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How to behave and what to talk about interview. How to increase your chances? Standard questions on interview

Hello. How to behave at the interview is an important component in the device to work. It is important for all, starting from the posture and to the clothes. From this article you will learn many important points that you will definitely help find a good job.

The most important thing is the first impression

At the employer's reception - it is very important to behave correctly, even more important than to speak. After all, the first impression can sometimes push, and can help immediately get a job. Therefore, try to prepare thoroughly.

  1. When applying to work, open the company's website, find out what it does, who is her leader, work mode.
  2. Then examine the requirements that are presented to your work. If you know a position to which you decide to apply, then find out your duties.
  3. Then think what benefit you can bring this company.
  4. Collect the required documents: a diploma or certificate, resume, passport and so on. All fold into the folder.
  5. Documents immediately do not take, only after you are asked.

Psychological techniques

Tips of the psychologist:

  • Come to the company 10-15 minutes before meeting with the employer. Find free space, do the following, accept the wisp posture:, head is raised, hands on the sides.
  • At the interview friendly smile.
  • Before arrival, take your voice - this is important. It is necessary to answer confidently, not arrogant, but also not timid like a petitioner.
  • Try with answers to look into the interlocutor. If it does not work, look at any point on his face. Answer clearly, truthfully, but not unleashed.
  • Hell listen to a question without interrupting. Pause after the answer. Do not worry if the next question is not asked for a long time, you may be checked.
  • Do not gessay, sit calmly. If you have not stretched your hand at a meeting, do not make this gesture yourself.
  • If the interviewer called his name, remember it. You can confess in your excitement, it will discharge the situation.
  • If possible, sit next to the employer, then he will perceive you as a like-minded man.
  • If you have to sit down, then do not cross your feet and hands, show your openness and friendliness.
  • To get on one wave with an interviewer, use the reception "Mirror posture", that is, naturally, you can easily copy some poses and its gestures.
  • What to talk about yourself? Do not exaggerate your abilities, knowledge, opportunities. Better tell me that you are striving for new knowledge to grow professionally. If in the conversation process was mistaken, then apologize and continue the conversation, not remembering the error. If you ask about hobbies, tell briefly. When conversation, do not take on the main role.
  • To work, talking about the reason for leaving the previous place of activity. But do not speak badly about the team, about the boss, no word about your conflicts or financial difficulties. Try to bypass the political side, as well as religious topics.

If you are suitable for a guiding position

Under the device for a guideline, you will most likely talk to the company's head itself.

When talking with the head, rely on personal experience, that is, choose successful examples from your practice. Answer questions briefly, but for sure. Prepare 3-4 questions that you must ask the future to leader. Reflect on them:

  • interest in future work.
  • what can you do for the company.
  • on the role of your personality.

It may be the first interview. If you are interested in the manager, then wait for the challenge. He can come in writing, perhaps by phone.

Going to the re-interview, be prepared for provocative, even tough issues. Try to keep yourself calmly, respond politely, confident.

If you are hired, the question of salary, personnel growth, the provision of benefits and many other things will be resolved.

Many are lost if they speak with the director. Remove the feeling of fear, because he is also a person. Do not tremble, do not run through your eyes, do not embellish your abilities, but emphasize your performance, energy, readiness for learning, learning in the team.

If there is no work experience

Having arranged to the enterprise without work experience, you should show that you are not only ready to learn, but also endowed with the ability to quickly comprehend a new one, so you can become a full-fledged employee in a short time. Hear listen and hear.

Much depends on what kind of clothes are on you. The young man should look neat, be in clean shoes, good. The girl should not get dressed as a date, but a vulgar appearance can push the interviewer.

If you decide to get a bank, then the passage of the interview can be held in several stages. To withstand all the steps, practice in front of the mirror, as you will answer questions.

For activities in the bank, excerpt is required and, so questions will be set in a tight form. Reply confidently, do not be nervous. In the answers, use verbs, for example, "executed", "achieved", "learned."

How to behave accountant? The accountant already knows exactly what he will have to do. It is important to ask questions about the volume of employment, the software, how many entrepreneurs will have to lead other purely professional questions.

For an interview to a psychologist

Often, with employment, a serious financial company will have to talk to a psychologist. Most often, the psychologist proposes to pass the test, with the help of which it should reveal, communicability, leadership qualities, stress resistance.

The question may be such incomprehensible! But the psychologist is important to identify your self-control, resourcefulness, credulity or suspicion and other personal qualities. There are a lot of tests, and it is not known what a psychologist will be used, so try to answer truthfully.

Skype interview

Visits speed Skype interview. Try to answer questions politely, truthfully, not distracted. In conversation, do not use words littering, for example, "maybe", "maybe", "how to say" and others. In short, communication on Skype is little different from the conversation "live".

An interview when admission to work is a check for a applicant, during which its professionalism and level of competence are evaluated. The ability to take a vacant position directly depends on how successfully the first meeting with the employer will pass. That is why the interview requires careful preparation.

Start with the necessary documents. Do not forget about the passport, diploma of education and advanced training. It will also not be superfluous to take a summary (although many employers are asked to fill in the organization's standard questionnaire).

Before going to the interview, try to explore the company information in which you are going to get settled. Check out the site, read the reviews, learn the direction of the employer. Thus, you will be able to show your interest in the future place of work.

Then you should consider answers to questions that employers most often ask:

  • What is your last place of work? Why did you decide to change it?
  • What is the work experience?
  • Why choose our company?
  • Why should you choose you? List your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Who do you see yourself in 5 years?

Variations of questions may differ, but the essence remains one - the employer is looking for an employee who can work in this position, possessing the necessary competencies. For the applicant, it is a wonderful chance to "sell" yourself.

Speaking about the previous job, one should not negatively respond about the leadership and colleagues. Calling the reason for changing the work, limit the neutral response. It is not superfluous here to emphasize your desire to grow professionally, gain experience and improve acquired skills.

Talking about the experience of work, list the organizations where you have worked earlier. It is not necessary to tell in detail what your employers were doing, the dates of creating every organization and names of directors. Better stop at your own achievements on the post.

Talking about yourself, try to indicate such personal qualities that will allocate you among other competitors. Do not intercept yourself, but do not criticize too much. Better mention of some small slip and tell me how you copefully coped with them.

Carefully think over your appearance. Do not forget that it is impossible to make the first impression for the second time. Try to find out in advance whether there is a dress code in the organization. If yes - try to observe it if not - give preference to a restrained business style. Women should not experiment with a skirt length, men - with a tie color. In general, the clothes should be neat, clean and laid, nails treated. Do not get involved in spirits and cologne, especially in hot weather.

How to behave on an interview with the employer

So, the preparation was successful and you are ready to go for an interview. Remember some rules, and everything will be passed like oil.

It is better to go to the interview in advance, even if you know the route well. It is better to wait for yourself than to get to wait for the employer. If on the way you had a force majeure, call and warn, explaining the reason for your late.

Come to the organization, do not forget to turn off the cell phone.

By arrival, be sure to say hello, ask you to inform you about your arrival.

Going into the office to a potential employer, be friendly, sit opposite the interlocutor. On the chair should be sitting smoothly, not spilling, without throwing the leg to the leg, etc. Hold you as natural as possible. Excessive nervousness will create about you not the best impression.

Listen carefully, answer only after the employer finishes his speech. Do not interrupt, even if you know what he wants to ask. Answer only on the merits of a given question, try to meet with a response of 2-3 minutes. If you ask to tell about yourself, do not let me in memories of your childhood. The employer is more interested in your education, as well as work experience.

In the interview, you too can ask questions to the employer. Prepare them in advance so as not to miss important moments due to excitement. Direct questions about the future career growth or the possibility of raising salaries should be avoided. It is better to ask if the possibility of improving the qualifications is that characterizes you as a man of purposeful and far-sighted.

At the end of the interview, thank the employee for the time given to you and ask how to report the results. Many are shy to ask, and in vain. It may seek the impression that you came only for the "tick".

Remember, good mood, self-confidence and preliminary training is the key to a successful interview.

The article was prepared by the experts of the portal on employment

You have already deserved approval and made a good impression on Eichar or an employer.

Try to learn a little about the future position and place of work, in conversation your knowledge of a company or future position will benefit you from a variety of applicants. Be extremely attentive and collected.

Answer questions concisely, excessive word can be interpreted as frivolism and talkativeness.

What to talk to the interview when taking a job without experience? Do not hesitate to talk about your victories, knowledge and skills, tell us how you used them in practice. Be open and ready for dialogue, and also do not be afraid to show your original approach to business.

It is creative applicants that are remembered for interviews, and even if you won't go to this position, you may be recommended to another company or firm.

Try to remember Eichard or an employer, but not too extravagant. Total should be in moderation.

The first interview is always different from all the others, a little messy, a little frightening, exciting, it can or uncover all talents in a person, or, on the contrary, make it closed and absolutely incapable of dialogue.

It is not surprising that all young professionals are worried about how to pass an interview without experience?

The success of the first interview for the candidate depends a lot: its self-esteem and perhaps the future. Employer or Eichar also in incomprehensible position: the future of the company or case depends on his choice.

Be careful, careful and remember that, first of all, you are professionals and only then, after the working day, are people. Install contacts as professionals, friendly attitude at work is often fraught with bad effects. The main thing about how to successfully pass the interview, if there is no work experience you now know.

When applying for a job, the interview is a very important process with its nuances and features. After reading this article, you will be able to avoid many common mistakes committed by a significant number of other applicants. If you take into account some simple rules, then you will not be difficult to make a positive impression.

How to behave with the device to work

    Development. If you have a job interview, remember that late in this case may be harmful. In order to prevent such a squash, find out in advance how to quickly get to the desired institution - what transport goes there, which buildings are nearby. It would be nice to look in advance on the map exactly where the interview will be held to arrive accurately to the right place. Consider the possible traffic jams and force majeures - it is better to come a little earlier and wait for the meeting time in the cafe nearby. Remember that late may make a negative impression of you. Appearance. In no case should you neglect the appearance. If you are a man of creative profession (model, photographer, choreographer, dancer, and so on), then, of course, you can afford torn jeans and t-shirts with unusual drawings. If you do not have to do with creativity, then when you arrive at work, do not forget about the appropriate clothes, as well as about tidy as a whole. First impression. On this day, it is important to establish yourself well, create a positive first impression about yourself. You are unlikely to make great interest at the employer if you behave uncertainly, stuff and nervous. However, self-confidence will also be inappropriate - look for a golden middle. Be prefabricated and calm. Tune in advance to the meeting.

How to establish yourself at interview when transferring or hanging

If you have to go through an interview for a higher position, then, of course, you should show the first thing that you are worthy of. When communicating with the interviewer, listen to it carefully, without distracting. Quickly analyze his questions, trying to determine what exactly you want to hear. If you did not hear the question or did not understand it - it is better to ask, rather than give a vague answer. You will be able to give you about your most significant achievements. Treat in advance what you say - it is advisable to voice the answer, guided by numbers or facts. Talking about your victories, try to generalize such phrases "common efforts with the team", "We are with the team" and the like - so you will emphasize the ability to work in a team. Surely, with raising or translation, the employer wants to make sure that you clearly understand what kind of responsibilities will be entrusted. Understand this issue in advance, having familiarized yourself with the requirements that are presented to the applicants for this position. The most important, when conversation with an interviewer, maintain a positive mood, calm and, of course, self-confidence!

Tips of the psychologist: how to properly file yourself at the interview

Proper behavior on the interview is a guarantee of success. Do not allow widespread errors, and you will achieve the desired result.

What to talk when a device for work

Surely, you will ask questions related to your specialization. Even if you do not know a clear answer to some of them, you should not demonstrate it, shrugging or saying "I don't know." Do not be nervous, start thinking out loud, expressing thoughts about the stated topic - it is possible that the correct answer will fall out by itself or you are interested in the employer in other knowledge. By the way, it is not necessary to perceive the interview as a questioning. You should also ask questions to the employer about the company - demonstrate your interest, for sure, it will add you advantages in his eyes.

What can not speak at the interview

Of course, sometimes it does not interfere with the slightly embellish reality, however, the explicit lie at the device to work clearly will not lead to anything - first, you may be caught on a lie, and secondly, this not true can you get sideways later and even lead to dismissal . It is important to take into account that you are likely to ask about the previous place of work - in this case it is extremely recommended to leave with you negative reviews about past tenant. Even if at the last workplace you had a serious conflict and not for your fault, it is better not to delve into it, specify some neutral and significant reason (for example, your move).

Mimic and gestures, behavior at interview

Try to behave relaxed and confidently. It is important that they do not fuss and not "taratory", trying to present themselves from the best side. Speak clearly and calmly - do not increase the tone, but also do not pronounce the words barely audible. If appropriate, you can let go neutral joke. Take care that nothing distracted you from the conversation - to this end, please contact your phone for silent mode. Of course, you should think about your outfit in advance so that during the interview you did not think about how the jumper or trousers are sitting on you - wear your usual, and at the same time relevant, clothes. Also at a similar meeting, follow your gesticulation and facial expressions - everything should be in moderation.

It may be that despite professional skills, you will not get the desired position, as you just do not like the employer. To avoid this, take into account some nuances.


Going to the interview, certainly take care of your appearance - this is what you will be performed with the first impression, which, as you know, is very important. Of course, your view should be neat - no spots, and the likelog could not be like that. You should also understand that the interview is not the place where too bright makeup is appropriate (if you do not apply for the post of Grimer or makeup artist) - it is residual to put on your face tone and slightly tinkering lips and eyelashes or make makeup in nude tones. As we mentioned, avoid negligence in clothes - stick the style that is appropriate for this organization.

What to take for an interview

It is extremely desirable, in order during the interview you had a notebook and handle. It will not be very good if you need to record some information, and you will begin to see the phone for this or worse - ask for a leaf and handle from the employer. We also recommend that you have a resume with yourself, so that the employer could quickly familiarize himself with all the information you need. And, of course, it will be better if you not only tell about your achievements, but also to support your words with diplomas, diplomas and the like. In addition, you can take a small bottle of water - perhaps you will go in front of the interview yourself and want to moisten the throat.

The rules of behavior at the interview

As a rule, there are more attention to the interview on how you behave, and only then evaluate what you say. Consider this fact, tune yourself in advance and stop nervous. No matter how you worried about this meeting, configure yourself to a positive result and relax. If you are too worried, it will certainly be noticeable to the employer, and as a result, the decision can not be accepted in your favor. To configure yourself to the desired mode, drink relaxing tea before interview. Of course, alcoholic beverages "for courage" do not use!

What you need to know when a device for work

You should definitely realize what the employer claims to applicants, and also consider what rights do you have. If the ad was indicated that knowledge of a foreign language is required from applicants, and you will not own them, it will be at least weird. You also need to study in advance information about the company's activities. Surely, you will be asked why you wish to work in this company, and for this case you should prepare the answer in advance. Do not forget to ask questions about the organization - you must make sure that all working conditions are suitable for you.

How to interview without work experience

If you do not have experience, the interview will be even more exciting for you. Nevertheless, if you adhere to some tips, you can be able to make the right impression.

First interview with the director

No matter how gender is your potential leader - in any case, you do not need to neglect the general recommendations on appearance and behavior. Most often, the head of companies show interest in general issues: how can you help the firm achieve the best results, do you have the necessary experience, how long do you plan to stay in the organization and for what reason left from the previous job. We recommend to prepare for such matters in advance, so that they did not find you surprise. If possible, let's be answers vigorously and without checking, and also deployed to answer the questions of the potential employer.

Second interview, how to present yourself

Before going to the second interview, you must prepare, taking into account the possible reasons for such a meeting. It is possible that you want to learn better than you, and ask you more difficult questions, in order not to be doubtful in your competence. It is also possible that the tenant wants to know you better as a person, try to identify the unpleasant sides of the character - for this purpose you may try to withdraw out of equilibrium. However, prepare for various surprises - maybe it is that in the process of selection of applicants, the employer came to the conclusion that a worthy candidate must be possessing additional skills.

How to show yourself on a group interview

Of course, your main goal on the group interview is to stand out and show yourself to a potential employer from the winning side itself. While in the team of the same candidates as you, try to take the initiative: Let's answer all the questions set, offer various solutions to one task. Even if it seems to you that you look less impressive against the backdrop of other applicants, you should not despair, because you still do not know how ultimate selection is being made. A group interview is not the place where it is worth it or screaming - to show respect for other candidates. When interviewing, you must take into account some subtleties, depending on where exactly you want to get a job. Naturally, completely different qualities are required from candidates for the position of the seller and banking worker, and it should be considered.

In bank and financial changes

First of all, we recommend that you have a convincing and competently compiled summary. Also, do not forget about the appearance, which must fully comply with the spirit of the institution - in the bank and most of the financial installations are unacceptable free style in clothing, too bright and aggressive makeup and the like. You should look like already working in this place. In addition, it is extremely undesirable to disappoint such an interview - it is better to appear on it about 10 minutes before the start. Think over the most likely questions - about the previous job, the causes of the choice of this bank, the vision of further career growth.

In the police

Before you go for an interview to the police, consider the list of requirements that you most likely be charged as a possible candidate. Of course, having arranged in such an organization, you must have such qualities as a fast reaction, stressful stressful situations, lack of bad habits, good memory, attentiveness, good physical training and responsibility. Such qualities the employer hopes to see in you, and will be wonderful if you yourself mention them. When preparing for this interview, of course, do not forget about tidyness and punctuality.

In customer service establishment (cafe, trade)

If you want to get a job in the service organization in the field of nutrition or trade, then you will certainly have certain qualities - we recommend that you mention them. We are talking about accuracy, sociability, distillation and good memory. Since you have to work with customers, the employer will evaluate you from such a position - what the impression you will have on the client, whether he will want to visit this cafe again, and so on. That is why we recommend that you demonstrate a friendliness and good mood at the interview.

As you know, any work and successful career begins with a simple interview with the employer. According to the results of the interview, the company's head or his representative responsible for the selection of personnel makes conclusions and decides on the adoption of an employee to work. Even the best specialist who has all the data for the estimated position: the level of education, age, professional qualities, may not get the desired job if he does not know how to behave at the interview.

How to behave at the interview: appearance

The appearance of the applicant plays a latter role in employment. It is noted that employers prefer those who came to an interview in a business or democratic free style that emphasizes your individuality. For a woman, it is unacceptable to wear screaming outfits, with deep necklates and bright causing details to attract or impress the head of the man. It is worth remembering that the interview is business negotiations, not a date.

Clothing can tell a lot about our inner world and attitude to life. So, the mint shirt and unclean boots will create an impression of an unorganized person who does not respect himself, and hence others. Girls should not demonstrate a bright, catchy manicure, put on a large number of jewelry and jewelry, as well as use perfume with a sharp aroma, all this can push the potential employer.

How to behave at the beginning of the interview

  • Do not allow for a meeting. To feel confident and comfortable, come 15-20 minutes before the designated time, look around, orient in an unfamiliar place, tune in to the upcoming communication.
  • Before entering - knock. Imagine, speak your name loud and confident. If the interviewer first handed you out a hand - please it, if not, it means that in their team it is not customary to shake hands to employees.
  • Your task is to arrange the head to yourself, set it up for a friendly way. Therefore, in ease, openly and friendly, smile. It is very important to remember the name of the interviewer, after he will introduce you.
  • If there is a strong excitement, admit to the employer, it will slightly discharge the situation and facilitates further communication.
  • When choosing a place for conversation, it is better to give preference to the place, next to the employer, so it will take you as a like-minded man. If the only place where you can set up, opposite it, accept a smooth pose, without crossing your arms and legs, demonstrate maximum openness when communicating with the interlocutor.
  • Do not forget about gestures, an excessive swapping by your hands the employer can take for excessive emotionality or calculate the sign of the lies.

What to talk to the employer at the interview

  • Completed to communicate and on one emotional wave with an employer helps the use of psychological reception "Mirror Pose". The essence of this technique is that you are unobtrusively copying the postures and some interviewer gestures. Movements should be as natural as possible.
  • Separately, it is worth noting that all the questions that the employer asks must be answered truthfully. Experienced interviewers will quickly suspect false and inconsider facts. Do not exaggerate your knowledge, opportunities and ability. It is better to say that you are ready to learn and grow professionally, strive for new knowledge.
  • On the question of what was the reason for dismissal from the previous work, call a specific reason: relocation, inappropriate schedule, reduction, small salary. It is not necessary to mention conflicts with a team or bosses, it can create an impression about you as an unbalanced and conflicting person.
  • If you made a mistake in the process of dialogue, mistaken, apologize and continue the conversation without focusing on the error.
  • Do not talk too much about yourself, setting out your biography in detail. Clearly and briefly report your hobbies, professional qualities.

What should not talk about interview

In the process of free communication on arbitrary topics should not touch such topics as:

  • Do not talk about personal problems, failures, about financial difficulties.
  • Go around political and religious topics.
  • Do not discuss your previous chief.
  • Do not use slang in conversation, slang words.
  • Do not take the main role in the conversation, exposing the appearance of your deep knowledge in the question in the process of discussion, it can cause a negative from the manager.

Applying our advice in practice, be sure that your interview will be successfully. But even if the attempt to work will be failure - do not despair, remember that you acquire invaluable experience, the following interview will be successful.