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Gos-advantages and disadvantages of the education system. Retained colleagues, please participate in the discussion. Pros and conschool education

The history of the introduction of GEF to school Education and the path of continuity with FGT "Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in a preschool educational institution" (Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from G., 448)

Temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution (Annex 2 to the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of August 22, 1996. 448). They included the criteria of A. Estimates and methods of educational - educational work with children of each year of life in the following areas: development, physical development and health, the interaction of employees with children, the development of game activity, child development in visual activities, child development musical activity, child development in theatrical activity, development of constructive activities, speech development Child, the development of elementary mathematical ideas, the development of elementary natural science representations, the development of the ecological culture of children, the development of ideas about a person in history.

B. Criteria for the organization of the activities of the pre-school educational institution (management and control). B. Criteria for evaluating material and technical and social and social conditions of children in the Dow (developing environment, security, child health).

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from "On the federal components of educational standards of pre-school education" Competition for the development of standards of pre-school education

"The federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program of pre-school education" (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation from 655) entered into force

The principle of integration 1. Integration is carried out within the framework of the educational, and not educational process 2. As grounds for integration, the so-called "educational areas" are the grounds for integration, combining problems and content of the educational process. Task Integration Content Meeting Mechanisms

Accounting for the principle of integration in the development of the educational program of the kindergarten was: the educational program as a systemic model of the educational process, covering all the main points of their livelihoods, taking into account the priority of species of children's activities in each age period. It became: a general education program as a comprehensive model of integration of educational areas in accordance with the complex-thematic principle of planning an educational process.

Monitoring requirements should be monitored to describe the "integrative quality of the child, which he can acquire as a result of the development of the program." Types of monitoring Intermediate results The final results of the development of development in the transition to school

1. Determination of pre-school education as one of the levels of the general education system, which is not preparatory. Recognition of the uniqueness of this level on the basis of the recognition of the self-satisfaction of preschool childhood, the requirement to provide the same level of such socio-economic opportunities, as well as other levels, including government financing.

"Pluses" of Standard 2. Despite the minimization of the educational process to educational serviceenshrined in FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", the orientation of the standard and educational program on the psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, the development of the identity of children preschool age and the implementation of an individual approach to each child.

Pluses of the Standard 4. Reflection in the content of the educational program of the following aspects of the educational environment for the child of preschool age: an objective-spatial developing educational environment; The nature of interaction with adults; the nature of interaction with other children; The system of relations between the child to the world, to other people, to themselves.

Pluses of Standard 5. Formulation for the teacher of the main competencies necessary to create a social situation of development of pupils corresponding to the specifics of preschool age: 1) Ensuring emotional well-being, 2) support for individuality and initiatives of children, 3) establishing rules of behavior and interaction in different situations, 4) Building a developing education focused on the zone of the nearest development of each pupil, 5) interaction with parents on the formation of a child, directly involving them into the educational process, including through the creation of educational projects in conjunction with family based on identifying the needs and support of educational initiatives families.

Pluses of Standard 6. Justification of the need to use (or administering) new forms of organizing the educational process related to the interaction of children with each other in pairs and among themselves, with parents. Such forms will contribute to the socialization of children, the formation of a positive microclimate and friendly relationship in the team of peers.

Pluses of Standard 7. Many attention is paid to the federal state standard for pre-school education support for children's initiative and independence. At the same time, independent activities are one of the "West" links in our education, and not only in preschool. At the same time, the main problems are associated with adults - parents and teachers who do not own as an independent (free) activity and this activity itself. The work on self-education in this area will have a huge. Moreover, many practices do not even imagine how you can combine the education of independence and collectivism in preschoolers.

1. According to the Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Federal State Educational Standard - Aggacity mandatory requirements To the formation of a certain level and (or) to the profession, specialty and direction of training, approved by the federal executive body, carrying out functions to develop public policies and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education. This concept determines as an object, so the subject of regulation of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education.

"Cons" standard 2. Objectives and objectives, the targets of pre-school education among themselves are not agreed. Objectives, tasks and targets of pre-school education, preschool educational organization, educational program of kindergarten and educational activities of the teacher - this is not the same thing. In the GEF of pre-school education, they are not differentiated, superimposed on each other and replace each other.

3. The most "patient" place in the standard is to manage the quality of the process. There is no mention of the text that such an educational process associated with it is an individual educational route and the development trajectory of each child, their types and forms. If we are talking about individualization, educational needs are not special, but for all children, in accordance with the right to education, referred to in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on the context of using this term, it can be concluded that the educational process has lost signs of the system and the possibility of its continuity with the standard of primary school education, they are only declared.

4. Most of all "confusion" will be due to the allocation of five educational areas, among which the socio-communicative development is completely wrong with the direction (instead of socially personal or socio-moral, fully covering the tasks indicated in it), the speech development and cognitive developmentAlthough they always penetrated each other and previously united by the term "mental development". Along with mathematical and environmental development.

5. From the educational program, the model of the organization of the educational process is splashed - a single managerial mechanism capable of restoring the systemic process. The program instead is required to describe the day mode in different age groups and events during the year at the level of kindergarten. The volley-unilous teachers of the kindergarten is imposed by the event or situational model of the organization.

6. Among the terms of the program implementation, great attention is paid to financial conditions. At the same time, there is a completely lack of interrelation of these conditions with the content and results (especially!) Implementing the educational program. When accreditation there will be many problems, especially since there is no criteria for assessing the results of the kindergarten, and the targets are not solved this task. The organizational and legal forms of DOO are not taken into account, among which there are autonomous, budgetary and government institutions. Legal conditions for the conclusion and termination of educational legal relations, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the state order for services in the text are also not reflected, although GEF is intended to regulate legal relations in the field of education. Step 1. Creating a Coordination Council and working Group To develop and manage the program of changes and additions to the Educational System of the DOO Step 2. Definition of changes and additions to the Educational System of the DOW Step 3. Development of single draft changes to the consolidated program of changes and additions Step 4. Development of a plan schedule for changes in the educational system of basic general education

GEF pre-school education 2.6. The content of the program should ensure the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various activities and cover the following structural units representing certain areas of development and education of children (hereinafter - educational areas): socio-communicative development; cognitive development; speech development; artistic and aesthetic development; physical development.

Plan of measures to prepare for the introduction of GEF ... Tasks: 1. Develop local regulations governing the preparation and introduction of GEF; 2. Develop a project of the main educational program; 3. Ensure the methodological support of teachers involved in the pilot project on the introduction of GEF.

In the city of Moscow, the introduction of a federal state educational standard for pre-school education is carried out by: the city methodical center; Moscow Institute for Education Development; Federal Institute for Development of Education RAO; Institute of Strategic Studies in Education in the Russian Federation RAO; City Pedagogical Universities.

Most parents agree that the kindergarten is an important stage in the life of children, but some of them, no matter how surprisingly, allow themselves to disagree with it. According to the latest research, some parents would prefer to preserve their little babies at home and protect them from the outside world "a little longer." Those who are not in favor of this opinion believe that the pre-school institution has the necessary opportunity for their children to grow both mentally and physically, in an independent environment.

Programs for young children can make training and providing the necessary foundation for further education of children, and can also help attract them to the appropriate age experience. Keep your child away from home, can be a frightening task for parents, but if they work, it will be quite difficult to be near the children every minute. In this case, the pre-school institution can be considered as a good option. This educational experience can help in creating an emotional range of a child, and also helps them to study at the same time. Parents can now sigh with relief, as all preschool institutions swear to provide a safe and reliable medium. Read on to learn more about pluses and minuses of pre-school education .

Pre-school education - advantages and disadvantages


Early socialization

The pre-school institution is an excellent opportunity for children to chat with other children of their age, thereby helping them to build social skills for later years. At an early stage, if parents or teachers notice that the child is not very sociable or has a tendency to remain a recovery, you can consider certain solutions and the problem that can be solved yet too late. Thus, children are engaged, learning to speak and play together with others, while conquering friends and building relationships. This is an important social component for children, as they can create their own small children's networks.

Independent relation

It can be extremely painful for children to leave parents at the beginning, or vice versa. But in the end, the child begins to adapt to new conditions and begins to develop relations with other people, and not only with parents, such as teachers and even other children. It is here that children learn and build their own contacts, as well as learn to play and communicate friendly with others in a structured environment. Preschool education Provides self-development environment for the growth of children socially, which ultimately ends in an independent character from the very beginning.

Enrichment of learning and entertainment

Preschool education It has more opportunities for the baby. The academic environment is not very laborious for young children, and this is all walking a step that can help children to activate and lay a strong foundation for the future "in school mode". Preschool education This is a fun period of learning for children and for parents, to create a solid base for their child in the future in scholastic endeavors.

Rescue for parents

For working parents, leave kids in preschool institutions It becomes necessary. Some parents are very difficult to leave their child on the care of a nanny or day center. In this case, children's preschool institutions They are saviors who help parents, taking their responsibility for themselves, as well as providing them with basic education.


Pre-school education costs

Some preschool institutions Can be very expensive, and are responsible, in most cases, for a gaping hole in parent bank accounts. it main reason Why some parents prefer to keep their children at home to avoid excess costs. The faulting pre-school fee is one of the main reasons why parents prefer a home tutor for their children in the early years. However, they forget to take into account the fact that , teach children and other aspects, such as sharing And self-confidence. Therefore, it is always desirable to explore the most available options, in terms of quality learning and availability of prices.

Insecure medium

Children spend considerable time in preschool institutions , ranging from 5 to 8 hours. This may be dangerous from the point of view of long hours spent away from home, conflicts between children over toys, without parental supervision, as well as in terms of objects or materials with which children deal with far away from home. These are some of the questions about which parents should think before deciding whether they should or not give their child to preschool educational institution . Although the majority preschool institutions , Provide a safe environment, so parents should conduct thorough research on claims before making a final decision.

Consequences for health

Children at the age of 3 and 4 years are poorly adapted to new conditions than those in which they were brought up. With the increase in the number of children entering pre-school educational institutions , there is also an increase in the level of diseases that extends through one child to another. In the end, what knows the 3 or 4-year-old child about hygiene? Sharing toys, having dining or even just playing with her classmates, children can get sick.

Pain separation

More than any other aspect, parents find an emotional test to be separated from the child, for them it is a very busy period. The child also suddenly ran into a new medium without protecting or panel of his parents. As a result, parents receive an emotional breakdown, and children, in most cases, cry, when remain in preschool educational institution .

Less attention

All small children require attention from early childhood, and in programs for young children, this is a more distant opportunity. Many children who need to take care of, teachers or caregivers, is more difficult to provide one-on-one attention to children. In this case, teachers can serve less attention to each child, giving less opportunities to grow children individually.

The earlier the child will be placed in pre-school educational institution the easier it will be adaptation for a child and parents. Preschool education it is not only fun and games, but is an important aspect in terms of academic and social Development. Thus, parents have the opportunity to ask need questions and carry out detailed research, assess the advantages and disadvantages preschool educationBefore letting their children alone. It will eventually help make right choicewhich can take a break or a more distant future of educational experience for children.

Determination of pre-school education as one of the levels of a general education system, which is not preparatory. Recognition of the uniqueness of this level based on the recognition of the imposition of preschool childhood, the requirement for providing the same socio-economic opportunities to this level, as well as other levels, including government financing.



What are you seeing the pros and cons of new education standards?

Pros of modern pre-school education.

1. Determination of pre-school education as one of the levels of the general education system, which is not preparatory. Recognition of the uniqueness of this level based on the recognition of the imposition of preschool childhood, the requirement for providing the same socio-economic opportunities to this level, as well as other levels, including government financing.

2. Despite the mining of the educational process to the educational service, enshrined in the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", the orientation of the standards of the educational program on psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, the development of the identity of preschool children and the implementation of an individual approach to each child can be traced in full least

3. Inclusion of the terms "Social Situation of Development" and "Educational Environment" in the conditions and content of the implementation of the program, the features of the organization of educational activities and the interaction of kindergarten and family are reflected.

4. Reflection in the content of the educational program of the following aspects of the educational environment for child preschool age:

  • subject-spatial developing educational environment;
  • the nature of interaction with adults;
  • the nature of interaction with other children;
  • the child's relationship system to the world, to other people, to itself.

5. Formation for the teacher of the main competencies necessary to create a social situation of development of pupils corresponding to the specifics of preschool age:

  • ensuring emotional well-being;
  • support for individuality and children's initiative;
  • establishing rules of behavior and interaction in different situations;
  • building a developing education focused on the zone of the nearest development of each pupil;
  • interaction with parents on the education of a child, direct involvement in the educational process, including through the creation of educational projects in conjunction with the family on the basis of the allocation of needs and support educational initiatives of the family.

6. Justification of the need to use (or administering) new forms of organization of the educational process related to the interaction of children with each other in pairs among themselves, with parents. Such forms will contribute to the socialization of children, the formation of a positive microclimate and friendly relations in the team of peers.

7. Many attention is paid to the federal state standard of pre-school education support for children's initiative and independence. At the same time, independent activities are one of the "trees" links in our education, and not only preschool. At the same time, the main problems are associated with adults - parents with teachers who do not own as an organization of independent (free) activities and this activity itself. The work on self-education in this area will have a huge. Moreover, many practices do not even imagine how you can combine the education of independence and collectivism in preschoolers.

Cons of modern pre-school education.

1. According to the FZ of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 "On Education in the Russian Federation",federal State Educational Standard - a set of mandatory requirements for the formation of a certain level and to the profession, specialty and direction of training approved by the federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory regulation in education. This concept determines both the object and the subject of regulation of the federal state educational standard for pre-school education.

2. Goals and objectives, the targets of pre-school education among themselves are not agreed. Objectives, tasks and targets of pre-school education, preschool educational organization, educational program of kindergarten and educational activities of the teacher - this is not the same thing. In the GEF of pre-school education, they are not differentiated, and they are superimposed on each other and replace each other.

3. The most "patient" place in the standard is to manage the quality of the process. There is no mention of the text that such an educational process associated with it is an individual educational route and the trajectories for the development of each child, their types and forms. If we are talking about individualization, educational needs are not special, but for all children, in accordance with the right to education, referred to in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Based on the context of using this term, it can be concluded that the educational process has lost signs of the system and the possibility of its continuity with the standard of primary school education, they are only declared.

4. There is a "confusion" due to the allocation of five educational areas, among which the socio-communicative development is completely wrong with the direction (instead of social and human or socio-moral, fully covering the tasks indicated in it), collaborated speech development and cognitive development Although they always penetrated each other and previously united by the term "mental development". Along with mathematical and environmental development.

5. From the educational program, the model of the organization of the educational process is splashed - a single managerial mechanism capable of restoring the systemic process. In the program, instead, you need to describe the day of the day in different age groups and events during the year at the level of kindergarten. The volley-unilous teachers of the kindergarten is imposed by the event or situational model of the organization.

6. Among the terms of the program implementation, great attention is paid to financial conditions. At the same time, there is a completely lack of interrelation of these conditions with the content and results of the implementation of the educational program.

7. There are no criteria for assessing the results of the kindergarten.

8. Not taken into account organizational and legal forms of DOOs (autonomous, budgetary, executed).

9. Legal conditions for the conclusion and termination of educational legal relations, the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of the state order for services are also not reflected, although GEF is intended to regulate legal relations in the field of education.

Speech on the topic " Comparative analysis State and GEF of the second generation. "

Today, each educational institution seeks to live and work in a new way. This requires modern society, which is necessary to be developed, purposeful, erudite, competitive, initiative, spiritually and physically healthy personalities that are able to occupy a worthy place in society. Modern children have changed much. The awareness of children, polarization of students at the level of mental and intellectual development increased dramatically. The skills relating to information literacy are formed in the target in the lessons on subjects and in extracurricular activities. New requests for family, society, states are formed.

So what happened to the introduction of GEF, what has changed, has become new and unusual?

First, a new psychological portrait of a graduate is presented, where the motto is: learning independence \u003d learning ability. Education B. primary school It is the basis, the foundation of all subsequent training. First of all, it concerns the formation of universal training actions, mastering which gives students the possibility of independent successful assimilation of new knowledge and skills based on the formation of the ability to learn. This feature is ensured by the fact that the Wood is generalized actions that generate motivation to learning and allow students to navigate in various subject areas.

The teacher conducts traditional lessons on the generally accepted structure:

1. Organization of the beginning of the lesson;

2 Check homework;

3. Statement of the lesson;

4. Preparation of students for the perception of the new educational material. actualization of knowledge, practical and mental skills;

5. Studying a new material, incl. and an explanation;

6. Fastening the material studied at a given lesson and previously passed associated with the new;

7. Generalization and systematization of knowledge and skills, the connection of new with previously obtained and formed;

8. Summing up the results and results of the lesson;

9. Home task.

the teacher conducts innovative lessons that have something new, the original, creatively brought by the teacher. With the introduction of GEF lessons should be built in a completely different scheme.

1. Motivation K. learning activities.

2. Actualization and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial action.

3. Detection of the place and the cause of difficulties.

4. Building an exit project from difficulty.

5. Implementation of the built project.

6. Primary consolidation with progress in external speech.

7. Independent work With self-test on the standard.

8. Enable knowledge and repetition.

9. Reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

The explanatory and illustrative method of work is common when the teacher, standing in front of the class, explains the topic, and then conducts a selective front survey

the emphasis is placed on the interaction of students and teachers, as well as the interaction of the students themselves

the priority becomes the developing learning function, which should ensure the formation of a person junior schoolchild, disclosure of its individual capabilities.

Types of lessons:

combined lessons;

lessons to familiarize students with new material;

lessons of consolidation of knowledge;

lessons check and control knowledge.

Types of lessons changed:

lessons "Opening" of new knowledge;

reflection lessons;

lessons of general methodological orientation;

educational control lessons.

The student's work was assessed only at a specific lesson.

at each lesson, the achievements of a specific student are tracked, this result is compared with the previous one, the teacher encourages the slightest promotion of the student forward, analyzes his mistakes

a special place in the new assessment system is paid by the portfolio, the portfolio becomes a "history of success", which helps trace the individual progress of the student.

Total test work on subjects

comprehensive final work at each stage, input control in grade 1

The content of education has changed.

Project activities Pupils are a plus of FGOS. It provides the development of cognitive skills and skills. In the textbook detail (to help the child and parents) is painted, how to execute the project. First, in the lesson, we discuss the topic of the project, which can be done to achieve the goal, and choose the method of implementation.

In accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standards of the second generation, the system of requirements for the result of education is changing, the system of assessing the achievements of students is changing. There are many ways to evaluate their achievements learning. Each lesson has evaluation activities. Children are familiar with the algorithm of assessing their achievements.

Training in the GEAS 2 generation is based on an activity approach, which involves the organization of educational activities on the independent development of new knowledge, and the implementation of the development and self-development of the individual. Training is organized from common to private. The teacher at the lesson does not give ready-made material, but asks logically built questions, during which it has to send students to the process of mastering knowledge. Didactic rule on new standards: learn to learn in the lesson!

One of the innovations of the FGOS is extracurricular activities. So, the "pros" of the FGOS:

Project activities for each subject from grade 1;

Application of an activity approach in training;

Extracurricular activities;

Using ICT.

" Minuses":

Insufficient cabinet equipment;

There is no continuity between kindergarten and school;

Some teachers are hard to rebuilt from an authoritarian learning method for an activity approach.

Education, training and development of preschool children in modern kindergarten

This work is designed for parents and teachers of pre-school education. The main topic passing through all the work is training and education of children according to modern requirements, standards and standards, as well as the possibility of educators to use the creative approach in working with children. The topic is very relevant at the modern stage of education, as the educators, and teachers, are increasingly limited in the possibilities of full-fledged work with children, they are bought by unnecessary paper work so that there are no time on children. I really want a lot for pre-school education to take from the concept of the 80s. These main problems I tried to analyze in my study, based on and comparing the concept of the 80s. and modern education.

Science and education do not stand still. Rapidly developing and moving forward at the speed of a reactive aircraft, science figures are increasingly dictated by us all new and new educational programs, standards, requirements. Not having time to study and apply one program in practice, we already "Put" Other. Only we studied the new requirements of Sanpins, as we were filled with new FGT. And so day a day, from year to year. Science figures, dictating us new rules, requirements, standards, often forget about the most important thing: about children and their childhood, which becomes more and more like a rapidly spinning wheel, and childhood is an invaluable period, which is interesting and unique in itself and Nobody has the right to select it!

1. What is the peculiarity of the preschool period of childhood?

The period from birth to school admission is, according to the specialists of the whole world, the age of the most rapid physical and mental development of the child, the initial formation of the physical and mental qualities necessary for the whole of subsequent life, the qualities and properties that make it man. A feature of this period that distinguishes it from the other, subsequent stages of development is that it ensures that general development that serves as a foundation for acquiring any special knowledge and skills and learning from various activities. Not only the qualities and properties of the psyche of children who are determined by general The behavior of a child, his attitude to the whole surrounding, but also those that are "bores" for the future and are expressed in psychological neoplasms achieved by the end of this age period. Education and training must be addressed to the entire spectrum of the child's mental quality, but are addressed differently. The main importance to the support and all-time development of qualities specific to age, as the unique conditions created by them are no longer repeated and the fact that will be "implanially" here, it will be difficult to catch further or at all.

At any age step, the child acquires not only common character traits for all children, but also their own, individual features of psyche and behavior. Being a person means not only to be "like everyone else", to own everything other than others own, but be a unique personality with their own tastes, interests and abilities.

Only a combination of age and individual approaches in the upbringing and training of children can provide their emotional well-being and full mental development.

Thus, childhood is a gential period in which each period is valuable in itself. Childhood is developing very quickly, it is necessary to have time to follow all changes in the behavior of the child and create unique conditions for its development. Create such conditions in which the educational process did not turn into lessons per desk, but became the inseparable part of the game activity of the child.

2. Is it possible to think childhood as a period of training for school?

"Childhood - a stage of preparation for the future life" . If society determines its attitude to childhood exclusively as by time "Preparation" , it is denied self-relief "Accommodation" Childhood era. Meanwhile, the condition of the continuity of the educational process, bonding preschool and school years, is not at all in assessing the present only from the position of the future. Just attitude to childhood as self-fed lifestyle makes children in the future with full-fledged schoolchildren, such a long qualification personality qualities makes it possible to step out of childhood!

"Adult - to teach and educate; The child is to learn and obey " . The interaction of adults with children is reduced to the amount: health protection + upbringing + children's training. All that is not included in the circle of these terms (for example, the manifestation of "personal feelings", etc.), becomes redundant.

The need for children and adults in the development of their personal, contingency relationships is sacrificed to an educational process. From such a victim, the maintenance of it is desirable to be dehumanized, it falls out of it "Human Radical" .

Each child has the right to happiness. Childhood is a gem, this is the first stage of the formation of a person who does not think entirely as a period of preparation for school, rather, is the stage of preparation for the next period of life.

3. What does the term mean "Basic culture of personality" and how he relates to the term "Comprehensive education and harmonious identity development?"

The combination of the recognition of the intrinsicness of preschool childhood and understanding it as the first stage of the formation of a person requires revision of the tasks of pedagogical work with children.

In preschool childhood, the child acquires the basis of personal culture, its basis, corresponding to universal spiritual values.

The basis of a personal culture basis includes a child orientation in nature, objects created by the hands of a person, phenomena public LifeFinally, the phenomena of their own life and activity in themselves.

Personal Culture Base - Actually, the human beginning in man, the focus of universal values (Beauty, good, truth, etc.) and livelihoods (ideas about reality, ways of active impact on the world, manifestations of an emotional and evaluation attitude to what is happening).

The formation of a personal culture basis means that the child is attached to the general, irreversive human values, and not to what can be valuable to a certain circle of people in some region and at some points in time. Accommodation to universal (universal) Funds of vital activity of people. At the same time, the processes of learning and education in preschool age can only be divided conditionally.

The transfer of values \u200b\u200band means of active attitudes to the world can only be carried out when taking into account the age of children.

In this way, "Basic culture of personality" - This is a culture laid in a child, which under the influence of various conditions, methods, methods provides comprehensive education and harmonious identity development. "Basic culture of personality" and "Comprehensive education and harmonious identity development" - this is holistic processin which one concept is completely dependent on the other.

4. How to conduct training with a child of preschool age? What is the originality of this training and his difference from school learning?

As part of a personally-oriented approach, the content and principles of learning should also be understood. Usually, under study, the transfer of knowledge, skills and skills is understood, which implies a certain level of "maturity" of those mental functions (Attention, perception, memory, thinking, arbitrary, etc.)without which it is impossible to master. Such a substantially "school" model of training is presented in preschool age, which is wrongful. From learning knowledge, skills and skills should be proceeding for the rest of the opportunity to acquire them and use in life. Adults convey to the child developed by humanity and fixed in the culture of the funds and ways of knowledge of the world, its transformation and experiences. Mastering them and leads to the development of specifically human abilities.

All actions characterizing a high level of arbitrary behavior characteristic of a mature personality are just beginning to be formed in preschool age. They perform in their initial forms And, most importantly, they still do not constitute a holistic system that determines the behavior of the child.

Training the basics of goal-setting, planning, forecasting, control and evaluation of the results and their consequences are carried out through a combination of game and non-game agents; Distribution of functions between adults and children.

One of the most effective tools The formation of arbitrariness in preschool age are games with rules that organize, regulate the actions of the child, limit it spontaneous, impulsive activity. The rules of the game become the "point of support" with which you can compare your actions, realize and evaluate them. Realizing the rules of the game, children begin to submit them their own actions.

It is very important when learning to take into account the unity of upbringing and learning.

At the same time, the maximum implementation of the capabilities of the child, which form and manifest themselves in specific "children's" activities. Such implementation involves the enrichment of the content and forms of childhood activities, which is achieved by special means. The development of such funds and their extensive approbation in the real practice of kindergarten form the urgent task of modern pre-school pedagogy and psychology.

At the heart - the idea of \u200b\u200benrichment spiritual world The child, the saturation of his life is bright, unusual, interesting events: deeds, meetings, games, adventures.

Art plays a big role in this. The life of the child should flow in the world of art, in all its diversity and wealth. Art is a unique means of forming the most important parties to mental life - an emotional sphere, figurative thinking, artistic and creative abilities. It is in preschool childhood that the foundations of aesthetic consciousness, artistic culture are laid, the need for artistic activity appears. In this regard, it is necessary to saturate the life of a child with art, introduce it into the world of music, fairy tales, theater, dance. It is important to enrich the forms of familiarization of children with art, including it in everyday life, create conditions for children's aesthetic creativity.

Preschoolers acquire new knowledge, skills, ways of activity in such a system, which reveals the horizons of new knowledge, new ways of activity, encourages children to build guesses, put forward hypothesis, intensify the need to move to all new knowledge.

"The equivalence of the representation of the main spheres." According to this principle, each child must be provided with equal opportunities for the development of the main spheres of life ("Nature", "man-made world", "society", "I myself").

"Free choice". If the educator seeks to instill a child (Those or other views, orientations, tastes)This should be directly related to the formation of a personal culture basis. Outside this task, the child is not imputed to the child, they do not inspire anything. It has the right of self-determination, free choice. (What, how and with whom it will do, etc.).

The general basis for upbringing and learning in kindergarten is the mastering speech.

Mastering the native language as a means and a way to communicate and knowledge is one of the most important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood. The formation of the possibilities of speech communication of preschoolers implies the inclusion of a child in kindergarten specially designed situations of communication (individual and collective)In which the tutor puts certain problems of speech development, and the child participates in free communication. In these situations, the dictionary is expanded, the ways of expressing plan are accumulated, the conditions for improving the understanding of speech are created. When organizing joint special games, the child is provided with the possibility of choosing language funds, an individual "speech contribution" in the decision general task - In such games, children develop the ability to express their own thoughts, intentions and emotions in constantly changing situations of communication.

Development of native speech of children, mastering wealth native language This is one of the main elements of the formation of the personality, the development of the developed values \u200b\u200bof national culture, closely "is associated with mental, moral, aesthetic development, is a priority in the language education and training of preschoolers.

It is important to teach preschoolers in national and multinational kindergartens Russian as a language as a language. interethnic communication, as well as children of non-native nationality national language of this republic. The problem of language development becomes complex. It is important to develop a single cycle of the linguistic development of children within the framework of a more general cycle of humanitarian education and training.

The conditions described create a favorable situation to educate the beginning of internationalism, which suggests both communication of children of different nationalities within the kindergarten and special acquaintance with the life of other peoples.

In childhood, a positive attitude towards the peoples of the world, international feelings are laid through the allocation in the national universal start: the main way of education here is the promotion of a child to universal humanistic values, which are revealed through the child's attachment to their national culture - dance, songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings . At the same time, it is impossible to emphasize on national peculiarities to the detriment of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe community of all people on the planet. Children useful to give elements of ethnographic and ethnopsychological representations (Using slides, movies about the diversity of human races and nationalities). They should be formed by their idea of \u200b\u200bthe manifold of human languages \u200b\u200bsimultaneously with a positive attitude towards them.

In the formation of a personal culture basis, such main formulations are born and developing, as an imagination and creativity based on it, "arbitrariness in the form of ability to independent actions, the child's need to actively act in the world.

Imagination - the basis of the active participation of the child in different types Activities: objective, practical, game, communicative, aesthetic, etc. It is included in the composition of already source forms of thinking (clearly effective, visual-shaped), self-awareness (image "I", self-esteem, etc.), relationship to another person (empathy, sympathy, understanding). A sufficiently developed imagination allows the child to overcome the established stereotypes of its own gaming actions, role positions, build new plots of games. Based on the imagination in children, the first manifestations of the creative attitude to reality are.

Creativity of preschool children Although it appears in an undeveloped form, however, contains important qualities that create an opportunity to independently leave children outside the knowledge and skills received from adults, create a new product - the original drawing, new fairy tale etc.

The creative process is a high-quality transition from the already known to the new and unknown. In preschool children, this is a search for another combination of paints and forms in visual activities, new ways in the design process, scene lines When writing a story and fairy tales, melodies in musical activity. High dynamism, the flexibility of the search activity of children contribute to obtaining the original results when performing various activities.

In the process of creative activity, the fear of children is overcome, to make "not the way", which is essential for the development of courage and freedom of child perception and thinking.

The arbitrariness expands the possibilities of the child to convert their behavior with their own motivations and prompting other people. Of course, not only submission to the ready-made rules, but also designing new rules, willingness to take the tasks of an adult and put forward their own. All this determines the development of the need to be active, to know and convert the world, influence other people and oneself.

The need to feel the active person is expressed in a child's desire to be unlike others, to detect the independence of behavior, to do in its own way and be significant for other people.

As a stem, creative imagination, arbitrariness and need to act independently form a completely special system: they are self-concrete and at the same time cannot exist without each other; They are inexpensive to the direct results of pedagogical effects and in. The same time is due to them; They express the originality, the uniqueness of a growing person and at the same time are based on its community with other people.

An individuality of the child is born. The actual interpersonal attitude in contact between children and adults, not conducive to the implementation of any special educational tasks or didactic purposes, is formed by the ratio of full communication and cooperation. The development of the individuality of each child and spiritual and emotional contacts between him and adults, as well as other children, requires a significant update of the nature of the organization of the child's life in kindergarten, building conditions for free, not constrained by the instructions of communication, to liberate the identity of the child.

Direct training should not be the prevailing form of organizing classes. Training is carried out in the context of gaming activities.

One of the most effective ways of learning children in class is a didactic game. In the rules of the game, pedagogical tasks are laid, gaming methods of action are enclosed in the didactic material that the child absorbs. So, obeying the need to fulfill the rule, the child masters the arbitrary regulation of behavior, mastering communicative abilities, learns to coordinate their actions with the actions of partners. In the process of operating with gaming material, cognitive abilities are developing: the ability to use schemes and models, cognitive self-regulation - attention, memory, imagination - due to action on the correlation of objects and signs, actions with substituent subjects. Need to build it is more full system didactic games, fulfilling its missing links by flexible modification of the available games and create new ones. Thus, the game in combination with the necessary explanations in the form of direct impact of an adult forms a specific form of training for preschoolers - a kind of synthesis of the game and classes, thereby removing the traditional opposition of these two forms of training.

The program defining the content of classes should be focused on assimilating children of ideas, means and methods of activity necessary for the formation of a personal culture basis.

Subject practical activities Traditionally refers to the field of labor education. At the same time, it is often ignored by their own interests of the child in favor of forming responsibility, perseverance, discipline. As a result, it is either not formed, or the interest in the activities of adults, the essence of the value attitude towards labor and people of labor is powered. The child is not attached to free, creative work as universal value, but to work forced, necessary only to obtain approval and avoiding punishment. Hence, there is little justified attitude towards the baby as a "hardworking" or "lazy" on the fourth year of his life; Formation of the child on the basis of these labels of emotional disadvantages and a negative attitude towards labor tasks.

It is necessary to overcome the unbelievable orientation in the organization of the objective and practical activities of children, in the root to change the methods of involving children in this activity and the forms of familiarizing them with difficulty adults. Expand the spectrum of practical affairs by incorporating the child into the real-world scope, and not artificially invented concerns about others. Develop the natural need of children to imitate the actions of adults; stimulate independent forms manifestations of children's activity. Not specifically labor skills and skills make up the content of labor education and training in kindergarten, but the development of the ability to use things and tools according to their own will in objective and practical activity.

For pedagogical practice Typical detailing and increase in the volume of knowledge of production (technologies, labor operations, raw materials, etc.)in which the "sink" labor man. Instead, children need to be acquainted with his goals, difficulties, solutions, successes, lesions and victories, with experiences that are caused by these parties to the life of an adult. The path to these ideas is the joint practical activity of children with adults, a plot role-playing game, art.

It is in these activities and communication that the individual personal properties of the child are developing, which cannot be "transferred" in the process of direct education and training.

In the modern practice of public pre-school education, a superficially understood age approach is dominated. Proper in essence, this orientation comes down only to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe recruitment of groups over the age principle and the rigid age addresses of the program-methodical documentation. All this focuses the teacher not on the age characteristics of a particular child, but on a certain abstract unified standard, closing the path of any manifestations of an individual approach. The child lives as if in aquarium - all moments of vital activity occur surrounded by adults or peers. The educator has to be artificially limiting the time of children even on the most elementary needs. Mode turns into an inlets. Significantly depleted social environment of children. The child is all the time "put in the corner" - "Playground", "Corner of Nature". Equipment of children's institutions is at an extremely low level.

The position of personally oriented pedagogy assumes that the child is considered together by all its individual manifestations, including age. Thus, an alternative to an existing position is the need to displace an emphasis on an individual approach. There is a need for a sharp change in the orientation of the educator, who should see the features in each child inherent in him, and not those that he has (or absent) Like a generalized "five-year plan", "sixlets", etc.

The restructuring of the organization of the life of children in kindergarten begins with picking troupe. It is necessary to reduce their filing, and in the younger age it should be less dense than in the older. It is advisable to practice temporary associations of two groups, the organization "Spray" groups when (as it is in other countries) With children, two educators work simultaneously, one of which holds games or classes alternately with small subgroups of children, and the other at this time is watching the free activities of the rest, carrying out individual assistance to those who need it.

5. Are there any differences in terms "occupation" and "Training occupation" ?

There is a difference between these concepts: "occupation" - this is any entertaining child activity that the child organized independently or with the help of an educator, or peers, and "Training occupation" - It is immediate educational activities The child dictated by the program.

The quality of pre-school education is determined by the nature of adult and child communication. In the practice of family and public education, two main types can be distinguished (or models) This communication, although in reality they are much more. The differences between them are determined not only by the process, but also its end result - how the child becomes becoming what his personality becomes.

The disciplinary model is characterized by the following features. "The goal is to arm children with knowledge, skills and skills; instill obedience; The slogan during the interaction of an adult with children - "Do, like me!". Methods of communication - instructions, explanations, prohibition, requirements, threats, punishment, notation, shock. Tactics - dictate and guardianship. The task of the teacher is to implement a program, meet the requirements of leadership and controlling instances. Methodical instructions Turn in these conditions into a law that does not allow any exceptions. There is a look at the child just as an object of the application of the educational system.

The center of the pedagogical process are frontal forms of working with children, and above all classes covered by the type of school lesson. The activity of children themselves is suppressed in favor of external order and formal discipline. The game as the main type of children's activity is infringed in time and is rigidly regulated by adults.

Within the framework of this model, the work of art is used by adults in utilitarian purposes: to obtain fragmentary knowledge, to distract the child's attention from unwanted behavior, which is powered by the humanistic, general array of art.

The results include: mutual alienation of adults and children. Children lose their initiative, and in the future they appear negativism. There is an illusory confidence of adults in the effectiveness of educational influences. Outside of contact with educators, the behavior of children changes dramatically and may not have anything to do with the expected and due. Listening to children is often only evidence of mastering the ability to live according to the "Double Standard" - "for themselves" and "for aunt."

"A personal-oriented model is an alternative to the first model. The educator in communicating with children adheres to the principle: "not near and not over, but together! "His goal is to promote the formation of a child as a person. This involves the solution of the following tasks: the development of the child's confidence in the world, the feelings of the joy of existence (psychological health); The formation of the first personality (Personal Culture Base); Development of the child's personality. Raising does not customize the development of each child to the decisive canons, but warns the occurrence of possible impasses of the personal development of children; Based on the tasks, the most fully deployed the possibility of their growth. Knowledge, skills and skills are not considered as a goal, but as a means of full-fledged personality development. Methods of communication involve the ability to become a child's position, take into account his point of view and not ignore his feelings and emotions. Communication tactics - cooperation. The position of the teacher comes from the interests of the child and the prospects for its further development as a full member of society. Adults, acquiring a child to art (fiction, music, etc.), Create conditions for the full development of the personality, its humanization, for jointly enjoying art, for the manifestation and development of the creative, artistic abilities of the child. A look at the child as a full partner in terms of cooperation (denial of manipulative approach to children).

The exceptional value in the pedagogical process is given a game that allows the child to show its own activity, most fully realize itself. The game is based on the free cooperation of the adult with the children and the children themselves with each other, becomes the main form of organizing children's life.

Expected results - expansion of "degrees of freedom" of a developing child (taking into account its age characteristics): His abilities, rights, prospects. In a situation of cooperation, possible egocentrism and individualism of children are overcome, a team is formed. Their imagination and thinking, not compounded before the failure or mockery, are liberated. Cognitive and creative abilities are developing.

A personal-oriented model of communication does not suggest, "the abolition of systematic learning and education of children, carrying out systematic pedagogical work with them. She does not cancel the fact that public pre-school education is the first link of the overall system of popular education and as such provides the first stage of the development of a developed personality.

The position of personally oriented pedagogy assumes that the child is considered together by all its individual manifestations, including age.

7. What is the identity of the educator?

Personality can only educate personality. The discomplication of the figure of the educator, chained in the framework of the program and methodological instructions, attitudes towards him as a simple performer of his role and tough control over the clear performance of the official duties prescribed to him led many shortcomings of the pre-school education system.

8. What should the real modernization of the organization of pre-school education?

Preparation of a kindergarten teacher has the right to priority in the system of higher pedagogical education: it should be carried out at the obligation in-depth study listeners of psychology courses, pedagogy, philosophy, psychiatry, children's psychotherapy, defectology; The participation of educators in business games, trainings, familiarizing them with the basics of acting skills.

In the future, it is advisable to introduce differentiated preparation of educators so that in each group of preschoolers, one of them had the highest qualification of the teacher-psychologist, the other - the qualification of the educator. Pedagogian psychologist conducts basic classes with children with the free choice of training programs with the right of their creative transformation; determines the condition and level of child development when moving from one age category to another; Participates in the diagnosis of the child's condition in intra-family relationships. In contrast to the psychologist's teacher, the educator organizes various types of games, walks, excursions, etc.

In the coming years, to deploy the centers of the psychological and pedagogical consultation of educators of kindergartens and parents in the country, attracting various specialists to this work.

Changeable, related to regional specifications, the type of pre-school institutions of the education guidelines and the training program, are dynamic, systematically renewing, based on the achievements of world science and practice, which take into account the state of social life in the country. Need gradual, controlled scientific research Transition from centralized software The pedagogical process to use flexible guidelines and programs based on all the "advantages" and "minuses" of the currently operating model program.

The decision of the urgent problems of preschool institutions lies in the field of democratization of the pre-school education system itself. Councils of preschool institutions and advice on pre-school education, also various kinds of pre-school education funds are necessary.

Under the councils of people's deputies, advice on pre-school education should be created. Their functions:

creation of public funding funding for pre-school institutions and control (at sessions) for the distribution of funds for the development of pre-school institutions within the region controlled by them; Evaluation of the effectiveness of the educator and the administration of kindergartens, etc.

Provide varieties and variability of types of pre-school institutions depending on regional and national-cultural conditions; Get rid of giant in the construction of kindergartens. Recognize the right of pre-school institutions for creative search, to the existence of a wide variety of "author's" kindergartens.

To introduce preschool psychological service to the pre-school education system.

Children in our country should be happy. This is possible only under the condition of the true personal development of each child.

9. What do the concepts mean: personal time of the child, make a happy childhood?

Personal time. In the regulations of the life of children should be provided for a place for a variety of and free manifestations of the interests of the child. These are not only holidays, but also just a time when he can do his beloved thing, knowing that he will not impose some other classes. Have free time and be able to fill it no less important for a child than to participate in collective action.

The organization of the objective environment in kindergarten should be subject to the goal of the psychological well-being of the child. Creating the interior of the premises, the production of children's furniture, games and toys, physical education equipment and sports equipment should be based on scientific principles - a kind of "ergonomics of childhood". The high culture of the interior in relation to the child is not a luxury, but the condition for the construction of the "Educational Environment". The enrichment of the forms of the child's life in kindergarten requires more flexible and variable use of space. An alternative to the rigid functional fixedness of zones and corners inside the premises and plots is their fitness to meet the needs and interests of the child himself, when he gets the opportunity to constantly feel like a full owner of the toys, freely move around the kindergarten, enjoy the life of his children and adults.

Children in our country should be happy. This is possible only under the condition of the true personal development of each child. Children in society should not only feel happy, but also have every reason for this feeling.

10. What should be the attitude of the leadership of the Dow to the educator?

The manual should not fade caregivers in the framework of the program, provide all the possibilities and conditions for the development of creative skills and abilities, finding new ideas, discoveries, and then these ideas, discoveries will become the discoveries of our children.

11. The need for a transition to variational education?

The requirement to respect the identity of the child, love children was formulated in all existing educational programs. However, the principle of centralized programming management program itself seems to be unpromising: a single typical program, contrary to the intentions of the authors, created the ground for an educational and disciplinary approach to children. Changeable, related to regional specifications, the type of pre-school institutions of the education guidelines and the training program, are dynamic, systematically renewing, based on the achievements of world science and practice, which take into account the state of social life in the country. We are needed gradual, controlled by scientific research to the transition from centralized software for the pedagogical process to use flexible guidelines and programs based on all the "pluses" and "minuses" of the currently operating model program.

Given all questions and answers, I want to ask one very main question: "Why, already starting with preschool age, children take away the most important right: the right to childhood?!"


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