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Three forms of verb Feed. Wrong verbs of English

Anyone who at least once sat for an English language tutorial knows about such a phenomenon as a list of incorrect English verbs. What is this list? It contains verbs that deviate from the standard rules for the formation of the forms of the past time and communion. It is believed that in a daily speech, about seventy percent of the Irregular Verbs (English name of the term) is used.

From here we can conclude that knowing the list of incorrect verbs in English is simply necessary if you want to speak freely and understand the interlocutor.

The total number of Irregular Verbs has about 470 words. Is it possible to learn such a volume? Of course, it is quite real. However, so that you can confidently feel when talking in English, you just just know 180 verbs.

Before contacting the list directly, we will give some tips on how quickly and more efficiently achieve the desired knowledge.

Mechanical memorial

Mechanical memorization of information is one of the most common techniques. But how effective is it effective?

When memorizing, we often notice that a large number of words are quickly forgotten, and some are completely refused to settle in our long-term memory. In order for this technique to show itself only from the best side, it is necessary to use learned verbs as often as possible in practice. By the way, it helps their subsequent listening in some film, transmission or just a song.

Be sure to have a list of incorrect English verbs with a translation

First you have to get well familiar with the meaning of each new word. Usually all the iRregular Verbs tables include a transfer column, so do not worry about the many hours of independent work with the dictionary. After the correct associations with their native language put in the head, you can safely move to the formed forms.

Irregular Verbs in poems

Do not worry - you are not the only student trying to mask the full list of English irregular verbs, and your burden is to share. And some craftsmen even try to help somehow.

On the Internet, you can easily find all sorts of poems created specifically for such purposes. They served a number of the most common verbs, skillfully built into the overall rhyme and tone of the work. And there is a lot of funny associations there, so remember the necessary information will be even easier.

using incorrect verbs

Not only children can play games, but also adults. And if it comes to learning a foreign language, then the games are one of the most effective memory methods. You can also find ready-made options on the Internet. This is usually flash cards, various animations or mini-games, accompanied by sound examples if you don't want to play on the computer, you can easily do something with your own hands, such as the same cards. If you have a partner for learning English, it will be appropriate to be an analogue of the game in words or the creation of dialogues consisting of incorrect verbs.

Meet: Irregular Verbs

Talking a little about learning methods, we go to the most important thing. So, we present you a list of incorrect verbs of English with translation.

Alphabetic verbs (A, B, C, D)

Verbs on a:

abide - abode - abided - stay, hold on;

aRISE - AROSE - Arisen - rise, arise;

awake - AWOKE - awoked; AWOKE - Wake up, wake up.

On the letter B:

backBite - Backbitten - Backbitten - slander;

backslide - Backslid - Backslid - disappear;

bE - WAS (WERE) - Been - Be to be;

bear - Bore - Born - carry, be born;

beat - Beat - Beaten - beat;

become - Became - Become - Become, Make;

bEFALL - Befell - Befallen - happen;

beget - Begot (Begat) - Begotten - generate;

begin - Began - Begun - start;

begird - Begirt - Begirt - Washing;

behold - Beheld - Beheld - Tree;

bend - Bent - Bended - bend (Sia);

bereave - Bereft (BEREAVED) - BEREFT (BEREAVED) - deprive;


bESET - BESET - BESET - precipitate;



bestride - Bestrode - Bestridden - Sit down, sit riding;

bET - BET (BETTED) - BET (BETTED) - Holding;

betake - Betook - Betaken - accepted, go;

bid - Bad (Bade) - Bid (Bidden) - Title, ask;

bind - Bound - Bound - Tie;

bite - Bit - Bit (Bitten) - bite;

bLEED - BLED - BLED - bleed;

bless - Blessed - Blessed (Best) - blessing;

blow - Blew - Blown (Blowed) - blow;

break - Broke - Broken - (c) break;

breed - Bred - Bred - grow;

bring - Brought - Brought - bring;

broadcast - Broadcast - Broadcast - distribute, scatter;

browBeat - Browbeat - Browbeaten - scare;

build - Built - Built - build;

burn - BURNT (BURNED) - BURNT (BURNED) - Burn, burn;

burst - Burst - Burst - break out, explode;

bust - Bust (Busted) - Bust (Busted) - split (someone);


Verbs with:

cAN - COULD - COULD - be able to be able;

catch - Caught - Caught - catch, catch;

choose - Chose - Chosen - choose;

cleave - Clove (CleaVed) - Cloven (Cleft, Cleaved) - dissect;

cLING - CLUNG - CLUNG - Punish, get down;

come - Came - Come - come;

cOST - COST - COST - cost;


cut - Cut - Cut - cut.

Verbs on D:

dare - Durst (Dared) - Dared - Sharing;

deal - Dealt - Dealt - deal;

dIG - DUG - DUG - dig;

dive - Dived (Dove) - Dived - dive, immerse yourself;

do - DID - Done - Make;

draw - Drew - Drawn - draw, drag;

dream - Dreamt (Dreamed) - Dreamt (Dreamed) - sleep, dream;

dRINK - DRANK - DRUNK - Drink,

drive - Drove - Driven - Ride, chant;

dwell - Dwelt - Dwelt - dwell, linger.

Continuation of the alphabet (E, G, F, H)

Verbs on E:

eat - Ate - Eaten - Eat, is.

Verbs on F:

fall - FELL - Fallen - fall;

feed - Fed - Fed - feed;

fELT - Felt - Felt - feel;

fIGHT - Fought - Fought - Fight;

find - Found - Found - Find;

fLEE - FLED - FLED - Run away, to save;

floodlight - floodlighted (floodlit) - floodlighted (floodlit) - shining by the spotlight;

fly - Flew - FLOWN - fly;


forbid - Forbad (Forbade) - Forbidden - to prohibit;

forecast - Forecast (forecasted) - forecast (forecasted) - predict;

foresee - Foresaw - Foreseen - foresee;

forget - Forgot - Forgotten - forget;

forgive - Forgave - Forgiven - forgive;

forsake - Forsook - Forsaken - Leave;

forswear - Forswore - Forsworn - renounce;

fREEZE - FROZE - FROZEN - freeze, freeze.

Glages on G:

gainsay - Gainsaid - Gainsaid - deny, contradict;

get - Got - Got - get;

gird - GiRed (Girt) - Girded (Girt) - Wash;

give - Gave - Given - give;

go - Went - Gone - go, leave;

grave - GraveD - GraveD (Graven) - engraving;

grind - Ground - Ground - to sharpen, grind;

grow - Grew - Grown - grow.

Verbs on h:

hang - Hung (Hanged) - Hung (HanGed) - hang;

have - HAD - HAD - to have;

heard - Heard - Heard - hear;

hew - Hewed - Hewed; HewN - chop, dot;

hide - Hid - Hidden - Hide (Sia);

hit - Hit - Hit - hit, get;

hold - Held - Held - hold;

hurt - Hurt - Hurt - deliver pain, offend.

Second part of the alphabet

Verbs at I:

iNLAY - INLAID - INLAID - Invest, lined;


iNSET - INSET - INSET - insert, invest;

interweave - InterWove - InterWoven - to shine, covered with a pattern.

Verbs on k:

kEEP - KEPT - KEPT - Store;

ken - Kenned (Kent) - Kenned - Know, find out the type;

kneel - Knelt (Kneeled) - Knelt (Kneeled) - put on your knees;

knit - Knit (knitted) - Knit (knitted) - knit;

know - KNEW - Known - Know.

Verbs on L:

lade - Laded - Laded (Laden) - Shipping;

lay - Laid - Laid - put, put;

lEAD - LED - LED - news;

lean - Leant (Leured) - Leant (Leured) - lean, leaning off;

lEAP - Leapt (Leaped) - Leapt (Leaped) - jump;

learn - Learnt (Learned) - Learnt - Learning;

leave - Left - Left - throw;

lend - Lent - Lent - borrow;

let - Let - Let - let go, give;

lie - Lay - Lain - Lying;

light - Lit (Lighted) - Lit (Lighted) - Lighting;

lose - LOST - LOST - Lose.

Verbs on M.:

make - Made - Made - Create;

may - Might - Might - Can be able;

mean - Meant - Meant - make a value;

mEET - Met - Met - meet;

mISCAST - MISCAST - MISCAST - misunderstand the roles;

mishear - Misheard - Misheard - to cry;

mishit - Mishit - Mishit - mischievous;

misLay - Mislaid - Mislaid - put on another place;

misLead - Misled - Misled - confuse;

misread - Misread - Misread - misinterpret;

misspell - Misspelt (Misspeled) - Misspelt (Misspeled) - Write with errors;

misspend - MissPent - MissPent - save;

misunderstand - Misunderstood - Misunderstood - misunderstanding;

mOW - MODED - MOWED (MODED) - Stream (lawn).

Verbs on R:

rID - RID (Ridded) - RID (ridded) - get rid of;

ride - Rode - Ridden - ride a ride;

ring - Rang - Rung - Call;

rise - Rose - Risen - Rise;

run - Ran - Run - run, flow.

Verbs on S:

saw - Sawed - Sawn (Sawed) - sawing;

say - Said - Said - talk, say;

see - Saw - Seen - see;

seek - Sought - Sought - keep searching;

sELL - SOLD - SOLD - trading;

send - Sent - send - Send;

sET - SET - SET - install;

shake - Shook - Shaken - shake;

shave - Shaved - Shaved (Shaven) - Shave (Sia);

shed - Shed - Shed - shed;

shine - shone (shined) - shone (shined) - shine, shine;

sHOOT - SHOT - SHOT - shoot, giving shoots;

show - Showed - Shown (Showed) - Show;

shut - shut - shut - slamming;

sing - Sang - Sung - sing;

sink - Sank - Sunk - descend, dive, sink;

sIT - SAT - SAT - Sit;

sleep - Slept - Slept - sleep;

slide - Slid - Slid - slide;

sLIT - SLIT - SLIT - break, cut;

smell - Smelt (Smelled) - Smelt (Smelled) - smell, sniff;


speed \u200b\u200b- SPED (Speeded) - SPED (Speeded) - Accelerate, Hurry;

spell - Spelt (Spelled) - Spell (Spelled) - write or read, pronouncing every letter;

sPEND - SPENT - SPENT - spend;

spill - SpilT (Spilled) - Spilt (Spilled) - shed;

spin - SPUN (span) - Spun - spin;

spit - Spat (Spit) - Spat (Spit) - do not care;

split - Split - Split - split (Sia);

spoil - Spoilt (spoiled) - Spoilt (spoiled) - spoil;

spotlight - Spotlit (Spotlighted) - Spotlit (Spotlight) - Light;

spread - Spread - Spread - spread;

stand - Stood - Stood- stand;

steal - Stole - Stolen - steal;

stick - Stuck - Stuck - prick, glue;

sTING - STUNG - STUNG - Jallery;

stink - Stank; Stunk - Stunk - unpleasantly smelling;

strike - Struck - Struck - Kolly, beat, strike;

sWEAR - SWORE - SWORN - Shave, give the oath;

swell - Swelled - Swollen (Swelled) - swollen;

swim - SWAM - SWUM - sail;

swing - Swung - Swung - Race.

Verbs on T:

take - Took - Taken - Take, take;

tEACH - TAUGHT - TAUGHT - learn;

tEAR - TORE - TORN - break;

tell - TOLD - TOLD - tell, say;

think - Thought - Thought - think;

throw - Threw - Thrown - throw.

Verbs on w:

wake - Woke (Waked) - Woken (Waked) - wake up, wake;

wear - WORE - WORN - Wearing (clothes);

weave - Wove (Weaved) - Woven (Weaved) - weave;

wED - WED (WEDDED) - WED (WEDDED) - issue married;

wEEP - WEPT - WEPT - cry;

wET - WET (WETTED) - WET (WETTED) - Water, moisturize;

win - WON - WON - WIN;

wIND - Wound - Wound - to start (mechanism);

write - Wrote - Written - write.

We hope that after reading the article, English has become a little clearer for you.

If you reached the study of verbs, then you have already passed a lot. But there is still a long road to perfection. The temporary system relies on such a distinction of this part of speech, as the correct and incorrect. It is about the second we will talk and explain how to quickly learn the wrong verbs.

So, we already know that over time, foreign conquests or other interactions of people, English has not been left aside. This is especially true of verbs. If we study times, we have to distinguish between this category. Irregular Verbs are found almost in each of them.

Forms of incorrect verbs in English

Where to begin? With familiarization. What types are when and how they are used. After all, reading the rule, you often stumble upon the expression 2nd form, 3rd. And what it is, we will now consider. Once again it is necessary to recall that there are 3 forms of incorrect verbs (some linguists allocate four).

First form - This is an infinitive or the first column of the table. It is in this form that the verb is used in the dictionary: rUN, SWIM, GIVE. It is used in Present Simple, Future Simple, in question and negative PAST SIMPLE offers.

Second form - This is a simple time (Past Simple): rN, SWAM, GAVE (second column). In this form, incorrect verbs of the English language are used in Past Simple (with the exception of question and negative proposals).

Third form - This is a past participle or participle ii): RUN, SWUN, Given. In this form, the verb is used most often. In the PERFECT times, in all times of Passive Voice. You will find it in third column table.

Fourth form - This is the communion of the present time (Present Participle or Participle i): running, Swimming, Giving. It uses the times of the CONTINUUS and PERFECT CONTINUUS group. Not all tables contain a fourth column, only some.

Considering the proposals with incorrect verbs, pay attention to the time.

How are the main incorrect verbs of the English language formed?

It is clear that these words are changed in this way, and others are second or third, it is impossible. But it is still possible to trace some tendency, and then it will not be a set of words and incomprehensible forms.

  1. By changing the voice in the root of the word: MEET - MET - MET; Begin - Began - Begun.
  2. Changing the root and adding suffix: SPEAK - SPOKE - Spoken; Give - Gave - Given.
  3. Changes ending: Send - Sent - Sent; BUILD - Built - Built.
  4. And some verbs coincide in all forms: Cut - Cut - Cut; PUT - PUT - PUT.

How to learn wrong verbs?

Each has its own technique, its own way, which has its advantages and cons. But I want to begin to say several generally accepted facts. First, learn all three forms immediately and with the translation. Irregular Verbs with translation can be found almost in any grammar textbook, a dictionary, online resources and on our website. All complete table can be downloaded. Do not learn 10 at once, take 5, stretch for 3-4 days, do exercises. Many are taught in a row, alphabetically, some in groups (depending on the method of education). I believe that the second is more efficient and easier. Therefore, we will break all the wrong verbs of English into groups.

1. The coincide completely

bet. bet. bet. bet
cost. cost. cost. cost
cut. cut. cut. cut
hit. hit. hit. strike
hurt. hurt. Hurt. damage
let. let. let. let
put. put. put. put
sET. sET. sET. install, set
sheed sheed sheed drop
shut. shut. shut. close
spit. spit. spit. spit
split. split. split. share, split
spread. spread. spread. distribute
trust. trust. trust. trust

2. The second and third form coincides - P-T

3. The second and third form coincides - d-T.

4. Changes the root vowel - EW - OWN

5. Group of verbs with different root vowels

6. End of Aught / Ought

7. Alternation Glasna

become became. become become
come came. come to come
rUN. ran. rUN. run

8. Alternation of vowels + End of EN

9. Circuit, ending en, doubling consonants

bite. bit. bitten. bite
fall fell. fallen. fall
forbid. forbade forbidden. forbid
hide hid hidden. hide
ride rode. ridden. ride
write wrote. written. write
forget. forgot. forgotten. forget

10. The second and third form coincide

second and third
built built build
dig dUG. drip
find. found. find
get. got. receive
have hAD. have
hear heard. hear
hold held. hold
lead. led. news
leve. left. leave
lose lOST. lose
make made do
shine shone shine
shoot shot shoot
sIT sAT. sit
wIN. wON. win
stick. stuck. stick up
strike. struke. hit, beate
stand stood. to stand
understand. understood. understand
deal dealt. to deal with
mean. meant. to mean
sELL sold sell
tELL tOLD. speak
lay. laid. put
pay. pAID to pay
say. said. to tell
bleed. bled. bleed
feel felt. feel
meet. met. meet
feed fed. feed

11. Have two options

burn. bURNT / BURNED. bURNT / BURNED. burn, burn
dream dreamt / Dreamed dreamt / Dreamed dream
dwell. dwelt / dwelled dwelt / dwelled dwell, live
hang. hung / Hanged. hung / Hanged. hang
kneel. knelt / Kneeled. knelt / Kneeled. kneel
knit. knit / knitted knit / knitted to knit
lean. leant / Leaneed leant / Leaneed lean, lean
leap leapt / Leaped. leapt / Leaped. jump, jump
learn. learnt / learned. learnt / learned. learn
light lIT / LIGHTED lIT / LIGHTED spark off
prove proved pROVEN / PROVED prove
sew sewed. sewn / Sewed. sew
smell. smelt / Smelled. smelt / Smelled. sniff, smell
speed. spled / Speeded spled / Speeded accelerate
spell spelt / Spelled spelt / Spelled to spell
spoil. spoilt / Spoiled. spoilt / Spoiled. spoil

12. Absolutely different forms

Remember the wrong verbs in English first seem to be a difficult matter, tedious. But believe me, if you do not reboot yourself, learn the bands that we have provided, you can easily master them. And this is very important! All Irregular Verbs are often used in speech. Teach grammar and expand the vocabulary.

Withcluded no one rule? Of course, without exception! Incorrect verbs in English This also did not bypassed the party. But, as they say, the wrong verb is not so terrible, as it is small. Today we will deal with different methods to memorize the wrong verbs.

Open any sign of incorrect verbs ( see at the end of the article), And you will see there three columns. The first column presents the verbs in nonline, or (only without a particle TO). This is what matches the Russian verbs, finishing on: draw, write, read - (to) draw., write, read..

The second column is - it was painted, wrote, read (yesterday, for example) - drew., wrote., read..

In the third column, the so-called communion second, or the communion passed.

Approx. The first communion corresponds to the Russian / -bring: drawing, writing, reading. In English, the first one has the ending -ing. - drawing., writing., rading..

Let's return to the third column, in which the past communion was represented - it corresponds to the Russian "made" - drawn, written, read. Third column for

  • verbs.
  • pERFECT group times:

I Have Already written. My Essay. I already wrote an essay (or "I already have my own essay written).

I have read. Three Books This Month. I read three books this month. (Or I have three books read).

Have You Ever drawn. ANYTHING LIKE THAT? Have you ever draw something like that? (Or did you ever had something like drawn?)

What does "wrong verbs" mean?

Why irregular verbs (irregular verbs) still "wrong". The fact is that according to the rules, the so-called second and third form are built by adding the end -ed.

I Work - I Worked Yesterday. - I Have Worked for Three Companies.

In the wrong verbs, the second and third shapes are formed in a completely individual manner (GO - Went - Gone), or do not change at all (Put-Put-Put).

Methods of memorization

  • Alphabetically - tool.Boring and useless.
  • Make cards with three shapes on one side and translation to another. Periodically, when a minute is issued (in transport, in the morning after a cup of coffee, etc.), sort out the cards, checking yourself. If you remember, we shift into the second heel, if not, we leave in the first and return later. And so as long as there is no confident memorization. When you go through the cards, try to invent examples - it still connects the figurative thinking, so fasterly remembered, and words learn not separately, but in context.
  • Rhymes. Rather, a children's way. But the child does not live in whom ?? If you like, it causes positive emotions - then why should I? Here are examples of such risks

I'm in the buy-bought-bougyt buffet
First-class sandwich,
For him I pay-paid-paid, (pay)
In the classroom in the page Lay-Laid-Laid (put)
And at all, not the Think-Thought-Thought, (think)
That his neighbor will be clever.
And now I am very sad -
Smell-Smelt-Smelt is very tasty! (smell)

Loan, stamping Balamut
In your Put-Put-Put pockets (Put)
And Begin-Began-Begun (start)
Hooligan hooligan!
He is a cushion Cut-Cut-Cut, (cut)
Brother in bathroom shut-shut-shut, (close)
All newspapers Light-Lit-Lit, (Fall)
Hit-Hit-Hit dog. (beat)
He neighbor Ring-Rang-Rung (call)
And, of course, Run-Ran-Run. (run)
And at all, not the Think-Thought-Thought, (think)
That militia will come.

DIG-DUG-DUG We are a vegetable garden, (dig)
Come-Came-com There people. (to come)
We said: "Go-Went-Gone, (go, leave)
This is not a Balagan. "

We are with the enemies of the Fight-Fought-Fought, (fight, fight)
They are trapped catch-caught-caught. (catch, catch)
Day good luck Bring-Brought-Brought, (bring)
We are the GET-Got-Got reward. (receive)

If Bite-bit-Bitten hares, (bite)
Do not give them Eat-ate-eaten, (there is)
They are soon Learn-learnt-learnt (learn)
Famously match Burn-Burnt-Burnt. (spark off)

If a friend is MEET-MET-MET, (meet)
Its firmly Keep-Kept-Kept. (Keep)
Well, if LOSE-LOST-LOST, (lose)
That he is Cost-Cost-Cost. (cost)

Fly-Flew-Flown aircraft. (to fly)
Our children are Grow-Grew-Grown. (grow)
Well, and the wind blow-blew-blown, (blow)
About everything he is Know-KNEW-KNOWN. (know)

Grandfall and grandmother Find-Found-Found (find)
PSA breed Basset Hound.
Very close to old men
Become-became-become dog. (become)
Give-Gave-Given grandfather to him (giving)
Dear Basturma -
I need a fed-fed fed-fed (feed)
Something delicious for lunch!
Yourself sala and kitlet
Old men are not let-let-let. (let)
Today grandma and grandfather
Life Other LEAD-LED-LED: (News)
Grandfather with a smile hassle in the bath,
Grandma dwell-dwelt-dwelt in Chulana, (dwell)
Dog in bed Lie-Lay-Lain, (lying)
Right like Saddam Hussein.

We Break-Broke-Broken Old House - (Breaking)
It was very boring in him.
New house we draw-Drew-Drawn, (draw)
Build-Built-Built - and heal. (build)

  • I like the idea of \u200b\u200bthe distribution of incorrect verbs by groups on the basis of the similarity of the formation of second and third forms. Thus, their learning is much easier.

Table of incorrect verbs of English:

1 group - all three forms coincide

Hit.Hit.Hit.Hit, fall

2 Group - The Second and Third Forms coincide

Burn.BURNTBURNTBurn, burn
Leve.Left.Left.Leave, leave
Mean.Meant.Meant.Keep in mind
Keep.KEPT.KEPT.Keep storing
LoseLOST.LOST.Lose, lose
LightLit.Lit.Light up
Teach.Taught.Taught.Learn, teach
Read.Read.Read.To read
Say.Said.Said.Say, say
MakeMadeMadeDo, produce
StandStood.Stood.To stand

3 Group - the second and third shape do not coincide

ChooseChoseChosen.To choose
WakeWokeWoken.Wake up waking up
EAT.ATEEaten.there is
FlyFlew.FlowN.To fly
Begin.Began.Begun.Start off
Swim.SWAMSWUM.To swim
ComeCame.ComeTo come
BE.Was / Were.Beenbe
Go.WentGone.Go, walk
  • In order for the process of memorizing the wrong verbs to be more fascinating, my students we compose joint stories. That is, one person gets a card, remembers all forms and values, and then makes an offer using the second or third shape. The next takes out the second card and continues the story. As a rule, it turns out very funny. And bright positive emotions, especially laughter, as you know, contribute to memorization.

Do not delay in a long box - it is better to approve now now leaves, make cards - and forward! And find the accomplice to draw up stories.

English language is the language of exceptions, where, when studying a new grammatical rule, students face a tenth, in which this rule does not work. One of these rules is the use of incorrect verbs in the past time. For many studies English, this topic is a daylight. But without them it is impossible, because these are the realities of English! However, there is good news - modern English is gradually getting rid of incorrect verbs, replacing them with correct. Why and how - consider in the article.

Why are English verbs - wrong?

The difficulty in using incorrect verbs is not only foreigners, but also the carriers themselves. But nevertheless, for philologists-British, nonstandarity of this part of speech is not a lack, but a reason for pride. They believe that the wrong verbs are a cultural monument that perpetuated in themselves the history of English. The explanation of this fact is the German roots of the origin of the wrong verbs, which makes the British English traditional language. For comparison, the Americans are trying to get rid of the wrong shape, alone her in the right one. Therefore, the list of non-standard verbs increases for those who teach both variants of the language. Thus, the incorrect version of the ancient, which was reflected in prose and poetry.

How many forms at the verb in English?

Speaking about the verbs in English, it should be noted that they have 3 forms:

  • infinitive, he is;
  • I, or Participle i, - This form is used in the simple time (Past Simple) and 2nd and 3rd cases of conditional inclination (Conditional of the 2-d and of the 3-D Case);
  • PAST PAST PARTICIPLE II, or PARTICIPLE II, for easy time perfect), PASSIVIVE VOICE, and conditional collateral of the 3rd case (Conditional of the 3-D Case).

Table "Three in English" is presented later in the article.

What is the right and wrong verbs? Education Rules

The correct verbs are those in which the last form (Past Simple) and the Form Communion II (Participle II) are formed by adding the end -ed to the initial form. Table "Three forms of verb in English. Right verbs" will help better understand this rule.

When forming Participle I and Participle II forms there are some features:

  • if the verb ends in the letter, then when adding it, it does not double;
  • the consonant in single verbs is duplicated when adding. Example: Stop - stopped (stopped - stopped);
  • if the verb ends with the letter -Y with the previous consonant, then y varies to I before adding -ed.

Incorrectly called verbs that are not subject to the general rule in the formation of time forms. In English, these are forms of verbs of a simple last time (Past Simple) and Communion II (Participle II).

Wrong verbs are formed using:

    ablauta at which the root changes. Example: SWIM - SWAM - SWUM (sailing - swimming - floated);

    the use of suffixes other than the language accepted in grammar. Example: Do - Did - Done (do - done - done);

    the same, or immutable form. Example: Cut - Cut - Cut (cut - cut - cut).

Due to the fact that each incorrect verb has its own form of change, they should be learned by heart.

In total, in English, 218 irregular verbs, of which approximately 195 are active.

Recent studies in the field of language show that rare verbs gradually disappear from the language due to the replacement of the 2nd and 3rd shape with the forms of the correct verb, that is, the addition of completion - ED. This fact confirms the table "three forms of verb in English" - the table represents a number of verbs that have both the correct and incorrect forms.

table of irregular verbs

Table "Three forms of incorrect verbs in English" includes the most frequently used verbs. The table shows 3 forms and translation.

Wrong verbs came to modern English from Staroangali, where British and Saxons were spoken - British tribes.

Improper verbs originated from the so-called strong verbs, each of which had its own type of touch.

Researchers from Harvard found that most of the consumable verbs are incorrect, and they will remain as well as others are used.

In the history of the English language there is a phenomenon when the correct verb became incorrect. For example, SNEAK, having 2 forms - Sneaked and Snuck.

Problems with verbs not only among studying English, but also in carriers, as they even fall into awkward situations when it comes to this difficult part of speech.

One of them is Jennifer Garner, who was confident all his life that the verb Sneak is the right one.

She was corrected by one of the programs in which the actress took part. With a dictionary in his hands, he pointed out Jennifer on her mistake.

Therefore, you should not be upset if you make mistakes. The main thing is that they do not become systematic.

Right verbs

Table "Three forms of the right verbs in English with transcription and translation" is based on the most frequently used verbs.







copy, rewrite



carry, drag

call, call


decide to decide




cry, scream

end up completing




to help

happen to happen

to govern



move, move

to govern

be needed





study, learn

stop, stop

start off





try, try






Examples of consumption of 3 forms of verbs with translation

Above we reviewed 3 forms of verbs in English. A table with examples of consumption and translation will help consolidate the topic.

Here, for each grammatical design, two examples are given - one with the right, the other with incorrect verbs.



Past Simple.
  1. Peter Worked Yesterday.
  2. She Felt Bad Last Week.
  1. Peter worked yesterday.
  2. Last week she felt badly.
Present Perfect Tense.
  1. James Has Already Helped Me.
  2. Have you ever been to thailand?
  1. James has already helped me.
  2. Have you ever been to Thailand?
  1. I Understood That I Had USED My Last Ticket.
  2. Helen Noticed That She Had Forgotten Her Documents At Home.
  1. I realized that I used the latest ticket.
  2. She realized that she had forgotten the documents at home.
Passive Voice
  1. Amy Was Taken to the Zoo Last Sunday.
  2. A Baby IS Sung A Lullaby Every Night.
  1. Amy was taken to the zoo last Sunday.
  2. Baby every night sing a lullaby.
  1. IF I HAD Money, I Would BUY A CAR.
  2. IF She Could Help US, She Would Have Done IT.
  1. If I had money, I would buy a car.
  2. If she could help us, she would do it.


To better memorize the wrong verbs, it is necessary not only to teach them by heart and repeat, but also to perform various exercises.

Exercise 1. Before you Table "Three forms of verb in English. Wrong verbs." Enter one of the three missed forms.

Exercise 2. Before you Table "Three forms of verb in English. Right verbs." Insert the Forms Participle I and II.

Exercise 3. Using tables, translate the following offers into English.

  1. I was reading a book.
  2. We saw them yesterday.
  3. Smiths lived in London until 2000. Then they moved to Manchester.
  4. Alice was a university student in 2014.
  5. They worked in one company two years ago.
  6. He just finished training.
  7. When we were children, Mom often took us in this park.
  8. I drove a toy machine in childhood.

Answers to exercises

Exercise 1.

Exercise 2.

asked, Borrown, Closed, Decided, Explained, Helped, Started, Travelled, Used, Worked.

Exercise 3.

  1. I Read a Book.
  2. We Saw Them Yesterday.
  3. The Smiths Lied in London Till 2000. Then the Moved to Manchester.
  4. Alice Was a Student of Univercity in 2014.
  6. He Has Just Finished Training.
  7. When we Were Children We Were Took for a Walk to this Park.
  8. I Drow A Toy Car in My Childhood.

Take over the habit to periodically repeat the main forms of the English verb. Table with irregular verbs, exercise and periodic repetition will help cope with the difficulties of English.

Here you can find the table of incorrect English verbs with translation into Russian and transcription, video on the study and memorization of incorrect verbs, references.

In English, there is a special category of verbs, which is not subordinate to the generally accepted rules in the formation of the severity of the past time. They are customary called "wrong". Unlike the "right" verbs, which is joined by the end -ed -ed when forming the occasion of the past time, these verbs either remain unchanged or take unusual forms that are not always easily remembered. For example:

pUT - PUT - PUT;
Drive - DRUVE - Driven.

If the first verb is easy to learn and use in sentences, then the second has to be learned directly by memorizing.

Where did such difficulties with some verbs come from? Scientists concluded that this is a kind of "fossils", which remained in the language since ancient times. During its development, English has taken a large number of words from other European languages, but some words remained unchanged. It is to this category and include incorrect verbs.

Table of incorrect English verbs:

Verb. Past Simple. Past Participle TRANSFER
abide [əbʌid] abode [əbəud] abode [əbəud] To endure
{!LANG-e92866fe32b786ae2dc41d4db2b71576!} {!LANG-1c2e2786fde5f2140fe7e0c3944956d3!} {!LANG-591cfcff8ffa2721725daf69b7cf45af!} {!LANG-237c07bf9dd1aca98df12b7c34af7d67!}
{!LANG-2e326cdcabb14fd79a8e4ce59d4c8780!} {!LANG-a5fd6488a158556546cd9690a6cf3c84!} {!LANG-afe3e262328bb5e923133d6a00d49430!} {!LANG-3ff5998eeebfa6550ea84ef9debf08a9!}
{!LANG-35d870c9f6a034a3b54753d65ed79e33!} {!LANG-a8bc94b188136905b7a167c782e8109c!} {!LANG-6c81edb196731ea4cd95b0a538f899fd!} {!LANG-ec63fb4e82be45dcff5edcc1f639a684!}
{!LANG-a840455ad11f0a958aaf8f8c068c2056!} {!LANG-e40b6eb0c8593dc68ac66642e29a1ea2!} {!LANG-ec635eb4f0370864f7f23f516ea840dc!} {!LANG-ed6c967287a3d8fdb42c4522c1a6c075!}
{!LANG-ad69d17675f686c91d48efa10da30d7d!} {!LANG-ad69d17675f686c91d48efa10da30d7d!} {!LANG-2eb8e38604f751d65237ef6efddf7946!} Beat
{!LANG-0c4cb96bfef80f841a0e6bc27b794084!} {!LANG-9c079eb20eec3082200658707845142b!} become Become
{!LANG-2cf24950befd61397ff9ead9009c6686!} {!LANG-7693c1f30a446f41db4965d22212e5b2!} {!LANG-fba9bf5b3011854242a78be5bf1676d3!} Start off
{!LANG-41e8c1434bb8afef3962f150b29be24f!} {!LANG-a75edac25117d6beee7659cab7382e35!} {!LANG-a75edac25117d6beee7659cab7382e35!} {!LANG-d0cf9a97ae8fdb372a3a70f5c72dec38!}
{!LANG-4ec6e1fccfb05f363ae47413547deae0!} {!LANG-ee453c3319d43b345a46fb59fb92e0f7!} {!LANG-ee453c3319d43b345a46fb59fb92e0f7!} {!LANG-6c1b3dbfdbf039144e5c0ad913606391!}
{!LANG-6c8fb456b23c3cb224e03b0afc47cccd!} {!LANG-27e9d9d0ed1716bc40c00aaa40d7ad06!} {!LANG-b5bb19124fb356f6a93a4c49aeed79fe!}
{!LANG-37c8ba3865f4638123f49b759ba1fe68!} {!LANG-926d64b6cfb3aea9f1488aab562756d3!} {!LANG-83bb2a8d578abd80e286134defbbff61!}
{!LANG-961281abf28101a722987ca95e61e542!} {!LANG-961281abf28101a722987ca95e61e542!} {!LANG-961281abf28101a722987ca95e61e542!} {!LANG-afe5d87f73f020e6b972451937eee553!}
{!LANG-9af6e8ef32d46e97c77fa17c999289c1!} {!LANG-9af6e8ef32d46e97c77fa17c999289c1!} {!LANG-9af6e8ef32d46e97c77fa17c999289c1!} {!LANG-c931c479d84fd3dfacbeabc24b28a4d0!}
{!LANG-3f47e1d16b47d9347a68334b63cac94b!} {!LANG-562dd3872f3d0aaef39e49315a93a934!} {!LANG-d84e03f24b7d7b2bc7096049487e6ee1!} {!LANG-a7bd21ac5130d1ce7c535330560ed1aa!}
{!LANG-a4ca0a390b1f21d1993c881e25f61436!} {!LANG-fb051b5279a9b0158041bdf685fc49c9!} {!LANG-fb051b5279a9b0158041bdf685fc49c9!} {!LANG-e10c65575cb06c975bda1a9004120764!}
{!LANG-f6455361b9f6d3820eed186c08ab3497!} {!LANG-9bc45240fb95c88bd3ae39b1b48ec7b8!} {!LANG-171e6ab34135f0bf8caa6f06e4712ed4!} {!LANG-27ceecfa6651f90576ffda8fffca8383!}
{!LANG-a5ab912f4143805df4c68408a82b1d23!} {!LANG-93e8583a4eac6beafbaee5994cd82287!} {!LANG-93e8583a4eac6beafbaee5994cd82287!} {!LANG-d184dc2085e7b8ab5043855edccf47d8!}
{!LANG-83acdd6cc9d66a4afdbbb66633455393!} {!LANG-5c042380bc8c6ac3b7793b3aa71e2e72!} {!LANG-adb1a6fa61cf9b14c23856caa2b93e63!} Blow
{!LANG-df054d1ccd9012bd1f4fea8447832e30!} {!LANG-0260788658978df19c4007ca6a065b1a!} {!LANG-bc2f52f626c1456e36194aa2caf064da!} Break
{!LANG-3d0de8d07c4f01a6ba8271c47a5d53ef!} {!LANG-9814e930ae89e976c49f04b3b1f84b00!} {!LANG-9814e930ae89e976c49f04b3b1f84b00!} {!LANG-2b2469488e545d215a9aae5c552369b0!}
{!LANG-770ad8708e26139c5970dee677e96d2e!} {!LANG-c669e550eae113fe4cb57dc4ac02f862!} {!LANG-c669e550eae113fe4cb57dc4ac02f862!} Bring
{!LANG-492967909bc9d4582e666b32735b1812!} {!LANG-492967909bc9d4582e666b32735b1812!} {!LANG-cae315bd07871855b22f8ab2c1eb5096!} {!LANG-0046dece94b4c1b49fd4ebf751762816!}
{!LANG-6e29701c4554a640c8b61f627a49e680!} {!LANG-1d21da180ac183910af8b4d3a0a33d28!} {!LANG-1d21da180ac183910af8b4d3a0a33d28!} Build
{!LANG-9ae02159934c423f8fb1c4f4792a704f!} {!LANG-d96c12dc0d99ff991a0591517f3d6d0e!} {!LANG-d96c12dc0d99ff991a0591517f3d6d0e!} {!LANG-c59f35cf24496a9eeede1863a6a398dc!}
{!LANG-30a9898cea588068f0b980a7e88973a1!} {!LANG-30a9898cea588068f0b980a7e88973a1!} {!LANG-30a9898cea588068f0b980a7e88973a1!} {!LANG-4aa94673afbc1b42176d043f9fed7ecf!}
{!LANG-27f61319cbe37014832260579e4f91f2!} {!LANG-cad42b700f6c18e4da2511a105923bf5!} {!LANG-cad42b700f6c18e4da2511a105923bf5!} {!LANG-2b33ac928d3fdba1d1aa8811ac70033f!}
{!LANG-71b0723c66fa6e73ceebc054a96c95b4!} {!LANG-83768dc26fbc4d8f18dbc7bc5a016340!} {!LANG-83768dc26fbc4d8f18dbc7bc5a016340!} Buy
{!LANG-8257bd0143c7c63636e3e2eafc683c2f!} {!LANG-8257bd0143c7c63636e3e2eafc683c2f!} {!LANG-8257bd0143c7c63636e3e2eafc683c2f!} {!LANG-97b2fa2e565a2a9bc785d72c12219ab1!}
{!LANG-e75e2e1d85495e5ad39835eecd704d0e!} {!LANG-803ad5907203d8d284ad82cc430df871!} {!LANG-803ad5907203d8d284ad82cc430df871!} {!LANG-d56beb5c576d4fc062967aaef93dbe8d!}
{!LANG-c2fc17062ba226147889686586661937!} {!LANG-366230df80435318f4772268ce770a0c!} {!LANG-5f2164e5114b796750a5a1a693d35ac1!} To choose
{!LANG-c01675b88a6051587efd978df97532fd!} {!LANG-0c6b2b6b224a7280e56c4c39962bbe5c!} {!LANG-0c6b2b6b224a7280e56c4c39962bbe5c!} {!LANG-e593636a03ec7d6d089547e45e09d450!}
{!LANG-604e4cf729d41d92feed83c35d389985!} {!LANG-4d584005096efe47ba71d8a8b60613aa!} {!LANG-4d584005096efe47ba71d8a8b60613aa!} {!LANG-931e004ecc6f6b14135d11387ce4a70c!}
{!LANG-f0ff46c7cb1234099d71fd2d0dc80070!} {!LANG-d0a638df6898a82884536a6245955e69!} {!LANG-959d65ac5cd536533923cbc7c5be519c!}
{!LANG-863b4de2521604d5e0489df408d651d8!} {!LANG-4fe6d38655652a9b771f3852d1ca8633!} {!LANG-863b4de2521604d5e0489df408d651d8!} To come
{!LANG-7282adf9d40e89fb6394287303ce1961!} {!LANG-7282adf9d40e89fb6394287303ce1961!} {!LANG-7282adf9d40e89fb6394287303ce1961!} {!LANG-11e5d374a1e182f31d1ae0b4ef21dd62!}
{!LANG-5a93e755cf22b8e7e16409f94615c553!} {!LANG-c16d4cfa8649c5cbc8175add324a3c3d!} {!LANG-c16d4cfa8649c5cbc8175add324a3c3d!} {!LANG-c2e47d5b5699a4dc4f1deac51db987dd!}
{!LANG-a43fe2251fd97b3c702ba018c3ee725f!} {!LANG-a43fe2251fd97b3c702ba018c3ee725f!} {!LANG-a43fe2251fd97b3c702ba018c3ee725f!} Cut
{!LANG-e217ddb6a24203c8105e011cae75ae4e!} {!LANG-6b6c5e21f35b33fd6024ab2a6374431a!} {!LANG-6b6c5e21f35b33fd6024ab2a6374431a!} {!LANG-a498cd938346b46f2cbbafc290858c8c!}
{!LANG-d22f9a7107f09d742591c4326310bb5e!} {!LANG-bb87d885a0361ec2ee55d26de9b9f770!} {!LANG-bb87d885a0361ec2ee55d26de9b9f770!} {!LANG-40b9c27d53f1f6f6c4c62077c9601b16!}
{!LANG-c760e10913416c294230842ddb4235b3!} {!LANG-c904599ae618adb8a0cdaa328072f464!} {!LANG-333933af2688112a41897169690992fe!} {!LANG-cf83e38d167b7ba6a07a8a1736ab919b!}
{!LANG-b80ee743fb1712a99a7de312be38088b!} {!LANG-00041c686137568d5d66e626af52dfb3!} {!LANG-84cc016d20ff62e5533c1f063dfb7a89!} {!LANG-1304c244bfa19fd26aaf59eae08e1480!}
{!LANG-f4d7aa408704c7565671f38ce3c062cd!} {!LANG-a749cc04ac6de6f09a6894d2cf965e30!} {!LANG-fd8d542c2c0253907064a210fa2b3fb3!} {!LANG-38f10d2b24479c3f3d3ab589cf785b8a!}
{!LANG-af4476374cffe1e167df4dd1a5595870!} {!LANG-6625723d0fdf3652f1ebdd7e46398175!} {!LANG-443e21b335174b7d7baaaa1ac2c31673!} {!LANG-b90a69abc4a17f8de57db92db9f038d0!}
{!LANG-ecd11a53038b1db9425417a8a1f4c446!} {!LANG-1e713fa6777cd36e736861456431a34f!} {!LANG-1e713fa6777cd36e736861456431a34f!} {!LANG-dd388faca58a62cd082ab7148a0b5e83!}
{!LANG-c03a0a05bef0f949b61ac4bedb7c2068!} {!LANG-fcfe82cfa04efa25127a0ecfc94b6c80!} {!LANG-851a2dd026a978bae2a16fd325e68915!} Drink
{!LANG-a496272619279bfc3f97d0a0b46e5068!} {!LANG-4e038c848a059b6ad7e0840782fc6642!} {!LANG-94d52b929559254229f7889b769e02da!} Led
{!LANG-9bbb20a528237cdbbd1690633f8c29e2!} {!LANG-afd2beb79e5a6634051441a463b8507d!} {!LANG-2321ce0fee4db2e0713f67eb1eeaf722!}
{!LANG-b82892515923d1aabfba1f45a952f02f!} {!LANG-06e4286609a26acbeba26e3429326d6c!} {!LANG-5208d46adec4ab3a5d0902fec1ee6780!} there is
{!LANG-494a67a80827ae0dbdc60dbfa34573d3!} {!LANG-7754da14823be4b0520ee2d4fc5c9489!} {!LANG-03325f0264cf03f8c4d009484e70a470!} Fall
{!LANG-e3288e3cbac540326a6242a370d8eeba!} {!LANG-1f780db3f7afe3cab486866479178961!} {!LANG-1f780db3f7afe3cab486866479178961!} {!LANG-9e26b4cf6a8ad67b001abae88af844f1!}
{!LANG-32ee076bb4dc21989fcacb3462b7e7d1!} {!LANG-403cf20e98ef8889d8fef9f4b61a2100!} {!LANG-403cf20e98ef8889d8fef9f4b61a2100!} Feel
{!LANG-2dc7c3ed1ea83b8f6396aadcad80ea45!} {!LANG-263721f4b71992226f8697dcaebe1f63!} {!LANG-263721f4b71992226f8697dcaebe1f63!} Fight
{!LANG-82ca6700dde8af49bb81abf6d6afadf1!} {!LANG-5f42771d2d67aaace46945f585ad9d23!} {!LANG-5f42771d2d67aaace46945f585ad9d23!} Find
{!LANG-399c50fab099b3bc6e5f83948f1671aa!} {!LANG-399c50fab099b3bc6e5f83948f1671aa!} {!LANG-399c50fab099b3bc6e5f83948f1671aa!} {!LANG-c6270821aecc1266acaec8c33858be71!}
{!LANG-755afcfdb341a6b6a688f59de832e75c!} {!LANG-bda95887e43e6f9e4aca4add73c644d9!} {!LANG-bda95887e43e6f9e4aca4add73c644d9!} {!LANG-65765ed70f4411b6db2ab67d6bf526be!}
{!LANG-210745f392658a49aadc9553f3679bbd!} {!LANG-613fa3e886df423db0314b531ff79248!} {!LANG-613fa3e886df423db0314b531ff79248!} {!LANG-3e0469431b0dc5eed86d3d05a3e9d640!}
{!LANG-4416c1be4f09c767ae92872d6842c4d7!} {!LANG-33bddf44363c616442f588e5605a6485!} {!LANG-8417db8d3eec168f261805075d21e2fe!} To fly
{!LANG-de0adfaf000cdffc98ecbc651f773400!} {!LANG-4089b04937bd9e62c971bc8c621e6f30!} {!LANG-9aa5827b6c4c9179caf9196e77547e52!} {!LANG-f7ccadfe51e1268e58db875e6ecf542c!}
{!LANG-89f16d2c836bd0d3673d2fe55913dc7e!} {!LANG-ce2d0214092f630ac144b0ac3d89b52b!} {!LANG-49ede0376f68d01a96aa2ac641de012d!} {!LANG-932cf3198d32e4514fa770f146d0e030!}
{!LANG-742f869ce154c7522ce814f71f7e4bf1!} {!LANG-742f869ce154c7522ce814f71f7e4bf1!} {!LANG-742f869ce154c7522ce814f71f7e4bf1!} {!LANG-fcba64284218747ac3a137ff228ad14f!}
{!LANG-c0f9926c83c0e244aa121455e229a48f!} {!LANG-4133ba43b2b3a3fa0c9d49249d915a24!} {!LANG-c2e80dac6651e36b9a6a8eb90470a02e!} {!LANG-887c3edc4473a86293f94d670d7a0c84!}
{!LANG-147740ac9a6bafab61d7c2234eae3ed2!} {!LANG-b21bd92918d337afa4138d9bc8997d86!} {!LANG-b21bd92918d337afa4138d9bc8997d86!} {!LANG-d0ec0069adc13ed38562574e49998217!}
{!LANG-918055af05e54b64ede3f0f37526316f!} {!LANG-8b69565ba94eaf5f113aac27fe7cd893!} {!LANG-f1119ca45ce0e1c315cb51cb37db8477!} Forget
{!LANG-aa681e8b0e30f821896217c04a746e1a!} {!LANG-380b441a46a8915ccb66896b808eceed!} {!LANG-d9186376f18d914eff5777215cfcee81!} Forgive
{!LANG-40b7be8c2972a1279a0533b0134b82b5!} {!LANG-fc5757b342e341634f459617eccd98ae!} {!LANG-36ab06de0e2761fc02acf6023c4475e5!} Leave, leave
{!LANG-dee8ae8d890675de1afa6321e12b3e73!} {!LANG-7c4a095d7a181879a777174e9ba9ce33!} {!LANG-1824a66e204b6b16d30e06c39431c28a!} {!LANG-15c70c345cf9fbb05fa0b76a83521436!}
{!LANG-7c2df777d97d3464d2473dcd9943be47!} {!LANG-d2642213a2ac62654b3f40b4dc257b2c!} {!LANG-d2642213a2ac62654b3f40b4dc257b2c!} receive
{!LANG-d1db9a89ef26d1b1361b22197e2864d3!} {!LANG-58fc69e9fba0d3b820af820ba7951873!} {!LANG-58fc69e9fba0d3b820af820ba7951873!} {!LANG-d5a45b815876f5073700e8324dd66759!}
{!LANG-f849ace45bfe5e4fe6169b18935e85e8!} {!LANG-a5d8646e8fbfa4e9e21aeb2ab98042cb!} {!LANG-e306033e67cf959359569ba443855083!} Giving
{!LANG-ed0714b7fafe2bdd87e178dacb811693!} {!LANG-8fe91e3edb44fccef388ef81cd90fa88!} {!LANG-f319c5e542bc80a89fb464d9d2fff6d5!} {!LANG-d6e35eb474edcdd1344ac0a1bcbe4388!}
{!LANG-7e9bb0a98dc33a5cb52fade553bc1f22!} {!LANG-a1e882fbc89d73443059c006f4a6a668!} {!LANG-a1e882fbc89d73443059c006f4a6a668!} {!LANG-867664673505de3ecc988de0096a7a38!}
{!LANG-4b8eeba971e2153ebac7589e4929537b!} {!LANG-afd45516b3ad40179fd669c2c540a3ab!} {!LANG-cab5dba522d2ca1140b60382e5c92d40!} Grow
{!LANG-71446026b8fcdc5c640f81da91ac5700!} {!LANG-6f285e5374e1d64cd7dfcadb92536125!} {!LANG-6f285e5374e1d64cd7dfcadb92536125!} {!LANG-70fec83a52dbc23c863541f7b779dcc7!}
{!LANG-78fec8cb329a8faf7a6d0a0aec93e0a7!} {!LANG-de877b3fb71a32d7572da6d2e38760ae!} {!LANG-de877b3fb71a32d7572da6d2e38760ae!} Have
{!LANG-11a905a01cfd2b50a6b22aee7e7ce66d!} {!LANG-5fa4d0da7e76d87f96a36da7abf66c01!} {!LANG-5fa4d0da7e76d87f96a36da7abf66c01!} Hear
{!LANG-2dde5c8b4eec8ba91c958eba92d3eeea!} {!LANG-af55d2b0d45e8480a78142e4e1b16bf2!} {!LANG-c466d680e789655cfe3b658ff2d83761!} Hide
{!LANG-0eea80caf0dab4a43908c203e085d482!} {!LANG-f7a2e6d0c6044a39529fcb07a3291226!} {!LANG-f7a2e6d0c6044a39529fcb07a3291226!} {!LANG-e540119af74d19b7c578f6944975542e!}
{!LANG-d88e03f62b358888a79ce77f2fd298d9!} {!LANG-0485c765e2b76b3fe0d26e036b36a867!} {!LANG-dd08d24b3af5334c1fd4f24432fc1e90!} {!LANG-7fac0b5ed4e6f7611bbb710ed396e2f0!}
{!LANG-9c74cfac7cbb5bbc644ef4d1d3fb76f8!} {!LANG-9c74cfac7cbb5bbc644ef4d1d3fb76f8!} {!LANG-9c74cfac7cbb5bbc644ef4d1d3fb76f8!} {!LANG-38bf8ba83c8a1a812b553b7f1efd4c63!}
{!LANG-2dde5c8b4eec8ba91c958eba92d3eeea!} {!LANG-af55d2b0d45e8480a78142e4e1b16bf2!} {!LANG-687124a5ce32303e7c132efc94762d46!} {!LANG-73f25f03649ba0a2bcfcd97157d5966e!}
{!LANG-dafbb1432b998c561e7c7b559f868880!} {!LANG-458bd5baca149d1cba9d86b8c1feae20!} {!LANG-458bd5baca149d1cba9d86b8c1feae20!} Keep
{!LANG-e6c2b927c8fadcd353d0949d1732679d!} {!LANG-e6c2b927c8fadcd353d0949d1732679d!} {!LANG-e6c2b927c8fadcd353d0949d1732679d!} {!LANG-936d0e4816c3b7e0d11bdd6452c73252!}
{!LANG-d52378668aeed9a557c1de53ac7b52b3!} {!LANG-8248e93f418635be829f5f324c861ad9!} {!LANG-8248e93f418635be829f5f324c861ad9!} {!LANG-c4f82e8ed127e943196cd439228ff867!}
{!LANG-7ee8aa93c778319eb24baa8b2b08511b!} {!LANG-7ee8aa93c778319eb24baa8b2b08511b!} {!LANG-7ee8aa93c778319eb24baa8b2b08511b!} {!LANG-7dd4deb773ae7cc6e0c10149115a0ab3!}
{!LANG-a4738ea136b3bcc300973a750ed54b35!} {!LANG-4791af8ea0f4b08bb3105caceaeaf5f0!} {!LANG-b5ea2936bdfd48d4a5668a11a1a1864a!} {!LANG-c6ffd48b491c5a56a945237695af9bb5!}
{!LANG-ea184eca900dc70f7474626cc7819918!} {!LANG-6ed7753aead21e65e59d44fc3cdf12f8!} {!LANG-6ed7753aead21e65e59d44fc3cdf12f8!} {!LANG-acafd9c295bac603b66bfa1de4202968!}
{!LANG-4cf2b90e51d13e0e3cc97dab16050f3b!} {!LANG-92ebd3134ec2e6c5b9ad8969be9dc385!} {!LANG-92ebd3134ec2e6c5b9ad8969be9dc385!} {!LANG-3e5b76f2223641bc4b72ddc2d52577b4!}
{!LANG-8e1bf32bff85850046c484f974fe11c8!} {!LANG-8e1bf32bff85850046c484f974fe11c8!} {!LANG-8e1bf32bff85850046c484f974fe11c8!} {!LANG-ed9ef5cf592ca4f5071d7b48e73c1ec6!}
{!LANG-0a7b5ca7bfb2ceae994250b494e23fcf!} {!LANG-b33eb65c900f3f1dc377190d721b84b1!} {!LANG-a08576dfbc62d33be62199681e07b1c3!} Know
{!LANG-db178ee8b90c022538195fa9e716343a!} {!LANG-a0738e2870c96198be9fda8adcfb40f2!} {!LANG-a0738e2870c96198be9fda8adcfb40f2!} Put
{!LANG-8e68bf87f4832b00e20b4145973557cb!} {!LANG-e3e303716ff76903bd92caa3da928371!} {!LANG-e3e303716ff76903bd92caa3da928371!} {!LANG-beb27bade67672353db61f7117c40803!}
{!LANG-285ceb11ea1cd46758239f92bd2f13d2!} {!LANG-5f165dff4a452397d1e8a74293671015!} {!LANG-5f165dff4a452397d1e8a74293671015!} {!LANG-51ef9d6ffdc046481b884297e25c3da7!}
{!LANG-a0ae1fbd6bb08d45bbf67ba2368e4a65!} {!LANG-7cf6e86e68912322e0b46c49e0699c6c!} {!LANG-7cf6e86e68912322e0b46c49e0699c6c!} {!LANG-60dd40482ccca63953e62a29134e675b!}
{!LANG-a7ae637745065aef3c222364bac7590e!} {!LANG-fa871b2207c91f41dad1dbf5c7181966!} {!LANG-fa871b2207c91f41dad1dbf5c7181966!} Learn
{!LANG-00562de0a85e5b30e61c2e03c1ae3ee1!} {!LANG-2f2063b30c696496ecaf5de6cecd6c84!} {!LANG-2f2063b30c696496ecaf5de6cecd6c84!} {!LANG-6aacfda589023b3d9a0c3b86423f8709!}
{!LANG-621489e43b3d22a3eb20bc830a581a53!} {!LANG-26342533703aba60c6ee500052538b6e!} {!LANG-26342533703aba60c6ee500052538b6e!} {!LANG-5eb129783f064c7351536b00388de3a2!}
{!LANG-8a91879a1b23244ba6c456a6639ba587!} {!LANG-8a91879a1b23244ba6c456a6639ba587!} {!LANG-8a91879a1b23244ba6c456a6639ba587!} Let
{!LANG-2ab205f310b0b4da38119e428201b72a!} {!LANG-db178ee8b90c022538195fa9e716343a!} {!LANG-25339b7c77d1dce3eb3ad68cd51de857!} {!LANG-0688ef8a936c89acc5a76cc82b33b7af!}
{!LANG-2ea0d27009de924b533e5e6a276f241a!} {!LANG-54fb7b2a91cfb981abfc17a242e5407e!} {!LANG-54fb7b2a91cfb981abfc17a242e5407e!} {!LANG-60e8f0cd046af0b6633c9bec97660f9b!}
{!LANG-0e17468f11f18351260485ffc3a9b8b8!} {!LANG-87754af8a332912dbb94bba30f277fd0!} {!LANG-87754af8a332912dbb94bba30f277fd0!} {!LANG-81f352eb9f613b71eb045e86d723692a!}
{!LANG-960d9541de50a6e26f2beede2e2a4733!} {!LANG-35219e12141ce901e62c96f5fe238bf7!} {!LANG-35219e12141ce901e62c96f5fe238bf7!} {!LANG-516f428787622cf2bae97add96d9714b!}
{!LANG-e7d9b005518dfef124c5f560ff01d523!} {!LANG-b6c236e6383980538b81d713956ad4bd!} {!LANG-b6c236e6383980538b81d713956ad4bd!} {!LANG-b087d6d2a16137bc1b917068e0d3ecbd!}
{!LANG-1ef8c25c83de2fd7efa0d3ed88933c41!} {!LANG-560a4794b2713a5af6cdb2311d7f36cb!} {!LANG-560a4794b2713a5af6cdb2311d7f36cb!} Meet
{!LANG-9dae9d37e848862e6007e6cd531be41a!} {!LANG-1e69451a9b4acc43d363c6808caa3aaa!} {!LANG-90e909f8ad72dddb652e43600244b622!} {!LANG-a87df18ca9d4ae6a84a839edee2ed72c!}
{!LANG-3d30dea1e0ddf390595f206b44f0ea18!} {!LANG-e0dc7f597301fbfa7a46c5b619c4ada1!} {!LANG-58180287df9406396651aca27df30be9!} {!LANG-fc992fb81e2c907c196cacd7afd6370c!}
{!LANG-048ed42d17fbd0aea81decc5b58e3e3c!} {!LANG-34325ffa70c21724948d186d23e8f307!} {!LANG-048ed42d17fbd0aea81decc5b58e3e3c!} {!LANG-2df7d4e9cacd28dec187fb738398d304!}
{!LANG-863f025ef834f3e5902475386d1f2fe9!} {!LANG-e56ac10d3fe454c2806786b3d3fb0f91!} {!LANG-e56ac10d3fe454c2806786b3d3fb0f91!} To pay
{!LANG-f7b27f73374de6d3f3b629b2099cf1ab!} {!LANG-0145d28add53128fcd38d6fb0600df40!} {!LANG-24ea00abbe47b24d8e315f8c10ce091f!}
{!LANG-93b927b9b3276e0e2cfcf2f5d581bcc4!} {!LANG-473f2e2390613401cc344df150047adb!} {!LANG-3cc7b0e7dbcadf01a6bb8a28a21d60a1!} {!LANG-901927183019e40be5cd84eb982dbb99!}
{!LANG-a3b0cac0bca05dc90b9e3c04b6b4fb6d!} {!LANG-a3b0cac0bca05dc90b9e3c04b6b4fb6d!} {!LANG-a3b0cac0bca05dc90b9e3c04b6b4fb6d!} {!LANG-921368c2720d45e03233ebf0906fd52c!}
{!LANG-8401d52273f019bb9c53f6a600a87968!} {!LANG-8401d52273f019bb9c53f6a600a87968!} {!LANG-8401d52273f019bb9c53f6a600a87968!} {!LANG-b2d37c8d4d28088cb00182d9f24ca12c!}
{!LANG-45317c921cbe77495f16342fbb551c21!} {!LANG-45317c921cbe77495f16342fbb551c21!} {!LANG-45317c921cbe77495f16342fbb551c21!} To read
{!LANG-e44083ce15220404fb4b87542be65eee!} {!LANG-c49c6ea0752472abe5b5cc28bc15fdc4!} {!LANG-c49c6ea0752472abe5b5cc28bc15fdc4!} {!LANG-f888e919ca504d9d642ad94158a9dad0!}
{!LANG-c2bd4a20fa33105b535cab75104b41a5!} {!LANG-c2bd4a20fa33105b535cab75104b41a5!} {!LANG-c2bd4a20fa33105b535cab75104b41a5!} {!LANG-af9273c35b960dbc8ad9b1c68c38b8ae!}
{!LANG-a071c53f57526d438e35242406b7d4b7!} {!LANG-2b2bf00c7bff461845d8139f9327c593!} {!LANG-fb7c8e0cec9f6f760c62b9afee1efb3b!} {!LANG-c89def11e75535044c1cef974f1c1bc0!}
{!LANG-fa3978373268792ec9f7ad3b26b92411!} {!LANG-47581f97c3f7c0f1137fe90c453e8ca7!} {!LANG-14b5cffcd97a65c584ab9ca5778acbad!} {!LANG-d0f4ffbe5f2cc8e4cc6ab9cf1be673fc!}
{!LANG-84dc036a5a4629044d0239670841bb83!} {!LANG-3018f21b1c97e6014f06fc222cf3be48!} {!LANG-c149cc9e386400f39189e2cb211a736f!} Rise
{!LANG-4dc695e1269a05ebb501844826bc20c3!} {!LANG-dbf7395aed8114f28123f4ef1f81345d!} {!LANG-4dc695e1269a05ebb501844826bc20c3!} {!LANG-11978f1f0b48fd25ffb399514c3e412f!}
{!LANG-a893e8ed4bc8c12e232dbb85bf2da116!} {!LANG-d61eeb3dca14c870d781ecd425e76982!} {!LANG-4926e7754153da87d72587dde3f5281c!} {!LANG-4a04a9d66c37007da9c7a4f2bb638b61!}
{!LANG-074e4236359d352d5db2305e0e138e2d!} {!LANG-d6cb86b7dabd93a55438e08b107f585a!} {!LANG-d6cb86b7dabd93a55438e08b107f585a!} Speak
{!LANG-545f61258c70665c9df2d2ff37020c94!} {!LANG-a893e8ed4bc8c12e232dbb85bf2da116!} {!LANG-0faa19cc3e52af12ae97d0d883925ee7!} See
{!LANG-da7280fdcb15db383dee0d19cf895925!} {!LANG-dd7c56968f4239ceb4398f6f5bc23863!} {!LANG-dd7c56968f4239ceb4398f6f5bc23863!} {!LANG-07ba86021473b20a63ef07272dc683cc!}
{!LANG-84312f08f8108039482303c117ad2fbf!} {!LANG-a0b9e4b33af0f0c8c321c25d7173669a!} {!LANG-a0b9e4b33af0f0c8c321c25d7173669a!} Sell
{!LANG-eff18ed68e4f3b45e49363767a81b737!} {!LANG-e418732e3e9e86e1e8940393ecdfd8fd!} {!LANG-e418732e3e9e86e1e8940393ecdfd8fd!} {!LANG-76753dfd7338325d3513e918b5c79424!}
{!LANG-4db124fe03acf33f8d82b366f5d15466!} {!LANG-4db124fe03acf33f8d82b366f5d15466!} {!LANG-4db124fe03acf33f8d82b366f5d15466!} {!LANG-ab2538dd6a54483f4cc7cd909fb7a1b1!}
{!LANG-5d981bc877fe1d816cf1d252635e3ea9!} {!LANG-36b6f6cf71f48a14b03dc4459d2e63ce!} {!LANG-21ba309d7fc99e29ad974f7c8298aca0!} {!LANG-37264a6e0912f4a9f5fa1fa1f037b026!}
{!LANG-1216d260d1db330e0b8da6a97e4c16e1!} {!LANG-66048e17f4a223b096d5a726b1c516a0!} {!LANG-af73a58062ec0c129957ddba699bc0f7!} {!LANG-9acfa492bef8b402fbdb055ce7d03060!}
{!LANG-7e5e9ef18dc4ff0e9b1e53a60e9dcd60!} {!LANG-84afd8f1aff6d30a31f7cd0ef122d405!} {!LANG-bf755bb6a91c05215fd543c1e7a729dd!} {!LANG-7e010f2ad75ab3c7301e75044cf1d073!}
{!LANG-67ac9dec0320a05d71beb8351f0dc1a5!} {!LANG-7de0a883325450dc8f67cfd4c7ca4873!} {!LANG-b7d08d1c4897e18b54d99d310b07b9bb!} {!LANG-33d8bfc16103f9ce4795736fadc4ca85!}
{!LANG-f1f6b47f60c8ac9d2a041f0c7aed9550!} {!LANG-f1f6b47f60c8ac9d2a041f0c7aed9550!} {!LANG-f1f6b47f60c8ac9d2a041f0c7aed9550!} {!LANG-cc96d85a829635539c3c37ff9f3fbbbf!}
{!LANG-bced91b0df70ce3c33a6805733c06541!} {!LANG-6b50e8931d01b0b727d145a318d2b949!} {!LANG-6b50e8931d01b0b727d145a318d2b949!} {!LANG-45f11825be4199823b28a2bfcd71666c!}
{!LANG-e8a1fdbf44783b0bb12e3a7b29806535!} {!LANG-e8a1fdbf44783b0bb12e3a7b29806535!} {!LANG-e8a1fdbf44783b0bb12e3a7b29806535!} {!LANG-9404b9a6190fdaa98692feb6f12dd0cf!}
{!LANG-e56935300c58775d957fe53a5230958a!} {!LANG-f4ca24677e6aeac7c67cafd3195d86b8!} {!LANG-f4ca24677e6aeac7c67cafd3195d86b8!} {!LANG-582897257c42d32c80f3a1a0d5f8eb4d!}
{!LANG-ca67bfc601422d6d4411c15c23a47586!} {!LANG-26ac693fde7ff2df1fe628d01ac1d1c4!} {!LANG-26ac693fde7ff2df1fe628d01ac1d1c4!} {!LANG-ddfed469193074bb7e403a2906de495e!}
{!LANG-9416e310c1dea7d01ad754fcb79f12ee!} {!LANG-db172721a6e9f44c12f2afe6f212f1f8!} {!LANG-54e9baf742360848d0d23d83ac8f550d!} Show
{!LANG-cd6ced153c8a61751d8c27aa94bf3b47!} {!LANG-b68eb47b9a9b1012d2c97b1f777eb997!} {!LANG-463780782d6e5bfcb6c7b59eed57eac1!} {!LANG-dc764875d961359ec0520876df935cc1!}
{!LANG-d849aed7acb4d0e966ff6a3b7e1369d8!} {!LANG-d849aed7acb4d0e966ff6a3b7e1369d8!} {!LANG-d849aed7acb4d0e966ff6a3b7e1369d8!} Close
{!LANG-504eeebfa3465470b933d1bb24384064!} {!LANG-8340bb1711d62532d12ff25dc7569ed1!} {!LANG-2e1f9ecca14b3131fcd31d55116029c7!} Sing
{!LANG-3596ea19c9617e1c81b3d7b6d863e46a!} {!LANG-f51da7bc46690abdcba13a4ec3a02ecd!} {!LANG-3a06271d5bb0f63286a8afbd91d71716!} {!LANG-63e6897a9f7ee46d11bae141a70b1ba3!}
{!LANG-53f46c5d2b8befc025d17aa8930e564b!} {!LANG-da6e71273d039b32f5ce4317fcc502b0!} {!LANG-da6e71273d039b32f5ce4317fcc502b0!} Sit
{!LANG-36c7a1af7dfe82bed490773aa3f87a78!} {!LANG-942cd96182ca5a4a67a96bba4f14a4d4!} {!LANG-1e8de94a25ffc315d43ebc8c0bdfdd51!} {!LANG-6193cd4a9e9fe7cd8dfce4b12536fcd0!}
{!LANG-31c6a814aee74cd41cb9aed234d656a3!} {!LANG-49d7c6101a4345ce29f233dd4f7113de!} {!LANG-49d7c6101a4345ce29f233dd4f7113de!} Sleep
{!LANG-fb0d52b8e2eb3be84e3c24f6ca3f23f4!} {!LANG-f2074a69b77b3b3216b4e707306949b1!} {!LANG-f2074a69b77b3b3216b4e707306949b1!} {!LANG-8f9ff7f937c95a91612a41776656b2e3!}
{!LANG-1e441c8fb342df266062f8b4eb4138f3!} {!LANG-2d1974d884dcf46d2a9f17e230b788b1!} {!LANG-2d1974d884dcf46d2a9f17e230b788b1!} {!LANG-32d692eb01fa92f9f15fa26ee82e63d7!}
{!LANG-9125ea18619561021a440f92d1888990!} {!LANG-a999018d36e2afdc3b7989421845b659!} {!LANG-4ab3ceeb9b1a6bf8407cac5d6b55008e!}
{!LANG-8db47820219671b31dcabb02dbf3970f!} {!LANG-8db47820219671b31dcabb02dbf3970f!} {!LANG-8db47820219671b31dcabb02dbf3970f!} {!LANG-1c67ce452dcef24e4673c3b45d79d63b!}
{!LANG-4b9faaf8e8eac90ceec2cfd01a7838ca!} {!LANG-f5deb9da657aa6c698b2ebb50f1ab977!} {!LANG-f5deb9da657aa6c698b2ebb50f1ab977!} {!LANG-be6409216f47c821e3d0492aef525b10!}
{!LANG-d95b2af271b785facaccba2ed5bf2b94!} {!LANG-23e64f9550aae640ba1fa7a85f295e79!} {!LANG-598afba7d7eef1e709e74ecac4893ddc!} {!LANG-41b72f8028b3dcc4d1f48333587baf51!}
{!LANG-c0faac5504809894308311bb59f636e5!} {!LANG-a073f74ca9a15736c818caa48f5d9faf!} {!LANG-cdb5f5ec67cf82fe8b98ecc6c997f989!} {!LANG-b856489ec0da46eb2720eb2908bdba17!}
{!LANG-ab37b12fe9018ce94c3176abefca7888!} {!LANG-18e4b6f785f41dd0b6604988a39e39f7!} {!LANG-7536621c33049e0c68fb7c1f09039a9e!} Speak
{!LANG-90a90d5530efc3cc50f7e9c2863b9dc8!} {!LANG-1c7285a44b7cd480727d1df26d35b106!} {!LANG-1c7285a44b7cd480727d1df26d35b106!} {!LANG-8edcd6247a0b69080ea6845bf9ab84de!}
{!LANG-152c9086c7f5d672781cadca547e6f15!} {!LANG-ba7a09f30b409ecddb55fae76f9bbbad!} {!LANG-ba7a09f30b409ecddb55fae76f9bbbad!} {!LANG-cff18e7e30d262f3dde17bc22ecec6fa!}
{!LANG-c0aea14d145b9c359ad66b10edff9250!} {!LANG-5435b7f29dbc864f29921c108311e332!} {!LANG-5435b7f29dbc864f29921c108311e332!} {!LANG-9c1043c8f55ede1ecfb541c4400d192a!}
{!LANG-59264e2a91b39824be5dc02a8fad9f2e!} {!LANG-643748db2c7ab35a0ee9c97a7e2c3f7f!} {!LANG-643748db2c7ab35a0ee9c97a7e2c3f7f!} {!LANG-586ae77eca149fa74b3af75c816a6b4f!}
{!LANG-7424525b5b670839d19d61554042322a!} {!LANG-e694449226a9518898d4cb109c03faed!} {!LANG-e694449226a9518898d4cb109c03faed!} {!LANG-0b91322fdd8c62db7b3ed9aeb46d7f91!}
{!LANG-8c1e7a3cc2bb21ebc8f97045eff90009!} {!LANG-fad334a7bbc703116e5831de3a17da5e!} {!LANG-fad334a7bbc703116e5831de3a17da5e!} {!LANG-e167fb9a9a44cf8a366df5babfc31edd!}
{!LANG-3a4d1570460dbf8703286061947ce5cb!} {!LANG-3a4d1570460dbf8703286061947ce5cb!} {!LANG-3a4d1570460dbf8703286061947ce5cb!} {!LANG-4f3c531cff584848ac4688e240c36218!}
{!LANG-51a506297ede9579107516cd3b2b94c5!} {!LANG-d9b7ab1a8da34bff0bb1c3bd435da569!} {!LANG-d9b7ab1a8da34bff0bb1c3bd435da569!} {!LANG-6a62c0bbe5fed0843d624ca44f7103e5!}
{!LANG-c796f4d5e3e1d58217f18d23f10dfff0!} {!LANG-c796f4d5e3e1d58217f18d23f10dfff0!} {!LANG-c796f4d5e3e1d58217f18d23f10dfff0!} {!LANG-2c36498110fed9d69e612397af44a87e!}
{!LANG-94e9310985502796a9970e8194717f89!} {!LANG-27f4711c422c9a17d32172ef10a82a17!} {!LANG-9759da8a32b46b9987f1a5e010cb14c5!} {!LANG-399feb05a7e1e337535951860a43079e!}
{!LANG-a9e660627c3228ff42530408e4f98e2d!} {!LANG-b719b740667bb30a7801edeb92acea80!} {!LANG-b719b740667bb30a7801edeb92acea80!} To stand
{!LANG-414e9ec5a30b6e7fdb467609a5ea47eb!} {!LANG-6446490ecaf30aadb2e567c0cbe3b3fe!} {!LANG-fde9651c9dfb5e96f3bde50d5a3cf0f3!} Steal
{!LANG-23f8b69cd526007eee26968f405153b1!} {!LANG-e0c951c73cafb2b95b3c16bcb75a3eed!} {!LANG-e0c951c73cafb2b95b3c16bcb75a3eed!} {!LANG-90514f42abdec1700a113ae171be6c51!}
{!LANG-91ad07f7b67851dd395f08a58c666851!} {!LANG-4cf6287d83c489e16bbae6273801e461!} {!LANG-4cf6287d83c489e16bbae6273801e461!} {!LANG-c0dad96ae1cbed9c81525bfeb0a13ac2!}
{!LANG-380696b71f5698a134094aff6e3755e6!} {!LANG-b792327c337b70480f744d633e8f3fd6!} {!LANG-bb1cda5899c9c87891d3ba8688c54c58!} {!LANG-4925d87f156a87243397e526c54f88dc!}
{!LANG-d7dc55f19a107971057e9253b8ce1a16!} {!LANG-68e7b025d47b07bbf35344f37ee8783a!} {!LANG-5691922a91b42e5f8a58bf6d48aff06e!} {!LANG-72b1994ed0ccfb5a4cc198c1e4ab52c7!}
{!LANG-c302ecb6c4f4b4fa2218cbb530a27b48!} {!LANG-b68baab0b406b200b800c50f58dfd640!} {!LANG-f23a023fc07caa025b6486f573eb1ed5!} {!LANG-a9542a82f0d8a3f783c049be44381cb9!}
{!LANG-5248054df6c63fec53312c141f301e24!} {!LANG-96a8c5a80890c160ffebc918cd02a202!} {!LANG-58d4fb805a15c539f102a5b02904f227!} {!LANG-ccd2ea4b8182aa30fec94d929865a1c9!}
{!LANG-6fe612207c72d92a2b25eada24ff0016!} {!LANG-11084d3c9109ef146b2453fc081ef6c2!} {!LANG-11084d3c9109ef146b2453fc081ef6c2!} {!LANG-e9d4af481eff443953a45e9ed6756316!}
{!LANG-9b9f7d0178952064a9b8bb944a2628c3!} {!LANG-3883f98f4539304b243a2156a5e77395!} {!LANG-ae9df12ae0282968f866ae2e03b2a299!}
{!LANG-05acd3c0ced23602e8662e5f9c8b5a0e!} {!LANG-8ba5dbf59b023b90f0d8107f3a0f5353!} {!LANG-ebc3aabc401e3295e6c59cd2fba4d241!} {!LANG-6122fe633c445dd93590f734b61d8fce!}
{!LANG-28f6751f32710772ab022b14be1c178c!} {!LANG-373c8671be6cf3fa27421d8701d7c81d!} {!LANG-c32bd9f07db50e604ce4278078310930!}
{!LANG-484b65224c6b340fae96ec2e55f98a57!} {!LANG-df2560a88b272a013648e43a728cd888!} {!LANG-df2560a88b272a013648e43a728cd888!} {!LANG-981fc61fb00479d9f43eb8400425d932!}
{!LANG-66c8cc60e3db282889f5e853e1c9a5dd!} {!LANG-30cd91e8cb9e1ba7586a5a6e4f23261b!} {!LANG-db0a361bf084ee28d6c788c73554f289!} {!LANG-4e6a8667bb1ee0d19467c50d42d51a53!}
{!LANG-ec2d19c93ebaa146fb62a096ffaa70fb!} {!LANG-88fba63feba7257a3fcec049a973a365!} {!LANG-f947c1249732844859b4b8a9f98d9705!} To swim
{!LANG-61b1a1004b9fdc85e2e5cc6a65c1ae10!} {!LANG-1464ff02bacf49bca8cbeed4c5c86d40!} {!LANG-1464ff02bacf49bca8cbeed4c5c86d40!} {!LANG-790570f560907d5029276407bb9eecd0!}
{!LANG-dfdd13168078ea9f21faf147efb1c0e0!} {!LANG-d489058a0217082409a017fd69738459!} {!LANG-e133b5a425642440194ce468eaae0bdf!} {!LANG-ac63100723be2c0278ccca37108b07a0!}
{!LANG-eb0a69d03fd176f8d7b9fc198eab1541!} {!LANG-f18cb408b588e65b4a57b5ddf6bf9748!} {!LANG-f18cb408b588e65b4a57b5ddf6bf9748!} Learn
{!LANG-b17bdbf9f363e8a774a991abecad8fe4!} {!LANG-f3fdda2ac2e83871b850f844cda20b25!} {!LANG-cddcb72eb3ccf65c26522f9b7d5fd87f!} {!LANG-9e5a7373d75a7f5b4fed038103c102b9!}
{!LANG-4239c88323b97b59425cce8c8b842e6b!} {!LANG-901ae5f9d9c964786f6f4a29b21687b9!} {!LANG-901ae5f9d9c964786f6f4a29b21687b9!} Narrate
{!LANG-871be15df7c4b4e4a0bfa3cf4430a361!} {!LANG-2a7c1ed98af0a0fca2708d718b162d76!} {!LANG-2a7c1ed98af0a0fca2708d718b162d76!} {!LANG-ed50ed0233e5700ca9df97aeeca97245!}
{!LANG-52415926f481ad1e2a13c4fd10495c1c!} {!LANG-ce7f52e687b6b9b8217c1c8f069d80fd!} {!LANG-6571c646424d6b04eabaa50a5ef9ded7!} Throw
{!LANG-f67d034af0f8dc59aebbda9f2f0dea49!} {!LANG-f67d034af0f8dc59aebbda9f2f0dea49!} {!LANG-f67d034af0f8dc59aebbda9f2f0dea49!} {!LANG-9348f38f53f889ec6a7bea857f479852!}
{!LANG-a960c32617c744291121fa04e3ab9753!} {!LANG-44ac0593ef1f8b5d1832a5085638b29c!} {!LANG-6601261471fcd945c88b6a93439808fb!} {!LANG-bee32345d970d5068a0200d7aea262a5!}
{!LANG-c794116e737c5b75cbd81f63a53af1ca!} {!LANG-20c8981b8f58a71ee624c392f6a39d98!} {!LANG-3d7b2586d6ddc9cab6724d626cd8c72d!} {!LANG-a646c4a6029181ea263cc71b3e47330e!}
{!LANG-06380a7889f56f939eb16e3043d38025!} {!LANG-64b8e62de5ce9a6f61328cd3c37897b7!} {!LANG-64b8e62de5ce9a6f61328cd3c37897b7!} {!LANG-3cd6de08bb01458aa0b7597eb5d4965f!}
{!LANG-9707e8a4dccefde3c6debc99a8e26fef!} {!LANG-7b797412838498ee0043421a56049b16!} {!LANG-4339b7423869acef790ce6b3bc36504e!} {!LANG-ad863b7cea896b082a732b405804c6a5!}
{!LANG-fa37337df080833db45933232fd2b66c!} {!LANG-306f1a54b13b22ad9d42bce6888335a6!} {!LANG-70d831348e508aa018885fbe6ddf614b!} {!LANG-4563dd9c63640f50505791a22cf97cff!}
{!LANG-3369739531fe74ac41cd53145c5ae044!} {!LANG-3369739531fe74ac41cd53145c5ae044!} {!LANG-3369739531fe74ac41cd53145c5ae044!} {!LANG-708ca1997971aa0f49048b93bd296269!}
{!LANG-f01cca237680af64fcd4d954eb3d1843!} {!LANG-855e748b4398c72e9d26154016bcc05a!} {!LANG-478d5d50760260d7f52a9dd876645a04!} {!LANG-b36944736438dc958b37d67e2e9b1fc1!}
{!LANG-ecf284d169b3541da6f04c3334d296d6!} {!LANG-8ed05950aaafffc311451bcb75b71a62!} {!LANG-aedb50d8bd33f88ea0bb5cec5e9a59c3!} {!LANG-d1e57fe0c315cc36a9ba452ec5e972ef!}
{!LANG-219ddd53c259c410ee18349620f789d7!} {!LANG-a6beefa167378fb763528a4a080e1337!} {!LANG-a6beefa167378fb763528a4a080e1337!} {!LANG-560239d95a9e8f05c183ffba1964d1bd!}
{!LANG-2264c200cb598fe4fe601c01f6f0c6bb!} {!LANG-59d35d1971c0378801dfa478ab435b95!} {!LANG-59d35d1971c0378801dfa478ab435b95!} {!LANG-fcf15c0c907de22628afe6b991ac6010!}
{!LANG-5694d3763dee4a729fec13b737b46db1!} {!LANG-9608a6200dbfee9f5ae08164bf4f0b23!} {!LANG-9608a6200dbfee9f5ae08164bf4f0b23!} {!LANG-6297c4bbed9731bd70ca398fecc310ae!}
{!LANG-17780600e8cf5e7092de79a814f04320!} {!LANG-17780600e8cf5e7092de79a814f04320!} {!LANG-17780600e8cf5e7092de79a814f04320!} {!LANG-310fb2ebc5c4048c661b717dc04acbc7!}
{!LANG-886ba2b0254168c1c1dbb3de578814b6!} {!LANG-3feee891b7d86675c847d230ccf0159a!} {!LANG-3feee891b7d86675c847d230ccf0159a!} {!LANG-595e87ba3efec3d4d107dd8706067566!}
{!LANG-1e880532a256453c117e1229be713d71!} {!LANG-405150db5b6a4d13f7a39913381f8788!} {!LANG-405150db5b6a4d13f7a39913381f8788!} {!LANG-cf7ba1f35fcce8f05bcc4ce94551b27a!}
{!LANG-3b4935dca720ca3a071181c0404f61a0!} {!LANG-db15d72da1ee3d5eced6398f1a0a4ce7!} {!LANG-b0f7963b61bae4ab9bec316833d2374c!} {!LANG-b8a207ddf5e1b78b77a0adf421f4100b!}
{!LANG-00eae807e59274f990a14f3a76894b7e!} {!LANG-c230303c8d9a37d79ddeb8fb60a0e2e0!} {!LANG-c230303c8d9a37d79ddeb8fb60a0e2e0!} {!LANG-c3dcf478aff410453374e37e4586c1b4!}
{!LANG-2ce95932351a7e5a5f8be380702e4e69!} {!LANG-57d7c343728486a1acccbc77db3a8ce7!} {!LANG-57d7c343728486a1acccbc77db3a8ce7!} {!LANG-af6bc6627874a437b353e68d69e495c7!}
{!LANG-a4eac3a6f82f414133f8ce28dfc615bb!} {!LANG-876dc46db81fc6ccdb7ec71c1fd01eb2!} {!LANG-876dc46db81fc6ccdb7ec71c1fd01eb2!} {!LANG-b758183a337d6546558a485bb7287f90!}
{!LANG-bb0272db87f0b0956213292c0906760c!} {!LANG-6d11c7429f86f63dd79c05fc3104d11c!} {!LANG-76649fc8c5f662ffb1b7bb4abe6860c3!} Write









{!LANG-fda6b43151430ee4429d28e4befe9d79!} {!LANG-8c1d89fffe96c9b579a0107da70a4d87!}{!LANG-df071782ce4cff9db74c58231be95e22!} {!LANG-f5f1dfc3ede0dc6573baccb76f7aa880!}
{!LANG-68d2adb4e28934a0d79f7ea4f47647ac!} became.{!LANG-7a9544b3357ca5139466d9c8eaf8ece7!} {!LANG-efe5c9cf78bf9a1841cd91be82eb9f47!}
{!LANG-a6b3b81d6ebe9f5bcf379138adb0eac5!} {!LANG-6a31452a4e5b4499ce89d3d2cf862547!}{!LANG-a16caaaea3586b23769161bcf3819e90!} {!LANG-1820e058e79365335b2ed4cc0bb2e412!}
{!LANG-999ac27366a2345199698903a71ca5d3!} hAD.{!LANG-eaf1d71e17a8d1efd6fb787757b5b9c9!} {!LANG-4e443b19c76ca8002ed70ef4e11f938d!}
{!LANG-62cbeb7fbacf0537820bb320d5a77cd0!} {!LANG-d285e676f4a29aae50177a2629c56bfc!}{!LANG-b49720cead014adc3c64c7683494427f!} {!LANG-c24af92b06624b39a9913a254826fa1f!}
{!LANG-1f98474d499d62f37c64b06699fc9fc1!} {!LANG-f906206d6ae2fbaa9c364a3b3791c408!}{!LANG-51eaabd233532c25db1365d810cc24d6!} {!LANG-3019a0d422546194c409cd944a3b7f86!}
{!LANG-3534343f1cc4a496ea0296aae7c16418!} got.{!LANG-282d5116ee591ef6d6a043e2aefe775b!} {!LANG-d9cfd4d2e2f0cdfcdba9f23e48b170e6!}
{!LANG-cc51abe77c9fe73aa0b4e9fe07489758!} {!LANG-5e1e82547743215d39d821d56af98d37!}{!LANG-e09d0c96cbeb275216dae4ce6be295c2!} {!LANG-74c36877852e9fc811285b061deb0ce1!}
{!LANG-62b1317e34a6fd9c5d2e2eb2bb158d77!} {!LANG-1f5483b44c24d7cc6d663ddc4b122647!}{!LANG-7c668024291294f5047a460f4b5842d8!} {!LANG-9e7e7111a87621446c8e1c7b831e86c5!}
{!LANG-e5169382486bc6d2f85f114452f10366!} made{!LANG-49190c1ca862f4b8bf94755037f66c81!} {!LANG-06b24a339cafcb32261ae30c4ab0437b!}
{!LANG-b12eb7539a94ba43a0c8da2d9c3ab181!} {!LANG-858837498283044e83d37475592490bd!}{!LANG-061aee0d9237de0c615654abac9a37c5!} {!LANG-cd0435f2032c2b82b15e90c777c73091!}
{!LANG-80b302e16f331a79fa6c389d24c7db8c!} {!LANG-92e9e866dc16d1d6258aa980a9350717!}{!LANG-2c51ed2488db60a754395a96d530febc!} {!LANG-2f111c018ace8b8a84261ddae12d8956!}
{!LANG-19936b34b8857512650f90b80b7e53c2!} {!LANG-73782cdbb294d1c4e05aaf1afbd909b4!}{!LANG-d255ae71fd50e5a1a7b206ace1c83000!} {!LANG-d8710692350549f9a5e583e705be63d0!}
{!LANG-0197ece9618d3bf72ce07271db38f865!} ridden.{!LANG-648009a5dcf30c12d7a4e5c2de1318ff!} {!LANG-10ccf589209e0a1b198916495d93c628!}
{!LANG-c5fbe7e5448223ea2823d57c28986c80!} understood.. {!LANG-989576de51c077b25382a80f8f6b1725!}
{!LANG-d0b5b258eee69996e56ebe3ac3d16737!} bitten.{!LANG-72b0feed76951050cd306169f32ff059!} {!LANG-237d0f6068d282d3ca73ee0c8e8b0f76!}
{!LANG-54d4256d6a35108be04a47516c722911!} {!LANG-3b002f86d83e3a588cb4117e67187d46!}{!LANG-04779488087d94ae42c21c1af28bddee!} {!LANG-3e754dc4739b7fc8166f9cb9c4ce3648!}
{!LANG-4a3ef50e915a70e07b4bb82624402148!} forgotten.{!LANG-107fdea9d20a10bb6903e69cb480320e!} {!LANG-e4829429fb298f86fcd067a6f7c2dd28!}
{!LANG-aa1d20cdef7d6b66d414a8d511aeb95b!} hidden.{!LANG-d37bb433f50603638d39ca5e02d3a836!} {!LANG-76efffc27ce39d8cdafb625c7d8b0696!}
{!LANG-ff9744b7c2f6d994dc6943ceab733230!} {!LANG-83effa8bc242a68c5722f535cb1783a6!}{!LANG-c5895f7fe9b437f63d4a26ba80614c3d!} {!LANG-b3c3db90b4716ad1d945d082c1983fd4!}