Repairs Design Furniture

Fir Caucasian description. Caucasian fir. Growing a living rouble rim. Sorts of fir Korean

Resting in the square or walking around the park, going to the campaign or leaving a picnic in the forest, we notice the huge abundance of coniferous plants, which, without any doubt, please us by evergreen colors, a kind of aroma and unforgettable beauty.

Fir refers to the family of pine and includes about 50 species. IN Russian Federation (RF) Such interesting specimens are very popular:

  1. siberian fir;
  2. korean;
  3. caucasian.

Siberian Piht

Siberian Fir - the most common view On the territory of the Russian Federation (Western, Eastern Siberia). Maximum height Trees reaches about 35 meters. Barrel at the top - tubular, down - fractured. The diameter of the trunk can be about 0.6 meters. Wood pale yellow, actually white.

A photo of Siberian fir is impressive with a huge abundance of cones, thin branches, abundantly covered with spikes, not barbed bay, and a narrow-monical crown. The tree has an oblong rod root, which goes deep into the ground, from which the huge number of lateral roots depart. Thanks to the strong root integrity and column-like Crown, Siberian beauty is resistant to impusty winds.

Powerful root system

However, on wet drum, lime soils, the tree forms shallow root system . In particular, there is a root. Plant bark In most cases, a thin, dark gray shade with minor thickening, in which it contains colorless, frantitin, the fir balsam.

The kidneys of trees are enveloped by a protective layer of resin and reliably prevented tightly adjacent to each other with scales. Lighting - shadower, but can be perfectly growing on lit places. Flowers in May, average life expectancy about two hundred years. Therefore, you should take a photo against the background of this beauty.

One of distinctive features Fir Siberian from the rest of coniferous trees is shrinking after ripening scales with cones. After that, on the branches, long-standing rods remain in the branches.

Fir Korean - Description

Korean or Korean fir has an extensive cone-shaped crown, a short juicy chew. By the way, the height is within 15 meters. The branches grow with layers, and the cones are similar to small purple or blue cylinders (5-7 centimeters). It is well adapted to cultivation in the northern regions of Russia (winter-hardy variety), has several subspecies that are based on the scales and configuration of the crown.

It is impossible not to note, and the fact that the Korean fir in the landscape design of urban seats is rarely used, because the tree is very susceptible to air pollution. Meanwhile, behind the city, in particular, in own possessions is used without problems.

Korean fir - grows perfectly in conditions middle strip, in mixed forests, and also meets in wildlifeAs a rule, in the mountains, at an altitude of 1000 to 1850 meters above sea level. The needles (leaf) of this tree is glossy, two-color - white bottom and dark green on top.

Auxiliary beauty Tree in adult status give the bumps. The bump is distinguished by juicy purple or blue and impressive dimensions that reach the order of 10 and centimeters in length and 4 centimeters in width. Inside, the seeds of Korean fir, which are spheres of oval shape of a dark brown shade.

Fir is sufficiently shadowedbut better formed with sufficient lighting. In the 1st years of life, it is better to organize a half-life, in the future they can grow in open sunny areas. She is pretty moisture, in a summer dry time needs abundant irrigation. On hot days, it is advisable to not forget about the sprinkle of the crown at least once a week. These plants look perfectly in any season, so widely used in landscape structures.

One of the significant qualities of using the Korean fir is a leisurely growth of these plants. In the conditions of the average Russian strip, the annual increase does not exceed 3-5 centimeters. For example, in thirty-year-old fir, the height varies within 3 meters. In addition, there are dwarf decorative trees that are suitable for landscaping small country areas. The Korean Fir in the photo looks great not only in combination with deciduous and coniferous trees, but also with shrubs.

Particularly impressively seek the Korean Fir in the photo next to the birch trees, red-hearted maples and purple-olive varieties. Mallowed dwarf varieties FIKHT is successfully combined with similar varieties of Tui, pine, cypress, spruce and juniper and perfectly suitable for landscaping stony mountains and disembarking in adhesion. Ideal neighbors for Korean fir can become perennial flowering plants, as well as fruit and berry cultures.

Fir meets the main traditions of New Year's trees, and therefore there is nothing surprising that it is often used as a Christmas tree, for example, in the middle of the lawn. Possessing lush crown, she will be able for a long time Keep the painting of the lower branches, making a notch of sophistication in modern design.

In addition, it has a significant advantage purify In the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire site on which it is planted, collecting all sorts of malicious impurities from its needles ambient and highlighting phytoncides.

Sorts of fir Korean

Fir Korean - photo and impeccable choice:

Korean Fir Care

During care, it is desirable comply with the requirements of agrotechniki of the variety or varieties that you bought. In most cases, in the first two years after landing, only time from time to time water and carry out loop (superficial) near the trunk to a depth of five centimeters. In addition, it is worth eliminating all weeds and maintain the soil in impeccable state. On the third year of life, organic and mineral fertilizers are entered. The soil is murdered and frozen. Multipurpose "Kemira" is recommended from Rottizite fertilizers. Which in the early spring period is made in the amount of 150 milligrams for each plant.

Fir Caucasian

The plant had to do the owners of the gardens as a component of the design of the household square.

Tree of this type overshadows European fellow rich and bulky crown, gloomy and wide needles, unpretentiousness and variety of color - all this certainly serves as a real reason to make landing caucasian fir on the territory of your site to create a unique landscape design. Thus, the abundance of cones and the height of the fir will give the garden to the garden of its composite completion.

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The size of the Christmas trees in the pots are specified without taking into account the size of the pipe

Nordman Fir Pick It is grown in special nurseries Denmark. Many farms are engaged in breeding Danish trees in pots from generation to generation. They grow fir directly in pots, in a special substrate. Thanks to constant care, the Danish Christmas tree is distinguished by an almost flawless cone-shaped form and a uniform glossy dark green cheese.

Fir, being the most noble of the class of coniferous plants, has always been valued for its symmetrical-pyramidal form, due to which it represents a very impressive and allocated among others. coniferous plant. In nature, the fir of Nordman is a huge majestic tree growing up to 60 m. Crown of Danish fir, thick and symmetrical. Wide branches hang to the earth itself.

Special beauty is distinguished by the needles of fir NordmanShe is brilliant and thick. Couplings are expanded at the base. Danish fir form imperceptible single-dollar flowers. Men's I. female flowers Located on the same tree. The cones are directed up, and do not hang, like a typical Christmas tree, they can reach 20 cm long.

In youth bumps green, with age acquire brown color. Unlike pine, the fir bumps do not fall as much on the ground, and they are growing and ripening flakes gradually disappear, so only the rod remains on the tree from the bump.

Perfectly smooth cone-shaped crown And it's impossible to get a thick jewel of the Danish Christmas tree in a pot in a potty and insufficiently bright location. All this in excess Danish tree gets in specialized nurseries Denmark. Millions of people around the world celebrate New Year And christmas, dressed up in the fir - beauty. If you want to be confident in quality, then buy the Danish Christmas tree in the pot from us!

Each fir entering our customers passes the strictest selection and marked by our employees on the fields of the best nurseries Denmark.

Our online chill store guarantees the delivery of only beautiful living New Year trees. You can refuse the believed fir, if its quality causes you doubts. Failure to order the Christmas tree is possible at the time of delivery ate by courier and only in the Moscow region. Delivery payment is not performed.

All Christmas trees are selected and marked with our company's employees on the fields of the best European and Russian nurseries. These are occupied by specialists with many years of experience in the selection of living trees premium quality.

Delivery of New Year's freshers in Moscow and the Moscow region is carried out the day after ordering or any other day and time for you. The cost of delivery depends on the height of the New Year tree. The price of the Moscow region is indicated in the table below.

Delivery of several Christmas trees is paid at the price of one.

Length Christmas treePrice
Up to 1 meter500 rubles
Up to 2 meters800 rubles
Up to 3 meters1 200 rubles
Up to 4 meters2 500 rubles
Up to 5 meters4 000 rubles
Up to 6 meters5 500 rubles
Up to 7 meters6 500 rubles
Up to 9 meters8 900 rubles

* Delivery of christmas trees in the Moscow region + 20 rubles. 1 km from the Moscow Ring Road.

The order of delivery of live trees to other regions of Russia is described in the section "Delivery of the Christmas Trees"

You can pay any way convenient for you.

When delivering the Christmas trees in Moscow and the Moscow region, payment will be paid to the courier in cash.

To pay non-cash form at the expense of LLC "", send the details of your organization to us by mail.

Important! Preliminary payment of orders beyond the Moscow region is obligatory.

Place the order through the basket of our online christmas store or call us to the office.

You can order a callback, and we will contact you at a convenient time for you.

You can make delivery or pick up an independently live Christmas tree with our warehouse in Moscow.

You can make a purchase using email Or sending us an application from our site.

Video choice. The ability to independently choose a New Year tree, using the filter to view files with plants.

Pickup. You can pick up a New Year's beauty in our warehouse in Moscow. Employees will help with the choice, pack and warm the tree in your car.

Installing a tree in a stand, which can also be purchased in our online store.

Disassembly and removal of plants with subsequent disposal.

These services will significantly reduce the list of New Year's troubles and leave you more time to enjoy the holiday.

Evergreen coniferous plants always attract attention, and all thanks to fluffy and fragrant twigs, beautiful and slender form. As a rule, it is the inhabitants of forests, they are poorly adapted to the tanned urban air. Therefore, to enjoy beauty and aroma, it is best to plant a coniferous plant in the garden at the cottage or country house. Many landscape designers advise paying attention to such a tree like Nordman Fir. Its care is quite simple, the most important thing is to choose the right place, compare the conditions, the most suitable, with the climate in your region. In addition, it does not require additional trimming Or forming a crown, having a beautiful form from nature.

Fir Nordman: Description

The birthplace of this evergreen tree is both Malaya Asia. From white variety it is characterized by a higher decorativeness. The color of the bark is light gray, matte. The needles of a dark green, saturated shade with a characteristic shine and a length of 15 to 40 mm, which creates a feeling of fluffiness. If you lose a few needles in your hands, you will immediately feel a tart citrus fragrance - a distinctive feature of the fir of Nordman. Compared to other conifers, this species grows very quickly. Can reach a height of up to 50 meters and the crown diameter of 7-8 m.

Nordman's fir has very unusual cones, large - up to 20 cm in length, cylindrical shape, abundantly covered with resin in a mature state. In addition, she is a long-liver in nature for 500-800 years, it easily tolerates frost to -25-30 degrees. Fir Caucasian (Nordman) in Europe is popular as in the markets, in stores, via the Internet is actively selling seeds, and already adult plants in pots. The last option is the most humane, you can dress the fir for the new year and Christmas, and in the spring it is planted in the garden.

What place to choose on the site

Nordman Fir - this plant is predominantly a half, although it can also withstand the shadow, and a bright sun. Due to the well-developed and powerful root system, it is resistant to winds. Demanding of air purity, poorly tolerates the bodies of cities and industrial areas, when choosing a place to be considered. Fir Nordman is unpretentious, but still does not like when it is disturbing. Therefore, the location on the site immediately needs to choose constant so that there are no numerous transfers. In the natural habitat, for example, the fir of Nordman in the suburbs will give an increase in only 12-15 cm annually.

How to choose a plant

If you buy seedlings, it is best to do it in the store and choose those in individual containers. Young firs with a bare root system are worse, and there is a big risk that the plant will perish, especially the specimens that sell on the market. As an option - buying fir in the nursery when you dig it in your eyes. You should not take too little seedlings, it is best to give preference to medium copies aged 4-5 years. Be sure to carefully examine the plant for damage to pests or fungal diseases.

The soil

Put in the fir of Nordman, like others coniferous trees, the best thing in early spring - In April - or autumn, in September. The depth and width of the pit depend on the size of the seedling and its root system, but not less than 70 cm in depth and width. Nordman is undempecked to the composition of the soil of Fir Nordman, but still prefers drigly and lungs along the structure of the soil. It is possible to prepare the land for the landing on your own for the best survival. To do this, it is necessary to mix clay, humid, sand and peat in the 2: 3 ratio of 2: 1: 1. It is recommended to add mineral fertilizer. On the bottom of the pit necessarily pour drainage with a layer of 20 cm (brick crumb, large river sand, pebbles, sawdust). The distance between the trees in the group landing is advisable to do at 3-5 meters, they will look good for plants and one by one, and the dwarf form is allowed even on the flowerbed.

and watering

Fir Nordman does not like dry air, so you need to consider specific climatic conditions when choosing of this tree For your site. In too hot summer, you can spray trees, but it is necessary to do it after sunset or early in the morning. The tree prefers wet soil, but without water stagnation, therefore, you need a good drainage when landing. Usually an adult fir is quite natural natural moisture in the ground, so additional artificial watering is required only in the case of a very dry summer (2-3 times per season). The feeding should be started from the second or third year of growth. In the spring in the mulched soil near the tree trunk, granules of special fertilizers for coniferous plants are introduced or used "Kemir-Universal".

But the young copies of Nordman fir first time should be watered regularly, thereby maintaining the necessary soil moisture, so that the plant is better. The nearby circle near the tree must be poured from weeds and desirable to mulch peat or sawdust.

Growing from seeds

This is the main method of breeding. Some sources still talk about stallion, but it is quite difficult and the percentage of success is very small. The appearance of the roots of the cuttings will have to wait at least six months.

Nordman Fir Seeds can be bought either to collect from an adult tree, to do it before the bumps will be revealed. Best time For landing in the ground - autumn. Fresh seeds have a very high germination. You can go landing in the spring, but for this you need to subjected to stratification seeds, and sow them at the end of March-April in shallow containers, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The temperature for shoots requires 18-25 degrees, germination occurs on average through 3- 4 weeks.

Young seedlings need shading is an important condition for their prosperous growth. When the plants are achieved 15-20 cm, they can be searched on permanent place. In conditions of severe frosts, the seedlings need to be covered with a sweetheart or special MaterialSince there is a threat of freezing to the level of snow cover.

Pests and diseases

Fir Nordman is practically not subject to various kinds of diseases and pests, which is another big plus when it is cultivated on the site. But with unnecessary moisture or choosing the wrong place where the water is observed, may appear fungal diseasesMost often it is rust. At the first signs of defeat, the tree should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

From the pests the most common faculty wave and fir mole, striking shoots. In this case, the output can be only one - treatment with a solution of special insecticides. It also does not prevent this to prevent in the spring.


If the garden is small, then experts advise plant decorative forms - This is weaving, sisaya, reprehensive, golden fir of Nordman (photo).

All of them are distinguished by the color of the chewing, as well as the form of the crown and sizes. The golden fir of Nordman grows up just 1 meter for ten years. Has an unusual golden yellow color. Widely used in the southern regions for mountaineering. Weeping fir reminds of the form of the IVI, long shoots hang down, also differs in small sizes.

If the site is required beautiful tree, shadowless and fast-growing, then undoubtedly, one of the best candidates will be the fir of Nordman. Landscape designer reviews about it are exceptionally positive, since due to their smooth pyramid form and thick dark green shape it has high decorative qualities with minimal care.

Nordman Fir - an interesting coniferous plant, which is often used in the design of gardens and summer cottages. The tree has a neat wide crown and highlights essential oilsSuppressing the needle specific aroma. Coniferous culture requires good careOnly then will she delight the owner of the site with a healthy attractive view.

According to the description of the variety, the fir has the following characteristics:

  1. Life expectancy. The tree refers to long-livers. There were copies whose age was 7,000 years.
  2. View of the needles. The needles have a light green color and a shiny surface. Small cheops are located on the branch horizontally. The needle length does not exceed 4 cm. The barrel is covered with gray shiny bark. As it ripes it acquires brown tint. In natural habitat conditions, the change of needles occurs every 13 years.
  3. Root system. Plant has powerful deep roots. It is best grows on loose soils. The root tree system is sensitive to changing humidity.
  4. Frost resistance. Fir can withstand strong frosts, as decorative culture It is used in the regions with a harsh climate.

There are the following varieties of Nordman Fir, having their distinctive features:

  1. Golden Spreader. Dwarf variety Differs in the presence of deepening in the center of the crown. The plant adds slowly. Medium height Adult instance does not exceed 1 m. Outer surface Coupling is painted in a marsh color and has a characteristic shine. The inner part of the needle is distinguished by light yellow color and lack of gloss. The variety is grown in mountaineering.
  2. Jadvig. It has a rapid growth and high height. Outer sides Couplings have dark green, internal - white. Thinks covered with thick cheese form a dense crown.
  3. Pendula. The hybrid is characterized by a slow rising and a wide spreaded crown. Coupling have a rich green color. The plant does not tolerate high humidity and mechanical damage to the trunk. Firdula firdula is cultivated in the arborets and in the country areas.

How to plant a fir?

The order of landing and care for the Caucasian Fir includes the following steps:

  1. Choosing a place. The tree grows well in the mountains, in lowlands its growth slows down, which does not affect decorative qualities. Fir can be grown both on the lit and at the shaded areas. The plant is not afraid of a strong wind, but sensitive to drought.
  2. Child selection. Fir feels comfortable in nutrient soils containing enough minerals. Sugglinks are suitable for landing, however, the tree can grow on sour soils. Fir sit down next door to Ryabina, Fir, Barbaris, Thay or Juniper.
  3. Seat selection. Fasting young plants that have a developed root system are planted. When buying seedlings pay attention to the presence of signs of disease.
  4. Preparation of landing pit. The well should have a depth of 90 cm and a width of 60 cm. When digging the pit, the impact of the depth to the drainage arrangement. It is formed from gravel or rubble.
  5. Failure. Sand, peat, clay and humus mix in a ratio of 1: 3: 1: 2. The resulting mixture fertilize with complex feeding. After that, the soil fill half of the pit.
  6. Planting a seedling. The plant is installed in the well, straightening the roots. The ground is falling asleep so that only the root cervix remained above the surface. Formed a rolling circle that is carefully moistened.

Nordmanniana Fir Care Rules

Fir care does not represent special difficulties and implies the implementation of the following events:

  1. Watering. The tree is abundantly watered only in the first year after landing. After the formation of a powerful root system, the plant begins to get moisture from the soil.
  2. Soil processing. To preserve the decorative qualities of fir, the rolling circle is regularly freed from weeds. Reduce the wing frequency helps mulching. The soil is covered with wood sawdust or peat. Over time, the tree itself creates a protective layer of fallen needles.
  3. Podrel. Fertilizers are beginning to make 5 years after landing. The plant needs minerals, so complex liquid feeders are used. They contribute to the period of active formation of cones.
  4. Formation. Fake healthy fir branches do not need. Sanitary haircuts are aimed at removing affected by fungus, dried or damaged shoots. Pruning is performed annually in spring time. Spike places are covered with garden harr.
  5. Processing from pests. This fir grade is resistant to diseases, however, with increasing humidity or use of infected seedlings, fungal diseases can spread. Conduct with gray rot, spider and rust helps the processing of fungicidal solution. Insect pests are destroyed by spraying insecticides.
  6. Preparation for wintering. Adult plants are resistant to low temperatures, Saplings need to be protected. ROCK Warm foliage, the barrel is closed with a sweetheart.

How multiplies the plant?

The cuttings are rarely rooted, so seeds are used to breed the fir at home. For 2 months, they are kept in freezer. In the spring, the seeds are evisted in containers with nutrient soilwhich is pre-disinfected, calcining in the oven. Fast sprouts are transferred to individual pots, where they grow within 5-7 years. After this time, the seedlings are placed in the ground.

In the desire to create a corner on your homestead natural nature Many gardeners try to grow different plants.

Among the wide variety of available species with a tree, which is ideal for these purposes can be considered Caucasian fir.

The area of \u200b\u200bwood propagation is the mountainous terrain of the Caucasus and Asia Minor. Also a large number of Representatives of this plant can be found on the territory of Denmark, where the tree is cultivated artificially.

Lat. Ábies Nordmanniána (photo)

Outwardly, Nordman's fir, according to the description, is a typical representative of coniferous, differing well-pronounced pyramidal crown. The average height of the plant is approximately 60 meters. Some samples in vivo reach a height of up to 80 meters. At the same time, the diameter of the trunk of the oldest instances is about two meters.

Many legends are associated with a tree, one of which refers to the times of ancient Greece.

There is a legend that the wood of this plant was used to build the famous Trojan horse. This is what the fact gave the bottom of the name - the tree of Apollo. Also, Fir Caucasian is the most common tree when celebrating Christmas.

The tree is characterized by a high life expectancy. Middle time The existence of each instance is about 700 years. A distinctive feature of this type from other conifers is the appearance of the needles, which has two parallel white stripes on the back side. At the very beginning of its appearance, the needles has a light green shade. As the tree grows, the color changes towards the dark and the needles becomes lacquered.

Another original feature of this plant is the coloring of cones that can acquire purple tint Depending on the variety and consideration.

Features of growing fir

The cultivation of this tree on the household site has its own nuances that begin from the moment of preparing a plant for landing. Locking fir occurs by landing specially prepared germinated seed, which must be pre-undergoing natural wintering.

Achieve this is possible when placing seeds in, where the hole for breathing is required over each grain. After that, the container with harvested seeds should be placed in a cold place. The procedure itself is the name stratification. It must be spent approximately two months before planting seeds into the ground.

After the stratification procedure, the process of germination of seeds is underway to exercise in ordinary pots. Since young shoots are distinguished by a long height, if you wish to get Caucasian Fir in the site, it is best to contact specialized stores to purchase an already prepared seedling, which should be at least 5-10 years.

Younger shoots simply do not survive, older may not get involved, since the fir is very sensitive to reset and reacts poorly to change the place of growth.

Before landing the place on which it is planned to plant a tree requires pre-trainingincluding:

  • creating an open space that excludes the overlap of the incoming natural lighting branches of other trees;
  • soil fertilizer, which should be fertile;
  • calculation distance between adjacent fir, which should be at least 2.5 meters.

As you already understood, you are not so difficult to choose a landing.

Disembarking fir in open ground

Tree landing pricework Must pass in strict accordance with the following scheme:

Moreover, the abundance of watering should be observed throughout the first season of the growth of the tree, which will ensure the last maximum degree of comfort for adaptation and suiting in a new place.

Caucasian Fir Care Features

Despite his unpretentiousness, the tree requires the observance of a number of conditions, especially important in the first years of life, which will ensure reliable strengthening of fir in a new place.

  • sufficient moisturizing soil. Insofar as coniferous breeds Trees are distinguished by the power and power, they require proper irrigation providing normal growth of the plant;
  • constant feeding with a complex of nutrients;
  • normal lighting. At first, a seedling requires a sufficient amount of natural lighting, which will allow it to develop. Only subsequently, the tree can "score" all his surroundings itself;
  • mandatory mulching, allowing to avoid the growth of the weed.

Another important condition for the preservation of wood in the first year of life is reliable shellation during the winter period, for which a special film can be used.

Caucasian Fir in Landscape Design

The plant had to do with gardeners as an element of the design of the nursery.

The massiveness of the crown, beautiful, wide needles, a variety of color, unpretentiousness - all this serves as the arguments "for" landing of Caucasian fir on the territory of the site to create a unique design.

It should be noted that the plant of this type is significantly superior to its European fellow, while a distinctive feature The tree is a saturated crown, which in lowered state concerns the Earth.

While watching the video, you will learn about the cultivation of fir.

In countries Western Europe It is this plant that got the greatest distribution in order to decorative use And as a tree with a forest area.