old.

Donald Trump's son - Eric

Donald Trump's son, Eric was born in January 1984. He appeared from his father's first marriage, at the moment he works as a businessman, quite successful. He conducts his activities with his brother and sister, holds the position of President of Development at the Trump Organization. Graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in finance and management.

In 2014, Lara Junasuke, who is a producer, became his wife. Their relationship, before entering into an official marriage, lasted about 6 years. In the spring of 2017, information leaked to the media that they would soon have their first child.

Donald Trump's son - Barron

Donald Trump's son - Barron was born in March 2006. This is the only child that the head of the White House has from a third marriage. When Donald was elected as president of the United States, Barron was by his side as he spoke the words of victory. It is noteworthy that many began to notice the boy's sleepy and passive state during this performance. For a while, it became a kind of "meme" - Internet slang that conveys any information in the form of a picture, video recording, etc.

Donald Trump's daughter - Ivanka

Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka was born in October 1981, in the state of New York. Was born in the first marriage of the president. Now she is engaged in her father's business, and at the same time is engaged in her own office work, acts as a fashion model and a writer.

She entered Georgetown University, but after a while she was transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, from which she graduated with "honors", majoring in economics. For some time she starred for the covers of popular magazines, but over time, this "hobby" faded into the background, and she started doing business and writing books.

Donald Trump's daughter - Tiffany

Donald Trump's daughter Tiffany was born in October 1993. At this time, the future president was married to his second wife. It is noteworthy that they chose the name of a jewelry company as their name. She spent her childhood with her mother, who lived in California. She studied at the university until 2016 inclusive. A few years ago, her song came out. At the moment, he is mainly engaged in the modeling business. Tiffany is invited to various fashion shows and fashion magazines.

The ex-wife of Donald Trump - Ivan Zelnichkov

The ex-wife of Donald Trump, Ivan Zelnichkov, has Czechoslovak roots. Moving to America allowed her to become a top model, and, of course, the wife of a businessman. For a long time, she was " right hand”In her husband's empire, she was responsible for the interiors of hotels and casinos. Their marriage lasted almost 15 years, and broke up in 1992. In this marriage, the president had three children. During the divorce, Donald Trump left her a fortune of several million in exchange for the fact that she would never discuss it with anyone, so until now no one knows how things turned out in the family.

Donald Trump's ex-wife - Marla Maples

Donald Trump's ex-wife, Marla Maples, met the future president in 1989. Their marriage lasted for 6 years. From this marriage, Donald has a daughter. Previously, and now, she is engaged in acting and producing work. She has about twenty roles in various movies, famous and not so famous. As a producer, she acted for two films. While in school, she played basketball professionally. In this sport, she received great success and respect.

Donald Trump's wife - Melania Trump

Donald Trump's real wife - Melania Trump is 25 years younger than her husband. She was born in Slovenia, where she received her secondary education. Not having studied for a year at the university, she moved to Italy. There, she has been working as a fashion model since the age of 16. Acquaintance with Trump happened in 2000, and over the following years, their relationship became closer. Their wedding took place in 2005. A large number of celebrities were invited as witnesses and guests. She has been an American citizen since 2006.

Photo of Donald Trump before and after plastic surgery

As you know, many political leaders try to preserve their youth and use the services of a plastic surgeon. However, the 45th President of America never went under the surgeon's knife. It may seem to many that he looks younger than his years. This is due to the fact that Trump actively uses the services of a beautician, hiding all the flaws that appear over time. Thus, the popular request "Photos of Donald Trump before and after plastic surgery" remains without an intelligible answer. However, by all accounts, his wives often resorted to such services.

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Donald Trump's wikipedia

The current president of America has his own Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. Donald Trump's Wikipedia contains an exhaustive amount of information regarding the business, buildings and other possessions of the head of the White House. Also, it well describes Trump's life and career path, the paths by which he achieved such wealth. With regards to the social. networks - there are many photographs in which the children, wife and property of the president are present. Also, pictures often appear during meetings with other world leaders.

The fourth of five children of Frederick Christ and Mary Macleod Trump, Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in the Queens area of ​​New York City. Frederick Trump was a builder, property developer specializing in the design and implementation of middle-class housing projects in Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn. Donald Trump was an energetic and assertive child, and, at the age of 13, his parents send his son to the New York Military Academy, in the hope that the strict discipline of the institution will channel his energy into the right channel... At the academy, Trump is making great strides, both socially and academically: by the time he graduates in 1964, he is a brilliant athlete and student leader. After that, Donald entered Fordham University, but soon transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics.

New York developer

Strong influence on choice future profession Trump was rendered by the father, but the plans of the son where grander than plans parent. While still a student, Donald worked part-time with his father in the summer, and then got a permanent job at his father's company “The Trump Organization”.

He finds the means to expand the company's influence by convincing his father of the benefits of mortgage loans on Trump's housing complexes. But, nevertheless, due to the strong competition in the market, the profits were not high. In 1971, Donald Trump moved to Manhattan, where he met many influential people... Having explored the city's economic opportunities, Trump tackles large, high-income construction projects in Manhattan that are architecturally attractive as well, thus gaining public acceptance.

After declaring the Pennsylvania Central Railroad bankrupt, Trump is able to buy out a piece of land she owned in western Manhattan. When the initial plans to build housing prove unfeasible due to the unfavorable economic situation, Trump offers a site for a convention center, and in 1978 the government chose it from three possible locations. True, Trump's proposal for a free transfer of the site in exchange for the center to be named after him was not accepted, as was the request to build an entire complex, which was proposed to be called "Senator Jacob Javit."

In 1974, Trump acquires one of the Penn Central hotels, the Commodore, which is unprofitable but has an excellent location right next to Grand Central Station in New York City. The following year, he signs a partnership with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation, which lacked a large hotel in the city center. Then Trump strikes a package deal with the city, receiving a 40-year tax cut, finds funding, and begins a major overhaul of the building, replacing the old façade with a stunning glitter-glass design by architect Der Scutt. When the new hotel, renamed The Grand Hyatt, opened in 1980, it quickly gained widespread popularity and soon justified the cost of the redevelopment, making Donald Trump the city's most famous as well as controversial property developer.

Expansion of the empire

In 1977, Trump marries New York model Ivanna Zelnikova-Winklmeier, who in 1968 competed with the Czech Olympic ski team. In 1978, after the birth of the first of three sons, Donald John Trump Jr., Ivanna Trump was appointed Vice President of the Trump Organization, playing an important role in the renovation of the Commodore Hotel.

In 1979, Trump took a long-term lease on a plot of land on Fifth Avenue adjacent to the famous Tiffany building to build a $ 200 million grand apartment complex designed by Der Scutt. After its opening in 1982, the complex will be named "Trump Tower". As a result of the implementation of this project, a 58-storey building with a 6-storey courtyard and an 80-meter waterfall appears in the city center. Squares in new building hurried to rent famous brands for shops and celebrities for offices, which attracts the attention of the whole country to Trump.

And he himself, meanwhile, is studying the lucrative gambling business, which he starts in 1977 in New Jersey. In 1980, Trump manages to acquire land plot in Antantic City. Head complex project to obtain land rights, a license to run a gambling business, all kinds of permits and funding, Donald puts his younger brother Robert. Holliday Inns, a partner of Harrah’s Casino & Hotel, offers the Trumps a partnership, and in 1982, the Harrah Casino Hotel opens at the Trump Plaza, which has a $ 250 million investment. In 1986 Trump buys Holliday Inns and renames the establishment Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. When corporations are denied a gambling license, Trump buys a casino hotel in Atlantic City owned by Hilton Hotels and calls the $ 320 million complex Trump's Castle. Later, he has the opportunity to buy the largest casino hotel in the world, the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, which will open in 1990, during the construction process.

At the same time, in New York, Trump is acquiring an apartment building and an adjoining Barbizon-Plaza Hotel overlooking Central Park, hoping to implement a major investment construction project in their place. However, the tenants' struggle, protected by the city's rent control and rent stabilization programs, against Donald Trump ended in victory for the population. Then Trump proceeds to rebuild Barbizon, renaming it Trump Parc. In 1985, Trump buys 307.5 km² of land in western Manhattan for $ 88 million, with plans to build a complex called Television City, which, according to the project, was supposed to consist of a dozen skyscrapers, a shopping center and overlooking the river parka. The big deal, which would show the world the tallest building on the planet, was aimed at highlighting the importance of television, but public opposition and protracted red tape to obtain city permission are postponing the project. In 1988, Trump buys the Plaza Hotel for $ 407 million and invests $ 50 million in its renovation, which is led by Ivan's wife.

The ups and downs of business

Trump Expands His Enterprise South To Implement investment project in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 1989 opens a subsidiary that buys out Eastern Air Lines Shuttle for $ 365 million, which changes its name to Trump Shuttle. In January 1990, Trump flies to Los Angeles, revealing his intentions to pursue a commercial and residential project involving the construction of a $ 1 billion 125-story office building.

But in 1990, the real estate market collapses, which entails a decrease in the assessed value and income of the Trump empire: the value of the entire network of $ 1.7 billion in one moment drops to the level of 500 million. To protect itself from collapse, the Trump organization requires numerous third-party injections, which generates rumors about the possible bankruptcy of the company. Some call the fall of the Trump empire a symbol of what awaits all the business, economic and social giants that emerged from the 1980s.

But Trump is successfully getting out of debt in the amount of US $ 900 million: in 1997, Donald Trump's fortune is estimated at just under 2 billion.

Personal life, politics and reality TV

Donald Trump's image has been tarnished by the widespread publicity of his unexpected breakup and subsequent divorce from his wife, Ivana. But he will marry again, the young actress Marla Maples. In 1993, two months before the wedding, the couple had a daughter. In 1997, the sensational divorce proceedings between Trump and Maples began, which would end only in 1999. Under the marriage contract, Maples received $ 2 million. In 2005, Trump again plays a celebrity wedding with model Melania Knauss. In March 2006, Melania's first-born and Trump's fifth child, Barron William Trump, was born.

October 7, 1999 Trump announces the convening of a research committee to decide on Trump's participation in the 2000 presidential race from the reformist party.

In 2012, Trump returns to the political arena, announcing that he is going to run again for the presidency. But his association with the Born Movement - a radical group firmly convinced that President Barack Obama is not a native of the United States - has largely discredited him as a politician. Nevertheless, Trump continues to speak out sharply against President Obama - not only in connection with his place of birth, but also on a number of points of his policy.


“It's great to go through difficult times, I would like everyone to experience it. At least one time".

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The biography of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, is interesting both in terms of his business and in terms of the details of his personal life and political career. And this is completely unsurprising given the peculiarities of the extraordinary personality of an entrepreneur who has become the head of the American state.

Donald Trump is a hereditary entrepreneur, recently - one of the largest politicians in the world by virtue of his position. Consider the key facts from his biography.

The newly elected head of the American state was born on June 14, 1947 in New York, in a construction business, and his wife Mary MacLeod. Donald was one of 5 children born into the family.

At the age of 13, the future president of the United States was sent to study at the Military Academy in New York. He studied there very successfully. After graduating from the Academy in 1964, Donald entered Fordham University (New York), after - at the Wharton School of Business (University of Pennsylvania), from which he graduated in 1968.


Let's start considering the key facts from the biography of Donald Trump by examining the history of the emergence of his business empire.

Trump got acquainted with big business when he started working as a student at Elizabeth Trump and Son, founded by his grandmother and father in 1923. The firm specialized in mid-range real estate transactions in various neighborhoods in New York City.

The family corporation was subsequently renamed The Trump Organization. In 1972, the future tycoon made the first multimillion-dollar real estate deal, participating in the sale of a respectable residential complex in Cincinnati, Ohio.

A young businessman gets into his DJT Cadillac to drive to work. 1973 year.

Trump was mainly engaged in real estate activities until the late 1980s. But, along with this type of commerce, the entrepreneur masters in the gambling business. By partnering with Holiday Inn, which owned the Harrah’s hotel and casino chain, in 1984, Donald builds the $ 250 million Harrah’s at Trump Plaza hotel complex.

Later, the entrepreneur buys out a full share in the project, after which the complex is renamed Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. In 1985, Trump opens another large complex - Trump's Castle in Atlantic City, worth $ 320 million.

In 1989, the businessman acquires several as a fleet for his own Trump Shuttle airline, which has been on the market until 1992, when the rights to it were transferred to US Airways in a chain of transactions (all of the airline's assets were bought by US Airways in 2000).

In 1990, the entrepreneur opens another casino - Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. Trump subsequently concentrates this facility and other major assets in the jurisdiction of Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts, registered in 1995.

Entrepreneur in front of the Taj Mahal casino hotel

In the mid-90s, the media business began to play an important role in Trump's activities. In 1996, the American buys the rights to organize the Miss Universe, Miss USA and Young Miss USA contests. The businessman owns these brands of show business until 2015.

In 2003, the entrepreneur became a partner of the NBC channel and became the producer of the reality show "The Apprentice", which becomes an extremely successful project. Its sequel is the new show "The Celebrity Apprentice".

In 2004, hard times come for Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts: the company goes bankrupt, but soon exits from it, albeit under a different name - Trump Entertainment Resorts Holdings. In February 2016, this corporation was bought by Icahn Enterprises.

The Trump Organizations continues to be the main business of the 45th President of the United States. The total asset value of this corporation, according to Forbes, is about US $ 4.5 billion.

Donald Trump remains the owner of The Trump Organization even after taking office as the head of the American state. He delegated key positions in the company's management system to his sons Donald, Eric and the Chief Financial Officer of The Trump Organization, Allen Weisselberg.

Political career

The first thoughts about possible participation in the US presidential elections were voiced by Trump during the 2000 election campaign. In the sources of Trump's biography in Russian, very little is known about the involvement of an entrepreneur in earlier significant political processes. A 2000 campaign businessman ran in the California primaries, but voter turnout was low and he postponed active political involvement.

Until 2010, with varying degrees of intensity, entrepreneurs participated in political processes on the side of both Democrats and Republicans. In 2010-2012, Donald publicly announced his desire to participate in presidential elections... He became active in the foreign policy arena, supporting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the 2013 elections.

In the 2016 campaign, Trump managed to become the main candidate for the presidency of the United States from the Republican Party. In November 2016, he defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. In January 2017, he officially took office as the head of the American state.

The 45th President-elect of the United States, his son Barron and wife Melania

Personal life

We will also study briefly the biography of Trump in terms of his personal life.

In 1977, Donald married model Ivana Zelnichkova, who was a reserve member of the 1972 Czechoslovak Olympic ski team.

Young businessman with his wife Ivana

The couple had three children -, and Eric. The entrepreneur's wife took up the position of vice president at The Trump Organization and was actively involved in the business. The marriage was dissolved in 1992.

In 1993, the American actress Marla Maples became the wife of a businessman.

Donald Trump and his second wife, Marla

2 months before the marriage, Marla gives birth to a daughter from Donald. In 1999, the couple divorced.

In 2005, Trump marries a model from Slovenia.

A businessman and his third wife, Melania

In 2006, the couple had a son, Barron William Trump.

Now the eldest children of the 45th President of the United States, and Eric, work in leadership positions at The Trump Organization.