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Using prepositions in English

For that I love English prepositions, it is for the possibility of using one such little word to completely change the meaning of the main word. It was "Watch" ( look AT.), and became:

. "Search" ( look For)
. "to have an opinion" ( look Upon.)
. "Take care" ( look after.)
. "Forgive" ( look Over)
. "Follow" ( look To.).

Juggling by English predictors is the highest pilot. If you learn this art, then enrich your vocabulary and cause your speech of the buzz of approval.

Many learning English belongs to pretexts with some arrogance, believing that this is a student to repeat the English alphabet overnight. Underestimate. And in vain. Yes, the prepositions are considered officials, do not respond to any questions, but it allows different meanings from the same verb, formulates (yes, those most that are in Russian) and make other interesting things. The problem is only one: a lot of premisors in English. But this does not mean that you need right here and now learn them all. It is enough just to know the main, as well as understand the division by groups.

We will not spend time on the fact that prepositions are simple single-strokes, multi-size, consisting of several words, bla-blah blah. We will turn right away to business and provide not only the table of predictions in English, but also visual examples in pictures. We will also consider the use of predictions on the examples.

1. Prepositions of places and directions (spatial)

2. Temporary prepositions

Consider the most basic: about, after, at, during, for, in, on, till, within.

about about (approximately approximately) IT's about 6 p.m. (Now about 6 pm)
after after Summer Comes After Spring. (Summer comes after spring)
aT. in Let's MEET AT 10 A.M. (Meet at 10 am)
during during She Was Sleeping During The Whole Lesson. (She slept throughout the lesson)
for during He laughed for 5 minutes. (He laughed 5 minutes)
iN. through I'll be home in 10 minutes. (I will be at home in 10 minutes)
oN. by I Usually Go Shopping On Fridays. (I usually go shopping on Fridays)
tILL before I WONT GO SHOPPING TILL SUNDAY. (I will not go shopping until Sunday)
within. for, for You must do it within a month. (You must do it for the month)

3. Prepositions of causals

because Of. - because;
oN Account Of.
- due to due to;
thanks To. - thanks to;
in Accordance With. - According to, in accordance with.

As you can see, the same pretext may be in different groups (for example, in or ones are temporary and spatial). Moreover, if you open any dictionary (well, at least the same Yandex) and select any pretext, you will be surprised by the number of values. Suppose the most commonly used English preposition to.may have 13 values \u200b\u200b(do not be lazy, look).

Let's talk a little about the nuances before you offer you to go to the battle section "Tests", where you are waiting for the first linguistic tests for the knowledge of prepositions.


Yes, yes, it is to serve or even read. When you met the main pretexts, try ourselves in the role of Eminem, Timati or any rapper that you like. Lack of ideas for text? Mixed offends! Know little yes remote prepositions are very cool. Make sure that by watching the video and feeling an upward rap star.

English prepositions and Russian cases.
Remember the second class.

PEITIVE CHAIR (Who? What?) - Preposition Of.

Conductive case (who? What?) - Preposition to.
Give IT to Me.

Accusative case (whom? What?) - without an excuse
Give ME A PEN.

Certificate case (who? What?) - Prepiction with.
She Was Cutting The Letter with Scissors.

The proposed case (about whom? What about?) - Preposition about

Place of the pretext in the proposal

Every pretext Know your place!

In general, the pretext is supposed to put in front of nouns or pronoun (if the noun has an article or definition, it is impossible to break)

Put The Book ON Their Table.
Give IT to Me.
The Shop Is Behind Green House.
You must do it with in two monhs.

In question deals (which begin with what, where, etc.), the pretext is put at the end:

What City Do You Live In?
Who Are You Waiting For?

The remaining cases are associated with the use of prepositions in the apparent proposals, passive structures. All this will be relevant to study in the "Syntax" section.

It is very useful to teach the signs where the preposition has already processed with certain nouns. It is useful in everyday communication.

by By Mistake.
By Accident
By Chance.
By The Way.
Day by Day.
Step by Step.
by mistake
By the way
by bus / train / car
day after day
step by step
for For a Walk / Dance / DRINK / SWIM
go for a walk / dance / drink / swim
For breakfast / lunch
iN. In Fact.
In Case.
In future.
In love
In Time.
in future
in love
in the morning / evening / day
on TV
on vacation / trip
on foot
aT. AT Home / Work
At night
houses / at work
at night

By the way, about the last three pretexts. They walked a special place under the sun and formed their Castow - prepositions of the place. Why you need to collect a dossier at no less than the counterintelligence agent will tell and prove a specially dedicated to them.

Simply valuable advice: Since it is impossible to learn all the pretexts at the first time of study (and it is not necessary) when you write another new verb out of the dictionary, mark yourself at least 2 options with different pretexts.

For example:

Put. - Put
Put ON. - Make a bet on (smb., whatever)
Put Across. - deceive

When it goes into a habit, you are one day with pleasure, find that the use of the verb goes to workshops: in different values \u200b\u200bin terms of the situation. It will decorate your speech and save from all sorts of pauses and "MMM", "EEE", "AAA". In the meantime, the problem exists, then it is necessary to solve it, starting with the passage of the thematic test about the pretexts.

Did the heads on the shelves in the head? Even in the sun there are stains, therefore we offer once again (which is not at all) to walk along the prepositions, looking at the video tutorial on the topic. After viewing and for several years of practice, you can safely assign yourself the honorary title of "Guru".

Look at this video to get a basic idea of \u200b\u200barticle articles in English before reading the article.

Why do you need artikli in English?

Do you know that Article is part of the speech, which is not in Russian?

We change the emphasis and order of words to give the phrase shade, and in English is strictly fixed.

See how the meaning of the phrase changes:

  • I like the car.
  • I like the car.

Feel the catch? In the first case, it is not clear what car is we talking about, and in the second we are talking about a particular machine.

In English, you can not change words in some places, so in order to give the desired shade of the phrase, articles are used A., AN. and Their

Arctic rules

The concept of article in English grammar is associated with the category of certainty. Simplified, the rule of articles sounds like this:


If we talk about an unknown subject, then an indefinite article A. / AN.. If we are talking about something defined, then in front of it is an article Their.

Task: What artity should be used in the following examples?

We bought the car.

We bought a car that you saw yesterday.

Click on the shooters to get the answer.


Article Their happened OT. THIS (this) - You can specify with your finger.
A. / AN. happened OT. One. (one).

That's why Artictle A / AN. It is used only in the singular!

In simplified form, the grammatical rules of articles can be represented as:

Noun in multiple number?
Nouns calculated?
Have you heard about him? (indefinite or defined article)
Is it about something common?

What is the difference in articles a and an?

Indefinite article A / AN.(which occurred from one) We put only before in the singular!

So what is the difference between A. and AN.?

Article A. put in front of words that begin with consonant sounds (a c.aT, A. h.oUSE, A. y.ard), and AN. - In front of the words that begin with vowels (AN a.pple, An. h.oUR).

May this picture pop up before your eyes when you choose me a. and aN..

When do we use an uncertain article?

1. When we classify the subject, refer it to a specific group of items.

  • A COW IS AN ANIMAL. - Cow is an animal.
  • An Apple Is A Fruit. - Apple - fruit.

2. When we characterize the subject.

  • My Mother IS A Nurse. - My mother is a nurse.
  • HE IS AN IDIOT! - He is idiot!

The English language is special, and although he has imagined words and rules from different languages \u200b\u200b(several German lawlessness, language of francs, Romans and Celts), it turned out in many respects that do not look like its sources.

Its most important difference from the progenitors was almost a complete absence of cases (with the exception of the attractive and object), but it is incomprehensible compensated by the controlled order of words, various shapes of pronoun and pretexts.

Today we will consider performing various functions, among them and pAID functionwhich we observe when transferring some proposals. Examples:

THE TRADITIONS OF LOCAL PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT - traditions of local people are completely different

This is a car of my girlfriend - This is the car of my girl


When transferring to Russian in all these cases, the pretext disappears.

It should be noted that often the use of structures with the pretext of of, when we are dealing with objects belonging, simplifies with a drawing case:

A CAR OF MY GIRLFRIEND - My Girlfriend's Car (Machine of my girl).

A DEN OF A BEAR (Berlog Bear) - a Bear's Den (Bear Den).

In some cases, such pairs are equally translated, and sometimes there are some nuances.

Interesting use of the pretext of from drawn pronsections in absolute form. Examples:

My Friend - A Friend of Mine (translated equally - "My friend")

HER DRESS - A Dress Of Hers (her dress)

OUR DOG - A DOG OF OURS (our dog)

Also, the preposition of in English finds use as a selection of one or more people, items or phenomena from the group, cluster, and only begins.

A Jar of Water (water jug). Three of Horses. (Three of the horses). One of My Friends(one of my friends).

It is interesting to use the pretext of of when it denotes which material is made which is the item. In this case, there is a certain substance in mind, and in some cases it is necessary to be very attentive and use the exclusion from:

The Sculptures on the Beach Were Made Of Sand. Sculptures on the beach were made of sand (substance).

The House IS Made Of Brick. The house is made of bricks (substance). The House Was Constructed From 50 0000 Bricks. The house was built of 50,000 bricks (bricks as separate items).

THE STABLE WAS MADE OF WOOD. The stable was built of wood. (substance). The Stable Was Constructed From Logs (The stable was built from separate wooden logs).

Suggestions with the pretext of the English language are sometimes translated at all without the pretext, often it is replaced by the pretext of.

Sometimes the pretext of is used in such a way that in one sentence, it is used more officially, and in the second - its absence may sound neutral.

Let me invite you to a tour of London. Let US Invite You to See Around The City Of London.

Let's go to London. Let's Go to London.

And now we turn to the filling of the table to secure the material. It should be added to it, and at the same time, take the dictionary and translate the examples given.

Prepositions in English are a service part of speech. They reflect temporary, spatial, causal or other types of relationships between two meaningful words. In Russian, the order of words and prepositions use the order of words and prepositions for these purposes. It is necessary to study the rules for the use of prepositions in English to competently compile proposals.

All English prepositions can be divided into:

  • Simple or simple;
  • Compound or complex;
  • DERIVED or production;
  • Composite or composite.

The simple form has an overwhelming number of prepositions. These include, for example, Against (against, with, on, to, under), the preposition in (in, for, by, on, at), about, about, about, about, about, about).

Compound includes several components. These include WHEREUPON (after which, as a result), within (in, inside).

Derived origin from words other parts of speech. These include, for example, concerning (about, software).

Composite uses in the formation of phrases. They consist of a word from a different part of speech and one or two prepositions. These include, for example, because of (due to, due to), with regard to (in relation to). Any element from the composite pretext cannot be reduced or expanded - this is a single unit. Composite value is directly dependent on a significant word included in its composition.

Adcharations and prepositions in English

Some English prepositions on writing coincide with adverbs. You can distinguish them from each other only by the role they play in the design. Adcharations carry their own meaning and in some cases the verb is determined. In addition, there is a logical emphasis on adverbs. Prepositions only reflect the relationship between meaningful parts of speech.

In order to better understand the difference, an example should be considered:

The Guests Were Led Above. - Guests left. In this case, ABOVE - adverb, because it has its own meaning and answers the question "Where?".

There Is Only Clear Sky Above Me. - You only need a clean sky. In this case, ABOVE is used as an excuse, as it expresses spatial relations between 2 words.

Grammar meanings

As mentioned above, in English instead of cases, prepositions are used. In this case, they are not transferred, and the noun to which the pretext relates is set in the necessary case.

Preposition Of. - Corresponds to the parent paege ("Who? What?"). For example, This Is The Hat Of Mr. Brown. - This is Mr. Brown's hat.

Preposition to. - Corresponds to a dutiful case ("Who?"). For example, you Should Give Such a DiffiCult Task to a more Experienced Specialist. - You must give such a difficult task to a more experienced specialist.

Preposition by. answers questions "Who? than?". This is an agent cleaner case. Nouns that are used in conjunction with this pretext are used to describe the existing person or force that performs actions. For example, this book is Written by a Famous Journalist. - This book is written by a famous journalist.

Preposition with answers the question "what?". This is instrumental hardware. The noun, together with which this pretext, is applied, characterizes the action tool. For example, Such Toys Are Cut With A Knife. - Such toys are cut with a knife.

ABOUT pretext - Corresponds to the proposed case ("O Com? What about?"). For example, Anna Likes Stories About Spies. - Anna like stories about spies.

The semantic value of the prediction

Some English prepositions have a slight value, they include the preposition in, to, at. And others, on the contrary, only one, for example, TILL, AMONG.

However, the same verbs in combination with different pretexts have different meanings. For example, take the pretext front of the verbs in English: to look for - "Search" and To Look After - "look."

Prepositions can have the following values \u200b\u200bpresented in the table below:

Consumable values Design in English Transfer
The ratio of isolation to Tell Something From Something distinguish anything from anything
Value of action iN A POSITIVE WAY Optimistic
The attitude of similarity You are about like me. You look like me.
Goal I DID It Just for Entertainment. I did it just for entertainment.
The value of relativity He is Very Smart for a kid. He is very smart for a child.
Temporary relations after Sunrise. after dawn
Relationship relationship to Take Part in the Contest to take part in the competition
Causes of relations dISLIKE Someone for Being A Coward do not love someone because of his cowardice
Attitude to the field of activity But i Sing Terrible !! But I sing terribly!
Spatial relations, including the significance of movement up the Stream upstream
Object ratio (on what action is directed) shout At Somebody. yell at someone
The value of the concession in Spite of Bad Weather despite bad weather
Origin, Material A Table Made of Glass. Table of glass.
Relationships that appropriate an efficient case in Russian. Nouns with pretext by Us used to describe the acting person or power, with the pretext of WITH - action tool Such Kind of Painting Must Be Executed with A Thin Brush.

This Project Was Developed by One Of Our Managers.

This type of paintings is performed by a thin brush.

This project was developed by one of our managers.

Value of belonging or part of something a Decline in Sales reduced sales
Definition value people Under Threat people under threat

Where in the sentence should be a pretext

As a rule, the pretext, which expresses relations between 2 words, stands between them.

For example: HE Plans to Return in October. - He plans to return in October.

If there is one or more adjectives, the pretext is put in front of them. This is the main rule of how adjectives are used with pretexts:

For example: SHE IS SITTING UNDER A BIG OLD Apple Tree. - She sits under the old big apple tree.

However, in this rule there are exceptions:

  • Special issues when the pretext is at the end of the sentence. For example, WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO SEND IT TO? - Who should I send it? But the pretext of some want to bet before the question word. This is necessary to give the design of more official sound. For example, to send it? - Who should I send it? And the one and the other option is compiled correctly.
  • In the apparent offers with pretexts and in suggestions that begin with relative and allied pronouns. For example, What i'm Really Surprised About Is This Nasty Weather. - What I'm really surprised is this terrible weather.
  • In passive structures. For example, This Problem Must Be Taken Care Of. - This problem needs to be solved.
  • In exclamation deals. For example, What a terrible Thing to Brag About! - What a terrible thing to brag!
  • In some structures with geridium or infinitive. For example, He is Impossible to Work with. - It is impossible to work with him. IT's A TOO Noisy Place to Live in. - This is too noisy place to live here.

The prepositions in English are pretty simple to memorize, and the rules of use are understandable to everyone.

Common prepositions and how they are used

Below we will look at the most common prepositions and what value should they use them.

The first value of the pretext is a place. For example, Jack IS AT SCHOOL NOW. - Jack now at school.

AT preposition used in English may have time value. For example, We Will Be Back AT 5 p.m. - We will return at 5 pm.

The ON pretext can be used to designate the place. For example, I Love Fresh Snow on the Ground. - I love fresh snow on Earth.

Used to designate time. For example, They Forecast Sunny Weather On Tuesday. - On Tuesday promise sunny weather.

And also for ON in English will be applied to designate the scope of activity. For example, After A Short Speech On Modern Ecology Problems Mr. Litz Answered Sevel Questions. - After a short speech on the subject of the problems of modern ecology, Mr. Litz responded a few questions.

Refers to the group "Prepositions of Places". For example, I SAW THE REMOTE IN MY ROOM. - I saw the remote from the TV in my room.

Also, the pretext can mean a geographical position, but unlike at AT, which means the point on the map, in English is used when they talk about a big area with houses and streets.

For comparison:

WE HAD A CHANGE OF PLANE AT BUDAPEST ON OUR WAY TO ROMA. - On the way to Rome we had a transplant in Budapest.

Pete Lives in New York. - Pete lives in New York.

These prepositions in English are appropriate to be used to designate time. It is worth noting that in means a few long time period. For example, Gorky Park is so beautiful in October. - Gorky Park is so beautiful in October. It is also worth holding a parallel with AT, indicating a specific point in time. For example, We Leave AT 6 O'Clock. - We go to 6 hours.

The use of this pretext is advisable when you need to designate the topic of the conversation. For example, I Would Like to Tell You about the Harm of Smoking. - I would like to tell you about the dangers of smoking.

And also to designate a direction or place where you should move. For example: Walk ABOUT THE SQUARE AND MEET ME IN 10 MINUTS. - Go around the area and meet me in 10 minutes.

If you give an approximate estimate, this pretext is also used. For example, IT MUST BE ABOUT 2 O'Clock. Now it should be about 2 hours.

This pretext transmits the value "above or over". For example, Our Neighbor Above IS SO Loud. - Our neighbor is so loud neighbor.

The second value is "more than and over." For example, ABOVE 2000 Visitors Took Part in the Expo. - More than 2,000 visitors took part in the exhibition.

This pretext is opposite to ABOVE and means "below, under". For example, I Love Flying On Airplanes and Seeing Only Clouds Below Me. - I love to fly on airplanes and see only the clouds.

The pretext is used when they talk about time in the value "after". For example, After We Finish Packing The Furniture It Must Be Loaded on The Truck. - After we finish packaging furniture, it will need to be immersed on the truck.

And also belongs to the group "Prepositions of Place" and is used in the meaning of "for anything or anyone". For example, DON'T RUN, THE DOGS WILL RUN AFTER US. - Do not run, otherwise dogs will run after us.

The pretext is an attire antonym and serves to designate time in English in the value "before, to", for example, you must Tell Me A Tale Before I Go to Sleep. - Before I go to sleep, you have to tell me a fairy tale. And also to designate a place in the meaning "before", for example, You Keep Stopping Before Each Shop Window. - Always you stop before each showcase.

The pretext that corresponds to the active strength or face. In other words, he plays the role of an agent certificate case in Russian. For example, This Violin Was Made By A Famous Master. - This violin was made by a famous master.

It may mean the deadline for which a certain action must be performed. For example, The Plane Will Land by Midnight. - The plane will land until midnight.

The pretext is also used when they talk about the method or means of making any work. For example, I'Ve Started My Business by Selling Oranges. - I started my business selling oranges.

In addition, the pretext may mean a place in the meaning "about, y, near." For example, I Know a Lovely Place by The Lake Nearby. I know a wonderful place near the lake nearby.

The pretext for is used in the value "for" when they talk about any goal. For example, WE'VE DECORATED THE ROOM FOR YOUR RETURN! - We decorated the room to your return!

Used when they talk about compensation or price. For example, You Did Not Even Thank US for All Our Help. - You did not even thank us for our entire help .You Must Pay for the Dinner in Euros. - You must pay for lunch in euros.

The pretext is used when talking about the reason. For example, You Were Fired for Always coming Late. - You were fired for constant late.

When they talk about time in the meaning "for". For example, I Was On Vacation for Last 2 Weeks. For the last 2 weeks I spent on vacation.

The pretext is applied when they talk about the object, in whose favor a certain action was performed. For example, I voted for Another Candidate. - I voted for another candidate.

This pretext refers to the group called "prepositions of traffic in English". It is used when they talk about the direction of action in the meaning "from whom or from where." For example, I DID NOT HEAR FROM HIM FOR 8 YEARS. - I did not hear anything about him for the last 8 years.

It is also possible to apply this pretext when it comes to the start torque of any action. For example, this bank is working from 10 to 16. - This bank works from 10 to 16 hours.

This pretext acts as a parent case, answers questions "Who? What? " And the Russian language is not translated. For example, This Is The Dictionary of Our Teacher. - This is a dictionary of our teacher.

In addition, the pretext may allocate one object from the group. For example, One of Your Children Has Broken My Window. - One of your children broke my window.

It is suitable for use when talking about materials. For example, Such Huts Are Made of Clay. - Such huts are built from clay.

This pretext corresponds to a dutiful case in Russian and may mean the direction. For example, THROW THE BALL TO ME! - Throw me a ball!

We disassemble the rules and use of the main English predictions. To secure the material, you should independently draw up several proposals with each pretext. Thus, you can learn to unmistakably use and arrange prepositions.

Almost everyone who begins to learn the language, facing difficulties when using English prepositions.

The fact is that, using the English prepositions, very often we adhere to the "Russian logic" and tell them literally. Because of this, we admit a lot of mistakes.

In the article I will tell about 4 groups of English prepositions:

  • seat prepositions
  • prepositions of the direction
  • time prepositions
  • prepositions of the cause.

And also give general tables of their use.

4 groups of predictions in English

The pretext is part of speech that serves to communicate words in the proposal and phrase.

In English, 4 large groups of prep were allocated:

1. Place prepositions.
2. Prepositions of the direction.
3. Prepositions of time.
4. Prepositions of the cause.

Let's look at the use of the basic predictions of each of these groups.

Exploors of place in English

Places in English denote the position and finding the subject / person in space. Usually such pretexts are answering the question "Where?".

For example: "Vase costs (where?) On the table."

Let's look at the main prepositions of this group.

Pretext Transfer Using Example
ABove. over, above

We say that something / someone is in a higher position or place than something / someone else.

He Lives. aBove. me.
He lives at me.

BeLow. under below We say that something / someone is in a lower place or position, or at a lower level. TheRe Is a House beLow. The Bridge.
Under the bridge there is a house.
Before. before, W. Something / someone is ahead of someone / something. HE Walked before. me.
He walked in front of me.
In Front Of. before, by contrary Something / someone is ahead of someone / something, or face to face in front of someone. HE PARKED in Front Of. The Building.
He parked in front of the building.
Behind. for, behind Something / someone is behind someone / something. She Stood. behind. me.
She stood after me.
Under under Someone / something is at a lower level or covered with something. He Hid. under The table.
He hid under the table.
Over over Someone / something is above and does not touch another subject. A Lamp Hung. over The table.
Lamp hanging over the table.
Between. between A subject or person shares other objects, that is, is located between them.

There is a bicycle between. The Two Cars.
The bike is between two machines.

Among. among We say that someone / something is surrounded by something. There Were Two Foreign Women among. The Guests. There were two foreign women among the guests.
By y, nearby, around, near Very close to something. Most often used when we say that we are in close proximity to the window, doors or edge of something. I Saw Him Standing by The Window.
I saw him standing by the window.
Beside. nearby Something / someone near, on the side of someone / something. The Girl Sat. beside. me.
The girl sat next to me.
NEXT TO. near, around, near Very close to someone / something when there are no other people or items between you. THEY STOOD. nEXT TO. Their Car.
They stood next to the car.
Outside outside Something / someone is not inside the building, but close to it.

We Waited outside.
We waited outside.

AT. in Someone is within something with a certain goal. They Are aT. The Hospital. They are in the hospital.
IN. in Someone / something is inside something. WE PUT THE BOOKS iN. a Box. We put books in the box.
ON. on the Someone / something is on the surface of something. There Is a Book oN. The Windowsill.
On the windowsill book.

Estabilities of the direction in English

Prepositions of the direction Used to show the direction of movement of a person or subject.

For example: "She came out of the house."

Pretext Transfer Using Example
Across. through

Someone moves from one side of something to another.

He Was Swimming across. The River.
He sailed across the river.

Along. along, by Go ahead towards the length of something. Go Straight along This Street.
Go right along this street.
DowN. down Move from high position to lower. We Skied. dowN. The Slope.
We rolled on skis down the slope.
Up. up Move from low position to higher. We Are Walking up. Stairs.
We go up the stairs.
Round / Around around Move in a circle, surround something. The Danced around. A FIR-TREE.
They danced around the Christmas tree.
Into in Get inside something, to come somewhere. She Came. into The Building.
She entered the building.
Out (of) of To leave somewhere, move from the inside out.

He Went out of. a Restaurant.

He came out of the restaurant.

Through. through, through On the one hand (input) move to the other side (output).

We Will Walk. through. The Forest.
We will go through the forest.

To. to Used to say where someone goes, towards what is moving. They Are Going to. The Cinema.
They go to the movies.

Prepositions of time in English

Prepositions of Time We need to specify the time when something happened / happens / will happen.

For example: "She will finish work up to 5 pm."

Let's look at the table of using these predictions.

Pretext Transfer Using Example
For during

Used to say how long the action or the situation continues.

She baked pie for an hour.

During for over Indicates that the action or situation lasted from the beginning to the end of a period of time. THEY WERE STUDYING. during The Night.
They did all night.
Since since We use when we say that something happens or happened from a certain period of time in the past. HE HAS KNOWN HER since CHILDHOOD.
He knows her since childhood.
By to Indicates that the action will occur before or no later than a certain time or moment. You Have to Send Me The Documents by The Friday.
You need to send me the documents for Friday.
Until / Till before We use this word when something happens until a certain time, and then stops. Let "s wait until Monday.
Let's wait until Sunday.
From ... to. from to… We use when we say that something happened from one time period to another. We Work From Nine to. Five.
We work with nine to five.
Before. before We use when we say that something happened before a certain action or event.

Read Instructions before. Use.
Read the instructions before use.

After after We use when we say that something happened after some kind of event or how someone did something.

You Should Rest. afterthe Exercise.
You need to relax after this exercise.

Over for, for Used when you were engaged in something (with interruptions) for a period of time. I am Going to Study English over My Holidays.
I'm going to teach English during my vacation.
Ago. back Used to show how long it happened in the past. They Got Married 5 Years ago..
They got married 5 years ago.
Within. no later than;
It is used when we are talking about that the action should be accomplished before a certain period of time occurs. We emphasize the limitations of the period. I Will Answer. within. Three Days.
I will answer for three days.
Up to. before We say that something happened / occurs until a certain period. HE HAS KEPT THE SECRET up to. now.
He kept this secret to that time.
IN. in Used with months, with the time of day, over the years, with the time of year, with long periods of time. We Met. iN. 2001.
We met in 2001.
AT. in Used with a clock, with certain moments of the day, on weekends and holidays. She Will Come. aT. 6 O'Clock.
She will come at 6 o'clock.
ON. in Used with dates, with weeks weeks, with special dates. He Was Born. oN. October 9.
He was born on October 9th.

Prepositions of the cause and purpose

Prepositions of the cause and purpose We need to tell why or what happened any action.

For example: "She did not come due to illness."

Here are the main prepositions of this group.

Pretext Transfer Using Example
Because Of. Because, because of

Used to say who or what makes something happen or is the cause of something. Most often used in spoken speech.

He Was ABSENT. because Of. Illness.
He was absent due to illness.

He Left. because Of. You.
He went because of you.

In Accordance With. In accordance with, according to We use when something happens according to the rule or law.

We finished work according to its instructions.

In Accordance With. The Law I Have Prepared A Contract.
In accordance with the law, I have prepared a contract.
ON Account Of. Due to We use when we say that something happened because of something. In particular, because of some problems or difficulties.

We Couldn "T Sleep oN Account Of.the Noise.
We could not sleep because of noise.

The Bus Was Delayed oN Account Of. a Snowfall.
The bus was detained because of the snowfall.

Thanks To. Thanks because of We use when something happened because of someone or something. Most often something good.

We Have Tickets To The Game You.
We have tickets for the game thanks to you.

I Found This Apartment thanks Friend.
I found this apartment thanks to my friend.
Due To. Due to, thanks We use when something happened because of something ( often with a negative tint). In most cases, used in formal, official cases. The Plane Was Delayed due To. A Technical Problem.
Because of the technical problem, the flight was detained.

The game was transferred because of the rain.

Through. Thanks because of Used when something happens because of something. I LOST THE PICNIC through. sickness.
I missed a picnic because of the disease.

He Failed His Exams through. Not Studying Enough.
He failed at the exams due to the fact that he did not study as it should.

From. By, out

Used to say why you think something or believe something.

Also used to say about what is the cause of something.

I guessed my emphasis that she was a Frenchwoman.

From. What i "Ve Heard, The New Exam Will Be More Difficult.
From what I heard, the new exam will be more complicated.

Of. From, because of Shows the reason for which something happened (usually bad).

The economy caused the crisis.

He Died. of. a Heart Attack.
He died of a heart attack.

For For, for, because of

We use when we say that we do / use something for a specific purpose.

Also, when something is happening due to or as a result of something.

I Have Bought Him A Cake for His Birthday.
I bought him a cake for his party.

We could hardly see because of the fog.

So, now you are familiar with English pretexts. Let's fix their use in practice.

Task for fixing

Translate the following offers into English. Leave your answers in the comments.

1. Cat in the box.
2. They walked along the street.
3. She was late due to traffic jams.
4. The meeting will begin at 7 o'clock.
5. Ball under the sofa.