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Cerambit drawing drawing. Drawings of all knives from the COP. Multicolored paper knife

Paper knife? Yes, it is real, and moreover, if it is responsible to come to the case, it looks like a real one. Knife-krambitis is quite popular with connoisseurs of cold weapons, and he is not familiar to the gamers. This kind of knife is similar to the blade, the form is slightly bent, there is a handle on which the ring for the index finger is located. Let's deal with how to make a papermbath out of paper.


Popular Cerambitis from the game CS: GO

Cerambit was not always so popular. Glory and public recognition he brought the game Counter Strike: Global Offensive. In the game, the cost of such a knife is equal to 15 thousand rubles, but those fans of CS, who had no opportunity to acquire virtual cold weapons, came out of the situation, and invented the scheme on ordinary paper for the desired knife.

This scheme is suitable for any material: Although you are a fan of wood items, even though you are going to use the usual A4 paper, Phaneur or cardboard.

Packer bits: gluing method

A very important point is to glue all the elements of the knife. The form depends on this method, and then how to lay the subsequent coating on the basis. Therefore, let's figure it out how to make a gluing step correctly.

  1. After you cut out several templates, apply PVA glue to each layer and attach each other;
  2. Soak super-glue (it is also called cyanoacrylate), that is, a few drops of glue on the ends and on the wide parts, and then a small piece of paper, smear the entire consistency in the craft. The glue must close everything, not leaving the lumen.

    Tip! Spread the blade first, and then handle. And only after that, attach both components to each other.

  3. When all the product dry well after glue, cover it with automotive primer. And only after that you can paint with aerosol paints.

Tip! For handles, it is better to choose a matte paint.

Cerambit from cardboard

To start working on a krambit, prepare:

  • dense paper or cardboard (you can fan or wooden material);
  • simple pencil;
  • acute knife or jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • emery paper.

Go to work.

Step 1. Draw or print a knife diagram, dimensions should not go beyond the paper frames A4.

Step 2. If you have chosen a fane, a tree or cardboard, then just spread paper with glue and lean to the material that will be the basis of the knife.

Tip! Considering that at the end of the work on the knife, the paper will need to be removed, use PVA glue for these purposes.

Step 3. Cut the knife elements using a pattern. Lobzik work with plywood and wood for better material processing.

Tip! Cutting details, back from extreme lines by 2-4 mm. To avoid possible errors.

Step 4. All carved items are glued to each other on the principle of sandwich. Use PVA glue (can be replaced with carpentry).

Step 5. All bias and sharpening sewing sandpaper (if the handicap from plywood or wood).

Step 6. Remove the top stencils with neat movements. Try to avoid with it wetting, otherwise the entire craft is softened and lost form.

Step 7. Color the resulting paper knife as you yourself want. And you can use it.

Coloring of such a knife in the game Counter Strike is completely diverse. You can choose one of them by looking at the drawing:

Video instructions

Viewing video As always has a detailed study of the algorithm of action.

Paper Cerambit:

Cerambit from cardboard "Tig Tig":

All photos from the article

This article on how to make a prails from plywood: the drawings and the size of the knife to find on the network is easy, but the technology of processing plywood to make the material of maximum strength and appearance, imitating real weapons, many unknown. It is her who we will pay special attention.

What it is

Thime readers who are unfamiliar with cold weapons are likely to explain what we are talking about.

Cerambit is a combat knife. Its form may vary depending on the manufacturer and anthropometry of the owner.

For all versions, however, two features are characterized:

  1. The knife has a sickle blade;

Please note: usually the blade is sharpened on the inside; It is less likely to meet a double-sided sharpening.

  1. The handle is supplied with a hole under the thumb. It makes it impossible to lose weapons in battle: even if the blade clings to the blade with a sliding blow, the handle will never slip out of the hand.

The evolution of weapons in different countries and even at different continents, very often led to the fact that the civilization had never contacted each other came to the same technical solutions. This observation fully refers to the Kerambitus: it was used in different cultures and, accordingly, wears a few names in different languages.

Here are some examples:

  • Claw tiger;
  • An eagle claw;
  • Poohnaya spur (chicken spamp);
  • Blahaau;
  • Cook Manan.

We clarify: Classic Cerambit has a blade length of 5-10 centimeters.
The last two types of weapons are its increased versions with blades of 20-30 cm.

Goals of creation

The reader may have a reasonable question: is it reasonable in Russia, where the wearing of cold weapons is illegal, to popularize its creation? Undoubtedly, combat weapons do not stand at home. But the wooden knife with a short blade is sufficiently safe so that the very vigilant guard of order does not have any objections.

Why do you need a wooden blade?

Major motive for its creation two:

  1. The working out of the techniques of knife combat and self-defense without weapons is carried out using blades, as reliably imitating the form of real, but more secure. Plywood Kerambit does not cause serious damage, even when falling on it;
  2. In addition, the last twenty-five years from the date of publication in Russia of the immortal trilogy J. R. R. Tolkien, role-playing games based on fantasy and historical works are very popular among our compatriots. Obviously, and here is a reliable, but safe imitation of weapons will have to be.

Form and size

Cerambita drawings from plywood, in general, can be obtained by simple modification of the sketch of the steel blade.

The blade can be made in two ways:

  1. From plywood blanks with a thickness of 12 mm and two linings on the handle with a thickness of 4 mm. This option will imitate combat weapons more reliably, but will require a long and tedious stratification of the blade to a cross section close to conical;
  2. A simpler instruction comes down to the manufacture of a knife of five plates of 4 mm thick. In this case, Kerambitus will repeat the contour of real weapons and sufficiently lie in the hand, but near the similarity with the combat knife will be very schematic.


So, how do you make a fairly reliable imitation with your own hands?

Drinking blanks

Dear reader, do you have an electrolovka? Yes? Wonderful, put it aside and forget.

To cut the wooden billet of a complex form of plywood 4 - 12 mm thick in two ways:

  1. Manual jigsaw;
  2. Improvised cutterIn the role of which the stationary circular or bulgaria with the installed saw disk can perform. In the latter case, the blank is securely fixed by the clamp.

ATTENTION: If you are going to work converted to the saw bladler, do not forget about protective glasses and be extremely careful.
In particular, we can put the tool on the table only after a complete disk stop.

Holes in the handle are chosen by a ballet or a feather drill of the corresponding diameter.


For him, the universal glue PVA is quite suitable. The price of a small tube, which we need will be no more than 20-30 rubles.

Bloom and dry the blanks will be under pressure:


It can be performed:

  • On a tape or disk grinding;
  • On sandpaper;

ATTENTION: Emery is stepping up soft wood very quickly.
The billet is pressed against it with minimal pressure.

Today it is very fashionable to engage in the manufacture of products based on paper. Toys of this type are able to fully replace the real. Take, for example, pistols or knives. Unlike plastic options, paper is safe, which is primarily important for children. One of the main attributes of toys for boys is a knife. We recommend below to get acquainted with the instructions and find out how to make a knife from paper.

Multicolored paper knife

To begin with, we will tell how to make a roll of colored paper. To construct this model of children's toys, a sheet A4 will be required, a stapler (can be replaced with a scotch), scissors.

Production of a knife:

  1. We take a sheet, carefully wrap any of the corners, but at the same time the edges of the sheet must match. Having done such a bend, it should be not a closed triangle, cut it off, we see the workpiece and see the square. Square bend three times, while the bends are well stuffed.
  2. Now we take scissors and all the edges we make semicircular, like a kitchen knife. In order for the workpiece does not break down, it must be fixed with a scotch or stapler. Now we take a segment, bend it in length several times, fix the same scotch and get the handle, our knife.
  3. Next you need to connect 2 billets into one solid object. After connecting, the cracker can be painted.

So we told how to make a knife from a simple paper paper. Now you can proceed to the manufacture of a more complex model.

Dagger Kunai.

One of the serious paper products can be called Kunai's knife. For its design, paper art origami is applied. Before proceeding with the manufacturing process, you need to find two album sheets and several sheet paper sheets.

How to make a ninja paper knife:

Dagger Kunai
  1. As a basis, we take the album sheet, we fold and get a triangular figure. The resulting triangle is folded in half, after which they deploy the workpiece in the original position.
  2. Watch the corners, to the central line and fold the craft twice. Next, we appear the protruding ends, which we begin to the formed pockets and thus form, the blade of our future crafts.
  3. Pressing the edges in the form of a pyramid, slightly raise the paper to achieve volume. We take the second sheet of paper, we turn the tube from it with a small diameter and insert the blade for five centimeters deep into.
  4. Next, pull the edge of the tube to your fingers or sharp object and repeat the folding several times. A handle with a tip should be formed. At the end, fix the craft.

Many wish to die, crawl and in the middle put a coin or pebbles. So ninja knife is made, there are still many options for the manufacture of knives. Many are trying to learn how to make a cembiton from paper, we will also tell about it, but a little later.

Pirates knife

The design of the knife is carried out using such a tool and material:

  • cardboard, preferably white;
  • simple pencil;
  • bolt with nut or rivet;
  • glue and needle.

Manufacturing process:

  • download the pattern, print it and cut out;
  • we take a white cardboard apply the carved elements, we supply them with a pencil, and also cut out;
  • now we take the needle and pitch at once, blade, housing and saw, pull out the needle and insert a bolt or rivet;
  • next, we take glue and eat a little on the workpiece, but it should be noted that the blade should not be in the glue;
  • then we apply one part of the case to another and fix the workpiece.

The knife is ready, now it can be decorated, unless of course there is a desire. So we made basic knife options, now we will tell how to make a knife Krambit from paper.


Before you explain how to make a piece of paper, you need to find paper for schematic drawing, adhesive pencil, scissors. Boys who play computer games will be interested in making a model on their own. The manufacturing process is very simple:

  • download and print a knife drawing;
  • with the help of scissors, cut out all parts, we apply the workpiece to the drawing paper and supply them with a pencil, while the base must be collapsed eleven times, and the handle twelve times;
  • cut the circled elements, glue all parts and put under the press (or under heavy books);
  • now we take one part of the handle and glue to the blade;
  • loading with glue second part, close the other side of the blade.

At the end, the craft is painted and coated with colorless varnish.

Knife like Assassin

Such a model of a knife can be made without a template. Eight album sheets and scotch will be required.

The knife is made in this way:

All knife is ready. Your child will certainly ask you how to make such a paper from paper 232 times, and maybe more, because the toy gets excellent. In addition to it, you can make the warrior is ready for battle. How to do Syricen, we described earlier.

Playing with such a knife, the child will be safe and is not injured during the game, and this is the challenge of the calm of the parents. Making any better together with the children, they will love such a lesson.

The history of knives is still since the time when a person only mastered the processing of materials. The first copy was from the stone, although it is very difficult to call a normal knife, it looked like a scraper. Next was mastered the casting of metal, and the weapon began to enjoy the form, more close to modern. The knife is a practically a universal tool that can be used for both peaceful purposes, for example, for cooking, creating clothes and other products and for the military - to resolve various kinds of conflicts.

There is a huge number of knives. Some are produced for everyday use, others are in service. One of the most versatile products is the Krambit knife. It can be used to civilians, although some models are in service with various armies. What does the Krambit knife look like? How much is? The answers to such questions are very difficult to find, since manufacturers use different metals to obtain a product.

What is "Cerambit"?

"Kerambit" has a somewhat curved blade, as well as sharpening on the one hand, as a rule, with internal. On average, the length of the blade varies from 5 to 9 centimeters. It is very rare to meet the one-hour sharpening of such a product. The main feature of the "Kerambitus" is a small ring. It highlights the knife against the background of all other products. The ring is placed on the reverse side of the handle. It is intended to prevent the scalinking of the hand on the blade, as well as for a more convenient and reliable grip.

It is quite convenient to keep the knife "Cerambit" direct or reverse grip, while the little finger is the little finger, or an index finger, as in the reverse grip. Currently, the production of this type of product is put on a wide foot, and every time more new models appear. Thanks to this, you can now meet not only knives that have a ring near the heel of the blade, but even the products with two rings, located on both sides of the handle.

For more convenience, wearing a Knife "Cerambit" folding - this option does not require the acquisition of a sheath or more convenient for everyday use. It is worth noting that the folding "krambits" is no longer what is meant under the classical name of this cutting product. There are no fantasies of masters.

The story of "Kerambita"

The homeland of this legendary knife is considered to be the islands belonging to the Malay archipelago. Some historians and researchers geographically more accurately determine the place of origin of this element - is the island of Sumatra.

It is the people of Minantkabaau who inhabited mainly the western part of the island, used such curved knives in their wars with the rest of the islanders. The oldest image of "Kerambita" was dated to the fourteenth century.

Versions of the emergence

There are several different versions of the origin of the "Cerambians". It is worth noting that none of them can be accepted as 100% truth.

The first version suggests that "Kerambit" is a kind of tool derivative, which was used in agriculture by the peoples of Malaysia. If it is easier to speak, then, according to this version, the product is based on the agricultural sickle, which was used for cleaning rice fields. In favor of this version, you can spend some parallel between a modern knife and a combat sickle called "Kama", which was popular in the territory of modern Japan.

The second hypothesis collapse that Krambit knife was used during the formation of the Malaysian archipelago to conduct cock battles. To give greater dynamics and drive, small knives that had a curved form were tied to the paws that had a curved shape than reminded of a roasting spur. Based on this, there are two options for the translation of the word "Kerambit": "Cock spur" and "Pen from the tail of a rooster."

There is a third version that the combat weapon was originally created, and his ancestor was a certain knife caste, equipped with special claws. Such a device was distributed on the territory of modern India.


In the modern market of knife products there are several types of Malay "Kerambians", which are considered classical. These are the so-called "fathers" of all modern knives, from which the further improvement of products has come.


This knife can be considered a classic "Kerambit", which has a form of weapons of the people of Minangcabau. This product is characterized by a characteristic ring, which is made of wood and is used to hold the weapon with a finger. Another sign that was a Krambit knife was a strongly curved blade. Based on the appearance and analysis of the shape of the blade, the researchers came to the conclusion that the Ancestor of "Minanga" and is a sickle that was used in agriculture.

Knife "Cerambit" in service

Thanks to all its practically unique properties, this product is used by many police officers. Such a knife acts as a certain addition to the main firearms. Recently, in the United States, they often began to attack the police, so many officers preferred the folding "Kerambitus" and began to wear it with them.

Folding knife options are also among the marshals who accompany aircraft under the guise of simple passengers. This is necessary to prevent the capture of aircraft to terrorists. Although some have firearms with themselves, but the specificity of air transport is such that it is impossible to use it during the flight, only in exceptional cases.

Technique of work

Knife "Cerambit" is a personal type of weapon. In its size and diameter of the ring, it should most of them accurately correspond to the anatomical indicators of the owner.

"Kerambit" can be used as the main and additional weapons. It is often used in a pair layout. Having one knife, the fighter should actively work with a free hand to perform a variety of grippers, blocks and attacking. Therefore, it should be carefully familiar with the constructive features of the weapon to take into account this in battle.

Since the Krambit knife is used only on pretty close distances, it is very important how a person moves during the fight. To date, there are two main grip - direct and reverse, as well as their varieties. Where can I get a Krambit knife? How much is this product? It all depends on the technique of performing and varieties of the metal, from which weapons are produced.

Reverse grip

Reverse grip "Kerambitus" is a classic way to hold a knife. In this case, the handle is covered with all fingers, while the index is done in the ring, and the blade is located at the base of the fist of the fighter. At this time, the thumb can be pressed, as when applied to a fist, it can also lie on the surface of the ring. How to keep the knife "Cerambit"? The photo shown in the article will help you figure it out.

Direct grick

This type of grip is very different from the emergence that the blade comes out from the side of the thumb, while the little finger comes through the ring. People who are used in the computer game Counter-Strike Krambit knife are familiar with such techniques. CS GO - a new version of the team shooter, which captures from the first minutes. Here the player can use both firearms and cold weapons, including "Kerambit". Although in real life, this product looks awesome. It is such a knife "Cerambit", the photo of which is shown below, is applied by gamers in the virtual world.

Basically, straight grip is used to hold small-sized knives, as well as ceracy-like products, which are often used for personal self-defense.

Manufacturing at home

Many people after the acquisition of "Kerambita" make a decision to try to make it yourself. As practice shows, it is not always so simple as it may seem at first glance, although many succeed. In order to create a knife "Kerambit" with their own hands, it is necessary to own at least initial knowledge in the field of metal processing, as well as to have an appropriate tool and material. There are several options for the execution of "Kerambita".

The first method is an application as a workpiece of the canvas from the pendulum saw. As a rule, in such building instruments, steel brand R6M5 is used. The essence of the method is that from the workpiece with a grinder or emery circle you need to cut the blade of a certain form. The accuracy uses the Krambit knife diagram. When using such a way there is no need to apply heat treatment, but it is worth remembering that the main thing is not to cross the product in the manufacturing process. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to need an accurate drawing of the Kerambit knife, only then almost the perfect copy will be obtained.

A more complex way is the manufacture of a knife from the springs. As a rule, in this case, steel 5160 is applied. In order to obtain the desired product, the spring is dried along the contour of the future knife, then the initial shape is given with a fitter tool. For knives that are manufactured in this way, further heat treatment is necessary. You need to harden and release the blade. If necessary, this can be performed on the home gas stove.

The most optimal version of the manufacturer's favorite knife is to buy a ready-made kit that is designed to create a tool. This, as a rule, includes an excellent blade, a small billet made of wood for the future handle, as well as a piece of leather or other material to create a sheath. Such sets mainly supplies the Norwegian company Helle.

Wrought blank consists of three layers of alloyed steel. Such material is great for creating knives. In the case of using a set of work is much less. This is a great way to embody your fantasy into metal. Knife "Cerambit" with their own hands will make excellent quality, but it will have a unique design. Much depends on your imagination. To simplify the task, you can find the finished drawing of the Kerambit knife and make its own option.


The price of Krambit knife can be varied due to several factors: manufacturer, manufacturing technology and directly material from which the blade was performed.

On average, the minimum price is from 35 to $ 40 - these are small folding knives. For 450-500 dollars, you can purchase high-tech branded products. Sometimes the price of the blade directly depends on the company, namely from the brand, on how it is unwind. In this case, it is not to be surprised if two almost identical knives, but only from different manufacturers will have a different value.


In the article, we examined in detail what kind of Krambit knife. Now we write it the main advantages and mention some of the shortcomings.

Pluses "Kerambita":

  • Thanks to the specific design, the owner appears an advantage in a fight with an opponent.
  • Despite the type of grip of the handle, there is the most effective transfer of all the body energy that can be attached to the blow.
  • Great control, as well as a high degree of sensitivity, if compared with a conventional knife.
  • The opponent is very difficult to disarm the fighter.

Cons Products:

  • Due to the strong curvature of the blade, problems may arise with the extraction of the blade from the sheath.
  • A strong limited area of \u200b\u200bapplication for applying shocks, with no matter whether or cutting.
  • In most cases, only reverse grip is used, since this position is more convenient.

Knife "Cerambit" (CS: Go is one of the shooters where it can be seen) is a fairly popular product, as it is introduced even in computer games. It is worth remembering that this is a very dangerous weapon that has a centuries-old history. Each owner and one who only plans to purchase Krambit knife should be remembered about this fact. The price of such a product is not always high, but when choosing it is worth paying attention to the quality of the blade, on which its cost depends.

Any children's game, and not very children require certain attributes. You can imagine the circumstances - the tropics in the backyard, the labyrinth in the garage, the "terrible" dungeon in the basement, but here is the minor recognizable details of the fantastic world need to have. Weapons from popular games or films - for example, a knife of a piece of wood is just one of these attributes.

Knife Cerambit: Features

Popular Weapon made the game Call of Duty: Black Ops, as well as a variety of films, where positive and negative heroes were used by clambiot in street fights. An unusual form of weapons, the effect of use, although not quite corresponding to reality - all this made a gaming version with an indispensable attribute of many games.

Cerambit is a special dagger designed for one of the Asian martial arts. It has an unusual curved blade imitating a tiger fang. Hold a knife with a blade to yourself, sharpening also has from the inside. On the handle in most versions there is a hole for the middle or index finger, so that the weapon does not slip out of the wet palm. In the photo - combat weapons.

A kind of form makes the dagger very interesting weapons for the melee. First of all, it is distinguished by small sizes - from 3 cm, which is easy to hide in the palm of the palm, to 10 cm. Although in games there are, of course, and much larger specimens are up to 30 cm long. It is intended for applying plowing strikes, that is, to remove the enemy from the battle, immobilization, and not murder. It is impossible to stick a deep blow to them, but the plowing blow along the muscles completely removes this muscle.

Blows are applied by hand and legs, where they are most effective. It is possible to strengthen the blow if you scroll the pots around the axis before hitting and cause damage using the inertia force.

Games use paper and wooden models of dagger kso. Well, how to make a knife of a piece of wood, you can learn on the forums.

Methods of manufacture

How to make a dagger from paper, plywood, tree or plastic, understandable for this scheme that you can find many. In practice, they all are reduced to several of the most popular ways, where the largest details are made on finished patterns and fasten them among themselves.

Gaming weapons, as a rule, is distinguished by a pretentious type and complex configuration. Perform this condition is much easier using paper. But to do the same thing from plywood or tree, experience will be required. As it should be easily processed by this material, it takes a lot of experience for the manufacture of thin details.

2 methods of work on drawings are implemented with their own hands.

  • In the first case, the main part is cut from a thickness of 12 mm thick and fix 2 nozzles with a thickness of 4 mm. The assembly of the product is easier, however, a long work is required to counter the blade to give it a conical form.
  • In the second case, the KS goal was assembled from 5 plates cut out of a 4 mm thick. This option is exactly repeated by the congestion of the weapon, but it looks far from the picture. However, the imitation of the knife in the near battle is performed by its function. In the photo - a knife made of wood.

Materials and tools

In fact, the pattern pattern of the tree is quite rare. Much more often as a material use Paneur. First, it is characterized by high strength, secondly, has an affordable cost, thirdly, you can always find the material of any required thickness.

So when they talk about a wooden knife, then most often they mean Paneru.

From the tools you will need:

  • manual jigsaw or cutter, as a latter, you can use a grinder with a saw disk or a circular. The electrolybiz is categorically not suitable for such subtle operations;
  • ballerinka or feathery drill for sampling holes on the handle;
  • emery paper or disc sandmashinka is an indispensable member of manufacture with your own hands.

In addition, you will need PVA glue, impregnation - it is best to choose bakelite glue, and the coloring composition - use alkyd enamel or oil paint, as it is more stable.

How to make a rubber bite of wood

The manufacturer's scheme is simple: it is necessary to find a suitable drawing - they are quite a lot due to a wide variety of models. In addition, it is necessary to work well with a tree or plywood. Then perform the blanks and bore them.

The work is simple, but differs near the nuances.

  1. A drawing of a piece of wood from a tree is transferred to cardboard or paper - you get templates. Their amount depends on the complexity of the model. In the simplest case, it will take 3 parts: the main part of the dagger is the blade and handle, and two curly nozzles that provide the recognizable relief of the krambitis.
  2. Templates are powered by a pencil and pierced with a pubescom or cutter. The latter takes quite a long time. In the photo - cutting with a jigsaw.
  3. The hole in the handle is cut with a feathery drill. If there is no such device, you can perform the logs. For this, the selection is pierced through a hole, then insert the pink into the hole is fixed on the jigsaw and cut the hole.
  4. The details cut out according to the drawing are lubricated with PVA and glue together. The design is installed in a vice or clamping the clamp until complete drying of the glue - usually, day.
  5. Then the product is cleaned with sandpaper or grinding. The knife should be completely smooth. If there is a desire to make it more durable, then the workpiece is impregnated with bakelite glue.
  6. If the product is used in a role-playing game, it is painted as in the picture.

The video is considered in detail the manufacture of clamps from the tree with their own hands.