Repairs Design Furniture

Paper vase for fruit. Vase with your own hands - home decor individually style. Master class on needlework: "Fruit Vase"

No good owner wants to clutch his dwelling with baubles, especially if their role is insignificant. After all, the decor should be practical and functional, combine several options. This rule is primarily applicable to kitchen spacewhich should remain stylish and cozy, while not to be deprived of interesting trifles. And one of the decorative and functional attributes of modern kitchen premises is vase For fruit.

Why buy a vase for fruit?

A vase in which the fruit is stored is not only a detail of the decor, but a practical subject. It can be the object number one on, it can also be used to feed sweets to the table. Yes, and the fruits themselves, stylishly and harmoniously laid in such a vase, will become a real decoration of the interior due to bright flowers and fresh natural flavor. A vase for fruit is given a special role - to attract the attention of all family members and thus remind of the need to replenish the stock of vitamins.

Vise VAZ for Fruit Storage

Like any useful decorFruit vases are very interesting, unusual and diverse. They are made from a large amount of materials and can be represented in various forms, variations.

Material of manufacture

Modern manufacturers strive to achieve an optimal result, so provide market a large number of Products are widely varied.

  1. Ceramics It looks stylish and expensive, does not require special care. Minus - high cost and relative fragility.
  2. Faience It is cheap, perfectly emphasizes the interior. Minus - the appearance is simpler than, for example, in the porcelain.
  3. Wood. Such products have a long service life and a pleasant value. Minus - are not suitable for storing juicy fruits due to the properties to absorb moisture.
  4. Crystal It has an exquisite and noble appearance, ideal for fruits that have bright peel.
  5. Glass, porcelain. Materials are not cheap, but ideal for any stylistic kitchen paintings.

Try to cut out such a pool for fruit. She probably climbs your loved ones by placing it in a prominent place, for example, on the shelf. For the manufacture of such a craft, you will need the following:

Refilling Tools.

Fruit bowl

We prepare your desktop

First of all, you need to prepare your desk on which you will work. It should not be unnecessary things and every tool should be at hand. Not everyone has its desktop and certainly thought over to its creation. It is not difficult to make the table - it's hard to choose a place for it in the house. Perfect option - This is a warmed balcony on which you can make a crawler at any time. I already wrote about the preparation of the table in a separate article and tried to describe the whole process of its creation as possible. If you do not know how to prepare your workplace, then read the following article. After completed the process of creating the table, try to start choosing your future craft.

Choose high-quality material for vase

The main material is plywood. It is always folded. The calculated plywood thickness under the vase is 6 mm. Each of us probably came across such a problem as stratifying plywood from the end part and asked such a question, what is such a stratification? Well, mostly, it is mainly due to poor-quality plywood. If you took the jigscription in your hands not the first time, you can pick up the plywood from the residues from the previous craft. If you are new to drinking and you do not have plywood, then buy it in a construction store. Select material for drinking is always difficult. You need to choose a fane at carefully, more often to look at the flavors of the tree (bitch, cracks) and draw conclusions. The complexity of the selection of plywood lies in the fact that no matter how much its defects and the shelf life. For example, you bought Phaneur, cleared it, transferred the drawing and suddenly she began to settle. Of course, it happened almost for everyone and it was oh as unpleasant. So it is better to pay attention when choosing and choose good fane. I wrote a special article in which all the principles of plywood choices are stood.

Stripping plywood

We clean our plywood with the help of sandpaper. As you already know, the "medium-trim" and "fine-grained" skirt is used to stripping plywood in drinking. In construction stores, you probably saw skins (in a different emery paper), they will need them. In your work you will need "coarse-grained", "medium-sized" and "fine-grained" skar. Each of them has its own property, but completely different sputtering at which it is classified. The "coarser-grained" skunk is used to treat coarse plywood, i.e. which has many defects, chips, as well as cracks.
The "medium-sized" skar serves to process plywood after a "large" skirt and has a small spraying. "Smallozing" or otherwise "zero". Such sandpaper serves as the final process of plywood stripping. It gives plywood smoothness, and therefore plywood will be pleasant to the touch. Grind the harvested Phasepno, starting with the medium and ending with small emery. Grinding along the layers, and not across. A well ground surface should be smooth, completely smooth, glossy in light and silky to the touch. How best to prepare Phaneur to drink and whatever empty paper to choose read here. After stripping, check the Phaneur for burrs and small irregularities. If there are no visible defects, you can crime to the process of translation of the drawing.

Translation of drawing

For me, the drawing translation was always the main process in work. I will tell you a couple of rules, as well as tips for high-quality drawing translation. Many translate the drawing on the Faneur not only with the help of a pencil and copying, but also with the help of the "black ribbon", glue the drawing with plywood, then wash off the drawing with water and the drawing markup remains on the plywood. In general, there are many ways, but I will tell about the most common way. To transfer the drawing to the harvested Phaneur, you must use a copy, ruler, sharp pencil and not writing handle. Copy the drawing, in the plywood with the help of the buttons or simply hold your left hand. Check if the drawing is suitable for dimensions. Watch drawing position so that it is more economical to use a sheet of plywood. Translate the drawing with help writing knob and ruler. It is not worth a hurry, because your future handicraft depends on the drawing.

Drill holes in detail

As you have already noticed that there are parts of the grooves that need to be filled from the inside. To cut such details, it is necessary to drill holes in them about the help of a hand-haired drill or, as in the old manner, do the holes with a seboard. By the way, the diameter of the hole should be at least 1 mm otherwise you can damage the elements of the drawing, which, alas, sometimes, it is difficult to restore. In order to do not damage your desktop when drilling holes, it is necessary to put on the workpiece so as not to damage the desktop. Over the holes are always difficult to drill and so ask your friend to help you in your business.

Drinking details

Rules for drinking a lot, but it is necessary to build up to the most common. First of all, it is necessary to cut the inner parts, only then on the outer pattern. When drinking is no need to hurry. The main thing, when drinking, keep the jigsik always right at an angle of 90 degrees. Put the details on the exactly marked lines. Lobzik movements should always be smooth up and down. Also, do not forget to follow your posture. Try not to allow SKOs and irregularities. If when drinking you left the line, you should not worry. Such spaces, irregularities can be removed using flat files or "coarse-grained" skirt.


When drinking, we often get tired. Often tired fingers of hands as well as eyes that are always in tension. When working, of course, everyone gets tired. In order to reduce the load, you need to do a pair of exercises. You can watch exercises here. Exercises do in the process of work several times.

Stripping details

Clean the details of the future craft should always be carefully. At the very beginning of work, you already cleaned up Faneru emery paper. Now you have already a small part of the plywood stripping. "Mediterranean" skirt cleaned the ribs of details and the back of plywood. The "fine-grained" skin is considered the final stage of stripping details. Small skurt it is better to clean the front part of the details. When processing plywood do not hurry. You can use the rounded file, with which it is convenient to clean the inside of the holes. Try to work out without burrs and irregularities.

Build details

Assembling details of our crafts here is not so complicated. In order to accomplish the right assembly of parts, you need to read the following article in which it is written in detail about all the details of the assembly. After the details are collected in one common craft without any problems, then proceed to their gluing.

Glue details

Bonde parts of the shelves are necessary with the help of the "PVA" or "Titan" glue. You do not need a lot of glue. The collected cracker on the glue is better to tie a durable thread, tighten and put on drying. The workpaper gluits about 10-15 minutes.

Burning crafts

To decorate our craft pattern (for example, around the edges of the crafts) you will need an electric heating. Beautifully smeared the pattern is very difficult. Sign out patterns, you need to draw a pencil pattern after drawing. How to work with the electric heating and add patterns on the shelf you can read here.

Laccination crafts

Optionally, you can transform our craft, covering it with a lacquer "on wood" better than colorless. Read how it is better to lacquer. Try to choose high-quality varnish. Produce varnishing with a special brush "for glue". Do not hurry. Try not to leave visible divorces and scratches on the cradle.

In one of the shops, I saw an original vase that I really liked my unusual design. Cost it quite expensive since it was handmade. Arriving home, I decided to make the same vase for flowers with my own hands! The whole work process I photographed and introduced you, dear readers!

For this project, you will need the following tools and materials:

- Deep glass bowl. For this project, you can choose any container from various material With a smooth surface.

- Rope or twine. For the project I needed about six meters of the twenty

adhesive Pistol

- Scissors.

Process of creation original vase:

- To the bottom of the tank, attach the end of the rope, lubricated with glue. And gently glipe it in a circle, continuously lubricating hot glue. The process will be continuous until the end of the rope covers the upper edge of the tank.

- When you get to top edge, Take the scissors and cut off the extra part of the rope, and lubricate the remaining end with glue and stick to the inner surface of the bowl.

- Then decorate the bottom of the tank. To do this, wrap the rope around, forming a coil. Each round of ropes glue glue. Stick the created coil to the bottom in the middle of the tank. Unnecessary piece of rope Do not cut off!

- The end of the rope start gluing in the circle of the inner surface of the bowl, lubricating glue.

Vase do it yourself - this is not only a unique decor for any room, but also the result of the creative process of turning ordinary items in the style masterpieces " hand Made" Vase in the interior can not only have a utilitarian value, serving a container or foundation for flower compositionBut also used as an independent decor, decorating a shelf or tables or working as an element of zoning space.

Vase do it yourself from the bottle

We need:

  • glass transparent bottle or capacity of any shape,
  • pVA glue,
  • water,
  • brush,
  • colorless varnish
  • corrugated paper of several colors,
  • scissors.

Before starting work, select the style of the decor of the future vase. Paper can be placed in the form of horizontal or vertical strips, alternating shades in a single scale or creating contrasting combinations. No less interesting option - Create on the surface of the vase resembling a mosaic pattern of uneven pieces multicolored paper. The unusable will be a combination of shades and sizes of "mosaic" - the brighter the final result will look like.

Degreased surface glass bottle Cover the layer of the mixture of PVA and water in the ratio of one to one. Without waiting for drying, stir up prepared paper in the selected order. Pieces or strips can enter each other, the main thing is not to leave empty gaps. Apply from above another layer of glue mixture. After drying, cover Vaza varnish.

Floor Vase in Country Style

We need:

  • pen's rope or palm raffia,
  • several cans or narrow cardboard boxes one size
  • scotch,
  • scissors,
  • adhesive pistol.

All billets except one remove the top covers and the bottom. Puting the workpiece one to another, connect them between themselves with a scotch (if possible from the inside). The workpiece with the bottom should be placed at the bottom of the structure. The resulting "tube" is tightly wrapped with a rope or raffia, fixing each round with glue. For better stability inside the resulting vase, you can put a small heavy item.

In the same way, a glass vase of any shape can be made, winding the rope from its base and to the very top of the neck. Fix the twine more convenient with a special glue. The twine can then paint in bright colors

Eco-vase do it yourself

We need:

  • ceramic or plastic vase the most simple form
  • universal glue
  • branches of trees of various diameters,
  • saw,
  • sandpaper,
  • tool for finish treatment Tree (Morid or Oil).

First, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the vase to the process of decorating - clean and degrease. The branches cut or cut on the disks of the same thickness, and their diameter does not matter. It is more convenient to use small pieces of wood - with a diameter of 0.5 to 3.5 cm. Applying to each disk sufficient number glue, close the entire surface of the vase, placing pieces of wood as thick as possible. The smaller the free space will remain between the discs, the better it will look like a ready vase.

After complete drying of the glue, polish the surface of the vase with the help of emery, achieving the effect of the maximum smooth surface. Removal dust and pollution, apply finish layer - butter or veil. Eco-Vaza can be made of anything, for example, from pumpkins

Luxurious Vase from Sequin

We need:

  • balloon,
  • dry sparkles
  • pVA glue,
  • mixing tank
  • tassel.

Pour glue into the bowl, add dry sparkles to getting thick mass. Inflate the ball to the desired size, place it on a convenient foundation - in a deep bowl or on a jar. With the help of the brush, apply to sit down from glue and sequins half a ball. The edges are better to do uneven or abstract forms to give a vase of originality. At the adhesive mass on top, pour a layer of dry sequins. After drying the vase, the ball can just pierce.

Fruit vase do it yourself

We need:

  • two plastic bottles different size (for example, at 1.5 and 5 liters),
  • the simplest toilet paper,
  • enamel in black and gold color aerosol,
  • polymer and PVA glue,
  • twine or thin cord,
  • brush,
  • sponge,
  • bowl for glue.

With the help of a knife from each bottle, cut off the upper third. It is desirable that the necks of the bottles have approximately the same diameter or can be tightly invested in another one. The billet from a bottle of smaller sizes will serve as a foot-base, and from a greater bottle - a cup of vase.

We proceed to work on the design of the vase. Each part is separately covered with pieces of toilet paper, lubricated PVA glue. Top neck bottle do not touch. We make the required number of layers, seeking the effect of an opaque surface. Rock paper in flagellas, we glue them to the base, forming any pattern. From moistened paper paper make small balls, we use them as an addition to the drawing. We are waiting until complete drying.

Cove both parts of black enamel. Golden enamel put on a sponge. We press the foam rubber to the protruding parts of the pattern. We apply a thin layer of golden enamel from the sprayer, having evining separate sections. Connect the base and bowl. Attach the twine to the location of the elements with the polymer glue. Tightly wrap the twine, closing the place of the joint and the neck of both bottles. Antique vase ready.

Autumn crafts from salt dough with their own hands

Master class on needlework: "Fruit Vase"

Knyazeva Irina Anatolyevna, Educator of the branch number 1 MBDOU №137 Penza

Master - class designed for preschoolers 6-7 years old, junior schoolchildren Their parents and teachers.

Purpose: Material for scene-role-playing games, for a gift, for interior decoration.

Purpose: Production of a gift with your own hands, making material for the game

Tasks: Make an interest in the knowledge of nature and the reflection of the received submissions in artistic images. Develop the imagination, fantasy of the child, fine motor skills, accuracy.

Ay yeah! What for Divo!
And blush, and beautiful.
Very asks a pear:
"Eat me, Vanyusha".

Native apple
Our, bulk.
We will grow in the garden,
In the fall I will go.

Plum Lilova
Our - garden,
Delicious, gentle,
Very useful.
And from plum ripe
We can do it!

Grapes, grapes,
Many berries in a row
Rose on the branch -
Armion, kids!

Amosova N. V.
Materials: sawdust small; PVA glue; vegetable oil; starch; paints; stack; Round Molding (you can use the form for the preparation of scrambled eggs or a container for eggs); scissors; a piece of food film; vase; twigs 6 pieces; board; rolling carnation; wire; Glue "Titan"; heat tape; varnish; brush.

Stages of performance:
Seek small sawdust through sieve.

Recipe test from sawdust:

2 glasses of sawdust;
0.5 cup starch;
3 tablespoons of PVA glue;
0.5 glasses of water;
1 teaspoon of vegetable oil.

Dissolve PVA glue in water. Mix the starch and sawdust well, and slowly add water mixed with PVA glue. Then constantly stirring adding oil. The resulting dough looks like a sandy.

1. Washed form polyethylene film.

Lepim apples. From the test to blind the ball, with a diameter of 5 cm.

On the one hand, make a deepening with a chopstick with a round end.

In the deepening insert a twig.

On the other insert the clove.

In order not to remember the workpieces, dry must be put into the container for eggs or the shape for the scrambled eggs.

Such blanks for apples need to do 3 pieces
2. Now we will do sculpt pears. From the test, roll the ball, on the one hand it is slightly dedicted, giving the shape of a pear.

Slightly rolling the end of the pear. In a wide end, insert the carnation into a narrow twig.

Sewing also put in the container from eggs.
3. Lepim plums. To do this, cut off a piece of wire with a length of 4-5 cm. From the dough roll two ovalid.

From thin wire cut pieces with a length of 10 cm, on the ends of making a loop.

Lubricate the loops by glue PVA and dress the wires on the wire. A stack in the middle of each ovocoid make a furrow.

Hanging plums also in round form.
4. We sculpt the bunch of grapes. From thin wire cut pieces with a length of 10 cm, at one end to make a loop. From the test roll 15 balls. Dress on wire balls.

Dry, paint. Sew the grapes can be stuck in a piece of plasticine.

Collect the brush of grapes using a floral ribbon.

5. Write to dry by our fruit. This, as a rule, takes 2-3 days.
6. Fruits are primed up with white gouache or white splotle.

Coloring with paints.

With the help of a sponge, put a blush on a pear.

All will cover lacquer.
In plums, the place of folding the wire to decorated with a floristic ribbon.

7. Lepim the fruit vase. To do this, wrap with food film (for better removal of the form).

The dough cover with a film and roll a thickness of 0.3 cm. Using a knife to cut a strip 1-1.5 cm wide and a length equal to the height of our form (I have a height of form 7 cm). Such bands need 12 pieces.

We put the form with a wide side on the table and start cooking the frame for the vase. Place connecting bands with plow glue.

Cut the rectangles with a knife, 0.7 cm high and 1 cm long. These figures will go to the edge of the vase. They are also needed 12 pieces.

Cut the bottom of our vase with a knife. (The diameter of the bottom is equal to the form diameter of the form, in my case the diameter is 5 cm and 0.7 cm thick).

We glue the PVA glue and well smoothed the bottom of our vase.

Let us completely dry work, as a rule, it takes 1 -2 day.
8. From sawdust and glue PVA knead the liquid dough as sour cream. We lower the brush in the mixture of sawdust and glue, we drag all the seams, cracks to this mixture.

Dry. Protect a white gouache vase or white spatle

and paint paint

Gently remove the shape.
9. To decorate a vase with a glare 4 flower and 8 leaves.
We begin to sculpt the flower. From the test to roll 6 balls, with a diameter of 0.7 cm. On a piece of film with dripping PVA glue. In the center put the ball, which is slightly pressed to the film.

There are 5 more balls around the ball.

A chopper with a round end (a bead, bowed to the toothpick) forming the flower petals.

In the same order, we make three more flower.
In order to make a leaf, you need to roll first into the ball, then flatten it. Greater and index fingers sharpening the tip of the sheet. It turned out a piece of paper.

Sew the flowers and leaves are better on the shape that the vase model was used.

Protect flowers with white twin or white gouache.

Coloring flowers and leaves.

Covered with varnish.
10. Getting to decorate a vase. Plug "Titan" fasten flowers on a vase,