Repairs Design Furniture

Options for decorating aquarium with different stones. Decorative decoration of aquarium. Round Aquarium: Good or bad

Aquarium is not just an opportunity to watch the fancy behavior of the aquatic inhabitants daily, but also an elegant and unusual interior decoration. From what style you place the water tank depends on the fact that it will fit into your room. Everyone aquarium design style in its own way, universal and unique, the aquarium acquires amazing and interesting features. There are many styles of decoration of aquariums, and many of them are available only to professional aquaticinears, but some can be created with their own hands. Let's look at them in more detail.

Dutch Aquarium Design

It is believed that this style appeared in the 1930s in the Netherlands. The principle of registration of aquarium in this style is the lack of an empty place at the bottom of the reservoir. Almost 80% of the aquarium bottom should be planted with a variety of plants, but there is a checked rule, namely, 10 sq. CM should have only one type of plants, it is desirable to have their picturesque groups. Then plants do not interfere and do not shadow each other.

The conditionally aquarium in the Dutch style is divided into 3 sectors. The focus is on the stones, the Koryagi, which are located in the heart of the aquarium. However, it has long been proven by scientists that the aquarium center is a dead dot for visual perception. The color decision of the Dutch Aquarium is very restrained. It is dominated by green and red colors with various shades, but with the volume, size and textures of the leaves you can play, as your heart.

In such a reservoir, the law is valid: plants with red leaves frame green plantings are in the first part of the aquarium. In the second part of the aquarium, everything happens on the contrary: a dark green stain in the center is frozen by plants with burgundy foliage. Very good look in the background light-olive algae. Usually, with Dutch decoration, the aquarium uses about 10-12 species of various plants. Stem plants look well, they are grouping and planted on remote areas of the aquarium - such a simple action emphasizes and focuses the beauty of aquarium composition. Plants should be selected in terms of growth rates, conditions for content. The Dutch Aquarium requires attention, the plants need to carefully care. It is very important when making aquarium to choose proper species Fish - they will be assistants in the fight against extra algae by entering them.

"Garden of stones" under water

Aquarium in Japanese style is also called the "Garden of Stones". This is another type of Japanese worldview, which is close to many aquarists all over the world. Looking at the aquatic landscapes, created with the help of corporate, stones, you understand that it is also tools for transferring emotions that people experienced when creating a "garden". An integral part japanese style It is the use of waterfalls and Japanese bonsai trees. Initially, the garden of the stones were created in three types: plants, stones and mosses.

According to the worldview of Zen, stone and water are a skeleton and a circulatory system of nature. Man and nature is an indivisible whole. In Japanese gardens, there is never a repetition, since each artist feels in its own way. For the garden, bizarre stones with unusual forms and shades of a variety of colors were sought. Stones from Lake Tai, who possessed magical strength and extended the life of their creator. With the help of stones, the artist expressed his thoughts and feelings. This style introduced in 1980 the Japanese Takashi Amano. He tried to recreate natural landscapes in the aquarium. In contrast to the Dutch style, squigs and stones of various forms are used here, and they are asymmetric. The number of plants is up to 3-4 species.

Gardens of stones are divided into two types: gardens landscapes, in which plants and other attributes are located in the background, as well as flat stones gardens. The correctly chosen ratio between the stones built on the principle of an equilateral triangle shows that each stone has its own face. Stones in the aquarium symbolize the completion and harmony of our world, this is the perfect background for fish with a bright and unusual color. You can diversify the design of various snags, bizarre plants, original pagodas or artificial mini-gazebos in Japanese style.

Pseudo-culture and pseudomora decoration of aquarium

This style allows you to show the beauty of the aquarium and at the same time save. Aquarias are used ordinary soils, unpretentious or at all artificial plants and plant various fish. Lighting only day or luminescent. The disadvantage of such design aquarium can be called a limited number of species of fish and plants.

Pseudomora aquariums were invented by lovers of sea landscapes. In such aquariums, water fresh, the inhabitants are freshwater here, but the design is as close as possible to the sea relief. Along with the stones you can meet shells, corals, as well as plants, both natural and artificial. The shapes and size of the aquarium can be the most different. As for lighting, it is predominantly decorative, so cold fluorescent lamps giving blue color are welcome here. Fish for such aquarium are chosen by mobile, such are cichlids, whose homey is Lake Malawi and Tanganyika. By their colors, they are not inferior to the inhabitants living among marine reefs.

Collective style of aquarium

This style is good for beginners who want to learn how to grow plants. The number of plants - from 15 or more species. If in the Dutch style plants, they are combined into groups, then in such aquarium is allowed absolutely everything. Here you can see also tight, and socket plants. The form of aquarium, which may not only be rectangular, are interesting and corner aquariums are also played - they have a large area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom, which creates an interesting perspective. The volume does not play a decisive role, however, the more, the easier it is to create compositions from plants and decorative elements.

Artificial plants and stones can be used, while doing focus on the living inhabitants of the aquarium - fish. In such aquariums, small haracin fish are launched, which do not harm living plants.

Species aquariums

Key role is played by fish. On the background decorative stones, a small amount of plants swim inhabitants with a variety of color. In such an aquarium, predatory fish are well looking - moray, rods and other exotic fish.

Aquarium's avant-garde style

This design of the aquarium attracts your attention right away, playing the role of "color spots" in your interior. Here you can combine incompatible: screaming bright tones of plastic plants, multicolored lamps, intricate scenery. For such aquariums, an unfulfilled color gamut is characterized with screaming soil color. It is better to arrange such an aquarium in the passage room, to attract attention, and not for contemplation. Such an aquarium can be put in the office, commercial premises or children, recreated inside some fairy tale inside the plot.

It's time to think about fish that should be unpretentious and have a bright color. Such aquarium requires a careful relationship and great accuracy: it is necessary to change water in time, to produce biological and mechanical filtering and follow the feeding of the inhabitants of this aquarium.

Marine Aquariums

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch aquarium is to recreate seabed areas, the biological environment is difficult to recreate, but, despite this, more and more people are keen on the breeding of marine fish. As a rule, the basis of the composition serves a stone from the marine reef or a dead coral. Here there is a place for corals, polyps, small invertebrates and other inhabitants of the seabed. The main condition is not to overmine your territory of living beings, since here is a limited system of life support.

Marine aquariums can be divided into three types: aquariums with predators - rods, moray, sharks; Aquariums with unsubstantial fish - an angel fish, a fish-surgeon, Zebrasoma and other species, and the third look - invertebrates acts and corals. The most unpretentious are predatory fish, the most capricious in the care of invertebrates. The slightest deviation in the chemical indicators of water purses the life of shrimps, sponges, actinium. It is necessary to acquire expensive equipment to maintain the life support of this aquarium. For a variety you can inhale the reservoir of small fish - antiaces, pseudochromis and others, which in the natural environment live among corals.

Styles of decoration Aquarium quite a lot and only you decide which one is suitable for an apartment or office.

Aquaskeeper is a long-studied art type, which allows you to create an underwater landscape. Inspiration for many works comes from underwater locations, also natural landscapes, such as mountains, jungle, deserts, waterfalls and many others. Before creating beautiful design Aquarium with your own hands, you will need a functional component of aquarium environment. Some aquatic plants require that saturated lighting and nutrients be supplied.

Low spending on the operation of aquaskeeper allow you to spend a low amount of carbon dioxide, less fertilizer and lighting. Scattered or dull lighting can be as staggering as the plants will create beautiful glare. For aquarium design, plants, stones and wooden squigs are usually used.

Types of Aquaskeepov

The style of "Ivagumi" is the aquarium stone design that came from Japan. All decor elements are thin and pointed, but supported by smooth elements. Large stones with an uneven surface are placed in the central part of the tank. To create an analogy with the natural environment, the stones have slopes that water can be hit.

Admire the aquarium in the style of "Ivagumi".

Aquaskeepers "Ivagumi" are often used for low plants that plant on the fore. The focus is on the rocks, and not on plants. Dark and steep stones are in demand in this form of design.

Dutch style is aquaskeeper from many plant species. In traditional Dutch style, minimal focus on stones and snags. Plant selection, their color and location are key factors for creating style. Dutch aquaskeeps visually look like thick thickets of underwater rivers. Here you can often see bright red, orange, green plants that are planted in large quantities in the front, central and background. This species Design involves the use of the most unusual and whimsical forms of plants. To prepare aquaskeeper, you will need a lot of time, skills and patience.

Natural style - recreates natural landscapes. Plants, squigs and stones are arranged in such a way that they resemble a lake or a river from the natural environment. This style is characterized by chaotic forms, simplicity. It uses exclusively natural materials. The location of plants, coriation and stones is key. Fish is just an addition to a beautiful design. Natural medium modeling requires careful planning. Plants for this aquaskeeper are required low, and are attached to corygam, stones or planted into the ground. Fish for him are chosen by such that can revive landscape - Barbus, swords, tetras, neons, scalaries (staked species).


To make the aquarium design with your own hands, you need to know some rules for the placement of parts.

The form

  1. Avoid straight lines and fenced plants. High seedlings in the background, which extend, are not recommended. W. natural species Often there are very few straight lines and little continuity. The best forms are those that have a form of a smooth curve, or chaotic.
  2. Natural curves and concreteness will be a plus - plants can be trimmed to create height along the edges, and lower them in the central plan, making a visual fall. This will help create more open space for fish swimming.
  3. Clean forms can be very attractive - triangular forms and islands may look natural and aesthetically. The beveled dark plants look like a river bed, which gradually becomes deep.

Look at how you can make a 100 liter aquarium.

Front, Middle Plan and Background (Background)

It is important to distinguish each aquarium background. Each background should be present both high and low bushes of plants. The average plan should consist of corporate, rocks and plants of medium sizes. The foreground should have beautiful broad-sized seedlings, such as Anubias, Kryptokorin, a graonist, aponeal, and others.

You can make synthesis - stones and snags can be planted on the forefront, and plants can be planted on any plan to improve the appearance of Aquasquepa. If you can afford an open riding aquarium, then you have more opportunities to use stones and snags that will be written out of the water stroit.

Plants are better to plant so: starting from the foreground and ending with the back plan, visually "going down" down. Long-sued species weigh smaller, and easily confused in low plants that are in the foreground. To install rocks, stones and their fastening to each other, use silicone aquarium glue. It is safer, and allows you to keep mosses, fern and all the wires in place. Also, mosses, ferns and crawling plants must be attached to a solid surface - wood or stone. Make it using aquarium glue or log.

Aquarium design 200 liters with description and photo

Increasingly, most people around the world begin to get involved in aquarium. And this is completely not surprising, because thanks to this hobby and the fulfillment of several simple actions can be created in its premises a real corner of wildlife, which will bring joy and give a magnificent mood as its owner and its guests. And in today's article, we will consider in detail how you can arrange the design of an artificial reservoir by 200l.

Choosing a 200 liter aquarium

As a rule, before thinking about creating a magnificent and intriguing underwater world in its premises, it is necessary to decide in advance with its form. After all, it is from it that it depends on how much it will be harmoniously combined with the interior of the room. So, aquarium 200 liters can be:

  1. Corner. Ideal for office space. Due to its structure, these vessels allow you to build incredible underwater harbor or coral lagoon, which is presented below.
  2. Wall messenger Registration in such a way enough for a long time caused concern even experienced aquarists. But today this option is increasingly starting to meet both in office and home premises.
  3. Panoramic. Such vessels are distinguished by a concave glass, allowing this in the smallest detail to consider the events within the aquarium.
  4. Rectangular. A standard option that is perfect for the content of all kinds of fish, for example, such as disks, bombuses, scalaries, gurura. In addition, such a vessel makes it possible to embody any design of the underwater landscape. And this is already not to mention its high quality and quite affordable cost.

It should also be borne in mind that the artificial reservoir of 200 liters has an impressive weight. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a special stand for it.

We select design for aquarium

First of all, I would like to note that the decoration of the aquarium in many respects should take into account not only interior interior Premises, but also certain features of its inhabitants. Thus, the discs prefer the presence of pebbles as soil and the presence of small corge. Another needed thick vegetation and live stones. Therefore, we consider several ways to decorate the vessel calculated for 200l.

Design pseudomor

Such registration is perfect for aquarists who want to recreate the marine landscape part of their indoors. In addition, the style of the pseudoomor is ideal for calm and peaceful fish. So what do you need to make it? First of all, a pleasant and calm background is selected in the 200 liter aquarium. For this purpose, both photos with corals and drawings are depicted water. After that, the queue is suitable for choosing lighting.

For this purpose, you can apply:

  • neon lamp;
  • cold Light;
  • standard light bulb.

Important! Many inhabitants of the aquarium, for example, discusses or guers, react differently to the intensity of light.

The bottom is recommended to decorate stones. Best of all, the stones tuff are suitable for this style. You can also not forget about the indispensable attribute of such design as corals. Of course, you can use decoration in the style of pseudo-bye and without stones, as shown in the photo, but then you can forget about the creation of such beautiful decorative designs How coral slides.

As for the fish, they are settled, as mentioned above, mostly peaceful and quiet views. For example, discs, panickers, cichlids.

But before settling 200 liters of his future inhabitants in the aquarium, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of 7 l. This is necessary in order to avoid territorial overpopulation.

Design vessel with artificial vegetation

In most cases, such a design, which can be seen below, is distinguished by non-standard decorative elements that bring brightness to the underwater world of aquarium. So, first of all, the benefits of such a style belong:

  1. High life expectancy of scenery used.
  2. The possibility of content different species Fish, which in standard conditions would cause irreparable harm of vegetation.
  3. Easy and ease of care.

So, first add aquarium gravel. This choice is due to the fact that not only cichlids, but also other fish feel more comfortable with such a soil. After that, artificial plants can be added, for example, a roasting with imitation of Javanese Moha. Next, decorating the back. For this purpose, large-size plants are perfectly suitable, forming the concept of the height of the vessel in the viewer, but without imposing the depth of perception. Further, if you wish, you can add a little gravel to the side parts of the vessel with the planting of the red shade plants.

Scene design

This design allows you to maximize your imagination and implement any idea of \u200b\u200breality. So, if you wish, you can create a fabulous glade, a gloomy castle of Count Dracula or even flooded Atlantis. Various options Decor can be seen in the photo below.

So, for this style, it is possible to use products from ceramics that imitate both various sculptural works and mocks of sunken ass. It is worth emphasizing that such decorative elements will not harm the remaining inhabitants of the artificial reservoir, and on the contrary, will serve good shelters. For example, discus, in case of danger, will be able to hide their fry in them.

But it is worth noting that before creating such a design it is necessary to determine the size of decorative elements of vegetation and, of course, fish.

Biotopic design

As a rule, discusses, guoirs, scalaria and other types of fish are most comfortable feeling in artificial water bodies with the conditions that match their natural habitat, which is why the design in such style is not only hereby, but also vital for all the inhabitants of the vessel . But it is worth noting that in order to create a similar design will have a lot to work.

So, in the first, queue, it is necessary to pick up for it both vegetation and fish that will be comfortable to feel in the reproducible landscape. For example, by planning a vessel in which the discs are needed not only to constantly maintain the necessary temperature, but also not to forget about the presence of a large number of small branches and leaves at the bottom of the aquarium, among which the discs in their natural habitat live.

Nuances of decoration

To decorate the artificial reservoir passed, how conceived, it is necessary to remember some simple rules Registration. So, it is not recommended to overcessively overload the aquarium with a decor or leave too much empty space. In addition, you should not forget about the simplicity and ease of subsequent vessel maintenance. That is why the ideal option will be the use collapsible structures. Also, if there are presents in the aquarium, loving to glow into the ground, it is forbidden to apply a large pebble as it. The best choice will be the use of sand or 1-3 mm. Soil.

Registration of aquarium: photos, video examples, styles and options

Registration of aquarium

The decoration of the aquarium is a decent and fertile topic for conversation. It is not surprising, because this is the paramount question that people ask themselves who have just bought aquarium.
Unfortunately, on the Internet, this question is surprisingly illuminated poorly, briefly or fragmentary. We hope this article will reveal all aspects and nuances of the aquarium and will help you create your aquarium kingdom.

In connection with the volume this issueLet's break the article into two sections:
1. Materials required for the decoration of the aquarium: Soil, stones, grottoes, snags, back background, artificial and lively aquarium plants, backlighting aquarium, shells, locks, ships.
2. The main directions, types and examples of decoration of aquariums.

Materials required for decoration of aquarium

And so, as is known in order to appear in your home, fish - you need a vessel and water. However, aquarium is not just a banal fish content, this is the creation of a closed ecosystem, imitation natural conditions Hydrobionth contents. Primary, but the aquaruimics begins with fish. Before you think about the decoration of the aquarium, first of all you need to decide with your desires and those fish that will float in your reservoir. And it is very important! Each individual fish needs their content conditions, their water parameters, other conditions. And it is for them that you need to build a "aquarium house", it is from this that you need to repel. For example, if you decide to start the African Cichlid and at the same time want to see a garden from living aquarium plants in your aquarium ... You initially encourage yourself to the actual not fulfilling the task. The natural habitat of most African cichlid is rocky banks. Nyasa and r. Tanganic, there are no plants, no algae is the "stone desert". If they put them up to cichlids to the aquarium, they are upgraded and offered.
Based on the above, we advise first, I will decide on the fish that will live in your aquarium, study their features and habits, read and find out the conditions for their content. And after the start and think about the design of the aquarium.
Registration of aquarium soil Soil is one of the most important elements of the aquarium, this is his mood. It is very important to approach the question of his choice with special attention, because in addition decorative functions The soil acts as a substrate for plants, for the spawning and life of fish. It is important to choose the desired fraction of the soil, it is important to choose the desired soil volume, and then the color of the soil. On our site there is a good article about the choice and selection of soil, we suggest familiarizing yourself - HERE.

Speaking about the decorative properties of the soil, it is recommended to choose a soil of darker tones in order to be bright and light colors Aquarium bottom did not oversee the beauty and beauty of the "main perpetrators of the celebration" - Fish. Registration of aquarium stones and grotts. An important technical nuance when decorating aquarium by stones, grotts, caves, etc. It is the use of non-toxic, not poisonous materials. If stones, snags are selected and manufactured independently, you need to do everything according to the rules and make sure that they do not emit harmful substances into the water. Already accurate decorations should not be made of limestone, rubber and metal, no paints and enamels !!!
Speaking about the aesthetic part of the reservoir, it should always be remembered that stones, grottoes, squigs are taken in the aquarium " useful Square"- Life space. The amount of such decor is calculated on the basis of the volume of aquarium and the needs of the fish themselves. In addition, it should be borne in mind that large decorative elements are installed at the edges of the aquarium or on the background. Do not put a huge castle in the middle !!! This is equivalent to that if people set the refrigerator in the middle of the kitchen, and not in the angle. Aquarium is an amphitheater of life!
Registration of aquarium background. The rear background of the aquarium for the aquarium inhabitants themselves is not so important. In essence, fish can live without it. The background is more important for a person, it can be said - this is "aquarium curtains" that play more aesthetic role than technical.
About what is the aquarium backgrounds, how to make them and attach, look HERE.

Registration of aquarium by alive and artificial plants.
Continuing to use metaphors can be said that if the rear background of the aquarium is "curtains", then the plants are "indoor flowers on the windowsill." From what they will be, how many of them will, it depends on how your aquarium "window" will look like. We recommend to see a wonderful article on this topic - HERE.
Light decoration Aquarium

The power and spectrum of light is important for aquarium plants - this is their source of life. Speaking about the decoration of the aquarium, the color of the world is important. To date, there is a huge manifold color Gamma. Aquarium lamps. Choose to taste! Moreover, there are various bottom aquarium backlights in the form of volcanoes, lanterns and LED aerators. Here they are.

Registration of aquarium with a different decor. Aquariums can be made of seashells, locks, ships, fumbies of divers, skulls, etc. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy all this in the pet store at a raven price. Using such scenery you need to adhere to only two rules: non-toxicity and safety. Shells should not be sharp, and figures of divers from rubber. See the same article Shells in aquarium.
The main directions, types and examples of decoration of aquariums
The classic options for decoration aquarium for fish are:
Biotopic - Such an aquarium is drawn up under a certain water landscape of the lake or stream.
Dutch - Aquarium, the main place in which plants are assigned. Such an aquarium in the people is called "herbalist". The most famous Dutch aquariums creates a mega-aquarist Takashi Amano, here's his work:
Geographical - Such an aquarium is issued under a certain region, it contains fish only from this region.
On the expanses of our homeland, most often you can meet "Household Aquarium" - Where the above principles are not respected. In such aquariums, you can often meet locks, amphoras, the same divers, skulls, etc., other, so on. In addition, there is a whole industry children's aquariums. Here is an example:

Essential and other directions in the decoration of the aquarium.
As they say how many people have so many opinions.
Next, let's clearly see the options for decoring aquarium
Pseudomore Aquariums Such aquariums are drawn up and mimic the marine aquariums - the seabed. The pseudo prefix says that there is no marine fish in such a reservoir. Only entouge is created!
As a rule, in such an aquarium, fish bright coloring, which is often cichlids, for example, Elou, Demanos, Parrots, etc. have often possessed. The aquarium itself is drawn up by corals, artificial polyps and marine shells.

Dutch Aquarium "Light-option" Aquarium close to natural habitat of fish. It contains live aquarium plants, squashs, stones, but "in a lightweight form." Such aquariums do not require special knowledge of the life of plants from aquarium. Elementary care is the key to success and achieve their goals.

True Dutch Aquarium - "Travnik"
It is densely planted aquariums. Fully imitating all the beauty of freshwater reservoirs. To create such aquarium, we need knowledge about plants, it is necessary to study the issue of feeding aquarium plants and the use of CO2 system for aquarium.

Household, Children's, Thematic Aquarium Such aquariums are executed under a certain idea. As a rule, this is the fiction and fantasy of a person.

Futuristic Aquariums or Glo Aquariums Relatively recently in the aquarist entered the fashion for the creation of GLO-water bodies. Where everything shines neon and plays phosphorus. Even even fluorescent live fish. Such aquariums look beautiful in the evening and at night. Read more Glo-Fish here.

Marine Aquariums These are aquariums in which marine, solonic fish. Aquarium permeated marine theme. The lack of such water bodies is the price and the huge cost of content.

Cihelid A species aquarium in which only the fish of the cichl family is contained.
See Cihelid - Cikhlida in the aquarium

There are also industrial and aquarium show

We wish you success in the design and creation of your individual aquarium kingdom, below additionally presented photos clearly showing all the variety and flight aquarium thought in the illuminated question.

Video about the decoration of the aquarium

Aquarium: Design with your own hands. Styles and options for decoring aquarium

In our time, the beautiful and fashionable design of the aquarium for a person engaged in the content and breeding of fish is not just entertainment, but a question of prestigious and just aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the results of his works.

Psychologists argue that the aquarium with fish, located in the apartment, is able to calm the nerves and normalize the mental state of the person. To do this, it is enough to simply organize a seating area with aquarium and watch fishing at least 30-60 minutes. in a day.

Aquarium: Design with your own hands

The most fascinating and time-consuming occupation for all of us during the installation and filling of aquarium tank is its correct and beautiful design in one style with the design of the room.

To date, there is a huge number of accessories that can be placed in aquarium. Registration with your own hands will allow exactly as possible to recreate in it exactly the situation you wish to see there. Just do not forget that the main inhabitants of the aquarium are fish. And they need the maximum amount of free space in order to be able to swim freely.

The main components of the components allowing to carry out the design of the aquarium (200 liters and all others) are:

  • stones;
  • natural and artificial algae;
  • pebbles;
  • various wooden elements;
  • artificial decor elements, such as locks, chests, etc.


Let's consider the following stages and examples of decoration of aquariums:

  • ustilka DNA soil;
  • decoration of aquarium stones and grotts;
  • decor aquarium using a properly selected background;
  • the use of various types of plants;
  • the correct selection of the backlight;
  • registration of aquarium with decor elements.

Each of them has its own definite rules that will be described below.

Ustilka DNA Soil

The soil for aquarium bottom is one of the main and inalienable attributes. Before purchasing it in a specialized store, decide what kind of aquarium you want to have, because this natural material needs to be purchased according to a specifically set goal. Yes, yes, you did not hear: under each goal there is a certain kind of soil.

So, if you have small fish in the aquarium, it is best to buy a small kind of soil, and a coarse or mixed is suitable for large inhabitants of the tank. A similar approach is acceptable and then when you decide to equip a dutch-style aquarium at home, that is, the tank in which plants prevail, and not fish.

In addition, when choosing a coating for the bottom, it is necessary to take into account the individual habits of your selected exotic aquarium fish. If you purchased goldfish or certain varieties of catches, it must be remembered that they love to rummage in the ground. Therefore, it is impossible to buy small soil for them, otherwise the fog will always stand in the aquarium. To avoid this, you must purchase a bottom covering of this size so that they cannot dig it.

It is best to buy a monochrome coating for aquarium. It is best to choose a bottom base of dark color, because it will benefit from the inhabitants of your fish house.

Before placing a purchased soil in an aquarium, it must be thoroughly rinsed or, which is the perfect option, to quivek.

Stones and grottoes

How is the decoration of aquarium stones and grotts? These details selected for the decoration should be made only from natural, natural materials. They should not contain in themselves harmful or poisonous impurities, which, when entering the water, can lead to death of the inhabitants of the aquarium.

In the case of self-collecting elements of the decor in the aquarium, the design is made with your own hands only after the preliminary processing is only previously collected material In order to disinfect and verifying all the inhabitants of this tank of elements harmful to the health.

Stone processing and corporation

Stones can be treated in the same way as the soil for the bottom of the aquarium, and the pre-treatment of corporate occurs somewhat more complicated. To do this, place the selected wooden decor in water container (so that the liquid completely covers it) and add salt there until it stops dissolving, after which it will extract the processed snag and, having solid clean water, Place in the purchased reservoir for fish.

You should not forget that in an aquarium in no case should there be elements from limestone, rubber, various types of metals, as well as elements that have a coating of paint or enamel.

It is also not necessary to overstat the aquarium with a decor, especially elements of large sizes, such as stones, grottoes, etc., since this leads to a decrease in the useful internal space required by the underwater inhabitants for their vital movement.

Do not forget that the elements of the larger decor need to be placed in the corners of the container or on the back plan, so as not to spoil the entire appearance.

Registration of aquarium with a properly selected background

The so-called rear background is an important element of the decor of the aquarium. Because the background cover sets the mood of all of your brainchild, you should not choose and dark tones, wearing the spirit of despondency and sadness.

There are several rear background options for aquariums:

  • You can simply paint the rear wall of the reservoir in the color you chosen. This path has its pros and cons. An indisputable plus can be called uniqueness and 100 percent originality of your child. The list of minuses includes certain difficulties with a change in the existing background (removing it with a solvent).
  • The background in the form of a colored plastic film, which has an infinite number of different variational solutions, among which everyone can choose the most appropriate for it. In addition, the price of such a film will be practically imperceptible for your pocket, as well as it can be very quickly installed or removed.
  • Panno and Diorams in aquarium. Registration with your own hands in this case is the ideal option, since these items can not only be purchased in the store, but also to make themselves using the following technicians: small pebbles, snags and branches, foam and mounting foam. But it is impossible to forget about the ecological purity and natural origin of the selected materials, so as not to cause harm to fish. Such decorative elements will always be the only one in its kind.

Rules of sticking film

A similar film can be attached both from external and from the inside of the rear wall. If you want to get more rich colors, then, of course, it is better to stick it from the inside.

Before sticking the film, it is necessary to make sure that the surface inner wall The back of the aquarium is completely dry (in order to avoid the appearance of pillions). Treat the purchased film throughout the perimeter with a special transparent silicon hermetic, bought in a pet store. In no case do not use the usual sealant, since the consequences of its use can be irreparable for aquarium inhabitants.

If you decide to stick the film inside the aquarium, then you should not regret silicone: it is better to make a very thorough film, especially the topmost edge to avoid the possibility of its dug. After fixing, wait for the material to completely dry, and only after that fill the tank with water.

Registration of aquarium with various types of plants: alive or artificial

If you purchased aquarium and do it, do not forget about the acquisition and landing of various types of algae. No need to overstat the container, but without them it is impossible to do without them, because they saturate water with oxygen and are feed for some species of fish.

They also act in the form of "Yassel" for newly born fish, because only hiding in algae, they can survive, because among many species of fish the eating of their fry are common. Those kinds of fish that solely caviar hide her on the sheets of algae or under them.

Landing and care for alive aquarium plants

Before purchasing aquarium plants, it is best to consult with the seller in the pet store, it will help to find perfectly suitable plants, and will also tell you how to find them in the aquarium so that they for a long time Pleased your eyes.

In any case, there are varieties of water vegetation that do not require landing in the ground. For all other soil thickness should not exceed 3-5 cm, and the grains are recommended to choose medium or large sizes. This is such a size of the soil accelerate the process of full rooting of plants. Just planted plant can be slightly pressing pebbles or another decor element. At the same time, its roots must be in a polished state.

Correct the backlight

If you decide to make a purchased aquarium, then do not forget about proper backlightAfter all, it is precisely not only the appearance of the reservoir, but also the health of its inhabitants, since the power of the light flux and its spectrum is vital for plants.

To date, there is a huge number of diverse backlights, both external and fully adapted to work under water, so everyone can find the option that he will like it. Many different benefits helping the novice aquarist published in the novice aquarist, helping the aquarium correctly and quickly. The photo placed below will help make this process as simple as possible and easy.

Registration of aquarium with decor elements

When applying an aquarium using decor elements, it is necessary to remember that they should be environmentally friendly and not having harmful impurities, and in no case cannot be oversaturated with an aquarium.

You can use both bought and independently made decor.


Today exist various styles decoration of aquariums. All of them are very richly represented in pictures and photographs placed in our article and in various books dedicated to aquarium. Also in Russia they can be seen in dolphinarius. Among them are allocated to the aquarium design options:

  • Biotopic, which is a landscape of a separate reservoir.
  • Dutch design style making the main focus on the wealth of underwater flora, and not on the fish.
  • Geographic - aquarium with representatives of the animal and vegetable world of a separate region.
  • The pseudomo aquarium is stylized under the seabed without plants, and its inhabitants become fish of bright colors. Since such a reservoir is decorated with the decor of large sizes, such as stones, corals, artificial polyps, sinks, and is almost completely lacking vegetation, it is great for cichlid. After all, it is the design of aquarium for cichlid is ideal.
  • Children's aquariums are drawn up in accordance with the child's favorite theme (games, cartoons, stories of books, etc.).
  • Seaquarium with inhabitants living in salted water.
  • Futuristic aquariums saturated with luminous elements, including special hybrid fluorescent fish.
  • Household and thematic containers created on the basis of human imagination.

The design of the corner aquarium is made according to the same principles that all others. A variety of types and styles of the works of the aquarium business known worldwide will help you in this difficult business. We hope that the recommendations given in this article will help you draw up a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe future internal furniture for fish. In addition, the aquarium photo proposed by us will help you correctly and beautifully. They will serve as an excellent visual benefit.

Aquarium: Design with your own hands (photo)

Today it is easy to embody the design solutions internal and external decoration turnkey aquariums. Modern studios offer the most unusual variations of the artistic design of hidden depths. However, if desired, you can create your own author's project, making a truly unique aquarium. Design, with your own hands implemented, will make it possible to implement any idea, making the main element of the interior of the room created by the underwater world.


It is best to contain aquarium fish of those people who see in this pleasant occupation and rest, not the trouble and problems. After all, it is not enough only to buy an aquarium and launch inhabitants. It is important and be able to care for him so that he does not just like it, but delivered aesthetic pleasure.

The underwater world of the house or in the office is a kind of live painting, this is a way to emphasize the individuality of the interior. Aquadesign is an integral part of the aquaries. Special uniqueness guarantees his own vision of the design of the underwater world. Thinking up its artistic project, real aquarists are suitable for him with all the souls. Their main goal is to create an original landscape and a comfortable environment for the lives of water inhabitants. Similar artistic design allows the most harmoniously pour the aquarium to the interior. Design, with your own hands, makes it possible to embody the most incredible options for designing compositions, from which in the future it is simply impossible to tear the eyes. It can be fabulously beautiful marine, rocky stories, mountain valleys, mangrove forests.

By virtue of its turbulent fantasy, you can create the most incredible designs of decoration. However, they all require a clear concept - from their development to embodiment. First of all, it is necessary to determine the style of the aquarium and its features. It is also important to account for the size of the aquarium and its shape, so that the selected style is appropriate with one or another area. Selection of internal filling of the aquarium and its appearance at the same time should be harmoniously joined into the surrounding environment.

Great value also have fish. The design is being developed under them, with an obligatory accounting of habitat familiar to them. Compositions are constituted depending on the form of fish. For many of them, shelters are needed, without which they may die. Some of them love to hide in a sandy day, some prefer small thickets. The role of shelters is perfectly performed by squigs and grottoes. Date of scenery with special illumination give a special charm and mysteriousness to the underwater world. Allow you to create unique compositions and a real paradise for exotic inhabitants, the new habitat for which your aquarium has become. Design, with your own hands, makes it possible to carry out any creative ideas, would be desire.

Types of Aquariums

The scenery for the subject environment of the underwater world serve as a win-win decoration of the aquarium. But the main component internal design Is his prosperous biosystem.

Aquariums in their intended purpose are divided into decorative and special (spawning, selection, outgrown, quarantine and others). The most popular of them are species and biotopic.

The species aquarium will allow not only to decorate the interior of the house, but also will give a unique opportunity to observe a certain species of fish or their close-based species. His inhabitants have a significant impact on the design of the aquarium. With their own hands, it is completely easy to arrange, but before the incarnation of ideas it is to seriously familiarize themselves with the habits of the selected fish in their natural habitat.

Biotopic aquariums reproduce the imitation of any natural biotope with characteristic species Fish, plants and defined parameters their familiar habitat.

Styles of decoration

For aquarium design, any uniform qualification is not allocated. Typically, the design of the project is carried out according to the well-established stylistic directions. The main ones are:

  • decorative;
  • natural;
  • dutch;
  • japanese;
  • pseudomo;
  • scene;
  • vanguard;
  • collector;
  • seawater aquarium.

For newbies

For novice naturalists best option The decoration of the aquarium will be a collector style. This is the perfect option that allows you to "fill the hand." Everything is allowed here everything. You can mix plants, use their artificial imitation, choose any aquarium. Design, with your own hands embodied in life, allows you to create interesting compositions from plants of different textures and decorative elements. It is possible to experiment with various scene lines. Plant selection should depend on the theme. To begin with, preference is recommended to be given unpretentious and hardy plants.

Natural style

In 1980, Takashi, the famous Japanese aquadizainer, a new direction was presented in the design of aquariums - natural style. The philosophy of these aquarium paintings is concluded in the understanding and sensation of nature, recreated according to the "Wabi - Sabi" principle ("modest beauty").

This style draws inspiration from mountain and forest landscapes, water flows. With the help of various decorative elements (corporate, stones), asking coordination centers, small architectural forms are created. Their asymmetric accommodation based on the Rule of Golden Section makes it possible to specify the direction of a natural (natural) feeling of perception of the whole composition.

Steney fish effectively emphasize the recreated landscapes, bring a variety of in the underwater world and literally impose pay attention to the aquarium. Design with your own hands (100 liter volume, at least) miniature version in natural style It is better to start using no more than 5 plant species.

Underwater garden

One of the most beautiful directions in the creation of the underwater world is the Dutch style. It is quite fascinating to make a similar design of the aquarium with your own hands. 250 liters for the creation of the underwater garden - quite the optimal option.

The basis of this style is aquarium plants of various textures, shapes, size and color. The tracks from the green plantings occupying almost the entire main area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom allows you to create an amazing depth effect. Architectural forms in the form decorative Korgia and stones are present in limited quantities. Well-kept underwater garden is visually perfect and interesting.

Seawater aquarium

Many people today are passionate about the breeding of marine fish. Prepare a biological environment for them is more difficult, especially using living corals, which are rather demanding to water parameters. But experienced naturalists are completely able to create such a design of the aquarium with their own hands. 200 liters - the optimal average volume for enjoying the contemplation of the marine underwater world. It is not worth overpopulation of living beings, since in such a reservoir there is a limited system of life support.

Design the design of the marine aquarium is necessary, taking into account its view, which does not last depend on the inhabitants. It can be predators (sharks, skates, moray), unsubstantial fish (Zebrasom, angel fish and other species) or corals and invertebrates. The most unpretentious are predatory fish, more complex in the care of invertebrates, which may die from minor deviations in the chemical indicators of water.

For the livelihood of such aquariums it is worth buying expensive equipment. It will need to be reduced, it is worth considering, working out the aquarium design with your own hands. The photo demonstrates how you successfully hide all the wires, hoses and tubes, decoring the background with picturesque coral reefs, stones and shelters for fish in the form of mysterious grottoes and caves.


By purchasing practical skills and relying on the experience gained over time, you can try to master such a special kind of art, a peculiar analog of landscape design for parks and gardens, like Aquaskeeper.

it landscape design Aquarium with your own hands, to create more experienced aquaries. The underwater world is organized by certain rules Aquaskeepa. This direction in Aquadizayne implies a composition, thought out to the smallest detail. Decorative elements, plants and inhabitants, who can not only coexist peacefully, are selected for the creation of a submarine landscape, but also to express the basic idea concluded in the landscape.

Background Aquarium

Beautiful background for decoring the rear wall of the aquarium is easy to create with the help of special films on which images of the underwater world are applied. They can have and just saturated blue colourcreates the effect of depth and contrast. But much more interesting, turning on the fantasy, think over the background, size and volume of the tank, the scenery used and include everything in the developed aquarium design with your own hands: 250 liters, there are stone background, spectacular squigs, stones, moss, various plants - All these elements will be as impossible by the way.

It is worth noting that the rear background of the aquarium often gives the whole composition (especially volume) unique charm and naturalness of the aquatic environment. It is easy to create with your own hands, using, for example, a foam broken with different pieces, which is glued to the rear wall of the aquarium and are crossed by special paint with intermittent strokes. It turns out an excellent imitation of the stone background. It can be done in a similar way, using pieces of bark from corping.

The composition can be created from dead coral, marine reef stones. In the marine aquarium, small invertebrates, polyps and other inhabitants will find here.

The design of the aquarium, with its own hands, designed and made, allows a considerable amount of excellent ideas for plot aquariums using exotic plants, shells, marine pebbles. The incredible amount of their quantity can be realized by creating their "gardens of stones." And then glad to watch the flashes on their background of bright fish with an unusual color.

The main thing is not to overdo it with decor elements, plants and inhabitants of the aquarium. Everything should be harmoniously combined, to enjoy your creator and do not harm fish.

Aquarium - interior element

Thanks to unusual beauty, modern aquariums are able to become a real pearl of any interior. The diversity of styles and forms is simply amazing. Aquariums can be suspended, outdoor, built-in. The stunning effect in the room create diorama aquariums, their form seems to contribute to the breathtaking water world. The personally executed option improves well-being and raises the mood. Today is not uncommon even a dry aquarium. Design, with your own hands carried out, allows you to give yourself an unusual creative concept of marine landscape. Many solutions can be created thanks to the incredible flight of creativity. It is definitely simple and incredibly interesting!

Hello dear Colleagues. I am glad to welcome you again on my aquarium blog dedicated to aquarium and all that is connected with this science. Today I want to give you a post office on how to make an aquarium correctly. Many novice aquarists sometimes perform operations on the decoration of the aquarium not in the sequence in which you need. Therefore, today's article I want to clarify this moment and I will start with the rear background of the aquarium.

The background

You need to know and remember that the rear background is installed before the water is flooded. In the manufacture of volumetric rear background, be sure to use non-toxic materials that will not be distinguished into water various harmful substances. The two most popular material for the volumetric rear background is considered fiberglass and expanded foam. If you do not have the ability to make the back background for aquarium volumetric, you can glue the back wall outside a special film or just paint the glass in the desired color.

I do not recommend using bright colors, optimal colors as for me dark gray, black, brown or dark blue. At least about the blue, I am sure, since such a film is stripped at Akvas. It looks quite decent, so do not be afraid. If you do not want a film or did not find for any reason, you can use cardboard, carpet or plastic dark flowers. Alternatively, you can buy in stores ready-made background from plastic with drawing on it. Such backgrounds in pet stores are available at various heights and sold in rolls. How much you say, so much will cut off, there should be no problems with this. Backgrounds for freshwater aquariums have a different composition, where plants, squabs or stones are presented.


The aquarium stones play a rather significant role in its design. In addition to the decoration, the stones serve as shelter for many species and a substrate for some species of icons of hydrobionts. At least most of the fish love to throw caviar in decorative objects of decoration (pots, caves, castles and grottoes), to celebrate the caviar among the large blocks of stones in the cleft, they are also not against.

Also, with the help of stones, the terraces can be strengthened, unless of course there are in the aquarium. Or pebbles can hold the soil so that they do not flood. I, for example, holding the bottom of the Kabomba roots, as it grows quickly and constantly cuts off. I don't see sense to perplex in me, but she is so good. If you are not yet aware, then the stones of the following breeds can be used in the aquarium: granite, gneiss, porphyr and other primary breeds. Sandstone, limestone, dolomite is suitable for rigid water aquariums.

Depending on the shape of the stone, the aquarist can create a different landscape. If fish of flowing reservoirs predominate in your aquarium, for example, the stones need to choose rounded. The main thing is not to use cobblestones with sharp edges and edges, as the fish can easily be born about it. Before laying the breed into Aquas, it needs to be cleaned and boiled. Look at the closely selected brick for metallic inclusions. Presence in breed various metalsSince they will be in water to highlight harmful oxide for fish. To check the stone on the subject of lime inclusions, spin it with hydrochloric acid. If there are those, it will be covered with bubbles. After a detailed inspection, it is advisable to wash the cammy.

From large stone slabs you can organize clefts. In the case of their unstable position, such stones are better to glue the bottom of the aquarium and prevent the aquarium soil to enter them. If this happens, then at a point where one element of the substrate attached by a stone to the bottom will cause the concentration of stresses, which can lead to negative consequences for the entire aquarium. In the article, I already told about it, so I will not stop at this moment. If you have large bricks, then small pebbles dwell directly on top of the substrate.


An unforgettable priest is attached to the bank and are shelter for many species of aquarium fish. The aquarium plants are attached to them, in particular, it looks like a spit-free. In the tree used, there should be no vital juice and it must be definitely dead. The best cortex is considered to be the root root in the peat in the swamp for a long time. You can also take the branches of maple, ash, alder, willow, beech, which a couple of dozen years have fallen in the reservoir. In no case, do not use molded snags and snags stuck in water bodies contaminated with toxic waste. Squares from pine are also impossible to put into the aquarium, as they are isolated into water resin.

Before placing a tree into an aquarium, it needs to be processed and clean from dirt. Processing squigs in a saturated solid solution. Thus, you kill two hares: all bacteria will die and jump out the air from the pore of the tree. You take the enameled dishes, throw a salt in a pan as much as possible and pour water. How did it, put on the stove and let it boil around three hours. If it pops up, press it with bricks.


These things are not recommended to be placed in a homely tropical aquarium. In their composition there are a large amount of calcium carbonate, which will change pH and rigidity aquarium water. Although these attributes for aquarium are not desirable in tropical ecosystems, some species of fish use shells as shelter and substrate for spawning. Sea shells must be pre-boil and then scat absolutely all surfaces. Better give preference to those sinks that broke the bottom for a long time with empty and polished for long years water. You can not put in the aquarium of the shell with stores that are treated with varnish or paint.

Other subjects

Today in the range of pet stores there are all kinds of decorations for aquarium: galleons, castles, treasure chests, tiles and skulls. These all crafts are made of plastics, ceramics and other not harmful materials. Such decorations are greatly wrapped with a home aquarium. As an option, you can use bottles and other glass vessels and plastic decorations as a scenery. If you wish to make a cave, take a clay pot or coconut shell, looks very decent. Oddly enough, the fish more willingly taste these decorations rather than piles of stones.

And on this all today. I tried to list the main scenery, which are most often used in aquarium for the design of the underwater landscape. Choose, try and experiment, may come up with your decor element, significantly different from the standard options. Well, now everything is already all, to ambiguous meetings.

A few years ago it was believed that any aquarium is compatible with any interior. Today, trends have changed: they started talking about color and light correspondence, proportions, sizes. Even specialists appeared in this area.

When we are talking about the design of aquariums, then under this mean the competent design of the inner space of the glass container - the population of the underwater world. To do this, you need to know which plants and fish are capable of exist in one volume. Where will the visual center of the aquarium, whether the aquarium will be alone, or they will need several. Whether you choose a flat picture, or need tiers and terraces.

Then the finished aquarium needs to be located in the room, in the room harmoniously in the interior. From this point of view, the design of the tank itself is important: its shape, color, size.

If you first decide to acquire aquarium, first of all, it is necessary to decide what it will be - marine or freshwater. These are different worlds, and each of them lives in their laws and requires some care.

Depending on the selection of inhabitants marine Aquariums They are divided into three groups: with predators, with unsubstantial fish, with invertebrates.

Aquariums populated by predators, the simplest in care. The most whimsical aquariums with invertebrates - acts, corals, sponges and shrimps. These inhabitants are very demanding of environmental conditions, the slightest deviation of the chemical water indicators may be destructive for them.

Freshwater aquariums They are divided into two groups: the first - with fish, the second - with the predominance of plants. Today it is fashionable to keep Malawi and American cichlid, freshwater skates. Using fish that can live in rigid water, you can create aquariums in the style of "pseudomor". In such an aquarium, water is rigid, but not salty, living corals are replaced by dried skeletons. In order to give some dynamics of underwater scenery and for the full development of plants in the reservoir, small art fish are selected.

Homemade aquariums can be a biotop, a dwelling of one type or mixed "house". Biotopki aquariums create a separate corner of the Earth close to natural habitat. Sea reproduce coral reefs of the Red Sea, and freshwater - the world of African lakes Malawi, Tanganic, various rivers and lakes of South America.

In the species aquarium, as a rule, contain some kind of type, family or family of floating inhabitants. A collection of various plants is also a species aquarium design.

With a mixed style of decor, the container is populated by different types, which in nature do not always live together. Here you need to remember the compatibility of the species.

Species and mixed aquariums can be furnished with a stick of stones, decorate with multi-colored glass, ceramic pots, "the remains of sunken ships." Today, professionals are not very complaining of this style, they prefer imitation natural landscapes With their seeming simplicity.

If the height of the aquarium exceeds 60 cm (length of the hand), then it is inconvenient; Length has no fundamental importance. Very long aquariums are called panoramic.

The volume of classical aquariums varies from 100-200 to 500-600 liters. Many are supplied complete with equipment.

Volume 500-600 liters are installed on durable stands. Inside such a cupboard, you can hide all equipment. The stand is open or closed. Selecting the option, you should consider the stylistics of your interior. If a tree prevails in the room, then the cabinet is made of wood, preferably in the tone of furniture or doors. Black color is the most neutral, in such a framing, the picture of the underwater world looks brighter. In the avant-garde interiors it is better to use aluminum and glass, mirror surfaces with backlit.

If the aquarium is in the bathroom, then the cabinet can be lined with ceramic tiles.

Classic forms choose people for whom aquarium is a means that allows you to relieve fatigue, get rid of negative emotions.

The aquarium painting is hanging on the wall, therefore, its volume is relatively small - from 30 to 80 liters. The species glass is framed by baguette. In such containers, only small fish will be inserted using a combination of alive and artificial plants.

In aquariums-polyhedra, light is repeatedly refracted, numerous distortion of the picture, plants and fish are acquired by bizarre forms.

Many aquariums have a visual center - it can be a large fish, a plant with an unusual coloring, scenic snag, a group of stones. Everything else unites around this center.

It is impossible to post in one aquarium in a snag and corals, you should not put a small castle in a large aquarium, especially if it floats a large fish.

Sea and pseudomo landscapes are characterized bright colors, such an aquarium is quite extravagant, it acts as a color explosion and looks good in the passing zone. But for many hours surveillance and removal of the voltage, it is unsuitable, too tiring.

In freshwater models, calm green and golden brown tones are dominated. It is such an aquarium that allows you to relax and relax. It can be installed opposite the sofa or chairs, it will be able to replace your TV.

All Capacities S. live plants The lamp is covered on top, thanks to this, the underwater life looks natural, and an additional lamp is present in the room.

If there are no living plants in the aquarium, the backlight may be of a wide variety of colors. The options are selected that will best fit into the total range.

Aquarium can be placed along the wall, in the middle of the room, enter into a niche, use as partition.

When embedded aquarium to the partition, the capacity is made transparent from two opposite sides. Aquarium needs to be located at the level of the viewer's eye.

If the wallpaper for a transparent aquarium is too light, then even a bright fish will seem unbelievable. Rear wall Capacities are better to decorate with various flat and volumetric plastic backgrounds and polystyrene.

Do not install an aquarium near a high-speed sound source, many fishes of the bugle. Do not put an aquarium near the window. Plants still not enough light, and straight sun rays Will provoke a rapid growth of algae.

Aquariums are different and make them differently. They can be used to attract attention in commercial organizations. You can add the interior to create a relaxing mood of business meetings and negotiations. Put the aquarium at home for the sake of comfort - also a good move. And someone is needed as a symbol. See, they say, I took place. Feng Shui, by the way, with the help of aquarium attracts wealth and abundance.

I want to learn to quickly. What to do?

In order to get a beautiful aquarium design with your own hands, it is enough to know some principles of drafting with live plants. It was on this field that most experts focused high level. After such a school, underwater paintings will inevitably be successfully obtained not only with alive plants, and with artificial design.

A little more skill, and you yourself will not notice how you become a big professional when handling any types of decorations that can be divided into three groups: aquarium design with alive plants, design with artificial scenery and pseudomo design.

Different styles We need not only for the sake of achieving some kind of purpose when planning the interior design. More often need to solve technical issues related to our preferences. One like watermelon, the other is a pork cartberry.

Why need
Different types of design?

Live plants

In aquariums in which plants play a paramount role, aquarium fish is moved to the background. This is the so-called Dutch aquariums. With such an arrangement of aquarium, plants are planted so tightly that sometimes there is no place to see the bottom of the aquarium.

Now becoming increasingly popular creating in an aquarium imitation of a natural landscape with live plants. This is the same Dutch aquarium in which with the help of plants and natural scenery, such as stones and squigs, a picture of a natural landscape has been created. The bottom of the river is not really very attractive. Much more pleased our view exactly the painting of the ground landscape, but created under water from aquarium plants.

And at all, it is not necessary to ship all the space by alive plants. Registration of such aquariums is more common when plants in design only indicate their presence. Just and tasteful.

Artificial plants

There are such cases when priority is left for fish. And the decorative filling is nonsense, and adjusts to them for their birthplace. Usually do it with large fish having features in the content. The peculiarity is simple - to demolish everything on your way and dig a soil. And territorial fish can free their place from unnecessary items. This is the most common type of aquarium. After all, it is, first of all, is intended for aquarium fish.

Another option to decorate an aquarium is to create a saturated underwater landscape. And the fish complement the underwater picture, reviving it. In this case, artificial plants are used not because the fish do not allow landing alive, but not to have unnecessary trouble. This plants need additional attention.

In a nursery better suitable Aquarium saturated with bright non-colors.

Aquarium imitating sea

You can create a freshwater aquarium design using real, though not live corals, seashells ... Run bright aquarium fish that look like their marine analogs. Such an aquarium, when a quick look, will almost not distinguish from the real maritime. This is a pseudomor. Pseudomo aquariums instead of marine make out of savings. The sea aquarium is more expensive than freshwater than two or three times. This applies to all: animals, equipment, scenery, as well as, the services of the design and maintenance of aquariums.

All this we can do for you. You can get a beautiful aquarium design, not spending time neither forces. You just need to choose what you want. Personally, we select the type of design and work with you all the details. The rest will do everything yourself at a convenient time for you.

We give a guarantee for our work. To do this, we serve your aquarium for free within a month after decoring aquarium and launch fish. During this time, you can learn to care for the submarine or entrust further service to us. If you didn't like something in our work, we will fix everything for free. We also change the faded fish for free, etc. Animals, if something happens to them.

If you have questions, call us 8-495-5-068-068. Departure of a specialist for advice and acceptance of the order for free.