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What is Kaizen technology. Kaizen - the art of small steps. How not to throw endeavors

Today, Kaizen is one of the key concepts of management. Being organic and natural to Japan, it can be quite appropriate and effective for business other countries by virtue of their economy and sequence. According to Masaaka Imai, it is applicable not only in large, but also in middle and small companies. However, it largely depends on the organizations themselves, mentality of people and conditions of application.

Principles of Kaizen.

The basis of the philosophy of Kaizen's management lies several fundamental principles:

Kaizen and management.

Process, not result.

Follow the PDCA / SDCA cycles.

Quality - first of all.

Speak using data.

The following process is a consumer.

Kaizen begins with the management of the company that determines the standards and policies of the company that establishes the schedule for the implementation of the strategy and heading the process, applying the principles of Kaizen at its level.

Kaizen and Management

Kaizen defines two main managerial functions: maintaining and improving (Fig. 1), where maintenance is aimed at ensuring the implementation of standard work procedures (Standard Operating Procedure, SOP), and improvement is to improve existing standards. Thus, the management of Kaizen comes down to the Chief Regulation: Support and improve standards. This is ensured by constant efforts and the discipline of all employees of the enterprise.

Kaizen's strategy assumes a long-term perspective and focuses on human efforts, morality, communication, training, teamwork, involvement and self-discipline.

Process, not result

Kaizen relies on the process-oriented thinking, since the processes must be improved to improve the results. The failure to achieve the scheduled results indicates a failure in the process. Therefore, the management task is to identify and correct such process errors.

Kaizen focuses on human efforts that sharply contrasts with the result-oriented thinking adopted in the West, and determines the main cycles: "Planning-Do-Verify-Impact" (PDCA); "Standardize-Do-Verification-Affect" and Principles: "Universal Quality-based Management" (TQM); "exactly in time", "universal care for the equipment" (TPM).

Kaizen's tools are effective only when orienting the process. At the same time, the most critical element in the process of Kaizen is the commitment and involvement of the highest leadership. To ensure success, this attitude should be demonstrated immediately and consistently perform.

Follow PDCA / SDCA cycles

The first necessary step in the process of Kaizen is the introduction of the "Planimate-Do-Check-Expose" cycle (PDCA) as a mechanism that ensures the continuity of Kaizen in achieving the policy of maintaining and improving standards. (Fig. 2).

1. Plan: We establish goals for improvement.

2. Do: We implement a planned plan.

3. Check: Determine whether the implementation of the trace left and led to a planned improvement.

4. Impact: Create and standardize new procedures designed to prevent the initial problem from repetition or establish goals for new improvements.

The PDCA cycle is constantly resumed: as soon as improvement occurs, the result of the process turns into an object of further improvement. The introduction of PDCA determines the position: "Never satisfy the existing position of things." As people prefer to keep the status quo and often evade the initiation of improvements, the management must push them, constantly establishing stimulating goals.

Any new working process first is unstable. Therefore, before starting a new PDCA cycle, Kaizen proposes to stabilize the current process using the "Standard-Do-Do-Check-Explicas" cycle (SDCA). (Fig. 3.)

Whenever deviations appear in the current process, you need to ask the following questions:

It happened because we had no standard?

It happened because we did not follow the standard?

It happened because the standard was not adequate?

Only after the standard is installed, and its requirements are executed, it is worth, stabilizing the current process, proceed to using PDCA. SDCA standardizes and stabilizes current processes, while PDCA improves them. SDCA refers to maintaining, and PDCA - to improvement, and together they become the two main tasks of management.

Quality - first of all

Among the priority purposes - quality, costs, delivery - Kaizen gives the quality of the highest priority as the main competitive advantage.

Like the previous principles, the Quality - first of all, "requires leadership commitment, because managers seeking to meet the requirements for supplying or reduced costs, often prone to compromise. Thus, they can sacrifice not only the quality, but also the viability of the entire business.

Speak using data

Kaizen is by solving problems. So that they are effectively solved, they must be revealed, and then collect and analyze information about these problems, all the necessary data. Collecting information will help to understand what you need to focus; This serves as a starting point for improvement.

The following process is a consumer

Any work is a chain of processes, and each of them has both its supplier (source process) and the consumer (subsequent process). The material or portion of the information obtained by the "A" process (supplier) is processed and improved during the "B" process, and then sent to the "C" process. So the subsequent process is always considered as the consumer of the previous one.

This scheme acts at the level of consumers of two types: internal (within the company) and external (on the market). Most people working in organizations deal with internal consumers. The implementation of the described scheme should lead to the obligation: never transmit defective details or inaccurate information into the subsequent process. If this condition is met by each employee, the external consumer on the market receives high-quality products or services. The quality assurance system assumes that all in the organization apply this scheme in practice.

Basic management systems in Kaizen

To achieve Kaizen's goals, the company needs to establish the following systems:

Universal quality control / universal quality-based management.

The production system is "exactly in time" (Toyota production system).

Universal care for equipment.

Policy deployment.

System for submission of proposals.

Work of small groups.

Universal quality control / universal quality-based management

Universal quality control is one of the principles of Japanese management, covering all aspects of management. The strategy of universal quality control has become the basis of "universal quality-based management - TQM" used throughout the world.

Considering the TQC / TQM movement as part of the Kaizen strategy, we get a clearer understanding of the Japanese approach, but the Japanese TQC / TQM should not be considered exclusively as an activity related to quality control. TQC / TQM movement was developed as a strategy designed to help management make production more competitive, bringing profit and improve all aspects of doing business.

"Q" means "quality" As a priority task, but also takes into account other goals, namely: costs and delivery.

"T" denotes "universal ", i.e. implies the involvement of each working in the organization - from top management primarily to middle managers, masters and workers. Next, it applies to suppliers, dealers and wholesalers.

"C "refers to" control "or" processes management". TQC / TQM key processes need to be identified, manage them and constantly improve them to improve the results.

Production system "exactly in time"

Created in Toyota Motor Company under the leadership of Taititi, the production system "exactly in time" involves the transition to "lean production" with the elimination of non-income-generating activities. It is flexible enough and allows you to adapt to the diverse requirements of consumers.

Support points of the production system "exactly in time":

Take time (the production time of one unit of products, and not the cycle time);

. "Flow of unit products";

. "pulling production";

Dzidok (autonomization);

U-shaped cells (U-Shaped Cells);

Decreased reference time (Setup REDUCTION).

The production system "exactly in time" significantly reduces costs, makes it possible to deliver products in a timely manner and significantly increases the company's profits.

Universal Equipment Care (TPM)

More and more manufacturing companies both in Japan, and beyond today, in practice "Universal Equipment Care" (TPM). At the same time, if TQM focuses on improving management and quality as a whole, TPM mainly serves as an improvement in the quality of the equipment and is focused on its most efficient use due to universal system Preventive maintenance covering the entire life cycle of machines and mechanisms. Just like TQM involves the whole company in the process, TPM acts specifically for each employee of the enterprise.

policy deployment

In the system of Keedesn, management is important. If everyone is busy in Kaizen for Kaizen and there is no common aspiration of the entire company, led by the head, to excellence, the use of this strategy can give a limited effect.

Management must establish clear goals for everyone and get up at the head of all actions to improve their achievement. Kaizen's strategy in action requires careful monitoring of the implementation process.

Higher guidance must first develop a long-term strategy with the allocation of medium-term and annual goals. Top managers must have a plan for deploying a strategy that should be brought to lower levels of management, up to the workshop. As the strategy descends to the lower levels, increasingly specific activities and actions are included in the plan. For example, a policy point "We have to reduce our costs by 10% to remain competitive," you can bring to workshops in the form of a set of actions, such as an increase in productivity, reducing stocks and marriage, as well as improved line layout.

Without a goal, Kaizen's strategy looks like a way to nowhere. It is most effective when everyone works to achieve the goal that management establishes.

System of submission of proposals

The suggestion system is an important part of the Kaizen-oriented person. It is aimed at stimulating the participation of all employees in the process. Japanese managers see their primary task in encouraging interest in Kaizen, encouraging them for a large number of sentences regardless of their importance. In Japan, they often encourage workers to discuss with masters of their proposals and adoption of immediate measures, without waiting for official consideration. There are no big benefits from each sentence. The main goal is to upbringing thinking in the spirit of Kaizen and self-disciplined people. This view contrasts sharply with the approaches of Western management, based on economic benefits and financial incentives in suggestion systems.

Work of small groups

The Kaizen strategy provides for the work of people in small informal, voluntary associations within the company, which are formed to perform specific tasks in the workshop.

The most common appearance of such groups - quality mugs designed to solve not only quality problems, but also issues such as costs, safety and performance. They are an element of a Kaizen-oriented strategy. Quality circles played an important role in improving product quality and improving labor productivity in Japan, but their role is often exaggerated. In fact, management has a decisive impact, which forms a system of quality assurance, personnel training, development and implementation of policies and creates interfunctional quality systems, costs and delivery.

The successful work of quality circles demonstrates that management plays an invisible, but vital role in their support.

It was adopted as a designation of one of the key concepts of management.

In 1993, he entered the new edition of the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, which defines Kaizen as a continuous improvement of working methods, personal effectiveness, etc., i.e. as a business philosophy. Thus, the term finally received recognition in English. Readers who do not have ideas about the Kaizen strategy should begin with its brief description. For those who are already familiar with this concept, this chapter will serve as an overview.

In Japanese, the word "Kajzen" means "continuous improvement". Based on this strategy, everything is involved in the process of improvement - from managers to workers, and its implementation requires relatively small material costs. The Philosophy of Kaizen suggests that our life in general (labor, public and private) should be focused on continuous improvement. This thought is so natural and obvious to many Japanese that they follow her, without thinking at all! In my opinion, it leads to a large extent due to the competitive success of Japan.

Although improvements in Kaizen are small and gradually, after a while, their implementation gives striking results. Kaizen explains why Japanese companies do not stop in their development. Western management, meanwhile, is committed to innovation - large-scale changes to achieve technological breakthroughs, the latest management concepts or production technologies. Innovation implies a fundamental change, which focuses on the main attention. Kaizen is the process often prosaic and not stuck. However, innovation is similar to a single shot, and its results are often ambiguous, while the Kaizen process, based on common sense and low cost, provides steady progress, which justifies itself in the long run. Kaizen is also an approach characterized by a small risk. Managers, without experiencing big losses, can always return to the previous ways of work. Most of the "genuine Japanese" management methods, such as "universal quality control" or "quality control on the scale of the entire company," "Quality Mugs" and the style of labor relations, can be described in one word - Kaizen. Its use instead of such fashionless words, as "performance", "Universal quality control", "zero defects" (Zero Defects, ZD), "exactly on time" and "suggestion system" allows you to get a clearer picture of what happens in Japanese industry. Kaizen - umbrella strategy for all these methods that, immediately want to add, are not necessarily limited to the framework of the Japanese management style. On the contrary, they are more likely to consider them as important principles that should be applied by managers around the world. The correct approaches and the thoughtful use of the relevant processes allow any company, wherever it is, to benefit from Kaizen.

Basic elements of the concept of Kaizen

Management should use the following basic elements of the concept to implement Kaizen's strategy:

  • Kaizen and management.
  • Process, not result.
  • Follow the PDCA / SDCA cycles.
  • Quality - first of all.
  • Speak using data.
  • The following process is a consumer.

First of all, the highest management should be brought to general Thoughtful and very clear policies. Then, he needs to establish a schedule for implementing the strategy and lead the process, applying Kaizen's procedures at its level.

Kaizen and Management

In the context of Kaizen, the management has two main functions: maintaining and improving (see Fig. 1). Maintenance is actions aimed at ensuring existing technological, organizational and operating standards, and support such standards through training and discipline. As part of the management function, the management performs its tasks in such a way that everyone can follow the requirements of standard work procedures (Standard Operating Procedure, SOP). Improving is all that aims to improve existing standards. The Japanese management view is thus reduced to one prescription: support and improve standards.

Fig. one. Japanese perception of official functions

As shown in Fig. 1, improvement can be classified as Kaizen or as "innovation."

Fig. 2. Place of Innovation and Kaizenv Improvement Process

Kaizen is small improvements as a result of constant effort. Innovation assumes a sharp improvement as a result of significant investments in new technologies or equipment. (If money is a key factor for you, consider: innovation is expensive.) By virtue of its addiction to innovations, Western managers miss the long-term benefits of Kaizen. This strategy focuses on human efforts, morality, communication, training, teamwork, involvement and self-discipline - a common and inexpensive approach to improvement.

Process, not result

Kaizen puts thinking oriented to the chapter, because in order to improve the results, it is necessary to improve the processes. The failure to achieve the scheduled results indicates a failure in the process. Management must identify and correct such process errors. Kaizen focuses on human efforts, which sharply contrasts with a result-oriented manifold, adopted in the West.

The approach-oriented approach should also be used in the introduction of various Kaizen tools: "Planning-Do-Check-Affect" cycle (PDCA); Cycle "Standardize-Do-Checking-Affect", "Universal Quality-based Management" (TQM); "Exactly on time", "universal care for equipment" (TPM). Kaizen's tools did not give results in many companies simply because they ignore the process. The most critical element in the process of Kaizen is the commitment and involvement of the highest leadership. To ensure success, this attitude should be demonstrated immediately and consistently perform.

Follow PDCA / SDCA cycles

The first thing to be done in the Kaizen process is to introduce the "Planning-Do-Check-Explicas" cycle (PDCA) as a mechanism that ensures the continuity of Kaizen in achieving the policy of maintaining and improving standards. This is one of the most important moments process (see Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Cycle "Planning-Do-Checking-Affect" (PDCA)

Planning it assumes that the goals should be established for improvement (since Kaizen is a lifestyle, it should always be a goal of improving in any field) and action plans are planned to achieve them. Do refer to the implementation of the Plan. Checking refers to the definition of whether the implementation of the trace left and led to a planned improvement. The impact refers to the construction and standardization of new procedures designed to prevent the initial problem repetition or establish goals for new improvements. The PDCA cycle is constantly resumed: as soon as improvement occurs, the result of the process turns into an object of further improvement. The introduction of PDCA means: "Never satisfy the existing position of things." As people prefer to keep the status quo and often evade the initiation of improvements, the management must push them, constantly establishing stimulating goals.

Any new working process first is unstable. Before starting the use of PDCA, each current process must be stabilized using the "Standard-Make-Check-Explicas" cycle (SDCA). (See Fig. 4.)

Fig. four. Cycle "Standardizing-Do-Checking-Affect" (SDCA)

Whenever deviations appear in the current process, you need to ask the following questions: "It happened because we did not have the standard? It happened because we did not follow the standard? It happened because the standard was not adequate? " Only after the standard is installed, and its requirements are executed, it is worth, stabilizing the current process, proceed to using PDCA.

SDCA standardizes and stabilizes current processes, while PDCA improves them. SDCA refers to maintaining, and PDCA - to improvement, and together they become the two main tasks of management.

Quality - first of all

Among the priority purposes (quality, costs, delivery), the quality should always be given the highest priority. Regardless of how attractive the price and terms of delivery, offered to the consumer, the company will not be able to compete if products or services are not high-quality enough. Credo "Quality - First of all" requires leadership commitment, because managers, seeking to meet the requirements for supplying or reducing costs, often prone to compromise. At the same time, they can sacrifice not only the quality, but also the viability of the entire business.

Speak using data

Kaizen is the problem of solving problems. So that they are correctly understood and are solved, they must be revealed, and then collect and analyze the relevant data. An attempt to solve the problem without proven facts is equivalent to living with guesses and feelings - i.e., it is not a completely scientific or objective approach. Collecting information about the current situation will help to understand what you need to focus; This serves as a starting point for improvement. Collection, verification and analysis of data for improvement is the topic to which we will return more than once in this book.

The following process is a consumer

Any work is a chain of processes, and each of them has both its supplier and the consumer. The material or portion of the information obtained by the "A" process (supplier) is processed and improved in the "B" process, and then sent to the "C" process. The subsequent process is always considered as the consumer of the previous one. The axiom, according to which the subsequent process is the consumer, acts at the level of consumers of two types: internal (within the company) and external (on the market).

Most people working in organizations deal with internal consumers. The implementation of axioms should lead to a commitment: never transmit defective details or inaccurate information into the subsequent process. Provided that each employee follows such a rule, the external consumer on the market receives high-quality products or services. The real quality assurance system assumes that everything in the organization is committed to this axiom and apply it in practice.

Basic systems Kaizen

The following is a description of the main systems that are needed to achieve Kaizen's goals:

  • Universal quality control / universal quality-based management.
  • The production system "exactly on time" (Toyota production system).
  • Universal care for equipment.
  • Policy deployment.
  • System for submission of proposals.
  • Work of small groups.

Universal quality control / universal quality-based management

One of the principles of Japanese management is universal quality control (TQC), using which, first, focused on managing the quality assurance process. Subsequently, it converts into the system covering all aspects of management, and is now called "universal quality-based management" (TQM) - the term used all over the world.

Considering the TQC / TQM movement as part of the Kaizen strategy, we get a clearer understanding of the Japanese approach, but the Japanese TQC / TQM should not be considered exclusively as an activity related to quality control. TQC / TQM movement was developed as a strategy designed to help management make production more competitive and profitable and improve all aspects of business. In the Abbreviation TQC / TQM letter "Q", meaning "quality", has a priority, but there are also other goals, namely: costs and delivery.

The letter "T" means "universal", i.e., implies the involvement of each working in the organization - from the highest leadership to mid-link managers, masters and workers. It further applies to suppliers, dealers and wholesalers. The letter "T" also relates to the leadership and work of the highest leadership, i.e., to the fact that it is so essential for the successful implementation of TQC / TQM.

The letter "C" refers to "control" or "process management". In TQC / TQM, key processes should be identified, manage them and constantly improve them to improve the results. The role of management in TQC / TQM is to plan to verify the process, and not the result, in improving the process, and not its criticism based on the result.

TQC / TQM in Japan covers areas such as policy deployment, building quality support system, standardization, training and education, cost management and quality mug.

The production system "exactly in time"

Created in Toyota Motor Company under the guidance of Taititi, it is the production system "exactly in time" involves the elimination of those activities that do not bring income, and the transition to "lean production" is quite flexible to adapt to the diverse requirements of consumers. This manufacturing system relies on such concepts as time time (production of one unit of products, and not cycle time), "Flow of unit products", "pulling production", dzidok (autonomization), U-shaped cells (U-Shaped Cells) and reducing the reference time (Setup reduction).

To implement the perfect production system "exactly in time", a number of actions of Kaizen must be done constantly, in order to eliminate the activities that do not add value to gemb. The production system "exactly in time" significantly reduces costs, allows you to deliver products in a timely manner and significantly increases the company's profits.

Universal Equipment Care (TPM)

More and more manufacturing companies both in Japan, and beyond today are used in practice "Universal Equipment Care" (TPM). While TQM focuses on improving management and quality as a whole, TPM mainly serves as an improvement in the quality of the equipment, focuses on its maximum efficient use thanks to the general system of prophylactic maintenance, covering the entire life cycle of machines and mechanisms.

Just like TQM involves the whole company in the process, TPM acts specifically for each employee of the enterprise. 5S cleanliness support, other actions in gemba can be regarded as a prelude to TPM. At the same time, 5S gave remarkable results in many cases, even when they were introduced separately from universal care.

policy deployment

Although Kaizen's strategy is aimed at improving, its use can give a limited effect if everyone is busy in Kaizen for Kaizen. Management must establish clear goals for everyone and get up at the head of all actions to improve their achievement. Kaizen's strategy in action requires careful monitoring of the implementation process.

First of all, top management should develop a long-term strategy with medium-term and annual goals. Top managers must have a plan for deploying a strategy that should be brought to lower levels of management, up to the workshop. As the strategy goes down to the lower levels, increasingly specific activities and actions are included in the plan. For example, the policy point "We must reduce our costs by 10% to remain competitive," you can bring to working workshops in the form of a set of actions, such as an increase in productivity, reducing stocks and marriage, as well as improved line layout.

Without a goal, Kaizen's strategy looks like a way to nowhere. It is most effective when everyone works to achieve the goal that management establishes.

System of submission of proposals

SUPPLY SYSTEM - an integral part of the human-oriented Kaizen strategy. It is aimed at stimulating the participation of all employees in the process. Japanese managers see their primary task to encourage the interests of Kaizen's interest in the staff, encouraging them for filing a large number of proposals, regardless of their significance. In Japan, they often encourage workers to discuss with masters of their proposals and adoption of immediate measures, without waiting for official consideration. There are no big benefits from each sentence. The main goal is to upbringing thinking in the spirit of Kaizen and self-disciplined people. This look contrasts sharply with the approaches of Western management, which are based on the economic benefits and financial incentives in the supply systems.

Small group work

The Kaizen strategy provides for the work of small groups, i.e. we are talking about informal, voluntary associations of people within the company that are formed to perform specific tasks in the workshop. Most famous appearance Such groups - quality mugs designed to solve not only quality problems, but also issues such as costs, safety and performance. They can be viewed as a Kaizen strategy element, a collective work oriented. Quality mugs played an important role in improving product quality and improving labor productivity in Japan, but their role is often exaggerated by those foreign researchers who see them the most important elementunderlying the creation of quality products. In fact, management has a decisive impact, which forms a system of quality assurance, personnel training, development and implementation of policies and creates interfunctional quality systems, costs and delivery. Successful actions of quality circles demonstrate that management plays an invisible, but vital role in their support.

The ultimate goal of Kaizen strategies

Since the main thing in Kaizen is perfection, we need to know which aspects of the business most need improvement. The answer to this question is quality, cost and supply (QCD). If in my previous book "Kaizen: the key to the success of Japanese companies" used the term "quality, costs and disciplines" (Quality, Cost, and Scheduling, Qcs), now instead of QCS usually applies QCD.

When they talk about quality, they mean not only finished products or services, but also processes, as a result of which this product is created or services are provided. Costs relate to the full cost of design, production, sales and service maintenance or service. Delivery means timely delivery of the desired volume of products or services. When three conditions defined by the term QCD are performed, consumers are satisfied.

QCD combines such functional and structural directions as research and development, technology, production, sales and after-sales service. Therefore, interfunctional cooperation is as important as interaction with suppliers and dealers. The task of the senior management is to analyze the current QCD state of the company in the market and establish priorities for quality improvement policies, costs and delivery.

In the following chapters of this book, we led a number of examples, which illustrate how various companies (engaged in and manufacturing, and service) introduce the concepts and systems of GEMBA Kaizen.

Gemba Kaizsen.

Japanese gemba means "actual place" - that is, the place where the actual action takes place. The Japanese use the word gemba in their everyday speech. When an earthquake occurred in CABE in January 1995, the television journalists called their reports from the scene of the "Messages from Gemba". In the detached materials in the background, it was possible to see buildings covered by fire, or destroyed road highways. In relation to business, the types of actions that add value and are intended to satisfy the consumer, occur in gemba.

Among people working in the Japanese industry, the word gemba is almost as popular as Kaizen. JOP BOERN, one of the first Cajdzen consultants in Europe, worked at Philips Electronics N. V. in Europe as the head of production, the director of the plant and, finally, the corporate quality manager. Baocked said that, attending any Japanese company, he could always be experienced by defining how good she was. If during the conversation with the Japanese manager, he heard Kaizen's word for the first five minutes, and during the first ten, the word hemba, then did the conclusion that this company succeeds. The example given by the Baoker shows that the concepts of Kaizen and Gemba are close to the hearts of managers and that they often make decisions based on their own understanding of gemba.

In all commercial organizations, there are three main types of actions directly related to profit extraction: development, production and sale of products. Without this, there can not be any company. Therefore, gemba in a broad sense means places where these three main actions occur.

In the more narrow sense, the gemba implies the place of creation of products or services. In this book, gemba will be used precisely in this, a narrower sense, since these places are one of those terms of business elements that managers neglect the most. They obviously consider the workplace as a means of profit extraction and usually pay much more attention to such areas as financial management, marketing and sales, as well as product development. When management focuses on hemba, or workplaces, it detects ample opportunities that can make a company much more successful and prosperous.

In many service sectors, gemba is a place where consumers come into contact with the services offered. For example, in the Gemba Hotel is available everywhere: at the entrance, in the rooms, bars and restaurants, locations and visit visitors. Banking cashiers work in gemba, as well as clerks that make out loans based on applications from applicants. You can also refer to office employees and telephone operators working on the switch. Thus, a lot of office and administrative functions are carried out in gemba. Most departments in these service companies have internal consumers. With them, departments support interfunctional relations, which are also gemba. If you call the Director-General, the head of the production or a manager for the quality of the Japanese plant, then, most likely, you will hear such an answer from the assistant to this or that leader: "He is not, he is in Gemba."

Gemba and management

In hemba, satisfying the consumer is added to the product or service, which allows the company to survive and flourish. In fig. 2-1 Gemba is placed on the organization, which emphasizes its importance for the company. Typical Management Levels: Higher Manual, middle managers, ITER and Masters exist in order to provide support to workplaces. In this sense, gemba should be the object of all improvements and the source of all information, so management should work closely with the realities of gemba to solve problems there. In other words, no matter what support is the management, it must begin with the definition of the needs arising in the workplace. When the leadership does not respect the gemba and does not give it due importance, it turns out to be a "directed to execution" trend (and often with full ignoring actual requirements) its instructions, projects and other types of supporting services.

Fig. five. In the presented relations of gemba - management, the role of management should be reduced to ensuring support for gemba, which stands over everything in the management structure

Management exists to help hemba better fulfill its purpose, eliminating as far as possible restrictions. In fact, however, I would like to know how many managers are able to correctly understand their role. Most often, they consider gemba as a source of marriage, where everything is always done not as necessary, and at the same time they ignore their responsibility for these problems.

In some Western companies, where gemba is actually controlled by influential trade unions, management avoids its involvement in the work associated with gemba. Sometimes it seems that managers are even afraid of enterprises and look lost or helpless. Even where the trade union is not trying to "strove" the company, working with gemba accounts for masters veterans, which management allows you to do what they want. In such cases, managers lose influence on workers.

In subsequent chapters, it is discussed in detail that hemba's management actually means. The masters must play a key role in it, and still they often lack basic training to manage or perform their main work: support and improve standards, achieve the goals provided for by the concept of "quality, costs and delivery".

Eric Mahiels, being a student, came from Europe to learn about Japanese management methods, and was appointed as an operator to the plant assembly plant. Comparing its work at this enterprise with previous experiences related to European gemba, Mahiels found that in Japan there is a more intensive connection between management and operators, which was provided by a much more efficient two-way information flow between them. Japanese workers significantly understand the expectations of management and their own responsibility for the entire Kaizen process. As a result of such a constructive voltage, the workshop performance becomes much more impressive in terms of meeting the expectations of management, which increases the sense of pride of people for their work.

Maintaining gemba over management structure requires efforts of devotees. Workers need to inspire them to fulfill their roles, felt pride in their work and appreciated their own contribution to the company and to society as a whole. The impulse of a sense of pride and understanding of the mission is an integral part of the management of management for gemba.

This approach contrasts sharply with the presentation of gemba (Fig. 6) as a place where everything is always done not as it should, and as a source of errors and claims of the consumer. In Japan, the work related to production, sometimes they say: three "k", which can be deciphered using three Japanese words: "Dangerous" (Kiken), "dirty" (kitanai) and "tense" (Kitsui). Once hemba was a place that good managers avoided, so the appointment to the position in Gemba meant that a cross could be put on a career. Today, on the contrary, the presidents of a number of famous Japanese companies have a wealth of experience in the field of gemb. They possess a good understanding of what is happening there, and also provide it with appropriate support.

Fig. 6. With such a look at the relationship of Gemba - Management The role of management is to manage policies and resources in gemba

From the point of view of GEMBA relations - management is possible two equal, although opposite representations: gemba standing above the management structure (inverted triangle), and gemba at the basis of the management structure (normal triangle). Gemba and management occupy an equally important place: gemba - providing products or services that satisfy the consumer, and management - defining a strategy and developing a policy of achieving this goal to gemba. Thus, the impulse for improvements should go and bottom to top down. In fig. 6 Management stands on the organization. This gives an initiative to establish policies, goals and priorities, in the distribution of resources, such as people and money. In this model, management should try to take the leading position and determine the most needed species Kaizen. The process of achieving corporate goals is called policy deployment. Many managers due to their binding to gemba relations - management, as shown on the usual triangle (Fig. 6), tend to believe that their work should be to always speak gemba what to do. Looking at an inverted triangle (Fig. 5), where hemba is from above, managers can understand that they need to listen to the people of Gemba and learn from them to provide timely help. Gemba becomes a source of common sense and inexpensive improvements.

It is never worth mixing the role of management and gemba in these two models.

Assistant professor Taksi Kavasese From Keio University in his book "Solving Industrial Engineering Problems), published in Japanese in 1995 by Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun, writes:

House Gemba

From the point of view of resource management to Gemba, two main actions go daily, namely: maintenance and kaizen. The first action concerns the fulfillment of the requirements of existing standards and maintain the status quo, and the second to improve these standards. Managers participate in the implementation of one of these two functions of gemba, as a result of which the concept of "quality, costs, delivery" is implemented.

In fig. 7 ("House of Gemba") presents a common panorama of action (view "from a bird's eye view") occurring in gemba that allow you to implement this concept. A company that manufactures products or provides services high Quality At a reasonable price and in the agreed time, thereby satisfying its consumers. And consumers, in turn, remain loyal companies.

Fig. 7. Managing Himba House


To understand the concept of "quality, costs, delivery", the company should daily and appropriate to manage various resources, which include people, information, equipment and materials. Effective daily resource management needs standards. Each time problems or malfunctions appear, the manager must explore them, find the root cause and review existing standards or introduce new to prevent the emergence of a similar situation in the future. Standards are becoming an integral part of the GEMBA Kaizen and give grounds for continuous improvement.

With proper use, Kaizen will help improve the quality, reduce costs and fulfill the requirements of consumers for delivery without any significant investment or introducing new technologies. Three main actions of Kaizen - standardization, system 5S, covering various tasks of maintaining order, as well as the elimination of Mid (losses) are mandatory for building a lean, efficient and successful system "Quality, costs". It is easy to understand and implement standardization, the elimination of MUD and 5S, it will not require complex knowledge or technologies. Anyone - any manager, master or employee - can easily do it, guided by common sense and without large costs. The harder to achieve the self-discipline needed to support the implementation of this concept.

Standardization in gemba often means translation of technological and technical requirementsinstalled by engineers in daily operating standards for workers. For this you do not need technology or sophisticated techniques. In fact, the management requires a clear plan, divided into logical steps.

5S - Careful maintenance of cleanliness

5s is formed from five Japanese words that form the basis for maintaining cleanliness and order. Today, any production company necessarily pays attention to this. Gemba management expert can determine the level of the enterprise in a few minutes by visiting the plant and carefully assessing what is being done, especially in part of the elimination of Mud and 5S. The absence of five S in hemba indicates low efficiency, the presence of wise, weak self-discipline and morality, poor quality, high costs and the absence of discipline of delivery. Potential customers will not seriously refer to suppliers not practicing 5S. These five points of the fight for cleanliness are the starting point for any company that seeks to become a responsible manufacturer whose products meet the level of world-class.

Recently, before starting an assembly of cars in Europe, the Japanese manufacturer sent procurement managers to visit several alleged European suppliers. Anticipating the development of a new business, one of them has prepared a detailed program for receiving potential consumers, which began with an hourly presentation, where graphics and charts for quality improvement were used. Then the visitors were offered an excursion to Gemba. Arriving procurement managers, while looking at the meeting room, they still insisted to immediately go to the gemba, thereby skipping whole line events provided for by the conference agenda. Arriving at the plant, they, before going back, spent just a few minutes.

Amazed CEO of the company asked: "Please tell us that you found?" The response of a group of procurement managers sounded like this: "We saw that a mess was very dirty and reigns at the factory. We especially did not like that some employees smoked while working on the line. If management allows that this happened in hemba, then we do not have the confidence that you are seriously approaching the creation of components, vital for the safety of the car. And we do not want to deal with the management, which so irresponsibly refers to the case. "

Elimination of Mud.

Japanese Muda means losses. However, this concept refers to any actions that do not add value. There are only two types of action to gemba: additive or not adding value. A worker who looks at the machine processing the part does not add value. Only the machine creates added value, as if carefully and diligently worked for this process. When the adjuster engineer from afar goes to the machine with a tool in hand, it does not add any value at this moment. This happens when the engineer is installed, maintaining or connecting the engineer.

Consumers do not pay for actions that do not add value. Why then so many people in hemba are fussing without adding value?

At one plant, the manager somehow checked how much a worker takes place in Gemba for the year. It turned out, 400 kilometers. You should engage in a junction for health in the gymnastic hall, not in gemba! Ironically, some enterprises have gyms with runway tracks, and employees spend more time, running a coward into gemba during operation than in the hall after changing.

Once, when I was at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport in Texas, I had to reorganize my ticket for another airline. At first I stood for a few minutes in the queue in front of the reception for tickets. When my turn came up, I was told that this procedure was produced in another terminal. I had to go to the tram, because the distances between the buildings at Dallas airport are quite large (big mois in terms of Kaizen!). In the queue in front of the rack, I again stood a few minutes. When my turn came up, an airline serving with one click projected by my ticket and said: "Here, please, sir!". I asked myself: "Was it worth spending almost half an hour to see this clever hand movement?" At what point in time I gotten value? Here he is the moment of truth! When a company employed in the service sector leads its own business inefficiently, it not only spends their resources, but also steals the consumer's valuable time.

Any work that goes to gemba is actually a sequence of processes. Suppose that to create a product, starting with obtaining raw materials and materials and up finish assembly And shipment, 100 processes will need, and adding value time in each of them is negligible! Just think about how little time it is necessary to press the metal sheet, turning one product on turning machine, for the production of a sheet of paper or obtain an approving signature. Only seconds are needed for these actions. Let each process takes one minute, then on the actions that add value for 100 processes should, in the aggregate to go no more than 100 minutes. Why then in many companies spend days or weeks to ensure that the resulting raw materials and materials turn into finished products or so that the document is implemented into the production process? Too much wise accumulated between the points adding value. We need to strive to implement the aggregate of consecutive actions, during the execution of which we can focus on each process adding value, yes! Yes! Yes! - And eliminate idle time.

The elimination of the wise and maintenance of purity is often engaged simultaneously. Equipment from which they eliminate mois is already fine and shows good level 5S.

Any company may at a certain period of time achieve a high level of self-discipline employees, but maintain it, however, is very difficult. At that moment, when the self-discipline disappears, its absence is manifested in the form of disorder in gemba. Improving morality and self-discipline requires involvement, complicity of people and exchange of information between them. Some actions accelerate the Kaizen process and support its impulse, which ultimately introduces changes to the culture. These include submission of sentences, teamwork, quality circles and other small groups in which Gemba people remain constantly looking for Kaizen's goals. When they participate in Kaizen and notice the fermentation changes resulting from its introduction, their enthusiasm and self-discipline grow rapidly.

Positive communication in the deployment of politics both at the factory and in the company's offices, the participation of workers in establishing goals for Kaizen, has also vital importance in support for the Kaizen pulse. different species visual management.

Golden Rules of Gemba Management

Most managers prefer their own table as a workplace, and they usually have a desire to distance themselves from the events taking place in Gemba. Many managers come into contact with reality only when daily, weekly or even monthly reports and participate in meetings.

Stay in close contact with gemba and understanding it - the first step to the effective management production facility. From here five "Golden Rules" of Gemba Management:

  1. When the problem arises (abnormality), first go to gemba.
  2. Check the gembuitsa (those subjects there are located).
  3. Take temporary countermeasures in place.
  4. Find the root cause.
  5. Standardize to prevent the problem again.

First go to Gemba

The responsibilities of management includes members and staff training, establishing standards for their work, product design and processes. Management determines the conditions in gemba and, no matter what happens must respond accordingly. The leaders are obliged to directly study the situation at workplaces. Hence the axiom: "Go first to Gemba." It goes without saying, if any problems occur, managers and masters must immediately go to the scene and carefully observe what is happening. By bringing the arrival in Gemba to automatism, the manager will develop the confidence that this habit will help him in solving specific problems.

Christiano Jaya, Caidzen Consultant, who worked at a joint venture in Indonesia (created by Astra Group and Toyota Motor Company), recalls his first visit to the Toyota plant in Japan, where he was sent to training. On the first day, the master who was appointed by His mentor, took him aside, drew a small circle on the floor and asked him to stand in it all morning and carefully follow the whole occurring.

After receiving an indication, Christiano began to observe. She passed half an hour, then an hour. The young man began to miss, because he just did that he just watched the usual and monotonous work. In the end, Christiano became angry and thought: "What does my master want to achieve? I thought I would do with study here, and he did not teach me anything. He probably wants to show his power? What is this training? " Before he finally went out of himself, the master returned and took him to the meeting room.

There Christiano asked to describe what he saw. He was asked concrete questionsFor example: "What have you seen there?", "What do you think about this process?" Christiano could not answer most of them. He realized that during his observations I missed many of the most important moments.

The master in a benevolent form explained the jay on the questions that he could not answer. At the same time, the processes described more clearly and accurately, with the help of drawings and sketches on a sheet of paper. Only now Christiano realized how deeply understood the process of the mentor and as far as he himself was ignorant.

Gradually, the young man came to the conclusion: hemba is the source of all information. He remembered the words that the mentor told him then: "To become a man Toyota, you need to love gemba, because everyone in Toyota believes that hemba is the most important place in the company."

According to Christiano, "... definitely, it was the most productive learning in my life, because it helped me really become a man of gemba, and this thinking in the gembal key influenced the whole career. Now every time I see a problem, my inner voice immediately loudly and clearly calls: "Go first in gemba and inspired!" "

This is the usual method of teaching Gemba in Japanese. Honor of creation production system Toyota belongs to Taititi it. When he saw that the master was not in contact with the realities of Hemba, he invited this person to the plant, drawing a circle and asked to stand in it until he would receive an accurate picture of production. It also urged managers to visit Gemba. He said: "Go to Gemba every day. But not in order to wander to the enterprise aimlessly. You must return at least one idea for Kaizen. "

When it began to be introduced to the Toyota concept "exactly in time", then faced with powerful opposition. One of the sources of strong resistance was the company's financiers who trusted only written financial statements. They often did not support the allocation of resources for kaizen associated with gemba, since this did not always lead to immediate end results. To soften these objections, it urged accountants to come to the plant. He offered them to wear two pairs of shoes per year, visiting objects and observing whether stocks, efficiency, quality, etc., were improved, and how these improvements affected the cost reduction, and ultimately to increase profits.

IN last years Life it performed with reports about his experience. It is said that one day he began his speech with the phrase: "Are there any financiers among those present in the audience?" When several people raised their hands, he told them: "You do not understand what I'm going to say.

Even if you realize it, you will not be able to implement because you are far from gemba. Knowing how busy, I believe that you will not waste time and return to your desktop to work. " He joked so much, knowing that the support of financial managers is critical for GEMBA Kaizen.

Akira Miyajara, President Fuji Xerox Company, began his career as a bill. Knowing that hemba-source of real data, he went to the workshop to clarify the information that received. When Miyahar learned from financial statements about marriage, he felt the need to go to hemba and find out his cause, because it believed that the accountant's work would not be reduced to manipulating numbers, but assumes the ability to see the process in general. Miyajara so often appeared in Gemba that the master in the end had to install for him the work desk next to the production line.

Miyajara retained interest in Gemba even after he moved to Fuji Xerox Company and began to take high senior posts. When, for example, he was the managing director of the sales unit, then as Gemba considered the place of sale of products and objects of consumers, where the service personnel was located. He accompanied representatives of his company and visited consumers, conversations with whom helped him understand the needs of customers much better than reading reports.

I somehow traveled in Central America and visited the Yaohan branch (this is a network of Japanese supermarkets with headquarters in Hong Kong, the shops of which are located around the globe). I asked the general director who had an office, fenced off from a warehouse, as he often went to hemba (as applied to the hemba supermarket means room for sales, warehouse and cash register). The director replied a very apologizing tone: "You see, I have an assistant who is responsible for hemba, so I do not attend it as often as necessary." When I began to insist that he tell me exactly how often, the director said: "Well, I have to go there for about thirty times a day." This manager felt guilty, since he went to Gemba only thirty times a day!

"When I go through hemba," he said, "I not only see how many visitors we have, it is successful that the goods that are in demand and so on, but I also examine everything from the floor to the ceiling to see if there is no abnormal. Just walk around the gemba and look right in front of yourself - this is anyone can do, isn't it? "

The only place that is definitely not hemba is the desktop manager. If the manager is all the decision on the basis of the data obtained, it is not in gemba, and the source source source must be carefully rechecked.

Let us give an example. Thanks to volcanic origin, Japan has many resorts with hot springs. Their main attraction - Open Bath "Rothemburo" (Rotemburo), where guests can dive into the water, enjoying the view of the river or mountains. I recently spent a few days in a large hotel near a hot span, in which the baths were equipped in the building itself, and outside. Most of the guests were bathed in the inner bath, and then went down the stairs to Rotemburo. Usually visitors were distributed approximately equally. Once in the evening I saw that the inner bath was almost empty. When I entered, I learned the reason: the water is too hot. Accordingly, a crowd gathered in Rotemburo, because there the temperature was "what we need."

An employee who brought additional towels and soap a bath, obviously, did not see anything special in such a redistribution of people. When I drew her attention to the problem, she immediately called on the phone, and the situation was normalized.

Later I discussed this incident with my good friend - cEO Hotels. He told me that the temperature in the inner bath should be 42.5 ° C, and in the outer - 43 ° C. The manager continued to explain: "We have a checkpoint, where our engineer along with other parameters (indoor temperature, fire alarm etc.) carefully tracks the temperature in the baths. Whenever seeing deviations on the device, he is supposed to take a corrective action. "

I reacted to this: "It is wrong! A person who watches the devices is relying on secondary information. The water temperature in the bath is measured by a thermometer immersed in water, then the data is entered into the control point through an electromechanical device that converts measurements in the line on the diagram. There is always the likelihood that something goes wrong. The reality in the gemba is that that day very few people enjoyed the inner bathroom, and if the employee was taught to be more attentive, then it may appreciate the situation, lowered his hand into the water and found that the water was too hot. "

The information you get directly to Hemba, "I said to my friend, the most reliable. Hot water that you feel your hand is a reality. Often, when you are in hemba, you don't even need evidence, because now you have the opportunity to feel everything yourself and see - this is the source data! People in Gemba must be responsible for quality, because they are in contact with reality all the time. It is easier for them to maintain quality level than a guy at the checkpoint!

Dr. Kaora Isikawa, one of the quality management guru in Japan, used to say: "When you see the data, doubt them! When you get the measurement results, doubt them! " He realized how much information was going to the company only in order to please the boss, and that using instruments often incorrectly receive or register data. At best, measurements are only secondary information that does not always reflect the actual state of affairs.

Many Western managers prefer not to visit Gemba. They are even proud that they are not at objects and do not know anything about them. Recently, hearing from the president of one company that he never visited the plant, I offered him to do it from time to time. He replied: "Having worked as an engineer, I learned to read and interpret the data, so I can make decisions based on them. Why do I go to the enterprise? "

At another enterprise, I learned that whenever big bosses came from headquarters, plant managers had to spend a bunch of time, participating in meaningless meetings, responding to stupid questions of people who did not understand what was happening in hemba, and often gave Incorrect and annoying instructions. "We would be better to avoid these meetings," the plant managers told me.

This remark speaks of a huge abyss that separates the highest leadership and workplace. This state of affairs can make a company vulnerable to internal problems and external competition. Such relations at the management level usually cause a negative reaction of workers.


Gembuitsa in Japanese means "something physical or material". In the context of Gemba, this word can relate to a broken machine, marriage, spoiled tool, returned products or even a client complaint. In case of any problem, managers need to go to hemba and check the GEMBUCU. Carefully looking at the GEMBUCH in Hemba, constantly asking why? ", Using common sense and inexpensive approach, managers, without applying complex technologies, should be able to find the root cause of the problem. If marriage appeared, it is worth it, for example, just to hold the product in hand, touch, consider and directly investigate to understand the likely cause of the defect.

Some leaders believe that when one of the machines break, then the gemba for managers is not the place in the workshop where it is worth, and the meeting room. There, managers are going and discuss the problem without coming to the GEMBUC (in this case to the machine), and then each expresses its opinion. Kaizen begins with the recognition of the problem. Having learned about its existence, we are already halfway to success. One of the responsibilities of the master is constantly attention to the actions in place and identifying problems based on the principles of gemba and gembuits.

One master recently noticed: "I'm going through the gemba every day and try to look at the gembuits, trying to find something unusual that I could pick up on my desktop and what to start working with. When I do not find anything for Kaizen, I feel frustrated. "

Socitiro Honda, the founder of Honda Motor Co., was not a presidential office, he was always somewhere in Gemba or close to her. Starting work with a mechanic, it is with a screwdriver and spanic keys Engaged in setting up and adjusting engines. From such work in his arms, he has a lot of scars. Many years later, when Honda visited nearby primary schoolsTo talk with children, he proudly showed them his hands and allowed to touch these scars.

Take temporary countermeasures on site

Once, during a visit to one plant, I noticed that a small brush is attached to the automatic scissors. I realized that they stop, because the metal chips fall on their drive belt, which is why the movement stops. In this case, the operator took the brush and cleaned the belt from the chips to turn on the scissors again. After some time, they stopped again, and the operator repeated all manipulations again.

If the machine is turned off, it must be started quickly. The presentation must continue. Sometimes it's enough to kick the car foot! However, the adoption of temporary measures is the reaction to symptoms, and not on the root causes of the mechanism stops. That is why you need to check the gembuits and continue to ask "Why?" Until you find the source of the problem.

Employees who are characterized by the desire for certainty and self-discipline, never leave the Kaizen efforts in the third stage (temporary countermeasures). They go to the next stage, reveal the real causes of the problem and take action.

Find the root cause

Many problems can be solved very easily with the help of the principles of gemba gembuits and common sense. If you carefully look at the gembut where there is a problem, and reveal it root causes, then many tasks associated with gemba can be solved in place and in real time. Other problems require serious training and planning, such as some technical difficulties or the introduction of new technologies or systems. In these cases, managers must collect detailed data. They may also need some complex tools.

For example, if the chips falling on the belt causes the mechanism stops, you can make temporary protection from cardboard. And as soon as the effectiveness of the new method is confirmed, install a constant metal casing. For such innovations, it may be enough for several hours and, of course, there will be enough two or three days. There is always opportunities in Gemba, and one of the most popular Axioms Gemba Kaizen: "Do it immediately. Do it right now! "

Unfortunately, many managers believe that you need to study every situation in detail before implementing any improvement. In reality, approximately 90% of all problems in gemba can be solved immediately if the managers see them and pay attention to them in the workplaces. Masters need to teach the use of Kaizen and explain their role.

One of the most useful tools for finding root causes to gemba is to ask the question "Why?" Until it is found. This process is sometimes called "five why" because, most likely, the question "Why?", Set five times, will help to find the source of the problem.

Suppose, for example, you see the worker, sprinkling with sawdust floor between the machines.

Your question: "Why do you throw sawdust on the floor?"
His answer: "Because the floor is slippery and walk on it is dangerous."
Your question: "Why is it slippery and what is the danger?"
His answer: "On the floor, oil is broken."
Your question: "Why is the oil shed there?"
His answer: "Because the machine leaks."
Your question: "Why is the machine leaking?"
His answer: "Because there was a flow in the crankcase."
Your question: "Why did the flow?"
His answer: "Because the rubber gland was worn out."

Very often, as in this case, with the help of the question "Why?", If you set it five times, we can reveal the root cause and take countermeasures such as replacing the rubber gland on metal to stop once and forever leakage oil. Of course, depending on the complexity of the problem, the question "Why?" It is necessary to ask more or few times. However, I noticed that people tend to superficially treat the problem (in case of oil leakage) and immediately leap to the conclusion that everything can be solved if you throw sawdust on the floor.

Standardize to prevent repetition

The task of the manager in Gemba is to implement the concept of "quality, costs, delivery". However, problems and deviations from the norm are found at the factories every day. This is a marriage, machine breakdowns, disruption of production plans, finding a job. Whenever this situation arises, management must allow it and make sure that it will no longer be repeated due to the same reasons. As soon as the problem is solved, respectively, the new procedure must be standardized and is involved in the "Standardizi-Do-Check-Explicas" cycle. Otherwise, people will always conflict. Thus, standardization is the fifth and last golden Rule Gemba management. When the problem occurs in hemba, whether it is about breaking the machine due to metal chipDriving a drive, or that hotel guests complain about how faxes are delivered to them, the situation must be carefully studied in terms of the principles of gemba gembuts. Then find it root causes, and after the usefulness of the procedure created to solve the problem is confirmed, the new operation should be standardized.

Thus, each deviation from the norm gives a pulse using Kaizen, which should ultimately lead or to the introduction of a new standard, or to an improvement in the current. Standardization ensures the continuity of the results of Kaizen.

One of the definitions of the standard is "the best way to do work." People Gemba, fulfilling his requirements, thereby ensure the satisfaction of the consumer. Since the best way to perform the work is fixed in the standard, then people should always do the same, with the same techniques. If they do not perform standards in repeated operations - which often happens in the production process, then the product quality will begin to vary. Management must clearly define standards for employees as single way Ensure customer satisfaction with the concept of "quality, costs, delivery". Managers who do not take the initiative to standardize the working procedure, lose the ability to manage gemb.

At AT Giorgi Foods, Inc., in Temple, Pennsylvania, administrative premises were once located on the second floor, and Gem-Ba - on the first. The room at the top was divided by partitions, followed by sales, marketing, research and development departments, as well as for working with personnel.

However, the Chairman of the company Fred Gioregi decided that everyone who had to support Gemba was obliged to put their desk there. He announced: "We are all going to go to gemba and should work together in a big room without partitions!" In response to this statement, noisy protests were followed: "It will be too noisy!", "We will not be able to concentrate on our work!", "Some subordinates will leave!", "We will not be able to ensure the safety of the company's secrets!" But Gioregi was adamant. He said: "If the mystery is so easy to reveal, it means that it cannot be saved at all. Those who do not like here can leave. "

In the end, everyone moved, even if in the soul and objected to such a decision.

Today, any visitor who came to the company will see at once all employees working in one large room. The attentive client will be able to learn among them Freda Djijegi, which, more complied with a small table, lined between two others who occupy top managers of the company. "Before," says Jifegi, - whenever I wanted to meet with managers, I had to check who was on the spot and whom there is no, before appointing a meeting. Now I look around and I see who where. Then I scream loudly: "Hey, we need to gather in the meeting room and discuss this question! Muda disappeared!" "

Such the location of the personnel gives other advantages. At the entrance to the administrative floor there are two small premises that occupy a telephonist and personnel work department. In the room of the room where the telephone operator works, there is a window that allows it to see him, as in the palm of his face, who is, and who is not. And since people have to go past the department for working with staff whenever they need to get to the administrative floor, they became easier to contact his employees.

Tony Pulo, a former marking manager in Giorgi Foods, says: "Five years ago I spent a lot of time in my office, making preparation of documents. I thought I knew the answers to all the questions and could do everything myself. Now I understand that we can distinguish our actions in the field of Kaizen, for example, visiting the meeting of the quality mug and listening to the offers of workers, extinguish on objects and spending there more time to delve into each problem and solve it. I learned that my people have big abilities - artistic talents and practical skills, the existence of which I did not suspect. They were able to do all the work on Kaizen themselves, and in different ways on certain lines. "

"I spend about 90% of the time in the workshop, which allows me to see the problems of workers, - continues the bulo. "Previously, when they came to my office and told about their troubles, I listened, but did little. I just did not understand them, because we worked so much for many years, and it seemed to me that everything was in order. But it is not. Now, taking care of the workshop, I can really see what workers said.

Now I notice that everyone applies a little more effort, people are inspired, they are proud of their workshop, they maintain order in it. All rooms are kept clean. Workplaces look neat, and people come with the desire to work. They are proud of themselves. They look good and feel good. They see that changes work and that everything goes differently from this, and their work becomes slightly easier. "

Application of "Golden Rules"

Let me explain how I myself applied these "golden rules".

Fax becomes a mandatory business tool. As a consultant for Kaizen, who spends more than half of his time, traveling around the world, I do not know if I could achieve such results in my business if it did not use this information transfer tool. When I stayed at one of the last trips for several days at the hotel, I had a number of problems because of the procedure for the delivery of incoming messages. I expected urgent fax from Tokyo. My executive assistant, to which I called, assured me, which has already sent him a few hours before our telephone conversation. Since there was no document, I had to ask the administrator about him. He assured me that there was no fax for me. Previously, in the same hotel, I somehow got faxes addressed to me along with several other strangers intended for others. I was so annoyed that I finally asked myself what I would do if I had been the manager of this hotel and received many complaints from customers that her employees would defimately and carefully convey faxes. That's what I came to: by all means the applying "Golden Rules"!

So I, figuratively speaking, got into the skin manager of the hotel interested in the use of Gemba Kaizen. The first step should be a study of what is included in Gemba, i.e., in this case, the lobby. I became on the platform in the corner of the Hall (but did not draw a chalk circle) and stayed there for some time, carefully watching the employees treated faxes. It took no more than five minutes to understand that there are no special procedures! For example, there was no definite location of the incoming documents (there was no standard). Some employees have placed faxes in storage boxes from numbers, others left them on the table. There were those who put them where they hit the free place. In addition, when the fax pages (gembuits) came from the device (another gembuits) in reverse order, Hotel staff did not even consider it right to put them correctly. This circumstance, in particular, was the reason that I got melancing for foreign people with my faxes.

If I actually had managers of hotels, then after observing this situation, a meeting with the staff working in Gemba would appoint and asked to establish fax procedures. We may have come to consent, in particular, on the question of the fact that the pages of documents should be put in the right order And that all incoming faxes should be placed in the keys. We probably would also be able to decide that it was necessary to note the time to transfer faxes to hotel guests (standardization) to avoid any disputes relating to whether the client really received them. Discussion of issues and achieving an agreement on new procedures would probably occupy no more than half an hour. (In this - the whole essence of the principle "go to gemba and do it immediately"). All this would follow the agreed procedure. As a response to problems or complaints of the consumer, the order could be changed so that over time the fax processing system in the hotel was constantly improved.

It should be noted that Kaizen Institute AG, his branches and persons who own the patent have an exceptional right to use Kajizen®'s concepts and GEMBA Kaizen® as trademarks registered in the world's largest states. - approx. Auto

Kaizsen. - This is a Japanese word that means "constant improvements." The word "kai" - translates as a change, and the word "Zen" - translates "for the better." Kaiden is a popular system and philosophy of management, which helped enterprises of post-war Japan to take the leading position in world markets in many technological spheres.

Kaizen's philosophy is closely connected with Japanese traditions and approach to work. For example, in Japan, it is not customary to change the place of work. Probably you heard that the Japanese can work on the same company all their lives. Their approach to work can be called deeper. In the country ascending sun It is considered honorable to become a master of their business and bring their skills to perfection. Even if you work on non-work - you should become a professional professional. In addition, it is not customary to whine and complain about fate. The Japanese on mentality differ significantly from us.

Kaizen technology is aimed at continuously improving business processes in business. In addition, Kaizen is applied not only in the work, but also to guid order in life.

5 Kaidzen main principles

The essence of the Kaidzen method is reduced to five elements:

  1. Accuracy and selectivity;
  2. Order;
  3. Purity;
  4. Standardization;
  5. Discipline.

The ideas of Kaizen are widely known among managers. And, apparently, precisely thanks to the ideas of Kaizzzezen, many Japanese companies such as Toyota were able to achieve tremendous success in the post-war time. In Russian, you can find several books about Kaizen. In particular:

  • Kaizen: the key to the success of Japanese companies (Masaaki Imaai)
  • Gemba Kaizen: Path to reduce costs and improve quality (Masaaka Imaai)

Also on sale I met books about the way Toyota, as well as a lean manufacturing. Surely there mentioned about Kaidzen.

Kaizen System and Philosophy

List of changes.According to Kaidzen, you must first determine what needs to be taken to increase the efficiency of work. A list of what can reduce financial, temporary and other costs is drawn up. Up to the fact that the tools in the workplace should be located in a certain order. That is how it helps to work quickly. Changes can be made not only in the workplaces themselves and business processes, but also in your habits. For example, if you are used to check for 20 times emailSo thus it is unlikely to succeed high. You can, for example, establish a rule for yourself - check mail 2 or 3 times a day at a certain time. From some tasks and it is worth getting rid of. Large changes can begin with small cases. We talked about it just yesterday in the article about.

Arrangement of priorities and order. It would seem that the amount of terms does not change from the permutation of the places. But in fact, the work order matters. For example, people are much more fresh and capable of working precisely in the first hours after they woke up. Based on this, the most difficult tasks should be set in front of them in the first working hours. And from other tasks you can refuse. In addition, it is worth thinking about optimizing tasks. What to do in the first place, and what - in the second place. For example, you left for business to another end of the city. It would be reasonable there to schedule several working tasks at once in order for 10 times not to dangle there and here. After all, this is the expense of time, forces and money for gasoline. In order to streamline their affairs, it is recommended to use the timing technique. When you write what matters and when you do, it may turn out that the bulk of the time goes to secondary tasks, and priority tasks occupy a comparative little time.

Guidance order, grinding. In the methodology of Kaizen, special attention is paid to the order. For example, having completed the work here they advise you to spend some time and bring order in your workplace. The order will give energy to the next business day, because Come to the workplace you will already think about important affairs, not that some incomprehensible chaos from the papers was installed on the table.

Implementation of working standards. When the optimal balance was found in work, it should be the standard of the company. High standards allow you to achieve outstanding quality, and from here all the successes of Japanese companies. Japanese quality is made to put in one row with the products of German companies. When they say that products are made in Japan - implies impeccable quality.

Discipline Need to adhere to the practice of constant improvements in work processes and not return to the previously familiar in Russia chaotic methods of management, when "who in the forest, who for firewood" is observed within the framework of one company.

Methods of Kaizen in life

Although Kaizen, as a rule, is considered as a system to improve individual business processes within the Company, but this philosophy can be applied in everyday life. Each of us has lives of life that require improvements and our attention. And here we can take advantage of the same practices, but already in relation to our personal tasks.

In Russia, it is customary to bring affairs to a critical state, and then the heroic efforts to make a revolution in the industry. There are even books in which the Russian management model is analyzed. So, Kaizen is distinguished by the fact that there are many small, but constant improvements. It is about what your business will be improved by gradually evolution, and not with the help of revolutionary shocks.

In order for the ideas of Kaizen worked, all employees of the company from top management to linear performers should support it. Kaizen orients the company for the maximum improvement of the quality of work. At the same time, special attention is paid to the improvement of the business processes themselves, the development of personnel at all levels and the introduction of improvements every day.

Goals Kaizen in business

For Kaizen Chanterna, the following items, which are also called "Cajdzen Umbrella":

  • orientation on the end user;
  • end-to-end quality control (Total Quality Control, TQC);
  • the introduction of robotics, automation;
  • quality mugs;
  • system of proposals;
  • through equipment maintenance (maintenance, TPM);
  • kanban - japanese technology production "exactly on time";
  • quality growth;
  • zero defects;
  • focus to work in small groups;
  • introduction of kaizen;

In fact, Kaizen applies to almost all aspects of the company. Therefore, this methodology is eagerly used not only in production, but also to develop software. Kaizen focuses on improvements as on the process. Improve all aspects of business need constantly - to be one step ahead from their competitors.

Cycle Improvement PDCA, SDCA

Each iteration assumes the following sequence:

  • Plan (Plan) / Standard (Standard);
  • Do (execute);
  • Check (check);
  • ACT (improve);

Instead of planning, it is sometimes implied by standardization (SDCA). But essentially standardization and planning is related concepts. Planning is needed to improve the business process, and standardization is to maintain it.

This cycle has something in common with the classic management scheme: planning, motivation, organization and control in the classic school of management.

Managing People by Kaizen

In Japanese culture, a special attitude towards subordinate is taken. So, the person can not be punished, distribute orders. At the same time, they are encouraged and supported, consider their opinion. That is, here we see positive motivation. In fact, it is this approach to management more effective, because Enhances the interest of the employee to work, its involvement and interest in business. This welcomes independence.

In the ideas of Kaizen, errors are not reborn, because On errors, employees are trained. Active approach is welcomed. It is assumed that the employee has intelligence and must use them in their daily work. At the same time, it is better to start something to do, than to be afraid to be mistaken and not to do anything.

Important ideas Kaizsen:

  • the client must be pleased;
  • constant changes in all areas of the company's work;
  • recognition of the problems of alleviating;
  • the policy of openness within the firm;
  • create small working group teams;
  • personal rotation in different divisions of the company to expand the horizons;
  • orientation on the high involvement of employees in the workflow;
  • employees must share experiences with colleagues;
  • the development of self-discipline in places is welcomed;
  • self-development and responsibility for their work;
  • informing people about the affairs of the company;
  • the delegation of authority is widely used;
  • management includes it starts with planning and ends with control;
  • analysis of business processes based on actual data;
  • solving problems by eliminating the root causes, and not to combat the consequences;
  • quality should not be monitored at the stage of delivery, but during the business process itself;
  • application of standardization methods.

What is zero losses

All that happens inside the organization is conditionally divided into those actions that bring value and those that do not bring. Add value and do not add. For example, smoking an employee at work - clearly does not add any value to work, but rather may even interfere. This kind of costs or loss should be excluded.

In Kayden, there is a list of such costs or losses (they are also called MUDA - that consonant with the Russian brass word):

  • overproduction and warehouse overflow;
  • idling, wait;
  • transportation losses;
  • useless losses;
  • losses on defective products;
  • other.

What is hemba in Kaizen?

In Kaizen, it is customary that the top manager will well imagine what is happening at the lowest levels of his business. For example, the head of the bank must represent how the employees of his call-center or cashiers in the bank branch work. And the director of the plant should know and see what is happening in his workshops. Advanced work is also called the word "gemba".

It is that the head of the company must be maximally involved in work and then he will be able to make effective management decisions. The manager must thoughtfully listen to complaints, study the causes of all problems.

A classic management system at some points is similar to Kaizen, but there are also their differences.

Business in Russia

At the same time, Kaizen is significantly different from the classical Soviet system of management, when in Soviet Russia it was customary to achieve goals at any cost without looking at losses to start sometimes irrational projects seems to turn the river in the opposite direction or to resist the USA, but at the same time - all Western Europe together, together. Kaizen is a completely different philosophy, where even small things are considered important. Kaizen philosophers say that small flaws of "shoals" will overcome large problems over time.

Nevertheless, many large Russian companies now understand that for competitiveness they need to increase their effectiveness. And indeed, many firms began to implement separate elements Philosophy Kaizen. For example, I have before the eyes of KAMAZ, which has long been interested in the ideas of leaning production. A lot others large companies Russia gradually began to use the developments of Kaizen. By the way, in other Western countries, Japanese ideas of neperwritten quality growth are also used. For example, Siemens willingly introduces these ideas in his work. In particular, there it is customary:

  • solve problems with the team;
  • fix all shoals immediately;
  • search for root causes;
  • find the budget decisions;
  • make decisions quickly;
  • set the usual things;
  • think over the tasks that can actually do and make them;

Kaizen's ideas have a good potential for introducing in Russia. If you impose our latitude of views and the scale of the tasks that we put in front of ourselves and impose this latitude of Russian in the ideas of modern management (including the Kaizen philosophy and Western achievements in management), then we can get the leading global economy.

Japanese firms differ greatly from European the fact that it is customary to offer a large number of innovation proposals. And this offers are not "from the tops", but "from the bottom."

Kaizen suggests that any organization has always problems. And problems in this sense are good, as they give an incentive for further development. Kaizen is not only a concept that persecutes economic goals, but there are also social tasks, such as smoothing the management hierarchy within the company, the maximum involvement of personnel in the work, the most satisfied consumer and so on.

Kaizen is far from only about business and money, Kaizen is about the essence of work, skill and scaurry.

1. Organization of the workplace - This is the management of a workplace in order to optimize activities. Kaizen pays great attention to this. In the Japanese version, this process is indicated by the term "gemba". For right organization The workplace apply appropriate management tools that were called 5S Methodology. The term 5S itself comes from the first letters of Japanese words.

The composition of the action5S methodologies include:

Seiri - it is necessary to sort what is not required in the work. Special marking can be used to highlight unnecessary elements. If the elements isolated by marking are not in demand by anyone when performing work, they are removed from the workplace.

Seiton - It is necessary to put in order everything that is required in the work. These elements should be in sight. Tools and devices should be located in those places where they are easy to detect.

Seiso - workplace and all equipment must be clean. After the end of the working day, the workplace must be removed, and all the tools and equipment are placed in their places.

Seiketsu - Standardization of the first three steps. These actions should be the usual work practice. When employees of the Organization will see improvements from the right organization of the workplace, you need to spend the training with them to fulfill these actions.

Shitsuke - maintaining the steady workplace management practices. It is necessary to create a system of observation and monitoring for the content of organized and standardized jobs.

2. Elimination of unjustified losses - This is the process of searching and eliminating action in processes that do not add values. In the Japanese version, this process is called "MUDA". Most of the work are a sequence of actions that convert the source material into the final finite product. Part of these actions adds value to the product, and a part is not. The part that does not add values \u200b\u200bis losses and should be eliminated.

In the Kaizen system are consideredseven types of loss or seven "MUDA":

Movements - unproductive and extra movements increase the operation time of operations and their complexity.

Waiting - an excessive time of expectation of operations leads to an increase in production cycle.

Technology - incorrectly organized process technology leads to inconsistency of actions.

Transportation - long distances, moving from place to place, lifting and lowering in the production process increases non-productive costs.

Defects - the cost of materials and labor goes to correct defects.

Reserves - Excessive stocks of materials add cost to products, but do not give value.

Overproduction - Products produced more than provided by the plan.

3. Standardization - This is a process of standardization of work. Standardization creates a basis for stable operation, however, standards must be changed when both external and internal environments change. In the system of Kaizen, the standardization process is never completed. Standards are constantly being improved. Improving standards is performed on the PDCA cycle.

Application Kaizen.

The use of the Kaizen system is carried out by creating and constant work of the so-called kaizen - teams. According to the tasks that they decide, you can allocate 5 main types of teams:

Permanent teams - These teams work every day. Commands include specialists (workers, employees) performing work on the ground.

Teams to address those arising - are formed to find solutions to a specific problem in work. The team includes participants from several permanent commands. The total number of participants in such a team is, as a rule, from six to eight people. After solving the solution, the team is disbanded.