Repairs Design Furniture

The rational finish of the facade of the private house: a photo and an overview of modern facing materials, a comparative analysis of prices. What cheap to separate the facade of the house: classic materials and siding - Features of use and price comparison Decorative faca finish

Have your own house outside the city or in the city line today has become an ordinary thing. For someone, he is a cottage, someone - the only beloved housing. New building or building with history - it needs reliable and beautiful "clothes." The finish of the facade of a private house must be performed, and otherwise the owners are waiting for numerous problems. In addition, the separated outer walls is a business card of the building. Even if it looks rich inside the house, and leaves the best to want to desire - not to create a good impression. Let's talk about how it is possible to "wear" the outer walls, and what materials for this apply.

Many really do not think about what is needed outdoor. Maximum, what ideas come to mind - decoration. Let's specify the items all the tasks that the facade can be solved.

  1. First of all, it is really beauty. No one canceled the proverb "Meet the clothes."
  2. Facing will help insulate the house. Properly selected and mounted facade systems will not only detain heat, but also will not be empty in the room.
  3. Some finishing materials will help hide geometric deviations and irregularities of walls.
  4. Old house can be made new and elegant in the shortest possible time.
  5. A good shelter of the outer walls is a sound insulation cushion.

These and other tasks can solve a set of measures to finish outdoor walls.


Ways to design facades of a private house


This is one of the oldest types of facades. Watching can be made on any surfaces, including thermal insulation materials. Plaster not only protects walls from destruction, but also lines them. There are special mixtures with water-repellent additives. Some species of plaster makeup are an extra warm and sound insulation. The plaster is good also by the fact that it can be combined with other types of finishing materials. Everyone will be able to apply the plaster with their own hands, for this it will not be required special in-depth knowledge. It should be noted that this is one of the most affordable ways to design a country mansion.


Another inexpensive kind of building facing is siding. These are small metal panels or polyvinyl chloride, which are attached directly to the walls or insulation. They are presented in a wide flower and textured diversity. You can buy siding under a tree, stone or brick. The material is not whimsical, fastens easily and reliably. The manufacturer applies instructions for assembly, and on each panel there are special fasteners. Each alone can establish such protection, as the panels have a small weight. Especially good material for dilapidated buildings. It is a reliable waterproofer for walls.

Siding installation alone


Building material, thanks to which you can give the building almost any attractive view. Mount the tile is not difficult even yourself. Laying occurs wet and dry ways. In the first case, the tile is simply glued onto the wall with a solution, and in the second fastening the crate using special devices mounted in the tile. It should be noted here that sticking can only be done on an ideally equal surface, so before working the wall will have to shock or simply sharpen irregularities. Very often before the sticker on the wall, the reinforcing grid is applied - this will protect the foundation from cracking.

The tile is natural, made of natural stone, a porcelain, fibro-cement, made of concrete, PVC and ceramic. The most economical, but reliable cladding is ceramics. Material is inexpensive, its installation is simple, and the characteristics of the walls are significantly improved. The main thing is not to forget to leave the seams between the tiles, then the walls will be protected from deformation and destruction. Ceramic tile - moisture-repellent material, produces partial sound insulation, protects walls from fungus and mold. The cost of tiles is the most different - from 200 rubles. For 1 sq. M to several thousand. It must be remembered that the cheaper the tile, the more fragile.

Tile applying

Facade Board or Block House

This facing element is a wooden lining with a groove-crest printed compounds. The board can be made of pine, ate or larch of various sizes. The best board is a block house from larch, as it is stronger and resistant to rotting. Block House has a view of a profiled timber or cylindrical log. Mount the boards directly to the wall or on the crate. This type of facing has many advantages. In addition to standard qualities, it is necessary to note good maintainability.

If the board is damaged, it is easy to poll and check. Buildings decorated by a block house look like a log house, which gives them fashionable environmental friendliness. The tree is breathing, but with proper impregnation protects the building from moisture and harmful effects of the environment. The cost is not the lowest - from 500 to 1000 rubles, which compared with tiles is much higher.

Mounting front board

Ventilated facade

In the second half of the twentieth century in Europe, the ventilated facades system were developed and launched. This process actively picked up the production of other countries, and today the installation of such systems is actively used in low-rise construction. The ventilated facade is a design that consists of insulation, crates and an external protective-decorative layer. Its principle is that there is a free space for which air circulates between the outer finishing layer and the insulation. Airbag is an additional layer of insulation.

Thermal insulation in the form of mineral wool, which is fixed directly onto the walls, moves the critical temperature of freezing and displays the dew point beyond the walls. Ventilated systems are excellent soundproofers and protect the indoor rooms from the summer heat. Installation of structures is more complex, but do it yourself - it is quite possible. With proper installation and operation, the ventilated facade will serve decades without requiring repair. The installation cost will depend on the chosen decorative layer, but in any case it cannot be less than 1000 rubles. per 1 sq.m.

Principle of operation of ventilated facades

Facing a stone

A good way to make the appearance of the building is not just beautiful, but also presentable - lay out the walls with a stone. Facing is made on a special solution, which is prepared independently from Portland cement and sand or purchased in the store. It is necessary to grout for seams and several trustees. To put the stone correctly, as in the case of a tile, the wall must be aligned, get rid of the kavern and clean it. After that, there is a sticking and batch of seams. Such work can be performed by each owner, the main thing is patience. Plus in a stone facing - not only an expensive type of building.

Natural stone has high strength, almost does not fade under the sun, does not miss moisture, protects against mold and cold, does not heat the wall in the heat. Stone facing is tested by millennia and does not go out of fashion. The only minus is the cost. The price of such works is significantly higher than all previous finishes. If the natural stone is not too profitable in price, then decorative products will be able to afford many owners of private houses. They successfully imitate the texture of marble, granite, slate and other natural materials. True, there is a minus - such a cladding has less wear resistance and strength.

Facing with natural stone

Popular facade materials


The easiest way to give the facade an attractive look - to paint. Stained houses are especially popular among dacnis, but homeowners are often resorted to this inexpensive form of finishes. Paint should have all the qualities of the facade finish: resistant to temperature differences, moisture resistance, frost resistance, protection against ultraviolet, wear resistance and vapor permeability. In addition, there are two special requirements for this material: this is a concentration and strength ability or flow rate. The market is represented by the following main types of paints for outdoor work:

  • Oil. Olife-based, this mixture falls far from all types of surfaces. For example, it can only paint the special plaster similar composition. Wooden walls are well decorated. Oil paint dries a long time and has an unpleasant smell, but the longer it dries, the stronger the protective layer becomes.

Attention! Buying an oil mixture, read the composition on the bank. Now, in order to accelerate drying, instead of the olifa add a solvent, which only spoils the paint.

  • Acrylic. Acrylic compositions are made on the basis of synthetic resins or may be water-dispersive. The first are preferred, since they have flexibility, good vapor permeability, but at the same time by the water-repellent properties. Paints are little susceptible, do not burn out and easily applied on an old painted layer. Acrylates - so-called acrylic mixtures on a synthetic resin - do not peel and can paint any surface.
  • Silicone. These paints have excellent adhesion, and their distinctive feature - hydrophobicity, moisture from such walls flows, and not absorbed. They have excellent flexibility, thanks to which they do not crack. The surface painted with silicone mixtures is practically not dirty, and it is easy to wash it from the hose or manually.

Diversity of flowers of facade paints

When choosing paints, always look at the composition, select the mixture in accordance with the material of the walls and weather requirements. For example, you should not buy lime paint for areas with high humidity, and oil - for staining of simple plaster facades. Calculate the consumption according to the area. To do this, look covering the bank and multiply the number 2, as it is recommended to paint the surface by two times.

Decorative plaster

Not one century, decoration with decorative plaster is considered a sign of Venetian chic. Today, plaster mixes were modified. They add synthetic components to impart resistance to atmospheric influences. For example, the additive of silicate glass into the conventional mineral plaster from a sandy cement mixture will add strength, but will leave vapor permeability. Acrylic resin-based compounds have flexibility and high adhesion, but low vapor permeability. The classic mineral composition is the most inexpensive, easy to apply, vapor permanent and refractory. A layer of such a plaster mix gives an additional insulation of the facade and falls on any surface. It is superimposed on the perfectly aligned wall. Decorative plaster are:

  1. Textual: Coroed and fur coat. The effect is achieved by a special grout and fractions of marble crumbs in the composition.
  2. Venetian. Special additives at a certain method of applying to the surface mimic the surface of the marble.
  3. Flock. Multicolored paint scales give the surface velvet look.
  4. Cameshow. Plastering mixes with the addition of large fractions of marble crumb.

Stucco finish

The cost of plaster without preliminary surface preparation - from 400 rubles. The amount of the mixture required to cover the outer walls can be calculated, bringing the conditional ability of the material and the facade area.

Facade panels

This type of finish of the facade appeared in the middle of the twentieth century, although natural facade plates of the structure were drawn up many years ago. Installation is carried out using a crate of a special facade profile. Finishing not only waters the walls of your home, but they will warm them, protect against wind, rain and frost. Today, facade panels are represented by various types:

  1. Facade plates. They can be made of various materials from porcelain stoneware to PVC. The most economical view is polyvinyl chloride. They are lightweight, moisture-resistant and have different colors and textures. Fasteners of such elements can be made on a simple grid, which can be purchased in the store along with panels. Fibro cement Japanese slabs are very valued for moisture resistance, frost resistance and good thermal insulation of the facade. Ceramographic is characterized by wear resistance and durability. Facade plates imitate any natural material: tree, stone, brick, tile.
  2. Sandwich panels. They are two sheet metal with a layer of insulation between them, and are manufactured using hot pressing, eliminating the possibility of separation. Installation can be made both on the crate and straight on the wall with self-draws or dowels.
  3. Thermopanels. Some confuse them and sandwich panels, but these are different materials. Thermopanels consist of an outer decorative layer and insulation. Today, Japanese products are especially valued, as they are well adapted for our climate.

Wall panels

Clinker tile

One of the most popular finishing materials for the facade is currently. Clinker tile is made of clinker ceramics. It may look like a separate tile, and can be made of facade clinker plates with insulation and without. The clinker finishes are simplicity of installation, beauty and wear resistance, because the material is manufactured by repeated melting at a temperature of more than 1000 degrees. Clinker tiles can be bred any surface with their own hands.

Clinker facades

Photo ideas of finishing facades of a private house

By connecting the design of natural stone, plaster and decorative tile can be made of a small fabulous house of country housing.

Original decorated country house

If you combine the thermopanels of several colors, you can get a very cozy and warm country mansion.

Decoration of thermopanels

It would seem that siding cannot look presentable, but if you play with color, even an ordinary vinyl siding may look self-sufficient.

Vinyl siding decoration

Facade elements will give the building that type that you want, and if you combine them with expensive materials, for example, with a stone, then the impression will be even better.

Facade Decor and Natural Stone

The decoration with decorative stone looks presentable, and it is inexpensive. You can bind your home yourself.

Decoration of decorative stone

Clinker brick will give advantage of the walls of any building. It is quite possible to cover the dilapidated house, and in the morning the neighbors will not recognize him.

Clinker coating

For warm climatic belts, it is better to choose bright colors for decoring a country house. But with any weather, the colorful walls will allocate you from the gray mass of typical housing.

Decorative red plaster

Natural stone and red tiled roof carry us into the old Europe and set up on the comfort and peace.

See how you used different types of stone the owner of this completely ordinary typical house.

Diverse Application Stone Facing

Imitation of natural stone - economical facade with your own hands: video master class

The next interesting video plot will make it imitation of natural stone with your own hands.

Imitation stone on outdoor walls

You can make large financial investments in the design of the house, but you can perform with your own hands from affordable materials - any finish of the facade of the private house will be reliable and beautiful if the work is done correctly and with love.

How to transform "face" of your own home and make it unforgettable? The topic of decorating the facade is inexhaustible ...

A variety of finishing options is dictated not only to need to reorganize wall structures, but also protect the material of the walls from the external environmental impact.

Private brick, slagoblock, aerated concrete, foam and hardware are either low decorative qualities, or poor resistance to the effects of any atmospheric precipitation, wind and temperature drops. Even such material as a silicate brick, which has an attractive and reliable appearance, is inferior to a facing fellow in most indicators.

This type of lining, the facial surface of which mimics the rounded log. Economical and environmentally friendly material.

The decoration by a block house or imitation of a bar is better to spend on a double wooden crate. The first serves to lay the insulation, the second - to create a ventilated gap and installation of facing. Ventilation is needed not only mineral wool, but also a tree. In addition, each panel must be processed from the inside (to protect against rotting and insects), as well as outside (to protect against precipitation).

It is used to decorate walls with low vapor permeability. The insulation plates (foam, extruded polystyrene foam) are fixed using an adhesive solution and fixes their dowels.

From above, the reinforcing mesh of fiberglass is mounted and throw it with a solution (this is necessary in order to avoid cracks on the site of the insulation slabs). The top layer is watched, and after it dries, the front plaster is placed on it, which is then ground and painted with paints for external work.


Literally from the English "Siding" - "Outdoor Cleaning". One of the leading materials used in housing house-building.

The installation of siding is extremely simple and installation usually passes at a high pace of work.

We need a carrier frame (case), which can be arranged, for example, from a metal profile or wooden bar. As a heater, a foam is used with a thickness of at least 20-40 mm.

The use of such a heater as a mineral wool due to its ability to absorb the atmospheric moisture requires the creation of an air gap.

Side types:


It gives the building a finished, aesthetic appearance. Inexpensive, durable and elastic material. Before applying, we advise weigh all the pros and cons. from environmental and fire considerations.

It is also desirable before purchasing a reference regarding the performance characteristics of the product of the selected manufacturer. Cases of swelling, warping, the appearance of cracks, increased fragility of winter and uneven burnout with spots in summer are noted.

The author of this article has been able to work with the Polish brand of Royal and Tecos Sayding (BELGIUM-Russia). Over two years, the burnout of the panels from the south side is noted, which is generally noncritical. There are no complaints to mechanical characteristics.


The increased cost relative to the vinyl and necessity of additional costs for processing the anti-corrosion makeup somewhat make it difficult to use metal siding for finishing private buildings.

However, some owners still make a choice in favor of a more solid "metal" option. Steel siding complies with fire safety requirements and can be involved incl. For finishing fire hazardous objects.

Time-tested finishing material (first applied in Europe more than 100 years ago). It is durable, fireproof, no moisture and biological corrosion is afraid.

More recently was in the shadow of his vinyl fellow, but the domestic consumer could not pass by the material on a traditionally beloved cement basis.

On some Internet sites you can meet outdated information today. That fibro-cement siding is unborn in the field of private construction and is dangerous to health. The fact is that asbestos used earlier during production, which can really threaten health. Today, this component is excluded from the technological cycle and its function performs curly cellulose.

Cement siding looks flawlessly, moreover, it can be painted after installation, which allows the owner of a country house to use unlimited colors.

Some manufacturers provide a guarantee for this type of product to 50 years!

Wooden, in common "Canadian" siding

Not afraid of Russian frosts and looks amazing!

Eco-friendly, aesthetic and cute heart material is perhaps not needed. Unfortunately, this beautiful coating retains all flaws of wood and therefore the service life is not the strongest side. Regarding roads, less elastic and therefore requires increased accuracy when installing and leaving during operation.

Facade heat insulating panels (thermopanels)

Relatively young, but the confidence-winning method of insulation and decorative finishing of the facade is widely used as in the countries of the European Union so in Russia in accordance with new, more stringent standards SNiP No. 23.02.2003 "Thermal protection of buildings".

It is a light, but a solid panel made on the basis of foam plastic, extrusion polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam providing excellent heat capacity. The technology provides for the creation of a single monolithic layer having a thermos effect. (saves the coolness in summer and heat in winter).

Permissible krge on any surface: concrete, wood, gas and foam concrete blocks, brick, glass adhesive sheet, etc.

Ceramic tile (porcelain stoneware)

Artificial finishing material with excellent performance characteristics.

Due to the high operational characteristics of the tile, the floor intended for the device turned into a universal finishing material is widely used and for finishing the walls of architectural structures. This is the perfect option for facing the ventilated facades ( read more about technology at the end of this article) .

Facade plaster

To this day, this traditional decision enjoys well-deserved popularity.

The abundance of modern technologies makes a pleasant variety in the choice of the owner of a country house puzzled by a high-quality relief of the surfaces of the walls. The main limitation is the relative difficulty of applying plaster and the need for qualified labor.

Attempting to mechanization here was not crowned with success because the "Dedovskaya" technique of work did not undergo significant changes.

Durable and fiscal plaster. Over time, the coating hardness is only increasing.

Such plaster has a high pH reagent and is resistant to the appearance of biological corrosion. A small selection of colors from the manufacturer is not an obstacle to the use of a wide range of color gamut. The white plaster is applied with the subsequent painting silicate facade paint.

Disadvantages: Low elasticity, low adhesion to the base. Price: The most fiscal option. Durability: about 30 years. Frost resistance: 75 cycles.

Does not require a kneading and excludes errors in dosages. The choice of color is unlimited - the mixture is touched.

Acrylic plaster comes on sale as ready-to-use mixture on a water-dispersion basis. Elastic, durable, has high resistance to aggressive effects of the external environment. Disadvantages: Low vapor permeability.

It is undesirable to use on facades with a cotton insulation. Price: Comparatively inexpensive (compared to silicone and silicate plaster), but more than mineral. Durability: 50 years. Frost resistance: Fifty cycles.

Applied to all types of mineral bases. It has neutral electrostaticity - does not attract dust and dirt.

Durable and durable coating. It is made on the basis of liquid glass, which provides high vapor permeability (higher than mineral and acrylic) and resistance to biological corrosion.

Disadvantages: Small selection of colors. Price: Above the average price category. Durability: 60 years.

If the budget allows, then this is the most preferred option. Includes all previously specified advantages of materials.

It is manufactured on the basis of a modified silicone resin, with the addition of organic acrylate binder, mineral fillers and pigments.

Disadvantages: It is used in a complex with silicone primer, very expensive. Price: The most expensive plaster. Durability: 60 years. Frost resistance: 60 cycles. Among the facade paints, by analogy with plaster distinguishes acrylic, silicate and silicone paints.

Not the most popular, but worthy of attention option.

Ceramic facing brick has many advantages, including high mechanical strength, resistance to water, wind, ultraviolet and temperature drops. Unfortunately, it also has disadvantages, such as, for example, low thermal insulation, a rather big weight and a high price, it is because of them, he recently passed his position in the market for finishing facade materials.

In order for the brick wall thickness corresponds to the requirements of SNiP in terms of protection against heat loss, it should be thick from 80 to 90 cm. And this is expensive, and requires a more powerful foundation. Although such a wall has excessive strength for a low-rise structure.

You can apply a well-masonry, when the gap is created between the ordinary brick and facing, filled with heat insulator. This technique allows to reduce the total thickness of the wall 1.5 times. But the use of warm facade systems reduces this figure already twice

Looks like a real, but weighs 1.5 times less.

This type of finish has an amazing decorative surface, due to its similarity with a natural natural analogue. However, it weighs it one and a half times less and more adapted to finishing works, since in any collection there are already additional elements for facing window and doorways, angles and joints, which greatly simplifies installation.

Artificial stone is easy to process, is durable, environmentally friendly (which is important lately) is easily mounted on any basis.

The only thing that is afraid of such a finish - humidity. Therefore, in places where the natural moisture is high, the surface, lined with artificial stone, must be treated with hydrophobic solutions.

Suspended ventilated facade

The most common method for walls with high vapor permeability.

The idea is to form a carrier frame providing a gap for air circulation between insulation and facing. Mineral wool is used as insulation.

A system of brackets from a metal profile is installed on the wall, the height of which should ensure the placement of thermal insulation material, a protective vapor-permeable membrane and a gap device of the required width.

Mineral wool mats are strengthened with glue and (or) plastic umbrella dowels, the membrane is laid from above, which does not give the material to collapse, but at the same time it allows you to disperse water vapor.

Metal profiles are installed on the brackets that serve as the basis for mounting the facing. As a cladding can be any sheet or wrap material, ranging from corrugated floor and ending with composite panels or porcelain stoneware.

The use of each of them has its own characteristics by the method of fastening, step and material of the crate. For example, composite panels should be attached only to aluminum profiles. The facade finish will not only strengthen the external walls of the house and will extend his life, but also decorate the plot, creating a unique aura of attractiveness and fascinating the views of passersby.

The appearance of the facade answers not only for the uniqueness of the structure, its attractiveness, but also for protecting the walls from all kinds of negative environmental factors. Properly selected material for finishing the outside of the house allows you to increase the reliability of the structure, increase its thermal insulation characteristics, sound insulation and extend the life of the building. Therefore, in front of many household owners there is a question of how to make the facade of the structure not only beautiful, but also reliable.

The material for finishing the facade should be selected correctly, in accordance with the characteristics of the building, because It depends on the reliability of wall protection.

First of all, you need to understand what result you want to get. The exterior of the building plays an equally important role in the general design of your home than the interior. The first thing to be brought into your guests is the facade of the house. The building materials market presents a wide range of materials for finishing facades of buildings, starting to choose which should be relying on personal preferences, the characteristics of the climate of your region and the type of material that was used in the construction of walls.

Facade Finishing Materials

For facing the facade of the house, various materials are used, which differ in terms of cost, characteristics and result, which will be achieved after cladding. All finishing materials can be divided into groups that will include products with similar properties. Stone materials for facing the facade of the building: for this group of materials is characterized by reliability, quality of service and durability. Stone materials can be both natural and artificial. At the same time, an artificial facing stone has its own types:

  1. Material based on limestone or cement materials. This includes white brick, ceramic tile and glass.
  2. Artificial stone made on plaster basis.
  3. Clay-based stone.

Important! The advantage of using artificial stone is that the material has a rich color palette, as well as a variety of texture.

Ceramics has the highest reliability and durability. Artificial stone looks no worse than natural, but its value is significantly lower.

Plastics, metals and composite materials used for external finishing at home. Such materials are less durable and reliable, but their use allows you to achieve a magnificent design of the facade, and care for them will not deliver the trouble.

Make the facade of the house is attractive with the help of plaster. Plaster may be smooth, multicolored and with different textures. Polymers, silicates, cement, gypsum or lime can be based on plaster.

The facade finish involves not only the right choice of material, but also timely selection of the tool. If you invite competent masters, they will have all the necessary list of instruments, but if you decide to finish on your own, before you begin to work, you should cook everything that can come in handy in work. The list of tools and girlfriends may vary depending on the chosen finish. If you do not know what exactly you will need, check the list from the consultant when buying a material. The main tools that may be useful to you during the work include:

  • stairs;
  • set of manual tool;
  • metal spatulas;
  • brushes;
  • sandpaper;
  • adhesive compositions.
  • perforator;
  • screws, bolts, screws;
  • nails, metal brackets.

How to separate the house stone?

The most traditional way to finish the facade is cladding walls with decorative brick. The method involves laying another wall of decorative stone next to the already erected. The stone can be laid as close to the wall, and retreating at a certain distance - this will allow the insulation to be placed in the interval.

In order to connect the decorative wall of the house with the main, apply all kinds of connection types. As an anchor, a piece of reinforcement and a grid can perform. For an additional wall, it is necessary to prepare the foundation, the depth of which on average will be about 30 cm, and the width will be over several centimeters to exceed the width of the finishing stone.

Important: The decorative wall of the stone will not only decorate the structure, but also increase the strength of the main walls.

Often, additional brickwork is used when they want to restore the house. If during the work you left a place for insulating material, you can use a flowable material from slag or clamzite.

How to separate the facade tile?

Often for finishing the facade of the house, tiles use special adhesive compositions produced on cement basis. Cement, washed sand and water are mixed for the preparation of glue and water. To improve the properties of the solution, you can add glue PVA. In the event that you wish to make the facade of the house from a heavy quality tile, the use of one adhesive material will not allow secure the tiles on the wall surface. For better fixation, attachments such as screws, bolts or screws should be applied.

Due to the fact that the facade of the house regularly turns out to effect the environment, choosing a tile, it is necessary to clarify its characteristics of resistance to humidity and low temperatures. So that the tile is a reliable material of the house facade, the indicator of its moisture absorption should not be above 8%, and the frost resistance must be resistant to at least 25 cycles of freezing and thawing. Otherwise, the material will very quickly collapse.

Finishing the facade of the house of the plaster with their own hands

Popular and demanded material for finishing the facade of the structure is the plaster. Making the facing is much simpler, using the ready-made composition, which is based on cement. The advantage of using plaster is its versatility. The material not only creates and improves the external design of the house, but also increases the strength of the walls of the structure.

Working with the material has its own nuances. Before using it, the surface of the walls should be prepared, namely, clean the surface from pollution and dust using a metal spatula or durable knife. It is important to level the wall surface and close all existing cracks or chips. The plaster is quite picky, and how long it will serve as a finish of your structure depends directly from the wall material. So, it is necessary to increase the strength of the walls if they are made of slag blocks or saman. To do this, the metal mesh is fixed on the wall surface using brackets or nails. It is desirable to predict the surface of the wall for a stronger connection. Further, work with the material is no different from plastering walls indoors.

How to make the facade of the house with your own hands: photo + video. Any homeowner wants his accommodation to be unique and corresponded to his taste. To do this, you can use the services of professionals, but it will be more expensive, besides it will be pleasant to invest in the construction of the "ourselves" part in order to tell our grandchildren in the future, which took part in the construction of the house.

We will tell you in detail how to make the facade of the house with your own hands using the specified building materials.


Facing the facade can be done using:

  • Siding.
  • Facing brick.
  • Thermopanels.
  • Artificial and natural stone.


This is an excellent way to finish the facade, it is also called a wet way. It makes it possible to perfectly hide even the greatest drawbacks that could appear when operating at home:

  • Cracks.
  • Bulges and depressions.
  • Holes that were made to attach something, but not used.
  • Defects that were allowed when erecting walls.

To do this, use special solutions. They are applied in a certain thickness to get the perfect surface.

Sometimes case when a big layer is required and then recommend adhere to several rules:

And now, when it came about the types of blends, let's look at what they are for the exterior finish. Note that the internal work formulations cannot be used for the facade. The fact is that if you make the facade of the house using compounds for internal works, the solutions simply will not be able to withstand the load that the facade facing will be subjected.

And the second moment - It is better to buy ready-made mixtures for plastering, since manufacturers in manufacturing add special chemical components that help extend the service life of the finished coating.

Varieties of mixtures for facade plaster

So, what mixture to choose all work to make your own hands and also get a chic result? It should be noted that in order to get a perfectly smooth layer, it will be necessary to make enough effort and practice. If you are first to engage in plastering, it is better to perform a small area, approximately 1 m 2, on any smooth surface. Then you look at the result to understand whether the mixture is suitable for you, the method of application and the ability of the solution to alignment.

Let's return to the compositions:

Separately talk about decorative compositions. With their help, you can make an unusual texture or on the contrary, a smooth surface. In order that the coating was textured, use rollers, remedies or special components (for example, in the Plaster type "Coroed" there are special minor granuels).


If you want to make the facade of the house with your own hands, and so that it looks reliably and respectable, use the brick. Especially good everything will look if the original masonry method and various shades of the material are selected. But here there are some subtleties about which it is worth knowing:

  • If you use whole bricks, you should additionally strengthen the foundation so that it can withstand such a load.
  • Between the finishing and the main wall must be.
  • Separate two walls should be combined with flexible connections.

These are time-consuming and cost-consuming processes, so before buying a material to start to begin, whether such an investment of money is a profitable material or it will be better to choose something more practical. You can replace the facing brick to clinker, as this option does not require additional strengthening of the foundation, but the walls must be strong. The clinker brick looks like small tiles with the properties of standard brick, so the installation process will be long. But keep in mind that such a finish is considered durable, perfectly protects the house from moisture and temperature differences. Behind such a coating does not require complex care, because rains will wash off all dirt and dust.


The option of finishing the facade is ideal for those who have an old house and walls in it are not too durable. Panels separately and the overall design is not very heavy, so practically will not create a load on the base. It is very important that the panels and challenges, without which installation it will be impossible, were selected from the same manufacturer and are made in one batch, otherwise you may encounter such an unpleasant problem as the inconsistencies of shades and sizes.

The most accessible finish option is vinyl siding. But this does not mean that manufacturers saved on the quality of this type of material. Famous companies produce high quality panels that will serve for a long time and without change. The installation process is simply simple, but we recommend you to familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's instructions and most accurately fulfill everything that is written there. Also be sure to leave the gap for the temperature expansion. Panels under the influence of high temperature will expand greatly, and if the fasteners are strongly tightened, then at the first summer you will see the formation of cracks and the presence of deformations.

Artificial and natural stone

Before you begin to finish from a natural stone, you should check, and whether the base will withstand such a load. The fact is that natural materials are sufficiently heavy and they are not advised to install on the old basis.

There is another option, but then you will need to strengthen the foundation and walls. Naturally, natural stone perfectly protects the walls from any type of impact:

  • Mechanical.
  • Atmospheric.
  • Chemical.

But for installation requires special skills. For this reason, the finishing material is better replaced by artificial analogue. Thanks to modern technologies, stones that are obtained in production conditions have the same technological characteristics as natural, but at the same time weigh, and are less.

In order for the finishing of artificial stone to serve as long as possible, it should be covered with hydrophobic composition. This is the only drawback. But with the installation you can cope without any assistance.


To make the facade of the house, use the thermopanels.

This method of finishing helps to solve two problems at once.:

  • Update appearance.

The panels are made so that there are two surfaces. Top is a facing material. It can be imitation of brickwork, wooden board or natural stone. The bottom side has a heatel that will help keep warm inside the house. Also pay attention to the fact that moisture will not be skipped out of the room. But in order for it not accumulated in the rooms, the arrangement of additional ventilation is required. The second variant of solving the problem will be the installation of the panels by the type of ventilated facade.


This type of finishing will help protect the environment from temperature differences. Even mechanical damage is not terrible. A beginner can cope with the installation, even alone. As you can see, a lot of option for completing the facade is quite a lot, and you can choose what you like and on your pocket.

The question of how to make the facade of the house, and make it unique, beautiful and practical at the same time, is very important. It is almost impossible to overestimate it, because it is the facade that determines the appearance of any home.

What will be the very first impression of the house and its owner is determined by the successful selection of finishing materials. In addition, it is important to qualitatively fulfill all the facing works. Facade works belong to the work on the execution of the outer decoration. Therefore, they should be performed after the completion of the main construction works with walls and roofs.

Beautiful facade of the house

Perform the facade of the facade of your home yourself, does not make care about your own hands. The main thing about this issue is the knowledge of what to do and how. Well, and some construction skills must also be present.

ATTENTION: It is worth it that is more important for you - time or money. Make yourself - save money, trust specialists - save time.

How to mount facade

So, the walls are removed, the roof is mounted, the main concern for the building owner becomes the task - how to make the facade of the house. I want the house to look original, unique and that all the details of the facade were in harmony with each other.

There are many ways to finish the facade, as well as ways to achieve goals. And one of these paths is to use various facade facing options.

Facing options great set. And in front of the home owner is an important question: what is the facade of the house. Most often, the facade finish is needed in cases where the house is built of brick or cellular concrete.

Frame houses require. If the house is wooden, then the facade is rarely separated. The tree is not the material that needs to be refined.

So what to make the facade of the house?

Types of facade finish

Ceramic brick

Facing with ceramic bricks

It is difficult to name this area of \u200b\u200bconstruction, wherever a ceramic brick is used.

With its manufacture, a special technology is applied, due to which he receives serious advantages:

  1. Frost resistancethat is very important for our climatic conditions.
  2. Durable. Terms of operation are calculated decades.
  3. Able to remove harmful substances. Property of interest: a unique ability to remove harmful substances that the environment supplies.
    Rainwater contributes to independent purification of facing bricks on the facade of the building.
  4. Facing brick has durability and stability. Atmospheric, short-term mechanical impacts do not have any changes in the appearance of bricks.
  5. The presence of a diverse color scheme and various textures.

Clinker tile

Finishing clinker tiles

Perhaps it will happen so that it becomes not affordable. It is found among the materials for facing the facade than to replace it, but the facade will look like a brick. Such a substitute is clinker tiles.

It is capable of symoting a brick, while it is repeated its forms, sizes and color. Everything is exactly the same, except for the thickness. It has all the advantages of the brick, the plus it can be considered that the tile is very convenient in transportation and installation. The inside configuration allows you to connect it to hard with any surface.

Stone: Natural or Artificial

Artificial stone on the facade

The facade can be separated and with the help of natural stone. But it refers to expensive materials and besides, heavy and not very convenient in processing. For this reason, both the stone found a replacement in the form of an artificial finishing stone.

And the very concept of "artificial" belongs only to the fact that human technologies are involved in its creation, and not natural phenomena.

All components of this material are absolutely safe for humans, environmentally friendly material.

Facing with fiberglass panels

Fiberglass panels that mimic natural stone began to be applied not for a long time.

These properties can be attributed to their advantages:

  1. Lightweight and convenient in installation.
  2. High aesthetics - natural stone is reproduced in all details.
  3. The speed of finishing works. This significantly reduces labor costs.
  4. Fiberglass panels are able to simulate almost all kinds of natural stones.
  5. Resistant to temperature differences, confront atmospheric influences, are not affected by fungi and mold.
  6. Do not lose color under the action of ultraviolet rays.
  7. High strength characteristics.
  8. For long years are able to maintain their properties.

Finishing siding

Practicality vinyl siding

It is one of the lungs, simple and economical ways of facing the facade. With the help of siding, it can be done as the alteration of the facade of the house and the creation of the facade during the construction of a new building.

Among his advantages:

  1. Relatively smaller price per unit area.
  2. Fast and convenient installation.
  3. Serves reliable protection from external aggressive manifestations.
  4. Does not create an additional load on the walls and the foundation.
  5. It has high aesthetic qualities.

ATTENTION: By purchasing siding, pay attention to that it is from one batch of production and make a certain stock. Otherwise, you can not get into the shade.

Siding may have both polymer coating and paintwork. Polymer - more durable.

Siding is mounted very simple, so it can be done independently, not attracting expensive specialists. Especially the instructions for installing the complex does not look. It is only worth answering the question: the better to make the facade of the house: vinyl siding or metal.

They have common positive qualities, and there are also differences. And in the other case, pre-alignment of walls is not required. For them, there are many colors and shades.

Metal siding is not amenable to burning, withstands major temperature differences, has a service life for more than 50 years. Among the shortcomings are relatively high cost, dents after shocks and quite a large weight of the facade.

Reliability of metallic siding

Vinyl siding is distinguished by a special ease, and for this reason can be mounted, without resorting to assistance. It does not fade in the sun and attracts buyers a lower price.

The choice of material for the facade is not very simple. Assist in this choice can presented photos and video materials. Undoubtedly, you will be proud of the facade of your house.