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Vyacheslav Volodin Speaker of the State Duma. The Chairman of the State Duma proposed to speed up the adoption of the regulatory framework necessary for the implementation of national projects. Start of political activity

Every resident of the Russian Federation knows about Volodya today. The media call Vyacheslav Viktorovich by a third person in the country. Most likely, it is. Vyacheslav Volodin - Speaker of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, as well as its chairman. This is a very ambiguous and bright person, famous for their resonant statements and political work features. The biography of the Speaker of the State Duma Volodin will be discussed in detail in our article.

Childhood and Youth Volodin

The future politician was born in 1964 in the village of Alekseevka Saratov region. Here Vyacheslav lived with her grandmother and older sister until 1968. Mother Volodina - a teacher of a rural kindergarten, all his life worked as a teacher. There is no information about the father of a well-known policy.

According to friends and classmates Vyacheslav, the hero of our article studied very weakly. In school, he walked around a round triple. In the summer, Volodin worked as an assistant combiner in the local state farm. Having matured, Vyacheslav decided to fix his situation with her studies. He successfully passed the entrance exams in the Saratov Institute for the Mechanization of Agriculture.

Education Volodina

The Biography of the State Duma Speaker provides some information about the study of Vyacheslav Viktorovich in the Highest Educational Institution. In the first year, the future politician showed himself as an active Komsomol. He was engaged in the organization of life and residence of many students, built the trade union, and also participated in the construction engineer movement. At the age of 20, Volodin was able to lead the institutional trade union committee, and at 21 he becomes a member of the CPSU.

The biography of the Speaker of the State Duma Volodin testifies that in 1986 the hero of our article finishes undergraduate Simsh, after which he enters the graduate school. Vyacheslav is engaged in teaching activities, and also writes and protects scientific work. All this allowed Volodya to receive a candidate scientific degree.

In 1990, Volodin enters the Russian Presidential Academy by choosing a legal specialty. In March 1996, Vyacheslav Viktorovich protects the doctoral work on the topic "Region of the Russian Federation: the problem of power, lawmaking and management." Accepted thesis at the St. Petersburg Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Start of political activity

What was the beginning of the political biography of Volodin? Speaker of the State Duma Today, Vyacheslav Viktorovich began his career back in 1990. Then he is elected by the deputy of the city council of Saratov. Two years later, he is appointed by the Governing Cases of the Council, and later the Deputy Head of the Saratov Administration.

In 1993, Volodin is held by the head of the Department of State Department in the Volga Hump Center. In April 1996, Vyacheslav Viktorovich becomes the vice-governor of the Saratov region, and later the first deputy regional chairman of the government.

In December 1999, Volodin is successfully elected in the third convocation of the Russian Federation from the party "Fatherland - All Russia". In September 2001, he becomes the successor to Evgeny Primakov - the head of the marked party. Vyacheslav Viktorovich often reports that it is Primakov, he owes his career. It was Yevgeny Maksimovich introduced Volodin with the current head of state.

In "United Russia"

In 2001, two broad political movements "Fatherland - All Russia" and "Unity" united. As a result of the merger, the famous United Russia was formed, the General Council of which Vyacheslav Viktorovich entered. From this point on, completely different shades acquired both the political work of Volodin and his biography.

The speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin becomes in December 2003. Then he passed the fourth convocation at a single-member Balakovo electoral district from the Saratov region. The hero of our article took the second place in the number of collected votes - about 81.75%, only Joseph Kobzon was ahead of Volodin.

From 2003 to 2010, Volodin was the first deputy chairman of the United Russia. At the same time, Vyacheslav Viktorovich works as Deputy Head of the State Duma. From 2005 to 2010, Volodin is held by the secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of Russia.

Political work of Volodin has long combined with teaching activities. Until 2010, he worked as the head of the Moscow State University Construction Department.

Business activities

Volodin begins to engage in entrepreneurial activities in 1999. Then he participated in the development of several companies, as a result of which he took the 351st place in the list of Russian billionaires according to Forbes magazine. In the 90s, Vyacheslav Viktorovich was the owner of a number of blocking shares in some companies of the Holding "Sunny Products". The state of Volodine was estimated at 2.7 billion rubles.

In 2007, Volodin sold all his shares in business. It is connected with and the beginning of broad political activities - because the deputies are forbidden to do business.

There is also a compromising in Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin biography, and it is connected, of course, with business activities. In 2006, the hero of our article was in the center of the scandal of bribes and rollbacks. There is an opinion that Volodin lobbied the transfers of the federal budget for the Saratov Fund. Gevorg Jlavyan declared this - once the government minister of the Saratov region.

In the State Duma

In October 2010, Vyacheslav Viktorovich was put by the president for the post of Deputy Prime Minister, that is, the Chairman of the Government Apparatus. In 2011, Volodin is elected to the State Duma from United Russia. Then the party is gaining 65% of the vote.

Already in December 2011, the hero of our article becomes the first deputy chairman of the presidential administration in the Russian Federation. In 2012, Volodin actively participates in promoting Vladimir Putin in the presidential election.

In connection with the crisis in Ukraine and the support of the Annexia of Crimea, Volodin in 2014 enters the US sanctions lists, the European Union, as well as a number of other Western countries. In 2014, Vyacheslav Viktorovich holds the post of Chairman of the Higher School of Economics, and in 2016 it becomes the Chairman of the Research Community "Knowledge".

In September 2016, United Russia wins the elections to the lower parliamentary chamber. Vladimir Putin offers Volodina to take the position of Chairman of the State Duma. Already in October 2016, Vyacheslav Viktorovich begins its work in this post.


In 2007, Vyacheslav Volodin said that his finances did not exceed 3.16 million rubles. Two years later, Vyacheslav Viktorovich declared incomes of 359.9 million rubles. The main financial source of Volodin - LLC "Zh.K.", the company engaged in the control of the Moscow, Novosibirsk and Saratov zirobombarov.

Owned at Volodin the apartment is 74 m 2, a plot of 83 weave and a machine-place. It is with the property that Vyacheslav Viktorovich is connected by a large scandal broken in the fall of 2013. According to the famous blogger Alexei Navalny, Chairman of the Foundation for the Fight of Corruption, Volodin enjoys an undeclared site in the country's summer cooperative in the Moscow region. The plot area is 11.1 thousand m 2. At the same time, the head of the anti-corruption control under the administration of President Oleg bad explained that the site in the "pine" is used by Volodin since 2003, and the Earth itself is indicated in the declaration for 2013. In response, Navalny accused Volodine in illegal enrichment. The speaker of the State Duma, allegedly, was not able to legally acquire the available property.

At the moment, Volodin's income is about 62.1 million rubles. According to the media, Mother Volodin, a former teacher in kindergarten, today is the owner of eight different companies and enterprises, among which Invest Holding LLC.

Personal life of Volodin

What is known about the wife of the speaker of the State Duma Volodin? Victoria Volodina-Dmitrievaya biography is known good enough. The spouse of the Deputy comes with the daughter of the former secretary of the Communist Party in the Ershov district of the Saratov region. Volodin became acquainted with his wife at the university. Victoria older Vyacheslav Viktorovich for two years. Today it is a housewife. Raised Svetlana's daughter (born in 1990), at the moment - the graduate of the Higher School of Economics.

What is known about the nationality of the speaker of the State Duma Volodin? The biography of the ancestors of the deputy is almost not known, and therefore there is no accurate information about the origin of Vyacheslav Viktorovich. In addition, the politician himself never disclosed information about his nationality.

Social and political views

Volodin is a tary supporter of the current political regime and an avid conservative. So, in 2014, politician showed his support to the current president. According to Vyacheslav Viktorovich, Russia will die without Putin, and the attacks on the head of state are attacks on the country. Volodin, among other things, is strongly concerned about the problem of patriotic education in Russia. In particular, the Chairman of the State Duma sharply negatively assesses opposition trends in society.

A number of liberal editions believes that with Volodya, the impact on the media has noticeably tightened. Many channels and organizations were recognized as "foreign agents", the strongest surveillance of information was established.

Colleagues Volodin celebrate His humanity and justice. The opinion of the official is based on his work, biographies and personal life. Vyacheslav Volodin, for example, was only once married that she gives him some advantages in the eyes of the public.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich has a large number of awards. Among them, for example, the III and IV degrees, the Order of Honor and Friendship, the medal from the Ministry of Justice, from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a number of municipal districts, etc.

Volodin actively advocates the development of the categories of "spirituality", "patriotism" and "struggle with the strength of the West." The hero of our article is the author of the famous saying "No Putin - no Russia", which he said in 2014 at the Valdai Forum.

Also in the media rises the topic of the sexual orientation of the Speaker of the State Duma Volodin. The biography of the policy seemingly gives a clear indication of its heterosexuality: Vyacheslav Viktorovich is married, has a daughter. Where to raise such a kind of topic? It all started with the statement of the LGBT movement activist Nikolai Alekseeva in the live radio station "Echo of Moscow". According to Alekseev, the speaker allegedly is among celebrities with unconventional orientation. It was after this unconfirmed information that a number of media began to raise the question of Volodin's personal life.

Deputy of the State Duma elected as part of the federal list of candidates nominated by the All-Russian political party "United Russia"

Regional Group No. 15 (Volgograd region, Penza region, Saratov region, Tambov region)

Room on the Regional List: 1

  • Chairman GD

Communication with voters in the regions of the Russian Federation

  • Volgograd region
  • Penza region
  • Saratov region
  • Tambov Region


  • Saratov Institute of Agricultural Mechanization named after M.I. Kalinin (1986)
  • Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation (1995)

Scientific degrees

  • Doctor of Legal Sciences

Scientists of the title

  • Professor


Born on February 4, 1964 in the working village of Alekseevka of the Sharnsky district of the Saratov region.

In 1986 he graduated from the Saratov Institute for the Mechanization of Agriculture by M.I. Kalinin, the Faculty of Organization and Technology of Machine Repair Specialty "Mechanical Engineer". In the late 80s, graduate student, assistant, senior teacher, Associate Professor of the Institute.

In 1990 he was elected a deputy of the Saratov City Council.

In 1992, he was appointed managing cases, deputy head of the administration of Saratov.

In 1993, he moved to work in the Volga personnel center (since 1995 - the Volga Academy of Public Service).

In 1994, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma, he was elected deputy chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma.

From April 1996 - Vice-Governor, First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region.

In February 1999, he moved to Moscow, participated in the creation of companies included in the "Solar Products" holding.

In December 1999, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the third convocation from the electoral block "Fatherland - all of Russia".

In September 2001, he headed the Fatherland - All Russia faction.

In December 2003, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Fourth convocation at the Balakovo single-mandate electoral district (Saratov region).

In December 2007, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Fifth convocation from the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".

From 2003 to 2010 - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, First Deputy Head of the Fraction "United Russia".

From 2005 to 2010 - Secretary of the Presidium of the General Council of the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".

In October 2010, he was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government - the head of the government office.

From December 27, 2011 - First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation.

In September 2016, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the seventh convocation from the All-Russian Political Party "United Russia".

On October 5, 2016 he was elected chairman of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

On November 24, 2016, he was elected chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

In the morning on Wednesday, October 5, in the building on the Okhotny Row, the people's chosen plates were held on the floors and talked about their lives, complaints of voters and work plans. Ex-Prosecutor Crimea, deputy from United Russia (EP) Natalia Poklonskaya told the press that she already has the first complaint from the voter, but there is no microphone. And her colleague on the fraction deputy Vitaly Milonov told reporters that there are no problems in Russia with homosexuality, but in other countries it should also work on it. Later, Milon and Poklonskaya gone to drink tea in the buffet. However, by noon, almost all deputies gathered in the hall for plenary sessions.

Vladimir Putin arrived to welcome the deputies of the new convocation, so it was possible to expect that the turnout would be one hundred percent. But, according to the registration procedure, 11 folk aligns by the beginning of the first meeting did not profit.

In the Presidium, on the right hand from Vladimir Putin, there was a first astronaut, a deputy from United Russia Valentina Tereshkova. According to the left - the oldest deputy of the State Duma, the representative of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Zhores Alferov. Next to the latter, a permanent leader of the LDPR Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Esar Galina Khirinovskaya was sitting.

The meeting has traditionally began with the anthem of Russia. Some deputies did not sing him, as well as the head of state in the presidium. Tereshkova and Alferov barely whispered the words of the hymn, but Zhirinovsky sang selflessly. Among the others, the new vice-speaker Irina Yarova was also highlighted.

The first word was granted to the oldest deputy convocating Alferov. He read the poems of Vladimir Mayakovsky, by correcting the ending:

"I am getting out of my widespit
Duplicate of invaluable cargo.
Read, envy, I am a citizen
Russian Union! "

In these words, the deputy took his passport and demonstrated his assembled. After Alferov, Putin took the word. He called on deputies to introduce the practice of "zero readings" (preliminary consultations on draft laws) and to work with regional parliaments.

"We emphasize working, effective laws - this is not only the result of impeccable legal equipment, which is certainly very important, but first of all the decisions taken by Parliament should be based on civil consent, and therefore the State Duma is designed to become a permanent platform for a wide public and political dialogue." , - Personal deputies president.

He encouraged them to demonstrate "unity" when making the "most principled" and "fateful decisions for Russia", as was done in the previous Duma convocation.

Closer to the end of the speech, the president led Peter Stolypin, that the highest right of Russia is "to be strong."

"We never invest in this concept - to be strong - some great-containing notes," Putin explained, noting that the "power of Russia" inside the people, people and, most importantly, in the unity of our people.

Representatives of factions also took the floor. Khovanska offered to deputies from the party of power so that they argued their positions during solutions to life: "Mechanical pressing of buttons is harmful practice."

After a break, Putin was no longer in the hall. Parliamentarians had to elect a speaker of the State Duma. A candidate of United Russia for this post was now the former deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin was now. In the morning, the Kremlin announced the decree of the president about the removal of the official from the previous position. Place of Volodin as a curator of the internal political unit in the Kremlin occupied The head of Rosatoma Sergey Kiriyenko.

The only rival of Volodin in the struggle for the post of speaker was the representative of the Communists Dmitry Novikov.

However, on applause, when declaring candidates, it was clear who would win the vote. Novikov applauded clearly quieter.

Volodin, as if in response to the remark of Khovanskaya, immediately stated that the current situation of United Russia still "obliges more to prove its right to publicly and in an open discussion." He asked to listen even to those voters whose representatives in parliament did not pass.

Separately, he turned to the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Gennady Zyuganov. Apparently, due to the fact that the Communists put their candidate against him. "Dialogue can be guided, Gennady Andreevich, even when there is a constitutional majority ..." - said Volodin.

The priorities in the work of the Duma, he called the socio-economic issues marked in the May Decals of Putin 2012, and national security.

Then followed questions from fractions. True, you won't call them tricks. Thus, the leader of the "Fair Russia" Sergey Mironov asked for a future speaker, what a speaker style is closer to him - Boris Gryzlov or Sergey Naryshkin. The first esir recalled the phrase that the "Duma is not a place for discussion", and the second characterized as a democratic speaker. The answer was expected.

"The Duma must necessarily be a place for discussion, and for the dialogue ..." said Volodin.

The lack of obvious acute issues from representatives of the parliamentary opposition with interest was compensated by the performance of Opponent Volodin Dmitry Novikov. Virtually looking into the eyes of the former Kremlin official, he long and persistently criticized the past elections. He spoke about state employees who were literally forced to do stubs, and remembered the "carousels", and about low turnout. The result of "United Russia" of the novikov described as the results of the behavior of the "silent majority": "But it does not mean to be silent!"

However, these theses of the Communist did not help and Volodin defeated the voting. He was supported by 404 deputies. Novikov got only 40 votes. This is despite the fact that the Communist Party Faction in the current State Duma is more than 42 deputies. Such an alignment was associated between the parties, agreeing to support Volodin in exchange for a profitable parliamentary opposition the distribution of committees.

The newly elected speaker of Delukito took a place in the presidium, the microphones corrected. From that moment on, the meeting was led. The election of vice-speakers and chairmen of the committees has passed without special discussions. Alexander Zhukov (EP) and Ivan Melnikov (Communist Party) were the first deputies of Volodine as Chairman of the State Duma. Positions of ordinary vice-speakers received Sergey Nevers (EP), Vladimir Vasilyev (EP), Irina Yarovaya (EP), Peter Tolstoy (EP), Igor Lebedev (LDPR) and Olga Epifanova ("Fair Russia").

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin is an important official, as well as a political Russian figure. As a very influential politician, Vyacheslav Volodin has held a fairly significant time for the head of the presidential administration.

From the mid-autumn of another 2016 year, Vyacheslav Volodin received fame as the current Chairman of the State Duma. In terms of credibility, this person is perhaps the third position, after Putin's president and Dmitry Medvedev.

Vladimir Volodin is a very educated, educated and reliable man who is ready to make a lot for welfare of Russia.

Growth, weight, age. How old is Vyacheslav Volodina

All people who are watching politics, in general, and career of Volodin in particular, wish to know everything possible about this person. Including its growth, weight, age. How many years Vyacheslav Volodina is one of the most popular questions.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin was born in 64th, which means that he was already 54 years old.

The speaker of the State Duma has a rather high increase in 178 centimeters. At the same time, it weighs 89 kilograms.

In the network often run rumors about the past policy in intelligence. Many are guessing - Vyacheslav Volodin real surname or not. Almost scandalous was an interview with the political scientist on the name of Maltsev, where he spoke that most politicians had their own names, but Volodin was real.

Biography and personal life Vyacheslav Volodin

Little glory was born in the village of Saratov region. There are still his parents and other relatives.

He studied well at school, loved to play sports. He had a study of the car. In high school, he began to work in collective farm, and also helped the mother who was a teacher at school, check notebooks.

Biography and personal life of Vyacheslav Volodin are impressive. After graduation, the guy entered the Saratov Institute for the Mechanization of Agriculture. With his end, he received a specialty technologist to repair cars.

From the beginning of the nineties, Vyacheslav Volodin managed to pass the way from the deputy of the Saratov City Council to the deputy chairman. And later - from the vice-governor of the Saratov region to the State Duma deputy.

In the network, it is often possible to meet the information that Vyacheslav Volodin successor to Putin, the photo speaking that he was on the "short leg" with the president. At the same time, Putin himself argues that he did not consider Volodin in this vein.

If you want to write a letter Vyacheslav Volodin, you need to visit the official website of the Presidential Administration and enter the special section - "Receptions".

Family and Children Vyacheslav Volodin

The family and children of Vyacheslav Volodina are the most ordinary. Although, of course, it was not without skeletons in the closet.

For example, in the network you can often see articles on the topic that Vyacheslav Volodin is married to Gryzlov's daughter, who helped a politics to build a career. But in fact, all this is a lie. The policy does not only have no connections with Gryzlov, but also Volodin, besides, against the so-called "courage" in the service. Nevertheless, he is very careful about friendship and tries literally to provide support to his approximate.

Children of the policy of Volodin, must say, the public was not publicly demonstrated. Probably for security reasons. There is information that politician has an adult daughter and two little sons.

Sons Vyacheslav Volodina

It should be noted that Vyacheslav Volodine's sons never appeared in public. Neither in the media nor the network has no information about them, including video and photos. At the same time, Volodin says that he does not intentionally hide them.

The same problem is even with the names of the boys. Presumably, one of the sons is called Vladimir. No one knows when they were exactly born, and what they do. Recall that Vyacheslav Volodin mentioned about their boys in the tax documentation for the 2015th year. There are only unconfirmed information that in the same year, congratulating Volodine happy birthday, the journalists managed to chat a little with a small one.

Daughter Vyacheslav Volodina - Svetlana Volodina

Daughter Vyacheslav Volodina - Svetlana Volodina was born in 1990. In school, she studied well, was a wipe and active.

When it was time to choose a profession, she was fond of legal protection issues, therefore sent documents to the Saratov Legal Academy. But after a couple of years I was translated into the metropolitan state university, which eventually graduated with a red diploma.

Svetlana is very talented. She is young, but has already been able to receive a scientific degree of a candidate of law in the area of \u200b\u200bconstitutional law. The girl is still not married and she has no children.

Victaclav Volodina's wife - Victoria Volodina

Vyacheslav Volodina's wife - Victoria Volodina - appeared in the 62nd year in a very famous family. With the future politician, she met at the time he lived and studied at the Saratov Institute. "Athlete, Komsomolka and Just Beauty", Victoria was a daughter of the first secretary of the Raythoma of the CPSU Ehershovsky district.

The envious have repeatedly argued that the daughter of such an influential person will help Vyacheslav rapidly climb the CPSU's career ladder, but Volodin did not use Volodin with ties.

Victoria Volodina is a brought up and educated woman, but it is absolutely not public. In all sorts of meetings and secular events, she prefers to create a coziness in the home and care of the family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vyacheslav Volodina

Instagram and Wikipedia Vyacheslav Volodin are official publicly available pages, so we can safely contact them, if necessary.

On the wiki page, you can easily find information related to the career of this policy, his family, education, personal life, award-winning and other achievements.

On the page of the State Duma in Instagram, you can find photos and video regarding Vyacheslav Viktorovich's activities. There are also its comments on various issues. But in Instagram it is impossible to find his personal profile. Only the official page of the State Duma.

Secretary of the General Council of the United Russia party
Deputy Chairman of the State Duma,
Former vice-governor of the Saratov region
Margarine "Oligarch"

Born on February 4, 1964 in the working village of Alekseevka of the Hagonia district of the Saratov region, Russian.

In 1986 he graduated from the Saratov Institute for the Mechanization of Agriculture (Sims), in 1995 - the Russian Academy of Public Service (Rags) under the President of the Russian Federation in the specialty "Lawyer". Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Law (Doctoral Thesis on the topic "Subject of the Russian Federation: the problems of power, lawmaking and management", 1996).

In 1979 (at the age of 15), he began working as a mechaniser of the state farm "Action" village of Belogornskaya Volsky district of the Saratov region.

From 1984 to 1993, he worked as chairman of the trade union committee of students, a junior researcher, graduate student, assistant, senior teacher, associate professor of the Saratov Institute for the Mechanization of Agriculture.

In 1990, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov City Council; In 1990-92 - Chairman of the Commission of the City Council for Youth Affairs, Member of the Presidium Gorovov.

From 1992 to November 1993, he worked as the manager of the administration of Saratov, Deputy Head of the City Administration (Head of the Administration - Yuri Kitov; First Deputy Head of Administration - Dmitry Ayatskov).

In November-December 1993, he headed the election headquarters of D.Ayatskova during the election campaign in the first composition of the Federation Council.

From the end of 1993 to 1996, the Vice-Rector of the Volga Personnel Center (since 1995 - the Volga Academy of Public Service). He was the head of the Department of State and Regional Department.

In parallel in 1993-94. - Executive Director of Silicat JSC.

On May 29, 1994, he was elected a deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the regional electoral association "Russian Union of Interest Officers". In 1994-96 - Deputy Chairman of the Saratov Regional Duma (Chairman - Alexander Kharitonov).

In February 1996, it was called the press (in particular, the Saratov newspaper)) a possible applicant for the post of chapter of the administration of the Saratov region. However, he himself did not run, actively helping to win the election of D.Ayatkov.

April 16, 1996 was appointed first deputy head of the administration of the Saratov region. Answered the work of departments in economics and investment policy; owned and bankruptcy; on social issues; Committee on analysis, information and seals, representation in the legislative authority.

In September 1996, with the adoption of the new Law on the Government of the Saratov Region, he was appointed Vice-Governor - First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region (he oversaw the same departments - in economics and investment policy; on property and bankruptcy; on social issues; Committee on analysis, information and press, representation in the legislative authority.). The position of Vice-Governor to the beginning of 1999 was the only one, but in January 1999 the second post of Vice-Governor was introduced in January (Alexander Miroshin was taken) that the media bind to Aysykov's attempt to limit the increased influence of V. Wolodin.

In 1997, he highlighted in Oldum, to, in the opinion of the media, become her speaker and get into the Federation Council. He took off his candidacy due to dissatisfaction with this D.Ayatskova ("Profile", May 24, 2004; "New Izvestia", 02.24.99).

Since 1998, he has a large package of shares of a number of the Group "Bouquet" (President of the Bouquet Group of Companies - Vladislav Burov).

In early February 1999, reports were reported on the possible transition of Volodin to political work in the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Political Public Organization (OPOO) "Fatherland" Yuri Luzhkov.

In April 1999 he was elected a member of the Central Council of Opo "Fatherland".

Since the spring of 1999 - Deputy Head of the Election Headquarters - Head of Election Administration Opo "Fatherland" (Head of Staff - Arthur Chiligarov; Since June 1999 - Georgy Boos). He answered the federal activity of movement, drawing up federal lists of candidates from the "Fatherland", connection with the headquarters. In connection with the appointment left the position of vice-governor of the region.

August 18, 1999 is cooped (together with the city of Bosom) to the Political Council "Fatherland". Elected Deputy Secretary of Political Council "Fatherland" (Secretary of Political Council - Alexander Vladislavlev, 1st Deputy Secretary - Andrei Isaev).

In September 1999, it was included in the general-tech list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma from the electoral block "Fatherland - All Russia" (ORP) (No. 1 in the Volga Regional Group).

On December 19, 1999, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the third convocation on the list of the electoral block of the OSR.

On January 17, 2000, the first deputy chairman of the OSR faction in the State Duma (Chairman of Evgeny Primakov) was elected at the meeting of the ORP faction.

From January 28, 2000, a member of the State Duma Committee on Legislation. From March 10, 2000, a member of the Permanent Commission of the State Duma to study the practice of applying the electoral legislation of the Russian Federation in the preparation of elections and referendums in the Russian Federation.

In October 2000, he became one of the initiators of the creation (together with Anatoly Lukyanov, Pavel Kraschinnikov and Alexander Gurov) of the Deputy Interpraction Association of the State Duma of the Russian Federation "Lawyers of Russia".

In March 2001, he was part of the Interpractive Deputy Group of the State Duma of the Russian Federation "Volga-Ural".

In May 2001, D. Buitsky sent to the Governor of the Saratov region, D.Ayatskov, a deputy request for the use of $ 5 million, intended for health care in the region in 2000. The request caused the perturbation of D.Ayatskova ("Let them [deputies of the State Duma] are not looking for fleas. If they have it, let them scratch in another place"). Activities V. Wolodin in the Saratov region began to investigate the responsible employee of the Regional Security Council Sergey Yuriev (as a deputy includes the population who pays Volodin a hotel when he comes, etc. - "New Izvestia", May 23, 2001).

After the departure of E.Primakov from the post of Chairman of the Duma faction, the OSR was on September 3, 2001 elected chairman of the faction (in August 2003, the Fatherland - All Russia faction was renamed Oer - "Fatherland - United Russia").

October 18, 2001 voted in the State Duma for amendment to the Law "On Environmental Protection", which permits the import of foreign nuclear waste to Russia (the so-called "spent nuclear fuel") for storage and recycling.

In December 2001 he was elected to the General Council of the All-Russian Party "Unity and Fatherland" ("United Russia"). He was responsible for the preparation and holding of elections in all levels of power.

On April 19, 2002, he voted for the new law on citizenship that was deprived of the former citizens of the USSR (including those born in the territory of the RSFSR, incl. Ethnic Russians), the rights to receive citizenship of the Russian Federation for a simplified procedure. In accordance with this law, several tens of thousands of military personnel of the Russian army, who had permanent residence in the Union revenues, were among other stateless citizenship.

In February 2003, the initiator of the initiation in the State Duma of the issue of distrust of the Chairman of the Federal Energy Commission (FEK) Georgia Kutov. Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 2003" provided for the maximum size of increasing electricity tariffs up to 14%, but in many regions it was exceeded. On February 11, 2003, the OSR faction held a meeting, which was invited by G.Kuchov, and decided to vote for the decision "about the rough violation of the procedure for establishing tariffs for electrical energy for end users for 2003", which was submitted to the State Duma on the initiative of the leaders of four centrist fractions. At the same time, V. Wrodin suggested that the chairman of the FEC ("it is outraged by the chairman of the FEC (" the decision to increase the tariffs is accepted almost everywhere, but there is no responsible. The Federal Energy Commission is dismissed from everything. Her chairman of Georgy Koodov could not respond to any question made by deputies. " -, February 11, 2003). In response, Kuchta said that the Duma (including the ORP fraction) adopted the law on which the tariffs should be revised once a year from January 1 ("If it were not for this phrase, then the change in tariffs would be smooth") and accused Volodin and his fraction The fact that they began the election fighting (Kommersant, "February 13, 2003).

On February 21, 2003, he voted for the adoption in the third reading of the Government "Law on Electric Power Industry" (so-called "Energy Reform for Chubais"). I approved this law, the State Duma adopted that no obligatory ruling with a call to the Government to deal with unjustified increase in electricity tariffs. After approval of the bill, said: "The former thoughtless reform was stopped. Now he appeared responsible for her - the government. And the situation will no longer happen when raci influence prices, and FEC signs in helplessness."

On October 8, 2003, the Court of the Zavodsky district of Saratov satisfied the claim of V.Vodyin to the Soviet Russia newspaper about the protection of honor and dignity - on the publication, which argued that Volodin acquired a Cardiology sanatorium "Cheremshani-I" in the Holy District of the Saratov region . The court decided to oblige the editorial office of the newspaper and the author of the article to publish the refutation and pay Volodin compensation for moral damage in the amount of 500 thousand rubles from the editorial office of the newspaper and 5 thousand rubles from the journalist.

In September 2003, he was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the State Duma from the United Russia party (No. 1 in the regional group of candidates "Volzhsko-Uralskaya"). He was also nominated by a candidate from United Russia for the Balakovo single-mandate constituent district No. 156 (Saratov region).

On December 7, 2003, he was elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Fourth convocation at the Balakovo district No. 156, obtaining 82.9% of the votes according to official data (one of the best indicators in Russia).

Registered in the "United Russia" faction.

In December 2003 he was elected first deputy head of the United Russia faction. To simplify the coordination of their work, the faction was divided into four groups, one of which was headed by V. Wolodyin.

On March 17, 2004, the Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia (Chairman - B.Gryzlov) was elected.

On September 2, 2004, the report of the Novosibirsk Zhilcombank was published, in 2003 bought by the group "Bouquet", according to which the owner of 26% of the company's shares is Volodin. A member of the Board of Directors of a number of companies included in the Bouquet stated the newspaper "Vedomosti" that Volodin was always a shareholder of some bouquet companies, but only in 2004 began to reissue shares from affiliated companies personally. ("Vedomosti", September 3, 2004).

October 2, 2004 At the meeting of the Political Council of the Saratov branch of the EP, the Deputy Head of the Party Faction in the State Duma, the Klintsevich was asked by the question: "Who will support the party in the elections of the governor of the Saratov region?" Klintsevich replied that the leadership of the party would definitely support Volodya. (SaratovBusinessConsulting, October 2, 2004).

At the end of 2004, in the Saratov press there was information that the President of the President in Volga Federal District, Sergey Kiriyenko, sent views on two candidates for the post of governor of the region - Dmitry Asyatskova and Volodin. Asyakov's powers expired on April 2, 2005, and the Saratov region became one of the first regions of the Russian Federation, in which the head of the region was not elected by the population, but the Regional Parliament on the Presidential Presentation. However, as a result, the candidate of Volodine was not nominated to the post of governor, the president was nominated (the president introduced the Saratov Regional Duma of Pavel Ipatov, who was elected).

In a hostile relationship with the love of Sloss. (Slush: "One of my countrymen ... Already the sixth year thinks, I broke my head, how to remove me from the first vice speakers ..." - "Profile", 26 second.2005)

Margarine "oligarch". Co-owner of the group "Bouquet" with the center in Saratov (President of the Group - V. Burov); In 2003, the group "Bouquet" bought Novosibirsk Zhilombat (Vedomosti, 3 Sep 2004). For 2006, he was a shareholder of the holding "Solar Products" (in 2004. Allocated from the group "Bouquet") (Chairman of the Board of Directors - V.Burov) of companies - OJSC Novosibirsk Fat Combine (26% of shares for 2004 - " Vedomosti ", 3 Saint 2004; in 2006 - 27%), OJSC" Fatom Combine "(Saratov region), OJSC" Melting Plant "Armavirsky" and OJSC "Moscow Fat Combine". In 2006, the holding company produced 598,660 tons of products. Revenue OJSC "Fat Combine" (Saratov region) for 2005 - 3.12 billion rubles, net profit - 4.13 million rubles. (data "Spark-Interfax"). Revenue of OJSC "Novosibirsk Fat Combine" in 2006 - 2.26 billion rubles, net profit - 19.52 million rubles. Revenue OJSC "Moscow Fat Combine" for 2006 - 3.63 billion rubles, net loss - 16.56 million rubles. (Company data). In 2007, he changed its shares of the Novosibirsk Fat Combine for a share of about 7% in LLC "Zh.K." (Two formal co-owners: 70% was in the Cyprus "Oneos Holdings Limited", 30% - at V. Burova), who owns Saratov OJSC "Fat Combine" and control packets of shares at Novosibirsk Fatom Plant OJSC and Moscow Zhilkombort OJSC .

Awarded the Order of Friendship (1997).

He is fond of hunting.

From youth loves "Pesnyarov" and Alla Pugachev, never fond of an underground rock.