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Work programs for young children. Software and methodological support

Working program of the early age group for 2018-2019.

1. Target section:

1.1 Explanatory note.

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the work program.

1.3. Principles and approaches to the formation of the work program.

1.4 Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the work program. Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others).

1.5. Age and individual characteristics of young children.

1.6. Planned results of the development of the Program.

2. Content section:

2.2. Curriculum for the implementation of the program in the early age group.

2.3. Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the work program in an early age group

2.4. Interaction with family, society.

2.5. Planning work with children in a group:

· Annual plan of work with children (holidays, entertainment ...);

· Complex - thematic planning of educational work with young children;

Forms of organization educational activities by educational area;

· The model of organizing joint activities of the educator with the pupils of the preschool educational institution.

3. Organizational section.

3.1. Registration of the subject-spatial environment.

3.2. Regime of the day (schedule of classes, movement regimen, hardening scheme for children).

3.3. The list of methodological literature that provides the implementation of educational activities in the early age group.


1. Perspective-thematic planning of educational activities with children.

2.Cards for assessing the individual development of children.

1. Target section.

1.1 Explanatory note

The work program for the development of young children (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed in accordance with the Model General Education Program of Preschool Education "From Birth to School", developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (Order No. 1155 dated October 17, 2013) and intended for use in preschool educational organizations for the formation of basic educational programs (OOP DO) and the main general education program of a kindergarten, in accordance with the federal state educational standards for preschool education.

The work program determines the content and organization of the educational process of the early age group of the municipal state preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 5.

This work program was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

· Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated 29/12/2012 No. 273 - FZ

· Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 08/30/2013. No. 1014 "On approval of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities in the main general educational programs - educational programs of preschool education"

· SanPin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations"

· Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10/17/2013. № 1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" (FSES DO).

· Charter of the DOE.

Educational program of preschool educational institution

Focus of the work program

· Focus on the development of the child's personality. The priority of the Program is the upbringing of a free, self-confident person with an active life position, striving to creatively approach the solution of various life situations, having his own opinion and being able to defend it.

· Patriotic orientation of the Program. The Program pays great attention to fostering patriotic feelings in children, love for the Motherland, pride in its achievements, confidence that Russia is a great multinational country with a heroic past and a happy future.

· Focus on moral education, support of traditional values. Fostering respect for traditional values, such as love for parents, respect for elders, caring attitude towards kids, elderly people; the formation of traditional gender perceptions; fostering in children the desire to follow a positive example in their actions.

· Focus on further education. The program is aimed at developing children's cognitive interest, the desire to acquire knowledge, positive motivation for further education at school, institute; understanding that all people need to get education. Formation of an attitude towards education as one of the leading values ​​in life.

· Focus on preserving and strengthening the health of children. One of the main tasks set by the Program for educators is to take care of the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, the formation of elementary ideas about a healthy lifestyle in them, the upbringing of useful habits, including the habit of healthy eating, the need for physical activity.

· Focus on taking into account the individual characteristics of the child. The program is aimed at ensuring the emotional well-being of each child, which is achieved by taking into account the individual characteristics of children both in matters of organizing life (bringing the daily routine to the individual characteristics of the child, etc.), and in the forms and methods of interaction with the child (showing respect for his individuality , sensitivity to his emotional states, support of his self-esteem, etc.).

1.2. Purpose and objectives of the work program.

The leading goals of the work program are:

Creation of favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child of preschool childhood,

Formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual,

Comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics,

Preparation for life in modern society,

To study at school,

· Ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler.

These goals are realized in the process of various types of children's activities: play, communication, work, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

To achieve the objectives of the program, the following are of paramount importance:

Caring for the health, emotional well-being and timely all-round development of each child;

Creation in groups of an atmosphere of humane and benevolent attitude towards all pupils, which allows them to grow up sociable, kind, inquisitive, proactive, striving for independence and creativity;

Maximum use of a variety of children's activities; their integration in order to increase the efficiency of the educational process;

Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process;

The variability of the use of educational material, allowing the development of creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child;

Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

Unity of approaches to raising children in preschool and family settings;

Observance of continuity in the work of kindergarten and primary school, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of a child of preschool age, ensuring the absence of pressure from subject teaching.

Particular attention in the Program is paid to the development of the child's personality, the preservation and strengthening of the health of children, as well as the upbringing of such qualities in preschoolers as:


Active life position;

A creative approach to solving various life situations;

Respect for traditional values.

1.3. Principles and approaches to the formation of the work program.

Complies with the principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child;

Combines the principles of scientific substantiation and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy and, as experience shows, can be successfully implemented in the mass practice of preschool education);

Meets the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency (allowing to solve the set goals and objectives using a reasonable "minimum" of material);

Ensures the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of the educational process of preschool children, during the implementation of which such qualities are formed that are key in the development of preschoolers;

It is built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

Based on a complex-thematic principle of building the educational process;

Provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children and the independent activity of preschoolers, not only within the framework of educational activities directly, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

It involves building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with preschoolers and their leading type of activity is play;

Allows variation of the educational process depending on regional characteristics;

It is built taking into account the observance of continuity between all age groups of preschool and between kindergarten and primary school.

1.4 Characteristics significant for the development and implementation of the work program. Features of the organization of the educational process in the early age group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

1) Demographic features:

The analysis of the social status of families revealed that in the early age group children are brought up from complete (11 families 95%, from incomplete families (1 family 5%). The main composition of parents is middle-income, with higher (9h. -46%) and secondary special professional (11h. . - 36%), without education - (2h. 18%)

2) National and cultural characteristics:

The ethnic composition of the pupils of the group: Russians and one Dagestani, the main contingent is children from Russian-speaking families. Education and upbringing at the preschool educational institution is carried out in Russian.

The main contingent of pupils lives in the conditions of the village.

The implementation of the regional component is carried out through acquaintance with the national and cultural characteristics of the region. Getting acquainted with the native land, its sights, the child learns to be aware of himself, living in a certain time period, in certain ethno-cultural conditions. This information is realized through targeted walks, conversations, projects.

3) Climatic features:

When organizing the educational process, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. Volgograd region - the lower Volga region: the time of the beginning and end of certain seasonal phenomena (leaf fall, snow melting, etc.) and the intensity of their course; flora and fauna composition; the duration of daylight hours; weather conditions, etc.

the time of the beginning and end of certain seasonal phenomena (leaf fall, snow melting, etc.) and the intensity of their course; flora and fauna composition; the duration of daylight hours; weather conditions, etc.

The main features of the climate are cold winters and dry hot summers.

The daily regimen of the group includes invigorating gymnastics, exercises for the prevention of flat feet, and breathing exercises every day. In the cold season, the stay of children in the open air is lengthened. In the warm season, the activities of children are mainly organized in the open air.

Based on the climatic characteristics of the region, the schedule of the educational process is drawn up in accordance with the allocation of two periods:

1. cold period: academic year (September-May, a certain daily routine and schedule of educational activities are drawn up;

2.warm period (June-August, for which a different regime of the day is drawn up)

1.5. Age features of the development of children 1.6-3 years old (early age group) See: From birth to school. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / ed. N. Ye. Veraky, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. Moscow: Mosaika-Sintez, 20102 pp. 223-225.

Children of this age are characterized by a lack of awareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, during this period begins

the arbitrariness of behavior is also formed, which is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech. Children develop feelings of pride and shame, and elements of self-awareness associated with identification with name and gender begin to form. The early age ends in a crisis of three years. The child is aware of himself as a separate person, different from the adult. He forms an image of I. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations:

negativism, stubbornness, violation of communication with an adult, etc. The crisis can last from several months to two years.

The solution of the goals and objectives of education outlined in the program is possible only with the purposeful influence of the teacher on the child from the first days of his stay in a preschool educational institution. “The level of general development that a child will attain and the degree of strength of the moral qualities acquired by him depend on the pedagogical skill of each educator, his culture, and love for children. Taking care of the health and comprehensive upbringing of children, teachers of preschool educational institutions, together with their families, should strive to make happy childhood every child. "

The goal is to organize the educational process with children 2-3 years old (early age group) in educational areas:

Physical development;

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development.

During the week, a variety of complex work is carried out, the sequence of which teachers, focusing on the presented tabular form.

1.6. Planned results of the development of the Program.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the specificity of preschool childhood and the systemic features of preschool education make it illegal to require specific educational achievements from a preschool child. Therefore, the results of mastering the Program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education and represent the age characteristics of the child's possible achievements by the end of preschool education. The target guidelines for preschool education, presented in the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, should be considered as social and normative age characteristics of the child's possible achievements. This is a guideline for teachers and parents, indicating the direction of the educational activities of adults.

Early childhood education targets

The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions.

Uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior; demonstrates neatness skills.

Shows a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed.

Observes the rules of elementary courtesy (says “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “good night” (in a family, in a group) on his own or on a reminder); has a primary understanding of the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street and tries to comply with them.

Owns active speech included in communication; can address questions and requests, understands speech of adults; knows the names of the surrounding objects and toys. Speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication with other children. Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; appear

games in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult. Emotionally responds to the game proposed by the adult, accepts the game task.

Shows interest in peers; observes and imitates their actions. Knows how to play alongside peers without disturbing them. Shows interest in small group play together.

Shows interest in the surrounding natural world, participates with interest in seasonal observations.

Shows interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and art.

With understanding follows the actions of the characters of the puppet theater; shows a desire to participate in theatrical and role-playing games.

Shows interest in productive activities (drawing, modeling, design, application).

The child has developed large motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movements (running, climbing, stepping, etc.). Participates with interest in outdoor games with simple content, simple movements.

In accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education (FSES), when implementing the Program, we assess the individual development of children. Such an assessment is carried out by a pedagogical worker in the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (an assessment of the individual development of preschool children, associated with an assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning). The assessment is based on the following principles:

· It is built on the basis of the child's real behavior, and not on the result of performing special tasks. The information is recorded through direct observation of the child's behavior. The teacher receives the results of observation in the natural environment (in game situations, during regime moments, in the process of organized educational activities).

· Parents are partners of the teacher when looking for an answer to any question.

The form of the assessment is the observation of the child's activity during different periods of stay in the preschool educational institution, the analysis of the products of children's activity and special pedagogical tests organized by the teacher.

2. Content section:

The content of psychological and pedagogical work with children 2-3 years old in educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development" and is focused on the diversified development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. The tasks of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children are solved in an integrated manner in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks reflecting the specifics of each educational area, with mandatory psychological support.

within the direct educational activity, but also during the regime moments - both in the joint activity of an adult and children, and in the independent activity of preschoolers.


“Social and communicative development is aimed at assimilating the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions; development of social and

emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of labor and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature "

Socialization, development of communication, moral education. The assimilation of the norms and values ​​adopted in society, the upbringing of the moral and moral qualities of the child, the formation of the ability to correctly evaluate their actions and the actions of their peers. Development of communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers, development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, respectful and benevolent attitude towards others. Formation of children's readiness for joint activities, development of the ability to negotiate, independently resolve conflicts with peers.

Self-service, independence, labor education. Self-service skills development; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions. Upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills. Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity, upbringing of a positive attitude to work, desire to work. Upbringing of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results. Formation of the ability to take a responsible attitude to the assigned task (the ability and desire to bring the matter to the end, the desire to do it well). Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

Formation of the foundations of security. Formation of primary ideas about safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature. Fostering a conscious attitude towards the implementation of safety rules.

Formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to potentially dangerous situations for humans and the surrounding natural world.

Formation of ideas about some typical dangerous situations and how to behave in them.

Formation of elementary ideas about road safety rules; fostering a conscious attitude to the need to comply with these rules.

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, respectful and benevolent attitude towards others. Formation of children's readiness for joint activities, development of the ability to negotiate, independently resolve conflicts with peers.

Child in the family and community. Formation of a self-image, respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the organization; the formation of gender, family affiliation.

Self-service, independence, labor education. Self-service skills development; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions. Upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills. Formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity, upbringing of a positive attitude to work, desire to work. Upbringing of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results. Formation of the ability to take a responsible attitude to the assigned task (the ability and desire to bring the matter to the end, the desire to do it well).


“Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and effects, etc.), about the small homeland and the Fatherland,

ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about national traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world. "

Main goals and objectives:

Development of cognitive and research activities... The development of the cognitive interests of children, the expansion of the experience of orientation in the environment, sensory development, the development of curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, causes and effects, etc.).

Development of perception, attention, memory, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, highlight the characteristic, essential signs of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world; the ability to establish the simplest connections between objects and phenomena, to make the simplest generalizations.

Introduction to sociocultural values... Acquaintance with the surrounding social world, broadening the horizons of children, the formation of a holistic picture of the world. Formation of primary ideas about the small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays.

Formation of elementary ideas about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations... Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, primary ideas about the basic properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world: shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time.

Acquaintance with the natural world... Acquaintance with nature and natural phenomena. Development of the ability to establish causal relationships between natural phenomena. Formation of primary ideas about the natural diversity of the planet Earth. Formation of elementary ecological concepts. Formation of an understanding that a person is a part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it, that everything in nature is interconnected, that human life on Earth largely depends on the environment. Education of the ability to behave correctly in nature. Raising love for nature, the desire to protect it.

Development of cognitive and research activities. Cognitive research activities. To acquaint children with generalized methods of studying various objects of the surrounding life. Stimulate curiosity. Include children in joint practical cognitive activities of an experimental nature with adults.

Sensory development. Continue to work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in different types activity, gradually including all types of perception. Help inspect objects, highlighting their color, size, shape; encourage the inclusion of hand movements on an object in the process of getting to know it (circle parts of the object with your hands, stroke them, etc.).

Didactic games... Enrich children's sensory experience in games with didactic material (pyramids (turrets) of 5-8 rings of different sizes; "Geometric mosaic" (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); cut pictures (from 2-4 parts), folding cubes (4 -6 pcs.), Etc.); develop analytical skills (the ability to compare, relate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory attributes - color, shape, size). Conduct didactic games for the development of attention and memory ("What is gone?", etc. ); auditory differentiation ("What sounds?", etc.); tactile sensations, temperature differences ("Wonderful bag", "Warm - cold", "Light - heavy", etc.); fine motor skills of the hand (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

Introduction to socio-cultural values. Remind children of the name of the city (village) in which they live. Arouse interest in the work of close adults. Encourage to recognize and name some labor actions (assistant

the teacher washes the dishes, cleans the room, brings food, changes towels, etc.). Telling adults to be industrious helps them to successfully complete work activities.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Quantity. Involve children in the formation of groups of similar objects. Learn to distinguish between the number of objects (one - many).

The magnitude. To draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (a big house - a small Forma house, a large matryoshka - a small matryoshka, big balls - small balls, etc.). To learn to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball, etc.).

Orientation in space. Continue to accumulate in children the experience of practical development of the surrounding space (the premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten).

Expand the experience of orientation in parts of one's own body (head, face, arms, legs, back).

Teach to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Acquaintance with the natural world.

Arouse the interest of children in the objects of the immediate environment: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, vehicles.

Encourage children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made (paper, wood, cloth, clay); compare familiar objects (different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity (find the same one, pick up a pair), group them according to the method of use (they drink from a cup, etc.). Expand the various uses of items.

Promote the realization of the child's need for mastering actions with objects. Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (identical shoulder blades; red ball - blue ball; large cube - small cube). Encourage children to name the properties of objects: large, small, soft,

fluffy, etc. Contribute to the appearance in the children's dictionary of generalizing concepts (toys, dishes, clothes, shoes,

furniture, etc.).


“Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologic speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy ”.

Main goals and objectives:

Developing speech environment. Promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Give children a variety of assignments that will give them the opportunity to communicate with peers and adults (“Look into the locker room and tell me who came”, “Find out from Aunt Olya and tell me ...”, “Warn Mitya ... What did you say to Mitya ? And what did he answer you? "). To ensure that by the end of the third year of life speech has become a full-fledged means of communication of children with each other. Offer pictures, books, toys for independent examination as visual material for children to communicate with each other and the teacher. Tell children about these objects, as well as about interesting events (for example, about the habits and tricks of pets); show the state of people and animals in pictures (happy, sad, etc.).

Formation of the dictionary. On the basis of expanding the orientation of children in the immediate environment, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary. Understand the speech of adults without visual support. To develop the ability of children to find objects by name, color, size according to the teacher's verbal instructions (“Bring Mashenka a vase for jam”, “Take a red pencil”, “Sing a song to a little bear”); call their location ("Fungus on the top shelf, high", "Standing nearby"); imitate the actions of people and the movements of animals ("Show how to water from a watering can", "Walk like a bear cub").

Enrich children's vocabulary:

Nouns denoting a scarf), clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, bedding (blanket,

pillow, sheet, pajamas), Vehicle(car, bus), vegetables, fruits, pets and their


Verbs denoting labor actions (wash, heal, water), actions that are opposite in meaning (open - close, take off - put on, take - put), actions that characterize people's relationships (help, regret, give, hug), their emotional state (cry, laugh,

Rejoice, be offended);

Adjectives names of toys, personal hygiene items (towel, toothbrush, comb, nasal

Designating the color, size, taste, temperature of objects (red, blue, sweet, sour, large, small, cold, hot);

Adverbs (close, far, high, fast, dark, quiet, cold, hot, slippery). Promote the use of learned words in the independent speech of children.

Sound culture of speech. Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of isolated vowels and consonants (except for sibilant, hissing and sonorous), in the correct reproduction of onomatopoeia, words and simple phrases (from 2-4 words). To promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus, speech breathing, auditory attention. the ability to use (by imitation) the height and strength of the voice ("Pussy, scramble!", "Who came?", "Who is knocking?").

The grammatical structure of speech. Learn to reconcile nouns and pronouns with verbs, use verbs in the future and past tense, change them by faces, use prepositions in speech (in, on, at, for, under). Exercise in the use of some interrogative words (who, what, where) and simple phrases consisting of 2-4 words ("Little kitty, where did you go?").

Coherent speech. Help children answer the simplest ("What?", "Who?", "What is doing?") And more complex questions

("What is he wearing?", "What's lucky?", "Who?", "What?", "Where?", "When?", "Where?" on the initiative or at the request of the educator to talk about what is shown in the picture.

Help children over 2 years 6 months old to dramatize excerpts from familiar fairy tales. Play small

stories without visual accompaniment.

Fiction. To read to children the works of art provided by the program for the second group of early age. Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, works of authorship. Accompany reading by showing toys, pictures, characters of table theater and other means of visualization, as well as teach listening to a work of art without visual accompaniment. Accompany the reading of small works of poetry with play activities. Provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems. Encourage attempts to read poetry. full text with the help of an adult. Help children over 2 years 6 months old to play a familiar fairy tale. Continue to involve children in looking at pictures in books. Encourage to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the educator, teach them to ask the questions: "Who (what) is this?", "What is he doing?"


“Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.). "

Main goals and objectives:

Formation of interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, an aesthetic attitude to objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, works of art; fostering interest in artistic and creative activities. Development of children's aesthetic feelings, artistic perception, imaginative representations,

imagination, artistic and creative abilities. Development of children's artistic creativity, interest in independent creative activity (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.); meeting the needs of children for self-expression.

Introduction to art. Development of emotional sensitivity, emotional response to literary and musical works, the beauty of the surrounding world, works of art. Introducing children to folk and professional art (verbal, musical, visual, theatrical, architecture) through familiarization with the best examples of domestic and world art; education of the ability to understand the content of works of art. Formation of elementary ideas about the types and genres of art, means of expression in various types of art.

Visual activity. Development of interest in various types of visual activity; improvement of skills in drawing, modeling, applique work, applied art. Development of emotional responsiveness in the perception of works visual arts. Nurturing the desire and ability to interact with peers in the creation of collective works.

Introduction to art

To develop artistic perception, to foster responsiveness to music and singing, works of fine art and literature that are understandable to children. To consider illustrations to works of children's literature with children. To develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the pictures. To commit to folk toys: Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya, matryoshka, Vanka-vstanka and others appropriate to the age of the children. To draw the attention of children to the nature of the toys (funny, funny, etc.), their shape, color design ...

Pictorial activity. Arouse children's interest in actions with pencils, felt-tip pens, brush, paints, clay.

Painting. To develop the perception of preschoolers, enrich their sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, tracing them along the contour alternately with one or the other hand. Lead children to the image of familiar objects, giving them freedom of choice. Draw the attention of children to the fact that a pencil (brush, felt-tip pen) leaves a mark on paper if you run it with the sharpened end of a pencil (felt-tip pen, brush nap). To learn to follow the movement of a pencil on paper. To draw the attention of children to the various lines and configurations depicted by them on paper. Encourage them to think about what they drew, what it looks like. Induce a sense of joy from the strokes and lines that the children have drawn themselves. Encourage children to add characteristic details to the drawn image; to the conscious repetition of the previously obtained strokes, lines, spots, forms. To develop the aesthetic perception of the surrounding objects. To teach children to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, to name them correctly; draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique), cross them, likening objects: ribbons, handkerchiefs, paths, rivulets, icicles, a fence, etc. Lead children to draw rounded objects. Form the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not bend low over the sheet of paper), free hand supports the sheet of paper on which the baby draws. Take good care of the materials, use them correctly: at the end of drawing, put them in place, after having thoroughly rinsed the brush in water. To form the ability to hold a pencil and a brush freely: pencil - three fingers above the sharpened end, brush - just above the iron tip; collect paint on a brush, dipping it with all the nap into the jar, remove excess paint by touching the edge of the jar with the nap.

Modeling. Arouse children's interest in sculpting. To acquaint with plastic materials: clay, plasticine, plastic mass (giving preference to clay), carefully use the materials, break off lumps of clay from a large piece; sculpt sticks and sausages, rolling a lump between the palms in straight movements; connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly against each other (a ring, a donut, a wheel, etc.). roll out a lump of clay with circular movements of the palms to depict round-shaped objects (ball, apple, berry, etc.), flatten the lump between the palms (cakes, cookies, gingerbread); make a depression in the middle of the flattened lump (bowl, saucer) with your fingers, combine two molded forms into one object: a stick and a ball (rattle or fungus), two balls (tumbler), etc. Teach children to put clay and molded objects on a board or special pre-prepared oilcloth.

Constructive and model activity. During the game with the tabletop and floor building material continue to acquaint children with the details (cube, brick, triangular prism, plate, cylinder), with options for the location of building forms on a plane. Continue to develop the ability to construct elementary structures according to the model, maintain the desire to build something on their own. Promote an understanding of spatial relationships, use additional plot toys, commensurate with the scale of buildings (small cars for small garages, etc.). At the end of the game, teach to put everything in place. Introduce children to the simplest plastic construction sets, together with an adult to design turrets, houses, cars. Support the desire of children to build on their own .In summer, promote building games using natural materials (sand, water, acorns, pebbles, etc.).


“Physical development includes the acquisition of experience in the following types of children's activities: motor, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at the development of such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; contributing to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movement, large and fine motor skills of both hands, as well as with the correct, not damaging the body, the implementation of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation initial ideas about some sports, mastering outdoor games with rules; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, tempering, in the formation of good habits, etc.). "

Main goals and objectives.

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle. Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle in children. Development of interest in participation in outdoor and sports games and physical exercises, activity in independent motor activity; interest and love for sports

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

To form in children ideas about the significance of different organs for the normal life of a person: eyes - to look, ears - to hear, nose - to smell, tongue - to taste (define), hands - to grab, hold, touch; legs - stand, jump, run, walk; head - to think, remember.

Physical education

To form the ability to maintain a stable body position, correct posture, walk and run, without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs. To teach to act together, adhering to a certain direction of movement based on visual reference points, to change the direction and nature of movement while walking and running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher to crawl, climb, to act with the ball in a variety of ways (take, de, laugh, carry, put, throw, ride). To teach jumping on two legs in place, moving forward, in length from a place, pushing off with two legs.

Outdoor games. To develop in children the desire to play with the teacher in outdoor games with simple content, simple movements. Promote the development of children's ability to play games, during which basic movements are improved (walking, running, throwing, rolling). To teach the expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the simplest actions of some characters (jump like bunnies; peck grains and drink water, like chickens, etc.).


Main goals and objectives

Creation of conditions for the development of children's play activities. Formation of playing skills, developed cultural forms of play. Development in children of interest in various types of games. Comprehensive education and harmonious development of children

in the game (emotional-moral, mental, physical, artistic-aesthetic and social-communicative). Development of independence, initiative, creativity, self-regulation skills; shaping

a benevolent attitude towards peers, the ability to interact, negotiate, independently resolve conflict situations.

Role-playing games. To form the ability to show interest in the game actions of peers; help to play side by side, not interfere with each other, perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another; perform several game actions with the help of an adult, united by a plot outline. Promote the desire of children to independently select toys and attributes for the game, use substitute items. Lead children to understand the role in the game. Form the initial skills of role-playing behavior; to teach to associate plot actions with a role. To develop the prerequisites for creativity.

Outdoor games. To develop in children the desire to play outdoor games with simple content with the teacher. To teach to play together in small groups. Support games that improve movement (walking, running, throwing, rolling).

Theatrical games. Arouse interest in theatrical play through the first experience of communication with the character (Katya doll shows a concert), expanding contacts with an adult (grandmother invites to the village courtyard). Encourage children to respond to action games with sounds (living and inanimate nature), imitate the movements of animals and birds to the music, to the sounding word (in works of small folklore forms). To promote the manifestation of independence, activity in playing with toy characters. To create conditions for the systematic perception of theatrical performances of the pedagogical theater (adults).

Didactic games. Enrich the sensory experience of children in games with didactic material. To consolidate knowledge about the size, shape, color of objects. Form the ability to collect a pyramid (turret) of 5-8 rings of different sizes; navigate in the ratio of the planar figures of the "Geometric mosaic" (circle, triangle, square, rectangle); make up a whole of four parts (cut pictures, folding cubes); compare, correlate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory features (color,

shape, size). Conduct didactic games for the development of attention and memory ("What is gone?", etc.); auditory differentiation ("What sounds?", etc.); tactile sensations, temperature differences ("Wonderful bag",

"Warm - cold", "Light - heavy", etc.); fine motor skills of the hand (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

2.2. Implementation curriculum educational program in the early age group.

The number of GBRs, its duration, and the time of the meeting comply with the requirements of SanPin

and is in the group of early age - 10. For independent activity of children 2-3 years old (games, preparation for educational activities, personal hygiene) in the daily routine is given at least 3-4 hours. Physical development classes for young children are organized at least 3 times a week. In the warm season, under favorable meteorological conditions, educational activities on physical development are directly organized in the open air.





Who conducts


1 - 2 p.d


Software and methodological support




Familiarization with the subject. and

social environment


O.V. Dybina "Acquaintance with the subject and social environment"

Acquaintance with nature.


O.A. Solomennikova "Acquaintance with nature"


An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

I.A. Pomoraeva,

V.A. Pozina "Formation of elementary mathematical representations"



Development of speech

An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

V.V. Gerbova "Development of speech in kindergarten"

Artistic and aesthetic development


An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

T.S. Komarova

"Visual activity in kindergarten"



An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

E.N. Arsenin "Musical lessons"

Physical development e

Physical culture indoors

An approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.Ye. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

L.I. Penzulaeva

"Physical culture in kindergarten"


1h 40m.

1 pd-10

2.3. Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the program in the early age group.

The construction of the educational process is based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The choice of forms of work is carried out by the teacher independently and depends on the contingent of pupils.

In working with children of primary preschool age, mainly play, plot and integrated forms of educational activity are used. Learning takes place indirectly, in the process of activities that are exciting for kids.

The educational process is based on a complex - thematic principle, taking into account the integration of educational areas. Building the entire educational process around one topic provides great opportunities

for children's development, themes help organize information in an optimal way. Preschoolers have numerous opportunities for practice, experimentation, development of basic skills, conceptual thinking. The topic is given attention for at least one week. The optimal period is 2-3 weeks.

The theme is reflected in the selection of materials that are in the group and in the corners of development. Highlighting the main topic does not mean that absolutely all the activities of children should be devoted to this topic. The purpose of introducing the main theme of the period is to integrate educational activities and avoid an unjustified division of children's activities into educational areas.

The content of educational areas is realized in various types of activity (communication, play, cognitive research activity - as cross-cutting mechanisms of the child's development): at an early age - object-oriented activity and games with composite and dynamic toys; experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.), communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household objects-tools (spoon, scoop, shovel, etc.), perception of the meaning of music , fairy tales, poems, viewing pictures, physical activity;

Organized educational activities

· Games are didactic, plot - role, mobile, musical, theatrical;

· Viewing and discussion of cartoons, videos, TV shows;

· Reading and discussion of program works of different genres;

· Creation and solution of problem situations;

· Observation of the work of adults, of nature;

· Project activities

· Decoration of exhibitions

Stage performance and dramatization

· Productive activity;

Musical activity

Physical culture activity

Group and general garden events

· Sports holidays (2 times a year);

· Holidays;

Theatrical presenters

Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions and knowledge gained from the world around them. In play, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested. We turn to the issues of play as a means of raising and developing young children. Games for children are a complex, multifunctional and educational process, and not just entertainment or fun pastime. Thanks to games, the child develops new forms of response and behavior, he adapts to the world around him, and also develops, learns and grows up. Therefore, this topic is relevant, since the importance of games for young children is very great, since it is during this period that the main processes of the child's development take place. From the first years of his life, the child should be able to play. This is forgotten today by many parents who use modern methods of early child development. Parents try to teach their child to read early, who has not really learned to sit yet, thinking that he will grow up smart and intelligent. However, it has been proven that speech, memory, the ability to concentrate, attention, observation and thinking develop precisely in games, and not in the process of learning. Two or three decades ago, when there were not so many educational toys, and school played the main role in teaching children, it was here that they were taught to read, write, count, and games were the main factor in the development of the child. Since then, everything has changed dramatically and now, in order for a child to be admitted to a good and prestigious school, he sometimes has to pass difficult exams. This gave birth to the fashion for educational toys and educational programs for preschool children. In addition, in preschool institutions, the main emphasis is on preparing the child for school curriculum, and games, which are the basis of child development, are assigned a secondary role.

Modern psychologists are concerned that learning more and more penetrates a child's life, sometimes taking up the bulk of his time. They urge children to preserve their childhood and the opportunity to play games. One of the reasons for this trend is that there is no one with whom the child can constantly play, and games are not so interesting when played alone. Parents spend most of their time at work, if there are brothers or sisters, then they can also be, for example, at school, the child is left to himself, and even if he has thousands of toys, he will soon lose interest in them. After all, play is a process, not a number of toys. Children's games take place not only with the use of toys, children's imagination will help turn an airplane or a bird into a flying horse, and a folded sheet of paper into a house. Rules are not unimportant in games for children, in the game the child is explained that there are special rules that determine how you can and how you can't play, how you should and how you shouldn't behave. Getting used to playing by the rules from childhood, the child will continue to try to comply with social norms in the future, and it will be difficult for a child who has not developed such a habit to adapt to them, and he may not understand why adhere to such strict restrictions. its capabilities, which are not yet realized in real life. It's like looking into the future. In the game, the child is stronger, kinder, more resilient, smarter than in many other situations. And this is natural. The child must necessarily correlate his desires with the desires of other children, otherwise he simply will not be accepted into the game. He can be stubborn with parents, with educators, but not with play partners. Play forms the child's communication skills, the ability to establish certain relationships with peers, but play influences not only the development of the personality as a whole, it also forms individual cognitive processes, speech, and arbitrary behavior. Indeed, we all know how difficult it is for a child to control himself, especially his movements, when it is necessary, for example, to sit still for at least a few minutes or stand, maintaining the same posture. It turned out that in play, acting as a sentry, children can maintain the same pose for up to 9-10 minutes. It is often enough to tell a clumsy child who stubbornly does not want to move easily that now he is a bunny and must jump so that the fox does not hear how all his movements become light, soft, quiet.

Play, especially collective play, requires a child to mobilize all his strengths and capabilities: both physical and mental. Play makes high demands on the development of a child's speech: after all, he must explain what and how he would like to play, negotiate with other children who can play what role, be able to pronounce his text so that others can understand it, etc.

The child's imagination develops rapidly in the game: he should be able to see instead of a stick a spoon, instead of 3 chairs - an airplane, instead of cubes - a wall of a house. The child thinks and creates, planning the general line of the game and improvising in the course of its implementation.

Thus, we see that play is not inherent in the child. She herself is a product of the development of society. Play does not arise spontaneously, but develops in the process of upbringing, thereby being a powerful tool for the upbringing and development of a child.

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education came into force. As the basic principle of preschool education, the standard puts forward "full-fledged living by a child at all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development." In addition, the text of the standard states that the implementation of the Program should be carried out "in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game ...". Considering the specific content of the 5 educational areas specified in the standard, it should be noted that it depends on the age and individual characteristics of children, is determined by the goals and objectives of the Program and can be implemented in various types of activities (communication, play, cognitive research activities - as cross-cutting mechanisms of child development ).

At an early age (1 year - 3 years), such content will be: “objective activity and games with composite and dynamic toys; experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.), communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult, self-service and actions with household objects-tools (spoon, scoop, shovel, etc.), perception of the meaning of music , fairy tales, poems, viewing pictures, physical activity. " That is, the content of education for children of early childhood (0-3 years old) is built on five educational areas and is aimed at revealing the potential of the child through the formation of key competencies

A number of researchers (N.M. Aksarina, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets and others) believe that early age is a period of rapid formation of all psychophysiological processes characteristic of man. Timely started and properly carried out upbringing of young children is an important condition for their full development.

The pedagogical process at an early age is based on the idea of ​​a child's development, taking into account the sensitive periods, which are associated with the mastery of speech, sensory and motor skills.

The mental development of a child is formed in the process of his activity. Playing and acting with objects are the main activities of children in the second and third years of life. This activity of a child differs from classes in that it arises on the initiative of the child himself. Play occupies a large place in a child's life: all the time, not occupied by sleep, feeding, or other activities, the baby is playing. This is his natural state. The game gives him a lot of joy, is accompanied by positive emotions: he is surprised, rejoices at receiving new information, achieving the desired result, communicating with adults and peers. Play is the way for children to learn about the world around them.

The child in the game gets acquainted with the properties of objects, while a lot of "experiments", shows initiative, creativity. During the game, attention, imagination, memory, thinking are formed, such important qualities as activity, independence in solving game problems develop. It is in the game that the first positive relationships with peers are formed: interest in the games of other children, the desire to join their game, the first joint games, and in the future - the ability to reckon with the interests of peers.

During independent activity, children develop positive relationships and emotional-business ties with adults. They are drawn to those who are engaged with them, play; quickly adopt the tone of an adult's attitude towards them (attention, affection, sympathy) and themselves begin to show mutual feelings. Already in the second year of life, children very sensitively listen to the teacher's assessment of their activities and are guided by it.

For the educator, the organization of independent play activities of children is one of the most difficult sections of work, since, on the one hand, he must, without suppressing the child's initiative, skillfully guide his play, and on the other, teach the child to play independently. The educator will be able to properly organize independent play activity only if he knows well not only the peculiarities of the mental development of the child of the age with which he works, but also the peculiarities of the development of the children of the entire group.

In order for the pedagogical process in kindergarten to ensure the creation of "favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations," it is necessary to make play the leading link in the organization of children's life.

To fulfill this important task, it is necessary to solve a number of organizational issues, namely: determination of the place of play as a form of organizing the life of children in kindergarten, among other forms of education and training; fixing time for games in kindergarten mode and determining the content of children's play activities; Finally, the question of equipment of games in accordance with their changes during the day and year, the interests of children and their age, becomes of great importance.

According to FGOS DO, the subject-play environment in the early age group can be organized as follows:

1.the corner of theatrical activity - the corner of dressing
A beautiful screen for showing performances, toys of the "BI-BA-BO" series (cat, dog, hare, fox, wolf, bear), tabletop plane theater for the fairy tales "Turnip", "Kolobok", "Ryaba Chicken". Various theatrical costumes , hats, crowns, scarves, caps, wreaths, animal masks, aprons, beads and other decorations.

2.corner of sensory development
Material for kids to master the ideas about the shape, color, size, nature of the surface of objects (pyramids, nesting dolls, boxes of different colors, insert toys, a set of "small and large", mosaic, abacus with labyrinths). Various didactic games for mastering actions with certain subjects, teaching the culture of communication corner
Various building materials: soft modules, wooden cubes, "bricks", plates, building material sets.

4.sports corner
Bright multi-colored balls different sizes, skittles, soft stuffed cubes, rolling toys, skipping ropes (children step over or jump over them). Dry pool with lots of multicolored soft massage balls. Sports inflatable complex.

5.the corner of fine arts
Here the child can sculpt and draw on his own. The corner contains large stencils of various animals, vegetables, dishes, clothes, fruits and pencils, coloring books, plasticine, crayons, felt-tip pens and a "magic screen"

6.Music corner
Rattles, maracas (also made from "kinder surprises"), wooden spoons, trumpet, tambourine, drum, guitar, accordion, piano. Boys love steering wheels.

7.Artistic speech corner
Bright pictures, books.

8.ecological corner
Houseplants. Dry aquarium. A box of sand, small toys, pebbles.

Then a comprehensive method of guiding the game in groups of an early age will include such components as:
systematic enrichment of the life experience of children;
joint educational games of a teacher with children aimed at transferring the playing experience of playing skills to children;
timely change in the gaming environment, taking into account the enriching life experience and gaming experience;
activating communication between an adult and children in the process of their play, aimed at encouraging and independent application children of new ways of solving game problems, to reflect new aspects of life in the game.

1. Education and development of children from 1 year to 2 years. Methodological guide for teachers of preschool educational institutions. M .: "Education", 2007.
2. Didactic games and activities with young children / Ed. S.L. Novoselova. M, 2008.
3. Nosova E.A. Didactic games - classes at the preschool educational institution. - M .: Childhood - Press, 2001.
4. Learning through play. R.R. Fewell, P.F. Wedezi. St. Petersburg, 2005.
5. First steps. / Comp. K. Belova. - M .: Linka - Press, 2009.
6. Samoukina N.V. The games that are played. - Dubna, 2000.
7. Smirnova E. Early age: games that develop thinking // Preschool education. - 2009. - No. 4. - p.22.
8. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for children of primary preschool age: Book. for the kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 1991. - 207 p.
9. Boguslavskaya Z.M., Smirnova E.O. Educational games for preschool children.- M .: Education, 1992.- 143 p.
10. Bolotina L.R. Preschool pedagogy / L.R. Bolotina.- Moscow: Education, 1997.- 163 p.
11. Education of young children. A manual for workers in a nursery-garden. Ed. G.M. Lyamina. - M .: Education, 1974. - 240 p. with silt

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municipal autonomous preschool educational

institution kindergarten №53 of the city of Novosibirsk


on organizing activities in an early age group

for the 2016 - 2017 academic year

Compiled by: Fomina O.S.

Novosibirsk, 2016



1.1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the work program.

1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of the work program.

1.3. The main characteristics of the developmental features of young children.

1.4. Planned results of mastering the work program by young children.


2.1. Educational activities in accordance with the directions

child development.

2.1.1. Educational area "Social and communicative development"

2.1.2. Educational area "Cognitive development"

2.1.3. Educational area "Speech development"

2.1.4. Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"

2.1.5. Educational area "Physical development"

2.2. Interaction with families of pupils

2.2.1. Interaction with parents (legal representatives of pupils)

2.2.2. The main forms of interaction with the parents of pupils

2.2.3. Plan of work with parents in an early age group for an educational

2.3. Variable part.

2.3.1. Ecological circle "Know-it-all"

2.3.2. Theatrical circle "Tales with the brownie Kuzey".


3. Material and technical support of the working program

3.1. Methodological materials, teaching and upbringing tools in the early age group

3.1.1. Material support of the variable part of the program

3.2. Organization of life in an early age group

3.2.1. Daily regime

3.3. Designing educational activities in accordance with the directions of development of young children

3.3.1. Model for the implementation of educational areas during the day

3.3.2. Providing educational and upbringing process.

    1. An indicative list of entertainment and holiday

    1. Group traditions.

3.4. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment




The work program for young children is a normative document of the educator and a condition for the implementation of the main educational program of MADOU No. 53. The main general education program (hereinafter referred to as the work program) of a preschool educational institution is developed in accordance with international legal acts:

The Convention on the Rights of the Child (approved by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989, entered into force for the USSR on September 15, 1990);

Declaration of the Rights of the Child (proclaimed by Resolution 1286 of the UN General Assembly of 20.11.1959);

The laws of the Russian Federation and documents of the Government of the Russian Federation:

Article 30 Constitution of the Russian Federation Articles 7, 9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 28, 32, 33

Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012;

"On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" dated 07.24.1998 (as amended and supplemented);

"National Doctrine of Education" (approved by the RF Government Decree of June 30, 2000);

Federal services documents:

“Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Content and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Organizations. SanPiN "(Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 05.15.2013 No. 26);

Regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education of Russia:

 Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for basic general educational programs - educational programs for preschool education";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10/17/2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."

The program defines the goal, objectives, content, technology and organization of the educational process in the early age group No. 1 "Lily of the Valley" in the working conditions of a preschool institution on a five-day working week from 7.00 to 19.00, i.e. 12 hour child's stay in kindergarten with weekends - Saturday and Sunday. This group has a general developmental orientation.

The program includes three sections: an explanatory note, the design of the educational process and the organization of the educational process, each of which reflects the required and formed parts. The compulsory part of the program is 60% of its total volume; formed part - no more than 40%.

The program ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual and psychological and physiological characteristics and is aimed at solving the tasks of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and determines the complex of the main characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).

The program is aimed at:

Creation of conditions for the development of young children, opening up opportunities for the positive socialization of the child, his all-round personal development, the development of initiative and creativity on the basis of cooperation with adults and peers and the types of activities corresponding to preschool age;

Creation of a developing educational environment.

The program was approved by the preschool educational institution independently in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The educational process is carried out in accordance with the directions of the child's development, presented in five educational areas:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

The educational process is carried out in Russian.

The Work Program is an integral part of the basic general educational Program of MADOU No. 53, which is based on the Program edited by N. Ye. Veraksa "From birth to school."

The Work Program is implemented in joint forms of interaction between children and adults in the process of regime moments and educational activities.

Educational activities are carried out in individual, subgroup and group forms in various types of activity: communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive research (researching objects of the surrounding world and experimenting with them), as well as speech (speech games, situational conversations, perception of fiction and folklore), self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors), construction from various materials, including constructors, modules, Visual activities (drawing, modeling), musical (perception of musical works, singing, musical rhythmic movements , playing children's musical instruments) and motor (mastering basic movements) in different forms.

The work program is based on the principle of personality-oriented interaction between an adult and children.

  1. Goals and objectives of the implementation of the work program.

Leading goal of the work program - creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged living of preschool children, forming the foundations of the basic culture of personality, all-round development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, for studying at school, ensuring the safety of life of a preschooler.

Achieving the goals provides a solution to the following tasks:

  1. Protect and promote the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

    Create favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations for the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child, as well as intensify cognitive activity by involving children in children's experimentation;

    To form the culture of the personality of children, to develop their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, to form the prerequisites learning activities;

    To improve speech skills and abilities, based on the introduction of children to theatrical activities;

    To ensure the variability and diversity of the content of educational programs and organizational forms of the level of preschool education, the possibility of forming educational programs of various orientations, taking into account the educational needs and abilities of children;

    Provide psychological and pedagogical support to families and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health;

The work program is formed taking into account the principles of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the main general educational Program of MADOU No. 53.

  1. Principles and approaches to the formation of the work program.

Fundamental foundations of the program include a number of approaches.

Eco-cultural approach in student-centered education. The educational process acts as a developing ecological and cultural environment, which is understood as a synthesized system of values ​​- cultural, cognitive, humanistic, moral, aesthetic.

An activity-based approach that allows children to reveal their natural inclinations and abilities through participation in various activities. At the same time, the child does not passively assimilate cultural norms of behavior and actions, but actively participates in their construction, bringing them to the level of an action.

An integrated approach that ensures the development of children in all five complementary educational areas.

The educational process is based on the following principles, which are taken into account in teaching, upbringing of children and in the design of a developing environment:

The principle of developmental education, according to which the main goal of preschool education is the development of the child.

The principle of scientific validity and practical applicability - the content of the program corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy.

The principle of integration of the content of preschool education is understood by us as a state (or a process leading to such a state) of connectivity, interpenetration and interaction of individual educational areas, ensuring the integrity of the educational process in accordance with the age and characteristics of children, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

The complex-thematic principle of building the educational process, focused on combining a complex of various types of specific children's activities around a single topic in close relationship and interdependence with the integration of children's activities.

The principle of variability - children develop the ability to make independent choices based on agreed rules in the simplest and most difficult situations.

The mini-max principle ensures the advancement of each child at its own pace and focuses on the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

The principle of creativity focuses on the acquisition by children in the course of play and any type of activity of their own experience of creative activity.

The principle of conformity to nature ensures the formation of sex-role behavior in the children's community and life.

The principle of cultural conformity, which builds the content of the program, is aimed at the consistent assimilation of national and cultural traditions and the development on this basis of value orientations and meanings in the process of familiarizing with the world of the Don region and hometown.

1.3. The main characteristics of the developmental features of young children.

In the third year of life, children become more independent. Subject activity, situational-business communication between a child and an adult continues to develop; perception, speech, initial forms of voluntary behavior, games, visual-effective thinking are improved. The development of objective activity is associated with the condition of cultural modes of action with various objects. Corresponding and instrumental actions are developing. The ability to perform instrumental actions develops arbitrariness, transforming natural forms of activity into cultural ones on the basis of the model proposed by adults, which acts as not only an object for imitation, but also a sample that regulates the child's own activity.

In the course of joint objective activity with adults understanding of speech continues to develop. The word is separated from the situation and takes on an independent meaning. Children continue to master the names of the surrounding objects, learn to fulfill simple verbal requests of adults within the framework of a visible visual situation. The number of words understood increases significantly. The regulation of behavior is being improved as a result of adults addressing the child, who begins to understand not only the instructions, but also the story of adults.

The active speech of children is intensively developing. By the age of three, they master the basic grammatical structures, try to build simple sentences, and use almost all parts of speech in conversation with adults. The active vocabulary reaches approximately 1,000 - 1,500 words.

By the end of the third year of life speech becomes a means of communication between a child and peers. At this age, children develop new types of activity: play, drawing, construction.

The game is of a procedural nature, the main thing in it is the actions that are performed with game objects that are close to reality. In the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects appear.

The appearance of the visual activity proper is due to the fact that the child is already able to formulate the intention to portray any object. Typical is the image of a person in the form of a "cephalopod" - a circle and lines extending from it.

In the third year of life, visual and auditory orientations are improved, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: to make a choice of 2-3 objects in shape, size and color; distinguish between melodies; sing.

Is improving auditory perception, above all phonemic hearing. By the age of three, children perceive all sounds. native language, but pronounce them with great distortions.

Visual-effective becomes the main form of thinking. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that problem situations that arise in a child's life are resolved through real action with objects.

Children of this age are characterized by a lack of awareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children are easily infected by the emotional state of their peers. However, during this period involuntary behavior begins to develop... It is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech.

Children develop feelings of pride and shame, and elements of self-awareness associated with identification with name and gender begin to form. The early age ends with a crisis of three years. The child is aware of himself as a separate person, different from the adult. He forms an image of I. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, impaired communication with an adult, etc. A crisis can last from several months to two years.

1.4. The planned results of the development of the work program by children of earlyage.

The planned results of the development of the Program by children are carried out on the basis of the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard of DL and the main Program implemented in the early age group in all educational areas of children's development. The indicators of the development of the Program by children in educational areas correspond to the tasks presented in each educational area of ​​the standard.

1.4.1. Early childhood education targets:

The child is interested in surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions;

The child uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, hairbrushes, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior;

The child owns active and passive speech, included in communication; can address questions and requests, understands speech of adults; knows the names of surrounding objects and toys;

The child seeks to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult;

The child shows interest in peers; observes and imitates their actions;

The child is interested in poetry, songs and fairy tales, examines pictures, seeks to move to the music; shows an emotional response to various works of culture and art;

The child has developed large motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movements (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

Educational area

Indicators of the development of the program by children in educational areas

Social and communicative development

Observes the elementary generally accepted norms of behavior in kindergarten, on the street.

Possesses basic self-service skills. Maintains order in the group.

Observes the elementary rules of behavior on the street.

Respectful of adults.

Tries to dress independently.

Carries out the simplest work orders.

Together with adults, she takes care of plants and pets.

Knows some types of transport.

Play carefully in the sandboxes.

Cognitive development

Possesses basic knowledge about the properties of objects, their shape, color, size and quantity.

Distinguish between the concept of "one", "many", "big", "small", "close", "far".

They can name everything that surrounds them in a group of furniture, toys.

Establish cause-and-effect relationships between the world of objects and the natural world.

The primary ideas about the small homeland and the Fatherland have been formed.

Formed elementary ideas about the planet Earth.

They have basic ecological knowledge.

They treat everything around them with care and love.

Speech development

Speech is developed according to a given age.

They understand the speech of an adult without visual accompaniment.

According to verbal instructions, objects are found in the group.

The vocabulary of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs is well developed.

Align nouns and pronouns with verbs.

Use verbs in the future and past tense.

They answer the simplest questions.

They love to listen to fairy tales, they know some nursery rhymes by heart.

Artistic and aesthetic development

They are interested in art, familiar with the Dymkovo toy, matryoshka, Vanka-vstanka.

Aesthetic perception of surrounding objects is developed.

Carefully draw labyrinths and lines along the contour with one or the other hand.

Distinguish colors.

Draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique), cross them.

Maintain correct posture when drawing.

Hold pencil and brush correctly.

They know how to break off a piece of plasticine from a large piece.

They know how to roll sticks and sausages, roll koloboks, flatten them.

They know how to construct elementary buildings according to the model.

We are familiar with the simplest plastic constructors.

They know how to design turrets, houses, cars.

The simplest dance moves are performed.

Physical development

The initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle have been formed.

They walk and run without bumping into each other.

Crawl freely under the crossbar.

Jump on two legs in place, moving forward.

They play outdoor games with simple content.


2.1. Educational activities in accordance with the directions

child development.

When carrying out educational activities, the directions of the child's development are taken into account, presented in five educational areas, determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

1. Social and communicative development;

2. Cognitive development;

3. Speech development;

4. Artistic and aesthetic development;

5. Physical development.

2.1.1. Educational area "Social and communicative development"

Social and communicative development is aimed at assimilating the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of their own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy; formation of readiness for joint activities with peers; the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in a preschool educational organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of labor and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

Target: mastering the initial ideas of a social nature and the inclusion of children in the system social relations; the formation of the foundations of the safety of one's own life and the formation of the prerequisites for ecological consciousness of the safety of the surrounding world; the formation of a positive attitude to work through familiarizing children with the work of adults and the direct participation of children in feasible work activities in kindergarten and at home.


To form the initial tool activity, ensuring the development of manual skill, fine motor skills, improvement of visual-motor coordination;

To promote the development of children's play by transferring to the child the experience of playing a game action, using a variety of substitute objects for this. This allows the child to form the ability to transfer actions from one object to another, which stimulates the child's participation in the game and leads to the emergence of the function of replacing one object with another;

To contribute to the formation of the purposefulness of the child's activity through acquaintance with the goals of human activity that are understandable to him;

In productive forms (drawing, modeling, construction), help the child formulate his own goal, corresponding to his personal interests and reflecting his emotional impressions, and achieve it;

To form a productive goal-setting or an image of a goal, ensuring that the child determines (thinks over and pronounces) who and how will use the result of productive activity that the adult will create, with the child's feasible participation, to form cultural hygienic and self-service skills in children;

Teach children to understand and use pronouns correctly, including the pronoun I;

Learn to call each other and adults by their first names and respond to their own names;

Give an idea of ​​the polite forms of request, gratitude;

Learn to designate your own and others' actions with words; characterize the states and moods of real people and literary characters (sick, crying, laughing); to note the peculiarities of actions and relationships between adults and peers, literary heroes(helps, regrets, takes away);

Create conditions under which a child can achieve his goal by speaking to an adult or peer; always listen carefully to children; actively respond to all their requests, suggestions, questions; use in the work tasks such as "show", "bring", "do this and that";

To broadcast traditional culture in communication with children;

Develop self-confidence and self-confidence; develop activity, initiative, independence;

Promote the development of socially valuable peer relationships;

Build friendly peer relationships;

Promote the development of empathy;

To form an idea of ​​equality as the norm of relations with peers;

Prevent negative behavior;

Provide each child with physical safety from peers;

Form ideas about undesirable and unacceptable forms of behavior. To make children discriminate between forbidden and undesirable behavior ("no" and "no need");

Lay the foundations of trusting adults, building trust and affection for the caregiver;

Form an attitude towards the outside world, supporting cognitive interest to the surrounding reality.

2.1.2. Educational area "Cognitive development"

Cognitive development: the natural world and the human world.

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world, about a small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about features its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Targets and goals:

To promote the development of research activities in the framework of the implementation of the subject-manipulative game;

Through manipulation and experimentation (with objects of the man-made world and inanimate nature), observation of objects and phenomena of nature, to enrich the ideas of children;

Encourage children to take various actions with objects aimed at familiarizing themselves with their qualities and properties (insertion and withdrawal, disassembly, opening and closing, etc.);

Activate practical experience children through playing the "problems" of toys and household items;

Expand and enrich children's ideas about objects of the immediate environment (to distinguish some signs (for example, soft, white, sonorous), actions (for example, running, jumping), states (sick, crying, laughing), etc.);

To consolidate the primary ideas of children about the functional capabilities of objects;

To acquaint with the subject content of group rooms, a site;

Correlate real objects around the child;

To form a cognitive attitude to the world around us by supporting the curiosity and initiative of children in learning about the world.

Cognitive development: mathematical representations.

Cognitive development, in addition to developing the interests of children,

curiosity and cognitive motivation, involves the formation of cognitive actions and ideas about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world - shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, part and whole, movement and rest, etc.

Targets and goals:

To promote the formation at the level of practical action of the operation of serialization (ordering by size), providing children with the necessary number of toys (pyramids on a conical base, nesting dolls, molds-inserts);

To form ideas about the color, shape, size of objects, using special didactic toys that can give children reference ideas;

On the basis of perception, propose to carry out the simplest classifications, for example, by color, size;

To create conditions for the development of visual-active thinking inherent in age, taking into account the fact that for young children, cognition of the world around them occurs in the process of object manipulations:

Provide a diverse subject environment that allows you to actively explore the internal structure of various objects (inserts, compound toys, various pyramids, cubes);

Provide children with a variety of containers that can be filled and emptied (jars, boxes, handbags and wallets, empty bottles);

Together with children, make sounding toys ("noisemakers" and "rattles" from empty bottles, small tightly closed containers, filling them with various seeds, metal objects, sand);

To create conditions for repeated repetition of the so-called direct and reverse actions is the basis for the formation of the reversibility of thinking.

Create conditions for the study of the principles of movement.

Create conditions that allow each child to learn how to correlate and select objects in shape, color, size;

To create situations for understanding the simplest words denoting quantity: a lot - a little, empty - full, as well as a generalized characteristic of size: large - small;

Learn to distinguish by eye, without counting one or two subjects;

Learn to show the simplest geometric shapes - a circle, triangle, ball, cube;

Learn to show the basic colors - red, blue, yellow;

To create the prerequisites for the formation of an idea of ​​an ordered sequence, introducing children to cumulative fairy tales, songs and nursery rhymes with a cyclical plot;

To acquaint children with the same concepts, the same, the same, different, several, more, piece.

Maintain interest in collecting structures from various materials and creating structures and compositions, and not necessarily of a subject-imitation plan.

2.1.3. Educational area "Speech development"

Speech development includes mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologic speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; the formation of sound analytical and synthetic activity as a prerequisite for teaching literacy.

Purposefully enrich the dictionary by expanding the passive vocabulary, translating words into active speech:

Encourage to name real objects, objects, phenomena surrounding the child; their images in illustrations;

Learn to designate with words some signs of familiar objects (soft, white, sonorous);

To form the ability to designate your own and others' actions in words;

Correlate the verbal designation of an action with own movements and actions with objects and toys; understand the actions shown in the picture (who is doing what? - the boy is jumping, the girl is sleeping, the bird is flying);

To develop the ability to characterize the state and mood of real people and literary characters through the word (sick, crying, laughing);

Encourage to note the peculiarities of the actions and relationships of the surrounding adults and peers, literary heroes (helps, regrets, takes away);

Expand the dictionary denoting the whole and separate parts of objects and objects (for a mouse - head, ears, nose, mustache, back, legs, tail; for a pan - handles, lid, bottom);

Encourage any attempt at repeating after the caregiver single words;

Contribute to the development of the grammatical structure of speech:

Exercise in the understanding and correct use of spatial prepositions (on, under) and adverbs (forward, backward, next to);

Encourage the use of diminutive pet names (typewriter, duck, dog) in speech;

Help harmonize words in sentences. Encourage attempts to build sentences (phrases) consisting of two or three words;

Develop the pronunciation side of speech:

Promote the development of speech hearing;

Encourage to pronounce after the teacher, and then independently onomatopoeia to animals (ko-ko, mu-mu, meow-meow) and objects (train: oo-oo-oo);

Develop phonemic hearing. Distinguish by ear two or three words and find the corresponding pictures (objects);

Differentiate onomatopoeia that are close in sound (ku-ku - ko-ko; mu-mu - mur-mur; ha-ha - ah-ah, etc.);

Develop auditory attention through games and play exercises;

Provide communicative development, improving dialogical speech as a means of communication:

Create conditions under which a child can achieve his goal by speaking to an adult or peer;

Introduce into the life of the group the simplest forms of speech etiquette (greeting, farewell, request) in accordance with the speech capabilities of the children; to form the ability to perform elementary actions according to one-word instructions ("Bring the ball", "Take a spoon", "Throw in the basket", etc.); to acquaint children with book culture, children's literature, to introduce them to the world of artistic words: to tell folk and author's tales; to introduce nursery rhymes, songs, small author's poems into the daily life of children; arouse children's interest in books, viewing them both with adults and on their own; to involve children in their feasible participation in the telling of an adult (gestures, facial expressions, actions, onomatopoeia, individual words in accordance with the context).

2.1.4. Educational area "Artistic - aesthetic development"

Artistic and aesthetic development presupposes the development of the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulating empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activities of children (visual, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

The main goal of musical development is to introduce the child to the world of music, the desire to emotionally respond to it; develop interest in music, musical and creative abilities, create prerequisites for the development of musical aesthetic consciousness.

Targets and goals: contribute to the formation of the purposefulness of the child's activities: in productive forms (drawing, modeling, design), help the child formulate and realize his own goal, corresponding to his personal interests and reflecting his emotional impressions; to acquaint with a variety of visual and structural materials, to create conditions for their independent research (paints, crayons, felt-tip pens, plasticine, paper of various textures, brushes, stamps, etc.); to give an idea of different ways sound production:

Introduce sounded toys and the simplest noise musical instruments;

Provide opportunities to act with these toys and instruments (press the keys, pull the strings, blow the whistles, hit the drum with your palm or a special stick), extract different sounds, develop ideas about how to get different sound effects;

Together with children, make sounding toys - "noisemakers" and "rattles" from improvised means;

Teach children to sing the simplest children's songs;

Create conditions for expressive free movement of children to music of different nature.

To acquaint children with the best examples of book graphics, works of illustrators;

To introduce children to the world of children's fiction:

Use nursery rhymes, songs, small author's poems in children's everyday life;

Do not deny children the repeated repetition of the same well-known work;

Involve children in their ability to participate in an adult's storytelling (gestures, facial expressions, actions, onomatopoeia, individual words in accordance with the context);

To acquaint with works of arts and crafts;

Enrich the experience of listening to music, the sound of various instruments, sounds of nature, the voices of birds and animals.

To awaken emotional responsiveness to the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, creating favorable conditions for perception and contemplation, to draw children's attention to the beauty of nature, painting, decorative and applied art, book illustrations, and music.

2.1.5. Educational area "Physical development"

Physical development includes the acquisition of experience in the following types of children's activities: motor, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at the development of such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility, contributing to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body;

The development of balance, coordination of movement, large and fine motor skills of both hands, as well as with the correct, non-damaging of the body, the implementation of basic movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions), the formation of initial ideas about some sports, mastering mobile games with rules;

Formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, tempering, in the formation of good habits, etc.).

Targets and goals:

Promote healthy physical development:

Support the need for independent motor activity and enrich the motor experience of children;

Provide the necessary motor regime during the day: create conditions for active movement in a group, on a site;

Create conditions for ball games;

Enrich children's experience with outdoor games, movement to music;

Ensure life safety:

Strictly observe sanitary norms and rules for protecting the life and health of children;

Provide a rational daily regimen, balanced high-quality nutrition, mandatory daytime sleep;

Strictly maintain the required duration of the stay of children in the fresh air;

Observe the ventilation mode;

Strengthen the health of children:

Create an atmosphere of psychological comfort in kindergarten, successful adaptation of the child to kindergarten;

To create conditions for hardening the body of children: dress according to the weather, use sportswear and shoes for physical education, lightweight clothing in the kindergarten room, subject to the temperature regime;

To temper children using environmental factors in the following sequence according to the degree of exposure: air, water, sun;

Conduct individual strengthening measures and disease prevention by the medical staff.

Involve children in exercises in walking, running, jumping, balance, climbing, crawling, crawling, as well as rolling, throwing, throwing;

Encourage children to move to exercise different muscle groups.

To form the foundations of a culture of health;

instill the simplest cultural and hygienic skills and self-service skills:

Patiently and gradually teach children how to properly wash and dry their hands, use the toilet, dress and undress;

By personal example, teach children to be neat outward appearance and norms of behavior;

Teach children to distinguish between personal items (hairbrush, toothbrush, mouthwash, etc.).

At an early age, a child masters various forms of tool activity, object-manipulative play as a form of cognitive activity expands, experimentation with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.), situational-personal communication with an adult, joint games and communication with peers, physical activity, perception of works of art (visual, musical), literature.

2.2. Interaction with the families of pupils.

2.2.1. Interaction with parents (legal representatives of pupils).

The main tasks of the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of pupils:

Studying the attitude of teachers and parents to various issues of education, training, development of children, conditions of organization varied activities in kindergarten and family;

Acquaintance of teachers and parents with the best experience of raising young children in kindergarten and family, revealing the means, forms and methods of developing important integrative qualities of a child, as well as acquaintance with the difficulties arising in the family education of preschoolers;

Informing each other about the urgent tasks of upbringing and teaching children at different age stages of their development and about the possibilities of the kindergarten and the family in solving these problems;

Creation of conditions in kindergarten for a variety of content and forms of cooperation, contributing to the development of constructive interaction between teachers and parents with children, the emergence of a sense of unity, joy, pride in the results obtained;

Involvement of families of pupils to participate in joint events with teachers, organized in the district (city, region);

Encouraging parents to be attentive to the various aspirations and needs of the child and to create the necessary conditions for their satisfaction in the family.

These tasks determine the main directions and forms of interaction between the kindergarten and the family.

2.2.2. The main forms of interaction with the parents of pupils:

Familiarity with the family: meetings - dating, visiting families, questioning parents .

Informing parents about the course of the educational process: open days, individual and group consultations, parental meetings, design of information stands, organization of exhibitions of children's creativity, inviting parents to children's concerts and holidays, creating memos, online magazines, e-mail correspondence.

Parent education: organizing a "mother / father school", "Schools for parents" (lectures, seminars, workshops), conducting master classes, trainings, creating a library

Joint activities: involving parents in organizing music and poetry evenings, competitions, family concerts, weekend routes (to the theater, museum, etc.), family associations (club, studio, section), family celebrations, walks, excursions, family theater, to participate in children's research and project activities.

2.2.3. Plan of work with parents in the early age group for the academic year.

Target: Combining the efforts of the family and the kindergarten for the upbringing and development of the preschooler.


1. To spread pedagogical knowledge among parents;

2. To provide practical assistance in raising children;

3. To contribute to the establishment of a trusting relationship between parents and the educators of the group: to adequately respond to the recommendations of the educators of the group, to make efforts to establish partnerships with educators to solve the problems of raising a child.

Annual plan for working with parents(See Appendix # 1).

2.3. Variable part.

2.3.1. Ecological circle "Know-it-all"

Explanatory note.

A child from an early age is a natural explorer of the surrounding world. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences. Familiarization of children with the world around them takes an important place in educational work. For the successful development of children, it is important that from early childhood they acquire vital information about the surrounding objects and phenomena.

“The more a child has seen, heard and experienced, the more he knows and learned, the more big amount he disposes of elements of reality in his experience, the more significant and productive under other equal conditions will be his creative, research activity, "wrote Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky.

The pronounced curiosity of a child is the most important indicator of his successful mental development. Kids are very happy with their discoveries, get pleasure from it, experience delight, share their impressions with adults.

The relevance of the experimenting method lies in the fact that it gives children real ideas about the various aspects of the object under study, about its relationship with other objects and with the environment. In the process of the experiment, the child's memory is enriched, his thought processes are activated.

In the group №1 "Lily of the valley" to solve this issue, a corner of children's experimentation was developed and organized. Classes in this corner are in the form of a circle activity ("Know-it-all" circle) with a group of children (10 people) at intervals of one lesson a week in the afternoon (For a long-term plan of experimental and experimental activities of young children for a year, see Appendix 2). This circle is an integral component of the variable part of the work program.

The purpose of this circle activity: The development of the cognitive sphere of young children through the acquisition of vital ideas about the world around them through experimentation.


Develop attention, visual and auditory sensitivity.

Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Arouse interest in children to participate in research and experimentation.

To form ideas about the properties and qualities of the objective world, about living and inanimate nature in the process of experimental activity.

To form labor skills and abilities in children,

Develop the ability to work in a team and small groups.

To enrich the emotional sphere of children, to promote the formation of a respectful attitude towards each other.

To educate children to love nature.

Estimated results:

The horizons are broadened, in particular, they have knowledge about living nature, about the relationships that occur in it; about objects of inanimate nature (water, air, sun, etc.) and their properties; about the properties of various materials (rubber, iron, paper, glass, etc.);

Developed cognitive activity, show interest in search and research activities.

Children show activity, independence of thought, creativity;

Children experience joy, surprise and delight from their small and big discoveries, which give them a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

The emotional sphere, creative abilities are developed, primary labor skills are formed;

Gently pouring sand, pouring water;

Know how to cooperate with peers;

Cognitive development: experimentation, construction from improvised material, playing with sand, water, etc.

Social and communicative development: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationships, performing various work assignments.

Speech development: the development of the ability to respond to a conversation, evoke a joyful mood, reading poetry, fairy tales.

Artistic and aesthetic development: musical accompaniment, drawing, modeling.

Physical development: physical education.

Working methods:




Forms of work:


Conversations, work with visual material;

2.3.2. Theatrical circle "Tales with the brownie Kuzey".

Explanatory note.

Books surround a person from early childhood. First, these are books - pictures, then funny poems, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, jokes, and then children's magazines. Most often these are stories, stories that a mother or grandmother read to a child before bedtime, and sometimes - an exciting journey into the magical world of a fairy tale. And there is always a smart, kind, light book behind this, the memories of which a person will carry throughout his life.

A fairy tale is important for the development of a child. The fairy tale absorbs and keeps in itself folk wisdom, universal values ​​and ideals. The need to familiarize children with fairy tales is indisputable. The book improves the mind of the child, helps to master speech, to learn about the world around him.

A fairy tale is fictional story with a happy ending and the obligatory victory of good over evil. Most often, fairy tales contain magic and various adventures that are incredible in ordinary life. The inaccessible becomes available, the unreal becomes real. That is why both children and adults love to read fairy tales.

To evoke more emotions from a fairy tale, to feel it, to understand its deep meaning, it must be interpreted. For this, theatrical activities are widely used. Theatrical activities allow for the formation of an experience of social skills. Thanks to the theatrical fairy tale, the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. This is a great help from the theatrical activity circle, developed in the group No. 1 "Lily of the Valley" "Tales with the brownie Kuzey". Classes in this circle are held with a group of children (10 people) at intervals of one lesson a week in the afternoon (For a long-term plan for the year, see Appendix 3). This circle is an integral component of the variable part of the work program.

The purpose of this circle: the formation and improvement of speech skills and abilities, as well as the emotional sphere of children through their involvement in theatrical activities.

Achieving the goal provides a solution to the following tasks:

Develop the communication skills of children;

Develop memory, imagination, fantasy;

Develop interest in theatrical play activities;

Form a positive attitude towards fairy tales;

To enrich the emotional sphere of children;

To foster a moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, mutual assistance, etc.);

Estimated results:

Children's speech becomes the main means of communication with peers and adults;

They know how to build the simplest dialogues with fairy-tale characters;

Memory, imagination, fantasy are well developed;

Show interest in fiction;

The emotional sphere, creativity is developed;

Children empathize with the characters of the fairy tale;

Experience the joy of a theatrical display of a fairy tale;

The group has formed a friendly relationship between children;

In the course of work, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:

Cognitive development: acquaintance with the world of animals, construction;

Social and communicative development: Solving problem situations, active communicative activity, finger games, sedentary games;

Speech development: Development of the ability to respond to a conversation, evoke a joyful mood, reading fairy tales;

Artistic and aesthetic development: listening to fairy tales, musical accompaniment, drawing, modeling;

Physical development: Physical education;

Working methods:



Forms of work:

Staging of fairy tales;

Reading fiction;

Drawing, modeling;


3. Material and technical support of the working program.

A large role in the effectiveness of the quality of the educational process is assigned to the material and technical support of the preschool educational institution and the equipment of the educational process of the group.

The group's recreation includes: a room for games and classes, a bedroom, a washroom - a toilet room, a kitchen, a reception room, a stroller, a hallway.

The area of ​​the group premises is 162.16 sq. m, one child accounts for 8.1 sq. m.

The group has all the conditions for the full development of children. Various zones and corners have been decorated and are functioning: a corner of creativity, theatrical, "Little builders", a sports corner, a garage, a house, a corner of dressing, "Young naturalist", "my first book", a corner of solitude, mobile corners (hairdresser, shop, Dr. Aibolit").

On the territory of the institution there are various types of trees and shrubs, lawns, flower beds and flower beds. On the site of the group there are equipped areas for walking, playgrounds.

The premises are provided with a thermal regime. The air temperature in the group is 22 - 24 degrees. Air temperature control is carried out using a household thermometer at a height of 1 m from the floor. For air exchange in the premises, supply and exhaust ventilation is provided; the group has a ventilation schedule. In the summer, in warm, hot weather, one-sided air aeration is provided.

3.1. Methodological materials, teaching and education tools in the early age group.

For the implementation of the educational process, there is a software and methodological kit: programs, teaching aids, reference and encyclopedic literature, teaching aids (demonstration and handouts), sets of modern educational games.

All literature meets federal requirements and is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in the educational process in educational institutions.

The list of teaching aids that ensure the implementation of educational activities in the early age group.

Development direction

Methodological aids

Visual and didactic aids

Physical development

Solyanik E. N. Developing games for children of early age. - SPb .: LLC CHILDHOOD-PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2014

Sports toys:

aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arms, forearms, the development of coordination of movements (tops, balls, hoops, skittles);

promoting the development of running, jumping skills, strengthening the muscles of the legs, trunk (gurneys, skipping ropes), soft module, arcs;

Cognitive development.


Familiarization with others
the world;

Moral education

Litvinova OE Designing with children of early preschool age. Summaries of joint activities with children 2-3 years old: study guide. allowance. - SPb .: LLC CHILDHOOD-PRESS PUBLISHING HOUSE, 2015.

Solomennikova O. A. Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten: the second group of early age. - M .: MOSAIK-SINTEZ, 2016.

Pomoraeva IA Formation of elementary mathematical representations. The second group is young. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2014.

Plane geometric shapes, cubes, pyramids, balls;

Dummies of vegetables, fruits and other toys:

plot (figurative) toys: dolls, figurines depicting people and animals, vehicles, dishes, furniture, etc.;

didactic toys: folk toys (tumbler, pyramids), mosaics, board games;

fun toys: funny figures of people, animals, fun toys with mechanical devices;

building materials: sets of building materials, constructors, light modular material;

equipment for experiments, play equipment etc.

Didactic material for acquainting children with the seasons (four seasons)

Speech development.

Implementation of speech tasks;

Creative development;

Acquaintance with fiction;

Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten: the second group of early age. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2015

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book 1. Moscow: Publishing house ATS, 2015.

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book 2. Moscow: Publishing house ATS, 2015.

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book1. Moscow: Publishing house ATS, 2015.

Tomilova S.D. A complete reader for preschoolers with methodological tips for teachers and parents. Book2. Moscow: Publishing house ATS, 2015.

Manakova M.V. We must, we must wash ourselves! Learning correctly. Rostov-on-Don, "Prof-Press" Publishing House ", 2015.

Manakova M.V. I am a well-bred child. Good manners for toddlers. Rostov-on-Don: "Publishing house" Prof-Press "", 2015.

means of visualization (planar visualization): didactic paintings (series of paintings "Seasons"), subject pictures.

Social and communicative development.

Moral education;

Communication activity;

Labor education;


Gerbova V.V. Development of speech in kindergarten: the second group of early age. - M .: Mosaika-Sintez, 2015.

Teplyuk S.N.Games-activities for a walk with kids: For activities with children 2-4 years old. - M.: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2015.

- "Child safety" - folding bed

Pogudkina I.S. Developing games, exercises, complex lessons for young children (from 1 year to 3 years old) - SPb .: LLC "PUBLISHING HOUSE" DETSTVO-PRESS ", 2015.


Hometown photo album.

homemade toys from different materials (paper, cardboard, thread, fabric, wool), semi-shaped (boxes, corks, plastic bottles), natural (cones, shells, pebbles);

family album, photographs;

Lotto: "fruits", "berries", "flowers", "animals", "toys", "professions";

"Child safety" - folding bed;

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Artistic creativity;

Productive activity
(drawing, modeling, applique);

Lykova I.A.Picture activity in kindergarten. First junior group. (Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development"): teaching aid. - Moscow: Tsvetnoy Mir Publishing House, 2014.

Koldina D.N. Drawing with children 2-3 years old. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2015

musical toys: imitating in shape and sound

musical instruments (accordions, drums, pipes, etc.);

plot toys: sets of bells, bells;

theatrical toys: puppets-theatrical characters, puppets-gloves, bibabo;

sets of plot figures, costumes and costume elements, attributes, decoration elements, masks, props;

sound equipment (audio equipment): radio receiver

3.1.1. Material support of the variable part of the program.

1. Vinogradova N.F. "Riddle stories about nature", "Ventana-Graf", 2007

2. Ryzhova N. Games with water and sand. // Hoop, 1997. - №2

3. Prokhorova L.M. Organization of experimental activities for preschoolers: guidelines... M .: Arkti, 2008 .-- 64 p.

4. Ryzhova L.V. Methodology for children's experimentation. SPb .: Childhood - Press, 2014 .-- 208 p.

5. Zubkova N.M. WHO and the little cart of miracles. Experiments and experiments for children from 2 to 7 years old. SPb .: Rech, 2006 .-- 30 p.

6. Tomilova S.D. "Complete reader for preschoolers" Moscow: AST, 2015.-702.

7. Gerbova, V. V. Book for reading in kindergarten and at home (2-4 years) [Text] / V. V. Gerbova. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2015 .-- 256 p.

8. Fesyukova, LB We bring up a fairy tale. Conversations on pictures [Text] / LB Fesyukova. - M .: Sfera, 2014 .-- 48 p.

9. E.V. Zvorygina "The first story games kids ".

10. Antipina E.A. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. - M., 2003. - 134 p.

11. Antipina EA Theatrical activities in kindergarten: games, exercises, scripts - M .: TC Sphere, 2006. - 128 p.

12. Artemova L.V. Theatrical games of preschoolers. - M., 1991. - 174 p.

13. Bardesheva T. Tell poetry with our hands // Hoop. - 1998. - No. 5.

3.2. Organization of life in the early age group.

3.2.1. Daily regime.

The cyclical nature of life processes necessitate the implementation of a regime that is a rational order of the day, optimal interaction and a certain sequence of periods of rise and decrease in activity, wakefulness and sleep. The daily routine in the group is organized taking into account physical and mental performance, as well as emotional reactivity in the morning and afternoon.

When organizing the regime of the day, recurring components are taken into account:

meal time;

laying down for a nap;

the total length of time the child has been outdoors and indoors and during exercise.

Day regimen in cold and warm seasons

Get up, morning toilet

In preschool

Reception of children, independent activity

Independent activity

Organized educational activities (by subgroups)

Preparing for a walk


Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for lunch

Getting ready for bed, naps

Gradual rise, independent activity

Independent activities, organized educational activities (by subgroups)

Preparing for a walk


Return from a walk, independent activity, preparation for dinner

Self-activity, going home


Return home, light dinner, quiet games, hygiene procedures

Night sleep

20.30-6.30 (7.30)

Day regimen in the summer period of the year


Primary activity

Reception of children on the street, games, morning exercises


Preparing for breakfast, breakfast

Joint activity, independent activity

Preparing for lunch, lunch

Preparing for sleep, sleep

Gradual rise, gymnastics, water treatments, games

Preparing for an afternoon snack, afternoon tea

Joint activity, walk

Preparing for dinner, supper

Children leaving home

Movement mode

Forms of work

Types of occupation

The number and duration of classes (in minutes)

Physical education classes

a) indoors

2 times per week

b) on the street

Once a week

Physical culture and health work during the day

a) morning exercises


b) outdoor and sports games and walking exercises


2 times (morning and evening)

c) physical education (in the middle of a static lesson)

3 daily, depending on the type and content of classes


a) sports leisure

1 time per month

b) physical education


c) health day

Once a quarter

Independent motor activity

a) independent use of physical culture and sports and play equipment


3.3. Designing educational activities in accordance with the directions of development of young children.

Educational activity in accordance with the directions of development of young children is carried out in the form of joint activities, during regime moments, in directly organized and independent activities of children.

The planning and implementation of various cultural practices (educational areas) is based on a complex thematic principle, which ensures the unification of a complex of various types of specific children's activities around a single "theme". Themes are defined by “thematic weeks”, “group and kindergarten events”, “project implementation”, “seasonal phenomena in nature”, “holidays” and “traditions” of the group.

Educational activities are carried out from September 1 to May 31, with the subsequent compulsory organization of summer recreational work for the children of the group.

September is devoted to the adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten. Introduce the kindergarten as the closest social environment (room and equipment of the group: personal locker, crib, toys, etc.). To acquaint with children, educator.

Work program curriculum designed in accordance with federal regulations.

The curriculum includes five educational areas that provide social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of children.

Social and communicative development - moral education, communication activities, play activity, labor education, safety.

Cognitive development - the child and the world around him, FEMP, construction.

Speech development - speech development, reading fiction.

Artistic and aesthetic development - drawing, modeling, art work, application, music.

Physical development - physical education.

The list of types of continuous educational activities in the early age group (study load in a five-day week).


Number of lessons per week

Physical culture indoors

Physical culture for a walk

Cognitive development

Development of speech



Total per week

Total per month

The volume of the study load during the week is determined in accordance with the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the mode of operation of preschool institutions (SanPiN, as well as the instructional and methodological letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03.14.2000 No. 65 / 23-16.

In the invariant part of the curriculum, OD is no more than 60%.

According to the plan, the variable (modular) part is about 40% and includes a regional component of content, entertaining activities in accordance with the interests and needs of children.

For all types of GBRs, which are carried out in subgroups, 10-minute dynamic pauses are provided. During this time, children move from one room to another, perform exercises for relaxation and stress relief, for the development of fine motor skills of the hands (finger gymnastics), self-massage of fingers and hands under the guidance of kindergarten educators and specialist teachers.

Continuous educational activities of the early age group are carried out in the morning.

For the prevention of fatigue in children, it is combined with educational activities in physical culture, music, art.

3.3.1. Model for the implementation of educational areas during the day.

Object activities and games with composite and dynamic toys

experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.),

communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult;

 self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, shovel, etc.), perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, viewing pictures, physical activity;

Physical development

Game conversation with movement elements


Morning gymnastics


 Experimenting

Situational conversation


Social and communicative development

 actions with a variety of toys imitating adult tools;

 participation in labor activities, supplying the kids with the necessary equipment;

 plot games based on purposeful play action with toys, organized by the teacher (treat, feed, put to bed, cook food, repair the car, etc.);

 with the voluntary participation of the child, create simple familiar structures, drawings that he is subsequently able to reproduce himself;

Constructive and productive activity with an adult

Cognitive development



 Experimenting game.




Educational game


Integrative Activity


Problem situation

Speech development

 observation and elementary labor in nature;

 games-fun and games-round dances for the development of communication;

 Listening to fiction using bright colorful pictures;

staging and elementary dramatization of literary works;

 games for the development of fine motor skills of hands;

 didactic games and exercises;

 everyday and game situations;

Elementary experimentation.

Artistic and aesthetic development

 Consideration of aesthetically attractive objects;

 game;

organization of exhibitions;

making jewelry;

 Listening to age-appropriate folk, classical, children's music;

 experimenting with sounds;

musical and didactic game;

 learning musical games and dances;

 joint singing.

3.3.2. Providing educational and upbringing process.

On the basis of the OOP preschool educational institution and the requirements of SanPin, to ensure the educational and upbringing process, the following have been developed:

GCD grid;

Cyclogram of joint activities;

Calendar thematic planning;

Complex thematic planning;

See Appendix No. 4, 5, 6, 7.

    1. An approximate list of entertainment and holiday.

Holidays. New Year, "Autumn", "Spring", "Summer", "Mother's Day".

Theatrical performances. Performances using finger, table, puppet theater. Staging performances, staging fairy tales, poems and other literary works, as well as songs.

Singing games, dramatizing songs, sports activities, fun- magic tricks, surprise moments, fun with paints and pencils. Folklore: nursery rhymes, chants.

3.3.4. Group traditions.

The traditional organizational basis for the implementation of the complex-thematic principle of building PLO is an approximate complex-thematic planning, the topics of which are focused on all areas of development of a young child and are devoted to various aspects of human life:

the phenomena of the child's moral life (Days of "Thank you", kindness, friends, etc.);

the surrounding nature (water, land, birds, animals, etc.);

the world of art and literature (children's books, theater, etc.);

festive events traditional for the family, society and the state (New Year, Spring Festival, Mother's Day);

the most "important" professions (educator, doctor, postman, builder, etc.);

these holidays can be replaced by other socially and personally significant International and Russian holidays or events for participants in the educational process;

the recommended time for the holiday does not always coincide with the official date of the celebration; in order to optimize the organization of the educational process, it is distributed over the weeks of the month; the actual date of the holiday is determined independently;

the preparation period for each holiday is determined independently by us;

Preparation for the holidays is a description of the means of solving the problems of psychological and pedagogical work and achieving the planned results of mastering the working program.

3.4. Organization of a developing subject-spatial environment.

The developmental space of the playroom consists of several components. The group has all the conditions for the full development of children. Various zones and corners are decorated and function. A distinctive feature of the centers is that, along with traditional manuals and equipment (a set of musical instruments, a puppet table theater, paints, albums, pencils, etc.), they contain materials that maximally contribute to the creative self-expression of children. ...

Musical, theatrical centers: microphone (dummy), non-traditional types of theater (glove, finger, table, bibabo), non-standard musical instruments - noisemakers, rustlers, bells.

Creativity corner include:

"Shelf of beauty", the purpose of which is to admire beautiful things, objects of arts and crafts. For the development of visual creativity, children are encouraged to use various materials: plasticine, dough, natural material, leather; various means (crayons, gouache, brushes, feathers, seals, threads, etc.).

Cognitive area. The main purpose of the educational space is to provide information for the child from different areas of culture - mathematics, natural sciences, public life human, ecology, stimulation of the cognitive activity of children. Includes Young Naturalist Experimentation Corners, Nature, Library and Collections. The objective world of this zone ensures the realization of the cognitive needs of children in active and diverse activities.

To achieve this goal, the mathematical centers are equipped with working materials: pyramids, cubes, balls - of different sizes and colors, plane geometric shapes. The containers are convenient for moving, didactic and educational games in mathematics.

Play space fulfills the basic need of a preschooler - a game. In the course of modeling various life situations, relationships between people, children not only acquire initial social skills, new knowledge about the world around them, but also learn to resolve conflict situations, negotiate, and establish new contacts. Realizing the importance of this space for the full development of the child, a significant place in the group is given to the organization of the play space. In the play center of each group, toys and materials are placed that simulate family relationships (dolls, doll furniture, dishes) and relationships outside the home (cars, animals, a set of a doctor, hairdresser, etc.).

Emotional Zone designed for children’s recreation, independent games and relaxation, emotional and aesthetic development of children. This corner is presented in the form of a tent, where there are soft pillows, a telephone for "communication with parents", favorite books, a soft toy.

The motor zone. This corner contains attributes for physical education: jump ropes, hoops, balls of different sizes, ribbons, gymnastic sticks.

It is important to note that the subject environment has the character of an open, open system, capable of change, adjustment and development, stimulating activity of the child.

To do this, we take into account the following approaches in this aspect:

Accounting for seasonal phenomena (we hang snowflakes in winter, dandelions in summer, colorful leaves in autumn);

Accounting for historical, social, personal events (March 8, Defender of the Fatherland Day, elements of decorations appear in the decoration of the group; on the days of personal events associated with children's birthdays, the group is decorated with balloons and colorful ribbons) - these unusual elements of the developing subject environment have a great emotional impact per child, contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of psychological comfort.

When designing a developmental space, you need to be guided byfirst of all, on the implementation of the principles of an individual approach to the child:

1. Organization of "privacy zones". The full emotional and personal development of a child requires mandatory design in the group of "privacy zones" - special places where the child can keep his personal property: favorite toy, postcard, etc. Of great importance is the presence in the group of a place where photographs of children and their families are posted. Systematic exhibitions of children's works contribute to the development of positive self-esteem and self-confidence. Children's creativity products are placed in dressing rooms, in environmental centers, art corners.

2. Age and gender-role targeting of equipment and materials. Following this principle, role-playing games, motor centers (wheelchairs, soft modules), sensory centers (inserts, bushings, pyramids, knockers, etc.) are widely represented in the nursery group.

Taking into account the gender-role characteristics of children, play spaces are allocated in the group for both boys (various equipment, a set of tools, etc.) and for girls (handbags, hats, a beauty salon, etc.).

When building the developmental space of the group, along with factory-made items, hand-made manuals are also used: models, didactic games, attributes for role-playing games. All components of the developmental environment are colorful, neat, attract the attention of children, and are safe to play. They are located in the child's field of vision, in places accessible to him.

One of the important problems in the health improvement of children is the creation of a health-preserving developmental environment. The group is equipped with a "mini-center" of physical culture and health, equipped with a set of games and sports equipment, which contributes to the physical development of children and high-quality organization of tempering events. Based on the sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms recommended by the program, conditions are provided for the independent motor activity of children.

Selected taking into account sanitary and psychological and pedagogical requirements, furniture and play equipment in the group are installed so that the child can find a convenient and comfortable place to study, based on the emotional state: sufficiently remote from children and adults, or, conversely, allowing to feel close contact with them, or providing for contact and freedom in equal measure. For this purpose, various furniture is used, including multilevel furniture: soft modules that can be easily moved. Correctly selected and arranged furniture, rationally used space of the group room allow you to save space, create coziness and bring a "zest" to the interior of the room.


From birth to school. An approximate general educational program of preschool education (pilot version) / Ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - 2nd ed., Rev. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2014.

Planning in a modern preschool educational institution. Ed. N.V. Miklyaeva. -M .: Sfera, 2013.-128s.

Express-constructor of the educational program. N.V. Miklyaeva. / Ed. T.V. Tsvetkova-M .: TC Sphere, 2015.-128p.

Approximate long-term planning of the upbringing and educational process in different age groups of ECE centers. M.A. Kalinin. / SPb .: OOO "Publishing house" Childhood-Press ", 2015.-176s.

Appendix # 1

Plan of work with parents for the academic year.

Forms of conducting



THEME: "Welcome to kindergarten

GOAL: Joint inclusion of teachers and parents in the educational process.

Organization and holding of the first group meeting "Let's get to know each other"

Comprehensive study of the families of pupils.

Parent corners decoration.

Round table.



Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N.

THEME:"Adaptation period in kindergarten"

GOAL: To acquaint parents with the peculiarities of the adaptation period, to contribute to the creation of conditions at home for the successful adaptation of children in kindergarten.

"Baby at home"

"We strive for independence"

Exhibition of literature on this topic

Creation of the photo album "our first days in the garden"




Photo album

Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N


Shcherbakova L.P.

THEME: "The art of parenting"

GOAL: Improving the pedagogical skills of parents and defining the role of the family in the upbringing of the child.

"What kind of parent are you?"

Parents' rights and obligations

Parenting tips


Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

THEME: "Healthy baby"

GOAL: To work out the scheme of interaction with parents on preventive work with the aim of protecting and strengthening the health of children.

Problems of health improvement for preschoolers.

“Healthy child in the family”.

“Vitamins and Minerals”.

Home visits to identify the prerequisites for child development


Photo booth


Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

THEME: "ABC of Communication"

GOAL: Identifying the most effective ways to create a positive atmosphere in the family.

Verbal ways to encourage and support your child.

Game therapy for children and adults.

Decoration of the exhibition "Family through the eyes of a child"

Working with parents using the “Atmosphere in a Group” method.

Slide folder


Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

THEME: "Development of cultural and hygienic skills of children of primary preschool age."

GOAL: Develop cultural and hygienic skills in children.


Parents' meeting "Education of hygienic skills in children."

Visiting the families of pupils in order to correct the existing conditions for the development of preschoolers.

Formation of food culture.

Exhibition of methodological literature

Parents' meeting (KVN)

Home visit

Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

THEME: "Emotional well-being of a child in the family."

GOAL: Psychological and pedagogical support of the family in the formation of relationships between parents and children.

The main reasons for the emotional distress of children.

Family experience presentation (Osipova).

Joint holiday "mom, dad, I am a friendly family"


Round table

Family kvn

Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

THEME: "We all come from childhood"

GOAL: To involve parents in the process of raising their children, equipping them with knowledge and skills on the issue of play activities of preschoolers

What our children are playing

Exhibition of literature on this topic

Why does a child need a game

Home security





Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

THEME: "Our results"

GOAL: To acquaint parents with the success in the upbringing and teaching of preschoolers.

Parental satisfaction with the work of the preschool institution.

Round table "Our results"


Tea drinking

Fomina O.S.

Zhuravleva O. N

Appendix No. 2

Work plan of the "Know-it-all" circle for pupils of the "Lily of the Valley" early age group


Week 1

2 week

3 week

4 week




C: Teach children to manipulate water. Give an idea that water can be washed, dipped in and caught various subjects... Develop cultural and hygienic skills and the desire to play together.

"We wash and dry Masha doll's handkerchief"

C: Give an idea that any items will become cleaner if washed in water, and that items dry out after washing.

"Properties of water"

Д / и "Transparent - color", "Hide and seek"

C: Give an idea that the water is colorless but can be colored.

"Experiments with water"

D / and "Sinking - not sinking"

C: Give an idea that some items sink and some remain afloat.

"Experiments with water"

D / and "What happens"

C: Give an idea that some substances dissolve in water.

"Cheerful foam"

C: To acquaint children with the properties of foam: "airy", "light", "white",

"Blowing soap bubbles"

C: develop the ability to compare, tactile sensations, speech breathing, emotional perception, consolidate children's ideas about the properties of foam: "airy", "light".

Foam Experiments

Д / и "fill the mold with foam", "Multi-colored foam"

C: Develop tactile sensation, tactile senses. Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Properties of water"

D / and "Freeze",

“Let's melt”, “Cold and warm”.

C: Give an idea that water can turn into ice and back into water, while the water has different temperatures.

"What is air"

C: Give an idea that air fills the entire space and is not visible.

"Air properties"

D / and "Let's take air into the glass", "Let the air out of the glass"

C: Give an idea that air does not allow water to pass through, but water can displace air.

"Let's Make a Breeze", "Swim Boat"

C: Give an idea that the wind is the movement of air .. Give an idea that objects can move with the help of air.



C: To acquaint with the properties of paper, that it is light, can be thin and thick.

"Properties of paper"

D / and "Mnem the paper", "Tear the paper"

C: Give an idea that the paper can wrinkle and tear.


C: Give an idea that sand is dry and wet.


C: Give an idea that dry sand can crumble.

"Let's bake a treat"

C: Give an idea that wet sand takes any desired shape.

C: Give an idea that footprints and prints remain on wet sand.

"Let's wash the stones"


"Light heavy"

C: Give an idea that stones are heavy and light.

"What shape is the stone?"

C: Give an idea that the stones have different shapes.

"Let's wash the stones"

C: Give an idea that stones sink in water because they are heavy.

"Ice Figures"

C: Fix the properties of water. Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Ball and orange"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Shadow by the Flame"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Refractory ball"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

Ice Gems

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Home rain"

C: Show and explain a natural phenomenon - rain "


C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

"Floating egg"

C: Develop cognitive activity and curiosity.

Appendix No. 4

Cyclogram of joint activities.







1. Didactic game for the development of speech (sound culture of speech, vocabulary formation, grammatical structure

speech, coherent speech).

2. Joint activities for the development of fine motor skills.

1. Didactic game for the development of sensorics (olfactory, tactile sensations).

2. Conversation about cultural and hygienic skills (CGN).

3. Acquaintance with the objects of the immediate environment (examination of paintings, toys).

1. Didactic game (cognitive activity - OBZH).

2. Skills of cultural behavior (moral education).

1. Didactic game for the development of attention, memory, imagination, thinking.

2. Memorizing poems, nursery rhymes, chants.

1. Didactic game for the development of fine motor skills.


1. Didactic game for the development of sensorics (color, shape, size).

2. Reading fiction.

1. Joint activities in the corner of fine arts

2. Role-playing game

1. Experimental and experimental activities (water, sand, stones, waste material).

2. Didactic game for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts (quantity, form,

orientation in space, magnitude)

3. Entertainment, leisure (sports, music ....)

1. Circle activity

2. Role-playing game

3. Joint design activities

1. Household labor

2. Theatrical activities

3. Didactic games in the musical corner (repetition of songs, listening).

Appendix No. 5

Calendar thematic planning.


General topic

A week

Topic of the week


"Hello kindergarten!"

our group



Let's be polite

"I and my family"


gold "

Signs of autumn

Signs of autumn

Gifts of autumn

Gifts of autumn


"Who Surrounds Me"



Wild animals

Forest birds


"Hello, winter-winter"

Signs of winter

Trees, forest

Winter fun

New Year


"My home, my city"


The house I live in

All professions are important


"Visiting a fairy tale"

We read a fairy tale (reading, artwork)

Let's play a fairy tale


Folk toy

Folk toy


"Holiday every day"

Mom's holiday

To grandma for pancakes

Heal everyone, heal, kind doctor Aibolit.

My favorite toys (December-February p. 293)


"I meet spring"

Signs of spring


We are researchers

We are researchers

"Merry Kaleidoscope"


Hello summer

Hello summer

Appendix No. 6

Complex thematic planning.


Final event

Hello kindergarten


1. Creation of conditions for the successful adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten.

2. Acquaintance of children with the premises and equipment of the group room (personal locker, crib, toys), with the rules of conduct in kindergarten (do not push, do not run up the stairs). Formation of ideas about politeness: the ability to say hello, say goodbye, thank.

3. Formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards kindergarten, teacher, other children (desire to go to kindergarten, call the teacher by name and patronymic, show interest in the actions of peers, play side by side, without interfering with each other, do not take away toys, do not quarrel).

4. To acquaint children with each other during games, to form friendly, benevolent relations between children. Raising in every child the confidence that adults love him, like all other children.

5. To develop basic skills of caring for your face and body. Develop ideas about your appearance. To form the initial skills of role-playing behavior, to teach to associate plot actions with the role.

6. Encourage to call your first name, last name, names of family members, talk about yourself in the first person. Enrich the idea of ​​your family. Strengthen the knowledge of your name, the names of family members. Formation of primary ideas about family traditions, responsibilities.

7. Development of ideas about the positive aspects of kindergarten, its community with home and differences from the home environment.

"Golden Autumn"

1. To form elementary ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, at the kindergarten site).

2. To give initial ideas about harvesting, about some vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms. Collect colorful leaves with children on walks, examine them, compare them in shape, size.

3. Acquaintance with the variety of colors of golden autumn, the formation of the ability to peer, admire, enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.

"Who Surrounds Me"

1. Formation of initial ideas about the animal world, development of the ability to recognize domestic animals, some wild animals, their babies in pictures.

2. Consolidation of ideas about how live animals and birds differ from toys.

3. Education of respect for animals.

2. To acquaint with the peculiarities of the behavior of forest animals and birds.

"Hello, Winter is winter!"

1. Formation of elementary ideas about winter: it is snowing, snowflakes are spinning, it becomes cold, frost, snowdrifts.

2. Expansion of children's ideas about the peculiarities of the life of people and animals in the winter.

3. Familiarity with winter activities according to age.

4. To organize all types of children's activity, play, communication, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme of the New Year and New Year's holiday.

"My house,

my city"

1. Creation of conditions for familiarizing children with household items (name toys, pieces of furniture, clothes, dishes).

2. Formation of orientation in the immediate environment (recognize your house and apartment, kindergarten and group room, give the names of your family members and group staff).

3. Acquaintance with the name of the city in which the children live, the name of their street.

"Visiting a fairy tale"

1. Acquaintance with folk art on the example of fairy tales.

2. Formation of the ability to listen to tales that are small in volume and simple in content.

3. Learn to pronounce onomatopoeic words.

4. Formation of the ability to recognize in toys, in pictures, characters of fairy tales and name them.

5. Awaken interest in theatrical play through the first experience of communication with the character, expansion of contact with adults.

6. Formation of elementary ideas in children about folk art on the example of folk toys, household items.

7. The use of folklore in the organization of all types of children's activities.

8. Introducing children to the world of art. Fostering interest in the display of the environment (nature, toys, folk art, folk songs)

"Holiday every day"

1. Formation of primary value ideas about the family, family traditions

2. Fostering feelings of love and respect for mom, grandmother, desire to help them, take care of them.

3. Formation of ideas about how important it is for mothers to cook food for the whole family, what delicious dishes they cook. Foster a respectful attitude towards the work of the mother.

4. Development of interest in studying oneself, one's physical capabilities, one's health.

5. Creation of conditions for involving children in the performance of hygienic and hardening procedures.

6. Formation of elementary cultural and hygienic skills.

7. Expanding the range of children's ideas about the toy, about the materials from which it is made, about the ways of interacting with it. Fostering a respect for toys.

8. Development of the emotional-volitional sphere when interacting with toys.

"I meet spring"

1. Formation of elementary ideas about spring: seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing (the sun shines brightly, it rains, the earth and water are warmed up by the sun, they become warm, there is a lot of young tender greenery on trees, bushes).

2. Acquaintance with some features of the behavior of animals and birds in the spring.

3. Formation of elementary ideas about the properties of water (water can be cold, warm, hot; water is clear; water can be poured; some objects drown in the water, and some do not drown, we wash with water, wash clothes, cook food, swim in the lake in summer etc.).

4. Formation of primary ideas about safety in nature

5. Enriching the direct sensory experience of children in various activities.

6. Formation in children of a system of examination actions adequate to the subject and the situation

"Merry Kaleidoscope"

1. Familiarization with the basic rules of behavior in kindergarten (do not push, do not run up the steps, play side by side, without interfering with each other, leave kindergarten only with parents, do not take food from strangers).

2. Formation of elementary ideas about the rules of the road (cars drive on the road, traffic lights regulate traffic, the road can only be crossed with adults), about the rules of behavior on the bus (children can only ride on the bus with adults, obey adults).

3. Introduction to the rules of interaction with plants and animals (you cannot pick any plants and eat, animals should be fed only with the permission of adults).

4. To form elementary ideas about summer (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, at the kindergarten site). Expand knowledge about pets and birds, about vegetables, fruits, berries. To acquaint with some features of the behavior of forest animals and birds in the summer. Introduce some animals from hot countries.


1. Target section.

1.1. Explanatory note.

1.1.1. Normative and legal basis for the formation of the work program.

1.1.2. Goals and objectives of the work program.

1.1.3. Principles and approaches to the formation of a work program.

1.1.4. Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children.

1.2. Targets at the stage of completion of the development of the work program.

1.3. The system for evaluating the results of mastering the work program.

2.1. General Provisions.

2.2. Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the work program.

2.3. Description of educational activities in accordance with the directions of child development, presented in five educational areas.

Social and communicative development.

Cognitive development.

Speech development.

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Physical development.

2.4. Interaction of teachers with children.

2.5. Ways and directions of support for children's initiative.

2.6. Interaction of the teacher with the families of pupils.

3. Organizational section.

3.1. Daily routine and routine.

3.2. Planning educational activities.

3.3. Wellness activities.

3.4. Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment.

3.5. Software and methodological support of the educational process.

3.6. Bibliography. Application.


The work program of educational activities in the early age group of general developmental orientation (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, developed on the basis of the educational program of the municipal preschool educational institution, the kindergarten "Firefly" in the village of Gavrilovka and is its integral part. The work program is drawn up taking into account the integration of educational areas, the content of children's activities is distributed by months and weeks and represents a system designed for one academic year .

The work program is intended for children 1.5-2.5 years old (early age) and is designed for 36 weeks, which corresponds to the complex - thematic planning for the program "From birth to school", ed.

NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.

The work program is "open" and provides for variability, integration, changes and additions as professional needs. The content of the work program in accordance with the requirements of the Standard includes three main sections - target, content and organizational.

1. Target section

1.1. Explanatory note

The work program was developed on the basis of an approximate general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, in accordance with the educational program of the municipal preschool educational institution, kindergarten "Firefly" D. Gavrilovka with the aim of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

The work program for the development of young children ensures the diversified development of children aged 1.5 to 2.5 years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas: physical, social and communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic and aesthetic.

In the development of the work program, the following partial programs were used:

  • "Tiny" by G. G. Grigoriev, D. V. Sergeev, N. P. Kochetov and others;
  • "Tuning Fork" by E. P. Kostin;
  • "Young Ecologist" S. N. Nikolaev;
  • “Our home is nature” by N. A. Ryzhov;
  • "Colored palms" by I. A. Lykov;
  • "Children's creative design" L.А. Paramonova;
  • "Fundamentals of the safety of preschool children" N. N. Avdeeva, Fr. L. Knyazeva, R.B.Sterkina;
  • "The program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment in children" TB Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina;
  • "Development of speech in preschool children" O.S. Ushakov;
  • "Introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture" authors: OL Knyazeva, MD Makhaneva;
  • "Health" V. G. Alyamovskaya;
  • "Physical culture - for preschoolers" by L. D. Glazyrina;
  • "Physical education of preschool children". ON. Gordova, N.V. Poltavtseva;
  • “Raising a healthy child” by M.A. Makhaneva;
  • "Rhythmic Mosaic" by A.I. Burenin;
  • "Green light of health" M. Yu. Kartushin;
  • "Sa-Fi-Danse" by Firileva Zh.E. Saykina E.G.

The implemented work program is based on the principle of the personality-developmental and humanistic nature of the interaction of an adult with children.

1.1.1. Regulatory legal framework for the formation of a work program

This program is formed on the basis of the following regulatory legal framework:

Convention on the Rights of the Child. Adopted by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989. ─ UN 1990;

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation // Official Internet portal of legal information: ─ Access mode:";

Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ "On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation";

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 4, 2014 No. 1726-r "On the Concept of Additional Education for Children";

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 29, 2015 No. 996-r "On the Strategy for the Development of Education until 2025. Access mode:

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On the approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations "// Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2013. - 07.19 (No. 157);

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1155 of October 17, 2013 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 14, 2013

registration number 30384);

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated August 26, 2010 No. 761n (as amended on 05/31/2011) "On the approval of the Unified qualification handbook positions of managers, specialists and employees, section " Qualification characteristics employee positions

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 30.08.2013 No. 1014 "On Approval of the Procedure for Organizing and Implementing Educational Activities for Basic General Education Programs - Educational Programs for Preschool Education";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 28, 2010 No. 2106 "On approval and enforcement of federal requirements for educational institutions in terms of protecting the health of students and pupils";

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia "Comments to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO" dated February 28, 2014 No. 08-249 // Bulletin of Education. - 2014. - April. - No. 7.

methodological recommendations "(Methodological recommendations on the implementation of the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to financially ensure the realization of the rights of citizens to receive public and free preschool education);

Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 07.06.2013 No. IR-535/07 "On correctional and inclusive education of children";

Comments of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education dated 08/28/2014 No. 08-249;

Articles of association;

License for educational activities.

1.1.2. Goals and objectives of the work program

The purpose of the Program is to design social situations of the child's development and the developing subject-spatial environment that provide positive social motivation and support for the individuality of children through communication, play, cognitive research and other forms of activity. The program, in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", promotes mutual understanding and cooperation between people, takes into account the diversity of worldview approaches, promotes the realization of the right of preschool children to free choice of opinions and beliefs, ensures the development of the abilities of each child, the formation and development of personality a child in accordance with the spiritual, moral and sociocultural values ​​adopted in the family and society for the purpose of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative and physical development of a person, to meet his educational needs and interests.

The objectives of the work program are achieved through the solution of the following tasks:

- protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being;

- ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status;

- the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with other children, adults and the world;

- combining education and upbringing into a holistic educational process based on spiritual, moral and sociocultural values, rules and norms of behavior adopted in society in the interests of a person, family, society;

- formation general culture the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity;

- the formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to age and

individual characteristics of children;

- providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of children's health;

- ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and content of preschool general and primary general education.

1.1.3. Principles and approaches to the formation of a work program

In accordance with the Standard, the work program is based on the following principles:

1. Supporting childhood diversity... The modern world is characterized by increasing diversity and uncertainty, which are reflected in various aspects of human life and society. Increasing mobility in society, economy, education, culture requires people to be able to navigate in this world of diversity, the ability to maintain their identity and at the same time flexibly, positively and constructively interact with other people, the ability to choose and respect the right to choose other values ​​and beliefs, opinions and ways of expressing them. Accepting the challenges of the modern world, the work program considers diversity as a value, an educational resource and involves the use of diversity to enrich the educational process. The teacher builds educational activities taking into account

regional specifics, socio-cultural situation of development of each child, his age and individual characteristics, values, opinions and ways of expressing them.

2. Preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as an important stage in the general development of a person. The self-worth of childhood is the understanding of childhood as a period of life that is significant in itself, meaningful by what is happening to the child now, and not by the fact that this stage is a preparation for subsequent life. This principle implies a full-fledged living by a child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool childhood), enrichment (amplification) of child development.

3. Positive socialization the child assumes that the child's assimilation of cultural norms, means and methods of activity, cultural patterns of behavior and communication with other people, familiarization with the traditions of the family, society, and the state occur in the process of cooperation with adults and other children, aimed at creating the prerequisites for the child's full-fledged activity in changing world.

4. Personal developmental and humanistic nature of interaction adults (parents (legal representatives), pedagogical and other employees of the Organization) and children. This type of interaction presupposes a basic value orientation towards the dignity of each participant in the interaction, respect and unconditional acceptance of the child's personality, benevolence, attention to the child, his condition, mood, needs, interests. Personal developmental interaction is an integral part of the social situation of a child's development in an organization, a condition for his emotional well-being and full development.

5. Promotion and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations... This principle presupposes the active participation of all subjects of educational relations - both children and adults - in the implementation of the program. Each participant has the opportunity to make his own individual contribution to the course of the game, class, project, discussion, planning the educational process, can take the initiative. The principle of assistance presupposes the dialogical nature of communication between all participants in educational relations. Children are given the opportunity to express their views, their opinions, take a position and defend it,

make decisions and take responsibility in accordance with their capabilities.

6. Family cooperation... Cooperation, cooperation with the family, openness to the family, respect for family values ​​and traditions, their consideration in educational work are the most important principles of the work program. Teachers should know about the living conditions of a child in the family, understand the problems, respect the values ​​and traditions of the families of pupils. The work program assumes various forms of cooperation with the family, both in content and in organizational terms.

7. Networking with organizations socialization, education, health and other partners who can contribute to the development and education of children; and the use of local traditions to enrich child development. The work program assumes that teachers establish partnerships not only with families of children, but also with other organizations and individuals that can contribute to enriching the social and cultural experience of children, introducing children to national traditions (visiting theaters, museums, mastering additional education programs) , to nature and history native land; promote joint projects, excursions, holidays, attending concerts, as well as meeting the special needs of children, providing medical support.

8. Individualization of preschool education presupposes such a structure of educational activity that opens up opportunities for the individualization of the educational process, the emergence of an individual trajectory of development of each child with the specificity and speed characteristic of a given child, taking into account his interests,

motives, abilities and age-psychological characteristics. At the same time, the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, various forms of activity. To implement this principle, regular monitoring of the child's development, collection of data about him, analysis of his actions and deeds is necessary; helping a child in a difficult situation; giving the child the opportunity to choose in different types of activities, emphasizing

attention to the initiative, independence and activity of the child.

9. Age adequacy of education. This principle presupposes the teacher's selection of the content and methods of preschool education in accordance with the age characteristics of children. It is important to use all specific types of children's activities (play, communicative and cognitive research activities, creative activity,

ensuring the artistic and aesthetic development of the child), based on the characteristics of age and developmental tasks that must be solved in preschool age. The teacher's activity should be motivating and correspond to the psychological laws of the child's development, take into account his individual interests, characteristics and inclinations.

10. Developing variable education. This principle assumes that

educational content is offered to the child through different types of activity, taking into account his actual and potential possibilities of assimilating this content and performing certain actions, taking into account his interests, motives and abilities. This principle presupposes the work of the teacher with an orientation towards the zone of proximal development of the child (L.S. Vygotsky), which contributes to the development, expansion of both explicit and latent capabilities of the child.

11. Completeness of content and integration of individual educational areas... In accordance with the Standard, the work program assumes a comprehensive social and communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of children through various types of children's activities. The division of the work program into educational areas does not mean that each educational area is mastered by the child separately, in the form of isolated lessons based on the model of school subjects. There are various interrelationships between the individual sections of the work program:

Cognitive development is closely related to speech and socio-communicative development;

Artistic and aesthetic - with cognitive and speech, etc. The content of educational activities in one specific area is closely related to other areas. Such an organization of the educational process corresponds to the peculiarities of the development of preschool children. 12. The invariance of values ​​and goals with the variability of means of implementing and achieving the goals of the Program. The Standard and the Program set invariant values ​​and benchmarks, taking into account which the Organization has developed the main educational program and which for it are scientific and methodological pillars in the modern world of diversity and uncertainty.

1.1.4. Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of young children (1.5 to 2.5 years)

Age 1.5 to 2.5 years old is significant period in the life of a child. It is characterized by the following neoplasms: the child begins to walk; independently and with the help of an adult learns the surrounding space, actively develops productive and reproductive objective activity (learns the rules for using household items, imitation of adults in objective activity arises as a prerequisite for the beginning of imitation games); the child masters speech (the phonemic and grammatical structure of speech is formed, the vocabulary and semantics of speech are improved), cognitive speech activity is manifested in the form of questions addressed to an adult.

The formation of the creative (graphic, design, etc.) activity of children takes place. The foundation is laid for individual object games, the emergence and development of symbolic functions in the game. Improving the subject games of children with the inclusion of orientation-research, constructive and plot-role moments in them; there is a transition to group subject and role-playing games.

The child's perception, memory and thinking are actively developing.

By the age of three, the leading hand is determined and the coordination of the actions of both hands begins to form.

At this age, the rate of growth and development of the child slows down somewhat. The monthly increase in height is 1 cm, weight 200-250 grams.

Thus, in early childhood, one can note the rapid development of the following mental spheres: communication, speech, cognitive (perception, thinking), motor and emotional-volitional spheres.

The development of the basic movements of the child is partially influenced by the proportions of his body: short legs, long body, large head. A kid up to one and a half years old often falls when walking, can not always stop in time, go around an obstacle.

Posture is also imperfect. Due to insufficient development of the muscular system, it is difficult for a child to perform the same type of movement for a long time, for example, walking with his mother "only by the hand."

Walking is gradually improving. Children learn to move freely on a walk: they climb bumps, walk on the grass, step over small obstacles, for example, a stick lying on the ground. The shuffling gait disappears. In outdoor games and music lessons, children take side steps, slowly circle in place.

At the beginning of the second year, children climb a lot: they climb a hill, onto sofas, and later (with an attached step) also up the Swedish wall. They also climb over a log, crawl under a bench, crawl through a hoop. After a year and a half, in addition to basic movements, babies also develop imitative movements (bear, bunny). In simple outdoor games and dances, children get used to coordinate their movements and actions with each other (with the number of participants no more than 8-10).

When learning and choosing the right play material, children master actions with a variety of toys: collapsible (pyramids, nesting dolls, etc.), building materials and plot toys (dolls with attributes to them, bears). The child reproduces these actions by imitation after showing the adult. Gradually, “chains” are formed from individual actions, and the kid learns to bring object actions to the result: he fills the entire pyramid with rings, choosing them by color and size, builds a fence, a locomotive, a turret and other simple structures from building material.

Significant changes are taking place in the actions with plot toys. Children begin to transfer the learned action from one toy (doll) to others (bears, bunnies); they are actively looking for an item necessary to complete the action (a blanket to put the doll to sleep, a bowl to feed the bear).

Reproducing 2-3 actions in a row, at first they are not guided by how it happens in life: a sleeping doll, for example, suddenly begins to roll on a typewriter. By the end of the second year, the children's play actions already reflect their usual life sequence: after taking a walk with the doll, they feed it and put it to bed.

Children reproduce everyday actions with plot toys throughout the entire period of preschool childhood. But at the same time, children 3-5 years old and older arrange a "multi-link ritual" from each action. Before eating, the doll will wash its hands, tie a napkin, check if the porridge is hot, they will feed it with a spoon, and they will give it to drink from a cup. All this is not in the second year. The child simply brings the bowl to the doll's mouth. He does the same in other situations. These features explain the simplicity of the selection of plot toys and attributes to them.

The foregoing gives reason to believe that in the second year, from separate actions, elements are formed, the basis of activity inherent in preschool childhood: objective with a sensory bias characteristic of it, constructive and plot-role play (the latter in the second year can be considered only reflective).

Success in the development of subject-play activity is combined with its instability, which is especially noticeable with defects in upbringing. Having the opportunity to approach any object that comes into view, the child throws what he is holding in his hands and rushes towards it. This can gradually be overcome.

The second year of life is a period of intensive speech formation. The connections between the object (action) and the words denoting them are formed 6-10 times faster than at the end of the first year. At the same time, the understanding of the speech of others is still ahead of the ability to speak.

Children learn the names of objects, actions, designations of some qualities and states. Thanks to this, it is possible to organize the activities and behavior of babies, to form and improve perception, including those that form the basis of sensory education.

In the process of various activities with adults, children learn that the same action can refer to different objects: “put on a hat, put rings on the pyramid, etc.”. An important acquisition of speech and thinking is the ability to generalize, which is formed in the second year of life. The word in the mind of the child begins to associate not with one object, but denote all objects belonging to this group, despite the difference in color, size and even appearance (a big and small doll, naked and dressed, a boy doll and a girl doll) ...

The ability to generalize allows children to recognize the objects depicted in the picture, while at the beginning of the year, when asked to show an object, the child was guided by random insignificant signs. So, the word khon could mean both a cat and a fur collar.

The kid gets used to the fact that there are different connections between objects, and adults and children act in different situations, so he understands the plot performances (showing toys, characters of the puppet theater and tabletop theater).

Impressions from such displays, interested viewing are stored in memory. Therefore, children over one and a half years of age are able to maintain a dialogue-memory with an adult about recent events or things related to their personal experience: "Where did you go?" - "Walk". - "Whom did you see?" - "Dog". - "Who was fed with grains?" - "Birdie".

The active vocabulary increases unevenly throughout the year. By the age of one and a half, it is equal to about 20-30 words. After 1 year, 8-10 months, there is a leap, an actively used vocabulary develops. It contains many verbs and nouns, there are simple adjectives and adverbs (here, there, there, etc.), as well as prepositions. Simplified words (tu-tu, av-av) are replaced by ordinary ones, albeit phonetically imperfect. After one and a half years, the child most often reproduces the outline of a word (a different number of syllables), filling it with substitute sounds, more or less similar in sound to the audible pattern.

Attempts to improve pronunciation by repeating a word after an adult are unsuccessful at this age. This becomes possible only in the third year. In most cases, after a year and a half, a child correctly pronounces labial sounds (n, b, m), front non-lingual (t, d, u), rear non-lingual (r, x). Whistling, hissing and sonorous sounds, as well as continuous phonemes in the words pronounced by the child, are extremely rare.

At the beginning, the word spoken by the child is a whole sentence. So, the words "bang, fell" in some cases means that the baby dropped the toy, in others - that he himself fell and hurt himself.

By the age of one and a half, two-word sentences appear in the statements of children, and at the end of the second year, the use of three- or four-word sentences becomes common.

A child over one and a half years old actively addresses adults with questions. But he expresses them mainly intonationally: "Iya bite?" - that is, "Did Ira eat?" Children use interrogative words less often, but they may ask: "Where is the headscarf?", "Where did the woman go?", "What is this?"

In the second year of life, the child learns the names of adults and children with whom he communicates on a daily basis, as well as some family relationships< мама, папа, бабушка). Он понимает элементарные человеческие чувства, обозначаемые словами «радуется», «сердится», «испугался», «жалеет». В речи появляются оценочные суждения: «плохой», «хороший», «красивый».

The independence of children in object-play activities and self-service is being improved. The kid masters the ability to eat any food on his own, to wash and wash his hands, acquires the skills of neatness.

The orientation in the immediate environment is expanding. Knowledge of the name of the parts of the group premises (furniture, clothes, dishes) helps the child to carry out simple (from one, and by the end of the year from 2-3 actions) instructions of adults, gradually he gets used to following the elementary rules of behavior, indicated by the words "you can" , "It is impossible", "it is necessary". Communication with an adult is of a business, object-oriented nature.

In the second year, the need to communicate with an adult for a variety of reasons is consolidated and deepened. At the same time, by the age of two, children gradually move from sign language, facial expressions, expressive sound combinations to expressing requests, desires, sentences using words and short phrases. So speech becomes the main means of communication with an adult, although at this age the child willingly speaks only with close, well-known people.

In the second year of life, children retain and develop a type of emotional communication. For two or three, they independently play with each other in previously learned games with the help of an adult ("Hide and Seek", "Catch-up").

However, the experience of communication among children is small and the basis for it has not yet been formed. There is a misunderstanding on the part of the prospective partner. The child can burst into tears and even hit those who pity him. He actively protests against interference in his game.

The toy in the hands of another is much more interesting for the kid than the one that is next to him. Having taken it away from a neighbor, but not knowing what to do next, the kid simply leaves her. The teacher should not ignore such facts so that the children do not lose the desire to communicate.

The interaction of children during the day arises, as a rule, in subject-play activities and regime processes, and since subject-play actions and self-service are only being formed, independence, interest in their implementation should be protected in every possible way.

Children are taught to observe the "discipline of distance", and they learn the ability to play and act side by side, without interfering with each other, to behave in a group accordingly: not to climb into a neighbor's plate, to move on the sofa so that another child can sit down, not to make noise in the bedroom etc. At the same time, they use simple words: "on" ("take"), "give", "let", "I do not want", etc.

Against the background of the "protection" of the activities of each baby, it is necessary to form joint actions. First, at the prompting of an adult, and by the age of two on their own, children are able to help each other: bring an item necessary to continue the game (cubes, rings for a pyramid, a blanket for a doll). Imitating a mother or a caregiver, one baby tries to "feed, comb" the other.

Possible simple dance activities of kids in pairs in music lessons.

The main acquisitions of the second year of life can be considered the improvement of basic movements, especially walking.

The child's mobility sometimes even prevents him from concentrating on quiet activities.

There is a rapid and diverse development of subject-play behavior, due to which, by the end of the stay of children in the second group of early age, they have formed the components of all types of activity characteristic of the period of preschool childhood.

There is a rapid development of various aspects of speech and its functions. Although the rate of development of understanding of the speech of others is still ahead of the ability to speak, at the end of the second year the active vocabulary already consists of 200-300 words. With the help of speech, you can organize the behavior of the child, and the speech of the baby himself becomes the main means of communication with the adult.

On the one hand, the child's independence increases in all spheres of life, on the other, he learns the rules of behavior in a group (to play side by side, without interfering with others, to help, if it is understandable and easy). All this is the basis for the development of joint gaming activities in the future.

The list of children is reflected in Appendix 1.

The list composition of the distribution of children by health groups is reflected in Appendix 2.

1.2. Targets at the stage of completion of the program for children 1.5 to 2.5 years old

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the specificity of preschool childhood and the systemic features of preschool education make it illegal to require specific educational achievements from a preschool child. Therefore, the results of mastering the work program are presented in the form of targets for preschool education and represent the age characteristics of the possible achievements of a young child (1.5 to 2.5) by the end of the school year.

The child is interested in the surrounding objects and actively acts with them; is emotionally involved in actions with toys and other objects, seeks to be persistent in achieving the result of his actions.

Uses specific, culturally fixed object actions, knows the purpose of everyday objects (spoons, combs, pencils, etc.) and knows how to use them. Possesses the simplest self-service skills; strives to show independence in everyday and play behavior.

Owns active speech included in communication; can address questions and requests, understands speech of adults; knows the names of the surrounding objects and toys.

Strives to communicate with adults and actively imitates them in movements and actions; games appear in which the child reproduces the actions of an adult.

Shows interest in peers; observes and imitates their actions.

Shows interest in poetry, songs and fairy tales, looking at pictures, seeks to move to music; emotionally responds to various works of culture and art.

The child has developed large motor skills, he seeks to master various types of movement (running, climbing, stepping, etc.).

1.3. The system for evaluating the results of the development of the program

In the course of his work, the teacher builds an individual trajectory for the development of each child. For this purpose, pedagogical monitoring of the study of the individual development of children is carried out by assessing the level of effectiveness of pedagogical influences in all educational areas.

Pedagogical diagnostics is carried out in the course of observing the activity of children in spontaneous and specially organized activities.

2.1. General Provisions

- a description of the modules of educational activities in accordance with the directions of the child's development in five educational areas: socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic-aesthetic and physical development, taking into account the used variable preschool education programs and methodological aids that ensure the implementation of this content;

- a description of the variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the Program, taking into account the age and individual psychological characteristics of the pupils, the specifics of their educational needs, motives and interests;

2.2. Forms, methods, methods, means of implementing the Program

Forms of organizing work by areas of activity for children 1.5-2.5 years old are reflected in table No. 1

Direction Forms of work organization
Physical development Joint activities, morning exercises, breathing exercises, individual work, holidays, entertainment, sports activities, project activities.
Cognitive, speech and socio-communicative development The introduction of experimental research activities, children's experimentation, classes, individual work, didactic and role-playing games, excursions, conversations, observation, reading fiction and compulsory reading discussions, theatrical activities, interaction with other socio-cultural objects, joint activities with parents, project activities.
Artistic and aesthetic development Classes, individual work, independent activity, organization of exhibitions of children's creativity, participation in competitions, observations, excursions, project activities.
Table 1

Methods and techniques used when working with children 1.5-2.5 years old are reflected in table number 2

Traditions of the Kapelka group

  • Children's music of Russian and foreign composers in the group sounds every day;
  • Sleep with calm music;
  • New toys: introducing new toys to children that appear in the group;
  • Announcement of the menu before meals, inviting children to the table and wishes of bon appetit;
  • At the end of the school year, a showcase event for parents;
  • Traditional moment of silence: "Castle".

2.3. Description of educational activities in accordance with the age characteristics of children 1.5-2.5 years old

"Social and communicative development"

To form in each child the confidence that he, like all children, is loved and cared for; show respect for the interests of the child, his needs, desires, opportunities. Foster a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed; develop the ability to play without quarreling, help each other and rejoice together in success, beautiful toys, etc. To educate the elementary skills of polite treatment: to say hello, to say goodbye, to make a request calmly, using the words "thank you" and "please." To form the ability to behave calmly indoors and outdoors: not to make noise, not to run, to fulfill the request of an adult. To cultivate an attentive attitude and love for parents and loved ones. To teach children not to interrupt the speaking adult, to form the ability to wait if the adult is busy.

To form in children elementary ideas about themselves, about changing their social status (growing up) in connection with the beginning of a visit to kindergarten; reinforce the ability to say your name. To build confidence in each child that adults love him, like all other children. To cultivate an attentive attitude towards parents and loved ones. Encourage the ability to tell the names of your family members. Develop ideas about the positive aspects of kindergarten, its community with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.).

To draw the attention of children to what clean, bright room they play in, how many bright, beautiful toys there are, how neatly the beds are tucked in. While walking, draw the children's attention to beautiful plants, equipment of the site, convenient for games and recreation.

To develop the ability to navigate in the group room, on the site. Remind children of the name of the city in which they live.

Self-service, independence, labor education

Education of cultural and hygienic skills. Form the habit (first under the supervision of an adult, and then on your own) to wash your hands as it gets dirty and before eating, and dry your face and hands with a personal towel.

Teach with the help of an adult to put yourself in order; use individual items (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

Form the ability to properly hold a spoon while eating.

Self-service. Teach children to dress and undress in a specific order; with a little help from an adult, remove clothes, shoes (unfasten buttons in front, Velcro); in a certain order, neatly fold the removed clothes. To teach to be neat.

Socially useful work. To involve children in performing the simplest labor actions: together with an adult and under his control, arrange bread bins (without bread), napkin holders, lay out spoons, etc.

To teach to maintain order in the playroom, at the end of the games to arrange the play material in places.

Respect for adult work. Encourage children's interest in adult activities. Pay attention to what and how an adult does (how he cares for plants (watering) and animals (feeding); how a janitor sweeps a yard, removes snow; how a carpenter repairs a gazebo, etc.), why he performs certain actions ... Learn to recognize and name some labor actions (the teacher's assistant washes the dishes, brings food, changes towels).

Formation of the foundations of security

Introduce elementary rules of safe behavior in nature(do not approach unfamiliar animals, do not stroke them, do not tease; do not tear or take plants in your mouth, etc.) Form primary ideas about cars, the street, the road.

Introduce some types of vehicles.

To acquaint with the objective world and the rules of safe handling of objects.

To acquaint with the concepts "can - not", "dangerous".

Form ideas about the rules of safe behavior in games with sand and water (do not drink water, do not throw sand, etc.).

Educational area

"Cognitive development"

Cognitive development involves the development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest , causes and effects, etc.), about a small homeland and Fatherland, ideas about the socio-cultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a general home of people, about the features of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Teach children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made (paper, wood, cloth, clay); compare familiar objects (different hats, mittens, shoes, etc.), select objects by identity (find the same one, pick up a pair), group them according to the method of use (they drink from a cup, etc.).

Exercise in establishing the similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (identical shoulder blades; red ball - blue ball; large cube - small cube).

Teach children to name the properties of objects: large, small, soft, fluffy, etc.

Sensory development. Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities, gradually including all types of perception. Help inspect objects, highlighting their color, size, shape; encourage the inclusion of hand movements on an object in the process of getting to know it (circle parts of the object with your hands, stroke them, etc.).

Introduction to socio-cultural values.

Continue to acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment.

Promote the appearance in the children's dictionary of generalizing concepts: toys, dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.

Introduce vehicles to the immediate environment.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Quantity. Involve children in the formation of groups of similar objects. Learn to distinguish between the number of objects (one - many).

The magnitude. To draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (a large house is a small house, a large matryoshka is a small matryoshka, large balls are small balls, etc.).

The form. Learn to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball, etc.).

Orientation in space. Continue to accumulate in children the experience of practical development of the surrounding space (the premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten).

Expand the experience of orientation in parts of one's own body (head, face, arms, legs, back).

Teach to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Acquaintance with the natural world

To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena.

Learn to recognize in nature, in pictures, in toys of pets (cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.) and their babies and name them.

Recognize some wild animals in the picture (bear, hare, fox

and others) and name them.

Together with children, observe birds and insects on the site, for

fish in the aquarium; feed the birds.

Learn to distinguish between vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot, etc.) and fruits (apple, pear, etc.) in appearance.

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

To cultivate respect for animals. Teach the basics of interacting with nature (consider plants and animals without harming them; dress for the weather).

Seasonal observations

Autumn. To draw the attention of children to autumn changes in nature: it got colder, the trees turned yellow and the leaves are falling. Form the idea that many fruits and vegetables ripen in the fall.

Winter. To form ideas about winter natural phenomena: it has become cold, it is snowing. Involve people in winter fun (downhill and sledding, snowballing, making a snowman, etc.).

Spring. To form an idea of ​​spring changes in nature: it has warmed up, the snow is melting; puddles, grass, insects appeared; the kidneys are swollen.

Summer. Observe natural changes: bright sun, hot, butterflies fly.

Educational area

"Speech development"

Developing speech environment. Promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Give children a variety of assignments that will enable them to communicate with peers and adults. To ensure that by the end of the third year of life speech has become a full-fledged means of communication between children.

Offer pictures, books, toys for self-examination as visual material for children to communicate with each other and the teacher. Tell children about these objects, as well as about interesting events (for example, about the habits and tricks of pets); show the state of people and animals in pictures (happy, sad, etc.).

Formation of the dictionary. On the basis of expanding the orientation of children in the immediate environment, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary.

Learn to understand the speech of adults without visual support.

To develop the ability of children, according to the verbal instructions of the teacher, to find

items by name, color, size.

Enrich children's vocabulary:

Nouns denoting the names of toys, personal hygiene items (towel, toothbrush, comb, handkerchief), clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, bedding (blanket, pillow, sheet, pajamas), vehicles (car, bus), vegetables , fruits, pets and their babies;

Verbs denoting labor actions (wash, heal, water), actions that are opposite in meaning (open - close, take off - put on, take - put), actions that characterize people's relationships (help, regret, give, hug), their emotional state (cry, laugh, rejoice, take offense);

Adjectives denoting color, size, taste, temperature of objects (red, blue, sweet, sour, large, small,

cold, hot);

Adverbs (close, far, high, fast, dark, quiet, cold, hot, slippery).

Promote the use of learned words in the independent speech of children.

Sound culture of speech. Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of isolated vowels and consonants (except for sibilant, hissing and sonorous sounds), in the correct reproduction of onomatopoeia, words and simple phrases (from 2-4 words).

Promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus,

speech breathing, auditory attention.

To form the ability to use (by imitation) the height and strength of the voice ("Pussy, scram!", "Who came?", "Who knocks?").

The grammatical structure of speech. Learn to reconcile nouns and pronouns with verbs, use verbs in the future and past tense, change them by person, use prepositions in speech (in, on, at, for, under).

Exercise in the use of some interrogative words (who, what, where) and simple phrases consisting of 2–4 words (“Little kitty, where did you go?”).

Coherent speech. Help children answer the simplest ("What?",

“Who?”, “What is he doing?”) And more difficult questions (“What is he wearing?”, “What

lucky? "," Who? "," What? "," Where? "," When? "," Where? ").

Encourage the attempts of children over 2 years 6 months, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about what is shown in the picture, about a new toy (new thing), about an event from personal experience.

During staging games, teach children to repeat simple phrases. Help children over 2 years 6 months old to dramatize excerpts from familiar fairy tales.

Learn to listen to short stories without visual support.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, works of authorship. Accompany reading by showing toys, pictures, characters of table theater and other visual aids, as well as teach to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment.

Accompany the reading of small poetry with play activities.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words and phrases while the teacher teaches familiar poems.

Encourage an adult to try to read the entire poem.

Help children over 2 years 6 months old to play the familiar game

Continue to encourage children to look at pictures in books. Encourage to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the educator, teach them to ask questions: "Who (what) is this?", "What is he doing?"

Educational area

"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Develop artistic perception, foster responsiveness to music and singing,

works of fine art and literature accessible to the understanding of children.

Consider with children illustrations for works of children's literature. Develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the pictures.

To acquaint with folk toys: Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya, matryoshka, Vanka-vstanka and others appropriate for the age of children.

Draw the attention of children to the nature of toys (funny, funny), their shape, color scheme.

Visual activity.

Painting. To develop the perception of preschoolers, enrich their sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, tracing them along the contour alternately with one or the other hand.

Lead children to depict familiar objects, giving them freedom of choice.

To draw the attention of children to the fact that a pencil (brush) leaves a mark on paper if you draw a sharpened end of a pencil (brush nap) over it. Learn to follow the movement of a pencil on paper.

To draw the attention of children to the various lines and configurations depicted by them on paper. Encourage you to think about what you have drawn, what it looks like. Arouse a feeling of joy from strokes, lines that children have drawn themselves. Encourage the addition of the drawn image with characteristic details; to a conscious repetition of previously obtained strokes, lines, spots, shapes.

Develop an aesthetic perception of surrounding objects. To teach children to distinguish between the colors of pencils, to name them correctly; draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique), cross them, likening objects: ribbons, handkerchiefs, paths, rivulets, icicles, a fence, etc.

children to draw rounded objects.

To form the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not bend low over the sheet of paper), the free hand supports the sheet of paper on which the baby is drawing.

Learn to take good care of the materials, use them correctly: at the end of drawing, put them in place, after rinsing the brush well in water.

Learn to hold a pencil and a brush freely: a pencil - three fingers above the sharpened end, a brush - just above the iron tip; collect paint on a brush, dipping it with all the nap into the jar, remove excess paint by touching the edge of the jar with the nap.

Modeling. Arouse children's interest in sculpting. Introduce plastic materials: clay, plasticine. Learn to use materials carefully.

Teach preschoolers to break off lumps of clay from a large piece; sculpt sticks and sausages, rolling a lump between the palms in straight movements; connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly to each other (ring, ram, wheel, etc.).

Learn to roll a lump of clay with circular movements of the palms to depict round objects (ball, apple, berry, etc.), flatten the lump between the palms (cakes, cookies, gingerbread); make a depression with your fingers in the middle of the flattened lump (bowl, saucer). Learn to combine two sculpted shapes into one object: a stick and a ball. Teach children to put clay and sculpted objects on a board or a special pre-prepared oilcloth.

Constructive and model activity.

In the process of playing with table and floor building materials, continue to acquaint children with details (cube, brick, triangular prism, plate, cylinder), with options for the location of building forms on a plane.

Continue teaching children to construct elementary buildings according to the model, to maintain the desire to build something on their own.

Promote an understanding of spatial relationships.

Learn to use additional plot toys commensurate with the scale of buildings (small cars for small garages, etc.)

At the end of the game, teach to put everything in place.

To acquaint children with the simplest plastic construction sets.

To learn together with an adult to design turrets, houses, cars.

Support the desire of children to build on their own.

In the summertime, promote building games using

natural material (sand, water, acorns, pebbles, etc.).

Educational area

"Physical development"

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

To form in children an idea of ​​the importance of different organs for

normal human activity: eyes - to look, ears - to hear, nose - to smell, tongue - to taste (define), hands - to grab, hold, touch; legs - stand, jump, run, walk; head - to think, remember.

Physical education.

To form the ability to maintain a stable body position, correct posture.

Learn to walk and run without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs. To teach to act together,

adhering to a certain direction of movement based on

visual reference points, change the direction and nature of movement while walking and running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.

Learn to crawl, climb, variously act with the ball (take, hold, carry, lay, throw, roll). Learn to jump on two legs

on the spot, moving forward, in length from the spot, pushing off with two

2.4. Interaction of teachers with children

The interaction of adults with children aged 1.5-2.5 years is the most important factor in the development of a child and permeates all areas of educational activity.

With the help of an adult and in independent activity, the child learns to learn about the world around him, play, draw, communicate with others. The process of familiarizing with cultural models of human activity (culture of life, cognition of the world, speech, communication, etc.), acquiring cultural skills when interacting with adults and in independent activity in the objective environment is called the process of mastering cultural practices.

The process of acquiring general cultural skills in its entirety is possible only if the adult acts as a partner in this process, and not as a leader, supporting and developing the child's motivation. The partnership between an adult and a child in the organization and in the family is a reasonable alternative to two diametrically opposed approaches: direct teaching and education based on the ideas of “free parenting”. The main functional characteristic of partnerships is the inclusion of an adult in the process of activity, on an equal footing with respect to the child. An adult participates in the implementation of this goal on an equal basis with children, as a more experienced and competent partner.

For personality-generative interaction acceptance of the child as he is, and belief in his abilities are characteristic. An adult does not adjust the child to a certain "standard", but builds communication with him with an orientation towards the dignity and individual characteristics of the child, his character, habits, interests, preferences. He empathizes with the child in joy and grief, provides support in times of difficulty,

participates in his games and activities. An adult tries to avoid prohibitions and punishments. Restrictions and censures are used when absolutely necessary, without degrading the dignity of the child. This style of upbringing provides the child with a sense of psychological security, contributes to the development of his individuality, positive relationships with adults and other children.

Personality-generative interaction promotes the formation of various positive qualities in the child. The child learns to respect himself and others, since the child's attitude towards himself and other people always reflects the nature of the attitude of the surrounding adults towards him. He gains a sense of self-confidence, is not afraid of mistakes. . When adults provide a child with independence, provide support, instill confidence in his strength, he does not give in to difficulties, persistently looks for ways to overcome them.

The child is not afraid to be himself, to be sincere. When adults support the individuality of the child, accept him as he is, avoid unjustified restrictions and punishments, the child is not afraid to be himself, to admit his mistakes. Mutual trust between adults and children promotes true child acceptance

moral standards. The child learns to take responsibility for his decisions and actions. After all, an adult, wherever possible, gives the child the right to choose one or another action. Recognizing the child's right to have an opinion, choose activities to their liking, play partners contributes to

the formation of his personal maturity and, as a result, a sense of responsibility for his choice. The child learns to think independently, since adults do not impose their own decisions on him, but help him make his own. The child learns to adequately express his feelings. By helping the child to realize his feelings, to express them in words, adults contribute to the formation of his skills

show feelings in socially acceptable ways. The child learns to understand others and to empathize with them, because he gets this experience from

communication with adults and transfers it to other people.

2.5. Interaction of teachers with families of pupils

Stands. The stands contain strategic (long-term),

tactical (annual) and operational information. Towards a strategic

includes information about the goals and objectives of the development of the kindergarten for the long term

and average prospects, about the educational program being implemented, about

innovative projects of the Organization, as well as additional educational services.

In order for information (especially operational) in a timely manner

went to educating adults, it is important to duplicate it on the website

kindergarten, as well as family calendars.

Continuing education of educating adults

In today's rapidly changing world, parents and educators must continually improve their education. Parental education is understood as enrichment of knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for caring for and upbringing children, harmonizing family relations; fulfillment of parental roles in the family and society.

Legal, civil, artistic-aesthetic, national-patriotic, medical education are becoming more and more popular. Scientific education remains relevant,

focused on familiarizing educating adults with the achievements of science and advanced experience in the field of preschool education.

The main forms of education are: conferences, parent meetings (general kindergarten, group), parent and pedagogical readings. Parental education programs are developed and implemented based on the following principles:

Purposefulness - focusing on goals and priorities

parenting education;

Targeting - taking into account the educational needs of parents;

Accessibility - taking into account the parents' ability to master the educational material provided by the program;

Individualization - transforming the content, teaching methods and the pace of mastering the program, depending on the real level

knowledge and skills of parents;

Participation of stakeholders (educators and parents) in initiating, discussing and making decisions regarding the content

educational programs and its adjustments.

The main forms of parenting education: lectures, seminars

Master classes . A master class is a special form of presentation by a specialist of his professional skills, in order to attract the attention of parents to the urgent problems of raising children and the means of solving them. Parents themselves who work in these areas may also be such specialists. Practical and visual methods are of great importance in preparing the master class. The master class can be organized by the kindergarten staff, parents, invited specialists.

Joint activities of teachers, parents, children

The defining goal of various joint activities in the "teachers-parents-children" triad is to satisfy not only the basic aspirations and needs of the child, but also the aspirations and needs of parents and teachers. Collaborative activities of parenting adults can be organized in a variety of traditional and innovative forms (promotions, evenings of music and poetry, visits by families to program family subscription events organized by cultural and art institutions, at the request of the kindergarten; family living rooms, festivals, family clubs, evenings of questions and answers, holidays (including family ones), walks, excursions, project activities, family theater).

Family holidays. Traditional for kindergarten are

children's parties dedicated to significant events in life

country. A new form that actualizes the co-creation of children and upbringing adults is a family holiday in kindergarten.

A family holiday in kindergarten is a special day that unites teachers and families of pupils on the occasion of an event.

The most significant family holidays are for families with early children.

age, as babies under 3 years old feel better when

parents are with them at the party.

Family pass . Kindergarten and its partners - institutions of art and culture, organizing a meeting with art in advance of culture and art, at the request of the kindergarten - can provide the family with an excellent opportunity to meet with art; family lounges, festivals, family clubs, Q&A evenings, holidays (including family ones), walks, excursions, project activities, family theater).

Family calendar. Interesting project ideas come from the family calendar, which can help parents learn to plan their activities and find time to interact and communicate with their child. A family calendar can consist of two interconnected, interpenetrating parts: one - an accompanying invariant one offered by the kindergarten for all families of pupils; the second is variable, designed by each family in the logic of their needs and traditions.

The family calendar gives parents and grandparents ideas for future joint affairs in the family and kindergarten.

The plan of interaction with parents is reflected in Appendix 4.

Information about the families of the pupils is reflected in the appendix

3. Organizational section

3.1. Daily routine and routine

The kindergarten has developed a flexible daily routine that takes into account the age-related psychophysiological capabilities of children, their interests and needs, ensuring the relationship of the planned activities with the daily life of children in kindergarten. Taking into account climatic conditions, the work program includes a daily routine during the warm and cold periods of the year. In contrast to the winter period, in the summer recreation period, the time spent by children on a walk increases. The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half of the day - before lunch and in the second half - before the children leave home. When the air temperature is below -15 ° C and the wind speed is more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. The walk is not carried out when the air temperature is below -18 ° C and the wind speed is over 10 m / s. During the walk with the children, games and physical exercises are carried out. Outdoor games are held at the end of the walk before the children return to the premises of the preschool educational institution. Daytime sleep is given 2.5 hours. Independent activity of children takes at least 3-4 hours per day.

The maximum allowable volume of a weekly educational load is 10 lessons. Classes requiring increased cognitive activity and mental stress of children are held in the first half of the day and on the days of the highest working capacity of children (Wednesday, Thursday). To prevent fatigue of children, such activities are combined with physical education, music lessons.

The daily regimen is compiled with the calculation of 10.5 hours of children's stay in kindergarten with a five-day working week and is reflected in the appendix.

The organization of life and the daily routine of the group (cold period) is reflected in the appendix.

The organization of life and the daily routine of the group (warm period) is reflected in the appendix.

3.2. Planning educational activities

Educational activities are organized: 2 lessons a day for 10 minutes. An obligatory element of each lesson is a physical minute, which allows you to relax, relieve muscle and mental tension. Classes with children, which are dominated by play activities, depending on the program content, are carried out frontally, in subgroups, individually.

List of main types of organized educational activities

The schedule of continuing educational activities is reflected in the appendix.

Complex thematic planning of work with young children (2-3 years old) is reflected in the appendix.

Cultural and leisure activities are reflected in the appendix.

3.3. Wellness activities

Physical activity and hardening and hygiene procedures

during security moments

Morning exercises Daily
Physical education Daily

2-3 minutes

A set of hardening procedures:

Contrasting air baths;

Every day after a nap.
- walking barefoot; In the summer
- lightweight clothing for children; During the day
Hygiene procedures daily
Walking daily
Vitamin therapy Courses 2 times a year. It is carried out under the guidance of a nurse.
Ventilation of premises Every day in all groups in the absence of children in the room, in accordance with the ventilation schedule.
Phytoncidotherapy (onion, garlic) It is carried out in all groups during a flu epidemic, infection in a group)

3.4. Features of the organization of the subject-spatial environment

The developing subject-spatial environment in the early age group ensures the maximum implementation of the Program; materials, equipment and inventory for the development of young children:

  • Corresponds to the characteristics of an early age;
  • Health protection and promotion;
  • Takes into account the peculiarities of the development of children.

Material and technical support

record player,

multimedia projector,


The list of filling mini - centers is reflected in the appendix

3.5. Software and methodological support of the educational process

- The program of preschool education "From birth to school" / edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A Vasilyeva. - M .: Mosaic-synthesis, 2010.

Complex lesson. According to the program “From birth to school, edited by N. Ye. Veraksa, Volgograd 2011.

- The program "Tiny »

Physical development
- "Development and education of young children in preschool educational institutions" Comp. E.S. Demina.-M.: TC Sphere, 2006.

- "Physical education for kids" E.A. Sinkevich, T.V. Bolsheva - SPb .: Childhood-Press, 2000.

- "Outdoor games and game exercises for children of the 3rd year of life" MF Litvinova-M .: Linka-press, 2005.

Cognitive development
- "Play activities with children from 1 to 3 years old" M.D. Makhanev, S.V. Reshchikova - M .: TC Sphere, 2006.

- “Introducing the kid to the world around him” by L.N. Pavlova - M., Education, 1986.

- "Complex lessons in the I junior group" T.M. Bondarenko, Voronezh, state of emergency. Lakocenin S.S., 2008

- "Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in young children" O.E. Gromova - M .: TC Sphere, 2005.

- "Introducing young children to nature: classes, observation, leisure, entertainment" T.N. Zenina - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2006.

- "Didactic games and activities with young children: A guide for kindergarten teachers." E.V. Zvorygina, S.L. Novoselova - M .: Education, 1985.

- "Education and development of young children." G.M Lyamina-M: Enlightenment

- "Sensory Education Activities with Young Children: A Handbook for a Kindergarten Teacher." E.G. Pilyugina - M .: Education, 1983

Speech development
- "Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers" ES Anischenkova - M .: AST ASStrel, 2007.

- "Complex lessons in the I junior group" TM Bondarenko, Voronezh, Lakocenin SS, 2008.

V.V. Gerbova “Classes on the development of speech in the first junior group of kindergarten: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - 2nd ed., Rev. –M .: Education, 1986.

Social and communicative development
- "Small steps into the big world of knowledge" I.P. Afanasyeva - St. Petersburg, Childhood - press, 2004.

- "Onomatopoeic exercises for the development of speech of preschoolers" V.I. Miryasova - M .: AST Astrel, 2008.

- "Fun for kids" M.Yu. Kartushina - M .: Sfera, 2006.

- "Play lessons with children from 1 to 3 years old" (methodological guide for teachers and parents) M., TC Sphere, 2010.

- "Social and moral education of children from 2 to 5 years old" N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.V. Miklyaeva, M., Iris-press, 2009.

- "Introducing the kid to the world around him." L.N. Pavlova –M .: Education, 1987.

Artistic and aesthetic development
- "Top-clap, kids" A.I.Burenin-SPb, 2001.

- "Drawing with young children" (1-3 years) E.A. Yanushko - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

- "Application with young children" (1-3 years old) E.A. Yanushko - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006.

- "Colored palms" by I. A. Lykov - M .; LLC "Karapuz - Didactics", 2008

3.6. Bibliography:

  1. Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", 2013.
  2. UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989.
  3. World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, 1990.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No.

No. 1155 "On the approval of the federal state standard preschool education "(entered into force:

  1. Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Content and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Organizations. SanPiN ", approved by the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 05.15.2013 No. 26 (SanPiN
  2. Order of August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for basic general education programs, educational programs for preschool education."
  3. The main general educational program of preschool education "From birth to school" edited by NE Veraksa, TS Komarova, MA Vasilyeva. - M .; MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2015.
  4. United Nations Children's Fund UNICEF. Declaration of the Rights of the Child, 1959.
  5. Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.
  6. Educational program of a preschool educational institution - methodological recommendations of I.L. Parshukov.
  7. Scientific - practical journal "Management of a preschool educational institution" No. 1, 2014,


Even for the smallest child, sensory experience is of great importance in his life. Already in early childhood, familiarization with the properties of objects plays a decisive role. The success of physical, aesthetic, mental education depends on the level of sensory development of children, that is, on how perfectly the child sees, hears, and perceives the environment. Sensory education serves as the basis for understanding the world and the first step is only sensory experience. At an early age, sensory education consists in the special creation of conditions by adults for the children to perform practical actions.

Purpose: Creation of conditions for the development of preschoolers in educational areas of the Federal State Educational Standard in accordance with the specific features and requirements of the educational program "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL"

Creation of an atmosphere of emotional comfort;

Creation of conditions for physical development;

Creation of conditions for creative self-expression;

Creation of conditions for the cognitive activity of children;

Creation of favorable conditions for contemplation, perception;

To draw the attention of children to the beauty of painting, nature, book illustrations, objects of decorative and applied art, music.

Welcome to my group.

During early childhood, kids learn about the world around them. My task, as a teacher, is to make this environment for the child interesting, vivid, and memorable.

One of the determining factors in the upbringing of babies is the subject-developing environment.

The group room of my group is conventionally subdivided into five directions, which allows you to use this room in the best possible way.

1. Social and communicative development.


2. Cognitive development.

Corner of building and constructive games.

Corner of sensorimotor development

Corner (box) of experimentation

3. Speech development.

4. Physical development.

5. Artistic and aesthetic development.

The aesthetic environment created by the labor of educators evokes in children and their parents a positive emotional attitude towards kindergarten and a desire to attend it. The group enriches our kids with new knowledge and impressions, encourages them to active creative activity, contributes to their diversified development.

Thank you for the attention.

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