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TPM system (Total Productive Maintenance) - Universal Equipment Care. System "Universal Equipment Service TPM Universal Equipment Care

TPM (Universal Equipment Care)(English. Total Productive Maintenance, TPM) - The concept of production equipment management aimed at improving maintenance efficiency. The method of universal equipment care is based on stabilization and continuous improvement of maintenance processes, planning and preventive repair systems, work on the "zero defects" and systematic elimination of all sources of losses.

TPM means in the free translation of "universal efficient maintenance". At the same time, "universal" refers not only to productive and cost-effective maintenance, but also to the entire system of efficient equipment for the equipment during its service life, as well as to include in the process of each individual employee and various departments through attracting individual operators to maintenance . Moreover, the use of TPM requires certain obligations from the management of the enterprise.

In the universal care system, it is not about the exclusive problem of maintenance of equipment, but about a wide understanding of the maintenance of means of production as the integration of operation and technical care processes, early participation of repair personnel in the development of equipment service schedules and accurate accounting of equipment for focused content In good condition. TPM plays an important role, in particular, in the management of production in the system "accurately in time", since the presence of a condition due to the help of interference leads to the loss of time that increase over the entire value added chain.

Justification for the inclusion of universal equipment in the lean manufacturing philosophy (LEAN Manufacturing, TPS) is represented in Scheme 1.

Scheme 1. Enable TPM in solving loss prevention problems.

The purpose of the introduction of TPM is the elimination of chronic losses:

  • Equipment failure
  • High time forwarding and alignment
  • Idling and minor malfunctions
  • Reduced speed (speed) in the equipment
  • Defective details
  • Losses when entering equipment.

Eight principles of TPM.

  1. Continuous improvement: aimed to practice prevent 7 types of losses.
  2. Autonomous content in good condition: The equipment operator must independently inspect, cleaning, lubricating work, as well as minor maintenance work.
  3. Maintenance Planning: Ensuring 100% Equipment Prepared, as well as kaizsen. in the field of maintenance.
  4. Training and education: Employees must be trained in accordance with the requirements for advanced training for exploitation and technical care.
  5. Start control: Implement a vertical curve of launching new products and equipment.
  6. Quality management: Implementation of the target "zero defects in quality" in products and equipment.
  7. TPM in administrative areas: loss and waste are eliminated in indirect manufacturing units.
  8. Safety of Labor, Environment and Health: Requirements Transformation of accidents at the enterprise in zero.

Autonomous content in good condition is the most important principle of TPM. Its goal to minimize the loss of efficiency, which arise due to devices failures, short stops, marriage, etc. For this, the whole most of the necessary maintenance activities (cleaning, lubrication, technical inspection of devices) is simplified, standardized and gradually transmitted to In the duty of employees. As a result, the staff of the Department of the Main Mechanics are exempt, on the one hand, from current routine activities, so that they receive more time to develop and conduct measures to improve. On the other hand, now equipment (devices) can be provided with the necessary maintenance, which was not previously available to the disposal at all or timely due to the lack of appropriate resources.

The TPM concept was developed in Japan in the late 60s of the 70s in the company "Nippon Dencil", a supplier of electrical equipment for Toyota Corporation, in relationship with the formation of the Toyota production system (TPS). In the early 90s of the last century different versions introduced at the enterprises of the whole world. It is known that the statement of the founder of TPS Taititi is: "Toyota's forces come not due to the treatment of processes, but thanks to the preventive maintenance of equipment." The experience of Russian and global companies on the implementation and use of the TPM system can be found in Almanacé "Production Management".

The introduction of the universal equipment care method in TPS is described by the sequence shown in Scheme 2.

Scheme 2. Systemic image of action when implementing the TPM in the Toyota Production System.

As an effective tool for leaning production, the universal care method has recently been actively introduced in Russia in many enterprises - Yaroslavl Bus Plant (SIBUR-Russian Tires Holding), Chepetsk Mechanical Plant, Chelyabinsk Plastic Window Production Plant (Etalon LLC) , Confectionery factory OJSC Bolshevik in Moscow, etc.

TPM (Universal Maintenance of Equipment) (English Total Productive Maintenance, TPM) - The concept aimed at improving equipment performance through the service technician aimed at preventing failures in its work. The method of universal equipment maintenance is based on stabilization and continuous improvement of maintenance processes, planning and preventive repair systems, work on the "zero defects" and systematic elimination of all sources of losses. To eliminate downtime and TPM defects, all levels of control are required. The main focus should be done to work on the prevention of problems carried out by industrial and repair personnel. TPM is a system that requires constant support for personnel and direct management.

The purpose of TPM is to minimize the loss of efficiency of the production system and the creation of a management system that will constantly strive to improve.

The purpose of the introduction of TPM is the elimination of chronic losses:

· Fitting equipment;

· High temperack time;

· Idling and minor malfunctions;

· Reducing the speed in the equipment;

· Defective parts;

· Losses when entering the equipment.

The TPM system is based on the 8 principles that are presented in Figure 1.

1) Continuous improvement: aimed at preventing 7 types of losses;

2) autonomous service: the equipment operator must independently examine work on cleaning, as well as minor maintenance work;

3) maintenance planning: ensuring full availability of equipment, as well as carrying out activities in the field of maintenance;

4) Personnel training: Employees must be trained in accordance with the requirements for advanced training for operation and technical maintenance of equipment;

5) TPM for new processes: implementation of the launch of new processes;

6) Quality management: implementation of the goal of "zero defects as" in products and equipment;

7) TPM in administrative regions: losses are eliminated in indirect production units;

8) Labor Safety: Transformation of accidents at the enterprise in Zero Defects.

Figure 1 - Principles TPM

Figure 1 shows the TPM principles on which the entire system is based. Each principle contributes to the formation of the system as a whole, so separately they cannot exist, only in the complex.

Despite the beauty of this system, there are many difficulties in implementing. The first steps are especially difficult to implement the concept. Consider the main problems when implementing TPM.

No TPM managers. Unfortunately, many companies who wished to go to the concept of leaning production, in the process may realize that employees from among managers will not have sufficient experience. Therefore, initially the highest leadership should attract certain specialists who have sufficient experience in implementing the system. It can be both one person and entire teams. The tasks for them will be the development of plans, conducting trainings for local leaders and directly for ordinary employees, well, and coordination with the process as a whole. There are entire firms that provide services in this area.

The next problem in the implementation of TPM is temporary indicators. Unfortunately, such changes in the work of production are not engaged instantly, and this process can be strongly delayed. It greatly affects the reaction, both ordinary employees and top management, because everyone is waiting for certain results. In this case, it is necessary to constantly fix and show results, comparing what was and what happened. Then people will see what the process moves and really gives results.

The following negative, at first glance, the moment is the investment of additional material costs. However, the competent leader who decided to make changes to his company should always be ready for additional investments. These investments over time will return in the form of improving the efficiency of production, plus a decrease in the material costs for repairs and the acquisition of spare parts. It cannot be allowed that there are enough material reserves only to part of the project, then these funds can be used in vain.

However, the most important problem is the complexity in changing the relations of workers to their work, its production, equipment. It means the relationship of employees of the enterprise, which work for quite many years in the company, they get used to the existing system of work, maintenance, management. And it is quite natural that such people will negatively perceive any changes. And the older the contingent of employees in production, the harder to make any changes to their consciousness.

All of the above problems are shown in Table 1. And also, on the basis of a survey of middle managers of both technical and production personnel, the evaluation of every problem on a ten-ball scale, where we can see which problems require the greatest attention.

Table 1 - The most common problems when implementing TPM

Designation of the problem Critical The cause of the occurrence Methods of elimination
Lack of qualified top managers 9 Lack of exchange of experience / development of managers Attracting specialists from the part. Improving the qualifications of the current management composition
Long-term 7 Illiterate planning / lack of monitoring Careful planning. Visibility of intermediate results
Additional material costs 8 No material reserves Searches extra. Reserves
Personal attitude 10 Lack of development of personnel / visibility Permanent dialogue with workers' staff. Requirement / control. Visibility of intermediate results

This article covered the principles of TPM. The main problems in the introduction of a new concept were also considered. And after analyzing these problems, some options for their solutions are proposed, such as: attracting top managers from the part, search for additional material resources, as well as methods for changing corporate culture and the relationship of performers for work.

List of references:

  1. Horizontal control systems: the potential of modeling business processes / A. A. Dolgaya. - Kaliningrad: Publishing House of FGBOU VPO "KSTU", 2013. - 208 p.
  2. Chase, R. Production and operating management / R. Chase. - 8th ed - e: per. from English - Moscow: Villama Publishing House, 2004. - 704 p.

TPM system (Total Productive Maintenance) - Universal Equipment Care

The purpose of the implementation of TPM is to achieve the limit and integrated efficiency of the production system. In other words, get the highest possible result regarding production volume (production - p), product quality (Quality - Q), cost (COST - C), delivery time (Delivery - D), job safety (Safety - S) and initiatives personnel (Moral - M) with minimal use of human, material and financial resources.

The essence of TPM is to involve an employee in improving the efficiency of equipment maintenance. Not just came and worked. And also served, improved, created conditions for efficient work. Those. Related to the own car. And in order to make the Japanese, it is expanding the functions of employees, they delegate them responsibility, invest great tools to improve the skills and growth of skills, improve the motivation system.

The focus on this system is done on the warning and early detection of equipment defects that can lead to more serious problems.

Operators and repairmen are involved in the TR, which together ensure improvement of equipment reliability. The basis of the TRM is the compilation of the graph of preventive maintenance, lubrication, cleaning and general verification. This ensures an increase in such an indicator as the full efficiency of the equipment (from the English "Overall Equipment Effectiveness" - OEE).

A distinctive feature of TPM is a phased deployment of a system of self-maintenance of equipment by the operator (SOOO), which includes 7 steps:

1st step. Cleaning and cleaning, combined with check.

During thorough cleaning of dust, dirt, etc. From the internal surfaces and cleaning of each corner of the equipment, hidden defects that require restoration of worn parts, lubrication and tightening of compounds are detected and corrected, which, in turn, makes it possible to prevent possible malfunctions. .

The main tasks of this stage are to strive to completely eliminate the accumulated dust and stains, conducting thorough cleaning of all equipment nodes, as well as find hidden defects in the equipment, such as sources of pollution, hard-to-reach and complex space for cleaning, and reveal it from an ideal state that Can lead to accidents or defects, and go on the right path in solving the problems that have discovered.

2nd step. Taking measures to sources of pollution, complex and hard-to-reach places.

It is necessary to eliminate the sources of dust and dirt and, thereby preventing the dissemination of pollution, as well as facilitate access to hard-to-reach and complex for cleaning, lubricant, tightening connections and checking places, try to reduce the time for these works.

3rd step. Preparation of temporary cleaning, lubrication, checks.

The purpose of this step is to develop such mandatory messages to fulfill each employee of the temporary standards of work, so that cleaning, lubrication, tightening the connections and checks could be guaranteed to be completed for the short time set.

4th step. General inspection.

The main task at this stage is to achieve the limiting efficiency of the use of equipment. To do this, the operator needs to be understood in the structure, functions and principles of the equipment, carry out the test of all without exceptions to the eyes of the "operator, capable of qualified and maintain the equipment", be able to detect hidden defects and bring the condition of the equipment to the desired.

5th step. Independent inspection.

Based on the time standards established on the 3rd and 4th steps, new standards of independent services are being developed, which will increase the efficiency of checks, prevent errors and maintain equipment in due state.

Works held at the 5th step of deploying self-maintenance are based on the experience gained in previous steps, and suggest the revision of the operators of the previously interim provisions of cleaning, lubrication, a common inspection from the point of view:

1) providing zero of product defects;

2) increase the effectiveness of inspections;

3) a balanced ratio of verification and basic work;

4) wider use of visual control.

6th step. Standardization.

In the workplace (production sites), there is a procedure for materials, equipment, tools, measuring instruments, fixtures for cleaning and checking, means of transportation. There are also existing norms and records there. It is necessary to conduct rationing (standardization) and repetition of them and make every effort to obtain zero losses.

At this stage, there is a review and systematization of various types of maintenance and control of devices, such as the physical distribution of norms, data on records, means, standards, etc.

7th step. Independent management and self-realization.

At this stage, already with some confidence based on the results achieved by the changes in the work of equipment and personnel, carefully conduct self-control, i.e. Actions to prevent breakdowns and improve equipment by each operator independently.

Universal productive service (Total Productive Maintenance - TPM) is one of the tools for leaning production, the use of which reduces the losses associated with equipment downtime due to breakdowns and redundant maintenance. The main idea of \u200b\u200bTPM is the involvement in the process of servicing the equipment of the entire staff of the enterprise, and not only relevant services. The success of the implementation of TPM, as well as any other tool for leaning production is related to how the ideas of the methodology are reported to the consciousness of the personnel and positively perceived by them. To facilitate the training process, personnel can be used from the portal file storage. This article provides a more detailed description of the presentation materials, which can be used both independently and for conducting training classes using the presentation. For the convenience of working with the presentation of the titles of the heads of the article fully coincide with the names of the presentation slides.

As it usually happens

Uninterrupted operation of the equipment is the key to the stable functioning of production, and, therefore, the basis for the guaranteed fulfillment of orders and achieve the planned performance indicators of the enterprise as a whole.

The life cycle of equipment consists of a consistent alternation of two phases: operation and maintenance. Responsibility for the implementation of these phases is usually assigned to different services. Technological staff is involved in the operation of equipment, and service services (mechanics, electricians, programmers, etc.) are engaged in prevention and repair. Such partitioning duties is quite natural, since operation and maintenance require specific skills. Operational staff controls product manufacturing technology, monitors quality, ensures the execution of planned indicators. The service personnel carries out activities to control the status of equipment, preventive maintenance and troubleshooting. Unfortunately, such a separation of functions often serves as a reason for mutual misunderstanding of operational and repair services and, as a result, leads to inefficient maintenance of equipment as a whole.

Why is this happening?

For many enterprises, the situation is quite ordinary when the repair and maintenance services have different, not related to each other, and as a result, various indicators characterizing the effectiveness of their activities. For operational points, the main thing is to perform planned indicators. Often this is understood as the execution of the plan at any cost and leads to the merciless operation of the equipment requires prevention or, even worse, which requires immediate repair. For repair services, the main thing is to perform tasks to bring faulty equipment into a working condition. However, when the equipment once again fails due to improper operation, there is a natural feeling in the support services environment that the repairman does not appreciate, and the achievement of the planned performance indicators does not depend on the efforts applied.

What happens?

The conflict of the interests of technological and repair personnel may not affect the overall production efficiency. "Tightening the rope" takes a lot of strength and does not contribute to a clear, uninterrupted operation of the equipment. In turn, the instability of the production of production leads to difficulty planning, transferring the timing of orders, enhance costs. Neither the moral and psychological atmosphere in the team, which turns out to be broken by the warring tribes, is not improved.

What would I like?

The ideal is the case when the condition of the equipment (maintenance-service) can be predicted in any foreseeable point in time. Such predictability can only be achieved in the case when it is possible to completely get rid of force majeure stops of equipment due to its failure. It is quite natural that any equipment is susceptible to wear and sooner or later comes such a moment when worn items are destroyed, leading to equipment malfunctions in general. It is important to prevent such developments of events, in time to predict the onset of the critical situation and take measures to prevent it. Thus, the service phase fully needs to be completely eliminated for extraordinary repairs. In this case, the equipment may be either in the operating phase or in the planning phase.

How to do it?

In order to obtain complete control over the performance of production equipment, it is necessary to radically revise the attitude towards it. First of all, caring for equipment should touch not only the repair service, but also the production staff. This means that an indicator of the efficiency of equipment use should become decisive for both structural units. Uncomplicated work on preventive maintenance, monitoring of the state, registration of equipment problems can be assigned to operational workers. After all, who, like them most of the time, use equipment for its intended purpose. It is they who have the opportunity to continuously observe his condition and take measures to prevent critical situations in a timely manner. At the same time, the task of repair services is to make maintenance to reduce the probability of its breakage during operation to an infinitely low value. To do this, it is necessary to continuously analyze the emerging technical problems and use the analysis results for planning planning-warning repairs in accordance with the needs of the service, as well as to create instructions for servicing equipment during operation.

Methodological base

Universal productivity (TOTAL Productive Maintenance - TPM) allows to significantly increase the efficiency of the use of equipment. Hereinafter, under the efficiency of the use of equipment, we will understand the combination of two indicators characterizing the relative operation of the equipment and the relative time of unscheduled downtime due to the equipment breakdowns (and the other indicator relate to the total production time of production). The TPM task is to maximize the first indicator and decrease (ideally to zero) the second.

To solve this problem, the basis of TPM has a number of fundamental principles.

1. The state of the equipment is inextricably linked with the overall culture of workers (and operators and repairmen). It is important that the staff knew their equipment, could determine the fault, and the main thing was not indifferent to the problems of the technical part.

2. Since the operation of the equipment takes most of the time, the observation, registration of deviation facts and basic services must be assigned to operational staff. In fact, who is like a person who is constantly working with the equipment can determine the primary signs of the emerging problem? Who, how not he is able to tighten the bolt on time or make a lubricant without spending time to expect forever busy repairmen.

3. Like any methodology, TPM requires strict systematic in its implementation. Maintenance activities should be documented by the language available to understand all employees. Maintenance activities should be continuously monitored. Ineffective activities should be reviewed. Problems should be registered and systematically analyzed. The results of the analysis must serve as the starting point for the revision of the methodology.

4. The full involvement of the staff of the enterprise, ranging from the workers and ending with the highest leadership. In general, when it comes to the involvement of personnel in this or that process cannot be separated by the involvement of workers and involvement of managers. Only in the case when the ideas of TPM are supported at any level of the management hierarchy, only then can we talk about the effective application of the methodology. Of course, the forms of involvement differ significantly for managers and subordinates. For some of these observation, registration and direct service, for others it is an analysis of downtime, documentation development, control, and for third, this adoption of organizational and managerial decisions, analysis of the effectiveness of the methodology, etc. The appearance of "weak link" in any place can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the methodology and to the further full collapse.

Losses of equipment operation

TPM methodology is aimed at eliminating systemic losses of equipment operation. What does it mean? This means that any losses associated with an existing system of operation and maintenance of equipment can potentially eliminate. First of all, it concerns losses related to equipment breakdowns and accompanying performance reduction and increasing repairs. TPM allows you to eliminate losses associated with excessive time and material resources when settings and references of the equipment. Idling, reduced speed and suspension of equipment lead to its increased wear and, therefore, also affect the TPM methodology. Faulty equipment leads to an increase in the exit of defective products, so the use of TPM reduces marriage losses. This can also attribute losses when starting the equipment.

Competent use of TPM can significantly reduce or even completely eliminate all listed losses.

Expected effect

A prerequisite for the effective implementation of TPM is the requirement to increase the overall culture of equipment service staff. Fastening the foundations of such a culture in the working team leads to the fact that the equipment begins to be regarded not as a means of production, but as the basis for the prosperity of the enterprise and the key to the financial well-being of his employees. Naturally, elimination of equipment maintenance loss causes a chain reaction to increase production efficiency in general. In short, you can characterize the result of the introduction of TPM as improving productivity and quality while reducing maintenance and marriage costs.

TPM steps

The TPM technique feature is that it is based on it is possible smooth and planned transformation of the existing service system to more perfect. To this end, the path of implementing TPM is convenient to present in the form of a sequence of stages, each of which pursues quite defined goals and, most importantly, gives a completely tangible effect.

1. Operational repair of faults - an attempt to improve the existing service system and find its weaknesses.

2. Maintenance based on forecasts is the organization of collecting information about the problems of equipment and their subsequent analysis. Planning preventive maintenance of equipment.

3. Corrective maintenance is the improvement of the equipment in the service process in order to eliminate the causes of systematic faults.

4. Autonomous service is the distribution of equipment for the maintenance of equipment between operational and repair personnel.

5. Continuous improvement - a mandatory attribute of any tool for leaning production. In fact, means involvement of personnel in the continuous search for sources of exploitation and service losses, as well as the proposal of their elimination methods.

Stage 1: Operational Repair

At the first stage of the introduction of TPM, it is necessary to "squeeze" everything that is only possible from the existing service system. This leads to the fact that its disadvantages appear and becomes the obvious need for change.

To begin, of course, it follows from a total audit of documents governing the operation and repair activities. Along the way, attention should be paid to what types of work are carried out spontaneously or unreasonably, and which arose under the influence of objective necessity. All types of work should be regulated by specifying responsible persons, temporary frameworks and grounds for the implementation of relevant activities.

Further, it is necessary to analyze the scheme of motion of material flows of spare parts and consumables. At this stage, attention should be paid to the convenience and speed of obtaining necessary materials from the warehouse, as well as the mechanism of their delivery to the service location.

Accidental attention should be paid to the result of repair and preventive work. Is the service carried out sufficient? Is its functionality completely restored? How often are temporary measures to restore knots? What is needed to improve the quality of repair work?

The main objective of this stage is to systematize the existing order of maintenance and repair of equipment, as well as the full restoration of its functionality.

Stage 2: Maintenance based on forecasts

Most enterprises in one way or another there is a system of preventive maintenance of equipment. Basically, in the form of planned warning repairs (PPR). The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe PPR is to produce the necessary repair or replacement of parts before the equipment malfunction will lead to a stop of production. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the volume of work performed in the PPR is determined by the passport characteristics of the equipment (based on the manufacturer's data) and the defective statement that the repairmen form, guided by the current situation. However, in order to adequately predict the need for or another service, it is not enough to own the current situation, you also need to know the service history and operation of each unit of equipment. Only from the analysis of history, you can learn the patterns of the emergence of certain faults. And for this, not enough of the manufacturer's recommendations like - this bearing is to change every six months. After all, the equipment does not work in laboratory conditions. It is likely that the manufacturer could not take into account the conditions of your company. Therefore, it is important not only to take into account the manufacturer data, but also autonomously collect statistical information about problems, analyze it and use it for planning equipment maintenance work.

Stage 3: Corrective Service

The supplier of any equipment is counting on its operation in full conditions and with a completely definite goal. In a real enterprise, it is not always possible to accurately follow the manufacturer's recommendations. For this, there are many reasons: starting with climatic conditions and ending with a market environment that makes upgrade equipment to expand the range. Anyway, the equipment may not always comply with the requirements of specific conditions, which naturally should lead to the appropriate change in the maintenance of equipment. In this case, the service must include a set of activities that will allow equipment to maximize the conditions for its operation. In fact, it is about improving the equipment, increasing its reliability, ease of operation and maintenance. At this stage, the operational staff should be directly involved in the activities of identifying ways to improve equipment.

Stage 4: Autonomous Service

This stage is the most difficult in the process of implementing TPM, since it is associated with the immediate involvement of operational personnel in the maintenance of equipment. To this step should be suitable very carefully that additional functions are perceived if not with enthusiasm, at least with the awareness of their utility. The involvement of personnel in self-maintenance of equipment must precede the study of the principles of equipment, its main characteristics, possible malfunctions and methods of their diagnosis. Accordingly, official and working manuals of personnel should be revised. To facilitate autonomous service, it is necessary to use visualization tools that resemble the need to pay attention to critical places and not forget about their maintenance. At the end of the 4th stage, employees must clearly imagine - what work they must be performed, and for which the presence of qualified specialists of repair services is required. No less important personnel participation in collecting information about the status of equipment. It should not be small things for which you can smell your hand. Any change in equipment parameters, the appearance of dirt, inclination, odors should be registered, and the information should be communicated to persons responsible for analyzing the status of equipment.

Stage 5: Continuous improvement

Continuing improvement activities do not need special comments. This is one of the basic principles of leaning production. For TPM, this means the motivation of employees to continuously advanced training, finding the possibilities of equipment upgrading, increasing its maintainability and reliability. In addition, the systematic audit should also be undergoing the current TPM system. Special attention should be paid to methods of interaction between services, the effectiveness of collecting information about malfunctions, the relevance of the regulatory documentation. The TPM system should not conflict with the safety regulations, labor protection and ecology. Based on these considerations, there should be general directions for improving the TPM system and follow them when determining tasks for individual sites and units.

Working groups

The successful introduction of the general productive service technique is possible only in the case of systematic coordinated activities of all production and repair units. To combine efforts and coordinated applications, you should organize a working group that will be responsible for planning activities and monitor the results of the implementation of the outlined activities. The basic principles of the creation of working groups are considered in the article "Organization of Working Group". The approaches offered there are completely applicable and in the case of TPM implementation.

Where to begin?

You can start the introduction of TPM right now, without waiting for the first results of the work of the Working Group. One of the main principles of TPM - dirty equipment cannot be serviceable! Dirt helps increased wear, deterioration of working conditions. In addition, dirt hides defects that can be immediately detected on clean equipment. Start with small - Mouse over to workplaces and maintain it constantly! This is a small, but very important step towards good equipment.

Well, put the goal? (instead of imprisonment)

The effectiveness of the TPM technique is confirmed by time and large number of companies that choose this path. In the TPM area there is even a bonus for the most efficient enterprises that have implemented the methodology. We must admit that it is not easy to do. The main complexity is a coordinated efforts all Employees of the enterprise (this has already been mentioned above). However, we should not forget that the effectiveness of your enterprise as a whole depends on the coordinated action of the divisions. And the more complex conditions will offer a market economy, the more relevant the task of the collective cohesion will be. Start now, especially since the guide thread is already in your hands.


1. A.ITikava, I.Takagi, Yu.Takabe, K. Yamasaki, Satuzumi, Sinotsuka TPM in simple and accessible presentation / per. with Yap. A.N. Sterlezhnikova; Under scientific Ed. V.E.Rastimeshin, T.Mkpriyanova.- M.: RIA "Standards and Quality", 2008.- 128 p., Il.- (Series "Business Perfection").

The TPM concept was developed in Japan in the late 60s and early 70s in the company "Nippon Dencil", electrical equipment supplier for Toyota Corporation. The well-known statement of the founder of Toyota "the forces come not due to the treatment of processes, but thanks to the preventive maintenance of equipment."

TPM means in the free translation of "universal efficient maintenance". At the same time, "Universal" refers to the entire system of efficient equipment for equipment during the entire service life. And also refers to the inclusion in the process of each employee through attracting individual operators to maintenance. Moreover, when applying TPM requires certain obligations from the enterprise management.

Tasks that solve TRM:

  • breakdown
  • installation and commissioning
  • idle and small stops
  • speed \u200b\u200bloss
  • marriage and alteration
  • starting losses

In the universal care system, it is not about the problem of malfunction of equipment, but an understanding of the maintenance of means of production as the integration of operation and technical maintenance processes. As well as early participation of repair personnel in the development of service schedules and accurate accounting of equipment. TPM plays an important role in the production management in the system "exactly in time". The presence of interference leads to the loss of time that increase over the entire value chain of the value added.

Justification for the inclusion of universal care for the lean manufacturing philosophy (LEAN Manufacturing, TPS) is represented in the diagram.

Eight Principles of TRM:

  • Continuous improvement
  • Autonomous content in good condition
  • Maintenance planning
  • Training and education: Improving the qualifications of employees for operation and technical care for equipment.
  • Start control
  • Quality management
  • TPM in administrative areas: loss and waste are eliminated in indirect manufacturing units.
  • Labor Safety, Environment and Healthcare

Autonomous content in good condition is the most important principle of TPM. Its goal to minimize the loss of efficiency, which arise due to devices failures, short stops, marriage, etc. For this, the whole most of the necessary maintenance activities (cleaning, lubrication, technical inspection of devices) is simplified, standardized and gradually transmitted to In the duty of employees. As a result, employees of the department of the main mechanic are exempt from current routine activities, so they receive more time to develop and conduct measures to improve.

The concept of Total Productive Maintenance is the basis of the success of manufacturing companies.

Universal equipment care squeezes the maximum performance from the machines during normal operation and maintaining performance for a long time. Ideally working equipment that is releasing even before it was broken, saves time, reduces the cost and motivates workers.