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Why our company needs you. Frequent questions at the interview: why exactly you

Good day to you, dear friend!

Today we discuss the topic: frequent questions at the interview. One of these questions: "Why are you? " In various interpretations. "Why exactly do we need to make an offer?", "Why should your candidacy prefer?". And so on.

We have already discussed who are found quite often and how to answer them. Question "Why are you?"how frequent, so and key. In fact, the main one. And they are usually asked at the end of the interview.

It should be understood that the employer's question asks itself Throughout the company of your interaction.

It is surprising that many candidates this question puts in a dead end.

They say something nefple, or beaten phrases like "I aim to result." Meanwhile, the answer you should have ready before the interview.

Let's remember Our positioning in the labor market:

Who am I? Why do I do this? Who am I ready to help your work? What exactly can I be useful? Why me?

Please note that the last question exactly corresponds to what is put in the title of the article.

On these questions with the right approach to the search for work, we have already answered long before the interview . It remains only to sharpen these answers to a specific vacancy during preparation and during the interview.

And then you do not have to scratch in the back of the head when answering the question voiced in the title of the article.

Your suggestion

When we get ready for an interview, we put the goal. In this article, we said that the goal of "getting an offer about work" is too ambitious and does not pass through our criteria.

And yet you can put an ambitious goal: namely, to make an offer to the employer. Offer and will include an answer to our today's question.

If you feel that the interview passes according to plan, namely:

  • You are correct and conversation goes in a friendly key
  • You are answering his questions and do not forget to ask your own.
  • Specify its expectations, talk about your capabilities and experience. In other words, we lead a constructive dialogue with the interlocutor.

If everything is so - "Bute Iron". Make an offer yourself!

The bottom line is that when the dialogue is successful, there is a positive emotional background.

Namely, emotions play a decisive role in decision-making. We make solutions emotionally, and then we sum up some logic. If you do not agree, write in the comments, discuss.

While there is a positive emotional background, you can go to the task as far as possible to get a job offer.

After meeting, emotions fall and roll back. The interlocutor will start thinking again.

You make an offer and ball on the partner side. He does not need to be in grave thinking, whom to choose from candidates. Just just say yes.

The preliminary version of the offer is desirable to prepare before the interview. In the course of the interview, it is specified and accepts the final appearance.

Example from the author

Your humble servant has successfully used this technique a couple of times.

The proposal sounded like this:

Pay attention to the second point. In terms of costs. Money, in cost format, profits or in some other expression, act on the leadership of a magical way.

Why? Everything is very simple. You yourself know it yourself. What we just do not speak in everyday work: about the values \u200b\u200bof the company, corporate culture And a lot more. We speak how important it is and we are building plans. But as soon as the preparation for a visit to the row to the shareholder begins (or another first person), forget about everything other than financial indicators. Because the shareholder wallet -Wine value. And he will ask for it.

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Have a nice day and good mood!

The most vivid answers of candidates for standard question Many personnel managers about why the company should take them to work.

Contrary to theory

User Quora Gauring Singh spoke about his experience in passing an interview in one of the largest banks in the United States. The personnel manager stated him that "the organization does not take people with low assessments in college, since they usually work worse." Singh himself was not an excellent student, so he was asked an obvious question:

Why should we hire you, given your not very high marks in college?

The candidate was not confused and replied that the hypothesis that people with low estimates work worse is untenable and is an assumption that is not based on data. In addition, even if this hypothesis was true, it would still require the presence of such people as Singh, which could serve it confirmation. This explanation arranged representatives of the bank, and Singh got a job.

You decide

Sugur Singh during an interview to pass internships in Microsoft also heard the famous question of recruiters. The young man did not have a great experience in passing the interview and for the first time asked for the first time, why choose it. The question followed after a long discussion technical pointsSo shocked Singh was able to extract only: "I thought it would decide why I need to take." The interviewer fully arranged this answer.

You still need someone to hire

The developer of Akshai Kumar shared the story of his friend who wanted to make a career in the field of finance. As in the previous case, he could not qualify for a highly paid position due to a low middle score of the university at the university, but he somehow managed to convince HR managers in the fact that he is worthy of passing the next stage of selection. Ultimately, he reached an interview with one of the foreign directors of the organization, which was specially for the sake of choosing the desired candidate flew from abroad.

In response to the question of why the company should choose to a high financial analyst, the young candidate said it is best suited for this work for one reason:

The company spent a lot of money on your business trip here, you and your team recruiters have traveled here for a long time. After all, you will have to hire someone in any case so that the trip is not in vain. From the remaining for the post, I'd better fit, because I analyzed how you have to do, but you are the analyst and are looking for.

According to Kumara, only one was hired from all candidates and it turned out to be his bold acquaintance.

If you do not take me on Facebook, I will create a new Facebook

QUORA users remembered the story of Bryan Ekton's WhatsApp co-founder. During an interview in Facebook, it was asked why it was it suitable for working on social network. Allegedly Extcast gave an ambitious answer:

Perhaps I am not the best candidate right now, but if you do not take me, the new Facebook will appear on the next few years.

Self-confidence did not help the extonta to get a job, and later he kept his promise, together with Jan Kum, creating a Whatsapp messenger, for which Mark Zuckerberg paid $ 16 billion.

I am very tired

The user Rishab Baldi told the story of his friend, who once actively looking for a job and constantly walked on interviews. At one of them, he was asked a popular question asking to describe their advantages. Usually, a calm candidate was so exhausted that it was broken:

Yesterday I had ten interviews, I almost did not sleep and very tired. To be honest, I have no idea why you should take it. In general, if you think I do not cope, then you do not need to hire.

But if you make a decision not based on my skills and achievements in the previous work, but only guided by my answers to such questions, I do not want to pass such an interview. If you have any truly important questions, I will be glad to answer them.

At the interview HR-s, they love to ask: "Why should we take exactly you?" By asking this question, the employer wants to know what specific qualities make you applicant number 1.

Your answer should be a brief list of what you can offer companies, considers Elias Doyle's job search expert. "The best option will lead the list of examples why your skills and achievements make you the strongest candidate," she advises.

There is nothing difficult in this, but to clearly, thoroughly and convincingly answering this question, you need to spend a few minutes in advance and prepare for it.

Employer Requirements VS Your Qualities

Carefully read the list of requirements that the employer exhibits a potential employee. Pay attention not only to professional, but also on personal requirements.

Then make a list of your professional and personal qualities that meet the requirements of the company. For each point come up small examplewhich will describe how one or another way you have successfully shown and used in work. For example, if you mention that you are a team player, then remember and describe the situation when the ability to work well in the team helped you successfully implement a specific project.

Be concise

Your answer should be short and take no more than one or two minutes. Therefore, select some of the most vivid qualities from your list and tell us about them. Strive away from what you think, the employer is primarily looking for in future employees.

For example, if you want to go working into an advertising agency, it is best to stay on your creative abilities. If this is a position of the manager, then for the employer may be more important your ability to use and the ability to apply systems approach. The main thing is not to remain unfounded and provide specific examples.

Focus on uniqueness

The employer also wants to find out what it specifies you among other candidates. Therefore, it is worth named by two or three points, which, as you think, are unique and who are infrequently found at other candidates. Such qualities can be, for example, a lot of experience in one sphere, work abroad or experience business activities in this domain.

Word the answer in advance

As the answer must be concise, and any hint can cause doubts from your potential employer, it is best to formulate in advance what exactly you say.

Your answer should be very laconic, so it is best to think in advance what exactly you say

Consider several proposals in which you describe all your strengths. Repeat them about yourself or loud that this question does not find you surprise.

Finally, the expert offers an optimal example of an answer to this question. Of course, you can add it yet large quantity Details:

"As far as I know, you are looking for an executive director for sales, which can effectively manage twenty employees. Ten years of experience as a sales manager allowed me to accommodate good skills in organizing the workflow and staff motivation. In my previous job, I was admitted twice by the manager of the year for my suggestions to improve the strategies of customer motivation, as well as for my ideas on the organization of collaboration in the team. Thanks to these innovations, our team managed to pay quarterly plans by 20%. If I get this job, I will actively apply my leadership skillsto increase the efficiency and profit of the company ».

Question at the interview: "Why should we take exactly you?" - plunges many in a stupor. Even if you have edited a response to a thousand times this issue, It is quite difficult to answer. This question is asked as a applicant. with a view to not only get the answer to the question, but also check the reaction of the applicant.

Let's say secret: if your answer is satisfied with Eichar or an employer, it is likely that you can offer a more interesting position. And now we will analyze the standard options for answers depending on the position you want to get.

Also before continuing reading - see a short video on the topic.

What to respond to the interview to the question: why should we take exactly you?

The post associated with sales implies activity, specialist sociability. Therefore, to the question "Why should we take exactly you?" It is necessary to answer brightly, emotionally, if possible, professionally. For example: "Because I can convey to the buyer or visitors the necessary idea. I can sell a product or service, as well as interest the audience to take advantage of our services in the future. "

To the question: why did you choose our company - answers to interview correct depending on which position you go. If the consultant seller, mention that you are communicable and easily find mutual language With people, you know how to convince and prove your right thing.

In fact, all that is required from you is to say confidently, honestly. Indicate all your advantages that relate to this position, indicate all the strengths.

When you ask?

The question of your need and importance for the company is usually asked at the end of the interview. Often try to ask him at the most unexpected moment to test your reaction and the ability to respond quickly in unpredictable situations. But sometimes employers surprise such a question at the very beginning of the conversation.

Thus, they save time: if you answer not as you like the employer, the interview will interfere, and you will not receive the position. In any case, be prepared for surprises at any time, each employer or Eichar has its own methods of identifying the employees ideally suitable for work.

What should not speak?

You know, it is only in books everyone loves too bright and spectacular. Perhaps it will impress the employer if you are going to take certain positions related to oratorical art or control.

In all other cases, you should show that you have skills, but at the same time you are a flexible specialist and are ready to constantly learn. Therefore, such phrases will be ideal, regardless of your future position, such phrases will be suitable:

"I have a certain experience that will help me to fulfill my highest level."

"Because I am ready to work and improve the quality of my work every day."

"This work is ideally suited to me: I have all the necessary personal and professional qualities for an excellent execution."

In no case should not list all its qualities, arrange the parade of talents and try to stand out with jokes or witty, but empty answer. Also, never say that you consider the position of your, the more not worth the answer to such a question.

Even worse, if you say right at the interview that the company's competitors offered you a similar position, but with the highest salary.

Assessment of the candidate

By employers, we recommend paying attention to three important things:

  1. Response speed.
  2. The originality of the answer.
  3. Answer response.

The faster the applicant will answer your question, the better. It means, as in a non-standard situation, this person will be able to respond quickly.

It is also important that a candidate will answer. The answer should be unsterotic, without boasting and with a healthy assessment of the situation. The applicant must be confident in itself, as in a specialist, but not to be self-confident. It is arrogant employees who have already consisted of a team who has already consisted and is not allowed to unleased the young team.

Well, applicants you need to be prepared for non-standard solutions. Be calm, confident in our right. Remember that you are a specialist, you called for an interview, which means you have already interested the employer, and you have every chance to get this position.

Not only you choose, but you choose. But at the same time, do not forget that there are no ideal people, and you need to be tolerant. Therefore, speak only for professional topics, answer it possible to rationally and competently.

You can consider the answer to this and similar unusual questions, you can consider all the tactics of behavior on the interview, but no one is insured from what something goes wrong. So get ready, but do not forget that you are first of all a specialist and will communicate with the employer only on workers. Less extra thoughts, more professionalism, and then the question "why we must take exactly you" will not be exactly noted during the interview, and if you decide it, then you will know what to answer.

When you come to the interview, you are asked about experience and skills. But are you ready to say clearly, why do you need companies and what are you better than other candidates?

"Let me tell you what could do for the company as part of his future position"

1) this is the best answer, but only provided that in subsequent proposals you will not describe the process (for example, "I will come to work on time, I will build a friendly relationship", etc.), but you will focus on concrete and measurable result that the employer will receive from you. In this case, you come not to ask for money, status, salaries - you offer specific solutions to the specific problems of the employer, and in this case the salary is a well-deserved remuneration for the result.

2) Good answer. It is almost perfect option. I see that the worker tries to really appreciate his abilities, trying to see the feedback, as he understood it. An employee is focused on the company and is not afraid to express ideas. There is potential and as an employee, and as a creative.

"I can bring real benefits Companies »

1) In fact, the employer is not so important which kind of knowledge, skills and skills are important to him how you can apply them and what exactly can you do for the company. It would be nice to also clarify what this benefit will be expressed - for example, "I can improve sales" or "I can improve your brand awareness." In addition, such an answer speaks about you as a person-oriented person, asking the essence of business.

2) The answer is good only if the candidate can justify what good it will bring the company. He must tell, what knowledge and skills it has to achieve their goals and how it will contribute to, for example, attracting new customers, or receiving additional profit, or reducing existing costs.

"I possess the knowledge and experience that is necessary for this work."

1) This answer shows your compliance with formal requirements. But imagine that other candidates may also possess the same knowledge and experience. You need to show the employer, why should you take exactly you, in other words, show your competitive advantages and value. In addition to relevant knowledge and experience, many companies also pay attention to the compliance of the candidate of corporate culture, its personal qualitiesMotivation.

2) Offer its resources to solve the employer's tasks - a good approach. But are you sure that you know how well the situation inside the company, the requirements for the post, personal wishes of the head, in order to report with such confidence that you have everything necessary? That is why there are interviews when not only knowledge and experience is estimated, but also how a person corresponds to the internal conditions for this position.

"I am very hardworking, punctural and stress-resistant"

This is not an answer to the question. Of course, hardworking, punctuality and stress resistance are important qualities, but they do not determine whether a person is suitable for a position or not. It is rather an addition, and the basis of the competence of a person, his knowledge, motivation and understanding, how to solve business tasks. In addition, for each position there are priorities, and it happens that really hardworking and punctual staff is not enough creative approach, which is necessary in work.

"I have long dreamed of work, in which I can most fully realize myself, and I think that this is exactly such a job."

Self-realization, of course, is of great importance for the candidate, but the employer is interested in the first place that the employee declines the tasks set before him. The applicant must be shown that his self-realization is based on the fulfillment of the prescribed duties and achieve the goals set, which, in turn, will contribute to the development of the company.

"Because I am a valuable worker!"

1) In such an answer, I am heard by Message: "I don't have anyone better if you do not take me, make me terrible mistake" Flip threat. If you are so valuable, why not resist in last place?

2) Personally, I do not like very arrogant people. I do not like this answer. Such a person can not always objectively evaluate not only herself, but also the surrounding situation. He can appreciate it incorrectly and not be prepared for force majeure. Better underestimation than revaluation.

"Because I really need this work"

1) It is not interesting to the employer. The company has its own tasks, and you will be taken to solve them. Even if you really need this work, do not lose dignity. Do not say that this is the last chance for you, but it is not necessary to negate the conversation. The best way - Take a partner's position and discuss that you and the company can give each other.

2) a similar answer characterizes the candidate not with best side. Most likely, the applicant remained without work and he has a heavy financial positionSo he is interested in any employment. It is obvious that he just needs to wait difficult times. He will not stay for a long time in the company and will look for a better place of work.

Daria Vakhrusheva, Andrey Kurtsev
According to the materials "Labor"