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Growing pine ordinary in open soil. Growing and care for pines. Familits of breeding pine ordinary

On one ancient Greek legend of Pine, the nymphs of Morning Zori - Pitis, which turned into a pine was to hide from the claims of the Boree North Wind. Well, her descendants clearly succeeded in glory. Like others coniferous trees, Pine highlights phytoncides, which have favorably affect nervous system, respiratory tract, and also purify the ambient air from malicious bacteria and fungi. A charming aroma and fascinating energy of the pine describing simply do not succumb.

Pine landing

Pines winter-hardy plants, perfectly transferred low humidity air. Most tree species are resistant to environmental pollution (unfortunately, the ordinary pine can not boast of this). Unlike other conifers, pine is best grows on constantly illuminated areas, it is an extremely light-affiliated plant.

For landing, it is best to choose sandy and sampling soil, if you plan the plant on heavy soils (such as loam and clay), you will need an additional draenage of the site. For this purpose, clamzit, sand and broken brick fragments are suitable. It is desirable that the drainage layer in the landing room is at least 20 cm. For pine black and weemtech, it is necessary to alkaline or neutral in acidity soil. You can get rid of excess acidity using lime - it is enough to add about 300 g of lime into the landing hole, and then mix it with the soil.

For landing, it is best to choose seedlings with age from 3 to 5 years. Progress the shovel and run to dig a pine tree in your neighbor in the near forest. We would not advise you - with such transplants, the plants are very rarely jealous and are usually dying the next year after landing. It is better to buy a ready-made seedling in specialized nurseries. There are several advantages in such a purchase: In addition to the sapling itself, you can get an additional advice on landing and care for him, and a tree that did not dug in the forest, leave alive :)

Space seedlings are planted at the end of April or early autumn. Before boarding, it is necessary to prepare a hole in a depth of 1 m. A mixture consisting of a landing point is added derdy land, top layer soil, river sand or clay (in the 2: 2: 1 ratio). Also add a bit nitrogen fertilizers, approximately 30-40 g.

When planting a seedling in a prepared pit, it is necessary that the root cervical neck is at the ground level. If there is not one landing, and several trees, it is necessary to leave as much space for them: the landing of the trees of low-speed species is carried out at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, it is advisable between large trees to comply with at least a 4-meter interval.

Pine breeding

Typically, pine saplings are obtained by reproduction by seeds. Other methods such as reproduction with cuttings or vaccination are not effective enough.

Pine breeding seeds

If you wish when landing go all the way from A to Z, you can try to grow pine from seeds. To plant pine seeds in open soil or specially prepared boxes. Better, of course, the second option: seeds planted in open ground can be destroyed by rodents.

Additional stratification of pine seeds are not needed. Although you can accelerate the germination of seeds using the surrounding temperature. As with most other plants, the pine seeds will be generously germinated with a sharp warming. Artificial contrast of temperatures for seeds arrange easy: for this, it is enough to put them in front of the landing for a short time in the freezer, and then rinse in warm water.

The boxes in which you want to plant seeds can be from any material, there must be holes for the flow of excess moisture. The land in the box must be loose, sprinkled on top peat. Peat is necessary for the prevention of fungal diseases, which are subject to young pine seedlings. Seeds are sulving shallow, it will be better to simply pour them into the cooked soil, and then explode it. The interval between sown seeds should be at least 5 mm: if this is not done, then the sprouted shoots will rise to the ground, while the gentle roots of seedlings dried.

A year later, seedlings can be transferred to permanent place, the best time for transplant is April or May.

Pine care


In a special pine haircut do not need. If you need to slow down the growth of the tree and want the krona to be thicker, it is enough to break the young branches about a third of their lengths.


Almost all types of pine supplementary watering is not needed, it is an exceptionally drought-resistant plant, and the fallen needle under the tree contributes to the retention of moisture. Exception - Pine Rumelian. This is a moisture-loving tree, during the season it is necessary 2-3 times to pour (approximately 15-20 liters per plant).

Extra autumn watering will also need (after the end of the leaf fall) recently planted seedlings. Wet soil blends less, therefore the risk of burning covers in the spring (and it is possible, the crown of the pine wakes up early, and due to the proclaiming soil the roots of the plant do not give sufficient number moisture) will be significantly less.


The feeding is necessary for young seedlings in the first two years after they are landing. To do this, in a treating circle of wood at least once a year contribute mineral fertilizers (approximately 40 g / sq. M). In the future, for normal development, the pine will be enough organic fertilizersaccumulated in the coniferous litter under it.

Halfing for winter

Adult trees winter-hardy, but young pines (and some decorative species) It is desirable to strengthen the winter to avoid sun burns. Pynik uses for this purpose. They are covered by crowns of seedlings at the end of autumn and do not remove it until mid-August. Even as an option, you can use rare burlap or special covers. Wrapping trees with thick material or polyethylene it is impossible - such "protection" will lead to sabotage.

Types and varieties of pine

A variety of types of pines and their varieties used for decorative purposes is very extensive. We are not able to describe everything, so we will try to show you the most interesting and attractive views of this tree.

Pine ordinary (Pinus Sylvestris)

The most common tree view, unpretentious to soil fertility. This pine grows quickly, loves well-lit places. Winter hardy. The biggest minus - the pine ordinary is sensitive to air pollution.

Pine Balkan (Pinus Peuce)

The tree grows up to 40 m height, the crown is narrowopyramidal and thick. The bark is first smooth, gray-brown, with a vorast, becomes scaly and coarse. The needles are dense, the needles of dark green.

Pine Mountain (Pinus Mugo)

Like a pine ordinary, this kind of winter facing, drought-resistant. To the composition of the soil is also disposed of, diseases and pests, the mountain is not damaged. Freezing and snowfall is also not terrible. It is well combined with landing with birch, larches, pine Balkan and fir. Released a large number of Decorative varieties.

Pine - very beautiful tree, and in our time it became very fashionable to land pines at home garden sites. Some believe that the pine is very difficult to care, although only grief-gardeners can speak. The main thing is right and on time to land the seedlings of pine, and how to do it now.

How to put a pine suck in the fall?

First of all, you should definitely decide on. Pine "Mountain" is very popular, it is low and has a very beautiful crown shape, it is often used in landscape design.

Terms of planting of trees and pines in the fall: the most favorable time for landing is mid-September. If you put your seedlings in a later date, then the roots may not have time to take care of a new place. To prevent the freezing of a young plant, be sure to bite the tree. And it is necessary to remove the shelter in mid-April. Spunbond will save a young seedling from cold weather, and then - and from the first rays of the sun.

Pine seedlings falling in autumn

For planting a mountain pine or pine any other view in the fall, you need to pick up right place And prepare the soil. Pines are very fond of light and do not endure the dimming at all. And the soil should be light. Need to remember one very important detail - Pine roots die on open air After 10 minutes.

If the land is heavy on your site, then before landing a seedling of pine, make a grainsite or broken brick and sand drainage centimeters 20. Very good to add compost fertilizer to the pit - 100-150 g. Some types of pine, such as "black" or "Weimutov ", Alkaline soils love, when landing, you should add 250-300 g of lime to the pit, mix it with fertile ground, pour, then plant a pine seedling.

For planting pine seedlings dig a hole, the diameter of which is not less than 1 m, and the depth is 55-60 cm. If you have a very large pit sapling can be more - root system Could fit into it freely. Most. best soil For planting pines there will be a mixture (earth, peat, humid, sand and 250 g of nitroposki).

Very careful not to damage the earthen com, we take a seedling and gently give it to the pit. When landing the root neck should not be shuffle, it should be at the soil level. After landing, you immediately need to hide a tree. Remember another point: the best trees that are 4-5 years old.

If you are on your panstone They decided to land the coniferous forest, remember that the distance between large trees should be at least 4 m, between low-core pines - at least 2 m.

Coniferous trees are able to decorate any landscape, glad to eyes with a bright crown and fluffy paws, so enjoy great popular among dachensors. However, planting and care for these plants contains a number of nuances that need to know that the trees successfully fit on your site. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to put a pine suite in the country and provide further care for it.

Types of pine

Before starting landing, you should decide on the type of pine you want to see in your country. Therefore, first of all, you will get acquainted with the main types of pines, which most often grown dackets, their advantages and disadvantages.

Sold almost in each garden Center, moreover, the price of these trees is quite a democratic.

When buying a mountain pine should be borne in mind that in adulthood it can be different sizes And forms:

  • Branched bush;
  • Small tree;
  • Soil solid form.

Among the peculiarities of the mountain pine are the following points:

To plant a cedar, you can buy a seedling or grow a tree from a cedar nut. In contrast to the previous types of pines, cedar grows much larger. Among the features of the tree, the following points can be distinguished:

You can buy a seedling in any garden store. However, it is much more interesting to grow such a pine with their own hands from the seed. Cones for this it is advisable to collect in February in March.

Saplings in the first year may die from the "black leg".
For the prevention of this disease, water should be watered with a solution of phytoosporin.

The features of ordinary pines include the following points:

Features landing

Before planting a pine in the country, you should make sure that the root plant of the plants is not damaged. You can do landing in the second half of April and early May or at the end of September and early October.

The instruction for landing looks as follows:

  • First of all, you need to choose a place for trees. As pine loves sunlightThe platform must be outstanding.
  • Next you need to dig the pits. If landing is satisfied with several seedlings, the distance between the pits should be at least four meters. Their size should be so that the root is freely placed in the well.
  • After that, in the hole you need to add a little mineral fertilizer and pour the water bucket.
  • Then the hole should be neatly fall asleep. If the seedlock dug out in the forest, the root first should be sprinkled with the land from the forest, and then the usual soil.
  • The land around the plant must be thoroughly trusted to eliminate all air layers, and shelter to water again.

When transplanting a plant from the forest, you should mark it orientation to the parties of light, and keep it in a new place.

This is completed on this planting process. If you want to go all the way from beginning to end, i.e. Grow seedlings from seeds, then for this you should prepare drawers with the soil in which seeds are planted. The soil should be loose, sprinkled on top of peat.

To speed up germination of seeds, it is necessary to ensure the contrast of temperatures. To do this, you can briefly put the seeds in the freezer, after which we rinse them with warm water.

Seeds should be dried shallow. You can generally simply pour them into the cooked soil and then explode it. It is necessary to ensure the interval between seeds of at least 5 mm. If you do not do this, the sprouted shoots will rise to the Earth, as a result of which the roots of seedlings dried.

Transplanting the sprouted seedlings for a permanent place in a year. Best time For this, as already mentioned above - April or May.

If you purchased a plot under the cottage without buildings, but at the same time I want to build a house as soon as possible and proceed with the improvement of the estate, you should pay attention to country houses From block containers.
Unlike traditional buildings from brick or even from erected much faster.


Care for pine in the country does not take away a lot of time, as the tree does not need trimming. The only thing for a slowdown in growth, and so that the krone was more dense, young branches can be broken with his fingers for two thirds, from their length.


Growing the pines does not require additional watering, since the plant is drought-resistant. In addition, fallen needles contributes to moisture detention. The exception is the Rumile Pine, which must be watering several times during the season (15-20 liters of water per plant).

In addition, there are recent seedlings in watering. This procedure is performed once after the end of the leaf fall. Watering is needed for the reason that wet soil fluctuates less.


Young seedlings for the first two years after landing are needed. For this, mineral fertilizers contribute to the Golf Circle - 40 grams per square meter.

Greetings to you friends on the site Tips for gardeners. Pine is very common, useful and decorative plantwhich evaporates coniferous resins and turpentine, resinous smell and phytoncides improve air around.

Many gardeners choose pine for their cottage plot. Pine seeds feed proteins, chips and some species of birds.

Choosing a place in the garden for the cultivation of pine

Gardener should be aware that pine landing is a pretty simple task. It is necessary to determine and choose the view of the pine, determine the place to land, because you have to consider how the garden will look like many years.

Pine is a light-affiliated plant. In pine forests you can see how the tree seeks to swell to sunny rays. The ideal option For the garden, pine ordinary either pine mountain, a compromise choice between these species will be magnificent pine cedar.

The advantages of Pine Mountain becomes Croon different shapes and size, compactness up to a bush or soil form, branches from soil cover.

The only significant disadvantage of the species is slow growth in the harsh mountain conditions and the impossibility of participating in the formation of the crown in the genome.

Many gardeners are interested in how to grow pine cedar, decorativeness does not cause doubts, but it must be remembered that the cedar grows very slowly and take care of her descendants.

For many years, without the interference of the gardener, she looks great on the plot, pleases with his long cheese and squinting.

The pine ordinary sprouts the self-sowing well, but it is better not to dig a seedling in the forest, but to grow it out of seeds.

To the soil fertility, the cultivation of pine is practically no relationship, the universal plant is well tolerating the transplantation into peat acidic soils and heavy drums, as far as possible, the primer can be fertilized.

The most important for pine is the sun. In the shady conditions, pine is pulled out and does not show its decorativeness as many shrubs.

How to grow pine from seeds with your own hands

Growing pine made of seeds is a common way to reproduce this type of plants. To do this, select a large seed material with selected abundantly fruiting trees.

Before planting seeds, they are carefully prepared. The procedure is soaking them in pure, daily changing water. On the eve of the sowing, it is necessary to place the seeds into a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Disinfecting the seeds, they are sowing with rows, with a distance between them 10-15 cm. Soil after sowing is sealing and mulched. Landings are not recommended to be in the shade, it slows down growth.

In order to avoid damage to the landings of animals and accelerate the appearance of shoots, they can be covered with a film. As soon as the green "loops" shoots will throw off the shell, the film can be removed.

For spring sowing seeds, it is possible to undergo long-term stratification to 80-90 days. It is carried out by soaking in warm water up to 6-8 days.

After this time, the seeds mix with soil and a month hold in the temperature environment from 18 to 22 degrees. Next, the seeds are stored at zero temperature and seed from April to May.

In the seedlock for the first time, seedlings are picked. Saplings separately dig up appearance And the development of the sprout is sorted, cut roots and immediately sit down according to the 20/20 cm scheme.

Pine seedling technology

Only at the age of three years, pine seedlings will be transplanted at a distance of 70 - 90 cm, after five years they will fall in the garden to the prepared place. You can grow large saplings, transplanting them for the second time, for five years.

With all the manipulations, it should be added to the soil of portions of the coof or soil of the pine forest, which will increase the survival rate. For landing, you must choose on the area dry, heated by the Sun and open cleaner.

Between the seedlings, taking into account the fact that pine tree is a large, no less than 8 -10 m. The dimensions of the pit for planting are equal to several diameters of the pine stem.

At the depth of the hole by 15-20 cm is longer than the root. The bottom of the pit fertilize the mixture of the conifer, peat, humid and garden soil.

Three-year seedlings It is advisable to transplant to the prepared place with the root soil lump, while the roots should be treated with a solution with a stimulator solution for root growth.

Pine seedling plunge into a pit for planting, fall asleep soil mixture and abundantly watered. In water for irrigation, add a solution of stimulants of the growth of indolylmaceic acid roots or "heteroacexin" should be added.

In the spring of pine throws off the shoots-candles, the new twigs grow subsequently. Experienced gardeners Crop the increments to hemps ranging from two to five centimeters.

Undoubtedly, thus-cut pine, does not look at the first time decoratively, but in a week or two hemps let the side shoots and a beautiful neat crown begins to form.

From a pine seedling, you can grow and bonsai, this case will be troublesome and not always crowned with success.

Suitable for planting miniature pine in flower pot There will be an annual seedling. It is necessary to dig up in the fall and put in a small pot, the soil prepare for this with a humus, drainage and aerial material perlite and sand.

Pine care

After rooting, it is better in the spring, the plant is cut to size 7 cm and installed a wire frame to form a crown.

To get a plant with expected features should provide necessary care For the pine, it is possible to keep the growth of the tree, increase the decorativeness and branches, get interesting forms of the crown.

This is achieved by pinching of escapes to hemp, having laid extra shoots, trimming and bending the seedlings of garden pines.

Saplings need abundant irrigation, feeding the organic once a month and weeding.

To form small suction roots, a plant should be pulled by root stimulants. Beneficially affected by the monthly mulching of the soil with a coniferous bedding.

Gardener 24.

Pine is a magnificent fragrance that creates positive mood. This unique smell is beneficial effect on the nervous and respiratory systemthanks to the phytoncide that allocate all coniferous plants. It has antiseptic properties, cleans the environment from malicious microorganisms and fungi.


Pines - frost-resistant plants resistant to drought and pollution ambient. Pine, unlike most other conifers, loves outdoor sunshines.

For planting pines, sandy soil is suitable. When falling out a tree into the clay soil, additional prepared drainage will be required. It is necessary to make a layer of approximately 25 cm in the landing point. To do this, it will take clamzite, crushed stone, sand or broken brick. The soil must be alkaline or neutral. From excessive acidity will help to get rid of lime. You need to add approximately 300 g in the hole and mix with the ground.

Choose seedlings for 2-3 years. You can buy them in specialized nurseries, where sellers will give detailed advice, landing instructions and plant care features. Pull a tree in the near coniferous forest Do not. It is better to save them life. Especially since such seedlings are practically not survived and die quickly.

Space Sospets better spring, in late April or in May. In a prepared pit, a diverting depth of about 60-80 cm, you need to fall asleep a mixture of nitrogen fertilizers (40 g), a delicate soil, sand and upper layer of the Earth.

The lowest varieties of trees are planted with an interval of one and a half meters from each other. Between massive trees you need to leave as many spaces as possible, the interval is at least 4 m.

Pine breeding

Pines breed seeds. Various other ways are ineffective.

Seeds are planted in prepared boxes made of any material with holes for drainage. In the open ground, the seed should not be planted, because It can be destroyed by pests.

For rapid germination, seeds can arrange an artificial contrast of temperatures. The prepared land for landing should be loose, a fertilized peat layer for the prevention of fungus.


You do not need to cut a pine. To slow down the growth and pomp crown, you can break the young upper twigs and the top of about a third of the length.