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Characteristic to student during practice. Characteristic on Pedagogical Practice Practitioner In School: Sample

At the request of authorized bodies or organizations, such a document can be drawn up as a characteristic of a student from the place of study. Moreover, it can become one of or a document characterizing the personality, when considering cases of administrative offenses or criminalize.

On the site we have placed examples of the most common characteristics that can also be used in relation to the student: ,. In this case, we consider the general example of such a document on a student when transferring to another university. The same example can be used to present such a document in employment, law enforcement agencies and any other organizations.

Example Characteristics on a student from the place of study

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education

Kemerovo State Polytechnic University

6500056, Kemerovo, ul. Redware, 49.


Zavyalov Makar Viktorovich, September 05, 1997, is a student of FSBE "Kemerovo State Polytechnic University" from July 20, 2015. Currently, it is currently studying on the 3rd year of the Fatomaging Fatheet Faculty of Law, the Yuk-415 training group. Enrolled at the budget place, the results of the exam - 272 points.

During his studies, he has established itself as a conscientious and disciplined student. With the curriculum copes, the average score of academic performance - 4, 3, debt on disciplines has no difficulty in studying. Specialization - civil law and civil process. Successfully defended coursework at the end of 1 and 2 courses, the rating is excellent. Passing lectures and seminars did not allow no good reason.

Takes an active part in the public and sports life of the university: is a member of the volleyball team.

Character is calm, friendly. Conflict avoids, friendly, friendly, sociable. It reacts to criticism correctly. Among the students of the YUK-415 group uses well-deserved authority. With teachers polite, tacty. Takes an active part in the work of seminars and scientific research.

This feature is given for presentation at the place of the claim.

Curator of the group Yuk-415 Svetlogorskaya A.V.

Dean of the Law Faculty of Bezborodov A.A.

How the characteristic is drawn up on the student from the place of study

In most cases, the characteristic is drawn up by the student itself, depending on the purpose of its presentation. Such a duty may be assigned to the curator of the group where it is studying. In any case, such a document has its own structure and content.

Characteristic - Always the evaluation document. Since the student is one of the main indicators is academic performance and absence of debts on disciplines, such information is mandatory included in the document.

For the preparation of the characterization on a student from the place of study, information will be needed: on the results of the exam, the results of passing exams and tests, the protection of coursework, participation in the public life of the university, cultural life. Features of character based on interaction with single-logic, other students of the university or college, teachers.

Structure Characteristics on student from school

The document is drawn up on the branded form of a training institution with an indication of its full name, addresses. We offer the following document preparation algorithm:

  1. Indicate F.I.O. student, date of birth, date of receipt of the educational institution, faculty, course, form of training, group number, results when admission
  2. Academic performance, middle score, course papers, specialization (if any)
  3. Participation in public life of educational institution, conferences, competitions, the availability of scientific developments, publications in scientific publications
  4. Features of character, temperament and relationships in the team and with teachers

The characteristic of the student from the place of study is signed by the Dean of the Faculty with an empty of the date of issue.

Characteristic to student at the place of management practice

Characteristic to the student from the place of practice in Aooo "Simferopol" in the specialty "Management of the Organization.

Student Novikova Irina Andreevna passed a production practice in Aooo "Simferopolskoe" from 01/19/09 to 13.02.09.

She showed itself as a disciplined, executive and initiative student; Combating and responsibly belonged to the execution of orders.

It can be described in its work as a volitional, assertive, purposeful person who has the necessary knowledge in its field and quickly assimilating new information. Actively seeks to acquire new knowledge and skills. Attentive to criticism to its work, capable of making the necessary conclusions.

When implementing the practice program, the student was interested in the opinion of experienced workers, and the data obtained by it used by the necessary consultations when writing a report

According to the program of production practice, all necessary documents were studied and analyzed.

In the process of passing practice, the student received new practical skills and secured her theoretical knowledge.

Head of Practice from Enterprise Practice Chief Accountant.

Characteristics of a student with a place of production practices Example, accountant

Characteristicon the student of the 4th year of the Account and Finance Faculty of the UF "Katu" Na Ivanov, Diana Ibraimovna, who has held the practice of the Soviet district of ARC in ZAO "N-Victory"

Ivanova Diana Ibaraimovna passed a production practice in the face of the Assistant Accountant CJSC "N-Victory" from 03/03/08 to 14.03.08.

Throughout the practice, the student manifested himself from a good side. Complied with the rules of the internal routine of the day established in the farm, did not break the labor discipline. In conscientiously performed all the obligations charged to it. The full cycle of accounting work in the central accounting, led to accounting and registration of accounting documents.

During the period of practice, the student acquired practical skills of financial and managerial accounting in production conditions.

Hardworking, punctual, is responsible, careful, purposeful.

Chief Accountant - Head of Practice Place. Date. Signature. Print.

Characteristics of a student from the place of accounting practice

Characteristics of a student from the practice of the Chief Accountant CJSC Burluk at the student of the 3rd course of the Account and Finance Faculty of the UF "Crimean Agrotechnological University" Na Tsurykan Sergey Valerevich, at the place of practice.

The student was in practice at the time limit, worked with zeal, persistently mined the necessary information. Carefully studied the provided data, accounting registers. Intended into the specifics of keeping accounting directly at our enterprise.

The travelers showed deep theoretical knowledge on the necessary issues.

Well-learned in practice issues marked in an individual practice.

Tsurcan Sergey showed himself as a diligent student and left a good impression.

Chief Accountant Head at the Practice Place.

Characteristic on a student who has held industrial practice in economics

The characteristic of the student V course of the Faculty of Economics and Management Babayan Diana Yuryevna passed the production practice in the SEC "Georgia" from March 29 to April 9, 2010.

During the practice of practice, the student has shown himself from the best part, proven itself as a modest, tactful, educated, inquisitive, active, executive and hardworking person.

During the practice, all tasks, data by an economist or an accountant of the enterprise performed efficiently and timely.

He showed great interest in innovations in the organization of labor and its payment, organizing the work of structural divisions.

Actively collaborated with the specialists of the enterprise, the material provided is mastered correctly and efficiently.

He studied the necessary documents: Charter of SPK "Georgia", a collective agreement of the enterprise, the rules of the internal schedule, the business plan for the development of the enterprise, the main legislative acts on the activities of agricultural enterprises.

Industrial practice has shown Babayan D. Yu. As a good specialist in the future.

Head of Practice from the enterprise, director of SPK "Georgia" ________________ Khasitashvili. IN AND.

Characteristics of the student from the place of production practices for agronomy

CharacteristicStudent Litvinova Natalia Konstantinovna held the position of assistant brigadier.

During the passage of practice, he showed himself as a responsible, executive, qualified worker.

Natalia showed interest in work, in the essence of technological operations, carefully and qualitatively performed all the proposed works.

He studied all the features and tasks of the work of the Brigadier, showed organizational abilities.

Signature of the main agronomist Merkulova T. V.

Characteristic with veterinary practice at student

Student Characteristics - Practica

A student-student Afanasyev O. E came the practice of JSC "Friendship .. Peoples Nova" poultry industry from 04/18/16 to 05/13/16 inclusive. During this period, Afanasyev O. E. manifested himself as a competent, initiative worker who knows how to use in practice the knowledge gained in the coastal agrarian college. The instructions of the leading veterinary doctor of the poultry industry performed quickly, gently and conscientiously. At the same time, he was interested in the work of the leading veterinary doctor and the doctor of the pathologist.

I got acquainted with the work of a veterinary doctor, a doctor of the pathologist and all the documentation with which they work (forms, magazines, etc.). In time performed all the instructions of the executive practice, clearly adhered to the rules of the internal labor regulation.

Clears the initiative, communicated, is taken for any tasks, clearly and within certain time performs them. According to the results of the execution, reports to the head. The workplace is organized correctly.

With the staff of the poultry industry supported friendly relations, not conflict. It is easy to contact people, in any situation was respectful in communicating with others.

During the passage of practice, he showed himself as an active, attentive, worker-loving and responsible worker.

Mastered types of work, quality, independence, interest, initiative.

The main type of work performed by Afanasyev O. E. was in carrying out a veterinary and sanitary examination on the slaughter of the slaughter of broiler chickens. It was also involved in carrying out the pathoanatomic opening of broiler chickens. Show a high interest and initiative to work.

Labor discipline and safety of safety - clearly adhered to the rules of the internal labor regulation, safety regulations and fire safety rules.

Special remarks and proposals of the head of practice - during the passage of practice, showed itself as an active, attentive, worker, and responsible worker. In the future, continue to seek to increase their acquired skills and practical and theoretical knowledge.

Practice assessment is excellent.

Date "13" ______ May ______ 2016

Head of Practice from Organization (position) (signature) (surname I. O.), Printing, date.

Today, the business use has entered such a thing as a letter with a recommendation. We offer you templates and samples that will save time when drawing up the characteristics.

Sample on student trainee

Kotov Viktor Vasilyevich, a student of the Urals Economic University, passed the practice from September 25, 2017 to October 20, 2017 in LLC Karat. Viktor Vasilyevich showed excellent knowledge in the field of economic activity.

Victor Vasilyevich has independence, sociability, purposefulness and desire to implement knowledge and skills acquired in Urgan. Viktor Vasilyevich is able to show respect for labor in the professional team in a professional team, to mentors and colleagues at work.

In relations with colleagues, Viktor Vasilyevich showed himself from the best party. He demonstrated such human qualities as attentiveness, the ability to listen and come to the aid, not to enter into conflict situations, stress resistance and the ability to come to a compromise solution.

I especially want to note that Viktor Vasilyevich is able to competently plan his working hours, in accordance with the company's development strategy, and perform work as efficiently as possible.

Viktor Vasilyevich analyzed the commercial activity of Karat LLC. According to the results of research work, they proposed measures aimed at improving the activities of the enterprise. These proposals are of interest and practical value.

Characteristic from the place of student practice in the summer camp

Ready example

Ivanova Olga Igorevna passed pedagogical practice in the summer camp from June 14, 2016 to July 14, 2016, where he showed himself only from a positive side. Olga Igorevna has such human qualities as discipline, responsibility, the ability to find a common language with children.

Olga Igorevna treated with love and understand. A student actively participated in the work of a summer camp and applied theoretical knowledge gained in the university in practice. Olga Igorevna has shown himself as a creative and sociable person and a wonderful organizer. A student has shown himself as a competent teacher in solving educational tasks.

Olga Igorevna demonstrated responsibility, binding and hard work, as well as a serious attitude to the preparation and conduct of events. Children participated in events organized by Olga Igorovna, with interest and hobbies.

When organizing events, Olga Igorevna took into account the age and psychological features of children. Olga Igorevna worked closely with colleagues. She listened to the advice of teachers and psychologists. She managed to get close to the guys and conquer their confidence. Evaluation for the passage of practice: "Excellent."

Characteristic of the practice of a student teacher in Dow


Svetlova Elena Nikolaevna, a student of the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University, during the passage of practice in the Kindergarten "Ryabinka" from 09/17/2017 to 18.10. 2017 showed itself as a competent, owning didactic, teacher. She demonstrated responsible attitude towards working with children.

In the process of pedagogical activity, there has always been a visual material. Elena Nikolaevna conducted classes in all areas of development of children: a cognitive, speech, communications, physical and aesthetic. The travelers independently organized pupils of DW in gaming, cognitive, labor, visual and other activities.

Elena Nikolaevna actively participated in the autumn holiday "Cheerful Capusionnik", and also organized the event "Road Adventures of Baba Yaga", devoted to the study of the rules of the road.

Elena Nikolaevna spoke at the parent meeting with a presentation on the topic: "The importance of joint leisure of parents and preschool children." Student Svetlova showed good theoretical knowledge of the basics of pedagogy and age psychology, as well as the skills planning the activities of preschoolers in the first and second half of the day. In communicating with pupils, Elena Nikolaevna always showed pedagogical tact.

Characteristic on a medical practice student in a hospital institution

Ready example

Selfish Olga Viktorovna, a student of 3 courses of the Saratov Medical College, held the practice of a physician into the clinical hospital. S. R. Mophetsev in the specialty "Sestrinsky case". In the period from 10.02.2018 to 03/18/2018

The traveler was familiar with the internal documentation of the surgical department. Before it, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics, pre-repairing and sterilization processing of tools were brought.

Olga Viktorovna performed nursing manipulations in the procedural office, operating and dressing. In particular, it performed intramuscular, subcutaneous and intravenous injections, filled the systems for intravenous drip infusion, the blood pressure and its transportation to the laboratory, cared for patients in the postoperative period.

Selfish Olga Viktorovna filled the documentation associated with the responsibilities. She took part in the preparation of the operating room, processed and removed the seams, did dressing.

A student showed good theoretical training and skillfully applied knowledge gained in college in work. He behaved with staff and patients, in line with the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

Pedagogical student learning practices in school - characteristics

Sample positive characteristic

Berkovich Andrei Yuryevich passed pedagogical practice in MBOU SOSH No. 148 in the period from 3 03. 2016 to 3.04.2016. The student conducted history lessons in 5a, 7a and 7b classes. In just just during this time he spent 16 classes on various topics.

Andrei Yuryevich demonstrated a high level of knowledge on the subject, as well as excellent methodical and didactic skills. The student approached his work creatively, enjoyed modern educational and methodological manuals, applied various techniques and learning tools in class. Therefore, children attended his classes with interest. In class Andrei Yuryevich led himself confidently, he knew well the outlined material and skillfully involved all the children's educational process.

He from the first lessons managed to conquer student confidence and establish close contact with them. Even the most low-effective guys worked in the lessons, as the tasks corresponded to their knowledge, the level of possession of the subject and age characteristics.

Andrei Yuryevich carefully planned every lesson, prepared thematic presentations and distribution material. Many lessons were held in a game form, with video show in accordance with the current sections of the educational program.

Andrei Yuryevich showed himself a sensitive and attentive teacher who could state the material clearly and accessible to all children.

Characteristic on student who has passed the practice in accounting

Example characteristics

Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich, a student of the Rostov Economic University, has passed the practice of LLC "Regina" from 12.11.2017 to 12/13/2017 in the specialty "Accounting". He showed himself as a competent specialist and showed high performance, responsibility, purposefulness and sociability.

Vladimir Vladimirovich quickly familiarized himself with the structure of the organization, with the constituent documents and the main directions of its activities. He actively participated in the preparation of financial statements for November 2017.

Alisov Vladimir Vladimirovich showed himself as a mandatory and serious specialist, he was without delays and carefully fulfilled all tasks entrusted to him. His practical participation in solving the tasks set in front of him contributed to the consolidation of skills received at the Rostov Economic University in all directions of the specialty chosen by him.

Vladimir Vladimirovich participated in the discussion of economic issues - such as minimizing the cost of the organization. They were made valuable from a practical point of view of proposals for finding ways to solve them.

He also participated in the inventory of the warehouse, which was held in the organization. Curators believe that Alice Vladimir Vladimirovich deserves high marks.

The practice of student was held in court with a specialty lawyer

Sample characteristic

Nortorts Gennady Lvovich, a student of the Khabarovsk Law Institute passed a practice in the Khabarovsky District Court in the period from 02. 04. 2016 to 14. 04. 2016 in the specialty "Legology".

Gennady Lvovich showed himself as an initiative and competent officer who could apply in the work of the knowledge gained by him in an educational institution. He quickly and gently fulfilled the instructions of the judge.

Gennady Lvovich familiarized himself with the work of the judicial office and the secretaries of the court sessions. The student was regularly present at the court meetings in criminal and civil cases. He took an active part in preparing for court cases.

The head instructed Severhor Gennadia Lvovich to make up the projects of the procedural documentation on the case under consideration. In addition, the student studied the regulations for the conduct of judicial proceedings.

Northern Gennady Lvovich performed all the tasks that headed the head and showed himself to the team as a disciplined, tactful, friendly, hardworking and sociable person. According to the results of the practice of Northern Gennady Lvovich deserves a high positive assessment.

Characteristics with student practice - psychologist


Cavelina Olga Aleksandrovna, a student of the Moscow Psychological and Social University, was held the production practice of a psychologist in MOU SOSH No. 123 from November 5 to December 6, 2017. During this period, the student manifested itself as a responsible and organized worker.

She spent psychodiagnostic and educational work in 1, 2, 3 - 7, 9 classes. Olga Alexandrovna also conducted correctional and developing classes in 4th grades and advised students and parents individually.

In diagnostic work, it applied the method of personality accentuation, tracking the adaptation process in graduation classes and monitored the development of seventh graders using sociometry, testing psycho-emotional state and survey.

Olga Alexandrovna conducted a diagnostic work related to the cognitive and motivational spheres of students in primary classes. In the process of work, the student demonstrated good faith, organizedness and correctness.

She immediately found an individual approach to children and managed to establish close contact with them. According to the results of the practice, Olga Alexandrovna deserves an excellent assessment.

Characteristic on a student who has been practiced in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ready example

Volchek Dmitry Evgenievich, a student of the Omsk Law Academy, passed the practice in the period from 12.05.2017. 12.07.2017 In the management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Omsk region. During this time, the student showed himself as a responsible, disciplined and conscientious worker.

Dmitry Evgenievich was engaged in the preparation and management of official documentation, identifying and preventing offenses among individuals, no adult age, identification of persons who committed a criminal act, as well as the supervision of disadvantaged families. Dmitry Evgenievich also participated in the raid events.

The student has established himself from a positive side. The head described it as an executive, independent, honest, friendly and communicable worker. Dmitry Evgenievich demonstrated a dedication, the ability to work with minors and the willingness to absorb and apply new information in the work.

In the process of performing the problems of Wolche Tasks, Dmitry Evgenievich successfully applied the surveyed skills. The practitioner has excellent knowledge of the legislative and legal framework. During the participation of official operations, Dmitry Evgenievich maintained composure and restraint.

Student practice was held in the bank, characteristic


Romanova Olga Viktorovna, a student of the IV Course of the Kemerovo Economic Institute of Plekhanov, passed the practice in PJSC "Unicredit Bank" in the specialty "Financier" from 14.04. 2017. on 15.05. 2017. inclusive.

During the practice of Practice, Olga Viktorovna familiarized himself with the general organizational banking structure, the procedure for the opening of accounts of individuals and legal entities, as well as the design of deposits. The student was actively involved in the daily service of already open accounts under the leadership of the curator.

Romanova Olga Viktorovna has mastered the procedure for issuing loans to individuals and legal entities, as well as the design and issuance of debit, credit and salary plastic cards. The travelers took part in the preparation of daily reporting and familiarized himself with the procedure for leaving quarterly reporting.

Olga Viktorovna manifested itself as a society, mandatory and correct employee. She quickly found a common language with colleagues and when performing the tasks set in front of it listened to their recommendations.

From the first day of practice, she approached work responsibly, having talked benevolently with customers and did not receive complaints to their address. According to the results of the passage of Practice, Olga Viktorovna deserved a high positive assessment.

Similar features. . .

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Characteristic on pre-diploma practice Sample report

Sample Characteristics from the place of pre-diploma practice in the economy of statistics and computer science

Characteristic from the place of practice (pre-diploma)

on Andreyko Peter Sergeevich

Andreyko P.S. In the period from April 27, 2010 to 06/25/2010, a pre-diploma practice was held in Vikink Stroy + LLC as Deputy Head of the Department of Ozers, ul. Lenin, d. 34 tel. 45-48-66 Fax 45-48-66.

During the passage of the pre-diploma practice Andreiko P.S. He established himself from a positive side as a competent and prepared employee.

Companies about personal behavior during the practice of Andreyev P.S. did not have.

Knowledge acquired by Andreyev P.S. During training at Moscow University of Economics, statistics and computer sciences allowed him to fully fulfill the practice program.

During the practice of Andreev, PS insulted the internal regime of the enterprise, got acquainted with the technical documentation, equipment available at the enterprise, studied technological schemes, the charter and regulation of the organization.

Andreev Petr Sergeevich showed his ability to work in difficult conditions, act independently and without tips, which indicates its high theoretical level of training. Also during the passage of practice, he mastered the necessary skills necessary for work, practical skills.

Evaluation for the passage of practice - "excellent"

General Director Vikink Stroy +

Molchanov ks .___________________________

samples of previously executed control, coursework and diploma works

All the power of knowledge. From the session to the session.

How to write a feature from the course of practice?

Any student has to undergo production and pre-diploma practice.

When it comes to preparing a practice report, the following problem arises. You approach the head of the practice from the enterprise (organization) and ask to make a characteristic on you, and the head of the practice (mentor) is responsible for this: write myself, because you know, and I will subscribe! What to do? How to write a characteristic from the place of practice? Where to take a sample characteristic from the place of practice?

Below, consider an example of the characteristics from the place of practice.


on the student of the 6th year of the specialty management management

Samara State Economic University Ivanov Inna Ivanovna

The student of the 6th year of Samara State Economic University Ivanov Inna Ivanovna passed the pre-diploma practice in Tire Machines LLC from November 1, 2010 to November 30, 2010 as an assistant to the head of the Economic Department.

During the passage of the pre-diploma practice Ivanova I.I. He secured theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom in the university, acquired practical skills of the manager's work, experience in solving analytical and research tasks.

During the passage of Ivanov I.I. He studied the structure, functions, tasks, regulatory regulation of the activity of the Tire-Machine-Machine to the activities of the enterprise Financial documents and strategic areas of activity of the Tire Machine LLC.

Ivanova I.I. He showed himself as hardworking, conscientious, sociable, executive worker, friendly and respectfully related to the team, showed excellent knowledge of the functions and responsibilities of the managerial.

According to the results of the pre-diploma practice student Ivanova I.I. Deserves an excellent assessment.


Tire Machines, OOO Scribes and seals Sh.Sh. Radiator

Make the necessary adjustments to the text and your characteristic of the student from the place of practice is ready!

Diary of the pre-diploma practice of students of the specialty Finance and credit

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Methodical instructions. Minsk. BSU. 2005 - 50 s.

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protection by students of coursework, thesis and bachelor works, reports on pre-diploma practice and master's theses for the period of study in Belarusian

Diary of pre-diploma practice. Place of passage DOU

Minchukova L.A. World Economy: Educational and methodological manual for the implementation of the course work for students of engineering and economic specialties FBO

Schedule I.V. Methodical recommendations for the preparation, design and protection of course, thesis and master's dissertations

/ Report on pre-diploma practice in the Committee on Working with Youth - MGO - Gimo - 5 Course / Characteristics Student-Practice Practice (sample)


full-time student student

FULL NAME. Student: Vestenseva Maria Georgievna

Faculty, course: historical, gim, 5th course

The organization in which the student passed the practice: Committee for educational and leisure work with the youth administration of the urban district of Kolomna

Characteristics of student's production work:

During the passage of production practices, the student has established itself as a competent and responsible employee. Charged work was performed creatively with an individual approach to each task. Labor functions were performed neatly and timely.

Characteristics of the professional and organizational qualities of the student:

A student is able to independently make decisions and bear responsibility for the final result. It is inherent in high performance, sociability, goodwill.

During the work, the student showed the following professionally significant qualities:

Competence, discipline, punctuality

The ability to perform several tasks at the same time and promptly

Ability to productively use in the process of computer, multimedia technologies and office equipment

Communicative literacy

Skill work with information volumes of various structures and complexity

Fast adaptation to new working conditions and working team

Ambitiosity, hardworking

Openness, purposefulness

Decency, Performance, skill work in a team.

The level of theoretical and practical knowledge meets the requirements of the institution.

Student training offers:

In order to practice the subject component of the professional activity of the future specialist and the opportunity to dating a student with the regional experience of the organization in the context of visiting specialized institutions. Thematic meetings with real representatives of the future profession will enrich specific content theoretical level of student knowledge, will help him clarify the subject of its future activities and will strengthen its professional-positional installations.

Total practice assessment: ____________________________ (in words)