Repairs Design Furniture

Seeder for carrots - an overview of ready-made and personally made devices. Hand seeder with your own hands manual seeder for seeds with your own hands

Sowing on large beds will facilitate the seeder, with their own hands assembled. Then all seeds will be scented in Earth evenly, without proper, and bored. Therefore, the drawings of such mechanical funds collected by their own hands are attached. Of course, you can buy an aggregate and in the store. However, the homemade seeder is economical, it is easier to use it and repair.

Requirements for the seeder

All self-made mechanisms for sowing must necessarily comply with the following requirements:

  • uniformly distribute seeds;
  • to withstand the desired depth of the soil;
  • provide straightness of the rows and width of the aisle.

Fixture under small seeds (mini seeder) - Dachnik's dream, which grown carrots, salad, bow of the navigation, i.e. Cultures with tiny seeds. Seeder for Luka Sevka will save gardeners from tedious thinning. The scheme of this device (photo 1) is simple, you can make adjustments to the comfort and obtaining the required results. The onions of the seeds from the reservoir under the seeds are laid in the seeder. It is planted on the handle. Rationally add it with a metal chopper. She climbs sowing land.

Photo 1. Scheme of mini-seeders.

The same device for carrots can be made multiple. Then simultaneously you can sing a few beds. The craftsmen use several tanks.

Such a multi-row carrot seeder is collected from:

  • seed box;
  • rotating shaft;
  • regulating the thickness of sowing the brush;
  • wheels;
  • pens;
  • couch.

Available device manual single-row model. It is easier for its example to understand more complex devices (for example, a vacuum seeder with their own hands), designed for a different seed caliber.

Simple seeder

The principle of mechanical solution here is simple - this is a limitation of the rash of the sowing material outside. For this, an open box is used, but with a double bottom. The movable plate is inserted into this space. The sowing material is poured on the bottom of the box, where there is a hole slightly more grain, if it is a grain seeder. And in the lower bottom there is a larger hole, but coinciding with the top hole. When the middle plate is pulled back, these holes are not communicated, the grains are not poured. Shifting the plate, the sower will continue to work. However, it is worth falling asleep some seeds to rolling them along the seeder, avoid thickening sowing.

Often this moving plate is equipped with a spring drive, which will return it after pressing. When using a seeder for small seeds with their own hands, sowing will accelerate 10 times.

With independent making of the sowing device, it is better to use the following materials:

Photo 2. Drawing of a multi-row manual seeder.
  • the plastic reservoir for grains, ideally a transparent jar to control the presence of seeds;
  • bolt on which the bank filled with sowing material rotates, moving around the beds;
  • pruning plastic pipe, proportionate depth of cans;
  • trim metal pipe, slightly plastic;
  • 2 washers fixing the jar;
  • the door from the canning jar to cover the hiding hole;
  • aluminum wire;
  • wooden handle;
  • improvised chipper.

10 Steps Seeder

That's how to make this fixture yourself.

  1. Mark the center on the plastic bank and drill through the hole. Accuracy is important as a guarantee of performance and stability of the device.
  2. Remove the lid and make a triangular hole for filling with grains.
  3. In order for the sowing material, it is necessary to cut an improvised valve (cover) from a tin can, a little more holes under the backfill. It should be fixed with wire. Rotating, it must freely close and open.
  4. In the center of the jar should be a cutting of a plastic pipe. It will not allow the bank to shrink from tightening the bolt.
  5. In this trim, insert a metal tube to get the bearing. Bank (tank) will start rotating. Then it becomes clear that the homemade seeder works properly.
  6. Now in this metal tube you need to insert a bolt and a nut to spin it between 2 piles so that the rotation becomes free.
  7. On the side of the jar of hot nails should be done 2 holes. The diameter of the nail should be equal to the caliber of the radish seed, garlic, onion, which is to be sung.

Of course, such a simple and lightweight seeder for garlic will be more convenient if you make it with a wooden handle. Then it will be easy to drill a hole on it to bolt to fasten it to a rotating tank. Then it is worth automating the falling of land crops. A metallic part is suitable, similar to a chipper. It follows it a little to bend, so that she swallowed the earth. After that, you need to attach it to the handle, but above the tank.

Now a manual single-row seeder for garlic, onions Sevka or carrots are ready.

The principle of using a manual seeder

An ordinary chopper is planned by a furrow. Then they put this homemade device on it and promote it forward. The tank rotates, so the grains are sown at an equal distance. And the improvised chip falls asleep to the soil. Winning is obvious even on large gods. There is savings, time and seeds.

The transparent plastic tank allows you to fix the presence of seeds in it. The design itself is easily adapted for each culture. For example, a seeder for radishes with their own hands has holes smaller than for corn. The tank is designed for a specific grain size. Condifies the availability of manufacturing from undergraduate parts, ease of use.

However, in order to save various cultures economically and qualitatively, we need 3-4 tanks with holes of different diameters. Seeder for corn must be with large holes, for grain - fit, and for carrots and at all with miniature.

Universal seeding technology

In photo 2 - a complicated design, universal for all crops.

Stages of creating such a mechanism are as follows:

  1. The sowing shaft is made of aluminum pipe, better than a diameter of 28 mm. It is on it that is drilled in 3 rows of holes, but already different diameters.
  2. At the same time, one row corresponds to a specific grain caliber. For example, in 1 row of 8 holes of 4.5 mm in diameter. It is for salad, parsley, carrots, sorrel, radish.
  3. In the 2nd row of 16 holes of 5.5 mm for onions. 3 row contains 5 holes of 8.2 mm under peas, beets.
  4. To select the desired range, the shaft relative to the seed hopper is moved horizontally.

The tank of masking from galvanized steel is 0.5 mm. Dimensions of this box 80x70x40 mm. It takes the grain at the bottom to the sowing shaft, which contributes to the configuration of a truncated trapezoid and a hole. Boxes are searched. Next, it is fixed on the frame with two M5 bolts, as well as the screw M6 - the mounting for the brush at the bottom of the bunker, which adjusts the sowing lush, moving up and down from the shaft.

The transparent cap of the plexiglass allows you to deliver the sowing material in a timely manner. Attach it in front of the bunker furniture loop and equipped with a latch.

The frame is performed from the steel sheet of 2.5 mm. Strength is necessary, because some craftsmen are planning to move the unit with a motor-block with their own hands connected. Its size is 78x85 mm. The length of the sides is 90 mm, and behind and in front of 40 mm, i.e., along the length of the bunker itself.

Below in the lateral parts drill holes for bearings (diameter 28.05 mm). Insert the sowing shaft here. The bracket for the handle is welded to the front of the frame.

Stainless steel coulter 0.8 mm Better Bashed to frame with two M5 bolts. Its length is 90 mm, and he himself bent in the center bent a chute. From this seeds fall strictly in their place. It is better to take ready-made kapron wheels. And their axis is all the same sowing shaft.

How does a universal seeder

And without a motoblock, with their own hands make robbles of furrows under the garden. Fix the desired row on the most sighable shaft, move the brush. Fall asleep seeds and fix the cover with a latch. Both wheels put the mechanism on the furrows.

Next, manually promote it forward, and the couch will enhance the ground to the desired depth. Adjust this depth, just tilting the seeder handle down either up. The depth of 3 mm comes out if the tank cover is parallel to the ground. The advantages of this self-made device in ease of use, good performance due to several rows, saving seeds.

In areas over 10 acres, you need a seeder for a minitractor, a motoblock.

Plants produce several varieties of such models:

  1. Combined option. Such a seeder to the motoblock with their own hands adapted, makes a fertilizer with seeds.
  2. A special model for sowing specific seeds, it is its scheme that the self-made seeder for the motoblock corresponds to it.
  3. The universal unit is designed for sowing of any size and culture.

Naturally, a successfully improvised seeder for the motoblock will be possible only with accurate technologies.


The manual self-made model is more rational to use on small gardens. Significant crops are treated with complex universal devices. After all, they will replace several simple homemade devices.

Innovations are now proposed that connect the advantages of existing models. For example, a combined unit, also fertilizing crops, plus a universal (for all crops), plus a vacuum seeder with their own hands created. Any model is a winning device that gets rid of the garden from hard work. Her effectiveness is indisputable.

No vegetable carrot do not care

If a person has a garden, he tries to grow his products on it. That's right, because only the planting of culture with your own hands, we can be sure of their quality and utility. Dounting work will not name simple, for the season you need to make a lot of different things, without which it is impossible to get a harvest. To facilitate the work, you can use different devices - a seeder for carrot visual example. It can be bought in the store, do it yourself, there are many options and let's get acquainted with them.

It is interesting! Nowadays, there are more than 60 species of orange root root, his homeland is original Afghanistan. Europeans learned about carrots around the 10th century.

Shopping options


Pretty simple and affordable tool. As you can see in the photo, the syringe has a transparent cylinder, where the seeds of carrots are placed, and sheer, which pours them through a special hole at the base. Such a device is for sale in garden shops, in housewaves. Convenient, simple. Price, depending on the region of about 100-150 rubles.

The second option and that has long conquered respect for dacnisters, is a seeder for seeding carrots, which is shown in the photo below. The principle is the same as the syringe - seeds are placed in the barrel, after which they are pushed with the help of a rod and springs in rows on the garden. Very budget - up to 100 rubles and a simple option. But these two seeders are suitable for small sites, which can be planted manually without much difficulty. But if you need to sing a solid area in the garden, then there will be more serious units, a little later.


Convenient, technically simple device. Rollers produces both our country, so there are foreign counterparts. The price of the Russian aggregate is 200-250 rubles. You can buy such a device in garden stores, and online stores. The principle of action is elementary - the round case opens, the seeds are poured, the cover is closed. After that, the handle stove is inserted and sowing into the ranks that were made in advance.

The big advantage of such a video is that it is not necessary to lean, as in the case of the first two devices, because the handle can be done even with their own hands and under the necessary growth. The roller makes it possible to easily sow a big garden, well, if you have an impressive area, then the aggregates are suitable, which are described below. But it is worth noting that we will talk about seeders for small-seamy crops that are suitable for handmade in the garden, and not about complex machines with a multitude of nozzles for the fields of motor-blocks.

On a note! Plus, such a roller seeder is also that it is suitable for sowing not only carrots, but also other vegetable, greenery and even peas.

Seeder of accurate saw

For carrots, for beets, for peas and other crops, such devices are suitable. Yes, they are an order of magnitude more expensive, but labor facilitates significantly. Again, such aggregates may have a complex design, simple, differ in dimensions, functionality, to be from our manufacturers and overseas. This affects the cost. Examples of frequently used seeders and pictures of their photos below.

Accurate seeding units:

  • SV-1/1. Seeder from the company "Growth", one-row. It may have a different design - either soaring with a brush mechanism or using a sleeve. A completely inexpensive option - up to 3 thousand rubles. A lot of seeds are placed in the basket for green. It can sow different cultures, for which the sleeves are changing, which come in the kit;
  • 1001-b. This seeder is already from Earthway, which is located in America. The option is compact, stable - up to 4 kg, can plant different cultures and medicinal herbs, sowing depth is adjusted. Included six disks that change and make it possible to plant 28 crops, among which are vegetable, and greens. The price of the aggregate is more expensive - up to 7-8 thousand;
  • SMK-1 seeder. Again from the company "Growth", a good unit that you can simply attach to the cutting and continue to manage it. Price - up to 1000 rubles. The mechanism has brushes and shaft, sowing is carried out in one row. If you have a large area, you can purchase a different modification - the SMK-5 seeder is a five-row, sowing a width of 6 cm wide, the QMS-2 is a double row. Width can be adjusted from 6 to 24 cm. Flip the seed container and sow, everything is quite simple, but it is effective;
  • Al-KO US 45. A very good version of the precision seed drill for both carrots and other crops and for spreading fertilizers. Not more than 2 thousand rubles, you can order on the Internet. The German unit, convenient in that it has a 22-liter tank, where you can fall asleep seeds, fertilizers, as well as a handle for which you can easily keep two hands.

Of course, the seeders exists very and very much, in each company they are their own, but the principle of operation is in many ways similar, efficiency, too, only the cost may differ many times. If you have a garden big or small near a private house or in the country, then these seeders are perfectly suitable, do not take a lot of space and do not require special skills. Well, we go to the second part, and it will be Lifehaki on how to make simple devices for sowing small-free crops with their own hands and without costs.

On a note! Nowadays, there is a special sticky tape on sale, on which seeds are already applied at the desired distance. It just needs to be buried in rows, sprinkle soil and pour, as with ordinary crops.

Carrot seeders do it yourself

Plastic bottle

This is the most common cottage device for sowing small. We take a bottle of 1.5 liters, unscrew the lid, we do the hole. This can be done with a screwdriver. Insert a pipe for juice here, fix it at the base with threads or scotch. Seeds mix with sand so that they do not bother densely and at the same time was drainage. Some in rows and water.

Cleaster and bottle

This is the second version of the handmade carrot seeder, which can be done with your own hands and again from the bottle. In the lid we also make a hole, but already without a tube. Cook the adhesive mass from liter of water and flour spoons. Pour seeds here and prevent them carefully. Pour into the bottle and we produce landing. Nutrient mass will dispense seeds so that the picking will be needed minimal.

Boxes from the eggs

This is not a seeder, but the seed method. 2-3 containers are taken from under eggs, inserted into each other to create a density, after which they add the earth, and in the obtained cells with raw seeds. Here you can use seeders from the store in the form of a syringe or barrel. Suitable method for small garden.

Tablet box

We need a box in which there is a dispenser, there are such from medicines, children's dragees, from a substitute sugar. It has a certain button that makes it possible to pour out one tablet. This elementary item can be applied in the garden, mixing the seeds with sand, and now the homemade seeder for carrots is ready. Suitable for a small area. The box should initially open so that the seed material can be floated. Even easier, you can use the old straw for spices and salt.

Nowadays there is an opportunity to buy and make with your own hands many different devices that will help relieve work in the country. Save time on the garden, you can spend it more with close people.

Manual seeders have approximately the same mechanism: this is a spinning sleeve with recesses, in which seeds are located. During the movement, these seeds are reset into the furrow, and the sowing density directly depends on the distance between the deepening in the sleeve.

The difference between the seeders is in different ways of feeding seeds. But they all work on the principle of transmitting torque from wheels to the shaft. The shaft should have a deepening, which will serve as seed dispensers, and its upper part adjacent to the container with handouts. The size of the sleeves on the shaft is the largest diameter of the seed, one seed fall into one hole on the shaft. Seeder wheels movement provokes seed dropping through holes under the shaft. The furrows are made by plows of small sizes under each row with the same step as the distance between the sowing bushings on the shaft. To make a seeder at home, you will need to choose the materials suitable for design. The easiest mechanism consists of such mandatory components:
  • Two wheels firmly fixed on one axis.
  • Drum (shaft), which performs the role of the dispenser.
  • Bunker for seeds.
  • A long handle with which the movement of the seeder will be performed - the pusher.

The first version of the self-made seeder is made with steel wheels of our own manufacture. We carry out such actions:
  • Cut from a two-minute metallic sheet two disk, the diameter of each 26 cm.
  • On the perimeter of the wheels we make 24 cuts 1 cm depth and bending the petals by 90 degrees.
  • In the center of each disk drills a hole under the axis with a diameter of 1 cm.
  • Drum: As a dispenser serves an old pulley from a washing machine<Волга>.
  • Over the entire length of the pulley, drills for seeds with a pitch of 0.3 cm.
  • The depth and width of the recesses should be approximately equal to the size of the seeds, we have 0.2 cm in the drawing.
  • Fix the wheels and pulley on one axis.
  • From a rod with a diameter of 1.2 cm. Mastery handle: From one side, we cut the thread from one side. And we put on the shaft on both sides. The remaining unfinished side of the plate is welded to the nut of the pusher handle nut.
  • The seed bunker is soldered out of thin tin and be sure to make it the ears for a strong joint with the pusher screws. To the handle, too, we solder the brackets in the form of a triangle, to then draw it with the bunker-dispenser M4 bolts. The lower part of the hopper must be suspended and tightly adjacent to the pulley. The simplest homemade seeder is ready.

The second embodiment of the seeder is designed for the beds of no more than meter in length, but these are conditional values. Creating a device with your own hands will require the participation of such tools:
  • Drill: Drills 2.5mm and 5mm.
  • Joiner's hammer (mall).
  • Passatii, and pliers are suitable.
  • Transportation, epoxy resin.

To construct a seeder, you will need such spare parts:
  • An empty steel pipe up to 5 cm in diameter and a total length two times less than the length of the future bed. The size of the pipe should not be more than half a meter (50 cm).
  • Plastic or wooden rod (rod) is 10-15 cm long. The diameter of the rod take 1 mm less than the diameter of the tube from the inside. You can take the rod as a basis of any material that is a good processing.
  • Three bearings.
  • Wheels with a diameter of 15 to 25 cm: Wheels are suitable from a children's bike or stroller.
  • Plastic bunker, you can take a few pieces for the length of the pipe.
  • Tree timber sections 7 by 3 cm, wooden rail, galvanized ribbons from 0.8 to 1.5 cm wide.
Seed drill manufacturing technology:
  • A rod is inserted into the pipe with fixed pre-bearings on it - one in the center, two on the ends of the tube.
  • Fix this design on wheels, clamp, we put the markup to drill holes on top on the tube, the holes are planned with the planned distance between the seeds.
  • Drill with 2.5 mm drill make a hole in the pipe, choose the bar inside to a depth of 2.5 mm, but not more. Rod turn into 45 degrees, choose rejection again. We repeat the action seven times, distributing evenly well on the rod. If necessary, reduce the landing step, turning the rod to a smaller degree.
  • We get a rod drum from the tube and drill holes at the bottom of 5 mm drill, then connect the tube again with a rod.

At the top of the tube, the bunker for seeds, from which they will fall into the dispenser. You can take plastic bottles of 0.5 l: drills in a hole cover with a diameter of 5 mm and placed in such a way that the holes in the bottle lid and in the tube coincide. We make a handle to the seeder: Freak in the middle of the design of the rail from the tree, at the rate: the length of the bar plus a half diameter of the pipe, after which the 0.75 diameter is cut off. Choose semicircles at these ends suitable for the diameter of the pipe. All this is clamped by bars from two sides and is fixed with epoxy resin. The rail is turned around with galvanized, well crimped with priests. The ends of the galvanovka wrap in accordance with the width of the landing groove.

Thus, you can make a seeder with your own hands for planting radish, carrots, cabbage, beets and other seeds.

Each of us knows how important it is on time and correctly hang seeds of those or other vegetable crops to obtain a good crop in the future. In the theory, everything is easy, simply and understandable, but in practice, often, simply lacks time to fall in large areas to a limited time. In addition, when setting, it should be saved to the seeds themselves, especially if they are purchased into the edge. In order to solve these problems as efficiently as possible and special seeders were created, which can be purchased at any agricultural equipment store. But such a device can not only buy, but also create your own hands from the girlfriend, which will be discussed in this article.

Requirements for manual seeders do it yourself

Hand-made self-made seeder for sowing seeds of various vegetables and colors must comply with the following requirements:

  • The seeder must accurately and evenly soaring seeds in rows and beds.
  • Seeding seeds should be performed on a certain, calculated depth of soil.
  • The seeder must accurately observe the rectinence of all rows and a given aisle.

The designs of manual homemade seeders are quite simple, although they may differ in some detail and additions. Manual seeders do it with their own hands from the following parts:

  • seed box;
  • sowing roller;
  • two bearings;
  • two chassis wheels;
  • two bracket for fastening the coulter;
  • handle with bracket.

Manual seeders accurate sawing with their own hands

Manual seeders of accurate seeding, with their own hands made, due to their high accuracy can be used in greenhouses / greenhouses / nurseries / flower beds, as well as on individual gardens. Compared with the usual manual sowing, labor productivity using a homemade seeder increases about 10-15 times.

Of course, there is nothing easier than to buy a manual seeder in a specialized store, but much more economically make such an appliance yourself, because it is not so hard, especially for those who have elementary skills on working with the metal.

15316 10/08/2019 7 min.

The arrival of the summer season in the countryside is marked beginning of sowing workwhich begin mainly in May. Previously, such works were performed manually, but with the arrival of partial mechanization, this process was slightly simplified.

In particular, manual seeders of accurate saw appeared, designed to evenly distribute seeds into the soil. With this device, it is possible to sow not only the most different seeds of vegetables, but also having a lawn grass on the territory.

There are many different models manufactured in Europe and the United States in the Russian market for agricultural equipment. But, whatever the manufacturer does not flow on the package, the main goal of the data of manual seeders is one - this is as high quality and evenly distribute the sowing material in the soil.

On the device of a manual accurate seeder seed

Manual seeder of accurate seeding, as well as a seeder for garlic in its constructive features looks non-prettier invention. It consists of one or more containers, where the sowing material, control knobs and frames located on wheels will be.

The wheels, which are located in front of the device, form wells or furrows, after which the seed from the bunker falls there, and the rear wheels fall asleep the resulting hole of the loose ground.

As we see, the principle of work is quite simple. In fact, you simply send an aggregate in the area where you plan to grow various vegetable crops, and you will already be a hole with seeds behind you.

At the same time, with the help of a manual seeder and seeders for the lawn, it is possible to plant not only the seeds of lawn grass and vegetables, but also hopping sand or small gravel On iced and snow tracks in the winter, so that you can calmly walk along them, without fearing to fall.

In general, the process of working with a manual seeder of accurate seeding can be divided into three stages:

  • The assembly process. First you need to set the control knob from the transport position in the working, then put on the rear wheel on the axle (if the unit used consists of two wheels). If necessary, we produce a markup adjustment.
  • Performing adjusting actions. Depending on which kind of culture, the seed material will be used, the installation of a specific disk in the bunker will depend. It is difficult to confuse them, because they are all properly marked.
  • The lemis depth should also be adjusted in accordance with a specific sowing material.
  • Exercise of sowing work. After we bring the unit into action, the torque is transmitted from its front wheel to the disk by means of a belt or chain transmission. This disk captures sowing material from the container, and the lemch forms the desired depth of the well.
  • The markup is responsible for a number of seeded seeds was smooth, so it forms a line on Earth for the subsequent series.

For convenience, as well as for uniform distribution of seeds in the ground, it is recommended that sowing the first row on predetermined contours. You can drive two cavals along the edges by connecting them with a rope or thread. Thus, following in parallel this border, you will have a very smooth and visually beautiful row.

Models, specifications and prices - what better to buy

Manual precision seeders are designed to speed up the seeding process. Therefore, the feasibility of their acquisition is not enough questions. However, the choice is right, you need to pay attention to several main points:

  • Cost Aggregate, which can be very different from different manufacturers.
  • The total number of tanks under the sowing material. Again, the more bunker data, the amount of the device is higher.
  • The depth of the emerging well will depend on the culture, the seeds of which are planted.
  • The weight of the device also plays a role, especially in cases of work on large areas
  • Presence in aggregate additional devices, Making the sowing process more convenient (markter, plow for falling asleep sowing material, etc.).

There are quite many different models on the market from producers, which differ in each other in several constructive moments.

You can allocate several companies that are most widely represented on the Russian agricultural machinery market.


The device from this company refers to single-row type Aggregates designed to land beets, cabbage, onions, carrots and other vegetable crops. The average cost for such a seeder is about 65 thousand rubles.


SV-1/1 from growth company also refers to single-row devices. In the design there may be a sleeve or brush highlight unit, with a row marker to half a meter. In the container for seeds, the order of two buckets of the sowing material is placed, which is quite enough for a small garden.

The price for such an aggregate is 2-3 thousand rubles.

Model 1001-B from american company "Earthway"It has six replaceable discs for various cultures. In total, with the help of this seeder, you can plant more than 28 different vegetable crops.

In the design of the unit there is a special adjustment screw, which allows you to change the depth of planting the material.


  • total weight - 4 kg;
  • dimensions (package) - 350mm / 200mm / 700mm;
  • planting cultures - beets, carrots, onions, peas, spinach, etc.

The cost of this unit is about 8 thousand rubles.

CP-1 and CP-2

Models of the CP-1 and CP-2 from the already mentioned company NPK "Growth" Also deserve special attention.

Structurally, they differ somewhat from typical hand seeders of accurate seeding, because the roller is used in their design, and not the rear wheel, like most models. CP-1 has a mass of 4 kg, and CP-2 weighs at least 18 kg.

In general, these devices are very similar, they differ only in dimensions and cost - the first model will cost 4 thousand rubles, and the second order 7 thousand.

Models of the MSK series from the same company are distinguished by the fact that in their designs there is no control handle.

The seeder is connected to a conventional shovel cutlets, after which the seeding process is carried out. At the same time, the average productivity of these aggregates is about 0.2 hectares for eight hours of operation.

The cost of these models varies from 7 to 15 thousand rubles.


The Al-KO US 45 German manufacturer can be used throughout the year.

In the summer, with its help, you can plant various vegetable crops and sow lawn grass, and in winter, if there is no snow blower foreman, patriot, huscvarna, champion, hute or any other, you can scatter a gravel and sand On the icing and snow surface.


  • working width - 450 mm;
  • the total number of holes - 23 pieces;
  • the volume of the bunker is 24 liters;
  • dosage - regulated;
  • wheels are present in the number of two pieces (plastic);
  • case manufacturing material - plastic;
  • total weight - 3.5 kg.

The cost of this manual seeder is about 3 thousand rubles.

In general, there are many different modifications on the market, so farmer has from anything to choose. In particular, it can choose a drum or disk unit, belt or chain transmission, as well as a device package - standard or extended.

The unit pays off pretty quickly - almost in one season.

This is explained by the fact that the partial mechanization of the process allows to make sowing work in accelerated mode, which makes it possible to fall as many squares as possible.

How to make a homemade seeder do it yourself

Hand seeder accurate sawing with your own hands can be Made simple enough But before starting work, you need to make sure that you have everything you need. In particular, you will need a container for the sowing material, which should be made of plastic.

This is explained by the fact that plastic products are transparent, which allows you to control the amount of sowing material. In addition, we will need the following components:

  • bolt performing the feature of the axis. It will rotate a container with seeds, during the operation of the device;
  • we also need a plastic pipe, the length of which should be identical depth of the container of the plastic bunker. In addition to plastic, we will also need steel pipe, it should be the same length;
  • for fastening the bunker, we will need washers, as well as aluminum wire.

Go to the assembly process. We describe it in a step-by-step instruction format so that an exemplary consecutive algorithm is visible:

  • in a plastic can, which performs the role of a future bunker, you need determine the center. In the marked point, drill through a hole. We remove the lid, after which we are made in the side of the side of the end-to-end type, but already have a rectangular shape;
  • through this hole will be filling the bunker sowing material.
  • in the center of plastic cans put a plastic pipe, which will protect against the rash of the material from the bunker. Then it is necessary to install the steel to this pipe, and screw the bolt inside it. Then we twist the bolt with a nut, which will allow our design to rotate in free mode;
  • in the side of the plastic container points for future holes. The distance between them should be about 30 mm. Rapid a nail, after which we do holes in the marked places (the diameter of the nail you need to choose in such a way that the seeds take place in the holes made by them);
  • next, you can proceed to the manufacture of the handle. You can take the usual stalk from the shovel, then fasten it to the seeder. It is attached using an ordinary bolt and nut, so it is necessary to pre-drill on the end of the cutting through a hole in which the bolt is placed;
  • in order for the sowing process more automated, you need to provide a device that would fall asleep wells with seeds. An ordinary iron sheet is suitable, which need to be a little bend, so that it is better raking the earth;
  • krepim our billet to the handle So that it is higher than the container with the sowing material.

In principle, our self-made device is ready, i.e. You can proceed to full-fledged sowing. Naturally, this scheme of the device is quite simplified, but with its main responsibility it copes.

The main meaning of all self-herders is saving money, so there is no point in complicating the design with additional devices.

By the way, before starting sowing work, you need to preliminarily prepare the surface where work will be performed. It consists in cleaning from the territory of excess garbage, as well as in the liquidation of particularly solid soil sections.

It will not be superfluous and pour the earth with enough water. If you have not provided a device in your homemade seeder, zagrebling wells with seeds, That you need to cook a few buckets with the ground to fall asleep our seeds.


Acquisition of a manual seeder of accurate seeding can significantly speed up the process of sowing vegetable crops. Now you do not have to walk along the garden, sticking every seed into the ground, but you can simply send this device that everything will do in automatic mode.

It is because of the simplification of manual labor that the meaning of the acquisition of this device does not cause any doubt. Moreover, the cost of some models does not exceed a few thousand rublesAnd this is not such a big fee for the convenience and quality that gives a manual seeder.