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Drip watering with their own hands from plastic bottles of various plants. Drip watering from plastic bottles with their own hands for cucumbers roasting watering cucumbers with plastic bottles

And especially villas, do not represent their lives without the presence of a garden, which would grow a variety of vegetables and fruits. This, no doubt, on the one hand, very convenient and financially beneficial.

After all, putting seedlings, you can get a good harvest and do not have to buy vegetables on the market. But there is a disadvantage - this is a daily, proper care.

If it relates to this challenge, then a good harvest is unlikely to get. Much hassle delivers watering, especially if there is no centralized water supply.

There are many ways to cope with this problem, one of the most efficient and simple is drip watering from plastic bottles with your own hands.

As mentioned above, many owners of household and country sites, who have no centralized water supply break their heads, how to ensure proper watering planted.

Many are trying to stock up with water in any large tanks, but this method takes a lot of strength, and the effect of it is small.

In particular, if it is hot and dry the weather, and the owners are not able to visit the garden daily.

In such a situation, drip irrigated will help. There are several types of its varieties. But, let's look at its simplest version - drip watering, with plastic bottles.

Making a similar irrigation system is very simple. In addition, it will not require any significant investment of finance. After all, you will need only ordinary bottles.

Such a system is perfect for eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers. Especially drip watering is useful at the initial stage, when seedling only recently planted and it takes a lot of moisture.

This method has the following advantages:

  • Versatility, as it can be used not only in unprotected soil, but also in a greenhouse or greenhouse
  • With it, it is possible to carry irrigation not only beds with vegetables, but also green hedges, various shrubs and flower beds
  • Thanks to this watering, you can save a lot of time, forces and reduce, and reduce consumption used for watering water
  • As water comes immediately to the root of the plant, he does not dry
  • Due to the fact that water is heated in a natural way, it remains all useful substances and elements.

Watering tomatoes

Many daches love to plant tomatoes on their garden.

But this vegetable, quite capricious and needs regular irrigation regardless of whether it was planted into unprotected soil or, to a greenhouse.

There are several proven ways as it can be done.

The most common and verified is their watering a bucket, hose or watering.

But in recent years, drip irrigation is increasingly popular. For example, with the help of plastic bottles.

This method of irrigation is very simple and convenient. After all, drip watering from plastic bottle of tomato with their own hands, has a lot of advantages. You will not need a lot of effort and time to independently build such a system.

No need to spend money. After all, drip watering with a plastic bottle requires only their presence.

Prepare and install bottles for can be pretty quickly. This process will not require special knowledge and skills. You should only do everything right and tomatoes will be beautiful, large and healthy, and the harvest you will surely please.

Required plastic bottles with a volume of at least 1.5 liters. They should be in them with a sewn or hot nail to make holes, and then burn in the ground next to the plants of the bottom.

After that, fill them with water. To facilitate this process, insert a funnel in the neck in the neck, so it will be much easier to fill it.

You can apply such a way - we take empty fountain pen, pulling the rods, we rinse well from the ink residues, on the one hand, we close the plug, for example, the match and with a thin needle, we make a small hole near it.

To correctly select the desired diameter, you should experiment a little and watch at what speed will flow. The second side of the handle should be inserted with the bottom of the bottle, and the junction between them, it is high-quality to close, for example, plasticine to achieve greater tightness.

The process of watering itself is as follows - you need to walk in beds and fill the bottles, after which the water, through the holes done by the holes enters the ground, directly to the root system. Due to this, moisture is consumed economically and rationally.

It can be used not only for watering, but also to feed tomatoes with all sorts of nutritional mixtures.

Thanks to the use of a similar watering system, plants can receive water in the amount that they need and will be supplied directly to the roots. This will allow not only to save a lot of time and strength, because you do not have to run every day with hoses or buckets, but also will give the opportunity to get a great harvest and protect the plants from drying out even in hot, dry weather.

As we see, watering tomatoes with drip irrigation from plastic bottles is very simple, but nevertheless effective way. Everything can be done. To do this, only you will need to practic a little and thoroughly think about it.

Watering Cucumbers

One of the most popular vegetables that are planted on the garden, no doubt, are cucumbers.

They can be seen almost on all household and summer cottages.

They have excellent taste, very versatile and loved by many of our compatriots both in fresh and canned form.

But to achieve a good harvest, you should be right behind them. Despite the fact that the cucumbers are not such capricious as peppers and tomatoes, but they should be regularly fertilized, water and spray.

As a long-term practice shows, it is their regular watering takes the most time and strength. But this problem can be easily solved if you feel thought about it.

In recent years, drip watering from plastic bottles for cucumbers has become becoming increasingly popular. It is distinguished by numerous positive qualities and will not require significant financial costs, because it is only necessary for him to be in any person.

There are several ways of such watering, but the simplest is the next one - we take a plastic bottle, we do several holes in the lid and put it in the ground next to the plant. After that, cut the bottomsheko, which is located above the ground and fill with water tank.

The liquid in the bottle will slowly seize in the ground, next to the root cucumber system. To determine how the number of holes should be done, you need to observe how much the water will flow out of it.

This method is rather simple. But nevertheless has many positive features. First of all, this is a rational flow of fluid, because it enters the ground directly next to the root, moisturizing it.

This allows not only to ensure that the plant does not dry even in hot weather, and the crop will be good, but also will save a lot of water. Usually, bottles should be established based on the calculation that one container should be placed near each plant.

As we see from the above, drip irrigation with plastic bottles, despite the simplicity, a very method that has a lot of advantages compared to the usual watering using buckets or hoses.

If you have no centralized water supply or you cannot regularly water the planted vegetables - this method is suitable perfect. Drip watering from plastic bottles is perfectly suitable not only for tomatoes and cucumbers, but also for other plants. Having tried at least once this method, you can make sure of its simplicity and efficiency.

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The fruit of cucumber for the most part consists of water, which is why the correct watering of this culture is important, especially during the period of fruiting.

How to water cucumbers in the open soil

Useful tips on watering cucumbers:

Competent watering cucumbers in open soil

There are several ways of watering.

Drip irrigation

The technology was taken from industrial enterprises where the hydroponics system is used. Hydroponic is a design for growing fruit plants, in special containers with watering system. Such a system helps to save space for cultivation.

Drip irrigation

The drip option is the irrigation of the soil using a special system that includes the pump that swings water, as well as many tubes leading to plants. This option allows moisture to evenly enter the soil.

The cost of such a system was quite recently very high, but modern technologies, including Chinese, will make it available for everyone.

Advantages and disadvantages


  1. Watering occurs automatically. The pump begins to swing water as soon as the timer starts counting the time, and it automatically goes to beds. This option saves time and strength, which is especially useful to older people and have no enough time for the garden.

    If you set a large barrel for watering, then the effort will be minimized, even the liquid will need to fill only a week.

  2. Watering is performed correctly and evenly. Due to the regular receipt of a small amount of water to the roots of the plant, their rotation does not occur.
  3. With this option, yield increases.
  4. You can not be afraid that landings will die from supercooling, as so far the fluid is gaining pump and flows through the pipes, it is heated.


The minuses system practically does not have, but you can select the complexity of the installation.


For work, the pump will be required, plastic pipes and connectors for them. You can also buy a ready-made drip irrigation system, it will only be gathered. They are different sizes and extensiveness.

Finished system

All materials can be bought in construction and housekeeping stores. The cost of drip irrigation will depend on the number of plants to which the pipes will need to be laid. How much does pipes need - depends on the length of the bed.


  1. Put pipes on the site, near the plants, if they are already planted. Basin parts using connectors.
  2. Put holes in the pipes.
  3. The pipe system is connected to the pump. It happens the usual and automatic (with a timer). Pompes are connected to a water source (well) or placed in a barrel.

The advantage of pump with a timer is that it is possible to fully automate watering.

Important! It is more convenient to lay the drip irrigation system when the plants are not yet planted. Then it will be possible to place the system as it wanted, and planting the seedlings right below the water holes.

Another way to make such a design is to build it out of bottles. This method is much cheaper. For him, you need to take several plastic bottles, make a lot of holes in the neck, lay down the neck down and bury. The bottom of the bottle is cut off, and the bottle itself is filled with water.

Fitila watering

This option is most often used for indoor plants and on balconies. But for cucumbers in the open ground, the wick water supply method is also often used.

Fitila watering

The wick watering is a system at which one end of the cord or tissue is descended into the water capacity, and the second is placed in the ground, next to the roots of the plant. As needed, the roots themselves swing water from the tank through the channel.

The benefits of watering:

  1. Easy installation and use. This option can be very easily and quickly made from girlfriend.
  2. Automation of soil irrigation. You can not follow how much water is a plant, because in different periods of its growth and development (period of seedlings, seedlings, flowering, fruiting) it requires a different amount of moisture.

    With this iris, the cucumbers themselves will "control" the amount of moisture.

  3. The plant receives so much moisture as he needs.

Features of the installation of a wiping watering

To properly install such a system, it is important to draw attention to some features, the non-compliance with which will lead to the wrong operation of the system. It can harm roots.

  1. It is important to constantly replenish the water tank with warm rescued liquid. If the garden is big, you need to bury or install a barrel with water. If the garden is small, you can install a declined bucket for water. Capacity is necessary so that the board is at the same level from the earth. It is necessary that the roots can freely swing water.
  2. The best for the wick take fabric. The material must be durable, not subject to rotting. The width of the tissue strip must be 2 cm or more. The wider strip, the better the soil irrigation will be carried out. The length of the wick need to determine from the distance from the bottom of the barrel to the stem, taking into account the fact that its edge (about 10 cm) will be swallowed.
  3. You need to bite the edge of the strip next to the stem, at a depth of about 10 cm, and it makes it so as not to damage the roots.

Attention!It is necessary to ensure that water from the tank and from the phytel evaporates. So that this does not happen, the barrel is covered with a lid, and the wick is placed in the shadow.

There are many more ways of watering cucumbers. For example, a leak hose, plastic bottles with holes, sprinkles and others, but they are all like two previous ones. And the above watering methods are easier and more convenient.

In dry, hot weather automatic options are an excellent way out, but in the rain such watering can cause harm. Therefore, it is important to limit it.

Drip Path Watering With Bottles

By the way, the drip path of watering with bottles is convenient for applying fertilizers. To do this, you can add the required amount of fertilizer to the water bottle, and it will take it evenly straight to the roots.

Temperature for watering

Cucumbers are quite demanding to water temperature. Watering the cucumbers in the conditions of open soil only need warm water. In no case can not be watering them with cold water. The temperature difference inside the soil can lead to a strong reduction in yield and even death of culture due to supercooling. For the same reason, they are not watered from the hose. The strong head of the cold water will destroy the sprouts, and, both small and adults.

Compliance with temperature

The best water temperature for watering: + 20 ... + 25 degrees Celsius. It is best if it is about as much as the temperature of the soil. The irrigation procedure should be done in the morning.

Seeds: Crossing, Sowing, Watering

The cucumbers love water, all of their life cycle is associated with it very closely. Even planting cucumbers begins with soaking seeds. For germination, it is important to follow the following instructions:

  1. Seeds are disinfected by manganese. For this, 1 g of mangartee is bred 200 ml of water. In this solution, the seminal material is held for about 10 minutes, and then wash well.

Important! In order for the seeds sprout quickly and amicably, it is recommended to soak them in plant growth biostimulants, such as epin, zircon and others. Such a procedure will also increase seed immunity.

  1. You need to wet a piece of canvas fabric, lay out seeds on it. All procedures are carried out in warm (but not hot and not cold) water. The best temperature for germination of seeds is about 28 degrees Celsius.
  1. Cover the seeds with a cellophane package or put in a glass container, put in a warm place. They are punctured after 3 days.

Planting cucumbers

When the seeds proceed, they are planted in a separate pot or outdoor ground.

Shoots must be watered with warm (+ 20 ... + 25 degrees Celsius) rested water. Watering needs to be produced in the first half of the day (up to 12 hours) as the soil drying. It is important not to pour sprouts, then no will survive.

Planting cucumbers

The first time the seedlings are fed 2 weeks after landing, then another 10 days. After 3 weeks a month, it is possible to plant plants in the ground. Feed the cucumbers ashes, yeast, hydrogen peroxide. The fruits ripen 1.5-2 months after the appearance of germs.

How to choose the right time to plant cucumbers

Cucumber is a thermal-loving culture. That is why they are planted when air and soil warms up.

The soil temperature must be at least 15-18 degrees Celsius. It is important that the temperature will increase daily to make the cucumbers go to growth.

Important! If the temperature dropped sharply, the cucumbers need to be covered with underfloor material or film. Under it will be maintained warmth and moisture, and shoots will not be frozen. By the way, in greenhouses from polycarbonate, heat is kept very well.

Where to plant

Landing can be produced in the open ground and in the greenhouse. In a greenhouse or greenhouse, the temperature is higher, so you can put the cucumbers there earlier.

There are also vertical and horizontal ways to landing. With a vertical method you can save space. And with a horizontal - the distance between the wells should be about 60 cm. With a vertical method of growing stems, it is necessary to be tested.

The place for this culture is necessarily selected warm and sunny.

Thus, watering - the task is quite simple, if you take into account all the features of the structure, growth and development of this plant. Observing all the rules of cultivation, culture necessarily thanks the good harvest.

Watering cucumbers in the greenhouse

Cucumbers without false exaggeration can be called one of the most popular vegetable crops in the country's dachas of our compatriots. Despite its exotic origin, and the cucumber is from India, today without this green vegetable it is impossible to imagine many national dishes of Russian cuisine. Huge folk love is easy to explain: the cucumber has a pleasant taste, it is good and fresh, and in pickled form, is widely known for its useful properties and is famous for low calorie. But the main thing - the cucumber is unpretentious in cultivation and does not require complex care. Like the only condition of the high yield of this culture is the correct watering of cucumbers. About how it is necessary to water the cucumbers in the open soil and greenhouse so that they please be an abundant harvest, and it will be discussed further.

Before proceeding with detailed illumination of the peculiarities of watering this plant, a few words about his importance should be said. It is known that the cucumber is 95% consists of water. And this means that it is from its quality and quantity that depends on the taste and size of this vegetable. Consequently, in order for the crop of cucumbers to enlighten the neighbors and on the ruin of vegetable markets, not only the amount of water, but also the regularity, quality and regime of watering should be carefully monitored. And for this, regardless of whether you grow cucumbers on open earth or in greenhouse conditions, it is important to adhere to the following simple rules:

  • watering the cucumbers only need warm water
  • during the tissue of flowers and fruits, it should be increased by watering to daily
  • the frequency of watering must be adjusted, focusing on the state of the soil
  • you can not allow drying and abundant moisture (water stagnation) of the Earth

In addition, it is very important to prevent the root system to the root system as a consequence of the kneading land during irrigation, as this leads to diseases and death of the plant. Most often, the kneading occurs as a result of watering cucumbers from the hoses. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend watering cucumbers from watering can or bucket. Another good way is drip irrigation, which is simply indispensable during a long lack of hosts in the garden.

Drip watering from plastic bottles for cucumbers

Watering cucumbers in the open soil: features and main rules

So let's go to the peculiarities of watering cucumbers in the open soil. In the large part of our country, the cucumbers are grown on open earth. In watering plants in this case, there are a number of features. First, since the cucumber is a thermal-loving and moisture-loving plant, it must be poured exclusively with warm water. But in the case of cucumbers in the open ground, it is especially important to adhere to the correct temperature regime. The fact is that watering the cucumbers is best water, the temperature of which is 18-23 degrees. But if the air temperature exceeds 30-35 degrees, then this indicator needs to be increased to 25 degrees, since colder water will create too large temperature difference. Ideally, for watering, it is best to use water heated by sunlight - then it will be most comfortable for the plant in this period.

How to water cucumbers

Secondly, watering mode is important for cucumbers. This means that in order for the plant to do not hurt and well fruit, it is necessary to water it at a certain time. It is best for this suitable morning and evening hours. Water cucumbers in the heat, namely when the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees Celsius, it is impossible - the plants will be plugged. The fact is that the leaves of cucumbers, even account, like the root system, are very quickly giving moisture and poorly protected from direct sunlight. Consequently, getting moisture in the heat, the cucumbers almost instantly give it to the external environment, which leads to the depletion of the plant.

And thirdly, on the open ground it is very important to no longer allowing the beds. Since the stagnation of water is also destroyed for cucumbers, like its shortage. Therefore, if, for example, watering automatic and excessive, then you should take care of the rejected grooves near the beds with plants, for which the excess water can leave.

Watering cucumbers in Teplice: Basic Rules

For watering cucumbers in greenhouse conditions there are also several rules. To begin with, we note that all the tips described above for open soils also work for greenhouse plants. Therefore, for the right watering in the greenhouse, we need warm water and watering can, as well as the right mode. But unlike plants on the outdoor soil, greenhouse cucumbers, even during fruiting, do not need very often watering. It should also be moderate - about 4 liters of water per square meter. For comparison, the same indicator for cucumbers in the outdoor is 6-7 liters. In addition, watering cucumbers in the greenhouse is not daily. During flowering and fruiting, such cucumbers should be watered once every 2-3 days. At the same time, the volume of water follows to increase to 9-12 liters per 1 kV. m.

Another very important point that concerns cucumbers on the outdoor ground, "water from getting into the leaves of plants and open roots should be avoided. Such watering can lead to the development of the most common disease of this vegetable culture - mildew.

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Watering cucumbers with bottles: methods of method

Above already mentioned the system of automatic drip irrigation, which greatly facilitates the life of gardeners. Watering cucumbers with bottles is an option for a similar system and its cheap and affordable analog. In the case of cucumbers, this method has several advantages. First, you can adjust the amount of water obtained by a specific bush of the plant, and does not worry about its lack / excess. Secondly, it is the perfect option for dachas, which most of the week are spent away from the garden.

How to get rid of the colorado beetle forever. Read.

And thirdly, unlike the drip factory production system, watering the cucumbers with bottles, you can make it possible to make it possible to make a family budget from the remedies. The essence of this method is that a slightly modified plastic bottle with water is installed near each bush. A small hole is done in its lid, and the bottom is cut. Then the water is recruited into the bottle, which slowly and evenly watering the cucumbers as it follows from the tank under the weight of their own pressure. More detailed about watering bottles you can learn from the following video.

When spring and earth comes, it starts, the time of the garden and garden begins. Sades and villagers are taken for planting various fruit crops. But for a good crop, it is not enough to plant and rinse the plants, they need constant watering, especially when the weather is sunny and arid. One of the best options for watering, when there is no large amount of water or time every day, there will be a drip watering. This method has many advantages over traditional ways, and only a few flaws. So what is the essence of drip watering from a plastic bottle?

Drip watering is when water comes with uniform small portions directly to the roots of the plant, if the irrigation adaptation is in the ground, or next to the plating in the well when it is on the surface. Water receives only the cultural plant itself, and not near the growing weeds. The device for drip watering is not necessary to buy, it can be done without much costs. It is best to use a plastic bottle for this, such an apparatus is enough for several years with a careful attitude.

Pluses and cons of drip irrigation

  1. With this form of water watering, there is a significant saving of water, if compared with the usual watering from the hose or watering can. In addition, it is not necessary to loosen the earth, as an abundant irrigation, since the dried crust is not created with drip, which interferes with the growth of the plant. Wing does not occur in different directions.
  2. The possibility of autonomous irrigation of water plants. It is very convenient for summer residents who are not on the plot every day. The construction will work independently without creating dangers for a plot and country house.
  3. The possibility of making fertilizers with ease in the necessary proportions, and it will receive it only the plant itself.
  4. Also, the essential plus will also be the fact that drip watering can be used both in greenhouse conditions and in the open soil. If this is an open place for the sun, the water in the bottle will heat up per day and at night the irrigation continues rather warm water.

Although this method is very convenient, it is impossible to call it perfect. His minuses is that:

  1. The irrigation of large areas is almost impossible. To do this, you will need a lot of devices for drip irrigation, and it will be inconvenient and no longer rational.
  2. If the soil is severe and contains a lot of clay, then when the feeder for irrigation is in the soil, it can be clogged and it will have to be cleaned.
  3. Such watering cannot fully replace the full traditional moistening of the Earth, especially in the hot summer. With the help of irrigation, it is possible to maintain moisture, but still it will be possible to abundantly water the beds from time to time.

What is needed for the manufacture of an instrument for drip irrigation?

A set of tools and materials is small and there is any owner at home. The design will differ from expensive purchased based on materials, but not in efficiency. So, we will need:

  1. Plastic bottle. Its sizes depend on what plant and how long it should irrigate it, the small, volume of 0.5 liters is not recommended, it is better to take a container, ranging from 1 to 5 liters. Such a container usually remains from the purchases performed at the grocery store, and it does not have to purchase it separately.

An exemplary ratio of the size of the bottle and the time of consolidation during non-natural watering:

The accuracy of the data depends on the amount of holes in the bottle and the variant of the irrigation method.

  1. Tool to do holes. For this, a thin carnation or a thick needle is suitable, depends on the size of future holes in the bottle.
  2. The cloth. It should be a piece of fine cotton, or byproof pantyhose, and in the second version it is possible to longer use, as the Kronron is stronger.

Option number 1. Bottle covered with a bottom to the ground

We take a cooked bottle, in size it should be so to fit well in bed between several plants. If you need to water only one bush, the bottle can be small, and the holes in it are only on the one hand close to the plant.

Next, take the carnations, depart from the bottom of several centimeters and make small holes. If the diameter of the holes turns out to be too large, the water will quickly flow. It is necessary to make about 10 holes, they must be located in the middle of the bottle, do not touch the throat part.

Then they dig a hole along the bottle diameter and swing it there, leaving the top of the outside. It is better to dress on the neck to prevent garbage from entering. Pour water in a bottle with water and leave. Water will be gradually actively enter the roots of bushes and irrigate them.

Option number 2. Bottle suspended down

For such an irrigation method, you must first make a design above the crops on which a water bottle will hold. It can be two inserted sticks and a crossbar between them, on which you can hang a bottle on the hook, if there is a metal fastening, similar to a small horizontal bar - you can hang on it. The maximum height is 45 - 50 cm, and the minimum is 35 cm (we take into account the size of the bottle).

We produce holes in the cover, for this carnation will come up again. The more holes in the lid - the more water droplets will fall on the plant. Dunyshko in the bottle cut off with a knife or scissors, water will be poured into it. Let's hang, pour water and stretch the fabric from garbage.

Option number 3. Bottle, buried neck in the ground

We take a bottle, select the dimensions as well as in the previous case. I am inferior to such a way the first thing is that the water will come to the very bottoms of the roots of bushes, and with the first version - spread over all of their length. We remove the cap and we do several holes in it, more than 4 holes are not recommended, the water will quickly leave and it will have to fill it often. If this is a 5-liter bottle, then the lid in it is large and the holes must be made more if liter or one and a half-liter is less. Dysheko cut off completely, we will pour water into it.

We do not make a very deep hole next to the bush, such a depth is necessary that the bottle cover is not significantly lower than the roots, it is desirable to arrange it slightly higher - then the whole moisture will be spent by appointment.

Option number 4. Easy way to buy a nozzle

Such a device can no longer be called fully made with your own hands. In specialized stores for gardeners, you can find a special oblong nozzle with holes, which screws out instead of the cover on the bottle. Next, you just need to stick it into the ground along with a bowl of the bottle. Rodyshko can be cut off, and you can not work, since when the water is over, you can twist, without much effort to dial the water and turn it back, and then return to the ground. This method is practically no different from the buried bottle of the neck down, just a little simpler.

The disadvantage will be that such nozzles most often standard and the maximum bottle volume can be 2.5 liters, on 5 liters such a width to find more difficult. Plus, such a nozzle is that it can irrigate not only plants in a greenhouse or an open ground in the garden, but also flowers in the pots at home, there is a small bottle of 0.5 liters.

Video - Drip watering with your own hands for giving without cost

How to make feeding with a fixture for irrigation from a plastic bottle?

Those fertilizers that are subject to dissolving in water or dilute of the finished liquid, it is necessary to pour in the bottle already diluted.

How to make a solution in the ratio of water and feeding - read in the instructions and face it strictly. They will evenly spread near the root, giving them an opportunity to use them. This does not concern those after which abundant irrigation is necessary.

Do you want to grow juicy, sweetish cucumbers without bitterness? "Well, why do you ask, of course - yes!", "You answer. Then know: the main secret of such delicious crispy loved ones with all vegetables is timely and the right watering of cucumbers. At the same time there is no difference whether you water these plants in a greenhouse or soil (in a garden). The main thing is to find the right approach to the watering: to know how often the cucumbers often water and what you need (except for water) to do this. Experienced gardeners growing amazingly generous yields of pupil green fruits, learned to massecrate systems for their drip irrigation, adapting ordinary plastic bottles from under mineral water and lemonade. At the same time, fertilizers and even yeast are often added to the watering water.

For growing delicious cucumbers in the greenhouse, the garden must follow the regularity of irrigation and the ratio of humidity of soil and air. Watering cucumbers in the greenhouse should be moderate - no more than five liters of water for 1 m² seedlings once a week. After the appearance of the first plants, the number of moisture consumed by plants increases: increase the volume of water to 12 m², and the irrigation rate is up to two and even three times in seven days. Be sure to follow the appearance of the leaves. At the first yellowish points or complete yellowing of the leaves, check the plants for the presence of pests and fungi. With an excessive abundant and frequent watering, the leaves of the cucumbers are also yellow, there is a roasting rot, and the fruits themselves grow in watery and tasteless.

Watering cucumbers on the garden differs from greenhouses that the plants are constantly outdoors, under the sun, and often depend on the weather popsicles. There is a suffocating heat on the street, and there was no rain for almost a month and it seems, changes in the weather is not foreseen, - increase the rate and irrigation rate of 3-4 times. In the garden in the roast and arid summer, the volume of watering water increases to 20-30 liters per 1 m². Never water these plants from the hose: the root cucumber system is located close to the soil surface: you damage it and wash your own vegetable garden. To do this, it is better to use various devices, for example, plastic bottles for drip irrigation remaining after mineral water and lemonade.

Proper watering. Orchive cucumbers with yeast, ash and departure

The most correct way to watering cucumbers on in the ground, and in the greenhouse - from the watering can and only slightly warm water. Cold water for irrigation is the best provocateur of the roasting rot. Water needs to be carefully and slowly pouring into the stem so that its jets gradually absorbed into the ground and did not violate the integrity of the root system of the plant. In our own vegetable garden, you can put a barrel with water or a blank tank for rainwater. It is from there and take water heated in the sun for watering your plants. Rules of watering your cucumbers remember just:

  • water them regularly, but no more often two times a week with moderate weather;
  • use only warm water;
  • be vigilant when yellow leaves appear;
  • do not "pour" plants and do not use the hose;
  • use mulching: it will protect the roots from bare and damage.

When watering the cucumbers, gardeners use various feeders, among which the use of yeast, ash and mineral fertilizers are most popular.

  • Yeast

    Dissolve the package of dry yeast in warm water (up to 10 liters), adding 30-40 g of sugar to a mixture. Give the solution for 2 hours. Water the cucumbers with a yeast adding 2-3 times per month, and you will get a generous crispy cucumber crop.

  • Ash

    Slashing can be sprinkled by the Grokes themselves, but it will more efficiently make a glass of ash in a bucket of water and apply such watering up to 2-3 times a month. Such a way of feeding during irrigation does not require any costs or big knowledge.

  • Mineral fertilizers

    By purchasing mineral fertilizers in specialized stores, follow exactly the instructions attached to the package with fertilizers. In most cases, the use of fertilizers occurs according to the following scheme: the package of the beneficial substances dissolves in water and the cucumbers are watered with this solution.

Secrets of drip watering from plastic bottles for cucumbers, video

Cucumbers - tropical plants, therefore - moisture. Drip watering from plastic bottles will provide constant access of water to plant roots. It is very simple to make such a simple adaptation, but it will not require any investment. For the organization of drip irrigation Take two-liter plastic bottles of water with gas or mineral water and cut the upper part of the "eggplant". There are small punctures that are sufficient to the diameter for the diameter for the diameter so that the water does not flow from them, and flowed dropped down (holes can be made of a hot nail). After that, turn the hole next to the seat of the cucumber and join your homemade "watering machine" there. Site seeds around it: the seedlings that appeared, and then adult plants will get moisture right under the root - carefully, constantly and safely for the root system. In addition, water from bottles will go slowly, having time to warm up to the sun before, and your cucumbers will politically. Such a garden "aggregate" will save your time to care for cucumbers and will exclude the possibility of mechanical damage to the plant during watering.