Repairs Design Furniture

Drazen - disease and treatment with photos. Why does the drazen dump the leaves and what to do? Why dusses are sluggish leaves

Drazena has an original appearance that attracts attention against the background of the overall interior design.

Such palm is quite popular among lover of houseplants and thanks to simple care.

On numerous photos, you can see beautiful trees with a luxurious crown that grew to unimaginable sizes. This happened due to the positive qualities of the plant.

At a certain point, the drasens dries the tips of the leaves. This may occur for several reasons.

It is important to determine the source of the problem, as this will help in the process of treatment and recovery.

In order not to lose the plant, you need to immediately take action on recovery.

If you consider and prevent negative influences on the plant, then problems with drying the tips of the leaves simply will not arise.

Causes why fall and fall leaves

Sometimes it happens that the drasenes resets the leaves after they completely or partially descend.

There are only three reasons why the green part of the drazes falls first down, and then falls at all.

Why DRATSEEN swings leaves:

  1. If the plant is more than 3 years, then the leaves fall out due to old age.
  2. If the drazen lowered the green part and the bottom of the leaves have already begun, it means that the flower is bad.
  3. Low temperature for the plant is the main reason for the fifth of the leaves.

By how the leaves fell and fall, it is possible to determine the cause of "baldness". The nature of the fiction is pronounced in each of the cases, so it is practically impossible to be mistaken.

Attention! The variety of marginat drazes is most often exposed to "baldness" and lowering leaves.

From old age, the leaves fall completely, replaced by new units.

With a bad irrigation, the leaves are long in lowered, yellow and then fall. From the cold there is a loss of green leaves.

Brown spots

Often brown spots appear on the green crown of drasens, which are catastrophically threaten the life of the flower.

Each problem stains stains in its own brown color, which has private distinctive features.

Causes of brown spots:

Why black and dry barrel: plant disease

As a result of the vital activity of such organisms with a drasa, the following metamorphoses may occur: dry the trunk, change the color of the leaves, the barrel becomes soft or empty.

In the fight against diseases and pests, it is important not to overdo the treatment, as it can also negatively affect the flower condition.

Attention! Sometimes the flower amazes several diseases at the same time, therefore, a complex approach in treatment may be required.

To treat the plant correctly, it is better to consult in a specialized store.

How to help dragerate

In order not to bring the flower to a terrible state, you need to care for it. Proper care is the best help for drazes.

If some failures occurred, it is important to determine how to help the plant under any circumstances. There are several options for salvation, each of which corresponds to the situation.

What to do to save drazes in some situations:

  1. The disease of any type will need special additives sprays and "medicines".
  2. You can reanimate the dragera only by means of transplanting to another container with a new soil.
  3. To eradicate problems with stains on the greenery of the crown, it is worth establishing watering mode and find a suitable place in the room.
  4. 1 time in 2-3 years need to transplant the plant into a new pot with a suitable soil.

Save the plant is simply if you adhere to the basic rules regarding transplantation and subsequent care. It is worth watching the indoor plant carefully so as not to provoke the exacerbation of the disease.

Useful video

- This is, though not a very whimsal room plant, nevertheless, requires compliance with individual care rules: the corresponding temperature regime, the level of humidity, and so on. Critical violation of these rules can provoke various ailments of plants that are reflected not only on appearance and which can lead to the death of drazes. One of the common problems, the causes and methods of solving which will be discussed below, is the omission of the leaves of the plant, which usually grow up.

The main reasons why the leaves of the drazes are lowered

The most likely include:

  1. Excessively cold temperatures in the room (especially aggravated by drafts). The optimal temperature for the growth and development of the plant ranges from 18 to 24 ° C above zero. Lower temperature can lead to the fact that the leaves will be empty. In order to avoid this or cope already with the problem that has appeared, it is necessary to remove the plant from the place where it can be bludging with drafts, as well as create the optimal aforementioned temperature in the room.
  2. Excessive soil moisturizing. It may be provoked by frequent irrigation or an overly wide pot that promotes moisture. This requires comply with two basic rules. The first is to avoid frequent irrigation and allow the soil to dry between watering, the second - you need to choose a pot enough, but at the same time a small diameter (for a plant with a growing up to 15 centimeters, the optimal diameter of the pot is from 10 to 15 centimeters; height potted - 12-15 centimeters) .
  3. Lack of moisture for the outer surface of the leaves. Dracaena Gets a part of the power and moisturizing through the surface of the leaves. In this connection, once every two or three days, it is required to spray the leaf from the spray temperature of the room temperature.
  4. Lack of oxygen saturation. First of all, it is important to maintain soil saturation with oxygen. For this, drainage is created when landing / transplanting drazes. And it is also necessary to carry out periodic loosening of the soil.
  5. Excessive use of fertilizers. For growth and development dRATSEN It is advisable to use organic fertilizers in small quantities - peat, manure, humus and so on. From mineral fertilizers, it is possible to completely refuse and use them only if there are symptoms of a disease of the drasens, due to the shortage of certain batteries.
  6. The impact of direct sunlight can also cause the yellowing and omission of leaves dRATSEN. The plant loves light, but poorly tolerates straight sun rays that can contribute to the degradation and death of the plant. Drazen should be in a lit room, but not on the sunny side of the room.

Drazen - spectacular evergreen plant. It can be found both in apartments and office premises. She is valued for attractiveness and designers with lovers and designers. However, despite the undemanding and noncains, the drazes suffers from unintentional errors in the care, attacks of pathogens, bacteria, viruses and harmful insects. This negatively reflects on its presentability. Therefore, you need to know which symptoms are characteristic of a particular disease or pest, and how to deal with them.

How to create a dragerate optimal microclimate

Drazen is rather unpretentious, and in creating her optimal microclimate at home, there is nothing complicated. But to the requirements of the plant, it is still to listen, having raised to create a situation, as close as possible to the one to which she was accustomed to nature.

Drazena - popular (not least because of its unpretentiousness) indoor plant

Table: Suitable conditions for the cultivation of drazes

Factor Recommendations
Location Nearby (1-2 m) from the window overlooking the East or West. It is not recommended to put it close to the southern window to avoid sunburn. In the summer, if dimensions allow, you can make the capacity for fresh air. Drazen loves him, but does not tolerate cold drafts.
Lighting Scattered light or light half. Types with fiber leaves are more demanding to lighting. All drasens can exist with fully artificial light if the light day lasts at least 12 hours.
Temperature In the spring and summer - moderately warm (20-25ºС). The heat of the drazes tolerates badly. In winter, it is slightly lowered - up to 17-19ºС. Lower limit - 15ºС. Exceptions - DRATSEEN Fascular, Gucker, Dragon (carry a short-term decrease to 10ºС). All kinds negatively react to sudden temperature differences. The difference is 10ºС and more can lead to the death of the plant.
Air humidity It normally exists with a standard air humidity of 40-50% (dragon and annusphere dragon and one is undemanding to it), but with gratitude responds to any measures to increase it. The only thing to do should not - pour water into the pallet. In winter, working heating batteries are strongly dried by air, so once every 2-3 days it is recommended to spray with warm water of the surrounding air. In the summer, in the heat you can spray the plant itself, but so that the drops do not fall into the outlet, or to arrange a shower, closing the soil with polyethylene. At least once a week, be sure to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth or sponge.

Pick up the dragerate the place near the window, put it on the windowsill due to the dimensions very difficult

In addition to the optimal microclimate, a great influence on how the plant feels, rendeable feedstocks and the correct irrigation regime.

In the summer you need to give the soil in the pot of sinking about 4-5 cm deep into. This can be determined by sticking a wooden wand in a pot. There is enough one procedure for 2-3 days. In winter, the intervals increase to 5-7 days. In the wet soil during cool content, rotting is rapidly developing. Wide-sized drakens need to water more often - they have more evaporation area. An explicit signal - dumped, lost the tone of the leaves. And do not forget to loosen the soil after each procedure.

Material will also be useful on the conditions of the content of the Drageren Sader:

As for feeding, there are special fertilizers for Drazen. Nutrient solution The tree is watered every 20-30 days, about half an hour well moisturizing the soil. If a universal remedy for indoor plants is used, pay attention to the composition. Excess of phosphorus and nitrogen can lead to a deterioration in the appearance of the leaves. And still drazes categorically not tolerate fluorine.

Video: Content and Care for Flower at home

Typical diseases of the disease and pests and their prevention

Drazena, followed by a rather resistant to defeat various pathogenic fungi, viruses and bacteria. Most often, this kind of problems with the plant are the result of unintended host errors. The invasion of pests, even mass, is also unlikely to lead to her death, but will deliver a lot of hassle.

Most dangerous for her all sorts of rot, as well as bacterial and viral diseases, to cure with modern means it is impossible. In this case, the plant needs to be destroyed as quickly as possible, no matter how sorry. Otherwise, you can lose the entire collection.

Most often to avoid problems with the drasa, quite competent prophylaxis:

  • quarantine for newly acquired plants for 25-30 days;
  • regular inspections of the entire collection (ideally through magnifying glass) and immediate insulation of "suspicious" copies;
  • free, without crowding, placement of pots;
  • frequent ventilating room and maintaining high humidity;
  • placing room and cut colors as far as possible from each other, especially if these are roses or chrysanthemums;
  • mandatory sterilization before using pots, substrate, any tools;
  • processing of all "wounds" caused by dragerate in;
  • fulfillment of recommendations for the care of the plant, especially those regarding the polishers and fertilizers;
  • maintaining cleanliness is a regular erasing of dust from the leaves and carrying out other permitted water procedures.

Diagnostics of the problem

The plant feeds the flower to the unequivocal signals. The deterioration of its appearance is a clear sign of health problems. It is important to interpret these signs correctly, and know what to do in each case.

Table: Symptoms and Possible Causes

External manifestations Possible reasons
Errors in care Disease Pest
Swimming and wreaking leaves. The term of their life is about two years. Otherwise - excess watering
Pale, smiling leaves, deforming, thinning trunks. Light shortage.
Feeding green leaves. Inappropriate room temperature (both high and too low), constant cold drafts.
Drying, twisting in the tube and falling leaves. Watering too much.
Dry brown leaves tips. Low moisture in the room.
Dry tips and small sections of dead tissues on the leaves. An excess of fluorine in the soil is the use of unsuitable fertilizers or watering with rigid not saturated water.
Losing saturation of the color of the leaves and yellowish or almost discolored stains on them. Burn from long stay under the right sunlight. It is almost inevitable if the plant has been sprayed before. Water drops focus rays are not worse than lenses.
Yellowish-white spots on the leaves, dry edges. Low temperature indoors or its sharp drops.
The decolled "water-bearing" border on the edge of the sheet. Excess fertilizer in the soil (too frequent feeding).
Red leaves. Inappropriate too heavy soil with a peat predominance.
Small white crystals on the wrong sheet. A natural phenomenon provoked by a single abundant irrigation in combination with high humidity.
Slow growth or its complete absence. Inappropriate soil, lack of feeding for a long time or too cramped pot.
Ring, similar to flour, on the leaves.
Sticking soft on the touch trunk.
Browned spots, gradually tightening with gray "pile".
Dark "watery" stains, softening fabrics.
Swimming leaves covered with dark brown spots.
Reddish-yellow, gradually raging stains on the leaves.
Brown with bright green border spots on the leaves.
Small beige stains with a white point in the center.
Extended beige stains with pale red border.
Blurry brown spots with a yellow boring border.
Dark "watery" tips of the leaves, "ulcers" on the trunk.
Brown spots and stripes casting bronze.
Yellow spots on the leaves, braided with pauts of petioles.
Silver "scratches" and small black dots on the leaves.
Brown "plaques" on the leaves, reddish-yellow fabrics around them.
Small whims lumps in the sneakers of the leaves and in the ground.
A lot of small yellow-green or black and brown insects on the wrong leaves and sticky droplets on them.

What makes mistakes in care: examples in the photo

Dracaena, who dries the tips of the leaves, suffers from the too low humidity of air or sunburn to reset the leaves of the drazen can for several reasons, including the naturally the drarices looks like the drakerena leaves can very easily get a burn if spray The plant leaving under the right sunny rays brown drying leaves of drazes mean a long neglect of the need of plants AO moisture with the yellowing of the leaf of DRACEEN reacts to overflow

Diseases and how to cope with them

From fungal diseases for drazes, all types of rotes are most dangerous, very quickly developing with irregular watering. If at the same time the temperature is still maintained below the norm, it is almost inevitable.

Table: Typical diseases disease

Disease Symptoms Treatment and prevention
Small rounded pale brown stains on the trunk and leaves with a whitewate point in the middle, quickly changing the color on the black and gray. Gradually, the fabrics in these places die.
  1. Wipe the leaves and trunk with the infusion of wood ash or colloidal sulfur.
  2. Treat the plant and soil with a solution of topaz, oxyhoma, downtown.
  3. Repeat three days from the interval of 10 days. During this time, water not ordinary water, but a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

For prevention once a month, handle the flower and the ground with a 0.1% solution of Fundazola, Topcin-M.

Extracted beige stains with reddish border on the leaves. Gradually, they are tightened by a layer of greenish-gray raid.
Philostose (bright spot) Blurry spots of irregular beige-brown shape with lime border. Then the in the middle is formed small black "grains". In the risk group - adults and especially old drasens.
  1. Cut all infected fabrics. Especially injured leaves remove the whole.
  2. Plush cuts with activated carbon powder, chalk, cinnamon, process with iodine or green.
  3. Spray the flower with a solution of scoring, topaz, des. Repeat three times (processing once a week).
  4. During this time, add to water for watering (2-3 ml per liter) any biostimulator (zircon, epin, humate potassium).
Dark brown "Watery" tips of the leaves, brown spots on them, small round "ulcers" but trunk and cutters. Healthy fabrics from infectious separates wide yellow "oily" band. There are no effective treatments. It provokes the development of bacteriosis permanent dampness in a pot, the heat in the room, which is inappropriate for the drazes of the alkaline ground.
Spotted wilting (bronze) The leaves are almost completely covered with strips and stains of the wrong shape. With artificial lighting, they are browned, the sun is cast in bronze. The growth of drazes is almost stopped, new leaves are small and deformed. With the help of modern means it is impossible to get rid of the virus. More often suffer from spotting plants that do not feed. For drasa, potassium deficiency and phosphorus are harmful.
Spreading on the leaves from the bottom up yellowness. On the edge there is a "water-" kimea. The top of the trunk is faded. He himself freshes, changes the color to the brick. In particularly severe cases, the drazes are covered by "wet" brown spots.
  1. Wash the flower under the warm shower, remove the injured leaves. Treat cuts.
  2. Spray the plant and swipe the ground with a solution of Fundazola, Vectra, Benomila. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 3-5 days.
  3. If there is no effect, apply "heavy artillery" - quadris, bravo, rake.

For the prevention, add to water for watering phytoosporin-m. Add Gumistar, Trickovit to the Soil during Change.

Root (black) rot Brown roots and bases of the trunk, mold on the soil and an unpleasant putrefactive smell coming from her.
  1. Remove the dragera from the pot, thoroughly wash the substrate with the roots.
  2. All Dark and Sklizens to the touch doinched, capturing 3-5 cm fabric, which seems healthy.
  3. Soak the roots at 20-30 minutes in a bright pink potassium permanganate solution or 0.5% - burgundy fluid.
  4. Pour cuts of sainted wood ash, colloidal gray.
  5. Peread the plant to a sterilized pot using a new soil.
  6. For 3-4 months, water 0.5% alino-b, Baikal-EM solution, prejudice.
Bacterial (wet) rot Dark "watery" stains on the leaves and trunk. Fabrics in these places softened to a semi-liquid state.
Pale brown spots on the leaves, gradually tightened by a layer of a gray "pile" with multiple small black splashes.
  1. Cut all infected with fungus leaves. Treat "wounds".
  2. Wipe them and paint the soil with a solution of Abiga peak, downtown, topaz.
  3. During the month, water the dragerate with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (0.25 g / l).
Brown rot (risoctonyosis) Drazen ceases to grow. The leaves are yellow, discolored, then covered with black and brown spots.
  1. Immediately stop watering.
  2. After 3-5 days by 10-12 hours, we soak the roots in the polytherapy solution, Agata-25k, Maxim. Let them dry well.
  3. If there is no effect, change the pot and soil.
Small brownish spots with bright green border on the leaves.
  1. Cut all the injured leaves.
  2. Provide the plant optimal or approximate conditions of content. Reercue the care of the drasa.
Leaves, as if shipped to flour. Gradually, this tax is compacted and drill.
  1. Will erase with leaves, flushing them with a pale pink potassium permanganate solution.
  2. Swip them with chopped activated carbon or colloidal gray.
  3. Twice with an interval of 10-12 days, bypass the dragerate with a solution of any fungicide.

Photo Gallery: What does a plant affecting pathogenic fungi and bacteria look like

It seems that mildew is the harmless raid, which is easy to erase, but this is not so brown spotty - a rather rare disease of the drazes, affected by the brown rot, almost ceases to grow gray rot, it is easy to recognize, but it is not easy to cure fabrics affected by bacterial rot, turn In the semi-liquid mass, the root rot is very difficult to recognize on time, and because the disease can be treated only in the early stages of development from Fusariosis more often the plants in the garden are suffering, but the plants are not protected from infection. Plant remains only to throw off the bacteriosis. Adults and old drarats of greenish-gray raids appearing with the development of heterosorosis, contains disputes of the fabric fungus, affected by alternariasis, gradually die on the leaves there are holes

Video: Treatment of diseases of drazes

Attacking pest drasa

Most pests, even breaking in many, will not kill the dragera. But this does not mean that they do not need to fight. No exotic insects from a historic homeland plant did not "brought". It will have to deal with the most common insects and ticks feeding with its juice.

Table: Common pests

Pest Symptoms Measures of struggle and prevention
Rounded "plaques" of different shades of brown on the wrong sheet. Gradually, they "scatter", the fabrics around them are acquired by an unnatural yellow-red color. In particularly severe cases, the soil is black.
  1. Visible pests are smeared with machine oil, acetic acid, clean alcohol. After a few hours, the shields can be removed.
  2. Wipe the leaves with soap foam, wash it with water.
  3. Treat the plant by actar, permethrine, fufanon. If necessary, repeat 1-2 times with an interval of 5-7 days.
Thin almost transparent threads that are fluttered. On the wrong sheet - brown dots and blurry pale or yellowish spots around them.
  1. Wipe the leaves with alcohol, vodka or any alcohol tincture. After 15-20 minutes - a wet sponge.
  2. Spray and pour the dragera, for 2-3 days, if possible, close with polyethylene. To enhance the effect, put the same tank with a sliced \u200b\u200bonion, garlic, turpentine.
  3. If there is no result, use Acaricides - Neon, Agravertin, Sanmight, Apollo. It will take at least 3-4 treatments with different drugs. The interval between them is 5-12 days.

For the prevention weekly spray the plant with decoction of cyclamen tubers. Or irradiate the leaves with a quartz lamp for 2-3 minutes on both sides.

The decaded leaves, small black dots and silver-beige thin "scratches" are noticeable.
  1. Apply on the leaves a soap foam or whipped shampoo from fleas, leave under polyethylene for 2-3 days. Or spray it with oil emulsion (35-40 ml of any vegetable oil per liter of water).
  2. Repeat 2-3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.
  3. In the absence of the result, use phytodeter, spinor, accomplish (2-3 times at intervals per week).
Lumps similar to the dirty cotton rack in the sinuses of the leaves and at the base of the trunk. The leaves are quickly yellow and dried.
  1. Spray the dragerate with a soap-alcohol solution. After 2-3 hours, wash the leaves with clean water. At the same time, remove the visible "lumps" with a wooden wand.
  2. Treat flower and soil with tobacco crumbs, dry mustard, red pepper. Or point to the leaves any drug with wood oil.
  3. In the absence of the effect, use Spool-Bio, Calypso, Mospilan (2-3 times with an interval of 5-10 days).
Large colonies of small insects, stagnant with leaves (especially young) and the top of the trunk. Then the sticky transparent raid appears.
  1. Will erase insect soap foam. Especially injured leaves cut. Arrange the dragerate of the shower.
  2. 3-4 times a day spray the plant with informed orange crusts, onion husks, needles, any sharp smelling herbs.
  3. In the absence of effect, process the biotlin dragerate, admiral, confident Maxi. Repeat every 5-7 days to completely disappear.

Photo Gallery: What the pests affect the dragon look

The failure is distinguished by rare "omnivores", the drasen also enters the circle of its interests. If you do not pay attention to the tormentary cherler, very soon the plant will cover small black dots on the leaves - nothing but the cobwebs themselves - not insect , Therefore, not insecticides of general action are used to combat it, and special drugs - acaricides Durable Pancar Shields - Reliable protection against most folk remedies

Videos: Common Pest of Indoor Plants and Fighting them

Resuscitation Plants

Most often in the fact that the dragerate requires urgent resuscitation, its owner is to blame. It is painful, it reacts to the wrong irrigation - "drought" or "swamp" in the pot.

In the first case, cut all the dry leaves to the living fabrics, not a touching point of growth on the top of the drasens. Once every 2-3 days spray with a solution of any biostimulant. Rearrange as closer to the window of a southwestern or southeastern orientation. Water according to the instructions. If the roots were not injured, after 2-3 months, the drazes will give new leaves. When the growth point and the point of growth, it will have to cut and it, and hope that the side kidneys will "wake up". But there are not so many chances.

In the converted substrate almost inevitably the development of rot. Drake need to be rehanced as quickly as possible, despite the time of year. Noah this procedure does not guarantee success, it will be effective only at an early stage of development of the disease. In the process, be sure to cut all the roots affected by the fungus, do not forget to seek the new pot and soil. At first, be very careful with watering, but spray the dragera daily. Capacity pick up the root system (plus a maximum of 2-3 cm).

What to do with broken palm treason

Drazen is a rather massive plant, so the above-ground part can simply turn the pot. Also, it is also often obtained by it "fractures" - the result of the stormy activity of children and domestic animals. In this case, you should not be upset. If you do everything right, instead of one plant you will get two.

Broken drazes - not a reason to arrange tragedy

The easiest thing is when the trunk was abandoned, but did not break at all. They impose the "tires", as if on hand or leg, and fix the skin so that it was covered by "wound" if possible. From above you can wind the moss-sphagnum moss or coconut fiber.

Do not forget to "Seal" the cut

Otherwise, the plant remaining in the pot:

  1. Exactly disconnect the trunk just below the location of damage. It is advisable to do it on the "scars", which remained from fallen leaves.
  2. Disinfect the slice of a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate or 1% - burgundy fluid.
  3. Fill with liquid wax, paraffin, squeeze the garden water. If there is nothing at hand, apply 2-3 layers of oil paint.
  4. Remove the plant in the half. Moderately water. When growth kidneys are formed, go back to normal care.

The material will also be useful about the methods of breeding drazes:

Side kidneys on the dragerate "wake up" for quite a long time, take patience

Bloomred Top:

  1. Cut at an angle of about 45º. Try to do it, if possible, smoothly, without the "grinding" and Zzabrin. Let dry 2-3 hours.
  2. Wrap the interfering leaves. Put in the container with the prepared biostimulant. You can use succinic acid and activated carbon (on a tablet for every 200 ml). Alternative - rooting in wet perlite, vermiculite, sand. The cut will be added to any powdered stimulant of the root formation.
  3. Change the water every 3-4 days, the substrate regularly moisturize. Provide lower heating, luminous day duration of at least 12 hours and temperature of about 25ºС.
  4. Be patient. The rooting process can stretch for 3-4 months and even six months. When the first new sheet appears, transfer the plant into the soil suitable for adult dras.

Most often, the broken top of the drazes root in the water

Video: Showing a cutting of drazes

Drazena, like any room plant, is not insured against the attacks of diseases and pests. However, it is quite stable to them, and the tree, followed by a properly care, is rare. Nevertheless, individual errors in care, pathogenic fungi and bacteria can provoke a deterioration in the appearance of the drasens. If you do nothing, the plant can even die. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize what caused certain symptoms, and know what to do to cope with the problem.

Recently, my drazes began to lower the leaves and I, frankly, rented. This has never been observed behind it, although it is not a lot of long cohabitant with me, so I decided that you need to figure it out on my own with this problem, and then help others who will encounter such difficulties.

It turned out that there are many reasons why the drazes are lowered by the leaves, and they can all be a purely different nature. For example, one of the possible options, why the drasen began to be so unhealthy, maybe moisture. Wet air, unfavorable amount of watering, placement of other plants, moss nearby - all this can affect the life of drazes.

Reducing air humidity also affects this plant. As it turned out, often leaves of the drazes are lowered if it is located in the close side of the batteries or other devices that dry the air. An acceptable percentage of moisture in the room where the drazen lives - 20%, so it is necessary to no longer moisten the air, if the drazes are more, yellow and lowers, or on the contrary, reduce the amount of moisture, if the drazes are black, hurts and also lowers the leaves.

Draft Plus moisture - another enemies of the drazes. It can not be placed in intermediate rooms, in the corridors, near the windows where the drafts are constantly walking. First, drafts immediately force the dragera to root, no matter what state it is, exactly, as happens with a man when he was cold. They simply need to eliminate or move the draping to another place to neutralize this problem.

Use incorrect fertilizer Their insufficient, excessive amount is the next point that affects the fact that the drazes lowered the leaves. What to do in this case? Understand the number of fertilizers that you made. Insufficient quantity requires one more, control, feeding, excessive - will affect somewhat worse and the works will be more. There will have to transplant the plant by changing the soil mixture, using a completely new pot at the same time, then from the base stage you have to restore the health of the drasens, it may even renew it a little by trimming so that it is more intensive to recover and coped with a smaller crown volume, whatever she would have Former condition.

The use of incorrect fertilizers, much worse affects the dragera than you could assume - it seems to drink an alcoholic drink instead of the lively water when it is strictly prohibited. Instant effect: DRACEEN begins to fade in front of her eyes, the leaves are lowered, the land in a pot is completely strangely reacting to react in a pot, and the wase, cheerful and beautiful drazes, dies on your hands. In this case, my advice is always alone, especially for novice gardeners: Always learn the rules for the care of the draprace. Pay attention to the fertilizer point, check which soil composition you purchased or made yourself at home - which is not enough in it, and what elements too much, and only then choose the appropriate fertilizer, but in no case do not take a cash question or on your reasoning In the case of feeding, the drasens cannot be improvisation.

Drazen lowers the leaf, all the sleek is somehow. How to raise them?)

If the roots are all right, then arrange the dragerate of a hot shower! So the hand tolerated the temperature of the water, water should not be warm, nor boiling water, but rather hot. Cover the earth, wech up the pot of the Culk, to not fill and take away the foliage, during the minute, you can slightly less.

perhaps she stands in too sunny place, maybe she has little water (then you need to splash on leaves). And the most likely option is it time to transplant in a larger pot ..

My thing happens when I forget to pour or the sun falls on the leaves.

And you still need to feed the liquid fertilizer for palm trees.

You need to water in time and fertilizer to make at least once every 2 weeks.

It is worth the sun, I also had such and the leaves of the grathers, removed into the shadow and here, wonderful feels.

Try to change the location if she likes it for 5 minutes to raise the leaves. Maine can omit them from abundant watering. So you do not try to water better spray.

Why did the drawn lowered the leaves?

Dracaena their leaves lowered seldom. Since it happened, it means it was not bad for a plant, or a long house was not.

We must consider that dracaena Very sensitive to drafts. If they put on a draft, then not only the leaves will be devastated.

Also it is impossible to put a flower on bright straight sunlight.

Unnecessary plants to overflow.

Moderate watery will save the dragon from rotting the root.

More often a plant should be sprayed. This drazen loves, and leaves will stand like ears in a hare in the cold.

The land in which the dragerate is transplanted or disembed, should not be heavy. It should be well filled with oxygen. You can, yes, and you need to make drainage on 1/3 of the basement.

The soil must be loosened.

Dracaena It will live longer.

Drazena, though unpretentious room plant, but still so that it is beautiful and lush (the leaves watched up) need to carefully care for him. The first signs that the dragerate lacks care is the lowered leaves, the leaves are yellow and fall too often.

Drazena does not like when it is watered too often. Earth's kom must dry until the next irrigation. Young plants need to transplant every year and at the same time increase the size of the pot on 1-2 fingers so that the roots are not closely.

Perhaps the reason for the fallen leaves is the lack of nutrients. You need to feed the plant at least once a month (or 1 time in 2 weeks). I use biohumus liquid for feeding.

Drazen also loves the presence of oxygen in the roots. This requires periodic loosening the soil on the surface.

In the summer, the spraying has a beneficial effect, but only it is necessary to make it in the evening when the sun is not so strong (if you admit you the plant stands on the balcony).

Drazen - home care

Drazena is a very popular indoor plant with a large species and variety. There are varieties growing only in the wild, there are species that can survive only in greenhouse conditions, and there are also indoor options, unpretentious and not requiring special attention. In general, the most common room drazes care for itself requires the most minimal.

Sometimes people susceptible to superstitions can think if it is possible to keep at home dragera, search for signs associated with its room content. Usually, damage is contrived and is nothing more than prejudice. There are no restrictions on its content, except the most obvious - the presence of allergies from households. In the same way, this flower will only benefit.

DRATSEN - a flower with longevity. The duration of her life with room cultivation can be both five and fifteen years, and depends on the quality of care. How to care for drasa at home in such a way that she felt well and lived as long as possible? Follow these uncomplicated recommendations.


Drazena is a plant fairly light, so you can place it on the eastern and western windowsills. The south side is also acceptable, but try to protect the plant from exposure to direct sunlight. In the midst of the summer afternoon it is better to clean it in the half. If possible, provide a plant with scattered light - it will be the most ideal option.

If the lighting is insufficient, the leaves of the drapes will start pale. A deep shadow will affect completely indulgent: the leaves will quickly fade and die.

If the lighting is artificial, then it is also suitable for the plant, it is quite capable of growing well and develop.


The plant prefers a moderate temperature in summer and a cooler - in winter, but the cold suffers badly. Choose a warm place in the fresh air in the summer - the balcony coming to the East or West is perfect. Remember about the danger of direct sunlight. In the spring and summer period, the temperature of 20-25 degrees is considered optimal. In winter, the dragerate is suitable for 12-15 degrees, but not lower, otherwise the plant will freeze and die quickly. The draping should also be protected from drafts and sharp temperature drops.

Watering and humidity

The plant is rather moisture, so watering should be abundant, but systematic. Always better to cut a plant slightly than pouring and chatting it.

The intensity of watering depends on the location of the flower, the volume of the pot, the composition of the soil and the time of year. In the summer, watering dragine must be provided at least a couple of times a week, while carrying a daily spraying of water water, for a couple of degrees exceeding room floor.

In winter, when the air temperature is reduced to 12-15 degrees, watering must be reduced to once a week. Drazen in this period "falls asleep". The exception is the case when it is located close to the heating battery. In this case, no watering should be cut, neither the amount of spraying, as watering the drageration at high air temperature should often and abundantly.

Regardless of the time of year, water should not be allowed to stir in the pot - the plant of this relationship does not tolerate. But allowing the soil a lot to seek not even in winter. As soon as the surface layer of soil dries on three or better even two centimeters (no more), it means that the flower is time to water. Before irrigated, the surface layer of the soil rubbing, this will improve its breathability.

Spraying leaves produce both internal and from the outside, but at the same time always make sure that the water does not accumulate, the sheet of the sheet with the stem is not in the place of the interface. Periodically, you can wipe the dragon with a damp cloth, from time to time to arrange a full-fledged warm shower, which will wash the entire dust, dirt, and also refresh the plant.

Water for watering is better to use filtered, but if there is no such possibility, the tap water is advocated at least twelve hours, it is also worth it for better cleansing.

In the period of intensive growth (that is, from the beginning of April and before September), the dragerate feed fertilizers. Make it using special mineral feeding, their frequency is usually indicated in the instructions for use. Usually this time in a couple of weeks. Fertilizers need to be used by specialized, complex, which are sold in flower shops and are designed for indoor plants. Peplarition varieties are better to feed special fertilizers intended for the volatile plants.

Timely transplant is another pledge of longevity of your room drazes. Since this plant has a highly growing root system, in a pot, it quickly becomes closely. The plant brought home from the store also always needs to be moved to a new pot, but it is recommended not immediately, but a month after the purchase.

It is possible to calculate whether the transplant drague is needed in the following parameters: For example, if the plant is height somewhere around half a meter, then the pot is needed at least 20 cm in diameter. Comparing this proportion, you define whether the plant is time to move into a new container. You can also proceed from approximate data on the fact that the transplant should be made every two or three years - it is during this time that the roots manage to grow carefully. But it is better to proceed not from generalized data, but to consider each case and every species separately, as it is necessary to transplant the dragerate on time without allowing excessive growing roots.

"Moving" is better to strip in the spring, during the period of the most intense growth, so the plant is better attached. When transplanting, try not to damage the root plant of the plant. Prepare the drainage system in advance: pour into the bottom of the pot, for example, clamzit or pebbles. The drainage system means a lot for drazes, as its root system is superficial.

The ideal scheme for transplanting, with good care and rapid growth, implies an annual transplant in a pot, which will be not very old. The pot for the DRATS "on the Growth" cannot be taken, there is a risk that it will lead to the death of the plant. But a fairly adult dragon should not be replant so often, in this case, it will be enough to simply periodically replace the surface layer of the soil of fresh soil containing many nutrients.

The soil for drazes can be bought ready, but you can mix yourself. Usually for this in equal parts mix the turf and leafy ground with peat, sand and humus.

This procedure is more likely decorative background, as it is not required to cut the dragerate for its own use. The trimming of the stem stimulates the development of side kidneys and starts the branching process. Especially relevant for such a variety, as the dusted bordered: as it increases the lower, older leaves, die, over time all the foliage is concentrated on the top. The remaining naked barrel looks not very beautiful, that is why the dragerate is cut off to get lateral shoots.

By the way, in addition to the decorative function, the pruning of the indoor flower of the drazes - the reproduction of it with the help of shifting. The parent plant will branch, and the new DRATSEEN-Top or cutlets - will give life a new full-fledged flower.

The best time for trimming is the same as for transplanting, spring or early summer. The plant should already be quite adults, at least thirty centimeters in height. The cut slicer should be centimeters five below the highest and most young leaves.

When trimming, use a well-sharpened knife, wood or activated carbon, can also be stocking zircon tool. Cut the stem, the location of the cut is first sprinkle with coal, and then process the "zircon". Cropped cutter can be used for reproduction, namely rooted in water.

Drague care: species differences

Room flower DRATSEEN Types and varieties can have a variety of. In general, care for indoor drasens does not differ much depending on their species and varietality. But there are several moments that flower should know.

  1. Marginat Drazena (it is the dusted bordered) is the most common and most unpretentious view of all home drasa. The care of it does not differ from what was described above.
  2. The tearssen of Godzhef and the Dragon, unlike all other varieties, calmly carry dry air.
  3. Dracaena fragrant, or fragrant, well tolerates cold. At a temperature of only +10, it is capable of even blooming, although it makes it in room conditions very rarely, despite the temperature-created temperature regime. She is also able to calmly be in the summer in the fresh air. For the remaining drasa, it is preferable to contain in the room and not to leave it.
  4. The drazes bent, or reflex - the most capricious and demanding variety. It is usually only in the greenhouse, because it requires constant maintenance of a certain temperature regime, humidity and lighting.
  5. Drazen Sander, the most famous Lucky Bamboo, unpretentious so much that it is capable of growing even in water. It does not require landing into the ground, but it is desirable to add mineral fertilizers to the water, since without them, the leaves will yellow. At the same time, it should be used exclusively distilled water, as a last resort is filtered. The use of tap water can also lead to yellowing foliage.

To get acquainted with the drasa in more detail, you can read the article

Diseases and pests

Like all the room plants, the drazes has its problem and vulnerable places, illness and their pests. The most common of them are discussed below.

Shields, TRIPS, COUSE TIRS - these are the main pests affecting the dragera.

In case of damage to tryps on the leaves there are light specks and silver divorces. In this case, you can treat the leaves with a soap solution, leaving it for a day, and then washed away. If such a measure did not help, then the processing of drakes insecticides.

The web tick is striking the leaves, leads to their yellowed, drying and dying. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the presence of a postine plant. In this case, it is recommended to wipe the dragerate with a soap solution and arrange a warm shower. If the measures taken do not help, it is necessary to spray "Fufan" or "Fitovener". The web tick is starting at elevated dryness of air, and therefore one of the prophylactic measures of the disease is its timely moisturizing and periodic spraying of the plant with water.

If the wishes and dried the leaves

Not always, when the leaf is yellow on the indoor flower, it is associated with the damage to its pests. Perhaps the reason lies in insufficient care. The yellowing of the leaves occurs as a result of dry air, with insufficient watering and shortage of fertilizers. Drying and twisted leaves appear if the plant is too cold.

  • If the drawn lowered the leaves. The solution to the problem is exactly what time it happened. The dusseren room can lower the leaves immediately after purchase, after the transplantation (with the replacement of the soil) and disorders of the integrity of the roots, as a result of irregular irrigation.
  • If the leaves are lowered just bought drazes, no causes for panic - the plant simply passes acclimatization, gets used to new lighting conditions, temperature and humidity. Almost all the drasens lower the leaves immediately after they were brought from the store home.
  • If the leaves dropped immediately after the transplant to a new pot, this is a sign of damage to the root system.
  • Insufficient air humidity and incorrectly organized irrigation mode can also provoke leaves omit. Either the flower was filled, or, on the contrary, stuck.
  • Room palm treason marginat, happy sander bamboo, blooming fragranus - all these varieties of drags require a certain care, and this care has minimal differences depending on the species. The dragerate can be called a very unpretentious indoor plant, because it does not require much attention to themselves. Good illumination, sufficient humidity, timely transplant - these are the requirements that are inherent in almost every room plant. So, if you decide to make yourself a draping, let you not frighten the difficulties with its care, because there are no difficulties as such.

    Drazen - Diseases and Treatment with photos

    Drazena is a fairly unpretentious plant for homemade cultivation. However, getting improper care, it loses a decorative look. Drazen lowered the leaves, she dries the tips of the leaves. What to do in such cases? So, experts consider the main problems and diseases of the drazes, their treatment with the photo.

    Why do the drazers dry and turn yellow the tips of the leaves? Why did the drawn lowered the leaves? Causes, Treatment, Photo

    Typical diseases of the drazes and their effective treatment with an explanation from professional flowerflowers. Photo attached.

    Why do the drazers fall the leaves? The reasons It may be as follows: the plant passes the acclimatization period after the purchase, a transplantation was carried out with the replacement of the soil, which violated the integrity of the root system, irregular watering mode.

    Only a purchased plant is mandatory in new conditions should pass the acclimatization period. Dusted is no exception. The level of illumination in the new room, the humidity and temperature of the air - all this can affect the flower well-being. No need to worry if the drasen is only purchased and she lowered the leaves. For prevention, it is necessary to inspect the plant carefully. If there are no pests on it, the root system is in order, the barrel does not rot - the cardinal actions do not need. Experts recommend not to transplant the flower within 1 month after purchase. After the expiration of this period, perform a transplant by transshipment and strictly follow the rules for the care of the drasa. As practice shows, all the drasens after the purchase omit leaves. This is a normal phenomenon. A healthy flower look up will only be a top, that is, young leaves.

    DRATSEN SUPPLY SUPPLY left immediately after transplantation. This speaks about the violation of the root system of the flower, namely, very thin roots that form a cob at the bottom of the pot. It is they who participate in the nutrition of the plant and provide a plant with water. It is not recommended to transplant the dragerate in the full replacement of the soil. She is more suitable transshipment in a pot of larger. Thus, the root system will not be injured.

    However, if the transplant has already been held and the drazes lowered the leaves, while the lower leaves can be yellowed intensively, you need to perform the following actions: spray with a flower with cycron (4 drops of the preparation for 1 liter of water) and place under greenhouse or spacious cap. Leaves should not touch the walls of the greenhouse. At the same time, watering is significantly reduced. Before the next irrigation, the land in a pot must dry out (can be 1-3-3 weeks). Spray the flower, on the contrary, you need very often in conventional water to maintain high humidity under greenhouse. The amount of spraying depends on the temperature indoors. The colder, the less often. Circar can be used only once a week. When first watering the cycron, you need to add to water for watering. It stimulates the growth of the root system. After the transplantation with a violation of the root system, the drazes is lack of moisture. At the same time, the intensive watering will lead to the direction of the root system. Lack of moisture The plant will replenish through the crown. That is why there is high humidity in the greenhouse.

    Why did the drazers lowered the leaves? Cause: Wrong watering mode. In the first case, the amount of moisture is simply not enough so that the plant supports the normal turgor of the leaves. In the second - moisture too much, which led to the rotation of the root system. Through damaged roots, the plant also does not receive a sufficient amount of moisture. An increase in the amount of irrigation will not solve the problem.

    If the drawn lowered the leaves from the lack of moisture, what to do? You need to put a flower under greenhouse and conduct regular spraying. It is impossible to dramatically to increase the amount of irrigation, as it hurts the roots. Hold a plant under greenhouse 3-5 days. Watering the flower is abundantly, but only after a complete dying of the earthen coma. Water from the pallet is defined.

    DRATSEEN gets a surplus of moisture. As a result, the root system does not cope with the abrasiveness of the fluid and starts to be installed. Damaged roots do not absorb more moisture from the ground, and therefore the drasena lowers the leaves. What to do? First of all, normalize watering. Next, it is necessary to neatly, not disturbing the integrity of the root system, take out the stroke of the pot from the pot. View roots. If the root system has a light yellow or white shade, but not brown, it is healthy. The plant is returned back to the pot and reduce watering. It is necessary to water abundantly, but only after full of soil grazing in a pot.

    If the drazes lowered the leaves and its roots are grinding, flabbing and have an unhealthy shade, it indicates rotting. Damaged roots are removed. The plant is transplanted into a new, special, a little wet soil. The draping is placed under greenhouse. Watering is minimized, and spraying, on the contrary, participate. You can add to the water to spray cycron. The plant is removed from the greenhouse when it starts to drive out new leaves.

    Why do the drazers dry the tips of the leaves? Causes: Lack of sunlight, disturbed watering mode, heavy soil.

    Drazena is a light-loving flower, and therefore it is very often yellowing her tips of the leaves from a lack of light. It is especially noticeable in winter. If the drazes are grown in room conditions, the tips of its leaves are yellow, while other conditions of care are strictly observed, it is necessary to provide the plant with an additional backlight of the energy-saving lamp to 12 hours. Flower needs to be placed in the eastern or western window. If it stands near the southern window, it is covered from direct sunlight. Northern windows flower are not suitable.

    You noticed that the drazes look badly, the tips of her leaves will dry. What to do in such cases? You need to pay attention to watering mode. Perhaps the plant was overgrown. As a result, its root system is bumping, the leaves do not get enough moisture through the sick roots, and therefore their tips dries. The drazes is watering only after full of soil grazing in a pot. Watering in this case is carried out abundant, so that the water goes into the pallet through the drainage holes. Water from the pallet is immediately removed. Otherwise, the bottom pot will not dry, the roots will rot. You can not put a pot with a dragon to wet clay. To check the condition of the root system, the plant is gently removed from the pot. Healthy roots will be blond. Create a flower regular spraying. You can add to the water for spraying 1 time per week cycron or epin.

    Drazers dry the tips of the leaves, if indoors low air humidity. For this, the flower spraying is carried out, put the air humidifier. You can not put a plant next to heating devices during the heating season.

    The drazes are not growing, the new leaves grow deformed, the stalks are thinned and stretched out. Cause: The plant lacks sunlight. Perhaps the flower is in the depths of the room where the light does not penetrate, or the length of the daylight is reduced due to the occurrence of autumn winter. Experts recommend placing a dragon near the windows on the southern or south-east side of the house, but with the obligatory shading from the midday heat. To disperse direct sunlight on the window, it is enough to hang a transparent curtain. In the fall and in winter, the draping is recommended to highlight the lamp of artificial light (luminescent or special phytolamp). In total, the duration of the daylight for the successful development of leaves should be 12-14 hours.

    With the onset of autumn-winter (period from October to March), experts recommend to organize the dragerate of the rest period, the attraction of which does not observe the growth of new leaves. To do this, reduce the temperature of the plant content (up to +17. +18 degrees), watering is minimized, spraying and feeding are not carried out. In the period of rest, the drazes slows down its growth, and therefore in conditions of insufficient illumination it does not drive out new, deformed leaves, its branches are not thinned.

    Why yellow drazes and what to do?

    Most of the types of room drazes are very unpretentious in care: they do not need to water or spray or spray, there is no need to put on bright sunlight and maintain a constant temperature in the room. Paying only a few minutes a week to care for the plant, you can get a very beautiful plant that will delight you and your loved ones.

    However, even with the right and regular care, the flower can start shielding, dry and lose leaves. Before dealing with the consequence, it is necessary to determine the cause of the deterioration of its condition.

    Why drazes yellow leaves:

  • Age of Plants: The term of the individual sheet does not exceed 1.5-2 years. After that, it begins to gradually turn yellow, dry and end up. This, above all, concerns the lower leaves of the plant, as they are the most adults and the time of their life gradually coming to an end. Natural die off the lower leaves usually flows quite slowly.
    What to do: So that the plant does not lose its decorativeness, the tips of the die away leaves are cut to a healthy tissue. Even the third and smaller part of the cropped sheet will still work on the flower, so it is not necessary to delete the entire sheet at once.
  • Insufficient air humidity. Some types of drazes (marginats, for example) begin to shrink and push the tips of the leaves, if insufficient humidity indoors.
    What to do: Fight it easily and just! The leaves will stop yellowing and dry if they regularly spray with water or increase the humidity of indoor air humidity using the humidifier.
  • Overflow, excessive watering. The yellowing of the draisa leaves can be the first symptom that your flower begins to die due to the redundancy of moisture in the pot. Another characteristic feature that the flower breaks - the trunk becomes soft to the touch.
    What to do: If you watered the flower quite often and do not give to sleep with an earthen one, then you need to take urgent measures to save the plant. The flower needs to be removed from the pot, dry the roots, cut those that have rot and transplant to the new soil.
  • Lack of moisture. If you haven't watered my draprons for a long time, it can start to die from the lack of moisture and the first symptoms of this will be the yellowed and fading of the leaves.
    What to do: To avoid this, it is necessary to observe the regime of watering the plant: to water it only when the earthen com in the pot will dry completely, but not tighten with watering.
  • Straight sun rays. As already mentioned several times in other articles, all types of drasens do not like strong sunlight and direct sunlight. It is very easy to determine that the plant is yellowing precisely because of strong lighting is very easy: while the top leaves on which the sun's rays fall are becoming more dull and burn out. In addition, excessive heating of the sheet (especially in the summer) leads to the fact that the sheet can overheat and dry.
    What to do: Rearrange the pot with a flower so that they do not get straight sun rays.
    • Mosnyak and low temperature. The optimal temperature in the flower room is 18-25 degrees, a decrease in temperature below 16 degrees can be destructive for drazes. As well as cold drafts: they are most often the cause of the deterioration of health and the appearance of the plant in the cold season.
      What to do: If the pot stands on the window or somewhere in the aisle, make sure that there is no draft and temperatures on the windowsill are not 18 degrees. Remember that even plastic windows can be bludging at a strong wind. It is especially important for this to follow in the cold season, when the cold air from the street can freeze the plant.
      • Diseases and pests: If you constantly take care of the flower, keep all the conditions of care for it, but the leaves still begin to yellow, then some disease or pest can be possible.
        What to do: Try to treat the plant with a special preparation (if you do not know what to use, go to the flower shop, describe the symptoms of the disease, and sellers will tell you which drug is best to use). Even once sometimes may be enough for your plant to become healthy again.
      • Dusted yellow leaves. Care. Transfer*

        # 1 Nastya.

        # 2 Natali.

        I know. That the lower times in two years should die, but my all this happens somehow sharply: I have already fallen off 6 for the last month, and one at least one is going (and in all of her three winds) Is it normal?

        Nastya, two years - this is the average life expectancy of the sheet of drazes. And "leafing" it is usually twice a year, in spring and autumn. This is not a gradual process, namely sharp - yellowes and dries away many leaves at once. And the dates of the leaf fall may be shifted depending on the weather. My this spring is also raised, the leaf fall is just ends (usually it happens in April).
        Six dead leaves on three trunks are, believe me, very little. The more adult will be drasen, the more leaves with it will fly. And it is not necessary to scare this. Although sometimes I don't care, I begin to twitch - do I bone it? 🙂
        If the roots do not fail, there is no reasons for concern.

        # 3 SEM.

        # 4 Lena.

        My strata (like Kanzi) after we acquired it began problems with leaves. The lower leaves dry the tips (to black) and here a week ago, the light yellow spots were noticed on the same leaves.

        Light yellow stains can appear from the overabundance of light (in any case, marginats). But in principle, yes, it seems that she frozen (Yukia more frost-resistant). Medicine - epin, or analogues.

        # 5 SEM.

        # 6 lena.

        And with leaves what to do that?

        Do not cut - they will disappear. She is now passing, saves and go to grow. All the same, that spring is in the yard.

        # 7 Galga.

        The lower leaves dry the tips (to black) and here a week ago, the light yellow spots were noticed on the same leaves.

        i will not say about yellow spots, but the black, I am sure of what is frosted. Recently, Natasha brought the same dragerate and did not save. I all the black tips gently cut off with scissors, leaving the producer not more than 1 mm. Lower leaves 2 pcs had to be completely removed. Now the bush on a small leg turned out. So what to do. If you want to neglected with a bush - when you can perurana. I just have one of the tops rejected by Natasha, from its old drazes. The plant was sought somewhere 2 minutes after moving. Then the neoplasm stains stopped. Now there are already new leaflets, which was not visible, grew into half a centimeter.

        # 8 Natali.

        # 9 STANDBY_MD.

        # 10 ksu.

        they are like that. GM .. as if a specks (2-3 mm diameter) faded, if on the light from the bottom side of the sheet to look. If you look at them from the outside of the sheet, they are like a buccorki such. The leaf itself is dark green, but these tubercles are more faded. What is it? Not false shield? Or so should Drazen be?

        I do not know whether Drazen has such things
        You start digging in the book about the disease - my head blows
        Found: stains - convex, first pale green (then reddish-brown) - signs of insufficient illumination with excessive irrigation
        or! Watering with cold water, sunburn.
        Maybe while transported (or in the store) conditions were unsuitable?
        Infectious diseases and pests are practically with the same signs.
        IMHO, it is necessary to just watch these spots - whether to increase whether they will appear on new leaves. You can think anything.

        # 11 lena.

        Girls, and I also bought myself a plottle.

        # 12 SEM.

        # 13 STANDBY_MD.

        Replant, definitely! In the peat, it is probably? They all torment them in the peat. The roots are, but I do not know what they suddenly decide to grow. The bulbs should not be! I do not know, hto / what is it, but. Many leaf leaves?

        The roots of her already alone from the ground stick out somewhere on 5 cm + small, very thin - also above the ground. Earth - it seems that peat. So how do I reset it? Fully ground with roots or sufficiently leak up from above? I read that they suffer a bad transplant.
        The specks are not on all the leaves, but only on some. I specifically sacrificed with one sheet to see what was there. The nail is picked up, and there just a sheet of leaf peeling, as if the hollow inside. In short, I do not know what it is. I will observe stains. But every firefighter I have already processed it by Agrheretin.

        Growing onions on the north of the growing onions from Sevka under the sowing of Chernushka on the north choose areas, wounded from-under snow, clean from weeds, with fertile structural soil. They can be crack or in a single field with a row-repka. In the old days under the bow-north, they took the so-called [...]

      • Dry aloe leaves in Aloe dry the edges and the tips of the leaves, the lower has already died, how to pour flower? Aloe, or amelor, - a frequent guest in our apartments. This is one of the most unpretentious plants for growing, care for it is pretty simple if you follow several rules. Motherland Aloe in [...]
      • Drazena - how to care at home the dragera belong to the Sparazhev family. In nature, it grows in South America, India, Canary Islands, Central and East Africa. The name of the plant comes from the Greek language. It means "Dragon's female." Such a name [...]

    Drazena is, though not a very whimsical room plant, nevertheless, requires compliance with individual rules of care: the corresponding temperature regime, the level of humidity, and so on. Critical violation of these rules can provoke various ailments of plants that are reflected not only on appearance and which can lead to the death of drazes. One of the common problems, the causes and methods of solving which will be discussed below, is the omission of the leaves of the plant, which usually grow up.

    The main reasons why the leaves of the drazes are lowered

    The most likely include:

    1. Excessively cold temperatures in the room (especially aggravated by drafts). The optimal temperature for the growth and development of the plant ranges from 18 to 24 ° C above zero. Lower temperature can lead to the fact that the leaves will be empty. In order to avoid this or cope already with the problem that has appeared, it is necessary to remove the plant from the place where it can be bludging with drafts, as well as create the optimal aforementioned temperature in the room.
    2. Excessive soil moisturizing. It may be provoked by frequent irrigation or an overly wide pot that promotes moisture. This requires comply with two basic rules. The first is to avoid frequent irrigation and allow the soil to dry between watering, the second - you need to choose a pot enough, but at the same time a small diameter (for a plant with a growing up to 15 centimeters, the optimal diameter of the pot is from 10 to 15 centimeters; height potted - 12-15 centimeters) .
    3. Lack of moisture for the outer surface of the leaves. Drazen gets part of the power and moisture through the surface of the leaves. In this connection, once every two or three days, it is required to spray the leaf from the spray temperature of the room temperature.
    4. Lack of oxygen saturation. First of all, it is important to maintain soil saturation with oxygen. For this, drainage is created when landing / transplanting drazes. And it is also necessary to carry out periodic loosening of the soil.
    5. Excessive use of fertilizers. For the growth and development of drazes, it is advisable to use organic fertilizers in small quantities - peat, manure, humus and so on. From mineral fertilizers, it is possible to completely refuse and use them only if there are symptoms of a disease of the drasens, due to the shortage of certain batteries.
    6. The impact of direct sunlight can also cause the yellowing and omission of the leaf of the drasens. The plant loves light, but poorly tolerates straight sun rays that can contribute to the degradation and death of the plant. Drazen should be in a lit room, but not on the sunny side of the room.