Repairs Design Furniture

Japanese bravo baking plating and care. Care for Japanese beeland at home. Appearance and other characteristic features of Becklet

Recently, the trend towards growing decorative shrubs is becoming more popular among the gardeners. As a rule, they form compositions in the technique of bonsai or ordinary room plants. The Japanese beelandlet is ideal for both for those and other purposes, since it is a very beautiful evergreen culture. Our country is used as a homemade and greenhouse.

Features and appearance

Eastern beebridge is a very attractive shrub with dark green thick foliage. Uneven pointed leaves are quite large and dense.

Flowers white-green flowers, which are collected in inflorescences of 15-30 pieces. Home plants bloom extremely rarely. After flowering, reddish fruits that are dangerous for people and animals.

In order to safety, the plant should be placed on a height, inaccessible for small children and pets.

The use of fruits even in small quantities causes a stomach disorder, rapid heartbeat and weakness. After a large number of berries eaten, a deadly outcome may come.

In the wild, it is common in Japan, China, Korea. Grows near the broad and mixed forests. May rise up to 5 meters in height.

At home, shrubs do not reach such height and are much smaller.

If the plant is not to create the necessary conditions for development, then the increase in growth will occur only in spring time, and during the remaining months of its development will dying. Average in one year the plant is pulled by 15-20 centimeters.

If the shrub is not enough to provide water, the leaves begin to twist and dry. The bearing is a fairly frost-resistant shrub.

The order of transplanting room of Japanese Becklet:

  • Conduct the disinfection of the pot with the help of boiling water, and drainage and soil - by calcining.
  • To put the drainage layer of about 3 centimeters, hopping the ground from above.
  • Get a shrub from the former pot, carefully holding the earth on the roots.
  • To inspect the root system. Damaged and soft roots remove.
  • Moisten the soil and put a bush into a new pot. Gradually fall asleep the earth, periodically shaking the pot so that the land is evenly distributed, not leaving empty spaces.
  • Pour and put a container with a plant in a half. After it takes place, move to the illuminated place.

Proper plant care

The care of the Japanese reckon is quite simple. It should be watered regularly, but avoid the convergence. A three-time spraying of the shrub will not be superfluous. It is important to produce soil and delete weeds in a timely manner.

In the spring you need to provide a plant with nitrogen fertilizers, stimulating the active growth of foliage. In summer, feed with potash-magnesium mixtures.

Through the haircut of it makes the most interesting figures. It can be beautifully issued for both designer education, since these plants are unpretentious and very attractive. Anyone when complying with all the rules of landing and care for the Japanese reckoning in the garden can grow beautiful shrubs near the house, which, no doubt, will decorate the plot.

Up to 6 m, as well as shrubs. In the cool areas, the plant looks like a dwarf bush.

Oval shrubs leaves, leathery. Flowers are minority, green, collected in inflorescences for several pieces. Japanese becklest fruits look like a box with four nests.


Check out the appearance of Japanese Becklet's shrub in the photo below:

Landing and care at home

Consider all the steps of growing Japanese Becklet, including in the garden.

After the purchase

Japanese loves warmth. In the cool areas, the bush requires an overwhelming period or transfer to a warm place. Although it feels fine to the temperature - 10 degrees.

IMPORTANT! The shrub during the rest period is better to have a cool (+ 10-13 degrees).


Bush requires quite frequent formation, as well as cutting out weakened shoots. In nature, the rebel is weakly branched and has a rare crown. Using trimming, a plant can be turned into an original tree or a lush bush.


Bush requires abundant irrigation. Water is desirable to defend. Japanese beelandlet strongly suffers from dyeing soil and die with a strong moisture deficit. In hottime, it is necessary to maintain the desired level of humidity of the soil, but at the same time do not overflow.

In winter, especially when the content in the coolness, the shrub to water should be less likely and less abundant.

Japanese renistor normally refers to spraying and warm soul, which is necessary for cleansing leaves from accumulated dust.


You can plant a plant in any universal soil mixtureBy adding a bit of the bars.

Make up soil and self-dual volume of turf, equal volumes of sand, turf, sheet and humus ground.


Japanese bearing requires annual transplant In the spring.

This refers to young shrubs. More adult bushes are transplanted every three or four years.

NOTE! If the transplanting process is impossible due to the large size of the bush, then only the upper part of the soil can be removed from the tank and fall asleep with a fresh substrate.


Japanese bearing breeding in spring cuttings and by dividing the bush, and in the warm period - seeds.

The seed should be stratified at + 3 degrees for three months. The procedure lasts until the peel has a skin with seeds.

The seed should be cleaned of the sedes, neutralize in the manganese solution and stratified in the crystal sand. The soil must consist of two parts of humus, four parts of the leaf land, one piece of turf and sand.

In reproduction, the division is important not to damage and be extremely neat with the root system.

Cuttings are cut in summer With very young shoots. The cutlets are cut up to 5 cm long. He must have an interstitial.

Rooted in a two-layer substrate, in the lower layer of which is sand, and in the upper - the composition of the turf, sand, humid and leaf soil. The process of rooting lasts 2-2.5 months.


Shrub practically does not take out a hot temperature.

The optimal is considered the range from 18 to 25 degrees.

In winter, it is better to adhere to the temperature regime to 12 degrees, it will help ensure the reaches of rest.

In winter, during the period of maximum work of heating devices, the plant often relieves the foliage.


Japanese bearing loves scattered, but bright light. It is quite normal to enter the small number of straight rays of the sun. Bright illumination love beackers with motley foliage.

GOOD TO KNOW! With a lack of light, the leaves lose their contrast or are generally discolored.

Benefit and harm

Japanese Beeskeleton is used in gardens and reflecting cities in decorative purposes. In apartments and other premises, this plant also applies as a decor. But any part of the shrub it is considered to be poison For both people and animals!

Diseases and pests

Japanese bearing is capable of damage by web ticks, shields, aphid, cherry milder. When detecting infection with these pests, chemicals should be used by spraying.

Shrub is practically not exposed to fungal infection.

With overly bright light, the ends of the leaves can curl and dry out. With an excess of moisture in the soil, the Japanese is losing the lower leaves and ceases to develop.

Resets leaves Shrub also with increased dryness and high temperature.

Japanese rebellets are inclined to drop foliage as an answer to any change in conditions of detention or on incorrect care. Exactly because of this reason bush loves peace and unchanged conditions.

Useful video

Your attention is offered a video about the Japanese essay:


Japanese rebeller is widespread both in Japan and China and in European countries.

The plant is used as a decor of urban streets, garden sites, veranda and premises.

Plant little susceptible to fungal diseaseBut prone to pest damage.

Do not forget that the shrub is considered to be a poisonous plant not only for animals, but also for a person.

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Japanese bearing
EUONYMUS JAPONICA) - fast-growing, evergreen shrub with leathery leaves. Depending on the variety, leafy plates can be green, with white or golden border. Flowers are small, white and green colors are collected into umbrella inflorescences, decorative value does not represent. The flowering period falls on the middle of the summer.

Only adult plants can bloom and even rarely. Freed four-nest boxes. In room conditions, the height of the plant does not exceed 1 meter, in nature it can reach up to 6 meters and more. It has a high lifetime, requiring annual trimming and periodic rejuvenation. It has a pronounced rest period.

Grow rapidly. In one season, the plant adds in growth of 10-20 cm.
Flowers very rarely and only adult individuals.
Plant is easy to grow.
Perennial. Remove every 3-4 years.

In the room flower growing, the Japanese rebellion is valued for high decorative qualities. It is used to decorate residential and office premises. Plant juice contains poisonous substances. Therefore, when working with it, it is necessary to use gloves.

Care beyond the towers at home. Briefly

Beeskeletlet at home requires the next care:

TemperatureIn the summer period + 18-20 ° C, in winter + 2-4 ° C.
Air humidityDense leaves easily withstand dry dryness. But when the heating is turned on, a spraying may be required.
LightingBright diffused light, without direct sunlight.
WateringAs far as the earthen coma. In winter, limited.
PrimingA mixture of a derinous ground with a slower with the addition of sand or perlite.
Fertilizing and fertilizerDuring the period of intensive rise once every 3-4 weeks, any complex fertilizer for decorative-deciduous plants.
Transplant of BecklettaAs it grows. Usually once a year.
ReproductionSpank with grinding green and semi-densive shoots. For rooting use light peat soil or pure sand.
Features of growing becklett.In winter, the plant needs to create a period of rest at low temperatures. To preserve the shape of the spring requires trimming.

Care beyond the towers at home. Detail

Like any other indoor plant, the home bearing requires a certain care. It will be able to fully grow and bloom only when creating suitable conditions.

Blooming Beckletta

Flower Beeskeleton at home flowers extremely rarely
. To bookmark flower kidney, it needs a cold period for at least 2 months. You can create the necessary conditions on a rapid loggia or veranda. The main thing is that the temperature does not rise above + 10 ° and did not fall below + 2 °.

The bloom of Japanese Becklet can also be stimulated by the introduction of phosphorus-potash fertilizers during the period of intensive growth. At rest, the plant cannot be fed.

Temperature mode

Beeskeleton at home requires maintenance temperatures. On a sharp drop, the plant can respond to the discharge of leaves. It is best grows at a temperature of +22 to + 25 ° C.

In winter, Japanese rebel should be placed on cool windows, away from heating radiators.


When leaving the essay at home, remember the need for spraying. It is especially important in hot summer days and in the heating period. For spraying use the dilated water temperature. Otherwise, the leaves will constantly form a lime flight.

Spraying is useful to alternate with a warm shower. It will not only clean the surface of the leaves from pollution, but also prevents pests.


For successful development, the becklest requires bright, but scattered lighting. It feels best on the windows of Eastern and Western orientation. When placed on the south side it will have to be dialed. With the lack of lighting, the brightness of the color of the leaves is lost, they begin to gradually turn yellow and disappear.


In periods of intense growth, an abundant watering is required.
At the same time, the soil substrate should not be allowed, which can lead to the death of the plant. Optimally, if between watering the upper layer of the soil slings.

With cold wintering, watering is dramatically limited. Watering is carried out only after complete soil graze.

Pot for Becklet

Plastic and clay pots are suitable for growing Becklet. The main thing is that their size corresponds to the size of the root system.

The transplanting from a small to the too large container is fraught with soil zaking and the death of the plant.

Ground for Becklet

There is no special requirements for the soil. For its cultivation, quite nutritious, loose substrate. For example, you can use the soil made up of equal parts of humus, peat and sand with the addition of 2 parts of the turf.

You can also purchase a ready-made industrial substrate for growing decorative-hardware plants.


Japanese bearing fell only during intensive growth. This uses complex organ-mineral fertilizer for decorative-deciduous plants.

It should be in full compliance with the applied annotation.

The feeder is made once a week. During rest, fertilizer does not use.

Transplant of Beckletta

Young Becklet plants need an annual transplant. Adult specimens roll as needed. To do this, they gently shake out of the old pot. After that, carefully inspect the root system.

All old and fired root sections are cut with a sharp knife or scissors. When transplanting at the bottom, the pot necessarily create a drainage layer and check the presence of holes for the flow of excess water.


The trimming of the becklett is carried out at the beginning of spring. Her goal is obtaining a thicker crown. To do this, remove the crown of stretched shoots. After that, there are 2-3 new escapes in the location of the cut. During the pruning plant, various forms can also be given.

Reproduction of Becklet

Beeskeleton can be multiplied with both seed and vegetative way.

The reproduction of Beckleta Chenkah

For drawing from the plant, young, unwearing shoots up to 5 cm long are cut. Before landing, they are recommended to process the root formation stimulant. For example, you can use "korevin" or "heteroacexin".

For planting cuttings, a two-layer substrate is used. Its bottom layer is made up of pure river sand, top of fertile, loose soil. The rooting process can last up to 1.5 months. After the plants come into growth, they must be discredited.

Growing Becklet of Seeds

In summer, you can also use seed reproduction.
Since the Becklet seeds are tuggy before planting them must be stratified at a temperature of from 0 to + 2 ° C for 2-3 months. The readiness of seeds to landing is determined by cracking the peel.

After that, they need to be cleaned from the residues of the coating peel and move in a weak solution of manganese. For sowing is used loose, moisture ground. Once seedlings have reached a height of 3-4 cm they are pricted in separate containers.

Diseases and pests

When growing a beckleta, a number of problems may arise:

  • Becklet shoots stretch. Such a problem occurs with a lack of lighting.
  • Dull leaves. With an excess of sunlight, leafy plates dump.
  • The edges of the leaves of Becklet are wrapped. Observed when placing a plant in the sun.
  • The leaves are yellow and fall at the bay of the plant. Without the adoption of relevant measures, it dies.
  • Beeskeleton is not growing With excess watering and constant moisture.

From pests most often affects the bearing tight tick, shield, torment Chervets and a wave. To combat them, it is recommended to use system insecticides.

Popular Besquesta Japanese Indoor Varieties and Pictures

In detailed flower growing, the following becklet varieties are most often used:

It is characterized by dark green leaf plates with a wide bright border.


Greenish yellow leaves with green framing.


Saturated green leaves with a narrow white edging.

Middle of yellow plates of yellow, edge green.

Beeskeletlet is a low elegant church, widely used in landscape design. His popularity of gardeners, it is obliged to a stunning variety of bright colors. Grow most varieties of becklett at home do not allow the dimensions of modern apartments, but some varieties are an exception that is quite suitable for indoor flower growing, in addition, landing and care is quite an amateur. On their basis, compact breeding hybrids are displayed.

Appearance and other characteristic features of Becklet

EUONYMUS, also known as "pseudolavr" - the genus of low trees, evergreen and losing foliage belonging to the Bezellast family (Celastraceae). At the moment, about 220 of its representatives occurring throughout the northern hemisphere are known. The first beeskeleton described from the scientific point of view was discovered in Spain. Separate varieties grow in Australia and South America.

The official name of the plant is translated from Greek about as "a tree with a glorious (or well) name." "Beeskeleton" is one of many nicknames under which it is known in Slavic languages. Some of them are quite unique - "Witch Earrings", "Wolf Lyko", "Biryika", "Luckurnik". It is probably due to the fact that the juice and seeds of the Becklet are poisonous. The use of the latter in food may well cause a fatal outcome. The substances contained in them negatively affect the performance of the heart.

The origin of the Becklet is told beautiful legend. According to her, the village created an evil witch who wanted to punish deemed, in her opinion, people. At the last moment, the witch softened, leaving the opportunity to use the plant as a medicinal. And herself became a raspberry, which eating fruits of Becklert does not bring any harm. Since then, this bird spreads the rebel around the world, dropping his seeds to earth.

In nature, the rebel grows up to 3-10 m in height. At home is cultivated mainly evergreen varieties, not exceeding 1-1.5 m. The creeping and sharpening species are also very popular. Everyone has been living for about 60 years, so it will delight the flower for a long time.

Flowers and fruits "In captivity", the eccelelet is extremely rare. In addition, this is not the most attractive spectacle. Natural varieties of small greenish-yellow or white flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of a brush or an umbrella of 10-15 pieces. There are almost no visible on the tree. Selection hybrids flowers - snow-white, pinkish, purple - more noticeable. In nature, bloom falls for the summer, at home can begin even early in spring.

The fruits of Becklet look very decorative. Often they are even taken for flowers. These four-grained leathery "boxes" with spikes or wings with full maturation change the color to bright-scarf, crimson or purple.

The main decorative value of the plant lies in the leaves of about 7 cm long. They are smooth, rather dense, ovoid shape. The color is very beautiful - gently salad, there are views with yellowish, cream or almost white splashes. The edge is cut with small cloths. The leaves are opposed to smooth or tetrahedral shoots covered with small growths.

Varieties grown at home

Of the "natural" essaylets to the household conditions, the most successfully adapted:

  • Japan (Japonica). A small intense branching shrub, no more than 0.5-0.7 m height, densely dirty with leaves. They are already what among the majority of the eaves, the form resembles Lancet or an elongated oval. The color of the sheet plate is a saturated green, sometimes with a brighter border or area along the central resolution. Flowers are small, with a diameter of no more than 1 cm. Fruits - pinkish or pale orange boxes. Required to nutritional soil, need regular feeding. Important moderate watering. The tree is sensitive to sharp drops of temperature and heavily departs from pest attacks. In a strong heat resets the foliage.
  • Radicans or Thongunei (Fortunei). Low (1-1.2 m) racing evergreen plant with long shoots. Branching is quite weak, but the existing shoots are tightly rolled with leaves. They are small (4-5 cm long), smooth and brilliant. Shared background yellow or yellow-white, with green subtock. At home can be grown in suspended porridge. Fruits bright pink, dark-orange seeds.
  • Dwarf (Compactus). Height is not more than 1 m. Leaves are small, up to 4 cm long, leathery. The tip of the sheet sharply sharpens, the edges of the slope bend down. The color of the sheet plate is light green, with a light yellowish subtock. From the bottom of the leaves of density-green or olive. The trunk is practically absent, shoots thin. Suitable for the formation of bonsai. Unlike other varieties, more than the challenge and demanding of watering, more often suffers from pests. Poor tolerates heat.
  • Winged (Alatus). A leafy shrub height is about 1.5-2 m. Growing pretty slowly. Rybra on shoots look like wings, hence the name. Dark-green leaves in the fall turn into brightly and crimson. Fruits saturated purple. Plant is lightless. In the shade survive, but will lose the saturation of the paints.

Photo Gallery: Antelligers found in nature

Japanese rebellets are very sensitive to the too high temperatures Effective recessed - the basis for most experiments of breeders Beeskeleton Dwarf for some reason especially distinguished pests The Bearded Conditioned due to the dimensions at home is rarely found, but it is possible to restrain its growth with regular trimming

Video: Japanese

Selecting hybrids are mainly derived on the basis of Becklert Thong. The leaves are usually painted with the leaves.

  • Evergreen flutter shrub. Pretty slowly grows. Height - about 0.5 m, width - 0.8-1 m. Autumn leaves blush.
  • The soil plant. In the absence of trimming, more suitable for greenhouses and winter gardens than for home conditions. The height is 0.5 m, the width is 1.5 m. The leaves with a length of about 5 cm. Autumn appears reddish or chocolate subton.
  • Low (0.6-0.8 m) shrub. In the center of the dark-green sheet is a large sunny-yellow spot. Very referring to the presence of natural color. In the shade, the pesting coloring of the leaves quickly disappears.
  • Intensely branched shrubs with a height of about 0.8 m. In winter, an easy pink shade may appear.
  • Variegatus (Gracilis). A flutter shrub is not more than 30 cm high, intensively smashes wide up to 0.8-1 m.
  • Fast growing evergreen bushes with high height of no more than 15-20 cm. Little suffers from cold weather. The plant is very shadowed.
  • Compact chopper height and a width of about 30-40 cm. He strongly suffers from cold and sharp temperature drops.
  • The miniature hybrid. The length of the sheet is not more than 1 cm. The plant itself is not more than 5-10 cm high.

Photo Gallery: Selection hybrids

Hybril Emerald Gaiety Leaves Rounded, Bright green, with white border Emerald Gold Beeskeleton - These are the leaves, green with bright yellow stripes and stains around the edges Bright yellow spot in the center of the sheet and gave a hybrid Sunspot name (sunny bunny) in young plants Silver Queen varieties Pale yellow leaves, then they change the color to the silver-salad leaves of the becklet Variegatus brightly angry, with a yellowish white or cream middle Hybrid Vegetus Leaves Dark-green, bodies are highlighted by white from Becklert Sheridan Gold Bolody lemon leaves, then acquire a lime tint MINIMUS grade in a pot forms something similar to "pads" or a solid carpet

Optimal microclimate for the plant

Becklets relatively unpretentious. It will survive in different conditions. But that the plant looks well, it is desirable to listen to its "requirements" and create a microclimate approximate to the optimal one.

Table: How to create a beelander suitable conditions

LocationWindow side of the window emerging in the south-east or southwest. The room must be regularly ventured, while protecting the plant from drafts. For the summer it is useful to send a pot to the balcony (closed or open), terrace, veranda, garden.
LightingMost of the types of Becklet prefer bright light, not suffering even from direct sunlight. Peppercut hybrids are more freckling, but under the right rays quickly "faded", so they are desirable to be contacted.
TemperatureThe optimal temperature in summer is 22-25ºС, in winter 12-15ºС. In winter, hybrids will suffer lower (3-5ºС), but not negative temperatures. "Natural" Becklets are not terrous frost to -20ºС. If the indoors in the room is too warm (20ºС or more) even an evergreen bearing, most likely will lose most of the leaves.
Air humidityThe bearing is better grows at high humidity (60-70%), but does not particularly suffer from dry air. In a severe heat, you can spray a flower or periodically arrange a warm shower. The last procedure is useful for cleaning the flower from dust (just once a week).

Beareltlets most of their shades, but not teotalem. Compact smooth krone in the coastal is formed only with bright light or at least in a mounted half.

How to transplant an essaylet?

Young beacklets transplanted annually, adults - every 2-3 years or even less often. It depends on the growth rate and on how old the old is in the pot. The procedure is carried out at the beginning of spring. In large copies grown in the tubs, to transplant that is impossible purely physically, remove the upper 5-7 cm of soil and replace it with a fresh substrate.

The size of the pot is selected so that it is 3-5 cm more than the previous one in diameter. For slowly growing varieties, the former pot is suitable if it is sterilized and completely change the soil. To limit the growth of the becklett, especially in height, the capacity is suitable, almost coinciding in diameter with the previous one, rather flat than deep.

The soil beckle is needed slightly alkaline, so the finished store for decorative and informative plants or a substrate, mixed independently, is added to the dolomite flour or pushed meal (5 g per 10 liters).

Dolomitic flour - useful additive for neutralization of excessive soil acidity

The soil must be light, nutritious, air and was produced:

Receipt of Becklet:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, pour the ceramzite or another drainage material with a layer of about 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Approximately one third of the tanks fill in the fresh substrate. Abundant pour the soil. When water is absorbed, make a deepening in it.
  3. Remove the plant from the pot, if possible, keeping the earthen car. It is possible to facilitate the process, somewhere in half an hour before it watered a plant well.
  4. Transfer the flower to a new pot. Empties along the edges fill in the soil. Gently complicate the soil, once again well-pour the flower.

Since the bearing is quite unpretentious, in special care after the transplant he does not need. The flower can be immediately returned to the previous place. The plant purchased in the store is transplanted as quickly as possible - a heavy universal substrate does not pass water, provoking the development of rot.

Videos: How to transplant an essaylet

Important nuances of plant care

Caring for the trash is simple. Even a novice flower model will cope with him.


The bearing is not a very moisture plant, a sufficiently moderate watering. Naturally, in the heat of the flower you need to water more often than in cloudy weather. It is impossible to give the soil to sleep completely. You can check this with a wooden stick, stuck in the ground. It is usually enough to pour a plant once every 3-4 days.

Flower, like almost all indoor plants, responds with gratitude to spraying. Weekly shower and a weekly warm shower. In addition to the fact that it is washed off dust, it is an effective prevention against many pests.

Spray the flower only with soft clean water. Otherwise, on the leaves will appear ugly whiten stains. Such water heated to room temperature is desirable to use for irrigation.

Drought Beeskelett tolerates much better than the mooring of the soil. Regular abundant irrigation - one of the few reliable ways to ruin the plant.

Making fertilizers

Abundant feeding plant is not needed. If the soil is chosen correctly, it is enough once a month from March to October to water it with a solution of integrated mineral fertilizer for decorative room plants.

You can feed the rebel and complex mineral and organic fertilizer

Organic fertilizers can be made. It is quite suitable for the infusion of fresh cow manure or bird litter, greens of nettle, dandelion leaves. People

It is most important to provide an ecky from the middle of autumn until the end of winter is quite cool content so that it does not lose foliage. Stop the flower on the glazed loggia, in the unheated greenhouse. At this time, the plant watered moderately than usual (once in 6-8 days), the feeding stops completely. Requirements for light mode do not change. As the sun in winter is less active, you can rearrange the pot closer to the windows of the southern orientation.


Initially, the becklets is a shrub or even a small tree. Therefore, it needs at least in regular sanitary pruning. From the plants are removed all weak, dried, victims of diseases and pests of shoots. Thus, the formation of new twigs and more intense branching is stimulated.

Decorative trimming is possible. The crown of Becklet can be given the shape of a ball, pyramid, cone or even create something more original, reminiscent of garden sculptures. For greater pomp and "bush", it is enough just to pinch the shoots on 2-3 upper kidneys each.

Since the beckleta juice is poisonous, any trimming is carried out only in rubber gloves. To minimize damage to the plant, use only sharply sharpened disinfected tool.

Video: How to care for a plant

How does flower react to flower errors?

The main decorative value of the Becklet is his leaves. They are the reliable "indicator" of the state of the plant. For any errors in care, the plant reacts a deterioration in appearance.

Table: how errors are manifested in care

What does a plant look like?What is the reason?
The leaves fill up, the pesting color disappears, the tips dries.Indoors are too dry or watering is insufficient. Another possible reason is a long stay under the right sunlight.
Plant resets the leaves.If this happens during the period of active vegetation, it is associated with an almost complete growth of growth and affects only the bottom leaves, the flower is poured too often and / or abundantly. In winter, "to blame" too high temperature and low air humidity.
Brown spots are broken on the leaves, the bases of cuffs and shoots are black.The rot is developing due to regular soil moistening, exacerbates the situation low temperature indoors.
The leaves are yellow, gradually dry and fall.The plant lacks nutrients. Either the fertilizer used is not suitable for it.

Communicated diseases and pests

An ebrket is sufficiently resistant to most fungal, bacterial and viral diseases. The exception is rot. But it is often attacked by sucking insects, which attract dense juicy leaves. But there are uncomplicated preventive measures, which minimizes the risk of infection:

  • Placing newly acquired room plants into quarantine at least 10-12 days.
  • The prevention of the crowned flower on the windowsill and the placement of bouquets (especially from roses and chrysanthemums as far as possible from them).
  • Regular inspection (better with a magnifying glass) for the availability of characteristic features and damage.
  • Immediate isolation of colors with the slightest suspicion of infection, disinfection of the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe windowsill.
  • Minimizing damage during trimming, transplant, immediate processing of all sections
  • Use only pure sharply sharpened tools, sterile soil and pots.
  • Maintain air humidity on a comfortable level for a flower level, regular ventilating room.
  • Weekly warm shower.
  • Proper care, especially watering.

Table: from which diseases or pests suffers

Disease or pestExternal manifestationsMeasures of struggle
Gray GnilSerious brown spots on shoots and leaves, covered by a layer of ash "pile" with small black splashes.Trimming of all at least minimally affected parts of the plant and immediate transplantation to a new pot and soil; Soil treatment in front of landed tripides, glyocladin, or making granules of death, barrier; Weekly watering with 1% solution of any fungicide; Spraying and watering Fundazole, Topcin-M, Alino-B, Baikal-uh.
Cobed tickThin coatipers on the grounds of shoots and cutters; Leaves covered with black dots and yellowish white thin stripes.Application on the leaves of a soap-alcohol solution and a shower in 40-45 minutes; Abundant watering and placing plants in a tightly tied polyethylene package for 2-3 days; Spraying and irrigation with a solution of acaricides - Vermitek, Union, Apollo, Marshal, Agrarottin, Floromite, Oberon (2-3 processing with different drugs in 7-12 days).
MealybugSmall lumps similar to dirty cotton wool, in the cache and the foundations of shoots; The potted pot of the soil and kaym from the whites of a wax-like substance under it.The destruction of visible traces of a cotton disk, moistened in alcohol or any alcohol tincture and a shower after 15-20 minutes; applying to the place of accumulation of pests onion, garlic cashem, essential oil of any citrus; Treatment with ducks, confident, biotlin, actar, accomplishing, Mospilan, Rogor, phosphamide.
AphidRolled with small yellow-green or brown-black insects of escapes and young leaves; Multiple small beige points on them.Pruning the most strongly affected parts of the plant; Spraying 2-3 times a day with influence of any sharp smelling herbs, needles, orange peel, tobacco crumbs; spraying foam of green potash soap; Application Aktara, Mospilana, Inta-Vira, Calypso, Confinal, PhyTenerma, Fury.
Oval dull brown or gray-brown growths on the leaves; yellow-red fabrics around them; Almost black pot substrate.The destruction of visible individuals (with a cotton stick to the shell alcohol, kerosene, vinegar, turpentine, wait 2-3 hours); washing the leaves with a soap-alcohol solution; Application of accomplishing, phosbecide, metaphos, actars.

With what diseases and pests will have to fight the flower growing, growing an eaves - Photo

TLL - one of the most common pests of indoor plants, will not bypass his attention and the abdrovelet Durable Poles of the Shield Breedings from most folk remedies

Methods of breeding beckletta

Showing Chenkov

The rooting of the cuttings is the most common method of vegetative reproduction of Becklet. You can still in the process of transplanting to divide a large bush for 2-3 smaller or transplanted into separate containers from the roots of "offspring". The best time to root the cuttings is the end of spring or the beginning of summer.

  1. Cut off the plants some healthy young non-devented shoots. Cut the cuttings from them with a length of 5-8 cm so that every thing is at least one interstitial. All sections make a sharp clean knife and sprinkle with an impellent chalk, activated carbon, colloidal gray or at least cinnamon.
  2. Fill the small cups with fertile soil, pouring over a layer of large sand with a thickness of 5-7 cm.
  3. Suck the cuttings into the ground, sprinkling the bottom cut by any powder stimulant of the root formation.
  4. Place the capacitance in transparent plastic bags, make sure. Or cover glass jars.
  5. Provide bright light, a temperature of about 22ºС, moderate watering as the soil drying. If you alternate water and a solution of the biostimulant and connect the lower heating, the rooting process will go faster. In less comfortable conditions, the roots will appear after 1.5-2 months.
  6. Wait as much as the cuttings in the soil for adult plants. After 2-3 months, pinch the plants so that the bushes were more lush.

Video: reproduction of indoor plants with top cuttings


The cultivation of beckletta of seeds is a rather time-consuming and taking a lot of time the procedure. Selecting hybrids are not recommended to multiply in this way - seedlings are rarely retained by the pedestrian coloring of the leaves.

Before landing, the seeds of Becklet must be subjected to stratification

Planting process:

  1. Clean the seeds from the seams for 2-3 hours to lower potassium permanganate solution (5 g per liter of water).
  2. Dried seeds mix with large river sand either peat crumbs crumbling in the oven. The substrate takes approximately twice as seed.
  3. 3-4 months withstand them at a temperature of 10-12ºС in a bright place with air humidity of 50-60% and good ventilation. When most of the seed crawls the shell, remove them for 4-5 months in the refrigerator or another place where the constant temperature is supported 1-3ºС.
  4. After the specified time, let seeds warm up to room temperature, cover the glass with glass so that the moisture does not evaporate. It is advisable to choose a brightly lit place for them.
  5. Mix the soil suitable for adult plants, fill in them shallow flat containers. Distribute on the surface of the seeds, sprinkle with a thin layer of sand. Moisten well from the pulverizer.
  6. Cover the containers with glass or film or remove in mini greenhouse. Provide bright light, temperature 24-27ºС, bottom heated. Once every 3-4 days ventilate the "greenhouse" and moisturize the ground. Separate shoots appear after 6-8 weeks, mass - after 3-4 months.
  7. After the first real sheet appears, seed seedlings into separate containers, take care, as usual.

Beeskeletlet is an unusual, rather unpretentious decorative inflict room plant. Even a novice flower model will cope with its cultivation. Of course, in the open ground, the shrub looks more spectacular, but in the pot of his bright pedestrian greens looks worthy, pleaseing the owner all year round.

Beeskeleton is an unusual plant with a large species manifold. Very popular because of its decorative original type: it attracts gardeners by foliage of a beautiful color and as unusual flowers. At home is able to survive only one variety - Japanese. Further on the features of landing for this kind of becklet.

  • Watering. Watering the tree is often necessary, but moderately. Remember the simple rule: the soil should not completely die in the period of time between watering. In the autumn period, the amount of irrigation should be reduced, and in the winter - to minimize. For soil moisturizing, use extremely dilated water.
  • Feeding. In the spring-summer period, it is necessary to feed the reckoning with high-quality complex fertilizers (for deciduous plants) with a frequency of about 1-2 times a month.
  • Pruning and transplanting. Replanting the becklelet is preferably annually either as necessary (usually 1 time in 2-3 years). The soil for transplant should be mild and very nutritious. In the spring period, the plant should be trimmed: usually the apparatus shape is correct. Thus, you can create a shrub of incredible forms.
  • Fighting diseases and pests. The beekeleton rarely sick, so any changes in its externally form often indicate non-compliance with the conditions of growing decorative shrub (frequent watering, lack of light or its excess, etc.).

Here are all the subtleties that you need to know about the cultivation of Japanese Becklet at home so that your efforts give their "fruits." Good luck!