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Claim to find love to get rid of loneliness. And how people without water can not live. What will take for a protective ritual

Oddly enough, but in the modern world magic is also popular. After all, there are a lot of problems that can be solved only with the help of this mystical instrument. Now, as many years ago, different conspiracies and rituals contributing to the achievement of certain purposes are becoming popular. And the most popular can be called precisely those texts and prayers that help to establish a personal life and get rid of tormenting loneliness. And today we decided to tell exactly about them, as effective tools problem solution.

Different categories of rituals, which are distinguished by the complexity of the organization or a set of additional attributes. Unlike them, conspiracy from loneliness can be attributed to very simple rites that even those who have not previously come across magic.

The obsessive feeling of the inner emptiness may well remove conspiracies from a person. They will help in situations when there are no friends, there is no lover, or he is silent. Correctly applying conspiracies to eliminate loneliness, you can short time solve the problem arisen, and for this initially you need to pick up the most optimal option conspiracy.

In the direction of action, all prayers and conspiracy from loneliness are divided into three varieties:

  • to create a couple and meeting with your second half;
  • rites to search for new acquaintances, friends;
  • to get rid of the inner state to gain peace and harmony.

Therefore, before proceeding to the fulfillment of certain magical actions, you need to deal with your desires.

In most cases, the correctly selected version of conspiracy or prayer demonstrates the effect in the shortest possible time. If this did not happen, it may be necessary to re-produce the rite to finally remove the problem and normalize the state of the person.

Effective rites

Since conspiracies that help alleviate the condition of a person, eliminating loneliness, an uncountable amount, we only give the most popular. These are conspiracies and prayers that are suitable for different situations And help to remove different reasons Sacrifice suffering.

To gain harmony

If a person feels oppressed during a long period of time, it will help him get rid of this state of the next rite. It takes a set of objects consisting of cutting fabric and herbal collection.

Sticking a pre-bag of colorful fabric, place several pinch of different dried herbs in it. You can collect them yourself, and you can buy ready-made fees in the pharmacy. When the bag is filled, it must be tied to the dried plants not falling out. Next over the product read plot:

"Lord Guardian, save God's challenge (name), help and save from painful, destructive boredom, loneliness. Help to remove with me (your name) is all bad, dying, to from now on to live me in happiness and harmony with the surrounding people, the whole world and yourself. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of this conspiracy should be read five times in a row. After that, the bag magic is placed on a prominent place. Act this plot in the next few days. To increase the efficiency of the "magical" bag, it will be necessary to periodically take it into hand.

To find a friend or friends

Quite often, circumstances are developing in such a way that in life a person has to go alone. To remove such a cargo and find a friend, new comrades, a person can independently hold this rite.

In order to increase the strength of the conspiracy pronounced during the rite, it will be necessary to wait for the phase of the growing moon. It is during this period that prayers and conspiracies are read for increasing and attracting anything. Thus, to attract new acquaintances to themselves, exactly at midnight with a growing month worth reading words:

"I look at the growing moon, but I admire it, because I don't know loneliness to her, as the star is always surrounding the moon. Like the moon to everyone, everyone looks at her and admire. Let me (my name) I will like everyone, will now reach me, will help me with my moon to remove this curse. She worship, I will say with the problem! Amen"

Three times it is worth repeating these words. After what is said, go to bed. Repeat the rite and the next day. And so for a whole week. Making the same actions and uttering the same words of prayer to eliminate loneliness, attracted new acquaintances to work in the next month.

To find a soul mate

Very often, magical conspiracies are used to get rid of loneliness and find their soul mate. This conspiracy refers to such. He will help a person suffering from loneliness, bringing the long-awaited meeting with his beloved. To do this, it is enough to make a rite into one of the nights with a full moon.

Pre-prepare a sheet and handle. Write only three words on it: "Love. Passion. Reciprocity". Arriving them on the paper with a heart, put on the table. Cover the drawing with both hands, say seven times the words of prayer, with the help of which it will get rid of loneliness:

"I will not, the slave of God (his name), more suffer from loneliness, and the meeting will soon have his beloved. With him, love is waiting for me, passion and reciprocity. I will be happy, I will come true to me. Amen".

Then fold the paper with a pattern and carry it from now on with it to come true.

In the modern world, loneliness is the problem of many people. Very often, all the failures in personal life are linked by the damnings and the evil eye of the envious. Also, the cause of loneliness can be the crown of celibacy, which is transmitted through generations and is associated with the sinful act of one of the ancestors.

In such cases, it is possible to gain happiness in personal life, only using magic. With the help of magical rites, you can clean the carma from the negative and strengthen your natural energy.

The fact that loneliness is associated with the energy attack may indicate that the girl being in the society of men causes their interest only as a reliable friend. Characteristic features The crown of celibacy is that the girl is simply not interested in men, and in the most difficult cases she simply despises them. In such cases, it is imperative to help close people.

The most effective are conspiracy from loneliness, which are read in the days of religious holidays. Although if you are tired of loneliness, then come to the temple and pray for help in solving such a problem can be on any day.

Option with candles

There is especially strong ritualwhich will allow you to solve the problem of loneliness in the shortest possible time. It recommends it on a trinity or ascension. Also effective ritual There will be a private birthday, when your guardian angel is ready to bring you good luck on the wings. Pre-for magic acts should be purchased in the church ses of candles, an icon and prayer to it. In order for the ritual to be successful, you cannot take delivery.

On the eve of one of the specified festive days It is necessary to leave B. separate room Put the icon and light the candles. After that, you should read the prayer you purchased with the icon.

After that, you need to forty times to speak such a conspiracy from solitude:

"I am struck like an arrow me, slave God ( given name) The word is thin, the loneliness is unbearable. An ingredious or evil spirits, a tweak and malicious word, my life does not give me life. Help me, Lord Most High, the cover of me with the cover of hope, the Holy of the Virgin, praying you and because of his prayer sincerely believe. From now on and forever get rid of the loneliness of the soul. Amen".

After that, the grinds of the candles must be collected and hide in a secluded place. The icon must be put next to his sleeping place. When the problem of loneliness decides, then the church attribute will become protective amuletdefending your relationship with your loved one.

In the morning dawn

A strong conspiracy from solitude is read by early in the morning. It is necessary to wake up at the dawn, put on a bright spacious shirt from natural fabric, to dissolve the hair and remove all the decorations. If there is no possibility to go out, the rite is allowed to be carried out near the open window.

Magic words need to pronounce, looking towards the East and they sound like this:

"Dawn Morning, Alya and Bright, hear the request of my even and sparking. Get rid of me a slave of God (name) from loneliness and bring me good and reliable to me. Yes, so that by the force of male it was endowed with the soul noble. Let the love between us be bright and eternal, without sorrow and sorrows. I close your own reliable lock, and I take the key forever and in a safe place hiding it. Just never otherwise. Amen".

The rite is very strong, so soon you will meet in real life A man and the heart will tell you what exactly he is your narrowed.

Rituals aimed at other

There are rites that are directed to others. And they are very in demand, because, as you know, not every person can independently decide to change its destiny with the help of magic.

From loneliness daughter

Any mother is very worried if the personal life of the daughter does not fold. That is why the ritual who is directed against the loneliness of his daughter is very in demand. This conspiracy is read on his daughter's birthday, and magical words are spent on water with honey.

They sound like this:

"Mother's words are strong and effective. Therefore, how the glow of red people on Earth admire how the gaze attracts the star clear in the dark sky, like the beel honey Natural Mile, so my daughter, the servant of God, (the name of the daughter) will be sweet, everyone will be seen, and love in life she will be Soon will find. Amen".

The next conspiracy, which is directed from loneliness, can not be applied on itself. This impact is recommended to direct on close girlfriends or relatives who for a long time Can not arrange their personal life. But before carrying out the rite you need to get the consent of the girl who you will try to get rid of loneliness. Of course, a person should seek to arrange his personal life and at the same time sincerely believe in the fact that his magic will help him.

Reaching in a separate room together with a girl, it follows the floor to draw a chalk circle. The girl becomes in the center, and the executor of the rite standing beyond the boundaries of the circle should speak magic words.

They sound like this:

"The slave of God will be released (girl's name) with a cross, try the cross holy on himself. From the house will come out, and then through the gate and on a wide road. She will reach the intersection, where the white stone lies. On a smooth stone, Tom is a clean and white canvas. Two young and beautiful girls sit on the stone, the cunning they are wise. Let them take away the slaves of God (the girl's name) sorrow and longing, let her get rid of her from the loneliness of the unbearable. Will be with her soul with her pain and heart with joy will be filled. Words are strong and will be. Amen".

After writing words, you need to withdraw the girl from the circle by the hand. The result of such a rite will appear very soon, and it will be to be expressed in the fact that the girl will be more committed to behaving in society, which will make the attention of familiar men.

Rites whose action is directed against loneliness, a lot, so it is very important to choose the right ritual. And for this you need to analyze the situation that has developed around you. Sometimes it may be necessary to spend several rituals in a row. And most importantly, it is necessary to believe that you can help yourself.

Before seeking the answer to the question of how Conspiracies from solitude They will help to attract a loved one in their lives, you should find the reason for the circumstances. Next, you need to restore all violations in subtle energy structures. And only after the work done it will be possible to count on fateful meeting with the second half.

Causes of solitude

Esoteric specialists can understand situations. Various fortune -akers, magicians and psychics are engaged in such issues. Using magic instruments (Tarot or) cards, they tell you all life secrets.

If you do not want to share internal experiences with anyone, try to do everything yourself required analyzes and conclusions.

Perhaps you are slightly owning magical diagnostics. In this case, you will be much easier to find the true cause of loneliness. Properly conducted psychological procedure will be your assistant if you do not realize how to get rid of loneliness with the help of conspiracies and rituals and the concepts do not have, where to start.

The main reasons for your unpleasant state can be:

  1. Full Blocking Heart Chakras

Perhaps yours last experience The relationship ended extremely unsuccessful. You have experienced many negative emotions And for a long time they could not get rid of the feeling of insult and pity for themselves. Human humanism. Not wanting more to expose yourself at risk, it puts the block in the area of \u200b\u200bAnahata.

Gradually, being in a state of inactivity, the chakra is polluted, the energy in it does not circulate. It should be opened internally to let the feeling of love. Love yourself and the whole world. Smile to surrounding people. Be prepared that at any moment the half can meet on your way.

  1. Karma

Unfortunately, the reason does not always lift in you. Previous incarnations of our soul can create karmic loneliness. Do not panic, if it was that it was a hindrance. Everything can be fixed, if you change your own behavior and attitude to life. Positive setting Can create wonders.

  1. Negative installations

It happens that we create a kind of conviction in our brain. For example: "I will never meet a decent satellite of life," "I am not worthy good relationship Both love "," I am not created for faithful and long-term relationships. " Change your consciousness, otherwise it will be immediately implemented.

In the modern world, especially when a person is successful and continues to develop, there are also people who envy and wish only evil. They are not bandaged - they turn to the magicians to impose various damage and evil eye.

Such problems are solved only to re-access specialists. They will explain how to get rid of loneliness with conspiracies and other magic methods. I do not recommend trying to eliminate magical intervention yourself - you can make much worse and yourself, and others. Calculated with a specialist, you will get the opportunity to build relationships without problems.

  1. Psychology

This item seems easy, in fact, many many people face with it. Overcome your own psychological barriers is difficult. Our lazy does not allow to start acting. As a result, we get problems with self-esteem. Children's fears hinder overrun through themselves, and grow spiritually.

  1. Fate

It may work out that the universe prepared a special way for you. If you are alone and do not feel discomfort from this, then your purpose is inscribed over. Think about whether you never wanted to engage in spiritual practice, or visit the monastery.

How to make cleaning from loneliness

It is better to start such practices when the moon decreases. As the satellite decreases in the sky, your internal negative memories will be disappeared.

An excellent addition to such rituals will be different aroma candles. You can also do simultaneously with the adoption of the salt bath.

Take any candle. On the wax surface, draw the word "cleansing". You can do it with a sharp needle or blade. Next, burn the wick and focus on forgiveness. The fire has cleansing properties - he will take all negative emotions.

Cardiac chakra is also cleaned with a candle. When you burn the flame, start praying. In thoughts, paint a clear image of turning the whole pain and resentment into a true and wonderful feeling of love and loyalty.

The whole body of magicia is clean different ways. Here is some of them:

- Cleansing chicken egg;

- Cleaning salt;

- use of the power of the elements;

- Ritual annealing.

Rituals from solitude

The next step after you conducted energy cleansing - attraction love relationship. And as a result, you will receive true love.

This will not necessarily have a particular specific person. You will meet your half, which is designed to you over. Believe and accept as the fact that the universe is visible, who, when and how to go into your life as a loved one.

Ritual from loneliness on a growing moon

Prepare all the necessary components for the ritual. it pure water In any vessel, the candle, your favorite decoration or. It's enough. It is recommended to use flavors and music for more acute perception of what is happening and better concentration.

The essence of practice:

  • Remove shoes and socks. Let your connection with the energy of the Earth will be straight.
  • Adjust the thoughts for love. Can help a beautiful picture of lovers.
  • Click the button on the music center. The accompaniment must be not sharp, but sincere. Do not too turn on the audio recordings too loudly, let the melody quietly play in the background.
  • Light a candle flame.
  • Come to the water and lower the decoration in it. Before this mentally give the part of your love.
  • Take a candle. Three times spend it on the rim of the bowl of water, saying the following words: "The forces of natural elements! I beg you! Let every new day fills my life with love! ".
  • Put the flame near the water and visualize the image of your loved one.

Rite from loneliness with rose petals

You need seven candles. Initially burn one of them. Around throw a few rose petals. As you know, roses have long symbolize passion, feelings and love. Behind the designed design, put the remaining candles. It is advisable to give preference to red shades when choosing a color of candles.

The strength of this ritual has only with a growing moon. It is also important to do it on Friday. How many such Fridays you will have, will solve the universe. Cut the rite until you satisfy the result.

When everything is ready, become immediately before burning flames. Imagine that your beloved person means for you, what you see your future relationship. Ten minutes for visualization will be quite enough.

Important: With the following rituals, use the same candles!

Whispering from solitude

These methods are available to each of us:

  • If you have already chosen a sympathy object, you can attract it. At the meeting, whisper into your palm: "I wish him (she) to be with me always." After trying imperceptibly to touch this person.
  • When you erase or wash the dishes (in contact with water) say: "Water-Beauty, let me (your name) become a friend (friend) (name of your chosen one (s)."

Talisman from solitude

An excellent helper in attracting a loved one is. In addition, he clears from all the inner garbage, refreshes the mind and eliminates hatred.

Only its action is possible only after proper recharging. Rinse it well under the crane.

Then fill thoughts with love and direct this miraculous stream inside the stone. Now you can wear it as a coast on the neck.

Ritual for attracting a beloved using colors and cord

If you do not know how to get rid of loneliness with conspiracies, try the next one. It is long and requires patience, but the result gives just a stunning. Get ready for several days all your thoughts will be busy with this rite.

Prepare home flowerattracting love, as well as a small lace (necessarily pink colour). As for home plants: women choose chrysanthm or orchid, and men prefer Hippeastrum and Anthurium.

Prepare the plant before using it for your own purposes. If you purchased it quite recently, wait eleven days. It is for such a time that the flower and its leaves will be able to adapt to the atmosphere reigning in your apartment. He will get used to you if the daily watering will be accompanied by a greeting and good, good speeches. You can say a plant in advance that you hope for his help in finding a second half.

Now it will be about the shoelace. It must be completely clean and unused. Before ritual, charge it. Before immersion in the dream, take it in the palm of your hand. Lower the eyelids and whisper your cherished dream. Represent mentally beautiful picturesembodying your desire in reality. Next, place the lace under your pillow and go to rest.

When you awaken, put a charged rope to my bag. For the night - back under the pillow. Remember, the charged talisman should always be with you for five days.

Now that all necessary items are prepared, you can proceed to the ritual. When watering the plants, tell me again your desire, and then take the lace around the pot. It is important that at this moment you exactly imagined your beloved or beloved.

After that, do not forget about care and proper care Behind the flower.

Ritual from solitude "love boiler"

If you do not meet your beloved, it is possible that your heart chakra is closed.

People have long been tying God and love in a single whole. Inlet in the soul is a bright feeling, we get closer to the creator and begin to understand your destination. As a result, a person gets rid of dirty and dishonest thoughts, relates with respect and warmth to others.

Anahata is located in the center of the chest, its work is to maintain proper circulation Love energy inside us.

There is the concept of "love boiler". He is divided into the "Will Temple" and "Temple of Love". In order for loneliness to be destroyed forever, it is necessary to contribute to the correct connection of these two components.

It is possible to penetrate the "boiler of love" with special practice.

Imagine that you have a bowl of attention lying on an elastic film. He absorbs all the thought processes occurring in mind. MiG comes when there is no place anymore for a single thought. The film does not withstand and bursts. The ball penetrates the deep into your body.

On its way, it forms the strongest energy channel ending in the area of \u200b\u200bAnahata. Now your attention is in the heart chakra, and your eyes look from there. The eye clarifies and everything is visible quite clearly.

You see how the body is filled with a gold fog. Its function is to connect both temples. After graduation this process The love boiler becomes warm and pleasant. His lightweight glow goes beyond the borders of the body and heads up to heaven, to God.

It takes a few minutes, and the universe begins to sink you with response feelings. They make their way through the physical shell and gather in the heart.

You feel unusual calm and peace. The feeling of the presence of the Divine inside you gives you confidence in the future and the fact that your loved one will come to your life very soon.

Prayers and conspiracies from loneliness (video)

Friends, regularly practice, rituals and rituals for attracting your second half and very soon the question "how to get rid of solitude" will cease to worry you.

You can ask your questions in the comments below.

Alain Golovin - White Lady, Psychic,site author


Magic is considered a very versatile agent from various problems. Quite often, precisely conspiracy and love spells are used as the last hope in love affairs. Applying a magical impact, you can solve almost any problem: ranging from the search for high-paying work, and, ending with deliverance from loneliness.

Conspiracy from loneliness is a fairly simple ritual, which is absolutely safe for the artist and can even be conducted to those who have not previously used magic.

Magic ritual action

If you suffer a boredom and feeling of emptiness, and you decided to fight with them, then conspiracies from loneliness - perfect solution. As a rule, such rituals act quite quickly, allowing you to get rid of the problem in the shortest possible time.

The following rites are distinguished by:

It is recommended to analyze your situation before choosing a suitable ritual. Very often, two ritual should be performed in order to relieve the problem. After all, only stabilizing the inner sensations, you can enjoy the society of other people.

Rite for inner harmony

To get rid of loneliness, you need to perform a special rite, which involves reading the prayer and the creation of a special magic assistant. To fulfill the rite you will need dried herbs, the smell of which likes, some cloth, needles and threads.

From the fabric you need to make a small bag in which dried herbs should be put and sew it.

When the pouch is ready, the words of prayer read on it:

"Lord God, save and save me
Slave God's (name) from boredom painful, from loneliness,
Remove everything bad with me help.
Live me now in harmony with the world around
With people yes with himself.

Prayers are repeated five times. When read magic plotPut the bag with herbs on the prominent place and periodically take in your hands. As a rule, acting the rite during the first week.

However, after a few days you can perform another rite: to find friends or second half.

© Stepanova N. I., 20 15

© Ripol Classic Group of Companies, 2015

From the author

Dear my readers and admirers! From the whole clean soul I wish you always be happy, loved ones and healthy. Creating this book for you, I invested all my sincere care of you and about your family. I give you the word, you will rejoice more than once that they purchased it. I believe that she will be your guardian angel in all difficult and happy times.

Old people say: "Life live - not the field go," and this is absolute truth! When the two people are going to the registry office, they are unlikely to think that they can divorce in a year. Not all married couples are ready for everyday tests, and, unfortunately, a lot. This book will help you overcome different troubles and trouble. Will tell you how to avoid family sharp corners and correct the errors that you inexperience you are inexperienced. Teach how to find mutual language With relatives of her husband, as well as how to get rid of the rival if it appears with you. You will know the most strong prayerswho make your birth, as well as what should be known for the abundance of milk. In the book you will find rare prayers, thanks to which your future child Never know the Crown, you can talk your child on a longevity and from all sorts of trouble.

The book will tell you about how you need to get married correctly, in order to prevent those errors in the wedding that will heat your family life. A girl who can not get married, will find the tips in the book, how to attract the groom. Here you will learn a lot of admission that will help prevent all that you can harm you during the matchmaking, behind the wedding table and even when making wedding gifts. You will become stronger with this book - she is your talisman and your charm. Having her, you will be happy in marriage and you can live with your beloved spouse to a diamond wedding! If you want to know something about your future marriage or get advice, how to do in certain affairs, write me, and I will be happy to help you with great pleasure.

My dear, I am always sincerely glad to your letters and calls. Thanks to them, I understand what you need, and happy opportunities to help and support those who need my help.

IN lately It began to flow a huge number of letters and calls with complaints about the fact that my readers were deceived by some passing, giving an advertisement in the newspaper, as well as in the recording of advertising on television channels, calling themselves to my name and surname. In all letters, deceived people tell the same thing: healers protrude in the transmission and in the running line indicate their phone. Those who call the transfer, later calls people and says that from many thousands of calls Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova, the author of books, chose only ten people who will help, and request huge amounts, and after some time such calls come again .

I want to warn you all that I never accept the participation in any TV shows and do not drive around the country for conducting sessions of treatment. There are also no other faces, students and relatives, who allegedly refer false sellers from me. I am very upset about this, because using my name, you are not only cheating, but also harm. After the court proceedings, the angry fasteners write in the Internet all sorts of nasty, pouring my name, they also write that I have long died, and therefore I ask you, my dear, remember my warning and not believe such advertisements to which I do not have any relationship .

Cute, my dear friends, precious my readers! At your request, the first and second book-book books "Golden Guide of the People's Dictionary" from the unique series "Master - Master" were released. This year I will prepare the following. The owner of this series in essence will receive absolutely complete knowledge of the correspondence University of the People's Heater. He learns all that it is impossible to learn any one, even the most expensive courses. In the topic of books, everything will be included, which is obliged to know the real master, which in the old days they spoke - he is an arbitrary! It will be not interesting and useful to learn about the true ethics of the healer. All the most difficult will be simple and affordable for you. Tutorials will reveal all the unknown and little-known methods of treating diseases, magical ancient rituals and, of course, fair keywords to conspiracies and spells. The experience that you already have, the knowledge gained from your ancestors and from my previous books, coupled with the Master - Master series, will enrich your worldview, will make you much stronger and wiser, which means that you can help not only To myself and your loved ones, but also to all those who need your help and support. I am absolutely sure that you will enjoy your perishable university and you have repeatedly remember it most good word. I know you will become much stronger with these knowledge. Wisdom and invulnerability will become your best friends.

The piggy bank of your knowledge will not be the price, but that the chain of this knowledge is inseparable, it is necessary that any link does not fall out of it, so it is useful for you to have all the books of the "Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer" cycle, now this series includes thirty-eight books. And if there is no one of them at least one, you will lose the essential part of the Vedovo secrets, which means that you will be not fully knowledge. Please note that now has the opportunity to purchase all books from the series "Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer", they are reissued. These books are the whole set or those releases that you failed to purchase before, when they went out, it can be purchased by contacting the publishing house Ripol Media by phone. (495) 775-8885, ext. 173, 192, by e-mail: [Email Protected], at: 109147, Moscow, ul. Big Andronievskaya, d. 23.

Dear my readers and admirers! Low bow and the most heartfast thanks for the kind, sweating words About my books, consultations, publishing, which I get from you. There is nothing happily for the healer than to know that his work brings someone from you relief, help in a particular situation that more and more people are interested folk medicine, domestic traditions and beliefs. Thank you everybody.

But sometimes completely different letters come. They are a bit, but I can't mention them. In these letters, reproach: Say, read the prayer, bought postcards, the book, went to the father - and nothing happened, did not receive any wealth, nor recovery or promotion. I wrote more than once, spoke at the receptions, but I repeat again. It is necessary to treat the prayer that you read to contacting the father in the temple, to the wrapper or amulet as the check that you paid and with whom you have the right to demand the fate of immediate wealth, happiness or something else. Prayer, charm, rite is only an opportunity, way, road to change in life, and to be it or not, can only solve the Lord. Think about it if a person sinned all his life, satisfied his care, passed by the sufferings of loved ones, whether he could after appeal to the father in the temple, after the prayer, after acquiring an amulet, after visiting the healer immediately find everything he wants everything he needs ?

Of course, I did, I do and will do everything in my power and opportunities to help everyone in need of support. But not everything in my power is all in the hands of the Lord. And a lot depends on you yourself.

My dear, write me, and I will answer you. Write to me what you would like to know and what would you like to learn from my next books, from the newspaper "Magic and Life". Contact me for help, and I will help you and I will pray for you, and even if one of you "falls", my prayers, like a rampant straw, will soften the blow so that it is not so dangerous and hurt. Take care of yourself and about each other, and I, my dear, will always be with you.

Precious my friends and readers! Using the case provided, I want to thank you with all my heart for your warm and kind congratulations on holidays and the birthday of the birthday. I promise to continue to serve you faith and truth. Write me, and I will be happy to help you. I hug you and bless you.

Take care of yourself. Be happy and healthy.

Always yours
Natalia Ivanovna Stepanova

Loneliness and how to get rid of it

Our grandfathers and great-grandparents could hardly dream about what we have. If earlier people lived in Humble and in cold dugouts, then the current residents live in good-quality cottages and in warm landscaped apartments, where the water is cold and hot runs straight from the crane and do not need to carry it from the river on their shoulders. Modern man It does not endure foods to the street so that they do not deteriorate, - now there is a fridge in every house. Hostess do not erase underwear on the river or in Lohani, on wooden board, do it for them washing machines. We have electricity and candles light only in a solemn hour. We have coffee makers, coffee grinders, electric furnaces and microwaves. Almost every one of us cellular telephoneEven in young children, and we can contact any edge of the earth in an instant. In stores full of food, it is so much that it disappears, they do not understand it, and as a result of her shelf life expires. Our mothers shrew their festive dress, and this is no wonder, because it was one thing. We see such an abundance of the shoes, which is ripples in the eyes. What is missing man for happiness? As the time has shown - family and love. In our oversaturated world, it was almost impossible to create a family. And if someone marries, then, according to official statistics, every second marriage breaks down in the first or third year! Most letters come to me from lonely people. Guys, men, women and girls write me about their personal misfortune, they want happiness, family, children, and there is no opportunity to create a family!

First of all, people have nowhere to get acquainted. If you used to go to dances, now they are no longer anywhere. Come home from work or study, people eat and sit at the TV or computer, and it replaces the whole light. Everyone is already accustomed to living the fictional show and serials, watch someone else's love in the film. But if the family does not create, it means there is no continuation of the kind. From a conversation with a woman who complains of her loneliness, it becomes clear that, despite the fact that she is already thirty-seven years old and the guys of her age is still becoming married, she refuses them, since she wants the future husband to her own accommodation, stable good salary, soft downtown, so that he did not have harmful habits, it was good and not a little growth, and so that he must have a car. Okay, if it were only one such bride put forward such requirements for a potential fiance, but you want to believe, you want - no, all the brides seemed to come together, and they all want one! My question is: "And what if you do not meet this?" - Girls answer: "So I will be alone!" What do they write and tell me the lonely grooms and their moms?

From letters:

"My son Yuri is very good manbut he is still not married, although he is forty! No matter how I tell him about marriage, he always answers me: "Mom, the current women and girls are looking for themselves her husband, but a dying goat. They don't need me, but comfortable life, I do not know how to steal. Salary I have a small one, there are no cars, and girls need trips abroad, fur coats and diamonds, so that mom, I'm sorry, marry me for me! "I feel sorry for my son, I am so dreaming about grandchildren, I really really have it never marry never? "

"Dear Natalia Ivanovna, I am thirty-two years old, I graduated from the institute and work by a doctor. I understand that it is time to marry, I have a desire for this, but no matter how much I tried to care for women, no one goes marry me. Having learned that I do not have a car, the girls make round eyes, it can be seen in their face, as if I said something indecent. Whats wrong with that? For seven years I studied at the doctor. What were the money from my parents, everyone went to my training. Salary from doctors is not so big so that I can buy a car. The first thing that he asks any maiden is - how much I get and if I have accommodation. And having learned that I live in the same apartment with dad and my mother, do not even try to hide disappointment. Such a feeling that you are put up for sale on the market and you, seeing, bypass. Mom sorry, she dreams about grandchildren, and I already doubt that I ever get married. "

Very many letters and on unrequited love or that they are ugly. Each letter is a personal pain and tragedy. Reading these letters, I really want to help everyone. Of course, every person has its own situation, each loneliness has its own reason. I really hope that this book will help someone get rid of your trouble.

If the girl is not named married

In previous times, for these cases used special calling prayers and conspiracies. Read these conspiracies can bride or her mother.

Call Groom

The strongest of all this plot is valid in the Sparrow Night (the last Wednesday last week summer). Stand near the bride's threshold, turn three times and tell me:

Lord God bless this threshold,
So that the groom could not leave the threshold.
Would he go here, in a hurry,
Slask did not eat, the water did not get drunk,
I saw (such something), wept,
Under the crown called, the matchmaker sent to the threshold.

Now, confessed, in the eyelids.

Call for honey saved

Perfectly attracts the grooms this simple but surprisingly an effective way. It is difficult to calculate how many brides it helped go under the crown. Make it in Honey savage. The Mother of the Bride should defend in the church morning service in Honey saved, holding with him in Krinka or in the jar honey. At the end of the festive service, it should dilute this honey in holy water, and then, with the verdict, spray the input threshold of the bride. Separate:

Lord! Honey saved!
Send a groom for us.
And how the bees fly on the flowers,
So walled to her mow.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

To watched the one you like

Girl or her mother should take right hand For a bracket entrance door and read the call:

Lord, bless! Holy Father, help!
First of time, with an hour,
How to light up anching beeper wax
On candles in heaven,
So light up let love
In the rigor of the heart and in the eyes
Slave of God (name) to the slave of God (name).
His thoughts of hearty,
And the dooms of infinite dooms
About the wedding ring, about the Holy Crown
Fish (name) with slave (name). Amen.
You (such something) go to me on the porch
And put on the slave (such something) on \u200b\u200bthe finger ring.

Amen. Amen.

Make so three evenings in a row.

Love spell on the groom

Heat the oven in the bath or in the hut and, looking into the open door of the oven, say slowly:

Mother my oven, you can burn everything.
I ask you, I spell you,
Inside me (such something) begging.
Let his love be defeated to me
And the want will break it.
Let him bread does not eat and drink water,
Let him thank about me
Bitter tears pours,
Hours and minutes believes
Rest in separation does not know
Night at the moon, nor in the morning at the dawn,
So that he thought and suffered
And on the mind he held a slave (name).

Love spell to treat

Having become the one who you will have a conspiracy hotel. It can be gingerbread, cake, candy, any drink and food, but not alcohol. Make a love spell in men's days, that is, on Monday, Tuesday or on Thursday. The spell begins to act after the third treat. Read the conspiracy like this:

Stands in the temple of the Holy Silia table,
On the table - food.
Who will eat this food,
I will never forget me.
Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen.

Love spell

In order for the guy to love the girl and married, you need to get his thing, such as a scarf, handkerchief or gloves. At night, put this thing on the table and, touching her knife handle, they say:

The one who has wore this thing
Let my hand asked.
Be, my words, strong,
Become, my business, modeling
At now, for centuries, at all times.
In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.

The conspiracy thing is stored in a secluded place in his house, while the groom will not call married. After the wedding, the thing is burned in the oven.

Spell on well water

After the sunset take water from three different wells and merge into one vessel. We speak the water and pour it from the groom's dwelling. Do it on arriving moon. We speak the water like this:


Let me come to me (such something) get drunk.

And how do people without water can not live,

So cute without me can be.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


Perhaps your fate is watching you

None of you, my dear, can not know whose eyes look at you now or at another time of day, and after all, perhaps, this is your fate. Remember this, please, always, especially if you dream of getting married or marry. Do not believe? Then read what my readers write.

From letters:

"I for a long time did not marry. First studied, then my mother sick. Finally happened so that I fell in love, but the one that I liked it, I did not know about it. I can not say that I am timid, but whenever I met her, my legs were drowned, and I didn't know my heart in my chest, I didn't know what was possible. Then I reconciled that she was working on the cashier's post office, and began to come there every day. What I had to see there, sled me. Tanya, so called this girl, wings Mate, as the last street bum. At the same time, she looked loudly and hoarsely, not paying attention to the old men standing behind the pension. I myself do not know why, I went to the window and quietly asked: "Are you not afraid of losing a job?" In response, she burned: "Do you, what will you go, for my nine thousand? I myself want to leave here ... "I don't know why I asked her about the work, most likely from the insult, that the one I prayed and which first loved, was completely different. But I wanted to invite it on this day ... "

"One guy I really liked, and I was all worried that it was unworthy. Our family is large, and I am poorly dressed. When he passed by, I hid behind the corner and looked at him from afar. He lived across the road from me, in a nearby house, on the first floor. Once I wanted to see him so much that I could not stand and went to his window. To better be visible, I climbed on a garbage box. It was already dark on the street, and the lights burned in the windows. I greedily looked at him and whispered his name. I was ready to die for him. And suddenly I saw how he hit his mother, she cried, and he shouted on her. I heard he faded and called her anything. At that very moment it seemed to me that my heart was born. "

"We have one woman in the team, and I probably thought about eight years old. I liked it impossible for me, but she was married, and I pressed this feeling in myself. Sometimes he was sometimes surprised at himself, so much a number of lonely women, and I only dreamed of her. It is difficult to widow to one by one, a colleague was constantly hinting about this, and I myself knew it, but no one, except her, did not love. It happened, she climbs past the heels, I look at her back, catching the fragrance of her perfume, and this in the soul wakes up tenderness that I myself became scary, so I loved her! And then she shores her husband, it seems, he had a stroke, and I thought all the time, as she probably was hard and hurt, because I once buried my wife.

Once I passed by her table, but did not leave, but I got up for an angle, so that it looks close to her. And heard her neighbor she says: "But you have long liked Petrovich. He is a widower, and now you widow, maybe take and get down? "What I heard in response, I killed me. My little beloved answered her: "From one goat, there was another goat, and I will give the other? I need him for hell? Socks to wash? "Here it was here and flew to me pink glasses. The gaze was healed from love. Five me, old fool!

A six months later, former my love began to give me signs of attention, apparently, I realized the bitterness of loneliness, but only she doesn't know that I then saw her nutro! "

How to get married widow

A person is not guilty that he has suffered trouble. Sorry for the person who left this world ahead of time. But life continues, and you need to take care of your future, a person is poorly alone, God created Eve and Adam. To marry a widow or marry a widow is very difficult. First, many people leave no longing, affection for the old spouse. Secondly, thinking about such a decision, a person begins to experience the guilt before who left this world. In former times, close widows or widows immediately led them to the meanhard so that she spoke to them from longing, giving the sad heart to peace. None of the people have the right to blame the widow or widow for such a step, no one returned the dear tears. And to help you have a close, having relived it or her from death, the duty of all others. Because this book is intended to save a person from loneliness, to help him become happy, then this section in the book is simply necessary. In it you will find good advice, rare, strong conspiracies and prayers to help find peace and family.