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Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Like FSB Nightmare Military Intelligence Military Diplomatic Academy Training System

The training of intelligence officers is carried out by the Military Diplomatic Academy (the former Academy of Soviet Army), and in the people it is called "Conservatory". The Academy is located near the metro station "Oktyabrskoe Field". The Academy has several faculties, on which the training of intelligence officers is being prepared for both working abroad and for service in the union of the country's army.

In fig. 2.19 shows the organizational structure of the Academy with its faculties and specialized departments.

A set of new officers to the Academy for a long-tested scheme (procedure) is as a rule, at the end of each year. The leadership of the Academy sends to the troops and fleets of their representatives for a set of listeners. Preference is given to the combat-ready military units and units of the Navy and Air Force.

Arriving in the division, brigade or army, teachers of the Academy GRU primarily get acquainted with the personal affairs of officers under the age of 35 and with military rank not lower than the captain. Those officers whose personal affairs are satisfied by the teachers of the Academy of GRU, after the beginning of the new year they cause Moscow to interview. Some of them are invited to pass the entrance exams, which are held from January to May, and in September, the supplied entrance exams begin training at the Academy.

The Military Diplomatic Academy takes a worthy place in the preparation of intelligence officers for many activities both within the country and abroad. The Academy in its composition has a highly qualified faculty, which has a rich experience of military intelligence, including abroad - on illegal work.

Practice shows that in the learning process that lasts three years, many of the listeners are eliminated by professional unsuitability of intelligence activities. Particular attention is paid to the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof those countries in which this officer has to be left.

In fig. 2.20 shows the technology (algorithm) of selection, evaluation and "recruitment" of officers from military compounds for training at the Academy.

I would like to stay on separate details of the selection and evaluation of future listeners to the Academy of GRU. A representative of GRA is entrusted to select no more than 10 officers, but he has to check about 100 people to find this tent of the most. A number of future listeners are gaining from among the graduates of military academies. Such a selection justifies the efforts of the GRU representatives, and indeed 90% of them are credited to the Military Diplomatic Academy.

One of the stages of the inspection is that the representative of the Academy of GRU comes to the candidate's apartment and leads with him, as a rule, a regular conversation. At the same time, the assessment of the wife of the candidate gives important importance. Sometimes it happens that the wife is not suitable for some reason, such as intelligence or excessive emotionality. And this means that, no matter how good the officer himself is, he cannot be intelligent. It is necessary to emphasize that representatives of the GRU are so experienced that, in the first glance, they understand the home furnishings - they came in vain or the conversation makes sense to continue.

The main criteria that are guided by representatives of the selection group are shown in Fig. 2.21.

Upon arrival in Moscow selected by representatives of GRU candidates before passing exams are inspected using diverse test tests. Some of these tests, and their large enough quantity is shown in Fig. 2.22. Among them are memory tests, on the ability to study foreign languages, attention to "noise immunity." As a rule, candidates go through hundreds of tests, from 9 am to 17 pm for a whole week.

During testing, the teacher may, for example, tell the phrase on an unfamiliar language and ask to repeat it. Or, for example, shows a contract in a fairly fast pace of dozens of photoportines and represents them by last name: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Vasilyev ... Then the photos are mixed and again show, and the officer must put the numbers in advance written by the name now, how the number has now become Petrov, Sidorov ... Or they say a number of words from the line and ask to repeat without changing the order of words.

Practice shows that a 100% number of officers who have passed the test, as a rule, does not happen. That is, part of the selected candidates of tests are not kept. Of course, there are cases when some officers pass all tests with positive success.

Therefore, they take to the Academy of Officers and Partially Non-past tests. It should be noted that the officers who have passed all the tests with great success are usually not taken to the Academy. In intelligence, the principle acts: the intelligence officer should not be allocated by its excessive abilities among others.

As I wrote, after the passage of tests, future listeners are obliged to pass competitive exams. Most often on the exams, the ability to study foreign languages \u200b\u200bis manifested.

At the last stage with future listeners, there is an interview, which occurs in a solemn atmosphere, as a rule, in the Big Hall. Specialists of the Academy, including psychologists, are invited to the interview, and the various questions you are interested in are asked. Among them, for example, why did you decide to go to intelligence? Or what do you drink from alcoholic beverages and how much? Do you like women and how do you feel about?

There is one firmly established feature. In the selection process, applicants are seen only their group with which you have to learn. And all those who give tests, different corridors are divorced by individual cabinets.

The Academy does not take those who themselves come, but sometimes still "thorough" are available. This is usually officers who have high-ranking heads of GRU, General Staff, Ministry of Defense, etc. How not to strive in this case, especially when it becomes possible to work in diplomatic missions abroad.

After passing the foregoing procedures, officers become listeners of the first year of one of the faculties of the Military Diplomatic Academy of GRU. Listeners are included in the educational process, while the most serious attention is paid to the study of foreign languages. Earlier, I already wrote, how and how language specialists teach foreign languages. I brought my personal example on the study of Arabic with Captain N. Maybururov and Hebrew with A. Rubinstein.

Unfortunately, some listeners practically do not give such languages \u200b\u200bas Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Vietnamese, then they have to deduct them after the first semester and send them to the troops at the place of the previous or other other service. Other objects are studied, among which country studies, special equipment, driving a car and so on.

The faculty at the Academy makes significant efforts to prepare intelligence officers to prepare the most qualitatively.

In fig. 2.23 These basic learning disciplines are indicated that to master future military intelligence officers leaving for long-term business trips to foreign countries.

Special attention is paid to methods and methods of training of each. So, to remember 50 words, you need to make a story with these words, in which the listener itself actively operates. It is taught to the art of communication with possible agents and art to leave when you follow the "tail", that is, a representative of the counterintelligence of the host country. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the processes of agent work. This is a closed topic, and it is not customary to disclose the technology of learning students of agent work. This is a kind of know-how military intelligence of any country in the world. Nevertheless, certain moments should be set forth.

So, for example, in the first year, all Moscow is divided into sectors and each listener allocate its sector. In the selected sector, the listener must prepare routes with appears, checks in places. Routes are usually practiced to automatism in order to "throw out outdoor" in a timely manner, which sends a "agent" - a listener of the Academy. Agent has several people who have radio communications among themselves. It is important to remember that if the "agent" slows down slightly and a couple of times from the corner fly out some citizens, it is better to go from this route.

Or, let's say, the "listener" jumped out of the metro car at the last moment before closing the door and suddenly discovered that somewhere else the door of the wagon was causing slammed, again it is not worth the risk. But if "you left", then in any country "outdoor" you will definitely substant up, for example, it will provoke a fight, something else. And you will automatically come to the reference book "Who is who" and become a person "Non Grata", that is, you are shining departure from the country within 24-72 hours.

I remember the case that occurred with one of my scout friends. It was in the 60-70s in Austria. There worked our Soviet intelligence officer under a diplomatic cover. One day he drank a little and not to get into any unusual history, I decided to catch a taxi and go to the place of residence. And behind him, apparently, already followed. He stopped the taxi and sat in the car. The driver touched from a place at high speed, and only then our intelligence officer noticed that a young beautiful woman sits next to him in the backseat.

Scout did not know what to decide: or ride silently, or stop the car and go out. He did not have time to comprehend what was happening how this young woman tried to sit on his knees and unzipped a blouse, and under the blouse was the bra in advance. Suddenly the driver straightens the front mirror and sees this couple in all the brilliance. Then he immediately brings them to the nearest police station. As soon as the car stopped, the door opens the police and photographs the whole picture.

Experience shows that it is quite difficult to leave the expulsion from "outdoor". Especially in recent years, when you can attach a tiny sensor and "outdoor" to the car. During his studies at the Outdoor Academy, the KGB officers (FSB) are performed. Sometimes, in order to study, the team is specifically given to take the "listener" when booking a cache or when moving it along the route to a meeting with Agents. Committers are very serious about such training and all write down on video, and then transfer the leadership of the Academy.

The choice of the cache is very serious. It is important that approaches have been successful to him, and the information must instantly be laid and draw.

From the practice of my colleagues in intelligence, I will give one example. My colleague with whom I studied at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas sent to one of the Arab countries for illegal work. Having received a well-worked "legend", at the age of 24, this young lieutenant on arrival in the country bought a tent for the repair of women's shoes on the market. This tent was the place of agents and his cache. A woman or a girl came and asked to fix his heel her shoes.

The lieutenant took her shoes, unscrewed the heel and brought out the report and put another task there. And so for several decades. Abroad, he left Lieutenant, and he returned to his homeland already Colonel. By the way, the system of training of illegal immigrants is carried out according to another scheme and in other premises existing on the balance sheet. In fig. 2.24 shows an exemplary training scheme for operating officers to work in illegal conditions.

Educational institutions that have been trained by future GRU officers are shown in Fig. 2.25.

The final point in the training of intelligence officers is "penetration" to the regime object in Moscow, in this case, one of the "mailboxes" is legally legally. And he must come up for penetration himself. It is known that regime enterprises are always strictly guarded and almost impossible to get there without skipping. And how to do it, the future intelligence officer must decide, spin, seek acquaintance. In addition, he must "recruit" his agent who can give it the necessary information about the work of the enterprise, the structure of the object, about the decisions taken on it, etc.

But with all this, one limitation is hard - the listener does not have the right to recruit female. It should also be noted that "recruited agents" do not bear any responsibility, since the GRU does not disclose this information at all. At this, training in the Military Diplomatic Academy of GRU ends, and the graduate goes to the place of service to solve the Special Commission.

In the real practice of intelligence officers abroad, it is necessary to join various contacts, the main ones are listed in Fig. 2.26. In all these situations, scouts are required to be careful not to expose the tasks assigned to them.

Undoubtedly, the most difficult job gets precisely illegal officers who should live in someone else's country and carry out reconnaissance assignments assigned to them.

In recent years, the main intelligence management (GRU) General Staff of the Russian Federation * suffers failure for failure. The lists of working under the cover are walking over the Internet, employees are sent after spy scandals, high-ranking intelligence officers are dying under strange circumstances, and the entire management of the special services is sitting under the American sanctions. Heads associate this not only with the success of foreign counterintelligence, but also with the subversive activities of the native FSB. Their response to securityists, as found out the investigation management center (SDG), was the exposition of the Saltay-Bolti hacker group and its curator - Colonel FSB Sergei Mikhailov.

The SCUR transmits from the line of the specialfront and calculates the loss of both sides.

« There was no such substation in the history of the GRU»

The mass plums of working under the cover of military intelligence officers (in Slane of the peas - "jackets") occurred on July 15, 2014 on the Russian site "Military materials" (Warfiles.Ru), where the material of some Vladimir Kolpakova "War in Putin's Spy Triad" appeared. The article was quickly removed. It described that there was a fierce hinge war for financial flows between Russian special services, and Vladimir Putin from the very arrival in the Kremlin consistently destroys the best frames of the GRU. Quote: "Despite the fact that a few years ago, GRU was solurating a very significant part in the FSB, it is not enough for Lubyanka that this is not enough. The FSB does not give resting foreign assets of the GRU, which to this day are underground business empires. "

As you know, since the Soviet times, military-technical and political espionage, as well as sabotage activities in foreign countries, were engaged in the GRU and the first Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR (PSU, since 1992 was renamed foreign intelligence service). Employees of GRU and PSU were listed in the Soviet embassies and foreign trade enterprises by advisers, representatives, drivers and technical experts. After the collapse of the USSR, many ministries and departments were abolished, of which large state corporations and companies such as Rosoboronexport, Gazprom, Aeroflot, where "jacobs" and seconded.

The note of the Kolpakov from the "military materials", together with the saddle of the pear managed to reprint dozens of Russian and foreign sites, a discussion began on specialized forums. For example, on one of the popular Ukrainian sites, they found out that Konstantin's list had previously worked on the church line in Kiev, and now it is a counselor at the Moldovan Embassy, \u200b\u200band Vladimir K. was the representative of Aeroflot in the Netherlands, and then he was transferred To Washington.

As the source of the Tsura was told in the Ministry of Defense, "there was never no such substament in the history of the GRU." - "All the men went in shock."

According to the SPARK base, the owner of the Military Materials site, in which the Kolpakov laid out a list of GRU employees, is registered in Izhevsk LLC "Vo-Media", his co-founders - former policeman Andrei Yermilov, businessman Pavel Solomatin and studio photographer Vadim Smirnov.

In addition to the "military materials", "Vo-Media" own information resources "Military Review", "Politobozing" and domains,, and Co-founders call themselves patriots and anti-liberals, publish the relevant materials about the threats of Russia from the United States and NATO and the events in Ukraine.

Tsur sounded with photographer Smirnov:

- We have hundreds of authors and I do not remember this. Most likely, the article was not ours and was posted in the heading "Opinions" - there may be all anything. We had some disassembly with the FSB, but since we are not enemies, they simply removed.

To the search for the author's loud leakage, the Department of Military Counterintection Department (DVKR) of the FSB and the Center for Information Security (CIB) of the FSB were connected. Under the TsIB FSB, the scandalous curator of the Russian Internet, Colonel Sergey Mikhailov, was engaged in operational events, which in early 2017 was arrested for the state impression on the "case of the santa-bold".

So, with reference to the criminal art. 283 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (disclosure of Gostayna) Colonel Mikhailov sent the formidable letters to domain registers in the "RU" and "RF" zone with the requirement to suspend the delegation of domain names to various sites - until they were removed by the reprinted Kolpakov article. For example, at the request of the TsIB of the FSB, the registrar of LLC RTARYM LLC (WebNames) in September 2015 blocked the Open City information resource (, reprinted by the Kolpakov article. At the same time, the owner of the site Alexey Kovalenko from the FSB did not write from the FSB, and he learned about the requirement to delete an article, he learned from a copy of the letter from Lubyanka to the registrar after blocking. Removing the article, he told about what happened, laying out and a copy of the letter.

« Dop to hell, fight, scandaling among themselves due to parking spaces»

Mattering on the Top Black Works of the FSB, the peas went along the trail of the author of the Plum, several specializing in IT-technologies of companies were connected to the search, in fact that are classified offices of GRU, or design bureaus sitting on the states of the Ministry of Defense.

Such a head in the metropolitan region is more than a dozen. For example, located in Solnechnogorsk district of the Moscow region, the autonomous non-profit organization "Professional association of computer science designers" ("On KSI"), which has fallen in 2016 for hacker attacks on the United States of the USAPD Democratic Party servers. In an inconspicuous two-story mansion, the work boils around the clock, and on the official website "On the KSI" you can find out that "the organization employs 100 employees and the team is represented by graduates of the Moscow State Institute of Electronic Technology - highly qualified specialists in the field of circuitry, programming and designing microelectronics systems with many years of experience work. " In 2015, the revenue of the autonomous non-profit organization amounted to 1.5 billion rubles, and in 2016 "on KSI" won state contracts for 658 million rubles, including 531 million rubles from PJSC "Tupolev" to develop an optical-electronic surveillance system for equipping aircraft Observations Tu-214on.

Office "On KSI" in Andreevka | Photo: TsUR

In the investigation, it turned out that the writer Kolpakov does not exist in nature, and the article came from an email address registered in Moldova. Moreover, according to our source, Moldovan FSBShniks refused to cooperate with GRU.

As for the names of some "jacobs", they may have been taken from the annual state-owned reports, which, according to the law, are subject to mandatory publication.

The installation data of other peass could get into other people's hands, for example, at the place of registration from the management companies of utilities or precinct election commissions. Examples are there: in March of this year, the police woke up on the bus stop of the drug addicted seller of male perfumes in Schukino. When inspection, he found lists and numbers of cell phones of residents of departmental homes of the Ministry of Defense on the street of national militia, in which KRU employees and teachers of the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (previously called the Military Diplomatic Academy). Having liked the seller of perfume reported that during the pre-election campaigns as if he would have worked as an agitator from "United Russia" and paper with voters addresses simply fell in his bag.

As it turned out, until 2014, military intelligence officers voted at the polling station No. 3789 located on the territory of the Military Academy. But because of numerous falsifications and complaints of candidates abolished him, and now military intelligence goes to vote in one of the schools in Schukino.

Previously, the houses of Moscow peas served the ongoing management company of JSC Slavovis included in Oboronservis, further recognized by bankrupt (in 2016, the general director of the company Alexander Yelkin was sentenced to 11 years of strict regime. - Cure). Now the economy is engaged in the company "Alloy T" LLC, by telephone whose telephone was told that the data on the tenants would not give and advised to contact "United Russia".

Head of Schukinsky Executive Committee EP Zlata Chugurnaya | Photo: Facebook.

The partner of United Russia in Schukino is headed by the founder of the project "The" Star Tar "team" Zlata Chepourny. In the correspondence, she reported that nothing knows about the detention of his one-party or agitator.

In OMVD, "Schukino" from comments refused and redirected us in the press service of the metropolitan police. By the way, we asked local operatives, as with a criminal situation in the houses of pears:

- Yes, like all the "boots" finish up to hell, they fight, scandaling between themselves because of parking spaces, "one of the operas told the secret. "One general, who used to worked as an adviser to Gaddafi, was prevented in religion and brought home the thief, who called himself an Orthodox journalist from Lviv. In short, the interview lasted three days, and then she shook his orders and gold coins. Another drunk "illegal" (illegal intelligence officer - working under the guise of a citizen of the country in which it is located. - Cure) All night I used a prostitute, and in the morning the documents, a hunting rifle and two pairs of shoes were missing. We took another Polkan for an attempt to rape five-grades. Slightly neck was not crushed. One joy - these Khrushchev will be demolished soon.

SCUR found out another curious detail: a year before the plum of "jackets" on the site "Military materials" in the capital there was a whole series of apartment buildings and personal belongings from cars from senior officers of the GRU. Thus, in June and December 2013, the portfolios were abducted by Colonels L. and B. in the police, they reported that "forgot them in the car." Among the stolen things, the intelligence bridges indicated the marine officer cortk, the Montblanc fuction and official documents. Police of attackers did not find it.

Academy GRU on the street of national militia | Photo: Google Street View

"By itself, the fact of such death even for a professional intelligence officer is nothing exceptional."

Personnel employees of GRU erect the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (the former name is the Military Diplomatic Academy) in Moscow on the street of national militia (in / h 22177, in the tongue of the pear - "Conservatory"). At the Academy "Musicians" receive a second military education, pre-candidates for three years undergo a comprehensive test for fragility and moral qualities. At the "Conservatory" there are faculty of foreign languages, adjuncture and higher academic courses, but the main faculties are considered the main. 1st faculty (Strategic Agent Intelligence) prepares residents under the roof embassies. As a rule, they are listed by advisors, ambassadors secretaries, or trade representatives of Russian and foreign organizations. Their tasks include contact with "illegal", collect information and recruitment of the agent. So, in 2014, the colonel GRU 30-year-old Victor Ilyushin was expelled from France. According to the French weekly, Le Nouvel Observateur, Colonel was recruiting officials from the nearest environment of the former president of France Francois Holland.

Graduates 2nd faculty (Agency-operational intelligence) after graduation is working for military attache abroad. For example, in December 2016, for an attempt to the state version in Montenegro, an end to the 2nd Faculty of "Conservatory" An employee of Gru Eduard Shishmakov (used documents in the name of Wisdom). To Montenegro, Shishmakov served the naval attache at the Russian embassy in Warsaw and in 2014 for the recruitment of the Polish soldier was expelled from the country, the prosecutor's office of Montenegro said.

Graduated 3rd faculty (operational-tactical intelligence) are distributed to the headquarters of military districts or command separate units abroad. Perhaps the most famous graduate of this faculty was the Deputy Head of GRU Major General Yuri Ivanov, whose body in August 2010 found off the coast of Turkey. A few days earlier it disappeared while swimming on vacation in the Syrian city of Latakia, where the Russian military base is located.

"Russian Gazeta" two days after Ivanov's funeral published a note "Death of General". Quote: "Although what to guess? Last summer, people, even very well floating, drowned a huge amount. And in itself the fact of such death even for a professional intelligence officer is not exceptional. " Ivanov's death overtook multiple rumors, some military experts suggested that he drowned without the help of the Syrian brothers. So, they said that the general somehow helped the Israelites to send to the light of the Founder Father Syrian special services for the former Hauptsturmphuer of the SS 98-year-old Alois Bunner. During World War II, Brunner was the right hand of Adolf Eichman, who was responsible for the mass destruction of Jews in concentration camps. The Father of the current president of Syria Bashar Assad Hafez fled to the Justice of Brunner Bunner. After two attempts of Israeli "cleaners", the former Hauptsturmführer SS lost his eyes and three fingers. Brunner died in March 2010, and after six months, General Ivanov drowned.

In an interview with the "Interlocutor", the historian of the special services, Major General FSB retired Valery Malevian said that the preparation and training of personnel scouts was expensive: a total of "jackets" prepare at least five years, and the illegal intelligence officer is ten. The cost of training of one military attache is $ 5 million, and "illegal" - $ 10 million. Thus, the Publishing of Kolpakov cost a few hundred million dollars.

« Shot or learn to resign»

A year after plum to the network of the GRU, a new loud scandal broke out in the Ministry of Defense: a letter from the Hacker group Anonymous International (he "Saltay-Bolta" came to an email (he "Saltai-Bolt") with a proposal to shoot or resign to the Email of Sergey Shoig. Hackers have substantiated his "request" by the fact that they managed to hack the mailbox of the former head of the Military Construction Department of General Roman Filimonov - 30-year-old Ksenia Bolshakova and at their disposal were documents under the "Top Secret": passwords and access to office mail servers of the Ministry of Defense , plans and estimates of building a base for Iskander-M missiles under Kaliningrad and personal correspondence of some "lampsnikov" from the General Staff.

General Filimonov had previously held posts by Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg, Moscow Region, then switched to the Ministry of Defense. Shortly before it became known about hacking mail, he moved to the chair of the head of the Central Directorate for the repair of Russian Railways. Now Filimonov is held by the post of First Deputy Chairman of the FGC UES PJSC.

Even working in St. Petersburg, the official more than once became the hero of publications in local media, and in 2010, during the sea walk with the company in the Finnish Bay, fell abroad of the yacht and received open fractures of both legs and a closed fracture of the hip. Bolshakov Filimonov brought his assistant from St. Petersburg, and before that the girl worked as a journalist in small publications and Gosstroyadzor.

In early July 2015, a lot with the postal cigarette Bolshakova was put up for sale on the "Stock Exchange", later "Saltay-Boltay" laid out screenshots of several letters. As long as the leadership of the Ministry of Defense decided how to respond to what was happening, Hackers on August 7, 2015 published an open letter to the Chief of DVKR FSB Colonel-General Alexander Tesp. Quote: "We regretfully convinced the complete incompetence of employees of a number of divisions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the field of information security, and if we talk more specifically - in criminal carelessness. Through free mail services such as, Mail.Ru and American have been transferred unencrypted service documents, often representing secret information related to the defense capability of the Russian Federation. With sadness, we note that if this information has become available to us, with a greater degree of probability, it could also be accessible to the special services of a number of interested countries. "

At the end of his message, Saltay-Bolti suggested the head of military counterintelligence of the FSB Topper to redeem the estimated at 350 bitcoins (at the rate at the date of the letter - 6.2 million rubles.) Archive of the Assistant of Bolshakova with a 50% discount.

- You can imagine that I felt Shoigu when the Director of the FSB Bratnikov laid out before the President of the Paper and began to report on a mockery letter in counterintelligence, the draining of our resident in the Internet and chronic mess in the central office of the Ministry of Defense, "said all the same source in the Military Office. "Returning to himself in the office, Shoigu demanded urgently to find those who are behind the hackers (that the development of the" silettai-chat "initiated Shoigu, in February reported" Fontanka ").

"As soon as Lewis began to work under the roof of the FSB, then lost a sense of danger"

He led the Operational Panel in the case of "SHAHTA-BATTY" Deputy Head of the Gen Staff of the Russian Federation, General Sergey Gizunov (previously headed by Cryptography 85th Chief Center for Special Service GRU (V / h 26165), in 2009 he became a winner of the Government Prize in Science in 2009 Both technology. At the end of 2016, Gizenov, together with the head of the GRU and his two other waders).

Reports were directly shone by the head of GRU Colonel-General Igor Surgun, and after his sustainable death in January 2016 - General Igor Korobov, headed by a special service.

Military intelligence has established that the author of the letter to the Minister of Defense Shoigu and the FSB FSB was one of the founders of Saltay-Bolta, Vladimir Anikseev (Lewis). In addition to hacking servers of the Ministry of Defense of Hackers, the opening of the Twitter account of Premier Dmitry Medvedev, the publication of the personal correspondence of his press secretary of Natalia Timakova, Vice-Prime Minister Igor Shuvovov, Deputy Head of the Office of the Administration of the Presidential Administration of Timur Prokopenko, "Cook Putin" Evgenia Kiselev and TV host Dmitry Kiselev.

The peas were surprised when they found that Anicheev-Lewis was recruited by the FSB, and his immediate curator is the head of one of the divisions of the CIB FSB Colonel Sergey Mikhailov, who fought with the common list of residency of the Gun sites. Everything else, military intelligence has established that Mikhailov had segal contacts with American intelligence services. As specifically, the peas managed to calculate hackers and their curator of Chekist Mikhailov, our source in the Ministry of Defense refused. He said only that Shoigu about everything reported to Putin and he called on the carpet of the Director of the FSB Alexander Bortnovkov.

Colonel FSB Sergey Mikhailov | Photo: "Comcross.Ru" / "Rhourformer"

After parsing, Putin FSB took to the operational development of Colonel Mikhailov and his hacker agent. Soon, within the framework of the criminal case, members of the "santa-chat" Vladimir Anikseev (Lewis), Alexander Filins and Konstantin Teplyakov (Martov Holy) were arrested on computer information.

Following the Government, Mikhailova himself, his deputy Dmitry Docochyev (former hacker) and the head of the investigation department of computer incidents "Kaspersky Laboratory" Ruslan Stoyanov. According to investigators, using the official position, they regularly supplied the information of representatives of the US intelligence services. An example of a leakage of the media was called the data transferred by the CIA to the owner of the Russian hosting company King Servers Vladimir Fomenko, from which in August 2016, a kiberatak was carried out on voter registration systems in Illinois and Arizona.

Along the way, the immediate supervisor Mikhailov lost his posts - the head of the TSB of the FSB General Andrei Gerasimov, which was part of the Board of Trustees of the Secure Internet League. The organization was created by the main sponsor of Crimea and Donbass and the owner of Tsargrad TV, the founder of the Marshall Capital Partners Investment Konstantin ("Tsargrad TV" was the first to report that Mikhailov was a curator and the patron saint "santa-chatter", and his arrest was associated with a hacker business). The Board of Trustees of the League includes the managing director of the Kaspersky Lab Sergei Kamkov. On the "Tsargrad TV", members of the League of military diplomats, created by retired peas, stuck in the days of the Cold War and continuing to preach the Soviet ideology of those years continuing to preach the Soviet ideology.

On May 21, it became known that the FSB established the Creator of the Creator of the Izhevsky Observer, Andrei Nekrasov, who received political asylum, who received political asylum in Lithuania, was well known that the FSB established the "Shaft" chatter-chatter. In 2013, Nekrasov was wanted for extortion of 2.5 million rubles from the leadership of the Kalashnikov concern for the termination of negative publications. In 2015, at the request of the Russian Federation, he was detained in Cyprus, but then expelled to Lithuania. Another accomplice of Nekrasov FSB calls Alexander Podstikov (Bolti), who directly traded the compromising (declared wanted).

The clerk correspondent met in London with an authoritative hacker on nicknamed Aurora. He did not denote that it was involved in many hacks of postal boxes of high-ranking officials and security officials from Russia. Aurora left Eight years ago from St. Petersburg to the Czech Republic and does not plan to return:

- I am familiar with almost all of the "santa-bold" and with Lewis too. As soon as he began to work under the roof of the FSB, he lost his sense of danger. I warned it several times about it, and he said that everything is fine and nothing to fear. And Nekrasov at all appeared before arrests and not in cases. It is only in terms of selling information and not aware of the entire technology. Now that the FSB is reported to Putin, everyone will hang on them (in the near future, read a full interview with Auro. - Cure).

"INin order to successfully solve combat missions, we fought off the FSB »

The official representative of the Ministry of Defense from comment refused. But the clerk correspondent met with an employee of the GRU, who told how "FSB nightmare military intelligence". Nikolai J. Gora got straight from the fleet, after graduating from the Black Sea introduction to them. Nakhimova:

- The leadership of the country is constantly whispering in the ear: "GRU is preparing a military coup." At the same time, the whole responsibility for Syria and the fight against terrorism lies with us, - the sailor kilves coffee. - It turns out that instead of successfully solving combat missions, we fought off the FSB.

- So you have always been in the contraships with state security ...

- There were no such support before, and now it comes to betrayal. Here Take the situation with our guys who have merged into the Internet. Where is it seen to betray their own? And who appreciated these hackers from the "santa-chat" to send letters to Shoigu and in counterintelligence?

- Are you sure that the Ruk residue merged with FS bags?

- And who is still profitable? We had to answer for their podles and the pods and to light up "Saltay-Bolta".

- And they write about the underground financial empires GRU.

- Yes, what the empire there, Lubyansky guys or major from FSO have long come under themselves. They just know how to report to the top.

According to military experts, out of 7 thousand officers who served in GRU in Soviet times, less than 2 thousand remained in the structure. 10 combat brigades were disbanded, GRU special forces reinforced the command of the ground forces, almost all parts of radio-electronic intelligence were eliminated. On the Internet, the interview with the Military intelligence veteran of General Igor Parinova is walking, openly called Putin's President's "Griller GRU" and "the most successful project of Western special services."

The special concern of the Kremlin is caused by the slaughter of the GRU special forces who have fallen under the reduction, of which many years have been hardly trained to arrange military coups, liquidation of disagreeable political figures and sabotage.

Perhaps, the most significant example serves as the multi-sieuled epic. First, the Colonel was accused of attempted Anatoly Chubais, but his jury was justified. Then Kvachkova was still condemned for the preparation of an armed rebellion. According to the investigators of the FSB, the former Special Forces of Gru, together with comrades, planned to seize the weapons in several military units in the carpet and arrange a campaign to Moscow.

Another crime story, where she appeared to the retired pear, happened on August 5, 2015 in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod: UFSB operatives opened a private garage and discovered Kalashnikov machine guns, assault rifles with optical sights, two machine guns, adolescent grenade launchers, ammunition and even portable anti-aircraft complex " Needle".

Soon the owner of the garage was detained, the former Colonel GRU Gennady Korotovko, who occupy the position of the centurion in the Volga Cossack troops. During the search, the Sotnik found a PM gun, from which in 2014, in the Cypriot company Clinolina Holdings Limited in 2014, the co-founder of Cypriot Company Clinolina Holdings Limited (owns several enterprises for the production of chemical products and sanitary-hygienic paper) of the 56-year-old Nikolai Martynov. According to the investigators of the businessman, I ordered his business partner Anton Erookhin and for the murder paid an ex-ocean 1 million rubles. At the interrogation, Korotovko said that a warehouse with a weapon belongs not to him, but a certain random acquaintance that took the garage.

A friend, of course, did not find, and the question was, for what purpose was kept Arsenal, remained open.

GRU: Furictions and reality Pushkarev Nikolay

Military Diplomatic Academy GRU: selection and training of intelligence officers

The training of intelligence officers is carried out by the Military Diplomatic Academy (the former Academy of Soviet Army), and in the people it is called "Conservatory". The Academy is located near the metro station "Oktyabrskoe Field". The Academy has several faculties, on which the training of intelligence officers is being prepared for both working abroad and for service in the union of the country's army.

In fig. 2.19 shows the organizational structure of the Academy with its faculties and specialized departments.

A set of new officers to the Academy for a long-tested scheme (procedure) is as a rule, at the end of each year. The leadership of the Academy sends to the troops and fleets of their representatives for a set of listeners. Preference is given to the combat-ready military units and units of the Navy and Air Force. Arriving in the division, brigade or army, teachers of the Academy GRU primarily get acquainted with the personal affairs of officers under the age of 35 and with military rank not lower than the captain. Those officers whose personal affairs are satisfied by the teachers of the Academy of GRU, after the beginning of the new year they cause Moscow to interview. Some of them are invited to pass the entrance exams, which are held from January to May, and in September, the supplied entrance exams begin training at the Academy.

The Military Diplomatic Academy takes a worthy place in the preparation of intelligence officers for many activities both within the country and abroad. The Academy in its composition has a highly qualified faculty, which has a rich experience of military intelligence, including abroad - on illegal work.

Practice shows that in the learning process that lasts three years, many of the listeners are eliminated by professional unsuitability of intelligence activities. Particular attention is paid to the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bof those countries in which this officer has to be left.

In fig. 2.20 shows the technology (algorithm) of selection, evaluation and "recruitment" of officers from military compounds for training at the Academy.

I would like to stay on separate details of the selection and evaluation of future listeners to the Academy of GRU. A representative of GRA is entrusted to select no more than 10 officers, but he has to check about 100 people to find this tent of the most. A number of future listeners are gaining from among the graduates of military academies. Such a selection justifies the efforts of the GRU representatives, and indeed 90% of them are credited to the Military Diplomatic Academy.

One of the stages of the inspection is that the representative of the Academy of GRU comes to the candidate's apartment and leads with him, as a rule, a regular conversation. At the same time, the assessment of the wife of the candidate gives important importance. Sometimes it happens that the wife is not suitable for some reason, such as intelligence or excessive emotionality. And this means that, no matter how good the officer himself is, he cannot be intelligent. It is necessary to emphasize that representatives of the GRU are so experienced that, in the first glance, they understand the home furnishings - they came in vain or the conversation makes sense to continue.

The main criteria that are guided by representatives of the selection group are shown in Fig. 2.21.

Upon arrival in Moscow selected by representatives of GRU candidates before passing exams are inspected using diverse test tests. Some of these tests, and their large enough quantity is shown in Fig. 2.22. Among them are memory tests, on the ability to study foreign languages, attention to "noise immunity." As a rule, candidates go through hundreds of tests, from 9 am to 17 pm for a whole week.

During testing, the teacher may, for example, tell the phrase on an unfamiliar language and ask to repeat it. Or, for example, shows a contract in a fairly fast pace of dozens of photoportines and represents them by last name: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Vasilyev ... Then the photos are mixed and again show, and the officer must put the numbers in advance written by the name now, how the number has now become Petrov, Sidorov ... Or they say a number of words from the line and ask to repeat without changing the order of words.

Practice shows that a 100% number of officers who have passed the test, as a rule, does not happen. That is, part of the selected candidates of tests are not kept. Of course, there are cases when some officers pass all tests with positive success.

Therefore, they take to the Academy of Officers and Partially Non-past tests. It should be noted that the officers who have passed all the tests with great success are usually not taken to the Academy. In intelligence, the principle acts: the intelligence officer should not be allocated by its excessive abilities among others.

As I wrote, after the passage of tests, future listeners are obliged to pass competitive exams. Most often on the exams, the ability to study foreign languages \u200b\u200bis manifested.

At the last stage with future listeners, there is an interview, which occurs in a solemn atmosphere, as a rule, in the Big Hall. Specialists of the Academy, including psychologists, are invited to the interview, and the various questions you are interested in are asked. Among them, for example, why did you decide to go to intelligence? Or what do you drink from alcoholic beverages and how much? Do you like women and how do you feel about?

There is one firmly established feature. In the selection process, applicants are seen only their group with which you have to learn. And all those who give tests, different corridors are divorced by individual cabinets.

The Academy does not take those who themselves come, but sometimes still "thorough" are available. This is usually officers who have high-ranking heads of GRU, General Staff, Ministry of Defense, etc. How not to strive in this case, especially when it becomes possible to work in diplomatic missions abroad.

After passing the foregoing procedures, officers become listeners of the first year of one of the faculties of the Military Diplomatic Academy of GRU. Listeners are included in the educational process, while the most serious attention is paid to the study of foreign languages. Earlier, I already wrote, how and how language specialists teach foreign languages. I brought my personal example on the study of Arabic with Captain N. Maybururov and Hebrew with A. Rubinstein.

Unfortunately, some listeners practically do not give such languages \u200b\u200bas Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Vietnamese, then they have to deduct them after the first semester and send them to the troops at the place of the previous or other other service. Other objects are studied, among which country studies, special equipment, driving a car and so on.

The faculty at the Academy makes significant efforts to prepare intelligence officers to prepare the most qualitatively.

In fig. 2.23 These basic learning disciplines are indicated that to master future military intelligence officers leaving for long-term business trips to foreign countries.

Special attention is paid to methods and methods of training of each. So, to remember 50 words, you need to make a story with these words, in which the listener itself actively operates. It is taught to the art of communication with possible agents and art to leave when you follow the "tail", that is, a representative of the counterintelligence of the host country. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the processes of agent work. This is a closed topic, and it is not customary to disclose the technology of learning students of agent work. This is a kind of know-how military intelligence of any country in the world. Nevertheless, certain moments should be set forth. So, for example, in the first year, all Moscow is divided into sectors and each listener allocate its sector. In the selected sector, the listener must prepare routes with appears, checks in places. Routes are usually practiced to automatism in order to "throw out outdoor" in a timely manner, which sends a "agent" - a listener of the Academy. Agent has several people who have radio communications among themselves. It is important to remember that if the "agent" slows down slightly and a couple of times from the corner fly out some citizens, it is better to go from this route. Or, let's say, the "listener" jumped out of the metro car at the last moment before closing the door and suddenly discovered that somewhere else the door of the wagon was causing slammed, again it is not worth the risk. But if "you left", then in any country "outdoor" you will definitely substant up, for example, it will provoke a fight, something else. And you will automatically come to the reference book "Who is who" and become a person "Non Grata", that is, you are shining departure from the country within 24-72 hours.

I remember the case that occurred with one of my scout friends. It was in the 60-70s in Austria. There worked our Soviet intelligence officer under a diplomatic cover. One day he drank a little and not to get into any unusual history, I decided to catch a taxi and go to the place of residence. And behind him, apparently, already followed. He stopped the taxi and sat in the car. The driver touched from a place at high speed, and only then our intelligence officer noticed that a young beautiful woman sits next to him in the backseat. Scout did not know what to decide: or ride silently, or stop the car and go out. He did not have time to comprehend what was happening how this young woman tried to sit on his knees and unzipped a blouse, and under the blouse was the bra in advance. Suddenly the driver straightens the front mirror and sees this couple in all the brilliance. Then he immediately brings them to the nearest police station. As soon as the car stopped, the door opens the police and photographs the whole picture.

Experience shows that it is quite difficult to leave the expulsion from "outdoor". Especially in recent years, when you can attach a tiny sensor and "outdoor" to the car. During his studies at the Outdoor Academy, the KGB officers (FSB) are performed. Sometimes, in order to study, the team is specifically given to take the "listener" when booking a cache or when moving it along the route to a meeting with Agents. Committers are very serious about such training and all write down on video, and then transfer the leadership of the Academy.

The choice of the cache is very serious. It is important that approaches have been successful to him, and the information must instantly be laid and draw.

From the practice of my colleagues in intelligence, I will give one example. My colleague with whom I studied at the Military Institute of Foreign Languages \u200b\u200bwas sent to one of the Arab countries for illegal work. Having received a well-worked "legend", at the age of 24, this young lieutenant on arrival in the country bought a tent for the repair of women's shoes on the market. This tent was the place of agents and his cache. A woman or a girl came and asked to fix his heel her shoes. The lieutenant took her shoes, unscrewed the heel and brought out the report and put another task there. And so for several decades. Abroad, he left Lieutenant, and he returned to his homeland already Colonel. By the way, the system of training of illegal immigrants is carried out according to another scheme and in other premises existing on the balance sheet. In fig. 2.24 shows an exemplary training scheme for operating officers to work in illegal conditions.

Educational institutions that have been trained by future GRU officers are shown in Fig. 2.25.

The final point in the training of intelligence officers is "penetration" to the regime object in Moscow, in this case, one of the "mailboxes" is legally legally. And he must come up for penetration himself. It is known that regime enterprises are always strictly guarded and almost impossible to get there without skipping. And how to do it, the future intelligence officer must decide, spin, seek acquaintance. In addition, he must "recruit" his agent who can give it the necessary information about the work of the enterprise, the structure of the object, about the decisions taken on it, etc.

But with all this, one limitation is hard - the listener does not have the right to recruit female. It should also be noted that "recruited agents" do not bear any responsibility, since the GRU does not disclose this information at all. At this, training in the Military Diplomatic Academy of GRU ends, and the graduate goes to the place of service to solve the Special Commission.

In the real practice of intelligence officers abroad, it is necessary to join various contacts, the main ones are listed in Fig. 2.26. In all these situations, scouts are required to be careful not to expose the tasks assigned to them.

Undoubtedly, the most difficult job gets precisely illegal officers who should live in someone else's country and carry out reconnaissance assignments assigned to them.

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Russian officers - in speakers ORT! 09/19/2000 Dummy Dummies pounced on the style, which was written by the "Doctrine of Information Security of Russia". Lee, who speakers, on the member of the expression of a private time, on the "camp Hebrew", to evaluate the brilliant videos of the document, not

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In fig. 2.20 shows the technology (algorithm) of selection, evaluation and "recruitment" of officers from military compounds for training at the Academy.

I would like to stay on separate details of the selection and evaluation of future listeners to the Academy of GRU. A representative of GRA is entrusted to select no more than 10 officers, but he has to check about 100 people to find this tent of the most. A number of future listeners are gaining from among the graduates of military academies. Such a selection justifies the efforts of the GRU representatives, and indeed 90% of them are credited to the Military Diplomatic Academy.

One of the stages of the inspection is that the representative of the Academy of GRU comes to the candidate's apartment and leads with him, as a rule, a regular conversation. At the same time, the assessment of the wife of the candidate gives important importance. Sometimes it happens that the wife is not suitable for some reason, such as intelligence or excessive emotionality. And this means that, no matter how good the officer himself is, he cannot be intelligent. It is necessary to emphasize that representatives of the GRU are so experienced that, in the first glance, they understand the home furnishings - they came in vain or the conversation makes sense to continue.

The main criteria that are guided by representatives of the selection group are shown in Fig. 2.21.

Upon arrival in Moscow selected by representatives of GRU candidates before passing exams are inspected using diverse test tests. Some of these tests, and their large enough quantity is shown in Fig. 2.22. Among them are memory tests, on the ability to study foreign languages, attention to "noise immunity." As a rule, candidates go through hundreds of tests, from 9 am to 17 pm for a whole week.

During testing, the teacher may, for example, tell the phrase on an unfamiliar language and ask to repeat it. Or, for example, shows a contract in a fairly fast pace of dozens of photoportines and represents them by last name: Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov, Vasilyev ... Then the photos are mixed and again show, and the officer must put the numbers in advance written by the name now, how the number has now become Petrov, Sidorov ... Or they say a number of words from the line and ask to repeat without changing the order of words.

Practice shows that a 100% number of officers who have passed the test, as a rule, does not happen. That is, part of the selected candidates of tests are not kept. Of course, there are cases when some officers pass all tests with positive success.

Therefore, they take to the Academy of Officers and Partially Non-past tests. It should be noted that the officers who have passed all the tests with great success are usually not taken to the Academy. In intelligence, the principle acts: the intelligence officer should not be allocated by its excessive abilities among others.

As I wrote, after the passage of tests, future listeners are obliged to pass competitive exams. Most often on the exams, the ability to study foreign languages \u200b\u200bis manifested.

At the last stage with future listeners, there is an interview, which occurs in a solemn atmosphere, as a rule, in the Big Hall. Specialists of the Academy, including psychologists, are invited to the interview, and the various questions you are interested in are asked. Among them, for example, why did you decide to go to intelligence? Or what do you drink from alcoholic beverages and how much? Do you like women and how do you feel about?

There is one firmly established feature. In the selection process, applicants are seen only their group with which you have to learn. And all those who give tests, different corridors are divorced by individual cabinets.

The Academy does not take those who themselves come, but sometimes still "thorough" are available. This is usually officers who have high-ranking heads of GRU, General Staff, Ministry of Defense, etc. How not to strive in this case, especially when it becomes possible to work in diplomatic missions abroad.

After passing the foregoing procedures, officers become listeners of the first year of one of the faculties of the Military Diplomatic Academy of GRU. Listeners are included in the educational process, while the most serious attention is paid to the study of foreign languages. Earlier, I already wrote, how and how language specialists teach foreign languages. I brought my personal example on the study of Arabic with Captain N. Maybururov and Hebrew with A. Rubinstein.

Unfortunately, some listeners practically do not give such languages \u200b\u200bas Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Vietnamese, then they have to deduct them after the first semester and send them to the troops at the place of the previous or other other service. Other objects are studied, among which country studies, special equipment, driving a car and so on.

The faculty at the Academy makes significant efforts to prepare intelligence officers to prepare the most qualitatively.

In fig. 2.23 These basic learning disciplines are indicated that to master future military intelligence officers leaving for long-term business trips to foreign countries.

Special attention is paid to methods and methods of training of each. So, to remember 50 words, you need to make a story with these words, in which the listener itself actively operates. It is taught to the art of communication with possible agents and art to leave when you follow the "tail", that is, a representative of the counterintelligence of the host country. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the processes of agent work. This is a closed topic, and it is not customary to disclose the technology of learning students of agent work. This is a kind of know-how military intelligence of any country in the world. Nevertheless, certain moments should be set forth. So, for example, in the first year, all Moscow is divided into sectors and each listener allocate its sector. In the selected sector, the listener must prepare routes with appears, checks in places. Routes are usually practiced to automatism in order to "throw out outdoor" in a timely manner, which sends a "agent" - a listener of the Academy. Agent has several people who have radio communications among themselves. It is important to remember that if the "agent" slows down slightly and a couple of times from the corner fly out some citizens, it is better to go from this route. Or, let's say, the "listener" jumped out of the metro car at the last moment before closing the door and suddenly discovered that somewhere else the door of the wagon was causing slammed, again it is not worth the risk. But if "you left", then in any country "outdoor" you will definitely substant up, for example, it will provoke a fight, something else. And you will automatically come to the reference book "Who is who" and become a person "Non Grata", that is, you are shining departure from the country within 24-72 hours.

I remember the case that occurred with one of my scout friends. It was in the 60-70s in Austria. There worked our Soviet intelligence officer under a diplomatic cover. One day he drank a little and not to get into any unusual history, I decided to catch a taxi and go to the place of residence. And behind him, apparently, already followed. He stopped the taxi and sat in the car. The driver touched from a place at high speed, and only then our intelligence officer noticed that a young beautiful woman sits next to him in the backseat. Scout did not know what to decide: or ride silently, or stop the car and go out. He did not have time to comprehend what was happening how this young woman tried to sit on his knees and unzipped a blouse, and under the blouse was the bra in advance. Suddenly the driver straightens the front mirror and sees this couple in all the brilliance. Then he immediately brings them to the nearest police station. As soon as the car stopped, the door opens the police and photographs the whole picture.