Repairs Design Furniture

Design of external design arbor at the cottage. Arbors in the courtyard of a private house: photos, options, modern design. Selection of material for the construction of arbors

Having his home outside the city, many think that it is to build such a cozy and useful next to him. You will agree that a gorgeous garden, well-kept beds and neat paths with flawless fences do not create a finished picture of the garden plot, without a cozy arbor on it. Today, a rare case, when a country house costs without a full-fledged recreation area on the territory or a small garden gazebo. The construction of a country gazebos is a great way to not only decorate the landscaped design, but also create an extra room for complete unity with nature. In the gazebo, you can perfectly breakfast in the whole family in early morning, enjoy the evening tea, or post guests invited to a picnic. Under the roof cozy construction, you can hide from the scorching sun or hide from the rain. Arbor design is another chance to show the designer's talent and give comfort to your possessions.

Basic Types Arbor

Let's look at the main options for the manufacture of arbors placed in the territories of a country house.

Open gazebo is easier than going. The simplicity of design allows you to meet in the shortest possible time and create a full-fledged recreation area. An open gazebo is collected for giving from the support columns and mounted roof, after which it is decorated with decorative elements and partitions between the columns. In thenuta gazebo, you can arrange a comfortable table, shops or armchairs with pillows and rolls, and there is a zone with a grill and grill nearby.

In an open gazebo in warm weather it is very pleasant to enjoy the singing of birds and a gentle sun, this is the best option for family meetings.

However, in cool weather there is a risk of frozen outdoors, so in winter such a design loses all its relevance.

A closed gazebo is a house closed from all sides by the walls. In such a gazebo, poor weather and insect raids are terrible. It can be staring until late at night and do not interfere with those who went to bed.

However, the closed space will not give you to fully enjoy nature and in order to breathe fresh air, you will have to periodically go outside.

Special attention should be paid to the design, which not only has to stream people from rain, snow and sunlight, but also to be externally anxiously attractive.

A gazebo with a barbecue area - solves the problems of cooking on open fire. Such a gazebo is equipped with a special mangal and high-quality chimney.

It can also arrange a full-fledged kitchen area with a stove, lockers, a table for making food and a separate dining area.

Live gazebo - lightweight design, the main part of which is the curly plants, creating dense green walls (alive hedges). In such a gazebo, a complete feeling of unity with nature is preserved, pleasantly enjoy the smell of plants and invite friends. With proper care, such gazebos can please the eye not one season.

Also, such a gazebo can be decorated with seedlings of grapes, the fruits of which will hang out beautiful clusters, creating a natural shadow.

Materials for manufacture

Wooden gazebo. The tree is the most popular material in the construction of the buildings of this type. It is easy to make a design with the desired design and a variety of forms, the main thing is to correctly determine its size, and the impregnation by focusing means will give the opportunity to maintain the original type of wood for a long time.

Usually, spruce or pine is used for the construction of wooden arbors, less often oak. The tree is quite lightweight building material, so it's not necessary to build up for the construction.

A stone or brick gazebo is an excellent option for building any type of arbors, in which the placement of the mangala is planned. Mangal and barbecue can be placed on a special stand or podium from stone and bricks.

Fabric gazebos for summer cottages - will be a favorite place for you to relax. The gazebo in the form of a tent looks very interesting, attracts attention and allows you to diversify the usual yard.

It can be equipped with soft pillows and then it will become a real decoration for your site.

Metal arbors - it can be relatively inexpensive to buy from manufacturers, as in the finished form, and make it with your own hands, realizing their dreams and fantasies.

It is usually very simple, not overloaded with details of the design made of wrought iron, which gives them a special charm.

Select the appropriate style for summer buildings

The classic is nothing superfluous, everything is concise and strictly. Arbor of the usual shape, rectangle, without an additional decor, furnished with the simplest furniture objects. This is a simple option for giving, where it is planned to spend little time and do not arrange frequent long gatherings.

Rustic style is an interesting design with carved windows, shutters, a real oven and a variety of details like a samovar, tablecloths, dried greenery and candles instead of lamps.

Construction of a gazebo in a rustic style - a rather complicated process that requires special fools and certain knowledge

East style - exotic design for the country gazebo. There can be a real Chinese pagoda with light walls and a multi-tier roof. The decor is welcomed by the presence of pillows and lampshair, as well as many Chinese lanterns.

You can decorate a country house for relaxing on the territory of your site in any style that the owner of the manor.

There you can put a rocking chair, a table with your favorite books, an ancient pattephone with plates. In any case, the presence of such a house will sometimes feel in full harmony with nature and spend some time alone with you.

Modern landscape design and arbors- The central elementarizardod plot. TheBresting should be placed in such a place where you will be favorable, it should also answer your destination and attribute views.

During the construction of this design, it is necessary to take into account its size, form, because in most cases spacious arbors are used as summer kitchens. Then it is necessary to accommodate the furniture rationally in it to use its space with maximum efficiency.

Accommodation options and constructions

The gazebo is a self-supporting structure, with its help you can achieve the cloakful comfort, the same to relax over a cup of coffee or with a book, to hide from the hot sun or wrapped in a soft blank weather and do not spoil the holiday to friends. As any architectural element, the gazebo must meet the trendy requirements - reliability, functionality and beauty.

Depending on the preferences of the owners of the site and landscape features will vary the selection of the structure configuration. Thus, the forms of arbors are: compact or spacious, square or round and even dislike a polyhedron (today the fantasy designers walks on a wide leg, so molds can be anyhow).

They can be built from air plates or capital adhesives, with elements of polycarbonate or glazed, open in whole or in part, with an open platform under a barbecue or augmented bridge.

It is necessary to approach the design and construction of the arbor, not less responsibility than the construction of the house. It is designed according to requests and capabilities, it is best to contact a specialist to do this, then you will get a comfortable and beautiful structure.

The location for construction is chosen so that in the gazebo can be hidden in any weather, and that she meets its appointment. In order for this, it is necessary to strive for everything around it meets the requirements of aesthetics, and before our eyes was always a beautiful view. As a rule, they set them in the quiet area of \u200b\u200bthe area among colors and greens.

It is good when the arbor is covered from the dominant winds erected on the hill's slope or hidden by crowns of trees, and a pool or a playground is equipped with a relay. You can surround the arbor can be stony or coniferous garden, you can equip a monosad or rosary. It is also important that extraneous noise, exhaust gases and dust penetrate this zone. For these purposes, a live elevation is used and complemented by a pergola with curly plants.

The placement of the arbors also depends on the location on the site at home. EXPLAY ON ONE level, then the best connection between the garden and the housing is ensured. If the site is located on a hill, then you can build a gazebo or at the level of the first floor at home or attach a staircase to it, which you can climb or descend to the place of recreation, which is located at the garden level.

The abundance of flowers, green spaces, a walkway, surrounded by short shrubs, can serve as an excellent improvement in recreation area. If a parking or forest zone is adjacent to the site, it is better to place it closer to the garden borders. With a more illuminated sun, the side is desirable to close with dense trees (for example, weaving Iva, Lipa, etc.). You can protect with curly flowers or plants. Recreation.

And forest birds will make a more pleasant stay in this place.

Also in this embodiment, imitation under the grotto, natural jet of stones, etc. will be appropriate. You can also equip near a small reservoir or pool, a gazebo and plants will be reflected in it and it will be possible to admire a long ethimmirty landscape. After all, water always has to relaxation, and this is not only nice, but also useful.

If the site has a natural reservoir, then, as a rule, it becomes a central composition in the garden landscape. And in this case, any models of arbors are suitable. If noisy neighbors live next to you, it is better to arrange a resting place away from them.

The amount of option is limited to this short list of landscape design and arbors. Agree, there are two absolutely identical sites, because each different tastes and inclinations can be infinite to list the garden designs. The most important thing to take into account when designing that the gazebo should be placed in such a place so that it was nice to spend time in it, and she herself was as hidden as much as possible from prying eyes, and, of course, to combined with the landscaped area.

Selection of material for the construction of arbors

In today's diversity and opportunities, you can buy a finished gazebo, which is made of the latest modern materials. However, with certain skills in construction and having a tool at hand, you can easily build and install a gazebo in one day. If you do not want to have a standard execution of the gazebo in my area, then show your fantasy. There are various forms: classic rectangular and round, Chinese pagodas, massive, in the form of ancient buildings, the Japanese gazebo look original.

Materials for construction choose different, build arbors of stone and wood of various breeds, perform metal gazebos: forged or cast iron casting. Although today there are arbors from wood, you can perform them from metal or bricks. Opening itself is selected glazing, shape and other characteristics.

Arbors can be long-term or short-term, which can be disassembled on the winter. For long-term designs, it is necessary to build a foundation, if you wish, it can be performed from metal pipes. But, as a rule, "light" facilities are built in the sites and therefore non-rigidness in the installer. Place such structures anywhere in the site.

If in the design of your site there are elements made of wood, it is better to build a gazebo from the rounded log, it will be an excellent addition to the vial and harmonious architectural ensemble. It is better for decorative plants. Arbors can vary by their design, as well as different materials, architectural style, the presence of decor elements.

Closed buildings can be partially glazed or equipped with light walls, partitions. They can be used not only in the summer, but in the cool time it can be a comfortable place for a pleasant pastime. Discounts built by their rounded logs are practical, durable, have a beautiful aesthetic appearance, and differ in variety.

Created by individual projects, elegant and reliable, make it possible to organize owners friendly sites and picnics close to the house in the open air. It can also build arbors with a brazier or install a fireplace in them. They fit perfectly in any landscape design. It is maximal to be as easy and open in their functionality, located closer to the house. If the walls are arbored from the grille, it is better to decide with better curly plants.

Durable and reliable wrought

Using forged products in small architectural forms to the decorated object visually interesting and pleasant forms. It is very effective in this regard, wrinkled arbors look. They not only harmoniously complement any exterior, but also serve as an excellent place for family holidays and adoption of the guests. Wonderful such arbors in that they have the property to bring sophistication, refinement and calm in the landscape design.

Barbecue gazebo.

Barbecue is a furnace with a spit and a grill, in which you can feed fish, make a bird or roast. Such a structure should be equipped with an exhaust system to leave the smoke and excess heat. In addition, in the gazebos, it is necessary to put a cutting table and hang the shelves for kitchen utensils.

Today, construction firms offer a wide selection of ready-made barbecue gazes, various designs and from various construction materials. Therefore, they may well fit into any garden design and become an original element of the site.

The main thing is that the gazebo was not only convenient to use, NoI is safe. The place of installation of such a gazebo should not be too remote from the residential structure, easily accessible from the kitchen so that water can be transferred, dishes and various utensils. Also, you should not have a gazebo under branchy trees, because the strong heat from the furnace can damage them.

It is impossible to place a barbecue near the hedges and wooden buildings, they may suffer from sparks and a spark coot. Near the stationary barbecue, the earth is better to choose a brick or tiled, since because of the active movement of grass near her will be flooded.

The forms of arbors are limited only by the cost and fantasy of the architect. Arbor models can be different classic - round and rectangular, triangular, without floors and with floors.

Finish arbor

Environmentally friendly and best material without a doubt is natural wood, besides, it is durable and beautiful. Most often, coniferous rocks are used to finish conifers: larch, oak, pine, etc. Thanks to modern processing of the material, you can choose almost any shade, while wood retains its natural qualities, and the service life is extended.

The roof of the arbors is usually covered with tiles, polycarbonate, wood and other suitable materials. For the floor, you can also apply a tree, and you can concrete or put a natural stone or tile. It will be good if the floor material will coincide with the material that garden sites, tracks or an elevation are made.

The interior finish will depend on your taste and appointment of the design. The garden gardens are simply tinted with a tree, put a dining table, chairs, armchairs. If you want an unusual interior, please create, dare, because everything is in your hands!

Garden gazebo is a stylish element of the design of the country area. With the right approach and choice of design, it is able to decorate the local area, its highlight. At the same time, the construction retains the functionality, placing inside households or guests to eat or conversations for a cup of tea.

However, in order for the gazebo to harmoniously fit into the overall concept of stylistics, we need to take into account a number of nuances.

Types of arbors and types of structures

All existing types of buildings are distinguished by the appointment, which depends first of all of seasonality, whether it is a tent, barbecue, options with mangal and stove. They are divided into appointment and manufacturing material. By the type of construction, the construction can be divided into open, semi-closed and closed arbors. Each type has its own characteristics, which is reflected on the conditions of operation and durability.

For example, open arbors are considered the most simple designs.. They do not have walls: they are replaced by supports. Often such structures do not have fencing, as well as foundations. These buildings can perform the functions of the cabins or a canopy from the Sun when relaxing in the fresh air. They are intended for summer exploitation. Often, such structures are performed by their own hands from the most diverse raw materials, which allows you to make identity and special color in the landscape.

When making the construction of certain accessories, it can be decorated with a country area.

Options semi-closed type They are distinguished by great comfort. Like open analogues, they are not designed for year-round use and perform user protection functions from the Sun. However, these facilities are more fundamental, They have one, two, three walls, often fence in the form of a railing and even doors.

Depending on the type of material used for construction, they differ in the type of foundation. However, these buildings do not protect users from insects and do not have glazed.

Closed arborsyou can use all year round, because the hosts make them not only with walls and glazed windows, but also communications. Often such structures are completely reminded by full houses, since they have heating, light, water supply and sewage system. Besides, they are characterized by the presence of ventilation systems.

The lack of buildings of this type is a smaller amount of fresh air, but this problem is quite solved, since there are often similar arbors in front of the entrance, small areas for the placement of households in the fresh air.

Fundamental rules

Proportionality is important, since the design should not be knocked out against the background of the common landscape. It is necessary that the decorative design is composed with basic design materials..

For example, a variant of stone or brick structures provides for the use of massive objects and accessories in the interior. IMPORTANT AND PURPOSE: If the gazebo is needed as a cozy corner closed from an extraneous eye, the design must be selected closed.

If the task is reverse, and the structure is planned to be used to conduct noisy meetings and cooking kebabs, it is worth preferred by open-type options by performing them at a safe distance from the house.

So the soot will be less, and if you wish, you can always relax in the outdoor in the open air, not suffering from the heat when cooking edible.

If the gazebo is a game room for children, its inner world will be completely different, which will affect not only the arrangement, but also on the form and type of structure.

The type of building is different, it should always obey the overall concept of style.

It can be a tent, an oriental style version under a fan of a tree or a built in Russian style, which will look harmoniously on the background of the main structure or the landscape of the country area.

For example, you can add an indoor arbor with a small platform. This will make it more functional, position on the site before entering mobile furniture in the form of a table with chairs. You can add such a platform with a canopy, covering users from the scorching rays of the sun. So it turns out to create an additional seating area, solve the problem of stuffiness associated with cooking food inside the arbor. For convenience, you can perform a floor with paving slabs.

Increase the attractiveness and strengthen the effect of harmony with nature by landscaping. You can put on a field of vases with flowers.

Location and selection of material

Today, the arbors ceased to be strictly functional structures of protection from the scorching sun and rain. Freedom of creativity is welcomed, however, the design is obeying the whole list of norms starting from choosing a place at the design stage. For example, an excellent solution is the neighborhood of the arbor with a small pond.

With proper decoration, it will be possible to indicate the unusual idea of \u200b\u200bthe design, to harmoniously enter the construction in the right place. The place for the construction of the arbors is trying to choose not far from the house. It is important that it is at a high point of the site.

The approach to it must be convenient, so it is worth considering both tracks, as well as their lighting, so that the users did not create discomfort in the evening. The input of the arbor should look at the entrance of the house.

Construction materials depend on the soil in the region, climatic conditions and financial capabilities of the customer. Mainly for the construction of the arbors use wood, metal, brick and stone. Depending on the type of gazebo, tempered glass is used. Each type of material has its own characteristics, aesthetic attractiveness and operational characteristics.

The tree is the most popular material for arbor constructions.. It is warm, natural and harmless, does not secrete toxic substances and is suitable for the construction of various designs of buildings. However, the main minus of such arbors is the constant shrinkage, which does not stop after the active phase, lasting about six months. Therefore, the materials for finishing and the sheaving have to be selected here very carefully.

The disadvantage is the tendency to destruction: its accurate insects and rodents. Wooden gazebo care is needed regular. It must be treated with special compositions, covering paint to extend the life of the structure. Such buildings often resemble traditional huts, although at a skillful approach from the array can be made and a gazebo in a modern style.

Stone and brick choose to build a gazebo lessSince such a building is more demanding on the foundation and soil. The weight of such building materials is heavy, which makes initially pour a reliable foundation using a special concrete with frost-resistant properties and high-load resistance. Often brick or stone are performed not only the supports, but also walls, and also lay out the furnace, a fireplace protrusion and even a kitchen corner.

Metal Notable in that it is perfectly combined with any type of material. It is particularly successful to call its use in the form of openwork forging in the buildings of an open and half-closed type. This allows you to create a feeling of lightness, make the structure special.

Beautifully look at such lace and in combination with the tree, being, for example, part of the enclosing railings.

Glass use for arbors of indoor type. It allows you to get rid of insects, without damping natural light. At the same time, the material contributes to the preservation of heat, and with the right choice it may become and transformed by the detail of the arbor.

For example, not only windows and walls can be made from it, but even folding doors, that in some cases will allow you to make a semi-closed type from a closed gazebo.

Dimensions and forms

The footage of arbors and their forms can be different, which is reflected on their functionality and alignment of elements of arrangement. For example, a round gazebo can be a place for tea drinking, implies the placement of the table in the center and chairs around it. If desired, a small flower greenhouse can be made from such a building, decorated with vases and landscaping.

Dimensions arbors can be different. For example, an octagonal form options can be occupied by the space 3x3, 3.5x3.5, 4x4 m with a height of the floor to the ceiling 2.3, 2.4 m. The most popular sizes of square buildings is the parameter 4x4 m. Projects in the form of a rectangle allow a more convenient placement of furniture and give greater freedom to move inside.

If there are few places (2.5x3 m), a brazier, a narrow table and shops fit in them. When spaces are more (5.3x5 m), choose more comfortable furniture.

Options for inside

The internal arbor arbor depends on the designer idea and destination. At the same time, it obeys the metro station and the main material of the manufacture. If the construction is conceived with the mangal design of the stationary type, the options for its design are different. It may be an eight-marched form of facilities and accommodation in the center of the manga with the table, surrounding it around the perimeter of the bench.

If the places are more, and the form is rectangular, the brazier can be an integral part of the whole wall, running with a stove, cauldron, tandan, woodwoman and washing. In this case, the table and chairs can be located in the center of the arbor or from the opposite side.

For greater comfort, it is possible to designate individual functional zones with a separate backlight, which will allow you to make an unobtrusive organization into the space. At the same time inside the arbor, you can install a bar rack.

If inside is enough space, you can divide the gazebo to the functional sections otherwise. For example, it can be placed in it, hang hammock, put up a soft furniture.

You can distinguish the area with the partition, Separating, say, guest corner from the cooking area. In the guest space for greater comfort, you can install a TV. Spacious open-type options can be supplemented with sofa-swing.

The choice of stylistics is individual. However, the atmosphere inside should be comfortable for all households.

For example, not everyone will be comfortable inside a rough wooden building with a stove, while the version of stone and brick can be pretty hospitable, if you add a construction with a stone floor or tiled, put wicker furniture, organize lighting around the perimeter, place the fireplace . However, inside a wooden building, you can create the desired atmosphere.

The array will look from the inside more expressively if you combine a tree with another texture. For example, you can strip the walls in the open version to make the railing of carved, add a lace forging, the roof from the metal. Only a tree, and in a rough form, it is not like everyone else, because there is a sense of discomfort, especially created by the inner failure, even if the private house itself is fulfilled in Russian traditions. If the material is not planned to sneak, you can paint it into light color. This will remove the feeling of gravity.

The interior of the arbor in the country or section of the country house can be issued in different stylistics. The most successful projects are accurates in the style of chalet, Provence, minimalism and classics.. The arrangement depends on the habits and tastes of households. For example, in one case it is a necessarily emphasis on simplicity, the presence of textiles and light tones of furniture, its lightness and live flowers. You can install inside plastic furniture with rattan imitation and even skin.

There is no more practical building on the household site, as a competently designed gazebo. Its functionality may vary - from a small fragment of the shadow to a full-fledged summer kitchen of an open type. Today it is not customary to spend expensive building materials on some kind of constructed temporary type. In the landscaped design, the gazebo should be a central building that adorns a cozy garden corner. Do not rush to the construction project, without learning about the varieties of arbors, optimal sizes, decor and choosing a better place in the garden.

Tree arbor design in unusual form

Such a gazebo will be your favorite holiday destination.

In a big gazebo, you can collect guests and spend time in the fresh air

Functional arbor in landscape design involves practical use of construction. She can combine:

  • summer kitchen with mangal or barbecue;
  • covered terrace with double suspended swings;
  • landscaped personal space with an outdoor Internet;
  • shady playpen for a secluded rest in a remote corner of the garden;
  • aesthetic frame under a mosquito net to sleep outdoors in the summer;
  • place for joint dinners at the cottage in the shade of curly plants;
  • small greenhouse for the cultivation of indoor plants in the warm season;
  • glazed terrace for weekend with a friendly company in the cold season.

Stone and wood arbor design will serve for a very long time

Small gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

The purpose of the country gazebos determines its design features, materials for its construction and finishing. Most often used natural wood and metal for the frame. Inexpensive roofing materials are suitable for the roof. Transparent gazebo fragments do:

  • from tempered glass (for heavy loads from hail and other precipitation);
  • unbreakable plexiglas (subject to scratch);
  • polycarbonate;
  • transparent flexible slate and other polymers.

The type of construction depends on whether it will be used during the cold season.

  1. If it is constructed in the region where there is heavy snowfall in winter, it is better to make an isher roof, which will not be lit in a snowy hat.
  2. Suitable and collapsible design - the roof is disassembled for the winter
  3. The gazebo in the form of a gallery for grape vines is suitable for a warm climate. These and other curly plants are desirable to strengthen the time of severe frosts, in the spring of the vine, some flowers - stop.
  4. For lovers of winter visits, the cottages build a gazebo type of a glazed house for a time of lunch with kebabs that are fried nearby.
  5. The gazebo under polycarbonate or flexible slate can adjust the deaf wall of the house, combining the function of the covered gallery. It is convenient to prepare and dine in the shade, and room plants and seedlings will be protected from climatic turmoil.

Aesthetics Building is an important factor. It is better to spend a little more time on its construction than for many years they can be content with something second-speed. There are a lot of examples when the designer arbors, built with their own hands, are becoming not only the dacha decoration and the subject of pride in front of friends and neighbors.

Design Arbor from Tree in the yard

Design Project Arbor from Wood

For maximum comfort, the gazebo can be glazed

The successful appearance of the indoor structure encourages the transformation of the entire country area. But it is better to start with a landscape design project:

  • ponds;
  • arbor;
  • shops;
  • lighting;
  • alleys and tracks;
  • live hedges, flower beds and alpine slides.

Any gazebo should not be just a "idle" for the protection of the garden from birds and wild animals, which often happens in places removed from the city near the forest. The construction fully must meet the aesthetic demands of the owners and ideas about comfort and functionality.

Near the gazebo, you can put pots with flowers

Japanese Tree Arria Design

Major varieties of light buildings

Generally accepted classification of country gazebos:

  • open structures on the supports under a canopy;
  • classic semi-closed type facilities;
  • closed buildings (summer kitchens, barbecue or grill houses).

In a gazebo, designed for cooking, it is desirable to bring water and lighting. Then it will be convenient to use in any weather, during the daytime.

Attention! Professional cooks are often invited to a spacious well-maintained gazebo to organize a picnic with friends or a family holiday in nature. The usual requirement of culinary hire - hygiene (running water washbasin) and furnished sophons - oven, barbecue, barbecue and a table for cutting meat.

When drafting a project, it is necessary to decide in advance what kind of design style will be an important aesthetic component. Bricks - traditional material for country buildings. The base of the arbors for the household site, where everything is built from this material, it is better to do in one design.

In the gazebo, you can put a sofa and relax there in your free time

Japanese style arbor design

Unusual option gazebo without a roof with a sofa

Temporary type gazebo - frame under an awning, draped by a cloth. Such vestments can be removed without the need and use when the family periodically arrives at the cottage to the rare weekend. It is filled with garden furniture with soft seats, which are then entered into the house.

If food is cooked elsewhere, then it is possible to limit the simple gazebo of an open tire. For example, wrought-iron options for metal structures under curly plants - photo of arbors in landscape design.

Location, shape and size of arbors

With the current level of technology, covered country pavilions can be built by any configuration:

  • single-storey;
  • multi-level;
  • tower type (convenient for contemplating the magnificent panorama or landscape garden design).

The construction must be highly raised on the stone foundation if it periodically threatens the spring flood. This happens when it is flooded from a shower, when the country area stands on a lowline or in a spill river.

Design Arbor from Wood and Stone

In a big gazebo, you can collect guests in the warm season

The shape and design of the arbor in the country depends on personal preferences:

  • rectangular shape;
  • octagon;
  • square;
  • rectangle;
  • a trapezium (the widest wall - south for the larger area of \u200b\u200bthe afternoon);
  • an extended gallery with benches along a crucible walkway for curly plants;
  • round rotundes or bungalows with a light roof under reeds on the poles;
  • building a combined type (with adjacent canopies for external benches).

Attention! Planning near the arbor, the hearth for cooking, consider that the construction of flammable materials is dangerous!

The roof and support of the structure with a barbecue must be of refractory materials. Sparks from fire should not fall into the close trees. The gazebo should be built on the trees-free venue, or high trees (especially coniferous and with phytoncides) is better removed.

Lightweight buildings in the country garden or in the backyard for cooking - a popular option. But it is important to take into account all the moments to prevent fire in the country area.

The internal equipment of the gazebo varies significantly, and it is tied to its functionality. Most often these are benches or comfortable benches with soft backs for several people.

Today in the fashion sofa-swing, which became an indispensable attribute of summer holidays in the garden. A large selection of models with awnings and without them is a great opportunity to fit the remote corner of the garden or a new gazebo.

It can be very beautifully decorated with a gazebo with flowers and curtains.

The base of the arbor is made of stone, and the roof of the metal

Design Arbor from Tree with Mangal inside

In a spacious building, you can organize even a tiny oasis on the Eastern sample. In the center of the octal arbor, a small fountain with fish in the reservoir was supplied. Draped panels of mattress fabric - excellent shelter from summer heat for seats sitting on bears with soft seats along the gazebo partitions.

An option without textiles - under the roof, you can make carved inserts or lattices for an additional shadow and a luxurious decor. In the center of the arbor, if there is no fountain, it is convenient to put a table. There is an option to change the structure of the structure - folding countertops and light garden furniture.

Classic sizes of country gazebos - 3x3 m. Or 3x4 m., If it is rectangular. A large terrace or an indoor pad, if the space allows, to actually expand to 8-16 sq.m., more building materials will be required. But in such an indoor Manege, a large soft corner of natural or artificial rattan and a table with treats for several persons will fit.

According to generally accepted standards, for a comfortable summer transmission on 1 vacationer, enough 1.2- 2 sq.m. Arbor. The height should be at least 2 meters so that even the highest guests are comfortable.

Metal gazebo design with benches

Near the gazebo, you can land flowers

What is important to know about the construction of the arbor?

The most cozy for the arrangement of the summer building is considered such an angle of landscape design, where the gazebo is removed from the main house, but is well visible from the courtyard. It should be a good paved walkway or garden alleka. It is better if the design project will be engaged in a professional who is able to take into account all the important points and wishes of the customer.

If there is only one likely place for the gazebo, and the plot is already landscaped, it makes no sense to start with planning the territory, you can close the design of the structure. But it is important that all the facilities are in the same style.

The value and form are not the main thing, the type of construction determines the materials, costs, work, functionality, and arbor design.

Large building requires a solid foundation. It can be a columnar or tape. How much it should be broken, depends on the soil and massiveness of the structure. On unstable soils and in swampy regions with flooding it is better to build on piles.

The floors paved with natural wood look luxuriously. But with paving slabs it turns out cheaper and more practical, especially when the area is solid.

Arbor can be decorated with flowers

Arbor design is made of wood

Design arbor from a tree with a fireplace

When building the foundation of garden gazebos, consider that in the soil there are often roots growing nearby trees and other plant inclusions. We have to deal with the panties or removal of large boulders.

Stones, dug on the plot, are in no hurry to export outside the giving, they can be used for landscape design. The first for this was thought of the Japanese, their type of landscaping of the territory near the house was called "Garden of Stones".

Variants of country arows

Coloring landscape design with a gazebo largely depends on the type of construction and the overall stylistic solution. For the construction, with their own hands, it is usually chosen by structures that are easy to assemble from finished wooden blocks or weld from metal grids and pillars.

Who owns artistic skills, often decorates its new wooden creation with the original decor:

  • openwork carving on a tree;
  • objects from the roots, corping and bitch;
  • light grilles from thin planks.

The appearance of the structure must comply with the concept of an architectural ensemble, if professionals were engaged in the improvement of territory. Part of the work can be made independently, and the responsible nodes entrust to those skilled in the art, such as a gazebo with fabulous characters from artistic concrete.

If you want to carry out your dream about aesthetic shaded corner, it is better to limit the "lively gazebo". With minimal cost, this design of concrete pillars, angle and wire can be issued by the Ostrian slate roof. Fast-growing curly plants planted around beells with backs, quickly decorate the colors on a metal frame.

Currently closed or "winter" arbors have yet been rare. But it all depends on the fantasy of the builder or designer. Superb will look at a small "Troll House" (or Gnome) on the Scandinavian style site, with all decor and mythical attributes. Inside there may be a real focus (oven or fireplace), a table, stools and a laying.

Arbor can land flowers around

Tree Arria Design

Visors, cornices, canopies, rotunda, covered galleries - light country designs. They are easily turned into a gazebo, if you place garden woven furniture or plastic chairs. The backbone on the south side is easy to organize with the help of old blinds or awning from the tarpaulin.

Table Selects Arria for Landscape Design

A variety of modern arbors for landscape design - in our photo gallery.

Video: Options for arbor

50 Photo of the design ideas of arbors in the courtyard of a private house:

Many owners of household plots like to equip them on their own way. An excellent alternative to the veranda or terrace can be a gazebo. You can relax at the same time, take food and breathe fresh air. And if you still equip the surrounding landscape, you can quickly enjoy the beauty of the garden. The arrangement of landscape design is a rather complicated process with a creative and technical point of view, but it is quite possible to cope with it.

The landscape emphasizes the recreation area by hanging her beauty and comfort.

Best place for gazebo

For the gazebo, a quiet, shady seat will be suitable, as protected from bad weather. It is important that a beautiful view of the surrounding nature will be opened out of it. Often the buildings are built on the hill to protect them from moisture, near flower beds and reservoirs.

The reservoir located near the arbor gives coolness and peace.

An excellent idea will surround the construction of a monosade or a rosary, a lively hedge, coniferous or curly plants. This will help to isolate holidaymakers in a gazebo of people from noise and road dust, as well as protect them from the sun.

The place for the gazebo is selected according to the location of the house. Both buildings should be at the same level or the gazebo should be at the level of the first floor of the house.

A large number of green plantings and neat tracks with carefully trimmed bushes will give the site well-kept species.

Designer Ideas for Arbor

One of the simplest elements in the garden construction design is a thread. It is quite forces to do it yourself. Threads decorate window openings or reference pillars of construction.

Arbors with barbecue can be built in a different style, depending on the owners preferences. The design in the form of an easy construction with a brazier and a spacious dining place is a great option for those who like simplicity. Capital construction with dedicated food and recreation areas - for those who do not feel sorry for the time and effort on the arrangement of garden buildings.

The gazebo with the cooking area is not only beauty, but also practicality.

By drawing up a project, attention should be paid not only to aesthetics, but also the functionality of the future building. Inside there should be enough space to accommodate the table and chairs.

Landscape design of the garden plot

The stylistics of the gazebo should fit well into the landscape design of the garden plot, completing it. The construction in the classic style may have a view of the pavilion, which is used by curly plants. Around you can land trees and shrubs, but not close to the construction, so as not to spoil the design.

Video: An example of landscape planning around arbor

  1. The gazebo should be located at least 3 meters from the reservoir. This will prevent the emergence of mosquitoes in the evening and will not give wood to dig away from moisture.
  2. The plot should be well covered. Lights are needed along the tracks and near the arbor. Motion sensors will reduce electricity consumption. Beautiful backlight will give the garden festive look.
  3. When arranging the landscape near the garden building, the type of soil should take into account. Sand or clay soil is suitable for design design in oriental style. Here you can build a dry pond, put bonsai, make a stone alpine slide. If the soil is wet, then you can safely choose a decor in the style of country or Provence.

It is important to create harmony in the garden plot. Arbor, house and adjacent territories must have a single style.

The gazebo can serve as a frame for green plantings. This design is especially appropriate if the construction is located in the open area, and it must be protected from the Sun.

Decoration of arbor curly plants is the most affordable, beautiful and practical way to decorate.

If the design does not provide for the possibility of using plants that are climbed, you can simply plant shrubs or decorative or fruit trees around the perimeter.

Oriental design in a gazebo

Eastern style implies minimalism and a clear presentation of what will symbolize every detail in the interior. Many elements can be made personally.

Stone garden, sand stream is calm and peace during rest.

Oriental style is created according to the following rules:

  1. Minimum small details.
  2. Color accents place on several original things, such as compositions or sculptures.
  3. Near the arbor, you can arrange a stream of stones and sand. It acts soothing and promotes relaxes.
  4. The construction of the bonsai can be planted, especially if the relief of the soil is hilly.
  5. Round shape lamps and decorative lanterns.
  6. Flower beds lay out stones.
  7. Metal curly elements.
  8. Strict geometric shapes.
  9. Lack of stucco and abundant decor.

An oriental-style gazebo is a mystery, style subtlety, charm and charm.

Country style on garden plot

It to recreate a little more difficult. It is not enough to just install a couple of ethnic elements on the site - a cart, a woven and equip the flower beds with a colorful variety of colors.

Folk style is reconstructed according to the following rules:

  • Decor items are selected so that they come together to each other in color and texture. If the woven is chosen as the central element, the furniture should also be wicker. Grilles woven from the vine decoration and carving on the gazebo itself, complete the composition.
  • Several flower beds with bright colors to arrange accents.
  • The use of natural materials - stone, wood, vines, clays, linen fabrics.

A gazebo in folk style takes into childhood, reminds us of our roots, strengthens the spirit.

It is important to observe the measure in the number of items and details of the decor. Do not use too many bright colors.

Vegetation around garden building

Often, garden gazebos and verandas are decorated with ampel plants. They have long, flexible, curly shoots that strive up either stele on the ground.

Flowers are placed at different levels both inside the construction, and outside in pots or porridge, as well as just on the garden. Near the entrance there are low-spirited plants, and in the background, on the contrary, lianas and tall shrubs.

If behind the curly plants it is properly to care, they will over time and cover the construction of a solid carpet.

The main rules for landscaping the gazebos are reduced to the following:

  1. You should not use too many different plant species, enough one or two. At the same time, they must be well combined with each other.
  2. At the flower beds near the arbor, it is best to plant plants that bloom at different times, then the construction will always be drown in colors.
  3. For curly plants, it is necessary to install lattices so that they wake up and grow up.

Curly plants are the most popular are wild grapes and ivy, from blooming - Rosa and Clematis

A gazebo, seized by ivy or flowers, does not need an extra decor, it looks like it is present.

Curling plants not only give beauty and coolness, but
And hide from prying eyes.

Decor arbor

The most suitable material for designing the arbor is wood. They are relevant in many styles, it looks very natural and perfectly combined with plants around the construction.

A tree is an environmentally friendly material, practical and aesthetic. Usually, coniferous species of trees are used for the arbor, such as pine or oak. Wood must be coated with protective solutions, preventing damage. Special tools will help give it the necessary shade.

The roof for a gazebo can be made of tiles, polycarbonate or from the same tree. The floor can be tiled, wooden or stone. Well, if it is combined with paths or borders in the garden and is made of the same material.

Decor Arbor Tree is always stylish, beautiful, environmentally safe.

From the inside, the gazebo can also be sewn or plywood and use flowering curly plants as a decor.

For the design of the country area, you can exercise all your fantasy, but you can not forget about the rules of landscape design. Then the gazebo and the territory adjacent to it will look harmonious and beautiful. The design of the arbor is the most important part of the decorative design of the garden plot. What it is original, the more attractive the landscape of the country house.